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BOOKS020524I: Meier, Nikolaus - Die Stadt Basel den Werken der Kunst : Konzepte und Entwürfe für das Kunstmuseum Basel 1906-1932
BOOKS025430I: Meier, Martin - Die Industrialisierung im Kanton Basel-Landschaft : eine Untersuchung zum demographischen und wirtschaftlichen Wandel 1820-1940
BOOKS023229I: Meier, Claudia Annette - Heinrich Ringerink und sein Kreis : Eine Flensburger Bildschnitzerwerkstatt um 1600
BOOKS029081I: Meier, Adolf, Reiteroberst - Das letzte Defilee : über die seltsamen Hintergründe der Abschaffung der Schweizer Kavallerie .,.,.
BOOKS024710I: Meiggs, Russell - The Athenian Empire
BOOKS024961I: Meighörner-Schardt, Wolfgang - Der Welt die Wundergabe der Beherrschung des Luftmeeres schenken : Die Geschichte des Luftschiffs LZ2
BOOKS016307I: Meigs, Anna S. - Food, Sex and Pollution: A New Guinea Religion
BOOKS028894I: Meijer, Willem - The Genus Orthodontium
BOOKS019172I: Meiksins, Peter ; Smith, Chris ; & Berner, Boel - Engineering Labour : Technical Workers in Comparative Perspective
BOOKS003555I: Meillassoux, Claude - Urbanization of an African Community : Voluntary Associations in Bamako
BOOKS004681I: Meinander, C.F. - Die Kiukaiskultur
BOOKS026926I: Meinardus, Günther ; & Nürnberger, G. (Günther) ; editors : - Delay Equations, Approximation, and Application : International Symposium at the University of Mannheim, October 8-11, 1984
BOOKS024241I: Meinberg, Eckhard - Das Menschenbild der modernen Erziehungswissenschaft
BOOKS015073I: Meinert, Frederik Vilhelm August [1833 - 1912] - De eucephale Myggelarver / Sur les larves eucéphales des Diptères. Leurs moeurs et leurs métamorphoses.
BOOKS013542I: Meinhof, Carl [1857 - 1944] - Die Religionen der Afrikaner in ihrem Zusammenhang mit dem Wirtschaftsleben
BOOKS020521I: Meinhof, Ulrike Marie [1934-1976] - Mutinerie et autres textes d'Ulrike Meinhof : Déclarations et analyses des militants de la Fraction Armée Rouge..,.
BOOKS004560I: Meinhold, Felix - Die Kuste der mittleren atlantischen Staaten Nordamerikas unter besonderer Berucksichtigung ihrer morphologischen Verhaltnisse..
BOOKS025552I: Meinong, A. (Alexius) [1853-1920] - Zum Erweise des allgemeinen Kausalgesetzes
BOOKS019112I: Meintanes, Perikles - Ho thrylos tou Achilleiou : to palati tes Elisavet kai tou Kaizer
BOOKS016868I: Meisezahl, Richard O. - Alttibetische Handschriften der völkerkundlichen Sammlungen der Stadt Mannheim im Reiss-Museum
BOOKS031975I: Meisig, Konrad - Das Sramanyaphala-sutra : synoptische Übersetzung und Glossar der chinesischen Fassungen verglichen mit dem Sanskrit und Pali
BOOKS000376I: Meisner, Maurice & Murphey, Rhoads, editors: - The Mozartian Historian. Essays on the Works of Joseph R. Levenson
BOOKS010343I: Meiss, Millard & Beatson, Elizabeth H. - La Vie de Nostre Benoit Sauveur Ihesuscrist & La Saincte Vie de Nostre Dame...
BOOKS030730I: Meissner, Bruno [1868-1947] - Von Babylon nach den Ruinen von Hîra und Huarnaq
BOOKS028400I: Meister, Richard [1881-1964] - Die spartanischen Altersklassen vom Standpunkt der Entwicklungspsychologie betrachtet
BOOKS026777I: Meistermann, Barnabé [ Barnabé, d’Alsace, Père, O.F.M. [1850-1923] - La ville de David
BOOKS025960I: Mejborg, Reinhold Frederik Severin [1845-1898] - Borgerlige Huse, særlig Kjøbenhavns Professor-Residentser 1540-1630
BOOKS028824I: Mekaou, Abdélilah ; editor & translator : [ Al-Kharraz, Abou Sa'id ] - Le Livre de la sincérité : kitab ac cidq
BOOKS028764I: Mekàoui, Abdélilah - Glossaire arabe-francais de termes soufis
BOOKS012897I: Mekouar, Mohamed Ali - Etudes en droit de l’environnement
BOOKS024997I: Nanthadet Meksawat - Patibatkan lap dap fai tai
BOOKS029298I: Meksem, Zahir - Tabrat n uzekka : Ungal
BOOKS007538I: Mel'nikov, Rafail Mikhailovich - Pervye russkie minonostsy
BOOKS007647I: Meland, Bernard E.; editor: - The Future of Empirical Theology
BOOKS021804I: Melchior, Otto [ Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti ] - Landmandsbankkorruptionen
BOOKS011224I: Melchiori, Giorgio - The Tightrope Walkers: Studies of Mannerism in Modern English Literature
BOOKS026804I: Melena, José L. - Studies on Some Mycenaean Inscriptions from Knossos Dealing with Textiles
BOOKS002500I: Melendez Melendez, Bermudo - Los terrenos cambricos de la peninsula hispanica
BOOKS001976I: Melentis, Johann K. - Die Pikermifauna von Halmyropotamos (Eüboa, Griechenland): 2. Teil: Osteologie
BOOKS019415I: Meletopoulos, Ioannes Alexandrou [1903-1980] - He ekthesis tes historias tes Filikes Hetairias en toj Ethnikoj Historikoj Mouseioj
BOOKS027483I: Melham, Thomas F. ; & Camilleri, Juanito ; editors : - Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and Its Applications : 7th International Workshop, Valletta, Malta, September 19-22, 1994
BOOKS031413I: Melik'-Bakhshyan, S.T. (Step'an Tigrani). - Hayots' patmut'yun : hnaguyn zhamanaknerits' minch'ev 18-rd dari verje
BOOKS031825I: Melin, Douglas Edvard [1895-1946] - Contributions to the Study of the Theory of Selection : II : The Problem of Ornithophily
BOOKS029782I: Melin, Bengt - Die Heimat der Kimbern
BOOKS030031I: Melis, Cornelis Jozef - Intelligence : A Cognitive-energetic Approach
BOOKS005814I: Melkersson, Anders - L'iteration lexicale : Etude sur l'usage d'une figure stylistique dans onze romans francais des XIIe et XIIIe siecles
BOOKS016337I: Melko, Matthew ; & Scott, Leighton R. ; editors: - The Boundaries of Civilization in Space and Time
BOOKS012867I: Melkote, Rama S.; editor: - Indian Ocean: Issues for Peace
BOOKS017271I: Mell, Anton - Zur Frage einer Besitzstandskarte der österreichischen Alpenländer
BOOKS021608I: Mell, Anton - Bemerkungen über die Ausarbeitung einer historischen Fischwasserkarte
BOOKS022661I: Mellaart, James - Excavations at Hacilar [ Volumes 1 & 2 ]
BOOKS009960I: Mellard, James M. - Doing Tropology: Analysis of Narrative Discourse
BOOKS012369I: Mellbourn, Gert; Muessener, Helmut; Rossipal, Hans; & Stolt, Birgit; editors: - Germanistische Streifzuege: Festschrift fuer Gustav Korlen
BOOKS013515I: Mellmann, Johann Dietrich [1747-1801] [Baden, Gustav Ludvig (1764 - 1840)] - De cura atque tutela ..,. Silva differentiarum præcipuarum ac nobilis simarum iuris Romani et Germanico-Danici..,.
BOOKS002417I: Mello, Adelino Antonio das Neves e - Estudos sobre a regime penitenciario e a sua applicacao em Portugal
BOOKS004556I: Mello Cabral, Philomeno da Camara; Rocha, Augusto Antonio da & Sousa Nazareth, Jose Antonio de - Quesitos e Repostas. A Medicina Legal no Processo Joanna Pereira
BOOKS001183I: Mellor, J.R. - Urban Sociology in an Urbanized Setting
BOOKS010619I: Melman, Yossi - The Master Terrorist : The True Story of Abu-Nidal
BOOKS010338I: Melne, Ilze ; editor : - Petijumi selu senatne : rakstu krajums
BOOKS009008I: Melotti, Umberto [ Caldwell, Malcolm ; editor: ] - Marx and the Third World
BOOKS022114I: Melser, Derek - The Act of Thinking
BOOKS005083I: Meltzer, Francoise - Salome and the Dance of Writing. Portraits of Mimesis in Literature
BOOKS022586I: Meltzer, Françoise ; editor: - The Trial(s) of Psychoanalysis
BOOKS012676I: Melugin, Roy F.; & Sweeney, Marvin A.; editors: - New Visions of Isaiah
BOOKS022927I: Melville, Tom - The Tented Field : A History of Cricket in America
BOOKS031983I: Melvin-Koushki, Matthew ; & Gardiner, Noah ; editors : - Arabica : Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies: Tome LXIV, Fascicule 3-4 : 2017 [Special issue concerning Islamic occultism]
BOOKS018444I: Melvinger, Arne - Les premières incursions des Vikings en Occident d'après les sources arabes
BOOKS004892I: Mely, F. de - De Perigueux au Fleuve Jaune
BOOKS019124I: Melzer, Arthur M. ; Weinberger, J. ; & Zinman, M. Richard ; editors: - Technology in Western Political Tradition
BOOKS014587I: Memisoglu, Hüseyin - Geçmisten Günümüze Bulgaristan'da Türk Egitim Tarihi
BOOKS008182I: Memisoglu, Hüseyin - Bulgaristan Türklerinin egitimi
BOOKS012278I: Memon Madani, Mohammed Ismail - Hijab : The Islamic Commandments of Hijab
BOOKS029697I: Memushaj, Rami - Gjuha shqipe në shtratin e Prokrustit
BOOKS005190I: Menashri, David - Education and the Making of Modern Iran
BOOKS003120I: Mendel, Douglas - The Politics of Formosan Nationalism
BOOKS021844I: Mendels, Doron - Identity, Religion and Historiography : Studies in Hellenistic History
BOOKS014485I: Mendelsohn, Oliver ; & Vicziany, Marika - The Untouchables: Subordination, Poverty and the State in Modern India
BOOKS011931I: Mendelsohn, Ezra; editor: - Studies in Contemporary Jewry. An Annual: Volume III: Jews and Other Ethnic Groups in a Multi-ethnic World
BOOKS021845I: Mendelsohn, Ezra ; editor: - Essential Papers on Jews and the Left
BOOKS003249I: Mendes, A. Tubarao - O problema de Angola : A crise economico-financiera de Angola e as seus solucoes. O Banco Nacional Ultramarino reu de ..,.
BOOKS020450I: Mendes Correa, A.A. - Creancas delinquentes : Subsidios para o estudo da criminalidade infantil em Portugal
BOOKS014976I: Méndez, Juan Carlos; editor: - Chilean Economic Policy
BOOKS027724I: Mendonca, Alexandre Moreira Aranha Furtado de - Resumo da historia sagrada : traduzida em linguagem echuabo, falada em Quelimane.,.,.
BOOKS003069I: Mendonsa, Eugene L. - The Politics of Divination : A Processual View of Reactions to Illness & Deviance among the Sisala of Northern Ghana
BOOKS017871I: Mendoza Cerón, Isaías - In Tequil de Morrales : Working with Maguey
BOOKS023059I: Mendoza, Marco - La photographie la nuit : traité pratique des opérations photographiques que l'on peut faire à la lumière artificielle
BOOKS006985I: Mendus, Susan; editor: - The Politics of Toleration in Modern Life
BOOKS021768I: Menéndez y Pelayo, Marcelino [1856-1912] - Historia de los heterodoxos españoles. Tomo VI: Heterodoxia en el siglo XIX
BOOKS011188I: Menenteau, Pierre ; & Jourdan, Bernard - Mohamed Aziz Lahbabi: Homme de dialogue
BOOKS000216I: Menetra, Jacques-Louis - Journal of My Life
BOOKS006799I: Menezes, A. & Angadi, S.M., editors: - Vacanas of Siddharama. Edited with Introduction, Translation, Notes & Comments
BOOKS016404I: Meng, Xin - Labour Market Reform in China
BOOKS017563I: Menges, Karl Heinrich [1908-1999] - Glossar zu den volkskundlichen Texten aus Ost-Türkistan II
BOOKS004150I: Menges, Karl Heinrich - Das Cagatajische in der persischen Darstellung von Mirza Mahdi Xan
BOOKS014724I: Mengin, Ernst [Uhlenbeck, C.C.] [Gibson, L.F.] [Wallis, E.E.]; [Aulie, W.] [Harrington, John P.] [Pike, Kenneth]; et al - Los resultados principales y fines de la filologia azteca [bound together with 23 offprints on American Indian languages]
BOOKS029172I: Habtamu Mengistie - Lord, Zèga, and Peasant : A Study of Property and Agrarian Relations in Rural Eastern Gojjam
BOOKS011503I: Ménier, Emile Justin [1826- 1881] - La Federation Communale : Etude.
BOOKS007560I: Menning, Carol Bresnahan - Charity and State in Late Renaissance Italy: The Monte di Pieta of Florence
BOOKS014160I: Menocal, Narciso G. ; editor: - The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, No. 22, 1996: Cuba Theme Issue
BOOKS010570I: Menon, Y. Keshava & Allen, Richard F. - The Pure Principle: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Shankara
BOOKS021732I: Menon, K. N. - Passive Resistance in South Africa : A Brief History of South Africa, the Circumstances that Led to Indian Immigration..,.
BOOKS005296I: Mense, C., et al, editor: - Beihefte zum Archiv fur Schiffs-und Tropenhygiene, Pathologie und Therapie, exotischer Krankheiten, Band 33, 1 - 3
BOOKS014847I: Mension, Jean-Michel - La tribu : entretiens avec Gérard Berréby & Francesco Milo
BOOKS007067I: Mentink, G.J. & Woude, A.M. van der - De demografische ontwikkeling te Rotterdam en Cool in de 17e en 18e eeuw...
BOOKS023750I: Menzel, H.U. - Betriebsanalyse und Betriebsvergleich von Karpfenteichwirtschaften
BOOKS031559I: Menzel, Birgit - V. V. Majakovskij und seine Rezeption in der Sowjetunion 1930-1954
BOOKS026609I: Menzini, Benedetto [1646-1704] - Satire di Benedetto Menzini / con annotazioni di Anton Maria Salvini del Biscioni ed altri
BOOKS020492I: Mepham, John ; & Ruben, David-Hillel ; editors: - Issues in Marxist Philosophy : Volume II: Materialism
BOOKS009397I: Conseil Permanent International pour l'Exploration de la Mer - Publications de Circonstance, No. 51 - 60 [Dec. 1909- June 1911]
BOOKS017553I: Conseil permanent international pour l'exploration de la mer [International Council for the Exploration of the Sea] - Publications de circonstance, No.s 81 - 91 [1923-1926]
BOOKS015934I: Mercante, Victor - La Verbocromia (Contributión al estudio de las facultades expresiveas)
BOOKS009925I: Merceron, Jacques - Le message et sa fiction: La communication par messager dans la litterature francaise des XIIe et XIIIe siecles
BOOKS007875I: Merchant, Ismail. - Hullabaloo in Old Jeypore : The Making of The Deceivers
BOOKS021144I: Mercier, Jacques ; & Riottot-El Habib, Béatrice - L'arche éthiopienne : art chrétien d'Éthiopie : [exposition] 27 septembre 2000-7 janvier 2001, Pavillon des arts
BOOKS017110I: Merck, E. , Chemische Fabrik (Darmstadt) - E. Merck's Jahresbericht über Neuerungen auf den Gebieten der Pharmakotherapie und Pharmazie : 1929-1931 [43. - 45. Jahrgang]
BOOKS018851I: Merck, E. , Chemische Fabrik (Darmstadt) - E. Merck's Jahresbericht über Neuerungen auf den Gebieten der Pharmakotherapie und Pharmazie: 1922-1923;1928 [Vol. 36.-37.; 42.]
BOOKS024156I: Merghelynck, Arthur [ Merghelynck de Beauvoorde, A. (1853-1908) ] - Les etrangers en West-Flandre dans le Tournaisis et la châtellenie d’Ath : Tome Deux
BOOKS009270I: Merish, Lori - Sentimental Materialism: Gender, Commodity Culture, and Nineteenth-Century American Literature
BOOKS025785I: Merkel, Johannes [ Borngräber, Christian (1945-1992); & Metschuk, Klaus ; photo illustrators : ] - Zwei Korken für Schlienz
BOOKS023979I: Merker, Otto - Die Ritterschaft des Erzstifts Bremen im Spätmittelalter : Herrschaft und politische Stellung als Landstand (1300-1550)
BOOKS031560I: Merkevicius, Algimantas - Ankstyvieji metaliniai dirbiniai Lietuvoje
BOOKS018107I: Merkl, Peter H. ; & Weinberg, Leonard ; editors: - Encounters with the Contemporary Radical Right
BOOKS000328I: Merklin, Roman Lvovich - Opredelitel dvustvorchatykh molliuskov oligotsena iuga SSSR
BOOKS018714I: Merklinger, Philip M. - Philosophy, Theology, and Hegel's Berlin Philosophy of Religion, 1821-1827
BOOKS013946I: Merkur, Daniel - Mystical Moments and Unitive Thinking
BOOKS031557I: Merl, Stephan - Bauern unter Stalin : die Formierung des sowjetischen Kolchossystems 1930-1941
BOOKS021304I: Merle, Robert [1908-2004] - Ben Bella
BOOKS031169I: Merlin, Léon - La langue verte du troupier : dictionnaire d'argot militaire
BOOKS005763I: Mernissi, Fatima - The Veil and the Male Elite : A Feminist Interpretation of Women's Rights in Islam
BOOKS016580I: Merom, Gil - How Democracies Lose Small Wars: State, Society, and the Failures of France in Algeria, Israel in Lebanon, and the United States
BOOKS013896I: Merrell-Wolff, Franklin - Franklin Merrell-Wolff's Experience and Philosophy: A Personal Record of Transformation and a Discussion of Transcendental...
BOOKS009147I: Merrell, Floyd - Peirce, Signs, and Meaning
BOOKS027644I: Merrill, Brian L. [ Larsen, A. Dean ; editor : ] - Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680), Jesuit Scholar : An Exhibition of his Works in the Harold B. Lee Library Collections.,.,.
BOOKS004105I: Merrill, L.R. - The Life & Poems of Nicholas Grimald
BOOKS017229I: Merrillees, R. S. - Trade and Transcendence in the Bronze Age Levant : Three Studies
BOOKS008105I: Merriman, John M. - The Margins of City Life: Explorations on the French Urban Frontier, 1815 - 1851
BOOKS008234I: Merriman, Margarita - A New Look at 16th-Century Counterpoint
BOOKS007513I: Merry, Sally Engle - Getting Justice and Getting Even: Legal Consciousness among Working-Class Americans
BOOKS013130I: Mersadier, Y. - Budgets familiaux africains : étude chez 136 families de salariés dans trois centres urbains du Senegal
BOOKS012810I: Mertus, Julie A. - Kosovo: How Myths and Truths Started a War
BOOKS016308I: Mertus, Julie - Kosovo: How Myths and Truths Started a War
BOOKS028074I: Mervaud, E. ; publisher : - La Lanterne : Journal politique quotidien : Première année : No.s 1 - 70 [22 avril - 30 juin 1877]
BOOKS016342I: Merzel, Dennis Genpo - The Path of the Human Being: Zen Teachings on the Bodhisattva Way
BOOKS008027I: Meschke, Christian - Early Norrland Sites on the Umealven: A Study of a Cultural-Historical Survey
BOOKS023711I: Meshram, K.C. - Birsa Munda Sachitra Jeevani
BOOKS002799I: Meskill, Johanna Menzel - A Chinese Pioneer Family : The Lins of Wu-feng, Taiwan 1729-1895
BOOKS013373I: Mesnier, Pedro Gastao - Ensaio de philosophia anthropologica.,..Agentes de transformacao e classificao das racas humanas [bound with 4 other monographs]
BOOKS023095I: Mesquita, Luiz de - Projecto de lei do divorcio em Portugal [bound together with 3 other books]
BOOKS016906I: Messel, Nils - Ezechielfragen
BOOKS022643I: Messer, R. - Geroi sovetskoi kinematografii : kriticheskii ocherk
BOOKS020974I: Messer, Max [1875-1930] - Max Stirner
BOOKS013835I: Messick, Brinkley Morris - The Calligraphic State: Textual Domination and History in a Muslim Society
BOOKS007522I: Meszaros, Erno - Fundamentals of Atmospheric Aerosol Chemistry
BOOKS005041I: Meszaros, I. - Marx's Theory of Alienation
BOOKS023897I: Schweizerischen Metallarbeiterzeitung - Soloth. Klassenjustiz oder Gewalt geht vor Recht / herausgegeben von einem Mitarbeiter der Schweizerischen Metallarbeiterzeitung
BOOKS031104I: Metallenos, Georgios Dem - Ichnelasia pneumatikes schoinobasias : pselafese kairion stigmon sten poreia tou christianikou hellenismou
BOOKS031872I: Svenska metallindustriarbetareförbundet - Die Aussperrung 1909 in Schweden : und die Beteiligung des Schwedischen Metallarbeiterarbeiterverbandes an derselben
BOOKS009248I: Metcalf, Peter - Where are You, Spirits: Style and Theme in Berawan Prayer
BOOKS007603I: Metcalf, Michael F. - Russia, England & Swedish Party Politics 1762-1766: The Interplay between Great Power Diplomacy & Domestic Politics...
BOOKS022503I: Metcalf, Barbara Daly ; editor: - Making Muslim Space in North America and Europe
BOOKS017356I: Metcalf, Paul C. - Where Do You Put the Horse? Essays
BOOKS010760I: Metes, Stefan - Emigrari romanesti din Transilvania in secolele XIII-XX
BOOKS020315I: Methodius, Prichodjko of Moscow - Die Lehre von der Kirche in den katechetischen Werken Platon Levsins (gest. 1812 als Metropolit von Moskau)
BOOKS018942I: Meti, T. K. ; editor: - Economic Development and Social Change in Mysore State
BOOKS018804I: Meti, T. K. - Economic Development of the Underdeveloped Region in Italy
BOOKS018907I: Meti, T. K. - Economy of Scarcity Areas: Report of the Economic Survey of Scarcity Areas in Bijapur District with Special Reference to Bijapur
BOOKS029456I: Metreveli, Roin ; & Jadugisvili, Niko - Mkvidri umkvidro s'evik'en : saark'ivo masalebi Vaxtang VI-is memkvidret'a urt'iert'obis s'esaxeb
BOOKS024971I: Mets, N.D. - Monety velikogo kniazhestva Moskovskogo, 1425-1462
BOOKS029923I: Metsola, Satu ; Siitari, Pirkko ; & Vanhala, Jari-Pekka ; editors : [ Nykytaiteen museo (Helsinki, Finland) ] - ARS 11 : Georges Adéagbo, Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Ardmore Ceramic Art, Brett Bailey, Sammy Baloji, Ursula Biemann, Baaba Jakeh Chande
BOOKS028358I: Mett, Rudolf - Regiomontanus in Italien
BOOKS021249I: Mettke, Heinz ; editor: [ Merbot, Cunrad ] - Die Beichte des Cunrad Merbot von Weida
BOOKS002606I: Mettre-Duquout ; & Piconel, J. - Le Plan de Trochu dévoilé / par Mettre-Duquout
BOOKS023670I: Metz, Christian - Essais sur la signification au cinema
BOOKS014031I: Metz, Bert ; Davidson, Ogunlade R. ; Martens, Jan-Willem ; Rooijen, Sascha N. M. van ; & McGrory, Laura van Wie ; editors: - Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer
BOOKS018016I: Metz, Bert ; editor: [ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Working Group III ] - Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
BOOKS022034I: Metzer, David Joel - Musical Modernism at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century
BOOKS012652I: Metzger, Ernest; editor: - A Companion to Justinian’s Institutes
BOOKS006452I: Metzner, Ernst Erich - Zur frühesten Geschichte der europäischen Balladendichtung : Der Tanz in Kölbigk ; legendarische Nachrichten ..,.
BOOKS021295I: Meulen, Daniël van der - The Wells of Ibn Sa'ud
BOOKS023150I: Meunier, Louis-Arsène [1801-1887] - L'égalité dans l'éducation par la gratuité, ou, organisation démocratique de l'enseignement public
BOOKS005032I: De Meur, Gisele, editor: - New Trends in Mathematical Anthropology
BOOKS027307I: Meurer, Dieter - Studien zur Geomorphologie eines intermontanen Beckens im Subapennin : il Valdarno Superriore
BOOKS015796I: Meurs, Wim P. van - The Bessarabian Question in Communist Historiography: Nationalist and Communist Politics and History Writing
BOOKS024481I: Meurs, Jos van - Jungian Literary Criticism, 1920-80 : An Annotated, Critical Bibliography of Works in English..,.
BOOKS003396I: Meurs, Evert Johan Alexander - The Seyfert Galaxy Population: A Radio Survey; Luminosity Functions; Related Objects
BOOKS030763I: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Fiesta de la raza : piezas literarias pronunciadas en la ceremonia con que la Universidad Nacional de Mexico celebro el CDXXV..,
BOOKS025453I: Mey, Curt [1864-1912] - Die Musik als tönende Weltidee. Versuch einer Metaphysik der Musik. Erster Teil: Die metaphysischen Urgesetze der Melodik
BOOKS007010I: Mey, Jacob L. - Whose Language? A Study in Linguistic Pragmatics
BOOKS013158I: Mey, Wolfgang; Bangert, Yvonne; & Lärch, Axel; editors: [Gesellschaft für Bedrohte Völker] - Wir wollen nicht euch, wir wollen euer Land
BOOKS024531I: Meye, Robert P. - Jesus and the Twelve : Discipleship and Revelation in Mark’s Gospel
BOOKS025979I: Meyer-Abich, Klaus Michael ; & Schefold, Bertram - Die Grenzen der Atomwirtschaft : die Zukunft von Energie, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
BOOKS025983I: Meyer, Maurits de - Les contes populaires de la Flandre : apercu général de l'étude du conte populaire en Flandre et catalogue de toute..,.
BOOKS027596I: Meyer, Maximilian - Untersuchungen über die Konjunktivalreaktion auf Tuberkulose beim Rind
BOOKS027011I: Meyer, Johannes [1835-1911] ; editor: - Der Unoth : Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Alterthum des Standes Schaffhausen : Erstes - Siebentes Heft
BOOKS024904I: Meyer, F.B. , Der Minister der Justiz und Polizei [Bern] - Signalements
BOOKS024001I: Meyer, Ernst ; editor: - Spartakus im Kriege : die illegalen Flugblätter des Spartakusbundes im Kriege / Gesammelt und eingeleitet von Ernst Meyer
BOOKS019024I: Meyer, A. B. (Adolf Bernhard) [1840-1911] - Über die Namen Papúa, Dajak und Alfuren
BOOKS030404I: Meyer, Adolf Bernhard [1840-1911] - Die Nephritfrage kein ethnologisches Problem : Vortrag gehalten zu Dresden im März 1883
BOOKS012007I: Meyer, David E. & Kornblum, Sylvan; editors: - Attention and Performance XIV: Synergies in Experimental Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognitive Neuroscience
BOOKS027343I: Meyer Himhoff, Bertrand ; Pey, Serge ; & Samrakandi, Mohammed Habib ; editors: - Des tours de mains autour de la Méditerranée, d'après une idée du peintre Bertrand Meyer Himhoff : Le droit à la mémoire
BOOKS015207I: Meyer, Roger N. - Asperger Syndrome Employment Workbook : An Employment Workbook for Adults with Asperger Syndrome
BOOKS016901I: Meyer, Johannes - Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease: Radiological Results of Treatment and Their Late Clinical Consequences
BOOKS016578I: Meyer, Paul André - Processus de Markov : la frontière de Martin
BOOKS031321I: Meyer zur Capellen, Walther Fritz Heinrich [1902-1985] - a collection of 18 offprints, ca. 1931-1949.
BOOKS027327I: Meyer, Piet - Kunst und Religion der Lobi
BOOKS006319I: Meyer-Arndt, Lüder - Die Julikrise 1914 : Wie Deutschland in den Ersten Weltkrieg stolperte
BOOKS028557I: Meyer, Andreas David - Ein Landarzt der Gründerzeit : Wilhelm Meyer-Frey (1830 - 1906) in seiner Autobiographie
BOOKS002558I: Meyer, Karl - Die Stadt Luzern von den Anfängen bis zum eidgenössischen Bund
BOOKS003677I: Meyer, M. Wilhelm & Gorki, Maxim - Im Zerstorten Messina
BOOKS015232I: Meyer, Theodor Alexander [1859 - 1936] - Das Stilgesetz der Poesie
BOOKS011647I: Meyer, Stephen - The Five Dollar Day: Labor Management and Social Control in the Ford Motor Company 1908 - 1921
BOOKS027597I: Meyer, Rudolf - Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Sehnenflecke des Herzens
BOOKS029064I: Meyer, Werner ; editor : - Der Turmwart : schweizerische Monatsschrift : I. Jahrgang, Nr.s 1 - 12 [Januar-Dezember 1947]
BOOKS014573I: Meyers, Jeffrey - T.E. Lawrence : A Bibliography
BOOKS011781I: Meyers, Diana Tietjen; Kipnis, Kenneth & Murphy, Cornelius F.; Jr.; editors: - Kindred Matters: Rethinking the Philosophy of the Family
BOOKS010985I: Meyers, Jeffrey; editor: - D.H. Lawrence and Tradition
BOOKS012005I: Meyers, Christina A. ; & Perry, James R. ; editors: - Cognition and Cancer
BOOKS000856I: Meyers, Jeffrey, editor: - Wyndham Lewis. A Revaluation. New Essays.
BOOKS004094I: Meynell, Alice - Essays
BOOKS019771I: Meynen, Emil [1902-1994] - Das Bitburger Land
BOOKS025895I: Meyring, Hans [1876-1923] - Sit Fædreland skylder man : International Fortælling
BOOKS000709I: Mezey, Ladislaus, editor: - Fragmenta Latina Codica in Bibliotheca Universitatis Budapestinensis
BOOKS000710I: Mezey, Ladislau, editor: - Fragmenta Latina Codicum in Bibliotheca Seminarii Hungariae Centralis
BOOKS008602I: Mezhikovskii, Semjon M. - Physico-Chemical Principles for Processing of Oligomeric Blends
BOOKS019474I: Mezu, Sebastian Okechukwu - The Tropical Dawn
BOOKS029825I: P"un Miac - Ryang kramum cul mláp / nibandh Miac P"unn
BOOKS009747I: Miah, M. Shamsuddin - The Reign of Al-Mutawakkil
BOOKS007278I: Micallef, Joseph - Il-pesta tal-1676 : 11,300 mewta
BOOKS022360I: Miccoli, Giovanni - Due note sulla tradizione manoscritta di Pier Damiani : antilogus contra Iudaeos epistola, il codice di San Pietro D 206 ..,.
BOOKS001455I: Michael, Erika - Hans Holbein the Younger: A Guide to Research
BOOKS026089I: Michaëlis, Sophus August Berthel [1865-1932] - Sirener [Digte]
BOOKS026088I: Michaelis, Sophus August Berthel [1865-1932] - Solblomster [Digte]
BOOKS022785I: Michaelis, Alfred - Wirtschaftliche Entwicklungsprobleme des Mittleren Ostens
BOOKS008333I: Michaëlis, Sophus August Berthel [1865-1932] - Giovanna : En Historie fra Staden med de skønne Taarne
BOOKS023853I: Michalowski, Felix - Essai d'ethnologie préhistorique
BOOKS025812I: Michaud, Philippe-Alain - Aby Warburg and the Image in Motion
BOOKS031951I: Michaux, Henri [ Jorn, Asger ] [ Silkeborg museum ] - Henri Michaux : Særudstilling af Silkeborg museums samlinger fra 15. juli 1962 til 15. juni 1963
BOOKS003114I: Michaux, Henri - The Major Ordeals of the Mind & the Countless Minor Ones
BOOKS016299I: Michaux, Henri [1899-1984] - Au Pays de la Magie
BOOKS020668I: Michaux, Henri [1899-1984] - Connaissance par les gouffres
BOOKS007150I: Micheelsen, Harry - The Structure of Dark Flint from Stevns, Denmark
BOOKS003376I: Michel, H. - Geology & Petrology of the Borkafjall Region (Southern Swedish Lapland)
BOOKS024088I: Michelbertas, Mykolas - Pajuoscio pilkapynas : monografija
BOOKS024087I: Michelbertas, Mykolas - Paragaudzio pilkapynas
BOOKS000419I: Michelena, Tomas - Resena biografica de Santos Michelena. Parte historica administrativa y politica de Venezuela, desde 1824 a 1848
BOOKS014884I: Michelet, Jules [1798 - 1874] - Mother Death : The Journal of Jules Michelet, 1815-1850
BOOKS031172I: Michelini, Guido - 1612 m. Giesmes Chriksczionischkos ir Duchaunischkos : renesansinio sciklo pabaiga / Gli Inni Cristiani e Spirituali del 1612 :
BOOKS015892I: Michell, John F. - The New View Over Atlantis
BOOKS005636I: Michell, H. - Sparta
BOOKS005623I: Michell, H. - The Economics of Ancient Greece
BOOKS023985I: Michels, Paul [1882-1970] - Ahnentafeln Paderborner Domherren : Nach Aufschwörungstafeln, Epitaphien und anderen Denkmälern
BOOKS024224I: Michelsen, Peter - Danish Wheel Ploughs : An Illustrated Catalogue
BOOKS002517I: Michelsen, Ernst, editor: - Die Schleswig-Holsteinische Kirchenordnung von 1542
BOOKS019859I: Michelsen, Hans - Peder Sørensen, en præst og hans bøger : En bog- og bibliotekshistorisk undersøgelse
BOOKS028182I: Michelsen, Kari ; & Bonsaksen, Per Fridtjof ; editors : - Johan Daniel Berlin, 1714-1787 : Universalgeniet i Trondheim
BOOKS022813I: Michelsen, Olaf - Lower Jurassic Biostratigraphy and Ostracods of the Danish Embayment
BOOKS027564I: Michelsohn, Oskar - Beiträge zur Behandlung der tuberkülosen Hüftgelenks-Entzündung.,.,.
BOOKS003048I: Michelson, Annette, editor: - Kino-Eye: The Writings of Dziga Vertov
BOOKS015715I: Michelson, Truman - Linguistic Classification of Cree and Montagnais-Naskapi Dialects
BOOKS026292I: Michev, Dimitar - Crimes allemands, crimes grecs / par D. Micheff
BOOKS006418I: Michie, R.C., editor: - Commercial and Financial Services
BOOKS026481I: Michiels, Jean - Etude expérimentale sur la formation de l'humeur aqueuse
BOOKS004294I: Michio, Muramatsu - Local Power in the Japanese State
BOOKS003216I: Michler, G.O.; & Ringel, C.M.; editors: - Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Finite-Dimensional Algebras...
BOOKS015077I: Michotte, Edmond - Richard Wagner’s Visit to Rossini (Paris 1860); and, An Evening at Rossini’s in Beau-Sejour (Passy) 1858
BOOKS017859I: Michrina, Barry Paul ; & Richards, CherylAnne - Person to Person : Fieldwork, Dialogue and the Hermeneutic Method
BOOKS023227I: Worachat Michubot - Yon 'adit Lanna : ton ruam ru'ang naru chak phnthi Muang Nakhon Chiang Mai
BOOKS023778I: Micinski, Jerzy - Polskie statki pomocnicze i specjalne 1920-1939
BOOKS000975I: Micou, Ann McKinstry and Lindsnaes,Birgit - A Report on a Workshop on the Role of Voluntary Organisations in Emerging Democracies.Experience & Strategies...
BOOKS000169I: Micovic, Dragutin - Krajisnicka epika
BOOKS004163I: Micovic, Vukic M. - Odjek otkrica periodnog sistema u Srba i Hrvata
BOOKS014642I: Micu, Emil - Contributiuni la istoricul regimentului graniceresc intai valah
BOOKS001248I: Micu, Dumitru - Tudor Arghezi
BOOKS018060I: Midal, Fabrice - Chogyam Trungpa : His Life and Teachings
BOOKS026205I: Midbøe, Hans Larsinius [1915-1999] - Romantikkens balladediktning : mytiske motiver
BOOKS031967I: Middendorf, Ernst W. [1830-1908] - Das runa simi, oder, die Keshua-Sprache : wie sie gegenwärtig in der Provinz von Cusco gesprochen wird : unter Berücksichtigung
BOOKS021129I: Middlebrook, Diane Wood - Anne Sexton : A Biography
BOOKS024700I: Middlemas, Keith - Diplomacy of Illusion : The British Government and Germany, 1937-39
BOOKS010513I: Middlemiss, C.S. - The Kangra Earthquake of 4th April, 1905
BOOKS017897I: Middleton, P. Harvey - Industrial Mexico : 1919 Facts and Figures
BOOKS021463I: Middleton, John - Lugbara Religion : Ritual and Authority Among an East African People
BOOKS009426I: Midelfort, H.C. Erik - Mad Princes of Renaissance Germany
BOOKS008712I: Midelfort, H.C. Erik - A History of Madness in Sixteenth-Century Germany
BOOKS007570I: Midgley, Mary - Science as Salvation: A Modern Myth and its Meaning
BOOKS012281I: Mie, Gustav Adolf Feodor Wilhelm Ludwig [1869-1957] - Die Grundlagen der Quantentheorie : Vortrag in der Freiburger naturforschenden Gesellschaft am 16. Dezember 1925
BOOKS010191I: Mieczkowska, Halina - Kategoria gramatyczna liczebnikow w ujeciu konfrontatywnym polsko-slowackim
BOOKS003258I: Miedema, P.; Post, J. & Groot, P.J. - The Effects of Low Temperature on Seedling Growth of Maize Genotypes
BOOKS005357I: Mieder, Wolfgang - Proverbs in Literature: An International Bibliography
BOOKS024976I: Mieder, Wolfgang - A House Divided" : From Biblical Proverb to Lincoln and Beyond
BOOKS030060I: Mielberg, J. (Jegor) [1885-1932] - Über periodische Veränderungen der Schwerkraft
BOOKS023988I: Mielke, Heinz-Peter - Die Niederadligen von Hattstein, ihre politische Rolle und soziale Stellung : zur Geschichte einer Familie der Mittelrheinischen
BOOKS012777I: Miermont, Jacques; & Jenkins, Hugh; editors: - A Dictionary of Family Therapy
BOOKS027898I: Mies, Bruno-Adolf - Vorarbeiten zu einer Flechtenflora der Kapverdischen Inseln : Untersuchungen zum Artenbestand und zur Verbreitung
BOOKS030023I: Miesen, Harold W. J. M. - Consumer Familiarity and Expertise : An Explorative Study of Readers of Fiction
BOOKS017412I: Migdal, Joel S. ; editor: - Boundaries and Belonging : States and Societies in the Struggle to Shape Identities and Local Practices
BOOKS003789I: Migeod, Frederick William Hugh - A View of Sierra Leone
BOOKS030216I: Migliavacca, Giorgio - The Stamps of Somalia and their Story
BOOKS000166I: Mignon, Maurice - Etudes sur le theatre francais et italien de la Renaissance
BOOKS001130I: Mihail, Paul ; & Mihail, Zamfira - Acte in Limba Romana Tiparite in Basarabia.1: (1812-1830) precedate de Bibliografia Tipariturilor Romanesti din Basarabia ...
BOOKS017226I: Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Virgil - La monnaie romaine chez les Daces orientaux
BOOKS007965I: Mihailovic, Vojislav - Iz istorije saniteta u obnovljenoj Srbiji od 1804 - 1860
BOOKS017467I: Mihajlov, Mihajlo - Underground Notes
BOOKS010101I: Mihr 'Alizadah, Mahdi ; editor: [ Ali Zadeh, Mehdi Mehi ] - Tarikhi shifahi-i zindagani va mubarazat-i Ayat Allah Khademi
BOOKS023177I: Mihrabadi, Mahdi Rafati'panah - Tarikh-i shahr ha-yi shimal-s Fars dar darwan-i islami (Izad Khvaast, Shur-Dastan, Ibadah..,.
BOOKS029161I: Mika'él Dino - Hezb 'ena nasanat
BOOKS009810I: El-Mikawy, Noha - The Building of Consensus in Egypt's Transition Process
BOOKS021467I: Mikes, George [1912-1987] - The Hungarian Revolution
BOOKS017201I: Mikhailov, M. I. (Mikhail Ivanovich) - Rigvedic Studies
BOOKS030851I: Mikhailov, Boris Dmitrievich - Petrohlify Kam'ianoï Mohyly : semantyka, khronolohiia, interpretatsiia
BOOKS009416I: Mikic, Dorde - Drustvene i ekonomske prilike kosovskih Srba u XIX i pocetkom XX veka: od cifcijstva do bankarstva
BOOKS022145I: Mikines, Kari J. - The Influence of Physical Activity and Inactivity on Insulin Action and Secretion in Man
BOOKS026304I: Mikkelsen, Poul Helweg [1876-1940] - Sarupfundet : Undersøgelse af en stensat Grav fra yngre Bronzealder : Træbeholderen, der omgav de brændte Ben..,.
BOOKS007649I: Mikkelsen, Chr. - L. Møller Lund : Et Billede fra Almueskolen i Vendsyssel
BOOKS009407I: Mikkelsen, Egil - Frebergsvik: Et mesolitisk boplassomraade ved Oslofjorden
BOOKS009214I: Mikkelsen, Eigil ; Stensdal Hjelvik, Diana ; & Welinder, Stig : editors : - Det 4. nordiske bronsealder-symposium paa Isegran 1984
BOOKS008355I: Mikkelsen, Ida Majlund ; & Søby, Louise Boye - Grooming : Psychological Perspectives on Child Sexual Abuse
BOOKS001153I: Mikkelsen, Valdemar M. - Præstø Fjord : The Development of the Post-Glacial Vegetation and a Contribution to the History of the Baltic Sea
BOOKS003414I: Mikkola, Eino - Isokrates: seine Anschauungen im Lichte seiner Schriften
BOOKS010965I: Mikller, Jerome A. - In the Throe of Wonder: Intimations of the Sacred in a Post-Modern World
BOOKS020832I: Mikocki, Tomasz ; editor; - Archeologia srodziemnomorska i pozaeuropejska
BOOKS001045I: Mikola, Tibor - Die alten Postpositionen des Nenzischen (Juraksamojedischen)
BOOKS010400I: Mikolajczyk, Ireneusz - Traktat 'Rerum Rusticarum Libri Tres' Marka Terencjusza Warrona: Monografia historycznoliteracka
BOOKS001218I: Mikulec, Bronislaw - Malopolskie Towarzystwo Cukrownicze w latach 1894 - 1939
BOOKS014765I: Mil'skaia, L. T. - Svetskaia votchina v Germanii VII-IX vv. i ee rol' v zakreposhchenii krest'ianstva..,.
BOOKS028674I: Milanich, Jerald T. ; editor : - The Hernando de Soto Expedition
BOOKS031932I: Istituto di diritto romano dell'Università di Milano [ Convegno di studi veleiati ] - Atti del III Convegno di studi veleiati
BOOKS003831I: Milchev, Atanas ; & Petkov, Nedelcho - Arkheologicheski razkopki i prouchvaniia v chashata na iazovir "Iskur
BOOKS006755I: Mildenberger, Gerhard - Die germanischen Funde der Volkerwanderungszeit in Sachsen
BOOKS012323I: Mile, Ligor K. - Ceshtje te historise agrare shqiptare: fundi i shek. XVIII-vitet 70 te shek. XIX
BOOKS019191I: Miles, Edward L. ; editor: - Environmental Regime Effectiveness : Confronting Theory with Evidence
BOOKS009703I: Miles, William F.S. - Hausaland Divided: Colonialism and Independence in Nigeria and Niger
BOOKS007688I: Miles, Josephine - Pathetic Fallacy in the Nineteenth Century: A Study of a Changing Relation Between Object and Emotion
BOOKS028490I: Miles, David ; compiler : - Reference Book of Overprints on Hungarian Stamps
BOOKS000914I: Miles, Leland - John Colet & the Platonic Tradition
BOOKS013597I: Miletic, Branko - Crmnicki govor
BOOKS013697I: Miletich, Liubomir - Dvizhenieto otsam Vardara i borbata s vurkhovistitie: Po spomeni na IAne Sandanski, Cherno Pieev, Sava Mikhailov, Khr. Kuslev...
BOOKS019487I: Miletich, Liubomir [ Miletitch, Lubomir ] - Atrocités grecques en Macédoine pendant la guerre greco-bulgare, par le dr Lubomir Miletitch
BOOKS013603I: Miletitch, Lubomir [Miletich, Liubomir (1863 - 1937)] - Atrocités grecques en Macédoine pendant la guerre greco-bulgare
BOOKS003961I: Milhoj, Poul - Lonudvikling i Danmark 1914-1950
BOOKS026187I: Milicic, Josip Sibe [1886-1944] - Borovi i masline
BOOKS022869I: Carnet de la Sabretache. Bulletin des collectionneurs de figurines et des amis de l'histoire militaire - Les troupes corses et l'histoire militaire de la Corse
BOOKS025418I: Direzione Sperimentale Aviazione Militare - Notizario No. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 [1919]
BOOKS011151I: Milkias, Paulos - Ethiopia : A Comprehensive Bibliography
BOOKS021256I: Milkowski, Stanislaw [1905-1945] - Agraryzm jako forma przebudowy ustroju spolecznego
BOOKS009392I: Milla y Vidaurre, José [1822 - 1882] - Historia de un Pepe / por Salome Jil
BOOKS024705I: Millar, Fergus ; & Segal, Erich ; editors: - Caesar Augustus : Seven Aspects
BOOKS027286I: Miller, H. Richard (Hugh Richard) ; & Wiita, Paul Joseph ; editors : - Active Galactic Nuclei : Proceedings of a Conference held at the Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, October 28-30, 1987
BOOKS012832I: Miller, Stephen G.; Knapp,m Robert C. & Chamberlain, David - Excavations at Nemea II: The Early Hellenistic Stadium
BOOKS012819I: Miller, David Lee; O'Dair, Sharon; & Weber, Harold; editors: - The Production of English Renaissance Culture
BOOKS007252I: Miller, Waymon D. - Why I Left the Nazarene Church
BOOKS011164I: Miller, Roger & Lessard, Donald - The Strategic Management of Large Engineering Projects: Shaping Institutions, Risks, and Governance
BOOKS011021I: Miller, Suzanne M. & McCaskill, Barbara; editors: - Multicultural Literature and Literacies: Making Space for Difference
BOOKS010971I: Miller, Maureen C. - The Formation of a Medieval Church: Ecclesiastical Change in Verona, 950-1150
BOOKS010857I: Miller, Frank J. - Folklore for Stalin: Russian Folklore and Pseudofolklore of the Stalin Era
BOOKS012012I: Miller, John P. - Education and the Soul: Toward a Spiritual Curriculum
BOOKS022760I: Miller, Daniel - Modernity : An Ethnographic Approach: Dualism and Mass Consumption in Trinidad
BOOKS018309I: Miller, Mary Ellen ; & Taube, Karl A. - An Illustrated Dictionary of the Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya
BOOKS018109I: Miller, J. Hillis - Topographies
BOOKS016989I: Miller, Jerome G. - Search and Destroy : African-American Males in the Criminal Justice System
BOOKS015145I: Miller, Mara - The Garden as an Art
BOOKS015118I: Miller, David Neal - Fear of Fiction: Narrative Strategies in the Works of Isaac Bashevis Singer
BOOKS016709I: Miller, Margaret Christina - Athens and Persia in the Fifth Century BC: A Study in Cultural Receptivity
BOOKS016552I: Miller, Geoffrey - Extreme Prematurity: Practices, Bioethics and the Law
BOOKS016520I: Miller, Lynne Elizabeth - Eat or be Eaten: Predator Sensitive Foraging Among Primates
BOOKS017561I: Miller, Majken ; Miller, Tanja ; & Bak, Ingolf - Den politiske udvikling i den danske syndikalisme 1910-21 - set i internationalt perspektiv
BOOKS005506I: Miller, J. Hillis - Fiction and Repetition. Seven English Novels.
BOOKS004431I: Miller, Robert H. - Root Anatomy and Morphology : A Guide to the Literature
BOOKS004095I: Miller, G.M. - The Historical Point of View in English Literary Criticism from 1570-1770
BOOKS003596I: Miller, James R. - X-Linked Traits. A Catalog of Loci in Nonhuman Mammals
BOOKS002147I: Miller, Paul D.; Eardley, Ian; & Kaplan, Steven A.; editors: - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Laser and Heat Therapy
BOOKS012394I: Miller, Suzanne M. & McCaskill, Barbara; editors: - Multicultural Literature and Literacies : Making Space for Difference
BOOKS010577I: Miller, Genevieve; editor: - A Bibliography of the Writings of Henry E. Sigerist
BOOKS004495I: Miller, Charles B., editor: - The Biology of the Oceanic Pacific. Proceedings of the Thirty-third Annual Biology Colloquium.
BOOKS020053I: Miller, Charles Roger Donohue - Alfieri : A Biography
BOOKS020506I: Miller, John William - The Paradox of Cause and Other Essays
BOOKS018827I: Miller, Nancy K. - Subject to Change : Reading Feminist Writing
BOOKS027082I: Miller, Henry (1891-1980) [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] - a collection of three carbons of letters sent to Parisian publisher Editions Buchet / Chastel ca. 1968
BOOKS023790I: Miller, Richard Brian - Terror, Religion, and Liberal Thought
BOOKS018786I: Miller, Henry (1891-1980) [ Buchet, Guy ] [ Editions Buchet / Chastel ] - A carbon of a typed-letter initialed by Henry Miller to French publisher Guy Buchet dated April 23 1972
BOOKS015555I: Millgram, Elijah - Practical Induction
BOOKS003972I: Millgram, Elijah; editor: - Varieties of Practical Reasoning
BOOKS006008I: Milligan, S.R., editor: - Oxford Reviews of Reproductive Biology, Volume 11, 1989
BOOKS006005I: Milligan, S.R., editor: - Oxford Reviews of Reproductive Biology. Volume 13 , 1991
BOOKS022733I: Millósevich, Federico - Il ferro meteorico di Uegit (Somalia Italiana)
BOOKS015040I: Millour, G. - Les saints guérisseurs et protecteurs du bétail en Bretagne
BOOKS011068I: Mills, J. P. - Folk Stories in Lhota Naga: Text with Interliner and Running English Translation
BOOKS015675I: Mills, Margaret Ann - Rhetoric and Politics in Afghan Traditional Storytelling
BOOKS029821I: Mills, Richard Horner - The Principles of Currency and Banking : Being Five Lectures Delivered in Queen’s College, Cork, to the Students in Arts ..,.
BOOKS014890I: Mills, Nicolaus - The Crowd in American Literature
BOOKS003238I: Mills, Ralph J., Jr. - Cry of the Human. Essays on Contemporary American Poetry
BOOKS019475I: Mills, Thelma - The Complete Book of Common Sense Poems. No. 1.
BOOKS019658I: Mills, Terence C. ; & Markellos, Raphael N. - The Econometric Modelling of Financial Time Series
BOOKS021765I: Mills, Lennox Algernon - British Malaya, 1824-67
BOOKS027300I: Mills, C.F. (Colin Frederick) ; editor: - Zinc in Human Biology
BOOKS002735I: Millward, Roy & Robinson, Adrian - South-East England : Thameside & the Weald
BOOKS024113I: Milne, Gustav - Timber Building Techniques in London c.900-1400 : An Archaeological Study of Waterfront Installations and Related Material
BOOKS009265I: Milne, P.H. - Fish and Shellfish Farming in Coastal Waters
BOOKS000564I: Milojevic, Miroslav D. - Macva, Sabacka Posavina i Pocerina : privrednogeografska proucavanja
BOOKS000565I: Milojevic, Miroslav D. - Zapadna Srbija : agrarno-geografska proucavanja
BOOKS015877I: Milojkovic-Djuric, Jelena - Tradition and Avant-Garde: The Arts in Serbian Culture Between the Two World Wars.
BOOKS008225I: Milovanovic, Dragan - Postmodern Criminology
BOOKS029642I: Milstetter, Franz Titus von - Infallibilia Insignis Victoriae obtinendae stratagemata ex Ipsa experientia antiqua Seu Triplex Quaestio.,.,.
BOOKS022203I: Milthers, Vilhelm [1865-1962] - Israndens tilbagerykning fra Østjylland til Sjaelland-Fyn, belyst ved Ledeblokke
BOOKS022205I: Milthers, Keld [1907-1960] - Ledeblokke og landskabsformer i Danmark
BOOKS030396I: Wan Min [ Wang Ming ] [pseudonym of Chen Shao-yu (1904-1974)] - Die revolutionäre Bewegung in den kolonialen und halbkolonialen Ländern und die Taktik der kommunistischen Parteien ..,.
BOOKS004997I: Minadeo, Richard - The Lyre of Science. Form & Meaning in Lucretius' 'De Rerum Natura'
BOOKS014841I: Minaksisuta [d. 1974]. [Meenaksi Sutha] [Minaksisudha] [Udupa, Anandarama; editor:] - Sri Minaksisuta : avara kirtigalu, eradaneya bhaga
BOOKS014840I: Minaksisuta [d. 1974]. [Meenaksi Sutha] [Minaksisudha] [Raju, Apayam ; Udupa, Anandarama; editors:] - Sri Minaksisuta: avara kirtigalu / Tamilu mula
BOOKS019956I: Minault, Gail - The Khilafat Movement : Religious Symbolism and Political Mobilization in India
BOOKS008797I: Minder, Leo [1887-1961] - Der Zürichsee im Lichte der Seetypenlehre
BOOKS028677I: Minerbi, Sergio Itzhak - L'Italie et la Palestine, 1914-1920
BOOKS022472I: Mines, Mattison - Public Faces, Private Lives : Community and Individuality in South India
BOOKS018168I: Minev, Miroslav - Sedem pogachi za Gospoda : razkazi
BOOKS029309I: Minhali, Nasir Muhammad Salimin - Mahattat tarikhiyah min waqi al-dhakirah / ta'lif Nasir Muhammad Salimin al-Minhali
BOOKS024540I: Minissale, Francesca - Curzio Rufo : un romanziere della Storia
BOOKS007742I: [Portugal] Ministerio dos Negocios da Fazenda, Direccao Geral da Thesouraria - Documentos relativos a questao dos tabacos: N.os 1 a 184 sobre negociacoes relativas ao concurso aberto...
BOOKS029827I: Cambodia. Anggabhab Bartaman ning Pratikamm Rahas / Office of the Council of Ministers - White Paper on the 2013 General Election for the 5th Mandate of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Phnom Penh.,.,
BOOKS021255I: Vietnam. Council of Ministers [ Nguyen Duy Trinh ] [ Pham Van Dong ] - Les problemes vietnamiens de 1961 : economie, culture, réunification nationale, relations étrangères
BOOKS002794I: Ministry of Home Affairs, Office of the Registrar General, Social Studies Division - Bibliography on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes
BOOKS006091I: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia - White Book on Aggressive Activities by the Governments of the USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary...towards Yugoslavia
BOOKS012355I: Minkov, Ignat - Suvremennoto Rodopsko zhilishte
BOOKS012333I: Minkova, Liliana Todorova - Osip Maksimovich Bodianski i Bulgarskoto vuzrazhdane
BOOKS006221I: Minor, Robert N. - Radhakrishnan. A Religious Biography
BOOKS010127I: Minowitz, Peter - Profits, Priests, and Princes: Adam Smith's Emancipation of Economics from Politics and Religion
BOOKS002960I: Minta, Stephen - Love Poetry in Sixteenth-Century France. A Study in Themes & Traditions
BOOKS017959I: Minter, David L. - A Cultural History of the American Novel
BOOKS005314I: Minter, David L. - The Interpreted Design as a Structural Principle in American Prose
BOOKS008488I: Mintz, Beth & Rothblum, Esther; editors: - Lesbians in Academia: Degrees of Freedom.
BOOKS015434I: Mintz, Jerome R. - The Anarchists of Casas Viejas
BOOKS019080I: Minutoli, Julius, Freiherr von [1804-1860] - Spanien und seine fortschreitende Entwickelung, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Jahres 1851
BOOKS000093I: Miokovats, Srbislav M. - La Yougoslavie sous le knout. Un Parti Communiste à l'oeuvre. Essais et documents.
BOOKS005761I: Mipun, Jatin - The Mishings (Miris) of Assam. Development of a New Lifestyle
BOOKS023166I: Mir Fakhra'i, Mahshid - Barrasi-i haft'ha
BOOKS025076I: Mir Ruba'i, Muhammad [ Mir Afzali, Sayyid 'Ali ] - Ruba'iyat-i Fikri-i Mashhadi / surudah-'i Sayyid Muhammad Jamah'baf mutakhallis bih "Fikri" mashhur bih "Mir Ruba'i"..,.
BOOKS025109I: Mir Lawhi, 'Ali - Raghib-i Isfahani : zindagi va asar-i u
BOOKS011600I: Mir Futrus, Ali [ Mirfetrous, Ali ] - Mulahazati dar tarikh-i Iran, Islam va "Islami rastin
BOOKS011601I: Mir Futrus, Ali [Mir Fetrous, Ali] [Mirfetrous, Ali] - Islam shinasi: zaminah ha-yi iqtisadi-ijtimai-i paydayish-i Islam ta payan-i khilafat-i Ali
BOOKS002603I: Mir, Nisar A. & Hassan, M. - Current Trends in Perinatal Medicine.Proceedings of the VII Annual Convention National Neonatology Forum (India) ...
BOOKS019802I: Mir Futrus, Ali - Islam shinasi
BOOKS030983I: Miraglia, Luigi - Gli Avá, i Guayakí ed i Tobas : Indigeni del Paraguay e regioni limitrofe
BOOKS018212I: Miralles, Rafael Aliena - Adelaida Martinez y el honor de la pobreza
BOOKS007704I: Miranda, Jose Francisco Barreto - Nas vesperas da festa : Centenario da India (Carta de um indio a D. Vasco da Gama)
BOOKS023452I: Miranda, Rocky V. - The Old Konkani Bharata . Volume 1 : Introduction.
BOOKS000869I: Mirando Mourao, Jose Augusto - A Visão de Túndalo : da fornalha de ferro à cidade de deus : em torno da semiótica das Visões
BOOKS024851I: Mirchandani, Manju (Jaya) Kamal - Roohani choond Sindhi kalaam [Volumes 1 & 2]
BOOKS007580I: Mirchandani, Tara - Huth Yogi
BOOKS032014I: Mirek, Zbigniew ; & Zemanek, Alicja ; editors : - Studies in Renaissance Botany
BOOKS018705I: Mirhadiiev, M. M. ; et al; editors: [ S.M. Kirov adyna Azarbaijan Dovlat Universiteti ] - Azarbaijanda proletar diktaturasy dovlatinin iaradylmasy va mohkamlandirilmasi : elmi asarlarin tematik majmu'asi ..,.
BOOKS003941I: Miri, Mrinal - Philosophy of Psychoanalysis
BOOKS002362I: Miri, Sujata - Suffering
BOOKS025446I: Mirkovic, Mijo [also known as Mate Balota (1898-1963)] - Razvoj ekonomske misli u XIX veku
BOOKS027949I: Mirow, Hartmut - Möglichkeiten der Bekämpfung des Wurzelkropfes an Baumschulgehölzen
BOOKS010741I: Mirreh, Abdi Gaileh - Die sozialoekonomischen Verhaeltnisse der nomadischen Bevoelkerung im Norden der Demokratischen Republik Somalia
BOOKS005293I: Mirrlees, James A. - Welfare, Incentives, and Taxation
BOOKS008219I: Misbahi, Shukufah ; & Ayat Allah'zadah Shirazi, Baqir - Gumshudah'i az hunar va mi'mari-i Safaviyah, Majmu'ah-i Shaykh Safi al-Din Ardabili : tarh-i baz'sazi-i sardar-i 'Aliqapu ..,.
BOOKS026716I: Mischlich, Adam [1864-1948] - Neue Märchen aus Afrika / Gesammelt und aus der Haussasprache Übersetzt von Professor A. Mischlich
BOOKS017517I: Von Mises, Ludwig [1881-1973] - Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War
BOOKS017319I: Von Mises, Ludwig [1881-1973] - The Theory of Money and Credit
BOOKS014716I: Mishan, E. J. (Edward J.) - What Political Economy Is All About : An Exposition and Critique
BOOKS016223I: Mishkin, Bernard - Rank and Warfare Among the Plains Indians
BOOKS022746I: Mishra, Yogendra - History of Videha : From the Earliest Times to the Foundation of the Gupta Empire, A.D. 319
BOOKS011606I: Mishra, Nilamani; editor: [Misra, Nilamani] - Odiya koili sahitya (Ancient & Medieval)
BOOKS003011I: Mishra, Parmanand - Garhwal [ Uttar Pradesh District Gazetteers ]
BOOKS016262I: Mishra, R. K. ; Jha, Vidyanath ; & Dehadrai, P. V. ; editors: - Makhana
BOOKS014550I: Mishra, Priyanka - Madhyakal me'in Burhanpur ka Shahrikaran
BOOKS008779I: Mishra, Keerti Narayan - Apan ekanta mein
BOOKS018546I: Mishra, Umesha; editor: [ Pandita, Trivikrama ] - Pancayudhaprapancabhana / Trivikramapanditaviracita ; sampadaka / Pancayudha Prapanca Bhana of Trivikrama Pandita
BOOKS022424I: Mishra, Prasanna Kumar - Political Unrest in Orissa in the 19th Century : Anti-British, Anti-Feudal, and Agrarian Risings
BOOKS021132I: Mishra, R. R. - Effects of Land Reforms in Saurashtra : Report of a Survey Sponsored by Research Programmes Committee, Planning Commission
BOOKS023477I: Mishra, Suresh [ Misra, Suresa ] - The Gond Kingdom of Deogarh
BOOKS030703I: Mishra, R. P. - Bhagvat Geeta Mein Sthit Pragyata Ka Adarsha
BOOKS001135I: Misiewicz, Krzysztof - Teby i Orchomenos w epoce brazu : u zrodel konfliktu dwoch miast w Beocji
BOOKS029724I: Misiri, Nexhmedin - Bimët mjekësore të shqipërisë
BOOKS029725I: Misiri, Nexhmedin ; & Vogli, Hysen - 550 receta të mjekësisë popullore
BOOKS000465I: Miské, Ahmed-Bâba - Front Polisario : l'âme d'un peuple : suivi d'un entretien avec Jean Lacouture
BOOKS006623I: Misken, Mirchu - Ass-Pass Gee Zandagi
BOOKS000656I: Miskiewicz, Ali - Tatarzy polscy, 1918-1939 : zycie spoleczno-kulturalne i religijne
BOOKS008632I: Miskimin, Harry A. - The Economy of Early Renaissance Europe, 1300-1460
BOOKS028648I: Mislin, Hans [1907-1993] - Der Phasenwechsel des Rheinlachses (Salmo salar L.) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Ernährungsapparates
BOOKS009028I: Misra, S.C.; Mathew, K.S. [editors] & Mendonca, Francis A. [translator] - Chronica geral dos sucessos do Reyno de Gusarate a qm. chamao Cambaya/ General Chronicle of the Events in the Kingdom of Gujarat
BOOKS002744I: Misra, G.C. : Saxena, S.C.; & Bhargava, V.K. - Survey Report on Village Parba (A Village Re-study)
BOOKS002488I: Misra, R.N. - Ancient Artists & Art-activity
BOOKS023379I: Misra, Ratanalala ; & Jharoda, Hasama Khana ; editors & translators: [Jana (1614-1665 CE)] - Kayamakham rasa / Kavijana, urpha, Niyamata Khana Kayamakhani ; Hindi anuvada, Ratanalala Misra ..,.
BOOKS008831I: Misra, Girish K. & Gupta, Rakesh - Resettlement Policies in Delhi
BOOKS008718I: Misra, Sadana - Rajanarttaki: aitihasika Maithili nataka
BOOKS008663I: Misra, Amarendra - Bhagavana Birasa, prabandha kavya
BOOKS008658I: Misra, Amola Prasada - Kaviratna Krshna Prasada Sarma "Ghirme": vyaktitva evam krtitva
BOOKS007883I: Misra, Kulamani [1918-1990] - Bani bilasa
BOOKS023630I: Misra, Surendra Kumara ; Majhi, Purushottama Sim ; & Majhi, Bhagabana [ Academy of Tribal Dialects & Culture (Orissa, India) ] - Gonda samskrti o loka sahitya
BOOKS006289I: Misra, Kalpana - From Post-Maoism to Post-Marxism: The Erosion of Official Ideology in Deng's China
BOOKS005770I: Misra, K.K. - Social Structure and Change Among the Ho of Orissa
BOOKS000567I: Misra, Bal Govind and Dua, Hans Raj, editors: - Language Use in Himachal Pradesh
BOOKS000568I: Misra, Promode Kumar - The Nomadic Gadulia Lohar of Eastern Rajasthan
BOOKS001720I: Misra,Rajalakshmi - Mullukurumbas of Kappala
BOOKS001512I: Misra, V.N. - Pre- and Proto-History of the Berach Basin, South Rajasthan
BOOKS000566I: Misra, Bal Govind, editor - Lexicography in India (Proceedings of the First National Conference on Dictionary making in Indian Languages, Mysore,1970)
BOOKS001080I: Misra, Promode Kumar ; Rajalakshmi, C.R. & Verghese, I., editors: - Nomads in the Mysore City
BOOKS001719I: Misra, Promode Kumar, editor: - Cultural Profiles of Mysore City
BOOKS019438I: Misra, Raghunatha ; editor: [ Mahesvaranandanatha (18th century AD) Saubhagyanandadoha ] - Paramanandatantram : Mahesvaranandanathaviracitaya Saubhagyanandasandohakhyavyakhyaya samvalitam / sampadakah Raghunathamisrah
BOOKS020876I: Bhanudatta Misra [ Pandeya, Janardana Sastri ; editor: ] - Rasamanjari / Srimadbhanudattaviracita : Visvesvarakrtaya "samanjasa"-vyakhyaya, Janardanapandeyakrtaya ..,.
BOOKS021778I: Misra, Kulamani [ Panda, Bhagabana ; editor: ] - Dharmasastrasabdakosah [Volume I & II] / Kulamanimisrasarma ; sampadakah Bhagavanpandasarma
BOOKS003073I: Misra, Satish C.; editor: - Qissa-i-Ghamgin of Munshi 'Abbas 'Ali. Edited with Introduction & Notes
BOOKS028093I: Miss, Stig ; & With, Gertrud ; editors : - Asmus Jacob Carstens’ og Joseph Anton Kochs værker i Thorvaldsens Museum
BOOKS006580I: Missac, Pierre - Walter Benjamin's Passages
BOOKS030798I: Ambedkar Mission - Outcry : A Voice of the Oppressed [1990]
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BOOKS024574I: Østerlands-Missionen (Denmark) - Meddelelser fra Østerlandsmissionen : X. Bind : Aarene 1935-1937 [35.-37. Aargang]
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BOOKS022670I: Mitchell, T. F. - An Introduction to Egyptian Colloquial Arabic
BOOKS012282I: Mitchell, William E. ; editor: - Clowning as Critical Practice: Performance Humor in the South Pacific
BOOKS010483I: Mitchell, Allan - The Divided Path: The German Influence on Social Reform in France After 1870
BOOKS012111I: Mitchell, Melanie - An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
BOOKS028059I: Mitchell, Stephen Arthur - Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages
BOOKS016392I: Mitchell, Melanie - An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
BOOKS005944I: Mitchell, P.M. & Ober, Kenneth H.; compilers: - Bibliography of Modern Icelandic Literature in Translation. Including Works Written by Icelanders in Other Languages
BOOKS005415I: Mitchell, P.M. - Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700-1766). Harbinger of German Classicism
BOOKS005174I: Mitchell, Joan - Crisis in Britain 1951
BOOKS005121I: Mitchell, Richard H. - Thought Control in Prewar Japan
BOOKS012589I: Mitchell, Derek Robert - Heidegger's Philosophy and Theories of the Self
BOOKS000318I: Mitchell, Timothy A. - David Hume's Anti-Theistic Views. A Critical Appraisal.
BOOKS015387I: Mitchell, John [1711 - 1768] - The Present State of Great Britain and North America with Regard to Agriculture, Population, Trade, and Manufactures...
BOOKS004527I: Mitchell, William C. - Sociological Analysis and Politics. The Theories of Talcott Parsons
BOOKS003639I: Mitchell, Linda E.; editor: - Women in Medieval Western European Culture
BOOKS012906I: Mitchell, T. F. ; & Hasan, Shahir - Modality, Mood and Aspect in Spoken Arabic : With Special Reference to Egypt and the Levant
BOOKS027464I: Mitchell, Charles Pitfield - Dissolution and Evolution and the Science of Medicine : An Attempt to Co-ordinate the Necessary Facts of Pathology .,.,.
BOOKS024538I: Mitchell, William John - E-topia : "Urban Life, Jim--But Not As We Know It
BOOKS031879I: Mitchiner, Michael - The Origins of Indian Coinage
BOOKS026555I: Mitens, Karina - Teatri greci e teatri ispirati all’architettura greca in Sicilia e nell’Italia meridionale, c.350-50 a.C. : un catalogo
BOOKS003485I: Mitkong, Nompok - Customary Laws of the Adis of Arunachal Pradesh on Succession and Property Inheritance
BOOKS023129I: Mitra, Khagendranath - The Dynamics of Faith : Comparative Religion
BOOKS002859I: Mitra, Rajendralala; editor: - A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Mss. in the Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Part First - Grammar
BOOKS021622I: Mitra, Parimal Chandra [ Mitra, Parimala Candra ] - Santhali, A Universal Heritage
BOOKS020977I: Mitra, Sarat Chandra - The Cult of the Sun God in Medieval Eastern Bengal
BOOKS025549I: Mitra Majumadara, Dakshinarañjana [1877-1957] - Thakuramara jhuli
BOOKS010812I: Mitrani, Isi - Probabilistic Modelling
BOOKS012318I: Mitrinov, Georgi; editor: - Zlatogradski sbornik: pismen Vuzrozhdenski pametnik ot sredata na XIX vek (1852 g.) i fototipno prilozhenie
BOOKS003187I: Mitropoulous, Aglae [ Metropoulou, Aglaia (1929-1991)] - Découverte du cinéma grec : Histoire, chronologie, biographies, films
BOOKS001541I: Mitsakis, K. [ Metsakes, Kariophiles ] - Macedonia Throughout the Centuries
BOOKS011830I: Mitscherlich, Alexander [1908-1982] - Society Without the Father : A Contribution to Social Psychology
BOOKS014226I: Mitskevicha, S. I. ; editor [ Mitskevich, Sergei (1869-1944)]: [ Muzei revoliutsii SSSR ] - Al'bom revoliutsionnoi satiry, 1905-1906 g.g. / pod obshchei redaktsiei S.I. Mitskevicha
BOOKS023728I: Mittal, Satishchandra - 1857: The Vanvasi (Tribal) Leadership
BOOKS013894I: Reichspartei des deutschen Mittelstandes - Deutsche Bürger in Stadt und Land!..,. Der 14. September entscheidet über Eure Zukunft
BOOKS030558I: Mittelstrass, Gustav ; editor : - Freideutscher Jugendtag 1913 : Reden von Bruno Lemke, Gottfried Traub, Knud Ahlborn, Gustav Wyneken, Ferdinand Avenarius
BOOKS023205I: Mittenzwei, Ingrid - Preussen nach dem Siebenjährigen Krieg : Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Bürgertum und Staat um die Wirtschaftspolitik
BOOKS012824I: Mitter, Rana [1969- ] - The Manchurian Myth: Nationalism, Resistance and Collaboration in Modern China /
BOOKS021171I: Mitter, Jyoti Prakash - Recognition of Bangla Desh
BOOKS012102I: Mitton, Geraldine Edith - The Lost Cities of Ceylon
BOOKS007473I: Mitu, Sorin & Gogaltan, Florin; editors: - Interethnische- und Zivilisationsbeziehungen im siebenburgischen Raum: historische Studien.
BOOKS017913I: Miyamoto, Musashi [1584-1645] - The Illustrated Book of Five Rings
BOOKS009643I: Miyata, Seizo & Sasabe, Hiroyuki; editors: - Poled Polymers and their Applications to SHG and EO Devices
BOOKS020483I: Miyazaki, Masajiro - My Sixty Years in Canada
BOOKS020200I: Miyoshi, Masao - The Divided Self : A Perspective on the Literature of the Victorians
BOOKS020292I: Mizoguchi, Koji - Archaeology, Society and Identity in Modern Japan
BOOKS031500I: Mizzi, Laurence - Mixlija b'kongura u tradiment
BOOKS031414I: Mkrtch'yan, Tigran Mar'leni - Vayots' Dzori patmut'yan nor ejer : Verin Noravank'i teghe
BOOKS031429I: Mkrtch'yan, Nerses Alek'sani - Semitskie iazyki i armianskii
BOOKS031424I: Mkrtch'yan, Nerses Alek'sani - Hayerenits' p'okharut'yunner t'urk'ereni barbarnerum
BOOKS031472I: Mkrtch'yan, Nerses Alek'sani - Anatoliayi norahayt hay barbarnere ev banahyusut'yune
BOOKS014162I: Mladenov, Ivan - Teodor Traianov v razvitieto na bulgarskiia simvolizum
BOOKS012383I: Mladenov, Maksim Slavchev; Zhechev, Nikolai; & Niagulov, Blagovest; editors: - Bulgarite v Rumuniia, XVII-XX v. : dokumenti i materiali
BOOKS015777I: Mladenova, Darina - Zvezdnoto nebe nad nas : etnolingvistichno izsledvane na balkanskite narodi astronomi
BOOKS031930I: Mlasowsky, Alexander ; compiler : [ Kestner-Museum (Hannover)] - Die antiken Tonlampen im Kestner-Museum Hannover
BOOKS030399I: Mnats'akanyan, Step'an Khach'aturi [ Menatsakanian, Stepan ] - Zvart'nots'e ev nuynatip hushartzannere
BOOKS012123I: Moberg, Carl-Axel [1915-1987] - Studier i Bottnisk Stenalder I-V
BOOKS017520I: Moberg, Carl-Axel - Introducción a la arqueología
BOOKS025840I: Moberg, Carl-Axel - Bohusläns forntid
BOOKS025224I: Moberg, Carl-Axel - Between Horn and Ornavasso : Studies of Chronology and Style in the La Tène Period
BOOKS009202I: Mobius, Friedrich - Buticum in Centula. Mit einer Einfuhrung in die Bedeutung der mittelalterlichen Architektur
BOOKS003582I: Mobus, Gunter - Die geotektonische Entwicklung des Grundgebirges im Raum Erzgebirge - Elbtalzone - Lausitzer Grundgebirge - Westsudeten
BOOKS015339I: Mocenigo, Giovanni, Alvise, Conte [1856-18??] - Il primo impulso: Che cosa è l attrazione? Idee di Newton sulla gravitazione..,.
BOOKS027616I: Möckl, Karl - Die Prinzregentenzeit : Gesellschaft und Politik während der Ära des Prinzregenten Luitpold in Bayren
BOOKS029436I: Modebaze, Valeri - Mesxuri problemis analizi : Mesxet'idan deportirebuli mosaxleobis repatriac'iisa da reintegrac'iis problemebi
BOOKS028038I: Modéer, Kjell Å ; editor : - 1667 års sjölag i ett 300-arigt perspektiv : ett rättshistorisk symposium i Göteborg den 16-18 mars 1981
BOOKS001170I: International Society for Ecological Modelling - The ISEM Journal. The Journal of the International Society for Ecological Modelling. Vol. 1 Nr. 1 - Vol. 8, Nr. 1/4
BOOKS018992I: Modi, Madhusudana Cimanalala [1904-1974] - Vasanta vilasa phagu : Pracina gurjara-rajasthani bhasanibaddha. (Laghu-brhad vacana, vividhapathabheda, vistrt
BOOKS003172I: Modigliani, Franco [Abel, Andrew; editor:] - The Collected Papers of Franco Modigliani. Volume 1: Essays in Macroeconomics
BOOKS021471I: Modisane, Bloke, [ Modisane, William (1923-1986) ] - Blame Me on History
BOOKS011808I: Modood, Tariq & Werbner, Pnina; editors: - The Politics of Multiculturalism in the New Europe: Racism, Identity and Community
BOOKS006294I: Mody, J.J. - A Comparative Study of English & Gujarati Syntaxes
BOOKS025625I: Moe, Ivar - Ministeriet Berntsens forfatningspolitik : Valgbetragtninger af en Venstremand
BOOKS030125I: Moeliono, Benjamin Moetjipto - De caulomatische oorsprong van zaadknoppen bij Caryophyllaceeën en Primulaceeën (Een histogenetische en anatomische analyse)
BOOKS019164I: Moeller, Robert G. - German Peasants and Agrarian Politics, 1914-1924 : The Rhineland and Westphalia
BOOKS001547I: Moering, Ernst [1886-1973] - Gegen völkischen Wahn : Rede an Menschen guten Willens
BOOKS016364I: Moerman, Daniel E. - Meaning, Medicine and the 'Placebo Effect'
BOOKS006644I: Moeschlin, Felix ; editor : - Schweizerland : Monatshefte für Schweizer-Art und -Arbeit [7 issues ca. 1916 - 1917]
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BOOKS027513I: Moesta, Anna - Über ein Pulsionsdivertikel des Oesophagus
BOOKS006057I: Moestrup, Jorn - La Scapigliatura : Un Capitolo della Storia del Risorgimento
BOOKS017046I: Moffett, R.O. - Anacardiaceae. Fascicle 1: Rhus [Flora of Southern Africa, Volume 19, Part 3]
BOOKS013627I: Moffett, Ashley ; Loke, Y. W. ; & McLaren, Anne ; editors: - Biology and Pathology of Trophoblast
BOOKS012059I: Mogensen, Maria - Le Mastaba égyptien de la Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg
BOOKS028666I: Mogensen, Maria - La glyptothèque Ny-Carlsberg : la collection égyptienne : [Vol. I] Texte : [Vol. II] Planches
BOOKS005317I: Mogensen, Erik [1902 - 19??] - Studies on the Size of the Red Blood Cells, Especially in Some Anaemias
BOOKS019657I: Moglen, Helene - The Trauma of Gender : A Feminist Theory of the English Novel
BOOKS024284I: Mogren, Mats ; editor: - Märkvärt medeltida : arkeologi ur en lång skånsk historia
BOOKS018396I: Mahathir bin Mohamad - The Malay Dilemma
BOOKS005040I: Mohamed, Abbas Ahmed - White Nile Arabs : Political Leadership and Economic Change
BOOKS023605I: Mohammad, Zia - Who are the Awliya Friends of Allah?
BOOKS008679I: Mohan, R. Vasundhara - Identity Crisis of Sri Lankan Muslims
BOOKS021884I: Das, Jñanendra Mohan - Charitra-ghatan
BOOKS018903I: Mohanlal, S.K. - Studies on the Structure and Perfection of Mixed Crystals
BOOKS002317I: Mohanty, Jatindra Mohan, editor: - Indian Literature in English Translation: A Bibliography
BOOKS007872I: Mohanty, Manindra; & Sahoo, Basanta Kishore; editors: - Sampratika sishu kabita: ebam anyanya alocana
BOOKS001824I: Mohanty, B.B.; Mishra,Chittaranjan ; & Swain, S.K. - Handloom Products : Tie and Dye [ Orissa. Handicraft Survey Report ]
BOOKS022256I: Mohapatra, Prasant Kumar - Handbook on Koya
BOOKS008233I: Mohapatra, Sasmita - Juang [Grammar, Texts, Dictionary]
BOOKS020694I: Mohebbi, Parviz - Techniques et ressources en Iran : du 7e au 19e siècle
BOOKS007310I: Mohi, Vasdev - Barf Jo Thahyal
BOOKS003780I: Mohi el Din, Khaled - Memories of a Revolution. Egypt 1952
BOOKS001108I: Mohiddin, S. Khader - Dhakani Urdu
BOOKS003123I: Mohr, Jan - A Study of Linkage in Man
BOOKS016712I: Mohr, James C. - Plague and Fire: Battling Black Death and the 1900 Burning of Honolulu's Chinatown
BOOKS016821I: Möhring, Annusch [text] ; & Haas, Bertold [illustrator] - Martin der Mars[x]-Mensch / Text von Annusch Möhring ; Zeichnungen von Bertold Haas
BOOKS027575I: Mohrmann, Rudolf - Die Resultate der Laparatomie bei tuberkulöser Peritontitis an der königlichen Universitätsfrauenklinik zu Göttingen
BOOKS027561I: Mohrmann, Rudolf - Ueber die Entstehung des Puerperalfiebers auf haematogenem Wege
BOOKS030259I: Moine, Jean-Marie - Dictionnaire du patois : francais- patois
BOOKS002741I: Moinuddin, Khaja ; Rao, Ch. Purnachandra ; & Rao, D. Koteswara - Town Survey Report : Cuddapah
BOOKS002723I: Moinuddin, Khaja ; Rao, Ch. Purnachandra; & Rao, D. Koteswara - Survey Report on Village Mofusbandar (Srikakulam District)
BOOKS002687I: Moinuddin, Khaja ; Rao, D. Koteswar ; & Rao, Purna Chandra - Village Restudy Monograph on Kotha Armur (Nizamabad District)
BOOKS001863I: Moinuddin, Khaja ; Purnhachandra Rao, Ch.; & Koteswara Rao, D. - Survey Report on Village Sivanagar (Medak District)
BOOKS001855I: Moinuddin, Khaja ; Purnachandra Rao, Ch.; & Tarakeswari Rao, B. - Special Report on Hyderabad City
BOOKS002704I: Moinuddin, Khaja ; Rao, Ch. Purna Chandra ; & Rao, D. Koteswara - Restudy Monograph on Village Lakkaguda (Vizianagaram District)
BOOKS002684I: Moinuddin, Khaja ; Rao, Ch. Purnachandra ; & Rao, D. Koteswara - Chirala (Prakasom District) [ Special Survey Report on Selected Towns ]
BOOKS029343I: Moissi, Vangjel ; Oktrova, Esat ; & Thanasi, Todi - Aleksandër Moisiu
BOOKS005258I: Moisuc, Viorica ; Calafeteanu, Ion ; & Botoran, Constantin - Tezaurul Romaniei la Moscova ; Documente (1916-1917)
BOOKS000672I: Mojumdar, Kanchanmoy - Nepal and the Indian Nationalist Movement
BOOKS019389I: Mojzes, Paul - Yugoslavian Inferno : Ethnoreligious Warfare in the Balkans
BOOKS001749I: Mokashi, P.R. - Some Social Aspects of Marriages in Poona District, 1955-1956
BOOKS023142I: Mokranjac, Jovan B. [1888-1956] - Osvetnik : Drama y i chinu iz rata 1918 god.
BOOKS012050I: Mol, Arthur P.J. - Globalization and Environmental Reform: The Ecological Modernization of the Global Economy
BOOKS029160I: Kebrom 'Asafa Mola - YaRaya hezb bahel 'ena tarik
BOOKS025579I: Molbech, Christian [1783-1857] - Om Corfitz Ulfeldt som Landsforræder, og om hans politiske Characteer og Handlinger : Med et Tillæg ..,.
BOOKS019561I: Molbech, Christian Knud Frederik [1821-1888] - Opad! Skuespil i fem akter
BOOKS001148I: Molbjerg, Hans - Aspects de l'esthetique de Diderot
BOOKS023852I: Molde, Bertil - Källorna till Christian III:s bibel 1550 : textfilologiska studier i reformationstidens danska bibelöversättningar
BOOKS027508I: Moldenhauer, Johannes - Ueber das Verhalten des Pancreas, insbesondere der Langerhans’schen Zellinseln nach Gangunterbindgen
BOOKS006930I: Moldoveanu, Petre - Cum se falsifica istoria
BOOKS025749I: Moldow, Harald - Spredte træk fra ventilationsteknikkens begyndelse i Danmark
BOOKS026309I: Molefe, Sono ; editor: [ African National Congress, Women's Section ] - Malibongwe : ANC Women : Poetry is Also Their Weapon
BOOKS003270I: Molenaar, Frieda Jakobine - Seasonal Growth and Reproduction of North Atlantic Red Seaweeds : Strategies, Control and Biogeographical Implications
BOOKS013147I: Molenda, Danuta; & Balcerzak, Elzbieta - Metale niezelazne na ziemiach polskich od XIV do XVIII wieku: (zastosowanie i wyroby)
BOOKS025629I: Molho, Isaac R. - Valeurs et silhouettes israeliennes : suivies de pages oublieés pour la jeunesses et le poyer
BOOKS026765I: Mølholm, Louis [1881-1960] - Finland Før og Efter Revolutionen
BOOKS004866I: Molin, Lars - Psoriasis: A Study of the Course & Degree of Severity, Joint Involvement, Socio-Medical Conditions, General Morbidity...
BOOKS006608I: Molina Ibanez, Mercedes - La produccion de energia electrica en Aragon
BOOKS021831I: Molinari, Ettore [1867-1926] ; & Quartieri, F. [ Società italiana prodotti esplodenti ] - Notices sur les explosifs en Italie
BOOKS027512I: Molinari, Georg - Ueber die schwielige Arteriosclerose und ihre Beziehung zur Syphilis
BOOKS027684I: Molino, Anthony ; & Stern, E. Mark - Elaborate Selves : Reflections and Reveries of Christopher Bollas, Michael Eigen, Polly Young-Eisendrath.,.,.
BOOKS003009I: Molisch, Hans - Die Purpurbakterien nach neuen Untersuchungen. Eine mikrobiologische Studie
BOOKS020059I: Molisch, Hans [1856-1937] - Die Purpurbakterien nach neuen Untersuchungen : Eine mikrobiologische Studie
BOOKS017371I: Molland, Einar [1908-19??] - Das paulinische Euangelion, das Wort und die Sache
BOOKS024086I: Mollat de Jourdin, Michel [ Mollat, Michel ] - Europe and the Sea
BOOKS023232I: Mollat, Michel - Comptabilité du port de Dieppe au XVe siècle
BOOKS018749I: Molle, Francois ; Foran, Tira ; & Käkönen, Mira ; editors : - Contested Waterscapes In The Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods And Governance
BOOKS008322I: Mollenberg, Holger - Die Rhetorik indianischer Literatur: Gedankliche Voraussetzungen moderner Literatur der Indianer Nordamerikas....
BOOKS024219I: Møller, Lars ; printer & editor : - Atuagagdliutit, Nalinginarnik tusaruminásassunik univkat : No.s 1 - 12 : 1906-1907
BOOKS025965I: Møller, Vilhelm ; editor: - Efterklang : Mindre Digte af F. Schaldemose, N. Søtoft, C.J. Boye, C. Wilster, F.J. Hansen, C. Juul, P.L. Møller, C. Trojel.,.,.
BOOKS019447I: Møller, Jens [1779-1833] ; editor : - Theologisk Bibliothek : Første Bind [1811]
BOOKS027117I: Møller, Carl Emanuel [1844-1898] - Naar Katten er ude : Farce med Sange i 1 Akt
BOOKS026005I: Møller, J. S. - Om Kvaksalveri og Kvaksalvere
BOOKS026185I: Möller, Gustav [1884-1970] - Kampen mot arbetslösheten : hur den förts och hur den lyckats
BOOKS030494I: Møller, Eva - Ancient Near Eastern Seals in a Danish Collection
BOOKS021277I: Møller-Christensen, Vilhelm - Leprosy Changes of the Skull
BOOKS006056I: Moller, Kristen - Svineegel. En ostdansk stald: Ordet 'ajle' med sideformer
BOOKS006585I: Moller, Max - Studies on Aqueous Solutuions of the Iron Thiocyanates
BOOKS009788I: Moller, Poul [Moeller, Poul] - Studier over Embolisk og Autochthon Thrombose i Arteria Pulmonalis
BOOKS027144I: Møller, Carl Emanuel [1844-1898] - Sagt op : Dramatisk Situation med Sang
BOOKS020643I: Møller-Christensen, Vilhelm - The History of the Forceps : An Investigation on the Occurrence, Evolution, and Use of the Forceps from Prehistoric Times..,.
BOOKS022841I: Møller, Poul Martin [ Nannestad, Fredrik ] - Sandfærdig Krønike om den norske Spillemand Eyvind..,. [bound together with 5 other pamphlets ca. 1883-1890]
BOOKS002368I: Møller, Poul - a collection of 42 offprints concerning pathological anatomy, ca. 1912-1956
BOOKS026332I: Møller, Jens [1779-1833] - Erkebiskop Hans Svanes Levnet / beskrevet af J. Møller
BOOKS027116I: Møller, Carl Emanuel [1844-1898] - I Haarene : Farcesituation med Sang
BOOKS024390I: Møller, Lars ; printer & editor : - Atuagagdliutit, Nalinginarnik tusaruminásassunik univkat : No.s 1 - 12 : 1907-1908
BOOKS025197I: Møller, Lars ; printer & editor : - Atuagagdliutit, Nalinginarnik tusaruminásassunik univkat : No.s 1 - 12 : 1912-1913
BOOKS018941I: Møller, Erik [1879-1962] - Helstatens Fald Bind I & II
BOOKS024015I: Möller-Wiering, Susan - Symbolträger Textil : textilarchäologische Untersuchungen zum sächsischen Gräberfeld von Liebenau, Kreis Nienburg (Weser)
BOOKS027666I: Møller, Carl - Brudstykker : samlede sammen og tilskaarne saa godt, som han og hans Diam ....- nej - Pen formaaede, da han var over 70
BOOKS005434I: Moller, Otto [Moeller, Otto] [Möller, Lars Otto, (1831-1915)] - Til Forstaaelse og Bedommelse af Nutidens Fritaenkeri.
BOOKS005329I: Møller, Niels - Salmesprog og Salmetyper : En psykologisk Undersogelse af Reformationsaarhundredets Danske Menighedssang til og med .,..
BOOKS029438I: Møller, H.P. [pseudonym of Peter Salomon Martin (1760-1830)] - Ny original dansk Spillebog, indeholdende den fuldkomne practiske L'Hombre=, Whist= og Boston=Spiller, eller Anviisning ..,.
BOOKS003934I: Moller, Anders Monrad - Kobenhavns Handelsflade 1814-1832. En historisk statistisk detailundersogelse
BOOKS017891I: Møller, A. - Kong Märta : Historisk Skuespil i 3 Akter
BOOKS012180I: Møller, Knud Ove [1896-1973] - Historien om den nordiske farmakopé
BOOKS012346I: Møller-Christiansen, Vilhelm - Middelalderens Laegekunst i Danmark
BOOKS019960I: Møller, Bent - The Hydrogen Ion Concentration in Arterial Blood : A Clinical Study of Patients with "Diabetes Mellitus" ..,.
BOOKS021235I: Moller, Adolpho Frederico - As principaes productoras de Borracha americanas
BOOKS022207I: Möller, Anna Elisabeth - Das Kinderspiel in Hessen
BOOKS025791I: Møller, Vilhelm [1846-1904] - Folkeviser fornyede i gammel Stil : En Smule Kritik af Semper Taciturnus
BOOKS007113I: Mollett, J.A., editor: - Migrants in Agricultural Development : A Study of Intrarural Migration
BOOKS012484I: Molmenti, Pompeo - Il Moretto da Brescia
BOOKS016888I: Molmenti, Pompeo - Studi e ricerche di storia e d'arte
BOOKS020429I: Molmenti, Pompeo Gherardo [1852-1928] - Il Carpaccio e il Tiepolo. Studi d’arte veneziana
BOOKS011193I: Molnar, Michael R. - The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the Magi
BOOKS016691I: Molnar, Thomas Steven - Archetypes of Thought
BOOKS025041I: Moloney, Aonghus ; Jennings, David ; Keane, Margaret ; & McDermott, Conor - Excavations at Clonfinlough County Offaly
BOOKS025042I: Moloney, Aonghus ; Bermingham, Nora; Jennings, David ; Keane, Margaret ; McDermott, Conor ; & O'Carrol, Ellen - Blackwater Survey & Excavations : Artefact Deterioration in Peatlands, Lough More, Co. Mayo
BOOKS025019I: Moloney, Aonghus ; Jennings, David ; Keane, Margaret ; & McDermott, Conor. - Survey of the Raised Bogs of County Longford
BOOKS024159I: Molotov, V.M. (Vjaceslav Michajlovic) - Der 6. Weltkongress und der Kampf für den Kommunismus : Rede vor den Leningrader Funktionären der KPdSU, 7. September 1928
BOOKS026020I: Molsdorf, Wilhelm [1866-1939] - Christliche Symbolik der mittelalterlichen Kunst
BOOKS031091I: Moltesen, Mette - The Lepsius Marble Samples
BOOKS005886I: Moltesen, Erik [1899-1926] - Giotto und die Meister der Franzlegende: Ein Beitrag
BOOKS025714I: Moltke, Ludvig J. F. - Bidrag til Geheimeraad Frederik Moltkes Levnetsbeskrivelse
BOOKS007402I: Moltke, Otto - Contributions to the Characterization & Systematic Classification of Bac. Proteus Vulgaris (Hauser)
BOOKS005368I: Moltke, Erik [1901- 1984] - Jon Skonvig og de andre runetegnere : et bidrag til runologiens historie i Danmark og Norge : [volume 2] Skildring og kommenta
BOOKS004536I: Moltmann, Jurgen - Theologie der Hoffnung. Untersuchungen zur Begrundung und zu den Konsequenzen einer christlichen Eschatologie
BOOKS000773I: Moltmann, Bernhard - Militär zwischen Politik und Profession : die brasilianischen Streitkräfte, 1880-1910
BOOKS019393I: Mombauer, Annika ; & Deist, Wilhelm ; editors: - The Kaiser : New Research on Wilhelm II's Role in Imperial Germany
BOOKS014599I: Momigliano, Arnaldo [1908 - 1987] - The Development of Greek Biography: Four Lectures
BOOKS024702I: Mommsen, Wolfgang J. - Max Weber und die deutsche Politik, 1890-1920
BOOKS020496I: Mommsen, Theodor [1817-1903] - Provinces of the Roman Empire : European Provinces
BOOKS030017I: Monachesi, Paola - A Grammar of Italian Clitics
BOOKS030153I: Guilielmus Monachus [active 15th century CE] [ Seay, Albert ; editor : ] - De preceptis artis musicae / Guilielmi monachi
BOOKS004899I: Monaco, Paul - Cinema & Society: France and Germany during the Twenties
BOOKS005152I: Monberg, Torben - The Religion of Bellona Island: A Study of the Place of Beliefs & Rites in the Social Life of Pre-Christian Bellona: Part 1...
BOOKS028080I: Moncada, Francisco de [1586-1635] [ Hernández, Frances ; translator ] [ Sharp, John M. ; editor : ] - The Catalan Chronicle of Francisco de Moncada
BOOKS014975I: Monckton, Charles Arthur Whitmore [1872 - 1936] - Some Experiences of a New Guinea Resident Magistrate
BOOKS029040I: Mondfeld, Wolfram zu - Die arabische Dau
BOOKS027921I: Mondon-Vidailhet, François Marie Casimir [1847-1910] - Études sur le Guragie : Mises en ordre, complétees et publièes d'aprés ses notes par Erich Weinzinger
BOOKS021560I: Money, George Wigram Pocklington - Gurkhali Manual
BOOKS005185I: Mongredien, Georges - Recueil des textes et des documents du XVIIe siecle relatifs a Moliere I & II
BOOKS000732I: Monino, Yves & Roulon, Paulette - Phonologie du gbáyá kàrá 'bódòè de Ndongue Bongowen, région de Bouar, République centrafricaine
BOOKS020233I: European Roma Rights Center / Greek Helsinki Monitor - Cleaning Operations : Excluding Roma in Greece
BOOKS011130I: Moniz Junior, Antonio Francisco - Noticias e documentos para a historia de Damao, antiga provincia do norte. Volume Segundo
BOOKS016547I: Monk, Leland - Standard Deviations: Chance and the Modern British Novel
BOOKS009522I: Monleon, Jose B. - A Specter is Haunting Europe: A Sociohistorical Approach to the Fantastic
BOOKS027889I: Monninger, Rüdiger - Neotektonische Bewegungsmechanismen im mittleren Oberrheingraben
BOOKS017419I: Monod, Paul Kléber. - The Murder of Mr. Grebell : Madness and Civility in an English Town
BOOKS025072I: Comite Central de Camagüey contra Monopolios - a two-page typed letter dated 02 November 1933
BOOKS001330I: Monosov, S. [1893-19??] - Dva vosstaniia lionskikh rabochikh
BOOKS026231I: Monrad, Ditlef Gothard [1811-1887] - Tro, Daab, Gjerning, Tilgivelse
BOOKS025892I: Monrad, Jørgen Herman [1848-1903] - Studier over Grundtvigske Digte
BOOKS008284I: Monrad, D.G. [Ditlef Gothard (1811-1887)] - Om politiske Drommerier [bound together with five other pamphlets by the same author]
BOOKS025526I: Monrad, D. G. (Ditlev Gothard) [1811-1887] - Gjengangeren indeholdende Bidrag til den nyeste Tids historie / udgivet af Selstabet for Trykkefrihedend rette brug
BOOKS000864I: Monrad, D.G. (Ditlev Gothard) [1811-1887] - Tale over Geheime-Etatsraad Carl Emil Fenger holdt i Vor Frelsers Kirke den 26. September 1884
BOOKS008599I: Monroe, Elizabeth - Philby of Arabia
BOOKS017159I: Monsell, Stephen ; & Driver, Jon ; editors: - Control of Cognitive Processes [ Attention and Performance: 18 ]
BOOKS031738I: Mönster, Petrus Joannes - De Dionysii Alexandrini circa apocalypsin Johanneam sententia huiusque vi in seriorem libri aestimationem observationes
BOOKS004339I: Mønster, Carl Christian [1812-1887] - Mindeord fra vor Tid (1812-81) : Trykt som Manuskript, navnlig for Studenterne fra 1881
BOOKS011778I: Montag, Warren - Bodies, Masses, Power: Spinoza and His Contemporaries
BOOKS018049I: Montag, Warren - The Unthinkable Swift: The Spontaneous Philosophy of Church of England Man
BOOKS018115I: Montagne, O.; & Winkler, Johan ; editors: - Doctor Henri Polak : van het vuur dat in hem brandde
BOOKS003523I: Montalembert, Charles Forbes, comte de [1810-1870] - Un débat sur l’Inde au Parlement anglais. Par le comte de Montalembert .,..
BOOKS023487I: Montalembert, Charles-René Forbes, comte de - Discours de M. le comte de Montalembert, pair de France, dans la discussion du projet d'adresse : Affaires de Suisse
BOOKS022750I: Montavon, William A. [ United States, Department of Commerce ] - Wearing Apparel in Bolivia
BOOKS014801I: Montefiore, Leonard A. [1853 - 1879] - Essays and Letters Contributed to Various Periodicals between September 1877 and August 1879, Together with some Unpublished...
BOOKS022098I: Monteiro, George ; editor: - Stephen Crane : The Contemporary Reviews
BOOKS012373I: Monteiro, Maria Inês - Segundo Contribuicão..,./ Second Contribution to the Study of the Diatomaceae of the Lake Nyasa (Mozambique)
BOOKS018553I: Monteith, John Lennox; editor: - Survey of Instruments for Micrometeorology
BOOKS014583I: Montell, Gösta - Dress and Ornaments in Ancient Peru : Archaeological and Historical Studies
BOOKS023768I: Montell, Gösta - Dress and Ornaments in Ancient Peru : Archaeological and Historical Studies
BOOKS019617I: Montenegro, Ministère de la Justice et des Cultes [ Dareste, Rodolphe ; & Rivière, Albert ; translators: ] - Code général des biens pour la principauté de Monténégro de 1888
BOOKS023742I: Montequi Díaz-Plaza, Ricardo - Posibilidades de los aceites españoles de animales marinos
BOOKS009492I: Monterde, Francisco: editor - Bibliografia del Teatro en Mexico
BOOKS004712I: Montfort, Henri de - Dantzig : Port de Pologne dans le passe et dans le present.
BOOKS010685I: Montgomery, Susan ; & Schneider, Hans-Jürgen ; editors: - New Directions in Hopf Algebras
BOOKS006129I: Montgomery, Marion - The Reflective Journey toward Other. Essays on Dante, Wordsworth, Eliot, and Others
BOOKS004147I: Montgomery, Robert L. - The Reader's Eye. Studies in Didactic Literary Theory from Dante to Tasso
BOOKS007499I: Monti, Daniel J. - Race, Redevelopment and the New Company Town
BOOKS031084I: Montluisant, Charles Bernardin Marie de [1820-1894] - 1870 : Armée du Rhin, ses épreuves ; la chute de Metz / Notes cursives du lieutenant-colonel de Montluisant..,.
BOOKS009135I: Montoro, Reinaldo Carlos - O Centenario de Camoes no Brasil : Portugal em 1580 o Brasil em 1880 : Estudos comparativos
BOOKS011133I: Montross, Lynn ; Kuokka, H. D.; & Hicks, N. W. - The East-Central Front [ U.S. Marine Operations in Korea, 1950-1953. Volume IV ]
BOOKS023743I: Mookerjee, Nanda; editor: - Sri Ramakrishna in the Eyes of Brahmo and Christian Admirers
BOOKS003202I: Mookerjee, Radharomon - Occupancy Right. Its History & Incidents. Together with an Introduction dealing with Land Tenure in Ancient India
BOOKS011134I: Moon, Brenda; compiler: - Mycenaean Civilization: Publications Since 1935. A Bibliography [together with: Mycenaean Civilization Publications 1956-60]
BOOKS002544I: Moon, Sun Myung - Science & Absolute Values : 10 Addresses / by Sun Myung Moon
BOOKS016929I: Moon, Sheila - Magic Dwells: A Poetic and Psychological Study of the Navaho Emergence Myth
BOOKS011149I: Mooney, Walter D. & Prodehl, Claus; editors: - Proceedings of the 1980 Workshop of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior on the ...
BOOKS018819I: Mooney, Pat Roy - The Law of the Seed: Another Development and Plant Genetic Resources
BOOKS032008I: Moor, Johannes C. de - An Anthology of Religious Texts from Ugarit
BOOKS014440I: Moore, Allan F. ; editor: - Analyzing Popular Music
BOOKS012081I: Moore, Barrington - Moral Aspects of Economic Growth, and Other Essays
BOOKS012062I: Moore, F. C. T. - Bergson: Thinking Backwards
BOOKS013451I: Moore, Samuel - Historical Outlines of English Sounds and Inflections
BOOKS006149I: Moore, Harriet L. - Soviet Far Eastern Policy 1931-1945
BOOKS027832I: Moore, J. K. - Primary Materials Relating to Copy and Print in English Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
BOOKS015277I: Moore, Sally Falk - Anthropology and Africa: Changing Perspectives on a Changing Scene
BOOKS005287I: Moore, Wilbert E. - Order and Change. Essays in Comparative Sociology
BOOKS001399I: Moore, R.J. - The Crisis of Indian Unity 1917- 1940
BOOKS000752I: Moore, Elizabeth H. - Early Landscapes of Myanmar
BOOKS014941I: Moore, Kathleen M., - al-Mughtaribun : American Law and the Transformation of Muslim Life in the United States
BOOKS004484I: Moore, Philip S. & Corbett, James A. - Petri Pictaviensis 'Allegoriae super Tabernaculum Moysi'
BOOKS029671I: Moore, Robert Samuel - Pit-men, Preachers & Politics : The Effects of Methodism in a Durham Mining Community
BOOKS024714I: Moore, Barrington - Injustice : The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt
BOOKS016485I: Moorefield, Virgil - The Producer as Composer: Shaping the Sounds of Popular Music
BOOKS009498I: Moorhouse, Geoffrey - The Fearful Void
BOOKS002303I: Moorman, Frederic W. - William Browne. His '"Britannia's Pastorals" & the Pastoral Poetry of the Elizabethan Age
BOOKS013837I: Moors, Annelies - Women, Property and Islam: Palestinian Experiences, 1920-1990
BOOKS005772I: Moors, Hein; & Palomba, Rossella; editors: - Population, Family and Welfare : A Comparative Survey of European Attitudes. Volume 1
BOOKS030509I: Moorsel, Hendrik van - Atlas de prehistoire de la plaine de Kinshasa
BOOKS018541I: Moorsom, Richard - Walvis Bay : Namibia’s Port
BOOKS011323I: Moortgat, Anton [1897-1977] - Tammuz, der Unsterblichkeitsglaube in der altorientalischen Bildkunst
BOOKS008837I: Moortgat, Anton [1897-1977] - Einführung in die vorderasiatische Archäologie
BOOKS015383I: Moorthy, K.J. Krishna ; & Rao, M. Prabhakara ; editors : - Descriptive Catalogue of Telugu Paper Manuscripts
BOOKS028793I: Moos, Peter von - Geschichte als Topik : das rhetorische Exemplum von der Antike zur Neuzeit und die historiae im "Policraticus" Johanns von Salis
BOOKS025994I: Moos, Knud ; editor: - Kærlighed - magt og afmagt : essays om kristendom, kærlighed og erotik
BOOKS011427I: Moos, Stanislaus von - Venturi, Rauch & Scott Brown
BOOKS014271I: Moosa, Matti - Extremist Shiites : The Ghulat Sects
BOOKS024316I: Mora-Lebrun, Francine - L'"Enéide" médiévale et la naissance du roman
BOOKS001721I: Morab, S.G. - The Soliga of Biligiri Rangana Hills
BOOKS001081I: Morab, S. G. - The Killekyatha. Nomadic Folk Artists of Northern Mysore
BOOKS019537I: Moraes, Jose Cabral Teixeira de [ Corrêa, Jose Hermenegildo ] [ Furtado, Thaumaturgo ] - Curta exposicao da vida publica do Conseilheiro Jose Cabral Teixeira de Moraes [bound together with 2 pamphlets, ca. 1857-1890]
BOOKS010850I: Moran, Mary H. - Civilized Women: Gender and Prestige in Southeastern Liberia
BOOKS002112I: Moran, Emilio F. - Through Amazonian Eyes: The Human Ecology of Amazonian Populations
BOOKS001593I: Morandini, Giuseppe - I Monti Lepini : Studio antropogeografico
BOOKS023469I: Moranti, Luigi - L'arte tipografica in Urbino (1493-1800) : con appendice di documenti e annali
BOOKS019145I: Moravánszky, Ákos - Competing Visions : Aesthetic Invention and Social Imagination in Central European Architecture, 1867-1918
BOOKS000922I: Moravanszky, Akos [Moravánszky, Ákos] - Competing Visions: Aesthetic Invention and Social Imagination in Central European Architecture, 1867-1918
BOOKS005649I: Moravcsik, Gyula - Studia Byzantina
BOOKS001307I: Morawiec, Jakub - Wolin w sredniowiecznej tradycji skandynawskiej
BOOKS027787I: Mørch-Sørensen, V. ; & Hansen, Philip ; editors : [ Dansk Veterinærhistorisk Samfund ] - Dansk Veterinærhistorisk Årbog : Tredie Aargang : 1936
BOOKS001184I: Morch, Ibi Trier - Senge
BOOKS030595I: Mordant, Claude ; Mordant, Daniel ; Prampart, Jean-Yves ; Bourhis, Jean ; Briard, Jacques ; & Mohen, Jean Pierre - Le dépôt de bronze de Villethierry : (Yonne)
BOOKS017612I: Mordden, Ethan - Medium Cool : Movies of the 1960's
BOOKS013753I: Mordell, Albert - The Erotic Motive in Literature
BOOKS026750I: Mordt, Gerd - Kvinner og Næringsrett : kvinneparagrafene i håndverksloven av 1839 og handelsloven av 1848
BOOKS026849I: Livrarias de Viuva Moré - Catalogo d'alguns livros em segunda mão [together with one other catalogue issued by the same firm, 1868]
BOOKS003182I: More, Charles - Skill and the English Working Class, 1870-1914
BOOKS030170I: Moreau de Montalin, J.-L. [ Pothier, Robert Joseph (1699-1772) ] - Analyse des Pandectes de Pothier, en français : servant aussi de table analytique et alphabétique des matières ..,.Tome I & II
BOOKS013403I: Moreau, R. E. [Moreau, Reginald Ernest (1897 - 1970)] - The Bird Faunas of Africa and its Islands
BOOKS015607I: Moreau, Jacques [1918-1961] - Die Christenverfolgung im Römischen Reich
BOOKS019107I: Moreland, W. H. (William Harrison) [1868-1938] - India at the Death of Akbar : An Economic Study
BOOKS018254I: Morelly, Étienne-Gabriel [ Herbert, Claude-Jacques ] [ Dupont de Nemours, Pierre-Samuel ] [ Jean-Joseph-Louis Graslin ] - Code de la nature ou Le véritable esprit de ses loix : 1755 [bound together with 4 other monographs of the series]
BOOKS001260I: Morentin, Manuel Martinez de - Estudios filologicos : o sea Examen razonado de las Dificultades principales en la lengua espanola
BOOKS011557I: Morenz, Siegfried - Egyptian Religion
BOOKS012489I: Moretti, Franco [1950- ] - Atlas of the European Novel 1800-1900
BOOKS000329I: Moreux, Theophile [1867-1954] - Le probleme solaire
BOOKS012330I: Morey, Ann-Janine - Religion and Sexuality in American Literature
BOOKS001603I: Morgado, Nuno Alves - Aspectos de evolucão demográfica da populacão da antiga província do Congo, 1949-1956
BOOKS025401I: Morgan, Paul ; editor: - Warwickshire Printers' Notices, 1799-1866
BOOKS009859I: Morgan, Nigel J. ; & Thomson,. Rodney M. ; editors: - The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain. Volume II: 1100-1400
BOOKS009481I: Morgan, George Allen - Speech and Society: The Christian Linguistic Social Philosophy of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
BOOKS009761I: Morgan, Susan - Place Matters : Gendered Geography in Victorian Women's Travel Books about Southeast Asia
BOOKS008678I: Morgan, Cecil ; editor: - The First Constitution of the State of Louisiana
BOOKS021687I: Morgan, Ruth A. - Tree-Ring Studies of Wood Used in Neolithic and Bronze Age Trackways from the Somerset Levels : Part I & II
BOOKS006405I: Morgan, Lee - Dr. Johnson's "Own Dear Master": The Life of Henry Thrale
BOOKS018464I: Morgan, N. D. - George Cardwell or, A Month in a Country Parish
BOOKS018146I: Morgan, David ; editor: - Icons of American Protestantism : Art of Warner Sallman
BOOKS017889I: Morgan, J. de (Jacques) [1857-1924] - La prehistoire orientale : Tome I: Généralités
BOOKS011499I: Morgan, Marlo - Mutant Message Down Under
BOOKS004039I: Morgan, Peter E. - Literary Critics & Reviewers in Early 19th Century Britain
BOOKS019544I: Morgan, Lewis Henry [1818-1881] [ New York State Museum ] - Report..,.Upon the Articles Furnished to the Indian Collection [contained in: New York State Museum "Third Annual Report..,."]
BOOKS022079I: Morgan, Marcyliena H. - Language, Discourse, and Power in African American Culture
BOOKS012730I: Morgenstern, Scott - Patterns of Legislative Politics : Roll Call Voting in Latin America and the United States
BOOKS008553I: Moriarty, Michael - Roland Barthes
BOOKS004168I: Morice, G.P., editor: - David Hume Bicentenary Papers
BOOKS010787I: Moricz, Nicholas - The Fate of the Transylvanian Soil : A Brief Account of the Rumanian Land Reform of 1921
BOOKS003592I: Moricz, Miklos [1886-1966] - Az erdélyi föld sorsa : az 1921. évi román földreform
BOOKS031846I: Morillo Cerdán, Angel ; editor : - Arqueología Militar Romana en Hispania II : producción y abastecimiento en el ámito militar
BOOKS010977I: Morin, Harald [1891-19??] - Wikner och tidsproblemet : Rationalistiska och statiska motiv i Wikners senare filosofi
BOOKS010810I: Morin, Jean Baptiste [1583-1656] [ Little, Lucy ; translator:] [ Mason, Zoltan, introduction ] - Astrosynthesis : The Rational System of Horoscope interpretation According to Morin de Villefranche
BOOKS023230I: Morineau, Michel - Jauges et méthodes de jauge anciennes et modernes
BOOKS015270I: Morishima, Michio - Marx's Economics : A Dual Theory of Value and Growth
BOOKS026389I: Morison, Samuel Eliot - The Proprietors of Peterborough, New Hampshire, with some Considerations on the Origin of the Name
BOOKS009750I: Moritz, Manfred - Kants Einteilung der Imperative
BOOKS030252I: Moritz, Mauritius - Offene Antwort auf das Schreiben des Johannes Ronge an die niedere katholische Geistlichkeit mit besonderer Rücksicht ..,.
BOOKS025518I: Mørk Hansen, Mourits [1815-1895] - Slesvigske Tilstande og Stemninger under den tydske Besættelse 1864 : En Dagbog
BOOKS031901I: Mørkholm, Otto - Studies in the Coinage of Antiochus IV of Syria
BOOKS026771I: Mørkholm, Otto - Antiochus IV of Syria
BOOKS002325I: Morley, Henry - Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair
BOOKS010221I: Morley, William F.E. - Canadian Local Histories to 1950: A Bibliography. I: The Atlantic Provinces...
BOOKS019593I: Morley, John [1838-1923] - Studies in Literature
BOOKS006460I: Mörne, Håkan [1900-1961] - Spanskt paradis: En resa i Andalusien
BOOKS013463I: Mörner, Magnus ; & Svensson, Thommy ; editors: - The History of the Third World in Nordic Research
BOOKS008336I: Morner, C.-G. Stellan - Johan Wikmanson und die Bruder Silverstolpe. Einige Stockholmer Personlichkeiten in Musikleben des Gustavianischen Zeitalters
BOOKS024712I: Mornet, Daniel [1878-1954] - Les origines intellectuelles de la révolution française, 1715-1787
BOOKS009053I: Moro, Andrea - Dynamic Antisymmetry
BOOKS022096I: Moroianu, Andrei - Lectures on Kähler Geometry
BOOKS006538I: Moron, Guillermo - A History of Venezuela
BOOKS028716I: Morozzo Della Rocca, Roberto - Nazione e religione in Albania (1920-1944)
BOOKS028656I: Morpurgo, Giulio ; editor : [ Museo commerciale di Trieste] [Camera di commercio industria artigianato e agricoltura (Trieste)] - Guida per il commercio Col Levante : compilata dal Museo commerciale della Camera di commercio ed Industria di Trieste ..,.
BOOKS019324I: Morris, Terence ; & Morris, Pauline - Pentonville : A Sociological Study of an English Prison
BOOKS010916I: Morris, Brian - Forest Traders : A Socio-Economic Study of the Hill Pandaram
BOOKS012657I: Morris, Robert J. & Trainor, Richard H.; editors: - Urban Governance : Britain and Beyond since 1750.
BOOKS006952I: Morris, Norval - Madness and the Criminal Law
BOOKS007952I: Morris, Wesley; & Morris, Barbara Alverson - Reading Faulkner
BOOKS007644I: Morris, R.G.M.; editor: - Parallel Distributed Processing : Implications for Psychology and Neurobiology
BOOKS018870I: Morris, Benny - The Road to Jerusalem : Glubb Pasha, Palestine and the Jews
BOOKS018190I: Morris, Edward Parmelee - On Principles and Methods in Latin Syntax
BOOKS017832I: Morris, Herbert - Freedom and Reponsibility : Reading in Philosophy and Law
BOOKS015174I: Morris, Marcia A. - Saints and Revolutionaries: Ascetic Hero in Russian Fiction
BOOKS016484I: Morris, Benny - The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited
BOOKS027219I: Morris, John Ll ; editor: - Conference on the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations : Held in Dundee/Scotland, June 23-27, 1969
BOOKS005430I: Morris, Wesley - Friday's Footprint. Structuralism and the Articulated Text
BOOKS003909I: Morris, Jonathan - The Political Economy of Shopkeeping in Milan 1886 - 1922
BOOKS003539I: Morris, Stephen J. - Why Vietnam Invaded Cambodia: Political Culture and the Causes of War
BOOKS012514I: Morris, Rosalind C. - New Worlds from Fragments : Film, Ethnography and the Representation of Northwest Coast Cultures
BOOKS022482I: Morris, Rosalind C. - In the Place of Origins : Modernity and its Mediums in Northern Thailand
BOOKS022526I: Morris, Timothy - The Despairing Developer : Diary of an Aid Worker in the Middle East
BOOKS027419I: Morris, J. Li ; editor : - Conference on the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations : Held in Dundee/Scotland, June 23–27, 1969
BOOKS013356I: Morrison, Michael A. [1953 - ] - John Barrymore, Shakespearean Actor
BOOKS015717I: Morrison, David A. ; & Pilon, Jean-Luc ; editors: - Threads of Arctic Prehistory: Papers in Honour of William E. Taylor, Jr.
BOOKS005057I: Morrison, Hedda - Life in a Longhouse
BOOKS001400I: Morrison, Karl Frederick - History as a Visual Art in the Twelfth-Century Renaissance
BOOKS018489I: Morrison, A. D. - The Narrator in Archaic Greek and Hellenistic Poetry
BOOKS020031I: Morrison, Tony - Pathways to the Gods : The Mystery of the Andes Lines ..,. Incorporating the Work of Gerald S. Hawkins
BOOKS029591I: Morrison, Karl Frederick - Understanding Conversion
BOOKS002143I: Morrissette, Bruce - Les Romans de Robbe-Grillet
BOOKS007903I: Morrissey, Susan K. - Heralds of Revolution: Russian Students and the Mythologies of Radicalism
BOOKS004126I: Morrissey, L.J. - Gulliver's Progress
BOOKS010189I: Morrow, James D. - Game Theory for Political Scientists
BOOKS009909I: Morscher, Edgar; Neumaier, Otto; & Zecha, Gerhard; editors: - Philosophie als Wissenschaft / Essays in Scientific Philosophy: Paul Weingartner gewidmet / Dedicated to Paul Weingartner
BOOKS009351I: Morse, Stephen & Buhler, William - Integrated Pest Management: Ideals and Realities in Developing Countries
BOOKS014141I: Morson, Gary Saul - The Boundaries of Genre : Dostoevsky's Diary of a Writer and the Traditions of Literary Utopia
BOOKS010138I: Morson, Gary Saul - Hidden in Plain View: Narrative and Creative Potentials in 'War and Peace'
BOOKS008226I: Morson, Gary Saul; editor: - Literature and History: Theoretical Problems and Russian Case Studies
BOOKS023216I: Mortensen, Peder - Tell Shimshara : The Hassuna Period
BOOKS019355I: Mortensen, Karen Vibeke - Children's Human Figure Drawings : Development, Sex Differences, and Relation to Psychological Theories. Volumes I & II
BOOKS018884I: Mortensen, Erik - Kunstkritikkens og kunstopfattelsens historie i Danmark, Bd. I & II
BOOKS017168I: Mortensen, Ludvig [b. 1815] - En kortfattet Skildring af mit Livs Historie : Tilegnet Venner og Bekjendte
BOOKS005825I: Mortensen, Th. - New Contributions to the Knowledge of the Cidarids I - II
BOOKS026671I: Mortensen, Peder - A Preliminary Study of the Chipped Stone Industry from Beidha : An Early Neolithic Village in Southern Jordan
BOOKS005270I: Mortensen, Enok - The Danish Lutheran Church in America. The History & Heritage of the American Evangelical Lutheran Church
BOOKS001231I: Mortensen, Lars Boje - The Making of Christian Myths in the Periphery of Latin Christendom (c.1000-1300)
BOOKS020779I: Mortensen, Viggo ; editor: - Religion & Society : Crossdisciplinary European Perspectives
BOOKS026767I: Mortensen, Peder - a collection of 9 offprints, extracts, and one typescript, concerning Near Eastern archaeology, ca. 1956-1988.
BOOKS027896I: Mortensøn, Ole - Renæssancens fartøjer : sejlads og søfart i Danmark 1550-1650
BOOKS029762I: Mortillet, Gabriel de [1821-1898] - Travaux originaux : Nouveau caveau funéraire dolménique de Crécy. (Seine-et-Marne)
BOOKS006803I: Morton, Michael - Herder and the Poetics of Thought : Unity and Diversity in 'On Diligence in Several Learned Languages'
BOOKS012802I: Morton, Herbert Charles - The Story of Webster's Third: Philip Gove's Controversial Dictionary and its Critics
BOOKS029053I: Morton & Eden, Ltd. - Important Coins of the Islamic World : London 23 April 2012
BOOKS009892I: Morton, K. W. ; & Mayers, D. F. (David Francis) - Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
BOOKS017905I: Morton, John Bingham [1893-1979] - Camille Desmoulins (and Other Studies of the French Revolution)
BOOKS012067I: Morton, Timothy [1968- ] - The Poetics of Spice: Romantic Consumerism and the Exotic
BOOKS026538I: Morton, Adam - Frames of Mind : Constraints on the Common-sense Conception of the Mental
BOOKS014423I: Moruzzi, Norma Claire. - Speaking Through the Mask : Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Social Identity
BOOKS014210I: Morwood, Vernon S. - Our Gipsies In City, Tent, and Van. Containing An Account of Their Origin and Strange Life, Fortune-Telling Practises.,.,
BOOKS008356I: Mosbech, Johannes - Heredity in Pernicious Anaemia: A Proband Study of the Heredity & the Relationship to Cancer of the Stomach
BOOKS026301I: Moscati, Sabatino - Le califat d'al-Hadi
BOOKS026385I: Moschetti, Andres ; Rigoni, Erice [ Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506)] - A collection of 3 offprints ca. 1928-1930 concerning Andrea Mantegna
BOOKS000875I: Mose, Knud; Hjorth, Louise; Ulfeldt, Mette; Christensen, Erik Rostgård; & Jensen, Anna - Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease. The Late Occurrence of Coxarthrosis.
BOOKS018071I: Moseley, Ray - Mussolini's Shadow : The Double Life of Count Galeazzo Ciano
BOOKS026424I: Moseley, Edward H. ; & Clark, Paul Coe, Jr. - Historical Dictionary of the United States-Mexican War
BOOKS019742I: Moselius, Carl David [1890-1968] - Louis Masreliez : med en inledning om Adrien och Jean Baptiste Masreliez’ verksamhet på Stockholms slott / av Carl David Moseliu
BOOKS030167I: Moser, Ernst - Über die sittlichen Grundlagen der sozialen Frage und das Wesen der Persönlichkeit
BOOKS027988I: Moser, Oskar - Materialien zur Geschichte und Typologie der Getreidewinde (Kornfege)
BOOKS008159I: Moser, Charles A. - Esthetics as Nightmare: Russian Literary Theory, 1855 - 1870
BOOKS015031I: Moser, Stephanie - Ancestral Images: The Iconography of Human Origins
BOOKS022190I: Moser, Fanny [1872-1953] - Spuk : ein Rätsel der Menschheit
BOOKS003061I: Moserova, Jara & Houskova, Eva - The Healing & Treatment of Skin Defects
BOOKS002894I: Moses, Stephane - System and Revelation. The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig
BOOKS014993I: Moses, Claire Goldberg & & Rabine, Leslie Wahl - Feminism, Socialism, and French Romanticism
BOOKS015279I: Mosko, Martin Hakubai ; & Noden, Alxe - Landscape as Spirit : Creating a Contemplative Garden
BOOKS010613I: Mosley, Nicholas - The Assassination of Trotsky
BOOKS011539I: Moslund, Sten Pultz - Making Use of History on New South African Fiction: An Analysis of the Purposes of Historical Perspectives...
BOOKS001724I: Mosqueira, Silvano - Semblanzas Paraguayas, I.
BOOKS009259I: Moss, Jean Dietz - Novelties in the Heavens: Rhetoric and Science in the Copernican Controversy
BOOKS016434I: Moss, Pamela ; editor: - Feminist Geography in Practice: Research and Methods
BOOKS004312I: Moss, Brian - Ecology of Fresh Waters
BOOKS025798I: Mossige, J. - Om Anlæg og rationel Drift af Egeskove til Produktion af Garverbark
BOOKS021450I: Mossman, James [1926-1971] - Rebels in Paradise : Indonesia's Civil War
BOOKS001477I: Mostert, J.W.C. - Studies on the Vegetation of Parts of the Bloemfontein & Brandfort Districts
BOOKS012866I: Mota, Armor Pires - Guiné : Sol e sangue (contos e narrativas)
BOOKS017205I: Motafram, Ervad R.R. [Kohut, A.] [Chandana, Naval D.] [Kharshetjubordi, Acrvad] [Dhalia, Edvad] [Unvala, Jamshedji] - The Religion of Dynamism [bound together with 7 other pamphlets & offprints concerning Parsism, ca.1899-1966]
BOOKS016296I: Motherwell, Robert ; editor: - The Dada Painters and Poets: An Anthology
BOOKS025440I: Motta, José Gomes - Justo por pecador : minuta d'agravo d'injusta pronuncia que, em defesa de seus constituintes, os irmãos Pinto da Cunha, indevida
BOOKS013754I: Mottahedeh, Roy P. - Loyalty and Leadership in an Early Islamic Society
BOOKS020671I: Mottershead, J. ; editor: [ Suetonius ] - Claudius / Suetonius : Edited with Introduction and Commentary by J. Mottershead
BOOKS012141I: Motyl, Alexander J. - Revolutions, Nations, Empires : Conceptual Limits & Theoretical Possibliities
BOOKS015553I: Motyl, Alexander J. ; editor: - Thinking Theoretically About Soviet Nationalities: History and Comparison in the Study of the USSR
BOOKS004691I: Motyleva, Tamara Lazarevna [1910-1992] - Die Jugend im Weltkrieg / T. Motylewa
BOOKS029029I: El Moudden, Abderrahmane ; & Bin-Haddah, 'Abd al-Rahim - al-'Uthmaniyun fi al-Magharib min khilal al-arshifat al-mahalliyah wa-al-mutawassitiyah
BOOKS000365I: Mouelhy, Ibrahim el- - Etude documentaire organisation et fonctionnement des institutions ottomanes en Egypte (1517-1917).
BOOKS013720I: Mouhib, M. ; & El Omari, Z. - Nos plantes medicinales
BOOKS010381I: Moulay Rchid, Abderrazak - La condition de la femme au Maroc
BOOKS024269I: Moule, A. C. (Arthur Christopher) [1873-1957] - The Rulers of China, 221 B.C.- A.D. 1949 : Chronological Tables
BOOKS023058I: Moulier Boutang, Yann - Louis Althusser : Une Biographie : Tome I : La formation du mythe (1918-1956).
BOOKS003930I: Moulton, Harold Glenn [1883-1965] - The Reparation Plan : An Interpretation of the Reports of the Expert Committees Appointed by the Reparation Commission..,.
BOOKS017554I: Mouly, Enric - Éléments de langue occitane
BOOKS022272I: Mounier, Emmanuel [1905-1950] - Vom kapitalistischen Eigentumsbegriff zum Eigentum des Menschen
BOOKS005853I: Mounin, Georges - Semiotic Praxis. Studies in Pertinence & in the Means of Expression & Communication
BOOKS028796I: El Mountassir, Abdallah ; editor : - Linguistique descriptive et didactique de l'amazigh
BOOKS001350I: Mourelos, Giannes [ Mourelos, Yannis G.] - Fictions et réalités : La France, la Grèce et la stratégie des opérations périphériques dans le Sud-est européen (1939-1940)
BOOKS015824I: Mourier, Charles Adolph Dénys - Bidrag til Kundskab om den Behandling forlængst afdøde Digter A.V. Schack Staffeldt har været Gjenstand for .,.,.
BOOKS016267I: Mourier, Athénaïs [1815-1889] ; & Deltour, Félix [1822-1904] - Notice sur le doctorat ès lettres, suivie du Catalogue et l’analyse des thèses françaises et latines admises par les facultés..,
BOOKS017366I: Mouritsen, S.N. - Guldlandet Ofir?
BOOKS020816I: Mouritzen, Hans - External Danger and Democracy: Old Nordic Lessons and New European Challenges
BOOKS004769I: Mourot, Jean - Etudes sur les premieres oeuvres de Chateaubriand : Tableaux de la Nature; Essai sur les Revolutions.
BOOKS006905I: Moussa-Aghali, Fatime - Lexique des neologismes en Hawsa du Niger
BOOKS027036I: Mousseau, Jacques [ Éditions Planète ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed from Jacques Mousseau, chief editor of Éditions Planète to Henry Miller, dated 21 septembre 1967
BOOKS018774I: Mousseau, Jacques [ Éditions Planète ] [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - A typed-letter-signed from Jacques Mousseau, chief editor of Éditions Planète to Henry Miller, dated 1 février 1965]
BOOKS015756I: Moutafchieva, Vera P. [ Mutafchieva, Vera P. ] - Agrarian Relations in the Ottoman Empire in the 15th and 16th Centuries
BOOKS029549I: Mouze, Létitia - Le législateur et le poète : une interprétation des Lois de Platon
BOOKS021489I: Balijan Cultural Movement - The Balijan Cultural Movement Manifesto
BOOKS023738I: Alliance of Black Parents Movement - The Grenada Crisis: Statements Issued by the Alliance of Black Parents Movement, Black Youth Movement and the Race Today..,.
BOOKS016052I: People's National Movement [ Trinidad ] - Manifesto General Elections 1971
BOOKS031620I: Movimento Studentesco Milanese, Comitato per le lotte in Francia - Francia '68 : documenti e testimonianze sulla violenza poliziesca durante le lotte del maggio 1968 a Parigi / a cura del CLF.,.
BOOKS010001I: Movitt, Eli Rodin - Jaundice: Its Pathogenesis and Differential Diagnosis
BOOKS003640I: Movsisyan, A. E. (Artak Erjaniki) - Hayastane K'ristosits' araj errord hazaramyakum : est gravor aghbyurneri
BOOKS031412I: Movsisyan, Artak - Naxamas'toc'yan Hayastani grayin hamakargere
BOOKS013531I: Mowafi, Reda - Slavery, Slave Trade, and Abolition Attempts in Egypt and the Sudan, 1820-1882
BOOKS009216I: Mowincke, Sigmund - The Psalms in Israel's Worship. Volume I & II
BOOKS022793I: Mowinckel, Sigmund [1884-1965] - Studien zu dem Buche Ezra-Nehemia, I : Die nachchronische Redaktion des Buches. Die Listen.

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