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Click on booknumber for full information
283780: [W., S]. - A VISIT TO LONDON: Containing A Description of the Principal Curiosities in the British Metropolis. By the Author of "The Visit to a Farm-House"
283756: A.L.B.M. - JOHN BULL’S OPEN DOOR: A Plea for it to be Shut by (A London Business Man).
288368: Abaya, Hernando J. - BETRAYAL IN THE PHILIPPINES. With an Introduction by Harold L. Ickes.
284541: Abbey, J.R. - SCENERY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND In Aquatint and Lithography 1770-1860 from the Library of ... A Bibliographical Catalogue; [And] LIFE IN ENGLAND ... Architecture Drawing Books Art Collections Magazines Navy and Army Panoramas Etc. [And] TRAVEL in Aquatint and Lithography 1770-1860 ... 2 vols.
289970: Abbi, Anvita. (Editor). - LANGUAGES OF TRIBAL AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF INDIA. The Ethnic Space.
283709: Abbots, Emma-Jayne and Lavis, Anna. (Editors). - WHY WE EAT, HOW WE EAT. Contemporary Encounters between Foods and Bodies.
290172: Abbott, G.F. - MACEDONIAN FOLKLORE.
287385: Abdeen, Dr. Adnan. - ENGLISH - ARABIC DICTIONARY OF FINANCIAL & MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING. With English - Arabic & Arabic - English Glossaries.
276415: (Abdul Hamid). McCullagh, Francis. - THE FALL OF ABD-UL-HAMID. With a Preface by his Excellency Mahmud Shefket Pasha.
288634: Abdullayev, T.; Fakhretdinova, D and Khakimov, A. - A SONG IN METAL. Folk art of Uzbekistan.
275894: Abernethy, John. - MEMOIRS of ... With a View of His Lectures, Writings and Character by George Macilwain.
274078: Abraham, Ashley P. - ROCK-CLIMBING IN SKYE.
289173: Abraham, Ashley P. - ROCK-CLIMBING IN SKYE.
287457: Abrahams, Ethel B. - GREEK DRESS. A Study of the Costumes Worn in Ancient Greece, From Pre-Hellenic Times to the Hellenistic Age.
286639: Abrahams, William et al. - CLASSIC SHORT STORIES. American Short Stories. English Short Stories. Russian Short Stories. French Short Stories. Irish Short Stories.
270959: Accum, Frederick. - DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESS OF MANUFACTURING COAL GAS, For the Lighting of Streets Houses, and Public Buildings, with Elevations, Sections, and Plans of the Most Improved Sorts of Apparatus Now Employed at the Gas Works in London, and the Principal Provincial Towns of Great Britain; Accompanied with comparative Estimates, exhibiting the most Economical Mode of procuring this species of Light.
289567: (Ackermann). Ford, John. - RUDOLPH ACKERMANN & the Regency World.
287386: (Ackermann). Agius, Pauline. - ACKERMANN’S REGENCY FURNITURE & INTERIORS. Introduction by Stephen Jones. Published to mark the centenary of H. Blairman & Son.
279161: (Acland, James A.) - ACLANDS AND THE SEA.
287670: (Adam). Harris, Eileen. - THE GENIUS OF ROBERT ADAM. His Interiors.
287947: (Adam). Thom, Colin. (Editor). - ROBERT ADAM AND HIS BROTHERS. New light on Britain’s leading architectural family. Foreword by Keith Adam of Blair Adam.
290119: Adam, W. - THE GEM OF THE PEAK; or Matlock Bath and its vicinity; an account of Derby; a tour from Derby to Matlock : excursions to Chatsworth, Haddon, Monsal Dale, Dovedale, Ilam, Alton Towers, Hardwick, Wingfield, Newstead Abbey, Ashbourne, Buxton, and Castleon, historical and grological; brief history of the fluor spar, from the earliest period down to the present time; a review of the geology of Derbyshire; catalogue of minerals and rocks, and of the flora of the high and low Peak.
289727: M’Adam, John Loudon. - REMARKS ON THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF ROAD MAKING; With Observations, Deduced from Practice and Experience, with a View to a Revision of the Existing Laws, and the Introduction of Improvement in the Method of Making, Repairing, and Preserving Roads, and Defending the Road Funds from Misapplication.
288801: Adam, Clement. - CHANCELLOR’S VOYAGE TO MUSCOVY. being Clement Adam's Anglorum Navigatio ad Muscovitas, taken from Respublica Muscoviae (1630). To which is added a very rare and scarce tract, De Moneta Russica (Elzevier, 1630), with English Translations by J. M'Crindle, and edited with notes, by Edmund Goldsmid.
283994: Adam, W. - THE GEM OF THE PEAK; Or, Matlock Bath and its Vicinity, An Account of Derby; a Tour from Derby to Matlock; Excursions to Chatsworth, Haddon, Monsal Dale, ... A Review of the Geology of Derbyshire ...
279138: (Adams). Dalton, William. - WILL ADAMS, THE FIRST ENGLISHMAN IN JAPAN. A Romantic Biography.
284247: Adams, John Coleman. - NATURE STUDIES IN BERKSHIRE.
282926: Adams, Richard. - THE TYGER VOYAGE
284273: Adams, W.H. Davenport. - WINDSOR CASTLE and the Water-Way Thither.
285288: Adams, Ansel. - SIERRA NEVADA. The John Muir Trail. Introduction by William A. Turnage.
269316: Adams, Frank (Illustrator). - THE STORY OF JACK AND JILL. Illustrated by ... (From an Old Chap Book).
289732: Adams, George. - A TREATISE DESCRIBING THE CONSTRUCTION, AND EXPLAINING THE USE, OF NEW CELESTIAL AND TERRESTIAL GLOBES. Designed to illustrate, In the most Easy and Natural Manner, The Phoenomena of the Earth and Heavens, And to shew the Correspondence of the Two Spheres. With a great Variety of Astronomical and Geographical problems. By ... Mathematical Instrument-Maker to His Majesty
283975: [Adams, William Henry Davenport]. - OUR NATIVE LAND Its Scenery and Associations. A Series of 36 water-colour sketches after Rowbotham, Read, Needham, and Other Eminent Artists with Descriptive Notes.
280012: Adcock, St. John. - A BOOK OF BOHEMIANS. Verses by ...
288639: Addington, A.C. - THE ROYAL HOUSE OF STUART. The Descendants of King James VI of Scotland, James I of England. Volume Two [only of 3]: The Descendants of Anne Henriette Countess Palatine of The Rhine 1648-1723 and Henri Jules Prince of Condé 1644-1709 ... The Descendants of Louise Princess of Great Britain 1724-1751 and Frederik V King of Denmark 1723-1766.
285982: Adelson, Candace J. - EUROPEAN TAPESTRY in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
287770: Adès, Albert and Josipovici, Albert. - LE LIVRE DE GOHA LE SIMPLE. Avec la préface d’Octave Mirbeau.
263165: (Aesop). Phaedri, [Gaius Julius]. - AUGUSTI LIBERTI FABULARUM AESOPIARUM Libri Quinque. Publii Syri et Aliorum Veterum Sententiae. Recensuit et Notas Addidit Richardus Bentleius.
289623: (Aesop). Bailey, N. - THE FIVE BOOKS OF THE ÆSOPIAN FABLES OF PHÆDRUS, Augustus Cæsar's freedman, with A numerical key adjoining to each line, directing to take the words in construing in a proper order: and also the notes of Peter Danet, for the use of the Dauphin, translated into English. To which are added, a copious parsing index, containing every word in the fables, with their proper English; and a grammatical praxis on them, referring to the rules of grammar. By the assistance of which, young scholars, of but a very slender acquaintance with the rules of grammar, may be enabled of themselves, with ease and pleasure, and without interruption to the teacher, to learn their lessons in Phædrus. For the use of schools.
289387: (Æsop). - MYTHOI AISOPOU. Æsopi fabulæ græco-latinæ. Cum novis notis, necnon versione emendatâ.
282674: (Æthelred). Williams, Ann. - ÆTHELRED THE UNREADY. The Ill-Counselled King.
285805: Aflalo, F.G. (Editor). - SPORT IN EUROPE.
285526: (Agamben). Mills, Catherine. - THE PHILOSOPHY OF AGAMBEN.
285528: (Agamben). Mills, Catherine. - THE PHILOSOPHY OF AGAMBEN.
283629: Agius, Dionisius A. - SEAFARING IN THE ARABIAN GULF AND OMAN. The People of the Dhow.
287211: Agricola, Georgius. - DE RE METALLICA. Translated from the first Latin Edition of 1556. With Biographical Introduction, Annotations and Appendices upon the Development of Mining Methods, Metallurgical Processes, Geology, Mineralogy & Mining Law from the earliest times to the 16th Century. Translated by Herbert Clark Hoover & Lou Henry Hoover.
285049: Aguirre, Esperanza. - FELIPE II un Monarca y su Época. La Monarquía Hispánica. Un príncipe del Renacimiento. Las tierras y los hombres del rey.
280314: Agulhon, Maurice. - THE FRENCH REPUBLIC 1879-1992. Translated by Antonia Nevill.
283476: Aikema, Bernard and Brown, Beverly Louise. - IL RINASCIMENTO A VENEZIA e la pittura del Nord ai tempi di Bellini, Dürer, Tiziano. Per il Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali Giovanna Nepi Scirè.
273436: Aikin, Arthur. - JOURNAL OF A TOUR Through North Wales and Part of Shropshire; With Observations in Mineralogy, and Other Branches of Natural History.
288441: Ainsworth, Leopold. - A MERCHANT VENTURER AMONG THE SEA GYPSIES. Being a Pioneer's Account of Life on an Island in the Mergui Archipelago.
272443: Aitken, Richard and Looker, Michael. (Editors). - THE OXFORD COMPANION TO AUSTRALIAN GARDENS.
289396: Akenside, Mark. - THE PLEASURES OF IMAGINATION. To which is Prefixed a Critical Essays on the Poem, by Mrs. Barbauld.
287846: Akerman, John Yonge. - A NUMISMATIC MANUAL.
289459: (Album). - THE VICTORIA [PHOTOGRAPH] ALBUM 1837-1887.
271109: (Album). - POSTCARD ALBUM. 193 postcards with 133 in colour and 60 in b/w.; including 48 coloured cards of the Queen’s Dolls’ House.
284888: (Album). - [PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM].
271110: (Album). - POSTCARD ALBUM. 200 postcards with 125 in colour and 75 in b/w.
286137: (Album). - [SCRAP ALBUM] Containing circa 500 cards (image only). Greetings, christmas, remembrance, good luck, kind thoughts etc.
261721: (Album). - POSTCARD ALBUM. 176 postcards mainly b/w.
287936: (Album). - [EUROPEAN PHOTOGRAPH/IMAGES ALBUM] Over 200 images of varying sizes.
284903: (Album). - PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM. 228 photographs and several colour images (including a Prussian Cavalry Officer and a Beefeater), coloured floral decorations between photographs to first few leaves and occasionally thereafter.
289093: Alcedo, Colonel Don Antonio de. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL DICTIONARY OF AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES. Containing An Entire Translation of the Spanish Work of ... With Large Additions and Compilations From Modern Voyages and Travels and From Original and Authentic Information. By G.A. Thompson.
269208: Aldin, Cecil (Illustrator). - THE POSTHUMOUS PAPERS OF THE PICKWICK CLUB. By Charles Dickens.
289337: [Aldrich, Henry]. - ARTIS LOGICÆ RUDIMENTA. With Illustrative Observations on Each Sketch.
288884: Aldridge, Alan. - THE BUTTERFLY BALL and the Grasshopper’s Feast. With Verses by William Plomer and Nature Notes by Richard Fitter.
281284: Alec-Tweedie, Mrs. - AN ADVENTUROUS JOURNEY Russia Siberia China.
284777: Aleman, Mateo. - THE ROGUE: Or, The Life of Gvzman de Alfarche. Written in Spanish.
283293: (Alexander III). Clarke, Peter D. and Duggan, Anne J. (Editors). - POPE ALEXANDER III (1159-81). The Art of Survival.
282727: Alexander, Gavin. - WRITING AFTER SIDNEY. The Literary Response to Sir Philip Sidney, 1586-1640.
287625: Alexandrowicz, C.H. - THE LAW OF NATIONS IN GLOBAL HISTORY. Edited by David Armitage and Jennifer PItts. Preface by B.S. Chimni.
276116: Ali, Wijdan. - THE ARAB CONTRIBUTION TO ISLAMIC ART. From the Seventh to the Fifteenth Centuries.
288068: Ali, S.V. Mir Ahmed and Yazdi, Ayatullah Agha H.M.M. Pooya. - THE HOLY QUR’AN. The Final Testament. Text, Translation and Commentary by ... With Special Notes from Ayatullah Agha Haji Mirza Mahdi Pooya Yazdi. Translated by S.V. Mir Ahmed Ali.
256897: Allan, Thomas. - OBSERVATIONS ON THE FORMATION OF THE CHALK STRATA, and on the Structure of the Belemnité. (Read 2n April 1821).
287747: Allan, James W. - ISLAMIC METALWORK. The Nuhad Es-Said Collection. Foreword by Nuhad Es-Said.
287748: Allan, James W. - ISLAMIC METALWORK. The Nuhad Es-Said Collection. Foreword by Nuhad Es-Said.
285342: Allardice, Bruce S. - CONFEDERATE COLONELS. A Biographical Register.
289699: Allason-Jones, Lindsay and McKay, Bruce. - COVENTINA’S WELL. A shrine to Hadrian’s Wall.
280374: Allbeury, Ted. - THE MAN WITH THE PRESIDENT’S MIND.
280362: Allbeury, Ted. - THE DANGEROUS EDGE.
280364: Allbeury, Ted. - THE LANTERN NETWORK.
289494: Allen, Vida and Niekerk, Fébé. (Editors). - EXPERIENCES OF A SIEGE. The Diary of The Siege of Kimberley 21 September 1899 to 16 February 1900. Preface by Dr. Richard Liversidge.
276514: Allestr[ee], Richard. - EIGHTEEN SERMONS, Whereof Fifteen Preached before the King. The rest Upon Publick Occasions. By Richard Allestry D.D. and Chaplaine to His Majesty.
280388: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume XXVI February 1912 to November 1912 (Nos. 195-198). Edited by George Yeld.
280386: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume XXV February 1910 to November 1911 (Nos. 187-194). Edited by George Yeld.
280495: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume LV May 1946 to November 1946 (Nos. 272-273). Edited by H.E.G. Tyndale.
280417: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume XXIX February 1915 to November 1915 (Nos. 207-210). Edited by George Yeld.
280380: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume VIII August 1876 to May 1878. Edited by Douglas W. Freshfield.
280378: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume XIX February 1898 to November 1899 (Nos. 139-146). Edited by George Yeld.
273628: (Alpine Club). - EXHIBITION OF SWISS COLOURED PRINTS lent by the Members of the Alpine Club and their Friends. December 1st to 30th, 1924 from 10 am. to 6 pm.
280470: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume XLII May 1930 to November 1930 (Nos. 240-241). Edited by E.L. Strutt.
280491: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume LIV May 1943 to November 1943 (Nos. 266-267). Edited by H.E.G. Tyndale.
280485: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume LIII May 1942 to November 1942 (Nos. 264-265). Edited by H.E.G. Tyndale.
280482: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume LII May 1940 to November 1940 (Nos. 260-261). Edited by H.E.G. Tyndale.
280475: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume XLVI May 1934 to November 1934 (Nos. 248-249). Edited by E.L. Strutt.
280385: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume XXVII February 1913 to November 1913 (Nos. 199-202). Edited by George Yeld.
280511: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume LIII May 1941 to November 1941 (Nos. 262-263). Edited by H.E.G. Tyndale.
280379: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume VII August 1874 to May 1876. Edited by Douglas W. Freshfield.
280473: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume XLV May 1933 to November 1933 (Nos. 246-247). Edited by E.L. Strutt.
280494: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume LV May 1945 to November 1945 (Nos. 270-271). Edited by H.E.G. Tyndale.
280483: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume LI May 1939 to November 1939 (Nos. 258-259). Edited by H.E.G. Tyndale.
280493: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume LIV May 1944 to November 1944 (Nos. 268-269). Edited by H.E.G. Tyndale.
280477: (Alpine Journal). - THE ALPINE JOURNAL: A Record of Mountain Adventure and Scientific Observation By Members of the Alpine Club. Volume XLVIII May 1936 to November 1936 (Nos. 252-253). Edited by E.L. Strutt.
285719: Altschul, Nadia R. - GEOGRAPHIES OF PHILOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE. Postcoloniality and the Transatlantic National Epic.
272034: Ambler, Eric. - EPITAPH FOR A SPY. Introduced by Stella Rimington.
285950: Ambrus, Victor G. - DRACULA’S OMNIBUS.
289471: Amery, L.S. (Editor). - THE TIMES HISTORY OF THE WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA 1899-1900.
285113: Amicis, Edmondo de. - SPAIN AND THE SPANIARDS. Translated from the Tenth Edition of the Italian by Stanley Rhoads Yarnall.
279794: (Amis). Farringdon, Jillian Melynda. - LANGUAGE AND THE MORAL LIFE IN THE NOVELS AND POETRY OF KINGSLEY AMIS. A thesis submitted to the University of Wales in candidature for the degree of Magister. April, 1984. Department of English, University College of Swansea.
286504: Amos, Peter. - MILES AIRCRAFT. The Wartime Years 1939 to 1945. The Appendices - Phillips & Powis Aircraft Ltd./Miles Aircraft Ltd., Reading, South Marston & Doncaster, and Miles Aircraft (Northern Ireland) Ltd. Containing individual aircraft histories of 1939-1945 production of Magister, Master, Martinet, Monitor and Messanger I types together with additional activities and background information.
287216: Anderson, J.H. - THE FRANCO-GERMAN WAR. July 15-August 18, 1870.
286602: Anderson, Gillian and Rovin, Jeff. - A VISION OF FIRE. Book One of the Earthend Saga.
285402: Andersson, Lennart. - SOVIET AIRCRAFT AND AVIATION 1917-1941.
285411: Andersson, Hans G. - SAAB AIRCRAFT Since 1937.
284006: L[andon], Major [James Henry]. - BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS, AND BALL SUPPERS.
290095: Andreas. (Mui Shuko). [MacFie, R.A.S.]. - WITH GYPSIES IN BULGARIA.
281123: Andresen, Jack. - SAILING ON ICE.
279333: (Andrewes). Isaacson, Henry. - THE LIFE AND DEATH OF LANCELOT ANDREWES, D.D. Late Lord Bishop of Winchester; by His Friend and Amanuensis, ... To which is added a Brief View of the Plantaion and Increase of the Christian Religion in Great Britain, with the abuses crept into it; and the Reformation of them; Together with the Original Dedication, and Dissertation on Chronology, by the same Author. The Whole Edited and Arranged, with a Brief Memoir of the Author, and Preliminary Remarks by the Reverend Stephen Isaacson.
285272: Andrews, C.F. and Morgan, E.B. - VICKERS AIRCRAFT Since 1908.
288978: Andrews, James M. - SIAM. 2nd Rural Economic Survey 1934-1935.
284159: Andrews, Frances and Pincelli, Maria Agata. (Editors). - CHURCHMEN AND URBAN GOVERNMENT IN LATE MEDIEVAL ITALY, c. 1200 - c. 1450. Cases and Contexts.
280647: Andrews, Roy Chapman. - ENDS OF THE EARTH.
289308: Andrews, John F. - KEEP MOVING. The Story of Solomon Andrews and his Family.
285275: Andrews, C.F. and Morgan, E.B. - SUPERMARINE AIRCRAFT since 1914.
288701: Anelay, Henry. (Illustrator). - THE MOTHER’S PICTURE ALPHABET.
289536: Ange, Gerald l’. - URGENT IMPERIAL SERVICE. South African Forces in German South West Africa 1914-1915.
289424: (Angelico). Bazin, Germain. - FRA ANGELICO. Translated from the French by Marc Logé.
284607: Angelis, Franco de. - ARCHAIC AND CLASSICAL GREEK SICILY. A Social and Economic History.
280506: Angelo, Henry. - THE REMINISCENCES of ... With an Introduction by Lord Howard de Walden, and Notes and Memoir by H. Lavers Smith.
283316: Angrave, Bruce. - THE MECHANICAL EMPEROR. A very moral tale.
283317: Angrave, Bruce. - LORD DRAGLINE THE DRAGON. The Story of a Real Dragon who actually lives today!
283398: (Anne of Jesus). Namur, Sister of Notre Dame de. - LIFE OF THE VENERABLE ANNE OF JESUS. Companion of St. Teresa of Avila. With a Preface by Father Benedict Zimmerman.
279999: (Annual Register). - THE ANNUAL REGISTER Or a View of the History Politics, and Literature for the Year 1776.
284751: [Anon]. - THE SPANISH HISTORY: or, A relation of the differences that happened in the court of Spain, between Don John of Austria, and Cardinal Nitard; with other transactions of that kingdom. Together with all the letters, politick discourses, decrees, and other publick acts, that past between persons of the highest quality, relating to those affairs.
280268: [Anon]. - ELEGANT EXTRACTS, Or, Useful and Entertaining Passages, Miscellaneous and Epistolary, in Prose: Selected for the Improvement of Young Persons. Being similar in design to Elegant Extracts in Poetry.
277114: [Anon]. - JOURNAL D’UN BOURGEOIS DE PARIS Sous Charles VI and Charles VII. Préface et Notes D’André Mary. Jadis & Naguère.
283821: [Anon]. - THE BRITISH ARMY By a Lieutenant-Colonel in the British Army. With an Introduction by Major-General F. Maurice.
288302: [Anon]. - THOUGHTS ON IMPROVING THE GOVERNMENT Of the British Territorial Possessions in the East Indies.
260760: [Anon]. - ITINERAIRE GÉOGRAPHIQUE ET TOPOGRAPHIQUE DE TOUS LES ÉTATS DE LA MAISON D’AUTRICHE Auquel on a Joint La Route de Petersbourg par la Pologne.
272974: [Anon]. - THE EXPERT GARDENER. London 1640.
289325: [Anon]. - A NEW SYSTEM OF PRACTICAL DOMESTIC ECONOMY; Founded on Modern Discoveries, and the Private Communications of Persons of Experience. To which are now first added, Estimates of Household Expenses, founded on economical principles, and adapted to families of every description.
274701: Añón, Carmen and Sancho, José Luis. - JARDÍN Y NATURALEZA en el reinado de Felipe II. Edición a cargo de ...
235409: [Anon]. - THE WEYMOUTH GUIDE: Exhibiting the Ancient and Present State of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis: With a Description of Milton Abbey, Sherborne Castle, Lulworth Castle, the Island of Portland, And every other Place, Worthy the Attention of Strangers Who Visit Weymouth.
287101: [Anon]. - TALES, from the German, With Lithographic Sketches: By a Lady. Contents: Christmas Eve, Canary Bird, and Fire Fly.
225170: [Anon]. - THE NEW UNIVERSAL PARISH OFFICER Containing All the Laws now in Force, relating to Parish Business, ranged in Alphabetical Order. Very proper for Attornies, Constables, Churchwardens, Justices of the Peace, Overseers of the Poor, Surveyors of the Highways, Headboroughs, Tidingmen, Sidesmen, Vestrymen. and all Persons in Office, who would gain a competent Knowledge of this Branch of Law ... Collected from the Common, Statue and other authentic Law-Books. Interspersed with many useful Precendents.
240033: [Anon]. - A BROTHER’S GIFT; Or, Amusing and Instructive Tales, For Young Children, In Words of One Syllable. Part 1.
271259: [Anon]. - THE SCRAP BOOK; Or a Selection of Interesting and Authentic Anecdotes.
283633: Antal, Frederick. - FLORENTINE PAINTING AND ITS SOCIAL BACKGROUND. The Bourgeois Republic before Cosimo de’ Medici’s advent to Power: XIV and early XV Centuries.
290049: Anthony, David. (Editor). - THE LOST WORLD OF OLD EUROPE. The Daube Valley, 5000-3500 BC. With Jennifer Y. Chi. Including contributions by Douglass W. Bailey, Catalin Bern, Veaceslav Bicbaev, John Chapman, Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici, Ioan Opris, Ernst Pernicka ... and Vladimir Slavchev.
289742: Anthony, Edwyn. - HEREFORDSHIRE CRICKET.
283438: Antonescu, Dinu. - COLUMNA LUI TRAIAN. Architectura de pe Friza Sculptatã. Trajan’s Column. The Architecture on the Sculpted Frieze. Edited by Monica Mãrgineanu Cãrstoiu.
234176: K[antzow], H[erbert] de. - SUMMER DAYS IN AUVERGNE.
288597: Aoki, Bunkyo. - STUDY ON EARLY TIBETAN CHRONICLES. Regarding discrepancies of Dates and the Adjustments. A Report of Study for 1954-1955 by the aubsidy from The Ministry of Education, Japan.
284820: Aparicio, Julia Méndez. - CATALOGO DE LOS IMPRESOS DEL SIGLO XVI de la Biblioteca Publica del Estado, Toledo.
276009: [Apperley, Charles James]. - THE LIFE OF JOHN MYTTON, ESQ. Of Halston Shropshire. Formerly M.P. for Shrewsbury, High Sheriff for the Counties of Salop & Merioneth, and Major of the North Shropshire Yeomanry Cavalry: With Notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Driving, Racing, Eccentric and Extravagant Exploits by Nimrod.
282558: Appian’s - ROMAN HISTORY. With an English Translation by Horace White.
274408: d’Arbeloff, Natalie. - THE WORD ACCOMPLISHED. A.B. Christopher [Pseudonym of Alexander D'Arbeloff], Etchings by ...
281494: Arber-Cooke, Alfred Theodore. - PAGES FROM THE HISTORY OF LLANDOVERY. Foreword by Francis Jones. Preface by B.P.M. Rooney. Prefatory Note D. Joshua Evans.
287439: Archer, Rosemary; Pearson, Colin and Covey, Cecil. - THE CRABBET ARABIAN STUD. Its History & Influence. Foreword by H.R.H. Princess Alice of Athlone.
281445: Archer, Mildred. - COMPANY DRAWINGS In the India Office Library.
275499: Archer, Sir Geoffrey and Godman, Eva M. - THE BIRDS OF BRITISH SOMALILAND AND THE GULF OF ADEN. Their Life Histories, Breeding Habits and Eggs.
289997: Archives of the Tibet Autonomous Region. - A COLLECTION OF HISTORICAL ARCHIVES OF TIBET.
289790: Ardizzone, Edward. (Illustrator). - NURSE MATILDA. by Christianna Brand.
280599: Arima, E.Y. - INUIT KAYAKS IN CANADA: A Review of Historical Records and Construction, based mainly on the Canadian Museum of Civilization’s Collection.
288947: Aris, Michael. - HIDDEN TREASURES AND SECRET LIVES. A Study of Pemalingpa (1450-1521) and the Sixth Dalai Lama (1683-1706).
284045: Arlen, Michael. - HELL! SAID THE DUCHESS. A Bed-Time Story.
250323: (Armorial Album). - [ARMORIAL ALBUM]. 26 leaves of emblems artfully displayed within colour designs.
283066: Armstrong, Mr Juan. - LA HISTORIA DE LA ISLA DE MENORCA. Publicada en Londres en 1752 y 1756.
283812: Armstrong, Walter. - THE THAMES From its Rise to the Nore.
287702: (Armstrong). Beales, Martin. - DEAD NOT BURIED. Herbert Rowse Armstrong.
246815: Army List. - THE ARMY LIST November 1918. A Distribution List of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, the Royal Marines, Special Reserve, Territorial Force, Reserve of Officers &c. 1-2778.
246811: Army List. - THE ARMY LIST November 1918. A Distribution List of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, the Royal Marines, Special Reserve, Territorial Force, Reserve of Officers &c. 1-2778.
246818: Army List. - THE ARMY LIST November 1918. A Distribution List of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, the Royal Marines, Special Reserve, Territorial Force, Reserve of Officers &c. 1-2778.
246810: Army List. - THE ARMY LIST November 1918. A Distribution List of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, the Royal Marines, Special Reserve, Territorial Force, Reserve of Officers &c. 1-2778.
246812: Army List. - THE ARMY LIST November 1918. A Distribution List of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, the Royal Marines, Special Reserve, Territorial Force, Reserve of Officers &c. 1-2778.
246802: Army List. - THE ARMY LIST November 1918. A Distribution List of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, the Royal Marines, Special Reserve, Territorial Force, Reserve of Officers &c. 1-2778.
246817: Army List. - THE ARMY LIST November 1918. A Distribution List of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, the Royal Marines, Special Reserve, Territorial Force, Reserve of Officers &c. 1-2778.
246814: Army List. - THE ARMY LIST November 1918. A Distribution List of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, the Royal Marines, Special Reserve, Territorial Force, Reserve of Officers &c. 1-2778.
246813: Army List. - THE ARMY LIST November 1918. A Distribution List of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, the Royal Marines, Special Reserve, Territorial Force, Reserve of Officers &c. 1-2778.
246803: Army List. - THE ARMY LIST November 1918. A Distribution List of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, the Royal Marines, Special Reserve, Territorial Force, Reserve of Officers &c. 1-2778.
246806: Army List. - THE ARMY LIST November 1918. A Distribution List of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, the Royal Marines, Special Reserve, Territorial Force, Reserve of Officers &c. 1-2778.
283245: (Arnold). Mercer, Vaudrey. - JOHN ARNOLD & SON CHRONOMETER MAKERS 1762-1843. With an Introduction by Anthony Randall.
289663: Arnold, T.W. - THE LITTLE FLOWERS OF SAINT FRANCIS. Newly Translated out of the Italian.
281628: (Arnold). Giovanni, Janine di. - EVE ARNOLD. Magnum Legacy.
285704: Arrington, Nathan T. - ASHES, IMAGES, AND MEMORIES. The Presence of the War Dead in Fifth-Century Athens.
288043: (Art Journal). - THE ART JOURNAL. Illustrated Catalogue. The Industry of All Nations 1851.
283144: Arteche, D. José Gómez de. - NIEBLAS DE LA HISTORIA PATRIA.
286441: Asbjörnsen, P. Chr. - ROUND THE YULE LOG. Norwegian Folk and Fairy Tales. Translated by H.L. Brækstad. With an Introduction by Edmund W. Gosse.
289415: Ash, Brian. - TIGER IN YOUR TANK. The Anatomy of an Advertising Campaign.
282658: (Ashbee, C.R.) - AN ENDEAVOUR TOWARDS THE TEACHING OF JOHN RUSKIN AND WILLIAM MORRIS. (Being an Account of the Work and Aims of the Guild of Handicraft).
286949: Ashcroft, M.Y. and Jones E.A. (Editors). - MONASTIC CHARTERS And other documents relating to Mediaeval Piety in the North Yorkshire County Record Office. I. Introduction Documents relating to Religious Institutions, Wills, Confraternities and Guilds Indulgences. II. Walburn Charters, Guide to Manuscript References, Bibliography, Facsimiles, Index.
289524: Ashe, E. Oliver. - BESIEGED BY THE BOERS A Diary of Life and Events in Kimberley During the Siege.
286345: Ashwood, Rodney. - DUTY NOBLY DONE. The South Wales Borderers at Gallipoli 1915.
286344: Ashwood, Rodney. - DUTY NOBLY DONE. The South Wales Borderers at Gallipoli 1915.
284265: Ashworth, Thos. - SKETCHES OF MANCHESTER AND SALFORD EXECUTED. With descriptive Index by S.E. Gibbons.
246936: Asplin, K.J. - CHINA MEDAL ROLL 1856-60. Army.
246935: Asplin, K.J. - CHINA MEDAL ROLL 1856-60. Army.
246938: Asplin, K.J. - CHINA MEDAL ROLL 1856-60. Army.
246949: Asplin, K.J. - DESPATCHES OF THE CHINA WAR 1856-60.
246929: Asplin, K.J. - CHINA MEDAL ROLL 1856-60. Army.
246931: Asplin, K.J. - CHINA MEDAL ROLL 1856-60. Army.
246937: Asplin, K.J. - CHINA MEDAL ROLL 1856-60. Army.
246926: Asplin, K.J. - CHINA MEDAL ROLL 1856-60. Army.
246928: Asplin, K.J. - CHINA MEDAL ROLL 1856-60. Army.
246924: Asplin, K.J. - CHINA MEDAL ROLL 1856-60. Army.
284881: Asselineau, (Leon-Auguste). - SOUVENIRS DE BOULOGNE SUR MER Vues Pittoresques Dessinées d’aprés nature et Lithographiées par ... Imprimées en plusiers Teintes Lithochromoques. Imprimées en plusiers Teintes Lithochromiques.
289137: Association des Études Tsiganes. - ETUDES TSIGANES Bulletin de l’... Volumes 1 -28.
282575: Association des Anciens Membres des Etats-majors de la Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes. - HISTORIQUES DE LA FLOTTE DES MESSAGERIES MARITIMES 1851-1975.
289914: Astin, A.E. Walbank, F.W.; Frederiksen, M.W. and Ogilvie, R.M. (Editors). - THE CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY. Volume VIII [only]: Rome and the Mediterranean to 133 B.C.
282763: Aston, Margaret. - THE KING’S BEDPOST. Reformation and Iconography in a Tudor Group Portrait.
282015: Asúa, Miguel de and French, Roger. - A NEW WORLD OF ANIMALS. Early Modern Europeans on the Creatures of Iberian America.
268461: Ata, Ibrahim Wade. - THE WEST BANK PALESTINIAN FAMILY.
283051: Aten, Captain Marion and Orrmont, Arthur. - LAST TRAIN OVER ROSTOV BRIDGE. Foreword by Quentin Reynolds.
285556: Atkin, Albert. - THE PHILOSOPHY OF RACE.
287171: Atkinson, C.T. - THE DORSETSHIRE REGIMENT. The Thirty-Ninth and Fifty-Fourth Foot and the Dorset Militia and Volunteers.
287338: Atkyns, Sir Robert. - THE ANTIENT AND PRESENT STATE OF GLOSTERSHIRE. With a New Introduction by Brian S. Smith.
287765: Aubrey, John. - MONUMENTA BRITANNICA. Parts One, Two, Three and Index. Edited by John Fowles. Annotated by Rodney Legg.
281694: L[auder], C. - A VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD in the Years 1785, 1786, 1787 and 1799. Performed in the King George, Commanded by Captain Portlock; and the Queen Charlotte, Commanded by Captain Dixon.
281680: L[auder], C. - A VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD in the Years 1785, 1786, 1787 and 1799. Performed in the King George, Commanded by Captain Portlock; and the Queen Charlotte, Commanded by Captain Dixon.
282441: [Augenti, Andrea]. - RUSSES ET TURCS. La Guerre d’Orient.
288938: (Aung San). Maung, Maung. - A TRIAL IN BURMA. The Assassination of Aung San.
288584: Austen, Jane. - THE WATSONS. Completed in Accordance with her intentions by Edith (her Great Grand-Niece) and Francis Brown.
255918: Austin, William. - THE POEMS Edited with an Introduction by Anne Ridler.
284138: Austin Motor Co. Ltd. - HANDBOOK FOR THE AUSTIN TWELVE.
278638: Austin, William. - THE POEMS. Edited with an Introduction by Anne Ridler.
285760: Avcioglu, Nebahat and Sherman, Allison. (Editors). - ARTISTIC PRACTICES AND CULTURAL TRANSFER IN EARLY MODERN ITALY. Essay in Honour of Deborah Howard.
289982: Avennes, Prisse d’ - ARAB ART. As seen through The Monuments of Cairo from the 7th Century to the 18th. Translated by J.I. Erythraspis.
289983: Avennes, Prisse d’ - ARAB ART. As seen through The Monuments of Cairo from the 7th Century to the 18th. Translated by J.I. Erythraspis.
280640: Avril, Father. - TRAVELS INTO DIVERS PARTS OF EUROPE AND ASIA, undertaken by the French King’s order to discover a new way by land into China. Containing many curious remarks in natural philosophy, geography, hydrography, and history. Together with a description of Great Tartary, and of the different people who inhabit there. By Father Avril, of the Order of the Jesuits. Done out of French. To which is added, A supplement extracted from Hakluyt and Purchas; giving an account of several journeys over land from Russia, Persia, and the Moguls country to China. Together with the roads and distances of the places. Imprimatur. April 4. 1693. Char. Heron.
287798: Avtonomova, Natalia and Lukanova, Alla. - RUSSIAN PAINTING AND GRAPHIC ART Of the late 19th and early 20th century. English translation by Kate Cook.
281825: Ayerbe, Enrique (Editor). - ITSASOA El Mar de Euskalerria La Naturaleza, el Hombre y su Historia.
264490: (Bach). Williams, Peter. - THE ORGAN MUSIC OF J.S. BACH. I Preludes, Toccatas, Fantasias, Fugues, Sonatas, Concertos and Miscellaneous Pieces (BWV 525-598, 802-805 etc.). II Works based on Chorales (BWV 599-771 etc). III. A Background.
280521: Bacon’s - EXCELSIOR MAP OF WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE Revised Accordingly to the Latest Survey With Railways Roads and Distances.
289285: Bacon’s - NEW SURVEY MAP OF THE COUNTIES OF HEREFORD, MONMOUTH, RADNOR, BRECKNOCK & GLAMORGAN Price 21/- Showing Railways, Roads, Elevations & Distances Also Local Government Divisions & Parishes. Scale 2 Miles to an Inch.
280184: Bacon, Francis. - THE MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS. Baron of Verulam, Viscount St. Albans, and Lord High Chancellor of England, in Philosophy, Morality and Religion. Now first Collected into one Volume.
289869: Bacon, Right Honourable, Francis Lo. Verulam, Viscount S. Alban. - THE HISTORY OF THE REIGNE OF KING HENRY THE SEUENTH
280420: Bacon, Francis. - COLLOTYPE FACSIMILE & TYPE TRANSCRIPT OF AN ELIZABETHAN MANUSCRIPT, Preserved at Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, Containing i. Of Tribute, or giving what is due by Francis Bacon. ii. Of Magnanimitie, by Francis Bacon. iii. Advertisement touching private censure, by Francis Bacon. iv. Advertisement touching the Controversies of the Church by Francis Bacon, v. Letter to a French Gentleman touching the proceedings in England in Ecclesiastical causes, by Francis Bacon. vi. Speeches for a device presented A.D. 1595, by Francis Bacon. vii. Speech of the Earl of Sussex. viii. Letter from Sir Philip Sydney to Queen Elizabeth on her proposed marriage from the Earl of Anjou. ix. Leicester’s Commonwealth. Transcribed and Edited with Notes and Introduction by Frank J. Burgoyne.
282380: (Bacon). Mathews, Nieves. - FRANCIS BACON. The History of a Character Assassination.
285602: (Bacon). Harrison, Martin. (Editor). - FRANCIS BACON. La France et Monaco/France and Monaco. Translated from the French by Geni Lawrence. Translated from the English by Raphael Rouby.
289336: Bacon’s - NEW SURVEY MAP OF NORTH WALES Including the Counties of Anglesey, Carnarvon, Denbigh, Flint, Merioneth, Montgomery, & Parts of Adjoining Counties. Showing Railways, Roads, Elevations & Distances, Also Local Government Divisions & Parishes.
256256: Bacon’s - NEW SURVEY MAP OF NORTH WALES Including the Counties of Anglesey, Carnarvon, Denbigh, Merioneth, Montgomery, & Parts of Adjoining Counties. Showing Railways, Roads, Elevations & Distances, Also Local Government Divisions & Parishes.
252046: Bacon’s - NEW SURVEY MAP OF NORTH WALES Including the Counties of Anglesey, Carnarvon, Denbigh, Merioneth, Montgomery, & Parts of Adjoining Counties. Showing Railways, Roads, Elevations & Distances, Also Local Government Divisions & Parishes.
284425: Baddeley, Sir John James. - CRIPPLEGATE One of the Twenty-Six Wards of the City of London.
286805: Baddeley, John James. - AN ACCOUNT OF THE CHURCH AND PARISH OF ST. GILES, Without Cripplegate, in the City of London. Compiled from various old authorities, including the Churchwardens’ Accounts, and the Vestry Minute Books of the Parish.
288223: Badel, Christophe and Settipani, Christian. (Editors). - LES STRATÉGIES FAMILIALES DANS L’ANTIQUITÉ TARDIVE. Actes du colloque organisé par le C.N.R.S. USR 710 "l’Année épigraphique" tenu à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme les 5-7 février 2009.
289176: Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Lord. - LESSONS FROM THE ‘VARSITY OF LIFE.
285319: Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Lord. - AFRICAN ADVENTURES.
285571: (Badiou). Roffe, Jon. - BADIOU’S DELEUZE.
285136: Badoglio, Pietro. - THE WAR IN ABYSSINIA. With a Foreword by Benito Mussolini.
289635: Badone, Giovanni Cerino. - ‘YOU HAVE TO DIE IN PIEDMONT!’ The Battle of Assietta, 19 July 1747. The War of the Austrian Succession in the Alps.
280791: Badulescu, Enrique. - SUEÑOS.
280300: Baedeker, Karl. - EGYPT 1929.
274858: Baedeker, Karl. - SWITZERLAND and the Adjacent Portions of Italy, Savoy, and Tyrol. Handbook for Travellers.
290056: Baedeker, Karl. - AUSTRIA-HUNGARY With Excursions to Cetinje, Belgrade, and Bucharest. Handbook for Travellers.
288050: Bagley, Robert W; Rawson, Jessica and So, Jenny F. - ANCIENT CHINESE BRONZES IN THE ARTHUR M. SACKLER COLLECTIONS. 1. Shang Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler Collections. 2. Western Zhou Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler Collections (in 2 parts). 3. Eastern Zhou Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler Collections.
281362: Bagrow, Leo. - A HISTORY OF RUSSIAN CARTOGRAPHY Up to 1600; Up to 1800. Edited by Henry W. Castner.
290102: Bagshaw, Samuel. - HISTORY, GAZETTEER AND DIRECTORY OF DERBYSHIRE, With the Town of Burton-On-Trent; Comprising a General Survey of the County, With a Variety Historical, Statistical, Topographical, Comercial, and Agricultural Information ... Seats of the Nobility and Gentry ...
289169: Baker, B. Granville. - OLD CAVALRY STATIONS. Withe a Foreword by Field-Marshal the Right Hon. the Viscount Allenby.
277634: Baker, Samuel White. - THE ALBERT N’YANZA, Great Basin of the Nile, And Explorations of the Nile Sources.
287643: Baker, Naomi. - PLAIN UGLY. The unattractive body in early modern culture.
289248: Baker-Gabb, Richard. - HILLS AND VALES OF THE BLACK MOUNTAIN DISTRICT, on the Borders of Brecon, Monmouth and Hereford.
276881: Baker, Thomas. - HISTORY OF THE COLLEGE OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, CAMBRIDGE. Edited for the Syndics of the University Press by John E.B. Mayor.
290147: Baker, Charles and Francis, G.G. - SURVEYS OF GOWER AND KILVEY And of Several Mesne Manors Within that Seigniory.
281560: Baker, Arthur and Herbert. - PLAS MAWR Conway, N. Wales. Illustrated and Described by ...
284406: Baldini, Umberto et al. - PINACOTECA VATICANA. In the Painting the Expression of the Divine Message in the Light the Root of the Pictorial Creation. Introduction by Carlo Pietrangeli.
282331: Baldwin, Peter. - CONTAGION AND THE STATE IN EUROPE 1830-1930.
284278: Ball, Wilfrid. - HAMPSHIRE. Described by Rev. Telford.
283614: Ball, E.A. Reynolds. - MEDITERRANEAN WINTER RESORTS. A Practical Handbook to the Principal Health and Pleasure Resorts on the Shores of the Mediterranean.
286203: Ball, Martin J.; Perkins, Michael R.; Müller, Nicole and Howard, Sara. (Editors). - THE HANDBOOK OF CLINICAL LINGUISTICS.
286206: Ball, Martin J.; Perkins, Michael R.; Müller, Nicole and Howard, Sara. (Editors). - THE HANDBOOK OF CLINICAL LINGUISTICS.
282987: Baloch, Tariq A. - UNJUST ENRICHMENT AND CONTRACT. Foreword by Jack Beatson.
287027: Balsac, Henri Heim de. - BIOGÉOGRAPHIE DES MAMMIFÈRES ET DES OISEAUX de L’Afrique du Nord.
289901: Banks, Sir Joseph. - ICELAND AND THE NORTH ATLANTIC 1772-1820. Journals, Letters and Documents. Edited and annotated with an Introduction by Anna Agnarsdóttir.
288290: Banks, Sir T.C. - BARONIA ANGLICA CONCENTRATA; Or, a Concentrated Account of all the Baronies Commonly Called Baronies in Fee; Deriving Their Origin from Writ of Summons, and Not from any Specific Limited Creation; Shewing the Descent and Line of Heirship as well of those Families Mentioned by Sir William Dugdale, as of Those Whom That Celebrated Author has omitted to Notice, (Interspersed with Interesting Notes, and explanatory remarks). Whereto is Added The Proofs of Parliamentary Sitting, From the Reign of Edw. I. to that of Queen Anne: Also, A Glossary of Dormant English, Scotch, and Irish Peerage Titles.
287634: Banner, Stuart. - THE DECLINE OF NATURAL LAW. How American Lawyers once used Natural Law and why they stopped.
287649: Banner, Stuart. - THE DECLINE OF NATURAL LAW. How American Lawyers once used Natural Law and why they stopped.
283729: Banner, Lisa A. - THE RELIGIOUS PATRONAGE OF THE DUKE OF LERMA, 1598-1621.
275783: Bannerman, David A. and W. Mary. - BIRDS OF CYPRUS. Illustrated by D. M. Reid-Henry and Rolland Green.
287069: Bannerman, David Armitage. - THE BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. Illustrated by George E. Lodge.
289264: Bannister, Rev. A.T. - THE PLACE-NAMES OF HEREFORDSHIRE Their Origin and Development
289250: Bannister, Rev. A.T. - THE HISTORY OF EWIAS HAROLD, Its Castle, Priory and Church, With Illustrations and An Appendix Containing Translations of Many of the Mss. (Latin and Norman French) on Which the History is Based.
286067: O’Bannon, George W. - THE TURKOMAN CARPET.
283240: Bant, Elise and Harding, Matthew. (Editors). - EXPLORING PRIVATE LAW.
286074: Baraton, Jean Pierre. - SNOWBIRDS 1971-1990. A 20 Year History.
284171: Barber’s - PICTURESQUE ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT, Comprising Views of every objects of interest on the Island. Accompanied by Historical and Topographical Descriptions.
288560: Barbier, Jean Paul and Newton, Douglas. (Editors). - ISLANDS AND ANCESTORS. Indigenous Styles of Southeast Asia.
282714: Barbier, Edward B. - SCARCITY AND FRONTIERS. How Economics have Developed through Natural Resource Exploitation.
286909: Barclay’s - COMPLETE AND UNIVERSAL ENGLISH DICTIONARY, With Which is Incorporated a Complete Modern Gazetteer and Atlas of Maps. The Dictionary contains, 1. A Full Explanation of Difficult Words and Technical Terms in all Trades, Professions, Arts and Sciences, Algebra, Anatomy ... Trigonometry ... 2. A Pronoucing Dictionary, In Which the proper Sounds of English Words are so given, that both Natives and Foreigners may acquire a just Pronounciation. 3. Tracing the World from their original Fountains .... The Geographical Part of this Work Is a modernized Compilation from Walker, Eachard, Salmon, Crutwell and other Authorities ... Bought down to the end of the Year 1808, under the Editorship of a scientific and literary Character, comprehending all the changes in the Empires, Kingdoms ...
282963: Barendt, Eric. - FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
288630: [Barham, R.H.]. - THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS or Mirth and Marvels.
285226: [Barham, R.H.]. - THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS Or Mirth and Marvels by Thomas Ingoldsby Esquire.
284441: Barker, Cicely Mary. - FAIRIES OF THE TREES. Poems and Pictures by ...
284444: Barker, Cicely Mary. - FLOWER FAIRIES OF THE SPRING. Poems and Pictures by ...
275584: Barker, Cicely Mary. - FLOWER FAIRIES OF THE SUMMER. Poems and Pictures by ...
289738: Barlow Bishop of Lincoln, Thomas. - BRUTUM FULMEN: or The bull of Pope Pius V. concerning the damnation, excommunication, and deposition of Q. Elizabeth, as also the absolution of her subjects from their oath of allegiance, with a peremptory injunction, upon pain of an anathema, never to obey any of her laws or commands. With some observations and animadversions upon it. By Thomas Lord Bishop of Lincoln. Whereunto is annex'd the bull of Pope Paul the Third, containing the damnation, excommunication, &c. of King Henry the Eighth.
275077: Barne, J.H.; Robson C.F. et al. - COASTS AND SEAS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. Region 2 Orkney.
285389: Barnes, C.H. - HANDLEY PAGE AIRCRAFT Since 1907.
285362: Barnes, C.H. - SHORTS AIRCRAFT Since 1900. Revised by Derek N. James.
285390: Barnes, C.H. - BRISTOL AIRCRAFT since 1910.
289386: Barnwell, P.S. and Cooper, Trevor. (Editors). - PLACES OF WORSHIP IN BRITAIN AND IRELAND 1550-1689.
287973: Barnwell, Rachael & Suggett, Richard. - INSIDE WELSH HOMES. Images From the National Monuments Record of Wales.
287990: Barnwell, P.S. and Palmer, Marilyn. (Editors). - COUNTRY HOUSE TECHNOLOGY.
283479: (Barocci). Turner, Nicholas. - FEDERICO BAROCCI.
286058: Barratt, Thomas J. - THE ANNALS OF HAMPSTEAD.
287481: Barrès, Maurice. - UN JARDIN SUR L’ORONTE.
289693: Barrett, James H. and Gibbon, Sarah Jane. (Editors). - MARITIME SOCIETIES OF THE VIKING AND MEDIEVAL WORLD.
284645: Barrett, C.R.B. - ESSEX: Highways, Byways and Waterways. Second Series [only].
285592: Barrett, Ross. - RENDERING VIOLENCE. Riots, Strikes, and Upheaval in Nineteenth-Century American Art.
279328: Barrett, Eaton Stannard. - THE HEROINE. With an Introduction by Michael Sadleir.
285936: Barrington, Archibald. - POCKET CHART OF BRITISH ARCHITECTURE. Chronologically arranged by ...
278475: Barrow, Sir John. - AN AUTO-BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR of ... Late of the Admiralty. Including Reflections, Observations, and Reminscences at Home and Abroad, From Early Life to Advanced Age.
286741: (Barthelme). Herzinger, Kim. (Editor). - THE TEACHINGS OF DON B. Satires, Parodies, Fables, Illustrated Stories, and Plays of Donald Barthelme. With an Introduction by Thomas Pynchon.
285859: Barton, Peter. - THE BATTLEFIELD OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR. The Unseen Panoramas of the Western Front. With Jeremy Banning and contributions by Peter Doyle. Foreword by Richard Holmes.
286954: Barton, Deborah. - WRITING AND REWRITING THE REICH. Women Journalists in the Nazi and Post-War Press.
283991: Barton, Rose. - FAMILIAR LONDON. Painted by ...
284675: Bartusis, Mark C. - LAND AND PRIVILEGE IN BYZANTIUM. The Institution of Pronoia.
288798: Barua, B.K. - A CULTURAL HISTORY OF ASSAM (Early Period) Volume I.
279667: (Barwick). Barwick, G.F. (Editor). - THE LIFE OF DR. JOHN BARWICK Dean of St. Paul’s. Written in Latin by his Brother, Peter Barwick, M.D. and Translated into English by Hilkiah Bedford.
287088: Basgöz, Ilhan and Tietze, Andreas. - BILMECE: A Corpus of Turkish Riddles.
286102: Bashford, Christina and Langly, Leanne. (Editors). - MUSIC AND BRITISH CULTURE, 1785-1914. Essays in Honour of Cyril Ehrlich.
281660: (Baskerville). Archer-Parré, Caroline and Dick, Malcolm. (Editors). - JOHN BASKERVILLE. Art and Industry of the Enlightenment. Foreword by Jenny Uglow.
289037: Bassermann-Jordan, Ernst von. - THE BOOK OF OLD CLOCKS AND WATCHES. Translated from the German by H. Alan Lloyd. Revised by Hans von Bertele.
288880: (Basset). - MÉMORIAL HENRI BASSET Nouvelles Etudes Nord-Africaines et Orientales.
289094: Bastin, John and Brommer, Bea. - NINETEENTH CENTURY PRINTS AND ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF INDONESIA with Particular Reference to the Print Collection of the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam. A Descriptive Bibliography.
284734: Bateman, H.M. - COLONELS. With an Introduction by Harry Graham.
251414: Bates, Henry Walter. - THE NATURALIST ON THE RIVER AMAZONS, A Record of Adventures, Habits of Animals, Sketches of Brazilian and Indian Life, and Aspects of Nature Under the Equator, During Eleven Years of Travel.
281671: Bates, Elisha. - THE DOCTRINES OF FRIENDS: Or, the Principles of the Christian Religion, as Held by the Society of Friends, Commonly Called Quakers.
285995: Bates, A.W. - EMBLEMATIC MONSTERS. Unnatural Conceptions and Deformed Births in Early Modern Europe.
290013: Bateson, Gregory and Mead, Margaret. - BALINESE CHARACTER. A Photographic Analysis.
280954: Batty, Captain. - WELSH SCENERY. From Drawings.
280010: Baudin, Post Captain Nicolas. - THE JOURNAL OF ... Commander in Chief of the Corvettes Géographie amd Naturaliste. Assigned by Order of the Government to a Voyage of Discovery. Translated From the French by Christine Cornell. With a foreword by Jean-Paul Faivre, Docteur ès Lettres.
290048: Baumgarten, Jean. - INTRODUCTION TO OLD YIDDISH LITERATURE. Edited and Translated by Jerold C. Frakes.
283817: Bautte, A. - MODERN FRENCH AND ENGLISH COOKERY For Private Families, Hotels, Restaurants, and Clubs, containing over 3500 Recipes.
285135: (Bawden). Harling, Robert. - EDWARD BAWDEN.
289817: (Bawden). Bliss, Douglas Percy. - EDWARD BAWDEN.
276728: Baxter, Richard. - METHODUS THEOLOGIÆ CHRISTIANÆ, 1. Naturæ rerum, 2. Sacræ Scripturæ, 3. Praxi, congrua conformis adaptata plerumque (corrigenda tamen & perficienda) non I. Ignavis, festinantibus, delassatis. 2. Stolidis, indocilibus, sectariis (ex homine & fuco judicantibus.) 3. Superbis, mundanis, malignis: ergo, non plurimus: sed juventutis academicæ, & pastorum junior parti, I. Studiosæ, sedulæ, indesessæ. 2. Ingeniosæ, docili, veritatem & ordinem sitienti. 3. Humili, candidæ, deo devotæ: Quippe ad. I. Veritatis indagationem, custodiam, propagationem. 2. Sanctitatis cultum, incrementum, laudem. 3. Ecclesiæ falutem, pacem, decus. Supra omnes natæ, dispositæ, consecratæ. Dicata per Richardum Baxterum Philotheologum.
284690: Bayard, Louis. - THE PALE BLUE EYE. A Novel.
284958: Bayley, D. and Furze-Morrish, L. - THE BIRTH OF A NATION AND ITS DESTINY.
278959: Baynes, Ken and Pugh, Francis. - THE ART OF THE ENGINEER.
288955: Beames, John. - A COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF THE MODERN ARYAN LANGUAGES OF INDIA: To Wit, Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Marathia, Oriya and Bangali.
283949: Bean, W.J. - THE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW: Historical and Descriptive. With an Introduction by Sir William Thiselton-Dyer.
287989: Beardsley, Aubrey (Illustrator). - LE MORTE D’ARTHUR. By Sir Thomas Malory.
283987: Beattie, William. - CALEDONIA Illustrated in a Series of Views Taken Expressly for the Work by W.H. Bartlett, T. Allom, and Others. The descriptive Text by ...
282583: (Beauclerk). Erskine, Mrs Steuart. - LADY DIANA BEAUCLERK Her Life and Work.
277429: Beaufort, Emily A. - EGYPTIAN SEPULCHRES AND SYRIAN SHRINES, Including a Visit to Palmyra.
282902: Beaven, Rev. Alfred (Compiler). - BRISTOL LISTS: Municipal and Miscellaneous.
285748: Beaven, Peter. - ARCHITECT. Afterword by Ian Lochhead.
270368: Beaver, Captain Philip. - AFRICAN MEMORANDA: Relative to an Attempt to Establish A British Settlement on the Island of Bulama, On the Western Coast of Africa, in the year 1792. With a Brief Notice of the Neighbouring Tribes, Soil Productions, &c. And Some Observations on The Facility of Colonizing that part of Africa, with a View to Cultivation: and the Introduction of Letters and Religion to its Inhabitants: But More Particularly as the Means of Gradually Abolishing African Slavery.
284625: Beck, H.C. - RAILWAY MAP London Underground Transport. Issued Free. No. 1.
289404: Becker, J.E. de. - THE NIGHTLESS CITY OF THE GEISHA. The History of the Yoshiwara.
289959: Bede, The Venerable Saint. - VENERABILIS BEDAE PRESBYTERI ANGLO-SAXONIS Viri sua ætate doctissimi OPERA quotuot reperiri potuerunt omnia. Hac ultima impressione ornatius in lucem edita.
289712: Bede, Venerable. - THE HISTORY OF THE CHVRCH OF ENGLANDE Translated out of Latin into English by Thomas Stapleton Student in Diuinite. Imprinted at Antwerp By Iohn Laet, at the signe of the Rape: with priuilege, Anno. 1565. First Edition in English. [14], 192, [4] leaves. 180mm x 130mm. Title page device, full-page woodcuts on H3r and V1r and half-page woodcut on N4r, all showing scenes relating to the conversion of King Ethelbert of Kent, numerous decorative intitial letters. Soiled title page with closed tear and fraying with loss to fore-edge and lacking portion across tail affecting publishers details with restoration and silking also affecting woodcut of E.R. Coat of Arms to verso within ornamental border, first leaf of dedication with sm. worm? hole, Leaf 10 with sm. closed tear, text cropped to head and fore-edge of leaves with occasional loss to running title and side-notes and affecting top line of text of preliminary leaves >1 and >4, early ownership inscription to title page, occasional marginalia. [Bound with] A FORTRESSE OF THE FAITH first planted amonge vs englishmen, and continued hitherto in the vniuersall Church of Christ. The faith of which time protestants call, papistry. By Thomas Stapleton student in diuinite. Imprinted at Antwerpe : by Ihon Laet, with priuilege, 1565. 1st Edition. 162, [2] leaves. Title page device, decorative initial letters, decorative devices. Text cropped to head and fore-edge of leaves with occasional loss to running title and side-notes and leaf numbers, last leaf with loss and restoration to blank portion, penultimate leaf silked.
289805: Bedford, F.D. (Illustrator). - FOUR AND TWENTY TOILERS. Verses by E.V. Lucas.
254051: (Beerbohm). Lynch, Bohun. - MAX BEERBOHM IN PERSPECTIVE. With a Prefatory Letter from M.B.
289388: Beerbohm, Max. - THE HAPPY HYPOCRITE.
279542: Beerbohm, Max. - A SURVEY.
288354: Beeton, Mrs. - HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT. A Guide to Cookery in all Branches. Daily Suites, Menu Making, Mistress & Servant, Home Doctor ... Marketing, the Nursery, Trussing & Carving, Home Lawyer.
289310: Beeton, Mrs. - HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT. A Complete Cookery Book with Sections on Household Work, Carving and Trussing, Servants’ Duties, The Art of "Using-up," ... Etiquette, the Nursery, Marketing, the Home Lawyer, etc. etc.
279969: Begg, A. Charles and Neil C. - PORT PRESERVATION. Foreword by Brigadier Sir Bernard Fergusson.
282486: Behlmer, George K. - FRIENDS OF THE FAMILY. The English Home and its Guardians, 1850-1940.
263287: (Beilby). Rush, James. - THE INGENIOUS BEILBYS.
282610: Bell, Adrian R.; Brooks, Chris and Dryburgh, Paul R. - THE ENGLISH WOOL MARKET, c. 1230-1327.
263062: Bell, Steve. - VIRGIN ON INSANITY. Coming of Age on the World’s Toughest Mountains.
284402: Bell, James. - A NEW COMPREHENSIVE GAZETTEER OF ENGLAND AND WALES, Presenting Under Each Article Respectively, the Population of the Towns and Parishes. According to the Census of 1831, and the State of the Elective Franchise, as Fixed by the Provisions of the Reform Bill.
241811: Bell, John Hyslop. - BRITISH FOLKS & BRITISH INDIA FIFTY YEARS AGO: Joseph Pease and his Contemporaries. Containing Letters by Thomas Clarkson, Daniel O’Connell, Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison, Joseph Pease, Richard Cobden, Francis Carnac Brown, George Thompson, James Cosmo Melville, and others.
284867: (Bellany). McEwen, John. - JOHN BELLANY. With a Foreword by John Russell.
288608: Belloc, H[ilaire]. - NEW CAUTIONARY TALES.
282796: (Bellow). Leader, Zachary. - THE LIFE OF SAUL BELLOW. To Fame and Fortune, 1915-1964. Love and Strife 1965-2005.
274868: [Beloe, William]. - THE SEXAGENARIAN; Or, the Recollections of a Literary Life.
286427: Belyakov, R.A. and Marmain, J. - MiG 1939-1989.
279555: Belzoni, Giovanni. - BELZONI’S TRAVELS. Narrative of the Operations and Recent Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia. Edited by Alberto Siliotti. Translated by Richard Pierce.
282097: Bénard, Charles. - LA CONQUÊTE DU POLE. Histoire des Missions Arctiques depuis les Temps les plus Reculés Jusqu’a nos Jours.
283141: Bence-Jones, Mark. - A GUIDE TO IRISH COUNTRY HOUSES.
288841: Benda, Harry. - THE CRESCENT AND THE RISING SUN. Indonesian Islam under the Japanese Occupation 1942-1945.
288766: Benda, Harry J. - THE CRESCENT AND THE RISING SUN. Indonesian Islam under the Japanese Occupation 1942-1945. Foreword by W.F. Wertheim.
284268: Benedictus, David. - THE FOURTH OF JUNE.
288244: Benesovská and Hlobil, Ivo. - PETER PARLER & St. Vitus’s Cathedral 1356-1399. With Milena Bravermanová, Petr Chotebor and Kostilková. Translation by Derek Paton.
284297: Benger, Berenger. - HIGHWAYS & HEDGES. Described by Herbert Arthur Morrah.
278422: Benn, Tony. - THE BENN DIARIES. Selected, Abridged and Introduced by Ruth Winstone.
281668: Bennett, Frederick Debell. - NARRATIVE OF A WHALING VOYAGE Round the Globe, From the Year 1833 to 1836. Comprising Sketches of Polynesia, California, The Indian Archipelago, Etc. With an Account of Southern Whales, The Sperm Whale Fishery and The Natural History of the Climates Visited.
277840: Bennett, John and Vernon, Robert. - METAL MINES OF LLANENGAN. Mining Ventures in a North Wales Parish.
267715: Bennett, Geoffrey D.S. - FAMOUS HARNESS HORSES. Illustrated by W.A. Rouch. With a Foreword by Bertram W. Mills. Volume 1 1900-1915 [only, of 2].
282616: Benson, Keith R. and Rehbock, Philip F. - OCEANOGRAPHIC HISTORY. The Pacific and Beyond.
289356: Bentley, The Rev. Samuel. - HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PARISH OF BOSBURY In the Diocese and County of Hereford.
279822: Bentley, Ursula. - THE NATURAL ORDER. A Novel.
287833: Bentley Drivers Club. - THE BENTLEY DRIVERS CLUB REVIEW. Issues 26-229 [lacking no. 35 (Dec. 1954)]. 203 consecutive issues + 2 Indices for issues 1-180 and 221-275.
287601: (Bentley). Bastow, Donald. - W.O. BENTLEY. Engineer.
279802: Bentley, Ursula. - PRIVATE ACCOUNTS. A Novel.
282553: Berenger, M. - COLLECTION ABRÉGÉE DES VOYAGES Faits Autour du Monde par les différentes Natins de l’Europe, Depuis le Premier Jusqu’a à ce Jour. Rédigée par ... Volume 1 [only of 9].
212130: Berenson, Bernard. - ITALIAN PICTURES OF THE RENAISSANCE. A List of the Principal Artists and their Works with an Index of Places. CENTRAL ITALIAN AND NORTH ITALIAN SCHOOLS.
282530: Bergen, Leo van. - BEFORE MY HELPLESS SIGHT. Suffering, Dying and Military Medicine on the Western Front, 1914-1918. Translated by Liz Waters.
287610: (Berkeley). Daniel, Stephen H. - GEORGE BERKELEY AND EARLY MODERN PHILOSOPHY.
281406: Berkh, Vasilii Nikolaevich. - A CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERY OF THE ALEUTIAN ISLANDS Or the Exploits of Russian Merchants. With a Supplement of Historical Data on the Fur Trade. Translated by Dmitri Krenov. Edited by Richard A. Pierce.
282303: Berlin, Isaiah. - LETTERS 1928-1997. Flourishing, Letters 1928-1946. Enlightening, Letters 1946-1960. Building, Letters 1960-1975. Affirming, Letters 1975-1997. Edited by Henry Hardy, Jennifer Holmes and Mark Pottle.
289031: Bernanose, Marcel. - LES ARTS DÉCORATIFS AU TONKIN. Ouvrage Publié Sous les Auspices du Commissariat Général de l’Indochine aux Expositions Coloniales.
289777: [Bernard, Jacques]. - THE ACTS AND NEGOTIATIONS, together with the particular articles at large, of the general peace, concluded at Ryswick, by the most illustrious confederates with the French King. To which is premised, the negotiations and articles of the peace, concluded at Turin, between the same prince and the Duke of Savoy. Translated from the original publish'd at the Hague.
281272: Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf. - THE SPIRITS OF THE YELLOW LEAVES. With the collaboration of Emmy Bernatzik. Translated by E.W. Dickes.
289748: Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf. - SÜDSEE. Travels in the South Seas. Translated from the German by Vivian Ogilvie.
288829: Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf. - AKHA UND MEAU Probleme der Angewandten Volkerkunde in Hinterindien.
288781: Bernatzik, Hugo Adolf. - AKHA UND MEAU. Probleme der angewandten Volkerkunde in Hinterindien.
280827: (Bernier). Saint-Pierre, Marjolaine. - SAINT-ELZÉAR BERNIER. Champion of Canadian Arctic Sovereignty. Translated by William Barr.
287420: Bernt, Walther. - THE NETHERLANDISH PAINTERS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. Preface. Achtschellinck-Heda. Heem-Rombouts. Romeyn-Zyl. Index. Translated from the third German Edition by P.S. Falla.
286493: Berry, Peter. (Compiler). - THE BEECH 17.
284481: (Berry). Thomas, Marcel. - LES GRANDES HEURES DE JEAN DUC DE BERRY. Bibliotheque Nationale Paris. Introduction and Legends by ...
290093: (Berry). Thomas, Marcel. - LES GRANDES HEURES DE JEAN DUC DE BERRY. Bibliotheque Nationale Paris. Introduction and Legends by ...
286864: Bertholon, Dr. - LES PREMIERS COLONS De Souche Européenne dans l’Afrique du Nord. Essair historique sur les origines de certaines populations berbères d’après les documents égyptiens et les écrivains de l’antiquité.
272507: Besler, Basilius. - HORTUS EYSTATTENSIT. Sive diligens et Accvrata Omnivm Plantarvm, Florvm, Stirpivm, ex var lls Orbis ....
186862: Beste, J. Richard. - THE WABASH: Or Adventures of an English Gentleman’s Family in the Interior of America.
280575: Bethune, W.C. - CANADA’S EASTERN ARCTIC. Its History, Resources, Population and Administration. Assembled by ... Foreword by Thomas G. Murphy.
279741: Betjeman, John and Piper, John (Editors). - MURRAY'S BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Architectural Guide.
279742: Betjeman, John and Piper, John. (Editors). - MURRAY’S BERKSHIRE. Architectural Guide.
286830: Beveridge, Bruce with Andrews, Scott; Hall, Steve; Klistorner, Daniel and Braunschweiger, Art. - TITANIC. The Ship Magnificent. I. Design & Construction. II. Interior Design & Fitting Out.
269633: Bewick, Thomas. - A GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS. The Figures Engraved on Wood by T. Bewick.
285137: (Bewick). Stone, Reynolds. - WOOD ENGRAVINGS OF THOMAS BEWICK. Reproduced in Collotype. Selected with a Bibliographical Introduction ...
280921: Bewick, Thomas. (Illustrator). - A COUNTRY ZODIAC. An Anthology of Prose and Verse.
284573: Bewick, Thomas. - A GENERAL HISTORY OF QUADRUPEDS. The figures engraved on wood by ... With an new Foreword by Yann Martel.
281156: Bhatnagar, Arvind and Livingston, William. - FUNDAMENTALS OF SOLAR ASTRONOMY.
289464: (Bible). - POLYGOT BIBLE. Biblia Hebraica Versibus, Capitibus et Sectionibus Interstincta; Notisque Masoretarum Keri et Chetib, Instructa, Ad Editionem Hooghtianam Accuratissime Adornata Adjiciuntur Variæ Lectiones Pentateuchi Hebræi et Hebræo-Samaritani. Londoni: Typis et Sumptibus Samuel Bagster ... Anno Eræ Judaicæ 1824. H Haaaia ... Kata Toye ... id est Vetus Testamentum Secundum Septuaginta Seniorum Interpretationem Juxta Exemplar Vaticanum Summa Cura Denuo Recusum: Adjiciuntur Editionis Grabianæ Variæ Lectiones. Londini Sumptibus Samuelis Bagster 1827.
261361: (Bible). - THE HOLY BIBLE, Containing the Old Testament and the New; Translated out of The original Tongues; and With the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised, By His Majesty’s Special Command. Appointed to be read in Churches.
289373: (Bible). - LA NOUVELLE TESTAMENT c'est a dire La Nouvelle Alliance de nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ. A Amsterdam Chez D. Onder de Linden 1760. *1,2 A-2C6 2D4 (D4 blank repaired). Engraved title page, dec. tail piece. [Bound with]. LES PSAUMES DE DAVID, Mis en Vers François, Revus et approuvez par le Synode Walon des Provinces Unies. A. Amsterdam, D. Onder de Linden 1747. Nouvelle Edition. 324pp. Engraved title page. [Psalms with all verses set to music].
289109: (Bible). - THE HOLY BIBLE: Containing The Old and New Testaments, with Explanatory Notes, References, and a Considered Concordance.
259317: (Bible). - DER EVANGESLISCHEN DEUTSCHEN ORIGINAL BIBEL Zweyter Theil, Die Propheten, die Apocrypha und das Neue Testament, so wohl nach dem Hebräischen und Griechischen Grund-Text, als nach der Deutschen Übersetzung Doctor Martin Luthers, mit jedes Capitels reichen Summarien, auch beygefügten vielen und richten Parallelen. German/Hebrew parallel texts. [With] DAS NEUE TESTAMENT unsers Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi, dergestalt eingerichtet, daß der Griiechische Grund-Text und die Deutsche Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers neben einander stehen, die Blätter aber, mit den Seiten der so gemein gewordenen Cansteinischen Bibel, zur Bestärckung der in derselben erlangten Memoriae localis, richtig übereintreffen, mit den wichtigsten Lectionibus variantibus des Griechischen Textes, iedes Capitels reichen Summerien, und bengesúgten viesen richtigen Barallelen, auch einer furzen harmonie der Evangelisten. German/Greek parallel texts.
289296: Biddulph, Robert. - A COPY OF THE POLL, Taken at the Election of Three Knights to represent the County of Hereford in Parliament, on Tuesday, April 2, 1857, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., alphabetically arranged in Parishes as on the Register, and carefully compared with Copies of the Poll-Books deposited in the Crown Office; Together with a General Statement, and an Analysis of the Poll in each District.
254372: Biddulph, John. - TRIBES OF THE HINDOO KOOSH. Preface to the 1971 Edition Karl Gratzl.
287421: Bieber, Margarete. - THE SCULPTURE OF THE HELLENISTIC AGE.
285086: Biggins, David J. - TALANA Account and Medal Roll for the Queen’s South Africa Medal 1899-1902.
285440: Biggins, David J. - KIMBERLEY Siege Account and Medal Roll for the Queen’s South Africa Medal 1899-1902.
289077: (Bihzad). Arnold, Sir Thomas W. - BIHZAD AND HIS PAINTINGS IN THE ZAFAR-NAMAH MS.
283200: Bilder-Zauberei - [BLOW BOOK / MAGIC PICTURE BOOK].
286537: Billings, Robert William. - THE BARONIAL AND ECCLESIASTICAL ANTIQUITIES OF SCOTLAND. Illustrated by ... Vol. 1 (containing Volumes I and II of the original publication). Vol. 2 (containing Volumes III and IV of the original publication). With an new Introduction by Ian Gow.
284325: (Billingsley). John, W.D. - WILLIAM BILLINGSLEY (1758-1828) His Outstanding Achievements as an Artist and Porcelain Maker. Assisted by Anne Simcox and Jacqueline Simcox. An Illustrated Appendix by Sir Leslie Joseph.
284321: (Billingsley). John, W.D. - WILLIAM BILLINGSLEY (1758-1828) His Outstanding Achievements as an Artist and Porcelain Maker. Assisted by Anne Simcox and Jacqueline Simcox. An Illustrated Appendix by Sir Leslie Joseph.
284319: (Billingsley). John, W.D. - WILLIAM BILLINGSLEY (1758-1828) His Outstanding Achievements as an Artist and Porcelain Maker. Assisted by Anne Simcox and Jacqueline Simcox. An Illustrated Appendix by Sir Leslie Joseph.
284322: (Billingsley). John, W.D. - WILLIAM BILLINGSLEY (1758-1828) His Outstanding Achievements as an Artist and Porcelain Maker. Assisted by Anne Simcox and Jacqueline Simcox. An Illustrated Appendix by Sir Leslie Joseph.
284324: (Billingsley). John, W.D. - WILLIAM BILLINGSLEY (1758-1828) His Outstanding Achievements as an Artist and Porcelain Maker. Assisted by Anne Simcox and Jacqueline Simcox. An Illustrated Appendix by Sir Leslie Joseph.
285860: (Binebine). Durand, Guillaume. - MAHI BINEBINE. Preface by ...
266737: Bingley, Rev. W. - NORTH WALES; Including its Scenery, Antiquities, Customs, and Some Sketches of its Natural History; Delineated From Two Excursions Through all the Interesting Parts of That Country, During the Summers of 1798 and 1801.
289414: Bird, Isabella L. - SIX MONTHS Among the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands.
276634: Birn, Donald S. - THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS UNION 1918-1945.
285941: Biro, Val and Bennett, Jill. - JACK AND THE ROBBERS. Story retold by Jill Bennett.
276408: Bismark, Count von. - LECTURES ON THE TACTICS OF CAVALRY. Translated from the German with Notes by Major N. Ludlow Beamish.
289551: (Black and White Budget). - BLACK AND WHITE TRANSVALL SPECIAL. Complete in 25 Parts. [With] BLACK AND WHITE BUDGET QUEEN MEMORIAL NUMBER bound in at the beginning.
286748: Black, William George. - FOLK-MEDICINE; A Chapter in the History of Culture.
205182: Black, William. - ADVENTURES IN THULE. Three Stories for Boys.
289550: (Black and White Budget). - BLACK AND WHITE BUDGET. Vol. III - Nos. 26-51. April 7, 1900- Sept. 29, 1900.
229177: Black’s - GUIDE TO THE CHANNEL ISLANDS. Edited by David Thomas Ansted.
279638: Blaeu, Joan. - ATLAS MAJOR OF 1665. BELGICA REGIA & BELGICA FOEDERATA. All 63 maps of the Netherlands and Belgium and the Original Commentaries from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major of 1665. Introduction and Texts by Peter van der Krogt. Based on the copy in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien. With a selection of original texts by ... Directed and produced by Benedikt Taschen.
284826: Blaeu’s - ATLAS OF ENGLAND SCOTLAND WALES AND IRELAND. With an Introduction by R.V. Tooley.
279633: Blaeu, Joan. - ATLAS MAJOR OF 1665. GERMANIA; AUSTRIA & HELVETIA; All 124 maps of Germania, Austrai and Switzerland, and the Original Commentaries from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major of 1665. Introduction and Texts by Peter van der Krogt. Based on the copy in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien. With a selection of original texts by ... Directed and produced by Benedikt Taschen.
279635: Blaeu, Joan. - ATLAS MAJOR OF 1665. GALLIA. All 64 maps of France, and the Original Commentaries from Joan Blaeu’s Atlas Major of 1665. Introduction and Texts by Peter van der Krogt. Based on the copy in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien. With a selection of original texts by ... Directed and produced by Benedikt Taschen.
271602: Blaeu, Joan. - ATLAS MAIOR Of 1665. Anglia. Scotia & Hibernia. Introduction and texts by Peter van der Krogt. Based on the copy in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Wein. With a selection of original texts by Joan Blaeu. Directed and produced by Benedikt Taschen.
287368: Blair, Sheila S. - ISLAMIC CALLIGRAPHY.
285654: Blair, Claude (Editor). - THE CROWN JEWELS. The History of the Coronation Regalia in the Jewel House of the Tower of London.
289949: Blair, Revd. John. - THE CHRONOLOGY AND HISTORY OF THE WORLD, from the creation to the year of Christ, 1753; Illustrated in LVI tables; of which IV are introductory & include the centurys prior to the Ist. Olympiad; and each of the remaining LII contain in one expanded view. 50 years or half a century.
287951: Blair, Charles F. - RED BALL IN THE SKY. Foreword by Lowell Thomas.
282200: Blair, Peter Hunter et al. - A HISTORY OF ENGLAND. Anglo-Saxon England. Early Medieval England. England in the Later Middle Ages. England under the Tudors. England under the Stuarts. England in the Eighteenth Century. England in the Age of Improvement. Victorian England. Edwardian England. England 1914-1945. England 1945-2000. Britannia: A History of Roman Britain.
281781: Blake, William. - POEMS BY MR GRAY. Illustrated by ...
274398: [Blanch, W.H.]. - ANNALS OF CHRIST’S HOSPITAL. From its Foundation to the Present Time and of the Original Conventual Church of the Grey Friars by a Blue.
244450: Blanchard, E.L. - ADAM’S DESCRIPTIVE GUIDE TO THE WATERING PLACES OF ENGLAND, And Companion to the Coast. Part I Southern and Western Division ... Part II. Northern and Eastern Division ...
276477: Blanshard, Brand. - THE NATURE OF THOUGHT.
283183: Blauuw, William Henry. - THE BARONS’ WAR Including the Battles of Lewes and Evesham.
281655: Blewitt, Mary. - SURVEYS OF THE SEAS. A Brief History of British Hydrography. Foreword by Vice-Admiral Sir Archibald Day. Appendix on ships and instruments by Lieut.-Commander G.P.B. Naish.
288247: [Blome, Richard]. - AN ALPHABETICAL ACCOUNT OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, Which are (or lately were) related unto the several Counties of England and Wales: As to their Names, Titles, and Seats by which they are (or have been) generally known and distinguished; according as they were received from the Hands of divers Persons in each County experienced therein as well by their Publick Offices, as otherwise. [Taken from Blome’s Britannia].
288767: Bloom, Freddy. - DEAR PHILIP. A diary of captivity, Changi 1942-45.
282435: Bloomfield, Robert. - THE BANKS OF THE WYE; A Poem. In Four Books.
279368: Blount, Henry. - A VOYAGE INTO THE LEVANT.
284070: Bloxham, Donald. - THE GREAT GAME OF GENOCIDE. Imperialism, Nationalism, and the Destruction of the Ottoman Armenians.
289818: (Blumenfeld). Upson, Nicola. - MYTHOLOGIES. The Sculpture of Helaine Blumenfeld.
284514: (Blumlein). Alexander, Robert Charles. - THE INVENTOR OF STEREO: The Life and Works of Alan Dower Blumlein. Foreword by Sir Bernard Lovell.
283516: Blunt, Anthony and Cooke, Hereward Lester. - THE ROMAN DRAWINGS of the XVII & XVIII Centuries. In the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle.
283592: Blunt, Anthony. - PHILIBERT DE L’ORME.
283515: Blunt, Anthony. - THE DRAWINGS OF G.B. CASTIGLIONE & STEFANO DELLA BELL In the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle.
283517: Blunt, Anthony and Croft-Murray, Edward. - VENETIAN DRAWINGS of the XVII & XVIII Centuries. In the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle.
283457: Blunt, Anthony. - THE FRENCH DRAWINGS In the Collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle.
289775: Blyton, Enid. - THE SECRET SEVEN.
253706: Boam, Henry J. (Compiler). - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Its History, People, Commerce, Industries and Resources. Edited by Ashley G. Brown.
285598: Boantza, Victor D. - MATTER AND METHOD IN THE LONG CHEMICAL REVOLUTION. Laws of Another Order.
287782: Board of Education South Kensington. - CATALOGUE OF PRINTS. I. Modern Etchings of the Foreign Schools in the National Art Library Victoria and Albert Museum. [With]: II. Modern Etchings and Aquatints of the British and American schools in the National Art Library Victoria and Albert Museum.
290076: Boardman, John; Edwards, I.E.S.; Hammond, N.G.L. and Sollberger, E. - THE CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY. Vol. III [only]: Part I The Prehistory of the Balkans; and the Middle East and the Aegean world, tenth to eighth centuries B.C.
253756: Boddam-Whetham, J.W. - WESTERN WANDERINGS. A Record of Travel in the Evening Land.
287766: Boddy, William. - THE HISTORY OF BROOKLANDS MOTOR COURSE. Compiled from the Original Records of the Brooklands Automobile Racing Club. Foreword by Lord Brabazon of Tara.
287674: (Bodin). Lloyd, Howell A. - JEAN BODIN. ‘This Pre-eminent Man of France.’ An Intellectual Biography.
283406: (Bodkin). Jackson, Robert. - CASE FOR THE PROSECUTION. A Biography of Sir Archibald Bodkin, Director of Public Prosecutions 1920-1930.
250044: Bodmer, Karl (Illustrator). - NATURE AT HOME From the French of Théophile Gautier.
286130: Bøe, Solveig; Faber, Hege Charlotte and Strandhagen, Brit. (Editors). - RAW: ARCHITECTURAL ENGAGEMENTS WITH NATURE.
285543: (Boer War Album). - [BOER WAR ALBUM SCRAP ALBUM].
287754: (Bofill). James, Warren A. - RICARDO BOFILL. Taller de Arquitectura. Buildings and Projects 1960-1985.
279112: Bohny, Nicholas. - THE NEW PICTURE BOOK With Explanations by ...
288697: Boisselier, Jean. - THE HERITAGE OF THAI SCULPTURE. With Commentaries by Jean-Michel Beurdeley.
273081: Boitard, M. - MANUEL DE L’ARCHITECTE DES JARDINS ou l’Art de les Composer et de les Décorer.
283684: [Bolingbroke, Henry St John Lord Viscount]. - A DISSERTATION UPON PARTIES; In Several Letters to Caleb d’Anvers, Esq;
289633: Bolingbroke, Henry St. John Lord Viscount. - THE PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS Of the Late Right Honourable ... Published by David Mallet, Esq. London 1754. 5 volumes. Volumes 1 & 3 rebacked with original spine laid down, volumes 4 & 5 lightly cracked though firm hinges, some loss to heads of spines of volumes 2, 4 and 5 with 2 sl. chipped labels. ESTC No: N20935 ‘ Variants identified in vols. 1-2. Variant 1: vol. 1-last line on contents leaf reads -358, vol. 2-p. 2 ultimate line reads: at several periods, men may have gone from ido-, catchword: latry [as in our copy] Part (v.3) printed by William Bowyer; his records show 2000 copies printed; the client is named as Andrew Millar. Strahan printed v.4-5.’ [And] LETTERS ON THE STUDY AND USE OF HISTORY. Printed for A. Millar ... 1752. 2 vols. Volumes 1 rebacked with original spine laid down, sl. loss to head of spine of volume 2. ESTC T88772 [Lacking half title]. [And] LETTERS on the Spirit of Patriotism: On the Idea of a Patriot King: And on the State of Parties, As the Accession of King George the first. London: Printed for A. Millar ... 1749.: ESTC No: T38534. ‘With a half-title [lacking in our copy]. a: Part printed by William Bowyer; his records show 5000 copies printed.’ Upper joint cracked though firm. [And]. AN ANSWER To the latter Part of Lord Bolingborke’s Letters on the Study of History. By the Late Lord Walpole of Woolterton. In a Series of Letters to a Noble Lord. 269pp. Title page device. ESTC No: T111684. ‘With a half-title [lacking in our copy]. Sl. loss to head and tail of spine.
279596: Bolingbroke, Henry St John Lord Viscount. - THE PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS. Published by David Mallet, Esq. 1754. 5 vols. Half title present in vol. 4. only. ESTC N20935 ‘Variants identified in vols. 1-2. Variant 1: vol. 1-last line on contents leaf reads -358, [as in our set] vol. 2-p. 2 ultimate line reads: at several periods, men may have gone from ido-, catchword: latry [as in our set] ...’ Part (v.3) printed by William Bowyer; his records show 2000 copies printed; the client is named as Andrew Millar. Strahan printed v.4-5 Maslen and Lancaster. Bowyer ledgers, 3857’ [And] REMARKS ON THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. London: Printed for T. Davies ... N.d. c.[1780]. New Ed. ESTC N26279. [And] A LETTER TO SIR WILLIAM WINDHAM. II. Some reflections on the present state of the nation. III. A letter to Mr. Pope. London : printed for the editor: and sold by A. Millar, MDCCLIII. [1753]. Port. frontis. ESTC ‘N2688. With a half-title. Port. frontis. Part printed by William Bowyer; his records show 5000 copies of the edition printed in total. plate = front. (port.). CaOHM reports that this is a reissue of the 1753 edition printed for A. Millar (T143342). Maslen and Lancaster. Bowyer ledgers, 3805.’ [And] LETTERS ON THE STUDY AND USE OF HISTORY. London, Printed for T Cadell 1770. New Ed. Corrected. [ii] + 479pp. [And] A DISSERTATION UPON PARTIES: in several letters to Caleb D’Anvers, Esq; written by the Right Honourable Henry St. John, late Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. To which is prefixed, the life of the author, by Dr. Goldsmith. London : printed for T. Davies, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; and T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1775. 10th Ed. With half title. Port frontis. ESTC T9605. [And] A COLLECTION OF POLITICAL TRACTS. By the Author of ... London : printed for T. Davies, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, 1775. ESTC T62612. ‘The author of the Dissertation upon parties = Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke. Pages 386-8 are misnumbered 290,291 and 288.’ [And] LETTERS ON THE SPIRIT OF PATRIOTISM: London : printed for T. Davies, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden; Bookseller to the Royal Academy, 1775. With half title. ESTC T107729 ‘Anonymous. By Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke. With a half-title. Pp. xxix-xxxvi contain advertisements.’
251521: Bollaert, William. - ANTIQUARIAN, ETHNOLOGICAL AND OTHER RESEARCHES IN NEW GRANADA, EQUADOR, PERU AND CHILE, With Observations on the Pre-Incarnial, Incarial, and Other Monuments of Peruvian Nations.
287084: Bolton, Henry Carrington. - THE COUNTING-OUT RHYMES OF CHILDREN. Their Antiquity, Origin and Wide Distribution. A Study in Folk-Lore.
289929: [Bolton, Edmund]. - THE ELEMENT OF ARMORIES.
288210: (Bonarelli, Conte Guidobaldo). - FILLI DI SCIRO.
288577: Bond, Francis. - GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE IN ENGLAND. An Analysis of the Origin & Development of English Church Architecture from the Norman Conquest to the Dissolution of the Monasteries.
289374: Bond, Francis. - WOOD CARVINGS IN ENGLISH CHURCHES. I.-Misericords.
289335: Bond, Francis. - THE CHANCEL OF ENGLISH CHURCHES. The Altar, Reredos, Lenten Veil, Communion Table, Altar Rails, Houseling Cloth, Piscina, Credence, Sedilia, Aumbry, Sacrament House, Easter Sepulchre, Squint etc.
289334: Bond, Francis. - DEDICATIONS & PATRON SAINTS OF ENGLISH CHURCHES. Ecclesiastical Symbolism Saints and their Emblems.
281654: Bond, Francis. - GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE IN ENGLAND. An Analysis of the Origin & Development of English Church Architecture from the Norman Conquest to the Dissolution of the Monasteries.
281081: Bone, Stephen. - THE WEST COAST OF SCOTLAND. Skye to Oban.
283345: Bonington, Chris. - THE EVEREST YEARS A Climbers Life.
286687: Bonné-Tamir, Batsheva and Adam, Avinoam. (Editors). - GENETIC DIVERSITY AMONG JEWS. Diseases and Markers at the DNA level. Foreword by Victor A. McKusick.
289421: Book Box. - SECRET COMPARTMENT BOOK BOX. In ‘The Works of the Right Reverend Father in God, Ezekiel Hopkins, D.D. successively Lord Bishop of Raphoe and Derby; Now First Collected. Arranged and Revised, with a Life of the Author, and a Copious Index, by Josiah Pratt.
288907: Booth, Anne and McCawley, Peter. (Editors). - THE INDONESIAN ECONOMY DURING THE SOEHARTO ERA.
236696: Boothby, Guy. - ‘FAREWELL, NIKOLA’
289827: Borges, Jorge Luis and Casares, Adolfo Bioy. - EXTRAORDINARY TALES. Edited and Translated with a Foreword by Anthony Kerrigan.
258163: Borges, Jorge Luis. - BORGES LABERINTOS DUMELIC. Prologo de Jose Edmundo Clemente.
279811: Borkowski, Zbigniew. - ALEXANDRIE II. Inscriptions des Factions à Alexandre.
283799: Borlase, William. - ANTIQUITIES, HISTORICAL AND MONUMENTAL, OF THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. Consisting of Several Essays on The First Inhabitants, Druid-Superstition, Customs, And Remains of the most remote Antiquity In Britain and the British Isles, Exemplified and proved by Monuments now extant in Cornwall and the Scilly Islands, With a Vocabulary of the Cornu-British Language.
290061: Borrow, George. - ROMANO LAVO-LIL: Word-Book of the Romany: Or, English Gypsy Language, with many pieces in Gypsy, illustrative of the way of speaking and thinking of the English Gypsies; with specimens of their Poetry, and an Account of certain Gypsyries or Places Inhabited by them, and of various things relating to Gypsy Life in England.
283342: Borrow, George. - THE BIBLE IN SPAIN; Or, the Journeys, Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman in an attempt To Circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula. With the Notes and Glossary of Ulick Ralph Burke.
285676: Boscaljon, Daniel. (Editor). - RESISTING THE PLACE OF BELONGING. Uncanny Homecomings in Religion, Narrative and the Arts.
289001: Bosch, Frederik David Kan, Vogel, Dr. J. Ph & Stein Callenfels, Dr. P.V. van. - PUBLICATES VAN DEN OUDHEIDKUNDIGEN DIENST IN NEDERLANDSCH-INDIË - I. Tjandi Kidal, by de Haan & Bosch. (Dutch text); The Earliest Sanskrit Inscriptions of Java, by Vogel; De Mintaraga-basreliefs aan de Oud-Javaansch Bouwwerken, by van Stein Callenfels.
212223: (Boselli). Arisis, Ferdinando. - FELICE BOSELLI. Pittore di Natura Morta.
256497: Bossuet, Jacques-Benigne. - RECUEIL DES ORAISONS FUNEBRES, Prononcées par ... Revûe avec soin & considérablement augmentée.
274845: Boswell, James. - AN ACCOUNT OF CORSICA, THE JOURNAL OF A TOUR TO THAT ISLAND, AND MEMOIRS OF PASCAL PAOLI. Edited with Introduction and Notes by James T. Boulton and T.O. McLoughlin.
289888: Bosworth, A.B. - FROM ARRIAN TO ALEXANDER. Studies in Historical Interpretation.
272765: Botero, Giovanni. - DELLA RAGION DI STATO Libri Dieci. Con tre Libri. Delle Cause della Grandezza delle Città Di nuouo in questa ultima Impressione, mutati alcuni luoghi dall’istesso Auctore, & accresciuti di diuersi Discorsi, Cioè, Dell’Eccellenze de gli antichi Capitani. Della Neutralità. Della Riputatione. Dell’Agiltà delle forze. Della Fortificatione. Una Relatoine del Mare. Con la Yavola Dell Materie, Et con Licenzza de’ Superiori. New Impression. Sm. 4to. [xxxvi] + [viii] + 264pp. T.p. device, historiated inital letters. Some shaving across head with some loss to running title. [Bound with]. RELATIONI UNIVERSALI Diuiso in quattro parti. Arricchite di cose rare, e memorabili, e con l'ultima mano dell'autore. Aggiuntoui di Nuouo la Ragione di Stato del Medesimo. Con Licenza d’ Superiori, & Priuilegio. [viii] + 800pp. + [xxxvi]. [Lacking 4 folding engraved maps]. T.p. device, historiated inital letters.
274668: (Botta). Lautenberg, Alexis P. - MARIO BOTTA. Architetture de Sacro. Prayers in Stone.
282880: (Bottomley). Symons, Julian. - HORATIO BOTTOMLEY. A Biography.
282278: Bougainville, Hyacinthe de. - THE GOVERNOR’S NOBLE GUEST. ... account of Port Jackson, 1825. Translated and edited by Marc Serge Rivière.
279652: Bougainville, Hyacinthe de. - ATLAS. Journal de la Navigation Autour du Globe de la Fregate le Thétis et de la Corvette l’Espérance. Reproduction of the Copy in the British Library.
285121: Boulger, G.S. - FAMILIAR TREES. First, Second and Third Series.
282725: Boulton, Jeremy. - NEIGHBOURHOOD AND SOCIETY. A London Suburb in the Seventeenth Century.
280719: Bournand, François. - A L’ASSAUT DU PÔLE SUD. Voyages et Aventures dans les Régions Antarctiques 1599-1906. Préface par le D’Richer de l’Institut. Première Série in-quarto.
288664: Boutell, Charles. - A MANUAL OF HERALDRY, Historical and Popular.
278302: Bowers, G. - NOTES FROM A HUNTING BOX. (not) in the Shires.
285320: Bowers, Peter M. - CURTISS AIRCRAFT 1907-1947.
285326: Bowers, Peter M. - BOEING AIRCRAFT Since 1916.
290066: Boxall, Tony. - GYPSY CAMERA. With additional commentary by Brian Raywid.
288411: Boxer, C.R. - SOUTH CHINA IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. Being the narratives of Galeote Pereira Fr. Gaspar da Cruz Fr. Martin de Rada, (1550-1575).
288498: Boxer, C.R. (Editor). - SOUTH CHINA IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. Being the narratives of Galeote Pereira, Fr. Gaspar da Cruz, Fr. Martin de Rada, (1550-1575).
288809: Boxer, C.R. - A PORTUGUESE ACCOUNT OF SOUTH CHINA IN 1549-1552.
289164: (Boy Scouts Association). - THE SCOUTER. The Headquarters Gazette of the Boy Scouts Association (incorporated by Royal Charter) with Which is amalgamated "The Trail." No. I, Vol. XXIII, January - December, 1929.
289163: (Boy Scouts Association). - THE SCOUTER. The Headquarters Gazette of the Boy Scouts Association (incorporated by Royal Charter) with Which is amalgamated "The Trail." No. I, Vol. XXI, January - December, 1927.
289183: (Boy Scouts Association). - THE SCOUTER. The Headquarters Gazette of the Boy Scouts Association (incorporated by Royal Charter) with Which is amalgamated "The Trail." No. I, Vol. XXIV, January - December, 1927.
286746: Boyce, Aline Abaecherli. - COINS OF TINGI WITH LATIN LEGENDS.
289391: Boyd, J.I.C. - THE TAL-Y-LLYN RAILWAY.
289816: Boyd, Arthur and Porter, Peter. - THE LADY AND THE UNICORN.
286578: Boyd, James I.C. - THE ISLE OF MAN RAILWAY. Volume III [only]: An outline History of The Isle of Man Railway including The Manx Northern Railway and The Foxdale Railway.
289761: [Boyer, Abel]. - THE HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF QUEEN ANNE, Digested into Annals Year the First. Containing, Besides other Memorable Transactions, a Particular and Genuine Account of the late Expedition into Spain; and the Proceedings of both Houses in the last Session of Parliament. London printed for A. Roper, at the Black-Boy over against St. Dunstan's Church, Fleetstreet, and F. Coggan in the Inner-Temple-Lane 1703. Signature F misprinted. Year the Second Containing, the most memorable transactions both at home and abroad: in which are inserted several valuable pieces never before printed. London Printed for F. Coggan, in the Inn-Temple-Lane, 1704. Year the Third ... London : printed for A. Roper, at the Black Boy against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, 1705. Folding map. Year the Sixth. London: printed for Margaret Coggan, in the Inner-Temple-Lane, 1708. Folding map.
289554: Boyle, Robert. - THE WORKS. Volume I [only of 6]. With a new Introduction by Peter Alexander.
289558: Boyle, Robert. - THE WORKS. Volume I [only of 6]. With a new Introduction by Peter Alexander.
289555: Boyle, Robert. - THE WORKS. Volume III [only of 6].
289556: Boyle, Robert. - THE WORKS. Volume IV [only of 6].
289557: Boyle, Robert. - THE WORKS. Volume VI [only of 6].
289128: Brackenbury, Henry. - THE ASHANTI WAR. A Narrative Prepared from the Offical Documents by Permission of Major-General Sir Garnet Wolseley.
288680: Bradley, Catherine A. and Desmond, Karen. (Editors). - THE MONTPELLIER CODES THE FINAL FASCICLE. Contents, Contexts, Chronologies.
289246: Bradney, Joseph Alfred. (Editor). - REGISTRUM ANTIQUUM DE LLANDDEWI RHYDDERCH In Comitatu Monumethensi 1670-1783. Transcribed from the Original Register Book.
277861: Bradshaw’s - BRITISH RAILWAYS GUIDE And Hotel Directory. Containing the Official Time Tables, specially arranged by Railways. Official every Month. No. 1515: From 7th November until 4th December 1960.
288225: Bradshaw’s - JULY 1938 RAILWAY GUIDE. A New Edition of the July 1938 Issue of Bradshaw’s Railway, Shipping and Hotel Guide for Great Britain and Ireland with enlarged type and introduction by David St. John Thgomas.
290021: Brady, Robert. - AN INTRODUCTION TO THE OLD ENGLISH HISTORY, comprehended in three several tracts. The first, an answer to Mr. Petyts Rights of the commons asserted; and to a book intituled, Jani Anglorum facies nova; the second edition very much inlarged. The second, an answer to a book intituled, Argumentum antinormanicum, much upon the same subject; never before published. The third, the exact history of the succession of the crown of England; the second edition, also very much inlarged. Together with an appendix containing several records, and a series of great councils and Parliaments before and after the conquest, unto the end of the reign of Henry the Third. And a glossary expounding many words used frequently in our antient records, laws and historians ... London printed by Tho. Newcomb, for Samuel Lowndes, over against Exeter Exchange in the Strand 1684. [8], [4]. 1-162, [2]-165-240, [2], 235-326, [2], 339-412, 411-412, 68, 60, [16] p. Title page within double rule margin. First 3 leaves detached to upper portion at gutter hinge with several resultant closed tears, penultimate Index leaf partially detached, some browning and staining. [And]. A COMPLETE HISTORY OF ENGLAND from the first entrance of the Romans under the conduct of Julius Cæsar, unto the end of the reign of King Henry III. Comprehending the Roman, Saxon, Danish and Norman affairs and transactions in this nation during that time. Wherein is shewed the original of our English laws, the differences and disagreements between the secular and ecclesiastic powers, the true rise and grounds of the contentions and wars between the barons and our antient kings. And likewise an account of our foreign wars with France, the conquest of Ireland, and the actions between the English, Scots and Welsh, during the same time. All delivered in plain matter of fact, without any reflections or remarques. In the Savoy, printed by Tho. Newcomb for Samuel Lowndes over against Exeter-Exchange in the Strand, 1685. [12], xliv, lxvii-lxviii, [8], 675, [1]; 254, [68] p. Engraved port. frontis. of James II by R. White, title page in red and black and within double rule border. Some marginalia, pp. 483/4 with marginal loss to head, single worm hole to tail of first third of work, blanks to front and rear with one page to rear with manuscript verse, lower joint cracked through, labels renewed, upper joint repaired using mottled calf. [And]. A CONTINUATION OF THE COMPLETE HISTORY OF ENGLAND: containing the lives and reigns of Edward I. II. & III. and Richard the Second. In the Savoy, printed by Edward Jones, for Sam. Lowndes, over-against Exeter-Exchange in the Strand; and Awnsham and John Churchil, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row 1700. [4], 278, 281-448, 457-467, [1], [24] 139 p. Index bound in before Appendix. Additional engraved title page (chipped and repaired), title page in red and black and within double rule border chipped with marginal loss and rebacked. Sm. manuscript note to head of title page. [Lacking half title?]. [Bound with]. AN HISTORICAL TREATISE OF CITIES, AND BURGHS OR BOROUGHS. Shewing their original, and whence, and from whom they received their liberties, privileges, and immunities; What-They were, and what Made and Constituted a Free Burgh, & Free Burgesses. As also shewing When they first sent their Representatives to Parliament. With A Concurrent Discourse Of most Matters, and Things Incident, or Relating thereto. London printed for A.L. and sold by John Nutt near Stationers-Hall, and by the booksellers of London and Westminster 1704. 2nd Ed. [4], vi ,88[i.e.90], 41[i.e.43], [1] p. Title page within double rule. ‘A Supplement’ misbound in to end. 2 works in 1 volume. Some browning.
287124: Brady, Eilís. - ALL IN! ALL IN! A Selection of Dublin Children’s Traditional Street-Games With Rhymes and Music.
288587: Brakel, Mr. Dr. S. van. - DE HOLLANDSCHE HANDELSCOMPAGNIEËN DER ZEVENTIENDE EEUW. Hun Ontstaan - Hunne Inrichting.
287215: Brand, John. - OBSERVATIONS ON POPULAR ANTIQUITIES: Including the whole of Mr. Bourne’s Antiquitates Vulgares, with addenda to every chapter of that work: As also An Appendix, Containing such Articles on the Subject, as have been omitted by that Author.
284085: Brands, H.W. - THE AGE OF GOLD. The California Gold Rush and the New American Dream. Introduction by Kevin Starr.
285841: (Brangwyn). Macklin, W.R. and Rigby, H.A. - THE DECORATIVE PAINTINGS IN CHRIST’S HOSPITAL CHAPEL. Written and Illustrated by ...
281737: Brangwyn, Frank. - RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM.
289316: Bransby, James Hews. - A DESCRIPTION OF CARNARVON And the Neighbouring District.
283910: Brassey, Mrs. - SUNSHINE AND STORM IN THE EAST, Or Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople.
262350: Brassey, Mrs. - A VOYAGE IN THE ‘SUNBEAM’ Our Home on the Ocean for Eleven Months.
285001: Brassey, Mrs. - A VOYAGE IN THE ‘SUNBEAM’ Our Home on the Ocean for Eleven Months.
284927: Brassey, Earl - THE "SUNBEAM," R.Y.S. Voyages and Experiences in Many Waters. Naval Reserves and Other Matters.
284923: Brassey, Annie. - THE LAST VOYAGE.
284925: Brassey, Earl - THE "SUNBEAM," R.Y.S. Voyages and Experiences in Many Waters. Naval Reserves and Other Matters.
284735: Braudel, Fernand. - CIVILIZATION AND CAPITALISM, 15th - 18th Century. The Structures of Everyday Life. The Wheels of Commerce. The Perspective of the World. Translation from the French Revised by Siân Reynolds.
280328: Breasted, James Henry. - A HISTORY OF EGYPT. From the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest.
239271: Brecon Independent College. - REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF ... For 1867-8. With a List of Subscribers. Printed by Order of the General Meeting
288358: Bredon, Juliet and Mitrophanow, Igor. - THE MOON YEAR. A Record of Chinese Customs and Festivals.
282479: Breen, Katharine. - IMAGINING AN ENGLISH READING PUBLIC, 1150-1400.
280014: Breese, Edward (Compiler). - KALENDARS OF GWYNEDD: Or, Chronological Lists of Lords-Lieutenant, Custodes Rotulorum, Sheriffs, and Knights of the Shire, for the Counties of Anglesey, Caernarvon, and Merioneth, and of the Members for the Boroughs of Caernarvon and Beaumaris. To Which are Added Lists of the Lords Presidents of Wales and the Constables of the Castle of Beaumaris, Caernarvon, Conway, and Harlech.
244965: (Brenan). Gathorne-Hardy, Jonathan. - THE INTERIOR CASTLE. A Life of Gerald Brenan.
288902: Brend, Barbara. - MUHAMMAD JUKI’S SHAHNAMAH OF FIRDAUSI. Foreword by Gordon Johnson.
289262: Brennan, Joe. - DUKE OF HAWAII.
286661: Brenner, Sydney and Miller, Jeffrey H. (Editors). - ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF GENETICS.
288514: Brent-Dyer, Elinor M. - TRIALS FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL.
288515: Brent-Dyer, Elinor M. - THE CHALET SCHOOL AND RICHENDA.
288516: Brent-Dyer, Elinor M. - PEGGY OF THE CHALET SCHOOL.
288517: Brent-Dyer, Elinor M. - GAY FROM CHINA AT THE CHALET SCHOOL.
288520: Brent-Dyer, Elinor M. - THE CHALET SCHOOL AND BARBARA.
288524: Brent-Dyer, Elinor M. - A FUTURE CHALET SCHOOL GIRL.
288526: Brent-Dyer, Elinor M. - EXCITEMENTS AT THE CHALET SCHOOL.
288527: Brent-Dyer, Elinor M. - THE NEW MISTRESS AT THE CHALET SCHOOL.
288528: Brent-Dyer, Elinor M. - TOM TACKLES THE CHALET SCHOOL.
288529: Brent-Dyer, Elinor M. - THE CHALET SCHOOL AND THE LINTONS.
288530: Brent-Dyer, Elinor M. - SHOCKS FOR THE CHALET SCHOOL.
280280: Breton, Nicholas. - A MAD WORLD MY MASTERS. And other Prose Works. Edited by Ursula Kentish-Wright.
288149: Brett, Martin; Hoskin, Philippa and Smith, David. - FASCIMILES OF ENGLISH EPISCOPAL ACTS 1085-1305.
286417: Brew, Alec. - THE DEFIANT FILE.
287337: Brewer, J.N. - DELINEATIONS OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE; Being Views of the Principal Seats of Nobility & Gentry; And Other Objects of Prominent Interest in That Country. The plates engraved by J. & H.S. Storer, from their own original drawings; Historical and Descriptive Notices by ...
256892: Brewster, David. - ON CIRCULAR POLARISATION, as exhibited in the Optical Structure of the Amethyst, with Remarks on the Distribution of the Colouring Matter in that Mineral. (Read November 15. 1819).
256887: Brewster, David. - ACCOUNT OF A REMARKABLE STRUCTURE IN APOPHYLLITE, With Observations on the Optical Peculiarities of that Mineral. (Read 21st April 1817, 5th March and 17th December 1821).
256893: Brewster, David. - OBSERVATIONS ON THE MEAN TEMPERATURE OF THE GLOBE. (Read February 7. 1820).
282901: (O’Brian). Cunningham, A.E. (Editor). - PATRICK O’BRIAN. Critical Appreciations and a Bibliography.
288072: Bricker, Harvey M. and Victoria R. - ASTRONOMY IN THE MAYA CODICES.
287924: (Bridgeman). Willis, Peter. - CHARLES BRIDGEMAN and the English Landscape Garden. Reprinted with supplementary plates and a catalogue of additional documents, drawings and attributions.
287644: O’Brien, Gerald. - EUGENICS, GENETICS, AND DISABILITY IN HISTORICAL AND CONTEMPORARY PERSPECTIVE. Implications for the Social Work Profession.
281891: Briggs, Asa. - VICTORIAN TRILOGY: Victorian Cities, Victorian Things, Victorian People.
288964: Briggs, Lawrence Palmer. - THE ANCIENT KHMER EMPIRE.
290122: Briggs, John Joseph. - THE HISTORY OF MELBOURNE, In the County of Derby. Including Biographical Notices of the Coke, Melbourne and Hardinge Families.
282888: Briggs, Robin. - THE WITCHES OF LORRAINE.
275663: Bright, Dr. - CLINICAL MEMOIRS ON ABDOMINAL TUMOURS AND INTUMESCENCE. Reprinted from the ‘Guy’s Hospital Reports.’ Edited by G. Hilaro Barlow.
278363: Brillat-Savarin, (J.A.) - THE PHYSIOLOGY OF TASTE, Or Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy. With an Introduction by Arthur Machen; and embellished with designs by Andrew Johnson.
283771: Brinton, E.D. - ETON Described by Christopher Stone.
282905: (Bristol Riots). - TRIALS OF THE PERSONS CONCERNED IN THE LATE RIOTS: before Chief Justice Tindal, and Justices Bosanquet and Taunton, which commenced Monday, January 2, and ended Saturday, January 14, 1832, at the Guildhall, in the City of Bristol.
283074: (Bristol Riots). (Pinney). - TRIAL OF CHARLES PINNEY, Esq. In the Court of King’s Bench on an Information, Filed by His Majesty’s Attorney-General, Charging Him with Neglect of Duty, in His Office as Mayor of Bristol, During the Riots. Accurately transcribed from the Short-Hand Report of Mr. Gurney.
282922: (Bristol Riots). - FULL REPORT OF THE TRIALS OF THE BRISTOL RIOTERS before the special commission appointed to deliver the gaol of this city in January 1832 : with the sentences & executions consequent thereon ; also, a report of the proceedings of the court martial appointed to investigate the conduct of Lieut.-Colonel Brereton, inspecting field officer of the Bristol district ; with full particulars of the suicide of that unfortunate officer and the inquest held on his body. Bristol: Printed by W.H. Somerton ... N.d. c.[1932]. 124pp. Portion across head of title page excised with paper replacement. [Bound with]. BRISTOL RIOTS. Trial of Charles Pinney, Esq. Late Mayor for Neglect of Duty. N.d. c.[1832]. Drop title. 64pp. Portion across head of title page excised with remains of signature visible and date ‘30 Oct 1932’.
282891: (Bristol Riots). - THE TRIALS OF THE PRISONERS CONCERNED IN THE LATE RIOTS. Tuesday, January 3, 1832, at the Guildhall.
282895: (Bristol Riots). - THE COURTS-MARTIAL UPON LIEUT-COL. BRERETON AND CAPT. WARRINGTON, For Imputed Neglect of Duty During the Bristol Riots, on October 29, 30, & 31, 1831. 13 issues. [Bound with] THE TRIAL OF CHARLES PINNEY, ESQ., (Late Mayor of Bristol,) in the Court of King’s Bench, for Imputed Neglect of Duty During the Riots of 1831; Commencing Oct. 25 and Ending Nov. 1, 1832.
285764: British Cycle & Motor Cycle Manufacturers’ and Traders’ Union. - TWENTIETH INTERNATIONAL BICYCLE AND MOTOR CYCLE SHOW of Bicycles, Motor Cycles, Sidecars, and their Components, Accessories, Tyres, 3-Wheeled Cycle Cars, Hiking and Camping Equipment, and Sports Requisites. OLYMPIA, London, W. Saturday, November 20th, to Saturday, December 7th, 1935 ...
287789: British Lebanese Association. - LEBANON - The artist’s view. 200 Years of Lebanese Painting. Concourse Gallery, Barbican Centre, Tuesday 18th April - Friday 2nd June, 1989.
280283: (British Critic). - THE BRITISH CRITIC, For July, August, September, October, November and December MDCCCVIII. Volume XXXII [only].
284109: British Association. - BRISTOL and Its Environs. Historical Descriptive & Scientific. Published Under the Sanction of the Local Executive Committee of the ...
280064: Britten, F.J. - The Antique Collectors’ Club edition of OLD CLOCKS AND WATCHES & THEIR MAKERS. Being an Historical and Descriptive Account of the different Styles of Clocks and Watches of the past, in England and Abroad. To which is added a List of Eleven Thousand Makers.
287479: Britten, James and Holland, Robert. - A DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH PLANT-NAMES.
267284: Britten, F.J. - OLD CLOCKS AND WATCHES & THEIR MAKERS. Being an Historical and Descriptive Account of the different styles of Clocks and Watches of the Past, in England and Abroad to which is added a List of Ten Thousand Makers.
285111: Britton, John. - THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF WORCESTER; Illustrated by a Series of Engravings of Views, Elevations, Plans, and Details of that Edifice, including an Architectural Description of the Church; and Biographical Anecdotes of the Bishops and of other Eminent Persons.
290115: Britton, John and Brayley, Edward Wedlake. - THE BEAUTIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES; Or, Delineations, Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive, of Each County. Volume III [only]. Cumberland, Isle of Man, Derbyshire.
272831: Britton, John. - THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF HEREFORD: Illustrated by a Series of Engravings of Views, Elevations, and Plans of That Edifice. With Biographical Anecdotes of Eminent Persons connected with the Establishment.
274000: Brockedon. William. - UN PEINTRE À TRAVERS LES ALPES. An English painter across the Alps. De Turin à Grenoble par le col du Montgenèvre 1824. Textes de Brockedon traduits pas ...
289133: Brockie, William. - THE GYPSIES OF YETHOLM; Historical Tradition, Philological and Humorous Collected and Edited by ... Kelso J. & J.H Rutherford ... 1884. vii + 192pp. 3 plates. [Bound with]. Stuart, Charles. DAVID BLYTHE, The Gipsy King: A Character Sketch. Kelso J. & J.H Rutherford ... 1883. [Bound with]. 27pp. + 5pp. publishers adverts. Photographic port. frontis. [Bound with]. Lucas, Joseph. THE YETHOLME HISTORY OF THE GYPSIES. Dedicated to Queen Esther Faa-Blyth. Kelso J. & J.H Rutherford ... 1882. [vi] + 152pp. Photographic port. frontis., folding pedigree, 1 plate.
287145: Broderip, W.J. - ZOOLOGICAL RECREATIONS.
272197: Broek, Sandra van den and Mols, Luitgard. - INDONESIË & ISLAMITISCHE KUNST. Indonesia & Islamic Art. Foreword by Stanley Bremer.
285951: Bröger, Achim and Kalow, Gisela. - BRUNO’S JOURNEY. Translated by Caroline Gueritz.
287120: Brøgger, A.W. - ANCIENT EMIGRANTS. A History of the Norse Settlements of Scotland.
288316: Brontë, Charlotte, Emily and Anne. - THE COMPLETE NOVELS. Agnes Grey. The Professor. Wuthering Heights. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Villette. Jane Eyre. Shirley.
286609: (Brontë). Gaskell, E.C. - THE LIFE OF CHARLOTTE BRONTË. Author of "Jane Eyre," "Shirley," "Villette," &c.
289160: (Brontë). White, Kathryn. - THE BRONTË SISTERS. The Complete Novels. Introduction by ...
286193: (Brontë). Lock, John and Dixon, Canon W.T. - A MAN OF SORROW. The Life, Letters and Times of the Rev. Patrick Brontë 1777-1861. Foreword by The Archbishop of York.
289297: Brookes, Kevin et al. - HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF ROSS. Foreword by Mrs. E.M. Porter.
286751: Broome, Michael. - A HANDBOOK OF ISLAMIC COINS.
279283: Brougham, Lord. - THE REPORTS OF THE COMMISSIONERS Commonly know as Lord Brougham’s Commission), Appointed in Pursuance of Various Acts of Parliament, to Enquire Concerning Charities in England and Wales, relating to the County of WALES [only] 1819-1837.
282378: Brown, George Mackay. - THE COLLECTED POEMS. Edited by Archie Bevan and Brian Murray.
283955: Brown, Beverly Louise. - IL GENIO DI ROMA 1592-1623. In memoria del Professor Francis Haskell (1928-2000). A cura di ... Londra, Royal Academy of Arts 20 gennaio - 16 aprile 2001.
287617: Brown, Bruce H. (Compiler). - BENTLEY & BENTLEY Ltd. Hanover Court, Hanover Street W. Sole Concessionaires Great Britain and Colonies for D.F.P. Cars.
286337: Brown, David F. - TOMCAT ALLEY. A Photographic Roll Call of the Grumman F-14 Tomcat. Technical Editing by Geoff LeBaron and Craig Kaston.
286316: Brown, Michelle P. - THE BOOK AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF BRITAIN, c.550-1050. A Study in Written and Visual Literacy and Orality. The Sanders Lectures in Bibliography, Cambridge University Library, 2009.
287334: Brown, Captain Thomas. - AN ATLAS OF THE FOSSIL CONCHOLOGY Or Great Britain and Ireland With Descriptions of All the Species.
285707: Brown, Leslie Ellen. - ARTFUL VIRTUE: The Interplay of the Beautiful and the Good in the Scottish Enlightenment.
290038: Brown, Irving. - DEEP SONG. Adventures with Gypsy Songs and Singers in Andalusia and Other Lands with Original Transactions.
290043: Brown, Irving. - NIGHTS AND DAYS ON THE GYPSY TRIAL. Through Andalusia and on Other Mediterranean Shores. With an Account of the Romany Race, & and Introduction by George E. Woodberry.
281661: Brown, Jennifer S.H. - STRANGERS IN BLOOD. Fur Trade Company Families in Indian Country.
288794: Browne, Edward G. - A HISTORY OF PERSIAN LITERATURE Under Tartar Dominion (A.D. 1265-1502).
285930: Browne, Brigadier J. Gilbert. - THE IRAQ LEVIES 1915-1932.
280087: Browne, Edward Granville. - A YEAR AMONGST THE PERSIANS. Impressions as to the Life, Character, & Thought of the People of Persia Received during twelve Months’ Residence in that Country in the Years 1887-1888. With a Memoir by Sir E. Denison Ross and a Foreword by Sir Ellis H. Minns.
288795: Browne, Edward G. - A HISTORY OF PERSIAN LITERATURE In Modern Times (A.D. 1500-1924).
289820: Browne, E. Gordon. - PUCK’S BROOM. The wonderful adventures of George Henry and his dog Alexander who went to seek their fortunes in The Once Upon a Time Land.
280140: Browne, Isaac Hawkins. - A PIPE OF TOBACCO: In Imitation of Six Several Authors. Edited by H.F.B. Brett-Smith.
280047: Browne, Sir Thomas. - RELIGIO MEDICI, URN BURIAL, CHRISTIAN MORALS, AND OTHER ESSAYS. Edited by C.J. Holmes.
276196: Browne, W.G. - TRAVELS IN AFRICA, EGYPT, AND SYRIA, From the Year 1792 to 1798.
280898: Browne, Edward G. - A YEAR AMONGST THE PERSIANS Impressions as to the Life, Character, and Thought of the People of Persia, Received During Twelve Months’ Residence in That Country in the Years 1887-8.
286404: Bruce, J.M. - THE AEROPLANES OF THE ROYAL FLYING CORPS. Military Wing.
286456: Bruce, J.M. - BRITISH AEROPLANES 1914-18.
288260: Bruckner, Christopher. - CHINESE IMPERIAL PATRONAGE. Treasures from Temples and Palaces.
262922: Bruder, Caroli Hermanni. - SIVE CONCORDANTIAE Omnium Vocum Novi Testemanti Graeci Primum ab Erasmo Schmidio Editae Nunc Secundum Critices et Hermeneutices Nostrae Aetatis Rationes Emendatae, Auctae, Meliori Ordine Dispositae.
283636: (Bruegel). Sullivan, Margaret A. - BRUEGEL’S PEASANTS. Art and Audience in the Northern Renaissance.
261092: (Brueghel). Ertz, Klaus. - JAN BRUEGHEL. Der Ältere (1568-1625). Die Gemälde mit kritischem Oeuvrekatalog.
281431: Bruijne, Antonius de and Baljé, Bastiaan Gerardus. - DE EERSTE TOCHT VAN DE WILLEM BARENTS naar de Noordelijke Ijszee 1878. De dagborken van Antonius de Bruijne en Bastiaan Gerardus Baljé. Ingeleid end Geannoteerd door W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns.
271493: Brunhoff, Jean de. - BABAR’S FRIEND ZEPHIR.
289889: Brunt, P.A. - ITALIAN MANPOWER 225 B.C. - A.D. 14.
288129: Brunton, Violet. (Illustrator). - GREEN MAGIC. A Collection of the World’s best Fairy Tales from all Countries. Edited and arranged by Romer Wilson.
252823: Bruyn, Cornelius Le. - TRAVELS INTO MUSCOVY, PERSIA, And Part of the East-Indies. Containing, An Accurate Description of whatever is most remarkable in those Countries. And Embellished With above 320 copper plates, representing the finest Prospects, and most considerable Cities in those Parts; the different Habits of the People; the singular and extraordinary Birds, Fishes, and Plants which are there to be found: As likewise the Antiquities of those Countries, and particularly the noble Ruins of the famous Palace of Persepolis, called Chelminar by the Persians. The whole being delineated on the Spot, from the respective Objects. To which is added, An Account of the Journey of Mr Isbrants, Ambassador from Muscovy, through Russia and Tartary, to China; together with Remarks on the Travels of Sir John Chardin, and Mr Kempfer, and a Letter written to the Author on that Subject. Translated from the Original French.
278793: Brydges, Sir Egerton. - AUTOBIOGRAPHY, Times, Opinions, and Contemporaries of ...
289930: Brydson, Thomas. - A SUMMARY VIEW OF HERALDRY in reference to the usages of chivalry and the general economy of the feudal system with an appendix respecting such distinctions of rank as have place in the British constitution.
281426: Buchan, John. - THE ADVENTURES OF RICHARD HANNAY. The Thirty-Nine Steps and The Power House. Greenmantle. Mr Standfast. The Three Hostages. The Island of Sheep. Introduction by Andrew Lownie.
287838: Buchan, John. - THE COMPLETE SHORT STORIES. Edited by Andrew Lownie. Foreword by William Buchan.
286331: Buck, Samuel. - YORKSHIRE SKETCHBOOK. Reproduced in Facsimile from Lansdowne MS. 914 in the British Library with an introduction by Ivan Hall.
281259: [Buckingham, James Silk]. - THE ORIENTAL QUARTERLY Volume 1 Part 1 [only of 2].
281236: [Buckingham, James Silk]. - THE ORIENTAL HERALD And Journal of General Literature. Volume VIII [only of 23] January to March 1826, Nos. 25-27.
263271: Buckley, Wilfred. - DIAMOND ENGRAVED GLASSES OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. With Particular Reference to five attributed to Giacomo Verzelini.
283879: Budge, E.A. Wallis. - THE BOOK OF MEDICINES. Ancient Syrian Anatomy, Pathology and Therapeutics.
288422: (Bühler). Schmitz, Carl A. and Wildhaber, Robert. - FESTSCHRIFT ALFRED BÜHLER.
289500: Bull, Esmé. - AIDED IMMIGRATION FROM BRITAIN TO SOUTH AFRICA 1857 TO 1867. Edited by J.L. Basson.
288793: Bund, J.W. Willis. - THE CIVIL WAR IN WORCESTERSHIRE, 1642-1646; And the Scotch Invasion of 1651.
287014: Bundy, Graham. - THE BIRDS OF LIBYA. An annotated check-list. Foreword by J.F. Monk.
287013: Bundy, Graham. - THE BIRDS OF LIBYA. An annotated check-list. Foreword by J.F. Monk.
287012: Bundy, Graham. - THE BIRDS OF LIBYA. An annotated check-list. Foreword by J.F. Monk.
287005: Bundy, Graham. - THE BIRDS OF LIBYA. An annotated check-list.
287007: Bundy, Graham. - THE BIRDS OF LIBYA. An annotated check-list.
288064: Bunker, Emma C. et al. - CHINESE BRONZES. Selected articles from Orientations 1983-2000.
282306: (Bunker). Hodkinson, R. - EBER BUNKER of Liverpool. "The Father of Australian Whaling".
288893: Bunker, Emma C. with Kawami, Trudy S.; Linduff, Katheryn M. and En, Wu. - ANCIENT BRONZES OF THE EASTERN EURASIAN STEPPES from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections.
281231: (Bunn). Bayley, Denis. - AS LONDONER IN RUPERT’S LAND. Thomas Bunn of the Hudson’s Bay Company.
286584: Bunyan, John. - THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS. With Biographical Introduction by Edmund Venables, revised by Miss Mabel Peacock and New Index.
281512: Burchett, W.G. - TREK BACK FROM BURMA.
289218: Burdett, Ricky and Sudjic, Deyan. (Editors). - THE ENDLESS CITY. The Urban Age Project by the London School of Economics and Deutsche Bank’s Alfred Herrhausen Society. Foreword by Wolfgang Nowak.
276369: Bureau of Decoration Prime Minister’s Office. - DECORATIONS OF JAPAN.
283664: Buren, Sara van. - GOOD-LIVING. A Practical Cookery-Book for Town and Country.
286535: Burge, Squadron-Leader C.G. (Editor). - THE AIR ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE 1933-34. Volume V [only].
287700: Burgess, Glenn and Festenstein, Matthew. (Editors). - ENGLISH RADICALISM, 1550-1850.
239439: Bürgher, Gottfried Augustus. - LEONORA. Translated from The German of ... by W.R. Spencer, Esq. With Designs by The Right Honourable Lady Diana Beauclerc.
288165: Burke’s - GUIDE TO THE ROYAL FAMILY. Foreword by Admirtal of the Fleet the Earl Mountbatten of Burma.
285022: Burke, J. Bernard. - THE HISTORIC LANDS OF ENGLAND.
288917: Burke, Sir Bernard. - BURKE’S GENEALOGICAL AND HERALDIC HISTORY OF THE LANDED GENTRY Including American Families with British Ancestry.
288246: Burke’s - GENEALOGICAL AND HERALDIC HISTORY OF THE PEERAGE, BARONETAGE & KNIGHTAGE. Founded 1826 by John Burke and Sir Bernard Burke. Edited by L.G. Pine.
286810: Burke, John Butler. - THE ORIGIN OF LIFE. Its Physical and Bass and Definition.
283068: (Burke). Weare, G.E. - EDMUND BURKE’S CONNECTION WITH BRISTOL, From 1774 till 1780; With a Prefatory Memoir of Burke.
288250: Burke’s - GENEALOGICAL AND HERALDIC HISTORY OF THE PEERAGE, BARONETAGE & KNIGHTAGE. Privy Council & Order of Precedence. Founded 1826 by John Burke and Sir Bernard Burke. Edited by L.G. Pine.
288206: Burke, Sir Bernard. - A GENEALOGICAL AND HERALDIC DICTIONARY OF THE PEERAGE AND BARONETAGE. Together with Memoirs of the Privy Councillors and Knights. Edited by His Son.
285880: Burleigh, Bennett. - EMPIRE OF THE EAST Or Japan and Russia at War, 1904-5.
284540: Burlington Fine Arts Club. - CATALOGUE OF A COLLECTION OF EARLY DRAWINGS AND PICTURES OF LONDON With Some Contemporary Furniture.
280903: Burnaby, Fred. - A RIDE TO KHIVA: Travels and Adventures in Central Asia. With Maps and an Appendix, Containing, Amongst Other Information, a Series of March Routes, Translated from Several Russian Works.
277632: Burnet, G. - SOME LETTERS CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT of what seem’d most remarkable in travelling thro’ SWITZERLAND, ITALY, Some Parts of GERMANY, &c. In the years 1685 and 1686. To which is added An Appendix, containing some Remarks on Switzerland and Italy, Writ by a Person of Quality, and communicated to the Author. Together with a Table of the Contents of each Letter.
289202: Burnet, Gilbert. - THE MEMOIRS OF THE LIVES AND ACTIONS OF JAMES AND WILLIAM DUKES OF HAMILTON AND CASTLEHERALD, &c. In which an Account is given of the Rise and Progress of the Civil Wars of Scotland: With other great Transactions both in England and Germany, from the Year 1625, to the Year 1652. Together with many Letters, Instructions, and other Papers, Written by King Charles the I. Never before Published. All drawn out of, or Copied from the Originals.
289946: Burnet, Bishop [Gilbert]. - HISTORY OF HIS OWN TIME. From the Restoration of King Charles II. To the Settlement of King William and Queen Mary at the Revolution: To which is prefix’d A Summary Recapitulation of Affairs in Church and State from King James I. to the Restoration in the Year 1660; From the Revolution to the Conclusion of the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht, in the Reign of Queen Anne. To which is added, The Author’s Life, by the Editor.
281707: (Burney). Manwaring, G.E. - MY FRIEND THE ADMIRAL The Life, Letters, and Journals of Rear-Admiral James Burney, The Companion of Captain Cook and Friend of Charles Lamb.
274915: Burns, Robert. - THE COMPLETE WORKS. Containing His Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. Illustrated by W.H. Bartlett, T. Allom, and Other Artists. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham.
287907: Burns, Alan. - CELEBRATIONS. A Novel.
284083: Burr, J. Millard and Collins, Robert O. - ALMS FOR JIHAD. Charity and Terrorism in the Islamic World.
274673: Burritt, Elihu. - A WALK FROM LONDON TO JOHN O’GROATS. With Notes by the Way.
288632: Burroughs, William. - RUB OUT THE WORDS. The Letters of William S. Burroughs 1959-1974. Edited and with an Introduction by Bill Morgan.
282979: Burrows, Andrew and Peel, Edwin. (Editors). - CONTACT FORMATION AND PARTIES. Foreword by Lord Justice Longmore.
283625: Burton, Sir Richard. - SELECTED PAPERS ON ANTHROPOLOGY, TRAVEL & EXPLORATION. Now Edited with an Introduction and Occasional Notes by N.M. Penzer.
287915: (Burton). Rabbitts, Paul A. - DECIMUS BURTON. Gentleman Architect.
280061: Burton, Stanley H. - THE WATCH COLLECTION OF ... 'Warts and All'.
288792: Burton, John Wear. - THE FIJI OF TO-DAY. With an Introduction by the Rev. A.J. Small.
258616: Burton, Richard F. and Cameron, Verney Lovett. - TO THE GOLD COAST FOR GOLD. A Personal Narrative. Volume II [only].
286784: [Bushby, Henry Jeffreys]. - A MONTH IN THE CAMP BEFORE SEBASTOPOL. By a Non-Combatant.
287657: Buss, Sarah and Theunissen, Nandi. (Editors). - RETHINKING THE VALUE OF HUMANITY.
287675: Buss, Sarah and Theunissen, Nandi. (Editors). - RETHINKING THE VALUE OF HUMANITY.
287808: But et Club. - Vous Fait Revivre: LE TOUR. L’Histoire du Tour 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57.
289064: Butler, Sir Michael and Qingzheng, Professor Wang. - SEVENTEENTH CENTURY JINGDEZHEN PORCELAIN From the Shanghai Museum and the Butler Collections. Beauty’s Enchantment.
278171: Butler, Samuel. - HUDIBRAS, In Three Parts, Written in the Time of the Late Wars. With Large Annotations and a Preface by Zachary Grey.
278555: Butler, Samuel. - THE GENUINE REMAINS IN VERSE AND PROSE of ... Published from Original Manuscripts, formerly in the Possession of W. Longueville, Esq; With Notes by R. Thyer, Keeper of the Public Library at Manchester.
287513: Butler, Roderick and Valentine et al. (Compilers). - A STUDY COLLECTION OF MARKED DOMESTIC BRASS AND OTHER BASE METALWARE c.1600-c.1900. 11-22 September 2001 Catalogue of an Exhibition.
280173: Butler, Elizabeth. - FROM SKETCH-BOOK AND DIARY.
285978: Butler, Patricia. - IRISH BOTANICAL ILLUSTRATORS & Flower Painters.
286484: Butowski, Piotr. - RUSSIA’S WARPLANES. Volume 1 [only]: Russian-made Military Aircraft and Helicopters Today.
286487: Butowski, Piotr. - RUSSIA’S WARPLANES. Russian-made Military Aircraft and Helicopters Today.
286214: Buttler, Tony and Griffith, Alan. - AMERICAN SECRET PROJECTS. Fighters, Bombers and Attack Aircraft, 1937 to 1945.
286359: Buttler, Tony. - AMERICAN SECRET PROJECTS. Fighters & Interceptors 1945-1978.
281957: Byington, Mark E. - THE ANCIENT STATE OF PUYð IN NORTHEAST ASIA. Archaeology and Historical Memory.
281087: (Byrd). Vaughan, Norman D. with Murphey, Cecil B. - WITH BYRD AT THE BOTTOM OF THE WORLD. The South Pole Expedition of 1928-1930. Foreword by Govenor Jay S. Hammond.
285684: O’Byrne, William R. - A NAVAL BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY: Comprising the Life and Services of Every Living Officer in Her Majesty’s Navy, From the Bank of Admiral of the Fleet to That of Lieutenant, Inclusive.
280474: [Byrne, Julia Clara]. - CURIOSITIES OF THE SEARCH-ROOM. A collection of Serious and Whimsical wills. By the author of "Flemish Interiors," etc.
277278: (Byron). Finden’s - LANDSCAPE & PORTRAIT ILLUSTRATIONS to the Life and Works of LORD BYRON.
278210: (Byron). Heys, Alistair and Kostadinova, Vitana. - BYRON AND THE ISLES OF IMAGINATION: A Romantic Chart.
279465: Byron, Robert. - THE STATION. Athos: Treasures and Men. With an Introduction by Christopher Sykes.
286161: Cable, George W. - THE CAVALIER.
286162: Cable, George W. - THE GRANDISSIMES.
286163: Cable, George W. - OLD CREOLE DAYS.
286173: Cable, George W. - THE GRANDISSIMES. A Story of Creole Life. With an Introductory Note by J.M. Barrie.
287575: Cacciandra, Vittorio and Cesati, Alessandro. - FIRE STEELS.
251231: Cadogan, Lady Adelaide. - ILLUSTRATED GAMES OF PATIENCE. Dedicated by Permission to His Royal Highness the Duke of Albany.
285017: (Caffyn). "Mid-on" (Editor). - SEVENTY-ONE NOT OUT. The Reminiscences of William Caffyn.
280343: (Cahill). Anderson, Brendan. - JOE CAHILL. A Life in the IRA.
288840: Cahun, Léon. - INTRODUCTION A L’HISTOIRE DE L’ASIE Tures et Mongols Des origines à 1405.
282853: Caiani, Ambrogio A. - LOUIS XVI AND THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, 1789-1792.
287234: (Cailliaud). Raffeneau-Delile, M. - CENTURIE DE PLANTES D’AFRIQUE Du Voyage à Méroé, Recueillies par M. Cailliaud ...
283022: Caldecott, R. (Illustrator). - BRACEBRIDGE HALL. By Washington Irving.
288285: Caley, John and Bayley, John (Editors). - CALENDARIUM INQUISITIONUM POST MORTEM SIVE ESCAETARUM. Temporibus Regum Hen. III. Ed. I & Ed. II; Tempore Regis Edwardi III; Temporibus Regum Ric. II. & Hen. IV.;
286570: Caliaro, Luigino. - ALI DALL’ADIGE AL BRENTA.
289012: Callenfels, Dr P.V. van Stein and Swanenburg, B.D. - IWAN de Verschrikkelijke Leven en Werken.
288614: Callis, Helmut G. - FOREIGN CAPITAL IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. With an Introduction by Carl F. Remer. Preface by W.L. Holland.
282634: (Callow). Cundall, H.M. - WILLIAM CALLOW. An Autobiography
289220: Calloway, Stephen (Editor). - THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE. An Encylopedia of Domestic Architectural Details.
286785: [Calthorpe, Lt. Col. Somerset J. Gough]. - LETTERS FROM HEAD-QUARTERS; Or, the Realities of the War in the Crimea. By An Officer on the Staff.
284764: Calvert, Albert F. - SPAIN.
212763: (Cambridge 09). Wright, A.P.M. And Lewis, C.P. (Editors). - A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE And the Isle of Ely. Volume IX [Only] Chesterton, Northstowe, and Papworth Hundreds (North and North-West of Cambridge).
212768: (Cambridge 07). Wilkes, J.J. and Elrington, C.R. (Editors). - A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE And the County of Ely. Volume VII [Only] Roman Cambridgeshire.
212761: (Cambridge 09). Wright, A.P.M. And Lewis, C.P. (Editors). - A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE And the Isle of Ely. Volume IX [Only] Chesterton, Northstowe, and Papworth Hundreds (North and North-West of Cambridge).
214086: (Cambridge 02). Salzman, L.F. (Editor). - A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF CAMBRIDGE And the County of Ely. Volume II [Only] [Social and Economic History, Religious Houses, Schools, Industries].
267737: Camden, William. - [THE PORTIONS OF CAMDEN’S BRITANNIA RELATING TO WALES]. [Containing Gibson’s Edition of 1695 and Gough’s Edition of 1789] thus: CAMDEN’S BRITANNIA, newly translated into English: with large additions and improvements· Publish’d by Edmund Gibson, of Queens-College in Oxford. Published by Edmund Gibson ... Printed by F. Collins, for A. Swalle ... 1695. pp.(583-703). Double page map of South Wales by Rob Morden, double page map of Monmouth by Rob Morden, copper plate Number XX engraved by I. Kip, [Lacking map of North Wales], ills., dec. initial letters. Printed in columns. Wing C359; ESTC R12882; The first edition edited by Edmund Gibson, and the first edition to contain Robert Mordens maps BRITANNIA: or, a chorographical description of the flourishing kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the islands adjacent; from the earliest antiquity. By William Camden. Translated from the edition published by the author in MDCVII. Enlarged by the latest discoveries, by Richard Gough, F. A. & R. SS. In three volumes. ... Printed by John Nichols ... G. G. J. and J. Robinson ... 1789. pp.(465-598). Folding map of South Wales engraved by J. Cary, copper plate numbers XIV, XV XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXII, and XXI, engraved by J. Cary, folding map of Monmouth engraved by J. Cary [Lacking signature [6N2] pp.511-512], [Lacking map of North Wales], ills. Printed in columns. ESTC N15693.
284536: (Cameron). Hind, Arthur M. - THE ETCHINGS OF D.Y. CAMERON.
289917: Cameron, Avril and Garnsey, Peter (Editors). - THE CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY. Volume XIII [only] The Late Empire, A.D. 337-425.
289918: Cameron, Avril, Ward-Perkins, Bryan and Whitby, Michael. (Editors). - THE CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY. Volume XIV [only] Late Antiquity: Empire and Successors, A.D. 425-600.
245586: (Cameron). Graham, R.B. Cunninghame. - THE DISTRICT OF MENTEITH.
288952: Cammann, Schuyler. - SUBSTANCE AND SYMBOL IN CHINESE TOGGLES. Chinese Belt Toggles from the C.F. Bieber Collection.
280033: Campa, Father. - A JOURNAL OF EXPLORATIONS. Northward along the Coast from Monterey in the Year 1775. With Illustrations in original colors by Louis Choris. Edited by John Galvin.
280035: Campa, Father. - A JOURNAL OF EXPLORATIONS. Northward along the Coast from Monterey in the Year 1775. With Illustrations in original colors by Louis Choris. Edited by John Galvin.
284214: Campbell, J.B. - THE EMPEROR AND THE ROMAN ARMY 31 BC - AD 235.
288188: Campbell, Ramsey. - THE LONG WAY.
284797: Campbell, Thomas P. (Editor). - TAPESTRY IN THE BAROQUE. Threads of Splendor. Essays by Pascal-François Bertrand, Charissa Bremer-David, Koenraad Brosens, Thomas P. Campbell, Guy Delmarcel, Isabelle Denis, James G. Harper, Wendy Hefford and Lucia Meoni. Catalogue entries by Jeri Bapasola, Charissa Bremer-David, Koenraad Brosens, Elizabeth Cleland, Isabelle Denis, Nello Forti Grazzini, James G. Harper, Ebeltje Hartkamp-Jonxis, Wendy Hefford, Concha Herrero, Carretero, Katie Heyning, Florian Knothe, Lucia Meoni, Katja Schmitz-von Ledebur, Hillie Smit, and Jean Vittet.
284972: Campbell, Dr John. - LIVES OF THE BRITISH ADMIRALS: Containing an Accurate Naval History From the Earliest Periods. The Naval History Continued to the Year 1779 by Dr Berkenhout. A New Edition, Revised, Corrected, And the Historical Part further continued to the Year 1780, By the Late Henry Redfield Yorke, Esq. And further continued to The Last Expedition Against Algiers in 1816, With the Lives of the Most Eminent Naval Commanders From the Time of Dr Campbell to the above Period.
259288: Campbell, John. - A POLITICAL SURVEY OF BRITAIN: Being a Series of reflections on the Situation, Lands, Inhabitants, Revenues, Colonies, and Commerce of This Island. Intended to Shew That we have not as yet approached near the Summit of Improvement, but that it will afford Employment to many Generations before they push to their utmost Extent the natural Advantages of Great Britain.
284696: Campbell, Bruce M.S. - ENGLISH SEIGNIORIAL AGRICULTURE 1250-1450.
280558: Campbell, Thomas. - THE POETICAL WORKS. Reprinted from the Early Editions. With Memoir, Explanatory Notes etc.
267251: Campbell, Thomas. - THE PLEASURES OF HOPE, With Other Poems.
285100: [Campbell, W.F.] - LIFE IN NORMANDY. Sketches of French Fishing, Farming, Cooking, Natural History, and Politics drawn from Nature.
285590: Cañero, Julio and Claudio, Esther. (Editors). - ON THE EDGE OF THE PANEL. Essays on Comics Criticism.
281391: Cannon, Richard. - HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE EIGHTEENTH, Or the Royal Irish Regiment of Foot; Containing An Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1684, and Of its Subsequent Services to 1848.
275647: Cannon, Richard (Compiler). - HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE SEVENTH, Or Princess Royal’s Regiment of Dragoon Guards: Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1688; And of its Subsequent Services to 1839.
276424: Cannon, Richard. - HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE NINTH, Or the Queen’s Royal Regiment of Light Dragoons; Lancers: Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1715, and of its Subsequent Services to 1841.
288783: (Cantemir). Dutu, Alexandru and Cernovodeanu, Paul (Editors). - DIMITRIE CENTEMIR Historian of South East European and Oriental Civilizations. Extracts from "The History of the Ottoman Empire". With a Foreword by Professor Halil Inalcik President of the AIESEE.
285753: Cantor, David James. - RETURNS OF INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS DURING ARMED CONFLICT. International Law and its Application in Columbia.
283201: Capdevila, Juan. - LA FORTIFICATION DE CAMPAÑA.
289543: Cape Times Limited. - CAPE TIMES SOUTH AFRICAN DIRECTORY 1951. The Cape Province Section (including The Transkei, East Griqualand, Pondoland, Tembuland, Bechuanaland, and the South-West Africa Protectorate) comprises a full directory not only of Professions and Businesses but also of Private Residents and Farmers. The remainder (covering the other three Provinces of the Union, Swaziland and Basutoland, the two Rhodesias, Portuguese East and West Africa, Elizabethville (Congo) and Nyasaland) is a Commercial Directory giving the names and addresses of Professional and Business people only.
289542: Cape Times Limited. - CAPE TIMES SOUTH AFRICAN DIRECTORY 1944-45. The Cape Province Section (including The Transkei, East Griqualand, Pondoland, Tembuland, Bechuanaland, and the South-West Africa Protectorate) comprises a full directory not only of Professions and Businesses but also of Private Residents and Farmers. The remainder (covering the other three Provinces of the Union, Swaziland and Basutoland, the two Rhodesias, Portuguese East and West Africa, Elizabethville (Congo) and Nyasaland) is a Commercial Directory giving the names and addresses of Professional and Business people only.
289544: Cape Times Limited. - CAPE TIMES SOUTH AFRICAN DIRECTORY 1934. The Cape Province Section (including The Transkei, East Griqualand, Pondoland, Tembuland, Bechuanaland, and the South-West Africa Protectorate) comprises a full directory not only of Professions and Businesses but also of Private Residents and Farmers. The remainder (covering the other three Provinces of the Union, Swaziland and Basutoland, the two Rhodesias, Portuguese East and West Africa, Elizabethville (Congo) and Nyasaland) is a Commercial Directory giving the names and addresses of Professional and Business people only.
273823: Caradoc of Llancarvan. - THE HISTORY OF WALES. Written Originally in British by Caradoc of Llancarvan; Translated into English by Dr Powell; Augmented by W. Wynne. Revised and Corrected, and a Collection of Topographical Notices Attached Together by Richard Llwyd.
259697: Caravanna, Jorge. - RITES OF POWER Oriental Weapons. Collection of ...
285758: Cardona-Fox, Gabriel. - EXILE WITHIN BORDERS. A Global Look at Commitment to the International Regime to Protect Internally Displaced Persons.
290057: Carew, F.W. [Pseudonym of Arthur E.G. Way]. (Editor). - NO. 747. Being the Autobiography of a Gipsy.
282790: Carey, Hilary M. - GOD’S EMPIRE. Religion and Colonialism in the British World, c. 1801-1908.
282100: Carlson, Leland H. - AN ALASKAN GOLD MINE. The Story of No. 9 Above.
279528: Carlyle, Thomas. - ON HEROES HERO-WORSHIP And the Heroic in History.
289562: Carmichael, Richard. - AN ESSAY ON THE VENEREAL DISEASES Which have been confounded with SYPHILIS, And the Symptoms which exclusively arise from that Poison. Illustrated by drawings of the Cutaneous Eruptions of true Syphilis, and the resembling Diseases.
287042: Carne, John. - SYRIA, THE HOLY LAND, ASIA MINOR &C. Illustrated in a Series of Views Drawn From Nature by W.H. Bartlett, William Purser, &c. First, Second and Third Series.
287267: (Carragáin). Minnnis, Alastair and Roberts, Jane. - TEXT, IMAGE, INTERPRETATION. Studies in Anglo-Saxon Literature and its Insular Context in Honour of Éamonn Ó Carragáin.
289070: Carrapiett, W.J.S. - THE SALONS.
289306: Carré, John le. - THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD.
286868: Carrier, E.H. - WATER AND GRASS. A Study in the Pastoral Economy of Southern Europe.
286128: (Carrington). Garnett, David. - CARRINGTON. Letters and Extracts from her Diaries. Chosen and with an Introduction by ... With a Biographical Note by Noel Carrington.
283019: Carroll, Lewis. - ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND. With the original illustrations by John Tenniel.
273345: Carroll, Lewis. - SYLVIE AND BRUNO.
289751: (Carroll). Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson. (Editor). - THE LEWIS CARROLL PICTURE BOOK. A Selection from the Unpublished Writings and Drawings of Lewis Carroll, together with reprints from scarce and unacknowledged work.
289839: Carroll, Lewis. - FURTHER NONSENSE VERSE AND PROSE. Edited by Langford Reed.
286183: (Carroll). Hudson, Derek. - LEWIS CARROLL AND G.M. HOPKINS & OTHER PAPERS.
276502: Carruthers, S.W. - THREE CENTURIES OF THE WESTMINSTER SHORTER CATECHISM. With a Facsimile Reproduction of the Original Manuscript Presented to Parliament 25th November 1647.
285186: Carruthers’ Dr Jane (Editor). - THE JAMESON RAID. A Centennial Retrospective.
272085: (Carson). Wiggins, Gene. - FIDDLIN’ GEORGIA CRAZY. Fiddlin’ John Carson, His Real World, and the World of His Songs. With a Discography by Norm Cohen.
283887: Cartellieri, Otto. - THE COURT OF BURGUNDY.
289921: Carter, Matt. - HONOR REDIVIVUS: Or, the analysis of honor and armory; reprinted with many useful and necessary additions; and supply'd with the names and titles of honour of the present nobility of England, the bishops, baronets, Members of Parliament, &c.
289509: Carter, A.C.R. - THE WORK OF WAR ARTISTS IN SOUTH AFRICA. Annotations by Steve Lunderstedt. Foreword by Dr. Ryno Greenwall.
283661: Cartland, Barbara. - THE ISTHMUS YEARS.
285934: Cartlidge, Michelle. - PIPPIN AND POD.
288546: Cartwright, B.O. - A SIAMESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY.
283712: Carvalho, Susana and Gemenne, François. (Editors). - NATIONS AND THEIR HISTORIES. Constructions and Representations.
289714: Cary, John. - CARY’S NEW MAP OF ENGLAND AND WALES With Part of Scotland. On Which are Carefully Laid Down All the direct and Principal Cross Roads, the Course of the Rivers and Navigable Canals, Cities, Market and Borough Towns, Parishes, and most considerable Hamlets, Parks, Forests, &c.&c. Delineated from Actual Surveys: and materially assisted from Authentic Documents Liberally supplied by the Right Honourable the Post Masters General.
289595: Cary’s - NEW INTINERARY OR, AN ACCURATE DELINEATION OF THE GREAT ROADS Both Direct and Cross throughout England and Wales; With many of the Principal Roads in Scotland. From an Actual Admeasurement by John Cary ... This work shows the Immediate Route from the Metropolis to all parts of England and Wales; And From Town to Town in every direction, distinguishing also the Cities, Market, Borough and Corporate Towns: ....
274420: Cary, John. - A MAP OF NORTH WALES From the Best Authorities.
289619: (Casanova). Machen, Arthur. - THE MEMOIRS OF JACQUES CASANOVA DE SEINGALT. Venetian Years. Paris and Prison. The Eternal Quest.Adventures in the South. In London and Moscow. Spanish Passions. The first complete and unabridged English traslation by ...
280561: (Casas). Helps, Arthur. - THE LIFE OF LAS CASAS, The Apostle of the Indies.
286607: (Casey). Cahill, Sean and Casey, Jimmy. - "TELL ME SHAWN O’FARRELL" The life and work of John Keegan Casey. 1846-1870.
285103: Cassell and Company, Ltd. - BRITAIN AT WORK. A Pictorial Description of our National Industries.
287068: Cassell & Co. - THE PICTURESQUE MEDITERRANEAN. With Illustrations by the Most Eminent Artists.
286546: Cassell & Company. - RIVERS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial. Rivers of the East Coast [Only].
284492: Cassell & Company. - RIVERS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Rivers of the South and West Coasts. Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial.
253468: Cassell and Co. (Publishers). - PICTURESQUE EUROPE. The British Isles. Europe.
273286: Cassell’s - DICTIONARY OF COOKERY, With numerous engravings and full-page coloured plates. Containing about Nine Thousand Recipes.
287300: Cassell & Company. - RIVERS OF GREAT BRITAIN. The Thames, from Source to Sea.
284490: Cassell & Company. - RIVERS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Rivers of the East Coast. Descriptive, Historical, Pictorial.
282487: Casson, Mark. - THE WORLD’S FIRST RAILWAY SYSTEM. Enterprise, Competition, and Regulation on the Railway Network in Victorian Britain.
283540: Casti, Giambatista, - GLI ANIMALI PARLANTI POEMA.
287814: Castle, George. - THE CHYMICAL GALENIST: A Treatise, Wherein The Practise of the Ancients is reconcil'd to the new Discoveries in the Theory of Physick; Shewing, That many of their Rules, Methods, and Medicins, are useful for the Curing of Diseases in this Age, and in the Northern parts of the World. In which are some Reflections upon a Book, Intituled, Medela Medicinæ.
282079: Catlos, Brian A. - MUSLIMS OF MEDIEVAL LATIN CHRISTENDOM, c. 1050-1614.
285660: Causton, H.K.S. - HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF THE CEREMONIES Performed at the Inauguration of the Kings of England. The Ancient Coronation Procession From the Tower to Westminster. To which is added a Minute Description of The Regalia.
285730: (Cavalli). Bianchi, Matteo. - MASSIMO CAVALLI. Catalogo ragionato dell’opera grafica. Scritti di Daniel Abadie, Carole Haensler Huguet, Michel Melot, Marta Silenzi e del curatore.
289445: Cave, C.J.P. - ROOF BOSSES IN MEDIEVAL CHURCHES. An Aspect of Gothic Sculpture.
285954: Caveney, Sylvia. - LITTLE ZIP’S NIGHT-TIME BOOK.
289003: Cawed, Carmencita. - THE CULTURE OF THE BONTO IGOROTS.
284478: Cawkwell, George. - CYRENE TO CHAERONEA. Selected Essays on Ancient Greek History.
284471: Cawkwell, George. - THE GREEK WARS. The Failure of Persia.
288271: [Cayley, John (Editor)]. - VALOR ECCLESIASTICUS Temp. Henr. VIII. Auctoritate Regia. Institutus.
280111: Cecil, Henry. - TELL YOU WHAT I’LL DO.
287436: Çelebi, Evilya. - AN OTTOMAN TRAVELLER. Selections from the Book of Travels of ... Translation and Commentary by Robert Dankoff and Sooynang Kim.
280224: Celtic Congress France. - LES CELTES À QUIMPER 6-13 Septembre, 1924.
289941: Cercas, Javier. - SOLDIERS OF SALAMIS. Translated from the Spanish by Anne McLean.
273243: Cerceau, J.-A. du. - LES PLUS EXCELLENTS BASTIMENTS de France. Présentation et Commentaires par David Thomson. Traduit de l’Anglais par Catherine Ludet.
285124: Cerqueira, A. de Carvalho. - ASPECTOS CARACTERISTICOS DA CIDADE DO PORTO. Collecçäo obtida e organisada por ...
283230: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. - THE HISTORY OF DON QUIXOTE of the Mancha. Translated from the Spanish of ... Reprinted from the First Edition, 1612-1620. With a New Preface by F.J. Harvey Darton.
284767: Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. - DON QUIXOTE de la Mancha. Translated From the Original Spanish of ... by Charles Jarvis.
284626: (Cézanne). Geskó, Judit. - CÉZANNE and the Past Tradition and Creativity. With essays by Isabelle Cahn, Caroline Elam, Bruno Ely ... Richard Shiff, Mary Tompkins Lewis, Linda Whiteley.
290068: Chacél, Mariano. - CANTO DEL GITANO.
283498: Chahine, Richard A. - LES ORIENTALISTES AU LIBAN. Phénicie, Liban et l’Art de l’estampe. THE ORIENTALISTS IN LEBANON. Phoenicia, Lebanon and the Art of engraving.
286458: Chaillu, Paul B du. - IM LANDE MITTERNACHTS-SONNE. Sommer- und Winterreisen durch Norwegen und Schweden, Lappland und Nord-Finnland, frei übersetzt von A.Helms. Mit 48 Tonbildern, ungefähr 200 Holzschnitten im Text, einer großen Ansicht von Stockholm uund Karte.
278481: Chair, Somerset de. (Editor). - NAPOLEON’S MEMOIRS. I. Corsica to Marengo. II. Waterloo Campaign.
288012: Chalcraft, Anna and Viscardi, Judith. - STRAWBERRY HILL. Horace Walpole’s Gothic Castle.
274103: Challis, Rev. James. - CREATION IN PLAN AND IN PROGRESS: Being an Essay on the First Chapter of Genesis.
259847: Chambaud, Louis. - NOUVEAU DICTIONNAIRE FRANÇOIS-ANGLOIS & ANGLOIS-FRANÇOIS. Contenant la Signification des Mots, avec Leurs Différens Usages, les Constructions, les Façons de Parler Particulières, les Idiotismes, & les Proverbes Usités dans l’une & l’Autre Langue; les Termes des Sciences, des Arts, & des Métiers; Le tout recueilli des meilleurs auteurs Anglois & François.
289238: Chamberlin, Powell & Bon, Architects. - BARBICAN REDEVELOPMENT 1959. Report to the Court of Common Council of the Corporation of the City of London on residential development within the Barbican area prepared on the instructions of the Barbican Committee.
267258: Chambers, Robert. - SELECT WRITINGS. Essays Familiar and Humorous; Essays Moral and Economic; Essays Philosophical, Sentimental and Historical Sketches; History of the Rebellion 6th Ed.; Traditions of Edinburgh. New Ed. Much Amended; Popular Rhymes of Scotland. Third Ed. with Additions. Original Poems.
287322: Chambers, R. (Editor). - THE BOOK OF DAYS. A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with the Calendar Including Anecdote, Biography, & History Curiosities of Literature and Oddities of Human Life and Character.
289641: Chambers, E.K. - THE ELIZABETHAN STAGE.
282964: Chambers, Robert; Mitchell, Charles and Penner, James. (Editors). - PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE LAW OF UNJUST ENRICHMENT.
275446: Chambers, Robert. - TRADITIONS OF EDINBURGH. Illustrated by James Riddel.
285777: Chambers, E.K. - THE MEDIAEVAL STAGE.
287176: Chambers, E.K. - THE ENGLISH FOLK-PLAY.
279649: Chambers, Capt. William. - ATLAS OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN 1779-1780. With an Introductory Essay by J. Kevin Graffagnino.
284020: Chapman, Abel. - THE BORDERS AND BEYOND Arctic...Cheviot...Tropic.
281422: Chapman, Olive Murray. - ACROSS ICELAND. The Land of Frost and Fire.
280668: Chappell, Lieut. Edward. - NARRATIVE OF A VOYAGE TO HUDSON’S BAY In His Majesty’s Ship Rosamond. Containing Some Account of the North-Eastern Coast of America and of the Tribes Inhabiting That Remote Region.
252798: Chardin, Chevalier. - VOYAGES du ... en Perse et Autres Lieux de L’Orient ... Paris á Ispahan; d'Ispahan; & la Relation des deux Voyages de l'Auteur, d'Ispahan á Bander-Abassi; Description Générale de L'Empire de perse, & les Descriptions particulieres des Sciences & des Arts. Gouvernement Politique, Militaire, & Civil; La Description de la Religion des Persans, & le Couronnement de Soliman III.
288699: (Chareau). Vellay, Dominique. - LA MAISON DE VERRE. Pierre Chareau’s Modernist Masterwork.
283304: (Charles I). Skelton, Sir John. - CHARLES I.
290023: (Charles II). Airy, Osmund. - CHARLES II.
278545: Charles Birchall Ltd. (Publisher). - NORTH WALES & CHESTER OFFICIAL YEAR BOOK. A Directory of County, Municipal, Educational, and all other Public Administrative Bodies. Also Classified Lists of Representatives and Officials, Clergy and Ministers, Professional Men, and other Local Information.
289849: (Charles I). - THE OGLIO OF TRAYTORS: Including the illegal tryall of his late Maiesty. With a catalogue of their names that sat as judges and consented to the judgment: with his Majesties reasons against their usurped power and his late speech. To which is now added, the severall depositions of the pretended witnesses, as it is printed in the French coppy: with the whole proceedings against Colonel J. Penruddock of Compton in Wilts, and his speech before he dyed. As also, the speech of that resolved gentleman, Mr. Hugh Grove of Chissenbury Esquire, who was beheaded the same day: not before printed.
283016: (Charters). - A TRANSLATION OF THE CHARTER GRANTED TO THE CITY OF HEREFORD By King William The Third, June 14, 1697.
285561: Chase, James and Reynolds, Jack. - ANALYTIC VERSUS CONTINENTAL. Arguments on the Methods and Value of Philosophy.
282005: (Chase). Smithgall, Elsa; Hirschler, Erica E; Bourguignon; Ginex, Giovanna and Davis, John. - WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE. A Modern Master. With a foreword by D. Frederick Baker.
284095: Chátellier, Louis. - THE RELIGION OF THE POOR. Rural missions in Europe and the formation of modern Catholicism, c.1500 - c.1800.
278486: Chatfield, Paul. [pseud. Horace Smith]. - THE TIN TRUMPET; Or, Heads and Tales, for the Wise and Waggish; to which are added Poetical Selections. Edited by Jefferson Saunders.
285600: (Chaucer). Patterson, Lee. - TEMPORAL CIRCUMSTANCES. Form and History in the Canterbury Tales.
281448: Chaucer, G. - THE CANTERBURY TALES OF CHAUCER. To Which are Added, An Essay on His Language and Versification, and An Introductory Discourse, Together with Notes and a Glossary. By Thomas Tyrwhitt. With Memoir and Critical Dissertation by the Rev. George Gilfillan.
289553: Chauliac, Guy de. - LE MAISTRE EN CHIRURGIE, OU L’ABREGE’ COMPLET DE LA CHIRURGIE. Par Demandes & par Résponses, en la maniere qu’on interroge les Aspirans à Sainte Cosme par L. Verduc. Nouvelle Edition augmentée d’un Dictionnaire Etymologique des mots dérivez du Grec, qui sont en usage dans la Chirurgie.
273200: Chearnley, Samuel. - MISCELANEA STRUCTURA CURIOSA. Edited by William Laffan.
275442: Cheatle, Sir G. Lenthal and Cutler, Max. - TUMOURS OF THE BREAST. Their Pathology, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
287435: Chehabi, H.E. - DISTANT RELATIONS: Iran and Lebanon in the last 500 years.
288386: Chelliah, Rev. D.D. - A HISTORY OF THE EDUCATIONAL POLICY OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS with Recommendations for a New System based on Vernaculars.
290000: Cheng, S.K. (Compiler). - CHINESE COOKERY BOOK.
283279: Chester, R.H. and McMillan, N.A.C. - MEN IN BLACK. 75 Years of New Zealand International Rugby.
288142: Chester, Sir Norman. - THE ENGLISH ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEM 1780-1870.
259326: Chesterfield, Right Hon. Philip Dormer Stanhope Earl of. - LETTERS Written by the Late ... to his Son Philp Stanhope, Esq; Late Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Dresden: Together with Several Other Pieces on Various Subjects. Published by Mrs Eugenia Stanhope, from the Original Now in Her Possession.
286367: Chesterton, G.K. - THE COLOURED LANDS. Illustrated by the Author.
284941: (Chesterton). Dorsett, Lyle W. (Editor). - G.K.’S WEEKLY. A Sampler. Edited with an Introduction by ...
283471: (Chevalier). Fouquet, Jean. - THE HOURS OF ETIENNE CHEVALIER. Musée Condé, Chantilly. Preface by Charles Sterling. Introduction and Legends by Claude Schaefer. Texts translated from the French by Marianne Sinclair.
279306: [Chevalley de Rivaz, Victor]. - ROUND THE TABLE. Notes on Cookery, and Plain Recipes, with a Selection of Bills of Fare for every Month by "The G.C."
285395: Cheyney, Peter. - YOU CAN ALWAYS DUCK. A Novel.
282026: Chicago Record Co. - KLONDIKE The Chicago Records Book for Gold Seekers.
282770: Chignell, W.R. - A HISTORY OF THE WORCESTER COUNTY CRICKET CLUB 1844-1950. Foreword by Maurice F.S. Jewell.
288896: Chijs, Mr J.A. Van der. - INVENTARIS VAN ‘SLANDS ARCHIEF TE BATAVIA (1602-1816). Zamengesteld en Uitgegeven op last van de Nederlandsch-Indische Regering.
289920: Childers, Erskine. - IN THE RANKS OF THE C.I.V. A Narrative and Diary of Personal Experiences with the C.I.V. Battery (Honourable Artillery Company) in South Africa.
282115: Chilvers, Hedley A. - OUT OF THE CRUCIBLE. Being the Romantic Story of the Witwatersrand Goldfields; and of the Great City which arose in their midst.
287543: Chinnery, Victor. - OAK FURNITURE. The British Tradition. A History of Early Furniture in the British Isles and New England.
289758: Chisholm, Louey. - THE GOLDEN STAIRCASE. Poems and verses for Children chosen by ...
281205: Chisholm, Louey. - THE GOLDEN STAIRCASE. Poems and verses for Children chosen by ...
200733: Choisy, M. L’Abbé de. - JOURNAL DU VOYAGE DE SIAM Fait en 1685 & 1686.
275279: Choulant, Ludwig. - HISTORY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ANATOMIC ILLUSTRATION In Its Relation to Anatomic Science and the Graphic Arts. Translated and Edited with Notes and Biography by Mortimer Frank. With a Biographical Sketch of the Translator and Two Additional Sections by Fielding H. Garrison and Edward C. Streeter.
283935: Christie, Robert H. (Compiler). - BANQUETS OF THE NATIONS. Eighty-six Diners Characteristic and Typical each of its own Country.
289991: Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd. - THE HARTMAN COLLECTION OF JAPANESE METALWORK Which will be sold at Auction by ... at Quaglino’s Ballroom, Bury Street, St. James’s, London SW1Y 6AJ. On Wednesday, June 30, 1976 (Lots 1-349) and on Thursday, July 1, 1976 (Lots 350-676) ...
287123: Christison, David. - EARLY FORTIFICATIONS IN SCOTLAND Motes, Camps and Forts.
284521: Church, Alfred J. - ISIS AND THAMESIS. Hours on the River from Oxford to Henley.
277428: (Church). Church, E.M. - SIR RICHARD CHURCH IN ITALY AND GREECE. Chapters in an Adventurous Life.
284789: Churchill, The Rt. Hon. Winston S. - THE WORLD CRISIS. 1911-1914; 1915; 1916-1918 Part I; ... Part II; The Aftermath; The Eastern Front.
284979: (Churchill). Churchill, Randolph S. and Gilbert, Martin. - WINSTON S. CHURCHILL. Youth 1874-1900; Young Statesman 1901-1914; 1914-1916; 1917-1922; 1922-1939; Finest Hour 1939-1941; Road to Victory 1941-1945; Never Despair 1945-1965.
280891: Churchyard, Thomas. - THE WORTHINES OF WALES A Poem. A True Note of The auncient Castles, famous Monuments, good-ly Rivers, faire Bridges, fine Townes, and courteous People, that I have seen in the noble Countie of Wales, and Now Set Forth ...
289139: Cicero, Marcus Tullius. - ORATIONES M. Tullii Ciceronis per Philippú Beroaldúre cognitae ac diligeter correctae. Addita in Calce Oratione aduersus Valerium quae hactenus incognita fuit.
284220: (Cicero). Lintott, Andrew. - CICERO AS EVIDENCE. A Historian’s Companion.
268285: (Cigarette Album). - THE "LONDON" CIGARETTE CARD ALBUM. 22 Complete Cigarette Card Sets, a total of 930 cards.
279314: City of Birmingham School of Printing. - CHRIST’S SERMON ON THE MOUNT. Being the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Chapters of the Gospel according to St. Matthew.
283499: Ciucã, Valentin. - UN SECOL DE ARTE FRUMOASE LA LASI.
287749: Clarendon, Edward Earl of. - THE HISTORY OF THE REBELLION AND CIVIL WARS IN ENGLAND Begun in the Year 1641. Re-edited from a fresh collation of the Original Ms. in the Bodleian Library with marginal dates and occasional notes by W. Dunn Macray.
289855: Clarendon, Edward Earl of. - THE LIFE of ... Lord High Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Containing, I. An Account of the Chancellor's Life from his Birth to the Restoration in 1660. II. A Continuation of the same, and of his History of the Grand Rebellion, from the Restoration to his Banishment in 1667. Written by himself. Printed from his original manuscripts, given to the University of Oxford by the Heirs of the late Earl of Clarendon.
282235: Claretie, Léo - COINS DE PARIS. Illustrations de Foulquier, Gérardin, Louis Malteste, Fraipont.
290145: Clark, Geo. T. - THE LAND OF MORGAN: Being a Contribution Towards the History of the Lordship of Glamorgan.
287181: Clark, Anne. - BEASTS AND BAWDY.
282859: Clark, J.C.D. - ENGLISH SOCIETY 1660-1832. Religion, ideology and politics during the ancien regime.
286361: Clark, C.S. - THE LANCHESTER LEGACY. A Trilogy of Lanchester Works. Volume One - 1895 to 1931. Foreword by Nick Scheele.
289792: Clarke, Harry. (Illustrator). - FAIRY TALES FROM HANS ANDERSON.
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289608: Clarke’s - NEW LAW LIST; Being a list of the Judges & Officers of the different courts of Justice: Counsel, Certificated Special Pleaders, Conveyancers; & a complete & accurate list of Certificated Attornies, Notaries, etc. in England & Wales with the London Agents to the Country Attornies ... To which are Added, Tables of Sheriffs, and Agents; Lists of Bankers; Law and Public Officers; Circuits of the Judges, Quarter Sessions, &c. And a Variety of other Useful Matter by Teesdale Cockell.
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