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Click on booknumber for full information
BOOKS018206I: Moyal, Maurice - On the Road to Pastures New
BOOKS020983I: Moyar, Mark - Triumph Forsaken : The Vietnam War, 1954-1965
BOOKS005556I: Moynihan, Robert - A Recent Imagining. Interviews with Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hartman, J. Hillis Miller, Paul de Man
BOOKS021716I: Moynihan, Elizabeth B. - Paradise as a Garden : In Persia and Mughal India
BOOKS001405I: Moyse-Faurie, Claire - Le Xaracuu : Langue de Thio-Canala (Nouvelle-Caledonie) : Elements de syntaxe
BOOKS013522I: Mozaffari, Mehdi - Fatwa : Violence & Discourtesy
BOOKS005319I: Mozambique, Companhia Agricola da Beira [The Beira Agricultural Company Limited] - [ A collection of 19 published, typed & handwritten documents & letters relating to Companhia Agricola da Beira, ca. 1918-27]
BOOKS004477I: Mozambique, Colonial Government [ Provincia de Mocambique, Reparticao de Saude ] - Relatorio do Servico de Saude : Anno de 1909
BOOKS014730I: Mozambique, Districto de Inhambane, Governador - Relatório do Governador, 1906 - 1907
BOOKS028137I: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [ Schiedermair, Ludwig von ; editor : ] - Die Briefe W.A. Mozarts und seiner Familie. Erste kritische Gesamtausgabe : I.-V. Band
BOOKS009160I: Mozer, Michael C.; Jordan, Michael I.; & Petsche, Thomas; editors: - Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9: Proceedings of the 1996 Conference
BOOKS018834I: Mpletas, Anastasios - Pax sovietica : Sovietike eirene, ho kindynos tes eleutherias
BOOKS022070I: Mrachkovskaya, I. M. [ Mrachkovskaia, Irina Mikhailovna ] - From Revisionism to Betrayal : A Criticism of Ota Sik's Economic Views
BOOKS008703I: Mrazek, James E. - The Fall of Eben Emael
BOOKS001267I: Mrozek, Stanislaw - Prywatne rozdawnictwa pieniedzy i zywnosci w miastach Italii w okresie wczesnego cesarstwa
BOOKS011250I: Mtewa, Mekki; editor: - International Science and Technology : Philosophy, Theory and Policy
BOOKS020804I: Mu'in al-Dini, Maryam - Tahlil-i mazamin-i ijtima-i dar zarb al-masalha-yi rayij-i Kirman
BOOKS025120I: Mu'arif, Sayyid Abbas - Sharh-i advar-i Safi al-Din Armavi ba muqadmah-yi tarikh-i musiqi-i Iran
BOOKS001875I: Mu'assasah-i Farhangi-i Pizhuhishi-i Chap va Nashr-i Nazar & Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst - Iranian Typography : 50 Years of Calligraphy and Typography in Iranian Graphic Design.
BOOKS020734I: Mu'min al-Qummi, Muhammad - Khatirat-i Ayat Allah Muhammad Mu'min
BOOKS025103I: Mu'taqidi, Rubabah - Guzidah-i asnad-i farman'ha- va raqam'ha-yi Astan-i Quds-i Razavi az dawrah-i Safaviyah ta Qajariyah
BOOKS026537I: Muammer, Binbasi - Sahillerimizde bulunan mevkilerle liman ve sairenin ismlerini gösterir lûgatce
BOOKS018658I: Renu Muanchanchoei - Lokkathat khong klum chattiphan nai Prathet Thai : nithan Thai Song
BOOKS020560I: Me Mia Khai ; & Renu Muanchanchoei - Phasit khamphangpoei læ samnuan Phama-Thai
BOOKS019945I: Al Mubarak, Khalid - Turabi's "Islamist" Venture : Failure & Implications
BOOKS027378I: Much, Hans [1880-1932] - Lipoide und Morphine [bound together with 8 other extracts & offprints ca. 1926-1929]
BOOKS018573I: Muchitsch, Max - Die Partisanengruppe Leoben-Donawitz
BOOKS016237I: Muchow, Reinhold [1905-1933] ; editor : - Arbeitertum : Blätter für Theorie und Praxis der nationalsozialistischen Betriebszellen-Organisation : 2. Jahrg., Folge 12.
BOOKS014267I: Muckle, Friedrich [1883 - 19??] - Henri de Saint-Simon : Die Persönlichkeit und ihr Werk
BOOKS020979I: Muda'is, Ahmad Muhammad - Min bawakir harakat al-tanwir fi al-Yaman : al-majmu'ah al-adabiyah wa-al-suhufiyah
BOOKS011411I: Mudaliar, Pammal Sambandha - Tamil annai
BOOKS021004I: Mudaliar, Chandra Y. - State and Religious Endowments in Madras
BOOKS007726I: Mudarrisi Yazdi, Muhammad Riza - Shiism in Sunnism
BOOKS007860I: Muddhachari, B. - The Mysore-Maratha Relations in the 17th Century
BOOKS003024I: Mudford, Peter - Birds of a Different Plumage. A Study of British-Indian Relations from Akbar to Curzon
BOOKS006064I: Mudholkar, V.V. - Analytical Survey of Isavasyopanisad
BOOKS018646I: Mudimbe, Valentin Y. - Between Tides / Entre les eaux
BOOKS001472I: Mudumbai, Srinivas C. - United States Foreign Policy Towards India 1947 - 1954
BOOKS021063I: Turkey. Vakiflar Umum Müdürlügü - Cümhuriyetten önce ve sonra vakiflar : Tarih Kongresi ve Sergisi münasebetile Türk Tarih Kurumuna takdim olunan rapor
BOOKS010652I: Mueller, James W. - The Use of Sampling in Archaeological Survey
BOOKS025473I: Mueller-Hillerbrand, Burkhart, General [1904-1987] - German Tank Maintenance in World War II
BOOKS007859I: Mueller-Vollmer, Kurt ; & Irmscher, Michael; editors: - Translating Literatures, Translating Cultures: New Vistas & Approaches in Literary Studies
BOOKS009974I: Mueller, Guenther [Muller, Gunther] - Morphologische Poetik: Gesammelte Aufsaetze
BOOKS012076I: Mueller, Friedrich [1834-1898] - Die Sprachen der schlichthaarigen Rassen: I. Abtheilung: Die Sprachen der Australischen, der Hyperboreischen ...[I-II Halfte]
BOOKS015874I: Muenger, Elizabeth A. - Searching the Horizon : A History of Ames Research Center, 1940-1976
BOOKS007815I: Mufid, Ahmad Syafii - Tangklukan, abangan dan tarekat : kebangkitan agama di Jawa
BOOKS014370I: Mufti, Malik - Sovereign Creations: Pan-Arabism and Political Order in Syria and Iraq
BOOKS016473I: Mufwene, Salikoko S. ; Francis, Elaine ; & Wheeler, Rebecca S. ; editors: - Polymorphous Linguistics: Jim McCawley's Legacy
BOOKS031098I: Mügge, Theodor [1806-1861] ; editor : - Illustrirte Kriegsgeschichte vom 1859
BOOKS007145I: al-Mughni, Haya - Women in Kuwait : The Politics of Gender
BOOKS026308I: Muhammad, Elijah - History of the Nation of Islam / as Discussed by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (Last and Greatest Messenger of Allah)
BOOKS003106I: Muhammad, Shan - Khaksar Movement in India
BOOKS019973I: Muhammad, Farah Isa - Dirasat fi al-fulklur al-Sudani
BOOKS020686I: Muhammad, Farah 'Isa - Shadharat min al-mawruth al-thaqafi al-shabi al-Sudani
BOOKS024388I: Muhammad, Farah 'Isa - al-Ibda' fi al-shir al-sha'bi al-Sudani : mithal tatbiqi : al-sha'ir al-sha'bi 'Uthman Wad Jama
BOOKS000941I: Muhammadi, Ghulam Muhammad - Pashtunistan'khvahi : 'amil-i tabahi-i Afghanistan
BOOKS030380I: Muharram, Ismail Abdullah - al-Zira'ah al-badilah lil-qat
BOOKS028729I: Mühlen, Patrik von - Zwischen Hakenkreuz und Sowjetstern : der Nationalismus der sowjetischen Orientvölker im Zweiten Weltkrieg.
BOOKS027790I: Mühlens, Peter [1874-1943] [ Uhlworm, O. ; & Weber, A. ; editors : ] - Bericht über eine Malariaexpedition nach Jerusalem [contained in: "Centralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde...69. Band"]
BOOKS020369I: Muid Khan, Abdul, Mohd. - The Arabian Poets of Golconda
BOOKS016593I: Muir, Edward - Ritual in Early Modern Europe
BOOKS005196I: Muir, Edwin - The Estate of Poetry
BOOKS011109I: Muiznieks, Vitolds ; editor : - Petijumi kursu senatne : rakstu krajums
BOOKS010317I: Mujahid, Muhammad Muhammad - Madinat Ta'z : ghusn nadir fi dawhat al-tarikh al-'Arabi
BOOKS022700I: Mujeeb, S.A. - Islam Prohibits Priesthood : Moulanas a Pest on Muslims
BOOKS002875I: Mujeeb, M. - The Indian Muslims
BOOKS015181I: Mujica, Barbara Louise ; editor: - Women Writers of Early Modern Spain : Sophia’s Daughters
BOOKS030343I: Mujtabá, Muhammad al-Hafiz Bin al- - al-Mawahib al-ludaniyah fi al-shama'il wa-al-khasa'is al-Muhammadiyah
BOOKS012246I: Muka, Ali - Banesa fshatare dhe familja e madhe: tipi me shtepi zjarri ne qender
BOOKS031074I: Mukbil, Mekin, bey, Commandant [1876- 19??] - La campagne de l'Irak : 1914-1918 : Le siège de Kut-el-Amara
BOOKS011253I: Mukeba, Kalonji - Propositions pour gouverner la Republique Democratique du Congo (Congo-Zaire). Tome I: Politique; Social
BOOKS004778I: Mukerjee, Hirendranath - Who Fought for India's Freedom?
BOOKS004717I: Mukerji, Karunamoy - The Problems of Land Transfer ( A Study of the Problems of Land Alienation in Bengal)
BOOKS021776I: Mukerji, Karunamoy - Agriculture, Famine and Rehabilitation in South Asia : A Regional Approach
BOOKS019159I: Mukharji, Prasanta Bihari - The Critical Problems of the Indian Constitution
BOOKS024921I: Mukherjee, Prabhat - History of the Jagannath Temple in the 19th Century
BOOKS006136I: Mukherjee, A. K. [Geological Survey of India] - Hand Book of Iron Ore
BOOKS009027I: Mukherjee, B.N. - The Disintegration of the Kushana Empire
BOOKS008940I: Mukherjee, Sujit - Some Positions on a Literary History of India
BOOKS012618I: Mukherjee, Neela; Jayaswal, Meera; Jena, Bratindi; Mukherjee, Amitava; & Ray, Sudipta - Alternative Perspectives on Livelihoods, Agriculture & Air Pollution : Agriculture in Urban & Peri-urban Areas...
BOOKS004414I: Mukherjee, Ramkrishna - Systemic Sociology
BOOKS012091I: Mukherjee, Prabhati - Beyond the Four Varnas : The Untouchables in India
BOOKS001742I: Mukherjee, Sujit - Towards a Literary History of India
BOOKS001664I: Mukherjee, Haridas ; & Mukherjee,Uma - The Growth of Nationalism in India (1857-1905)
BOOKS003690I: Mukherjee, B., Choudhury, B.C.Roy & Ghosh, D. - The Chero of Palamau
BOOKS000068I: Das, S. R. ;Mukherjee, D .P.; Das ,Asha; Bose,Lalita - A Radiological Study of Skeletal Maturity in Hand- Wrist Area of Bengali Boys & Girls
BOOKS019498I: Mukherjee, Prabhat - History of the Jagannath Temple in the 19th Century
BOOKS021625I: Mukherjee, Bratindra Nath - Origin of Brahmi and Kharoshti Scripts
BOOKS021773I: Mukherjee, Bratindra Nath - Kushana Silver Coinage
BOOKS001489I: Mukherjee, K.N. ; Raja Rao, C.S. ; Chowdhury, A.N. ; Pal, J.C. ; & Das, M. - Trace Element Studies in the Major Tertiary and Gondwana Coalfields of India
BOOKS000123I: Mukhlisi, Muhammad 'Ali [Mokhlessi, Mohammad-ali] - Pulha-yi qadimi-i Iran (Ancient Bridges of Iran)
BOOKS022907I: Mukhopadhyay, Prabhat Kumar ; editor: [ Sri Vijay Chandra Bhattacharya Kartika Mudrita o Prakashita] - Manasi o Marmavani : Patrika & Journal. 19sha Barsha, Vol. 1: Asar, Sravan, Bhadra, Aswin, Kartik, Agrahayan ...,.1334 [1927 CE]
BOOKS017781I: Mukhopadhyay, Ashok Kumar - The Dynamic Web of Supracortical Consciousness : Neurobiology, Neuroscience & Neuropsychology of Twenty First Century
BOOKS004626I: Mukhopadhyay, Prabhat Kumar ; editor: [ Sri Vijay Chandra Bhattacharya Kartika Mudrita o Prakashita] - Manasi o Marmavani : Patrika & Journal. 17sha Barsha, Vol. 2: Kartik - Magh 1332 [ 1925 AD]
BOOKS001078I: Mukhopadhyay, Subash Chandra - Geomorphology of the Subarnarekha Basin : The Chota Nagpur Plateau (Eastern India)
BOOKS022911I: Mukhopadhyay, Prabhat Kumar ; editor: [ Sri Vijay Chandra Bhattacharya Kartika Mudrita o Prakashita] - Manasi o Marmavani : Patrika & Journal. 20sha Barsha, Vol. 2: Bhadra, Aswin, Kartikm, Agrahayah, Paysh, Magh...,.1335 [1928 CE]
BOOKS021199I: Mukhopadhyay, Debabrata [ Santra, Achinta Kumar ; editor: ] - Debabrata Mukhopadhyay : A Selection of his Graphics
BOOKS021873I: Mukhopadhyay, Prabhat Kumar ; editor: - Manasi o Marmabani : Patrika. 18sha Barsha, Vol. 1, 1333 [April/ May - October/ November 1926]
BOOKS021874I: Mukhopadhyay, Prabhat Kumar ; editor: - Manasi o Marmabani : Patrika. 18sha Barsha, Vol. 2, 1333-1334 [ November / December 1926 - October/ November 1926]
BOOKS020312I: Mukhopadhyaya, Upendranatha ; editor: & Bhattacarya, Krsnananda Vagisa ; compiler: - Brhat tantrasarah, bisada anuvada - anusthanapaddhati o yantracitrasaha [Volumes I & II]
BOOKS022365I: Mukhopadhyaya, Samkarananda [ Mukhopadhyay, Sankarananda ] - Studies in Pre-history and Thereafter : Some Aspects of Bengal Social Life
BOOKS019371I: Mukhopadhyaya, Sujikumar - Maitri-sadhana : The Path of Universal Love
BOOKS014652I: Mulae, Sunaidin Ode - Pengantar morfologi : Bahasa etnik kao dan bahasa melayu ternate
BOOKS008412I: Mulalic, Mustafa A. - Orijent na zapadu: savremeni kulturni i socijalni problemi musliaman jugoslovena
BOOKS022265I: Mulasysla (Norður) - Syslufundargjørð Norður-Mulasyslu 1903-1906; 1909-1910; 1910-1911.
BOOKS013060I: Mulder, Jean Gail - Ergativity in Coast Tsimshian (Sm'algyax)
BOOKS003368I: Mulder, Cornelis Jacobus - Geology & Petrology of the Region between Lake Overuman & Tarasjon, Southern Swedish Lapland
BOOKS003325I: Mulder, Cornelis Lambert - Psycho-Immunity & HIV Infection. Biopsychosocial Determinants of Biopsychosocial Medicine. Distress, Immunological Parameters...
BOOKS021291I: Mulford, David C. - Zambia: The Politics of Independence, 1957-1964
BOOKS019692I: Mulgan, Geoff - Politics in an Antipolitical Age
BOOKS011878I: Mullan, David George; editor: - Religious Pluralism in the West: An Anthology
BOOKS006811I: Mullatti, L.C. - The Navya-Nyaya Theory of Inference
BOOKS026094I: Müller, Sigurd Hjorth [1844-1918] - Digte / af Sigurd Müller
BOOKS026350I: Müller, Fritz Ferdinand - Deutschland, Zanzibar, Ostafrika : Geschichte einer deutschen Kolonialeroberung, 1884-1890
BOOKS025777I: Müller, Karl Anton - Weipoltshausen : unsere Heimat und ihr Umkreis von einst und jetzt
BOOKS028388I: Müller, Friedrich [1834-1898] - Zur Conjugation des georgischen Verbums
BOOKS026543I: Müller, Klaus Jürgen ; editor: - Military in Politics and Society in France and Germany in the 20th Century
BOOKS011809I: Muller-Sieverts, Helmut [Mueller-Sieverts, Helmut] - Self-Generation: Biology, Philosophy, and Literature Around 1800
BOOKS012858I: Müller-Rommel, Ferdinand; & Pridham, Geoffrey; editors: - Small Parties in Western Europe: Comparative and National Perspectives
BOOKS012839I: Müller, Hartmut [1938- ]; & Sommer, Karl-Ludwig; editors: - Bremer Arbeiterbewegung 1918-1945: Trotz alledem: Katalogbuch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Bremer Rathaus
BOOKS030460I: Müller, Franz ; & Röll, M.F. ; editors : - Vierteljahresschrift für wissenschaftliche Veterinärkunde [a collection of 113 issues ca. 1851-1885]
BOOKS002547I: Muller, Reinhold F.G. - Grundsätze altindischer Medizin
BOOKS013716I: Müller, Caspar Detlef Gustav - Grundzüge des christlich-islamischen Ägypten von der Ptolemäerzeit bis zur Gegenwart
BOOKS026605I: Müller, Achatz von - Gloria bona fama bonorum : Studien zur sittlichen Bedeutung des Ruhmes in der frühchristlichen und mittelalterlichen Welt
BOOKS011478I: Muller, Otto [Mueller, Otto] - Udkast til lov om borgerlig Naering i Kjobenhavn og Kjobstaederne med tilhorende Motiver.
BOOKS011828I: Müller-Kypke, Arthur - Ueber die ars parva Galeni
BOOKS002842I: Muller, Adolf - Der Galilei-Prozess (1632-1633) nach Ursprung, Verlauf und Folgen
BOOKS012507I: Müller, Mogens - Der Ausdruck "Menschensohn" in den Evangelien : Voraussetzungen und Bedeutung
BOOKS003511I: Müller, Jakob - Die Jugendbewegung als deutsche Hauptrichtung neukonservativer Reform
BOOKS030042I: Müller, Josef - Über Ursprung und Heimat des Urmenschen
BOOKS028131I: Müller-Wirth, Moritz - Die Debatte um die Parlamentsreform in Italien von 1971-1988
BOOKS002376I: Müller, Adolf - Spektrographische Untersuchungen mittels paramagnetischer Elektronenresonanz über die Wirkung ionisierender Strahlen .,.,.
BOOKS028456I: Müller, Friedrich [1834-1898] - Zendstudien IV [ Ueber die Zischlaute des Altbaktrischen ]
BOOKS025550I: Müller-Jabusch, Maximilian - Oscar Schlitter, zum 10. Januar 1938
BOOKS030044I: Müller, Friedrich von - Ueber die Verschiedenheit des Menschen als Rassen- und Volks-Individuum
BOOKS009614I: Müller, Karl Alfred [1854-19??] - De S litera in lingua Graeca inter vocales posita. Scripsit Alfredus Müller.
BOOKS009122I: Muller, Gotthold [Mueller, Gotthold] - Identitaet und Immanenz: Zur Genese der Theologie von David Friedrich Strauss. Eine theologie-und philosophiegeschichtliche...
BOOKS021240I: Müller, Mette ; editor: - Mandolin i Danmark : En udstilling on instrumentets byggere, brugere og betydning
BOOKS012006I: Muller, Jan-Werner [1970 - ] [Müller, Jan-Werner] [Mueller, Jan-Werner] - Another Country: German Intellectuals, Unification, and National Identity
BOOKS018448I: Müller, Christian - Holzleimbau / Laminated Timber Construction : Development, Aesthetics, and Building Practice of a Modern Technology
BOOKS018331I: Müller, Aloys [1879-1952] - Die philosophischen Probleme der Einsteinschen Relativitätstheorie
BOOKS027096I: Müller-Mahn, Hans-Detlef - Die Aulad 'Ali zwischen Stamm und Staat : Entwicklung und sozialer Wandel bei den Beduinen im nordwestlichen Ägypten
BOOKS028455I: Müller, Friedrich [1834-1898] - Erânica
BOOKS016004I: Müller-Seidel, Walter - Probleme der literarischen Wertung : Über die Wissenschaftlichkeit eines unwissenschaftlichen Themas
BOOKS027518I: Müller, Fritz - Darmkrebs-Statistik, nach den Befunden der pathologisch-anatomischen Anstalt zu Basel, vom Jahre 1874-1904
BOOKS028380I: Müller, Friedrich [1834-1898] - Bemerkungen über den Ursprung des Nominalstammes im Neupersischen
BOOKS027759I: Müller, Maya - Samuel Werenfels : Ein Basler Architekt des 18. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS030038I: Müller, Max Vinzenz - Satellite Geodesy and Geodynamics : Current Deformation along the West Hellenic Arc
BOOKS004865I: Muller, Ewald [Mueller, Ewald] - Vornamen als appellative Personenbezeichnungen: Onomatologische Studien zur Wortkonkurrenz im Deutschen
BOOKS002416I: Müller, D.; & Nielsen, Jörgen - Production brute, pertes par respiration et production nette dans la foret ombrophile tropicale
BOOKS003643I: Muller, Franz L. - Die Asthetic Albrecht Durers
BOOKS021849I: Muller, Jean - Bibliographie strasbourgeoise : bibliographie des ouvrages imprimés à Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin) au XVIe siècle : Tome II
BOOKS003084I: Muller, Fred - Thomas Manns Literarhistorische Essays
BOOKS011436I: Müller, Hans ; Loosli C.A.; Marti, Ernst ; et al. - Warum und in welcher Absicht studieren wir die Geschichte der schweizerischen Arbeiterbewegung..,. [together with 14 pamphlets]
BOOKS028396I: Müller, Friedrich [1834-1898] - Der Verbalausdruck im semitischen Sprachkreise
BOOKS023250I: Müller, Irmgard - Die primären Textiltechniken auf Sumba, Rote und Timor
BOOKS022961I: Müller, Nikolaus [1857-1912] - Die jüdische Katakombe am Monteverde zu Rom : der älteste bisher bekannt gewordene jüdische Friedhof des Abendlandes
BOOKS027516I: Müller, Edmund - Über das Vorkommen und die Verteilung des Glycogens in Geschwülsten
BOOKS030465I: Müller, Franz Hubert [ Dr. med. Franz Müller's Sanatorium "Schloss Rheinblick" Bad Godesberg am Rhein ] - Special-Sanatorium für Enhvölmungskuren von Morphium (Heroin, Cocain, etc.) mit dem Bestreben durch völlig zwanglose..,.
BOOKS025778I: Müller, Erik - Om de äldsta människoraserna
BOOKS028363I: Müller, Johann - Kritische und exegetische Studien zu Tacitus
BOOKS028911I: Müller-Wirth, Christof ; & Wagner, Christina ; compilers : - Code Napoleon, Badisches Landesrecht : Wegbereiter deutscher Rechtsgeschichte : Ausstellung in der Badischen Landesbibliothek.,.
BOOKS024341I: Müller, Albrecht [1819-1890] - Die altesten Spuren des Menschen in Europa
BOOKS028542I: Müller, Heribert - Kreuzzugspläne und Kreuzzugspolitik des Herzogs Phillip des Guten von Burgund
BOOKS027010I: Mullie, Jos. - Le mot-particule Z tche
BOOKS019015I: Mullin, Glenn H. ; & Richards, Michael - Meditations on the Lower Tantras : From the Collected Works of the Previous Dalai Lamas
BOOKS004950I: Mullings, Leith - Therapy, Ideology, and Social Change : Mental Healing in Urban Ghana
BOOKS024596I: Mullins, Eustace [1923-2010] - a 7-page typescript titled "Speaking Out: The American Businessman : Fact or Fiction"
BOOKS024600I: Mullins, Eustace [1923-2010] - 9 typed pages [letters, etc] ca. 1951-1968
BOOKS024598I: Mullins, Eustace [1923-2010] - a 229-page typescript titled "Tales from the Shenandoah
BOOKS024599I: Mullins, Eustace [1923-2010] - a 55-page typed fragment of a novel
BOOKS024597I: Mullins, Eustace [1923-2010] - a 277-page typescript titled "Tales from the Shenandoah
BOOKS024601I: Mullins, Eustace [1923-2010] [Pound, Ezra] - 7 items concerning Ezra Pound, ca. 1956-1974
BOOKS024592I: Mullins, Eustace [1923-2010] - 30 typescript poems, all apparently unpublished, authored by Eustace Mullins
BOOKS024593I: Mullins, Eustace [1923-2010] - a 7-page manuscript titled "A Federal Turnpike Authority
BOOKS023809I: Mullins, Eustace [1923-2010] - a 21-page original typescript, ca. 1960s? of approx 20,000 words
BOOKS023808I: Mullins, Eustace [1923-2010] - a 4-page typescript, ca. 1950s, concerning "parasitism" and "parasite people".
BOOKS017533I: Mulloy, Gardner - Advantage Striker
BOOKS017454I: Mulvey, John H., editor: - The Nature of Matter : Wolfson College Lectures, 1980
BOOKS011904I: Mulvihill, John J. - Catalog of Human Cancer Genes: McKusick's Mendelian Inheritance in Man for Clinical and Research Oncologists (Onco-MIM)
BOOKS010677I: Mulyadi, Aras - Hidup bersama sungai : kasus Provinsi Riau
BOOKS030754I: Mumford, S.A. , Lt. Col. - Interrogation of Dr. Haberland, Director of I.G. Factories on Lower Rhine
BOOKS009914I: Mumford, William Bryant [1900-1951] - Africans Learn To Be French: A Review of Educational Activities in the Seven Federated Colonies of French West Africa...
BOOKS022260I: Mun, Thomas [1571-1641] - England's Treasure by Forraign Trade
BOOKS013921I: Munandar, Agus Aris - Hitawasana : Studies on Indonesian Archaeology
BOOKS014472I: Munandar, Agus Aris - Arkeologi pawitra
BOOKS026083I: Munch, Peter Rochegune [1870-1948] - Købstadstyrelsen i Danmark fra Kristian IV's tid til det 18. aarhundredes midte (1619-1745)
BOOKS006197I: Munch-Petersen, Erland - Die Übersetzungsliteratur als Unterhaltung des romantischen Lesers : ein Beitrag zur Rezeptionsforschung
BOOKS030589I: Münch-Bellinghausen, Eligius von [1806- 1871] - Über die älteren Sammlungen spanischer Dramen
BOOKS022794I: Munch, Emerentze Barcley [1786-1868] [ Steffens, Haagen Krog ; editor: ] - Fru Emerentze Munchs optegnelser : efter original-manuscriptet
BOOKS030995I: Munchaev, R. M. (Rauf Magometovich) - Kavkaz na zare bronzovogo veka : neolit, eneolit, ranniaia bronza
BOOKS028983I: Münchhausen, Thankmar, Freiherr von ; editor : - Mameluken, Paschas und Fellachen : Berichte aus dem Reich Mohammed Alis, 1801-1849
BOOKS013032I: Munck, Johannes [1904-1965] - Christus und Israel: Eine auslegung von Röm. 9-11
BOOKS029780I: Munck, Thomas - The Peasantry and the Early Absolute Monarchy in Denmark, 1660-1708
BOOKS030043I: Munck, Émile de [1861-1944] - Les alluvions a éolithes de la terrase supérieure de la Vallée de la Meuse [together with three other offprints ca. 1907-1909]
BOOKS007415I: Munck, Johannes - Petrus und Paulus in der Offenbarung Johannis : Ein Beitrag zur Auslegung der Apokalypse
BOOKS013160I: Munck, Johannes [1904-1965] - Untersuchungen über Klemens von Alexandria
BOOKS003345I: Munck, Victor Celestin Edouard Anthoine de - Geology & Petrology of the Northwestern Artfjall, Swedish Lapland
BOOKS003658I: Munck, J. C. de & Spoelstra, T.A. Th., editors: - Refraction of Transatmospheric Signals in Geodesy. Proceedings of the Symposium,the Hague...May 19-22 1992
BOOKS001668I: Munck, Johannes - Paulus und die Heilsgeschichte
BOOKS004949I: Mundadan, A. Mathias - Indian Christians: Search for Identity & Struggle for Autonomy
BOOKS002154I: Mundal, Else ; & Wellendorf, Jonas ; editors : - Oral Art Forms and Their Passage into Writing
BOOKS023335I: Mundhiri, Jassas ibn 'Abd Allah - Sirw Maghhij : tarikh bayda' Hasa fi al-jahiliyah
BOOKS026048I: Munding, Emmanuel [1882-1960] - Das Verzeichnis der St. Galler Heiligenleben und ihrer Handschriften in Codex sangall. no. 566
BOOKS023427I: Munding, Emmanuel [1882-1960] ; editor : - Die Kalendarien von St. Gallen, aus 21 Handschriften, neuntes bis elftes Jahrhundert : [Vol. 1] Texte & [Vol. 2] Untersuchungen
BOOKS029072I: Munding, Emmanuel O.S.B. - Abt-bischof Waldo : Begründer des goldenen Zeitalters der Reichenau : mit vier Beilagen
BOOKS008588I: Mundle, Sudipto - Backwardness and Bondage : Agrarian Relations in a South Bihar District
BOOKS022783I: Mundt, Marina - Sturla Þórdarson und die Laxdæla Saga
BOOKS014104I: Mundy, Martha - Domestic Government: Kinship, Community and Polity in North Yemen
BOOKS007238I: Munholland, Kim & Betts, Raymond F., editors: - French Colonial Studies / Etudes coloniales francaises. Volume III [1979]
BOOKS009081I: Muni, Jinavijoy; editor: - Dadi Badar Ro Vanayo: Viravana
BOOKS005733I: Muni, S.D. - Pangs of Proximity. India and Sri Lanka's Ethnic Crisis
BOOKS024951I: Cuntaralinka Munivar [ Palacuntaram, Ca ] - Tirupperunturaip puranam [ Cuntaralinka Munivar iyarriya Tirupperunturaip puranam : kurippuraiyutan ]
BOOKS013230I: Munk, Salomon [1805-1867] - Mélanges de philosophie juive et arabe : Nouvelle édition
BOOKS000855I: Munk, Kaj [1898-1944] - Kaj Munks sidste prædiken ..,.[together 3 other items concerning Munk published by clandestine Danish resistance presses, 1944]
BOOKS025555I: Munk, Holger - Jaegerspris faergegaard gennem fire hundrede aar
BOOKS022209I: Munk Olsen, Birger - L'atteggiamento medievale di fronte alla cultura classica
BOOKS025161I: Munksgaard, Elisabeth [1924-1997] - a collection of 13 offprints and extracts concerning Danish archaeology, ca. 1953-97
BOOKS014664I: Munksgaard, Elisabeth - Denmark: An Archaeological Guide
BOOKS004548I: Muñoz Ramírez, Gloria - EZLN : 20 y 10, el fuego y la palabra
BOOKS017550I: Muñoz, Antonio Ortiz - En la otra orilla del estrecho
BOOKS001709I: Munoz Renedo, Carmen - La representación de 'moros y cristianos' de Zújar : cautiverio y rescate de Nuestra Señora de la Cabeza de Zújar
BOOKS025350I: Muñoz Cobeñas, Leticia - Arte indígena actual : historia, problemas y perspectivas
BOOKS011120I: Munro-Hay, S. C. (Stuart C.) - Ethiopia, the Unknown Land: A Cultural and Historical Guide
BOOKS030210I: Munro-Hay, Stuart C. [1947-2004] - Ethiopia and Alexandria : The Metropolitan Episcopacy of Ethiopia [Volume I]
BOOKS030200I: Munro-Hay, Stuart C. [1947-2004] - Ethiopia and Alexandria II : The Metropolitan Episcopacy of Ethiopia from the Fourteenth Century to the zemana mesafint
BOOKS020911I: Munshi, Kanaiyalal Maneklal [1887-1971] - Linguistic Provinces and the Future of Bombay
BOOKS011567I: Münster-Swendsen, Mia - Masters and Paragons : Learning, Power, and the Formation of a European Academic Culture c. 900-1230
BOOKS026817I: Münster, Ernst Friedrich Herbert, Graf zu [1766-1839] - Réfutation des accusations injurieuses hasardées par son altesse sérénissime le Duc Régnant de Brunswick contre .,.,
BOOKS016846I: Munt, Sally ; editor: - New Lesbian Criticism: Literary and Cultural Readings
BOOKS023399I: Münter, Balth. ; & Scharling, Carl Emil - Ved forhenværende Bestyrer af Borgerdydsskolen i Kjøbenhavn Prof. Michael Nielsens Kiste i Frederiksberg Kirke d.16 Februar 1846
BOOKS012077I: Munter, Frederik [Muenter, Frederik] [Munter, Frederik Christian Carl Henrik (1761-1830)] - Om malerier paa vaser og om andre konstvaerker som forestille Memnons histoire
BOOKS022154I: Münter, Carl Vilhelm Theodor - Ved Justitsraad, Raadmand Carl Vilhelm Theodor Münter's Jordefærd i Petri Kirke den 18de Februar 1841
BOOKS004446I: Münter, Friedrich (1761-1830) ; editor : [ Firmicus Maternus, Julius ( fl. ca. 335 CE]] - De errore profanarum religionum : ad constantium et Constantem Augustos liber / edidit Fridericus Münter
BOOKS020461I: Münter, Frederik Christian Carl Hinrich, Bishop [1761-1830] - Om Kong Harald Klaks Daab og den christelige Kirkes Begyndelse i Danmark : Et Skrivt for den dansk Borger og Landmand..,.
BOOKS002611I: Munz, Peter - When The Golden Bough Breaks : Structuralism or Typology?
BOOKS018580I: Münzel, Mark - The Aché Indians : Genocide in Paraguay
BOOKS022826I: Berliner Münzenfreunde - 25 Jahre Berliner Münzenfreunde 1960-1985
BOOKS027535I: Munzinger, Walter - Ueber die neueren Resultate der Herniotomie mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Ergebnisse der sogenannten Radicaloperation
BOOKS030347I: Muoria-Sal, Wangari ; Frederiksen, Bodil Folke ; Lonsdale, John ; & Peterson, Derek - Writing for Kenya : The Life and Works of Henry Muoria
BOOKS026202I: Muqaddam, Ahmad Khalil Allah - Sukhani ba Duktur Faridun Kishavarz
BOOKS007897I: Muqaddam, Muhammad Taqi - Maqasid al-ramil muqadam
BOOKS007471I: Muqaddam, Muhammad Taqi - Majma' al-'alum wa al-haruf: 1) jafr jami'a; 2) 'alim najum; 3) 'ulum gharibat; 4) tibb islami
BOOKS020476I: Nizam al-Din Ahmad ibn Muhammad Muqim [d. 1594 AD] [ De, Brajendranath ; & Prashad, Baini ; translators & editors: ] - The Tabaqat-i-Akbari of Khwajah Nizamuddin Ahmad : Volume III, Part 1. [English Translation]
BOOKS021704I: Nizam al-Din Ahmad ibn Muhammad Muqim [d. 1594 AD] [ De, Brajendranath ; & Prashad, Baini ; translators & editors: ] - The Tabaqat-i-Akbari of Khwajah Nizamuddin Ahmad : Volume III, Part 2. [English Translation]
BOOKS015696I: Muquardt, C. ; publisher : - Revue de Belgique : Seizième Année : Tome L : [ Part 2 ] : 15 mai - 15 aout 1885
BOOKS017846I: Muquardt, C. ; publisher : - Revue de Belgique : Quatorzième Année : Tome XLI : [Part 2] 15 mai - 15 aout 1882
BOOKS027305I: Muquardt, C. ; publisher : - Revue de Belgique : Quatorzième Année : Tome XLII : [Part 3] 15 septembre - 15 décembre 1882
BOOKS016459I: Muquardt, C. ; publisher : - Revue de Belgique : Neuvième Année : Tome XXV : [Part 1 : 15 janvier - 15 mars 1877]
BOOKS000684I: Muquardt, C. ; publisher : - Revue de Belgique : Quinzième Année : Tome XLIII : [Part 1 : 15 janvier - 15 mars 1883]
BOOKS025057I: Muquardt, C. ; publisher : - Revue de Belgique : Dix-huitième Année : Tome LIV : [Part 3] 15 septembre - 15 décembre 1886
BOOKS023273I: Muquardt, C. ; publisher : - Revue de Belgique : Treizième Année : Tome XXXIX : [Part 3] 15 septembre - 15 décembre1881
BOOKS029918I: Muquardt, C. ; publisher : - Revue de Belgique : Dix-neuvième Année : Tome LV : [Part 1 : 15 janvier - 15 mars 1887]
BOOKS030065I: Muquardt, C. ; publisher : - Revue de Belgique : Dixième Année : Tome XXIX : [ Part 2 ] : 15 mai - 15 aout 1878
BOOKS030204I: Muquardt, C. ; publisher : - Revue de Belgique : Huitième Année : Tome XXIII : [ Part 2 ] : 15 mai - 15 aout 1876
BOOKS023350I: Murad, Muhammad Mustafa - al-Ibil : masna hayawi mutatawwir lil-dawa wa-makhzan istiratiji lil-ghidha
BOOKS031845I: Muralt, André de - La mètaphysique du phénomène : les origines médiévales et l'élaboration de la pensée phénoménologique
BOOKS014746I: Murati, Shaban - Cështja e Paqenë e detit : një intrigë diplomatike Greke apo Shqiptare? / The Inexistent Sea Issue ..,.
BOOKS030244I: Murati-Staneci, Jahi - Tyrbja e Preshevës (Monografi)
BOOKS019721I: Muratorio, Maura ; & Kiernan, Grace - Thomas Hanbury e il suo giardino / Thomas Hanbury and his Garden
BOOKS004129I: Murdock, Brian & Read, Malcolm - Siegfried Lenz
BOOKS028379I: Murko, Matthias [1861-1952] - Bericht über phonographische aufnahmen epischer volkslieder im mittleren Bosnien und in der Herzegowina im sommer 1913
BOOKS023725I: Murmu, Arjun ; compiler: - Bala bandhu serenj
BOOKS024613I: Murmu, Durga Prasad - Jor Tiryo Gulachhi Banam
BOOKS006082I: Murmu, Raghunath [1905-1982] - Kherwal bir
BOOKS010023I: Murmu, Siran - Hor'ror t'eyan bhentar r'or ar menuatha
BOOKS022607I: Murmu, Jagannath - Singar sengel
BOOKS006658I: Murmu, Man Sauna - Ol etohob katha
BOOKS018487I: Murmu, Jaganath - Abin do okoy?
BOOKS015130I: Murmu, Gurucharan ; & Das, Amal Kumar - Bibliography : Santali Literature
BOOKS019467I: Murmu, Nathaniel - Ojoy gada dhipre (judasi kahri)
BOOKS019787I: Murmu, Raghunath - Darege dhan
BOOKS020652I: Murmu, Raghunath - Hital
BOOKS020826I: Murmu, Thakur Prasad - Sisirjon-rar
BOOKS021005I: Murmu, Pradhan - Bhandan binti
BOOKS023575I: Murmu, Arjun - Guru Gomke
BOOKS024618I: Murmu, Bhujuram - Bir Birsa Munda
BOOKS017536I: Murnu, George - Istoria românilor din Pind : Vlahia Mare 980 - 1259 : studiu istoric dupa izvoare bizantine
BOOKS018124I: Murphey, Rhoads - The Treaty Ports and China's Modernization : What Went Wrong?
BOOKS014958I: Murphey, Dwight D. - The Dispossession of the American Indian - And Other Key Issues in American History
BOOKS010418I: Murphy, Craig N. - The United Nations Development Programme: A Better Way?
BOOKS010051I: Murphy, George E. - Suicide in Alcoholism
BOOKS017236I: Murphy, Mark C. ; editor: - Alasdair MacIntyre
BOOKS016313I: Murphy, Joseph M. - Santeria: African Religion in America
BOOKS004410I: Murphy, Barbara Thrash - Black Authors and Illustrators of Books for Children and Young Adults
BOOKS000663I: Murphy, Jane M. & Leighton, Alexander H., editors: - Approaches to Cross-Cultural Psychiatry
BOOKS024359I: Murphy, James Jerome - Medieval Rhetoric : A Select Bibliography
BOOKS027952I: Murray, David [1842-1928] - Memories of the Old College of Glasgow : Some Chapters in the History of the University
BOOKS009508I: Murray, Jack - The Landscapes of Alienation: Ideological Subversion in Kafka, Celine, and Onetti
BOOKS008652I: Murray, Dian H. - The Origins of the Tiandihui: The Chinese Triads in Legend and History
BOOKS008623I: Murray, Patrick; editor: - Reflections on Commercial Life: An Anthology of Classical Texts from Plato to the Present
BOOKS008192I: Murray, Timothy - Theatrical Legitimation: Allegories of Genius in Seventeenth-Century England and France
BOOKS015727I: Murray, Colin - Black Mountain : Land, Class, and Power in the Eastern Orange Free State, 1880s to 1980s
BOOKS014616I: Murray, W. H. - Mountaineering in Scotland
BOOKS008757I: Murray, Edward - Fellini, the Artist
BOOKS000961I: Murray, Alison J. [1961 - ] - No Money No Honey : A Study of Street Traders and Prostitutes in Jakarta
BOOKS003486I: Murris, Roelof John - Geology & Petrology of the Gieravardo-Jofjallet Region, Vasterbotten, Sweden
BOOKS020801I: Mursalpur, Muhsin - Tarikh-i Saljuqiyan-i Kirman
BOOKS030335I: Murshidi, Siyavash - Zaban-i Zaza : (Daylami)
BOOKS030237I: Murtezai, Ekrem ; Ajeti, Idriz ; Rexhepagiq, Jashar; Nushi, Pajazit; & Qemajl, Morina ; editors : - Terminologjia Islame : (Tryezë shkencore, Prishtinë, 10 nëntor, 2005) / këshilli organizues Ekrem Murtezai, kryetar ... [et al.]
BOOKS008974I: Murthy, M.V.N. ; Srivastava, S.N.P.; & Dube, Ananda - Indian Meteorites
BOOKS018917I: Murthy, Guruprasad - Discounted Cash Flow
BOOKS015329I: Murthy, V.S.R. - Proprioceptors of the Scorpion Heterometrus fulvipes
BOOKS000483I: Murthy, K. Sreerama - Effects of Irrigation Water Quality on Soil-Rice Interrelationships
BOOKS006076I: Murti, M. Srimannarayana - Methodology in Indological Research
BOOKS015417I: Murtorinne, Eino - Erzbischof Eidem zum deutschen Kirchenkampf, 1933-1934.
BOOKS002355I: Murty, K. Satchidananda - The Indian Spirit
BOOKS002361I: Murty, K. Satchidananda - The Realm of Between. Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion
BOOKS018895I: Murube del Castillo, Juan - Influjo de la lengua inglesa en el español usado por los oftalmólogos / Influence of the Angloamerican Language ..,.
BOOKS018902I: Meenakshi Murugarathanam - Kalki's Short Stories : A Study
BOOKS011280I: Murugayan, M; Araveendan, R; & Tamizvelu, S; editors: [Murukaiyan, Mu; Arabentan, Ira & Tamilvelu, Cu.] - Tolkappiya ayvukal [Tholkappiya Aaivugal]
BOOKS001771I: Murugesan, K. ; & Subramanyam, C.S. - Singaravelu : First Communist in South India
BOOKS031061I: Murukatacan, Kantaiya - Cekai Aliyan navalka : oru tiranayvu nokku
BOOKS029417I: Musaev, M. A ; editor : - Agaxan Agabauli 100
BOOKS020771I: Musat, Mircea ; & Ardeleanu, Ion - Political Life in Romania 1918-1921
BOOKS015710I: Musavifard, Muhsin - Khatirat-i hujjat al-Islam va al-Muslimin Sayyid Muhsin Musavi'fard (Kashani)
BOOKS025659I: Musawi, Muhsin Jasim ; Holt, Elizabeth M. ; et al. ; editors : - Journal of Arabic Literature : Vol XLV ; No.s 1 ; 2 - 3 [2014]
BOOKS029371I: Musawi, Muhsin Jasim ; Holt, Elizabeth M. ; et al. ; editors : - Journal of Arabic Literature : Vol XLVII ; No.s 1 - 2 ; 3 [2016]
BOOKS022620I: Musawi, Muhsin Jasim ; Holt, Elizabeth M. ; et al. ; editors : - Journal of Arabic Literature : Vol XLVI ; No.s 1 ; 2 - 3 [2015]
BOOKS022350I: Musawi, Muhsin Jasim ; Holt, Elizabeth M. ; et al. ; editors : - Journal of Arabic Literature : Vol XLVIII ; No.s 1 ; 2 ; 3 [2017]
BOOKS030584I: Musawi, Muhsin Jasim ; Holt, Elizabeth M. ; et al. ; editors : - Journal of Arabic Literature : Vol XLIX ; No.s 1 - 2 ; 3 ; 4 [2018]
BOOKS019828I: Musawi, Muhsin Jasim ; Holt, Elizabeth M. ; et al. ; editors : - Journal of Arabic Literature : Vol XLI ; No.s 1-2 ; 3 [2010]
BOOKS020225I: Musawi, Muhsin Jasim ; Holt, Elizabeth M. ; et al. ; editors : - Journal of Arabic Literature : Vol. XLII ; No.s 1 ; 2 - 3 [2011]
BOOKS022134I: Musawi, Muhsin Jasim ; Holt, Elizabeth M. ; et al. ; editors : - Journal of Arabic Literature : Vol. XLIV ; No.s 1 ; 2 ; 3 [2013]
BOOKS028688I: Musca, Giosuè - Carlo Magno e Harun al-Rashid
BOOKS004863I: Musceleanu, Vlad-Ionut - România necunoscuta : Vademecum de fenomene si mistere : II [Volume 2]
BOOKS004264I: Musceleanu, Vlad-Ionut ; edior : - Seniorul Munteluui : Dr. Maldarescu si enigmele masivului Cozia
BOOKS004855I: Musceleanu, Vlad-Ionut - Gura de Rai din Bucegi : Dosarul (in)complet al unei enigme celebre
BOOKS001597I: Musceleanu, Vlad-Ionut - România necunoscuta : Vademecum de fenomene si mistere
BOOKS006828I: Musée de l'homme (Muséum national d'histoire naturelle) - Côté femmes
BOOKS025207I: Odense Bys Museer - Fynske Minder [a collection of 31 volumes, ca. 1951-1992]
BOOKS018946I: Medicinhistoriska Museet (Stockholm) - Föreningen Medicinhistoriska Museets Vänner Aarsskrift [Vol. I - 15 (1957-1972)] [ Medicinhistorisk årsbok ]
BOOKS020903I: Moderna Museet (Stockholm, Sweden) - Alternative suédoise / Svenskt alternativ
BOOKS027650I: Deutsches Historisches Museum - Preussen 1701 : eine europäische Geschichte : [Bind I] : Katalog
BOOKS011967I: Setagaya Art Museum [Setagaya Bijutsukan] - Naivety in Art
BOOKS028087I: Newark Museum - Catalogue of the Tibetan Collection and other Lamaist Articles in the Newark Museum : Volume I ..,.
BOOKS028088I: Newark Museum - Catalogue of the Tibetan Collection and other Lamaist Articles in the Newark Museum : Volume 2 : Prayer .,.,.
BOOKS031671I: Estonian National Museum - Pro Ethnologia 7 : Arctic Studies 2
BOOKS018743I: Bernisches Historisches Museum [ Historical Museum, Berne ] - Le butin des guerres de Bourgogne ..,. / The Burgundian Booty and Works of Burgundian Court Art
BOOKS016446I: British Museum - Captain Cook and the South Pacific
BOOKS023067I: Guggenheim Museum - American Abstract Expressionists and Imagists
BOOKS002346I: Slovene Ethnographic Museum - Etnolog 6 [LVII]
BOOKS020829I: Thorvaldsens Museum [ Bjurström, Per : & Thornton, Anne ; compilers & translators: ] - Johan Tobias Sergel, 1740-1814 : Catalogue with an English translation : Udstilling i Thorvaldsens Museum 29. januar- 1. april
BOOKS027317I: International Council of Museums - Illicit Traffic of Cultural Property in Africa
BOOKS027341I: International Council of Museums - Looting in Africa / Pillage en Afrique : Cent objets disparus / One Hundred Missing Objects
BOOKS010091I: Musgrave, Peter - Land and Economy in Baroque Italy: Valpolicella, 1630-1797
BOOKS025920I: Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft / International Musicological Society / Société internationale de musicologie - Acta musicologica : Mitteilungen der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft : Vol. X - Vol. XIII [1938-1941]
BOOKS026627I: Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft / International Musicological Society / Société internationale de musicologie - Acta musicologica : Mitteilungen der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft: Vol. VI, Fasc. I- Vol. IX, Fasc. III/IV
BOOKS006085I: Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft / International Musicological Society / Société internationale de musicologie - Acta musicologica : Mitteilungen der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft : Vol. III., Fasc I- Vol. V, Fasc IV
BOOKS006912I: Musiker, Reuben & Musiker, Naomi - Guide to South African Reference Books
BOOKS019523I: Deutsche Musikgesellschaft - Bericht über den 1. Musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress in Leipzig vom 4. bis 8. Juni 1925
BOOKS029721I: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft [ Einstein, Alfred ; & Schneider, Max ; editors : ] - Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft : 1. - 17. Jahrgang [1918-1935]
BOOKS002150I: Musil, Rudolf - Die Amaterska Jeskyne-Höhle : die bedeutendste Entdeckung der letzten Zeit im Moravsky Kras (Mährischen Karst)
BOOKS006465I: Muslih, Muhammad Y. - The Origins of Palestinian Nationalism
BOOKS029789I: Musman, Asti - Agama ageming aji : Menelisik akar spiritualisme Jawa
BOOKS028393I: Mussafia, Adolfo - Sulla critica del testo del romanzo in francese antico Ipomedon
BOOKS030844I: Mussafia, Adolfo [1835-1905] - Dei codici vaticani latini 3195 e 3196 delle Rime del Petrarca : studio
BOOKS030843I: Mussafia, Adolfo [1835-1905] - Per la bibliografia dei cancioneros spagnuoli / appunti di Adolfo Mussafia
BOOKS028441I: Mussafia, Adolfo [1835-1905] - Reihenfolge der Schriften Ferdinand Wolf's
BOOKS001956I: Mussener, Helmut; editor: - Nicht nur Strindberg: Kulturelle und literarische Beziehungen zwischen Schweden und Deutschland 1870-1933
BOOKS000513I: Mussener, Helmut; editor: - Aspekte des Kulturaustausches zwischen Schweden und dem deutschsprachigen Mitteleuropa nach 1945
BOOKS018451I: Musset, Lucien - Nordica et normannica : recueil d'études sur la Scandinavie ancienne et médiévale, les expéditions des Vikings et la fondation.
BOOKS026819I: Mussinan, Ferdinand Johann Baptist - Entwurf einer allgemein verpflichtenden und angemessen schonenden Heer-Verfassung : Ein neues System zu erfolgreichster Lösung..
BOOKS020839I: Mussolini, Benito - Sugli accordi di Washington e Santa Margherita e sulla politica estera dell Italia : Discorso alla Camera dei Deputati .,.,.
BOOKS000464I: Mustapha, Mukhtarr - Big Game in Africa
BOOKS011592I: Muster, Nori J. - Betrayal of the Spirit: My Life Behind the Headlines of the Hare Krishna Movement
BOOKS013126I: Mustrangi, Meika A. & Patton, James L. - Phylogeography and Systematics of the Slender Mouse Opossum 'Marmosops' (Marsupialia, Didelphidae)
BOOKS022469I: Musy, Jean - Der Landesstreik vom 11. bis 13. November 1918 ..,.
BOOKS002450I: Mutafchiev, Petr - Stari gradisca i drumove iz dolinite na strema i Topolnitsa
BOOKS013401I: Mutafchieva, Vera P.; TSankov, Georgi; & Karabelova, Magda; editors: - Literaturata na maltsinstvata v Bulgariia sled Osvobozhdenieto
BOOKS015759I: Mutafchieva, Vera P. [ Moutafchieva, Vera P. ] - Kurdzhaliisko vreme : [izsledvane]
BOOKS022375I: Mutahhari, Murtazá - Spiritual Sayings
BOOKS013467I: Mutahhari, Murtaza [Mutahhari, Murtada] [1919 - 1979] - The Narrative of the Veracious : Volumes 1 & 2
BOOKS013466I: Mutahhari, Murtaza [Mutahhari, Murtada] - Society and History
BOOKS013291I: Mutahhari, Hamid Riza - Zandaqah dar sadah'ha-yi nikhustin-i Islami
BOOKS014828I: Mutalik, Keshav - Francis William Bain
BOOKS029553I: Muthiah, Wesley S ; & Wanasinghe, Sydney - Britain, World War 2 & the Sama Samajists : A Study of the Documents Contained in the Secret Files ..,.
BOOKS013387I: Mutius, Hans-Georg von - Rechtsentscheide Raschis aus Troyes : (1040-1105) : Quellen über die sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen Juden..,
BOOKS012619I: Mutizwa-Mangiza, Dorothy - Doctors and the State : the Struggle for Professional Control in Zimbabwe
BOOKS023282I: Muttaiya, Mullai Pi. El. - Manaiyati castiram : castirappati vitu kattuvatu eppati?
BOOKS020589I: Muttukkavinar [ Venukopalan, Va. ; editor: ] - Atirupavati kalyanam : Tamil icai nattiya natakam
BOOKS021490I: Muttungal, Anand ; Najmi, Mohammed ; & Herdenia, Amrish - Is Conversion a Grace from God or a Punishment by Law : A Handbook to Study the Issue of Religious Conversion
BOOKS020582I: Mutturatna Mutaliyar, S. ; editor: - Nammalvar tiruttalattu
BOOKS007149I: Muus, Bent J. - The Fauna of Danish Estuaries & Lagoons.Distribution & Ecology of Dominating Species in the Shallow Reaches of...Mesohaline Zone
BOOKS017380I: Muusmann, Carl [1863-1936] - Snehvide : En Hverdagsfortælling
BOOKS029786I: Kau Muythan - Seckti phtoem nai niti Khmaer / Introduction to Cambodian Law / riaprian toy Kau Muythan ..,. [et al.]
BOOKS021725I: Muytjens, Emile Emanuel - Onderzoekingen over de hemolyse van erytrocieten van tocoferoldeficiënte kuikens
BOOKS005092I: Muzayyan al-Saltanah, Maryam ; & Kahhal, Banu ; editors: [ Kitabkhanah-i Milli-i Jumhuri-i Islami-i Iran ] - Shukufah : bih inzimam-i Danish : nukhustin ruznamah va majallah-i zanan-i Iran
BOOKS024892I: Néprajzi Múzeum (Hungary) [ Kohara, Toshihiro ; & Wilhelm, Gábor ] - Budapesuto Minzokugaku Hakubutsukan shozo Baratoshi Barogu korekushon chosa hokokusho /..,.Baráthosi Balogh Collection Catalogue
BOOKS012268I: Muzhlekova, Mariia - Edinstvoto na starobulgarskiia ezik na leksikalno ravnishte
BOOKS031674I: Lietuvos Nacionalinis muziejus - Numizmatika 6 : Metrastis 2005
BOOKS031676I: Lietuvos Nacionalinis muziejus - Numizmatika 2 - 3 : Metrastis 2001 - 2002
BOOKS031673I: Lietuvos Nacionalinis muziejus - Numizmatika 9 - 12 : Metrastis 2008 - 2011
BOOKS031677I: Lietuvos Nacionalinis muziejus - Numizmatika 7 - 8 : Metrastis 2006 - 2007
BOOKS031678I: Lietuvos Nacionalinis muziejus - Numizmatika 13 - 17 : Metrastis 2012 - 2016
BOOKS031675I: Lietuvos Nacionalinis muziejus - Numizmatika 4 -5 : Metrastis 2003 - 2004
BOOKS015107I: Mwenegoha, Hamza A. K. - Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere : A Bio-Bibliography
BOOKS000671I: Mydel, Rajmund - Diurnal Transformations of Demographical & Social Space of Tokyo
BOOKS015229I: Myerhoff, Barbara G. - Peyote Hunt: The Sacred Journey of the Huichol Indians
BOOKS006757I: Myers, W. David - Poor, Sinning Folk" : Confession and Conscience in Counter-Reformation Germany
BOOKS003399I: Myers, W.M. & Anderson, C.O. - Garnet: Its Mining, Milling & Utilization
BOOKS002857I: Myers, Robert H. - Self-Governance and Cooperation
BOOKS012238I: Myers, J. Wilson; Myers, Eleanor Emlen; Cadogan, Gerald; Gifford, John A.; Alexiou, Stylianos - The Aerial Atlas of Ancient Crete
BOOKS022261I: Myers, Earl H. - The Life History of Patellina corrugata Williamson, a Foraminifer
BOOKS001417I: Mygind, Jorgen - Studier over Traebrand. Med saerlig henblik paa eksperimentelle Undersogelser vedrorende Forbraending af Fyrretrae
BOOKS019940I: Myking, Marit - Vart Noreg kristna frå England? : ein gjennomgang av norsk forsking med utgangspunkt i Absalon Tarangers avhandling ..,.
BOOKS019846I: Mylius-Erichsen, L. - Tatere : Skuespil i to Akter
BOOKS026000I: Mynster, Jakob Peter [1775-1854] - Yderligere Bidrag til Forhandlingerne om de kirkelige Forhold i Danmark
BOOKS029539I: Myrdal, Janken [ Perlinge, Anders ; editor : ] - Landbon, ladan och lagen och hägnaderna, arbetstiden och bygdelaget : samt ytterligare 20 agrarhistoriska artiklar
BOOKS008221I: Mysliwiec, Eva - Punishing the Poor : The International Isolation of Kampuchea
BOOKS030874I: Mytsyk, Vadym - Sviashchenna kraïna khliborobiv : mista i selyshcha Trypil's'koï tsyvilizatsiï u mizhrichchi Pivdennoho Buhu i Dnipra ta okolyts
BOOKS015991I: Nabhan, Gary Paul - Enduring Seeds : Native American Agriculture and Wild Plant Conservation
BOOKS009564I: Nabhani, Taqi al-Din [ an-Nabhani, Taqiuddin ] - Presence of Mind (Sur'at ui - Badeehah)
BOOKS016609I: Nabhani, Taqi al-Din [ an-Nabhani, Taqiuddin ] - The Islamic State
BOOKS006019I: Nablow, Ralph A. - The Addisonian Tradition in France. Passion & Objectivity in Social Observation
BOOKS015703I: Nabokov, Isabelle - Religion Against the Self: An Ethnography of Tamil Rituals
BOOKS012316I: Nachev, Ivan & Sultanov, Aleksandur - Sedimentologiia na gornata kreda v Bulgariia
BOOKS011051I: Nachev, Ivan K.; & Nachev, Chavdar I. - Pobitite Kameni": Bakterialno - vodoraslovi koloni
BOOKS025388I: Basler Nachrichten - Extra-Blatt der Basler Nachrichten. Montag 7. Mai 1945
BOOKS024039I: Nachtigal, Gustav [1834-1885] - Sahara und Sudan : Ergebnisse sechsjähriger Reisen in Afrika : I - III Band.
BOOKS026624I: Nachtigall, Horst - Tierradentro : Archäologie und Ethnographie einer kolumbianschen Landschaft
BOOKS004972I: Biblioteca Nacional (Spain) [ Soto de Lanuza, José María ] - La biblioteca de órgano de Gerard A.C. de Graaf
BOOKS019884I: Näcke, Paul [1851-1913] - Über die sogenannte "moral insanity
BOOKS027973I: Nackunstz, Brigitte - Diterpene im Kaffee
BOOKS022058I: Nadaillac, Jean-Francois-Albert du Pouget, marquis de [1818-1904] - La station préhistorique de Lengyel (Hongrie)
BOOKS002276I: Naday, Karoly ; & Safran, Gyorgy - Torteneti Kutatasok Kufsteinban.../ Historische Forschungen in Kufstein. Die Gefangenschaft von Gergely Czuczor
BOOKS004808I: Nadeau, Robert - Readings From the New Book of Nature. Physics and Metaphysics in the Modern Novel
BOOKS023893I: Nadel, S. F. (Siegfried Frederick) [1903-1956] - A Black Byzantium : The Kingdom of Nupe in Nigeria
BOOKS028338I: Nadel, Siegfried Frederick [1903-1956] - Marimba-Musik
BOOKS014471I: Nader, Laura - Life of the Law: Anthropological Projects
BOOKS006676I: Nadim, 'Abd Allah - Min malamih hukm al-'askar wa-al-'askarah fi Misr al-mu'asirah : al-tankit wa-al-tabkit fi masalat suqut 'amm 'Atiyah al-Sirafi
BOOKS024560I: Nadimi [active 15th century CE] ; Tabarsi, al-Fadl ibn al-Hasan ; Rahbar, Hamid ; Ruhani, Fatimah - Manzumah-'i Nasr-i al-la'ali : Ganj-i gawhar / surudah-i Nadimi ; tashih-i Hamid Rahbar, Fatimah Ruhani
BOOKS007844I: Nadiri, Mahmud - Chirik'ha-yi Fadayi-i Khalq [Volumes 1 & 2]
BOOKS015167I: Nadler, Steven M. ; editor: - The Cambridge Companion to Malebranche
BOOKS008435I: Nadwi, Abul Hasan - Qadianism: A Critical Study
BOOKS026923I: Nadwi, Abu Bakr Amir-uddin [ Nadvi, Abu Bakr Amiruddin Tibbati ] - Tibet and Tibetan Muslims
BOOKS027425I: Naert, Émilienne - Mémoire et conscience de soi selon Leibniz
BOOKS015500I: Naeser, Margaret A. - Outline Guide to Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines in Pill Form : With Sample Pictures of the Boxes.
BOOKS020654I: Naesgaard, Ole - Saint-Jacques de Compostelle et les débuts de la grande sculptures vers 1100
BOOKS000395I: Naess, Harald S. and Skard, Sigmund, editors: - Studies in Scandinavian-American Interrelations. Dedicated to Einar Haugen
BOOKS024478I: Næss, Arne - Anklagene mot vitenskapen
BOOKS030238I: Nafia, Aziza - Adfl d imttin k kra yaän : Nouvelles
BOOKS002870I: Nafziger, Ralph O. & White, David M., editors: - Introduction to Mass Communications Research
BOOKS015610I: Nag, Moni - Factors Affecting Human Fertility in the Nonindustrial Societies : A Cross-Cultural Study.
BOOKS002724I: Nagappan, M.; Machado, J. Thomas; Nandagopal, N. Sukumar & Thangaraju, M. - Survey Report on Village Visavanoor
BOOKS011398I: Nagaraja, K.S. - Konyak - Hindi - English Dictionary
BOOKS023384I: Nagaraja, K.S. - Konyak Grammar
BOOKS008882I: Nagaraja, K.S. - Khasi Phonetic Reader
BOOKS003913I: Nagashima, Yoichi - Objective Description of the Self : The Literary Theory of Iwano Homei
BOOKS030046I: Nagaswamy, R. [ Nakacami, Ira ] - Roman Karur : A Peep into Tamils' Past
BOOKS009655I: Nagel, Ernest - The Structure of Science: Problems in the Logic of Scientific Explanations
BOOKS017860I: Nagel, Ernest - Principles of the Theory of Probability
BOOKS005025I: Nagel, Ivan - Autonomie und Gnade : über Mozarts Opern
BOOKS016055I: Nagel, Thomas, 1937- - Whar Does It All Mean? : A Very Short Introduction to Philosophy
BOOKS000349I: Nagel, Ernest ; & Newman, James Roy - Gödel’s Proof
BOOKS008269I: Nagesabhatta [fl. 1670-1750 AD] [ Sukla, Kalikaprasada ; editor: ] - Vaiyakaranasiddhantamañjusa / Nagesabhattaviracita ; sampadakah Kalikaprasadasuklah
BOOKS027926I: Nagl, Ludwig - Gesellschaft und Autonomie : historisch-systematische Studien zur Entwicklung der Sozialtheorie von Hegel bis Habermas
BOOKS028307I: Nagl, Alfred - Die Rechentafel der Alten
BOOKS028169I: Nagler, Michael N. - Spontaneity and Tradition : A Study in the Oral Art of Homer
BOOKS000463I: Nagy, Laszlo J. - La Naissance et le developpement du Mouvement de Liberation Nationale en Algerie,(1919-1947).
BOOKS004159I: Nagy, Gabor O. - Abriss einer funktionellen Semantik
BOOKS018187I: Nagybákay, Péter - Summoning Tablets of Guilds in Hungary
BOOKS009325I: Nahaylo, Bohdan - The Ukrainian Resurgence
BOOKS023571I: Nahham, 'Abd Allah Muhsin Fadil - Athar hijrat al-Imam Wajih al-Din ibn Sufyan fi al-Dali'
BOOKS030572I: Bao tàng Dong Nai - Nghi và van cúng chu Hán o thành phó Biên Hòa
BOOKS030527I: Nhà Bao Tàng Dông Nai - Lich su va van hóa : Cù Lao Phô
BOOKS002155I: Naidakov, Vasilii TSyrenovich - Buriatskaia dramaturgiia, istorkio-literaturnyi i kriticheskii ocherk
BOOKS015691I: Naiden, James R. - The Sphera of George Buchanan, 1506-1582 : A Literary Opponent of Copernicus and Tycho Brahe.
BOOKS002029I: Naidu, Thalapaneni Subramanyam - Growth & Development of Tirumala-Tirupati as a Dimension of Indian Civilization
BOOKS002343I: Naidu, B.R. Purushothama, editor: - Tiruvaymoli. Ittu - P - Pravesa Sangrauam
BOOKS004015I: Naik, Zakir - Similarities between Hinduism and Islam
BOOKS021048I: Nainar, Muhammed Husayn ; translator: [ Muhammad Karim (b. 1780 AD)] - Sawanihat-i-mumtaz [Part II] : From the Death of 'Umdatul-Umara Bahadur Nawwab Walajah II to Regency of Nawwab Azim Jah Bahadur
BOOKS011382I: Nair, Adoor K.K. Ramachandran - Slavery in Kerala
BOOKS008886I: Nair, Usha - Gujarati Phonetic Reader
BOOKS018764I: Nair, N. C. ; Henry, A. N. (Ambrose Nathaniel); Chitra, V. ; & Balakrishnan, N.P. - Flora of Tamil Nadu, India : Analysis. Volumes I - III
BOOKS012527I: Nair, Ramchandran [1948- ] - Social and Cultural History of Colonial Kerala
BOOKS029347I: Naït-Zerrad, Kamal - Tajerrumt n tmaziyt tamirant (taqbaylit) : II : taseddast / Grammaire du Berbère contemporain (Kabyle): II : Syntaxe
BOOKS019548I: Najafi, 'Ali Muhammad - Lughat va istilahat-i Il-i 'Arab
BOOKS021566I: Najafi, 'Ali Muhammad - Vaqayi-i Ilat-i khamsah : [pizhuhishi dar tabarshinasi-i il-i 'Arab-i Jabbarah va Shaybani]
BOOKS030368I: Najafi, Seyed Iman Nuri - Tarkash-i ha-yi qalam / Shrapnel of Pen
BOOKS009893I: Najahi, Mohamed Laziz - Irak: Histoire d'une industrialisation
BOOKS003797I: Najar, G.R. - Kashmir Accord (1975). A Political Analysis
BOOKS028845I: Naji-el Mekkaoui, Rajaa - La Moudawanah (Code Marocain de la Famille) : Le Référentiel et le Conventionnel en Harmonie : Tome 1 : Mariage et la Filiation
BOOKS011344I: Naji, Muhammad Yusuf - Risalah dar padishahi-i Safavi
BOOKS028846I: Naji-el Mekkaoui, Rajaa - La Moudawanah (Code Marocain de la Famille) : Le Référentiel et le Conventionnel en Harmonie: Tome 2 : La Dissolution du Mariage
BOOKS009205I: Naji, Hilal - Abu Hiffan, sha'ir 'Abd al-Qays fi al-'Asr al-'Abbasi : hayatuhu wa-diwanuh
BOOKS028879I: Najib, Rachid - Tawgrat
BOOKS004332I: Najjar, 'Abd al-Wahhab Hamdi - Siyasat al-tijarah al-kharijiyah fi al-Iraq fi fatrat ma ba'da al-'arb al-'Alamiyah al-Thaniyah.
BOOKS003725I: Nakamura, Hajime - Japan & Indian Asia. Their Cultural Relations in the Past & Present
BOOKS010259I: Nakamura, Shuji & Chichibu, Shigefusa F.; editors: - Introduction to Nitride Semiconductor Blue Lasers and Light Emitting Diodes
BOOKS024818I: Nakaracan, Pa Ve - Nakai Kanakacapainatan ula
BOOKS016288I: Nakash, Yitzhak - The Shi'is of Iraq
BOOKS014236I: Nakayama, Toshihide - Nuuchahnulth (Nootka) Morphosyntax
BOOKS013111I: Nakayama, Mineharu ; Mazuka, Reiko ; Shirai, Yasuhiro ; & Li, Ping ; editors: - The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics : Volume 2, Japanese
BOOKS014381I: Nakicenovic, Nebojsa ; editor: - Special Report on Emissions Scenarios : A Special Report of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
BOOKS022975I: Nakip, Mahir [ Makeeb, Mustafa ; editor: ] - The Historical and Cultural Identity of Kirkuk
BOOKS023034I: Nakip, Mahir - Kerkük Türk halk müzigi
BOOKS014679I: Parti Communiste du Viet Nam [Dang cong san Viet Nam] - IVe Congres National: Documents
BOOKS023976I: Chang Sa-Nam - The Acupuncture & Moxibustion Research for Lumbago and Sciatica
BOOKS030524I: Hoàng Nam - The Nùng Ethnic Group of Viêt Nam
BOOKS030508I: Hôi van nghê dân gian Viêt Nam [Vietnamese Folklore Association] - Giu gìn và phát huy tài san van hóa các dân tôc o Tây Bác và Tây Nguyên
BOOKS011386I: Namasivayam, S. - Tamilar unavu
BOOKS018811I: Nambiar, P. K. - Druggets and Carpets of Walajapet
BOOKS020948I: Nambiar, P.K. ; Jagannathan, R. ; & Ramanathan, J. R. - Art Metal Wares of Tanjavur [ Handicrafts & Artisans of Madras State, III ] [Census of India 1961. Volume IX, Pt. VII-A, 3]
BOOKS015129I: Namboodiri, Govindan V. - Srauta Sacrifices in Kerala
BOOKS021480I: Namboodiri, E.V.N. [ Namputiri, I. Vi. En. ] - A Brief History of Malayalam Language
BOOKS008071I: Namishray, Mohandas - Aag aur aandolan
BOOKS009858I: Namitok, Aytek - Origenes des Circassiens. Premiere Partie
BOOKS011131I: Namju, 'Abbas - Bana'ha-yi chahar taqi-i Iran : (ba ta'kid bar mutun-i Islami-i sadah'ha-yi sivvum ta nuhum-i hijri-i qamari va mutala'at-i ..,.
BOOKS023355I: Namnam, Hilmi an- - Walimah li-irhab al-dini
BOOKS025295I: Namyslowski, Wladyslaw - Zarys serbskiego prawa majatkowego w wiekach srednich
BOOKS029816I: Ja Nan [ Chea Neang ] - Sarà samkhan nai kpâc lamqa rapás upakarn nin sambharà proeprâs knun jivabhab Khmaer
BOOKS031399I: Nanavati, Rajendra I. - Secondary Tales of the Two Great Epics
BOOKS030272I: Nancke-Krogh, Søren - Shamanens Hest : Tro og magt hos vikingerne
BOOKS012569I: Nanda, J. Kay & Palli, B.K. [Kamili, M.H.; editor:] - Village Survey Monograph of Sudhmhadev (Tehsil & District Udhampur) [Census of India 1961:Jammu & Kashmir]
BOOKS009830I: Nanda, Ved P. & Sinha, Surya Prakash; editors: - Hindu Law and Legal Theory
BOOKS017034I: Nanda, Bal Ram - Gandhi and His Critics
BOOKS005302I: Nandan, Anshu Prokash - The Nicobarese of Great Nicobar. An Ethnography
BOOKS001038I: Nandi, Santibhusan, et al - Life and Culture of the Mala Ulladan
BOOKS000884I: Nandi, N.C. and Misra, A. - Bibliography of the Indian Sundarbans with Special Reference to Fauna
BOOKS020473I: Nandi, Sudhirakumara - Studies in Modern Indian Aesthetics / S. K. Nandi
BOOKS021619I: Nandi, Tapasvi S. - The Origin and Development of the Theory of Rasa and Dhvani in Sanskrit Poetics
BOOKS027168I: Nandi, Tapasvi - Abhidha
BOOKS008506I: Nandy, Raj - Squatters: Human Resource Dimension. The Case of Faridabad: A 'Ringtown' of National Capital Region
BOOKS023086I: Nanekar, K. R. ; & Khandewale, S. V. - Bhoodan and the Landless
BOOKS006437I: Nanjaiah, R. - A Linguistic Study of Errors In the Written English of the PUC Students with Kannada Mothertongue
BOOKS021096I: Nanjundappa, D.M. (Dogganhal Mahadevappa) - Resale Price Maintenance in a Developing Economy : 1. Origin and Extent
BOOKS026040I: Nansen, Fridtjof [1861-1930] - Norge og foreningen med Sverige
BOOKS024823I: Nantakumar, Mu - Citta vaittiya muraikal
BOOKS024828I: Nantakumar, Mu - Tanvantari erantat tailam
BOOKS024822I: Nantakumar, Mu - Akkalattuc Citta vaittiyap palamuraikal
BOOKS007867I: Napaljarri ; Rockman, Peggy ; & and Cataldi, Lee ; editors & translators: - Yimikirli: Warlpiri Dreamings and Histories.
BOOKS013969I: Napier, A. David. - Foreign Bodies: Performance, Art, and Symbolic Anthropology
BOOKS022649I: Napoli, Filippo - Storia della città di Mazara
BOOKS018236I: Naqavi, Ali Muhammad - Islam and Nationalism
BOOKS023336I: Naqd, Samir Muhammad 'Ubayd - Ghulam Allah ibn 'Ayid wa-atharuhu fi al-Sudan
BOOKS029318I: Naqdi, Riza ; & Qiyami Mir Husayni, Jalal ; editors : - Jughrafiya va nufus-i Khurasan dar 'asr-i Nasiri / tahqiq va tashih, Riza Naqdi
BOOKS012124I: Naqvi, Hameeda Khatoon [1928- ] - Urbanisation and Urban Centres under the Great Mughals, 1556-1707; An Essay in Interpretation. Volume I.
BOOKS030029I: Narain, Goretti - Taaltalent in ontwikkeling : een studie naar het Papiamentu en het Nederlands in de kleuterperiode op Curaçao en in Nederland
BOOKS007232I: Narain, Dharm - Studies on Indian Agriculture
BOOKS006200I: Narain, A.K. & Singh, Purushottam, editors: - Seminar Papers on the Problem of Megaliths in India
BOOKS004546I: Narain, Harsh - Myths of Composite Culture and Equality of Religions
BOOKS006049I: Narain, A.K. ; & Gopal, Lallanji ; editors : - Seminar Papers on the Chronology of the Punch-marked Coins
BOOKS002495I: Narang, Satya Pal - Kalidasa Bibliography
BOOKS030992I: Narasimha Murthy, A. V. - Coins and Currency System in Karnataka
BOOKS031790I: Narasimha Murthy, A.V. - Studies in Karnataka Numismatics
BOOKS004952I: Narasimhaiah, C.D. - The Swan & the Eagle. Essays on Indian English Literature.
BOOKS031785I: Narasimhamurthy, A. V. [ Narasimha Murthy, A. V. - Coins and Currency System in Vijayanagara Empire
BOOKS027363I: Narasimhan, Raghavan - Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Spaces
BOOKS003452I: Narayan, Badri - Documenting Dissent : Contesting Fables, Contested Memories and Dalit Political Discourse
BOOKS002717I: Narayan Reddy, M. - Facts About Mulki Rules : A Compilation of Articles by M. Narayan Reddy
BOOKS000670I: Narayan, Shriman - India & Nepal. An Exercise in Open Diplomacy
BOOKS014371I: Narayana Rao, Velcheru [ Narayanaravu, Velceru ] ; & Shulman, David Dean ; editors: - Classical Telugu Poetry : An Anthology
BOOKS014601I: Narayana [b. AD 1427 or 8] - Tantrasamuccayah / Narayanapranitah ; Sankarapranitaya Vimarsinyakhyaya vyakhyaya Narayanasisyapranitaya Vivaranakhyaya ..,.
BOOKS012928I: Nardi, Carlo - Augusto
BOOKS010142I: Nardini, Gloria - Che Bella Figura! The Power of Performance in an Italian Ladies' Club in Chicago
BOOKS018735I: Nardone, Giorgio ; & Portelli, Claudette - Knowing through Changing : The Evolution of Brief Strategic Therapy
BOOKS007486I: Nariman, K[hurshed] F[ramji] - What Next?
BOOKS029817I: Ja Narin - Rangvâs rangvâl proe knung sanggam Khmaer
BOOKS011112I: Naritsaranuwattiwong, Prince [son of Mongkut, King of Siam (1863-1947 CE)] - Phleng dontri : chak Somdet Chaofa Chaofa Krom Phraya Narit th'ung Phraya 'Anumanratchathon
BOOKS008616I: Narlikar, Jayant - Violent Phenomena in the Universe
BOOKS009695I: Naro, Nancy Priscilla - A Slave's Place, A Master's World: Fashioning Dependency in Rural Brazil
BOOKS022944I: Gruppa starykh narodovoltsev (Geneva, Switzerland) - Samoubiistvo Liudviga Savitskago
BOOKS007135I: Nartey, Frederick - Manihot esculenta (Cassava). Cyanogenesis, Ultrastructure & Seed Germination
BOOKS001309I: Naryana Rao, K. V. - The Emergence of Andhra Pradesh
BOOKS015127I: Narzi, Bhaben ; & Bhattacharya, Pramod Chandra ; compilers: - Boro-Assamiya Abhidhah
BOOKS008782I: Nasarayya, Perugu - Maadiga paale
BOOKS016882I: Nascou, Matthias [ Wecklein, N. ]; [ Hercher, Rudolf ]; [ Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich v. ]; [ Buschor, Ernst ]; et al - Prodromus libelli de pleonasmis (ut vocantur) lingvæ græcæ [bound together with 7 other classical philology monographs]
BOOKS003798I: Naser, Abdelkader Belhaj - Quelques aspects du roman tunisien
BOOKS014070I: Nash, Elizabeth - Seville, Cordoba, and Granada : A Cultural History
BOOKS009600I: Nash, Ronald H. - Freedom, Justice, and the State
BOOKS008634I: Nash, Manning - The Cauldron of Ethnicity in the Modern World
BOOKS014990I: Nash, Thomas H.; editor: - Lichen Biology
BOOKS005145I: Nash, Walter - Jargon. Its Uses & Abuses
BOOKS004490I: Nash, T.A.M. & Page, W.A. - The Ecology of Glossina Palpalis in Northern Nigeria
BOOKS013094I: Nash, Manning - Machine Age Maya; The Industrialization of the Guatemalan Community
BOOKS021212I: Nash, Manning - Golden Road to Modernity : Village Life in Contemporary Burma
BOOKS022528I: Nash, Mary - Femmes Libres : Espagne, 1936-1939
BOOKS018207I: Nashe, Thomas [1567-1601] - Pierce Penilesse, His Supplication to the Divell (1592) [Pierce Penilisse; his supplication to the devil]
BOOKS012731I: Nasheri, Hedieh - Economic Espionage and Industrial Spying
BOOKS022600I: Nasif, Hifni [1855-1919 AD] ; & Durrah, Muhammad 'Ali Taha - Qawa'id al-lughah al-Arabiyah
BOOKS030336I: Nasimi, Muhammad - Balvirdi dar guzar-i tarikh / nivisandah va muhaqqiq Muhammad Nasimi
BOOKS025083I: Nasimi [ Pur Javadi, Amir Husayn ; editor: ] - Nasim-i tarab / mu'allifi nashinakhtah bih nam-i Nasimi ; ba muqaddamah va tashih-i Amir Husayn Pur Javadi
BOOKS013865I: Nasir al-Din Shah, Shah of Iran [1831-1896] - Safarha-yi Nasir al-Din Shah bih Qum : 1309-1266 H.Q. / bih kushish-i Fatimah-i Qaziha
BOOKS026734I: Nasir, Jamal J. - The Islamic Law of Personal Status : Second Edition
BOOKS023445I: Nasiri, Muhammad al-Makki [1906-1994 CE] - Izhar al-haqiqah wa-'ilaj al-khaliqah : min munahadat al-truqiyah ila muqawamat al-ihtilal
BOOKS024503I: Nasiri, Asad - Imamzadagan-i shahristan-i Khudabandah
BOOKS021233I: Nasirmahalleh, Parvin Alipur - Tarikh Shaft
BOOKS019070I: Naskar, Sankar Prasad - Bangla upanyase romantic lakkan : Bankimchandra, Rabindranath o Saratchandra
BOOKS024016I: Näsman, Ulf - Glas och handel i senromersk tid och folkvandringstid : en studie kring glas från Eketorp-II, Öland, Sverige ..,.
BOOKS017928I: Näsmann, Ulf ; & Wegraus, Erik ; editors : - Eketorp : Fortification and Settlement on Öland / Sweden : [Part 2] The Setting
BOOKS013998I: Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - Traditional Islam in the Modern World
BOOKS009496I: Nasr, Seyyed Vali Reza - Mawdudi and the Making of Islamic Revivalism
BOOKS029622I: Nasr Isfahani, Ghulam Riza - Khak-i khiyal : nuqush-i sar-i dar-i Masjid-i Jurjir
BOOKS018653I: Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - Ideals and Realities of Islam
BOOKS017639I: Nasr, Seyyed Vali Reza - The Vanguard of the Islamic Revolution : The Jama'at-i Islami of Pakistan
BOOKS015882I: Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - Traditional Islam in the Modern World
BOOKS031550I: Nasr Esfahani, Gholamreza - Yak naqsh-i va sad nishan / One Motif and Hundred Signs ..,.: Designing Logo by Using the Patterns in Jor Jir Mosque in Esfahan
BOOKS007293I: Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - The Need for a Sacred Science
BOOKS021076I: Nasr Isfahani, Ghulam Riza - Surahtamasha : katibah'ha-yi sar-i dar-i vurudi-i khanah'ha-yi Isfahan
BOOKS021341I: Nasr, Seyyed Vali Reza - The Shia Revival : How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future
BOOKS005860I: Nassif, Ramses - U Thant in New York 1961 - 1971 : A Portrait of the Third U.N. Secretary-General
BOOKS010179I: Al-Nassir, A.A. - Sibawayh the Phonologist: A Critical Study of the Phonetic & Phonological Theory of Sibawayh as Presented in Treatise Al-Kitab
BOOKS014718I: Natali, Atlante ["Soranese"] - La Umana Repubblica
BOOKS004911I: Natan, Alex, editor: - Swiss Men of Letters. Twelve Literary Essays.
BOOKS018925I: Natanasabapathy, S. - The Language of Kattunaickas : A Linguistic Study
BOOKS020913I: Nataraja Sastri, V. B - Rajamriganka. Critically Edited with Introduction and Translation in Tamil
BOOKS000669I: Natarajan, G. V. - Abujhmaria Grammar
BOOKS006031I: Nath, Narendra Chandra - The Extent of Anglo-Sanskrit Parallelism in Vocabulary & its Bearings on the Science of Language...
BOOKS006037I: Nath, Narendra Chandra - Paninian Interpretation of the Sanskrit Language
BOOKS023442I: Nath, Prem ; Velayudhan, Sundari ; & Singh, D.P. - Vegetables for the Tropical Region
BOOKS021029I: Nathan, Marcel - Les psychoses évitables
BOOKS005938I: Nathan, Andrew James - A History of the China International Famine Relief Commission
BOOKS027135I: Nathansen, Henri [1868-1944] - Dr. Wahl : Skuespil i 3 Akter : med et forspil og et efterspil
BOOKS027147I: Nathansen, Henri [1868-1944] - Den forbudne Frugt
BOOKS027133I: Nathansen, Henri [1868-1944] - Den gode Borger : Skuespil i tre Akter
BOOKS013693I: Nathanson, M. L. (Mendel Levin) [1780-1868] - Om klagerne over næringsløshed : En historisk-statistisk undersøgelse
BOOKS011223I: Nathanson, Alan J. - Thomas Simon: His Life and Work 1618-1665
BOOKS027197I: Nathanson, Melvyn Bernard ; editor: - Number Theory Day : Proceedings of the Conference Held at Rockefeller University, New York, 1976
BOOKS004187I: Nathhorst, Bertel - Formal or Structural Studies of Traditional Tales: The Usefulness of Some Methodological Proposals Advanced by Vladimir Propp...
BOOKS009793I: Nation, R. Craig - Black Earth, Red Star : A History of Soviet Security Policy, 1917 - 1991
BOOKS007281I: National Christian Council of Kenya, Department of Christian Education & Training, editors; - Who Controls Industry in Kenya? Report of a Working Party
BOOKS019705I: National Assessment Synthesis Team, U.S. Global Change Research Program. - Climate Change Impacts on the United States - Foundation Report : The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change
BOOKS027504I: National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on Nuclear Science - Problems Related to Interplanetary Matter : Proceedings of an Informal Congress, Highland Park, Illinois, June 20-22, 1960
BOOKS021019I: Nationale Front des Demokratischen Deutschland, Germany (East). Ausschuss für Deutsche Einheit - Colonialism in Action : Documentary Report
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BOOKS030427I: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Ortsgruppe Kassel - Grosse Bestürzung in den Regierungskreisen!
BOOKS000388I: Natter, Wolfgang; Schatzki, Theodore R. & Jones, John Paul III, editors: - Objectivity & Its Others
BOOKS016588I: Nauert, Charles Garfield - Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe
BOOKS010826I: Naughton, Barry - Growing Out of the Plan : Chinese Economic Reform, 1978 - 1993
BOOKS014306I: Naumann, Klaus - Probleme antiker Gesellschaftsformation : Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Studien zur Geschichtsmethodologie
BOOKS028916I: Naumann, Eberhard [ Naumann zu Königsbrück, Robert Bruno Eberhard (1903-1974)] - Variationsstatistische Untersuchungen über morphologische und physiologische Eigenschaften an Karpfen lausitzer und galizischer
BOOKS022741I: Naumann, Hans-Peter ; Platen, Magnus von ; & Sonderegger, Stefan ; editors: - Festschrift für Oskar Bandle : zum 60. Geburtstag am 11. Januar 1986
BOOKS024004I: Naumann d’Alnoncourt, Maximilian - Die Nachkommen des Petrus Alexander Macgregor of Inneregny (Coleman), 1704-1762
BOOKS024903I: Naur, Peter - An Anatomy of Human Mental Life : Psychology in Unideological Reconstruction : Incorporating the Synapse-state Theory ..,.
BOOKS008716I: Nautiyala, Sivananda [b. 1936] - Kedara-Badari yatra-darsana
BOOKS013973I: Nava, Alexander - The Mystical and Prophetic Thought of Simone Weil and Gustavo Gutirrez: Reflections on the Mystery and Hiddenness of God
BOOKS007576I: Navabachsch, A. [ Nawabahs, A.] [ Autonome Iranische Frauenbewegung im Ausland ; editors :] - Frau vor und nach dem Islam im Iran : ein Auszug aus dem Buch "Die Frau in der Geschichte des Irans" von A. Navabachsch
BOOKS020573I: Navalar, Arumuka ; & Ilankovan, Ci ; editors: [ Cekkilar ] - Tiruttontar varalaru allatu periya purana vacana kaviyam
BOOKS006774I: Navarro Laguarta, Luis - Mortalidad en la ciudad de Zaragoza durante un siglo (1861 - 1960)
BOOKS003064I: Navel, Henri C. - Les principaux ennemis du cacaoyer aux Iles de San-Thome et de Principe. Rapport sur une Mission d'Etude Agricole...
BOOKS026504I: Royal Institute of Navigation - The Journal of Navigation : Volume 55 Number 2 : May 2002
BOOKS023160I: Naville, René - Le voyage d’un général vénézuélien en Suisse, juillet-décembre 1788. Francisco Miranda
BOOKS031226I: Naville, Édouard [1844-1926] - Das ägyptische Totenbuch der XVIII. bis XX. Dynastie : Einleitung
BOOKS002163I: Naville, Arnold - Bibliographie des ecrits de Andre Gide
BOOKS030889I: Nawasardean, Vahan [1888-1956] - H.H. Dashnakts'ut'yan anelik'e : mtk'er ev husher mi grk'uyki ar'it'ov
BOOKS024934I: Anek Nawikkamun [ Anake Nawigamune ] - Khosana Thai : lem 2. Yuk 2470 / Thai Advertisement. Vol. 2 : 1920s.
BOOKS024777I: Anek Nawikkamun [ Anake Nawigamune ] - Khosana Thai : lem 1 / Thai Advertisement : Vol. I
BOOKS008794I: Anek Nawikkamun [ Anake Nawgamune ] - Daorai nai 'adit
BOOKS028617I: Anek Nawikmoon [ Anek Naikmun ] - Nang Ta Lung- Nang Yai: [Thai Ramayana Shadow Play]
BOOKS017861I: Nayak, Anand - La méditation dans le bhâgavata purâna
BOOKS003693I: Nayak, J.K. - The Historical Novel in Oriya
BOOKS008595I: Nayaka, Benakanahalli Ji - Devva mattu kama / Tandayana
BOOKS009303I: Nayar, Shree K. & Poggio, Tomaso; editors: - Early Visual Learning
BOOKS018967I: Nayar, S. K. - Keralattile natoti natakangal / Folk-drama of Kerala
BOOKS018763I: Nayar. M.P. - Key Works to the Taxonomy of Flowering Plants of India
BOOKS025108I: Nayistani, Javad ; & Ruh'far, Zuhrah - Sakht-i lu'ab-i zarrin'fam dar Iran : bar asas-i mutala'at-i tarikhi va pizhuhishha-yi a-zmayishgahi (ba takiyah bar risalah-i..
BOOKS018522I: Naylor, Barrie - Quakers in the Rhondda : 1926-1986
BOOKS000740I: Naylor, Paul - Poetic Investigations: Singing the Holes in History
BOOKS023429I: Naz, Begum - Khwaja mueen-id-din Chishti
BOOKS000668I: Nazeer, Mian Mohammad - The Rice Economy of Pakistan
BOOKS010022I: Nazir, Ghulam 'Abdu'l-Qadir [Nainar, Muhammad Husayn Nainar; translator:] - Bahar-i-A'zam Jahi of Ghulam 'Abdu'l-Qadir Nazir. Translated into English
BOOKS000789I: Nazki, Mohammad Iqbal - Brokhpas of Ladakh : An Ethnographic Study
BOOKS011217I: Nazzari, Muriel - Disappearance of the Dowry: Women, Families, and Social Change in Sao Paulo, Brazil (1600-1900)
BOOKS008075I: Ndao, Aliou [1933 - ] - Excellence, vos epouses!: roman
BOOKS012307I: Ndini, Brixhilda - Perandori im: Poezi
BOOKS006442I: Neale, Walter C. - Economic Change in Rural India. Land Tenure & Reform in Uttar Pradesh, 1800 - 1955
BOOKS027613I: Neale, R. S. - Class in English History, 1680-1850
BOOKS022603I: Neamtu, Vasile - La technique de la production céréalière en Valachie et en Moldavie jusqu'au XVIIIe siécle
BOOKS007218I: Neat, Sister Charles Marie - German Literature & Literary Criticism as Reflected in the German Catholic Magazine 'Literarischer Handweiser' from 1861 to 1931
BOOKS023471I: Nebinger, Gerhart ; & Rieber, Albrecht - Genealogie des Hauses Fugger von der Lilie : Stammtafeln
BOOKS012367I: Necas, Ctibor - Romové v Ceské republice vcera a dnes
BOOKS003374I: Neckebrouck, V. - Le onzieme commandement : Etiologie d'une eglise independante au pied du Mont Kenya
BOOKS028031I: Nedden, Max Wilhelm zur - Anleitung zur Begutachtung von Unfällen des Auges
BOOKS026195I: Nedeljkovic, Milorad [1883-1961] - Uvod u politicku ekonomiju
BOOKS030709I: Stichting Sri Lanka Werkgroep Nederland - Sri-Lanka, een brandende zomer : rassenonlusten in Sri-Lanka, juli en augustus 1983 : achtergronden en analyse
BOOKS030070I: Communistische Partij van Nederland - a collection of 68 pamphlets issued by the Communist Party of the Netherlands, ca. 1961-1981
BOOKS019756I: Filippijnen Groep Nederland - Filippijnen Bulletin. Jaargang 12, No. 6 - Jaargang 15, No. 1 [Jun/Aug 1988 - Sept/Okt 1990]
BOOKS022737I: Nedoma, Robert ; & Zimmermann, Nina v. ; editors: - Einheit und Vielfalt der nordischen Literatur(en) : Festschrift für Sven Hakon Rossel zum 60. Geburtstag
BOOKS009360I: Needham, Rodney - Primordial Characters
BOOKS005263I: Needham, Rodney - Structure and Sentiment. A Test Case in Social Anthropology
BOOKS005264I: Needham, Rodney - Reconnaissances
BOOKS004375I: Needham, Rodney - Remarks & Inventions. Skeptical Essays about Kinship
BOOKS001528I: Needham, Joseph, editor: - Hopkins and Biochemistry, 1861-1947 : Papers concerning Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins ..with a selection of his addresses...
BOOKS019887I: Needham, Joseph [1900-1995] [ Ronan, Colin A. ; editor: ] - The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China : An Abridgement of Joseph Needham's Original Text [Volume I]
BOOKS019278I: Needleman, Ruth - Black Freedom Fighters in Steel : The Struggle for Democratic Unionism
BOOKS001404I: Needleman, Saul B.; editor: - Protein Sequence Determination: A Sourcebook of Methods and Techniques.
BOOKS008286I: Neel, Joe K.; Peterson, Spencer A. & Smith, Wintfred L. - Weed Harvest and Lake Nutrient Dynamics
BOOKS031735I: Neelemans, Eduard [1820-1899] - Geschiedenis der Stad Eecloo
BOOKS006802I: Neelgund, Y.F. - Studies on Nuclear Polyhedrosis of the Armyworm, Mythimna (Pseudaleta) Separata Walker
BOOKS023804I: Neelon, Caleb - Caleb Neelon's Book of Awesome
BOOKS005612I: Neergaard, Paul - Danish Species of Alternaria & Stemphylium. Taxonomy, Parasitism, Economical Significance
BOOKS000355I: Neergaard, Paul - Seed - A Horse of Hunger or a Source of Life?
BOOKS000121I: Neergaard, Jens Veibel [1776-1864] - Lonnen for min naesten 60aarige, ved uomstodelige Kjendsgjerninger oplyste gavnlige Virken i Statens Interesse, eller...
BOOKS026266I: Neergaard, Carl - Grundlæggelsen af Maribo Kloster : (med et Tillæg om Stiftelsen Mariager)
BOOKS018511I: Fondation Custodia ; Institut néerlandais ; (Paris, France) - Eloge de la navigation hollandaise au XVIIe siècle..,.
BOOKS030288I: Neff, Josef - Das metrische Mass- und Gewicht-System im Vergleich zu den bisherigen Massen und Gewichten / Verfasst von J. Neff, Redaktor
BOOKS014825I: Neger, Franz Wilhelm [1868 - 1923] - Biologie der Pflanzen auf experimenteller Grundlage (Bionomie)
BOOKS009013I: Negi, Narendra Singh - Ganyoun Ki Ganga Syanoun Ka Samodar
BOOKS008478I: Negi, S.S. - Teak (Tectona grandis)
BOOKS023380I: Negi, Vidya Sagara - Mahanuvadaka, Ratnabhadra
BOOKS017652I: Negi, Ramesh Chandra [ Atisa ] [Acarya Dipanakarasrijnana ] - Atisaviracita Ekadasagranthah : Eleven Treatises by Atisa [ A ti sas mdzad pa'i chos tshan bcu gcig ]
BOOKS014505I: Negri, Antonio - Books for Burning: Between Civil War and Democracy in 1970's Italy
BOOKS023845I: Negri, Giovanni [1877-1960] - La Vegetazione di Monte Bracco (Saluzzo)
BOOKS015056I: Negri, Antonio [1933 - ] - Time for Revolution
BOOKS015620I: Negri, Antonio - The Savage Anomaly: The Power of Spinoza's Metaphysics and Politics
BOOKS019236I: Nehamas, Alexander - Only a Promise of Happiness : The Place of Beauty in a World of Art
BOOKS004476I: Nehamas, Alexander - The Art of Living. Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault
BOOKS017765I: Neiiendam, Michael Nicolai - Bastholmske Familiepapirer : Bidrag til det attende århundredes oplysning
BOOKS020794I: Neiiendam, Klaus - The Art of Acting in Antiquity : Iconographical Studies in Classical, Hellenistic and Byzantine Theatre
BOOKS020390I: Neijtzell de Wilde, Adriaan [1877-19??] ; Moll, H. Th. ; & Gooszen, A. J. - The Netherlands Indies During the Depression : A Brief Economic Survey
BOOKS001898I: Neikova, Ruzha - Imalo li e shamani na Balkanite?
BOOKS021413I: O’Neill, J. C. - The Recovery of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians
BOOKS011085I: O’Neill, R. V. (Robert V.) ; Deangelis, Donald Lee ; & Allen, Garland E. - A Hierarchical Concept of Ecosystems
BOOKS006404I: O'Neill, Shane - Impartiality in Context. Grounding Justice in a Pluralist World
BOOKS006839I: Neill, Patrick, editor: - Administrative Justice : Some Necessary Reforms
BOOKS001851I: Neilson, George - John Barbour : Poet & Translator
BOOKS002320I: Neki, Jaswant Singh - The Spiritual Heritage of the Punjab
BOOKS003603I: Nelleman, George - Den polske indvandring til Lolland-Falster
BOOKS017968I: Nellessen, Bernd ; editor: [ Primo de Rivera, José Antonio, marqués de Estella (1903-1936)] - José Antonio Primo de Rivera, der Troubadour der spanischen Falange
BOOKS011166I: Nelson, Janet Laughland - Charles the Bald
BOOKS013981I: Nelson, Edward - Predicative Arithmetic
BOOKS010608I: Nelson, Pail David - William Alexander, Lord Stirling
BOOKS008469I: Nelson, Gordon L.; & Wilkie, Charles A.; editor: - Fire and Polymers: Materials and Solutions for Hazard Prevention
BOOKS017671I: Nelson, Jane A. - Form and Image in the Fiction of Henry Miller
BOOKS006557I: Nelson, Hildegard - Zur inneren Gliederung und Verbreitung neolithischer Gruppen im sudlichen Niederelbegebiet. Teil I & II
BOOKS013073I: Nelson, J. Bryan [1932 - ] - The Sulidae: Gannets and Boobies
BOOKS004932I: Nelson, Shirley - Fair Clear and Terrible. The Story of Shiloh, Maine
BOOKS025025I: Nelson, Robert S. - The Iconography of Preface and Miniature in the Byzantine Gospel Book
BOOKS029326I: Nelz, Walter ; editor : [ Fourth International ] - Der Einzige Weg : Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Vierten Internationale : nr. 5 : Mai 1939
BOOKS029147I: Nelz, Walter ; editor : [ Fourth International ] - Der Einzige Weg : Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Vierten Internationale : nr. 6 : Juli 1939
BOOKS014173I: Nemat-Nasser, S. - Plasticity: A Treatise on Finite Deformation of Heterogeneous Inelastic Materials
BOOKS015150I: Nemerov, Alexander - The Body of Raphaelle Peale: Still Life and Selfhood, 1812-1824
BOOKS022773I: Nemeskal, Lubomír - Jáchymovská mincovna v první polovine 16. století, 1519/20-1561 : význam razby tolaru
BOOKS013302I: Nemeskal, Lubomír - Ceskobudejovická mincovna v letech 1569-1611
BOOKS003026I: Nemeti, Sorin ; Dana, Dan ; Nemeti, Irina ; Beu-Dachin. Eugenia; Nedelea, Luciana ; & Varga,Timea - The Dacians in the Roman Empire : Provincial Constructions
BOOKS008373I: Nemeti, Sorin - La syncrétisme religieux en Dacie Romaine
BOOKS026693I: Nemirov, Dobri [1882-1945] - Purvi brazdi : roman
BOOKS021743I: Nemtchenko, M. A. - La réforme agraire au Turkestan
BOOKS028167I: Nenonen, Marko - Noituus, taikuus ja noitavainot : Ala-Satakunnan, Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ja Viipurin Karjalan maaseudulla vuosina 1620-1700
BOOKS013666I: Nenov, Nikolai - Tabachka: Terenni materiali i prouchvaniia
BOOKS021613I: Neog, Maheswar [1918-1995] ; & Changkakati, Keshav - Rhythm in the Vaishnava Music of Assam
BOOKS009030I: Neog, Maheswar; compiler & editor: - Prachya-s Asanavali: An Anthology of Royal Charters, etc Inscribed on Stone, Copper, etc., of Kamarupa, Asam (Saumara)...
BOOKS002326I: Neog, Maheswar - Religions of the North-East. Studies in the Formal Religions of North-East India
BOOKS001606I: Neog, Maheswar , editor: - Lakshminath Bezbaroa. The Sahityarathi of Assam
BOOKS002947I: Neog, Meheswar - The Bhakti-Ratnakara of Sankaradeva. Critically Edited Sanskrit text with a Resume in English & History of the Concept of Bhakti
BOOKS021631I: Neog, Pradip - Bihu binandiya
BOOKS015122I: Neog, Maheswar [1918 - 19??] ; editor: - Bhakti-gita-sankalana
BOOKS015133I: Neog, Maheswar ; Sarma, Rajanikanta Dev ; & Barua, Navakanta - Adhunik Asamiya Abhidhan [An Assamese Dictionary]
BOOKS029828I: Népote, Jacques ; & Khing, Hoc Dy ; editors : [ Rim Gin (1911-1959) ] - Samapheavi de Rim Kin / édition présentée et annotée par Jacques Népote et Khing Hoc Dy
BOOKS003463I: Neppi, Alberto - Gli Affreschi del Domenichino a Roma
BOOKS003310I: Nepveu, M. - Magnetogasdynamics of Double Radio Sources
BOOKS011191I: Nerdinger, Winfried ; editor : [ Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner ] - Ideale Stadt - Reale Projekte : Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner in China / Ideal City -- Real Projects
BOOKS030175I: Nereid, Camilla T. - In the Light of Said Nursi : Turkish Nationalism and the Religious Alternative
BOOKS024166I: Nes, Dirk van - Die maritime Bildersprache des Aischylos
BOOKS017543I: Nesbitt, Judith ; editor [ Shiff, Richard ; & Ofili, Chris ] [ Doig, Peter ] - Peter Doig
BOOKS002270I: Nesic, Djordje; & Mandic, Ljubisa - Borba protic trahoma u Podrinju od 1948 do 1956
BOOKS012947I: Nesin, Aziz - Bulgaristan’da Türkler, Türkiye’de Kürtler
BOOKS019660I: Nestle, Marion - Food Politics : How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health
BOOKS027548I: Nestler, Anton [1854-1932]; & Schiffner, Victor - Ein neuer Beitrag zur Erklärung der "Zwangsdrehungen
BOOKS009477I: Netanyahu, B. [Netanyahu, Benzion] - Toward the Inquisition: Essays on Jewish and Converso History in Late Medieval Spain
BOOKS008664I: Atsawin Netphokæo [ Assawin Netpoekaew ] - An Ko'ida, Yihat, Che Ai, læ khabuankan kokanrai Phak Tai [ Algoida Jihad J.I. lae khabvan karn korkarnrai paktai ]
BOOKS007787I: Kongduan Nettavong - Mon sane siang Khaen phaendin koet
BOOKS000390I: Netteberg, Kristine - Etudes sur le verbe polonaise
BOOKS010130I: Netting, Robert McC. - Smallholders, Householders: Farm Families and the Ecology of Intensive, Sustainable Agriculture
BOOKS003446I: Nettlau, Max [1865-1944] - Der Anarchismus von Proudhon zu Kropotkin : seine historische Entwicklung in den Jahren 1859-1880
BOOKS002740I: Nettlau, Max [1865-1944] - Anarchisten und Sozialrevolutionäre : die historische Entwicklung des Anarchismus in den Jahren 1880-1886
BOOKS008449I: Neu, Jerome - A Tear Is An Intellectual Thing: The Meanings of Emotion
BOOKS010394I: Neubauer, John - Bifocal Vision: Novalis' Philosophy of Nature and Disease
BOOKS010925I: Neubecker, Ottfried - Heraldik : källor, symbolik, användning
BOOKS024268I: Neubecker, Annemarie Jeanette - Altgriechische Musik : eine Einführung
BOOKS009223I: Neuburger, Max - Hermann Nothnagel : Leben und Werken eines deutschen Klinikers
BOOKS002519I: Neugebauer, O. - The Exact Sciences in Antiquity
BOOKS006487I: Neuhs, Helen P. - The Relationship of Self-Esteem and Open-Mindedness to Women's Adjustment in Retirement
BOOKS027131I: Neumann, Sophus E. ; & Rosenberg, P. A. - En Guldbryllupsaften : Bagatel i 1 Akt
BOOKS014223I: Neumann, Erich - The Great Mother: An Analysis of the Archetype
BOOKS010159I: Neumann, Roderick P. - Imposing Wilderness: Struggles Over Livelihood and Nature Preservation in Africa
BOOKS021726I: Neumann, Sven Gösta [1909-1985] - Recherches sur le francais des XVe et XVIe siècles et sur sa codification par les théoriciens de l`époque
BOOKS007187I: Neumann, Günter - Phrygisch und Griechisch
BOOKS023811I: Neumann, Robert, Oberst von der Artillerie - Ueber den Angriff auf die Düppeler-Schanzen in der Zeit vom 15. März bis zum 18. April 1864 : ein Vortrag
BOOKS001031I: Neumann, Werner - J.S. Bachs Chorfuge. Ein Beitrag zur Kompositionstechnik Bachs
BOOKS019897I: Neumann, Gerhard - Hinrich Castorp : Ein Lübecker Bürgermeister aus der zweiten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS019918I: Neumann, Peter - Wirtschaft und materielle Kultur der Buschneger Surinames : Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung afroamerikanischer Probleme
BOOKS020677I: Neumann, Werner - Hochzeitskantaten und weltliche Kantaten verschiedener Bestimmung, Kritischer Bericht
BOOKS028468I: Neumeister, Münchener Kunstauktionshaus - Sonderauktion: 10. November 2005: Afrikanische Kunst aus der Sammlung Bareiss/ African Art from the Bareiss Collection
BOOKS022039I: Neumer-Pfau, Wiltrud - Studien zur Ikonographie und gesellschaftlichen Funktion hellenistischer Aphrodite-Statuen
BOOKS012720I: Neuner, Peter ; & Wenz, Gunther ; editors: - Theologen des 19. Jahrhunderts : eine Einführung
BOOKS023677I: Neusner, Jacob ; Avery-Peck, Alan Jeffery ; & Green, William Scott ; editors: - The Encyclopedia of Judaism : Volume IV : Supplement 1
BOOKS023673I: Neusner, Jacob ; Avery-Peck, Alan Jeffery ; & Green, William Scott ; editors: - The Encyclopedia of Judaism : Volume I: A-I
BOOKS007806I: Neusner, Jacob - Paradigms in Passage: Patterns of Change in the Contemporary Study of Judaism
BOOKS007805I: Neusner, Jacob - First Principles of Systematic Analysis: The Case of Judaism Within the History of Religion
BOOKS004918I: Neusner, Jacob - Rabbinic Political Theory. Religion and Politics in the Mishnah
BOOKS026617I: Neuss, Karin-Maria - Auf der Suche nach Walter Benjamin
BOOKS002626I: Neustupnii, Jurii - Pervobitnaja Istorija Luzhitsi
BOOKS021162I: Neutres, Jérôme - New Delhi New Wave
BOOKS026729I: Nevanlinna, Saara - The Northern Homily Cycle : The Expanded Version in MSS Harley 4196 and Cotton Tiberius E VII [Part III]
BOOKS018688I: Neves, Carlos Ferreira Castanheira das - A vacca turina e a sua exploracão industrial e agricola para o abastocimonto de leite á capital
BOOKS028401I: Neveu, Raymond - Notes sur la médecine grecque dans l'antiquité depuis les origines jusqu'à l'école d'Alexandrie (avec 5 planches hors texte)
BOOKS017070I: Neville, Robert Cummings - The Highroad around Modernism
BOOKS017924I: Neville, Robert Cummings - Symbols of Jesus : A Christology of Symbolic Engagement
BOOKS000399I: Neville, Robert Cummings - The Puritan Smile. A Look Toward Moral Reflection
BOOKS016894I: Nevin, Edward - The Mechanism of Cheap Money : A Study of British Monetary Policy, 1931-1939
BOOKS004045I: New, Peter - George Crabbe's Poetry
BOOKS010558I: Newbolt, Peter - William Tinsley (1831-1902) "Speculative Publisher". A Commentary. With a Checklist of Books Published by Tinsley Brothers...
BOOKS014096I: Newbury, David S. - Kings and Clans : Ijwi Island and the Lake Kivu Rift, 1780-1840
BOOKS023961I: Newbury, C. W. (Colin Walter) - The Western Slave Coast and Its Rulers: European Trade and Administration among the Yoruba and Adja-speaking Peoples ..,.
BOOKS016490I: Newcombe, Nora S. ; & Huttenlocher, Janellen - Making Space: The Development of Spatial Representation and Reasoning
BOOKS020042I: Newiger, Hans-Joachim - Metapher und Allegorie : Studien zu Aristophanes
BOOKS028749I: Newitt, Malyn D. D. - A History of Portuguese Overseas Expansion, 1400-1668
BOOKS027376I: Newman, M. F. ; & Richardson, J. S. ; editors : - Topics in Algebra : Proceedings, 18th Summer Research Institute of the Australian Mathematical Society..,.,
BOOKS013949I: Newman, Barbara; editor: - Voice of the Living Light : Hildegard of Bingen and her World
BOOKS010877I: Newman, D.J. & Ng, Betty; editors: - Crystal Field Handbook
BOOKS010641I: Newman, Gerald; Brown, Leslie Ellen; Cummings, A.J.G.; Fruchtmann, Jack, Jr.; & Tasch, Peter; editors: - Britain in the Hanoverian Age 1714-1837: An Encyclopedia
BOOKS010218I: Newman, Robert; editor: - Centuries' Ends, Narrative Means
BOOKS008033I: Newman, Jane O. - Pastoral Conventions: Poetry, Language, and Thought in Seventeenth-Century Nuremberg
BOOKS016167I: Newman, Barbara - Sister of Wisdom: St. Hildegard's Theology of the Feminine
BOOKS019697I: Newman, Robert D. ; editor: - Centuries' Ends, Narrative Means
BOOKS004664I: Newman, Andrew - The Physical Basis of Predication
BOOKS000757I: Newman, Harry Wright - Charles County Gentry : A Genealogical History of Six Emigrants - Thomas Dent, John Dent, Richard Edelen, John Hanson..,.
BOOKS014325I: Newport, Kenneth G.C. - The Sources and Sitz im Leben of Matthew 23
BOOKS024882I: Newsinger, John - Dangerous Men : The SAS and Popular Culture
BOOKS011846I: Newton, Norman T. - Design on the Land: Development of Landscape Architecture
BOOKS014546I: Newton, Isaac, Sir [1642-1727] - Principia. Vol. II: The Motion of Bodies [Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy and His System of the World, Volume II]
BOOKS007063I: Newton, Robert P. - Vowel Undersong: Studies of Vocalic Timbre and Chroneme Patterning in German Lyric Poetry
BOOKS018220I: Newton, Isaac, Sir, [1642-1727] - Principia. Vol. I: The Motion of Bodies [Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy and His System of the World, Volume I]
BOOKS012948I: Newton, Ian ; & Chancellor, R. D. (Robin D.) ; editors: [ International Council for Bird Preservation ] - Conservation Studies on Raptors [ World Conference on Birds of Prey (2nd : 1982 : Thessaloniki, Greece) ]
BOOKS018014I: Nexmand, P. H. - Clinical Studies of Besnier's Prurigo : Synonyms: Atopic Dermatitis, Eczema pruriginosum allergicum, Neurodermatitis disseminata
BOOKS011823I: Ng, Franklin; editor: - Asian American Family Life and Community
BOOKS014124I: Ng, Chee H. ; editor: - Ethno-Psychopharmacology : Advances in Current Practice
BOOKS015773I: Ng, Peter Y. L. - New Peace Country: Chinese Gazetteer of the Hong Kong Region
BOOKS019270I: Jumpa Ngawang - Catalogue of Tibetan Manuscripts in the Collection of the Asiatic Society, Vol. 1 : Narthang Tanjur
BOOKS012493I: Ngemu, T. - Moklum Language Guide
BOOKS030615I: Krom Ngoy [1865-1936 CE] - Pantam kram nuy
BOOKS028101I: Nguyen, Yên Tri - Lang Da Buu Long
BOOKS007641I: Thanh Xuân Nguyên - Religions in Viêt Nam
BOOKS025487I: Nguyên Thi Nguyêt - Van hóa - van vât Dông Nai
BOOKS012640I: Nguyên Thi Thu ; Thâp Liên Truòng ; & Phan Dang Nhât - Lê nghi nông nghiêp truyên thôpng tôc nguòi Cham - Raglai Ninh Thuân
BOOKS016848I: Ni, Zhen - Memoirs from the Beijing Film Academy: The Genesis of China's Fifth Generation
BOOKS010554I: Niane, D.T.; editor: - General History of Africa IV: Africa from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century
BOOKS017000I: Niazi, Kausar - Mirror of Trinity
BOOKS006972I: Niazi, Zamir - The Press in Chains
BOOKS010395I: Niazi, Ghulam Sarwar Khan - The Life and Works of Sultan Alauddin Khalji
BOOKS005268I: Nicaragua - a collection of 43 German newspaper clippings ca. 1979-1983 concerning the Sandinista revolution and Nicaraguan civil war.
BOOKS025436I: Nicholas I., King of Montenegro [ Stümcke, Heinrich ] - Die Kaiserin des Balkans. Dramatische Dichtung von Nikolaus I, Fürst von Montenegro...,.
BOOKS008295I: Nicholls, David - From Dessalines to Duvalier: Race, Colour and National Independence in Haiti
BOOKS012764I: Nichols, Bill; editor: - Maya Deren and the American Avant-garde
BOOKS009168I: Nichols, Thomas M. - The Sacred Cause: Civil-Military Conflict Over Soviet National Security, 1917-1992
BOOKS007249I: Nichols, Richard V. - Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum. Great Britain 2: Cambridge: Corpus Christi College, The Fitzwilliam Museum...
BOOKS000314I: Nichols, Peter - Piedmont and the English
BOOKS026356I: Nichols, Joel A. ; editor : - Marriage and Divorce in a Multicultural Context : Multi-tiered Marriage and the Boundaries of Civil Law and Religion
BOOKS014233I: Nicholsen, Shierry Weber - Exact Imagination, Late Work: On Adorno's Aesthetics
BOOKS008674I: Nicholson, Harry Helstrip - The Principles of Field Drainage
BOOKS020940I: Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne [1868-1945] - The Idea of Personality in Sufism
BOOKS002277I: Nicieja, Stanislaw Slawomr - Cmentarz Lyczakowski we Lwowie w latach 1784-1986
BOOKS028000I: Nick, Klaus - Mineralogische, geochemische und petrographische Untersuchungen in der Sierra de San Carlos (Mexiko)
BOOKS024274I: Nickel, Rainer ; editor: - Didaktik des altsprachlichen Unterrichts : deutsche Beiträge 1961-1973
BOOKS000954I: Nickel, Gerhard, editor: - Papers in Contrastive Linguistics
BOOKS028676I: Nicol, Donald MacGillivray - The Last Centuries of Byzantium, 1261-1453
BOOKS029463I: Nicoladzé, Francoise ; Nicoladzé, Révaz ; & Antelava, Georgii Iraklievich - K'art'velebi Sap'ranget'ist'vis brz'olebs'i, 1939-1945 clebi
BOOKS024277I: Nicolaisen, Johannes ; Pedersen, Lise Rishøj ; & Wulff, Inger ; editors: [Dansk Etnografisk Forening] - Essays Presented to Henny Harald Hansen on her Eightieth Birthday, April 18, 1980
BOOKS018543I: Nicolaisen, Johannes ; & Yde, Jens - Art of Central Africa
BOOKS023072I: Nicolaisen, Johannes - Ecology and Culture of the Pastoral Tuareg : With Particular Reference to the Tuareg of Ahaggar and Ayr
BOOKS023315I: Nicolaisen, Ida - Elusive Hunters : The Haddad of Kanem and the Bahr el Ghazal
BOOKS022781I: Nicolardot, Firmin - À propos de Bergson : remarques critiques et esquisse d’un symbolisme de l’essai
BOOKS031866I: Nicolas, René - Le lakhon nora ou lakhon chatri et les origines du théâtre classique siamois
BOOKS011289I: Nicolet, Claude - The World of the Citizen in Republican Rome
BOOKS009657I: Nicolini, Fausto - Benedetto Croce
BOOKS016193I: Nicoll, Maurice [1884-1953] - Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of G.I. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspensky: Vol 2
BOOKS005332I: Nicolo, R.G. - Pour la triomphe de la democratie
BOOKS029377I: Nicoloff, Iv. H. ; publisher - Le calvair de Garvan (le 2 mars 1923)
BOOKS015140I: Nicolotti, Andrea - From the Mandylion of Edessa to the Shroud of Turin : The Metamorphosis and Manipulation of a Legend
BOOKS020342I: Nicols, John - Vespasian and the Partes Flavianae
BOOKS014714I: Nicolson, William - Myth and Religion, or, An Enquiry into their Nature and Relations
BOOKS029076I: Nicolson, Harold [1886-1968] - Peacemaking 1919
BOOKS019462I: Niculae, Cornel-Dan - Ofensiva Iudaismului asupra Romaniei [ Razboiul nevazut al evreilor sionisti cu romanii, II ]
BOOKS019463I: Niculae, Cornel-Dan - Politica Filo-Sionista a Romaniei [ Razboiul nevazut al evreilor sionisti cu romanii, III ]
BOOKS019490I: Niculae, Cornel Dan - Matruguna o etnobotanica magica (Romaneasca) : Leacuri si remedii magice
BOOKS010150I: Nida, Eugene A. [Dil, Anwar S.; editor:] - Language Structure and Translation: Essays by Eugene A. Nida
BOOKS013482I: Niebuhr, Carl [1861 - 1927] - Versuch einer Reconstellation des Deboraliedes
BOOKS012393I: Niecko, Jozef [1891-1953] - Dwudziestolecie ruchu mlodziezy wiejskiej, 1912-1932: zarys historyczny
BOOKS028626I: Niederhäuser, Peter - Die Habsburger zwischen Aare und Bodensee
BOOKS007276I: Niederhauser, E.; Rozsnyoi, A.; & Szucs, J.; editors: - Etudes Historiques 1970 publiees a l'occasion du XIIIe Congres International des Sciences Historiques... 1 & 2
BOOKS028578I: Niederhäuser, Peter ; & Meyerhans, Andreas ; editors : - Äbte, Amtsleute, Archivare : Zürich und das Kloster Einsiedeln
BOOKS026299I: Niederle, Lubor [1865-1944] ; et al. - Nikodim Pavlovich Kondakov, 1844-1924. K vosmidesiatilietiiu so dnia rozhdeniia. So statiami L. Niderle, E. Minnsa, A. Munosa..,
BOOKS013924I: Niehans, Jürg - The Theory of Money
BOOKS024871I: Nieling, Jens - Die Einführung der Eisentechnologie in Südkaukasien und Ostanatolien während der Spätbronze- und Früheisenzeit
BOOKS021938I: Nielsen, Jørgen S. - Muslims in Western Europe
BOOKS019466I: Nielsen, Ludvig Christian [1863-19??] - Pariserkommunen 1871 : historisk Drama i 7 Tableauer / L. Chr. Nielsen
BOOKS025269I: Nielsen, E. Steemann (Einer Steemann) [1907-1989] - Havets planteverden i økologisk og produktions-biologisk belysning
BOOKS025653I: Nielsen, Gunhild Øeby - Musikalsk accent i rømømålet
BOOKS024251I: Nielsen, Alfred [1884-1963] - Lysner Det? : Breve fra Muhammedanere
BOOKS026028I: Nielsen, Laurits Christian [1871-1930] - Vandringer : digte
BOOKS013404I: Nielsen, Marjatta ; editor: - The Classical Heritage in Nordic Art and Architecture : Acts of the Seminar held at the University of Copenhagen.,.,
BOOKS025885I: Nielsen, Harald Charles Christian Anton [1879-1957] - Faldskærmstropper
BOOKS024400I: Nielsen, Johannes ; Nielsen, Jørgen Achton ; Kastrup, Marianne ; & Strömgren, Erik ; editors: - The Samsø Project : A Community Psychiatric Project in a Geographically Delimited Population
BOOKS014121I: Nielsen, Ditlef [1874 - 1949] [ Weber, Otto] - Studier over oldarabiske indskrifter; rejserne til Sydarabien..,.[bound together with 3 pamphlets concerning Southern Arabia]
BOOKS025191I: Nielsen, Karl Martin - Til runedanskens ortografi
BOOKS022684I: Nielsen, Johannes ; Nyborg, Helmuth ; & Dahl, Gudrun - Turner's Syndrome : A Psychiatric-Psychological Study of 45 Women with Turner's Syndrome..,.
BOOKS014541I: Nielsen, Oluf August [1838-1896] - Bidrag til Oplysning om Sysselinddelingen i Danmark
BOOKS027635I: Nielsen, Hans Vilhelm Riber - Et Udvalg af Hans Vilhelm Riber Nielsens poetiske Forsøg
BOOKS024157I: Nielsen, Marie [1875-1951] ; editor: - Kommunistisk Internationale : Tidsskrift for international faglig og politisk Arbejderbevægelse. 2. Aargang. Nr. 1-6 [1924]
BOOKS024958I: Nielsen, Svend Aage [1938-2011] - Kennedy's Philosophy of Life : Revolution of Love and Visions of Peace
BOOKS009193I: Nielsen, Niels Aage - Runerne paa Rokstenen
BOOKS009033I: Nielsen, Eigil - Studies on Triassic Fishes from East Greenland: I: Glaucolepsis and Boreosomus
BOOKS009025I: Nielsen, C. Overgaard - Studies on the Soil Microfauna: II: The Soil Inhabiting Nematodes
BOOKS026702I: Nielsen, Viggo [1920-2014] - a collection of 9 offprints and extracts concerning Danish archaeology, ca. 1952-1995
BOOKS026030I: Nielsen, Rasmus [1809-1884] - Om Holbergs Kirkehistorie og theologie : Et bidrag fra fortiden til at belyse nutiden.
BOOKS009820I: Nielsen, Niels - Sedler brugt af danskere under 2. verdenskrig
BOOKS026757I: Nielsen, Tage ; editor: - Analecta Romana Instituti Danici : XVI
BOOKS031891I: Nielsen, Thomas Heine ; editor : - Yet More Studies in the Ancient Greek Polis
BOOKS015459I: Nielsen, Jørgen ; & Bitsch-Larsen, Stine - De sydtyske kolonisters bosættelse på den jyske hede
BOOKS017611I: Nielsen, Yngvar [1843-1916] - Lensgreve Johan Caspar Herman Wedel Jarlsberg, amtmand, medlem af Rigsforsamlingen paa Eidsvold... I - III
BOOKS025519I: Nielsen, Marie [1875-1951] - Revolution : artikler om parti, klassekamp og kvindekamp / udvalgt og kommenteret af Morten Thing
BOOKS016825I: Nielsen, Ole Vagn, 1933- - The Nubian Skeleton Through 4000 Years: Metrical and Non-Metrical Anatomical Variations
BOOKS016380I: Nielsen, Helge Kjær - Heilung und Verkündigung : Das Verständnis der Heilung und ihres Verhältnisses zur Verkündigung..,.
BOOKS016681I: Nielsen, Peter ; editor : - Af Storgaardslægtens historie / samlet og udgivet af Peter Nielsen
BOOKS006115I: Nielsen, Erik Tetens - Moeurs des Bembex : monographie biologique : avec quelques considérations sur la variabilité des habitudes
BOOKS005841I: Nielsen, Erik Tetens - On the Habits of the Migratory Butterfly Ascia Monuste L.
BOOKS013301I: Nielsen, Max - Pressure Vibrations in Pipe Systems with Reference to Engines
BOOKS005830I: Nielsen, Niels - Contributions to the Physiography of Iceland with Particular Reference to the Highlands West of Vatnajokull
BOOKS026256I: Nielsen, Svend - The Domestic Mode of Production - and Beyond: An Archaeological Inquiry into Urban Trends in Denmark, Iceland and Predynastic.,.
BOOKS027772I: Nielsen, Maria Bach - Fænomenet kitsch - en konsekvens af kunstbegrebets historiske og teoretiske metamorfose
BOOKS005063I: Nielsen, Niels - Recherches sur les nombres de Bernoulli
BOOKS002236I: Nielsen, Johan Moses Georg Hollard [1804-1870] - Wanka : Romantisk Skuespil i Fem Acter / af Hollard Nielsen
BOOKS002539I: Nielsen, Nils Hojgaard - Cancer Incidence in Greenland
BOOKS002173I: Nielsen, Eduard - Die Zehn Gebote. Eine Traditionsgeschichtliche Skizze
BOOKS000623I: Nielsen, Eduard - Law, History and Tradition: Selected Essays by Eduard Nielsen
BOOKS013028I: Nielsen, Jens Christian - Iagttagelser over entoparasitiske Muscidelarver hos Arthropoda
BOOKS003490I: Nielsen, Chr. V. - Lovebilledet i den kristelige Kunst
BOOKS025925I: Nielsen, Rasmus [1809-1884] - Om samfundets vilkaar : sex folkelige foredrag
BOOKS003387I: Nielsen, E.W. - The Philosophy & Pedagogy of Inter-Disciplinary Coastal Studies & Research. With Particular Reference to Sedimentary Processes..
BOOKS008805I: Nielsen, Zakarias [1844-1922] - Nye Tider : sjællandsk Folkelivsbillede i to akter
BOOKS030717I: Nielsen, H.A. - Fortsatte Bidrag til vort Oltidsfolks Anthropologi : De sidste 6 - 7 Aars Skeletfund fra Stenaldersgrave ..,.
BOOKS014309I: Nielsen, Gravlund ; Damm, Emil ; Hansen, J.K.; Jensen, K. ; Kristensen, H; & Larsen, R. [ Jonstrup Seminarium ] - Budstikken (No. 2). Venneord mellem gl. jonstrupske kammerater / 1877-78 / April - April
BOOKS020307I: Nielsen, Inge ; & Nielsen, Hanne Sigismund ; editors: - Meals in a Social Context : Aspects of the Communal Meal in the Hellenistic and Roman World
BOOKS012565I: Nielsen, Helle H. - A Psychological Study of Cerebral Palsied Children
BOOKS026177I: Nielsen, Fredrik Kristian [1846-1907] - Tertullians Ethik : Afhandling
BOOKS026027I: Nielsen, Georg Hollard [ Hollard Nielsen, Johan Moses (1804-1870)] - Guddomslyset i Danmark : Et Digt i Anledning af Christendommens Tusindaarige Jubilæum
BOOKS019824I: Nielsen, Alfred [1884-1963] - Kalimat sawa : mukatabat bi-khuòsuòs 'aqaid wa-ara bayna mufakkirin min al-Muslimin wa-al-qissis Alfrid Nilsun
BOOKS020197I: Nielsen, Rasmus [1809-1884] - Om begrebet nøiagtighed med særligt hensyn paa Steens "Bidrag" : Efterskrift til ’Philosophie og mathematik
BOOKS004292I: Nielsen, Bent; compiler: - A Concordance to the Qian zuo du
BOOKS020768I: Nielsen, Niels [1865-1931] - Recherches sur les equations de Lagrange
BOOKS020769I: Nielsen, Niels [1865-1931] - Recherches sur les polynomes d'Hermite
BOOKS020770I: Nielsen, Niels [1865-1931] - Recherches sur l'equation de Fermat
BOOKS021575I: Nielsen, Inge ; editor: - The Royal Palace Institution in the First Millennium BC : Regional Development and Cultural Interchange Between East and Wes
BOOKS021761I: Nielsen, Ditlef [1874-1949] - Der dreieinige Gott in religionshistorischer Beleuchtung : I Band : Die Drei göttlichen Personen
BOOKS029922I: Nielsen, Hans Chr. Korsholm ; & Skovgaard-Petersen, Jakob ; editors : - Middle Eastern Cities, 1900-1950 : Public Places and Public Spheres in Transformation
BOOKS027190I: Nielsen, J. - N.J. Jensen : et Blad af Folkehøjskolens Historie
BOOKS025291I: Nielsen, Svend - a collection of 15 offprints and extracts concerning Scandinavian archaeology, ca. 1975-1994
BOOKS024946I: Nielsen, C. F. - Ørsted og Daastup Sogne og nærmeste Omegns Historie : en geografisk og kulturhistorisk Skildring ..,.
BOOKS021905I: Nielsen, Knud Holt - Giv mig de rene og ranke : Danmarks Kommunistiske Ungdom 1960-1990
BOOKS022302I: Nielsen, P. - Indenlandsk Silkeavl med Egeløv-Silkeorme
BOOKS027443I: Nielsen, Eigil - Permo-carboniferous Fishes from East Greenland
BOOKS022462I: Nielsen, Harald - Ancient Ophthalmological Agents : A Pharmaco-historical Study of the Collyria and Seals for Collyria Used during Roman Antiquity
BOOKS013124I: Nielsen, Øystein Juul; Bandeira, Romana; Helles, Finn; Kamelarczyk, Kewin; Macucule, Alberto; Mlay, Gilead; Olsen, Carsten Smith - Forests and Livelihoods in Mozambique : A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography
BOOKS023799I: Nielsen, Marjatta ; editor: - The Classical Heritage in Nordic Art and Architecture : Acts of the Seminar held at the University of Copenhagen..,.
BOOKS024325I: Nielsen, Flemming A. J. - The Tragedy in History : Herodotus and the Deuteronomistic History
BOOKS024381I: Nielsen, Alfred [1884-1963] - Min Ven Sjejken : Et Aar i Damaskus
BOOKS025415I: Nielsen, Jørgen Jacob - Georg Frederik Otto, Lehnsbaron Zytphen-Adeler : 1810 :10 mai: 1910
BOOKS024484I: Nielsen, Johannes - Klinefelter's Syndrome and the XYY Syndrome : A Genetical, Endocrinological and Psychiatric-psychological Study ..,.
BOOKS025683I: Nielsen, Holger ; & Skov, Henning - Peter Wilken Heiberg : et hundredaarsminde
BOOKS025709I: Nielssen, Christen [ Bødker, Laurits ; editor: ] - De Gamle Vijses Exempler oc Hoffsprock (1618) I - II / Christen Nielssen ; udgivet af Laurits Bødker
BOOKS002398I: Niemiec, J. - Recherches Morphologiques sur les Ventouses dans le regne animal
BOOKS018194I: Niemineva, Kalevi - Engstroms Mitteilungen : Untersuchungen uber die erste in einer Weltsprache herausgeebene klinisch-medizinische Publikation..,.
BOOKS025969I: Niemojewski, Andrzej [1864-1921] - Sprawa spoczynku niedzielnego
BOOKS018752I: Nienstaedt, L. R. [1895-19??] - Economic Equilibrium, Employment and Natural Resources : A Study of the Influence of Technical Development..,.
BOOKS014329I: Nieschlag, E. (Eberhard); Behre, H. M. (Hermann M.) ; & Nieschlag, S. (Susan) ; editors: - Testosterone : Action, Deficiency, Substitution
BOOKS025941I: Niessen, Elisabeth - Der anthropologische Geistbegriff bei Sören Kierkegaard
BOOKS027291I: Nieto, Jean-Luc ; editor : - New Aspects of Galaxy Photometry : Proceedings of the Specialized Meeting of the Eighth IAU European Regional Astronomy Meeting
BOOKS018604I: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm [1844-1900] - Untimely Meditations
BOOKS019599I: Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm [1844-1900] - Human, All Too Human : A Book for Free Spirits
BOOKS000642I: van Nieuwenhoven, L. M. - An Investigation into the Structure and Function of the Anterior Byssal Retractor Muscle of Mytilus Edulis L.
BOOKS031049I: Nieves de Paula Pombar, María - Contribución al estudio de la aposición en español actual
BOOKS002711I: Nigam, Anand; Alvi, N.M.; Singh, R.K.; Gopal, Chandan - Town Survey Report: Fatehpur Sikri
BOOKS004822I: Nigam, Shiva Bindeshwari Prasad - Nobility under the Sultans of Delhi A.D. 1206 - 1398
BOOKS010276I: Nigar, Naeem Hussain - The Law of Foreign Exchange in Pakistan (With Commentary and Up-to-Date Foreign Exchange Manual)
BOOKS028753I: Nightingale, Pamela - Trade and Empire in Western India 1784-1806
BOOKS005485I: Nihalani, Paroo ; Tongue, Ray K. ; & Hosali, Priya - Indian and British English : A Handbook of Usage and Pronunciation
BOOKS000935I: Nihalani, Manohar - Shama Jalandi Rahi (Short Stories)
BOOKS011447I: Nihalani, Manohar - Sindhi a ja aala adiba
BOOKS029649I: Nihlén, John [1901-1983] - Studier rörande äldre svensk järntillverkning med särskild hänsyn till Småland
BOOKS001121I: Niitemaa, Vilho - Das Strandrecht in Nordeuropa im Mittelalter
BOOKS007136I: Niitemaa, Vilho - Der Kaiser und die Nordische Union bis zu Burgunderkrigen
BOOKS005982I: Niitemaa, Vilho - Die undeutsche Frage in der Politik der livlandischen Stadte im Mittelalter
BOOKS005983I: Niitemaa, Vilho - Der Binnenhandel in der Politik der livlandischen Stadte im Mittelalter
BOOKS031460I: Nikgoftar, Ahmad - Kitab mukhtasari az pishinah-yi sikkah'ha-yi tarikhi zarb shudah dar Khurasan
BOOKS023238I: Nikisch, Arthur [1888-1968] - Arbeitsrecht
BOOKS010572I: Nikitin, Sergei Aleksandrovich; editor: [Institut slavia novedeniia (Akademiia nauk SSSR) ] - Bor'ba Rossii i bolgarskogo naroda za sozdanie bolgarskogo gosudarstva, 1878-1879
BOOKS024495I: Niknam, Kurush - Az nawruz ta nawruz : ayin'ha va marasim-i sunnati-i Zartushtiyan
BOOKS010476I: Nikolaides, Kostas N. - Henas agonistes thymatai, 1940-1974
BOOKS020071I: Nikolaides, Kostas N. - He aletheia gia ten ethnike antistase : Grafetai, legetai gia na diabastei
BOOKS014169I: Nikolov, Georgi - Tzentralizym i regionalizym v rannosrednovekovna Bulgaria (kraya na VII - nachaloto na XI vek)
BOOKS009277I: Nikolov, Vasil - Neolitni kultovo masichki
BOOKS012991I: Nikolov, Iordan Iordanov - Uvod v obshtata medievistika
BOOKS013407I: Nikolova, Vidka - Poradi trakiiskiia orfizum : tri opita v istoriiata na ideite
BOOKS020810I: Nikpour, Madjid - Kirman dar a'inah-i tarikh : muntakhabi az asnad-i kashf-i hijab dar Kirman (1314-1348)
BOOKS025297I: Cattattukum camuukattukkumaana ara nilaiyam - Ilankai manita urimaikal nilai 1995
BOOKS025489I: Nilakanthabhatta, active 17th century CE [ Sarma, Indunatha ; editor : ] - Pauranikajyautisam / Nilakanthaviracitam ; sampadakah Indunathasarma
BOOKS015982I: Nilsen, Kaj Berseth - Tid, menneske og natur : En analyse av Tor Åge Bringsværds romaner Pinocchiopapirene og Minotauros
BOOKS024249I: Nilsson, Martin P. [1874-1967] - Die Entstehung und religiöse Bedeutung des griechischen Kalenders
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