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BOOKS006219I: Gella, Aleksander - Development of Class Structure in Eastern Europe: Poland & her Southern Neighbors
BOOKS014483I: Gellately, Robert ; & Kiernan, Ben ; editors: - The Specter of Genocide: Mass Murder in Historical Perspective
BOOKS019625I: Gellately, Robert ; & Kiernan, Ben ; editors: - The Specter of Genocide : Mass Murder in Historical Perspective
BOOKS017233I: Gellert, Johannes Fürchtegott [1904-19??] ; & Lorenz, Helmut [1907- 19??] - Die Innenkolonisation Schwarzmeerbulgariens
BOOKS004957I: Gelli, Jacopo [1858-1935] - Gli ex libris italiani. : Guida del raccoglitore : Seconda edizione aumentata
BOOKS006955I: Gelling, Margaret ; & Foxall, H.D.G. - The Place-names of Shropshire : Part One: The Major Namers of Shropshire
BOOKS029412I: Gelling, Margaret - The Early Charters of the Thames Valley
BOOKS024399I: Gelling, Margaret - The Place-names of Shropshire : Part Two: The Hundreds of Ford and Condover
BOOKS014767I: Gellner, Ernest - Cause and Meaning in the Social Sciences
BOOKS017469I: Gellner, Ernest - Muslim Society
BOOKS015308I: Gellner, Ernest - Thought and Change
BOOKS017087I: Gellner, Ernest - Contemporary Thought and Politics
BOOKS016984I: Gellner, Ernest - The Devil in Modern Philosophy
BOOKS017391I: Gellner, Ernest - Words and Things : A Critical Account of Linguistic Philosophy and a Study in Ideology
BOOKS004684I: Gellner, Ernest - The Psychoanalytic Movement: The Cunning of Unreason
BOOKS002950I: Gelre [approximately 1345-1414 CE] - Gelre : B.R. Ms. 15652-56
BOOKS026165I: Gelsted, Otto [1888-1968] - Gunnar Gunnarsson
BOOKS019155I: Gelvin, James L. - Divided Loyalties : Nationalism and Mass Politics in Syria at the Close of Empire
BOOKS029164I: Gelzer, Thomas - Der epirrhematische Agon bei Aristophanes : Untersuchungen zur Struktur der attischen alten Komödie.
BOOKS030166I: Gelzer, Heinrich [1847-1906] - Byzantinische Kulturgeschichte
BOOKS030142I: Gelzer, Matthias [1886-1974] - Caesar : der Politiker und Staatsmann
BOOKS026599I: Gemini, Galun Eka - Militerisasi santri : Lasykar Hizbullah di Priangan 1945-1948
BOOKS000683I: Gemser, B.; Brongers, H.A.; Ridderbos, Nic. H.; Thierry, G.J.; Koole, J.L.; et al: - Studies on Psalms
BOOKS018186I: Genadiev, Nikola - Memoari. Tom 1.
BOOKS004300I: Genadiev, Genadi - VMRO. Vuzstanoviavane i razvitie v kraia na XX vek (Ili 100 godini po-kusno)
BOOKS012883I: Genard, J. - Fluorescence des vapeurs dans le champ magnétique (Spectres de fluorescence moléculaire)
BOOKS002683I: Census Division Office of the Registrar General - Uninhabited Villages of Mysore
BOOKS029783I: Genêt, Jean-Philippe ; editor : - L'histoire et les nouveaux publics dans l'Europe médiévale (XIIIe-XVe siècles) : actes du colloque international ..,.
BOOKS022172I: Genge, Heinz - Nordsyrisch-südanatolische Reliefs : eine archäologisch-historische Untersuchung : Datierung und Bestimmung : Bd. I & II
BOOKS007918I: Genicot, Leopold - Rural Communities in the Medieval West
BOOKS011549I: Genlis, Stephanie Felicite, Comtesse de [Brulart de Genlis, Stephanie Felicite, Marchioness de Sillery (1746-1830)] - Les tableaux de m. le comte de Forbin, ou, La mort de Pline l'ancien, et Ines de Castro, nouvelles historiques
BOOKS007937I: Gennaro, Rocco J.; & Huenemann, Charles; editors: - New Essays on the Rationalists
BOOKS002980I: Genner, V. - By-Effects in Salvarsan Therapy & their Prevention with Special Reference to the Liver Lunction
BOOKS002612I: Genner, J. - The Medical Society of Copenhagen 1772-1972
BOOKS031575I: Genossenschaftsdruckerei Zürich, printer : - Der Landesstreik : ein Wort zur Aufklärung an alle Schweizer
BOOKS024136I: Genrich, Albert - Der gemischtbelegte Friedhof bei Liebenau, Kreis Nienburg : Band I.
BOOKS026058I: Génsbøl, Benny - Roofvogels van Europa, Noord-Afrika en het Midden-Oosten
BOOKS023108I: Genthe, Manfred - Untersuchungen und Versuche zur Frage der Explosionssicherheit von Vordämmen bei der Grubenbrandbekämpfung
BOOKS021956I: Gentile, Mary C. - Film Feminisms : Theory and Practice
BOOKS027818I: Gentile, Carlo - Il mistero di Cagliostro e il sistema "egiziano" : Nuova edizione con una bibliografia del Cagliostrismo
BOOKS008648I: Gentry, Roger L. - Behavior and Ecology of the Northern Fur Seal
BOOKS031212I: Genzelis, Bronislovas - The Restitution of Lithuania's Statehood
BOOKS030225I: Geoffroy, Robert [ Monde des philatélistes (Paris) ] - Oblitérations temporaires : France - Union francaise - Monaco 1938-1957 [bound together with the same, 1958 to 1970]
BOOKS018788I: Geological Survey of India ; Dutta, K. K. - Scientific Papers Presented at the Workshop on Precambrian of Central India, Nagpur, August 1990
BOOKS028526I: Georgacas, Demetrius John - The Names of Constantinople
BOOKS005832I: Georgalis, Nicholas - The Primacy of the Subjective : Foundations for a Unified Theory of Mind and Language
BOOKS028001I: George, WIlliam - Fishery Biological Conditions and Stock Analysis of Coarse Fishes (Bream, Roach, White Bream) from Berliner Havel
BOOKS023097I: George, T.J.S. - Revolt in Bihar : A Study of the August 1965 Uprising
BOOKS003200I: George, T.J. - The Briton in India
BOOKS019630I: George, Timothy ; editors: - Mr Moody and the Evangelical Tradition
BOOKS018839I: Georgel, Pierre ; editor: [ Institut de France. Musée Jacquemart-André ] - Jean Cocteau et son temps, 1889-1963 [exposition catalogue]
BOOKS013641I: Georgescu, Tudor - Doctrina liberala : Revolutia conceptuala si centrul transcendent
BOOKS019614I: Georgescu, Vlad - Mémoires et projets de réforme dans les principautés roumaines, 1831-1848 ..,,,.
BOOKS026375I: Georgi, Johann Gottlieb [1729-1802] - Versuch einer Beschreibung der Russisch Kayserl. Residenzstadt St. Petersburg, und der Merkwürdigkeiten der Gegend : 2. Theil
BOOKS004784I: Georgian, Hayastan [Kevorkian, Hayastan (1901-1937)] [ Hayastan, Georgean ] - Vishapneri ashkharhum : Hator 1. Ts'ank's
BOOKS024852I: Georgiev, Mincho - Ritualniiat diskurs
BOOKS014190I: Georgiev, Velichko ; & Trifonov, Staiko - Pokrustvaneto na bulgarite mokhamedani 1912-1913
BOOKS023074I: Georgiev, Mincho - Starobalgarskata meditsina
BOOKS011283I: Georgiou, Basou - Zetemata tez demokratias kai tou sosialismou : Kritike sten antidemokratike praxe kai tis antimarxistikes theories
BOOKS014618I: Gérando, Joseph-Marie, Baron de [1772 - 1842] - The Observation of Savage Peoples
BOOKS000904I: Gérard, Michel - L'espace intérieur
BOOKS019328I: Geras, Norman - Marx and Human Nature : Refutation of a Legend
BOOKS012509I: Gerasimov, Todor Dimitrov [ Arkheologicheski institut i muzei, Bulgarska akademiia na naukite ] - Serdika : Arkheologicheski materiali i prouchvaniia: Tom I.
BOOKS004641I: Gerasimov, G.; Kuznetsov, G. & Morev, V. - Fire Bell in the Night
BOOKS026828I: Gerassimoff, Alexander [ Gerasimov, Aleksandr Vasil'evich (1861-1944) ] - Der Kampf gegen die erste russische Revolution : Erinnerungen [von] Alexander Gerassimoff, Generalleutnant a. D.
BOOKS027588I: Gerber, P.H. (Paul Henry) - Jahres-Bericht über Dr. Gerbers Ambulatorium für Hals-, Nasen- und Hautkranke zu Königsberg [I - II - III]
BOOKS010497I: Gerber, Jan von - Erik Fleming: Atelier Borgila
BOOKS017451I: Gerber, Stanford Neil, editor: - The Family in the Caribbean : Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Family in the Caribbean
BOOKS003630I: Gerber, Eduard K. - Morphologische Untersuchungen im Rhoental zwischen Oberwald und Martigny
BOOKS027120I: Gerbrands, A. A. (Adrianus Alexander) - Art as an Element of Culture, Especially in Negro-Africa
BOOKS013648I: Gerchev, Khristo [1883 - 1966] - Srbski svidetelstva vurkhu bulgarite v Moravsko
BOOKS005717I: Gerevitch, Laszlo - The Art of Buda and Pest in the Middle Ages
BOOKS030178I: Gergely, András A. - Nemzetiség és urbanizáció Romániában : a magyar kisebbség és a városfejlesztés a Korunk harminc évfolyama tükrében, 1986-1988
BOOKS014520I: Gerges, Fawaz A. - The Far Enemy: Why Jihad Went Global
BOOKS012790I: Gerges, Fawaz A. [1958- ] - America and Political Islam: Clash of Cultures or Clash of Interests?
BOOKS015787I: Gergova, Diana; editor: [ Arheologiskeski Institut s Muzei, Bulgarska Akademiia na Naukite ] - Helis V: Getite- kultura i traditzii
BOOKS001785I: Gergova, Diana ; & Venedikova, Katerina - Demir baba teke : bulgarskiiat Erusalim : putevoditel
BOOKS015761I: Gergova, Diana; editor: [Arkheologiskeski Institut s Muzei] [Archaeolgoical Institute & Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences] - Helis IV : Izsledvaniia, rezultati i problemi v "Sborianovo
BOOKS014739I: Gerhard, Dietrich - Old Europe: A Study of Continuity, 1000-1800
BOOKS011363I: Gerhart, Gail M. - Black Power in South Africa : The Evolution of an Ideology
BOOKS027447I: Gericke, Helmuth - Mathematik in Antike und Orient
BOOKS012197I: Gerin, Winifred - Branwell Brontë : A Biography
BOOKS027599I: Gerlach, Carl - Ueber die Gestalt der Morgagni'schen Tasche des Menschen
BOOKS028223I: Gerlach, Sebastian A. - Nematoden aus dem Küstengrundwasser
BOOKS006730I: Gerlach-Nielsen, Merete - Stendhal theoricien et romancier de l'amour
BOOKS028235I: Gerlach, Sebastian A. - Marine Nematoden aus dem Mangrove-Gebiet von Cananéia : (Brasilianische Meeres-Nematoden III)
BOOKS020782I: Gerlach, Walther ; & Hahn, Dietrich - Otto Hahn, 1879-1968 : Ein Forscherleben unserer Zeit
BOOKS024078I: Gerlach, Valentin [1858-1957] - Physiologische Wirkungen der Benzoesäure und des benzoesauren Natron
BOOKS011817I: Germain, Carel Bailey - Human Behavior in the Social Environment: An Ecological View
BOOKS007344I: Germany, Reichserbhofgericht - Entscheidungen des Reichserbhofgerichts (REHG) : 3. Band / herausgegeben von den beamtesten Mitgliedern des Gerichtshofs
BOOKS030443I: Germany, Reichsregierung - Aufruf der Reichsregierung an das deutsche Volk!
BOOKS025476I: Germany (East). Ministerium für Land-, Forst- und Nahrungsgüterwirtschaft - Zeitschrift für die Binnenfischerei der DDR [a collection of 80 issues, ca. 1981-1988]
BOOKS003476I: Germany [ Schadewaldt, Hans ; editor : ] - Die polnischen Greueltaten an den Volksdeutschen in Polen. Im Auftrage des Auswärtigen Amtes auf Grund urkundlichen Beweismateri
BOOKS019618I: Germany, Reichstag [ Posadowsky-Wehner, Arthur Adolf von, (1845-1932) ] - Graf Posadowsky und die Koalitionsfreiheit vor dem Reichstag : Verhandlungen des Deutschen Reichstags über den Erlass des Staats
BOOKS006869I: Germany, Reichserbhofgericht - Entscheidungen des Reichserbhofgerichts (REHG) : 5. Band / herausgegeben von den beamtesten Mitgliedern des Gerichtshofs
BOOKS032009I: Germany, Federal Republic of [New Left] - a collection of seventeen 30x25cm photos of a left-wing demonstration, ca. late 60s-early 70s, apparently against the World Bank
BOOKS006507I: Germany, Reichserbhofgericht - Entscheidungen des Reichserbhofgerichts (REHG) : 8. Band / herausgegeben von den beamtesten Mitgliedern des Gerichtshofs
BOOKS016784I: Germany, Bundesministerium für Gesamtdeutsche Fragen - Juni-Aufstand : Dokumente und Berichte uber den Volksaufstand in Ostberlin und in der Sowjetzone
BOOKS027446I: Germar, Robert - Anisotrope Differentialoperatoren höherer Ordnung aus der Elastizitätstheorie
BOOKS006012I: Gernhuber, Joachim [1923-2018] - Staat und Landfrieden im deutschen Reich des Mittelalters [together with 14 offprints, etc., all by Gernhuber]
BOOKS009439I: Gerould, Daniel - Witkacy: Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz as an Imaginative Writer
BOOKS018769I: Gershenfeld, Neil A. - The Nature of Mathematical Modeling
BOOKS016214I: Gershenson, David Marc ; & McGuire, William P. ; editors: - Ovarian Cancer: Controversies in Management
BOOKS026261I: Gerson, Julius Christian [1811-1894] - Julegave for den fromme Ungdom af Julius [1838 - 1839 - 1840]
BOOKS016326I: Gerson, Ruth - Traditional Festivals in Thailand
BOOKS005315I: Gerson, Jack J. - Horatio Nelson Lay and Sino-British Relations, 1854 - 1864
BOOKS026093I: Gerson, Julius Christian [1811-1894] - Hjemlige Toner : 100 Digte
BOOKS015876I: Gerstein, Linda - Nikolai Strakhov
BOOKS028991I: Gerster, Georg - Die Welt im Sucher : Wahrnehmungen, Erkundungen, Bestandsaufnahmen
BOOKS015245I: Gerteiny, Alfred G. - Mauritania
BOOKS024169I: Gerth, Hans Heinrich [1908-1979] - Bürgerliche Intelligenz um 1800 : Zur Soziologie des deutschen Frühliberalismus
BOOKS015157I: Gertzel, Cherry - The Politics of Independent Kenya, 1963-8
BOOKS027314I: Gervers-Molnár, Veronika [1939-1979] - Ipolyi Arnold hímzésgyüjteménye az esztergomi Keresztény Múzeumban
BOOKS017863I: Gerz, Jochen ; & Schwarz, Hans-Peter - Das Berkeley Orakel : Fragen ohne Antwort / The Berkeley Oracle : Questions Unanswered
BOOKS002142I: Arbeitskreis für Regionale Geschichte [ Wanner, Gerhard ; & Allgäuer, Robert ; editors : ] - Eidgenossen helft euern Brüdern in der Not! : Vorarlbergs Beziehungen zu seinen Nachbarstaaten 1918-1922
BOOKS028990I: Arbeitskreis Gelebte Geschichte - Erpresste Schweiz : zur Auseinandersetzung um die Haltung der Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg und um die Berichte der Bergier..,.
BOOKS012606I: Geschiere, Peter - The Modernity of Witchcraft: Politics and the Occult in Postcolonial Africa
BOOKS013818I: Geschwind, Norman; & Galaburda, Albert M.; editors: - Cerebral Dominance: Biological Foundations
BOOKS000912I: Geschwind, Jean-Francois H. ; & Soulen, Michael C. ; editors: - Interventional Oncology : Principles and Practice
BOOKS030352I: Historische und antiquarische Gesellschaft (Basel) - Beiträge zur vaterländischen Geschichte..,.Historischen und antiquarischen Gesellschaft zu Basel : Bd. 1.-4.; 8.-15 [1839-1901]
BOOKS031521I: Nordische Gesellschaft [ Timm, Ernst ; editor : ] - Der Norden : Monatsschrift der Nordischen Gesellschaft : 18. Jahrgang : Januar - Dezember 1941
BOOKS002454I: Central Administration der Schleswig-Holsteinischen patriotischen Gesellschaft - Landwirtschaftliche Hefte. Drittes Heft - Funftes Heft - Sechstes Heft
BOOKS031528I: Nordische Gesellschaft [ Timm, Ernst ; editor : ] - Der Norden : Monatsschrift der Nordischen Gesellschaft [Eleven issues dated 1940-1941 bound together]
BOOKS031522I: Nordische Gesellschaft [ Timm, Ernst ; editor : ] - Der Norden : Monatsschrift der Nordischen Gesellschaft : 17. Jahrgang : Januar - Dezember 1940
BOOKS031523I: Nordische Gesellschaft [ Timm, Ernst ; editor : ] - Der Norden : Monatsschrift der Nordischen Gesellschaft : 20. Jahrgang : Januar - Dezember 1943
BOOKS029113I: Schweizerische Bibliophilen-Gesellschaft - Librarium : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Bibliophilen-Gesellschaft [a collection of 19 issues, 2005-2012]
BOOKS031524I: Nordische Gesellschaft [ Timm, Ernst ; editor : ] - Der Norden : Monatsschrift der Nordischen Gesellschaft : 21. Jahrgang : Januar - September 1944
BOOKS031519I: Nordische Gesellschaft [ Timm, Ernst ; editor : ] - Der Norden : Monatsschrift der Nordischen Gesellschaft : 16. Jahrgang : Januar - Dezember 1939
BOOKS031520I: Nordische Gesellschaft [ Timm, Ernst ; editor : ] - Der Norden : Monatsschrift der Nordischen Gesellschaft : 19. Jahrgang : Januar - Dezember 1942
BOOKS031529I: Nordische Gesellschaft [ Timm, Ernst ; editor : ] - Der Norden : Monatsschrift der Nordischen Gesellschaft [Fifteen issues dated 1942-1944 bound together]
BOOKS014165I: Gessner, Hugo - Der Central-März-Verein : ein Fragment zur Beleuchtung der deutschen Bewegung
BOOKS023978I: Gessner, Jürgen - Der Beitrag des Arztes Wilhelm von Hoven (1760-1838) zum Gesundheitswesen in Nürnberg
BOOKS005342I: van Gestel, Frank - X-bar Grammar: Attribution and Predication in Dutch
BOOKS015286I: Getty, J. Arch (John Arch) ; & Naumov, Oleg V. - The Road to Terror: Stalin and the Self-destruction of the Bolsheviks, 1932-39
BOOKS009448I: Geus, Armin - Sporentierchen, Sporozoa : Die Gregarinida der land- und süsswasserbewohnenden Arthropoden Mitteleuropas
BOOKS001034I: Geus, P.B.R. de - De Nieuw-Guinea kwestie : aspecten van buitenlands beleid en militaire macht
BOOKS017276I: Geuss, Raymond - Public Goods, Private Goods
BOOKS029628I: Gevorgyan, Astghik [ Guévorkian, Astghik ] - Arhestnern u kents'aghe haykakan manrankarnerum / The Crafts and Mode of Life in Armenian Miniatures
BOOKS019020I: Gew, F. - Lays of Lanka
BOOKS031587I: Gewerkschaft Kultur, Erziehung und Wissenschaft ; et al. - Weissbuch : Repression gegen Lehrer in der Schweiz
BOOKS030598I: Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund - Klassenverrat?
BOOKS031590I: Landesleitung der Revolutionäre Gewerkschaftsopposition - Die Blutnacht und der Monteurenstreik in Zürich : Juni 1932
BOOKS009382I: Gewertz, Deborah B. ; & Errington, Frederick K - Twisted Histories, Altered Contexts : Representing the Chambri in a World System
BOOKS017789I: Gewertz, Deborah B. - Emerging Class in Papua New Guinea : The Telling of Difference
BOOKS027978I: Geyer, Rudolf Eugen [1861-1929] ; editor & translator : [ A'shá, Maymun ibn Qays ] - Zwei Gedichte von Al-'A'sa : Herausegegben, übersetzt und erläutert von R. Geyer : [II. Band] : Waddi' Hurairata :
BOOKS031252I: Geyer, Bernhard - Die Sententiae divinitatis : ein Sentenzenbuch der Gilbertschen Schule : aus den Handschriften zum estern Male herausgegeben..,.
BOOKS011087I: Ghabdouane, Mohamed [ Prasse, Karl-G. ;editor and translator : ] - Elqissat en-temeddurt-in / Le récit de ma vie
BOOKS029315I: Ghadban, Ahmad Ramzi - al-Dhakirah al-ghina'iyah al-Murrakushiyah : rasd wa-tawthiq
BOOKS020733I: Ghafuri'fard, Hasan - Khatirat-i duktur Hasan Ghafuri'fard
BOOKS016875I: Ghaidan, Usam ; editor: - Lamu : A Study in Conservation
BOOKS022963I: Ghali, Riad - De la tradition considérée comme source du droit musulman
BOOKS025311I: Ghalib, Mirza Asadullah Khan [1797-1869] [ Jafar Husayn, Mirza ; editor: ] - Mata-i Ghalib : intikhab-i ghazaliyat-i Farsi / az Mirza Jafar Husayn
BOOKS025394I: Ghana, Commission of Enquiry Ordinance - Proceedings and Report of the Commission Appointed to Enquire Into the Matters Disclosed at the Trial of Captain Benjamin Awhait
BOOKS014225I: Ghanalanyan, A. T. (Aram Tigrani) - Aratsani
BOOKS023100I: Ghanbari, Haydar - Dastanha-yi shigift'angiz az jinn ..,.
BOOKS002254I: Abd-el-Ghani - Le probleme algerien de l'emigration en France
BOOKS019553I: Ghanim, Isam - Hadith al-Thulatha
BOOKS023353I: Ghanim, Muhammad 'Abduh - Shi'r al-ghina' al-San'ani
BOOKS007941I: Ghannam, Farha - Remaking the Modern: Space, Relocation, and the Politics of Identity in a Global Cairo
BOOKS030390I: Gharahaghaji, Mohammad Reza Najafi - Justari dar nuqush jam-i tilayi Hasanlu
BOOKS028770I: Gharbi, Abu 'Abd al-Rahman 'Ali ibn Salih - al-Kawi li-mathalib al-makhdhul al-dall Amhammad al-Maghrawi al-Battal ma'a risalat al-'Allamah al-Hilali fi 'aduwwihi ..,.,
BOOKS013908I: Ghareeb, Edmund - The Kurdish Question in Iraq
BOOKS028866I: Ghassal, al-Hasan ibn Muhammad - Mir'at al-isaba fi al-dhabbi'an as-Sahabah (Les propos des clairvoyants pour défendre les Compagnons
BOOKS018991I: Ghatage, A. M. (Amrit Madhav) [1913-2003] - Konkani of South Kanara
BOOKS017078I: Ghatage, Amrit Madhav ; Joshi, Dayashankar Mohanlal ; & Bhaskararao, Peri ; editors: - Studies in Transformational Grammar
BOOKS010445I: Ghatage, Amrit Madhav [1913 - ] - Kunabi of Mahad
BOOKS021181I: Ghatage, Amrit Madhav [1913-2003] - Marathi Dialect Texts, I : Dialect of Cochin
BOOKS023491I: Ghatage, A. M. (Amrit Madhav) [1913-2003] - Kudali [A Survey of Marathi Dialects, II]
BOOKS023633I: Ghatage, A. M. (Amrit Madhav) [1913-2003] - Kunabi of Mahad [A Survey of Marathi Dialects III]
BOOKS023631I: Ghatage, A. M. (Amrit Madhav) [1913-2003] - Gawdi [A Survey of Marathi Dialects VIII]
BOOKS014589I: Ghatak, Subrata - Monetary Economics in Developing Countries
BOOKS019061I: Ghatak, Subrata - Monetary Economics in Developing Countries
BOOKS024730I: Ghawri, Abdus Sattar - The Only Son Offered for Sacrifice : Isaac or Ishmael? : With Zamzam, Al-Marwah, and Makkah in the Bible
BOOKS007814I: Ghaylan, 'Abd al-Salam bin Muhammad bin Ahmad - Lamahat min tarikh Zawiyat Awlad Ghaylan
BOOKS023237I: Ghazali, Salih 'Ali - Juz min al-tarikh
BOOKS028840I: Ghazali, Ahmad - Musahamah fi al-bahth 'an zawaya Bani Yaznasin : al-Qadiriyah al-Budashishiyah namudhajan
BOOKS031411I: Ghazaryan, R. S. (Ruben Serobi) [1940-2011] - Lezvabanakan usumnasirut'yunner
BOOKS002074I: Gheorghiu, Basile - Paques et la reforme hemerologique Orthodoxe Roumaine : Etude de chronologie et d'hemerologie
BOOKS031339I: Gherghel, Ilie - Zur Frage der Urheimat der Romänen
BOOKS015815I: Ghertcheff, Christo - Aveux Serbes sur la Macédoine
BOOKS018532I: Ghircoiasiu, Romeo - Contributii la istoria muzicii romînesti
BOOKS009361I: Ghirshman, Roman [1895-1979] - L'Iran et la migration des Indo-aryens et des Iraniens
BOOKS025212I: Ghoreishi, N; & Pourvali, E. ; editors: - Ruzigar-i naw [Ruzgar-i nau] / Rouzegar-e now [a collection of 13 issues, ca 1986-1998]
BOOKS020388I: Ghosal, Sibendra Nath - Studies in Divine Aesthetics (of the Neo-Rasa-School)
BOOKS000015I: Ghosh, Anjali - Burma. Case of Aborted Development
BOOKS002785I: Ghosh, S.N. - West Bengal Census Atlas
BOOKS018899I: Ghosh, J. C. (Jnan Chandra) [1894-1959] ; Bhattacharyya, S. K. ; & Sastri, M. V. C. - Some Catalytic Gas Reactions of Industrial Importance
BOOKS021887I: Ghosh, Satyapriya - Sahityer Adhikar
BOOKS001035I: Ghosh, Murari; Datta, Alok K. & Biswanathray - Calcutta: A Study in Urban Growth Dynamics
BOOKS002486I: Ghosh, Juthika - Epic Sources of Sanskrit Literature
BOOKS019870I: Ghosh, B. B. - British Policy towards the Pathans and the Pindaris in Central India, 1805-1818
BOOKS021498I: Ghosh, Lipi - Burma : Myth of French Intrigue
BOOKS023773I: Ghosh, J.C. (Jyotish Chandra) - Bengali Literature
BOOKS015134I: Ghosha, Manmathanatha [1884 - 1959]; editor: [ Ghosh, Manmathanath ] - The Life of Grish Chunder Ghose, The Founder and First Editor of "The Hindoo Patriot" and "The Bengalee," by One Who Knew Him
BOOKS013102I: Ghoshal Sastri, S. N. ; editor: [ Kesavadasa, (1555?-1617? CE)] [ Madhusudana Kavindra ] - Rasacandrika of Madhusudana Kavindra and Studies in Divine Aesthetics (Vol. I)
BOOKS022790I: Ghoshal, Upendra Nath [1886-1969] - The Agrarian System in Ancient India
BOOKS007619I: Ghotbi, Ahmad - Iran : Where to Begin?
BOOKS001928I: Ghubash, Hussein - Oman. Une democratie islamique millenaire. La tradition de l'imama. L'histoire politique moderne (1500-1970)
BOOKS021147I: Ghulamhusaynpur, Jalal - Jamiah'shinasi-i khanvadah va izdivaj dar ilat va ashayir : mutala'ah-yi mawradi-i il-i Qashqayi
BOOKS006986I: al-Ghunaim, Abdullah Yusuf, editor: - Kuwait - Iraq Boundary Demarcation. Historical Rights & International Will
BOOKS023322I: Ghunaym, Muhammad Ahmad 'Abd al-Raziq [ Gunaim, Muhammad Ahmad ] - Suq al-khawajat bi-madinat al-Mansurah : dirasah fi al-anthurubulujiya al-iqtisadiyah
BOOKS012272I: Ghunaym, Muhammad Ahmad 'Abd al-Raziq - al-Tibb al-shabi : al-mumarasat al-shabiyah fi Dilta Misr : dirasah anthrubulujiyah fi qura Muhafazat al-Daqahliyah
BOOKS023346I: Ghunaym, Muhammad Ahmad 'Abd al-Raziq - Jama'at al-ghina' wa-al-tarab : dirasah anthrubulujiyah, bi-madinat al-Mansurah
BOOKS001625I: Ghurye, G.S. - Indian Acculturation. Agastya and Skanda
BOOKS001236I: Ghurye, G.S. - The Mahadev Kolis
BOOKS001237I: Ghurye, G.S. - The Burning Cauldron of North-East India
BOOKS006991I: Ghysels, Eric R. ; & Osborn, Denise R. - The Econometric Analysis of Seasonal Time Series
BOOKS029280I: Ghyssens, Joseph - Les petits deniers de Flandre des XIIe et XIIIe siècles
BOOKS026174I: Giacobelli, Marta - Via Clodia
BOOKS017288I: Giacquinta, Joseph B. ; Bauer, Jo Anne ; & Levin, Jane E. - Beyond Technology's Promise : An Examination of Children's Educational Computing at Home
BOOKS019765I: Gian Singh ; Singh, H. B. ; & Mukherjee, T. K. ; editors: - Ethnomedicine of North-East India : Proceedings of National Seminar on Traditional Knowledge Base on Herbal Medicines ..,.
BOOKS008334I: Giannakidou, Anastasia ; & Rathert, Monika ; editors : - Quantification, Definiteness, and Nominalization
BOOKS031265I: Giannini, Giovanni [1867-1940] ; editor : [ Bernardi, Ruberto di Guido (13th century CE)] - Una curiosa raccolta di segreti e di pratiche superstiziose fatta da un popolano fiorentino del secolo XIV ..,.
BOOKS011078I: Giannini, Amedeo - L'ultima fase della questione orientale (1913-1932)
BOOKS006837I: Gibb, H. A. R. (Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen) [1895-1971] - The Life of Saladin : From the Works of 'Imad ad-Din and Baha' ad-Din, by Sir Hamilton Gibb.
BOOKS024985I: Gibbon, Guy E. - Explanation in Archaeology
BOOKS014353I: Gibbs, Raymond W. - Embodiment and Cognitive Science
BOOKS001358I: Gibbs, Donald A. & Li, Yun-Chen - A Bibliography of Studies & Translations of Modern Chinese Literature 1918- 1942
BOOKS020659I: Gibbs-Smith, Charles Harvard [1909-1981] - A Directory and Nomenclature of the First Aeroplanes, 1809 to 1909
BOOKS027493I: Giber, J. ; Beleznay, F. ; Szép, I. C. ; & László, J. ; editors : - Defect Complexes in Semiconductor Structures : Proceedings of the International School held in Mátrafüred, Hungary .,.,.
BOOKS031745I: Gibiete, Lia Mona - Suitu rakstainas zekes / Suiti Patterned Socks
BOOKS015722I: Giblin, James Leonard - The Politics of Environmental Control in Northeastern Tanzania, 1840-1940
BOOKS004483I: Gibowicz, Slawomir J., editor: - Seismicity in Mines
BOOKS007535I: Gibson, Gail McMurray - The Theater of Devotion : East Anglian Drama & Society in the Late Middle Ages
BOOKS031263I: Gibson, McGuire ; & Biggs, Robert D. ; editors : - Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East
BOOKS007983I: Gibson, G. Gordon; Hubbard, Ronald; & Parke, Dennis V.; editors: - Immunotoxicology
BOOKS009212I: Gibson, R.N. & Barnes, Margaret; editors: - Oceanography and Marine Biology. An Annual Review. Volume 38
BOOKS004644I: Gibson, Robert - The Quest of Alain-Fournier
BOOKS004394I: Gibson, Ray - Nemerteans
BOOKS000253I: Gibson, D. Blair & Michael N. Geselowitz, editors: - Tribe and Polity in Late Prehistoric Europe. Demography,Production and Exchange in the Evolution of Complex Social Systems
BOOKS009949I: Giddens, Anthony - Politics, Sociology and Social Theory: Encounters with Classical and Contemporary Social Thought
BOOKS005767I: Giddens, Anthony - New Rules of Sociological Method : A Positive Critique of Interpretative Sociologies
BOOKS014572I: Giddings, J. Louis (James Louis) [1909 - 1964] - The Archeology of Cape Denbigh
BOOKS000235I: Giddings, J. L. (James Louis) [1909-1964] - The Arctic Woodland Culture of the Kobuk River
BOOKS019402I: Gide, André - Le Traité de Narcisse, suivi de la Tentative Amoureuse
BOOKS012974I: Gide, André [1869-1951] - L’école des femmes [bound together with: "Robert. Supplement a L’école des femmes"]
BOOKS011412I: Gidwani, Parso Jessaram - Glimpses of Sindhi Language
BOOKS007451I: Gidwani, Moti A.; editor: - Prof. Ram Panjwani 70th Birthday Commemoration Volume
BOOKS018694I: Gidwani, Parso Jessaram Gidwani - Glimpses of Sindhi Bhagati
BOOKS030305I: Gidwani, Parso [ Gidvani, Parso Jessaram ] - Sindhi boli-a ji Ziyarat
BOOKS027605I: Gierke, Edgar - Zur Kritik der Silberspirochaete [together with two other offprints, ca. 1907-1908]
BOOKS012658I: Gies, David T.; editor: - The Cambridge Companion to Modern Spanish Culture
BOOKS013814I: Gieschen, Christoph - Die Geschichte des Grundbuches in Lüneburg: Zur Formengeschichte des Liegenschaftsverkehrs
BOOKS017442I: Giesing, Cornelia ; & Vydrin, Valentin Feodos'evich ; translators & editors: - Ta:rikh Mandinka de Bijini (Guinée-Bissau) : La Mémoire des Mandinka et des Sòoninkee du Kaabu
BOOKS017834I: Gifford, Don - Joyce Annotated : Notes for Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
BOOKS030184I: Giger, H.R. (Hans Ruedi) [1940- 2014] [Hans-Rudolf Füglistaler; Steifger, Hans; Perll, Goetz; Künzler, Arthus; et al. ; editors - Opposition / Lebendige Demokratie : Kritische Monatsschrift für Politik und Kultur : nr. 20-21 (Juli-September 1964)
BOOKS000424I: Giglioli, Italo - La Canfora Italiana : Richerche analitiche comparative sulla produttiva in canfora, ed in olio di canfora, del fogliama ...
BOOKS002186I: Gigon, Fernand - Guinee. Etat-Pilote
BOOKS001818I: Gil Fernandez, Maria del Carmen - Cultivo de los simbiotas del Argas Persicus
BOOKS026482I: Gil Espinosa, Manuel - Ueber nicht hypophysäre Chiasmasyndrome
BOOKS025139I: Gilanents, Petros di Sargis - Suqut-i Isfahan : guzarishha-yi Gilanintz dar barah-i hamlah-i Afghanan va suqut-i Isfahan / Pitrus Di Sarkis Gilanintz ..,.
BOOKS024208I: Gilberg, R. ; & Gulløv, Hans Christian ; editors: - Fifty Years of Arctic Research : Anthropological Studies from Greenland to Siberia
BOOKS010830I: Gilbert, Paul & Miles, Jeremy; editors: - Body Shame : Conceptualisation, Research & Treatment
BOOKS028652I: Gilbert, J.F. - The Postmarks of the Province of Fiume 1924-1943 Including Precursors
BOOKS006512I: Gilbert, Charles Henry & Hubbs, Carl L. - The Macrouroid Fishes of the Philippine Islands & the East Indies
BOOKS017766I: Gilbert, Alan ; & Gugler, Josef - Cities, Poverty, and Development: Urbanization in the Third World
BOOKS028545I: Gilbert, J.F. - The Postmarks of Fiume 1809-1945
BOOKS026215I: Gilboa, Eytan ; & Inbar, Efraim ; editors: - US-Israeli Relations in a New Era : Issues and Challenges After 9/11
BOOKS015678I: Gildea, Spike - On Reconstructing Grammar : Comparative Cariban Morphosyntax
BOOKS008433I: Giles, Frank - A Prince of Journalists : The Life and Times of Henri Stefan Opper de Blowitz
BOOKS006292I: Giles, Mary E. - The Book of Prayer of Sor Maria of Santo Domingo: A Study & Translation
BOOKS017989I: Gilg, Ingrid - Kliniske undersøgelse over Boeck's sarcoid (sarcoidose) : Behandling og forløb
BOOKS004895I: Gilhodes, Pierre - Paysans de Panama
BOOKS016271I: Gilkey, Helen Margaret [1886-1972] ; & Johnston, La Rea Dennis - Handbook of Northwestern Plants
BOOKS003931I: Gill, Harjeet Singh - A Phulkari from Bhatinda
BOOKS000501I: Gill, B.S. - Trypanosomes and Trypanosomiases of Indian Livestock
BOOKS012668I: Gill, Stephen; editor: - Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations
BOOKS012681I: Gill, Gurjeet K. - The Third Job: Employed Couples' Management of Household Work Contradictions
BOOKS000500I: Gill, Khem Singh - Research on Dwarf Wheats
BOOKS020171I: Gill, Stephen Charles ; editor: - The Cambridge Companion to Wordsworth
BOOKS021043I: Gill, Robin - Health Care and Christian Ethics
BOOKS005320I: Gill, Harjeet Singh ; & Pottier, Bernard ; editors: - Ideas, Words, and Things : French Writings in Semiology
BOOKS012632I: Gillard, Jonathan H.; Waldman, Adam D.; & Barker, Peter B.; editors: - Clinical MR Neuroimaging : Diffusion, Perfusion and Spectroscopy
BOOKS014398I: Gillberg, Christopher ; & Coleman, Mary - The Biology of the Autistic Syndromes
BOOKS017242I: Gillespie, Gerald & Lohner, Edgar ; editors: - Herkommen und Erneuerung : Essays für Oskar Seidlin
BOOKS022022I: Gillett, Carl ; & Loewer, Barry ; editors: - Physicalism and Its Discontents
BOOKS011911I: Gilley, Bruce - Model Rebels: The Rise & Fall of China's Richest Village
BOOKS017569I: Gilliard, Edmond - Rousseau et Vinet : Individus sociaux: Suivi de notes sur Vinet et d'articles sur Baudelaire, Ramuz, les Cahiers Vaudois
BOOKS003470I: Gilliard, E. Thomas [Gilliard, Ernest Thomas (1912-1965)] - Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds
BOOKS005494I: Gillie, Christopher - Character in English Literature
BOOKS010380I: Gillin, John - Moche: A Peruvian Coastal Community
BOOKS015480I: Gillin, John - San Luis Jilotepeque : La seguridad del individuo y de la sociedade en la cultura de una comunidad guatemalteca de indigenas...,
BOOKS018862I: Gillis, Frank J. ; & Kurtath, Gertrude P. ; editors: [ Society for Ethnomusicology ] - Ethnomusicology : Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology. Volume XIII [1969]
BOOKS001466I: Gillmor, C. Stewart ; editor : - History of Geophysics : Volume 2
BOOKS001386I: Gillmor, C. Stewart ; editor : - History of Geophysics : Volume 4
BOOKS018047I: Gilly, Friedrich [1772-1800] - Essays on Architecture 1796-1799
BOOKS012822I: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins [1860-1935] [Knight, Denise D (1954- ); editors:] - The Diaries of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Volume 1 & 2.
BOOKS017940I: Gilman, Sander L. - Love + Marriage = Death : And Other Essays on Representing Difference
BOOKS017258I: Gilmour, Iain ; & Sephton, Mark A. ; editors: - An Introduction to Astrobiology
BOOKS012131I: Gilroy, Paul; Grossberg, Lawrence; & McRobbie, Angela; editors: - Without Guarantees : In Honour of Stuart Hall
BOOKS015483I: Gilson, Etienne - La theologie mystique de Saint Bernard
BOOKS014058I: Gimbutas, Marija Alseikaite - The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, 6500-3500 BC, Myths and Cult Images
BOOKS028448I: Gindely, Anton - Ein Beitrag zur Biographie des Pater Dominicus a Jesu Maria, des Zeitgenossen der Schlacht auf dem Weissen Berge
BOOKS018670I: Giner, Salvador - Social Structure of Catalonia
BOOKS030819I: Ginestous, P. - Travaux d'artisans a Gafsa : Le harnachement du dromadaire : fabrication et assemblage des éléments
BOOKS017523I: Ginsberg, Morris [1889-1970] - Evolution and Progress [Essays in Sociology and Social Philosophy, Volume Three]
BOOKS018484I: Ginsborg, James Alexander - The Real Fact of Transylvania's Odyssey
BOOKS017694I: Ginsburg, L.S. [ Ginzburg, Lev Solomonovich (1907- 19??)] - Vieuxtemps
BOOKS013282I: Ginsburg, Michal Peled [1947 - ] - Economies of Change: Form and Transformation in the Nineteenth-Century Novel
BOOKS004111I: Ginsburg, Michal Peled - Flaubert Writing. A Study in Narrative Strategies
BOOKS014361I: Ginzburg, Carlo - Wooden Eyes : Nine Reflections on Distance
BOOKS008474I: Ginzburg, Jonathan; Khasidashvili, Zurab; Vogel, Carl; Levy, Jean-Jacques & Vallduvi, Enric; editors: - The Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation: Selected Papers
BOOKS025707I: Ginzburg, Carlo - Der Käse und die Würmer : die Welt eines Müllers um 1600
BOOKS015117I: Giordano, James J. ; & Gordijn, Bert ; editors: - Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics
BOOKS010501I: Giorgi, Alessandra & Pianesi, Fabio - Tense and Aspect: From Semantics to Morphosyntax
BOOKS029080I: Giorgino - Briefmarkenauktionen / Ventes aux enchères / Philatelic Auctions : 14. - 15. März 2008
BOOKS012046I: Giovannini, Alberto - The Debate on Money in Europe
BOOKS024031I: Giovanoli, Fritz - Unter der Herrschaft des Finanzkapitals : Herausgegeben von der Sozialdemokratischen Partei der Schweiz
BOOKS017809I: Girard, Pierre - Cinephilatelie : collection personnelle de Pierre Girard
BOOKS013355I: Girginov, Anton - Davnostta v nakazatelnoto pravo
BOOKS011424I: Girglani, Jetho Mangaldas - Immortal Poetry of Sheikh Ayaz
BOOKS017549I: Girgus, Sam B. - The Films of Woody Allen
BOOKS013572I: Giri, Jacques - Le Sahel demain : catastrophe ou renaissance?
BOOKS009489I: Giridhar, P.P. - A Case Grammar of Kannada
BOOKS009666I: Giridhar, P.P. - Angami-English-Hindi Dictionary
BOOKS031151I: Girininkas, Algirdas - Baltu kulturos istakos : II
BOOKS027719I: Girodon, Jean ; editor : [ Quental, Bartolomeu do (1626-1698) ] - Lettres du père Bartolomeu do Quental à la Congrégation de l’Oratoire de Braga (29.IX.1685 - 22.XI.1698)
BOOKS001413I: Giron, René - Attitudes des parturientes
BOOKS024008I: Giroud, Françoise - Jenny Marx ou la femme du diable
BOOKS001001I: Giroud, Paul & Jardin, Jean - Le Virus des Bashi
BOOKS008610I: Giroux, Henry; Lankshear, Colin; McLaren, Peter & Peters, Michael - Counternarratives: Cultural Studies and Critical Pedagogies in Postmodern Spaces
BOOKS008463I: Giroux, Henry A. - Impure Acts: The Practical Politics of Cultural Studies.
BOOKS028682I: Gíslason, Konraður [ Konráð Gíslason (1808- 1891)] - Om helrim i förste og tredje linie af regelmaessigt "dróttkvaett" og "hrynhenda
BOOKS016756I: Gisolfi, Carl V. ; & Mora, Francisco (Mora Teruel) - The Hot Brain: Survival, Temperature and the Human Body
BOOKS011929I: Gisolfi, Carl V. & Mora, Francisco - The Hot Brain: Survival, Temperature, and the Human Body
BOOKS011734I: Gittell, Ross J. - Renewing Cities
BOOKS004338I: Gittelman, Rachel; editor: - Anxiety Disorders of Childhood
BOOKS000704I: Gittins, Diana - The Child in Question
BOOKS000117I: Giuglea,G. - Uralte Schichten und Entwicklungsstufen in der Strukturen der dakorumanischer Sprache
BOOKS007891I: Giunti, Marco - Computation, Dynamics, and Cognition
BOOKS001051I: Giurescu, Constantin C. - Contributions to the History of Romanian Science and Technique from the 15th to the early 19th Century
BOOKS003046I: Giurov, Aleksandur - Edinadesetvekovno bulgarsko prisustvne v ungariia
BOOKS014163I: Giurova, Svetla ; & Danova, Nadia Khristova ; editors: - Kniga za bulgarskite khadzhi
BOOKS026643I: Giusti, Paola ; & Leone De Castris, Pierluigi ; editors: [Museo Duca di Martina] - Medioevo e produzione artistica di serie : smalti di Limoges e avori gotici in Campania
BOOKS024742I: Giustolisi, Vittorio - Le navi romane di Terrasini, e l'avventura di Amilcare sul Monte Heirkte / Vittorio Giustolisi: note epigrafiche di Livia Bivona
BOOKS030472I: Givón, T. (Talmy) ; editor : - Grammatical Relations : A Functionalist Perspective
BOOKS031481I: Giwzalean, G. [Guzalian, Garnik] - Patmakan khndirne : 1. Mark'sakanut'iwne ew azgayin harts'e -- 2. Mets hobeleane
BOOKS000977I: Giza, Antoni - Slowianofile rosyjscy wobec kryzysu balkanskiego w latach 1875-1878
BOOKS006090I: Gizatov, Kazbek Tazeevich; editor: - Vzaimodeistvia kul'tur narodov Povolzh'ia Priural'ia
BOOKS026710I: Gjedde, Albert - Modulation of Substrate Transport to the Brain
BOOKS001975I: Gjedde, Albert - Peter Ludvig Panums Videnskabelige Indsats
BOOKS025681I: Gjellerup, Sophus Micheal [1838-1910] - Biskop Jens Dinesen Jersin : Bidrag til Danmarks skole og kirkehistorie i det 17de århundrede : I - II Hefte.
BOOKS008841I: Gjelsvik, Tore - Skip og post i Hamburgruten 1853-1865
BOOKS023741I: Gjesing, Knud - Santalmissionen i Billeder
BOOKS010668I: Gjessing, Rolv R. - Die Kautokeinolappen: Eine anthropologische Studie
BOOKS008796I: Gjessing, Gutorm - Circumpolar Stone Age
BOOKS008346I: Gjessing, Gutorm - Ideer omkring forhistoriske Samfunn
BOOKS004386I: Gjessing, Egil T. - Physical & Chemical Characteristics of Aquatic Humus
BOOKS020323I: Gjessing, Helge Johan [1886-1924] - Rogalands Stenalder
BOOKS012327I: Gjoka, Pal - Rresheni: Rrefej per gytetin tim
BOOKS012308I: Gjoza, Roland - Mekati: Roman
BOOKS031115I: Gkines, Demetrios S. - Perigramma historias tou metavyzantinou dikaiou / hypo Demetriou S. Gkine
BOOKS019799I: Glabinski, Stanislaw [1862-1941] - Pojecie nauki skarbowej
BOOKS020402I: Glacon, Jules - Les monts du Hodna (partie orientale)
BOOKS011705I: Gladney, Dru C.; editor: - Making Majorities: Constituting the Nation in Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, Fiji, Turkey, and the United States
BOOKS008074I: Glaessner, Martin F. - Principles of Micropalaeontology
BOOKS013324I: Glaisyer, Natasha [1972 - ]; & Pennell, Sara; editors: - Didactic Literature in England, 1500-1800: Expertise Constructed
BOOKS007914I: Glamann, Kristof - Beer and Marble. Carl Jacobsen of New Carlsberg
BOOKS003655I: Glangeaud, L. - Histoire Geologique de la Province d'Alger
BOOKS001002I: Glants, Musya & Toomre, Joyce; editors: - Food in Russian History and Culture
BOOKS019276I: Glantz, Michael H. - Currents of Change : Impacts of El Niño and La Niña on Climate and Society - Second Edition
BOOKS030649I: Glaser, Eduard [1855-1908] - Zwei Publikationen über Ophir / besprochen von Dr. Eduard Glaser
BOOKS027732I: Glaser, Kurt - Der zweite Weltkrieg und die Kriegsschuldfrage (Die Hoggan-Kontroverse)
BOOKS010134I: Glaser, Eduard [1855-1908] - Eduard Glasers Reise nach Mârib / herausgeben von David Heinrich von Müller und Nikolaus Rhodokanakis;
BOOKS024817I: Glashoff, Harm - Endogene Dynamik der Erde und die Diracsche Hypothese
BOOKS030414I: Glasner, Akiba, Oberrabbiner von Cluj Rumänien - Shabat ha-malkah, ve-ge'ulat Yisra'el / Königin Sabbat und die Erlösung Israels : Der Gedankenkreis des Sabbat, seine Weihe.,.
BOOKS029600I: Glass, Dorothy F. - Romanesque Sculpture in Campania : Patrons, Programs, and Style
BOOKS019201I: Glass, James M. - Psychosis and Power : Threats to Democracy in the Self and the Group
BOOKS007853I: Glass, Dorothy F. - Portals, Pilgrimage & Crusade in Western Tuscany
BOOKS006665I: Glass, Margaret - Animal Production Systems in Neolithic Central Europe
BOOKS008183I: Glassman, Bernard - Anti-Semitic Stereotypes Without Jews: Images of the Jews in England 1290-1700
BOOKS018504I: Glassner, Barry ; & Hertz, Rosanna ; editors: - Our Studies, Ourselves : Sociologists' Lives and Work
BOOKS024708I: Glatt, Dorothea - Zur geschichtlichen Bedeutung der Musikaesthetik Eduard Hanslicks
BOOKS006305I: Glaz, Adam - The Dynamics of Meaning: Explorations in the Conceptual Domain of Earth
BOOKS003777I: Glazier, Ira & da Rosa, Luigi, editors: - Migration Across Time & Nations: Population Mobility in Historical Contexts
BOOKS026043I: Gleason, Henry Allan [1882-1975] - A Revision of the North American Vernonieae
BOOKS004931I: Gleckner, Robert F. - Blake's Preludes. Poetical Sketches
BOOKS022144I: Gledhill, Christine ; editor: - Stardom : Industry of Desire
BOOKS005799I: Glen, William; editor: - The Mass Extinction Debates : How Science Works in a Crisis
BOOKS018392I: Glendon, Mary Ann - Rights Talk : The Impoverishment of Political Discourse
BOOKS002124I: Glenn, Leonidas Chalmers - Denudation & Erosion in the Southern Appalachian Region & the Monongahela Basin
BOOKS022021I: Glenn, Jason - Politics and History in the Tenth Century : The Work and World of Richer of Reims
BOOKS020758I: Glente, Karen ; & Winther-Jensen, Lise ; editors: - Female Power in the Middle Ages : Proceedings from the 2. St. Gertrud Symposium, Copenhagen, August 1986
BOOKS020512I: Glew, Robert H. ; & Ninomiya, Yoshifumi ; editors: - Clinical Studies in Medical Biochemistry
BOOKS005529I: Glienke, Bernhard & Marold, Edith, editors: - Arbeiten zur Skandinavistik. 10. Arbeitstagung der deutschsprachigen Skandinavistik 22--27.9.1991 am Weissenhauser Strand
BOOKS030569I: Gliubich, Simeone [ Ljubic, Sime ] - Gli ultimi successi di Alberto di Waldstein narrati dagli ambasciatori veneti
BOOKS017516I: Glob, P. V. (Peter Vilhelm) [1911-1985] - Vorzeitdenkmäler Dänemarks
BOOKS027873I: Glorieux, Palémon [1892-1979] - Aux origines de la Sorbonne : I : Robert de Sorbon: l’homme, le collège, les documents
BOOKS002459I: Glover, T.R. - Springs of Hellas and other Essays
BOOKS003732I: Glover, Edward [1888- 19??] - Freud or Jung ?
BOOKS008509I: Gloversmith, Frank ; editor : - Class, Culture, and Social Change : A New View of the 1930’s
BOOKS020412I: Gloversmith, Frank ; editor: - The Theory of Reading
BOOKS008066I: Glowacka-Maksymiuk, Urszula - Gubernia siedlecka w latach rewolucji 1905-1907
BOOKS027298I: Glowinski, Roland ; Larrouturou, Bernard ; & Temam, Roger ; editors : - Numerical Simulation of Combustion Phenomena : Proceedings of the Symposium .,.,.
BOOKS005573I: Glowka, Dariusz - Gospodarka w dobrach plebanskich na Mazowszu w XVI-XVIII wieku
BOOKS023220I: Glubb, John Bagot, Sir [1897-1986] - Peace in the Holy Land : An Historical Analysis of the Palestine Problem
BOOKS019395I: Glubb, John Bagot, Sir [1897-1986] - A Soldier with the Arabs
BOOKS012290I: Gluckman, Max; editor: - Closed Systems and Open Minds : The Limits of Naivety in Social Anthropology
BOOKS022904I: Glucksmann, André - La cuisinière et le mangeur d'hommes : essai sur les rapports entre l'État, le marxisme et les camps de concentration
BOOKS027173I: Glückstadt, A. - Hvem er Forbryderne? / Udgivet af Fagoppositionens Sammenslutning
BOOKS001686I: Glusac, Vaso [1879-1954] - Istina o bogomilima : istorijska rasparava
BOOKS001428I: Glusker, Jenny P.; Patterson, Betty K. & Rossi, Miriam, editors: - Patterson and Pattersons. Fifty Years of the Patterson Function. Proceedings of a Symposium...November 13-15 1984
BOOKS012156I: Glymour, Clark - The Mind's Arrows: Bayes Nets and Graphical Causal Models in Psychology
BOOKS010776I: Glynn, Ian - An Anatomy of Thought: The Origin and Machinery of the Mind
BOOKS010310I: Glynn, Ian - An Anatomy of Thought : The Origin and Machinery of the Mind
BOOKS015338I: Glynn, Ian ; & Glynn, Jenifer - The Life and Death of Smallpox
BOOKS026651I: Heinrich Köhler Auktionshaus GmbH - Edition d'Or XXIV : Russische Sozialistische Föderative Sowjetrepublik 1918-1923 : Die Dr. Wolfgang Leupold Sammlung
BOOKS029105I: Heinrich Köhler Auktionshaus GmbH - Altdeutsche Staaten und Deutsches Reich 1849 - 1874 : Die Sammlung John Simon : 358. Heinrich Köhler-Auktion : 27 September 2014
BOOKS004813I: Gmelin, Johann Georg [1709-1755] ; & Steller, Georg Wilhelm [1709-1746] [ Posselt, Doris ; & Wendland, Folkwart ; editors : ] - Die Grosse nordische Expedition von 1733 bis 1743 : aus Berichten der Forschungsreisenden Johann Georg Gmelin .,.,.
BOOKS002578I: Gnilka, Joachim - Der Verstockung Israels : Isaias 6, 9 - 10 in der Theologie der Synoptiker
BOOKS000737I: Gnirs, Anton, editor: - Beiträge zur Geschichte und Geographie Böhmens und Mährens in der Zeit des Imperium Romanum
BOOKS013212I: Goa, Damão and Dio Freedom Movement [Goa Freedom Movement] - Documents of the Conference of the People of Goa, Damão and Dio held at Palais D'Orsay, Paris, on 3rd - 5th December, 1963
BOOKS029303I: Mangestu Gobazé - Lalibela and Yimrehane Kirstos : The Living Witnesses of Zagwe Dynasty / by Mengistu Gobezie.
BOOKS026496I: Gøbel, Erik - A Guide to Sources for the History of the Danish West Indies (U.S. Virgin Islands), 1671-1917
BOOKS012563I: Gobl, Robert [Göbl, Robert] [Goebl, Robert] - Der Triumph des Sasaniden Sahpuhr ueber die Kaiser Gordianus, Philippus und Valerianus: die ikonographische Interpretation...
BOOKS028134I: Göbl, Robert - Der norische Tetradrachmenfund 1972 aus Haimburg in Kärnten : Versuch einer Gesamtrekonstruktion
BOOKS014220I: Goddard, Pliny Earle [1869 - 1928] - White Mountain Apache Texts
BOOKS003792I: Goddard, T.N. - The Handbook of Sierra Leone
BOOKS022473I: Goddard, V. A. [ Goddard, Victoria A. ] - Gender, Family, and Work in Naples
BOOKS022366I: Godeaux, Lucien [1887-1975] - Mémoire sur les surfaces multiples
BOOKS029268I: Mamo Godébo 'Abaro - YaWalayta zaman 'aqotatar 'ena ya'adis 'amat 'akababar / baMamo Godébo 'Abaro
BOOKS000337I: Godechot, Jacques Leon [1907-19??]; editor: - Les Fortunes en France et dans la region toulousaine, de la Revolution a nos jours
BOOKS004459I: Godeke, Karl, editor: - Elf Bucher Deutscher Dichtung Von Sebastian Brant (1500) bis auf die Gegenwart. Aus den Quellen...
BOOKS023209I: Godinho, Vitorino Magalhães [1918-2011] - Prix et monnaies au Portugal, 1750-1850
BOOKS030831I: Des Godins de Souhesmes, Gaston - Blocus de Metz en 1870 : Bazaine, Coffinières, avec pièces et documents à l'appui et accompagné d'une carte des environs de Metz
BOOKS014035I: Godlove, Terry F. - Religion, Interpretation and Diversity of Belief: The Framework Model for Kant to Durkheim to Davidson
BOOKS017350I: Godlove, Terry F. ; editor: - Teaching Durkheim
BOOKS012478I: Godson [1935 - ] - Who Killed Mrs. Gandhi? Mother of the Millions! Why?
BOOKS010192I: Godula, Roza; editor: - The Gift in Culture
BOOKS015403I: Godwin, Joscelyn - The Theosophical Enlightenment
BOOKS011237I: Goedde, Lawrence Otto - Tempest and Shipwreck in Dutch and Flemish Art : Convention, Rhetoric, and Interpretation
BOOKS013080I: Goehrke, Carsten - Frühzeit des Ostslaventums
BOOKS022936I: Goel, Sita Ram - Stalinist "Historians" Spread the Big Lie
BOOKS024916I: Goertz, Hans-Jürgen - Die Täufer : Geschichte und Deutung
BOOKS024914I: Goertz, Hans-Jürgen - Thomas Müntzer : Mystiker, Apokalyptiker, Revolutionär
BOOKS028410I: Goertz, Eustache de, Comte [ Görtz, Johann Eustachius, Graf von Schlitz (1737-1821)] - Mémoire historique relatif aux négociations qui eurent lieu en 1778, pour la succession de Bavière
BOOKS017195I: Goes, Carlos - O governador das Esmeraldas (Fernão Dias Paes Leme): peca nacional historica em tres actos
BOOKS004779I: Goetz, Karl Gerold [1865-1944] - Der Ursprung des kirchlichen Abendmahls : blosse Mahlgemeinschaft von Jesus und seinen Jüngern oder eine besondere Handlung .,.,
BOOKS010578I: Goetz, William R. - Henry James and the Darkest Abyss of Romance
BOOKS024275I: Goez, Werner - Gestalten des Hochmittelalters : personengeschichtliche Essays im allgemeinhistorischen Kontext
BOOKS024127I: Goff, Barbara E. - The Noose of Words : Readings of Desire, Violence, and Language in Euripides' Hippolytos
BOOKS020325I: Goff, Peter ; & Trionfi, Barbara ; editors: - The Kosovo News and Propaganda War
BOOKS015202I: Goffman, Erving - Relations in Public : Microstudies of the Public Order.
BOOKS016521I: Goffman, Daniel - The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe
BOOKS028623I: Goffman, Daniel - Izmir and the Levantine World, 1550-1650
BOOKS021628I: Gogoi, Lila [1930-1994] ; editor: - Bihugeet aru banghosha [ Bihugita aru banaghosha ]
BOOKS029431I: Gogolasvili, Giorgi - K'art'uli saliteraturo ena : narkvevebi
BOOKS011037I: GoGwilt, Christopher - The Fiction of Geopolitics: Afterimages of Culture, from Wilkie Collins to Alfred Hitchcock
BOOKS004231I: Gohlke, Paul - Die Entstehung der aristotelischen Ethik, Politik, Rhetorik
BOOKS002404I: Göhre, Paul (1864 -1928) - Das Warenhaus
BOOKS014298I: Goitein, S. D. [ Lassner, Jacob ; editor] - A Mediterranean Society : An Abridgment in One Volume
BOOKS009476I: Goitein, S.D. [Gotein, Shelomo Dov] - A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza. Volume V:
BOOKS001624I: Gokhale, S.D. - Valley of Shadows. Problem of Leprosy in India
BOOKS016096I: Gökhan Baydas, Özden - Tillo'daki mimari eserler
BOOKS007979I: Goklani, Kamla - Adabi Taasraat
BOOKS007165I: Goklani, Kamla - Rajasthan je sindhi sahitya jo jaaizo
BOOKS003212I: Goklani, Kamla - Rajasthan je Sindhi Sahitya jo Jaaizo
BOOKS008800I: Gol'dman, I. I. & Krivchenko, V. D. - Problems in Quantum Mechanics
BOOKS015355I: Gol'tzevoi, N. A. - Trud'i i podvigi Mikluhi-Maklaia
BOOKS017695I: Golachowski, Stanislaw - Szymanowski
BOOKS015673I: Golany, Gideon - Chinese Earth-sheltered Dwellings : Indigenous Lessons for Modern Urban Design
BOOKS031558I: Golczewski, Frank ; editor : - Geschichte der Ukraine
BOOKS015436I: Gold, Ann Grodzins ; translator: [ Nath, Madhu Natisar ] - A Carnival of Parting: The Tales of King Bharthari & King Gopi Chand as Sung & Told by Madhu Natisar Nath of Ghatiyali Rajasthan
BOOKS017088I: Gold, Michael Evan - A Dialogue on Comparable Worth
BOOKS005946I: Gold, Ann Grodzins - Fruitful Journeys : The Ways of Rajasthani Pilgrims
BOOKS007657I: Gold, Carol - Educating Middle Class Daughters : Private Girls Schools in Copenhagen 1790-1820
BOOKS019674I: Gold, Daniel - Aesthetics and Analysis in Writing on Religion : Modern Fascinations
BOOKS002625I: Goldammer, Kurt - Kultsymbolik des Protestantismus
BOOKS027922I: Goldbacher, Alois [1837-1924] - Kritische Beiträge zum XLI., XLII. u. XLIII. Buche des T. Livius
BOOKS011837I: Goldberg, Jonathan - James I and the Politics of Literature: Jonson, Shakespeare, Donne, and Their Contemporaries
BOOKS010036I: Goldberg, Jonathan - Desiring Women Writing: English Renaissance Examples
BOOKS008600I: Goldberg, Ellis ; Kasaba, Resat ; & Migdal, Joel S. ; editors: - Rules and Rights in the Middle East : Democracy, Law, and Society
BOOKS015589I: Goldberg, Jonathan - Voice Terminal Echo : Postmodernism and English Renaissance Texts
BOOKS017428I: Goldberg, Edward D., editor: - North Sea Science
BOOKS014970I: Goldberg, Harvey E.; editor: - The Life of Judaism
BOOKS002179I: Goldberg, Christine - The Tale of the Three Oranges
BOOKS019349I: Goldberger, Emanuel - How Physicians Think : An Analysis of Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
BOOKS013689I: Golden, Meletios - Conversion of a High Priest into a Christian Worker
BOOKS016590I: Golden, Mark - Sport and Society in Ancient Greece
BOOKS020936I: Golden, Thelma - Bob Thompson
BOOKS020635I: Goldfeld, Dorian - Automorphic Forms and L-Functions for the Group GL(n,R)
BOOKS003849I: Goldflam, Pavel - Anwendung von Fourier Reihen zur dreidimensionalen Interpretation gravimetrischer Daten
BOOKS031776I: Goldhahn, Joakim - Sagaholm : hällristningar och gravritual
BOOKS009940I: Goldie, J. H.; & Coldman, A.J. - Drug Resistance in Cancer: Mechanisms and Models
BOOKS005954I: Goldin, Hyman E. - Hebrew Criminal Law and Procedure. Mishnah : Sanhedrin - Makkot
BOOKS010629I: Golding, John - Cubism: A History and an Analysis 1907-1914
BOOKS012966I: Golding, Sue; editor: - The Eight Technologies of Otherness
BOOKS009842I: Goldkuhl, Erik - Psychische Insuffizienzzustaende bei Oligophrenien leichteren Grades: Eine persoenlichkeitsanalytische Untersuchung
BOOKS019694I: Goldman, Wendy Z. - Women at the Gates : Gender and Industry in Stalin's Russia
BOOKS006691I: Goldman, Emma - Gelebtes Leben : Band 1 - 2 - 3
BOOKS016233I: Goldman, Bernard - The Sacred Portal: A Primary Symbol in Ancient Judaic Art
BOOKS001495I: Goldman, Robert P. - Gods, Priests and Warriors : The Bhrgus of the Mahabharata
BOOKS012762I: Goldman, Ralph Morris; & Hardman, Willard M. - Building Trust : An Introduction to Peacekeeping and Arms Control
BOOKS015521I: Goldman, Alvin I. - Epistemology and Cognition
BOOKS021375I: Goldman, Alvin I. - Simulating Minds : The Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience of Mindreading
BOOKS010808I: Goldmann, Lucien - Om marxistisk metode : litteraere og filosofiske essays
BOOKS012399I: Goldmann, Nahum [1895-1982] - Staatsmann ohne Staat : Autobiographie
BOOKS012784I: Goldreich, Oded - Foundations of Cryptography: Volume II: Basic Applications
BOOKS012783I: Goldreich, Oded - Foundations of Cryptography. Volume I: Basic Tools
BOOKS018510I: Goldsby, Richard A. - Race and Races
BOOKS017818I: Goldscheid, Rudolf [ 1870-1931 ] - Das Verhältnis der äussern Politik zur innern : Ein Beitrag zur Soziologie des Weltkrieges und Weltfriedens
BOOKS023573I: Goldschmidt, Verner - Retlig adfærd : en analyse af retsmyndigheders adfærd med eksempler særlig fra den kriminelle retspleje i Grønland : Bind I & II
BOOKS004960I: Goldschmidt, Walter - Comparative Functionalism. An Essay in Anthropological Theory
BOOKS022803I: Goldschmidt, Ernst - Le peintre Pierre Subleyras : sa vie, son art (1699-1749)
BOOKS016243I: Goldsmith, Joel S. [1892-1964] - Realization of Oneness : The Practice of Spiritual Healing
BOOKS019745I: Goldstein, Darra - Nikolai Zabolotsky : Play for Mortal Stakes
BOOKS011432I: Goldstein, Melvyn C. & Nornang, Nawang - Modern Spoken Tibetan: Lhasa Dialect (With Written Tibetan Appendix)
BOOKS007788I: Goldstein, Jeffrey; editor: - Why We Watch: The Attractions of Violent Entertainment
BOOKS006567I: Goldstein, Joshua S. - War and Gender : How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa
BOOKS018952I: Goldstein, Melvyn C. ; & Kapstein, Matthew ; editors: - Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet : Religious Revival and Cultural Identity
BOOKS015078I: Goldstein, Melvyn C. - The Changing World of Mongolia's Nomads
BOOKS015079I: Goldstein, Melvyn C. - Nomads of Western Tibet: The Survival of a Way of Life
BOOKS004977I: Goldstein, Avery - From Bandwagon to Balance-of-Power Politics: Structural Constraints & Politics in China, 1949-1978
BOOKS012095I: Goldstein, Ralph ; editor: - Images, Meaning and Connections: Essays in Memory of Susan R.Bach
BOOKS002345I: Goldstein, Laurence; editor: - The Female Body: Figures, Styles, Speculations
BOOKS021676I: Goldstein, Robert Justin - Political Repression in 19th Century Europe
BOOKS022930I: Goldstein, Jan - Console and Classify : The French Psychiatric Profession in the Nineteenth Century
BOOKS019271I: Goldstone, Jack A. ; editor: - States, Parties, and Social Movements
BOOKS022246I: Goldziher, Ignac - Hagyomany es dogma
BOOKS031280I: Goldziher, Ignác [1850-1921] - Kitâb ma'âni al-nafs. Buch vom Wesen der Seele. Von einem Ungenannten. Auf Grund der einzigen Handschrift ..,.
BOOKS006836I: Gole, Leela D. - God as the Supreme Value. Analysis & Interpretation of the Idea of God from the Standpoint of Value
BOOKS012207I: Golemansky, V.G. & Naidenov, W.T.; editors: - Biodiversity of Shabla Lake System
BOOKS013660I: Goliiski, Petur - Ziezi, ot koito sa Bulgarite : Predkhristiianska i predmiusiulmanska religiia i mitologiia
BOOKS016639I: Golinski, Jan - Science as Public Culture: Chemistry and Enlightenment in Britain, 1760-1820
BOOKS029629I: Göller, Gottfried - Vinzenz von Beauvais O. P. (um 1194-1264) und sein Musiktraktat im Speculum doctrinale
BOOKS014106I: Golley, Frank B. - A History of the Ecosystem Concept in Ecology: More Than the Sum of the Parts
BOOKS011474I: Göllner, Carl - Die siebenbürgische Militärgrenze : Ein Beitrag zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 1762-1851
BOOKS010076I: Goltz, Eduard Alexander, Freiherr von der [1870-1939] - Das Gebet in der ältesten Christenheit : Eine geschichtliche Untersuchung
BOOKS009585I: Golub, Leon ; & Pasachoff, Jay M. - The Solar Corona - Second Edition
BOOKS030455I: Golzio, Karl-Heinz - Der Tempel im alten Mesopotamien und seine Parallelen in Indien : eine religionshistorische Studie
BOOKS016204I: Gombrowicz, Witold - Trans-Atlantyk [English]
BOOKS006615I: Gomes da Costa, Cap. - Gaza 1897 -1898
BOOKS002479I: Gomes, Custodio Manuel [1810 - 18??] - Duas Palavras sobre a India Portugueza em relacao ao Sr. Conselheiro Jose Ferreira Pestana..,.
BOOKS016061I: Gomes Roberto, Antonio, editor: - Archivo de pharmacia e sciencias accessorias da India..,.7. Anno 1870 [Nos. 73 - 84]
BOOKS014809I: Gómez Lopéz, Jesús ; & Garcia de Andrés, Inocente - Sor Juana de la Cruz : Mistica e Iluminista Toledana
BOOKS024147I: Gomez, Jesús A. ; & Garcia, Angel - Los crimenes de la "justicia" en el presidio de Sierra Chica: Exposicion al pueblo
BOOKS006597I: Gomez y Gomez, Agustin - El estomago del embrion humano no efectua la rotacion de 90'
BOOKS016525I: Gomez, Michael Angelo - Black Crescent: The Experience and Legacy of African Muslims in the Americas
BOOKS002620I: Gomez Urdanez, Jose Luis - La Hermanidad de la Sangre de Cristo de Zaragoza. Caridad y ritual religioso en la ejecucion de la Pena de Muerte
BOOKS020424I: Gómez y Arias, Miguel Mariano (1889-1950) - Manifesto al Pueblo de Cuba
BOOKS021161I: Gomez, Michael Angelo - Reversing Sail : A History of the African Diaspora
BOOKS026298I: Gomez Aparicio, Pedro - La doctrina Kubitschek en marcha
BOOKS023887I: Gómez de la Serna, Ramón [1888-1963] - Novisimas greguerias, 1929
BOOKS017148I: Gompers, Paul Alan ; & Lerner, Joshua - The Venture Capital Cycle
BOOKS028434I: Gomperz, Theodor [1832-1912] - Nachlese zu den Bruchstücken der griechischen Tragiker
BOOKS028440I: Gomperz, Theodor [1832-1912] - Ueber den Abschluss des Herodoteischen Geschichtswerkes
BOOKS006354I: Goncalves, Egito - Anthology of Poems / Antología poética / Antologia poética
BOOKS012387I: Goncalves, Julio - Defeza sanitaria da Europa contra a peste : Hygiene e prophylaxia internacional
BOOKS019957I: Goncalves, Artur - Uma eleicão pratica : Guia nas Assembleas Primarias e de Apuramento com a sumula da legislacao respectiva
BOOKS005154I: Goncalves, M. Henriques - Jornadas na Guiné : impressões da viagem presidencial a Guiné
BOOKS008698I: Goncharov, Sergei N.; Lewis, John W. & Xue, Litai - Uncertain Partners: Stalin, Mao, and the Korean War
BOOKS002892I: Goncharova, Nataliia Sergeevna [1881-1962] ; Larionov, Mikhail Fedorovich [1881-1964] ; & Vorms, Pierre - Les ballets russes : Serge de Diaghilew et la décoration théatrale
BOOKS031216I: Gonda, J. (Jan) [1905- 1991] - Prajapati and the Year
BOOKS026085I: Gonda, J. (Jan) [1905-1991] - The Praügasastra
BOOKS031957I: Gonda, J. (Jan) [1905- 1991] - Hymns of the Rgveda Not Employed in the Solemn Ritual
BOOKS031958I: Gonda, J. (Jan) [1905- 1991] - Some Observations on the Relations Between "Gods" and "Powers" in the Veda a propos of the Phrase Sunuh sahasah
BOOKS031981I: Gonda, J. (Jan) [1905-1991] - Old Indian
BOOKS031973I: Gonda, J. (Jan) [1905-1991] - Ancient Indian Kingship from the Religious Point of View
BOOKS027851I: Gondon, Jules - Die religiöse Bewegung in England oder die Fortschritte des Katholicismus und die Rückkehr der anglikanischen Kirche zur Einheit
BOOKS030411I: Goni, Rizki - Si Kancil : koalisi pengganggur permanen
BOOKS010019I: Goni Demarchi, Carlos A. & Scala, Jose Nicolas - La diplomacia argentina y la restauracion de Fernando VII
BOOKS027372I: Gönner, Nicolaus Thaddäus [1764-1827] - Archiv für die Gesetzgebung und Reforme des juristischen Studiums : Zweiter Band : Erstes bis drittes Heft
BOOKS027322I: Gonseth, Marc-Olivier ; Hainard, Jacques ; & Kaehr, Roland ; editors : - Le musée cannibale
BOOKS014772I: Gonzales, Pancho [1928- 1995] [ Rice, Cy ] - Man with a Racket: The Autobiography of Pancho Gonzales as Told to Cy Rice
BOOKS022185I: Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda ; & Tatum, Chuck ; editors: - Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, Vol. II.
BOOKS027983I: González Saldívar, Fernando N. - Der Präriehund (Cynomys mexicanus Merriam, 1892) im Nordosten Mexikos : Entwicklung eines Modelles zur Beurteilung ..,.,.
BOOKS006639I: Gonzalez Echegaray, Joaquin - Excavaciones en el terraza de "El Khiam" (Jordania): I: Estudio del yacimiento y los niveles paleoliticos
BOOKS016541I: Gonzalez Echevarria, Roberto - Myth and Archive: A Theory of Latin American Narrative
BOOKS000551I: Gonzalez de la Calle, Pedro Urbano - Contribución al estudio del bogotano : orientaciones metodológicas para la investigación del castellano en américa
BOOKS021899I: Gonzalez Gomez, César - Algunos aspectos interesantes en la investigacion de los alcaloides tropanicos parasimpaticoliticos
BOOKS028245I: González González, Enrique ; Albiñana, Salvador ; & Gutiérrez, Víctor ; editors : - Vives, edicions princeps
BOOKS003370I: Gooch, Stan - Cities of Dreams
BOOKS028530I: Good, David F. - Der wirtschaftliche Aufstieg des Habsburgerreiches 1750-1914
BOOKS011408I: Good, Gregory A.; editor: - Sciences of the Earth: An Encyclopedia of Events, People, and Phenomena. Volume I: A - G
BOOKS008835I: Good, Robert C. - U.D.I.: The International Politics of the Rhodesian Rebellion
BOOKS011059I: Good, Pete - Bolivia : Between a Rock and a Hard Place
BOOKS010999I: Goodenberger, Jennifer - Subject Guide to Classical Instrumental Music
BOOKS010803I: Goodenough, Ursula - The Sacred Depths of Nature
BOOKS004695I: Goodenough, Ward H. - Property, Kin and Community on Truk
BOOKS003888I: Goodhart, C.A.E. - The Central Bank and the Financial System
BOOKS009624I: Goodheart, Eugene - The Skeptic Disposition in Contemporary Criticism
BOOKS006312I: Goodheart, Eugene - Sceptic Disposition: Deconstruction, Ideology and Other Matters
BOOKS017239I: Goodheart, Eugene - Culture and the Radical Conscience
BOOKS012737I: Goodin, Robert E. - Reflective Democracy
BOOKS024766I: Goodison, Nicholas - English Barometers, 1680-1860 : A History of Domestic Barometers and their Makers
BOOKS022665I: Goodman, David S. G. - Beijing Street Voices : The Poetry and Politics of China’s Democracy Movement
BOOKS002344I: Goodman, Anthony ; & Tuck, Anthony ; editors : - War and Border Societies in the Middle Ages
BOOKS015300I: Goodman, Gail S.; Taub, Elizabeth Pyle ; Jones, David P. H.; Port, Linda K.; Rudy, Leslie ; & Prado,Lydia. - Testifying in Criminal Court : Emotional Effects on Child Sexual Assault Victims.
BOOKS013280I: Goodman, Jordan; & Walsh, Vivien - The Story of Taxol: Nature and Politics in the Pursuit of an Anti-Cancer Drug
BOOKS015890I: Goodman, Nelson - Fact, Fiction and Forecast
BOOKS005128I: Goodman, David G. - Japanese Drama and Culture in the 1960s: The Return of the Gods
BOOKS012003I: Goodman, Elise - The Portraits of Madame de Pompadour : Celebrating the Femme Savante
BOOKS019675I: Goodman, John Benjamin - Monetary Sovereignty : Politics of Central Banking in Western Europe
BOOKS024631I: Goodman, Anthony ; & Mackay, Angus ; editors: - The Impact of Humanism on Western Europe
BOOKS027694I: Goodrich, Norma Lorre - Giono : Master of Fictional Modes
BOOKS024883I: Goodstadt, Leo F. - Uneasy Partners : The Conflict between Public Interest and Private Profit in Hong Kong
BOOKS014406I: Goodwin, Michele - Black Markets : The Supply and Demand of Body Parts
BOOKS014111I: Goodwin, Godfrey - The Janissaries
BOOKS016526I: Goodwin, Jeff - No Other Way Out: States and Revolutionary Movements, 1945-1991
BOOKS014510I: Goody, Jack - Food and Love: A Cultural History of East and West
BOOKS014350I: Goody, Jack - The Expansive Moment: The Rise of Social Anthropology in Britain and Africa 1918-1970
BOOKS000519I: Goody, Jack - The European Family: A Historico-Anthropological Essay
BOOKS002873I: Gooley, Dana Andrew - The Virtuoso Liszt
BOOKS022013I: Gooptu, Nandini - The Politics of the Urban Poor in Early Twentieth-Century India
BOOKS003357I: Goosen, D. - Physiography & Soils of the Llanos Orientales, Colombia
BOOKS010785I: Gooss, Roderich - Die Siebenbürger Sachsen in der Planung deutscher Südostpolitik : von der Einwanderung bis zum Ende des Thronstreites ..,.
BOOKS016165I: Gootzeit, Michael J. - David Ricardo
BOOKS013747I: Gopal, Sarvepalli - Jawaharlal Nehru : A Biography. Volume I: 1889 - 1947
BOOKS019317I: Gopal, Sarvepalli ; editor: [ Nehru, Jawaharlal (1889-1964)] - Jawaharlal Nehru, An Anthology
BOOKS002844I: Gopal, S. - The Viceroyalty of Lord Ripon 1880 - 1884
BOOKS006036I: Gopal, Lallanji - The Gurusamhita : An Ancient Text on Weather-Forecasting
BOOKS002783I: Gopal, Chandan; Singh, Budh & Singh, R.K. - Survey Report on Village Nagla Beru
BOOKS002703I: Gopal, Chandan; Dwivedi, R.S.; Pandey, R.S. & Singh, R.K. - Town Survey Report: Kopaganj
BOOKS002702I: Gopal, Chandan; Sah, M.L.; Sinha, D.P. & Singh, R.K. - Survey Report on Village Darkot
BOOKS008363I: Das, Nani Gopal - Was Gandhiji a Mahatma?
BOOKS018923I: Gopal, Anumarla - Kamma Dialect of Telugu
BOOKS016893I: Gopal, Lallanji ; & Verma, Thakur Prasad - Studies in the History and Culture of Nepal
BOOKS002073I: Gopal, Chandan - Uttar Pradesh: A Portrait of Population
BOOKS010982I: Gopal, Ram - Linguistic Affairs of India
BOOKS006810I: Gopal, B.R. - The Chalukyas of Kalyana and the Kalachuris
BOOKS020594I: Gopala Ayyar, T. V. ; editor: [ Tecikar, Caminata ] [ Desigar, Swaminatha ] - Caminata Tecikar iyarriya Ilakkanak kottu : mulamum uraiyum [ Ilakkana Kothu ]
BOOKS003924I: Gopalakrishnaiah, V. - A Comparative Study of the Educational Philosophies of J.G.Fichte & J.H.Newman
BOOKS000451I: Gopalakrishnaiah, V. - The Philosophy of Jose Ortega y Gasset
BOOKS009877I: Gopalakrishnan, M.DS. - Periyar : Father of the Tamil Race
BOOKS007663I: Gopalakrishnan, P. B. - Extremist Movement in Tirunelveli, 1908-1911
BOOKS015873I: Gopalakrishnan, Ramalingam - A Study of Sivajñana siddhiyar parapakkam
BOOKS020232I: Gopalakrishnan, M.S. - A Brief Study of the Saurashtra Community in the Madras State
BOOKS020382I: Gopalakrishnan, M.D. - A Garland to Periyar: Selected Writings on Periyar
BOOKS024267I: Gopcsa, Katalin ; editor: - Egry József : 1883-1951
BOOKS011984I: Gopher, Daniel & Koriat, Asher; editors: - Attention and Performance XVII: Cognitive Regulation of Performance: Interaction of Theory and Application
BOOKS024549I: Goppelt, Leonhard [1911-1973] - Typos : Die typologische Deutung des Alten Testaments im Neuen ; Anhang : Apokalyptik und Typologie bei Paulus
BOOKS008245I: Göransson, Hans - Neolithic Man and The Forest Environment around Alvastra Pile Dwelling
BOOKS031666I: Gorbunow, N. P. (Gorbunov, Nikolai Petrovich) [1892- 1937] - Lenin : Erinnerungen eines Sekretärs des Rats der Volkskommisar
BOOKS029440I: Gordeziani, Levan - Zveli istoriis narkvevebi
BOOKS003824I: Gordon, Paul ; editor : - Das Kabarett 1950 : Eine Sammlung von Einaktern und Sketchen für die Kleinbühnen
BOOKS010433I: Gordon, Ian A. - John Skelton: Poet Laureate
BOOKS010190I: Gordon, David C. - The Passing of French Algeria
BOOKS006247I: Gordon, Leonard A, - Bengal : The Nationalist Movement 1876 - 1940
BOOKS009730I: Gordon, David - Resurrecting Marx : The Analytical Marxists on Freedom, Exploitation, and Justice
BOOKS006261I: Gordon, Christopher J. - Temperature Regulation in Laboratory Rodents
BOOKS014955I: Gordon, Cyrus Herzl [1908 - 19??] - Riddles in History
BOOKS013310I: Gordon, Lynn Dorothy [1946 - ] - Gender and Higher Education in the Progressive Era
BOOKS016285I: Gordon, Joel S. - Nasser’s Blessed Movement : Egypt’s Free Officers and the July Revolution
BOOKS018909I: Gore, Charles [1853-1932] ; Hobhouse, L. T. (Leonard Trelawny) [1864-1929] ; et al. - Property, Its Duties and Rights, Historically, Philosophically and Religiously Regarded : Essays by Various Writers
BOOKS019470I: Goreau, Eloise K. - Integrity of Life : Allegorical Imagery in the Plays of John Webster
BOOKS010012I: Gorecki, Jan - A Theory of Criminal Justice
BOOKS024058I: Sindhi Panchayat Goregaon - Sindhi Panchayat Goregaon : Roshni No. 21
BOOKS002837I: Goregljada, V.N., editor: - Otsuki Sigetaka i Simura Koke: Kankai Ibun. (Udivitelnie Svedenija ob Okruzhajuscikh Morjakh). Tetrad Vosmaja.Slovar
BOOKS008583I: Goreja, Hari - Damadam Mast Kalandar
BOOKS003036I: Gorer, Geoffrey - Himalayan Village: An Account of the Lepchas of Sikkim
BOOKS009211I: Gorer, Geoffrey - The Lepchas of Sikkim
BOOKS012222I: Goreux, Louis M. - Interdependence in Planning: Multilevel Programming Studies of the Ivory Coast
BOOKS013459I: Goriainov, Sergiei Mikhailovich [1844 - 1918] - La question d’Orient à la veille du traité de Berlin (1870-1876) d’après les archives russes
BOOKS027492I: Gornik, E. (Erich) ; Heinrich, H. (Helmut) ; & Palmetshofer, L. (Leopold) ; editors : - Physics of Narrow Gap Semiconductors : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Physics of Narrow Gap Semiconductors
BOOKS013250I: Gorodetsky, Gabriel [1945 - ] - Grand Delusion: Stalin and the German Invasion of Russia
BOOKS025479I: Gorodinskii, Viktor M.; editor : - Teatr moskovskogo proletariata : desiat' let teatra im. MOSPS
BOOKS030149I: Görres, Johann Joseph von [1776-1848] - Die Triarer : H. Leo, Dr. P. Marheinecke, Dr. K. Bruno
BOOKS022277I: Gorrie, P. Douglass (Peter Douglass) [1813-1884] - Black River and Northern New York Conference Memorial : Second Series : Containing Sketches of the Life and Character ..,.
BOOKS000467I: Gorska, Elzbieta - Multiattributive Nominal Phrases in Modern Written Arabic
BOOKS027403I: Górski, Karol - Communitas princeps corona regni : studia selecta
BOOKS015595I: Gort, Jerald D. - Dialogue and Syncretism: An Interdisciplinary Approach
BOOKS030161I: Gorter, Augustus - Onderzoekingen over aminozuurafbraak door Aspergillus niger
BOOKS025793I: Gory, A. - Note sur un amas de coquilles mêlés de silex taillés signale sur les côtes de Provence
BOOKS001252I: Gosch, Charles A. - Denmark and Germany since 1815
BOOKS017724I: Gosse, Philip [1879-1959] - A Bibliography of the Works of Capt. Charles Johnson
BOOKS014907I: Gosse, Edmund [1849 - 1928] - Northern Studies
BOOKS027325I: Gosselain, Olivier P. - Poteries du Cameroun méridional : styles techniques et rapports à l'identité
BOOKS021683I: Gossman, Patricia A. - Riots and Victims : Violence and the Construction of Communal Identity among Bengali Muslims, 1905-1947
BOOKS022771I: Goswami, B. B. ; & Morab, S. G. - Chamundesvari Temple in Mysore
BOOKS009261I: Goswami, Mahaprabhulal - Vivarana ka Samiksatmaka Evain Bhamati ke Satha Tulanatmaka Adhyayana
BOOKS008949I: Goswami, D.N. - The Bongs of Tripura
BOOKS008211I: Goswami, Karunamaya - Aspects of Nazrul Songs
BOOKS010340I: Goswami, Girija Shankar; compiler: - Kisan [Grammar, Texts, Dictionary]
BOOKS012451I: Goswami, Golok Chandra - An Introduction to Assamese Phonology
BOOKS016923I: Goswami, Upendranath - Asamiya Lipi
BOOKS005949I: Goswami, Praphulladatta - Bohag Bihu of Assam and Bihu Songs
BOOKS001733I: Goswami, Praphulladatta - Ballads and Tales of Assam : A Study of the Folklore of Assam
BOOKS001626I: Goswami, B.B., editor: - Marriage in India : Tribes, Muslims and Anglo-Indians
BOOKS001234I: Goswami, B.B., editor: - Cultural Profile of Shillong
BOOKS009959I: Goswami, Roshmi; editor: - Man-and-Music in India
BOOKS021753I: Goswami, Upendranath - An Introduction to the Deuri Language
BOOKS004986I: Gosztony, Peter ; editor : [ Ghermani, Dionisie ; et al. ] - Zur Geschichte der europäischen Volksarmeen
BOOKS022685I: Gotfredsen, Anne Birgitte ; & Møbjerg, Tinna - Nipisat : A Saqqaq Culture Site in Sisimiut, Central West Greenland
BOOKS022238I: Götlind, Johan - Västergötlands folkmål. Del I : Vokalerna : A. Text & B. Kartor
BOOKS026928I: Gottberg, Otto von [ Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger ; editors: ] - Mit den Japanern über den Jalu : Spezialberichte vom Kriegsschauplatz
BOOKS005666I: Gotteri, Frid. Gotth. [ Gotter, Friedrich Gotthilf (Gotthelf) ] [1682-1746] - Elogia clarorum virorum qui Altenburgum nostra patrumque memoria tum scriptis tum egregiis meritis illustrarunt..,.
BOOKS028082I: Gottfredsen, Bent - Bogen om Hvalsø : natur og kultur, historie og fredning
BOOKS017186I: Gottfried, Paul - After Liberalism : Mass Democracy in the Managerial State
BOOKS028308I: Gottlieb, Theodor - Die Weissenburger Handschriften in Wolfenbüttel
BOOKS008846I: Gottlieb, Gilbert - Individual Development & Evolution : The Genesis of Novel Behavior
BOOKS009978I: Gottschall, Dagmar - Konrad von Megenbergs Buch von den natürlichen Dingen : Ein Dokument deutschsprachiger Albertus Magnus-Rezeption im 14. Jahrhund
BOOKS008223I: Gotwald, William H., Jr. - Army Ants : The Biology of Social Predation
BOOKS020267I: Götz, Karl [1914- 2017] - Erinnerungen : Bd. 1. : 1914 - 1945 : mit einer Werkauswahl 1934 - 1949
BOOKS024368I: Götz, Ulrike ; Altmann, Lothar ; & Deutinger, Roman ; editors: - Otto von Freising : Rahewin, Conradus Sacrista : Geschichtsschreiber des 12. Jahrhunderts in Freising ..,.
BOOKS004192I: Gotzmann, Andreas - Eigenheit und Einheit: Modernisierungsdiskurse des deutschen Judentums der Emanzipationszeit
BOOKS028780I: Gou, Ali Mohamed - Monuments de la civilisation islamique aux Comores
BOOKS002027I: Goud, Dhukhishyam - Gadaba [Grammar, Texts, Dictionary]
BOOKS028086I: Gouda, Tanja - Der Romanisierungsprozess auf der Iberischen Halbinsel aus der Perspektive der iberischen Kulturen
BOOKS008379I: Goudeau, Émile ; & Dillon, Henri-Patrice [1850-1909] - Paris-Almanach : 1895
BOOKS015215I: Goudie, Andrew - The Human Impact on the Natural Environment
BOOKS017796I: Goudzwaard, Bob - Capitalism and Progress : A Diagnosis of Western Society
BOOKS022580I: Gough, Barry M. ; & Christie, Laird ; editors: - New Dimensions in Ethnohistory : Papers of the Second Laurier Conference on Ethnohistory and Ethnology
BOOKS005619I: Gough, Robert E. ; & Korcak, Ronald F., editors : - Blueberries : A Century of Research
BOOKS016012I: Gould, Stephen Jay - The Mismeasure of Man
BOOKS021343I: Gould, Stephen Jay ; Crary, Jonathan ; & Quammen, David [ Rockman, Alexis ] - Alexis Rockman
BOOKS022918I: Gouldsbury, Cullen ; & Sheane, Hubert - The Great Plateau of Northern Rhodesia, Being Some Impressions of the Tanganyika Plateau
BOOKS020437I: Gourinard, Y. - Le littoral oranais : mouvements verticaux et anomalies gravimètriques
BOOKS027760I: Gourmont, Remy de [1858-1915] - Le chat de misère : idées et images
BOOKS019263I: Gournay, Isabelle ; editor: - Ernest Cormier and the Universite de Montreal
BOOKS007556I: Goux, Jean-Joseph - Symbolic Economies: After Marx & Freud
BOOKS008761I: [India] Government of India, Office of the Special Judge [Vaidialingam, C. A.] - Report of Inquiry of Shri Justice C.A. Vaidialingam
BOOKS008760I: [Karnataka] Government of Karnataka, Third Karnataka Backward Classes' Commission [Reddy, O. Chinnappa (Chairman)] - The Justice-Journey of the Karnataka Backward Classes: The Report of the Third Karnataka Backward Classes' Commission: Vol. I-II
BOOKS008758I: [India] Government of India, Union Territory of Lakshadweep, Single Member Commission of Inquiry [Vadakkel, George] - Report...on the Incident of Firing in Andrott (Lakshadweep) on 23rd April 1990
BOOKS006524I: Government of India, Department of Social Welfare - Report of the Committee on Customary Rights to Scavenging
BOOKS006387I: Government of India, India Meteorological Department - Climate of Punjab
BOOKS018241I: Gold Coast Government - The Gold Coast Handbook, 1937
BOOKS004673I: Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs - Report of the Commission on the Hill Areas of Assam 1965-66
BOOKS023394I: Modena (Duchy). Ministero di buon governo. - Deposizioni giurate dei detenuti correi del cavaliere Giuseppe Ricci nella congiura ordita ..,.contro la persona
BOOKS022377I: Govinda, Anagarika Brahmacari - The Psychological Attitude of Early Buddhist Philosophy and Its Systematic Representation According to Abhidhamma Tradition
BOOKS017593I: Govindan, P.K. - ICS Collectors of Malabar : Jottings from Memory
BOOKS001740I: Govindarajan, Salem Venkatappa ; Murthy, R.S.; Raghumohan, N.G.; Jain, S.P. and Venkataraman,M. - A Survey of the Natural Resources of Goa with Particular Reference to Soils & Land Classification
BOOKS002107I: Govindasamy, M.S. - The Role of Feudatories in Later Chola History
BOOKS009623I: Govindasamy, Muthusamy - A Survey of the Sources for the History of Tamil Literature
BOOKS020591I: Govindaswami Pillai, R. ; editor: - Tirunavukkaracu Tecikar aruliya Cittanta niccayam : mulamum uraiyum [ Siddhanta nischaya ]
BOOKS020611I: Govindaswami Pillai, Thiru Erama ; editor: - Thattuva Vilakkam
BOOKS031914I: Gow, Andrew Sydenham Farrar (1886-1978); & Scholfield, A.F.; editors : [ Nicander, of Colophon - Poems and Poetical Fragments, Edited with a Translation and Notes by A.S.F. Gow and A.F. Scholfield.
BOOKS018503I: Gowan, John Curtis - Enveloped in Glory : Twelve Tales of Mystical Experience
BOOKS011599I: Gowda, K. Kushalappa - Gowda Kannada
BOOKS009748I: Gowda, K.S. Gurubasave - Ao-English-Hindi Dictionary
BOOKS007811I: Gowda, Made - Modern Mysore State, 1881-1902 : A Study of the Elite, Polity, and Society
BOOKS011117I: Goy, Robert W. & McEwen, Bruce S. - Sexual Differentiation of the Brain: Based on a Work Session of the Neuroscience Research Program
BOOKS011359I: Goyal, H.R.; & Shankar, V. Ravi ; editors : - Theriyar Kudineergal
BOOKS011437I: Goyal, H.R.; editor : - A Report on Medicinal Plants of Kachchh (Gujarat)
BOOKS019103I: Goytisolo, Juan - Forbidden Territory : The Memoirs of Juan Goytisolo, 1931-1956
BOOKS029499I: Gozalisvili, Salva - Eris didi moamage : Iakob Gogebashvili da motsinave sazogadoebrioba
BOOKS020935I: Graae, Thomas [1849 - 19??] - Alberti : Bondefangerfrø, Student, Prokurator, Politiker, Minister, Milliontyv [bound together with Swedish translation of same]
BOOKS030058I: Graaf, Bob de ; & Graaf, Maria Emilie de - Petrus Apherdianus, Ludimagister ca. 1510-1580
BOOKS002575I: Graaf, Tjeerd de - Aspects of Neutrino Astrophysics
BOOKS019783I: Graaff, J. de V. - Theoretical Welfare Economics
BOOKS008874I: Grabar, Andre - Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origins
BOOKS006973I: Grabar, V.E. - The History of International Law in Russia 1647-1917. A Bio-Bibliographical Study
BOOKS029617I: Grabar, André [1896-1990] - Sculptures byzantines du Moyen Age : [Volume 2] : XIe-XIVe siècle
BOOKS028597I: Grabar, Oleg ; editor : - Muqarnas : An Annual on Islamic Art and Architecture : Volume 2 : The Art of the Mamluks
BOOKS000247I: Grabarczyk, Tadeusz - Metalowe rzemioslo artystyczne na Pomorzu w okresie rzymskim
BOOKS004679I: Grabher, Gudrun M. - Das lyrische Du. Du- Vergessenheit und Moglichkeiten der Du-Bestimmung in der amerikanischen Dichtung
BOOKS031253I: Grabmann, Martin - Forschungen über die lateinischen Aristoteles-Übersetzungen des XIII. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS031300I: Grabmann, Martin [1875-1949] - Der lateinische Averroismus des 13. Jahrhunderts und seine Stellung zur christlichen Weltanschauung ..,.
BOOKS016998I: Grabner-Haider, Anton - Ethos und Religion : Entstehung neuer Lebenswerte in der modernen Gesellschaft
BOOKS016154I: Grabowicz, George G. - Toward a History of Ukrainian Literature
BOOKS026514I: Grabowsky, Norbert [1861-1922] - Die Ernährung des Menschen in gesunden und kranken Tagen [together with: "Die Wissenschaft von Gott und Leben nach dem Tode"]
BOOKS018614I: Gracia Gimeno, Juan Antonio - Las oraciones sobre las ofrendas en el Sacramentario leoniano : texto y doctrina
BOOKS007527I: Gracia Dorado, Felipe - Protozoosis intestinales en la poblacion de Madrid
BOOKS009220I: Gracias, Vicente [ Gracias, Pedro Vicente Emigdio de Piedade ] - Em Prol do Bom Nome
BOOKS028739I: Gracias, João Baptista Amâncio [1872-1950] - Missão de Estudo à India Francesa : relatório prestado em 1919 por J. B. Amancio Gracias
BOOKS019183I: Gracyk, Theodore - Rhythm and Noise : Aesthetics of Rock
BOOKS025644I: Gradmann, Robert [1865-1950] - Der Getreidebau im deutschen und römischen Altertum : Beiträge zur Verbreitungsgeschichte der Kulturgewächse
BOOKS026802I: Gradstein, S. R. (Stephan Robbert) - A Taxonomic Monograph of the Genus Acolejeunea (Hepaticae) : With an Arrangement of the Genera of Ptychanthoidea
BOOKS006272I: Gradstein, Felix M.; Rad, Ulrich von; Gibling, Martin R.; Jansa, Lubomir F.; Kaminski, Michael A., et al: - Stratigraphy & Depositional History of the Mesozoic Continental Margin of Central Nepal
BOOKS025837I: O'Grady, Desmond - Rome Reshaped : Jubilees 1300-2000
BOOKS016396I: De Graef, Marc. - Introduction to Conventional Transmission Electron Microscopy
BOOKS025448I: Graf, Georg Engelbert [1881-1952] - Erdöl, Erdölkapitalismus und Erdölpolitik
BOOKS030538I: Graf, Walter - Die musikwissenschaftlichen Phonogramme Rudolf Pöchs von der Nordküste Neuguineas..,.
BOOKS016978I: Graf, Fritz - Magic in the Ancient World
BOOKS012345I: Graf, Fritz - Greek Mythology: An Introduction
BOOKS020345I: Graf, Jürgen - Velikaia lozh' XX veka : mif o genotside evreev v period II Mirovoi voiny / IUrgen Graf
BOOKS021922I: Grafe, Frieda ; & Patalas, Enno - Im Off Filmartikel
BOOKS027383I: Graff-Höfgen, Gisela - Schlesische Spitzen : eine Dokumentation über die schlesische Klöppel- und Nadelspitzenherstellung
BOOKS001092I: Graff-Petersen, Poul - Lermineralogien i de limniske jura-sedimenter på Bornholm
BOOKS014576I: Graham, Richard - Britain and the Onset of Modernization in Brazil 1850-1914
BOOKS012786I: Graham, William Albert [1943- ] - Beyond the Written Word: Oral Aspects of Scripture in the History of Religion
BOOKS009997I: [Jodelle, Estienne] Graham, Victor E. & Johnson, W. McAllister - Le Recueil des inscriptions 1558: A Literary and Iconographical Exegesis.
BOOKS012729I: Graham, George & Valentine, Elizabeth R.; editors: [Place, Ullin Thomas (1924-)] - Identifying the Mind : Selected Papers of U.T. Place
BOOKS008985I: Graham, Kenneth J. E. - The Performance of Conviction: Plainness and Rhetoric in the Early English Renaissance
BOOKS007888I: Graham, Dan - Two-Way Mirror Power: Selected Writings by Dan Graham on His Art
BOOKS007656I: Graham, Norma V.S. - Visual Pattern Analyzers
BOOKS006552I: Graham, Loren R. - Between Science and Values
BOOKS006270I: Graham, Sheelagh Duffin - The Lyric Poetry of A.K. Tolstoi
BOOKS009796I: Graham, Richard - Patronage and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Brazil
BOOKS015974I: Graham, Robert - Iran: The Illusion of Power
BOOKS016632I: Graham, Sandra Lauderdale [ Lauderdale Graham, Sandra ] - Caetana Says No: Women's Stories from a Brazilian Slave Society
BOOKS011964I: Graham, Loren R. - What Have We Learned About Science and Technology from the Russian Experience?
BOOKS019690I: Graham, Maryemma ; editor: - The Cambridge Companion to the African American Novel
BOOKS007737I: Gram, K. - Karplantevegetationen i Mouydir (Emmidir) i Centralsahara.,..
BOOKS015805I: Gram, Caspar Frederik [1807-1857] - Efterklang af Søndags- og Festdags-Evangelierne : en lille Andagtsbog for Menigmand
BOOKS000325I: Gramaccioli, Carlo Maria - Minerali alpini e prealpini [Volumes 1 & 2]
BOOKS013664I: Gramatikov, Georgi - Haskovskite mineralni bani
BOOKS030076I: Gramberg, John - Klastische en kataklastische processen en hun betekenis voor de gesteentemechanica : inleiding tot een breukmechanica ..,.
BOOKS009471I: Graña, César - Fact and Symbol : Essays in the Sociology of Art and Literature
BOOKS001727I: Granado, Felix A. del - Ensayos Literarios
BOOKS013083I: Granath, Arne - Mitral Valvulotomy: A Clinical Hemodynamic Pre-and Postoperative Study
BOOKS003272I: Le Grand, Pierre - The Screening of Sound in a Subsonic Flow by a Cylindrical Airbubble Layer & a Semi-Infinite Tube
BOOKS010094I: Grandin, Greg - The Blood of Guatemala: A History of Race and Nation
BOOKS025985I: Grandjean, Poul Bredo [1880-1957] - Arvefæsteforhold paa de Plessenske Fideikommisgodser i Slutningen af det 18. Aarhundrede
BOOKS004843I: Grandjean, Poul Bredo - Slesvigske Kobstaeders og Herreders Segl indtil 1660. Herunder Landskabers Segl.
BOOKS004844I: Grandjean, Poul Bredo - Danske Haandvaerkerlavs Segl
BOOKS004842I: Grandjean, Poul Bresdo - Danske kongelige Segl fra Frederik II.s, Christian IV.s og Frederik III.s Tid, 1559 - 1670
BOOKS004475I: Grandjean, Louise - De danske Gotlandsfarere
BOOKS020761I: Grandjean, Etienne ; editor: [ Symposium on Sitting Posture, Zurich, 1968 ] - Proceedings of the Symposium on Sitting Posture - Sitzhaltung - posture assise
BOOKS028645I: Grandt-Nielsen, Finn - Danske billetter : lokale nødpengesedler fra Napoleonskrigenes tid 1807-16 : Danmark, Hertugdømmerne og Færøerne
BOOKS026557I: Grane, Thomas ; editor: - Beyond the Roman Frontier : Roman Influences on the Northern Barbaricum
BOOKS017033I: Grange, Joseph - Nature: An Environmental Cosmology
BOOKS019048I: Granholm, Hjalmar [1900-19??] - Om vattengenomslag i murade väggar med särskild hänsyn till tegel som fasadmaterial
BOOKS004498I: Granholm, Hjalmar - Om Sammansatta Balkar och Pelare med sarskild hansyn till Spikade Trakonstruktioner.
BOOKS004777I: Granjard, Henri - Ivan Tourguenev, la comtesse Lambert et "Nid de Seigneurs
BOOKS004811I: Granjard, Henri - Ivan Tourguenev et les courants politiques et sociaux de son temps
BOOKS004983I: Granö, J.G. (Johannes Gabriel) - Uber die geographische Verbreitung und die Formen der Altertumer in der Nordwestmongolei
BOOKS027688I: Granqvist, Karin - Samerna, staten och rätten i Torne lappmark under 1600-talet : makt, diskurs och representation
BOOKS013900I: Grant, B. Rosemary; & Grant, Peter R. - Evolutionary Dynamics of a Natural Population: The Large Cactus Finch of the Galapagos
BOOKS010351I: Grant, C. David - God the Center of Value: Value Theory in the Theology of H. Richard Niebuhr
BOOKS016268I: Grant, Dale - Wilderness of Mirrors: Life of Gerald Bull
BOOKS004059I: Grant, Joy - Harold Munro & the Poetry Bookshop
BOOKS003280I: Grant, K. - Terrain Classification for Engineering Purposes of the Melbourne Area, Victoria
BOOKS004462I: Grant, Stan - The Call of Mother Africa
BOOKS025568I: Grantzau, Sylvest - Aalborgmalere i 500 år
BOOKS008521I: Granzow, Kenneth D. - Digital Transmission Lines: Computer Modelling and Analysis
BOOKS000878I: Grappe, Georges - La vie et l'oeuvre de J.-H. Fragonard
BOOKS004875I: Grasser, Walter ; & Pick, Albert - Das Bielefelder Stoffgeld 1917-1923 : Entstehungsgeschichte und Katalog mit Preisangaben
BOOKS023861I: Grassi, Giovanni Battista [1854-1925] - Lo sviluppo della colonna vertebrale ne' pesci ossei
BOOKS005191I: Grathoff, Richard, editor: - Philosophers in Exile. The Correspondence of Alfred Schutz & Aron Gurwitsch, 1939 - 1959
BOOKS010945I: Gratzer, Walter - The Undergrowth of Science: Delusion, Self-Deception and Human Frailty
BOOKS026014I: Grau, Andreas Christian [1883-1935] - De Danske i Sydslesvig, Tyskerne i Nordslesvig : en Sammenligning.
BOOKS011739I: Graumann, Johann Philipp [1690-1762] - Lettre de Monsieur Grauman : ci-devant directeur de la monnoye à Brunswik ... concernant les monnoyes d'Allemagne..,.
BOOKS006978I: Grave, Jean [1854-1939] - Le mouvement libertaire sous la 3e République : souvenirs d'un révolté: 16 reproductions hors-texte de portraits et de documents
BOOKS024530I: Gravelaine, Joëlle de - Lilith : Der Schwarze Mond : Die Grosse Göttin im Horoskop
BOOKS001258I: Gravell, M[aximilian] C[arl] F[riedrich] W[ilhelm] [(1781-1860)] - Der Mensch: Eine Untersuchung fur gebildete Leser
BOOKS014283I: Graves, R.M. (1880-1960] [ Graves, Richard Massie Perceval] - Experiment in Anarchy
BOOKS009332I: Graves, Donald J.; Martin, Bruce L.; Wang, Jerry H. - Co- and Post-Translational Modification of Proteins: Chemical Principles and Biological Effects
BOOKS012326I: Gravlund, Thorkild [1879-1939] - Danerloven : De danske Middelalderlove i Skildringer
BOOKS010083I: Gray, Richard T. - Stations of the Divided Subject: Contestation and Ideological Legitimation in German Bourgeois Literature, 1770-1914
BOOKS007849I: Gray, Patty Anne [1960 - ] - The Predicament of Chukotka’s Indigenous Movement: Post-Soviet Activism in the Russian Far North
BOOKS006519I: Gray, Richard T. & Wilke, Sabine; editors & translators: - German Unification and Its Discontents: Documents from the Peaceful Revolution
BOOKS027239I: Gray, David F. ; & Linsky, Jeffery L. ; editors: - Stellar Turbulence : Proceedings of Colloquium 51 of the International Astronomical Union ..,.,.
BOOKS013294I: Gray, John [1913 - ] - The Legacy of Canaan: The Ras Shamra Texts and their Relevance to the Old Testament.
BOOKS006374I: Gray, Vivienne J. ; editor: [ Xenophon ] - Xenophon on Government
BOOKS005782I: Gray, Charles Harold - Theatrical Criticism in London to 1795
BOOKS000730I: Gray, David F. - The Observation and Analysis of Stellar Photospheres
BOOKS000621I: Gray, Robert Q. - The Labour Aristocracy in Victorian Edinburgh
BOOKS014827I: Great Britain, Colonial Office - Northern Nigeria : Report for 1902 [Bound together with: "Southern Nigeria: Report for 1902"]
BOOKS009831I: Great Britain, Parliament, House of Commons - Papers Respecting the United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia
BOOKS024605I: Great Britain, Foreign Office - Correspondence Respecting the Suez Canal (In Continuation of Papers Presented to Parliament in 1874: "Commercial no. 19")
BOOKS031389I: Great Britain, Parliament, House of Commons - Further Papers Regarding the Famine and Relief Operations in India During the Years 1896-97. (In Continuation of [C. 8302].)
BOOKS031397I: Great Britain, Parliament, House of Commons - Further Correspondence Respecting the Affairs of South-Eastern Europe : [In Continuation of Turkey No. 1 1907: Cd. 3454]
BOOKS023849I: Great Britain, India Office, Public Works Department - Copy of Correspondence Relative to the Harbour of Sedashegar and Roads Leading Thereto
BOOKS028136I: Great Britain, Parliament, House of Commons [ Revenue Survey (India) ] - Selection of Papers illustrative of the Character and Results of the Revenue Survey and Assessment.,.,.
BOOKS018080I: Great Britain, Colonial Office - Basutoland : Report for the Year 1963
BOOKS017742I: Great Britain, House of Lords, Joint Committee on Censorship of the Theatre - Joint Committee on Censorship of the Theatre : Report together with the Proceedings of the Committee..,.
BOOKS017716I: Great Britain, Ministry of Fuel and Power - Coal Mining : Report of the Technical Advisory Committee
BOOKS017678I: Great Britain, House of Commons - Report from the Select Committee on the Conduct of a Member with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence ..,.
BOOKS031394I: Great Britain, Parliament, House of Commons. - Correspondence Respecting the Cholera Epidemic in Egypt, 1883 [bound together with two other related reports ca. 1883-1884]
BOOKS022191I: Great Britain, Parliament, House of Commons - Further Papers Regarding the Famine and the Relief Operations in India during the years 1897-98. No. VII...,.
BOOKS023876I: Great Britain, Parliament, House of Commons. - Correspondence Relative to the Question of the Suez Canal Dues, Together with the Procès-verbaux of the Meetings ..,.
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