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BOOKS020394I: Harvey, Fredrick Burn - Church Rate Opposition : Its Fallacies Exposed and Refuted
BOOKS021404I: Harvey, A. E. (Anthony Ernest) - A Companion to the New Testament - Second Edition
BOOKS016428I: Harvey, Peter (Brian Peter) - An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics : Foundations, Values and Issues
BOOKS017625I: Harward, Vernon J. - The Dwarfs of Arthurian Romance and Celtic Tradition
BOOKS016956I: Harwood, Jamal & Choudhury, Hassan - Citizenship in Islam: A Real Sense of Belonging
BOOKS011394I: Hasan, Ahmad - The Doctrine of Ijma' in Islam: A Study of the Juridical Principle of Consensus
BOOKS011390I: Hasan, Ahmad - The Doctrine of Ijma' in Islam: A Study of the Juridical Principle of Consensus
BOOKS010714I: Hasan, Mohammad - Thought Patterns of XIX Century Literature of North India
BOOKS010699I: Hasan, Shaikh Khurshid - Chaukhandi Tombs in Pakistan
BOOKS010679I: Hasan, Khalid Shamsul ; editor : - Sindh's Fight for Pakistan : Rifts, Betrayals & Triumph..,.
BOOKS012245I: Hasan, Hamdi - Makedonya ve Kosova Turklerince kullanilan atasozleri ve deyimler
BOOKS017312I: Hasan, Sayed Mahmudul - Mosque Architecture of Pre-Mughal Bengal
BOOKS001149I: Hasan, Ibn - The Central Structure of the Mughal Empire and its Practical Working up to the Year 1657
BOOKS000126I: Hasan, Syed Sibtey - Life and Works of Ziya Gokalp
BOOKS019929I: Hasan, Kamil Ibrahim ; & Shammu, Ali - Khawatir wa-dhikrayat an ahl al-fann bi-Shambat
BOOKS029363I: Hasan, Ahmad - Khafaya 'as'ifat al-ru'b : haqa'iq 'an Harb al-Khalij al-Thaniyah wa-nata'ijuha al-mudammirah, dirasah tahlilah min wijhat nazar
BOOKS028777I: Hasan, Ahmad Bu ; Bulkabir, 'Abd al-Samd ; & Bakri, Muhammad ; editors : - Risalat al-adib : majallah shahriyah tabhathu fi al-adab wa-al-fikr wa-al-siyasah wa-al-ijtima', tasduruha Jam'iyat al-Adib
BOOKS024837I: Hasani, Sayyidah - Thawrat 17 fibrayir
BOOKS015030I: Hasbrouck, Wilbert R. - The Chicago Architectural Club : Prelude to the Modern
BOOKS007356I: Hasebroek, Johannes - Griechische Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte
BOOKS028306I: Hasenöhrl, Victor [1834-1903] - Die Beweiszutheilung im österreichischen Rechte des Mittelalters
BOOKS019156I: Hashimoto, Akiko - The Gift of Generations : Japanese and American Perspectives on Aging and the Social Contract
BOOKS009070I: Hashmi, Taj ul-Islam - Peasant Utopia : The Communalization of Class Politics in East Bengal, 1920-1947
BOOKS006963I: Hashmi, Iqbal - The Bleeding Kashmir
BOOKS004723I: Hasib, Abdul - Monetary Negotiations in the World Economic Conference, 1933
BOOKS011660I: Hasimi, Muhammad Yahya al- - Maks Blank : al-fiziya'i wa-'l-mufakkir al-kabir
BOOKS015336I: Haskell, Francis [1928 - ] - The Ephemeral Museum: Old Master Paintings and the Rise of the Art Exhbition
BOOKS028585I: Haskins, Charles Homer [1870-1937] - Studies in the History of Mediaeval Science
BOOKS014126I: Hasko, Skender - Ne ishim partizane: Novele
BOOKS004651I: Haslam, Edwin - Metabolites and Metabolism. A Commentary on Secondary Mechanism
BOOKS018651I: Hasler, Richard - Agriculture, Foraging and Wildlife Resource Use in Africa : Cultural and Political Dynamics in the Zambezi Valley
BOOKS008299I: Haslund-Christensen, Henning - Zajagan
BOOKS023542I: Hasnain, Nadeem - Bonded for Ever : A Study of the Kolta, a cis-Himalayan Tribe
BOOKS017658I: Hasner, E.; Engdahl, I; & Klrke, N; et al - Adrenals in Surgery
BOOKS021602I: Hasquin, Hervé - Histoire et historiens depuis 1830 en Belgique
BOOKS024406I: Hasquin, Hervé - Historiographie et politique : essai sur l'histoire de Belgique et la Wallonie
BOOKS017673I: Hass, Robert - Twentieth Century Pleasures : Prose on Poetry
BOOKS026833I: Hassan, Motie Ibrahim - Agrab fi-balad-hum / Strangers in their own Country : Short Stories in Cairene Dialect about the Egyptian Society ..,.
BOOKS026371I: Hassan, Qassim - Zionism : An Appraisal
BOOKS024639I: Hassard, John ; & Parker, Martin ; editors: - Postmodernism and Organizations
BOOKS027334I: Hasselbalch, Ole - Svig
BOOKS006464I: Hassell, James Woodrow, Jr. - Amorous Games. A Critical Edition of 'Les Adevineaux Amoureux'
BOOKS010752I: Hasslof, Oluf; Henningsen, Henning & Christensen, Arne Emil; editors: - Somand, Fisker, Skib og Vaerft. Introduction til Maritim Etnologi.
BOOKS009389I: Hassoun, Mohamad H.; editor: - Associative Neural Memories: Theory and Implementation
BOOKS008812I: Hassouni, Kaddour Ben Moussa - Droit penal marocain & legislation islamique : "Ressemblance & dissemblance
BOOKS030817I: Hästesko, F. A. (Frans Akseli) [ Heporauta, Frans Akseli (1879-1946) ] ; editor : - Motivverzeichnis westfinnischer Zaubersprüche nebst Aufzählung der bis 1908 gesammelten Varianten
BOOKS011519I: Hastings, Adrian - A History of African Christianity 1950-1975
BOOKS007206I: Haswell, Margaret ; & Hunt, Diana ; editors : - Rural Households in Emerging Societies. Technology & Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
BOOKS002422I: Hatalkar, V.G. - Relations between the French & the Marathas (1668-1815)
BOOKS026852I: Hatch, William Henry Paine [1875-1972] - Greek and Syrian Miniatures in Jerusalem, with an Introduction and a Description of Each of the Seventy-one Miniatures .,.,.
BOOKS016395I: Hathaway, James C. - The Rights of Refugees under International Law
BOOKS009702I: Hatipoglu, M. Murat - Yunanistan’daki gelismelerin isiginda Türk-Yunan iliskilerinin 101 yili (1821-1922)
BOOKS017730I: Hatschikjan, Magarditsch A. - Tradition und Neuorientirung in der bulgarischen Aussenpolitik : 1944-1948 : die "nationale Aussenpolitik" ..,.
BOOKS030973I: Hatt, Gudmund [1884-1960] - Arktiske skinddragter i Eurasien og Amerika : en etnografisk studie
BOOKS026587I: Hatt, Gudmund [1884-1960] - a collection of 6 offprints and extracts concerning Scandinavian archaeology, ca. 1929-1948
BOOKS017530I: Khrongchai Hattha - Prawattisat Pattani : samai 'anachak boran thung kanpokkhrong 7 huamuang
BOOKS017804I: Khrongchai Hattha - Matsayit kruse : prawattisat yuk ton khong chaidæn tai
BOOKS025828I: Hattingberg, Hans von [1879-1944] - Zur Psychologie des kindlichen Eigensinnes
BOOKS028289I: Hatzidakis, G.N. [ Chatzidakis, Georgios N. (1848-1941) ] - Aggelos und Verwandtes
BOOKS003902I: Hauberg, Poul, editor: - Henrik Harpestraeng " Liber Herbarum
BOOKS007233I: Haubrichs, Wolfgang; editors: - Erzahlforschung 2: Theorien, Modelle und Methoden der Narrativik
BOOKS018245I: Hauch, Bo ; Madsen, Birger ; Rasmussen, Nick ; Schjølin, Susanne; Ussing, Steen - En Ø-biogeografisk analyse af danske mergelgrave
BOOKS005419I: Hauch, L.A. - The Cultivation of the Oak (Quercus pedunculata) in Denmark
BOOKS031615I: Hauck, Christian Roland - Bornholm 1940-1946 : von der deutschen zur sowjetischen Besetzung ; unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Anwesenheit sowjetisch
BOOKS015672I: Hauck, Karl ; editor : - Das Einhardkreuz : Vorträge und Studien der Münsteraner Diskussion zum arcus Einhardi
BOOKS029091I: Haudrère, Philippe - Le grand commerce maritime au XVIIIe siècle : Européens et espaces maritimes
BOOKS003702I: Hauenschild, Jorge von - Ensayo de clasificacion de la documentation arqueologica de Santiago del Estero
BOOKS011210I: Haufler, Virginia - Dangerous Commerce: Insurance and the Management of International Risk
BOOKS003034I: Haug, C. James - Leisure & Urbanism in Nineteenth Century Nice
BOOKS018118I: Haug, Frigga - Female Sexualization : A Collective Work of Memory
BOOKS014042I: Haugeland, John - Having Thought : Essays in the Metaphysics of Mind
BOOKS021423I: Haugsted, Ida - Hippodamos fra Milet : antikke græske byplaner fra det 5. årh. f. Kr.
BOOKS029651I: Haukdal, Jens - I skreddartimen : folkeminne frå Gauldalsbygdene
BOOKS030510I: Hauken, Åsa Dahlin - The Westland Cauldrons in Norway
BOOKS028397I: Haupt, Joseph - Ueber das Mitteldeutsche Buch der Väter
BOOKS020010I: Haupt, Marlene - Reimar der Alte und Walther von der Vogelweide
BOOKS028485I: Haupt, Otto [1887-1988] - Lineare Abhängigkeit und Wronskische Matrix [together with 5 other monographs by Haupt]
BOOKS029073I: Haupt, Walther - Tabellen zur sächsischen Münzkunde
BOOKS016997I: Hauptman, Laurence M. ; & Wherry, James ; editors: - The Pequots in Southern New England: The Rise and Fall of an American Indian Nation
BOOKS008168I: Hause, Steven C. - Hubertine Auclert: The French Suffragette
BOOKS031767I: Hausen, Hans [1884-1979] - New Contributions to the Geology of Grand Canary (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands)
BOOKS002567I: Hausen, Hans - Contribution to the Geology of Tenerife (Canary Islands)
BOOKS024653I: Hauser, Henri [1866-1946] - La modernité du XVIe siécle
BOOKS026607I: Häusler, Wolfgang - Das galizische Judentum in der Habsburgermonarchie : im Lichte der zeitgenössischen Publizistik und Reiseliteratur von 1772-1848
BOOKS030930I: Hausmann, Caspar-Friedrich - La franc-maconnerie
BOOKS005023I: Hautala, Kustaa - European & American Tar in the English Market during the Eighteenth & Early Nineteenth Centuries
BOOKS024673I: Hauthaler, P. Wilibald - Aus den vaticanischen Registern: eine Auswahl von Urkunden und Regesten, vornehmlich zur Geschichte der Erzbischöfe von Salzburg
BOOKS004557I: Havard, William C. - The Recovery of Political Theory: Limits and Possibilities
BOOKS023351I: Hawiri, Muhammad 'Abd Allah - al-Qat wa-shujunuh : wijhat nazar mukhazzin sabiq : fi al-shurut wa-al-sifat wa-al-afat wa-al-nikat
BOOKS016151I: Hawkes, Terence - That Shakespeherian Rag : Essays on a Critical Process
BOOKS004034I: Hawkes, John G. - The Potato : Evolution, Biodiversity & Genetic Resources
BOOKS000182I: Hawkes, Susan P.; Edwards, Dylan R., & Khokha, Rama; editors: - Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases in Development & Disease: Proceedings of the Inhibitors of Metalloproteinase Conference
BOOKS014245I: Hawkins, Angus ; & Powell, John ; editors: [Kimberley, John Wodehouse, Earl of (1826-1902)] - The Journal of John Wodehouse, First Earl of Kimberley, for 1862-1902
BOOKS010267I: Hawkins, E.K. [Hawkins, Edward Kenneth] - Road Transport in Nigeria: A Study of African Enterprise
BOOKS024810I: Hawkins, Harriett - The Devil's Party : Critical Counter-interpretations of Shakespearian Drama
BOOKS008856I: Hawkins, Angus - Parliament, Party and the Art of Politics in Britain, 1855-59
BOOKS006411I: Hawksworth, D.L., edfitor: - Prospects in Systematics
BOOKS014129I: Hawley, John Stratton ; editor: - Sati, the Blessing and the Curse: The Burning of Wives in India
BOOKS006232I: Hawley, John Stratton, editor: - Saints and Virtues
BOOKS008926I: Hawley, John C.; editor: - Christian Encounters with the Other
BOOKS008180I: Hawley, John Stratton - Sur Das : Poet, Singer, Saint
BOOKS010918I: Hawlin, Stefan - The Complete Critical Guide to Robert Browning
BOOKS007219I: Haworth, John; editor: - Psychological Research: Innovative Methods and Strategies
BOOKS021055I: Hawthorn, Jeremy - Multiple Personality and the Disintegration of Literary Character : From Oliver Goldsmith to Sylvia Plath
BOOKS009822I: Hawthorne, Melanie & Golsan, Richard J.; editors: - Gender and Fascism in Modern France
BOOKS006454I: Hay, Stephen N.; editor: [ Rammohun Roy, Raja (1772?-1833); Brajomohan Majumdar ] - Dialogue Between a Thiest and an Idolater: Brahma Pauttalik Samvad. An 1820 Tract Probably by Rammohun Roy
BOOKS014457I: Hay, Denys - The Italian Renaissance in its Historical Background
BOOKS007809I: Hay, Frederick G.; Oughton, Christine; & Skinner, Andrew S. - Intermediate Microeconomics: A Perspective on Price Theory
BOOKS008721I: Hayami, Akira ; & Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro ; editors : - Economic and Demographic Development in Rice Producing Societies : Some Aspects of East Asian Economic History 1500-1900
BOOKS020407I: Haydari, Hujjat Allah - Tabarshinasi-i Luristan
BOOKS024502I: Haydariyan, 'Abbas 'Ali - Bazi'ha-yi mahalli-i rusta-yi tarikhi-i Lasgird-i (Lasjird) Simnan
BOOKS005739I: Hayden, Dolores - The Grand Domestic Revolution : A History of Feminist Designs for American Homes, Neighborhoods, and Cities
BOOKS026642I: Haydinger, Franz - Katalog der Bibliothek aus dem Nachlasse des Herrn Franz Haydinger, Bürger von Wien, Mitglied mehrerer gelehrter Gesellschaften
BOOKS027336I: Hayek, F.A. [ Hayek, Friedrich August von (1899-1992) ] - John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor : Their Correspondence and Subsequent Marriage
BOOKS024648I: Hayes, Paul ; editor: - Themes in Modern European History, 1890-1945
BOOKS009500I: Haygood, Tamara Miner - Henry William Ravenel, 1814-1887: South Carolina Scientist in the Civil War Era
BOOKS000957I: Hayit, Baymirza - Die Wirtschaftsprobleme Turkestans : ein Beitrag zur Wirtschaftskunde Turkestans, mit einem Rückblick auf ihre jüngste .,.,
BOOKS002118I: Hayit, Baymirza - Sovyetler Birliginde'ki Turklugun ve Islamin Bazi Meseleleri
BOOKS008649I: Haykal, Muhammad Husayn - Uthman ibn 'Affan
BOOKS029151I: Ya'eqob Haylamaryam - Asab yaman nat? : ya'Ityopya yabaher bar teyaqé
BOOKS029135I: Asmamaw Haylu - 'I.He.'A.Sa. (Ya'Ityopya Hezbawi 'Abeyotawi Sarawit) : qep hulate : KaMaskaram 1970 a.me. 'eska Sané 1972 'a.me.
BOOKS031264I: Hayn, Hugo [1843-1923] - Uebersicht der (meist in Deutschland erschienenen) Litteratur über die angeblich von Juden verübten Ritualmorde ..,.
BOOKS011150I: Haynes, Deborah J. - The Vocation of the Artist
BOOKS018260I: Haynes, John ; & Knowlson, James - Images of Beckett
BOOKS031421I: Hayrapetyan, T'amar - Ark'etipayin harakc'owmere haykakan hras'apatowm hek'iat'nerowm ev vipapatmakan banahyowsowt'yan mej
BOOKS016293I: Hays, Michael ; editor: - Critical Conditions: Regarding the Historical Moment
BOOKS023810I: Hazai, György - Das Osmanisch-Türkische im XVII. Jahrhundert : Untersuchungen an den Transkriptionstexten von Jakab Nagy de Harsány
BOOKS024942I: Hazard, Samuel [1834-1876] - Santo Domingo, Past and Present ; With a Glance at Hayti ; Maps and Numerous Illustrations
BOOKS009615I: Hazareesingh, Sudhir; editor: - The Jacobin Legacy in Modern France: Essays in Honour of Vincent Wright
BOOKS007080I: Hazareesingh, Sudhir - Intellectual Founders of the Republic: Five Studies in Nineteenth-Century French Republican Political Thought
BOOKS031366I: Hazarika, Bijay Bhushan - Gazetteer of India : Assam State : Cachar District
BOOKS021862I: Hazarika, Bijay Bhushan ; & Roy Choudhury, S.B. ; editors: - Kamrup District [ Assam District Gazetteers ]
BOOKS022909I: Hazarika, Bijay Bhushan ; editor: - Kamrup District [ Assam District Gazetteers / Gazetteer of India, Assam State ]
BOOKS029508I: Hazart, Cornelius [1617-1690] - Onwettighen Dienst der ghereformeerde predikanten [bound together with 15 other anti-Calvinist polemical pamphlets, ca. 1664-69]
BOOKS010581I: Hazlitt, W. Carew; editor: - A Manual for the Collector and Amateur of Old English Plays, Edited from the Material Formed by Kirkman, Langbaine, Downes...
BOOKS002649I: Hazlitt, William [1778-1830] [ Northcote, James (1746-1831)] - Conversations of James Northcote, Esq, R.A. / By William Hazlitt
BOOKS020523I: Hazlitt, Henry ; editor: - The Critics of Keynesian Economics
BOOKS023087I: Hazra, Kanai Lal - Buddhism in India as described by the Chinese Pilgrims, A.D. 399-689
BOOKS022416I: Hazra, Kanai Lal - The Buddhist Annals and Chronicles of South-East Asia
BOOKS022843I: Hazra, R. C. (Rajendra Chandra) [1905-1982] - Studies in the Upapuranas : Volume I : Saura and Vaisnava Upapuranas
BOOKS001441I: Head, Joseph and Cranston, S.L., editors: - Reincarnation in World Thought. A Living Study of Reincarnation in all Ages,Including Selections from the World's Religions...
BOOKS003040I: Headley, Lee A., editor: - Suicide in Asia & the Near East
BOOKS019154I: Headley, P. C. (Phineas Camp) [1819-1903] - The Life of Louis Kossuth : Governor of Hungary, Including Notices of the Men and Scenes of the Hungarian Revolution..,.
BOOKS005420I: Headrick, T.E. - The Town Clerk in English Local Government
BOOKS009650I: Heal, Felicity & Holmes, Clive - The Gentry in England and Wales, 1500-1700
BOOKS005945I: Heal, Geoffrey & Chichilnisky, Graciela - Oil and the International Economy
BOOKS001124I: Heald, Suzette - Controlling Anger : The Sociology of Gisu Violence
BOOKS018809I: Great Britain. Ministry of Health - The Incidence of Rheumatic Diseases
BOOKS013114I: Heape, Walter [1855-1929] - Emigration, Migration and Nomadism
BOOKS017899I: Hearn, Lafcadio [1850-1904] [ Mordell, Albert ; editor: ] - Essays in European and Oriental Literature
BOOKS018184I: Hearn, Lafcadio [1850-1904] - Appreciations of Poetry
BOOKS000437I: Hearn, Jonathan. - Claiming Scotland : National Identity and Liberal Culture
BOOKS022403I: Heartman, Charles F. - A Bibliography of the Writings of Hugh Henry Brackenridge prior to 1825
BOOKS007840I: Heath, Jeffrey - Ablaut and Ambiguity: Phonology of a Moroccan Arabic Dialect
BOOKS015659I: Heath, Jeffrey - From Code Switching to Borrowing: Case Study of Moroccan Arabic
BOOKS000599I: Heath, Joseph - Communicative Action and Rational Choice
BOOKS002127I: Heath, O.V.S. - The Physiological Aspects of Photosynthesis
BOOKS020035I: Heath, Roy A. K. - The Ministry of Hope : A Novel
BOOKS001502I: Hebbe, P.M. - Svenskarna i Bohmen och Mahren. Studier i Tjeckisk Folktradition och Literatur
BOOKS025206I: Hébert, Marcel [1851-1916] - Note sur Totemisme and Exogamy de J.G. Frazer
BOOKS025063I: Heck, Eberhard - Die Bezeugung von Ciceros Schrift De re publica
BOOKS020092I: Heckel, Waldemar - The Conquests of Alexander the Great
BOOKS012080I: Heckerman, David E. - Probabilistic Similarity Networks
BOOKS018584I: Heckmair, Anderl - My Life as a Mountaineer
BOOKS008537I: Hedayetullah, Muhammad - Sayyid Ahmad : A Study of the Religious Reform Movement of Sayyid Ahmad of Ra'e Bareli
BOOKS028951I: Hede, Karl [pseudonym of Niels Davidsen (1859-1901)] - Højskamling eller Skamlingsbankes Historie [bound together with: "Tyskernes Færd i Sønderjylland 1884"]
BOOKS003922I: Hedegaard, E.O.A. - Landsknaegtene i Danmark i det 16. Arhundrede. En Kulturhistorisk studie
BOOKS022574I: Hedelund, Lorens ; Bredvig, Keld ; & Christensen, Knud Simon ; editors: - Religions- & kulturmøde : Jens Enevoldsens virke blandt pathanerne 1958-1972
BOOKS009740I: Hedenius, Ingemar - Sensationalism and Theology in Berkeley's Philosophy
BOOKS026683I: Hediger, Heini - Kleine Tropen-Zoologie
BOOKS019119I: Hedin, Sven Anders [1865-1952] - Sverige och den stora östern
BOOKS029075I: Hedin, Sven Anders [1865-1952] - Nach Osten!
BOOKS013619I: Heding, S.G. - Echinoderms [The Scoresby Sound Committee's 2nd East Greenland Expedition in 1932 to King Christian IX's Land]
BOOKS000876I: Hedinger, Bärbel ; & Berger, Julia ; editors: - Joseph Ramée : Gartenkunst, Architektur und Dekoration ; ein internationaler Baukünstler des Klassizismus
BOOKS005796I: Hedvall, Ruth - Runebergs Poetiska Stil. Studier.
BOOKS023118I: Hée, M. - Une couronne au Général Garibaldi
BOOKS030776I: Friedrich Heeb [1884- 1958] - Gegen die Gewerkschaftszerstörer! : Tatsachen und Dokumente über die kommunistische Minierarbeit in den schweizerischen ..,.
BOOKS014561I: Heekeren, H. R. van. ; & Knuth, Eigil - Sai-Yok : Stone Age Settlements in the Kanchanaburi Province
BOOKS026358I: Heekeren, H. R. van - Prehistorical Research on the Islands of Curacao, Aruba and Bonaire in 1960
BOOKS021383I: Heenk, Liesbeth - Howard Hodgkin Prints : A Catalogue Raisonné
BOOKS015755I: Heer, Gottfried [1843-1921] - Das Armenwesen des Kantons Glarus und unsere humanen und sozialen Anstalten zur Linderung und Verhutung der Armut..,.
BOOKS014606I: Heers, Jacques - Le clan familial au Moyen Age: étude sur les structures politiques et sociales des milieux urbains
BOOKS007803I: Heertje, Arnold; editor: - World Savings: An International Survey
BOOKS031955I: Heesterman, J. C. (Johannes Cornelis) - The Ancient Indian Royal Consecration : The Rajasuya Described According to the Yajus Texts..,.
BOOKS020918I: Heffer, W., & Sons, Booksellers, Cambridge, England. - E.M. Forster 1879-1970
BOOKS013778I: Hefner, Robert W. - Hindu Javanese : Tengger Tradition and Islam
BOOKS010813I: Hefner, Robert W. - The Political Economy of Mountain Java : An Interpretive History
BOOKS022223I: El Hefny, Mahmoud - Fann al-balih : tarikhuhu wa-madarisuhu wa-namadhij min rawa'i qisasih
BOOKS017114I: Hegar, Milan ; editor: - Leos Janácek : Sbornik stati a studii
BOOKS013606I: Hegedus, Sandor; & Varga, Ilona; editors: - Irodalmi szoveggyujtemeny. Valogatas magyar szerzok cigany targyu irasaibol Középiskolák I.IV. osztályai számára
BOOKS014044I: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich [ Hodgson, Peter Crafts ; editor: ] - Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion : Volume 2 : Determinate Religion
BOOKS007510I: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich [1770-1831] [ Hodgson, Peter Crafts ; editor:] - Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion: The Lectures of 1827 [One Volume Edition]
BOOKS016282I: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich [1770-1831]] [ Hodgson, Peter Crafts ; editor:] - Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion: Volume II: Determinate Religion
BOOKS016281I: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich [1770-1831] ] [ Hodgson, Peter Crafts ; editor:] - Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion: Volume III: The Consummate Religion
BOOKS025544I: Hegermann-Lindencrone, Cai Ditlev [1807-1893] - Betragtninger i anledning af D.G. Monrads politiske breve
BOOKS021985I: Heggie, D. C. ; & Hut, Piet - The Gravitational Million-body Problem
BOOKS004812I: Heggoy, Alf Andrew; Miller, Aurie H.; Cooke, James J. & Zingg, Paul J., editors: - Through Foreign Eyes. Western Attitudes Toward North Africa
BOOKS007988I: Heibel, Yule F. - Reconstructing the Subject: Modernist Painting in Western Germany, 1945-1950
BOOKS003008I: Heiberg, Borge - On the Classification of Vibrio Cholerae & the Cholera-like Vibrios
BOOKS004890I: Heiberg, Johan Ludvig [1791-1860] [ Stewart, Jon Bartley; editor & translator : ] - Heiberg's Contingency Regarded from the Point of View of Logic and Other Texts
BOOKS025672I: Heiberg, Arve Christian Linde [1805-1891] - Peder Palladius, Sjællands stifts første evangeliske Biskop : en kirkehistorisk skildring
BOOKS029609I: Heiberg, Johan Ludvig [1854-1928] - Glossae medicinales
BOOKS025847I: Heide, Frits - Herregaardsgartner Christian Pedersen : En Oversigt over hans Arbejder særligt paa det historisk-botaniske Omraade
BOOKS014848I: Heide, Frits; & Lundberg, Oskar; editors: - Tidsskrift for Historisk Botanik / Journal de Botanique Historique. I. Bind / Tome I [1918-1919]
BOOKS013072I: Heidegger, Martin [1889 - 1976] - The Principle of Reason
BOOKS015611I: Heidegger, Martin [1889 - 1976] - The Principle of Reason
BOOKS015170I: Heidegger, Martin [1889 - 1976] - The Essence of Human Freedom: An Introduction to Philosophy
BOOKS016349I: Heidegger, Martin [1889-1976] - The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic
BOOKS016306I: Heidegger, Martin [1889-1976] - Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics
BOOKS016259I: Heidegger, Martin [1889-1976] - An Introduction to Metaphysics
BOOKS014964I: Heidegger, Martin [1889 - 1976] - The Principle of Reason
BOOKS028238I: Heidenhain, Berta - Über die Blütenstände der Campanulaceen
BOOKS025340I: Heidrich, Jürgen - Der Meier-Mattheson-Disput: eine Polemik zur deutschen protestantischen Kirchenkantate in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS017531I: Heidt Heller, Renate - Dänische Skulptur im 20. Jahrhundert
BOOKS018204I: Heie, Ole E. - Studies on Fossil Aphids (Homoptera: Aphidoidea) Especially in the Copenhagen Collection of Fossils in Baltic Amber.
BOOKS003107I: Heifetz, Hank & Rao, Velcheru Narayana, translators: - For the Lord of the Animals: Poems from the Telegu. The Kalahastisvara Satakamu of Dhurjati
BOOKS024750I: Heijde, Willem Daniel van der - Das Skelett und die Kiemen von Palinurus vulgaris Latr. im Vergleich mit denen von Astacus fluviatilis Fabr.
BOOKS005004I: Heikel, H. J. - Altertumer aus dem Tale des Talas in Turkestan
BOOKS005002I: Heikel, Axel O. - Die Volkstrachten in den Ostseeprovinzen und in Setukesien
BOOKS030853I: Heiko, Anatolii - Honcharstvo naselennia skifs'koho chasu Dniprovs'koho lisostepovoho Livoberezhzhia : monohrafiia
BOOKS021059I: Heilbron, J. L. - Elements of Early Modern Physics
BOOKS015402I: Heiler, Friedrich [1892 - 1967] - Altkirchliche Autonomie und päpstlicher Zentralismus
BOOKS008091I: Heilke, Thomas W. - Voegelin on the Idea of Race: An Analysis of Modern European Racism
BOOKS017596I: Heilman, Samuel C. - When a Jew Dies : The Ethnography of a Bereaved Son
BOOKS031164I: Heilmann, Johann von (1825-1888) - Antheil des 2. bayerischen Armee-Corps an dem Feldzuge 1870-1871 gegen Frankreich
BOOKS027717I: Heilmann, Christoph H. ; editor : - Johann Georg von Dillis 1759-1841 : Landschaft und Menschenbild
BOOKS003306I: Heilmann, Petrus Gerardus Franciscus - On the Formation of Red Soils in the Lower Crati Basin (S. Italy)
BOOKS022836I: Heilmeyer, Ludwig [1899-1969] - Disturbances in Heme Synthesis : Special Considerations of the Sideroachrestic Anemias and Erythropoietic Porphyrias
BOOKS025692I: Heils, Axel ; editor: - Augustenborgske Breve til J.G. Adler og P. Hjort
BOOKS024847I: Kärntner Heimatdienst - Der Kärntner : Vormals Ruf der Heimat : Mitteilungsblatt des Kärntner Heimatdienstes [nr.s 83-110 (1987-1993)]
BOOKS018395I: Kärntner Heimatdienst - Ruf der Heimat : Mitteilungsblatt des Kärntner Heimatdienstes [1978-1986]
BOOKS030608I: Reichszentrale für Heimatdienst - Kampf der Krise! : die Wirtschaftskrise, ihre Ursachen und ihre Bekämpfung : eine Handreichung über Deutschlands Schicksalsfrage
BOOKS031570I: Österreichischer Heimatschutz - Österreich-Kalender 1936 : Österreichischer Heimatschutz : Österreich-Jahrbuch 1936
BOOKS005878I: Heimbeck, Raeburne S. - Theology & Meaning. A Critique of Metatheological Scepticism
BOOKS026632I: Heimbürger, Minna [ Ravalli, Minna Heimbürger ] - Disegni di giardini : e opere minori di un artista del ’700 : Francesco Bettini
BOOKS021786I: Hein, Olaf - Die Drucker und Verleger der Werke des Polyhistors Athanasius Kircher S.J ..,. Band 1 : Allgemeiner Teil, Analytische Essays
BOOKS014985I: Heinberg, Richard - Memories and Visions of Paradise : Exploring the Universal Myth of a Lost Golden age
BOOKS016019I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 86, 4. Heft [Juni 1930]
BOOKS001338I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 80 , 2. und 3. Heft [März 1927]
BOOKS026775I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 86 , 2/3 Heft [April 1930]
BOOKS024401I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 96 ; 5. und 6. Heft [Mai und Juni 1935]
BOOKS009620I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 90, 3. und 4. Heft [März-April 1932]
BOOKS010520I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 80 , 1. Heft [Januar 1927]
BOOKS024566I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 88 ; 1. und 2. Heft [Januar und Februar 1931]
BOOKS018757I: Heindl, Robert [1883- 1958] - Der Berufsverbrecher : Ein Beitrag zur Strafrechtsreform
BOOKS000983I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 96 , 1. und 2. Heft [Januar-Februar 1935]
BOOKS012529I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 96 , 3. und 4. Heft [März und April 1935]
BOOKS010678I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 91, 5. und 6. Heft [November-Dezember 1932]
BOOKS012915I: Heindl, Robert ; editor : - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 70, 3. Heft [ September 1918]
BOOKS019546I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 84 , 1. Heft [Januar 1929]
BOOKS020310I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 90, 5. und 6. Heft [Mai und Juni 1932]
BOOKS021677I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 75; 4. Heft [Oktober 1927]
BOOKS021050I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 91, 3. und 4. Heft [September-Oktober 1932]
BOOKS015284I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 84 , 2. und 3. Heft [April 1929]
BOOKS025915I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 82, 4. Heft [Juni 1928]
BOOKS023595I: Heindl, Robert ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie (Kriminalanthropologie und Kriminalistik) : Band 88, 3. und 4. Heft [März und April 1931]
BOOKS017292I: Heine, Steven - Opening a Mountain : Koans of the Zen Masters
BOOKS017270I: Heine, Steven ; & Prebish, Charles S. - Buddhism in the Modern World : Adaptations of an Ancient Tradition
BOOKS012667I: Heine, Bernd [1939- ]; & Kuteva, Tania [1958- ] - Language Contact and Grammatical Change
BOOKS016566I: Heineman, Robert A. - Authority and the Liberal Tradition: From Hobbes to Rorty
BOOKS009210I: Heinemann, Klara [1881-1942] [ Salomon, Alice (1872-1948)] [ Kollwitz, Käthe ] - Was Frauen erdulden : Berichte aus dem Leben / von Star ; mit einem Geleitwort von Alice Salomon..,.
BOOKS004103I: Heiney, Donald - America in Modern Italian Literature
BOOKS008723I: Heinimann, Felix - Nomos und Physis : Herkunft und Bedeutung einer Antithese im griechischen Denken des 5. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS014761I: Heinrich, Thomas R. - Ships for the Seven Seas : Philadelphia Shipbuilding in the Age of Industrial Capitalism
BOOKS026461I: Heinrich, Pinkas - Fragment eines Gebetbuches aus Yemen : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der jüdischen und jüdisch-arabischen Synagogalpoesie .,.,.
BOOKS018174I: Heinrich, Karl Friedrich [1774-1838] - Musaei de Herone et Leandro carmen : recognovit et adnotationibus instruxit Carolus Frider. Heinrich
BOOKS017579I: Heinrich, Bernd - Thermal Warriors: Strategies of Insect Survival
BOOKS028592I: Heinrich, Gertraud - Die Fossati-Entwürfe zu Theaterbauten : Materialien zur Architekturgeschichte Istanbuls im 19. Jahrhundert
BOOKS031332I: Heinrichs, Heinrich Matthias [ Honecker, Martin ] - Die überwindung der Autorität Galens durch Denker der Renaissancezeit [ Die Rechtsphilosophie des Alessandro Turamini ]
BOOKS015648I: Heinrichs, Wolfhart ; editor: - Studies in Neo-Aramaic
BOOKS003544I: Heins, Maurice - Hardy Classes on Riemann Surfaces
BOOKS006682I: Heinsch, Joseph - Die Reiche der Angelsachsen zur Zeit Karl's des Grossen
BOOKS026212I: Heintel, Erich [1912-2000] - Einführung in die Sprachphilosophie
BOOKS017098I: Heintel, Helmut ; editor: - Quellen zur Geschichte der Epilepsie : Ausgewählt, Eingeleitet und Erläutert
BOOKS010204I: Heintze, Beatrix - Ethnographische Zeichnungen der Lwimbi / Ngangela (Zentral-Angola). Aus dem Nachlass Hermann Baumann
BOOKS000885I: Heinz, Sabine - Ausgewählte Probleme der literarischen Übersetzung dargestellt anhand der Übersetzung mittelwalisischer Texte ins Deutsche
BOOKS006141I: Heinze, Rudolf - Hungarica. Eine Anklageschrift [bound together with one other pamphlet]
BOOKS014650I: Heinze, Richard [1867-1929] [ Lucretius Carus, Titus ] - T. Lucretius Carus De rerum natura : Buch III erklärt von Richard Heinz
BOOKS031729I: Heise, Karl-Heinz ; editor : [ Numismatischer Verein zu Dresden ] - Münzfunde aus Böhmen und Sachsen
BOOKS018110I: Heisenberg, Werner [1901-1976] - Encounters with Einstein: And Other Essays on People, Places, and Particles : And Other Essays on People, Places and Particles
BOOKS013588I: Heiskanen, O. - Cerebral Circulatory Arrest Caused by Acute Increase of Intracranial Pressure: A Clinical and Roentgenological Study of 25 Cases
BOOKS027289I: Heiss, W. D. ; editor : - Hadrons and Heavy Ions : Proceedings of the Summer School Held at the University of Cape Town January 16–27, 1984
BOOKS008246I: Heissenbüttel, Helmut - Hommage à Wendelin in fünf Teilen
BOOKS026339I: Heissig, Walther - Some Glosses on Recent Mongol Studies
BOOKS009482I: Heitman, John Alfred - The Modernization of the Louisiana Sugar Industry 1830-1910
BOOKS031616I: Heitmann, Michael ; & Laszlo, Carl [ Burroughs, William Seward ] - William S. Burroughs : Photo-Portraits : Dedicated to William S. Burroughs / by Michael Heitmann and Carl Laszlo
BOOKS028649I: Heitz, Friedrich August - Salmo salar Lin. : seine Parasitenfauna und seine Ernährung im Meer und im Süsswasser : eine parasitologisch-biologische Studie
BOOKS020087I: Helander, Martin - A Guide to Ergonomics of Manufacturing
BOOKS027937I: Helbig, Andreas J. - Angeborene Zugrichtungen nachts ziehender Singvögel : Orientierungsmechanismen, geographische Variation und Vererbung
BOOKS027642I: Helbig, Karl Martin [1903- 1991] - Die Insel Borneo in Forschung und Schrifttum
BOOKS013169I: Helcel, Antoni Zygmunt [1808-1870] - Odpór zarzutów uczynionych w tak zwanym "Przegladzie krytycznym" ogloszonym przed kilka; miesiacami we Lwowie ...
BOOKS031370I: Helck, Wolfgang [1914-1993]; editor & translator : - Urkunden der 18. Dynastie : übersetzung zu den Heften 17 - 22 / bearbeitet und übersetzt von Wolfgang Helck.
BOOKS031225I: Helck, Wolfgang [1914-1993] ; editor : - Historische-biographische Texte der 2. Zwischenzeit und neue Texte der 18. Dynastie : [Volume 2] Nachträge
BOOKS004444I: Helck, Wolfgang - Die Beziehungen Aegyptens und Vorderasiens zur Aegaeis bis ins 7. Jahrhundert v. Chr.
BOOKS013724I: Helck, Wolfgang - Die "Admonitions" : Pap. Leiden I 344 recto
BOOKS023918I: Heldman, Marilyn Eiseman ; Munro-Hay, Stuart C. ; & Grierson, Roderick ; editors : - African Zion : The Sacred Art of Ethiopia
BOOKS012924I: Helfert, Joseph Alexander, Freiherr von [1820-1910] - Der Rastadter Gesandtenmord : Studie
BOOKS029354I: Helfert, Joseph Alexander, Freiherr von [1820-1910] - Ausgang der französischen Herrschaft in Ober-Italien und brescia-mailänder Militär-Verschwörung : mit einem urkundlichen Anhange
BOOKS025208I: Helfrich, K ; Benders, J. F. ; & Casparie, W.A. ; editors: - Handzaam hout uit Groninger grond : houtgebruik in de historische stad
BOOKS001380I: Helgason, Tomas - Epidemiology of Mental Disorders in Iceland: A Psychiatric and Demographic Investigation of 5395 Icelanders
BOOKS008793I: Larsen; Helge; editor: - The Circumpolar Conference in Copenhagen 1958
BOOKS019131I: Hell, Julia - Post-fascist Fantasies : Psychoanalysis, History and the Literature of East Germany
BOOKS024308I: Helldén, Jan ; Jensen, Minna Skafte ; & Pettitt, Thomas ; editors: - Inclinate aurem : Oral Perspectives on Early European Verbal Culture : A Symposium
BOOKS017780I: Heller, Reinhold - Edvard Munch : The Scream
BOOKS013285I: Heller, Patrick - The Labor of Development: Workers and the Transformation of Capitalism in Kerala, India
BOOKS017324I: Heller, Erich [1911-1990] - The Disinherited Mind : Essays in Modern German Literature and Thought
BOOKS027424I: Heller, Steven - Iron Fists : Branding the 20th-century Totalitarian State
BOOKS022270I: Heller, Jakob - Initiative für die direkte Bundessteuer: Im Auftrage der Geschäftsleitung der Sozialdemokratischen Partei der Schweiz begründet
BOOKS029687I: Hellfried, Johan Carl Frederik von [1739-1810] - Versuch einer politischen Übersicht des Kriegszugs der Britten nach Seeland im Jahre 1807 : Mit Beilagen
BOOKS009278I: Hellige, Joseph B. - Hemispheric Asymmetry: What's Right and What's Left
BOOKS005158I: Helling, Rafael - A Century of Trollope Criticism
BOOKS020457I: Hellinghausen, Georges - 150 Jahre Luxemburger Wort : Selbstverständnis und Identität einer Zeitung, 1973-98
BOOKS004914I: Hellman, Stephen - Italian Communism in Transition. The Rise & Fall of the Historic Compromise in Turin, 1975-1980
BOOKS031855I: Hellmers, Ernst - Four Wilt Diseases of Perpetual-flowering Carnations in Denmark: Pseudomonas caryophylli, Pectobacterium parthenii var. ..,.
BOOKS013326I: Hellstrom, Eeva [Hellstroem, Eeva] [Hellström, Eeva]; & Reunala, Aarne - Forestry Conflicts from the 1950's to 1983
BOOKS015579I: Hellström, Nils - Halogenättiksyror och tioglykolsyra
BOOKS024646I: Hellung-Larsen, Per - Low Molecular Weight RNA Components in Eukaryotic Cells : Properties of the LMW RNA Components Apart from tRNA, 5S rRNA ..,.
BOOKS004304I: Helm, June & Lurie, Nancy Oestreich - The Dogrib Hand Game
BOOKS023917I: Helmfrid, Staffan - Östergötland västanstång : Studien über die ältere Agrarlandschaft und ihre Genese
BOOKS021962I: Helmich, Werner - Die Allegorie im französischen Theater des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. I : Das religiöse Theater
BOOKS015295I: Helminski, Camille Adams ; editor: - Women of Sufism : A Hidden Treasure : Writings and Stories of Mystic Poets, Scholars & Saints
BOOKS018667I: Helms, Svend W. - Jawa : Lost City of the Black Desert
BOOKS004587I: Helms, Cynthia Newman, editor: [ J. Paul Getty Museum ] - Marble : Art Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Ancient Sculpture
BOOKS020676I: Helms, Marianne - Kantaten zum Michaelisfest : Kritischer Bericht [Johann Sebastian Bach Sämtlicher Werke, Neue Ausgabe Serie I, Bd. 30]
BOOKS008574I: Helmstadter, Richard J. & Lightman, Bernard; editors: - Victorian Faith in Crisis: Essays on Continuity and Change in Nineteenth-Century Religious Belief
BOOKS027999I: Helrich, Charlotte - Untersuchungen über das circadiane System von Fliegen, Bedeutung der optischen Ganglien für die Laufaktivitätsrhythmik .,.,.
BOOKS008261I: Heltberg, Kristine; Jensen, Peter Alberg; Moller, Peter Ulf; Norretranders, Bjarne; Schacke, Lele Tybjaerg; et al; editors: - We and They: National Identity as a Theme in Slavic Cultures
BOOKS020667I: Helten, Volker - Zwischen Kooperation und Konfrontation : Dänemark und das Frankenreich im 9. Jahrhundert
BOOKS012712I: Helve, Helena; & Wallace, Calire; editors: - Youth, Citizenship and Empowerment
BOOKS003932I: Helveg, Ludvig - De danske Domkapitler; deres Oprindelse, Indretning og Virksomhed, for Reformation. En historisk Skildring
BOOKS027785I: Helweg, Ludwig ; editor : - For Literatur og Kritik. Et Fjerdingaarsskrift udgivet af Fyens Stift literære Selskab : Fjerde Bind
BOOKS021775I: Helweg, Johannes Spur [1881-1957] - Ischias alias Myopathia e labore regionis posterioris extremitatis inferioris : En klinisk Studie
BOOKS011354I: Hemadri, Koppula; Sharma, P.C.; Narayanappa, D.; Sasibhushana Rao, S; & Murthy, K.S. - Medico-Botanical Exploration of Phulbani and Koraput Districts of Orissa
BOOKS002840I: Heman, Peter & Murbach, Ernst - Zillis. Die romanische Bilderdecke der Kirche St. Martin
BOOKS003903I: Hemberg, Eug. - Jagtbara Daggdjurs Gangarter och Spar
BOOKS006974I: Hembram, Ragunath - Kuli kada turuy ka
BOOKS025470I: Hembrom, Ratan - Janam Parsi Sikhau
BOOKS014813I: Hemer, Oscar - Fiction and Truth in Transition : Writing the Present Past in South Africa and Argentina
BOOKS019524I: Hemmel, Vibeke ; & Sindbjerg, Pia - Women in Rural China : Policy Towards Women Before and After the Cultural Revolution
BOOKS027277I: Hemmen, J. L. van ; & , Morgenstern, I. ; editors : - Heidelberg Colloquium on Spin Glasses : Proceedings of a Colloquium held at the University of Heidelberg 30 May – 3 June, 1983
BOOKS024527I: Hemmer, Bjørn ; & Ystad, Vigdis ; editors: - Contemporary Approaches to Ibsen : Vol. VI
BOOKS027048I: Hemmert, Ginette [ Miller, Henry (1891-1980) ] - a handwritten letter with two attachments, concerning a biography of Henry Miller, dated 15 juin 1977
BOOKS007695I: Hemminga, Marten A.; & Duarte, Carlos M. - Seagrass Ecology
BOOKS024427I: Hemmingsen, Ralf - Cerebrale Mekanismer ved Ethanolintoksikation og-abstinens : en diskussion af metoder, teorier og resultater
BOOKS007391I: Hénault, Anne [Greimas, Algirdas Julien] [Ricoeur, Paul] - Le pouvoir comme passion
BOOKS020349I: Henckaerts, Jean-Marie ; Doswald-Beck, Louise ; & Alvermann, Carolin ; editors: [International Committee of the Red Cross] - Customary International Humanitarian Law. Volume I: Rules
BOOKS022630I: Henderson, George - From Durrow to Kells : The Insular Gospel-books 650-800
BOOKS009633I: Henderson, L.J. - On the Social System
BOOKS029696I: Henderson, J.R. - The Coins of Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan
BOOKS004352I: Henderson, Lawrence W. - Angola : Five Centuries of Conflict
BOOKS012094I: Henderson, Isabel - The Picts
BOOKS012402I: Henderson, Lawrence J. - Pareto's General Sociology: A Physiologists's Interpretation
BOOKS015581I: Henderson, Joseph Lewis [1903 - 19??] - Thresholds of Initiation
BOOKS019923I: Henderson, Amy ; & Kaeppler, Adrienne Lois ; editors: - Exhibiting Dilemmas: Issues of Representation at the Smithsonian
BOOKS021081I: Henderson, Brian ; Martin, Ann ; & Amazonas, Lee; editors: - Film Quarterly : Forty Years - A Selection
BOOKS019751I: Hendin, Herbert - Suicide and Scandinavia : A Psychoanalytic Study of Culture and Character
BOOKS005339I: Hendricks, William O. - Essays on Semiolinguistics and Verbal Art
BOOKS020547I: Hendricks, Geoffrey - Day into Night, or, How Fluxus Helped him to Discover a Personal Archaeology and to Raise Many of the Questions of Life ....,.
BOOKS011766I: Hendriks-Jansen, Horst - Catching Ourselves in the Act: Situated Activity, Interactive Emergence, Evolution, and Human Thought
BOOKS006735I: Hendriksen, Hans - Himachali Studies, I : Vocabulary
BOOKS006582I: Hendriksen, Hans - Himachali Studies, II : Texts
BOOKS001049I: Hendriksen, Hans - Untersuchungen über die Bedeutung des Hethitischen für die Laryngaltheorie
BOOKS004877I: Hendriksen, Hans - Himachali Studies : Volumes I - II - III
BOOKS027813I: Hendriksen, Hans - Syntax of the Infinite Verb-forms of Pali
BOOKS003736I: Henfrey, Arthur, editor: - The Journal of the Photographic Society of London containing the Transactions of the Society ...Volume the First
BOOKS014774I: Henn, Walter [1912-2006] - Über das alte und das neue Bauen
BOOKS023262I: Hennepin, Louis - A Description of Louisiana
BOOKS007492I: Hennerici, Michael G. ; Daffertshofer, Michael ; et al; editors: - Case Studies in Stroke: Common and Uncommon Presentations
BOOKS003027I: Hennessy, Maurice - The Rajah from Tipperary
BOOKS001334I: Hennessy, C.A.M. - The Federal Republic in Spain. Pi y Margall & the Federal Republican Movement 1868-74
BOOKS008275I: Hennicke, Otto [1878-19??] - Observationes criticae in Cl. Galeni Pergameni commentarios Peri psyches pathon kai hamartematon
BOOKS021157I: Hennig, Karl - Japanische Gartenkunst : Forme, Geschichte, Geisteswelt
BOOKS028909I: Hennings, Paul ; & Rambusch, Johannes - Slægten Rambusch : Biografiske Tilføjelser samt Familien Olufsen ved J. Rambusch. Trykt som Manuskript
BOOKS026204I: Henningsen, Bernd ; & Pelka, Rainer ; editors: - Die Skandinavistik zwischen gestern und morgen : Bestandsaufnahme und Zukunftsperspektiven eines "kleinen Faches
BOOKS010866I: Henningsen, Henning ; editor : - Maritime studier tilegnet Knud Klem 1966
BOOKS007041I: Henningsen, Henning - Crossing the Equator. Sailors' Baptism and Other Initiation Rites
BOOKS001980I: Henningsen, Henning - Kirkeskib og Kirkeskibsfester
BOOKS001931I: Henningsen, Henning - Dystløb i danske søkøbstæder og i udlandet
BOOKS022346I: Henquinet, Francois-Marie - Les écrits du Frère Guerric de Saint-Quentin
BOOKS019370I: Henriksen, Kai Ludvig [1888-1940] - Fortegnelse over de danske Galler (Zoocecidier)
BOOKS015591I: Henriksen, Aage - Gotisk tid : Fire litterære afhandlinger
BOOKS002249I: Henriksson, Fritz, editor: - Sweden's Participation in the U.S. Celebration of the New Sweden Tercentenary
BOOKS008358I: Henriksson, Heidi - Popular Hunting and Trapping in Norrland [Early Norrland 6]
BOOKS007380I: Henriques, Ursula - Religious Toleration in England 1787 - 1833
BOOKS006020I: Henriques, P.R., editor: - Aquatic Biology & Hydroelectric Power Development in New Zealand
BOOKS003266I: Henriques, Alf - Shakespeare og Danmark indtil 1840: Vurdering, opforelse, oversaettelse, efterligning.
BOOKS024117I: Henry, Reginald Buchanan ; compiler: - Genealogies of the Families of the Presidents
BOOKS003600I: Henry, Desmond Paul - That Most Subtle Question (Quaestio Subtilissima) : The Metaphysical Bearing of Medieval and Contemporary Linguistic Disciplines
BOOKS001341I: Henry, Frances, editor: - Ethnicity in the Americas
BOOKS011656I: Henry, Joseph [1797-1878] [Reingold, Nathan & Rothenberg, Marc; editors] - The Papers of Joseph Henry: Volumes 1 - 8
BOOKS030929I: Henry, Philippe - Crime, justice et société dans la principauté de Neuchâtel au XVIIIe siècle, 1707-1806
BOOKS003846I: Henshaw, Henry W. - Perforated Stones from California
BOOKS011573I: Henson, Margaret Swett - Juan Davis Bradburn: A Reappraisal of the Mexican Commander of Anahuac
BOOKS014287I: Hentig, Hans von [1887-1974] - Vom Ursprung der Henkermahlzeit
BOOKS016455I: Hentig, Hans von [1887-1974] - Das Verbrechen. II: Der Delinquent im Griff der Umweltkräfte
BOOKS001104I: Hentschel, Klaus - The Einstein Tower : An Intertexture of Dynamic Construction, Relativity Theory, and Astronomy
BOOKS013427I: Hentze, Willy - Am Hofe des Kaisers Menelik von Abessynien
BOOKS030222I: Hentze, Willi - Am Hofe des Kaisers Menelik von Abessynien
BOOKS004183I: Henze, Paul B. - The Horn of Africa : From War to Peace
BOOKS028568I: Heper, Metin - The State Tradition in Turkey
BOOKS015297I: Herb, Michael - All in the Family : Absolutism, Revolution, and Democracy in the Middle Eastern Monarchies
BOOKS014556I: Herbert, Robert L. - Nature's Workshop: Renoir's Writings on the Decorative Arts
BOOKS014552I: Herbert de la Portbarré-Viard, Gaelle - Descriptions monumentales et discours sur l'édification chez Paulin de Nole : Le regard et la lumière (epist. 32 et carm. 27 et
BOOKS015574I: Herbert, Robert L. - From Millet to Leger: Essays in Social Art History
BOOKS030084I: Herbert, William [1772-1851] - The History of the Twelve Great Livery Companies of London : Principally Compiled from their Grants and Records..,. Vol. 1 & 2
BOOKS022135I: L'Herbier, Marcel [1888-1979] ; compiler: - Intelligence du cinématographe
BOOKS015431I: Herbst, Jeffrey Ira - The Politics of Reform in Ghana, 1982-1991
BOOKS004196I: Herbst, Susan - Politics at the Margin: Historical Studies of Public Expression Outside the Mainstream
BOOKS004434I: Herburger, Elena - What Counts: Focus and Quantification
BOOKS009485I: Herczeg, Arpád - Johannes Manardus : Hofarzt in Ungarn und Ferrara im Zeitalter der Renaissance
BOOKS009313I: Herder, Johann Gotttfried [Menze, Ernest A. & Menges, Karl; editors:] - Johan Gottfried Herder: Selected Early Works 1764-1767: Addresses, Essays, & Drafts: Fragments on Recent German Literature
BOOKS009632I: Herding, Klaus - Courbet : To Venture Independence
BOOKS013895I: Herdt, Gilbert H.; & Stephen, Michele; editors: - The Religious Imagination in New Guinea
BOOKS015918I: Herdt, Gilbert H.; editor: - Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia
BOOKS017336I: Heredia, A.C. - Observacões sobre a situacão economica da ilha da Madeira e sobre reforma de alfandegas
BOOKS008405I: Hergenröther, Joseph [1824-1890] - Die Lehre von der göttlichen Dreieinigkeit nach dem heiligen Gregor von Nazianz, dem Theologen mit Berücksichtigung..,.
BOOKS026951I: Hergenröther, Joseph [1824-1890] - Anti-Janus : eine historisch-theologische Kritik der Schrift "Der Papst und das Concil" von Janus
BOOKS016215I: Hering, Jean - The First Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians
BOOKS019210I: Héritier, Francoise - Two Sisters and Their Mother : The Anthropology of Incest
BOOKS029590I: Heriyadi, Wahyu - Bahasa dan hukum
BOOKS004607I: Herlihy, David - Medieval Households
BOOKS011041I: Herlin, Troels - The Role of Cyclic AMP During Phagocytosis and Cytotoxicity Mediated by Neutrophils and Monocytes
BOOKS026046I: Hermann, Carl [pseudonym of Carl Hermann Sørensen (1844-1881)] - Gamle Minder : Fortællinger for den yngre Slægt
BOOKS027550I: Hermann, Friedrich [1873-1967] - Fam. Asilidae [Beiträge zur Kenntniss der süd-amerikanischen Dipterenfauna ..,. (Part 2)] [bound with two other monographs]
BOOKS018833I: Hermann, Knud [1906-1977] - Om psykiske funktioner ved intracranielle svulster
BOOKS012942I: Hermann, Pernille; editor: - Literacy in Medieval and Early Modern Scandinavian Culture
BOOKS003065I: Hermann, Peter - Ergebnisse einer Reise in Nordostlydien
BOOKS019566I: Hermann, Imre [1889-1984] - Psychoanalyse und Logik : Individuell-logische Untersuchungen aus der psychoanalytischen Praxis
BOOKS022810I: Hermann, Leonard - Das Bier im Volksmund : Alte Sprichwörter und Redensarten, gesammelt und erläutert von Leonard Hermann
BOOKS005313I: Hermans, Theo - The Structure of Modernist Poetry
BOOKS003877I: Hermans, Ward - De Europeesche Orienteering van het Vlaamsch Nationalisme
BOOKS025561I: Hermansen, Victor [1894-1960] - Nørre Broby Kirke : udgivet af Lundegaards Stiftelse i 200-Aaret for dens Oprettelse
BOOKS020301I: Hermansen, Gustav - Den nyeste polske Opstand fra dens Udbrud, d. 28. November 1830, til Seiren ved Grochow d. 25. Februar 1831 i chronologisk Orden
BOOKS027836I: Hermansen, Gustav - Studien über den italischen und den römischen Mars
BOOKS027758I: Hermanson, Lars ; Småberg, Thomas; Sigurdsson, Jön Vidar ; & Danneskiold-Samsøe, Jakob ; editors : - Vänner, patroner och klienter i Norden 900-1800 : rapport til 26:e Nordiska historikermötet i Reykjavík den 8-12 augusti 2007
BOOKS020878I: Hermele, Kenneth - Contemporary Land Struggles on the Limpopo : A Case Study of Chokwe, Mozambique, 1950-1985
BOOKS015163I: Hermenegildo, Alfredo - La Numancia de Cervantes
BOOKS030803I: Hermerén, Göran - Representation and Meaning in the Visual Arts : A Study in the Methodology of Iconography and Iconology
BOOKS002655I: Hermeren, Goran - Influence in Art and Literature
BOOKS003390I: Hermeren, Goran - Art, Reason, and Tradition: On the Role of Rationality in Interpretation and Explanation of Works of Art
BOOKS003472I: Hermeren, Goran - Aspects of Aesthetics
BOOKS027895I: Hermes, Rudolf - Fischlarvendrift vor Mauretanien
BOOKS027410I: Hermes, Hans - Eine Termlogik mit Auswahloperator
BOOKS027633I: Hermidad, Emanuel St. [pseudonym of Valdemar Adolph Thisted (1815-1887)] - Episoder fra et Reiseliv : Meddelte i Breve til Hjemmet : I
BOOKS002337I: Hermite, H. - Geologie. Principes. Explication de l'Epoque Quaternaire sans Hypothesis
BOOKS000651I: Hermsen, Willem - Gamma-Ray Sources
BOOKS008764I: Herner, Elisabeth - Profession med tradition : teknisk-kvalitativ analys av den äldre bronsålderns spiralornamentik, dess central- och lokalprodukti
BOOKS003076I: Heroldova, Dana - Acupuncture & Moxibustion. Part 1 - 2 (+ Supplement)
BOOKS009885I: Herrera, Marco - Para Elena: Cantos
BOOKS020551I: Herrera, Emilio [1879-1967] - Flying : The Memoirs of a Spanish Aeronaut
BOOKS014447I: Herrin, Judith - Women in Purple : Rulers of Medieval Byzantium
BOOKS000171I: Herring, Poul - Studier i rosens kulturhistorie
BOOKS026708I: Herrlinger, Robert - Die Geschichte der medizinischen Indikation des Abortus arteficialis
BOOKS031215I: Herrmann, Erich [ Herrmann-Goldap, Erich (1884-19??)] - Über die Klangfarbe einiger Orchesterinstrumente und ihre Analyse
BOOKS022052I: Herrmann, Eberhard - Die logische Stellung des ontologischen Gottesbeweises in Charles Hartshornes Prozesstheologie und neoklassischer Metaphysik
BOOKS031527I: Herrschaft, Hans - Das Banat : ein deutsches Siedlungsgebiet in Südosteuropa
BOOKS007061I: Herschel, John Frederick William - A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy
BOOKS016673I: Hersey, George L. - Architecture, Poetry and Number in the Royal Palace at Caserta
BOOKS011789I: Hershatter, Gail; Honig, Emily; Lipman, Jonathan N. & Stross, Randall; editors: - Remapping China: Figures in Historical Terrain
BOOKS009598I: Hershatter, Gail - The Workers of Tianjin, 1900-1949
BOOKS024314I: Hertel, Thomas Klitgaard - Old Assyrian Legal Practices : An Anthropological Perspective on Legal Disputes in the Ancient Near East
BOOKS008341I: Hertz, Chr. Adolph [1824-82] - Konstens scandinaviske Fremtid
BOOKS004504I: Hertz, Frederick - Nationality in History & Politics.A Study of the Psychology & Sociology of National Sentiment & Character
BOOKS000915I: Hertz, Peter - Kompositionen af den centrale Gruppe i Parthenons Vestlige Gavlfelt
BOOKS026141I: Hertz, Henrik Heyman [1797-1870] - Svanehammen : romantisk skuespil
BOOKS024099I: Hertz, Ole - Manual de apicultura para Cabo Verde
BOOKS018631I: Hertzberg, Ebbe [1847-1912] - Professor Schweigaard i hans offentlige virksomhed, 1832-1870
BOOKS003969I: Hervé, Gustave [1871-1944] - Eine Stimme aus Frankreich
BOOKS026682I: Hervé, Pierre [1913-1993] ; editor: - Action : Hebdomadaire de l'indépendance francaise [Issues nr. 78, 84, 88 (1946) ]
BOOKS029389I: Hervé, Georges [ also known as Henri Georges (1855-1932)] - Sur les laboratoires anthropologiques / par M. Georges
BOOKS003158I: Hervey, Sándor G. J. - Axiomatic Semantics : A Theory of Linguistic Semantics
BOOKS007034I: Hervik, Peter - The Position of Language & Cultures in the Yucatecan Landscape
BOOKS021596I: Hervik, Peter - Mayan People Within and Beyond Boundaries : Social Categories and Lived Identity in Yucatán
BOOKS003257I: Herweijer, J.P. - Slope Form Analysis in Pleistocene Landforms (Leeward Islands of the Netherlands Antilles)
BOOKS010618I: Herz, Martin F. - The Prestige Press and the Christmas Bombing, 1972: Images and Reality in Vietnam
BOOKS000719I: Herz, Judith Scherer - The Short Narratives of E.M. Forster
BOOKS031323I: Herzberg, Gerhard Heinrich Friedrich Otto Julius [1904-1999] - Zum Aufbau der zweiatomigen Moleküle [together with 5 offprints authored by Herzberg ca. 1931-1934]
BOOKS022988I: Herzfeld, Michael - A Place in History : Social and Monumental Time in a Cretan Town
BOOKS006350I: Herzl, George G. - Passive Gravity-Gradient Libration Dampers
BOOKS017647I: Herzlich, Claudine; & Pierret, Janine - Kranke gestern, Kranke heute : Die Gesellschaft und das Leiden
BOOKS028288I: Herzog, Eugen [1875-1928] - Untersuchungen zu Macé de la Charité's altfranzösischer Übersetzung des alten Testamentes
BOOKS014382I: Herzog, Tamar - Defining Nations : Immigrants and Citizens in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America
BOOKS015409I: Herzog, Dagmar - Intimacy and Exclusion: Religious Politics in Pre-revolutionary Baden
BOOKS027212I: Herzog, Jürgen ; & Kunz, Ernst ; editors: - Der kanonische Modul eines Cohen-Macaulay-Rings
BOOKS027914I: Herzog, Michael - Ethometrische Untersuchungen zur Steuerung des Alarmverhaltens beim Totenkopfaffen (Saimiri sciureus)
BOOKS018550I: Herzstein, Robert Edwin - Henry R. Luce, Time , and the American Crusade in Asia
BOOKS018638I: Heseler, Baldasar [ca.1508-1567] [ Mondino dei Luzzi ] [ Corti, Matteo (1475-1542)] [Eriksson, Ruben; editor & translator:] - Andreas Vesalius' First Public Anatomy at Bologna, 1540 : An Eyewitness Report by Baldasar Heseler..,.
BOOKS004058I: Hesla, David H. - An Interpretation of the Art of Samuel Beckett. The Shape of Chaos
BOOKS019008I: Hesmer, Herbert [1904-1982] - Leben und Werk von Dietrich Brandis, 1824-1907 : Begründer der tropischen Forstwirtschaft, Förderer der forstlichen Entwicklung
BOOKS021723I: Hess - Divo AG, firm of - Guldmünzen von Danzig : Auktion 288 - 24. Oktober 2001 in Zürich
BOOKS016287I: Hess, David J. ; & Matta, Roberto da ; editors: - The Brazilian Puzzle: Culture on the Borderlands of the Western World
BOOKS024053I: Hess, Hans - Die fossilen Echinodermen des Schweizer Juras : Seesterne, Schlangensterne, Seelilien, Seeigel, Seewalzen
BOOKS020058I: Hess, Jakob [1882-1908] - Die Bedeutung der Handelsgewächse für die Landwirtschaft in Unter-Elsass
BOOKS007138I: Hesse, Rolf - Syntax of the Modern Greek Verbal System.The Use of Forms, Particularly in Combination with 'tha' and 'na'
BOOKS018347I: Hesse, Rolf - Syntax of the Modern Greek Verbal System.The Use of Forms, Particularly in Combination with 'tha' and 'na'
BOOKS012627I: Hesse, Carla - The Other Enlightenment : How French Women Became Modern
BOOKS026668I: Hessen, Otto von - Il materiale altomedievale nelle collezioni Stibbert di Firenze
BOOKS031813I: Hessenberg, Gerhard [1874-1925] - Transzendenz von e und [pi]: ein Beitrag zur höheren Mathematik vom elementaren Standpunkte aus
BOOKS011521I: Hetherington, Penelope - British Paternalism and Africa, 1920-1940
BOOKS007011I: Hettne, Bjorn - The Political Economy of Indirect Rule : Mysore 1881-1947
BOOKS020169I: Hettner, Alfred [1859-1941] - Vergleichende Länderkunde. Band 1 : Die Erde. Land und Meer. Bau und Hauptformen des Festlandes
BOOKS020172I: Hettner, Alfred [1859-1941] - Vergleichende Länderkunde. Band II : Die Landoberfläche
BOOKS017424I: Hetzer, Armin - Lehrbuch der vereinheitlichten albanischen Schriftsprache : mit einem deutsch-albanischen Wörterbuch
BOOKS026010I: Heuer, Ludvig - Udsigt over Roskilde Domskoles Historie i gamle Dage
BOOKS013549I: Heugel, Jacques - Chevauchée à travers la Légende des Siècles
BOOKS018181I: Heusler, Andreas [1865-1940] [ Salfinger, Theodor ; editor: ] - Briefe an William Thalbitzer
BOOKS014820I: Hevesi, Simon ; Guttmann, Mihaly ; Hevesi, Ferenc ; Lowinger, Samuel; & Friedman , Denes; editors: - Magyar Zsidó Szemle; Ötvenegyedik - Ötvenkettedik Évfolyam [1934 - 1935]
BOOKS030360I: Hevesy, George Charles de [ Hevesy, György ] [ Hevesy, Georg von (1885-1966)]; & Paneth, Friedrich Adolf [1887-1958] - Zur Frage der isotopen Elemente [contained in: Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 123. Bd., 9. Heft]
BOOKS013622I: Hevesy, Georg Karl von [1885-1966] - Über den Zusammenhang zwischen Siedepunkt und Leitfähigkeit elektrolytisch leitender Flüssigkeiten
BOOKS001655I: Hevi, Emmanuel John - The Dragon's Embrace : The Chinese Communists and Africa
BOOKS017985I: Hewes, James E. - From Root to McNamara : Army Organization and Administration 1900-1963
BOOKS024323I: Hewison, W. S. ; compiler: - Who Was Who in Orkney
BOOKS009555I: Hewitt, Andrew - Fascist Modernism: Aesthetics, Politics, and the Avant-Garde
BOOKS007507I: Hewitt, Nicholas - The Golden Age of Louis-Ferdinand Celine
BOOKS026147I: Hey, Alfred - Christen Christensen Møller : "Gamle Møller" fra Flakkebjerg : Bidrag til en Levnedsskildring
BOOKS003377I: Heybroek, Pierre - The Geology of the Dalskog Dals-Rostock Region, Dalsland, Sweden
BOOKS012623I: Heydemann, Steven - Authoritarianism in Syria : Institutions and Social Conflict, 1946 - 1970
BOOKS003504I: Heye, Dietrich - Entwicklung von Messmethoden zur Radioaktiven und magnetischen Alterskorreklation an Sedimenten des Indischen Ozeans
BOOKS004987I: Heyerdal, Thor - The Art of Easter Island
BOOKS014795I: Heyl, Bernard Chapman [1905 - 19??] - New Bearings in Esthetics and Art Criticism: A Study in Semantics and Evaluation
BOOKS021338I: Heylin, Clinton ; editor: - All Yesterday's Parties: The Velvet Underground in Print, 1966-1971
BOOKS015602I: Heymann, C. David (Clemens David) - Ezra Pound: The Last Rower. A Political Profile
BOOKS030173I: Heyse, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig [1797-1855] [ Steinthal, Heymann (1823-1899) ; editor: ] - System der Sprachwissenschaft
BOOKS024787I: Heyse, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig [1797-1855] - Bücherschatz der deutschen National-literatur des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts : Systematisch geordnetes Verzeichnis ..,.
BOOKS008511I: Heywood, Denise - Cambodian Dance : Celebration of the Gods
BOOKS017620I: Heywood, Christopher ; editor: - Perspectives on African Literature : Selections from the Proceedings of the Conference on African Literature..,.
BOOKS016005I: Heywood, Thomas [d. 1641] - A Woman Killed with Kindness
BOOKS004137I: Heywood, William - Palio and Ponte. An Account of the Sports of Central Italy from the Age of Dante to the XXth Century
BOOKS019585I: Heyworth, Peter - Otto Klemperer, His Life and Times : Volume I: 1885-1933
BOOKS014215I: Hibbard, Allen & Tharaud, Barry ; editors: - Bowles, Beats, Tangier
BOOKS004340I: Hibbard, George, editor: - The Elizabethan Theatre, VI. Papers given at the International Conference on Elizabethan Theatre...Ontario in July 1975
BOOKS028714I: Hibbert, Reginald - Albania's National Liberation Struggle : The Bitter Victory
BOOKS017290I: Hibbett, Howard ; & Itasaka, Gen - Modern Japanese : A Basic Reader [Volumes I & II]
BOOKS002635I: Hicken, Cristobal María [1875-1933] - Chloris platensis argentina
BOOKS012665I: Hickey, Raymond, [1954- ]; editor: - Legacies of Colonial English : Studies in Transported Dialects
BOOKS022428I: Hickey, Gerald Cannon - Shattered World : Adaption and Survival Among Vietnam's Highland Peoples During the Vietnam War
BOOKS019877I: Hickmann, Hans ; & Stauder, Wilhelm [1903-1981] - Orientalische Musik
BOOKS018315I: Hicks, John Richard, Sir [1904-1989] - Capital and Growth
BOOKS015584I: Hicks, D. Emily - Border Writing: The Multidimensional Text
BOOKS017418I: Hicks, John Richard, Sir [1904-1989] - The Theory of Wages
BOOKS008803I: Hicks, John - Capital and Time : A Neo-Austrian Theory
BOOKS013864I: Hidayat Hosain, Muhammad ; editor : [ Ahmad Yadgar (active 1572-1576 CE) ] - Tarikh-i Shahi, ma'ruf bih, Tarikh-i Salatin-i Afaghinah / ta'lif Ahmad Yadgar ; bi-sa'i va tashih-i Muhammad Hidayat Husayn
BOOKS030663I: Hidel, Sten ; Illman, Karl-Johan; Kronholm, Tryghgve ; Müller, Mogens; Skarsaune, Oskar ; editors: - Judendom och kristendom under de första århundradena : nordiskt patristikerprojekt 1982-1985 : [Volume 1]
BOOKS029803I: Hieronymus, Frank ; editor : - Basler Buchillustration 1500-1545 [Oberrheinische Buchillustration 2] [Ausstellung Katalog]
BOOKS023419I: Hifzurrahman, Muhammad [ Hifzur-Rahman, Mohammed ] [ Hiphajurrahamana, Mohammada ] - Auliya-e-Delhi ki dargahen
BOOKS023396I: Hifzurrahman, Muhammad - Tasavvuf aur khavatin auliya Dihli
BOOKS005393I: Higdon, David Leon - Time and English Fiction
BOOKS013400I: Higgins, Lionel George - A Revision of the Melitaeine Genus Chlosyne and Allied Species (Lepidoptera : Nymphalinae)
BOOKS016757I: Higgins, Lynn A. ; & Silver, Brenda R. ; editors: - Rape and Representation
BOOKS018197I: High, Dallas M. - Language, Persons, and Belief: Studies in Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations" and Religious Uses of Language
BOOKS014478I: Higham, Charles - The Civilization of Angkor
BOOKS013994I: Higham, Charles - The Archaeology of Mainland Southeast Asia : From 10,000 B.C. to the Fall of Angkor
BOOKS027156I: Higham, N.J. - The Convert Kings : Power and Religious Affiliation in Early Anglo-Saxon England
BOOKS004403I: Highfield, J.R.L. & Jeffs, Robin, editors: - The Crown & Local Communities in England & France in the Fifteenth Century
BOOKS007729I: Higino, Sergio - Monarquia e Republica
BOOKS004224I: Higman, Graham & Scott, Elizabeth - Existentially Closed Groups
BOOKS029546I: Hijmans, Jaap - An Approximation Method for Order Disorder Problems
BOOKS014910I: Hikosaka, Shu - Buddhism in Tamilnadu : A New Perspective
BOOKS007026I: Hilan, Rizkallah - Culture et developpement en Syrie et dans les pays retardes
BOOKS011204I: Hilberth, John - Les Gbaya
BOOKS028007I: Hild, Friedrich - Das byzantinische Strassensystem in Kappadokien
BOOKS019435I: Hildebrand, Ingegerd Göthe - Den svenska kolonin S:t Barthélemy och Västindiska kompaniet fram till 1796
BOOKS017232I: Hildebrand, George C. ; & Porter, Gareth - Cambodia : Starvation and Revolution
BOOKS022931I: Hildebrand, Hans [1842-1913] ; & Montelius, Oscar [1843-1921] - Sedelsamlingen i Riksbankens Myntkabinett / beskrifven af Hans Hildebrand ; med en historisk öfversikt af Oscar Montelius
BOOKS001929I: Hildebrande, Jerzy & Brada, Michael - Differential Diagnosis in Neuro-oncology
BOOKS012734I: Hildegard, Saint [1098-1179] [Baird, Joseph L. & Ehrman, Radd K.; translators] - The Letters of Hildegard of Bingen: Volume III
BOOKS031552I: Hildermeier, Manfred - Bürgertum und Stadt in Russland 1760-1870 : rechtliche Lage und soziale Struktur
BOOKS015708I: Hildermeier, Manfred; editor: - Protokoly pervoi obshchepartiinoi konferentsii Partii sotsialistov-revolyutsionerov, avgust 1908
BOOKS031563I: Hildermeier, Manfred - Die Sozialrevolutionäre Partei Russlands : Agrarsozialismus und Modernisierung im Zarenreich (1900-1914)
BOOKS002011I: Hilditch, R. W. - An Introduction to Close Binary Stars
BOOKS004072I: Hilen, Andrew - Longfellow & Scandinavia. A Study of the Poet's Relationship with the Northern Languages & Literatures
BOOKS005201I: Rote Hilfe (Zürich); - Spioniert wir überall : Schweigen
BOOKS009931I: Hilferding, Rudolf [1877- 1941] ; editor : - Die Gesellschaft : internationale Revue für Sozialismus und Politik : [2. Jahrgang] 1925 : Band I & II
BOOKS017255I: Hilgevoord, Jan ; editor: - Physics and Our View of the World
BOOKS000326I: Hilken, T.J.N. - Engineering at Cambridge University 1783 - 1965
BOOKS014067I: Hill, Michael Ortiz - Dreaming the End of the World: Apocalypse as a Rite of Passage
BOOKS009116I: Hill, Boyd H. - Medieval Monarchy in Action : The German Empire from Henry I to Henry IV
BOOKS010156I: Hill, Christopher [1912-2003] - Economic Problems of the Church : From Archbishop Whitgift to the Long Parliament.
BOOKS015466I: Hill, Christopher - Some Intellectual Consequences of the English Revolution
BOOKS012498I: Hill, Nancy K. - A Reformer's Art: Dicken's Picturesque and Grotesque Imagery
BOOKS004864I: Hill, Mike & Montag, Warren; editors: - Masses, Classes and the Public Sphere
BOOKS004372I: Hill, Marnesba D. & Schleifer, Harold B. - Puerto Rican Authors: A Biobibliographic Handbook
BOOKS003514I: Hill, A.C. - Prison Schools
BOOKS014729I: Hill, Polly, - The Migrant Cocoa-Farmers of Southern Ghana: A Study in Rural Capitalism
BOOKS002132I: Hill, L.R. and Kirsop, B.E., editors: - Bacteria
BOOKS015069I: Hill, Christopher [1912 - 2003] - The World Turned Upside Down : Radical Ideas during the English Revolution
BOOKS019927I: Hill, Enid ; editor: - New Frontiers in the Social History of the Middle East
BOOKS019951I: Hill, Enid ; editor: - Discourses in Contemporary Egypt : Politics and Social Issues
BOOKS020155I: Hill, Leslie - The Cambridge Introduction to Jacques Derrida
BOOKS024045I: Hill, Donald Routledge - A History of Engineering in Classical and Medieval Times
BOOKS022524I: Hill, Brian W. - The Growth of Parliamentary Parties, 1689-1742
BOOKS023970I: Hille, Willy van - Histoire de la famille Van Hille
BOOKS023995I: Hille, Willy van - Familles de Westflandre : Généalogies van Wel, Pierloot, de Backer, etc
BOOKS024007I: Hille, Philippe van - Supplément à l’Histoire de la famille van Hille
BOOKS005699I: Hillebrand, W.F. - The Analysis of Silicate & Carbonate Rocks [bound together with :The Mercury Minerals from Terlingua,Texas;& 1 other monograph]
BOOKS028658I: Hillenbrand, Carole - The Crusades : Islamic Perspectives
BOOKS031377I: Hiller, Stefan - Studien zur Geographie des Reiches um Pylos nach den mykenischen und homerischen Texten
BOOKS017075I: Hiller, Stefan ; & Panagl, Oswald - Die frühgriechischen Texte aus mykenischer Zeit : Zur Erforschung d. Linear B-Tafeln
BOOKS026855I: Hiller, Stefan - Das minoische Kreta nach den Ausgrabungen des letzten Jahrzehnts
BOOKS005189I: Hilles, Frederick Whiley, compiler & editor: - The Letters of Sir Joshua Reynolds, collected and edited
BOOKS005997I: Hillestrom, Gustaf, editor: - Studia instrumentorum musicae popularis III: Festschrift to Ernst Emsheimer on the occasion of his 70th birthday January 15 1974
BOOKS017665I: Hilliard, Olive Mary ; & Burtt, B.L. - The Botany of the Southern Natal Drakensberg
BOOKS016948I: Hillier, Jim ; editor: - Cahiers Du Cinema: 1960-1968: New Wave, New Cinema, Re-evaluating Hollywood
BOOKS016951I: Hillman, James - Suicide and the Soul
BOOKS011422I: Hillman, James ; Hogarth, Henry; Bertoia, Judi; Boer, Charles; et al: - Haiti or the Psychology of Black [Spring 61: A Journal of Archetype and Culture. Spring 1997]
BOOKS009509I: Hilt, Douglas - The Troubled Trinity: Godoy and the Spanish Monarchs
BOOKS024265I: Hiltbrunner, Otto - Wiederholungs- und Motivtechnik bei Aischylos
BOOKS009726I: Hiltbrunner, Otto ; Kornhardt, Hildegard ; & Tietze, Franz ; editors : - Thesaurismata : Festschrift fur Ida Kapp zum 70. Geburtstag
BOOKS027206I: Hilton, Peter ; editor: - Structural Stability, the Theory of Catastrophes, and Applications in the Sciences : Proceedings of the Conference..,.,.
BOOKS031167I: Hilton-Simpson, M. W. (Melville William) [1881-1938] - Land and Peoples of the Kasai : Being a Narrative of a Two Years' Journey Among the Cannibals of the Equatorial Forest ..,.
BOOKS008645I: Hilton, R. H. (Rodney Howard) ; & Aston, T. H. (Trevor Henry) ; editors: - The English Rising of 1381
BOOKS024622I: Hiltunen, Eila [1922-2003] - Eila Hiltunen
BOOKS030236I: Hima, Adi - The Cham Issue : Past, Present and Solutions in the Light of European Integration of South East Europe
BOOKS013370I: Himachal Academy of Arts, Culture & Languages - Pahari Rachna Saar
BOOKS008901I: Himachal Academy of Arts, Culture & Languages - Pahari rachna saar
BOOKS004378I: Khongkha Himalai - 108 khru'angrang sathan phændin : saranukrom khru'angrang khong khlang lem ræk khong Muang Thai / Khongkha Himalai, khian
BOOKS007768I: Himmati, Isma'il ; editor: - Az farhang va guyish-i ha-yi Kumish : Guzidah-yi maqalat va asar-i sivvumin..,.
BOOKS024500I: Himmati, Isma'il ; editor: [ Anjuman-i Farhang, Zaban va Adabiyat-i Kumish ] - Kumish, sarzamin-i hazar guyish : majmu'ah-i maqalat va asar-i bumi-i duvvumin Jashnvarah-i Pizhuhishi-i Guyishha-yi ..,.
BOOKS001344I: Hinde, R.A., editor: - Non-Verbal Communication
BOOKS001337I: Hinde, R.A., editor: - Bird Vocalizations. Their Relations to Current Problems in Biology & Psychology.Essays presented to W.H.Thorpe
BOOKS030436I: Hindenburg, Paul von [ Vereinigte Hindenburg-Ausschüsse ] - Hindenburg bleibt!
BOOKS023943I: Hindley, Geoffrey - Saladin
BOOKS019900I: Hindley, Geoffrey - A History of Roads
BOOKS028183I: Hindsberger, Mogens - Fra åndetro til gudstro i Østgrønland
BOOKS001390I: Hindwal, D.N.H. - Hindu All
BOOKS005377I: Hines, Thomas Jensen - Collaborative Form. Studies in the Relations of the Arts
BOOKS017302I: Hing, Bill Ong - Deporting Our Souls : Values, Morality, and Immigration Policy
BOOKS006357I: Hingorani, Amarlal Vasanmal - Ado Abdul Rahman and other Stories
BOOKS025045I: Hingst, Hans - Die vorrömische Eisenzeit
BOOKS012804I: Hinich, Melvin J.; & Munger, Michael C. - Analytical Politics
BOOKS004741I: Hinkel, Hermann - Zur Funktion des Bildes im deutschen Faschismus : Bildbeispiele, Analysen, didaktische Vorschläge
BOOKS024590I: Hinrup, Hans J. - Inderst i hjertet ..,. : Notater og brev fra en emigrantfamilie i Canada, 1952-53
BOOKS015919I: Hinsch, Bret - Passions of the Cut Sleeve: The Male Homosexual Tradition in China
BOOKS027389I: Hinte, Ed van - Richard Hutten
BOOKS031518I: Hinterberger, Martin - Autobiographische Traditionen in Byzanz
BOOKS025971I: Hintermann, Heinrich - Im Reich des Sonnengottes : Reise durch Ecuador und das östliche Peru
BOOKS002111I: Hintikka, Veikko - Studies on White-rot Humus formed by Higher Fungi in Forest Soils
BOOKS014094I: Hinton, Thomas B., editor: - Coras, Huicholes y Tepehuanes
BOOKS009743I: Hinton, Leanne & Munro, Pamela; editors: - Studies in American Indian Languages : Description and Theory
BOOKS018818I: Hinton, Thomas B. ; & Weigand, Phil C. ; editors: - Themes of Indigenous Acculturation in Northwest Mexico
BOOKS013213I: Hintze, Angelina - Alecrim do norte
BOOKS004382I: Hintzsche, Erich - Medizin und Mediziner seit 1870 im Spiegel der Schweizerischen Medizinischen Wochenschrift
BOOKS003671I: Hintzsche, Erich - Gabriel Gustav Valentin (1810-1883) : Versuch einer Bio-und Bibliographie
BOOKS003670I: Hintzsche, Erich - Zellen und Gewebe in G. Valentins "Histiogenia Comparata" von 1835 und 1838. Zusammengestellt und erlautert
BOOKS024584I: Hinz, Hermann ; editor: - Siedlungsforschungen auf den dänischen Inseln und im westlichen Ostseeraum
BOOKS020736I: Hinz, Walther [1906-1992] - The Lost World of Elam : Re-creation of a Vanished Civilization
BOOKS023478I: Hiphajurrahamana, Mohammada [ Hifzur-Rahman, Mohammed ] - Maqamate Auliya-e-Ruhelakhanda : Amaroha, Bijanaura, Muradabada aura Ramapura ki daragahem
BOOKS031217I: Hippel, Arthur Robert von [1898-2003] - Experimentelle Untersuchung des Thermomikrophones
BOOKS028030I: Hippel, Arthur von [1841-1916] ; editor : [ Vossius, Adolf ] - Bericht über die Ophthalmologische Universitäts-Klinik zu Giesen, aus den Jahren 1879-1881 /
BOOKS006132I: Hiranandani, Popati R. - History of Sindhi Literature (Post-Independence) 1947 to 1978
BOOKS002370I: Hiranandani, Popati - Zindah Sa Qom Rahandi (Essays)
BOOKS007890I: Hirata, Hosea - The Poetry & Poetics of Nishiwaki Junzaburo: Modernism in Translation
BOOKS022214I: Hirche, Majbrit - Wood Weathering as Design Option
BOOKS006829I: Hiremath, R.C. - The Structure of Kannada
BOOKS006817I: Hiremath, R.C. & Kulli, J.S., editors: - Proceedings of the Third All India Conference of Dravidian Linguists
BOOKS026909I: Hiremath, R.C. [ Hirematha, Ar. Si. ] - The Genesis and Growth of Dravidian
BOOKS028406I: Hirn, Joseph [ Loebl, Alfred H. ] [ Bittner, Ludwig ] - Tirols Erbtheilung und Zwischenreich 1595-1602 [bound together with "Oesterreich und Preussen: 1766-1768" & one other monograph]
BOOKS013656I: Hirsch, Ferdinand Ludwig Richard [1843 - 1915] - Byzantinische Studien
BOOKS026877I: Hirsch, Samson Raphael [1808-1888] [ Hirsch, Naphtali ; editor: ] - Gesammelte Schriften von Rabinner Samson Raphael Hirsch
BOOKS017250I: Hirsch, Herbert - Genocide and the Politics of Memory : Studying Death to Preserve Life
BOOKS005427I: Hirsch, E.D. - The Philosophy of Composition
BOOKS004849I: Hirsch, E.D., Jr. [Hirsch, Eric Donald (1928 - )] - Validity in Interpretation
BOOKS020503I: Hirsch, Fred ; & Goldthorpe, John H. ; editors: - The Political Economy of Inflation
BOOKS028027I: Hirschberg, Julius [1843-1925] - Klinische Beobachtungen aus der Augenheilanstalt. Nebst einem Anhang über dioptrische und catoptrische Curven
BOOKS017973I: Hirschberg, Max [1883-1964] - Das Fehlurteil im Strafprozess : Zur Pathologie der Rechtsprechung
BOOKS027486I: Hirschel, Ernst Heinrich ; editor : - Proceedings of the Third GAMM-Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics : Cologne, October 10-12, 1979
BOOKS030574I: Hirschfeld, Magnus [1868-1935] ; editor : - Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Homosexualität : IV. Jahrgang
BOOKS018242I: Hirschfeld, Magnus [1868-1935] - Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes
BOOKS014450I: Hirschman, Albert O. - A Propensity to Self-subversion
BOOKS011047I: Hirsh, Richard F. - Technology and Transformation in the American Electric Utility Industry
BOOKS012161I: Hirsh-Pasek, Kathy; & Golinkoff, Roberta Michnick; editors: - The Origins of Grammar. Evidence from Early Language Comprehension
BOOKS004081I: Hirst, David L. - Dario Fo & Franca Rame
BOOKS010694I: Hirt, Herman - Syntax I : Syntaktische Verwendung der Kasus und der Verbalformen
BOOKS026570I: Hirtenstein, Stephen ; editor: - Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi Society : Volume XXXII : 2002
BOOKS002633I: Hirvonen, Kaarle - Matriarchal Survivals and Certain Trends in Homer's Female Characters
BOOKS005890I: His de Butenval, Charles Adrien, Comte de - Précis historique et économique du traité de commerce entre la France et la Grande Bretagne, signé à Versailles..,.1786
BOOKS025094I: Hisari, Sa'id ; Muradi Dihqi, Shahryar ; & Shaykhan, Muhammad ; editors: - Asnadi az Hizb-i Mardum
BOOKS005249I: Hiscock, W.G. - A Christ Church Miscellany. New Chapters on the Architects, Craftsmen, Statuary, Plate, Bells, Furniture, Clocks, Plays...
BOOKS002445I: Hiskes, Richard P. - Democracy, Risk, and Community: Technological Hazards and the Evolution of Liberalism
BOOKS020224I: Nordiske Historikerkongres (15th : 1971 : Copenhagen, Denmark) [ Hvidt, Kristian ; editor: ] - Emigrationen fra Norden indtil 1. verdenskrig. Rapporter til det nordiske historikermøde i København 1971, 9.-12. august
BOOKS024780I: Hitchcock, Michael ; King, Victor T. ; & Parnwell, Mike ; editors : - Heritage Tourism in Southeast Asia
BOOKS019930I: Hjejle, Bernt Ruben Hansen - Hof eller Tuborg? : konkurrence og fusion 1895-1970 : et kapitel af dansk industrihistorie
BOOKS018590I: Hjelholt, Holger - British Mediation in the Danish-German Conflict 1848-1850. Part One: From the March Revolution to the November Government
BOOKS018325I: Hjelholt, Holger [1887-19??] - British Mediation in the Danish-German Conflict 1848 -1850. Part 2: From the November Cabinet until the Peace with Prussia..,.
BOOKS025517I: Hjelholt, Holger [1887-1977] - Christian Hansen junior (1804-1873) : en talsmand for flensborgsk kongetroskab
BOOKS004306I: Hjelmslev, Louis - Essais linguistiques
BOOKS004158I: Hjelmslev, Louis - Language. An Introduction
BOOKS001974I: Hjerl-Hansen, H.P. - Danske Pionerer i Siberien
BOOKS030767I: Hjermitslev, Hans Henrik - Debating Darwinism in Denmark, 1859-1920
BOOKS022379I: Hjort, Anders ; editor: - Samhälle och ekosystem : om tolkningsproblem i antropologi och arkeologi
BOOKS025404I: Hjort, Niels - Krabbe-Affæren : Nyt og Gammelt
BOOKS019351I: Hjort, Øystein ; & Marcussen, Marianne ; editors: [ University of Copenhagen, Institute of Art History ] - Hafnia : Copenhagen Papers in the History of Art. No. 11 - 1987
BOOKS014661I: Hjort, Øystein - The Sculpture of Kariye Camii
BOOKS020718I: Hjort, Øystein ; Marup Jensen, Niels ; & Christensen, Hans Dam ; editors: - Rethinking Art Between the Wars : New Perspectives in Art History
BOOKS020726I: Hjort, Øystein ; & Gelfer-Jørgensen, Mirjam ; editors: [ University of Copenhagen, Institute of Art History ] - Hafnia : Copenhagen Papers in the History of Art, No. 10, 1985
BOOKS025585I: Hjort, Niels [1862-1917] - Indlæg til den til Undersøgelse af De forenede Skolers pekuniære Forhold af Ministeriet for Kirke- og Undervisningsvæsenet..,.
BOOKS014224I: Hjorth, Niels - Eczematous Allergy to Balsams: Allied Perfumes and Flavouring Agents, with Special Reference to Balsam of Peru
BOOKS022124I: Hjørting-Hansen, Erik - Studies on Implantation of Anorganic Bone in Cystic Jaw Lesions
BOOKS020920I: Hjortsø, Tina ; Lieth, Lars von der ; & Carlsen, Camilla ; editors: [ European Society for Mental Health and Deafness ] - Mental Health Services for Deaf People : A Worldwide Perspective : Proceedings of the 5th European & 2nd World Conference..,
BOOKS010561I: Hlebec, Boris - O starini Juznih Slovena: poreklo imenica kruska i jabuka
BOOKS030578I: Diêp Dình Hoa - Su biên dông cua công dông dân tôc do tác dông cua hô Hòa Bình
BOOKS030281I: Phan Dang Thanh ; & Truong Thi Hòa - Lich su các chê dô báo chí o Viêt Nam : tâp 1 : Truoc Cách mang tháng Tám 1945 (1858-1945)
BOOKS000132I: Dinh Bá Hòa - Gôm cô Champa Bình Dinh / Champa Ancient Ceramics in Binh Dinh
BOOKS021117I: Hoagland, Richard C. - The Monuments of Mars : A City on the Edge of Forever
BOOKS021324I: Hoare, Rodney - A Piece of Cloth : The Turin Shroud Investigated
BOOKS006641I: Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679) [ Jacquot, Jean ; & Jones, Harold Whitmore ] - Critique du De mundo de Thomas White / introduction, texte critique et notes par Jean Jacquot et Harold Whitmore Jones
BOOKS001172I: Hoberg, Martin - Die Gesangbuchillustration des 16. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zum Problem Reformation und Kunst
BOOKS019664I: Hobhouse, Hermione - Crystal Palace and the Great Exhibition : Art, Science, and Productive Industry : A History of the Royal Commission ...,.
BOOKS005402I: Hobsbaum, Philip - Theory of Criticism
BOOKS024672I: Hobsbawm, E. J. (Eric J.) - Nations and Nationalism since 1780 : Programme, Myth, Reality
BOOKS014357I: Hobson, Archie ; editor: - The Cambridge Gazetteer of the United States and Canada : A Dictionary of Places
BOOKS008526I: Hobson, Barbara; editor: - Gender and Citizenship in Transition
BOOKS017914I: Hobson, J. Allan - The Dream Drugstore : Chemically Altered States of Consciousness
BOOKS017144I: Hobson, J. Allan - The Dream Drugstore : Chemically Altered States of Consciousness
BOOKS021146I: Hobson, Ernest William [1856-1933] - The Domain of Natural Science : The Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of Aberdeen in 1921 and 1922
BOOKS004143I: Hocart, Arthur Maurice [Needham, Rodney; editor:] - Imagination and Proof. Selected Essays of A.M. Hocart
BOOKS030534I: Hochstetter, Ferdinand [1861-1954] - Über die harte Hirnhaut und ihre Fortsätze bei den Säugetieren, nebst Angaben über die Lagebeziehung der einzelnen Hirnteile..,.
BOOKS028335I: Hochstetter, Ferdinand [1861-1954] - Über die Rückbildung der Ohröffnung und des äusseren Gehörganges bei der Blindschleiche (Anguis fragilis)
BOOKS030533I: Hochstetter, Ferdinand [1861-1954] - Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der kraniozerebralen Topographie des Menschen
BOOKS028337I: Hochstetter, Ferdinand [1861-1954] - Wann beginnt bei menschlichen Keimlingen die Absonderungstätigkeit der Nieren?
BOOKS028333I: Hochstetter, Ferdinand [1861-1954] - Über die Entwicklung der Formverhältnisse des menschlichen Antlitzes
BOOKS028336I: Hochstetter, Ferdinand [1861-1954] - Über zwei Fälle epithelialer Syngnathie bei menschlichen Keimlingen
BOOKS027894I: Hockamp, Meinolf - Zur Gonadenentwicklung während der Geschlechtsreifung der Haustaube, Columba livia domestica GMELIN 1789
BOOKS013379I: Hoda, M. - In Memory of Martyr Mutahhari
BOOKS010157I: Hodeir, Andre - Toward Jazz
BOOKS024305I: Hodel-Hoenes, Sigrid - Leben und Tod im alten Ägypten : thebanische Privatgräber des Neuen Reiches
BOOKS019722I: Hodes, Aubrey - Martin Buber : An Intimate Portrait
BOOKS025878I: Hodes, Franz ; & Berninger, Ernst - Ad bibliothecam Joh. Christian Senckenberg, med. doct. M Francofort : Ein Beitrag
BOOKS006945I: Hodge, Carl Cavanagh - The Trammels of Tradition. Social Democracy in Britain, France and Germany
BOOKS024655I: Hodges, Richard - Dark Age Economics : The Origins of Towns and Trade A.D. 500-1000
BOOKS009800I: Hodges, Richard - Light in the Dark Ages: The Rise and Fall of San Vincenzo al Volturno
BOOKS009521I: Hodges, Devon L. - Renaissance Fictions of Anatomy
BOOKS023967I: Hodgson, Leonard - The Doctrine of the Atonement
BOOKS004104I: Hodgson, Julian - Music Titles in Translation. A Checklist of Musical Compositions
BOOKS020468I: Hodivala, Shahpurshah Hormasji - Historical Studies in Mughal Numismatics
BOOKS025666I: Høedt, Frederik Ludwig [1820-1885] - Om det skjønne : udkast til en christelig æsthetik
BOOKS016070I: Hoeflake, Hendrik - Een onderzoek naar de variatie van het lactoflavine-, nicotinezuur-, pantotheenzuur- en biotine gehalte in Nederlandse ..,.
BOOKS025712I: Høeg, Eiler [1880-1964] - En dansk Landlægepraksis gennem 35 Aar (1909-1943) i Jægerspris i Nordsjælland
BOOKS013410I: Høeg, Eiler - Licent. med. Johann Valentin Wille (Johannes Valentinus Willius) ..,.
BOOKS030413I: Høeg, Helge Irgens - Pollenanalytiske undersøkelser på Øvre Romerike : Ullensaker og Nannestad, Akershus fylke
BOOKS017220I: Høeg, Carsten [1896-1961] - Les Saracatsans : Une tribu nomade grecque. [Volume II : Textes (contes et chansons), Vocabulaire technique, Index verborum]
BOOKS013524I: Høegh-Guldberg, Frederik [1771 - 1852] - Et Ord til sin Tid: Tre Tidsstykker
BOOKS025898I: Høegh-Guldberg, Frederik [1771-1852] - Roser og Torne : Gjenlyd af et elskende Hjerte under sammenhængende Livsoptrin
BOOKS025851I: Høegh-Guldberg, Frederik [1771-1852] - Mindeløv om Danmarks sjette Frederiks og Maria Sophie Frederikkes Kister
BOOKS010339I: Høegh-Guldberg, Ove - North European Groups of Aricia allous G.-Hb : Their Variability and Relationship to A. agestis Schiff
BOOKS010020I: Hoek, Gerard - Acute Effects of Ambient Air Pollution Episodes on Respiratory Health of Children
BOOKS012963I: Hoekstra, Valerie J. - Public Reaction to Supreme Court Decisions
BOOKS030292I: Hoene-Wronski, Józef Maria [1776-1853] - Épitre a Sa Majesté l'empereur de Russie, pour compléter les Cent pages décisives : et pour accomplir la réforme de la mécanique
BOOKS020308I: Hoerner, Jean-Michel - Géographie régionale du sud-ouest de Madagascar
BOOKS030403I: Hoernes, Rudolf [1850-1912] - Über Eolithen : Vortrag gehalten im Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein für Steiermark am 7. Nov. 1908
BOOKS027903I: Hoernle, Edwin [1883-1952] - Grundfragen der proletarischen Erziehung
BOOKS018114I: Hoete, Anthony ; & Hadid, Zaha - Reader on the Aesthetics of Mobility
BOOKS030195I: Hoetzsch, Otto ; editor : - Osteuropa : Zeitschrift für die gesamten Fragen des europäischen Ostens : 2. Jahrgang : 1926-1927
BOOKS030193I: Hoetzsch, Otto ; editor : - Osteuropa : Zeitschrift für die gesamten Fragen des europäischen Ostens : 5. Jahrgang : Oktober 1929- September 1930
BOOKS028985I: Hoetzsch, Otto [1876-1946] - Russland in Asien : Geschichte einer Expansion
BOOKS012274I: Hoetzsch, Otto ; editor : - Osteuropa : Zeitschrift für die gesamten Fragen des europäischen Ostens : 1. Jahrgang 1925/26
BOOKS017635I: Hoetzsch, Otto [1876-1946] - Russland : Eine Einführung auf Grund seiner Geschichte vom japanischen bis zum Weltkrieg
BOOKS030233I: Hoetzsch, Otto ; editor : - Osteuropa : Zeitschrift für die gesamten Fragen des europäischen Ostens : 4. Jahrgang 1928/29
BOOKS013217I: Hoetzsch, Otto [1876 - 1946] - Russische Probleme: Eine Entgegnung auf J. Hallers Schrift, "Die russische Gefahr im deutschen Hause
BOOKS030234I: Hoetzsch, Otto ; editor : - Osteuropa : Zeitschrift für die gesamten Fragen des europäischen Ostens : 3. Jahrgang 1927/28
BOOKS024074I: Hoevel, Ruth - Hövel / Hoevel aus der Mark Brandenburg : Stammfolge, Lebensläufe, Ahnenlisten von Ehepartnern
BOOKS015801I: Hoexter, Miriam ; Eisenstadt, S. N. (Shmuel Noah) ; & Levtzion, Nehemia ; editors: - The Public Sphere in Muslim Societies
BOOKS016930I: Hof, John G. ; & Bevers, Michael - Spatial Optimization for Managed Ecosystems
BOOKS012540I: Hofdahl, Elisabeth ; & Søes-Petersen, Sofie - So fræls mek thin tiænistæ qwinnæ ,,., : Religiøsiteten i de danske senmiddelalderlige bønnebøger
BOOKS006148I: Hofer, Cuno ; & Moeschlin, Felix ; editors : - Schweizerland : Monatshefte für schweizer Art und Arbeit [9 issues ca. 1918 - 1919]
BOOKS002599I: Hofer, Michael - Die Ruckgabe Gibraltars an Spanien
BOOKS024536I: Hoff, Randi Holden - Avlet i synd og ondskap" : en sosial- og rettshistorisk undersøkelse av fødsler utenfor ekteskap i Kristiansund, 1742-1801
BOOKS009980I: Hoff, Jacobus Henricus van't [1852-1911] - Vorlesungen ueber theoretischen und physikalische Chemie. I - III Heft
BOOKS027624I: Hoff, Arne ; Schepelern, H. D. ; & Boesen, Gudmund [ Danske kongers kronologiske samling ] - Royal Arms at Rosenborg [Volumes I & II ]
BOOKS026250I: Hoff, V. J. - Minder fra Vallekilde
BOOKS025540I: Høffding, Harald [1843-1931] ; editor: [ Brøchner, Hans (1820-1875) ] [ Molbech, Christian Knud Frederik (1821-1888)] - Hans Brøchner og Christian K. F. Molbech : En brevvexling
BOOKS013820I: Höffe, Otfried. [Hoffe, Otfried] [Hoeffe, Otfried] - Immanuel Kant
BOOKS010117I: Hoffman, Philip T. - Growth in a Traditional Society: The French Countryside 1450-1815
BOOKS007126I: Hoffman, Philip T. - Church & Community in the Diocese of Lyon, 1500 - 1789
BOOKS017209I: Hoffman, Joel M., editor: - Design, Culture, Identity : The Wolfsonian Collection [The Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts, 24]
BOOKS005513I: Hoffman, Glenn L. - Parasites of North American Freshwater Fishes
BOOKS002395I: Hoffman, Martin L. - Empathy and Moral Development : Implications for Caring and Justice
BOOKS001480I: Hoffman, Antoni & Nitecki, Matthew H., editors: - Problematic Fossil Taxa
BOOKS016318I: Hoffman, Abraham - Vision or Villainy: Origins of the Owens Valley, Los Angeles Water Controversy
BOOKS031853I: Hoffmann, Thomas Sören ; editor : - Hegel als Schlüsseldenker der modernen Welt : Beiträge zur Deutung der "Phänomenologie des Geistes"..,
BOOKS029756I: Hoffmann, Alfred [1911-1997] - Glossar der heute gültigen chinesischen Vogelnamen : ein lexikographischer Beitrag zur modernen chinesischen Sprache : chinesisc
BOOKS009513I: Hoffmann, Gerhard ; editor : - Indianische Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert : Malerei, Keramik und Kachinafiguren indianischer Künstler in den USA
BOOKS018158I: Hoffmann, Adolph [ Prussia. Landesversammlung ] - Die Berliner Putsche : Standrecht und Belagerungszustand : Die Beratung der Verfassunggebenden Preussischen Landesversammlung..,
BOOKS002549I: Hoffmann, Max - Die Bisamratte. Ihre Lebensgewohnheiten, Verbreitung, Bekampfung und Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung
BOOKS012189I: Hoffmann, Heinrich [1885-1957] ; editor : - Kunst dem Volk : Monatsschrift für bildende und darstellende Kunst, Architektur und Kunsthandwerk [9 issues ca. 1940-1943]
BOOKS022186I: Hoffmann, Gerhard - Kommune oder Staatsbürokratie? : zur politischen Rolle der Bevölkerung syrischer Städte vom 10.-12. Jahrhundert
BOOKS022881I: Hoffmann, Helmut - Symbolik der tibetischen Religionen und des Schamanismus
BOOKS022922I: Hoffmann, Jean Georges Henri - Les vies de Jésus et le Jésus de l'histoire : étude de la valeur historique des vies de Jésus de langue française..,.
BOOKS027899I: Hoffmann, Dietrich - Cydia (Laspeyresia) araucariae : ein Forstschädling der Araukarie in Brasilien (Lep., Tortricidae)
BOOKS030704I: Hoffmann, Karl ; Henning, W.B.; Bailey, H.W.; Morgenstierne, G. ; & Lentz, W. - Iranistik : 1. Abschnitt : Linguistik [ Handbuch der Orientalistik, 1. Abt. ; Band IV, 1. Abschnitt]
BOOKS028752I: Hoffmann, Judith - Aufstieg und Wandel des politischen Islam in der Türkei
BOOKS017679I: Hoffmeister, Adolf [1902- 19??] - Guo-Hua, oder die chinesische Malerei : Reiseeindrücke von Adolf Hoffmeister
BOOKS030733I: Hoffmeyer, H. - Vor Kirke i Vestindien
BOOKS025826I: Hoffmeyer, Svend - En Samfundssygdom : de ulovlige Aborter
BOOKS018807I: Hoffmeyer, Erik - Dollar Shortage and the Structure of U.S. Foreign Trade
BOOKS025772I: Hoffmeyer, A.B. - Polemiske Blade om Armee-Organisation : Nr. 1-3.
BOOKS016560I: Hofius, Otfried - Der Vorhang vor dem Thron Gottes : Eine exegetisch-religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu Hebräer 6, 19 f. und 10, 19 f.
BOOKS028395I: Höfler, Constantin [ Höfler, Karl Adolf Konstantin von ] - Antoine de Lalaing, Seigneur de Montigny, Vincenzo Quirino und Don Diego de Guevara als Berichterstatter über König Philipp I.,.
BOOKS031320I: Höfler, Max - Ein Sindelsdorfer Hausmittelbuch für Tierkrankheiten
BOOKS030590I: Höfler, Karl Adolf Constantin, Ritter von [1811-1897] - Die Katastrophe des herzoglichen Hauses der Borja's von Gandia: Niederlage und Flucht Don Juan's II, Plünderung des Palastes..,.
BOOKS031611I: Hofmaier, Karl [1897- 1988] - Memoiren eines Schweizer Kommunisten : 1917-1947
BOOKS028345I: Hofmann, Karl B. - Kenntnisse der klassischen Völker von den physikalischen Eigenschaften des Wassers : IV : Geschmack und Geruch
BOOKS028150I: Hofmann, Joseph Ehrenfried [1900-1973] - Nicolaus Mercator (Kauffman) : sein Leben und Wirken, vorzugsweise als Mathematiker
BOOKS017397I: Hofmann, Erich [1906 - 19??] - Der Meistersinger Martin Maier
BOOKS003198I: Hofmann, Friedrich H. - Geschichte der Bayreuther Fayencefabrik: St. Georgen am See
BOOKS018136I: Hofmeyr, N. - De Afrikaner-Boer en de Jameson-Inval
BOOKS001893I: Hofseth, Ellen Høigård - Fjellressursenes betydning i yngre jernalders økonomi : sammenlignende studie av bygdene øst og vest for vannskillet i Nord..,.
BOOKS007376I: Hofsteenge, G.L. - La Geologie de la Vallee du Brembo et de ses affluents entre Lenna et San Pellegrino
BOOKS026711I: Hofsten, Nils von - Bedeguar och Spine alba : Ett Bidrag till "Sömntornets" historia
BOOKS007746I: Hoftijzer, P. G. (Paul Gerardus); & Barfoot, C. C. ; editors: - Fabrics and Fabrications : The Myth and Making of William and Mary
BOOKS010868I: Hogan, Patrick Colm - The Politics of Interpretation: Ideology, Professionalism, and the Study of Literature
BOOKS006521I: Hogarth, William [1697-1764] - The Analysis of Beauty : With the Rejected Passages from the Manuscript Drafts and Autobiographical Notes
BOOKS020527I: Hogarth, Paul - Arthur Boyd Houghton
BOOKS016238I: Hogbin, Ian [Hogbin, Herbert Ian (1904- 1989)] ; & Lawrence, Peter - Studies in New Guinea Land Tenure : Three Papers
BOOKS015473I: Høgdahl, Hugo - Norske ex libris og andre bokeiermerker : fra biskop Arne Sigurdsson til Gerhard Muntha
BOOKS000971I: Höger, Alfons - Hetärismus und bürgerliche Gesellschaft im Frühwerk Frank Wedekinds
BOOKS004359I: Hoger, Anders - Der Schrifttext. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Textwissenschaft.
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BOOKS007563I: Hoggart, Keith - People, Power and Place: Perspectives on Anglo-American Politics
BOOKS002988I: Hoggart, Richard - Auden: An Introductory Essay
BOOKS021006I: Höglund, Z. - Hvad vil Spartacus?
BOOKS004267I: Hoglund, Jacob & Alatalo, Rauno V. - Leks
BOOKS013836I: Hognesius, Kjell - The Text of 2 Chronicles 1-16 : A Critical Edition with Textual Commentary
BOOKS017176I: Hohendahl, Peter Uwe - Reappraisals : Shifting Alignments in Postwar Critical Theory
BOOKS029664I: Hohl, Walter - Der Haftpflicht des Automobilisten nach schweizerischem und französischem Recht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ..,.
BOOKS023149I: Hohlenberg, Matthias Haquinus [1797-1845] - Fragmentum libri nominum Hebraicorum antiquissimum e codice Parisiensi edidit Matth : Haq : Hohlenberg.
BOOKS031565I: Verband österreichischer Höhlenforscher - Die Höhle : Zeitschrift für Karst- und Höhlenkunde [a collection of 29 issues ca. 1950-1966]
BOOKS021901I: Höhn, Karl - Untersuchungen über Hydathoden und deren Funktion
BOOKS003274I: Hohti, Paavo - The Interrelation of Speech and Action in the Histories of Herodotus
BOOKS030948I: Hoi, Herbert ; editor : - The Ecology of Reed Birds
BOOKS018564I: Høiby, Niels ; & Schiøtz, Peter Oluf; editors: - Pulmonary Infections in Cystic Fibrosis
BOOKS006018I: Høiland, Thomas, firm of - 128. Thomas Høiland Stampauction : Danish West Indies
BOOKS013052I: Höinghaus, Richard - Gesetz gegen die gemeingefährlichen Bestrebungen der Sozialdemokratie : Ergänzt und erläutert durch die amtlichen Materialien..,
BOOKS013138I: Hoirup, Henning; Jorgesen, Aage; & Skautrup, Peter; editors: - Guldalderstudier. Festskrift til Gustav Albeck den 5. juni 1966
BOOKS007821I: Hoisington, William A., Jr. - The Casablanca Connection : French Colonial Policy, 1936 - 1943
BOOKS006645I: Hojendahl, Kristian - Studies of Dipole-Moment
BOOKS013222I: Hok, Ruth Eunice Carter - Édouard Estaunié, The Perplexed Positivist
BOOKS028678I: Hokayem, Antoine - Les provinces arabes de l’Empire Ottoman aux Archives du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères de France, 1793-1918
BOOKS006919I: Hol, Theodora Petronella Maria - Persoon-situatie interacties: operationalisering, gedragsvoorspelling en modelvergelijking
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BOOKS023964I: Holand, Ingegerd - Sustaining Life : Vessel Import to Norway in the First Millennium AD
BOOKS024791I: Holbach, Paul Henri Dietrich, Baron d' [ Barba, Vincenzo ; translator & editor : ] - Elementi di morale universale : o catechismo della natura
BOOKS008579I: Holbraad, Carsten - Danish Neutrality: A Study in the Foreign Policy of a Small State
BOOKS022920I: Holbrook, David - Images of Woman in Literature
BOOKS018471I: Holbrook, Elmer Allen ; Ageton, Richard V. ; & Tufft, Harry Earle - Timbering of Metal Mines
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BOOKS013858I: Holden, David - Farewell to Arabia
BOOKS005423I: Holden, Jonathan - Style and Authenticity in Postmodern Poetry
BOOKS021345I: Holden, Raymond - The Virtuoso Conductors : The Central European Tradition from Wagner to Karajan
BOOKS021421I: Holden, David - Greece Without Columns : The Making of the Modern Greeks
BOOKS005397I: Holdheim, W. Wolfgang - The Hermeneutic Mode. Essays on Time in Literature and Literary Theory
BOOKS018934I: Holdt, Jens - Niels Johannes Holm, 1778-1845 : Et Blad af Brødremenighedens Historie
BOOKS001061I: Holemans, K. - Contribution a la protection maternelle et infantile en milieu rural du Kwango
BOOKS015905I: Holland, Ray - Self and Social Context
BOOKS005723I: Holland, Lauren - Weapons Under Fire
BOOKS013167I: Holland, Louise Adams - The Faliscans in Prehistoric Times
BOOKS027002I: Holland, Hyacinth - Erinnerungen an Ernst von Lasaulx
BOOKS007640I: Hollander, Samuel - The Economics of John Stuart Mill. Volume I: Theory & Method; & Volume II: Political Economy
BOOKS004425I: Hollander, John - Melodious Guile : Fictive Pattern in Poetic Language
BOOKS021407I: Hollander, Kurt - Sonora : Magic Market, Mexico City / el mercado de la magia, Ciudad de Mexico
BOOKS017930I: Hollis, Martin ; & Smith, Steve - Explaining and Understanding International Relations
BOOKS016723I: Holloway, Steven Winford ; & Handy, Lowell K. ; editors: - The Pitcher Is Broken : Memorial Essays for Gosta W. Ahlstrom
BOOKS005404I: Holloway, John - Narrative and Structure: Exploratory Essays
BOOKS005325I: Holloway, John - The Proud Knowledge. Poetry, Insight and the Self, 1620 - 1920
BOOKS008755I: Hollstein, Wilhelm ; editor : - Metallanalytische Untersuchungen an Münzen der Römischen Republik
BOOKS030158I: Hollstein, Ulrich - Onderzoek naar het voorkomen van pelletierine in Punica granatum L.
BOOKS006163I: Holly, Michael Ann - Panofsky and the Foundations of Art History
BOOKS023526I: Holm, Gösta - De nordiska anger-namnen
BOOKS011326I: Holm, Nils G. [b.1943] - Aktuella religiosa rorelser i Finland / Ajankohtaisia uskonnollisia liikkeitaSuomessa
BOOKS013658I: Holm-Petersen, Frode ; & Lund, Kaj - Sømænd og skibe fra Dragør
BOOKS011718I: Holm, Gosta - Nordiske Studier: Femten uppsatsser om ord, namn, dialekter, filologi, stilhistoria och syntax: Festskrift til Gosta Holm ...
BOOKS002281I: Holm-Nielsen, Svend - Hodayot: Psalms from Qumran
BOOKS013475I: Holm, Edvard [1833 - 1915] - Den offentlige Mening og Statsmagten i den dansk-norske stat i slutningen af det 18de aarhundrede, 1784-1799
BOOKS026037I: Holm Hansen, Johan [1841-1920] - Karsten Ulv og "Padehattene" : Fortælling
BOOKS004032I: Holm, Edvard - Kampen om Landboreformerne i Danmark i Slutningen af 18. Aarhundrede (1773 - 1791)
BOOKS001017I: Holm, E. - Nationalitetsstemningerne i det romerske Rige i Slutningen af Oldtiden
BOOKS016445I: Holm Hansen, Johan [1841-1920] - Kejserfesten paa Kreml: historisk Skuespil i 3 Handlinger
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BOOKS021310I: Holm-Nielsen, Svend - Hodayot : Psalms from Qumran
BOOKS002989I: Holm, Jean & Bowker, John; editors: - Human Nature and Destiny
BOOKS027967I: Holm-Petersen, Frode [ Lund, Kaj ; editor : ] - Skibe og søfolk fra Svendborgsund / Beretninger og breve samlet af F. Holm-Petersen
BOOKS023362I: Holm, Michael Juul ; editor: - Bevilacqua
BOOKS006846I: Holma, H. & Salonen, A., editors: - Some Cuneiform Tablets from the Time of the Third Ur Dynasty (Holma Collection Nos. 11 - 39)
BOOKS006295I: Holman, J. Alan - Pleistocene Amphibians & Reptiles in Britain & Europe
BOOKS005068I: Holmberg, David H. - Order in Paradox : Myth, Ritual, and Exchange among Nepal's Tamang
BOOKS021954I: Holmberg, Åke - African Tribes and European Agencies : Colonialism and Humanitarianism in British South and East Africa 1870-1895.
BOOKS012090I: Holmberg, Gustaf Henriksson - De två världarna - arbetarklassen och syndikalismen : deras egen sak och deras eget värk : en sammanfattning
BOOKS032003I: Holmberg, John (1886-1973) ; editor : [William, of Conches, 1080-ca.1150)] - Das Moralium dogma philosophorum des Guillaume de Conches, lateinisch, altfranzösich und mittelniederfränkisch
BOOKS024214I: Holmboe, Henrik - Concordance to Aeschylus' Septem contra Thebas
BOOKS024210I: Holmboe, Henrik - Concordance to Aeschylus' Prometheus vinctus
BOOKS024209I: Holmboe, Henrik - Concordance to Aeschylus' Persae
BOOKS023944I: Holmboe, Vagn [1909-1996] - Danish Street Cries : A Study of their Musical Structure and a Complete Edition of Tunes with Words Collected before 1960
BOOKS022330I: Holmboe, Henrik ; & Isager, Signe ; editors: - Translators and Translations : Greek-Danish
BOOKS011855I: Holmes, Frederic Lawrence - Antoine Lavoisier - The Next Crucial Year: Or the Sources of His Quantitative Method in Chemistry
BOOKS007012I: Holmes, Alan - Robert Musil "Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften": An Examination of the Relationship between Author, Narrator & Protagonist
BOOKS003150I: Holmes, William Henry [ Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology] [ Roth, Walter E. ] [ Stevenson, Matilda Coxe ] - Thirtieth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1908-1909
BOOKS019485I: Holmes, William C. [1928- ] - La Statira by Pietro Ottoboni and Alessandro Scarlatti : The Textual Sources, with a Pocumentary Postscript
BOOKS028651I: Holmquist, Charlotte - Mysidacea of Chile
BOOKS006195I: Holmquist, Bengt M. - Das Problem David Richter. Studien in der Kunstgeschichte des Spatbarocks
BOOKS016972I: Holmqvist, Wilhelm [1905-1989] - Övergångstidens metallkonst
BOOKS023298I: Holmstrand, Ingemar - Karl Heim on Philosophy, Science, and the Transcendence of God
BOOKS015888I: Holmström, Maths - Iberiska dagar och nätter
BOOKS015587I: Holquist, Michael - Dostoevsky and the Novel
BOOKS024875I: Holroyd, R., Lt. Col.; editor : [ Combined Intelligence Objecives Sub-Committee ] - Report on Investigations by Fuels & Lubricants Teams at the I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. Works at Ludwigshafen and Oppau
BOOKS031649I: Holroyd, R. ; editor : [ Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee ] - Report on Investigations by Fuels & Lubricants Teams at the I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. Works at Leuna
BOOKS014581I: Hölscher, Gustav [1877-1955] - Geschichtsschreibung in Israel : Untersuchungen zum Jahvisten und Elohisten
BOOKS020311I: Hölscher, Tonio - The Language of Images in Roman Art
BOOKS012442I: Holst, Johannes Juul - Über die Wanderung der Profilpunkte am menschlichen Schädel bei männlichen Individuen während der Lebensjahre 7, 14 und über 20
BOOKS025914I: Holst, Poul - Vilhelm Grønbech : en bibliografi
BOOKS022156I: Holst, Gustaf - Zur Photochemie der reversiblen Redoxprozesse : Ein Antagonismus von Strahlen im sichtbaren Spektrum
BOOKS023788I: Holst, Søren - Verbs and War Scroll : Studies in the Hebrew Verbal System and the Qumran War Scroll
BOOKS027129I: Holstein, Ludvig, Greve [1864-1943] - Tove : et kaerlighedsdrama i fem akter
BOOKS028525I: Holt, P. M. (Peter Malcolm) - Studies in the History of the Near East
BOOKS027256I: Holt, Maurice ; editor: - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics.,.,.
BOOKS011545I: Holt-Hansen, Kristian - After-effects in the Behaviour of Mice
BOOKS014868I: Holt, Kenneth S. ; editor: - Movement and Child Development
BOOKS008001I: Holt, Elizabeth Gilmore; editor: - The Triumph of Art for the Public: The Emerging Role of Exhibitions and Critics
BOOKS009166I: Holt, James Clarke - Robin Hood
BOOKS004016I: Holt, John Clifford - The Religious World of Kirti Sri: Buddhism, Art, and Politics in Late Medieval Sri Lanka
BOOKS011135I: Holtedahl, Olaf - On the Rock Formations of Novaya Zemlya with Notes on the Paleozoic Stratigraphy of other Arctic Lands
BOOKS001298I: Holtedahl, Olaf - On the Rock Formations of Novaya Zemlya with Notes on the Paleozoic Stratigraphy of other Arctic Lands
BOOKS010664I: Holtved, Erik; editor: - Kleinschmidts Briefe an Theodor Bourquin
BOOKS014064I: Holub, Robert C. - Crossing Borders: Reception Theory, Poststructuralism, Deconstruction
BOOKS004120I: Holubar, Josef - The Sense of Time: An Electrophysiological Study of its Mechanism in Man
BOOKS015512I: Holum, Kenneth G. - Theodosian Empresses: Women and Imperial Dominion in Late Antiquity
BOOKS016358I: Holy, Ladislav - Religion and Custom in a Muslim Society: The Berti of Sudan
BOOKS031653I: Hölz, Max [ Hoelz, Max (1889-1933)] - Hölz' Anklagerede gegen die bürgerliche Gesellschaft : gehalten vor dem Moabiter Sondergericht am 22. Juni 1921 in Berlin ..,.
BOOKS009751I: Holzapfel, Otto - Bibliographie zur mittelalterlichen skandinavischen Volksballade
BOOKS014554I: Holzapfel, Otto - Religiöse Identität und Gesangbuch : Zur Ideologiegeschichte deutschsprachiger Einwanderer in den USA und die Auseinandersetzung
BOOKS010655I: Holzapfel, Otto - Det balladeske : Fortællemåden i den ældre episke folkevise
BOOKS009977I: Holzapfel, Rudolf - Panideal: Psychologie der sozialen Gefuehle
BOOKS020848I: Holzberger, William G.; editor: [ Santayana, George (1863-1952) ] - The Letters of George Santayana : Book Six 1937-1940
BOOKS027951I: Holzer, Georg - Entlehnungen aus einer bisher unbekannten indogermanischen Sprache im Urslavischen und Urbaltischen
BOOKS024980I: Holzinger, Carl [ Holzinger von Weidich, Carl, ritter (1849-1935) ] - Exegetische und kritische Bemerkungen zu Euripides' Alkestis
BOOKS031038I: Holzinger, Karl [ Holzinger von Weidich, Carl, ritter (1849-1935) ] - Vorstudien zur Beurteilung der Erklärertätigkeit des Demetrios Triklinios zu den Komödien des Aristophanes
BOOKS031468I: Holzinger, Karl [ Holzinger von Weidich, Carl, ritter (1849-1935) ] - Erklärungen zu Einigen der umstrittensten Stellen den Offenbarung Johannis und der Sibyllinischen Orakel, mit einem Anhange.,.
BOOKS024042I: Holzinger, Karl - Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar zu Aristophane's Plutos
BOOKS028315I: Holzinger, Karl [ Holzinger von Weidich, Carl, ritter (1849-1935) ] - Erklärungen umstrittener Stellen des Aristophanes
BOOKS011871I: Holzman, Mathilda - The Language of Children: Evolution and Development of Secondary Consciousness and Language
BOOKS027698I: Homans, Peter - Jung in Context : Modernity and the Making of a Psychology
BOOKS029368I: Homavazir, Ardeshir B. ; editor : - Sir Cowasji Jehangir, 2nd Baronet Memorial Booklet
BOOKS010921I: Hozeh Honari (Art Center) - a portfolio of photographs of Ayatollah Khomeini (1)
BOOKS013144I: Hozeh Honari (Art Center) - a portfolio of photographs of Ayatollah Khomeini (2)
BOOKS000057I: Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette - Domestica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring in the Shadows of Affluence
BOOKS020670I: Hone, Campbell Richard [1873-1967] - The Life of Dr. John Radcliffe, 1652-1714 : Benefactor of the University of Oxford
BOOKS003300I: Honer, Michael Robin - Freshwater Larval Trematodes in the Netherlands: A Synecological Study of their Occurrence
BOOKS006652I: Honhuai, Nai - Waduai nang nang nai mu'ang Bangkok / doi Nai Honhuai
BOOKS000445I: Honig, Emily - Sisters and Strangers: Women in the Shanghai Cotton Mills, 1919-1949
BOOKS009272I: Honigmann, John J. & Ferguson, Frances N. - Social Networks in Great Whale River: Notes on an Eskimo, Montagnais-Naskapi, and Euro-Canadian Community
BOOKS016546I: Honigmann, John Joseph - The Kaska Indians : An Ethnographic Reconstruction.
BOOKS030814I: Honti, Hans - Verzeichnis der publizierten ungarischen Volksmärchen : auf Grund von Antti Aarnes Typenverzeichnis zusammengestellt
BOOKS014831I: Hood, John Charles Fulton [1884 - 19??] - Icelandic Church Saga
BOOKS008220I: Hood, Ronald Chalmers, III - Royal Republicans: The French Naval Dynasties Between the Two World Wars
BOOKS002358I: Hood, O.P. and Odell, W.W. - Investigations on the Preparation & Use of Lignite 1918 - 1925
BOOKS020943I: Hood, Christopher ; Scott, Colin ; James, Oliver; Jones, George ; & Travers, Tony - Regulation Inside Government : Waste Watchers, Quality Police, and Sleaze-busters
BOOKS026191I: Hooft, Cornelis Gerardus 't - Het verband tussen ionisatiestoten en uitgebreide lawines der cosmische straling
BOOKS014469I: Hook, Ernest B. ; editor: - Prematurity in Scientific Discovery: On Resistance and Neglect
BOOKS002800I: Hook, Peter Edwin - Hindi Structures : Intermediate Level with Drills, Exercises & Key
BOOKS010050I: Hook, Jerry B. & Goldstein, Robin S.; editors: - Toxicology of the Kidney
BOOKS008036I: Hook, Glenn D.; & Weiner, Michael A.; editors: - The Internationalization of Japan
BOOKS016858I: Hook, Sidney - The Hero in History: A Study in Limitation and Possibility
BOOKS017788I: Hooke, S. H. (Samuel Henry) [ 1874-1968 ] ; editor: - Myth, Ritual, and Kingship : Essays on the Theory and Practice of Kingship in the Ancient Near East and in Israel.
BOOKS026788I: Hooker, J. T. - The Origin of the Linear B Script
BOOKS018664I: Hooker, Jeremy - Poetry of Place : Essays and Reviews 1970-1981
BOOKS017669I: Hooker, Jeremy - David Jones : An Exploratory Study of the Writings
BOOKS024667I: Hooker, J. T. - Mycenaean Greece
BOOKS013965I: Hookway, Christopher - Quine : Language, Experience and Reality
BOOKS004440I: Hoon, Elizabeth Evelynola - The Organization of the English Customs System 1696 - 1786
BOOKS014696I: Hooper, Charles Arthur - L'Iraq et la Société des Nations : Application à l'Iraq des dispositions de l'Article 22 du Pacte de la Société des Nations ..,.
BOOKS015798I: Hoorweg, Jan ; & Niemeijer, Rudo - Intervention in Child Nutrition: Evaluation Studies in Kenya
BOOKS024516I: Hopcke, Robert H. - Jung, Jungians and Homosexuality
BOOKS021189I: Hopfner, Theodor [1886 -1945] - Griechisch-lateinisch-deutsches Quellenbuch zur Siedlung und Geschichte der Germanen im böhmisch-mährischen, schlesischen und ..
BOOKS011670I: Hopkins, Jeffrey - Emptiness in the Mind-Only School of Buddhism: Dynamic Responses to Dzong-ka-ba's 'The Essence of Eloquence: I'
BOOKS008487I: Hopkins, Dwight N. & Davaney, Sheila Greeve; editors: - Changing Conversations: Religious Reflection & Cultural Analysis.
BOOKS001062I: Hopkins, Nicholas - Participation and Community in the Egyptian New Lands : The Case of South Tahrir
BOOKS021387I: Hopkins, John - From the Hip : Photographs by John "Hoppy" Hopkins 1960-66.
BOOKS021472I: Hopkins, Harry - Egypt, the Crucible : The Unfinished Revolution of the Arab World
BOOKS014385I: Hopkins, Brian ; Barr, Ronald G.; Michel, George F. ; Rochat, Philippe ; editors: - The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development
BOOKS017501I: Hopman, Harry - Aces and Places
BOOKS027505I: Hoppe, Walter - Die hydrogeologischen Grundlagen der Wasserversorgung in Thüringen
BOOKS004100I: Hoppe, A.J. - A Bibliography of the Writings of Samuel Butler (Author of 'Erewhon') & of Writings About Him
BOOKS030471I: Hopper, Paul J. ; editor : [ Symposium on Tense and Aspect (1979 : UCLA) ] - Tense-aspect : Between Semantics & Pragmatics : Containing the Contributions to a Symposium on Tense and Aspect, held at UCLA..,
BOOKS005743I: Hopper, R.J. - Trade and Industry in Classical Greece
BOOKS007283I: Hoppit, Julian & Wrigley, E.A.; editors: - The Industrial Revolution in Britain, I [The Industrial Revolutions, Volume 2]
BOOKS004629I: Hoppit, Julian & Wrigley, E.A.; editors: - The Industrial Revolution in Britain II [The Industrial Revolutions, Vol. 3]
BOOKS028745I: Hopwood, Derek ; editor : - The Arabian Peninsula : Society and Politics
BOOKS027236I: Hora, Heinrich ; editor: - Nonlinear Plasma Dynamics at Laser Irradiation : Notes from Lectures Presented during the Winter Semester 1978/79 .,.,.
BOOKS027751I: Hørby, Kai - Status regni Dacie : studier i Christofferlinjens ægteskabs- og alliancepolitik 1252-1319
BOOKS009994I: Horch, Hermann ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminologie : Band 69 , 2. Heft [1917]
BOOKS000311I: Horch, Hermann ; editor: - Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik : Band 66 , 3. und 4. Heft [1916]
BOOKS011819I: Horgan, Terence & Tienson, John - Connectionism and the Philosophy of Psychology
BOOKS018568I: Horgan, Paul [1903-1995] - A Certain Climate : Essays in History, Arts, and Letters
BOOKS026454I: Horkheimer, Max ; editor: [ Instituts für Sozialforschung ] - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung : Jahrgang III / 1934
BOOKS013974I: Horkheimer, Max [1895-1973] - Critique of Instrumental Reason
BOOKS013907I: Horkheimer, Max [1895 - 1973] - Between Philosophy and Social Science: Selected Early Writings
BOOKS011069I: Horkheimer, Max ; editor: [ Instituts für Sozialforschung ] - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung : Band VI / 1937
BOOKS001675I: Horkheimer, Max ; editor: [ Instituts für Sozialforschung ] - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung : Band V / 1936
BOOKS021274I: Horkheimer, Max [1895-1973]; editor: [ Adorno, Theodor W. (1903-1969)] - Zeugnisse, Theodor W. Adorno zum sechzigsten Geburtstag. Im Auftrag des Instituts für Sozialforschung

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