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289401: Lucas, E.V. - READING, WRITING AND REMEMBERING. A Literary Record.
284532: Lucas, E.V. - HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS IN SUSSEX. With illustrations by Frederick L. Griggs.
289013: Luce, G.H. - PHASES OF PRE-PAGÁN BURMA Languages and History.
274921: Luckett, W. Patrick and Hartenberger, Jean-Louis (Editors). - EVOLUTIONARY RELATIONSHIPS AMONG RODENTS. A Multidisciplinary Analysis.
269162: Lugar, R. - THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN’S ARCHITECT; Containing a Variety of Designs for Farm Houses and Farm Yards of Different Magnitudes, Arranged on the Most Approved Principles for Arable, Grazing, Feeding, and Dairy Farms; With Plans and Sections Shewing at Large The Construction of Cottages, Barns, Stables, Feeding-Houses, Dairies, Brew-Houses, Maltings, &c. With Plans for Stables and Dog-Kennels; To Which are Added, Designs for Labourers’ Cottage and Small Villas. The Whole Adapted to the Use of Country Gentlemen About to Build or to Alter.
288673: Lummis, Canon William Murrell. - HONOUR THE LIGHT BRIGADE. A Record of the Services of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the Five Light Cavalry Regiments, which made up the Light Brigade at Balaclava on October 25th 1854 and saw service in the Crimea from September 1854 to the end of the War. Edited, arranged and additional material supplied by Kenneth G. Wynn.
289495: Lunderstedt, Steve (Editor). - SUMMER OF 1899. The Siege of Kimberley. 14 October 1899 to 15 February 1900.
289491: Lunderstedt, Steve (Editor). - SUMMER OF 1899. The Siege of Kimberley. 14 October 1899 to 15 February 1900.
282586: Lunine, Jonathan I. - EARTH Evolution of a Habitable World.
279821: Lupton, Joyce. - THE SEEKERS.
278928: Lutyens, E.L. - HOUSES AND GARDENS. Described and criticised by Lawrence Weaver.
287993: (Lutyens). Stamp, Gavin. - EDWIN LUTYENS Country Houses from the Archives of Country Life.
278915: (Lutyens). Butler, A.S.G. - THE DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE OF SIR EDWIN LUTYENS. With the Collaboration of George Stewart & Christopher Hussey. A reprint of the Country-Houses volume from the three volume Lutyens memorial set ‘The Architecture of Sir Edwin Lutyens.’
290030: Ly, Do Vang. - AGGRESSIONS BY CHINA. (A peep into the History of Vietnam.
288551: (Lyman). - THE MARTYR OF SUMATRA: A Memoir of Henry Lyman.
278352: Lynam, Rev. Rob. - THE MIRROR: With A Biographical, Historical and Critical Preface.
287243: Lyndon, Barré. - COMBAT. A Motor Racing History. With an Interlude and Epilogue by the Right Hon. the Earl Howe.
282037: Lyon, Jonathan R. - PRINCELY BROTHERS AND SISTERS. The Sibling Bond in German Politics, 1100-1250.
284386: Lysons, Rev. Daniel. - THE ENVIRONS OF LONDON: Being an historical account of the towns, villages, and hamlets, within twelve miles of that capital; interspersed with biographical anecdotes. County of Surrey; County of Middlesex; Counties of Herts. Essex & Kent; An Historical Account of Those Parishes in the County of Middlesex, Which are Not Described in the Environs of London.
286451: Lyte, H.C. Maxwell. - A HISTORY OF ETON COLLEGE 1440-1875.
289873: Lyttelton, George Lord. - THE HISTORY OF THE LIFE OF KING HENRY THE SECOND, and of the age in which he lived, in five books: to which is prefixed, a history of the revolutions of England from the death of Edward the Confessor to the birth of Henry the Second.
274066: Lyttelton, George Lord. - THE WORKS. Of ... Formerly printed seperately, and now collected together: With some other Pieces, never before printed.
285728: Ma, Sheng-mei. - OFF-WHITE. Yellowface and Chinglish by Anglo-American Culture.
279772: Mabey, Richard. - THE BARLEY BIRD. Notes on the Suffolk Nightingale.
290174: Macalister, Sir Donald. - ROMANI VERSIONS. With an Introduction by Dr. John Sampson.
290175: Macalister, Sir Donald. - ROMANI VERSIONS. With an Introduction by Dr. John Sampson.
290162: Macartney, C.A. - STUDIES ON EARLY HUNGARIAN AND PONTIC HISTORY. Edited by Lóránt Czigánt and Lószló Péter.
288743: Macdonald, David. - EXPEDITION TO BORNEO. The search for Proboseis monkeys and other creatures.
277483: Macdonald, Major J.R.L. - SOLDIERING AND SURVEYING IN BRITISH EAST AFRICA 1891-1894. With a New Introduction by A.T. Mason.
282177: MacDonald, Alexander. - IN SEARCH OF EL DORADO. A Wanderer’s Experiences. With an Introduction by Admiral Moresby.
282271: MacDonald, James and Sinclair, James. - HISTORY OF HEREFORD CATTLE. Revised Edition by James Sinclair.
279918: Macdonell, A.G. - THE SPANISH PISTOL And Other Stories.
287664: (Machiavelli). Anglo, Sydney. - MACHIAVELLI. The First Century. Studies in Enthusiasm, Hostility, and Irrelevance.
152159: Mackenna, F. Severne. - CHELSEA PORCELAIN. The Triangle and Raised Anchor Wares.
283356: Mackinder, H.J. - THE RHINE. Its Valley & History.
282290: (Mackinnon). Munro, J. Forbes. - MARITIME ENTERPRISE AND EMPIRE. Sir William Mackinnon and His Business Network, 1823-93.
281833: Macksey, Piers. - BRITISH VICTORY IN EGYPT 1801. The end of Napoleon’s conquest.
287177: Maclagan, Robert Craig. - THE GAMES & DIVERSIONS OF ARGYLESHIRE.
287156: Maclagan, R.C. - EVIL EYE In the Western Highlands.
282791: MacLeod, Christine. - HEROES OF INVENTION. Technology, Liberalism and British Identity 1750-1914.
289420: Macloghlin, Edward Percy Plantagenet. - DELIBERATE WRITINGS. With Preface, Brief Memoir, and Appendix, by his Wife Eliza Macloghlin.
289121: MacMahon, Major-General A. Ruxton. - FAR CATHAY AND FARTHER INDIA.
290039: Macritchie, David. - SCOTTISH GYPSIES Under the Stewarts.
273007: Magazzari, Giovanni. - TRATTATO DELLA COMPOSIZIONE E DELL’ORNAMENTO DE’ GIARDINI. A cura di Lina Danielli.
287795: (Magritte). Torczyner, Harry. - MAGRITTE. Ideas and Images. Translated by Richard Miller.
286822: Maher, Jim. - THE FLYING COLUMN - WEST KILKENNY 1916-21. Introduction by Willie Nolan.
286858: (Maïmonide). - SARH ASMA AL-UQQAR (L'explication Des Noms De drogues). Un Glossaire de Matière Médicale Composé par Maïmonide. Texte Publié pour la Première Fois d’Après le Manuscript Unique par Max Meyerhof.
281327: Mainwaring, Major Arthur. - CROWN AND COMPANY. The Historical Records of the 2nd Batt. Royal Dublin Fusiliers formerly the 1st Bombay European Regiment 1662-1922.
281100: Maisky, Ivan. - THE MAISKY DIARIES. Red Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s 1932-1943. Translated by Tatiana Sorokina and Oliver Ready. Edited by Gabriel Gorodetsky.
280260: Maistre, Xavier de. - BIBLIOTHECA CURIOSA. A Nocturnal Expedition Round My Room. Translated from the French by Edmund Goldsmith.
282775: Major, Emma. - MADAM BRITANNIA Women, Church, and Nation, 1712-1812.
282353: Makepeace, Margaret. - THE EAST INDIA COMPANY’S LONDON WORKERS. Management of the Warehouse Labourers, 1800-1858.
285580: Malachowski, Alan. - THE NEW PRAGMATISM.
281806: Malaspina, Alejandro. - THE MALASPINA EXPEDITION 1789-1794. Journal of the Voyage by ... Cadiz to Panama; Panama to the Philippines; Manila to Cadiz; Edited by Andrew David, Felipe Fernandez-Arnesto ... Introduction by Donald C. Cutter.
280237: Malaspina, Alejandro. - THE MALASPINA EXPEDITION 1789-1794. Journal of the Voyage by ... Cadiz to Panama. Panama to the Philippines. Manila to Cadiz. Edited by Andrew David, Felipe Fernandez-Arnesto, Carlos Novi, Glyndwr Williams. Introduction by Donald C. Cutter.
280078: (Malcolm). Kaye, John William. - THE LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF MAJOR-GENERAL SIR JOHN MALCOLM G.C.B. Late Envoy to Persia, and Governor of Bombay; From Unpublished Letters and Journals.
278960: Malcolm, Colonel Sir John. - THE HISTORY OF PERSIA, From the most early Period to the Present Time: Containing An Account of the Religion, Government, Usages and Character of the Inhabitants of That Kingdom.
285689: Malden, John & Eilean (Editor). - THE DUNVEGAN ARMORIAL.
286564: (Malini). Vernon, Dai. - MALINI AND HIS MAGIC. Edited by Lewis Ganson.
284076: Malkin, Benj. Heath. - THE SCENERY, ANTIQUITIES AND BIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH WALES, From Materials Collected During Two Excursions in the Year 1803.
287826: Mallea, Eduardo. - CHAVES and Other Stories. Translated from the Spanish by Maria Mercedes Aspiazu, John B. Hughes, Helen B. MacMillan, Harriet de Onís, and Maria Angelica Deulofeu.
288875: Malleret, Louis. - L’ARCHÉOLOGIE DU DELTA DU MÉKONG. Tome Second [only] La Civilisation Matérielle D’Oc-Èo. Texte and Planches.
288891: Malleret, Louis. - L’ARCHÉOLOGIE DU DELTA DU MÉKONG. Tome Quatrième [only] Le Cisbassac. Texte avec Index et Planches.
288876: Malleret, Louis. - L’ARCHÉOLOGIE DU DELTA DU MÉKONG. Tome Quatrième [only] Le Cisbassac. Texte avec Index et Planches.
288890: Malleret, Louis. - L’ARCHÉOLOGIE DU DELTA DU MÉKONG. Tome Second [only] La Civilisation Matérielle D’Oc-Èo. Texte and Planches.
286693: Mallinson, Allan. - THE ‘MATTHEW HERVEY’ NOVELS. A Close Run Thing. The Nizam’s Daughters. A Regimental Affair. A Call to Arms. The Sabre’s Edge. Rumours of War. An Act of Courage. Company of Spears. Man of War. Warrior. On His Majesty’s Service. Words of Command. The Passage to India. The Tigress of Mysore. With Matthew Hervey and the Light Dragoons.
285958: Malthus, Thomas Robert. - AN ESSAY ON THE PRINCIPLE OF POPULATION Or a View of its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness.
284868: Mamerot, Sébastien. - A CHRONICLE OF THE CRUSADES. Les Passages d’Outremer - The Expeditions to Outremer. Facsimile of the manuscript of 1474 illuminated by Jean Colombe. [With] The Expeditions to Outremer, an Unabridged, Annotated Edition with Commentary. Thierry Delcourt & Danielle Quéruel Fabrice Masanès. The copy used for printing belongs to the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.
283483: (Man Ray). l’Ecotais, Emmanuelle de and Sayag, Alain. (Editors). - MAN RAY. Photography and its Double. With essays by Jean-Jacques Aillagon, Serge Bramly, Michel Frizot, Floris M. Neusüss and Renate Heyne, Michel Sanouillet, Werner Spies, Lucien Treillard (interview). Translated from the French by Deke Dusinberre from the German of Donna Wiemann. Editor, English language edition Herbert R. Lottman.
288532: Man, E.H. - THE ARTS OF THE ANDAMANESE AND NICOBARESE. With Observations by Major-General A. Lane Fox.
283823: Manby, G.W. - AN HISTORIC AND PICTURESQUE GUIDE FROM CLIFTON, Through the Counties of Monmouth, Glamorgan, and Brecknock, With Representations of Ruins, Interesting Antiquities, &c. &c.
276789: Mandelbrote, Scott and Ledger-Lomas, Michael. (Editors). - DISSENT AND THE BIBLE IN BRITAIN, c.1650-1950.
288327: Manguin, Pierre-Yves. - LES NGUYEN, MACAU ET LE PORTUGAL. Aspects politiques et commerciaux d’une relation privilégiée en Mer de Chine 1773-1802.
288873: Manik, Liberty. - BATAK-HANDSCHRIFTEN.
289029: Manning-Sanders, Ruth. - A BOOK OF MAGIC ANIMALS.
281942: Manning, Roger B. - AN APPRENTICESHIP IN ARMS. The Origins of the British Army 1585-1702.
288501: Manrique, Fray Sebastien. - TRAVELS OF ... 1629-1643. A Translation of the Itinerario de la Missiones Orientales with Introduction and Notes by Lt.-Col. C. Eckford Luard assisted by Father H. Hosten. Vol. I [only of 2]: ARAKAN.
284628: Mansfield, Lt-Colonel W.R. - TROLLEYBUS AND TRAM MAP. London Transport. Issued Free. No. 1. 1936.
283734: (Mantegna). Kristeller, Paul. - ANDREA MANTEGNA. English Edition by S. Arthur Strong.
274764: Mantua and Montferrat, H.R. and M.S.H. The Prince of. - WORKS of ... Prince of Ferrara, Nevers, Réthel and Alençon. With an Introduction by the Late Charles Reade and M. Victor Hugo; Founded on the Writings of above one hundred Eminent Men, in Review of these Works; And a Preface by the Late Lord Brougham and Vaux.
287256: Maplet, John. (Compiler). - A GREENE FOREST or a naturall Historie, Wherein may bee seene first the most sufferaigne Vertues in all the whole kinde of Stones & Mettals: next of Plantes, as of Herbes, Trees, and Shrubs, lastly of Brute, Beastes, Foules, Fishes, creeping wormes, and Serpents, and that Alphabetically: so that a Table shall not neede. Reprinted from the Edition of 1567. With an Introduction by W.H. Davies.
276208: Marbot, Jean-Baptiste de. - THE LIFE OF THE REAL BRIGADIER GERARD. Vol. 1: The Young Hussar. A French Cavalryman of the Napoleonic Wars at Marengo, Austerlitz, Jena, Eylau & Friedland 1782-1807. Vol. 2: The Imperial Aide-de-Camp. A French Cavalryman of the Napoleonic Wars at Saragossa, Landshut, Eckmühl, Ratisbon, Aspern-Essling, Wagram, Busaco & Torres Vedras 1807-1811. Vol. 3: A French Cavalryman of the Napoleonic Wars at the Retreat from Moscow, Lutzen, Bautzen, Katzbach, Leipzig, Hanau & Waterloo 1811-1815.
282456: (Marcellinus). Rolfe, John C. - AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. With an English Translation by ...
189654: [Marcet, Jane]. - CONVERSATIONS SUR LE PHILOSOPHIE NATURELLE Dans Lesquelles les Élémens de Cette Science sont Exposés d’une Manière Familière, et mis a la Portée des Jeunes Personnes; Avec Figures; par L’Auteur des Conversations sur la Chimie et des Conversations sur l’Économie Politique Traduites de l’Anglois, Par G. Prevost.
271978: Marchantio, Jacobo. - HORTUS PASTORUM In Quo Continetur Omnis Doctrina Fidei et Morum Ad Conciones Catechismum Controuers et Casus Conscientiæ Omnibus Animarum Curatorib, necessaria.
267775: Marchington, John (Compiler). - A PORTRAIT OF SHOOTING.
286700: Marder, Arthur J. - FROM THE DREADNOUGHT TO SCAPA FLOW. The Royal Navy in the Fisher Era, 1904-1919. Volume II [only]: The War Years: To the Eve of Jutland.
285372: Mare, Walter de la. - BEHOLD, THIS DREAMER. Of Reverie, Night, Sleep, Dream, Love-Dreams, Nightmare, Death, the Unconscious, the Imagination, Divination, the Artist, and Kindred Subjects.
285373: Mare, Walter de la. - LOVE.
281262: Margary, Augustus Raymond. - THE JOURNEY of ... From Shanghae to Bhamo, and back to Manwyne. From his Journals and Letters, With a Brief Biographical Preface: To Which is Added a Conclusion Chapter. By Sir Rutherford Alcock.
287034: Margoliouth, D.S. - CAIRO JERUSALEM & DAMASCUS. Three Chief Cities of the Egyptian Sultans.
237288: Maria Luisa of Spain. - MEMOIR OF THE QUEEN OF ETRURIA, Written by Herself. An Authentic Narrative of the Seizure and Removal of Pope Pius VII. on the 6th July, 1809, with genuine Memoirs of his Journey from Rome to France and thence to Savona, written by one of his attendants. Translated from the Italian.
289772: Markham, Francis. - FIVE DECADES OF EPISTLES OF WARRE.
280730: Marks, Steven G. - ROAD TO POWER. The Trans-Siberian Railroad and the Colonization of Asian Russia 1850-1917.
289936: Márquez, Gabriel García. - ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE. Translated from the Spanish by Gregory Rabassa.
290157: Marren, Peter and Gillmor, Robert. - ART OF THE NEW NATURALISTS. Forms from Nature.
266766: Marryat, Frank S. - BORNEO and the Indian Archipelago. With Drawings of Costume and Scenery.
286440: [Marsh, Charles]? - THE CLUBS OF LONDON; With Anecdotes of Their Members, Sketches of Character, and Conversations.
261457: Marsh, J. - A CATECHISM FOR THE USE OF LEARNERS OF THOROUGH-BASS, Divided into Sections, for the Convenience of the Learner, and Facility of Reference.
273305: Marshall, Mrs. A.B. - LARGER COOKERY BOOK OF EXTRA RECIPES. Dedicated by Permission to H.R.H. Princess Christian.
280955: [Marston, Edward]. - DAYS IN CLOVER. By The Amateur Angler.
275449: Martin, E.K. (Compiler). - ATLAS OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Issued Under the Direction of the Editorial Committee of the British Journal of Surgery.
274334: Martin, R.D.; Doyle, G.A. and Walker, A.C. (Editors). - PROSIMIAN BIOLOGY. Proceedings of a meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects held at the Institute of Archaeology, London University Foreword by W.C. Osman Hill.
253982: Martin, R.M. - THE HUDSON’S BAY TERRITORIES AND VANCOUVER’S ISLAND, With an Exposition of the Chartered Rights, Conduct, and Policy of the Honble. Hudson’s Bay Corporation.
280310: Martineau, Harriet. - AUTOBIOGRAPHY. With Memorials by Maria Weston Chapman.
277880: Martineau, Harriet. - RETROSPECT OF WESTERN TRAVEL.
281204: Martinez-Hidalgo, Jose Maria. - LAS NAVES DE COLON.
288440: Martinez de Zúñiga, Fr. Joaquin. - AN HISTORICAL VIEW OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Translated from the Spanish Published at Manila in 1803 by John Maver.
256737: Martins, Aldemir. - ALDEMIR EM CÔRES. Texto de Erico Verissimo.
254561: Martyne, Charles and Mégret, Jacques. - TRENTE-NEUF AQUARELLES ORIGINALES de Harriet, Pasquier, Garbizza, Dutailly, Garnerey et Lanté pour le Bon Genre. Préface et Présentation des Aquarelles ....
285686: (Mary Queen of Scots). Sparrow, W. Shaw (Editor). - MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS. With Pictures in colour by James Orrock and Sir James Linton.
279829: Masefield, John. - THE TRIAL OF JESUS.
279946: Masefield, John. - GOOD FRIDAY. A Play in Verse.
285347: Mason, Francis K. - HAWKER AIRCRAFT Since 1920.
285966: Mason, A.E.W. - [A SELECTION ONLY OF THE NOVELS IN PRIZE BINDINGS]. At the Villa Rose; The Winding Stair; The Broken Road; The Four Feathers; The Watchers; Miranda on the Balcony.
286261: Mason, Tim. - THE COLD WAR YEARS. Flight Testing at Boscombe Down, 1945-1975. Foreword by Air Chief
281670: Massey, Robert. - FORMULAS FOR ARTISTS.
289634: Massie, Alastair and Oates, Jonathan. (Editors). - THE DUKE OF CUMBERLAND’S CAMPAIGNS IN BRITAIN AND THE LOW COUNTRIES, 1745-1748: A Selection of His Letters.
287446: Matar, Nabil. - ISLAM IN BRITAIN 1558-1685.
287199: Matev, Kaloyan. - THE ARMOURED FORCES OF THE BULGARIAN ARMY 1936-45. Operations, Vehicles, Equipment, Organisation, Camouflage and Markings.
283761: Mathers, Powys. - THE BOOK OF THE THOUSAND NIGHTS AND ONE NIGHT. Rendered into English from the literal & complete French translation of Dr. J.C. Mardrus.
280916: (Matkin). Rehbock, Philip F. (Editor). - AT SEA WITH THE SCIENTIFICS. The Challenger Letters of Joseph Matkin.
289405: Matsuyama, Akira. - TRADITIONAL DIETARY CULTURE OF SOUTHEAST ASIA. Its Formation and Pedigree. Translated by Atsunobu Tomomatsu.
282522: Matthews, David. - WRITING TO THE KING Nation, Kingship and Literature in England, 1250-1350.
287371: Mauger, Thierry. - FLOWERED MEN AND GREEN SLOPES OF ARABIA. Translated from the French by Khia Mason.
287372: Mauger, Thierry. - THE BEDOUINS OF ARABIA. Translated from the French by Khia Mason and Igor Persan.
285691: Maund, B[enjamin]. - THE BOTANIC GARDEN: Consisting of Highly Finished Representations of Hardy Ornamental Flowering Plants, Cultivated in Great Britain: With Their Classification History Culture and Other Interesting Information.
286710: Maundrell, Henry. - A JOURNEY FROM ALEPPO TO JERUSALEM, at Easter, A.D. 1697. [Bound with] ALSO, A JOURNAL FROM GRAND CAIRO TO MOUNT SINAI, and Back Again. Translated from a Manuscript Written by the Prefetto of Egypt, By The Right Rev. Robert Clayton.
288704: Maurice-Jones, Col. K.W. - THE HISTORY OF COAST ARTILLERY IN THE BRITISH ARMY. With a Foreword by General Sir Cameron Nicholson.
279849: [Maurice, Matthias]. - SOCIAL RELIGION Exemplified in An Account of the First Settlement of Christianity in the City of Carludd
283919: [Mavor, William Fordyce]. - A TOUR IN WALES, And Through Several Counties of England, Including Both the Universities, Performed in the Summer of 1805.
282370: Mawdsley, Evan. (General Editor). - THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR. Fighting the War. Politics and Ideology. Total War: Economy, Society and Culture.
287085: Maxwell, Donald. - THE LAST CRUSADE. ... Made by the Author in the Autumn and Winter of 1918, When Sent on Duty to Palestine By the Admiralty for the Imperial War Museum.
285013: Maxwell, Donald. - A CRUISE ACROSS EUROPE. Notes on a Freshwater Voyage From Holland to the Black Sea.
283847: Maxwell, Donald. - WEMBLEY IN COLOUR. Being both an Impression and a Memento of the British Empire Exhibition of 1924 as seen by ...
285006: Maxwell, Donald. - THE LOG OF THE GRIFFIN. The Story of a Cruise From the Alps to the Thames.
284487: Maxwell, Donald. - SEA AND SUSSEX From Rudyard Kipling’s Verse. Illustrated by ... With a Introductory Poem by Rudyard Kipling.
284577: Maxwell, Donald. - ADVENTURES WITH A SKETCH BOOK.
288937: Maxwell, George. - IN MALAY FORESTS.
283557: Maxwell, William. - THEY CAME LIKE SWALLOWS.
278736: May, Regine. - APULEIUS AND DRAMA. The Ass on Stage.
282143: May, Philip Ross. - THE WEST COAST GOLD RUSHES.
285530: Mayall, Gaz. - GAZ’S ROCKIN BOOK.
286248: Mayernik, David. - THE CHALLENGE OF EMULATION IN ART AND ARCHITECTURE. Between Imitation and Invention.
253610: Mayne, Commander R.C. - FOUR YEARS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA and Vancouver Island. An Account of Their Forests, Rivers, Coasts, Gold Fields, and Resources for Colonisation.
289294: Mayo, Charles Herbert. - A GENEALOGICAL ACCOUNT OF THE MAYO AND ELTON FAMILIES Of the Counties of Wilts and Hereford; With an Appendix, Containing Genealogies for the Most Part not Hitherto Published of Certain Families Allied by Marriage to the Family of Mayo by ... To Which is Added a Large Tabular Pedigree, Set in Type by Theodore Mayo.
288988: Mayson, John Schofield. - THE MALAYS OF CAPETOWN.
281358: McConnell, Anita. - NO SEA TOO DEEP. The History of Oceanographic Instruments.
284087: McConville, Mike and Marsh, Luke. - THE MYTH OF JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE. Criminal Justice and the Separation of Powers.
289134: McCormick, Andrew. - THE TINKLER-GYPSIES.
279382: McCorquodale & Co. - THE RAILWAY DIARY and Officials’ Directory 1921.
286682: McDonald, Gregory. - FLYNN.
286683: McDonald, Gregory. - CONFESS FLETCH. A Novel.
285572: McFee, Graham. - FREE WILL.
288322: McIntosh, A.B. and Heal, T.J. (Editors). - MATERIALS FOR NUCLEAR ENGINEERS. Foreword by L. Rotherham.
280707: McKay, John. - THE HUDSON’S BAY COMPANY’S 1835 STEAM SHIP BEAVER. With Leonard McCann and James Delgado. Foreword by Rollie Webb.
288049: McKechnie, Sue. - BRITISH SILHOUETTE ARTISTS AND THEIR WORK 1760-1860.
282081: McKechnie, Sue. - BRITISH SILHOUETTE ARTISTS AND THEIR WORK 1760-1860.
255419: McKendrick, Scot. - THE HISTORY OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT. An Illuminated Manuscript of Vasco da Lucerna’s French Translation of the Ancient Text by Quintus Curtius Rufus. Foreword by John Walsh.
290164: McKenzie, Judith S. and Watson, Francis. - THE GARIMA GOSPELS. Early Illuminated Gospel Books from Ethiopia. With Preface and Photographs by Michael Gervers and contributions by Matthew R. Crawford, Linda R. Macaulay, Sarah S. Norodom, Andres T. Reyes and Miranda E. Williams.
288297: McLeod, Rev. Ronald F. - MASSINGHAM PARVA Past and Present.
288362: Mead, Margaret and Macgregor, Frances Cooke. - GROWTH AND CULTURE. A Photographic Study of Balinese Childhood. Based upon photographs by Gregory Bateson. Analyzed in Gesell Categories.
288652: Mead, Richard. - A MECHANICAL ACCOUNT OF POISONS In Several Essays.
287916: (Meadows). Williams, Val. - DANIEL MEADOWS: Edited Photographs from the 70s and 80s.
278815: Meares, John. - VOYAGES MADE IN THE YEARS 1788 AND 1789, From China to the North West Coast of America. To which are prefixed, an Introductory Narrative of a Voyage performed in 1786, from Bengal, in the ship Nootka; Observations on the Probable Existence of a North Passage; and some account of the Trade between the North West Coast of America and China; and the latter Country and Great Britain.
282286: Mech, L. David and Boitani, Luigi. - WOLVES. Behaviour, Ecology and Conservation.
281096: Medina, Pedro de. - THE LIBRO DE COSMOGRAPHIA OF 1538. A Navigator’s Universe. Translated and with an Introduction by Ursula Lamb.
286270: Meekcoms, K.J. (Compiler). - THE BRITISH AIR COMMISSION AND LEND-LEASE. The Role, Organisation and Work of the BAC (and its Antecedents) in the United States and Canada, 1938-1945.
279030: Meerza, H.R.H. Najaf Koolee. - JOURNAL OF A RESIDENCE IN ENGLAND, and of a Journey From and To Syria, of their Royal Highnesses Reeza Koolee Meerza, Najaf Koolee Meerza, and Taymoor Meerza, of Persia. To Which are Prefixed Particulars Respecting Modern Persia, and the Death of the Late Shah. Originally Written in Persian by ... And Translated, With Explanatory notes by Assaad Y. Kayat.
288031: Megaw, Ruth and Vincent. - CELTIC ART. From its beginnings to the Book of Kells.
281483: Mehta, P.D. - THE HEART OF RELIGION.
290078: Melchert, H. Craig. (Editor). - THE LUWIANS.
285980: (Meléndez). Hirschauer, Gretchen A and Metzger, Catherine A. - LUIS MELÉNDEZ. Master of the Spanish Still Life. With Peter Cherry and Natacha Seseña.
279872: Melly, George. - SCOUSE MOUSE or I never got over it. An Autobiography.
279873: Melly, George. - MELLYMOBILE 1970-1981.
279871: Melly, George. - RUM, BUM AND CONCERTINA.
279869: Melly, George. - REVOLT INTO STYLE the pop arts. With Afterward.
279870: Melly, George. - OWNING-UP.
288157: Melman, Billie. - THE CULTURE OF HISTORY. English Uses of the Past 1800-1953.
288171: Memorial Catalogue. - HERALDIC EXHIBITION. Edinburgh MDCCCXCI.
289514: Mendelssohn, Sidney. - MENDELSSOHN’S SOUTH AFRICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. Being the Catalogue Raisonné of the Mendelssohn Library of Works relating to South Africa, including the Full Titles of the Books, with Synoptical, Biographical, Critical, and Bibliographical Notes on the Volumes and their Authors ... Also a Complete List of the British Parliamentary Blue-Books on South Africa. A Cartography of South Africa &c., &c. &c. With a Descriptive Introduction by I.D. Colvin.
288063: Meng-chia, Ch’en. - GENERAL STUDY OF CHINESE BRONZES. Chinese Bronzes in American Collections: A Catalogue and a Comprehensive Study of Chinese Bronzes.
248407: Meredith, George. - THE SHAVING OF SHAGPAT An Arabian Entertainment.
284836: Merian, Mariam Sibyllam. - METAMORPHOSIS INSECTORUM SURINAMENSIUM. In qua Erucæ ac Vermes Surinamenses, cum omnibus suis Transformationibus, ad vivùm delineantur & describuntur, singulis eorum in PLantas, Flores & Fructus collocatis, in quibus reperta sunt; Tum etiam Generatio Ranarum, Busonum rariorum, Lacertarum, Serpentum, Araneorum & Formicarum exhibetur; Monia inm America ad vivùm naturali magnitudine picta atque descripta. PLATE volume [only, lacking text volume].
284203: (Merian). Heard, Kate. - MARIA MERIAN’S BUTTERFLIES. Foreword by Dr. George McGavin.
282216: Meriton, John and Dumontet, Carlo. (Editor). - SMALL BOOKS FOR THE COMMON MAN. A Descriptive Bibliography.
285583: (Merleau-Ponty). Matthews, Eric. - THE PHILOSOPHY OF MERLEAU-PONTY.
282825: Merritt, J.F. (Editor). - IMAGINING EARLY MODERN LONDON. Perceptions and Portrayals of the City from Stow to Strype, 1598-1720.
286353: (Meryon). Schneiderman, Richard S. - THE CATALOGUE RAISONNÉ OF THE PRINTS OF CHARLES MERYON. With the assistance of Frank W. Raysor, II.
252137: Mesurier, Thomas Le. - SERMONS By .. the Late ...
285287: (Metro Plan). - PLAN PRATIQUE DU METRO.
286533: Meyer, Michael. - NOT PRINCE HAMLET. Literary and Theatrical Memoirs.
282140: Meyer, James H. - TURKS ACROSS EMPIRES. Marketing Muslim Identity in the Russian-Ottoman Borderlands, 1856-1914.
285481: Meyer-Lee, Robert J. and Sanok, Catherine. (Editor). - THE MEDIEVAL LITERARY BEYOND FORM.
289530: Meyer, Carl. - DAYS OF HORROR during the Seige of Kimberley 1899/1900. Originally written in German by ... Translated into English by Verena Matter. Introduction and Editing by Fébé van Niekerk.
288647: Meyers, Eric M. (Editor). - THE OXFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE NEAR EAST. Prepared under the Auspices of the American Schools of Oriental Research.
272936: Mézières, Nicolas le Camus De. - LE GUIDE de Ceux qui Veulent Bâtir.
287692: Michaelis, Ronald F. - OLD DOMESTIC BASE-METAL CANDLESTICKS From the 13th to 19th Century. Produced in Bronze, Brass, Paktong and Pewter.
283459: Michelangelo. - THE POEMS. Edited and Translated by Christopher Ryan.
283638: (Michelangelo). Ames-Lewis, Francis and Joannides, Paul. (Editor). - REACTIONS TO THE MASTER. Michelangelo’s Effect on Art and Artists in the Sixteenth Century.
284765: (Michelangelo). Poeschke, Joachim. - MICHELANGELO AND HIS WORLD. Sculpture of the Italian Renaissance. Translated from the German by Russell Stockman.
286140: (Michelangelo). - DISEGNI DI MICHELANGELO. 103 Disegni in Facsimile. Premessa di Mario Salmi. Introduzione di Carlo de Tolnay. Schede di Paola Barocchi.
283453: (Michelangelo). Buck, Stephanie. (Editor). - MICHELANGELO’S DREAM. Essays by Stephanie Buck, Michael Bury, Joanna Milk Mac Farland, Françoise Viatte, Matthias Vollmer. Catalogue by Stephanie Buck, Michael Bury, Caroline Campbell and Carol Plazzotta.
288900: Michell, George. - THE MAJESTY OF MUGHAL DECORATION. The Art and Architecture of Islamic India. Research by Mumtaz Currim.
274496: Michie, James. - THE FOLIO GOLDEN TREASURY. ‘The Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language’ Chosen and Introduced by ...
286829: Middleton, Thomas. - THE COLLECTED WORKS. General Editors: Gary Taylor and John Lavagnino. Associate General Editors: John Jowett, Macdonald P. Jackson, Valerie Wayne and Adrian Weiss.
273817: Middleton, Edward. - THE NEW HISTORY OF ENGLAND: Or, a Complete and Universal English Remembrancer ... Containing a Genuine and Impartial Account of all the Singular Events and Remarkable Transactions ... Together with a Literal translation that Famous Deed, and Bulwark of English Liberty, called Magna Charter, Signed by King John; And, likewise, a faithful Transcript of the Bill of Rights, By which King William and Queen Mary, at the Revolution, confirmed the Freedom of the British Constitution.
288075: Middleton, Sir Arthur E. - AN ACCOUNT OF BELSAY CASTLE In the County of Northumberland. Introduction by Michael Apted and Gillian Dickinson.
284115: Miers, David. - REGULATING COMMERCIAL GAMBLING. Past, Present, and Future.
285386: Mikesh, Robert C. and Abe, Shorzoe. - JAPANESE AIRCRAFT 1910-1941.
272387: Milano, Ernesto. - IN FOLIIS FOLIA. Secondo volume: Giardini e orti botanici a cura di Annalisa Battini e Mauro Bini schede di Milena Luppi, Paolo Ortolani, Milena Ricci, Anna Rosa Venturi.
285677: Milano, Ronit and Barcham, William L. (Editors). - HAPPINESS OR ITS ABSENCE IN ART.
153117: Miles, W.J. - MODERN PRACTICAL FARRIERY A Complete Guide to all That Relates to the Horse, Its History, Varieties, and Uses-Breaking, Training, Feeding, Stabling, and Grooming-How to Buy, Keep and Treat a Horse in Health and Disease, &c., &c. Forming a Complete System of the Veterinary Art, as at Present Practised at the Royal Veterinary College, London. With Numerous illustrations and a series of anatomical plates ... by Benjamin Herring. To Which is Added an Essay on the Diseases and Management of Cattle, Sheep and Pigs by J.I. Lupton.
283175: Miles, Kate. - THE ORIGINS OF INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW. Empire, Environment and the Safeguarding of Capital.
282644: Milhous, Judith and Hume, Robert D. - THE PUBLICATION OF PLAYS IN LONDON 1660-1800. Playwrights, Publishers, and the Market.
278102: (Military Tattoo) - [COLLECTION OF FOUR BOXES OF HMV VINYL]
284644: Military Order of the Loyal Legion. - MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. Papers Read Before The Ohio Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States 1883-1886.
277668: Milla, Mario and Rafael. - F.A.Q. Frequently Asked Questions for Constructing & Painting Dioramas.
281712: Millais, J.G. - WANDERINGS AND MEMORIES.
287678: (Millar). Budd, Adam. - CIRCULATING ENLIGHTENMENT. The Career and Correspondence of Andrew Millar, 1725-68.
259844: Millar, Oliver. - THE VICTORIAN PICTURES In the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen.
284621: Miller, Margaret C. - ATHENS AND PERSIA IN THE FIFTH CENTURY BC. A Study in cultural receptivity.
285500: Miller, Robert D. - BAAL, ST. GEORGE, AND KHIDR. A Study of the Historical Geography of the Levant.
286985: Miller, William. - A DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH NAMES OF PLANTS. Applied in England and among English-Speaking People to Cultivated and Wild Plants, Trees, and Shrubs. In Parts English-Latin and Latin-English.
281092: Miller, Caroline. - LEBANON. A Novel.
286092: Miller, Jay. - THE X-PLANES. X-1 to X-45. Introduction by Brigadier General Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager.
281646: Mills, Leif. - MEN OF ICE. The lives of Alistair Forbes Mackay (1878-1914) and Cecil Henry Meares (1877-1937). Foreword by Sir Ranulph Fiennes.
289762: Mills, Charles. - THE HISTORY OF CHIVALRY. Or Knighthood and its times.
288730: Mills, Charles. - THE HISTORY OF THE CRUSADES, For the Recovery and Possession of the Holy Land. With a Memoir of the Author.
279656: Mills, A.J. - THE CEMETERIES OF QASR IBRîM. A Report of the Excavations Conducted by W.B. Emery in 1961. With Chapters by N.B. Millet and Edmund S. Meltzer and illustrations prepared by Alan Hollett.
282266: (Milne). Beeler, John. (Editor). - THE MILNE PAPERS. The papers of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Alexander Milne, Bt., K.C.B. (1806-1896).
284037: Milne, James. - TRAVELS IN HOPE. A Book of Wayfaring Essays.
285082: (Milner). Headlam, Cecil (Editor). - THE MILNER PAPERS South Africa 1897-1905.
286323: Milton, John. - PARADISE LOST. Edited by Alastair Fowler. Introduced by Michael Prodger. [With] A COMMENTARY by Alastair Fowler.
288559: (Minister of Communications Government of Thailand.) - A COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION OF THAILAND’S Transportation System Requirements. Report to H.E. the ...
289106: Ministry of Culture and Arts. - THE MEMORIAL VOLUME OF THE VTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF IRANIAN ART & ARCHAEOLOGY Tehran - Isfahan - Shiraz 11th - 18th April 1968. Volume I [only of 2]. Edited by A. Tajvidi and M.Y. Kiani.
280044: Minter, Davide C. (Editor). - THE BOOK OF THE HOME. A Practical Guide for the Modern Household. With an Introduction by Lady Jekyll et al.
284973: Miskell, Louise. (Editor). - THE ORIGINS OF AN INDUSTRIAL REGION: Robert Morris and the first Swansea copper works, c.1727-1730.
288670: Mitchell, Gladys. - WINKING AT THE BRIM.
285725: Mitchell, Sebastian. - UTOPIA AND ITS DISCONTENTS. Plato to Atwood.
290029: Mitchell, Timothy. - COLONISING EGYPT.
271397: Mitchell, Arnold Bidlake. - SHOTTESBROOKE CHURCH, Berkshire. Dedicated to St. John the Baptist. A Series of Illustrations of the Church and Its Monuments, Together with Descriptive Notes.
288543: Mitra, Sisir Kumar. (Editor). - EAST INDIAN BRONZES. Contributors: Asok K. Bhattacharya, B.N. Mukherjee, N.N. Bhattacharya, Rama Chatterji and Kshanika Chatterji.
288390: Mjöberg, Dr Eric. - FOREST LIFE AND ADVENTURES IN THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. Translated from the Swedish by A. Barwell.
288716: Mjöberg, Dr Eric. - FOREST LIFE AND ADVENTURES IN THE MALAY ARCHIPELAGO. Translated from the Swedish by A. Barwell.
289062: Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji. - THE RIVER KARUN.
285343: Moebs, Thomas Truxton. - CONFEDERATE STATES NAVY RESEARCH GUIDE: Confederate Naval Imprints Described and Annotated Chronology of Naval Operation and Administration Marine Corps and Naval Officer Biographies Description and Service of Vessels Subject Bibliography.
289489: Moffat, Miss Frederica. - EXPERIENCES OF A SIEGE. A Diary of the Siege of Kimberley. 21 September 1899 to 6 February 1900. Edited by Vida Allen and Fébé van Nieker.
280718: Mogilevska, Sophia. - THE CAMP ON THE ICEFIELD. Translated from the Russian by Stephen Garry.
287665: Mohamed, Feisal G. - SOVEREIGNTY. Seventeenth-Century England and the Making of the Modern Political Imaginary.
285727: Mohite, Ragini. - MODERN WRITERS, TRANSNATIONAL LITERATURES. Rabindranath Tagore and W.B. Yeats.
272756: Moleville, Ant. Fr. Bertrand de. - PRIVATE MEMOIRS Relative to the Last Year of the Reign of Lewis the Sixteenth, Late King of France. Translated from the Original Manuscript of the Author, which has never been published.
278321: Mollet, André. - LE JARDIN DE PLAISIR. Der Lust Gartten Lustgård. The Garden of Pleasure. Introduction and Commentaries.
286825: Mollo, John and Boris. - INTO THE VALLEY OF DEATH. The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854.
283993: Mollo, John. - UNIFORMS OF THE ROYAL NAVY During the Napoleonic Wars.
289586: Moncrieff’s - GUIDE TO LEAMINGTON SPA, and its Vicinity, Containing the Ancient & Modern History of Leamington, and the adjacent Villages, With an Analysis and Dissertation Upon the Nature, Properties and Cures performed by the Waters. To Which is Added a Complete Directory.
284294: Moncrieff, A.R. Hope. - LONDON.
280893: Moncrieff, A.R. Hope (Editor). - BLACK’S GUIDE TO THE WYE.
273849: Monograph No. 001. - THE BADGER By Ernest Neal.
273850: Monograph No. 004. - THE YELLOW WAGTAIL By Stuart Smith.
275191: Monograph No. 004. - THE YELLOW WAGTAIL By Stuart Smith.
280213: Monro, Donald. - A TREATISE ON MINERAL WATERS.
279597: Monro, Harold (Editor). - THE MONTHLY CHAPBOOK/CHAPBOOK. No. 1. Vol. 1 July 1919 - No. 40 1925 [Complete run].
284853: (Montañés). Proske, Beatrice Gilman. - JUAN MARTINEZ MONTAÑÉS. Sevillian Sculptor.
284914: (Montañes). Diaz, Jose Hernandez. - JUAN MARTINEZ MONTAÑES (1568-1649).
286759: Monteil, Vincent. - CONTRIBUTION A L’ÉTUDE DE LA FAUNE DU SAHARA OCCIDENTAL. Du Sangier au Phacochère. Catalogue des Animaux connus des Takna, des Rguibat et des Maures.
281687: Montesinos, Fernando. - MEMORIALS ANTIGUAS HISTORIALES DEL PERU. Translated and Edited by Philip Ainsworth Means. With an Introduction by the Late Sir Clements R. Markham.
289395: Montgomery, James. - THE WANDERER OF SWITZERLAND, And Other Poems.
287374: (Monticello). Citeroni, Luciano. - VALENTINO MONTICELLO. Opera & Wine. Wine in Opera. Introductions by Michael Broadbent, Emma Sergeant and Sir Colin Southgate.
288326: Montpensier, Duc de. - EN INDO-CHINE. Mes Chasses - Mes Voyages. Préface de Jean Richepin.
194849: Moore, Francis. - VOX STELLARUM: Or, a Loyal Almanack for the Year of Human Redemption 1793. Being the first after Bissextile, or Leap-Year. In which are contained All Things fitting for such a Work; as A Table of Terms and their Returns, the Full, Changes, and Quarters of the Moon; the Rising, Southing, and Setting of the Seven Stars, and other Fixed Stars of Note; the Moon’s Age and a Tide Table ... With farther Observations on the Weather, Rain &c. and on the new-discovered Planet.
289307: Moore, H. Cecil. - TRANSACTIONS OF THE WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS’ FIELD CLUB 1852 TO 1865. Collated and compiled by ..., Honorary Secretary.
286906: Moore, Jason Nicholas. - IL-2 SHTURMOVIK. Red Avenger.
278069: [Moore, Thomas]. - RHYMES ON THE ROAD FABLES, Etc. By Thomas Brown, the Younger. Paris Published by A. and W. Galignano 1823. xii + 233pp. [Bound with]. THE FUDGE FAMILY IN PARIS. Edited by Thomas Brown the Younger. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown 1818. xiii + 168pp.
283434: [Moore, Alicia]. - HISTORICAL PICTURES OF MIDDLE AGES, In Black and White; Made on the Spot, from Records in the Archives of Switzerland. By A Wandering Artist.
278068: Moore, Thomas. - THE FUDGE FAMILY IN PARIS. Edited by Thomas Brown. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown 1818. viii + 168pp. [Bound with]. INTERCEPTED LETTERS; Or, the Twopenny Post-Bag. To Which are Added, Trifles Reprinted. By Thomas Brown. J. Carr ... 1813. 7th Ed. xvi + 109pp. + [i]. [Bound with] REJECTED ADDRESSES or the New Theatrum Poetarum ... John Miller 1812. 2nd Ed. xiii + [i] + 127pp.
288849: Moore, Thomas. - TRAVELS OF AN IRISH GENTLEMAN In Search of a Religion, With Notes and Illustrations. [Bound with]. MEMOIRS OF CAPTAIN ROCK.
286160: Moore, Thomas. - THE POETICAL WORKS of ...
286905: Moore, Jason Nicholas. - SOVIET BOMBERS of the Second World War.
290079: Moorey, P.P.S. - KISH EXCAVATIONS 1923-1933. With a Microfiche Catalogue of the objects in Oxford excavated by the Oxford-Field Museum, Chicago Expedition to Kish in Iraq, 1923-1933.
288089: More, Sir Thomas. - UTOPIA: Written in Latin by ... Chancellor of England: Translated into English.
258685: More, Hannah. - STRUCTURES ON THE MODERN SYSTEM OF FEMALE EDUCATION With a View of the Principles and Conduct Prevalent Among Women of Rank and Fortune.
285579: Moreland, J.P. - UNIVERSALS.
285710: Moreno-Lax, Violeta and Papastavridis, Efthymios. (Editors). - ‘BOAT REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS AT SEA: A Comprehensive Approach. Intergrating Maritime Security with Human Rights.
287794: Moreno, Fernando Romero. - PINTURA BOLIVIANA DEL SIGLO XX. Presentación ...
289822: Moreschini, Claudio and Norelli, Enrico. - EARLY CHRISTIAN GREEK AND LATIN LITERATURE. A Literary History. From Paul to the Age of Constantine. From the Council of Nicea to the Beginning of the Medieval Period. Translated by Matthew J. O’Connell.
170948: Morey, Frank (Editor). - A GUIDE TO THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT. A series of contributions by specialists relating to the various branches of Natural History and kindred subjects.
275664: Morgagni, John Baptist. - THE SEATS AND CAUSES OF DISEASES INVESTIGATED BY ANATOMY. Containing a Great Variety of Dissections, with Remarks, to which are added very accurate and copious indexes of the Principal things and Names therein contained. Translated from the Latin of ... With a Preface, Introduction and a new Translation of five letters by Paul Klemperer.
277010: Morgan, William. - PSALMAU DAFYDD O’r vn cyfeithiad a’r Beible Cyffredin. The Psalms Translated into Welsh by ... And Originally Printed in the Year 1588; Reproduced in Photographic Facsimile for Thomas Powel
280190: Morgan, Augustus de. - A BUDGET OF PARADOXES. Reprinted, with the Author’s Additions, from the Athenæum. Edited by David Eugene Smith.
277803: Morgan, G.W. Taylor. - THE ORIGINS AND RECORDS OF THE ROYAL WELSH YACHT CLUB 1847-1933. By the Hon. Secretary ...
286269: Morgan, Eric and Stevens, John. - THE SCIMITAR FILE.
289967: Morgan, Teresa. - ROMAN FAITH AND CHRISTIAN FAITH. Pistis and Fides in the Early Roman Empire and Early Churches.
272696: Morgan, Thomas. - ROMANO-BRITISH MOSAIC PAVEMENTS: A History of Their Discovery and a Record and Interpretation of Their Designs.
279225: (Morgan). Morgan, C. Linda. - CONWAY MORGAN 1885-1915. By His Mother.
281276: Morgan, W. John and Bowie, Fiona. (Editors). - SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGIES OF THE WELSH. Past and Present. Foreword by David Shankland.
271682: Morice, Anne [Pseudonym of Felicity Shaw]. - DEATH OF A GAY DOG.
280079: [Morier, James]. - THE ADVENTURES OF HAJJI BABA, Of Ispathan, in England.
280080: [Morier, James]. - THE ADVENTURES OF HAJJI BABA, Of Ispahan.
282726: (Morison). Sowerby, Tracey A. - RENAISSANCE AND REFORM IN TUDOR ENGLAND. The Careers of Sir Richard Morison c.1513-1556.
290080: Morkot, Robert G. - THE BLACK PHARAOHS. Egypt’s Nubian Rulers.
280113: Morkot, Robert G. - THE BLACK PHARAOHS. Egypt’s Nubian Rulers.
282688: (Morley). Jackson, Patrick. - MORLEY OF BLACKBURN. A Literary and Political Biography of John Morley.
285924: Morphet, M.N. - GOLDEN RETRIEVERS. Research into the First Century in the Show Ring.
282454: Morris, Colin. - THE PAPAL MONARCHY. The Western Church from 1050 to 1250.
281152: (Morris). Waters, Ivor. - THE UNFORTUNATE VALENTINE MORRIS.
285917: Morris, William and Magnússon, Eiríkr. - THE STORY OF KORMAK The Son of Ogmund. With an Introduction by Grace J. Calder and a Note on the manuscript work of William Morris by Alfred Fairbank. Foreword by Basil Blackwell.
279673: Morris, Bernard. - OLD GOWER FARMHOUSES AND THEIR FAMILIES. Published to mark the Jubilee of The Gower Society 1948 to 1998. Foreword by Malcolm Ridge.
288349: Morrison, Ian. - OUR JAPANESE FOE.
280850: Mortimer, Lieut-George. - OBSERVATIONS AND REMARKS Made During a Voyage to the Islands of Teneriffe, Amsterdam, Maria’s Islands near van Diemen’s Land ...
275587: Morton, Thomas. - THE SURGICAL ANATOMY OF INGUINAL HERNIÆ, and Testis and Its Coverings.
278534: Moryson, Fynes. - AN ITINERARY Containing His Ten Yeeres Travell through the Twelve Dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Switzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turky, France England, Scotland & Ireland.
287797: Moscati, Sabatino. - THE PHOENICIANS. Under the Scientific Direction of ...
284749: Moscheles, J. - STUDIEN FÜR DAS PIANOFORTE zur höhern Vollendung bereits gebildeter Klavierspieler bestehend aus: 24 characteristischen Tonstücken in den verschiedenen Dur- und Molltonarten mit beigefügtem Fingersatze und erklärenden Bemerkungen über den Zweck und Vortrag derselben, seinem geschätzten Lehrer und Freunde Friedrich Dionys Weber.
286625: (Mosley). Chesterton, A.K. - OSWALD MOSLEY Portrait of a Leader.
268059: Moss, Paul. - OLD LEAVES TURNING. Fans. [With] Albums and Album Leaves.
288860: Moszkowski, Max. - AUF NEUEN WEGEN DURCH SUMATRA. Forschungsreisen in Ost- und Zentral-Sumatra (1907).
282854: Motadel, David. (Editor). - ISLAM AND THE EUROPEAN EMPIRES.
288997: Moule, A.C. - THE RULERS OF CHINA. 221 B.C. - A.D. 1949. Chronological Tables compiled by ... With an Introductory Section on the Earlier Rulers c.2100-249 B.C. by W. Perceval Yetts.
289295: Moule, Thomas. - BIBLIOTHECA HERALDICA Magnæ Britanniæ. An Analytical Catalogue of Books on Genealogy, Heraldry, Nobility, Knighthood & Ceremonies; With a List of Provincial Visitations, Pedigrees, Collections of Arms and other Manuscripts; and a Supplement, enumerating the principal Foreign Genealogical Works.
258977: Mounier, M. - CONSIDERATIONS SUR LES GOUVERNEMENS, et Principalement sur Celui qui Convient a la France. A Paris Chez Baudouin ... 1789. 1st Ed. T.p. + 54pp. [Bound with]. SUR LA FORME D’OPINER AUX ÉTATS GENÉRAUX Par M. l’Évêque-Duc de Langres. 1789. T.p. + ii + 119pp. Engraved chapter heading. [Bound with]. APPEL au Tribunal de l’Opinion Publique, Du Rapport de M. Chabroud et du Décret rendu par l’Assemblée Nationale le 2 Octobre 1790. Examen du Mémoire du Duc d’Orléans, et du Plaidoyer du Comte de Mirabeau, et nouveaux Ecclaircissemens sur les crimes du 5 et du 6 Octobre 1789 par M. Mounier. Genève 1790. 352pp. Engraved chapter heading.
286077: Moyano, Iñigo Guevara y. - LATIN AMERICAN FIGHTERS. A History of Fighter Jets in Service with Latin American Air Arms.
289610: (Mozart). Hüttler, Michael and Weidinger, Hans Ernst. (Editors). - OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND EUROPEAN THEATRE. I. The Age of Mozart and Selim III (1756-1808).
283102: Mozley’s - READY RECKONER; Containing Tables Accurately Cast up, showing at One View The Amount or Value of any Quantity of Goods, in Quantity From One to Fifty Thousand, in Value From One Farthing to One Pound; each page containing One Hundred and Fifty-Seven Calculations. To which are annexed, Extensive Tables of Interest, Commission and Brokerage, Tables of expenses, Weights and Measures, Money and Practice : Also, a correct Table of Commerial Stamp Duties.
283934: Mudie, Robert. - HAMPSHIRE: Its Past and Present Condition, and Future Prospects; The Valleys of the Itchen and Test; The Northern, Eastern, and Southern Slopes. and the New Forest; Isle of Wight and Channel Islands;
279258: Muggleton, Lodowick. - THE ACTS OF THE WITNESSES OF THE SPIRIT. In five parts. By Lodowick Muggleton: one of the two witnesses, and true prophets of the only high, immortal, glorious God, Christ Jesus. Left by him to be publish’d after’s death.
280252: (Muggleton). Williamson, Bro. George Charles. - LODOWICK MUGGLETON. A Paper read before ye Sette of Odd Volumes, at ye 337th Meeting, January 27, 1915.
283730: Mulcahy, Rosemarie. - PHILIP II OF SPAIN, PATRON OF THE ARTS.
285963: Mulgan, Tim. - ETHICS FOR A BROKEN WORLD. Imagining Philosophy After Catastrophe.
289763: Muller, John. - A TREATISE CONTAINING THE ELEMENTARY PART OF FORTIFICATION, With remarks on the Constructions of the most celebrated Authors, particularly of Marshal de Vauban and Baron Coehorn, in which the Perfection and Imperfection of their several Works are considered. For the use of the Royal Academy of Artillery at Woolwich.
287751: Müller, William J. - CATALOGUE OF A LOAN COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS. In Oil and Water Colours. With Descriptive Notes and Twenty-Four Illustrations. Compiled by Whitworth Wallis and Arthur Bensley Chamberlain.
287235: Munby, G. - CATALOGUS PLANTARUM IN ALGERIA Sponte Nascentium.
282169: Munilla, Fray Martin de. - LA AUSTRIALIA DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO. The Journal of ... and other documents relating to The Voyage of Pedro Fernández de Quirós to the South Sea (1605-1606) and the Francescan Missionary Plan (1617-1627). Translated and Edited by Celsus Kelly.
287333: Munro, Robert. - THE LAKE-DWELLINGS OF EUROPE: Being the Rhind Lectures in Archæology for 1888.
289583: Muraro, Michelangelo. - CIVILIZATION OF THE SERENISSIMA. The system of the Venetian Villas. I. From Petrarca to Palladio. II. From Scamozzi to Carlo Scarpa.
289713: Murchison, Roderick Impey. - THE SILURIAN SYSTEM, Founded on Geological Researches in the Counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monouth, Gloucester, Worcester and Stafford; With Descriptions of the Coal-Fields and Overlying Formations.
288650: Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey. - SILURIA. The History of the Oldest Fossiliferous Rocks and Their Foundations; With a Brief Sketch of the Distribution of Gold Over the Earth.
287830: (Murdoch). Morley, Elaine. - IRIS MURDOCH AND ELIAS CANETTI. Intellectual Allies.
215275: Murphy, John Mortimer. - SPORTING ADVENTURES IN THE FAR WEST.
282569: Murphy, Denis J. - PEOPLE, PLANTS AND GENES. The Story of Crops and Humanity.
285302: Murphy, Douglas A. - TWO ARMIES ON THE RIO GRANDE The First Campaign of the US-Mexican War.
280728: Murphy, A.B. - THE RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR. Primary Sources. With the assistance of F. Patrikeeff.
287079: Murray, John Fisher. - A PICTURESQUE TOUR OF THE RIVER THAMES In Its Western Course, Including Particular Descriptions of Richmond, Windsor, and Hampton Court.
284771: Murray, Mrs Elizabeth. - SIXTEEN YEARS OF AN ARTIST’S LIFE In Morocco, Spain, and the Canary Islands.
284092: Murray, John Fisher. - A PICTURESQUE TOUR OF THE RIVER THAMES In Its Western Course; Including Particular Descriptions of Richmond, Windsor, and Hampton Court.
289503: Murray, Marischal. - UNION-CASTLE CHRONICLE 1853-1953.
288380: Murray, Hugh. - ON THE ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN ASIA, With Illustrations dervied from Recent Discoveries in the North of India.
272177: Murray, Alexander. - SUICIDE IN THE MIDDLE AGES. I. The Violent against Themselves. II. The Curse on Self-Murder.
286101: Musgrave, Michael. - THE MUSICAL LIFE OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE.
281162: (Mushet). Osborn, Fred M. - THE STORY OF THE MUSHETS. Preface by Sir Samuel Osborn.
284770: (Music Score). - [HAND WRITTEN MUSIC SCORE].
278665: Musson, Anthony. - PUBLIC ORDER AND LAW ENFORCEMENT. The Local Administration of Criminal Justice 1294-1350.
286398: Myall, Eric. - THE HOVERFLY FILE.
281282: Myhre, Knut Christian. - RETURNING LIFE. Language, Life Force and History in Kilimanjaro.
289254: Mynors, R.A.B. and Thomson, R.M. - CATALOGUE OF THE MANUSCRIPTS OF HEREFORD CATHEDRAL LIBRARY. With a Contribution on the Bindings by Michael Gullick.
281295: Mytinger, Caroline. - HEADHUNTING IN THE SOLOMON ISLANDS Around the Coral Sea.
286684: Nabb, Magdalen. - DEATH OF AN ENGLISHMAN.
283454: Nadal, P. Jeronimo. - IMAGENES DE LA HISTORIA EVANGELICA. Con un Estudion Introductorio por Alfonso Rodriguez G. de Ceballos.
284954: Nance, E. Morton. - THE POTTERY & PORCELAIN OF SWANSEA & NANTGARW. With a Foreword by R.L. Hobson.
284336: Nance, E. Morton. - THE POTTERY & PORCELAIN OF SWANSEA & NANTGARW. With a Foreword by R.L. Hobson.
286483: Nansen, Fridtjof. - "FARTHEST NORTH" Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship Fram 1893-96 and a Fifteen Months’ Sleigh Journey by Dr Nansen and Lieut. Johansen with an Appendix by Otto Sverdrup Captain of the Fram.
287233: (Nansen). - FRIDTJOF NANSEN SELF PORTRAIT. A Print taken from the original 1930 Lithographic Print.
281339: Nansen, Fridtjof. - XIII THE BATHYMETRICAL FEATURES OF THE NORTH POLAR SEAS, With a Discussion of the Continental Shelves and Previous Oscillations of the Shore-Line.
273999: Nansen, Fridtjof. - THE FIRST CROSSING OF GREENLAND. Translated from the Norwegian by Hubert Majendie Gepp.
280660: Nansen, Fridtjof. - IN NACHT UND EIS. Die Norwegische Polar expedition 1893-1896. Mit einem Beitrag von Kapitän Sverdrup. [AND]. SUPPLEMENT Wir Framleute von Bernhard Nordahl. Nansen und ich auf 86° 14’ von Lieutenant Hialmar Johansen.
280465: Napier, W.F.P. - HISTORY OF THE WAR IN THE PENINSULA and in the South of France, From the Year 1807 to the Year 1814.
280679: Nares, Lieut. George S. - SEAMANSHIP 1862.
281601: (Nash). Lewis, John. - JOHN NASH. The Painter as Illustrator. With a Foreword by Wilfrid Blunt.
285908: (Nasmyth). Smiles, Samuel. (Editor). - JAMES NASMYTH Engineer. An Autobiography.
288388: Nasrallah, P.J. - L’IMPRIMERIE AU LIBAN.
279624: Naville, Edouard. - THE MOUND OF THE JEW AND THE CITY OF ONIAS Belbeis, Samanood, Anusir, Tukh el Karmus 1887. [And] THE ANTIQUITIES OF TELL EL YAHÛDîYEH and Miscellaneous Work in Lower Egypt During the Years 1887-1888 by F. Ll. Griffith.
279707: Naville, Edouard; Peet, Eric and Loat, W.L.S. - THE CEMETERIES OF ABYDOS. Part I 1909-1910. The Mixed Cemetery and Umm El-Ga’ab. With Chapters by T. Eric Peet, H.R. Hall and Kathleen Haddon; 1911-1912; 1912-1913.
285033: (Navy List). - THE NAVY LIST, Corrected to The 20th March 1859. By Authority.
283962: (Navy List). - THE NAVY LIST, Corrected to the 20th September, 1866.
288644: Nawab, Sarabhai Manilal. (Editor). - THE LIFE OF LORD SHRI MAHAVIRA. As Represented in the Kalpasutra Paintings. 168 Paintings with their significance and description in Gujarati and English.
281274: Nazároff, P.S. - HUNTED Through Central Asia. Rendered into English from the Russian of the Author’s Manuscript by Malcolm Burr.
280622: Nazaroff, Paul. - KAPCHIGAI DEFILE. The Journal of ... Edited by E.M. Turner.
284226: Neal, Larry. - THE RISE OF FINANCIAL CAPITALISM. International capital markets in the Age of Reason.
277088: [Neale, W. Johnson]. - PAUL PERIWINKLE: Or, The Pressgang. In Three Books.
285306: (Neale). Krick, Robert K. - NEALE BOOKS An Annotated Bibliography.
289626: Nebolsin, Igor. - STALIN’S FAVORITE: THE COMBAT HISTORY OF THE 2ND GUARDS TANK ARMY FROM KURSK TO BERLIN. Volume I: January 1943-June 1944. Translated and edited by Stuart Britton.
287417: Necipoglu, Gülru. - THE AGE OF SINAN Architectural Cultural in the Ottoman Empire.
289425: Nefzaoui, Cheikh. - LE LIVRE D’AMOUR DE L’ORIENT. Deuxième Partie. Le Jardin Parfumé. Preface and Introduction by Guillaume Appollinaire.
287077: Neil, James. - PICTURED PALESTINE.
289541: Neil, C. Lang (Editor). - SOUTH AFRICA IN PEACE & WAR. Illustrated by a Series of Copyright Photo-Engravings.
289757: Nelson, Carl G. - THE PRINCE OF PEACE. Episodes from the Life of Christ in Linoleum Prints
284529: Nelson and Sons, T. - TOURIST’S GUIDE TO BRIGHTON And its Neighbourhood.
284523: Nelson and Sons, T. - LOCH LOMOND And its Scenery.
288933: Nelson, John. - THE HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE PARISH OF ST. MARY ISLINGTON, In the County of Middlesex. Including Biographical Sketches of the Most Eminent and Remarkable Persons Who Have Been Born, or Have resided There.
286873: (Nequam). Hunt, R.W. - THE SCHOOLS AND THE CLOISTER. The Life and Writings of Alexander Nequam (1157-1217). Edited and revised by Margaret Gibson.
263280: Nesbitt, Alexander. - GLASS.
282112: Nesbitt, L.M. - GOLD FEVER. Introduction by William Plomer.
263279: Nesbitt, Alexander. - A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE GLASS VESSELS in the South Kensington Museum. With an Introductory Notice.
284088: Nethersole, Scott. - ART AND VIOLENCE in Early Renaissance Florence.
287046: Neve, John Le. - FASTI ECCLESIÆ ANGLICANÆ: or, an essay towards deducing a regular succession of all the principal dignitaries in each cathedral, collegiate church or chapel (now in being) in those parts of Great Britain called England and Wales, from the first erection thereof, to this present year 1715. Containing the names, dates of consecration, admission, preferment, removal and death of the archbishops, bishops, deans, præcentors, treasurers, chancellors, and archdeacons, in their several stations and degrees. To which is added, the succession of the prebendaries in each prebendal stall (of most of those erected at the reformation, and) continued down to this time. The whole extracted from the several registers of the respective cathedral or collegiate churches or foundations, as also from other authentick records and valuable collections never before publish’d.
288267: Neve, John le. - MONUMENTA ANGLICANA: Being Inscriptions on the Monuments Of several Eminent Persons Deceased in or since the Year 1650. to the end of the Year 1679. Deduced into a Series of Time by way of Annals.
288268: Neve, John le. - MONUMENTA ANGLICANA: Being Inscriptions on the Monuments Of several Eminent Persons Deceased in or since the Year 1680. to the end of the Year 1699. Deduced into a Series of Time by way of Annals.
288236: Neve, John le. - MONUMENTA ANGLICANA: Being Inscriptions on the Monuments Of several Eminent Persons Deceased in or since the Year 1600. to the end of the Year 1649. Deduced into a Series of Time by way of Annals.
276230: Nevill, Ralph. - OLD SPORTING PRINTS.
256295: Nevill, Ralph. - OLD ENGLISH SPORTING BOOKS. Edited by Geoffrey Holme.
288217: (Nevill). Swallow, Henry J. - DE NOVA VILLA: Or, The House of Nevill in Sunshine and Shade.
261750: Nevius, Rev. John L. - CHINA AND THE CHINESE: A General Description of the Country and its Inhabitants; Its Civilization and Form of Government; Its Religious and Social Institutions: Its Intercourse with Other Nations; and its Present Condition and Prospects.
284662: New History of Ireland. - MEDIEVAL IRELAND 1169-1534. Edited by Art Cosgrove. Volume II [only].
284907: (New York State). - [PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM OF NEW YORK STATE].
284665: New History of Ireland. - EARLY MODERN IRELAND 1534-1691. Edited by T.W. Moody, F.X. Martin and F.J. Byrne. Volume III [only].
258451: New York State Crime Commission. - PORT OF NEW YORK (WATERFRONT). Public Hearing Number 5. Conducted by ... Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Orders of March 29, 1951 and November 13, 1952;.
285783: Newall, Captain J.T. - HOG HUNTING IN THE EAST. And other Sports.
287113: Newbery and Carnan (Publisher). - A DESCRIPTION OF ENGLAND AND WALES. ... Containing a particular account of each county ... Embellished with Two Hundred and Forty copper plate cuts, of Palaces, Castles; the Ruins of Roman and Saxon buildings; and of Abbeys, Monasteries, and other Religious Houses. Besides a variety of cuts of Urns, Inscriptions, and other Antiquities.
266659: Newell, Rev. R.H. - LETTERS ON THE SCENERY OF WALES; Including a Series of Subjects for the Pencil with their Stations Determined on a General Principle: And Instructions to Pedestrian Tourists.
287239: Newell, William Wells. - GAMES AND SONGS OF AMERICAN CHILDREN. Collected and Compared by ...
288048: Newley, Alexander. - UNACCOMPANIED MINOR. A Memoir.
289000: Newton, Douglas and Waterfield, Hermione. - TRIBAL SCULPTURE. Masterpieces from Africa, South East Asia and the Pacific in the Barbier-Muelle Museum. Photographs by Pierre-Alain Ferrazzini.
271936: Newton, Montague Noel. - MY CONFESSIONS.
282422: Newton, Isaac. - THE CORRESPONDENCE. Volume VII [only]: 1718-1727. Edited by A. Rupert Hall and Laura Tilling.
282423: Newton, Isaac. - THE CORRESPONDENCE. Volume IV [only]: 1694-1709. Edited by J.F. Scott.
282427: Newton, Isaac. - THE CORRESPONDENCE. Volume VI [only]: 1713-1718. Edited by A. Rupert Hall & Laura Tilling.
290177: Nicholas, Thomas. - ANNALS AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTIES AND COUNTY FAMILIES OF WALES. Containing a Record of all Ranks of Gentry, their Lineage, Alliances, Appointments, Armorial Ensigns and Residence; Ancient Pedigrees and Memorials of Old and Extinct Families ... All Compiled by Direct Visitation of the Counties, and from Reliable and Original Souces.
284165: Nicholson’s - CAMBRIAN TRAVELLER’S GUIDE, In Every Direction; Containing Remarks Made During Many Excursions in the Principality of Wales, Augmented by Extracts from the Best Writers.
281428: Nicholson, Ian. - LOG OF LOGS. A Catalogue of Logs, Journals, Shipboard Diaries, Letters, and All Forms of Voyage Narratives, 1788 to 1988, For Australia and New Zealand and Surrounding Oceans.
188949: Nicoll, (Michael John). - NICOLL'S BIRDS OF EGYPT. Published under the authority of the Egyptian Government. Edited by Colonel R. Meinertzhagen
289842: Nicolson, William. - THE ENGLISH, SCOTCH AND IRISH HISTORICAL LIBRARIES. Giving a short view and character of most of our historians, either in print or manuscript. With An Account of our Records, Law-Books, Coins, and other Matters, serviceable to the undertakers of a general history of England. The third edition, corrected and augmented. By W. Nicolson, late Bishop of Carlisle. To which is added, a letter to the Reverend White Kennet, D. D. in Defence of the English Historical Library, &c
283371: Nieremberg, Rev. Eusebius. - A TREATISE ON THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TEMPORAL AND ETERNAL. Written Spanish, by the ...
283655: Nieremberg, Rev. Eusebius. - A TREATISE ON THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TEMPORAL AND ETERNAL. Written in Spanish by the ...
285584: (Nietzche). Metzger, Jeffrey. (Editor). - NIETZSCHE, NIHILISM AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE FUTURE.
285586: (Nietzche). Small, Robin. - TIME AND BECOMING IN NIETZSCHE’S THOUGHT.
289916: Nisbet, Alex. - AN ESSAY ON ADDITIONAL FIGURES AND MARKS OF CADENCY. Shewing, the ancient & modern practice of differencing descendents in this and other nations. More Fully and Exactly, than any Thing hitherto Published upon this Part of Herauldry.
289993: Nisbet, Alexander. - A SYSTEM OF HERALDRY. speculative and practical: with the true art of blazon, according to the most approved heralds in Europe: illustrated with suitable examples of armorial figures, and Achievements of the most considerable Surnames and Families in Scotland, &c. Together With Historical and Genealogical Memorials relative thereto.
288696: Nishikawa, Kyotaro and Ueda, Shigekiyo. - THE GRAND EXHIBITION OF SILK ROAD CIVILIZATIONS. The Route of Buddhist Art. The Oasis and Steppe Routes. The Sea Route.
287432: (Nixon). Aitken, Jonathan. - NIXON A Life.
271467: No. 063. - BRITISH THRUSHES. By Eric Simms.
290128: No. 57. - BRITISH SEALS. By H.R. Hewer.
290130: No. 98. - BUMBLEBEES. The Natural History & Identification of the Species found in Britain by Ted Benton.
280985: No. 127. - NATURE IN TOWNS AND CITIES. By David Goode.
274992: No. 018. - A NATURAL HISTORY OF MAN IN BRITAIN. Conceived as a Study of changing relations between Men and Environments by H.J. Fleure.
290139: No. 115. - CLIMATE AND WEATHER. By John A. Kington.
273855: No. 062. - BRITISH TITS. By C.M. Perrins.
290137: No. 119. - SCOTLAND. Looking at the Natural Landscapes by Peter Friend with Leah Jackson-Blake and James Sample.
290141: No. 121. - PARTRIDGES. Countryside Barometer by G.R. (Dick) Potts.
274832: No. 052. - WOODLAND BIRDS. by Eric Simms.
274807: No. 115. - CLIMATE AND WEATHER. By John A. Kington.
290116: No. 125. - OWLS. A Natural History of the British and Irish Species by Mike Toms.
274805: No. 091. - NATURE CONSERVATION. A Review of the Conservation of Wildlife in Britain 1950-2001 by Peter Marren.
273912: No. 047. - THE SNOWDONIA NATIONAL PARK. By W.M. Condry.
290103: No. 109. - THE NATURAL HISTORY OF ISLANDS. By R.J. Berry.
290104: No. 110. - WILDFOWL. By David Cabot.
290105: No. 101. - GALLOWAY AND THE BORDERS. By Derek Ratcliffe.
290107: No. 99. - GOWER. By. Mullard, Jonathan.
290110: No. 100. - WOODLANDS. By Oliver Rackham.
290111: No. 95. - NORTHUMBERLAND With Alston Moor.
287594: No. 059. - ANTS. By M.V. Brian.
290133: No. 111. - DARTMOOR. A Statement of its Time.
287636: No. 058. - HEDGES. By E. Pollard, M.D. Hooper & N.W. Moore.
290124: No. 105. - WYE VALLEY. By George Peterken.
290118: No. 124. - BIRD POPULATIONS. by Ian Newton.
280938: No. 071. - BRITISH WARBLERS. By Eric Simms.
267691: No. 006. - THE HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS. By F. Fraser Darling and J. Morton Boyd.
274778: No. 108. - SOUTHERN ENGLAND. Looking at the Natural Landscapes.
290123: No. 94. - A NATURAL HISTORY OF THE SEASHORE. By Peter J. Hayward.
274979: No. 015. - LIFE IN LAKES AND RIVERS By T.T. Macan and E.B. Worthington.
277728: No. 031. - MAN AND THE LAND. By L. Dudley Stamp.
274982: No. 055. - FINCHES. By I. Newton.
274989: No. 017. - BIRDS AND MEN. The Bird Life of British Towns, Villages, Gardens & Farmland by E.M. Nicholson.
274828: No. 047. - THE SNOWDONIA NATIONAL PARK. By W.M. Condry.
290098: No. 103. - THE ISLES OF SCILLY. By Rosemary Parslow.
280986: No. 128. - LAKES, LOUGHS AND LOCHS. By Brian Moss.
281061: No. 115. - CLIMATE AND WEATHER. By John A. Kington.
280984: No. 124. - BIRD POPULATIONS. By Ian Newton.
290138: No. 112. - BOOKS AND NATURALISTS. By David Elliston Allen.
274762: No. 062. - BRITISH TITS. By Christopher Perrins.
280939: No. 070 - THE NATURAL HISTORY OF ORKNEY. By R.J. Berry [and others].
274804: No. 098. - BUMBLEBEES. The Natural History & Identification of the Species found in Britain by Red Benton.
274814: No. 120. - GRASSHOPPERS & CRICKETS. By Ted Benton.
280935: No. 077. - THE SOIL. By B.N.K. Davis, N. Walker, D.F. Ball and A.H. Fitter.
274830: No. 046. - THE BROADS. By E.A. Ellis.
280941: No. 093. - BRITISH BATS. By John D. Altringham.
280937: No. 078. - BRITISH LARKS, PIPITS AND WAGTAILS. By Eric Simms.
287630: No. 103. - THE ISLES OF SCILLY. By Rosemary Parslow.
290100: No. 102. - GARDEN NATURAL HISTORY. By Stefan Buczacki.
290143: No. 107. - GROUSE. The Natural History of British and Irish Species by Adam Watson and Robert Moss.
281055: No. 110. - WILDFOWL. By David Cabot.
281057: No. 111. - DARTMOOR. A Statement of its Time by Ian Mercer.
281038: No. 092. - LAKELAND The Wildlife of Cumbria.
281040: No. 095. - NORTHUMBERLAND with Alston Moore by Angus Lunn.
281041: No. 096. - FUNGI. By Brian Spooner and Peter Roberts.
281042: No. 097. - MOSSES AND LIVERWORTS. By Ron Porley and Nick Hodgetts.
281036: No. 084. - IRELAND. By David Cabot.
281037: No. 091. - NATURE CONSERVATION A Review of the Conservation of Wildlife in Britain 1950-2001 by Peter Marren.
281034: No. 072. - HEATHLANDS. By Nigel Webb.
281030: No. 065. - WADERS. By W.G. Hale.
281025: No. 057. - BRITISH SEALS. By H.R. Hewer.
281027: No. 061. - INHERITANCE AND NATURAL HISTORY. By R.J. Berry.
281028: No. 062. - BRITISH TITS.
281022: No. 050. - PESTICIDES AND POLLUTION. By Kenneth Mellanby.
281023: No. 053. - THE LAKE DISTRICT. A Landscape History by W.H. Pearsall and Winifred Pennington.
281017: No. 044. - THE PEAK DISTRICT. By K.C. Edwards assisted by H.H. Swinnerton and R.H. Hall.
281020: No. 048. - GRASS AND GRASSLANDS. By Ian Moore.
281021: No. 049. - NATURE CONSERVATION IN BRITAIN. By Sir Dudley Stamp. With a list of Conservation Areas in England, Wales and Scotland compiled by James Fisher.
281016: No. 043. - WEEDS & ALIENS. By Sir Edward Salisbury.
281007: No. 031. - MAN AND THE LAND. By L. Dudley Stamp.
281004: No. 027. - DARTMOOR. By L.A. Harvey and D. St. Leger-Gordon.
281003: No. 026. - THE WEALD. By S.W. Wooldridge and Frederick Goldring.
281001: No. 024. - FLOWERS OF THE COAST. By Ian Hepburn with a Chapter on Coastal Physiography by J.A. Steers.
281000: No. 023. - AN ANGLER’S ENTOMOLOGY. By J.R. Harris.
280999: No. 022. - CLIMATE AND THE BRITISH SCENE. By. Gordon Manley.
280992: No. 009. - A COUNTRY PARISH. Great Budworth in the County of Chester by A.W. Boyd.
280991: No. 007. - MUSHROOMS & TOADSTOOLS. A Study of the Activities of Fungi by John Ramsbottom.
280947: No. 054. - THE POLLINATION OF FLOWERS. By Michael Proctor and Peter Yeo.
274811: No. 111. - DARTMOOR. A Statement of its Time by Ian Mercer.
290146: No. 113. - BIRD MIGRATION. By Ian Newton.
274990: No. 009. - A COUNTRY PARISH. Great Budworth in the County of Chester by A.W. Boyd.
274827: No. 051. - MAN AND BIRDS. By R.K. Murton.
280936: No. 073. - THE NEW FOREST. By Colin R. Tubbs.
290121: No. 104. - A HISTORY OF ORNITHOLOGY. By Peter Bircham.
273856: No. 063. - BRITISH THRUSHES. By Eric Simms.
290120: No. 123. - TERNS. By David Cabot and Ian Nisbet.
290113: No. 116. - PLANT PESTS. A Natural History of Pests of Farms and Gardens by David V. Alford.
290150: No. 114. - BADGER. By Timothy J. Roper.
290151: No. 118. - THE MARCHES. By Andrew Allott.
290152: No. 122. - VEGETATION OF BRITAIN AND IRELAND. By Michael Proctor.
290153: No. 106. - DRAGONFLIES. By Philip S. Corbet & Stephen J. Brooks.
290154: [No. 120]. - GRASSHOPPERS & CRICKETS By Ted Benton.
287593: No. 081. - LADYBIRDS. By Michael E.N. Majerus.
290140: No. 108. - SOUTHERN ENGLAND. Looking at the Natural Landscapes by Peter Friend.
286017: No. 003. - LONDON’S NATURAL HISTORY. By R.S.R. Fitter.
290127: No. 97. - MOSSES AND LIVERWORTS. By Ron Porley & Nick Hodgetts.
290129: Noble, Thomas. - THE HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF DERBY: Drawn Up From Actual Observation, and From the Best Authorities; Containing a Variety of Geological, Mineralogical, Commercial and Statistical Information. The Materials collected by the Publisher Stephen Glover.
288940: Noble, James. - THE ORIENTALIST; Or, Letters of a Rabbi. With Notes.
281925: Nodier, C. - LA SEINE et ses Bords. Publiés par M.A. Mure de Pelanne.
276256: [Noel, Lady Augusta]. - THE STORY OF WANDERING WILLIE.
280469: (Nollekens). Smith, John Thomas. - NOLLEKENS AND HIS TIMES: Comprehending a Life of that Celebrated Sculptor; and Memoirs of Several Contemporary Artists, from the time of Roubiliac, Hogarth and Reynolds, to that of Fuseli, Flaxman and Blake.
289026: Nor, Mohd Anis Md. - ZAPIN. Folk Dance of the Malay World.
280576: Nordenskiöld, A.-E. - LA SECONDE EXPÉDITION SUÉDOISE AU GRÖNLAND (L’Inlandsis et la Côte Orientale) Entreprise Aux Frais de M. Oskar Dickson. Traduit du suédois avec l’autorisation de l’Auteur pas Charles Rabot.
279769: Nordström, Hans-Åke - NEOLITHIC AND A-GROUP SITES.
289343: Norman, C.B. - TONKIN Or France in the Far East.
275797: Norman, C.B. - ARMENIA and the Campaign of 1877.
284510: Norman, Philip. - LONDON SIGNS AND INSCRIPTIONS. With an Introduction by Henry B. Wheatley.
281133: Norman, J.R. and Fraser, F.C. - GIANT FISHES, WHALES AND DOLPHINS.
285251: Norris, Charles. - ETCHINGS OF TENBY; Including Many Ancient Edifices Which Have been Destroyed, and Intended to Illustrate the Most Striking Peculiarities in Early Flemish Architecture. With a Short Account of That Town,
282432: (North). Grassby, Richard. - THE ENGLISH GENTLEMAN IN TRADE. The Life and Works of Sir Dudley North, 1641-1691.
212235: (Northampton 01). Ryland, W; Adkins, D & Serjeantson, R.M. (Editors). - THE VICTORIA HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON. Volume I [Only, Natural History, Early Man, Domesday].
282424: Norton, David W. - FIFTY MORE YEARS BELOW ZERO. Tributes and Meditations for the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory’s first half century at Barrow, Alaska. With a Foreword by Maxwell E. Britton.
289665: [Norton, John]. - THE SURVEYORS DIALOGUE Very profitable for all Men to peruse, Especially Lords of Manors, Stewards of Mannor-Courts, Tenants, Farmers and Husbandmen. Divided into Three Books, carefully Revised and Corrected; together with an Exact Index.
212214: (Nottingham). Page, William (Editor). - THE VICTORIA HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF NOTTINGHAM.
280741: Nugent, Frank. - SEEK THE FROZEN LANDS. Irish Polar Explorers 1740-1922.
281830: (Nugent). Perry, Nicholas. - MAJOR-GENERAL OLIVER NUGENT. The Irishman who led the Ulster Division in the Great War.
287703: Nurse, Bernard. - TOWN. Prints & drawings of Britain before 1800.
285915: Nyhan, Miriam. - ARE YOU STILL BELOW? The Ford Marina Plant, Cork 1917-1984.
278463: Nyren, John. - THE YOUNG CRICKETER’S TUTOR. Comprising full directions for playing the elegant and manly Game of Cricket. Originally published in 1833 and now Reprinted. With an Introduction by Neville Cardus.
275282: Oakeshott, Michael. - NOTEBOOKS, 1922-86.
215936: T[oase], R. L[avinia] R. - WHAT ARE THEY DOING IN BOULOGNE? With an Introduction by The Rev T.H. Brocklehurst.
287937: Obaldia, Rene de. - THE CENTENARIAN. A Novel. Translated from the French by Alexander Trocchi.
288298: Oddy, Andrew. (Editor). - MANUAL OF HOUSEKEEPING. The care of collections in historic houses open to the public. Foreword by Fiona Reynolds.
235002: Ogilvie, William. - EARLY DAYS ON THE YUKON & the Story of its Gold Finds.
284719: Ogilvie, Sheilagh. - A BITTER LIVING. Women, Markets and Social Capital in Early Modern Germany.
251483: Ogle, Mr T (Photographer). - OUR ENGLISH LAKES, MOUNTAINS AND WATERFALLS, As Seen by William Wordsworth. Photographically Illustrated.
283898: Bew, J[ohn]. - AMBULATOR: or, A pocket companion in a tour round London, within the circuit of twenty five miles: Describing whatever is most remarkable for antiquity, grandeur: elegance, or rural beauty: including new catalogues of pictures, and illustrated by historical and biographical observations: to which are prefixed a concise description of the metropolis and a map of the country described.
288141: C[okayne], G[eorge] E[dward]. - THE COMPLETE PEERAGE of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom. Extnant Extinct or Dormant. With Volume XIV Addenda & Corrigenda.
287407: Oldenbruch, Ernst. - GRAINING AND MARBLING. Holz- und Marmormelerie.
289844: [Oldmixon, Mr. (John)]. - THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. during the reigns of the Royal House of Stuart. Wherein the errors of late histories are discover'd and corrected; With Proper Reflections, And several Original Letters from King Charles II. King James II. Oliver Cromwell, &c. As also the Lord Saville's Famous Forg'd Letter of Invitation, which brought the Scots into England in the Year 1640, And gave Occasion to the Beginning of the Civil Wars. This Letter being never before publish'd, led the Earl of Clarendon, Bishop Burnet, Mr. Echard, Dr. Welwood, and other Writers, into Egregious Mistakes upon this Head. To all which is Prefix'd, Some Account of the Liberties taken with Clarendon's History before it came to the Press, such Liberties as make it Doubtful, What Part of it is Clarendon's, and what Not. The whole Collected from the most Authentick Memoirs, Manuscript and Printed. By the author of the Critical history of England. Printed for John Pemberton, in Fleetstreet; Richard Ford, Richard Hett, and John Gray, in the Poultry; and Thomas Cox, under the Royal-Exchange, 1730. xxi,[1], 208, 209*-*216, 209-408, [409]-430], 409-781,[23]p. Title page in red and black within double rule, Ills. and decorative chapter headings, historiated initial letters and decorative tailpieces. Light age toning, light stain to head and tail. [With]. THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND during the reigns of King William and Queen Mary, Queen Anne King George I. Being the sequel of the reigns of the Stuarts. The Matter has been Collected from many Curious Manuscripts, and the most rare Printed Tracts. It Contains A very exact Account of the Debates in Parliament, and short Extracts of the most Remarkable Politial Pieces within this Compass of Time. The whole is in Prosecution of the Author’s First Scheme to set the Dark and Pernicious Designs of the Enemies to our present Happy Constitution, in a Fair and Full Light. To which is prefix'd, a large vindication of the author against the groundless charge of partiality. Proving That the Reverend Doctors, and others who charg’d him with it, are themselves of all Men, the most Partial. By Mr. Oldmixon. London printed for Thomas Cox; Richard Ford, and Richard Hett 1735. viii, [6], 416, 413*-416*, 417-616, [617]-[640], 617-708, 769-728,719-808,[24]p. Title page in red and black within double rule, Ills. and decorative chapter headings, historiated initial letters and decorative tailpieces. Light age toning.
282934: Olds, Katrina B. - FORGING THE PAST. Invented Histories in Counter-Reformation Spain.
278059: Oldys, William. - A MEMOIRS. Norroy King-at-Arms. Together with His Diary, Choice Notes from His Adversaria, and an Account of the London Libraries. [Reprinted from Notes and Queries].
283061: Oleo y Quadrado, Don Rafael. - HISTORIA DE LA ISLA DE MENORCA.
277879: Oliphant, Laurence. - TRAITS AND TRAVESTIES Social and PoIitical.
277587: Oliphant, Laurence. - THE LAND OF KHEMI. Up and Down the Middle Nile.
278015: Oliphant, Laurence. - PATRIOTS AND FILIBUSTERS Or Incidents of Political and Exploratory Travel.
280323: (Oliphant). Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant W. - MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF LAURENCE OLIPHANT and of Alice Oliphant, His Wife.
280905: Oliphant, Laurence. - A JOURNEY TO KATMANDU (The Capital of Nepaul), With the Camp of of Jung Bahadoor; Including a Sketch of the Napaulese Ambassador at Home.
278176: Oliphant, Laurence. - ALTIORA PETO.
280325: Oliphant, Laurence. - FASHIONABLE PHILOSOPHY and Other Sketches. 1st Ed. [With] IN KEDAR’S TENTS by Henry Seton Merriman. Copyright Edition.
279495: Oliphant, Laurence. - NARRATIVE OF THE EARL OF ELGIN’S MISSION TO CHINA AND JAPAN In the Years 1857, ‘58, ‘59.
278614: Oliphant, Laurence. - EPISODES IN A LIFE OF ADVENTURE.
289505: Oliver, Richard. - IMAGES OF KIMBERLEY. A Postcard Collection. Text by Maureen Rall. Foreword by Wilhelm Grütter.
287406: Oliver, Paul (Editor). - ENCYLOPAEDIA OF VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF THE WORLD. Theories and Principles: Approaches and Concepts, Culture Traits and Attributes, Environment, Materials and Building Resources, Production, Services, Symbolism and Decoration, Typologies, Uses and Functions. Cultures and Habitats: Asia, East and Central Australasia and Oceania, Europe and Eurasia, Mediterranean and Southwest Asia, Latin America, North America, Sub-Saharan Africa. Glossary, Lexicon, Bibliography, Indexes.
288365: Olschak, Blanche Christine with Wangyal, Geshé Thupten. - MYSTIC ART OF ANCIENT TIBET.
286616: Olsson, Fredrik T. - CHAIN OF EVENTS.
246430: Oman, Charles C. - [43 PAPERS RELATING TO ENGLISH SCOTTISH IRISH GOLDSMITH’S WORKS.] From the collection of ...
245909: (Oman). - THE BURLINGTON MAGAZINE. Special issue in honour of Charles Oman, including articles on the antiquarian plate of George IV in the Royal Collection, Ex-votos in gold and silver, the design of Tudor plate and an early medieval crozier in the Bargello.
284779: (Onderdonk). Halff, Harry A. and Elizabeth. - JULIAN ONDERDONK: A Catalogue Raisonné. With an essay by Emily Ballew Neff.
285328: Oppenheim, Peter. - THE FRAGILE FORTS. The Fixed Defences of Sydney Harbour 1788-1963. Foreword by Major-General John Whitelaw.
289987: Oppenheimer, Michael. - THE MONUMENTS OF ITALY. A Regional Survey of Art, Architecture and Archaeology from Classical to Modern Times. I. North-west Italy, The Regions of Piemonte, Liguria, Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna. II. North-east Italy, The Regions of the Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, and Friuli-Venezia Giuli. III. Central Italy (part I), The Regions of Toscana and Umbria. IV. Central Italy (part 2), The regions of the Marche and Lazio. V. Southern Italy, The Regions of Abruzzo-Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicilia, and Sardegne. VI. Glossary and Bio0graphies etc.
191100: (Orford). - THE REPORT of the Lords Committees Appointed to take into Consideration the Report of the Commissioners Appointed by Act of Parliament, Anno I. Annæ Reginæ, For Taking, Examining, and Stating the Publick Accompts of the Kingdom; So far as Relates to the Accompts Of the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Orford. Late Treasurer of the Navy. [And] THE ANSWERS OF THE EARL OF ORFORD (Late Treasurer of the Navy) To the Observations Made by the Honourable Commissioners of Accompts upon his Accompts of the Navy; Exclusive of the Victualling. Delivered at the Bar of the House of Peers, February 10. 1703. With the Reply of the Commissioners of Accompts.
280830: Orlova, Maria Alexeyevna. - THE RUSSIAN ORNAMENT SOURCEBOOK. 10th - 16th Centuries. Introduction adapted from an article by ...
287945: Orlovitz, Gil. - ICE NEVER F. A Novel.
279022: [Orme, Robert]. - A HISTORY OF THE MILITARY TRANSACTIONS OF THE BRITISH NATION IN INDOSTAN, From the Year MDCCXLV. To Which is Prefixed a Dissertation on the Establishments Made by Mahomedan Conquerors in Indostan. Volume 1 [Only of 2 vols. in 3].
289208: (Ormonde). Carte, Thomas. - AN HISTORY OF THE LIFE OF JAMES DUKE OF ORMONDE, From his Birth in 1610, to his Death in 1688. Wherein is contained An Account of the most remarkable Affairs of his Time, and particularly of Ireland, under his Government.In Two Volumes. To which is added, for the Satisfaction of the Curious in another Volume, A Very Valuable Collection of Letters, written either by His Grace, or by the King, the Secretaries of State, and other Great Men in his Time, and serving to verify the most material Facts in the said History. London: Printed by J. Bettenham, for J.J. and P. Knapton ... 1736. 2nd Ed. 2 vols. [iv] + xiii + lxvii + 606pp. + [vi]. + [ii] + 559pp. + 133pp. + [ix]. Volume 1 with Conservative Club bookmark in calf backed cloth boards with gilt ‘Conservative Club’ armorial stamp to upper board, rebacked with original intricate gilt tooled spine with gilt lettered labels laid down, loss to head and tail of spine; Volume 2 in contemporary speckled calf with gilt ‘Conservative Club’ armorial stamp to upper board, darkened and worn, rebacked with much of intricate gilt tooled spine with modern gilt lettered labels laid down. [And] A COLLECTION OF LETTERS Written by the Kings Charles I and II. The Duke of Ormonde, the Secretaries of State, the Marquess of Clanricarde, and other Great Men, during the Troubles of Great Britain and Ireland. Serving to verify and clear up Matters related in the History of the Life and Times of James the first Duke of Ormonde, and published by way of Appendix to that History, whereof it makes. J.J. and P. Knapton .... 1735. [xii] + 608pp. Hinges taped, leather backed cloth boards with gilt ‘Conservative Club’ armorial stamp to upper board, rebacked with intricate gilt tooled spine with gilt lettered labels laid down;
283430: Ortiz, Antonio. - A RELATION OF THE SOLEMNITIE 1601.
283529: Ortiz de Zúñiga, D. Diego. - ANNALES ECLESIASTICOS Y SECULARES de la Muy Noble y Mul Leale Ciudad de Savila.
286699: (Osaka). - OFFICIAL SOUVENIR MAP EXPO‘70. Guide to Expo’70 Site & Surrounding Areas. Roads, Access Routes, Train and Air Information Japan and the World. Progress and Harmony for Mankind.
282359: Osgood, Josiah. - CAESAR’S LEGACY. Civil War and the Emergence of the Roman Empire.
281073: Osherenko, Gail and Young, Oran R. - THE AGE OF THE ARCTIC: hot conflicts and cold realities.
289576: Osiander, Andreas. - THE STATES SYSTEM OF EUROPE, 1640-1990. Peacemaking and the Conditions of International Stability.
275133: Osler, Sir William. - BIBLIOTHECA OSLERIANA. A Catalogue of Books Illustrating the History of Medicine and Science Collected, Arranged and Annotated By .. and Bequeathed to McGill University.
276228: (Osler). Abbott, Maude E. (Editor). - CLASSIFIED AND ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SIR WILLIAM OSLER’S PUBLICATIONS. (Based on the Chronological Bibliography by Minnie Wright Blogg).
275134: Osler, Sir William. - BIBLIOTHECA OSLERIANA. A Catalogue of Books Illustrating the History of Medicine and Science Collected, Arranged and Annotated By .. and Bequethed to McGill University.
286553: Östberg, Ragnar. - THE STOCKHOLM TOWN HALL.
286686: Ostrander, Elaine A.; Giger, Urs and Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin. (Editor). - THE DOG AND ITS GENOME. Foreword by E. Ostrander and F. Galibert.
282285: Ostrom, John H. and John S. McIntosh. - MARSH’S DINOSAURS. The Collections from Como Bluff. With a new foreword by Peter Dodson and a historical update by Cifford A. Miles and David W. Hamblin.
288227: Ottó, Szönyi. - RÉGI MAGYAR TEMPLOMOK Alte Ungarische Kirchen Anciennes églises Hongroises Hungarian Churches of Yor.
278908: Ouseley, Sir William. - TRAVELS IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES OF THE EAST; More Particularly Persia. A work wherein the author has described, as far as his own observations extended, the state of those countries in 1810, 1811, and 1812; and has endeavoured to illustrate many subjects of antiquarian research, history, geography, philology and miscellaneous literature, with extracts from rare and valuable oriental manuscripts.
270925: Outhwaite, Ida Rentoul. - BUNNY & BROWNIE The Adventures of George & Wiggle. Written & Illustrated by ...
259263: (Outram). Goldsmid, Major-Gen Sir F.J. - JAMES OUTRAM. A Biography.
272590: Ovenden, Graham. - SATIRICAL POEMS AND OTHERS.
272589: Ovenden, Graham. - THE MARBLED MIRROR. Thirty Poems.
289975: Ovenden, Emily. - VULPES VULPES.
287834: Overbury, Sir Thomas. - THE MISCELLANEOUS WORKS In Prose and Verse. Now first Collected, edited with notes and a biographical account of the author by Edward F. Rimbault.
288446: Ovington, J. - A VOYAGE TO SURAT In the Year 1689. Edited by H.G. Rawlinson.
268479: Owen of Henllys Lord of Kemes, George. - THE DESCRIPTION OF PEMBROKESHIRE. Edited, with Notes and an Appendix by Henry Owen.
289326: Owen, William. - THE CAMBRIAN BIOGRAPHY: Or Historical Notices of Celebrated Men Among the Ancient Britons.
289707: Owen, Olwyn and Lowe, Christopher. - KEBISTER. The Four-Thousand-year-old Story of one Shetland Township. With specialist contributions by Patrick Ashmore, Simon Butler, Stephen Cart ... Michael Spearman, Ross Trench-Jellicoe.
286199: (Owen). Owen, Harold. - JOURNEY FROM OBSCURITY. Wilfred Owen 1893-1918. Memoirs of the Owen Family. I. Childhood. II. Youth. III. War. [With] AFTERMATH.
287983: (Oxford University). - PARECBOLÆ SIVE EXCERPTA e corpore statutorum universitatis Oxoniensis; accedunt articuli religionis XXXIX in Ecclesia Anglicana recepti, rec non Juramenta fidelitatis et suprematus. In usum Juventutis Academicæ.
258481: (Oxford Riots). - THE SEVERAL PAPERS Which were laid before The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, Relating to the Riots at Oxford, on His Royal Highness the Prince’s Birth-Day: Pursuant to their Lordships Address to His Majesty for that purpose. With the Resolutions of the House thereupon. Publish’d by Order of the House of Peers.
212911: (Oxford 01). Salzman, L.F. (Editor). - THE VICTORIA HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. Volume I [Only. Zoology, Early Man, Romano-British Remains, Anglo-Saxon Remains, Domesday Survey].
212857: (Oxford 02). Page, William (Editor). - THE VICTORIA HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. Volume II [Only, Religious Houses, Industries, Sport].
212859: (Oxford 10). Crossley, Alan (Editor). - A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. Volume X [Only] Banbury Hundred.
283310: (Oxford Spectator). - THE OXFORD SPECTATOR.
212895: (Oxford 09). Lobel, Mary and Crossley, Alan. - A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD Volume IX [Only] Bloxham Hundred.
212901: (Oxford 10). Crossley, Alan (Editor). - A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. Volume X [Only] Banbury Hundred.
287714: Oz, Tahsin. - TURKISH CERAMICS.
284348: Packer, Charles. - PARIS FURNITURE by The Master Ébénistes. A Chronologically arranged Pictorial Review of Furniture by the Master Menuisiers-Ébénistes from Boulle to Jacob; together with a Commentary on the Styles and Techniques of the Art.
284350: Packer, Charles. - PARIS FURNITURE by The Master Ébénistes. A Chronologically arranged Pictorial Review of Furniture by the Master Menuisiers-Ébénistes from Boulle to Jacob; together with a Commentary on the Styles and Techniques of the Art.
284349: Packer, Charles. - PARIS FURNITURE by The Master Ébénistes. A Chronologically arranged Pictorial Review of Furniture by the Master Menuisiers-Ébénistes from Boulle to Jacob; together with a Commentary on the Styles and Techniques of the Art.
284347: Packer, Charles. - PARIS FURNITURE by The Master Ébénistes. A Chronologically arranged Pictorial Review of Furniture by the Master Menuisiers-Ébénistes from Boulle to Jacob; together with a Commentary on the Styles and Techniques of the Art.
289825: Páez, Pedro. - HISTORY OF ETHIOPIA, 1622. Edited by Isabel Boavida, Hervé Pennec and Manual João Ramos. Translated by Christopher J. Tribe.
283492: Páez, Elena de Santiago; Bedate, Pilar Gómez and Liaño, Ignacio Gómez de. - DEL AMOR Y LA MUERTE. Dibujos y Grabados de la Biblioteca Nacional.
287460: Pagdin, William E. - THE STORY OF THE WEATHERCOCK.
288030: Page, Christopher. - THE GUITAR IN GEORGIAN ENGLAND. A Social and Musical History,
288098: Page, Mark (Editor). - THE PIPE ROLL OF THE BISHOPRIC OF WINCHESTER 1301-2.
288028: Page, Christopher. - THE GUITAR IN STUART ENGLAND. A Social and Musical History.
288029: Page, Christopher. - THE GUITAR IN TUDOR ENGLAND. A Social and Musical History.
286917: Pahl, Magnus. - HITLER’S FREMDE HEERE OST. German Military Intelligence on the Eastern Front 1942-45. Translated by Derik Hammond.
286268: Painter, Martin. - THE DH.106 COMET. An Illustrated History.
288823: Pal, Pratapadity. - TIBETAN PAINTINGS. A Study of Tibetan Thankas Eleventh to Nineteenth Centuries.
288935: Palace Museum. - CULTURAL RELICS OF TIBETAN BUDDHISM COLLECTED IN THE QING PALACE. English translation by Chen Guansheng and Li Peizhu. Preface by Yang Xin.
280317: "Palinurus." - THE PAPER BOAT. [A Collection of Short Stories].
287922: (Palladio). Tavernor, Robert and Schofield, Richard. - ANDREA PALLADIO. The Four Books on Architecture. Translated by ...
289125: Pallas, P.S. - TRAVELS THROUGH THE SOUTHERN PROVINCES OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE, In the Years 1793 and 1794. Translated from the German of ...
278995: Palliser, D.M.; Clark, Peter and Daunton, Martin. (Editors). - THE CAMBRIDGE URBAN HISTORY OF BRITAIN 600-1950.
283524: Palma, Ricardo. - TRADICIONES PERUANAS. Ilustraciones de Fernando Marco.
285804: Palmer, Sutton. - CALIFORNIA The Land of the Sun. Painted by ... Described by Mary Austin.
278791: Palmer, Samuel. - THE SHORTER POEMS OF JOHN MILTON, With Twelve Illustrations by ...
284261: Palmer, F.P. and Crowquill, A. - THE WANDERINGS OF A PEN AND PENCIL.
289403: (Palmer). - THE QUEEN V. PALMER Verbatim Report of the Trial of the Trial of William Palmer at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London, May 14, and Following Days, 1856, Before Lord Cambell, Mr Justice, Cresswell, and Mr Baron Alderson. Transcribed from the Short-Hand Notes of Mr Angelo Bennett, of Rolls Chambers, Chancery Lane
288776: (Palmer). Besant, Walter. - THE LIFE AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF EDWARD HENRY PALMER. Late Lord Almoner’s Professor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Saint John’s College.
284309: Palmer, Sutton. - BUCKINGHAMSHIRE AND BERKSHIRE. Described by G.E. Mitton.
284302: Palmer, Sutton. - SURREY. Described by A.R. Hope Moncrieff.
251609: Palmer, Sutton. - SURREY. Described by A.R. Hope Moncrieff.
284384: Palmer, Sutton. - THE RIVERS & STREAMS OF ENGLAND. Described by A.G. Bradley.
284555: Palmer, Frederick. - PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERING AND THE CUTTING OF LOOSE COVERS. Foreword by Bertram E. Chapman.
140910: (Pamphlets). - [COLLECTION OF 18 PAMPHLETS]. The Bible Class Historical Index to the "Harmony of the Four Evangelists;" Being a Tabular View of the Life and Ministry ... by Robert Mimpress. Varty and Owen N.d. [viii]pp. Hand coloured frontis. map; The Art of Questioning by Joshua G. Fitch. Sunday School Union N.d. 5th Ed. 32pp.; Questions and Answers on the Collects; With Brief Historical Notes by John Flint. Part I-Advent to Easter Day. National Society ... 46pp. + [i].; ... Part II Easter to the Seventh Sunday after Trinity ... N.d. 34pp. + [i].; ... Part III. Eighth Sunday After Trinity to the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Trinity. ... N.d. 45pp. + [i].; Hints on the Arrangement of Colours in Ancient Decorative Art. With some Observations on the Theory of Complementary Colours. By G.S French. Manchester .. Charles Simms and Co. 1850. 32pp.; A Glossary of Geographical terms by J.R. Jackson. W. & A.K. Johnston. 1848. 46pp.; Hand-Book to Sheet No. II. Of Johnstons Illustrations of Natural Philosophy, Explanatory of the Mechanical Powers. By James Fairbairn. W. & A.K. Johnston. 1847. 20pp.; Hints on an Improved and Self-Paying System of National Education, Suggested From the Working of a Village School in Hampshire. With Observations from Personal Inspection, on the Irish National Schools. By the Rev. Richard Dawes. R. Groombridge & Sons N.d. 52pp.; Catechism on the Liturgy of the Church of England. By Frederick Leigh Colvile. Henry T. Cooke and Son 1856. 69pp. + [ii].; Remarks on the Importance of Giving, as far as Possible, a Self-Supporting Character to Schools for the Industrial Classes, and the Means of Doing So. A Paper Read before ... Drop title. 48pp.; A Discourse, Preached on Sunday, July 11th, 1847, at the Parish Church of Battersea, to the Masters and Students Trained at the Battersea Normal College. By Thomas Jackson. T.B. Sharpe ... 1847. 28pp.; Birmingham and the Black Country. SPCK ... N.d. 20pp.; The Staffordshire Potteries. SPCK ... N.d. 48pp.; Sheffield SPCK ... N.d. 47pp.; The Manufacture of Hosiery. Drop Title. 48pp. Lib. inscription across head of drop title. Ills.; Steam and the Steam-Engine. SPCK N.d. 58pp.; Granny and Leezy A Scottish Dialogue. Grandmothers Visit to the First Infant Training School By David Stow. Longmans, Green, Longman & Roberts 1860. 6th Ed. 80pp. 5 ills.
287470: Pape, Captain A.G. - IS THERE A NEW RACE TYPE? And The Philosophy Behind.
220730: Papers Relative to the West Indies. - PART IV BAHAMAS HONDURAS, MAURITIUS, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. AND PART II CONTINUED. WINDWARD ISLANDS’ GOVERNMENT; VIZ BARBADOS, ST. VINCENT, GRENADA, TOBAGO, TRINIDAD. [Presented to Parliament by Her Majesty’s Command]. 1839. Ordered by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 15 March & 15 August 1839. Sm. folio. viii + 295pp. Original wrapps., chipped with loss, portions lacking to backstrip.
283147: Papworth, John W. - AN ALPHABETICAL DICTIONARY OF COATS OF ARMS Belonging to Families in Great Britain and Ireland; Forming an Extensive Ordinary of British Armorials; Upon an Entirely New Plan, in Which the Arms are Systematically Subdivided Throughout, and so Arranged in Alphabetical Order That the Names of Families Whose Shields are Found on Buildings, Monuments, Seals, Paintings, Plate, Etc., Whether Mediæval or Modern, Can Be Readily Ascertained. By the Late ... Edited from Page 696 by Alfred W. Morant.
282412: Pardoe, Miss. - THE BEAUTIES OF THE BOSPHORUS. Illustrated in Series of Views of Constantinople and its Environs.
289938: Parfit, Derek. - ON WHAT MATTERS. Edited and Introduced by Samuel Scheffler.
289741: Paris, Matthæi. - MONARCHI ALBANENSIS ANGLI, HISTORIA MAJOR. Juxta exemplar Londinense 1571, verbatìm recusa. Et cum Rogeri Wendoveri, Willielmi Rishangeri, authorisque majori minorique historiis chronicisque MSS, in Bibliotheca Regia, Collegii Corporis Christi Cantabrigiae, Cottoniáque, fidelitèr collata. Huic primúm editioni accesserunt, duorum Offarum Merciorum Regum; & viginti trium abbatum S. Albani vitae: unà cum libro additamentorum. Per eundem authorem. Editore Willielmo Wats S.T.D. Qui & variantes lectiones, adversaria, vocúmque barbararum glossarium, adjecit: simul cum rerum, nomin'umque, indicibus locupletissimis.
289972: Parival, J. - THE HISTORY OF THIS IRON AGE: vvherein is set dovvn the true state of Europe, as it was in the year 1500. Also, the original, and causes of all the vvarres, and commotions, that have happened: together with a description of the most memorable battels, sieges, actions and transactions, both in court and camp, from that time till this present year 1656. Illustrated vvith the lively effigies, of the most renowned persons of this present time. Written originally by ... and now rendred into English, by B. Harris, Gent.
289612: Parker, Eric. - HIGHWAYS AND BYWAYS IN SURREY.
285493: Parker, Ian and Mathews, Timothy. (Editor). - TRADITION, TRANSLATION, TRAUMA. The Classic and the Modern. Prologue by Susan Bassnett.
289276: Parkinson, James. - OLD COTTAGES, FARM HOUSES And Other Half-Timber Buildings in Shropshire, Herefordshire, and Cheshire. Illustrated on One Hundred Plates Reproduced in Collotype From a Special Series of Photographs Taken by ... , Architectural Woodworker. With Introductory and Descriptive Notes and Numerous Sketches by E.A. Ould.
288472: Parkinson, C. Northcote. - TRADE IN THE EASTERN SEAS 1793-1813.
278726: Parnell, Thomas. - THE VIRGIL OF VENUS a rendering of the Pervigilium Veneris into English verse.
289156: (Parnell). Goldsmith, Oliver. - THE MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. To which is Prefixed Some Account of His Life and Writings. Vol. IV [only of 4].
283186: Parpal y Marqués, Dr D. Cosme. - LA INVASIÓN TURCA DE 1558 EN CIUDADELA DE MENORCA Estudio Histórico Doumentado.
278619: [Parr, Samuel]. - A FREE TRANSLATION OF THE PREFACE TO BELLENDENUS; A free translation of the preface to Bellendenus; containing animated strictures on the great political characters of the present time.
280133: (Parr). Field, Rev. William. - MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE, WRITINGS AND OPINIONS OF THE REV. SAMUEL PARR. With Biographical Notices of Many of His Friends, Pupils, and Contemporaries. By The Rev. William Field.
285323: Parrish, T. Michael. - CONFEDERATE IMPRINTS. A Bibliography of Southern Publications from Secession to Surrender (Expanding and Revising the Earlier the Earlier Works of Marjorie Crandall & Richard Harwell).
289243: Parry, Joseph Henry. - THE REGISTER BOOKS OF LLANDINABO, PENCOYD, AND HAREWOOD, In the County of Hereford. Transcribed by ...
289323: Parry, Edward. - THE CAMBRIAN MIRROR, Or North Wales Tourist; Comprehending the History and Description of the Towns, Villages, Castles, Mansions, Abbeys, Churches, Mountains, Valleys, Waterfalls, Lakes, Cataracts and Bridges, in that Interesting and Romantic Country, Together with Various Routes to the most Attractive Places, and a Sketch of the History, Characters, and Manners of the People. Also, a Steam Packet Companion from Liverpool to the Menai Bridge, describing the beautiful Scenery and Objects on the Welsh Coast.
283403: Parry, His Honour Judge Edward Abbott. - THE OVERBURY MYSTERY. A Chronicle of Fact and Drama of the Law.
278542: Parry, R. - LLANDUDNO: Its History and Natural History; Comprising a Brief Sketch of the Antiquities, Natural Productions, and Romantic History, of the Town and Neighbourhood.
280019: Parry, Joseph and Rowlands, David (Editors). - CAMBRIAN MINISTRELSIE: (Alawon Gwalia) A National Collection of Welsh Songs. The Music in Old and New Notations Edited and Harmonised by ... The Words in English and Welsh Edited by ...
288263: Pas, Leo van de. (Compiler). - ROYAL ANCESTOR. An Introduction to Eight generations of descendants of King Edward III.
281745: Pasquier, Thierry Du. - LES BALEINIERS FRANÇAIS AU XIXe SIECLE (1814-1868).
287275: (Paterson). Bannister, Saxe. (Editor). - THE WRITINGS OF WILLIAM PATERSON. Founder of the Bank of England.
289592: Paterson’s - ROADS; An Entirely Original and Accurate Description of all the Direct and Principal Cross Roads in England and Wales, With Part of the Roads of Scotland. To Which are Added Topographical Sketches of the several Cities, Market Towns, and remarkable Villages; and Descriptive Accounts of the Principal Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, the Antiquities, Natural Curiosities, and other Remarkable Objects throughout the Kingdom: The Whole, Remodelled, Augmented, and Improved, by the Addition of Numerous Roads and New Admeasurements, and Arranged Upon a Plan at Once Novel, Clear, and Intelligible, is Deduced from the Latest and best Authorities: Including a Table of the Heights of Mountains from the Grand Trigonometrical Survey of the Kingdom; Also a Table of the Population, From the Census of 1821; To Which is Annexed the Arrival and Departure of the Mail, Together with the Rates of Postage; and an Entirely New Set of Maps.
277177: Paton, Colonel George et al. (Editors). - HISTORICAL RECORDS OF THE 24TH REGIMENT From its Formation, in 1689.
281379: Patrick, David. - CHAMBERS’S CYCLOPÆDIA OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. A History Critical and Biographical of Authors in the English Tongue From the Earliest Times Till the Present Day, With Specimens of Their Writings.
290163: Patterson, Robert B. - THE SCRIPTORIUM OF MARGAM ABBEY AND THE SCRIBES OF EARLY ANGEVIN GLAMORGAN. Secretarial Administration in a Welsh Marcher Barony, c.1150-c.1225.
252888: Patterson, Lieut.-Col. J.H. - IN THE GRIP OF THE NYIKA Further Adventures in British East Africa.
288428: (Pattinson). Chance, James Frederick. - THE PATTINSONS OF KIRKLINTON.
281773: (Payne). Japes, David. - WILLIAM PAYNE 1760-1830. Topographer and Artist of the Picturesque. A Loan Exhibition of Watercolours. Catalogue by ... Contemporary photographs by John Spink.
289027: Pe, Win. - SHWE DAGON.
285701: (Peacham). - PEACHAM’S COMPLEAT GENTLEMAN, 1634. With an Introduction by G.S. Gordon.
289882: Peacock, Thomas B. - A TRIP BY THE WYE VALLEY TRAIN.
279779: Peacock, T. Love. - CALIDORE & MISCELLANEA. Edited by Richard Garnett.
283782: Peake, A[rchibald] H[enry]. - NOTES FROM A DIARY Impressions from Abroad.
281540: Pearce, F.B. - ZANZIBAR. The Island Metropolis of Eastern Africa.
280062: Pearson, Michael. - KENT CLOCKS & CLOCKMAKERS. Foreword by Derek Roberts.
281330: Pearson, J.D. (Compiler). - A GUIDE TO MANUSCRIPTS AND DOCUMENTS IN THE BRITISH ISLES Relating to South and South-East Asia.
280735: Peary, R.E. - NEAREST THE POLE. A Narrative of the Polar Expedition of the Peary Arctic Club in the S.S. Roosevelt, 1905-1906.
280897: Peary, Robert E. - THE NORTH POLE. With an Introduction by Theodore Roosevelt.
289063: Pechey, W.C. - FIJIAN COTTON CULTURE, And Planters’ Guide to the Islands.
282291: Peck, John. - MARITIME FICTION. Sailors and the Sea in British and American Novels, 1719-1917.
290106: Pegge, Samuel. - TWO COLLECTIONS OF DERBICISMS Containing Words and Phrases in a Great Measure Peculiar to the Natives and Inhabitants of the County of Derby. Edited With Two Introductions by the Rev. Professor Skeat and Thomas Hallam.
282105: Peixotto, Ernest. - PACIFIC SHORES FROM PANAMA.
289066: Pelcovits, Nathan A. - OLD CHINA HANDS and the Foreign Office.
285407: Pelletier, Alain J. - BELL AIRCRAFT Since 1935.
279489: Pemberton, Charles Reece. - THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF PEL. VERJUICE. With an Introduction on his Life and Work by Eric Partridge.
282929: Pemberton, W. Baring. - BATTLES OF THE CRIMEAN WAR.
288482: Penfield, Frederic Courtland. - WANDERINGS EAST OF SUEZ In Ceylon, India, China and Japan.
287772: (Pennant, Thomas). - A TOUR IN WALES MDCXXIII.
283820: [Pennant, Thomas]. - A TOUR IN SCOTLAND; MDCCLXIX.
283671: Pennant, Thomas. - THE JOURNEY FROM CHESTER TO LONDON.
274126: Pennant, Thomas. - THE LITERARY LIFE of the Late ... Esq. By Himself.
274213: Pennant, Thomas. - THE JOURNEY FROM CHESTER TO LONDON. With Notes.
289808: Pennell, Joseph. - PEN DRAWING AND PEN DRAUGHTSMEN. Their Work and Their Methods: A Study of the Art Today With Technical Suggestions.
273580: Pennell, Joseph & Elizabeth Robins. - OUR SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY Through France and Italy.
286420: Penrose, Harald. - BRITISH AVIATION. The Adventuring Years 1920-1929.
281099: Pentreath, Ben and Hall, Birdie. - THE PENTREATH & HALL ALPHABET. With a Foreword by Ruth Guilding.
280726: (Pepys). Latham, Robert (Editor). - SAMUEL PEPYS AND THE SECOND DUTCH WAR. Pepys’s Navy White Book and Brooke House Papers. Transcribed by William Matthews and by Charles Knighton.
250621: Percy, John. - METALLURGY: The Art of Extracting Metals From their Ores. Introduction, Refractory Materials and Fuel.
289143: Peregrinus [Peregrine of Opole]. - SERMONES DE TEMPORE ET DE SANCTIS.
285740: Peres, Tanya M. and Deter-Wolf, Aaron. (Editors). - THE CUMBERLAND RIVER ARCHAIC OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE.
289564: Perkins, Roger. - REGIMENTS. Regiments and Corps of the British Empire and Commonwealth 1758-1993. A Critical Bibliography of their Published Histories.
281802: Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup de la. - THE JOURNAL OF ... 1785-1788. Translated and Edited by John Dunmore.
278829: Pérouse, J.F.G. de la. - A VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD, Performed In the Years 1785, 1786, 1787 and 1788, By the Boussole and Astrolabel, Under the Command of ... Published by Order of the National Assembly, Under the Superintendence of L.A. Milet-Mureau.
289730: (Perrinchief, Rich[ard]. - THE ROYAL MARTYR:
286980: Perrot, Jean. (Editor). - THE PALACE OF DARIUS AT SUSA. The Great Royal Residence of Achaemenis Persia. With an Introduction by John Curtis. Translated by Gérard Collon. Translation editing by Dominique Collon.
273629: Perry, Alex W. - WELSH MOUNTAINEERING. A Practical Guide to the Ascent of all the principal Mountains in Wales.
286013: Perry’s - ARCANA. A Facsimile Edition with a Collation and Systematic Review by Richard E. Petit. Foreword by Paul Callomon.
288773: Perthes, Justus. - ALMANACH DE GOTHA Annuaire Diplomatique et Statistique Pour L’Année 1849. Quatre Vingt Sixiéme Année 1849.
202087: Peterson, Roger Tory. - THE FIELD ART GUIDE of ... Eastern Birds; Western Birds. Foreword by S. Dillon Ripley.
285631: Peterson, Jeanette Favrot. - VISUALIZING GUADALUPE. From Black Madonna to Queen of the Americas.
279699: Petrie, W.M. Flinders. - DENDEREH 1898. With Chapters by F. Ll. Griffith, Dr Gladstone, and Oldfield Thomas.
279700: Petrie, W.M. Flinders. - DESHASHEH 1897. With a Chapter by F. Ll. Griffith.
287030: Petrie, Graham. - TUNIS. Kairouan & Carthage.
279692: Petrie, W.M. Flinders. - THE PLACE OF APRIES (MEMPHIS II). With a Chapter by Dr J.H. Walker.
279694: Petrie, W.M. Flinders. - MEMPHIS I. With a Chapter by Dr J.H. Walker.
279688: Petrie, W.M. Flinders. - ROMAN PORTRAITS AND MEMPHIS (IV).
279693: Petrie, W.M. Flinders; Mackay, Ernest and Wainwright, Gerald. - MEYDUM AND MEMPHIS (III).
280180: (Pett). Perrin, W.G. (Editor). - THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF PHINEAS PETT.
288612: Phaidon Press. - THE PHAIDON ATLAS Of Contemporary World Architecture.
289482: Phelan, T. - THE SIEGE OF KIMBERLEY Its Humorous and Social Side. Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902). Eighteen Weeks in Eighteen Chapters.
279480: Philby, H. St. J.B. - SHEBA’S DAUGHTERS Being a Record of Travel in Southern Arabia.
282754: Philip, Mark. - REFORMING IDEAS IN BRITAIN. Politics and Language in the Shadow of the French Revolution, 1789-1815.
289497: Philip & Son, George. - SOUTHERN AFRICA Including the Cape Colony, Natal, South African Republic, Orange Free State, Bechuanaland, Matabeleland &c.
284631: Philips’ - LARGE PRINT MAP OF LONDON And its Outer Districts.
281359: Phillip, Governor. - THE VOYAGE OF GOVERNOR PHILLIP TO BOTANY BAY. With an Account of the Establishment of the Colonies of Port Jackson & Norfolk Island; Compiled from Authentic Papers, which have been obtained from the several Departments. To Which are added, The Journals of Lieut. Shortland, Watts, Ball, & Capt. Marshall with an Account of their new discoveries.
273507: Phillips, J. Arthur and Darlington, John. - RECORDS OF MINING AND METALLURGY; Or Facts and Memoranda for the Use of the Mine Agent and Smelter.
285031: Phillips, Richard. - A TOUR THROUGH THE PRINCIPAL PROVINCES OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL, Performed in the Year 1803. With Cursory Observations On the Manners of the Inhabitants.
277727: Phillips, John Roland. - THE HISTORY OF CILGERRAN: Comprising a Detailed Account of the Castle, Church, Mansions, Old Families, Men of Note, Tin-Plate Works, Slate Quarries, Salmon Fishery, &c; Including the Topography of the Parish; With Copies of Charter, and Other Mss.
281520: Phillips, John Roland. - THE HISTORY OF CILGERRAN: Comprising a Detailed Account of the Castle, Church, Mansions, Old Families, Men of Note, Tin-Plate Works, Slate Quarries, &c.; Including the Topography of the Parish; With Copies of Charters, and Other MSS.
277334: Phillips, Clare. (Editor). - BEJEWELLED BY TIFFANY 1837-1987. With contributions by Vivienne Becker, Ulysses Grant Dietz, Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen, John Loring and Katherine Purcell.
288693: Phillips, J.S. - MALAY ADVENTURES.
283783: Phillips, D. Rhys. - THE HISTORY OF THE VALE OF NEATH.
284673: Phiz. [Browne, Hablot Knight]. - SKETCHES OF THE SEASIDE & THE COUNTRY.
289456: (Photograph Album). - [PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM].
289664: Phototone Publishing Co. - ILLUSTRATED COURT DIRECTORY 1897. Containing Information of Surbiton, Kingston, Norbiton, Claygate, Dittons, Esher, Hampton Court, Hampton Wick, Molesey, Tolworth, etc.
258670: Picard, L.B. - THE GIL BLAS OF REVOLUTION. Or the Confession of Lawrence Giffard.
284239: (Picasso). Cowling, Elizabeth. - PICASSO PORTRAITS.
283368: (Picasso). Chipp, Herschel B. - PICASSO’S GUERNICA. History, Transformations, Meanings. With a chapter by Javier Tusell.
289897: Pichon, Léon. - THE NEW BOOK-ILLUSTRATION IN FRANCE. Translated from the French by Herbert B. Grimsditch.
193434: Pickering, Edward. - ELEMENTS OF PHYSICAL MANIPULATION. Part I [only].
284946: Piddington, Henry. - THE SAILOR’S HORN-BOOK For the Law of Storms: Being a Practical Exposition of the Theory of the Law of Storms, and its uses to Mariners of all Classes in all Parts of the World, shewn by Transparent Storm Cards and Useful Lessons.
271928: (Pie). Modert, Octavie. - MUDAM. The Building of Ieoh Mong Pei. Preface by ... Erna Hennicot-Schoepges and Jacques Santer.
267643: Pike, Warburton. - THROUGH THE SUBARCTIC FOREST. A Record of a Canoe Journey from Fort Wrangel to the Pelly Lakes and Down the Yukon River to the Behring Sea.
290135: Pilkington, James. - A VIEW OF THE PRESENT STATE OF DERBYSHIRE; With an Account of its Most Remarkable Antiquities. The Natural History of the Medicinal Waters of Buxton and Matlock by Erasmus Darwin.
276488: (Pinkerton). O’Flaherty, Patrick. - SCOTLAND’S PARIAH. The Life and Work of John Pinkerton, 1758-1826.
236190: Pinkerton, John. - A GENERAL COLLECTION OF THE BEST AND MOST INTERESTING VOYAGES AND TRAVELS in All Parts of the World; Many of Which are Now First Translated into English. Digested on a New Plan. VOLUME 6 [Only, GERMANY, NORTHERN EUROPE, RUSSIA].
245381: Pinkerton, Robert. - RUSSIA: Or, Miscellaneous Observations on the Past and Present State of That Country and Its Inhabitants. Compiled from Notes Made on the Spot, During Travels, at Different Times, in the Service of the Bible Society, and A Residence of Many Years in That Country.
289631: Pinnock, William. - THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY OF HEREFORDSHIRE; With Biographical Sketches, &c.&c.
289118: Pinto, Major Serpa. - COMMENT J’AI TRAVERSÉ L’AFRIQUE Depuis l’Atlantique jusqu’a l’Océan Indien a Travers des Regions Inconnues. Ouvrage traduit d’après l’Édition Anglaise collationnée sur le texte Portugais avec l’Autorisation de l’Auteur par J. Belin de Launay. I. La Carabine du Roi. II. La Damille Coillard.
288927: Piper, John. - ROMNEY MARSH. Illustrated and Described.
279744: Piper, John and Ingrams, Richard. - PIPER’S PLACES. John Piper in England & Wales.
290073: Pischel, late Geheimrat Professor R. - THE HOME OF THE GYPSIES. Translated from the German by Dora E. Yates. Reprinted from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, April 1909.
287283: Pitard, M. C.-J. - BOTANIQUE. (1912).
285225: Pitchfork, Air Commodore Graham. - SHOT DOWN AND IN THE DRINK. RAF and Commonwealth aircrews saved from the sea 1939-1945. Foreword by Flight Lieutenant John Cruikshank.
290092: [Pitrou, Agnès]. - FEMMES TSIGANES. Introduction d’Agnès Pitrou.
289101: Pizer, Laurette. - VOYAGE. A Novel.
289534: (Plaatje). Rall, Maureen. - PEACEABLE WARRIOR. The Life and Times of Sol T. Plaatje.
280274: [Planchè, J.R.]. - HISTORY OF BRITISH COSTUME. Under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
285569: Platchias, Dimintris. - PHENOMENAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Understanding the Relation between Experience and Neural Processes in the Brain.
289986: Plate, A.G. - A CRUISE THROUGH EASTERN SEAS Being a Travellers’ Guide to the Principal Objects of Interest in the Far East.
285533: (Plato). Evans, J.D.G. - A PLATO PRIMER.
289831: (Plato). Vidal-Naquet, Pierre. - THE ATLANTIS STORY. A Short History of Plato’s Myth. Translated by Janet Lloyd.
282681: (Plato). Bobonich, Christopher. - PLATO’S UTOPIA RECAST. His Later Ethics and Politics.
289935: Playfair, James. - A SYSTEM OF CHRONOLOGY: Containing, I. An explanation of the principles of this science; together with an account of the most remarkable epocus, Æras, and periods, the dates and extent of which are ascertained. II. A chronological history, which exhibits a connected view of the time, mode, and circumstances of the origin, progress, decline, and fall of every considerable kingdom, from the earliest period to the present. III. A list of several eclipses before the Christian Æra, observed by astronomers, or recorded by historians, and of all eclipses from A.D. 1, to A.D. 1900, with an explanatory preface. IV. A chronological list of councils, in which the date, place, and subject of every council are specified. V. Chronological tables and charts from B.C. 2300, to A.D. 1784, adapted to a scale, and ascertaining the duration of the lives and reigns of the most eminent personages in all ages. VI. A list of remarkable events and occurrences relating to every kingdom and nation ...
269630: (Playford, John). - VADE MECUM: or, the necessary pocket companion. Containing I. Sir Samuel Moreland’s Perpetual Almanack; readily shewing the Day of the Month, and Moveable Feast’s and Terms, for any Year past, present, or to come; with many useful Tables proper thereto, and Rules to sind them out for ever. II. Directions relating to the Purchasing and Measuring of Land. III. Remarkable Fairs in England, a Tide-Table, and a Table of Expence. IV. The Years of each King’s Reign from the Norman Conquest to this Time, compared with the Years of Christ. V. Directions for every Month in the Year, what is to be done in the Orchard, Kitchen, and Flower-Gardens. VI. The Reduction of Weights, Measures, and Coins; wherein is a Table of the Assize of Bread. Vii. A Table wherein any Number of Farthings, Halfpence, Pence, or Shillings, are ready cast up; of great Use to all Traders. Viii. The Interest and Rebate of Money; the Forbearance, Discompt, and Purchase of Annuities. IX. The Rates of Post Letters, both In-Land and Out-Land, according to the New Establishment. X. An Account of the Penny-Post. XI. The Principal Roads in England. XII. The Names of the Counties, Cities, and Borough Towns in Great Britain, with the Number of Knights, Commissioners of Shires, Citizens, and Burgesses, chosen therein to serve in Parliament. XIII. The usual and authorized Rates or Fares of Coachmen, Carmen, and Watermen. XIV. Tables for casting up Nobles, Marks, and Guineas. To which is added, Interest in Epitome; or, Tables in a shorter Method, than any yet Published, from 1 Pound to 10 Millions, at 5, 6, 7, and 8 per Cent. by Israel Falgate, at the Bank of England.
287500: (Pliny). - HISTOIRE NATURELLE DE PLINE. Traduction Nouvelle Par M. Ajasson de Grandsagne.
286867: (Pliny). French, Roger and Greenaway, Frank. (Editors). - SCIENCE IN THE EARLY ROMAN EMPIRE: Pliny the Elder, His Sources and Influence.
286869: (Pliny). Turner, Paul. - SELECTIONS FROM THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD. Commonly Called The Natural History of C. Plinius Secundus. Translated into English by Philemon Holland, Doctor in Physic, and now Selected and Introduced by ...
279790: Plumley, J. Martin. - AN INTRODUCTORY COPTIC GRAMMAR (Sahidic Dialect).
289834: Pluskowski, Aleksander. - THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE PRUSSIAN CRUSADE. Holy war and colonisation.
277345: Plutarch’s - LIVES of Illustrious Men. Translated from the Original Greek: With Notes, Critical, and Historical; and a Life of Plutarch. By J. Langhorne and W. Langhorne.
289082: Po-Ching, Yip. - THE CHINESE LEXICON. A Comprehensive Survey.
290075: Pobozniak, Tadeusz. - GRAMMAR OF THE LOVARI DIALECT.
286335: Pocock, Chris. - 50 YEARS OF THE U-2. The Complete Illustrated History of the "Dragon Lady." Foreword by Major General Pat Halloran.
284283: Poeschke, Joachim. - ITALIAN FRESCOES. The Age of Giotto 1280-1400.
272759: Pollock, Sir Montagu. - LIGHT AND WATER. A Study of Reflexion and Colour in River, Lake and Sea.
283202: Ponce, José L. Terrón. - UNIFORMES Y BANDERAS DE LA CAMPAÑAS DE MENORCA en la 2a Mitad del Siglo XVIII.
283203: Ponce, José L. Terrón. - EL LAZARETO EN EL PUERTO DE MAHÓN.
289419: Ponsonby-Fane, R.A.B. - STUDIES IN SHINTO AND SHRINES.
273498: Poole, Edwin. - OLD WELSH CHIPS January to December [November], 1888 [all published].
273499: Poole, Edwin. - OLD WELSH CHIPS January to December [November], 1888 [all published].
284048: Poole, Edwin. - THE ILLUSTRATED HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY OF BRECKNOCKSHIRE From the Earliest times to the Present Day. Containing the General History Antiquities, Sepulchral Monuments and Inscriptions, with the History of the Principal Families, Institutions, and Societies of the County, together with the Parochial History of all the Parishes in the said County, to which is added a Biographical Record of Eminent Inhabitants, History of the Borough and County Parliamentary Representatives, with a Roll of High Sheriffs to the Present Time, Mayors of Brecknock, and many useful Tables of County information
253738: Poole, Francis. - QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS A Narrative of Discovery and Adventures in the North Pacific. Edited by John W. Lyndon [pseudonym of John Wyse].
282909: Pooley, Charles. - NOTES ON BRISTOL HIGH CROSS.
289643: Pope, Alfred. - THE OLD STONE CROSSES OF DORSET. With an Introduction and Descriptive Articles.
259787: (Pope Joan). Spanheim, Herrn von. - MERCKWÜRDIGE HISTORIE DER PÄBSTIN JOHANNA aus des Herrn von Spanheim Lateinischen Dissertation von dem Herrn L'Enfant gezogen,. und von demselben nebst verschiedenen Anmerckungen des Herr des Vignoles nunmehro aber, wegen ihrer Vortrefflichkeit, aus dem Französischen ins Teutsche übersetztet. In zwey Tomis in mit Kupffern.
283855: Popham, Sir Home. - A DESCRIPTION OF PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND, in the Streights of Malacca: with the Real and Probable Advantages and Sources to Recommend It As a Marine Establishment.
288400: Poppe, Nikolaus. - MONGOLISCHE VOLKSDICHTUNG. Spruche, Lieder, Marchen und Heldensagen. Khalkha-Mongolische Texte mit Ubersetzung und Anmerkungen.
285969: (Popper). Sassower, Raphael. - POPPER’S LEGACY. Rethinking Politics, Economics and Science.
289927: Porny, Mark Anthony. - THE ELEMENTS OF HERALDRY. containing a clear definition, and concise historical account of that ancient, useful, and entertaining science. The Origin, Antiquity, and divers kinds of Coats-of-Arms, with their essential and integral Parts considered separately. The several sorts of Escutcheons, Tinctures, Charges and Ornaments used for Coats-of-Arms. The Marks whereby Bearers of the same Coat-of-Arms are distinguished from each other. Charges formed of Ordinaries, Celestial Figures, Animals, Birds, Fishes, Vegetables, Artificial and Chimerical Figures. The Laws of Heraldry; practical Directions for Marshalling Coats-of-Arms, and the Order of Precedency. Embellished With several fine Cuts, and twenty-four Copper-Plates, containing above five hundred different Examples of Escutcheons, Arms, &c. And interspersed with the natural History, and allegorical Signification of the several Species of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, &c. comprehended in this Treatise. To which is annexed, a dictionary of the technical Terms made use of in Heraldry.
289379: Port. M.H. - 600 NEW CHURCHES. The Church Building Commission 1818-1856. Foreword to 1st Edition by John Summerson. Preface by Michael Port.
279683: Porter, Bertha and Moss, Rosalind L.B. - TOPOGRAPHICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ANCIENT EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHIC TEXTS, RELIEFS, AND PAINTINGS. III [only of 8]: Memphis. Part 2. Saqqâra to Dahshûr Fascicle 3 (III: 777-1014). Assisted by Ethel W. Burney. Revised and augmented by Ph Dr. Jaromir Málek.
280894: (Porter). Willard, Berton C. - RUSSELL W. PORTER. Arctic Explorer, Artist, Telescope Maker. With a Preface by David O. Woodbury.
279026: Porter, Sir Robert Ker. - TRAVELS IN GEORGIA, PERSIA, ARMENIA, ANCIENT BABYLONIA, &c.&c. During the Years 1817. 1818, 1819, and 1820.
278573: Porter, Frank. (Compiler). - POSTAL DIRECTORY OF CARNARVONSHIRE, Containing Classified Trade & Commercial List, Alphabetically Arranged.
282912: Pörtner, Regina. - THE COUNTER-REFORMATION IN CENTRAL EUROPE. Styria 1580-1630.
283561: Portoghesi, Paolo. - ROME OF THE RENAISSANCE. Translated by Pearl Sanders.
285902: (Post Office). - [MAP OF] LONDON. Drawn & Engraved expressly for the Post Office Directory 1887. Scale approximately 1 Mile to 3inches.
287071: Post, Rev. George E. - FLORA OF THE SYRIA, PALESTINE, AND SINAI. From the Taurus to Ras Muhammad, and From the Mediterranean Sea to the Syrian Desert.
252379: Postans, Marianne. - TRAVELS, TALES AND ENCOUNTERS IN SINDH AND BALOCHISTAN 1840-1843. With an Introduction by R.A. Raza.
290083: Postel, M.; Neven, A. and Mankodi, K. - ANTIQUITIES OF HIMACHAL.
289955: Postgate, Nicholas. - BRONZE AGE BUREAUCRACY. Writing and the Practice of Government in Assyria.
258654: (Potemkin). [Cérenville, Jeanne Éléonore de?] - MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE OF PRINCE POTEMKIN; Field Marshal, and Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army; Grand Admiral of the Fleets; Knight of the Principal Orders of Prussia. Sweden, and Poland, and of all the orders of Russia; &c. &c. Comprehending Original Anecdotes of Catharine the Second and of the Russian Court. Translated from the German.
289519: Potgieter, D.J. (Editor). et al. - STANDARD ENCYLOPAEDIA OF SOUTHERN AFRICA.
253995: [Pothier, Robert Joseph]. - TRAITÉ Du Contrat de Constitution de Rente. Du Traité des Obligations. [Bound with]. TRAITÉ Du Contrat de Change, de la Négociation Qui se sait par la Lettre de Change; des Billets de Change, & autres Billets de Commerce.
289130: Pott, Dr A.F. - DIE ZIGEUNER IN EUROPA UND ASIEN. Ethnographisch-linguistische Untersuchung vornehmlich ihrer Herkunst und Sprache, nach gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen. Einleitung und Grammatik; Einleitung über Gaunersprachen, Wörterbuch und Sprachproben.
289995: Potts, Timothy. - MESOPOTAMIA AND THE EAST. An Archaeological and Historical Study of Foreign Relations ca. 3400 - 2000 BC.
289994: Potts, Timothy. - MESOPOTAMIA AND THE EAST. An Archaeological and Historical Study of Foreign Relations ca. 3400 - 2000 BC.
283283: (Pound). Rainey, Lawrence S. - EZRA POUND AND THE MONUMENT OF CULTURE. Text, History, and the Malatesta Cantos.
282729: (Pound). Rachewiltz, Mary de; Moody, A. David and Joanna. (Editors). - EZRA POUND TO HIS PARENTS, Letters 1895-1929.
283130: Pountney, W.J. - OLD BRISTOL POTTERIES. Being an Account of the Old Potters and Potteries of Bristol and Brislington, between 1650 and 1850, with some pages on the old Chapel of St. Anne, Brislington. With Foreword by R.L. Hobson and Bernard Rackham.
284917: (Poussin). Friedlaender, Walter and Blunt, Anthony. (Editors). - THE DRAWINGS OF NICOLAS POUSSIN. Catalogue Raisonné. Part IV [only]: Studies for the Long Gallery, the Decorative Drawings, the Illustrations to Leonardo’s Treatise, the Landscape Drawings.
289267: Powell, Thomas. - THE GOLDEN VALLEY, Herefordshire.
275996: Powell, Anthony. - UNDER REVIEW. Further Writings on Writers 1946-1989.
288201: Powell, Anthony. - TO KEEP THE BALL ROLLING. The Memoirs of Anthony Powell. I. Infants of the Spring. II. Messengers of Day. III. Faces in my Time. Iv. The Strangers all are Gone.
276219: Powell, Anthony. - VENUSBERG.
286293: (Powell). Powell, Violet. (Editor). - THE ALBUM OF ANTHONY POWELL’S DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF TIME. Preface by Anthony Powell. Introduction by John Bayley.
276266: Powell, Anthony. - TO KEEP THE BALL ROLLING. Infants of the Spring; Messengers of Day; Faces in My Time; Infants of the Spring.
287221: Powell, Gabriel. - SURVEY OF THE LORDSHIP OF GOWER 1764. Edited and introduced by Bernard Morris.
289702: Power, Dennis et al. (Compilers). - ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVENTORY OF COUNTY OF CORK. Volume 2 [only]: East and South Cork. Comprising the Baronies of Barrymore, Cork, Courceys, Imokilly, Kerrycurrihy, Kinalea, Kinnatalloon & Kinsale.
289701: Power, Dennis; Lane, Sheila et al. (Compilers). - ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVENTORY OF COUNTY OF CORK. Volume 4 [only] North Cork, Parts 1 & 2: Comprising the Baronies of Fermoy, Duhallow, Condons and Clangibbon, Orrery and Kilmore, and Kinnatalloon.
286735: Powers, Alan (Artist). - THE MARCHES A Picturesque Tour. Accompanied by a specially written sequence of Sonnets by Peter Levi.
288489: Prawdin, Michael. - THE MONGOL EMPIRE. Its Rise and Legacy. Translated by Eden and Cedar Paul.
289385: Prawer, Joshua. - LES ÉGLISES DE LA TERRE SAINTE par le Comte Melchoir de Vogüé. Préface et Supplement Bibliographique.
287100: (Prayer Book). - L’OFFICE DE LA SEMAINE SAINTE, François et Latin, Selon le Missel et Breviaire Romain. Avec Une Méditation pour chaque jour de la qunzaine; l’explication des Cérémonies de l’E-glishe; quelques Remarques sur l’Office; un Examen & des Prieres pour la Confession & la Communion; le Portrait d’un véritable Chrétien, & une pratique de conformité à la Vie de Jesus-Christ.
287742: Praz, Mario. - AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF INTERIOR DECORATION from Pompeii to Art Nouveau.
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275018: [Prentiss, Elizabeth]. - ONLY A DANDELION, And Other Stories.
279766: Pretty, Jules. - THIS LUMINOUS COAST.
280421: Price, Rev. Thomas. - THE LITERARY REMAINS OF ... Carnhuanawr, Vicar of Cwmdû, Breconshire; and Rural Dean: Llandovery:
279154: Price, John. - OLD PRICE’S REMAINS: Præhumous, or During Life: Comprising, with Select Patches of "Birkenhead Shore," Various other Articles, Scientific and Literary, Grave and Gay.
289274: Price, John. - AN HISTORICAL & TOPOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF LEOMINSTER, And Its Vicinity; With an Appendix. Ludlow: Printed and Sold by H. Proctor 1795. 1st Ed. [xii] + 272pp. + [i]. 6 tinted plates. [Bound with]. AN HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE CITY OF HEREFORD. With Some Remarks on the River Wye, and the Natural and Artificial Beauties Contiguous to its Banks, from Brobery to Wilton. Hereford Printed by D. Walker ... 1796. 1st Ed. 262pp. + [i]. Map, 2 plans, 4 plates. pp.143-144 with loss to leading corner not affecting text.
272822: Price, John. - AN HISTORICAL & TOPOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF LEOMINSTER, and Its Vicinity; With an Appendix.
287397: Pritchard, James B. - ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN TEXTS, Relating to the Old Testament. 3rd Ed. With Supplement. [And] THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST IN PICTURES Relating to the Old Testament. Second Edition with Supplement.
288784: Probyn, L.C. - INDIAN COINAGE AND CURRENCY. Papers on an Indian Gold Standard, With the Indian Coinage and Currency Acts Corrected to Date.
288929: Prockter, Adrian and Taylor, Robert (Compilers). - THE A TO Z OF ELIZABETHAN LONDON. Introductory notes by John Fisher.
289976: Procter, Richard Wright. - MEMORIALS OF MANCHESTER STREETS.
289999: [Prout, Ebenezer]. - MADAGASCAR: Its Mission and its Martyrs.
289119: Prus, Madame [Laure]. - A RESIDENCE IN ALGERIA.
277658: Pryce, George. - NOTES On the Ecclesiastical and Monumental Architecture and Sculpture of the MIDDLE AGES IN BRISTOL; With Antiquarian, Historical, Biographical and Heraldic Elucidations:
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271765: Pudovkin, V.I. - ON FILM TECHNIQUE. Three essays and an address by ... Translated and annotated by Ivor Montagu.
287695: Pufendorf, Friderici Esaiae A. - RELIGIO GENTIVMA Arcana.
284344: Pugh, Surgeon Captain P.D. Gordon. - NAVAL CERAMICS. Assisted by Margery Pugh. Included in this volume: Portrait Figures, Busts and Medallions, Commemorative and Decorative Pieces and Useful Wares.
284345: Pugh, Surgeon Captain P.D. Gordon. - NAVAL CERAMICS. Assisted by Margery Pugh. Included in this volume: Portrait Figures, Busts and Medallions, Commemorative and Decorative Pieces and Useful Wares.
284361: Pugh, Captain P.D. Gordon. - HERALDIC CHINA MEMENTOES OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR. Assisted by Margery Pugh.
289342: Pugh, Edward. - CAMBRIA DEPICTA: A Tour through North Wales, Illustrated Picturesque Views. By a Native Artist.
284341: Pugh, Surgeon Captain P.D. Gordon. - NAVAL CERAMICS. Assisted by Margery Pugh. Included in this volume: Portrait Figures, Busts and Medallions, Commemorative and Decorative Pieces and Useful Wares.
282080: (Pugh). Barrell, John. - EDWARD PUGH of Ruthin 1763-1813 ‘A Native Artist.’
284357: Pugh, Captain P.D. Gordon. - HERALDIC CHINA MEMENTOES OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR. Assisted by Margery Pugh.
284358: Pugh, Captain P.D. Gordon. - HERALDIC CHINA MEMENTOES OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR. Assisted by Margery Pugh.
281743: Pugh, P.D. Gordon. - STAFFORDSHIRE PORTRAIT FIGURES and Allied Subjects of the Victorian Era including the Definitive Catalogue.
284356: Pugh, Captain P.D. Gordon. - HERALDIC CHINA MEMENTOES OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR. Assisted by Margery Pugh.
282410: Pugin, A. - PARIS And its Environs, Displayed in a Series of Picturesque Views. The drawings made under the direction of ... and engraved under the superintendence of Mr C. Heath.
287977: Pugin, A.W.N. - CONTRASTS AND THE TRUE PRINCIPLES OF POINTED OR CHRISTIAN ARCHITECTURE. With Introduction by Timothy Brittain-Catlin.
286904: Pulham, Francis and Kerrs, Will. - T * 34 SHOCK. The Soviet Legend in Picture.
287489: Pullum, W.A. - HOW TO USE A BARBELL. A Manual of Instruction for the Would-Be Strong Man.
288847: Punjab Government. - GAZETTEER OF THE PESHÁWAR DISTRICT 1833-4.
290167: Purton, Peter. - A HISTORY OF THE EARLY MEDIEVAL SIEGE C.450-1220.
285525: (Putnam). Gaynesford, Maximilian de. - HILARY PUTNAM.
279017: [Putnam, G. Haven]. - PROSE MASTERPIECES From Modern Essayists. Comprising Twelve Unabridged Essays by Irving, Lamb, de Quincey, Emerson, Arnold, Morley, Lowell, Carlyle, Macaulay, Froude, Freeman, and Gladstone.
267422: Pye, Henry James. - THE SPORTSMAN’S DICTIONARY; Containing Instructions for Various Methods to be Observed in Riding, Hunting, Fowling, Setting, Fishing, Racing, Farriery, Hawking, Breeding and Feeding Horses for the Road and Turf; the Management of Dogs, Game and Dunghill-Cocks, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Doves, Singing Birds, Etc. and the Manner of Curing their Various Diseases and Accidents. Improved and Enlarged by ...
278789: [Pyne, W.H]. - WINE AND WALNUTS; Or, After Dinner Chit-Chat. by Ephraim Hardcastle.
276524: (Quakers). - A COLLECTION OF ACTS OF PARLIAMENT, Clauses of Acts of Parliament, Relative to Those Protestant Dissenters Who Are Usually Called by the Name of Quakers From the Year 1688.
282942: Le Queux, William. - HER MAJESTY’S MINISTER.
286775: Quézel, Dr Pierre. - PEUPLEMENT VÉGÉTAL DES HAUTES MONTAGNES de l’Afrique du Nord. Essai de Synthèse biogéographique et phytosociologique. Préface de Louis Emberger.
286834: Quezel, P. and Santa, S. - NOUVELLE FLORE DE L’ALGÉRIE et des Régions Désertiques Méridionales. Preface du Pr. L. Emberger.
286764: Al-Quff, Ibn. - DIE "EINFACHEN HEILMITTEL" AUS DEM "HANDBUCH DER CHIRURGIE" Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultät der Theinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Bonn. Vorgelegt von Heidi Gisela Kircher aus Nassau/Lahn.
277680: Quijano, Diego. - ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AIRCRAFT MODELLING TECHNIQUES. Volume 3 [only]: Painting.
286170: Rabelais, François. - GARGANTUA & PANTAGRUEL. Texte Transcrit et annoté par Henri Clouzot, Conservateur du Musée Galliéra.
275551: (Rabelais). Rawles, Stephen and Screech, M.A. - A NEW RABELAIS BIBLIOGRAPHY. Editions of Rabelais before 1626.
287387: Raby, Julian. (Editor). - THE ART OF SYRIA AND THE JAZIRA 1100-1250.
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289819: Rackham, Arthur. (Illustrator). - RIP VAN WINKLE. By Washington Irving.
286165: Rackham, Arthur (Illustrator). - RIP VAN WINKLE. By Washington Irving.
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289787: Rackham, Arthur (Illustrator). - SIEGFRIED & THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS. By Richard Wagner. Translated by Margaret Armour.
285856: Rackham, Arthur. (Illustrator). - THE ALLIES’ FAIRY BOOK. With an Introduction by Edmund Gosse.
289797: Rackham, Arthur (Illustrator). - THE RHINEGOLD & THE VALKYRIE. By Richard Wagner. Translated by Margaret Armour.
289796: Rackham, Arthur (Illustrator). - SIEGFRIED & THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS. By Richard Wagner. Translated by Margaret Armour.
290045: Rackham, Arthur. (Illustrator). - CHILDREN’S TREASURY OF GREAT STORIES. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb. Gulliver’s Travels by Dean Swift. Tales from the Arabian Nights.
289821: Rackham, Arthur. (Illustrator). - A DISH OF APPLES. By Eden Phillpotts.
288613: Rackham, Arthur (Illustrator). - THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS. Or Mirth & Marvels by Thomas Ingoldsby Esq. [Pseudonym of [R.H Barham].
289803: Rackham, Arthur. (Illustrator). - GULLIVER’S TRAVELS Into several Remote Nations of the World by Jonathan Swift.
280523: Radcliffe, Ann. - A SICILIAN ROMANCE. Introduction by Devendra P. Varma.
284166: Radford, George. - RAMBLES BY YORKSHIRE RIVERS.
288741: Al-Radi, Selma. - THE ‘AMIRIYA IN RADA’ The History and Restoration of a Sixteenth-Century Madrasa in the Yemen. With contributions by Ruth Barnes, Yahya Al-Nasiri and Venetia Porter. Edited by Robert Hillenbrand. Forewords by Qadi Isma’il al-Akwa’ and H.R.H. Prince Claus of the Netherlands.
289953: Radner, Karen and Robson, Eleanor. (Editors). - THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF CUNEIFORM CULTURE.
271300: (Radnor). - [THE RADNOR BOROUGHS CONSTITUENCY]. Radnor District Radnor. [1832]. Sm. folio. pp.(187-204). Drop title. Folding map of Radnor, Knighton, Knucklas, and Presteigne with colour boundaries. [Lacking pp.191-2]. 141. [Bound with] Radnor District of Boroughs. Radnor. Ordnance Survey Office 1868. Folio. pp.(433-436). Map of New Radnor, Cefnllys, Knighton and Knucklas, Presteigne, and Rhayader with colour boundaries.
283233: Rae, Oswald. - MORE PRACTICAL PATTER. For Practical Magicians.
284725: Raeymaekers, Dries. - ONE FOOT IN THE PALACE. The Habsburg Court of Brussels and the Politics of Access in the Reign of Albert and Isabella, 1598-1621. Translated by John R.J. Eyck.
288467: (Raffles). Archer, Mildred and Bastin, John. - THE RAFFLES DRAWINGS in the India Office Library London.
287148: (Al-Rahman Isma’il). Walker, John. - FOLK MEDICINE IN MODERN EGYPT. Being the Relevant Parts of the Tibb Al-Rukka or Old Wives’ Medicine of ‘Abd Al-Rahman Isma’il.
289760: [Ralegh, Sir Walter]. - THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.
283881: Ralfe, James. - THE NAVAL CHRONOLOGY OF GREAT BRITAIN. Or, a Historical Account of Naval and Maritime Events from 1803 to 1816.
289507: Rall, Maureen. - PETTICOAT PIONEERS. The History of the Pioneer Women who Lived on the Diamond Fields in the Early Years.
288617: Rambach, Pierre. - LE BOUDDHA SECRET du Tantrisme Japonais.
197399: (Ramous). Valsecchi, Marco. - CARLO RAMOUS. Testo di ...
289016: Ramseyer, Urs. - THE ART AND CULTURE OF BALI.
289739: [Ranchin, Guillaim du]. - A REVIEW OF THE COUNCELL OF TRENT. VVherein are contained the severall nullities of it: with the many grievances and prejudices done by it to Christian kings and princes: as also to all Catholique churches in the world; and more particularly to the Gallicane Church. First writ in French by a learned Roman-Catholique. Now translated into English by G[erard] L[angbaine].
255987: Randolph, Thomas. - THE POEMS. Edited by G. Thorn-Drury.
280931: Rands, W.B. - LILLIPUT LYRICS. Edited by R. Brimley Johnson.
285657: Range, Matthias. - MUSIC AND CEREMONIAL AT BRITISH CORONATIONS. From James I to Elizabeth II.
285658: Range, Matthias. - MUSIC AND CEREMONIAL AT BRITISH CORONATIONS. From James I to Elizabeth II.
285364: Ransom, Stephen and Fairclough, Robert. - ENGLISH ELECTRIC AIRCRAFT and their predecessors.
286251: Ransom, Stephen and Fairclough, Robert. - ENGLISH ELECTRIC AIRCRAFT and their predecessors.
279817: Ransome, Arthur. - THE BOOK OF FRIENDSHIP. Essays Poems Maxims & Prose Passages. Arranged by ...
283118: Raphael, Thomas. - THE ANTI-SUIT INJUNCTION.
288499: Rassers, Dr W.H. - PAÑJI, THE CULTURE HERO. A Structural Study of Religion in Java.
289441: Ravenstein, E.G. - THE OARSMAN’S AND ANGLER’S MAP OF THE RIVER THAMES From its Source to London Bridge. One Inch to a Mile.
289270: [Rawlinson, Richard]. - THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE CITY AND CATHEDRAL-CHURCH OF HEREFORD: Containing An Account of all the Inscriptions, Epitaphs, &c. upon the Tombs, Monuments, and Grave-Stones. With Lists of the Principal Dignitaries; and an Appendix consisting of several Valuable Original Papers.
288636: Rawlinson, George. - THE SIXTH GREAT ORIENTAL MONARCHY; Or the Geography, History, & Antiquities of Parthia. Collected and Illustrated from Ancient and Modern Sources.
288954: Rawlinson, George. - THE FIVE GREAT MONARCHIES OF THE ANCIENT EASTERN WORLD; Or, The History, Geography, and Antiquities of Chaldæa, Assyria, Babylon, Media and Persia.
281929: Raymond, James. - HENRY VIII’S MILITARY REVOLUTION. The Armies of Sixteenth-Century Britain and Europe.
289032: Read, Veronica M. - HIPPEASTRUM. The Gardener’s Amaryllis. Foreword by Professor Peter R. Crane.
211223: Reade, John Edmund. - PROSE FROM THE SOUTH. Continental Impressions.
288942: Reavey, George. (Editor). - THE NEW RUSSIAN POETS 1953-1968. Selected. Edited and Translated. Bilingual Edition.
272440: (Redouté). Hardouin-Fugier, Elisabeth. - THE PUPILS OF REDOUTÉ.
281740: (Redouté). Rix, Martyn and Stearn, William T. - REDOUTÉ’S FAIREST FLOWERS. Introduction by William T. Stearn.
288814: Reece, Bob. - MASA JEPUN. Sarawak Under the Japanese 1941-1945.
288852: Reece, Bob. - THE WHITE RAJAHS OF SARAWAK. A Borneo Dynasty.
280069: Rees, Abraham. - REES’S CLOCKS WATCHES AND CHRONOMETERS (1819-20). A selection from ‘The Cyclopaedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature’ by ...
266741: Rees, Ioan Bowen. - THE MOUNTAINS OF WALES An Anthology in Verse & Prose

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