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278483: Rees, Eiluned. - LIBRI WALLIAE. A Catalogue of Welsh Books and Books Printed in Wales 1546-1820. [With] Supplement by Charles Parry. Preface by Brynley F. Roberts.
289284: [Rees, William Jenkins]. - THE HEREFORD GUIDE: Containing a Concise History of the City of Hereford; A Description of Its Public Buildings, Episcopal See, Cathedral, Parochial Churches; and Other Interesting Particulars Relating to the Place : Also, an Account of the Principal Seats and remarkable Places in the Neighbourhood. Together with an Appendix, Containing the Names of the Members of the Corporation & Cathedral, Civil & Ecclestiastical Officres; And a Particular Account of the Schools, Posts, Stage-Coaches, Waggons, and Roads.
289333: Rees, Thomas. - HISTORY OF PROTESTANT NONCONFORMITY IN WALES. From its Rise to the Present Time.
277533: Rees, William. - INDUSTRY BEFORE THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. Incorporating a study of Chartered Companies of the Society of Mines Royal and of Mineral and Battery Works.
276226: Rees, Rev. Canon Vaughan W.T. - TREVETHIN` Pontypool. A Short History of the Parish and its Churches. With a Foreword by The Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Monmouth.
289905: Régamey, Félix. - OKOMA. Roman Japonais Illustré. D’après le Texte de Takizava-Bakin et les Dessins de Chiguenoi.
288279: Regimental HIstory Committee. - HISTORY OF THE DORSETSHIRE REGIMENT, 1914-1919. Part III [only]: The Service Battalions. Introduction by Major-General Sir A.A. Chichester, K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O. (Colonel-in-Chief, Dorsetshire Regiment).
289215: (Rego). Rodrigues, Dalila. - CASA DAS HISTORIAS PAULA REGO. Arquitectura.
290036: Rehfisch, Farnham. (Editor). - GYPSIES, TINKERS AND OTHER TRAVELLERS.
288407: Reichelt, Karl Ludvig. - TRUTH AND TRADITION IN CHINESE BUDDHISM A Study of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism. Translated from the Norwegian by Kathrina van Wagenen Bugge.
281432: Reid, Surg.-Lieut.-Col. A.S. - CHIN-LUSHAI LAND Including a Description of the Various Expeditions into the Chin-Lushai Hills and the Final Annexation of the Country.
288405: Reid, Anthony. - THE CONTEST FOR NORTH SUMATRA. Atjeh, the Netherlands and Britain 1858-1898.
288856: Reijffert, Revd. Fr. A. (Compiler). - VOCABULARY OF ENGLISH AND SARAWAK LAND DYAK (Singhi tribe).
288903: Reitsma, S.A. - GEDENKBOEK der Staatsspoor - en Tramwegen in Nederlandsch-Indië 1875-1925.
285722: Reizbaum, Marilyn. - UNFIT. Jewish Degeneration and Modernism.
283411: Relph, Rev. Josiah. - POEMS, Humorous and Sentimental; Consisting of Cumberland Pastorals; Translations and Limitations from the Classics; Epistles, Fables, Songs, and Epigrams. With Memoirs of the Author. Embellished with Picturesque Engravings on Wood by Bewick.
289422: (Rembrandt). Michel, Émile. - REMBRANDT His Life, his Work, and his Time. From the French by Florence Simmonds. Edited by Frederick Wedmore.
286068: (Rembrandt). Laurie, A.P. - THE BRUSH-WORK OF REMBRANDT AND HIS SCHOOL.
288536: Rémusat, Gilberte de Coral. - L’ART KHMER. Les Grandes Étapes de son Évolution. Avec une préface de George Coedès.
260784: Rendell, Ruth. - NO MORE DYING THEN.
286612: Rendell, Ruth. - THE GIRL NEXT DOOR.
289265: Rennell of Rodd, Lord. - VALLEY ON THE MARCH. A History of a Group of Manors on the Herefordshire March of Wales.
286148: (Renoir). Daulte, François. - AUGUSTE RENOIR. Catalogue Raisonné de L’Oeuvre Peint. I Figures 1860-1890. Avant-propos de Jean Renoir. Préface de Charles Durand-Ruel.
282392: Rexroth, Frank. - DEVIANCE AND POWER IN LATE MEDIEVAL LONDON. Translated by Pamela E. Selwyn.
274002: Rey, Guido. - THE MATTERHORN. With an Introduction by Edmondo de Amicis. Translated from the Italian by J.E.C. Eaton.
283327: Reynolds, Sir Joshua. - THE LITERARY WORKS. To which is prefixed a Memoir of the Author; with Remarks on his Professional Character, illustrative of his Principles and Practice by Henry William Beechy.
286240: Reynolds, Frank. (Illustrator). - THE PERSONAL HISTORY OF DAVID COPPERFIELD. By Charles Dickens.
288293: Reynolds, Anna. - IN FINE STYLE. The Art of Tudor and Stuart Fashion.
280164: Rezanov, Nikolai Petrovich. - THE REZANOV VOYAGE TO NEUVA CALIFORNIA In 1806.
288826: Rhie, Marylin M. and Thurman, Robert A.F. - THE SACRED ART OF TIBET.
288722: Rhie, Marylin M and Thurman, Robert A.F. - THE SACRED ART OF TIBET. Wisdom and Compassion.
288241: Rhind, Neil. - BLACKHEATH VILLAGE AND ENVIRONS 1790-1970. Vol. I: The Village and Blackheath Vale. [With] Companion Vol.: The Heath.
289520: (Rhodes). Sueur, Gordon le. - CECIL RHODES. The Man and His Work. By one of his Private and Confidential Secretaries.
287547: Ribeiro, Maria D’Orey Capucho Queiroz. - IZNIK Pottery and Tiles in the Calouste Gulbenkian Collection. Foreword by João Castel-Branci Pereira.
288999: Riboud, Marc. - ANGKOR the serenity of buddhism. Introduction by Jean Lacouture. With Essays by Jean Boisselier and Marc Riboud. Photograph captions by Madeleine Giteau.
282233: Rice, A.L. - BRITISH OCEANOGRAPHIC VESSELS 1800-1950.
276535: (Richard). Soothill, William E. - TIMOTHY RICHARD OF CHINA. Seer, Statesman, Missionary & the most disinterested Adviser the Chinese ever had. With Foreword by the Right Hon Sir John N. Jordan.
289685: Richards, Colin and Jones, Richard. (Editors). - THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEOLITHIC HOUSE SOCIETIES IN ORKNEY. Investigations in the Bay of Firth, Mainland, Orkney (1994-2014).
290063: Richards, Frank. - BUNTER’S LAST FLING.
288161: Richards, Simon. - ARCHITECT KNOWS BEST. Environmental Determinism in Architecture Culture from 1956 to the Present.
288882: Ricketts, Annabel. - THE ENGLISH COUNTRY HOUSE CHAPEL. Building a Protestant Tradition. Edited by Simon Ricketts.
288862: Ricklefs, M.C. and Voorhoeve, P. - INDONESIAN MANUSCRIPTS In Great Britain. A Catalogue of Manuscripts in Indonesian Languages in British Public Collections.
286920: Rickman, Phil. - THE SMILE OF A GHOST. A Merrily Watkins Mystery.
279732: Riefstahl, Elizabeth (Editor). - EGYPTIAN SCULPTURE Of the Late Period 700 B.C. to A.D. 100. [And] AN INDEX TO ...
284193: Riley-Smith, Jonathan. - THE FIRST CRUSADERS 1095-1131.
284137: Riley (Coventry) Limited. - THE MOST SUCCESSFUL CAR IN THE WORLD.
285597: (Rimbaud). St. Clair, Robert. - POETRY, POLITICS, AND THE BODY IN RIMBAUD. Lyrical Material.
283954: Rimmer, Alfred. - RAMBLES ROUND ETON AND HARROW.
271069: Rinder, Edith Wingate. - THE SHADOW OF ARVOR: Legendary Romances and Folk-Tales of Brittany. Translated and retold by ...
289136: Rishi, Dr W.R. (Editor). - ROMA Half yearly Journal on the life, language and culture of Roma (the Gypsies of Europe, the Americas, the USSR etc.) Volumes 1 No 1. - 9 No. 2. [only].
281374: Risting, Sigurd. - AV HVALFANGSTENS HISTOIRE.
289502: Ritchie, Professor W. - THE HISTORY OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN COLLEGE 1829-1918.
283903: Ritchie, Leitch. - TRAVELLING SKETCHES on the Rhine, and in Belgium and Holland. With twenty-six beautifully finished engravings from drawings by Clarkson Stanfield.
289496: Ritchie, Kevin. (Editor). - "DAUBS" Originally compiled by the Kimberley Athenaeum 1915-1917.
273930: Ritchie, Leitch. - THE WYE And Its Associations A Picturesque Ramble.
280768: Ritchie, Rear Admiral G.S. - THE ADMIRALTY CHART. British Naval Hydrography in the Nineteenth Century. Introductory Essay by Lieutenant Commander Andrew David.
286078: Rivas, Santiago and Cicalesi, Juan Carlos. - LATIN AMERICAN MIRAGES. Mirage III/5/F.1/2000 in Service with South American Air Arms.
286255: Rivas, Brian. - A VERY BRITISH SOUND BARRIER. The DH108. A Story of Courage, Triumph and Tragedy.
286088: Rivas, Santiago. - BRITISH COMBAT AIRCRAFT in Latin America.
288113: (Roads). - AN ACT to explain, amend, and reduce into One Act of Parliament, the Statutes now in being, for the Amendment and Preservation of the Publick Highways within that Part of Great Britain called England, and for other Purposes. Title page + pp.(5-131) + [xvi]. With the signature of John Turton to head of title page. [Bound with]. AN ACT to explain, amend, and reduce into One Act of Parliament, the general Laws now in being, for regulating the Turnpike Roads in that Part of Great Britain called England; and for other Purposes. Title page + pp.(3-104). + [xii]. Pp.19-20 with tear.
288261: Robert, Hugh and Cator, Charles. - INDUSTRY AND INGENUITY. The Partnership of William Ince and John Mayhew.
272392: Robert, Nicholas. - VARIÆ AC MULTIFORMES FLORUM SPECIES ... Diverses Fleurs dessinees & gravures par d’apres le Naturel ...
289311: Roberts, Peter. - THE CAMBRIAN POPULAR ANTIQUITIES OF WALES. Or an Account of some Traditions, Customs and Superstitions of the Welsh.
280684: Roberts, David. (Compiler). - HIDDEN MAGDALEN. Edited by David Roberts and Richard Sheppard. Foreword by David Clary. Introduction: A Case for Curiosity by Robert Douglas-Fairhurst.
254172: Roberts, Morley. - THE WESTERN AVERNUS Or Toil and Travel in Further North America.
288205: Roberts, Gary Boyd. - THE ROYAL DESCENTS OF 600 IMMIGRANTS to the American Colonies or the United States. Who were themselves Notable or Left Descendants Notable in American History. With 2008 Addendum, Coda, and Final Addition.
290059: Roberts, Samuel. - PARALLEL MIRACLES; Or, the Jews and the Gypsies.
280400: Roberts, Roberts. - Y CWTTA CYFARWYDD: "The Chronicle written by the Famous Clarke, ... " for the Years 1607-1646. With an Appendix from the Register Note-Book of Thomas Rowlands, for the Years 1595-1607 and 1646-1653. Prefaced with an Introductory Chapter and Pedigrees by D.R. Thomas.
290088: Roberts, Samuel. - THE GYPSIES: Their Origin, Continuance, and Destination.
284405: Roberts’ - CHESTER GUIDE; Revised by John Hicklin.
282475: Roberts, Gregory David. - SHANTARAM.
286324: Roberts, David. - THE HOLY LAND, Syria, Idumea and Arabia. [With] EGYPT AND NUBIA.
288041: Roberts, Askew and Woodall, Edward. - GOSSIPING GUIDE TO WALES. (North Wales and Aberystwyth).
287611: Robertson, John. - THE CASE FOR THE ENLIGHTENMENT. Scotland and Naples 1680-1760.
290012: Robertson, George S. - KAFIRISTAN.
289776: Robertson, William. - THE HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF THE EMPEROR CHARLES V. With a View of the Progress of Society in Europe. From the Subversion of the Roman Empire, to the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century.
178539: Robertson, David (Editor). - GLASGOW PAST AND PRESENT. Illustrated in Dean of Guild Court Reports and in the Reminiscences and Communications of Senex, Aliquis, J.B., Etc.
279680: [Robertson, Joseph]. - DELICIAE LITERARIAE: A New Volume of Table-Talk.
282576: Robin, G. de Q. (Editor). - THE CLIMATIC RECORD IN POLAR ICE SHEETS. A study of isotopic and temperature profiles in polar ice sheets based on a workshop held in the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge.
288125: Robinson, Thomas, Chas. and William. (Illustrators). - FAIRY TALES FROM HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSON. Translated by Mrs. E. Lucas.
222529: Robinson, P.F. - RURAL ARCHITECTURE Or A Series of Designs For Ornamental Cottages. Printed for Rodwell and Martin ... 1823. [lviii]pp. 96 litho. plates. [Bound with]. Hunt, T.F. DESIGNED FOR PARSONAGE HOUSES, ALMS HOUSES, Etc. Etc. With Examples of Gables, and Other Curious Remains of Old English Architecture. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green 1827. 1st Ed. [viii] + 33pp. 21 litho. plates.
288133: Robinson, Charles. (Illustrator). - THE SECRET GARDEN. By Frances Hodgson Burnett.
284553: Robinson, Heath. - ABSURDITIES. A Book of Collected Drawings
289784: Robinson, W. Heath. (Illustrator). - HANS ANDERSEN’S FAIRY TALES.
282648: Robinson, Jenefer. - DEEPER THAN REASON. Emotion and its Role in Literature, Music and Art.
282261: Robinson, Charles John. - THE MANSIONS OF HEREFORDSHIRE and their Memories.
283714: Robinson, W. Heath. (Illustrator). - BILL THE MINDER. Written and Illustrated by ...
280856: Robinson, Charles Napier. - THE BRITISH TAR In Fact and Fiction. The Poetry, Pathos, and Humour of the Sailor’s Life. With Introductory Chapters on the Place of the Sea Officer and Seaman in Naval History and Historical Literature.
279045: Robinson, W. Heath. (Illustrator). - HANS ANDERSEN’S FAIRY TALES.
283017: Robinson, Charles. (Illustrator). - A CHILD’S GARDEN OF VERSES by Robert Louis Stevenson.
284455: Robinson, W. Heath. - BILL THE MINDER. Written and Illustrated by ...
288007: Robinson, B.W. and Sims, Eleanor. - THE WINDSOR SHAHNAMA OF 1648. With contributions by Manijeh Bayani. Foreword by Oliver Everett.
286665: Robinson, Peter. - GALLOWS VIEW. An Inspector Banks Mystery.
281134: Robinson, W. Heath (Illustrator). - A SONG OF THE ENGLISH. By Rudyard Kipling.
281638: Robinson, W. Heath. - RAILWAY RIBALDRY. Being 96 Pages of Railway Humour.
283473: Roblot-Delondre, Louise. - PORTRAITS D’INFANTES XVIe Siècle (Étude Iconographique).
285622: Rocco, Patricia. - THE DEVOUT HAND. Women, Virtue, and Visual Culture in Early Modern Italy.
289179: Rochelle, Pierre Drieu la. - WILL O’ THE WISP. A Novel. Translated by Martin Robinson.
287582: (Rochester). Fisher, Nicholas (Editor). - THAT SECOND BOTTLE. Essays on John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester.
289378: Rochester, John Wilmot Earl of. - COLLECTED WORKS of ... Edited by John Hayward.
273980: (Rockman). - ALEXIS ROCKMAN. With Essays by Stephen Jay Gould, Jonathan Crary and David Quammen.
281662: Rodger, N.A.M. - THE COMMAND OF THE OCEAN. A Naval History of Britain 1649-1815.
282258: (Rodney). Syrett, David. (Editor). - THE RODNEY PAPERS. Selections from the Correspondence of Admiral Lord Rodney 1742-1780.
282165: Rodriguez, M. Dolores Higueras. - CATALOGO CRITICO DE LOS DOCUMENTOS DE LA EXPEDICION MALASPINA (1789-1794).
287096: (Roe). Strachan, Michael. - SIR THOMAS ROE 1581-1644.
282743: Roger, Jacques. - THE LIFE SCIENCES IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY FRENCH THOUGHT. Edited by Keith R. Benson. Translated by Robert Ellrich.
281155: Rogers, Nathan. - MEMOIRS OF MONMOUTH-SHIRE 1708.
289369: Rogers, John. - NINETEEN SERMONS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS. Publish'd from the originals, and never before printed. To which is prefix'd, the author's life, with an elogium writren [sic] by John Burton,
280267: Rogers, Samuel. - RECOLLECTIONS OF THE TABLE-TALK. To which is added Porsoniana. Edited by the Late Rev. Alexander Dyce.
282178: Roget, John Lewis. - A HISTORY OF THE ‘OLD WATER-COLOUR’ SOCIETY Now The Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours. With Biographical Notices of Its Older and of all Deceased Members and Associates. Preceded by an Account of English Water-Colour Art and Artists in the Eighteenth Century.
283631: Rohmer, Sax. - THE ROMANCE OF SORCERY.
288305: (Roland, [C. G.]) - QUELQUES GÉNÉALOGIES ANNOTÉES. Noailles, Colbert, Talleyrand, Albert de Luynes, Rohan, Rohan-Chabot, Bautru, Fürstenberg, Arnauld, Phélypeaux, Navarre-Foix, Savoie, Longueville, Gontaut-Biron.
284107: (Roland). Reynolds, Siân. - MARRIAGE AND REVOLUTION. Monsieur and Madame Roland.
287134: Rolland, Eugène. - FAUNE POPULAIRE DE LA FRANCE Les Mammifères Sauvages; Les Oiseaux Sauvages; Les Reptiles, Les Poissons, Les Mollusques, Les Crustacés et les Insectes; Les Mammifères Domestiques; Les Oiseaux Domestiques & La Fauconnerie; (Noms Vulgaires, Dictons, Proverbes, Contes et Superstitions.)
282390: Rollison, David. - A COMMONWEALTH OF THE PEOPLE. Popular Politics and England’s Long Social Revolution, 1066-1649.
285161: Rollo, Denis. - THE GUNS AND GUNNERS OF MALTA.
276716: Romaine, W. - TWELVE DISCOURSES UPON THE LAW AND GOSPEL. Preached at St. Dunstan’s Church in the West, London.
283424: (Roman Breviary). - BREVIARIUM ROMANUM, Ex Decreto sacro-sancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum, PII. V. Pont. Max. Jussu editum, & Clementis VIII. primùm, nunc denuò Urbani Papæ VIII. auctoriate recognitum. Insertis novorum Festorum Officiis à PP. Max. in hunc usque diem concessis: quibus Officia quorumdam Festorum ad libitum Summorum Pont. auctoritate recitanda, accedunt : hac Officia suis Locis posita, hac notulâ & signantur. In quo omnia suis locis posita sunt, pro majori recitantium commoditate. Pars Æstiva.
288915: Romanelli, Giandomenico (Editor). - VENICE Art & Architecture.
280654: Romanovsky, V. - LE SPITZBERG ET LA SIBÉRIE DU NORD. Préface de Emmanuel de Martonne.
285552: (Rorty). Malachowski, Alan. - RICHARD RORTY.
288226: Roscoe, E.S. - THE BISHOP OF LINCOLN’S CASE. A Report of the Proceedings in the Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury of the Case of Read and others v. the Bishop of Lincoln. (Published with the Sanction of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting). With an Appendix containing the Pleadings, and a Selection from the Authorities Cited.
284176: Roscoe, Thomas. - WANDERINGS AND EXCURSIONS IN SOUTH WALES: With the Scenery of the River Wye.
288816: Rose, James. - BEYOND HAMMER British Horror Cinema Since 1970.
286071: Rose, Bill. - BRITISH SPECIAL PROJECTS. Flying Wings, Deltas and Tailless Designs.
282829: Rosen, F. - BENTHAM, BYRON, AND GREECE. Constitutionalism, Nationalism, and Early Liberal Political Thought.
287800: Roskill, Captain S.W. - THE WAR AT SEA 1939-1945. The Defensive. The Period of Balance. The Offensive, Part I: 1st June 1943-31st May 1944. Part II: 1st June 1944-14th August 1945.
289281: (Ross & the Wye). - THE QUEEN’S ALBUM OF ROSS & THE WYE.
288502: Ross, Halford. - SPAIN In a Two-Seater.
289481: Ross, E.J. - SIEGE VIEWS OF MAFEKING. From Original Photographs ... Oct. 1899-May 1900.
289484: Ross, E.J. - SIEGE VIEWS OF MAFEKING. From Original Photographs ... Oct. 1899-May 1900.
287373: Ross, Heather Colyer. - THE ART OF BEDOUIN JEWELLERY. A Saudi Arabian Profile.
289213: Rossi, Aldo. - BUILDINGS AND PROJECTS. Compiled and edited by Peter Arnell and Ted Bickford. Introduction by Vincent Scully. Postscript by Rafael Moneo. Project Descriptions by Mason Andrews.
287949: Rothwell, James. - SILVER FOR ENTERTAINING. The Ickworth Collection.
271048: (Rousseau). Morley, John. - ROUSSEAU.
280627: Roux, Simone. - PARIS IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Translated by Jo Ann McNamara. Preface by Andrew Hussey.
282301: Rowe, Christopher ande Schofield, Malcolm. (Editors). - THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF GREEK AND ROMAN POLITICAL THOUGHT. In association with Simon Harrison and Melissa Lane.
287191: Rowland, Beryl. - ANIMALS WITH HUMAN FACES. A Guide to Animal Symbolism.
285555: Rowlands, Mark. - EXTERNALISM. Putting Mind and World Back Together Again.
250359: (Rowlandson). Oppé, A.P. - THOMAS ROWLANDSON His Drawings and Water-Colours. Edited by Geoffrey Holme.
288962: Roy, J.J.E. - QUINZE ANS DE SÉJOUR A JAVA et Dans les Principales Iles de l’Archipel de la Sonde et des Possessions Néerlandaises des Indes Orientales. Souvenirs d’un Ancien Officier de la Garde Royale.
242140: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXVI No. 1.
242079: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXIV No. 3.
242107: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXX No. 5.
242235: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCVII No 4.
242402: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 133 Part 2.
289366: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. - AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN HEREFORDSHIRE. Volume III [Only] North-West.
289367: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. - AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN HEREFORDSHIRE South-West; East; North-West.
258865: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LVI For the Year 1766.
242233: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCIX No 2.
242289: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CIX Nos 4-6.
284366: Royal Automobile Club. - PROGRAMME OF THE VETERAN CAR RUN. London - Brighton. Sunday, 1st November, 1953. Start: Hyde Park 8.30 a.m. Arrive Brighton 11.30 a.m.
242316: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXVIII Part 3.
242100: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXVII No.6.
289453: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. - AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN LONDON. Volume II West London Excluding Westminster Abbey [only].
242373: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 132 Part 4.
242385: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 131 Part 4.
242135: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXIV No. 1.
242087: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXV No. 4.
289452: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. - AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN LONDON. Volume IV. The City.
242232: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCVIII No 1.
258863: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LV For the Year 1765.
258868: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXIII. Part I.
258872: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXIII. Part I.
258879: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXIII Part II.
258885: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXIII Part II.
258912: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXV Part I.
258919: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXVI Part I.
258920: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXVI Part I.
258926: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXVII Part I.
289450: Royal Commission on HIstorical Monuments. - AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN LONDON. Volume I. [Only] Westminster Abbey.
242189: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXIX No. 4.
242066: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXIX No. 2.
242353: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXXVI Part 1.
242272: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CIII No 3.
242169: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXVIII No. 3.
242185: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XC No. 1.
290016: The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions in Wales and Monmouthshire. - AN INVENTORYOF THE ANCIENT MONUMENTS IN WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE. IV. County of Denbigh.
290017: The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions in Wales and Monmouthshire. - AN INVENTORYOF THE ANCIENT MONUMENTS IN WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE. III. County of Radnor.
290019: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England). - AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN LONDON. Westminster Abbey. West London. Roman London. The City. East London.
242263: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CI No. 2.
242067: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXIV No. 2.
242270: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CIII No 5.
242345: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXXIII Part 1.
242301: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXV Nos 4-6.
242114: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXIX No. 4.
258842: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LIII For the Year 1763
258851: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LIII For the Year 1763
242326: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXXI Part 2.
242075: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXIII No. 5.
242096: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXVII No. 4.
251487: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 135 Part 4.
242249: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCIX Nos. 5,6.
230493: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 143.
242095: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXIII No. 3.
242116: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXIX No. 2.
242081: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXIV No. 5.
242317: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXVIII Part 2.
260708: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXIII Part I.
242071: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXI No. 1.
251486: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 134 Part 1.
258941: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXVII Part II.
258942: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXVII Part II.
258948: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXVIII Part I.
258949: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXVIII Part I.
258896: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXIII Part II.
258898: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXV Part I.
242238: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCVII No 1.
275445: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. - AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE.
242336: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXXII Part 2.
251488: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 129 Part 1.
258897: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXV Part I.
258907: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXV Part II.
258909: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXV Part I.
288869: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. - AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN DORSET. Volume 1 [only] West.
290020: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England). - AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN DORSET West. South East, Parts I, II & III. Central, Parts I & II. North. East.
258943: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXVII Part II.
242285: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXIV Nos 4-6.
242252: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CIII No 6.
242091: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXVI No. 4.
274911: (Royal Society). - THE ROYAL SOCIETY.
242365: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXXVII Part 2.
242149: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXVI No. 5.
242300: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXVI Nos 1-3.
242305: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXII Nos 4-6.
197972: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL VOLUME CXVIII Part 1.
289690: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. - ANCIENT AND HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN THE COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER. Volume One: Iron Age and Romano-British Monuments in the Gloucestershire Cotswolds.
284367: Royal Automobile Club. - VETERAN CAR RUN LONDON to BRIGHTON. Commemorating the Forty-second Anniversary of the Emancipation Run, 1896. 20th November, 1938.
242370: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 129 Part 3.
242078: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXIV No. 5.
242399: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 133 Part 4.
251489: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 135 Part 1.
242150: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXVI No. 4.
242260: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CI Nos 5, 6.
242315: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXVIII Part 4.
242329: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXXI Part 4.
258819: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXXVI Part I.
258825: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LII For the Year 1761.
242306: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXII Nos 1-3.
222738: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL VOLUME 147.
242209: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCVII No 6.
258918: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXVI Part I.
258925: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXVI Part II.
258933: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXVII Part II.
242307: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXI Nos 4-6.
242199: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCI No. 6.
289985: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments England. - AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN THE CITY OF OXFORD.
242251: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCIX No. 3.
242290: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXVII Part 3.
242286: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXIV Nos 1-3.
242283: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CVII Nos 3, 4.
288323: Royal College of Science and Technology, Glasgow. - NUCLEAR REACTOR CONTAINMENT BUILDINGS AND PRESSURE VESSELS. Proceedings of a Symposium organized by the Department of Mechanical, Civil, and Chemical Engineering of the Royal College of Science and Technology, Glasgow, 17th to 20th May, 1960.
242397: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 134 Part 2.
242395: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 134 Part 4.
242388: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 131 Part 1.
242393: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 135 Part 2.
242137: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXIII No. 5.
242196: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCII No. 3.
242351: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXXVI Part 3.
242237: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCVII No 2.
242386: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 131 Part 3.
289454: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. - AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN THE CITY OF YORK. Volume II South-West of the Ouse.
258822: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LI For the Year 1759.
242214: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCIII No. 3.
242210: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCIV No. 1.
281311: Royal Geographical Society. - PROCEEDINGS ... VOL. IV., No. 12. New Monthly Series.
258832: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LII For the Year 1761.
258839: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LII For the Year 1761.
258840: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LIII For the Year 1763
258845: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LIII For the Year 1763
258849: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LIII For the Year 1763
258892: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LXIV Part I.
242382: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 132 Part 1.
242101: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXVII No. 5.
242269: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CVIII Nos 1-3
242063: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXIII No. 5.
219628: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL VOLUME CIV.
289687: Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments. - AN INVENTORY OF THE ANCIENT MONUMENTS IN CAERNARVONSHIRE. East: The Cantref of Arllechwedd and the Commote of Creuddyn. Central: The Cantref of Arfon and the Commote of Eifionydd. West: The Cantref of Lleyn Together with the General Survey of the County.
242387: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 131 Part 2.
242400: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 133 Part 3.
242188: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXIX No. 5.
242276: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CV Nos 5, 6.
242065: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXVIII No. 6.
242133: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXIV No. 3.
242267: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CIV Nos 3, 4.
242126: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXI No. 4.
242335: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXXII Part 3.
242369: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 129 Part 4.
242109: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXX No. 3.
242115: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXIX No. 3.
281364: (Royal Society). - SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN ANTARCTICA. A Royal Society Discussion Organized by Sir Vivian Fuchs and R.M. Laws. Held on 19 and 20 May 1976.
258827: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LII For the Year 1761.
258828: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LII For the Year 1761.
258829: Royal Society - PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS Giving Some Account of the Present Undertakings, Studies, and Labours of the Ingenious, in Many Considerable Parts of the World. EXTRACT from Vol. LII For the Year 1761.
242381: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 132 Part 3.
274095: Royal Commission on The Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions in Wales and Monmouthshire. - AN INVENTORY OF THE ANCIENT MONUMENTS IN WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE. V. County of Carmarthen.
242204: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCI No. 1.
242206: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCIV No. 5.
242192: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXIX No. 1.
242337: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume 132 Part 2.
242338: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXXIV Part 4.
242180: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XC No. 6.
242179: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXVII No. 1.
242309: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXVII Part 4.
242311: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXVII Part 2.
242173: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume LXXXVII No. 6.
242273: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CVI Nos 5, 6.
242291: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CIX Nos 1-3.
242231: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCVIII No 2.
242222: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCV No. 5.
242228: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCVII Nos. 5,6.
242218: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCVI No. 4.
242225: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCV No 2.
242217: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume XCVI No. 5.
289451: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. - AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN ESSEX. Volume IV [Only of 4.]
242356: Royal Geographical Society. - THE GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL Volume CXXV Part 2.
279812: Roziewicz, Mieczyslaw. - ALEXANDRIE III. Les Habitations Romaines Tardives d’Alexandrie à la lumière des fouilles polonaises à Kôm el-Dikka.
288173: Rtley, William and Dethick, Henry. - THE VISITATION OF MIDDLESEX, Began in the Year 1663, by ... to Sir Edward Bysshe as Recorded in the College of Arms (D. 17). Edited by Joseph Foster.
286014: (Rubbra). Foreman, Lewis. (Editor). - EDMUND RUBBRA: Composer-Essays. An Introduction by Sir Adrian Boult.
284926: (Rubbra). Pery, Jenny. - BENEDICT RUBBRA. Point of Balance.
283552: (Rubens). McGrath, Elizabeth. - RUBENS Subjects from History. Edited by Arnout Balis.
283555: (Rubens). Alpers, Svetlana. - THE DECORATION OF THE TORRE DE LA PARADA.
283559: (Rubens). Vlieghe, Hans. - SAINTS I and II.
284108: Rubiés, Joan-Pau. - TRAVEL AND ETHNOLOGY IN THE RENAISSANCE. South India through European Eyes, 1250-1625.
283504: Rubinstein, Nicolai. - THE PALAZZO VECCHIO 1298-1532. Government, Architecture, and Imagery in the Civic Palace of the Florentine Republic.
288233: Rüdt-Collenberg, Count W.H. - THE RUPENIDES HETHUMIDES AND LUSIGNANS. The Structure of the Armeno-Cilician Dynasties.
277829: Ruff, Volker. - DER STRABOKRAN. German Gantry Crane 1942-45.
277838: Ruff, Volker. - DER TIGER. Schwere Panzerabteilung 501, 502, 503.
289309: Runciman, Walter. - THE BOOK OF JOB.
288640: Rundall, Thomas (Editor). - MEMORIALS OF THE EMPIRE OF JAPON: in the XVI and XVII Centuries.
280199: Ruppli, Michel. - THE ALADDIN/IMPERIAL LABELS. A Discography. Compiled by ...
282589: Ruse, Michael and Travis, Joseph (Editors). - EVOLUTION The First Four Billion Years. With a Foreword by Edward O. Wilson.
284596: Rush, Lieut. Commander Richard and Woods, Mr Robert H. (Compilers). - OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE NAVIES in the War of the Rebellion. Series I Volume I-Series II Volume 3. With General index. Complete in 31 vols.
285594: (Rushdie). Mishra, Vijay. - SALMAN RUSHDIE AND THE GENESIS OF SECRECY.
289201: Rushworth, John. - THE TRYAL OF THOMAS EARL OF STRAFFORD, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Upon an Impeachment of High Treason by The Commons then Assembled in Parliament, In the Name of Themselves and of All the Commons in England: Begun in Westminster-Hall the 22th of March 1640. And Continued before Judgement was Given until the 10th of May 1641. shewing the Form of Parliamentary Proceedings In an Impeachment of Treason. To which is Added A short Account of some other Matters of Fact Transacted in Both Houses of Parliament, Precedent, Concomitant and Subsequent to the said Tryal: With some Special Arguments in Law Relating to a Bill of Attainder. Faithfully Collected, and Impartially Published, Without Observation or Reflection.
289200: Rushworth, John. - HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS. The Fourth and Last Part in Two Volumes. Containing the Principal Matters Which Happen’d From the Beginning of the Year 1645, to the Death of King Charles the First, 1648. Wherein is a Particular Account of the Progress of the Civil War to that Period. Impartially Related. Setting forth only Matter of Fact in Order of Time, without Observation or Reflection.
274321: Ruskin, John. - SESAME AND LILIES. Three Lectures by ...
286804: Russell, William Howard. - GENERAL TODLEBEN’S HISTORY OF THE DEFENCE OF SEBASTOPOL. 1854-5 A Review.
282750: (Russell). Scherer, Paul. - LORD JOHN RUSSELL. A Biography.
287041: Russell, Alex. - THE NATURAL HISTORY OF ALEPPO. Containing A Description of the City, and the Principal Natural Productions in Its Neighbourhood. Together With An Account of the Climate, Inhabitants, and Diseases; Particularly of the Plague.
287072: Russell, Rev. Michael. - HISTORY AND PRESENT CONDITION OF THE BARBARY STATES: Comprehending a View of Their Civil Institutions, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, Commerce, Agriculture, and Natural Productions.
286778: Russell, William Howard. - THE BRITISH EXPEDITION TO THE CRIMEA.
282678: Russell, Bertrand. - THE SELECTED LETTERS. The Private Years, 1884-1914. The Public Years, 1914-1970. Edited by Nicholas Griffin. Assisted by Alison Roberts Miculan.
286780: Russell, W.H. - THE WAR: From the Landing at Gallipoli to the Death of Lord Raglan. From the Death of Lord Raglan of the Evacuation of the Crimea.
254030: Russell, Pamela. - HER BIRDS.
287302: Russell, Bertrand. - ICARUS Or The Future of Science.
276840: Russell, John. - A TOUR IN GERMANY, And Some of the Southern Provinces of the Austrian Empire, in the Years 1820, 1821, 1822.
231216: Rüstow, W. - DER KRIEG IN DER TÜRKEI Zustände und Ereignisse auf der Balkanhalbinsel in den Jahren 1875 und 1876.
288321: Rutter, Owen. - TIADATHA. Preface by Field-Marshal Lord Milne.
288255: Ruvigny, Marquis of and Raineval. - THE PLANTAGENET ROLL OF THE BLOOD ROYAL, Being a Complete Table of all the Descendants now living of ... I. The Mortimer-Percy Volume containing the Descendants of Lady Elizabeth Percy, née Mortimer; Part I. With Supplements to the Exeter and Essex Volumes. II.The Clarence Volume containing the Descendants of George Duke of Clarence. III The Anne of Exeter Volume containing the Descendants of Anne (Plantagenet) Duchess of Exeter. IV. The Isabel of Essex Volume containing the Descendants of Isabel (Plantagenet) Countess of Essex and Eu. With a Supplement to the Three previous volumes. V. The Tudor Volume.
288909: Ryckaert, Marc and Vandewalle, André. - BRUGGE. De geschiedenis can een Europese stad. With Jan D’hondt, Noël Geirnaert, Ludo Vandamme. Woord Vooraf Patrick Moenaert.
280172: Rydingsvard, Ursula von. - AT YORKSHIRE SCULPTURE PARK. Introduction by Peter Murray.
287443: Ryland, John (Compiler). - THE PRECEPTOR, Or Counsellor of Human Life; For the Use of The British Youth. Containing Select Pieces in Natural and Moral Philosophy, History, and Eloquence; the Lives of Sir Isaac Newton, Rollin, Demosthenes, and Milton: Also Short Sketches of the Birth and Death of some of the most illustrious Men in all Ages ...
288124: Rymer, Thoma[s] (Editor). - FOEDERA, Conventiones, Literæ, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica Inter Reges Angliæ, Er Alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates, Ab Ineunte Sæculo Duodecimo, viz. an Anno 1101, ad nostra usque Tempora, Habita aut Tractata; Ex Autographis, insra Secretiores Archivorum Regiorum Thesaurarias, per multa Sæcula reconditis, sideliter Exscripta. In Lucem missa de Mandato Reginæ. Tomus VIII July 1397 - February 1413 [only of 20 volumes].
288117: Rymer, Thoma[s] (Editor). - FOEDERA, Conventiones, Literæ, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica Inter Reges Angliæ, Er Alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates, Ab Ineunte Sæculo Duodecimo, viz. an Anno 1101, ad nostra usque Tempora, Habita aut Tractata; Ex Autographis, insra Secretiores Archivorum Regiorum Thesaurarias, per multa Sæcula reconditis, sideliter Exscripta. In Lucem missa de Mandato Reginæ. Tomus VI February 1357- December 1372 [only of 20].
288119: Rymer, Thoma[s] (Editor). - FOEDERA, Conventiones, Literæ, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica Inter Reges Angliæ, Er Alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates, Ab Ineunte Sæculo Duodecimo, viz. an Anno 1101, ad nostra usque Tempora, Habita aut Tractata; Ex Autographis, insra Secretiores Archivorum Regiorum Thesaurarias, per multa Sæcula reconditis, sideliter Exscripta. In Lucem missa de Mandato Reginæ. Tomus II November 1272 to August 1307. [only of 20 volumes].
288128: Rymer, Thoma[s] (Editor). - FOEDERA, Conventiones, Literæ, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica Inter Reges Angliæ, Er Alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates, Ab Ineunte Sæculo Duodecimo, viz. an Anno 1101, ad nostra usque Tempora, Habita aut Tractata; Ex Autographis, insra Secretiores Archivorum Regiorum Thesaurarias, per multa Sæcula reconditis, sideliter Exscripta. In Lucem missa de Mandato Reginæ. Tomus XIV July 1523 - July 1543 [only of 20 volumes].
288126: Rymer, Thoma[s] (Editor). - FOEDERA, Conventiones, Literæ, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica Inter Reges Angliæ, Er Alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates, Ab Ineunte Sæculo Duodecimo, viz. an Anno 1101, ad nostra usque Tempora, Habita aut Tractata; Ex Autographis, insra Secretiores Archivorum Regiorum Thesaurarias, per multa Sæcula reconditis, sideliter Exscripta. In Lucem missa de Mandato Reginæ. Tomus IX March 1413-July 1420 [only of 20 volumes].
288123: Rymer, Thoma[s] (Editor). - FOEDERA, Conventiones, Literæ, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica Inter Reges Angliæ, Er Alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates, Ab Ineunte Sæculo Duodecimo, viz. an Anno 1101, ad nostra usque Tempora, Habita aut Tractata; Ex Autographis, insra Secretiores Archivorum Regiorum Thesaurarias, per multa Sæcula reconditis, sideliter Exscripta. In Lucem missa de Mandato Reginæ. Tomus VII February 1373 - June 1397 [only of 20 volumes].
288120: Rymer, Thoma[s] (Editor). - FOEDERA, Conventiones, Literæ, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica Inter Reges Angliæ, Er Alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates, Ab Ineunte Sæculo Duodecimo, viz. an Anno 1101, ad nostra usque Tempora, Habita aut Tractata; Ex Autographis, insra Secretiores Archivorum Regiorum Thesaurarias, per multa Sæcula reconditis, sideliter Exscripta. In Lucem missa de Mandato Reginæ. Tomus III July 1307 - July 1323 [only of 20 volumes].
288121: Rymer, Thoma[s] (Editor). - FOEDERA, Conventiones, Literæ, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica Inter Reges Angliæ, Er Alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates, Ab Ineunte Sæculo Duodecimo, viz. an Anno 1101, ad nostra usque Tempora, Habita aut Tractata; Ex Autographis, insra Secretiores Archivorum Regiorum Thesaurarias, per multa Sæcula reconditis, sideliter Exscripta. In Lucem missa de Mandato Reginæ. Tomus IV July 1323 - January 1338 [only of 20 volumes].
288118: Rymer, Thoma[s] (Editor). - FOEDERA, Conventiones, Literæ, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica Inter Reges Angliæ, Er Alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates, Ab Ineunte Sæculo Duodecimo, viz. an Anno 1101, ad nostra usque Tempora, Habita aut Tractata; Ex Autographis, insra Secretiores Archivorum Regiorum Thesaurarias, per multa Sæcula reconditis, sideliter Exscripta. In Lucem missa de Mandato Reginæ. Tomus I March 1101-March 1273 [only of 20 volumes].
288122: Rymer, Thoma[s] (Editor). - FOEDERA, Conventiones, Literæ, et Cujuscunque Generis Acta Publica Inter Reges Angliæ, Er Alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates, Ab Ineunte Sæculo Duodecimo, viz. an Anno 1101, ad nostra usque Tempora, Habita aut Tractata; Ex Autographis, insra Secretiores Archivorum Regiorum Thesaurarias, per multa Sæcula reconditis, sideliter Exscripta. In Lucem missa de Mandato Reginæ. Tomus V Febraury 1338 - January 1357 [only of 20 volumes].
282554: Sabatier de Castres, C. - LA COLONIE CHRÉTIENNE Histoire de plusieurs déportés jetés par un naufrage dans une ile déserte. Volume 1 [only, all published?]
289864: Sabin, Philip; Wees, Hans van and Whitby, Michael. (Editors). - THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF GREEK AND ROMAN WARFARE. Volume II [only]: Rome from the late Republic to the late Empire.
288594: Sadka, Emily. - THE PROTECTED MALAY STATES 1874-1895.
286938: Saeed, John. - SOMALI.
286937: Saeed, John. - SOMALI.
286166: Le Sage. - HISTOIRE DE GIL BLAS De Santillane.
239440: Sage, [Georges Balthazar]. - ÉLÉMENS DE MINERALOGIE DOCIMASTIQUE A Paris, Chez P. de Lormel ... 1772. 1st Ed. xxiv + 276pp. Folding table. [Bound with]. MÉMOIRES DE CHIME. A Paris de l’Imprimerie Royale ...1773. vii + 262pp. + xxxviii + [i] Errata. 1st Ed. Folding ‘Table des Rapports.’
212648: Sainsbury, Frank (Compiler). - A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF ESSEX. Bibliography Supplement.
289896: Sainsbury, Hester. (Illustrator). - THE LADY’S NEW-YEARS-GIFT OR ADVICE TO A DAUGHTER by the late Lord Marquis Re-printed with several wood-engravings by Hester Sainsbury. Preface by Bonamy Dobrée.
287778: Saliba, Robert. - BEIRUT CITY CENTRE RECOVERY: The Foch-Allenby and Etoile Conservation Area. Foreword by Nasser Chammaa.
287381: Saliba, Robert. - BEIRUT CITY CENTER RECOVERY: The Foch-Allenby and Etoile Conservation Area. Foreword by Nasser Chammaa.
282751: Salmon, Philip. - ELECTORAL REFORM AT WORK. Local Politics and National Parties, 1832-1841.
288616: Salmony, Alfred. - SCULPTURE IN SIAM.
279865: Saltykov-Shchedrin, M.E. - THE HISTORY OF A TOWN. Translated by I.P. Foote.
281921: (Salvesen). Vamplew, Wray. - SALVESEN OF LEITH.
288429: Samaddar, J.N. - THE GLORIES OF MAGADHA. With a Foreword by Dr. A.B. Keith.
290051: Sampson, John. - OMAR KHAYYAM Bish ta dui Gilia chide are Volshitika Romani Chib ... Dikimangriasa Augustus John.
289891: Sanches, Francisco. - THAT NOTHING IS KNOWN. Introduction, notes, and bibliography by Elaine Limbrick. Latin text established, annotated and translated by Douglas F.S. Thomson.
289893: Sancroft, William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. - THE PROCEEDINGS AND TRYAL in the case of the Most Reverend Father in God William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Right Reverend Fathers in God, William Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, Francis Lord Bishop of Ely, John Lord Bishop of Chichester, Thomas Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Thomas Lord Bishop of Peterborough, and Jonathan Lord Bishop of Bristol. In the Court of Kings-Bench at Westminster, in Trinity-term in the fourth year of the reign of King James the Second, annoque Dom. 1688. Licensed and entred [sic] according to Act of Parliament. London : printed for Thomas Basset, at the George in Fleet-street, and Thomas Fox, at the Angel in Westminster-Hall, 1689. [8], 140p. Printed title page within double rule, engraved frontis. by R. White with seven portraits. Textual underlining to three pages. [Bound with]. THE ARRAIGMENT, TRIALS, CONVICTION AND CONDEMNATION OF SIR RICH. GRAHME, BART. Viscount Preston in the kingdom of Scotland, and John Ashton, gent. for high-treason against Their Majesties King VVilliam and Queen Mary, in conspiring the deposition and death of Their Majesties, the alteration of the present government, the invasion of this kingdom of England by the French King, and raising a rebellion within this kingdom against Their Majesties. At the sessions of gaol-delivery of Newgate, holden for the county of Middlesex at Justice Hall in the Old-Baily, on the 16th, 17th and 19th days of January, 1690. in the second year of Their Majesties reign. To which are added, two letters taken at Dublin the 4th of July, 1690. One from the late King James to the Pope, ... The other from the Earl of Melfort, ... sent to the late Queen, ... Published by Her Majesties special command. London : Printed for Samuel Heyrick and Thomas Cockerill, at Grays-Inn-gate in Holbourn, and at the Three Legs in the Poultrey, M.DC.XCI. [1691]. [4], 26, [4], 27-138, [2] p.; Printed title page within double rule (sm. stain to edge and with little gutter margin). Signature Ii2 with upper corner replaced, signature Z with repaired tear to head, pp.59-76 with stain to head, [lacking A1 blank], with hole a inch square to title page affecting 4 lines of text, evidence of leaf removal before C though complete so perhaps a cancelland, many leaves with minor loss to gutter hinge, upto pp.51 with minor evidence of worming to outer margin. [Bound with] A TRUE NARRATIVE of all the proceedings against the Lord Bishop of London, in the council-chamber at White-hall, by the Lords Commissioners appointed by His Majesty to inspect ecclesiastical affairs. London printed, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, near Stationers-hall 1689. [4], 12 p. Foxed, with holes at gutter hinge.
281738: (Sandby). Ball, Johnson. - PAUL AND THOMAS SANDBY. Royal Academicians. An Anglo-Danish Saga of Art, Love and War in Georgian England.
281731: Sanderson, John. - A VOYAGE FROM HULL TO GREENLAND, In the Ship Samuel, in the year 1789; Including A Brief, but Clear Account of the Methods Used in Taking Whales: Some remarks, respecting the fitting out Ships to the Greenland Seas and Davis’s Straits; ...
282617: Sanz, Arcadi García. - HISTÒRIA DE LA MARINA CATALANA.
288854: Sargeaunt, B.E. - THE ROYAL MONMOUTHSHIRE MILITIA. Being a Detailed Description of the Regiment from the Year 1660 to the Time of Its Transfer to the Special Reserve.
283502: (Sassetta). Pope-Hennessy, John. - SASSETTA.
282192: Sato, Hiroaki. - JAPANESE WOMEN POETS. An Anthology. Translated and with an Introduction by ...
285312: Sauers, Dr Richard A. (Compiler). - THE GETTYSBURG CAMPAIGN JUNE 3-AUGUST 1, 1863. A Comprehensive, Selectively Annotated Bibliography. "Gettysburg Bookshelf" Edited by James L. Mclean, Jr.
289783: Saumaise, Claude. - DEFENSIO REGIA, PRO CAROLO I. Ad serenißimum magnae Britanniae regem Carolvm II. Filium natu majorem, heredem & successorem legitimum. Sumptibus regiis.
276336: Saunders, Anthony. - WINGS OF WAR. The Aviation and Military Art of ... Foreword by Squadron Leader George ‘Johnny’ Johnson DFM.
279630: Säve-Söderbergh, Torgny and Troy, Lana. - NEW KINGDOM PHARAONIC SITES The Finds and the Sites.
280296: (Saville). Cooper, William Durrant. (Editor). - SAVILE CORRESPONDENCE. Letters to and from Henry Savile, Esq., envoy to Paris, and Vice-Chamberlain to Charles II and James II including letters from his Brother George Marquess of Halifax. Printed from a manuscript belonging to His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, and from Originals in Her Majesty’s State Paper Office.
282640: Saward, John; Morill, John and Tomko, Michael. (Editors). - FIRMLY I BELIEVE AND TRULY. The Spirituall Tradition of Catholic England 1483-1999. Compiled, edited and introduced by ...
289845: Sawyer, Edmund. - MEMORIALS OF AFFAIRS OF STATE in the reigns of Q. Elizabeth and K. James I. Collected (chiefly) from the original papers of the Right Honourable Sir Ralph Winwood, Kt. Sometime one of the Principal Secretaries of State. Comprehending likewise the negotiations of Sir Henry Neville, Sir Charles Cornwallis, Sir Dudley Carleton, Sir Thomas Edmondes, Mr. Trumbull, Mr. Cottington and others, At the courts of France and Spain, and in Holland, Venice, &c. Wherein the Principal Transactions of those Times Are faithfully related, and the Policies and Intrigues of those Courts at large discover'd. The whole digested in an exact Series of Time. To which are added Two Tables: One of the Letters, the other of the Principal Matters.
285892: Saxton, Christopher. - AN ATLAS OF ENGLAND AND WALES. The Maps of ... Engraved 1574-1578. Introduction by R.V. Tooley.
284663: (Saxton). Evans, Ifor M. and Lawrence, Heather. - CHRISTOPHER SAXTON Elizabethan Map-Maker.
288444: Sayers, Barbara J. - THE SENTENCE IN WIK-MUNKAN; A Description of Propositional Relationships.
279151: O’Scanlan, Capitán de Fragata Timoteo. - DICCIONARIO MARITIMO ESPAÑOL.
280520: Scarborough’s - MAP OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Shewing Geographical Counties and Boroughs All Railways, and Steamships Lines with Distances Between Stations and Landings. With MAP OF LANCASHIRE to verso.
280907: Scarfe, Gerald. - DRAWING BLOOD. Forty-five Years of Scarfe Uncensored.
284781: (Schachman). Lallo, Emanuela Di and Cavazzini, Emma. - BARTHOLOMÄUS SCHACHMAN (1559-1614). The Art of Travel.
257974: Schaden, Adolph von. - TOPOGRAPHISCH STATISTISCHES TASCHENBUCH für Fremde und Einheimische; oder: Neueste kurzgefaßte Beschreibung der Haupt- und Residenz-Stadt München, ihrer Merkwürdigkeiten und Umgebungen; auf alle Tage der Woche eingerichtet, und mit allerhöchster Genehmigung, großtheils, aus amtlichen Quellen geschöpft.
236024: (Schadow). Badstübner-Gröger, Sibylle; Czok, Claudia and Simson, Jutta von. - JOHANN GOTTFRIED SCHADOW Die Zeichnungen. Mit einem einführenden Essay von Werner Hofmann.
283626: Schaeffer, Mead (Illustrator). - TYPEE by Herman Melville.
288951: Schafer, Edward H. - THE VERMILION BIRD. T’ang Images of the South.
279492: [Scheer, Frederick]. - THE ROYAL ECLIPSE; Or, Delicate Facts Exhibiting the Secret Memoirs of Squire George and his Wife. With Notes. By Diogenes.
282966: Schenk, Catherine R. - THE DECLINE OF STERLING. Managing the Retreat of an International Currency, 1945-1992.
283475: (Schiavone). Richardson, Francis L. - ANDREA SCHIAVONE.
288259: (Schinkel). Zukowsky, John. (Editor). - KARL FRIEDRICH SCHINKEL 1781 - 1841. With essays by Kurt W. Forster, Wolfgang Pehnt, Mitchell Schwarzer, David van Zanten, Birgit Verwiebe and Christoph Martin Vogtherr.
289022: Schlagintweit, Émile de. - LE BOUDDHISME AU TIBET Précéde d’un Résumé des Précèdents Systèmes Bouddhiques dans l’Inde. Traduit de l’Anglais par L. de Millouè.
289219: Schlaich, Jörg and Bergermann, Rudolf - LEICHT WEIT. Light Structures. Edited by Annette Bógle, Peter Cachola Schmal and Ingeborg Flagge.
270987: Schoettgenii, Christiani. - HORAE HEBRAICAE ET TALMUDICAE in universum Novum Testamentum. Quibus Horae Io. Lightfooti in libris historicis supplentur, Epistolae et Apocalypsis eodem modo illustrantur. Accedunt dissertationes quaedam philologico-sacrae, indicesque locorum scripturae rerum ac verborum necessarii. Volume One [only of Two].
288194: Schofield, Phillipp R. (Editor). - SEALS AND THEIR CONTEXT IN THE MIDDLE AGES.
286175: (Schools Ephemera). - SCHOOLS EPHEMERA. Prospectus for Institution de Mme Rey Sm. A4 sheet; British Governesses Hom 811 Vergindungsbahn Hamburg Lady Superintendent Miss Hopper, with a note from Miss Hopper regarding terms to the rear June 8th 1907; Invoice from Bradbourne College for Girls for the tuition of Miss Margaret Wood; Offprint ‘On Visual Education as Applied to Geology’ one sheet printed both sides; National School Battle Certificate issued to Charles Thomas February 25th 1886’; Avonclyffe Modern School Bromley Kent Report for Dorothy Dussant Summer Term 1922’ A4 sheet; The Eamonson Charity ... Jan. 1st 1853; The Royal Drawing Society ... Certify[ing that] Dana Middey Carver aged 10 ... June 1931’ printed both sides; Decorated certificate of Merit for Lydia Driver ... 13.3.24’; [Exam paper] Subject XXIII Physiography 1899; Price List of Chemical Apparatus and Chemicals. worn; Holy Trinity Schools Bordesley Special Certificate for Good Attendance; Four Reward cards for George Lucy from East Lambeth Division Woods Road School; Two Records of Progress for Ethel Harbour 1906 & 1907 from Rothschild School; Department of Science & Art Pass card for James Ashford 1884; Gorgie School Attendance Card for Lizzie Brown; etc etc. with further pieces of ephemera and related material form various schools.
285523: (Schopenhauer). Jacquette, Dale. - THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCHOPENHAUER.
263272: (Schouman). Buckley, Wilfred. - AERT SCHOUMAN And the Glasses that he Engraved. With a Supplementary Note on Glasses Engraved by Frans Greenwood.
288384: Schoutendorp, Jonas. - SCHETS VAN DE GESCHIEDENIS DER LANDRENTE OP JAVA Academisch Proefschrift ter Verkrijging van den Graad van Doctor in het Romeinsch en Hedendaagsch Recht aan de Hoogeschool te Leiden, op Gezag van den Rector Magnificus Dr. Adrianus Heynsius, Hoogleeraar in de Faculteit der Geneeskunde.
289393: Schroeder, Friedrich Ludwig. - THE ENSIGN. A Comedy, in Three Acts. Translated from the German of ... by Benjamin Thompson.
272445: Schulze, Sabine. (Editor). - THE PAINTER’S GARDEN. Design, Inspiration, Delight. With contributions by Andreas Beyer, Werner Busch, Dennis Conrad ... H. Walter Lack, Eva Mongi-VCollmer, Sabine Schulze ...
289230: Schuré, Édouard. - THE GREAT INITIATES. Sketch of the Secret History of Religions. Rama. Krishna. Hermes. Moses. Orpheus. Pythagoras. Plato. Jesus, the Last Great Initiate. Translated by Fred Rothwell.
253083: Schuyler, Eugene. - TURKISTAN. Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkistan Khokand, Bukhara and Kuldja.
261404: Schuyler, Eugene. - TURKISTAN. Notes of a Journey in Russian Turkistan Khokand, Bukhara and Kuldja.
288414: Schwarz, Franz V. - TURKESTAN. die Wiege der indogermanischen Völker. Nach fünfzehnjährigem Aufenthalt in Turkestan.
287595: Sclater, William Lutley and Philip Lutley. - THE GEOGRAPHY OF MAMMALS.
286050: Sclater, P.L. (Editor). - A RECORD OF THE PROGRESS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON During the Nineteenth Century.
256895: Scoresby, William. - OBSERVATIONS ON THE ERRORS IN THE SEA-RATES OF CHRONOMETERS, arising from the Magnetism of their Balances; with Suggestions for removing this source of Error. (Read April 15. 1822).
256896: Scoresby, William. - DESCRIPTION OF A MAGNETIMETER, being a New Instrument for Measuring Magnetic Attractions, and Finding the Dip of the Needle; with an Account of Experiments made with it. (Read January 22. 1821).
289749: (Scot). Thorndike, Lynn. - MICHAEL SCOT.
287197: Scott, Charles T. - PERSIAN AND ARABIC RIDDLES: A Language-Centered Approach to Genre Definition.
283966: Scott, George Ryley. - FAR EASTERN SEX LIFE. An Anthropological, Ethnological and Sociological Study of the Love Relations, Marriage Rites and Home Life of the Oriental Peoples.
288335: Scott, Captian R.F. - SCOTT’S LAST EXPEDITION. The Journals of Captain R.F. Scott .
275521: Scott, Walter. - MARMION; A Tale of Flodden Field.
282504: Scott, Jonathan. - WHEN THE WAVES RULED BRITANNIA. Geography and Political Identities, 1500-1800.
278405: Scott, J. (Publisher). - ANATOMIA BRITANNICA. A System of Anatomy And Physiology selected from the works of Haller, Albinus, Monro, Winslow, Hunter, Soemmerring, Scarpa, Cruikshank, Masgagni, Murray, Walter, Sabatier, Meckel, Zinn, &c &c &c.
285840: Scott, Sir Walter. - THE JOURNAL. Edited by W.E.K. Anderson.
288005: Scott, Margaret. - MEDIEVAL DRESS & FASHION.
284063: Scott, Walter. - THE BORDER ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND; Comprising Specimens of Architecture and Sculpture, and Other Vestiges of Former Ages, Accompanied by Descriptions. Together with Illustrations of Remarkable Incidents in Border History and Tradition, and Original Poetry.
255373: (Scrapbook). - [MILITARY UNIFORMS SCRAPBOOK].
280348: Scruton, Roger. - FORTNIGHT’S ANGER.
280340: Scruton, Roger. - FRANCESCA. A Novel.
289255: (Scudamore). Skidmore, Warren. - THE SCUDAMORES OF UPTON SCUDAMORE: A Knightly Family in Medieval Wiltshire, 1086-1382.
287128: Seager, H.W. - NATURAL HISTORY IN SHAKESPEARE’S TIME: Being Extracts Illustrative of the Subject as he knew it.
280045: Seago, Edward. (Illustrator). - THE COUNTRY SCENE. In Poems by John Masefield.
288922: Seang, Heah Joo. - SOUVENIR NUMBER IN COMMEMORATION OF THE THIRTY-SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE RUBBER TRADE ASSOCIATION OF PENANG And the Official Opening of their new premises, 16 Anson Road, on 15th September 1951.
289838: Searle, Ronald. - THE ST TRINIAN’S STORY. And the pick of the Searle cartoons. The whole ghastly dossier compiled by Kaye Webb with contributions by Siriole Hugh-Jones, Malcolm Arnold, Bertolt Brecht, Johnny Dankworth. Michael Flanders, Sidney Gilliat, Robert Graves, James Laver, C. Day Lewis, G.W. Stonier, Donald Swann, D.B. Wyndham Lewis and Ronald Searle.
286181: Sedlák, Francis. - A HOLIDAY WITH A HEGELIAN.
286182: (Sedlák). Shaw, Nellie - A CZECH PHILOSOPHER ON THE COTSWOLDS. Being an account of the life and work of Francis Sedlák.
246908: Seedie’s - LIST OF FLEET AIR ARM AWARDS 1939-1969.
246910: Seedie’s - LIST OF FLEET AIR ARM AWARDS 1939-1969.
288770: Seemann, Berthold. - VITI: An Account of a Government Mission to the Vitian or Fijian Islands in the Years 1860-61.
288053: (Segovia). Wade, Graham and Garno, Gerard. - A NEW LOOK AT SEGOVIA. His Life. His Music. 1. A Biography of the Years 1893-1957, Segovia’s Classical Guitar Masterpieces by Narváez, Frescobaldi, Bach, Scarlatti and Sor. 2. A Biography of the Years 1958-1987, Segovia’s Spanish Guitar Masterpieces by Tárrega, Albéniz, Granados, Llobet and Ponce.
282087: Seigel, Jerrold. - MODERNITY AND BOURGEOIS LIFE. Society, Politics, and Culture in England, France and Germany since 1750.
289931: Selden, John. - TITLES OF HONOR.
289846: Selden, John. - JOANNIS SELDENI DE SYNEDRIIS & præfecturis iuridicis veterum Ebræorum liber primus. Pridentius. Parvorum Speculo non intellecta notamus. Et datur Occultum per Proxima quærere Verum.
280403: Sélincourt, Beryl de and Henderson, May Sturge. - VENICE.
281700: Sellers, Maud. - THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES OF THE EASTLAND COMPANY. Edited for the Royal Historical Society From the Original Muniments of the Gild of Merchant Adventures of York.
283367: (Selwyn). Williams, Sir Kyffin. - WILLIAM SELWYN. Bardd y Brwsh Paent Paintbrush Poet. Introduction by ... Portrait by Daloni Metcalfe.
260295: Sennert, Daniel. - INSTITUTIONUM MEDICINÆ Libri V. Auctore Daniele Sennerto.
280760: Sepiurka, Sergio and Miglioli, Jorge. - ROCKY TRIP. La Ruta de los Galeses en la Patagonia. The Route of the Welsh in Patagonia.
283619: Serlio, Sebastiano. - ON ARCHITECTURE. Books I-VII of ‘Tutte l’Opere d’Architettura et Prospetiva.’ With ‘Castrametation of the Romans’ and ‘The Extraordinary Book of Doors.’ Translated from the Italian with an Introduction and Commentary by Vaughan Hart and Peter Hicks.
283422: Serraller, Francisco Calvo. - EL BODEGÓN [De Zurbarán a Picasso]. 13 de Diciembre de 1999 al 19 Abril del 2000.
280508: Serres, Dominick and John Thomas. - LIBER NAUTICUS and Instructor in the Art of Maritime Drawing. Introduction by Basil Greenhill.
285417: (Sert). Birksted, J.K. - AN ARCHITECTURE OF INELOQUENCE: José Lluis Sert’s Carmel de la Paix. A Study in Modern Architecture and Religion.
282203: Sessions, William Lad. - THE CONCEPT OF FAITH. A Philosophical Investigation.
259845: Seta, Cesare de’. - CARTOGRAFIA DELLA CITTA DI NAPOLI Linementi Dell’Evoluzione Urbana. Introduzione di Francesco Compagna.
288615: Sethaputra, So. (Compiler). - NEW MODEL THAI-ENGLISH DICTIONARY.
287133: Seurat, L.-G. - EXPLORATION ZOOLOGIQUE DE L’ALGÉRIE De 1830 à 1930.
288586: Seuss, Dr. - DR. SEUSS’S ABC.
288585: Seuss, Dr. - HOP ON POP.
281584: (Severini). Pacini, Piero. - GINO SEVERINI. Disegni e Incisioni. Scelti e annotati da ...
280349: (Seward). Martin, Stapleton. - ANNA SEWARD And Classic Lichfield.
288868: Sewertzov, N. - ERFORSCHUNG DES THIAN-SCHAN-GEBIRGS-SYSTEMS 1867. Nebst Kartographischer Darstellung Desselben Gebietes und der See’nzone des Balkasch-Alkakul und Siebenstromlandes Nach den Originalen und Offiziellen Russischen Aufnahmen von Petermann. 1875. 2 vols. bound in 1. vi + 50pp. + 102pp. [Bound with]. Ingenieur Josef Cernik’s Technische Studien-Expedition Durch die Gebiete des EUPHRAT UND TIGRIS Nebst Ein- Und Ausgangs-Routen Durch Nord-Syrien. Nach den Tagebüchern, Topographischen Aufnahmen und Mündlichen Mittheilungen des Expeditions-Leiters Bearbeitet und Herausgegeben von Amand Freiherrn V. Schweiger-Lerchenfeld. 1875. 2 vols. bound in 1. viii + 48pp. + 47pp.
283373: Seymour, Private W. Kean and Palmer, Cadet Cecil (Editors). - AIR PIE The Royal Air Force Annual.
283302: Shackleton, E.H. - THE HEART OF THE ANTARCTIC. Being the Story of the British Antarctic Expedition 1907-1909. With an Introduction by Hugh Robert Mill. An Account of the First Journey to the South Magnetic Pole by Professor T.W. Edgeworth David.
282255: Shackleton, E.H. - 21 MEILEN VOM SÜDPOL. Die Geschichte der britischen Südpol-Expedition 1907/09. Mit einer Beschreibung der Reise zum magnetischen Südpol von T. W. Edgeworth David. Übers. und bearb. von Frederick Becker. Volume 1 [Only].
280902: Shackleton, Sir Ernest. - SOUTH The Story of Shackleton’s Last Expedition 1914-1917.
287890: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE AS YOU LIKE IT. Edited by Alan Brissenden.
287885: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE TWELFTH NIGHT. Edited by Roger Warren and Stanley Wells.
287886: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE LOVE’S LABOUR’S LOST. Edited by G.R. Hibbard.
287892: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM. Edited by Peter Holland.
287899: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE RICHARD III. Edited by John Jowett.
287900: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE HENRY V. Edited by Gary Taylor.
287057: (Shakespeare). Edelman, Charles. - SHAKESPEARE’S MILITARY LANGUAGE. A Dictionary.
287903: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE HENRY IV. Part Two. Edited by René Weis.
287840: Shakespeare, William. - COMPLETE WORKS. With a Glossary. Edited by W.J. Craig.
287865: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE JULIUS CAESAR Edited by Arthur Humphreys.
287866: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE ROMEO AND JULIET. Edited by Jill L. Levenson.
287868: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE TROILUS AND CRESSIDA. Edited by Kenneth Muir.
288026: Shakespeare, William. - THE FIRST FOLIO. Based on Folios in the Folger Shakespeare Library Collection. Prepared by Charlton Hinman. With a new introduction by Peter W.M. Blayney.
281780: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE SONNETS & POEMS. Edited by Colin Burrow.
287870: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE TITUS ANDRONICUS. Edited by Eugene M. Waith.
285759: (Shakespeare). Stopes, Charlotte Carmichael. - SHAKESPEARE’S WARWICKSHIRE CONTEMPORARIES.
287118: (Shakespeare). Dyer, Rev. T.F Thiselton. - FOLK LORE OF SHAKESPEARE.
287874: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE ANTHONY AND CLEOPATRA. Edited by Michael Neill.
282787: (Shakespeare). Vickers, Brian. - SHAKESPEARE, CO-AUTHOR. A Historical Study of Five Collaborative Plays.
287875: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE CORIOLANUS. Edited by R.B. Parker.
287896: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE KING HENRY VIII. Or All is True. Edited by Jay L. Halio.
287887: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. Edited by Roger Warren.
279257: (Shakespeare). Rylands, George. - THE AGES OF MAN Shakespeare’s Image of Man and Nature. Arranged by ...
287877: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE KING LEAR. Edited by Stanley Wells.
284817: Shakespeare, William. - THE COMPLETE PLAYS. Classical Plays. Romances. Comedies. Tragedies. Histories I. Histories II. Early Comedies. Tragicomedies. Edited by Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor. Introduced by Jonathan Bate.
287891: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE THE COMEDY OF ERRORS. Edited by Charles Whitworth.
287878: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE HENRY IV Part One. Edited by David Bevington.
287879: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Edited by T.W. Craik.
287880: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE THE TAMING OF THE SHREW. Edited by H.J. Oliver.
287881: Shakespeare, William. - THE LETTERPRESS SHAKESPEARE MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Edited by Sheldon P. Zitner.
285558: Shand, John. (Editor). - THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: MOORE TO POPPER.
285565: Shand, John. (Editor). - ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL.
285568: Shand, John. (Editor). - ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL.
285567: Shand, John. (Editor). - ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL.
285559: Shand, John. (Editor). - THE NINETEENTH CENTURY.
287270: Sharp, Cecil J. and Macilwaine, Herbert C. - THE MORRIS BOOK.
289241: Sharpe, Frederick. - THE CHURCH BELLS OF HEREFORDSHIRE Their Inscriptions and Founders. Much Cowarne- Kingland. Kington-Pudleston. Putley-Yazor. Summarised Accounts of the Bells at the Reformation and the Present Day and Details of Bellfounders. With a Foreword by the Bishop of Hereford.
246170: Sharpe, Reginald R. (Editor). - CALENDAR OF WILLS Proved and Enrolled in the Court of Husting, London, A.D. 1258 - A.D. 1688. Preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City of London, at the Guildhall. Edited, with Introduction by ... Printed by Order of the Corporation of the City of London, under the Direction of the Library Committee.
284701: Sharratt, Barney. - MEN AND MOTORS OF ‘THE AUSTIN’ The inside story of a century of car making at Longbridge.
288056: Shaughnessy, Edward L. (Editor). - IMPRINTS OF KINSHIP. Studies of Recently Discovered Bronze Inscriptions from Ancient China.
288057: Shaughnessy, Edward L. - SOURCES OF WESTERN ZHOU HISTORY. Inscribed Bronze Vessels.
286383: (Shaw). Holroyd, Michael. - BERNARD SHAW. 1856-1898 The Search for Love. 1898-1918 The Pursuit of Power. 1918-1950 The Lure of Fantasy. 1950-1991 The Last Laugh.
215371: Shaw, Byam. - LIFE’S IRONIES
283566: Shaw, Bernard. - THE PLAYS. Translation and Tomfooleries. Heartbreak House. Back to Methuselah. Saint Joan. Plays Pleasant. Plays Unpleasant. John Bull's other Island. Man and Superman. Misalliance. The Doctor's Dilemma. Androcles and the Lion. Three Plays for Puritans.
288295: Shaw, George. - GENERAL ZOOLOGY of Systematic Natural History Commenced by the Late ... From the first Authorities and most select specimens Engraved principally by Mrs Griffiths. Volume IX Part I. & II [only] AVES by J.F. Stephens.
290131: Sheldon, J.P. - THROUGH STAFFORDSHIRE STILES AND DERBYSHIRE DALES. A Tour of the Dove and the Manifold Valleys.
281393: Shelikov, Grigorii I. - A VOYAGE TO AMERICA 1783-1786. Translated by Marina Ramsay. Edited, with an Introduction, by Richard A. Pierce.
280057: Shenton, Alan. - POCKET WATCHES 19th & 20th Century.
280142: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. - AN ODE TO SCANDAL Together with A PORTRAIT. Edited by R. Crompton Rhodes.
278547: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. - THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. Edited with an Introduction by R. Crompton Rhodes. The Decorations by Thomas Lowinsky.
280616: Sherman, Stuart C. - WHALING LOGBOOKS AND JOURNALS 1613-1927. An Inventory of Manuscript Records in Public Collections. Originally compiled by ... Revised and Edited for Publication by Judith M. Downey and Virginia M. Adams. With the Assistance of Howard Pasternack.
285313: Sherman, Paul D. - COLOUR VISION IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. The Young-Helmholtz-Maxwell Theory. Foreword by W.D. Wright.
285305: Shetler, Charles. - AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY.
283212: Shetreet, Shimon and Turenne, Sophie. - JUDGES ON TRIAL: The Independence and Accountability of the English Judiciary.
286895: Shibatani, Masayoshi and Bynon, Theodora. - APPROACHES TO LANGUAGE TYPOLOGY. Foreword by Bernard Comrie.
280629: Shiels, Archie W. - SEWARDS ICEBOX. A Few Notes on the Development of Alaska 1867-1932.
243184: (Shingu). - SHINGU. Photographs by Yukio Futagawa. Introduction by Edward F. Fry. Commentary by Takahio Okadu.
288765: Shinozaki, Mamoru. - SYONAN- MY STORY. The Japanese Occupation of Singapore. Foreword by H.E. Wilson. Introduction by Yap Pheng Geck.
288966: Shirras, G. Findlay. - INDIAN FINANCE AND BANKING.
272600: Shirreff, Jack and Betteridge, Alvin (Editors). - IDEAS AND IMAGES 1979. Southampton Print Collection.
284018: Shively, Donald H. and McCullough, William H. (Editors). - THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF JAPAN. Volume 2 [only]: Heian Japan.
289945: Shuldham-Shaw, Patrick; Lyle, Emily B. et al. (Editors). - THE GREIG-DUNCAN FOLK SONG COLLECTION.
290082: Shulman, Frank Joseph and Anna Leon. (Editors). - DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS ON HONG KONG 1900-1997. An Annotated Bibliography. With an Appendix of Dissertations Completed in 1998 and 1999. Preface by W.I.R. Davies. Foreword by Professor Y.C. Cheng.
286907: Sibley, Charles G. and Ahlquist, Jon E. - PHYLOGENY AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS. A Study in Molecular Evolution.
281984: (Sickert). Baron, Wendy. - SICKERT. Paintings and Drawings.
288212: Siddons, Michael Powell. (Editor). - THE VISITATION OF HEREFORDSHIRE 1634. Transcribed and Edited.
288211: Siddons, Michael Powell. - A DICTIONARY OF MOTTOES IN ENGLAND AND WALES.
288213: Siddons, Michael Powell. - THE HERALDRY OF FOREIGNERS IN ENGLAND 1400-1700.
286204: Sidnell, Jack and Stivers, Tanya. (Editors). - THE HANDBOOK OF CONVERSATION ANALYSIS.
278292: Sidney, S. - THE BOOK OF THE HORSE: (Thorough-Bred, Half-Bred, Cart-Bred), Saddle and Harness, British and Foreign. With a Section on Veterinary Information by George Fleming.
278362: (Sidney). Grevil, Sir Fulke. - THE LIFE OF THE RENOWNED SIR PHILIP SIDNEY. With The True Interest of England as it then stood in relation to all Forrain Princes: And particularly for suppressing the power of Spain Stated by Him. His principal Actions, Counsels, Designes and Death. Together with a short Account of the Maximes and Policies used by Queen Elizabeth in her Government.
282120: Sidney, Samuel. - THE THREE COLONIES OF AUSTRALIA: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia; Their Pastures, Copper Mines, & Gold Fields.
282585: Sigurdsson, Haraldur. - ENCYCLOPEDIA OF VOLCANOES. Foreword by Robert D. Ballard.
287399: Sijelmassi, Mohamed. - FÈS. Cité de l’Art et du Savoir.
281953: Sijpesteijn, Petra M. - SHAPING A MUSLIM WORLD. The World of a Mid-Eighth-Century Egyptian Official.
286154: (Sillitoe). Palmer, W.T. - TRAMPING IN DERBYSHIRE.
287019: Silva, Duncan de. - STRIKE UP, STRIKE SURE. The Pipes and Drums of the London Scottish Regiment.
289539: Silver & Co.’s, S.W. - HANDBOOK TO SOUTH AFRICA: Including The Cape Colony, Natal, The Diamond Fields, The Transvaal, Orange Free State Etc. Also a Gazetteer and Map.
289744: Silver, Louis J. (Introduction). - EX-LIBRIS. A showing of interesting Bookplates, including choice bits of Philosophy by brilliant sages, Mottoes used with Bookplates and Selected Literary Gems. In three Parts.
289538: Silver & Co.’s, S.W. - HANDBOOK TO SOUTH AFRICA: Including The Cape Colony, Natal, The Diamond Fields, The Transvaal, Orange Free State Etc. (1880.
241727: Silvestre, Marguerite and Fincoeur, Michel-Benoit. - INVENTAIRE RAISONNE DES COLLECTIONS CARTOGRAPHIQUES VANDERMAELEN. Conservees a la Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique. I. Cartes de Belgique. II. Carte Topographique de la Belgique au 1:20 000. Avec la collaboration scientifique de Clair Chantrenne and Bart P de Beeck, sous la direction de Hossam Elkhadem.
289275: Simmel, Georg. - THE PHILOSOPHY OF MONEY. Translated by Tom Bottomore and David Frisby.
284216: Simms, Brendan and Trim, D.J.B. - HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION: A History.
290085: Simon, W. and Nelson, Howard G.H. - MANCHU BOOKS in London. A Union Catalogue.
285000: Simons, Théodore. - L’ESPAGNE. Traduction par Marcel Lemercier.
290136: Simpson, Robert. - A COLLECTION OF FRAGMENTS Illustrative of the HIstory and Antiquities of Derby, Compiled From Authentic Sources.
288654: Simpson, W.T. - SOME ACCOUNT OF LLANGOLLEN. and Its Vicinity; Including a Circuit of About Seven Miles.
281816: Simpson, Michael (Editor). - ANGLO-AMERICAN-CANADIAN NAVAL RELATIONS 1943-1945.
288079: Simpson, Marianna Shreve. - PRINCETON’S GREAT PERSIAN BOOK OF KINGS. The Peck Shahnama. With an essay by Louise Marlow.
284549: Simpson, Thomas. - MODERN ETCHINGS And their Collectors.
232547: Simpson, John Percy. - THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF AN OLD MASONIC LODGE, "THE CAVEAC," No. 176. Of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of England (Illustrated).
288154: Sims, Richard. - A MANUAL FOR THE GENEALOGIST, TOPOGRAPHER, ANTIQUARY, AND LEGAL PROFESSOR, Consisting of Descriptions of Public Records; Parochial and other Registers; Wills; County and Family Histories; Heraldic Collections in Public Libraries, etc., etc.
290087: Simson, Walter. - A HISTORY OF THE GIPSIES: With Specimens of the Gipsy Language. Edited with Preface, Introduction, and Notes, and a Disquisition on the Past, Present and Future of Gipsydom by James Simson.
278894: (Sinan). Kuran, Aptullah. - SINAN. The Grand Old Master of Ottoman Architecture.
188307: Sinclair, Right Honourable Sir John. - THE CODE OF AGRICULTURE; Including Observations on Gardens, Orchards, Woods and Plantations.
274195: Sinclair, Catherine. - HILL AND VALLEY or Wales and the Welsh.
287773: Singer, Charles; Holmyard, E.J.; Hall, A.R. and Williams, Trevor I. (Editors). - A HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY. Assisted by Y. Peel and J.R. Petty. Volume III [only]: From the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution c.1500 - c.1750.
287774: Singer, Charles; Holmyard, E.J.; Hall, A.R. and Williams, Trevor I. (Editors). - A HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY. Assisted by E. Jaffé, Nan Clow and R.H.G. Thomson. Volume II [only]: The Mediterranean Civilizations and the Middle Ages c.700 B.C. to c.A.D. 1500.
287775: Singer, Charles; Holmyard, E.J.; Hall, A.R. and Williams, Trevor I. (Editors). - A HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY. Assisted by Y. Peel, J.R. Petty and M. Reeve. Volume IV [only]: The Industrial Revolution c.1750 to c.1850.
287776: Singer, Charles; Holmyard, E.J. and Hall, A.R. (Editors). - A HISTORY OF TECHNOLOGY. Assisted by E. Jaffé, R.H.G. Thomson and J.M. Donaldson. Volume I [only]: From Early Times to Fall of Ancient Empires.
288406: (Singh). Barnes, Hugh (Editor). - SINGA The Lion of Malaya. Being the Memories of Gurchan Singh.
278730: Sitwell, Sir George. - ON THE MAKING OF GARDENS. With an Introduction by Sir Osbert Sitwell. And Decorations by John Piper.
284785: Sivan, Hagith. - PALESTINE IN LATE ANTIQUITY.
275281: Skelton, John. - POEMS. Edited with a biographical Preface by Richard Hughes.
282944: Skinner, Quentin and Gelderen, Martin van. (Editors). - FREEDOM AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF EUROPE. Religious and Constitutional Liberties. Free Persons and Free States.
273962: Skrine, Henry. - TWO SUCCESSIVE TOURS THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE OF WALES, With Several of the Adjacent English Counties; So as to Form a Comprehensive View of the Picturesque Beauty, the Peculiar Manners, and the Fine Remains of Antiquity, in That Interesting Part of the British Island.
278647: Skyrme, Sir Thomas. - HISTORY OF THE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. England to 1689. England 1689-1989. Territories beyond England.
282724: Slack, Paul. - FROM REFORMATION TO IMPROVEMENT. Public Welfare in Early Modern England. The Ford Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford 1994-1995.
282778: Slack, Paul. - THE INVENTION OF IMPROVEMENT. Information and Material Progress in Seventeenth Century France.
288753: Sladkovskii, M.I. - HISTORY OF ECONOMIC RELATIONS BETWEEN RUSSIA AND CHINA. Translated by M. Roublev. Sinological Editor G. Grause.
282526: Slater, Laura. - ART AND POLITICAL THOUGHT IN MEDIEVAL ENGLAND, c. 1150-1350.
288242: Slater, Terry. - "THE PRIDE OF THE PLACE" The Cathedral Church of St. Philip, Birmingham, 1715-2015. Foreword by the Bishop of Birmingham.
289171: Slatin Pasha, Rudolf C. - FIRE AND SWORD IN THE SUDAN. A Personal Narrative of Fighting and Serving the Dervishes 1879-1895. Translated by Major F.R. Wingate.
285321: Slay, David H. - GEORGIA CIVIL WAR MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS. An Annotated Bibliography.
289814: Sleigh, Bernard. (Illustrator). - THE SONG OF SONGS as a Drama by Ernest Renan, translated with an Introduction by Havelock Ellis.
289973: Slusser, Mary Shepherd. - NEPAL MANDALA. A Cultural Study of the Kathmandu Valley.
253966: Small, H.B. - THE CANADIAN HANDBOOK AND TOURISTS GUIDE Giving a Description of Canadian Lake and River Scenery Places of Historical Interest With the Best Spots for Fishing and Shooting. Edited by J. Taylor.
278749: Smart, Christopher. - A SONG TO DAVID. Edited by J.B. Broadbent.
277087: Smedley, Frank E. - LEWIS ARUNDEL; Or the Railroad of Life.
285717: Smith, Jessie Willcox. (Illustrator). - THE WATER BABIES by Charles Kingsley.
284971: Smith, W.C. - RAMBLES ROUND GUILDFORD, With a Topographical and Historical Description of the Town.
285003: Smith’s - CLASSICAL ATLAS Containing Distinct Maps of the Countries described in Ancient History Both Sacred and Profane.
285603: Smith, Kimberly A. (Editor). - THE EXPRESSIONIST TURN IN ART HISTORY. A Critical Anthology.
285346: Smith, J.R. and Kay, Antony L. - GERMAN AIRCRAFT Of the Second World War.
283738: Smith, Rev. Sydney. - THE WORKS. Including his Contributions to the Edinburgh Review.
279526: Smith, Eliza. - THE COMPLEAT HOUSEWIFE: Or, Accomplished Gentlewoman’s Companion. Facsimile of the Sixteenth edition of 1758.
289794: Smith, Jessie Willcox. (Illustrator). - THE WATER BABIES by Charles Kingsley.
289963: Smith, G. Elliot and Dawson, Warren R. - EGYPTIAN MUMMIES.
289692: Smith, G. Elliot. - ELEPHANTS AND ETHNOLOGISTS
283650: Smith, Edward. - FOODS.
287603: Smith, Brian. - VANDEN PLAS. Coachbuilders.
277735: Smith, John (Compiler). - THE NAMES AND SURNAMES OF ALL THE ABLE AND SUFFICIENT MEN IN BODY fit for His Majesty's service in the wars : within the county of Gloucester, viewed by the Right Hon. Henry, Lord Berkeley ... in the month of August, 1608, In the Sixth Year of the Reign of James the First. Edited from the Original Ms in the Possession of the Right Hon. Lord Sherborne at Sherborne House, in Gloucestershire.
251520: Smith, Edmond Reuel. - THE ARAUCANIANS; Or, Notes of a Tour Among the Indian Tribes of Southern Chili.
286312: Smith, J.R. and Kay, Antony L. - GERMAN AIRCRAFT Of the Second World War.
279512: Smith, G. Elliot and Jones, F. Wood. - REPORT ON THE HUMAN REMAINS.
285742: Smith, Scott, C. - LANDSCAPE AND POLITICS IN THE ANCIENT ANDES. Biographies of Place at Khonkho Wankane.
278510: Smith, G. Elliot. - ELEPHANTS AND ETHNOLOGISTS.
280066: Smith, G. Elliot & Dawson, Warren R. - EGYPTIAN MUMMYS.
289912: Smith, John Thomas. - A BOOK FOR A RAINY DAY: Or, Recollections of the Events of the events of the Last Sixty-Six Years.
163010: Smith, Henry Stooks. - AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE OFFICERS OF THE YORKSHIRE HUSSARS, From the Formation of the Regiment to the Present Time.
281752: Smith, Greg. - THE EMERGENCE OF THE PROFESSIONAL WATERCOLOURIST. Contentions and alliances in the artistic domain, 1760-1824.
281739: (Smith). D’Oench, Ellen G. - "COPPER INTO GOLD" Prints by John Raphael Smith 1751-1812.
288683: Smith, Jessie Willcox. (Illustrator). - THE WATER BABIES by Charles Kingsley.
274315: Smith, Rev. Alfred Charles. - THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF AN OLD PASSPORT. Chiefly Relating How We Accomplished many Driving Tours With our Own English Horses, Over the Roads of Western Europe, Before the Time of Railways.
289523: Smith, Iain R et al. - SIEGE OF MAFEKING.
280263: Smollett, Tobias. - THE SHAKESPEARE HEAD EDITION OF SMOLLETT’S NOVELS. Roderick Random (2 vols.); Peregrine Pickle (4 vols.); Ferdinand Count Fathom (2 vols.); Sir Launcelot Greaves Together with An Atom (1 vol.); Humphry Clinker (2 vols.).
281199: (Smyth). Brück, H.A. and M.T. - THE PERIPATETIC ASTRONOMER. The Life of Charles Piazzi Smyth.
279051: Smythe, F.S. - KAMET CONQUERED.
279084: Smythe, F.S. - OVER TYROLESE HILLS.
282421: Snellen, M. and Ekama, H. - RAPPORT SUR L’EXPÉDITION POLAIRE NÉERLANDAISE Qui a Hiverné dans la Mer de Kara en 1882/83.
288450: Snellgrove, David. - ANGKOR - BEFORE AND AFTER: A Cultural History of the Khmers.
287982: Snow, D.W. and Perrins, C.M. - THE BIRDS OF THE WESTERN PALEARCTIC. Non-Passerines; Passerines.
286174: (Soane). Bolton, Arthur T. (Editor). - THE PORTRAIT OF SIR JOHN SOANE, R.A. (1753-1837). Set forth in Letters from his Friends.
267639: Sobieski, John and Stuart, Charles Edward. - LAYS OF THE DEER FOREST. Illustrated by Ian Oates. Introduction by Lord Lovat.
288547: (Société Archéologique). - ANNUAIRE de la ... Province de Constantine 1854-1855.
288548: (Société Archéologique). - ANNUAIRE de la ... Province de Constantine 1856-1857.
258159: Société Nationale d’Horticulture de France. - LES PLUS BELLES ROSES. Au Début du XX e Siècle. Ouvrage honoré du prix Joubert de l’Hiberderie.
286479: Society of British Aircraft Constructors Ltd. - THE BRITISH AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY. A Directory of Aircraft, Aero-Engines Component Parts, Accessories and Materials 1939.
289613: (Society for Bettering the Condition of the Poor). - THE REPORTS OF THE SOCIETY, for Bettering the Condition and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor.
288197: Society of Antiquaries. - A COLLECTION OF ALL THE WILLS, Now Known to be Extant, of the Kings and Queens of England, Princes and Princesses of Wales, and Every Branch of the Blood Royal, From the Reign of William the Conquerors, to That of Henry the Seventh Exclusive. With Explanatory Notes, and a Glossary.
195119: Soderini, Giovan Vettorio. - TRATTATO DI AGRICOLTURA. Ora per la Prima Volta Pubblicato.
289078: Soekmono; Dumarçay, Jacques and Casparis, J.G. de. - BOROBUDUR. Prayer in Stone. Introduction by J.G. de Casparis.
281795: Sola, A.E. Ironmonger. - KLONDYKE: Truth and Facts of the New El Dorado.
288751: Sollas, W.J. - THE AGE OF THE EARTH and other Geological Studies.
280001: Somers, Barbara. - THE FIRES OF ALCHEMY. A Transpersonal Viewpoint. Editor Hazel Marshall.
280003: Somers, Barbara and Gordon-Brown, Ian. - SYMPTOM AS SYMBOL. A Transpersonal Language. Editor Hazel Marshall. Foreword by Beata Bishop.
280002: Somers, Barbara and Gordon-Brown, Ian. - JOURNEY IN DEPTH. A Transpersonal Perspective. Editor Hazel Marshall.
212186: (Somerset 03). Dunning, R.W. (Editor). - A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET. Volume III [Only, Kingsbury, Pitney Somerton and Tintinhall Hundreds].
280716: Somerville, Vice-Admiral Boyle. - THE CHART-MAKERS
280725: (Somerville). Simpson, Michael. (Editor). - THE SOMERVILLE PAPERS. Selected from the Private and Official Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Sir James Somerville. With the assistance of John Somerville.
288256: Somerville-Large, Peter. - THE IRISH COUNTRY HOUSE. A Social History.
281291: Soni, Dr R.L. - A CULTURAL STUDY OF THE BURMESE ERA. & Foreword by The Rt. Hon’ble U Nu, the Prime Minister of the Union of Burma.
282653: Sorabji, Richard. - EMOTION AND PEACE OF MIND. From Stoic Agitation to Christian Temptation. The Gifford Lectures.
288487: Sørensen, Per. - ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS IN THAILAND. Vol. II [only]: Ban-Kao. Neolithic Settlements with Cemeteries in the Kanchanaburi Province. Part One: The Archaeological Material from the Burials. With a Contribution by Tove Hatting.
279782: Soukiassian, Georges; Wuttmann Michel; Pantalacci, Laure. - LE PALAIS DES GOUVERNEURS DE L’ÉPOQUE DE PÉPY II. Les Sanctuaires de ka et leurs dépendances. Balat VI. Préface de Nicolas Grimal.
279373: South, Reverend Robert. - POSTHUMOUS WORKS of ... Containing, sermons on several subjects, viz. I. On the martyrdom of King Charles I. II. Ecclesiastical Constitutions to be strictly Maintain’d. III. The Certainty of a Judgment after this Life. IV. An Account of his Travels into Poland, with the Earl of Rochester, in the Year 1674. V. Memoirs of his Life and Writings. VI. A true copy of his last will and testament.
289649: South, Monica A. - GAUDY WELSH. A Visual Reference Book.
289533: (South African Railways and Harbours). - MAFEKING. A Centre of Commercial Importance and Historic Associations in the Cape Province.
285344: (South African War). - BOER WAR SERVICES OF MILITARY OFFICERS of the British and Colonial Armies, Imperial Yeomanry, Mounted Infantry, Local Units &c. 1899-1902 including Earlier Services.
285295: Southern Historical Association of Louisville. - SOUTHERN BIVOUAC. Vol. 1. September 1882 No. 1. - Vol. 2 December 1886. Number 7.
289624: Southey, Robert. - THE BOOK OF THE CHURCH.
286294: Southwell, R. - THE COMPLETE WORKS. With Life and Death.
289940: Souza, George Bryan. - THE SURVIVAL OF EMPIRE. Portuguese Trade and Society in China and the South China Sea, 1630-1754.
286586: Sparrow, Giles. - COSMOS. Foreword by Dava Sobel.
283623: Sparroy, Wilfrid. - PERSIAN CHILDREN OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. The Narrative of an English Tutor at the Court of H.I.H. Zillu’s-Sultan.
286659: Speicher, M.R.; Antonarakis, S.E. and Motulsky, A.G. - VOGEL AND MOTULSKY’S HUMAN GENETICS. Problems and Approaches.
275262: (Spemann). Hamburger, Viktor. - THE HERITAGE OF EXPERIMENTAL EMBRYOLOGY. Hans Spemann and the Organizer.
284768: (Spencer). Causey, Andrew. - STANLEY SPENCER. Art as a Mirror of Himself.
282855: (Spencer). Taylor, M.W. - MEN VERSUS THE STATE. Herbert Spencer and Late Victorian Individualism.
287468: (Spencer). Blick, Sarah (Editor). - BEYOND PILGRIM SOUVENIRS AND SECULAR BADGES. Essays in Honour of Brian Spencer.
288754: Spencer, Leonard J. - THE WORLD’S MINERALS.
287818: (Spero). Lyon, Christopher. - NANCY SPERO. The Work.
287824: (Spero). Lyon, Christopher. - NANCY SPERO. The Work.
289468: (Sphere). - THE SPHERE. An Illustrated Newspaper and for the Home. Volume LXII No. 806. London July 3, 1918 - Volume LXII No. 818. London, September 25, 1915.
289469: (Sphere). - THE SPHERE. An Illustrated Newspaper and for the Home. Volume LXI No. 793 London, April 3, 1915. - Volume LXI No. 805 London, June 26, 1916.
288575: Spicer, Andrew. (Editor). - PARISH CHURCHES IN THE EARLY MODERN WORLD.
274923: Spitsbergen Papers. - VOLUME 1. Scientific Results of the First Oxford University Expedition to Spitsbergen (1921) .
288415: Sponberg, Alan and Hardacre, Helen. - MAITREYA, The Future Buddha.
288416: Sponberg, Alan and Hardacre, Helen. - MAITREYA, The Future Buddha.
290007: Sponberg, Alan and Hardacre, Helen. (Editors). - MAITREYA, THE FUTURE BUDDHA.
289956: [Sprat, Thomas]. - A TRUE ACCOUNT AND DECLARATION OF THE HORRID CONSPIRACY Against the Late King His present Majesty, and the Government: As it was Order’d to be Published by His Late Majesty. Thomas Newcomb, one of His Majesties printers 1685. [6], 167, [1] p. Title page within double rule. Ownership inscriptions to title page of ‘Mary Bartlett’ and ‘P. Draycott Esq., 1685’ and the latter also to flyleaf. [Bound with]. COPIES OF THE INFORMATIONS AND ORIGINAL PAPERS relating to the proof of the horrid conspiracy against the late king, his present Majesty, and the government: as it was order'd to be published by His late Majesty. In the Savoy: printed by Thomas Newcomb, one of His Majesties printers 1685. [2], 53, p. 52, p. 49, 54-103, 106-141, [1] p. Title page within double rule.
285123: Spry, W.J.J. - THE CRUISE OF HER MAJESTY’S SHIP "CHALLENGER" Voyages Over Many Seas, Scenes in Many Lands.
290148: Spurrell, William. - CARMARTHEN and Its Neighbourhood Notes Topographical and Historical.
285929: St. John, Charles. - NATURAL HISTORY & SPORT IN MORAY.
288802: St. John, Horace. - THE INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO: Its History and Present State.
288806: St-Johnston, T.R. - SOUTH SEA REMINISCENCES.
286835: St. John, Judith. - THE OSBORNE COLLECTION OF EARLY CHILDREN’S BOOKS 1566-1910. A Catalogue. Prepared at Boys and Girls House by ... With an Introduction by Edgar Osborne. [With] THE OSBORNE COLLECTION OF EARLY CHILDREN’S BOOKS 1476-1910. A Catalogue. With the Assistance of Dana Tenny and Hazel I. MacTaggart.
288815: St. John, Horace. - THE INDIAN ARCHIPELAGO: Its History and Present State.
287076: St. John, J.A. - EGYPT AND NUBIA. With Illustrations.
285732: Stacy, Ivan. - THE COMPLICIT TEXT. Failures of Witnessing in Postwar Fiction.
280843: Städelsches Kunstinstitut - HANDZEICHNUNGEN ALTER MEISTER IM STÄDELSCHEN KUNSTINSTITUT [Drawings by Old Masters ....]
212782: (Stafford 06). Greenslade, M.W. and Johnson, D.A. (Editors). - A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF STAFFORD. Volume VI [Only, Medieval Agriculture, Schools].
212783: (Stafford 06). Greenslade, M.W. and Johnson, D.A. - A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF STAFFORD. Volume VI [Only, Medieval Agriculture, Schools].
212890: (Stafford 17). Greenslade, M.W. (Editor). - A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF STAFFORD Volume XVII [only, Offlow Hundred (part)].
282367: Stahel, David. - KIEV 1941. Hitler’s Battle for Supremacy in the East.
286618: Stallwood, Veronica. - DEATH AND THE OXFORD BOX. A Mystery Introducing Kate Ivory.
287732: Stanford’s - TOURIST’S GUIDE TO DEVONSHIRE. By R.N. Worth. In Two Parts, South and North.
287323: Stanford’s - [STRIP] MAP OF THE RIVER THAMES From Richmond to Lechlade. Prepared under the supervision of Capt. O.M. Watts. Scale 1.5 inches to 1 mile.
278428: Stanley, Hon. William Owen. - MEMOIRS ON REMAINS OF ANCIENT DWELLINGS, IN HOLYHEAD ISLAND, Mostly of Circular form, called Cyttiau’r Gwyddelod, explored in 1862 and 1868. With Notices of Relics founded in recent excavations there, and also in various parts of Anglesey.
277467: Stanley, Henry M. - IN DARKEST AFRICA Or the Quest Rescue and Retreat of Emin Governor of Equatoria.
280756: Stanley, Jo. - A HISTORY OF THE ROYAL NAVY, Women and the Royal Navy.
281920: Stansfield, Stewart. - EARLY MODERN SYSTEMS OF COMMAND. Queen Anne’s generals, staff officers and the direction of allied warfare in the Low Countries and Germany, 1702-11.
282102: Starbuck, Alexander. - HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN WHALE FISHERY From Its Earliest Inception to the Year 1876. With a New Preface by Stuart C. Sherman.
287361: Stark, Dame Freya. - RIVERS OF TIME. Photographs by ... With an Introduction by Alexander Maitland.
278886: Stark, Freya. - THE SOUTHERN GATES OF ARABIA. A Journey in the Hadhramaut.
280653: Starokadomskiy, L.M. - CHARTING THE RUSSIAN NORTHERN ROUTE. The Arctic Ocean Hydrographic Expedition 1910-1915. Translated and edited by William Barr.
282212: Statiev, Alexander. - AT WAR’S SUMMIT. The Red Army and the Struggle for the Caucasus Mountains in World War II.
290170: Steadman, Sharon R. and McMahon, Gregory. (Editors). - THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF ANCIENT ANATOLIA 10,000-323 B.C.E.
276410: Steevens, G.W. - WITH THE CONQUERING TURK. Confessions of a Bashi-Bazouk.
280651: Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. - ULTIMA THULE. Further Mysteries of the Arctic.
280632: Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. - MY LIFE WITH THE ESKIMOS. With Forewords by Henry Fairfield Osborn and Reginald Walter Brock.
266772: Stein, Sir Aurel. - INNERMOST ASIA. Detailed Report of Explorations in Central Asia, Kan-Su, and Eastern Iran. Carried out and Described Under the Ordered of H.M. Indian Government. With desriptive lists of antiques by F.H. Andrews and F.M.G. Lorimer; and Appendices by J. Allan, E. Benveniste, A.H. Francke, L. Gles, R.L. Hobson, T.A. Joyce, S. Konow, A, von le Coq, E. Lentz, S. Lévi, H. Maspero, F.E. Pargiter, R. Smith, W.J. Sollas, R.C. Spiller, F.W. Thomas, V. Thomsen; etc.
280626: (Steller). Stejneger, Leonhard. - GEORG WILHELM STELLER. The Pioneer of Alaskan Natural History.
290006: Stenson, M.R. - INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT IN MALAYA. Prelude to the Communist Revolt of 1948.
289328: Stephens, Thomas. - MADOC An Essay on the Discovery of America by Madoc Ap Owen Gwynedd in the Twelfth Century. Edited by Llywarch Reynolds.
276541: Stephenson, John W. - MODERN FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING. A Practical Handbook for The Upholsterer.
279226: (Stephenson). Smiles, Samuel. - THE STORY OF THE LIFE OF GEORGE STEPHENSON, Railway Engineer. Abridged by the Author From the Original and Larger Work.
288782: Stern, Philippe. - LE BAYON D’ANGKOR et L’Évolution de l’Art Khmer. Étude et Discussion de la Chronologie des Monuments Khmers.
288870: Stern, Philippe. - L’ART DU CHAMPA (Ancien Annam) et Son Évolution.
289190: Sterne, Laurence. - THE LIFE AND OPINIONS OF TRISTRAM SHANDY, GENTLEMAN & A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. Bibliographical Note by A.W. Pollard.
287711: (Sterry). Pinto, Vivian de Sola. - PETER STERRY. Platonist and Puritan 1613-1672. A Biographical and Critical Study with passages selected from his Writings.
285824: Stevens, Denis; Stevens, Daphne Elizabeth; Lachman, Barbara and Blackley, R. John. - FRAGMENTA ALTERA.
281557: Stevens, Francis (Etcher). - DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE. A Series of Views of Cottages and Farm Houses, in England and Wales, built chiefly during the Dynasty of the House of Stuart. From drawings by S. Prout, R.C. Burney, A. Pugin, C. Varley, J.J. Chalon, W. de la Motte, R. Hills, W.H. Pyne and others.
282749: Stevens, Anthony. - ARIADNE’S CLUE. A Guide to the Symbols of Humankind.
288092: Stevens, Anne; Richenburg, Kate and Walking, Gillian. (Editors). - THE STORY OF BRITISH TEA CHESTS AND CADDIES. Social History and Decorative Techniques.
284473: Stevens, Captain John. - THE SPANISH JILT. Translated from the Original Spanish.
288461: Stevenson, John and Guy, John. - VIETNAMESE CERAMICS. A Seperate Tradition. With contributions by Louise Allison Cort, Regina Krahl, Peter Lam, Morimoto Asako, Nguyen Dinh Chien, Trian Nguyen, Philippe Truong.
284576: Stevenson, J.A.R. - THE DIN OF A SMITHY With a Foreword by the Rt. Hon. Walter Runciman.
288438: Stevenson, Rex. - CULTIVATORS AND ADMINISTRATORS. British Educational Policy towards the Malays 1875-1906.
261358: Stewart, Dugald. - SOME ACCOUNT OF A BOY BORN BLIND AND DEAF, Collected from Authentic Sources of Information; With a few Remarks and Comments.
285588: Stewart, Jon. - IDEALISM AND EXISTENTIALISM. Hegel and Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century European Philosophy.
277171: Stillingfleet, Edward. - ORIGINES BRITANNICÆ: Or, the Antiquities of the British Churches. With a Preface, Concerning, Some Pretended Antiquities Relating to Britain, in Vindication of the Bishop of St. Asaph. By the Right Rev. Father in God ...
283394: Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William. - ANNALS OF THE ARTISTS OF SPAIN.
275013: Stobart, Jon and Damme, Ilja Van. - MODERNITY AND THE SECOND-HAND TRADE European Consumption Cultures and Practices, 1700-1900.
278074: Stock, Christian. - CLAVIS LINGUAE SANCTAE NOVI TESTAMENTI aditum aperiens, vocum significationes tum generales, tum speciales ordine concinno exhibens ... Christiani Stockii.
282210: Stoeber, Michael. - EVIL AND THE MYSTICS’ GOD. Towards a Mystical Theodicy.
262941: Stokes, Anson Phelps. - JOINT-METALLISM A plan by which gold and silver together, at ratios always based on their relative market values, may be made the metallic basis of a sound, honest, self-regulating and permanent currency, with out frequent recoinings, and without danger of one metal driving out the other.
288146: Stokvis, A.M.H.J. - MANUEL D’HISTOIRE, DE GÉNÉALOGIE ET DE CHRONOLOGIE DE TOUS LES ÉTATS DU GLOBE, Depuis les Temps les Plus Reculés jusqu’a nos Jours. Avec un portrait et une esquisse biographique de Mr. H.F. Wijnman, ancien bibliothéque de l’université d’Amsterdam.
283040: (Stone). Clark, Kenneth. - REYNOLDS STONE Engravings. With an Introduction by the Artist and an Appreciation by ...
287598: Stone, J.B. - A HISTORY OF LICHFIELD CATHEDRAL, From its Foundation to the Present Time. With a Description of its Architecture and Monuments.
283129: Stone, George F. and Wells, Charles (Editors). - BRISTOL AND THE GREAT WAR 1914-1919.
284313: Stoner, Frank. - CHELSEA BOW AND DERBY PORCELAIN FIGURES. Their distinguishing characteristics.
284314: Stoner, Frank. - CHELSEA BOW AND DERBY PORCELAIN FIGURES. Their distinguishing characteristics.
284311: Stoner, Frank. - CHELSEA BOW AND DERBY PORCELAIN FIGURES. Their distinguishing characteristics.
284316: Stoner, Frank. - CHELSEA BOW AND DERBY PORCELAIN FIGURES. Their distinguishing characteristics.
284310: Stoner, Frank. - CHELSEA BOW AND DERBY PORCELAIN FIGURES. Their distinguishing characteristics.
284312: Stoner, Frank. - CHELSEA BOW AND DERBY PORCELAIN FIGURES. Their distinguishing characteristics.
285335: Stopford, T.P. - ADMIRALTY SHIPS BADGES. Original Patterns 1919-1994. [With]: 8pp. ADDENDUM 1995-8 loosely inserted.
284388: [Storer, James Sargant and Greig, John]. - ANTIQUARIAN AND TOPOGRAPHICAL CABINET, Containing a Series of Elegant Views of the Most Interesting Objects of Curiosity in Great Britain. Accompanied with Letterpress Descriptions. 10 vols. [And] ANCIENT RELIQUES; Or, Delineations of Monastic, Castellated & Domestic Architecture, and Other Interesting Subjects; With Historical and Descriptive Sketches. 2 vols.
282507: Stovall, Tyler. - PARIS AND THE SPIRIT OF 1919. Consumer Struggles, Transnationalism, and Revolution.
285721: Stoyanova, Vladislava and Karageorgiou, Eleni. (Editors). - THE NEW ASYLUM AND TRANSIT COUNTRIES IN EUROPE DURING AND IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE 2015/2016 CRISIS.
284060: Stoyle, Mark. - WATER IN THE CITY. The Aqueducts and Underground Passages of Exeter.
287217: Straker, Ernest. - WEALDEN IRON. A Monograph on the former Ironworks in the Counties of Sussex, Surrey and Kent, comprising a History of the Industry from the earliest times to its cessation; together with a Topographical Survey of the existing remains from personal observation.
281851: Strange, James. - JOURNAL AND NARRATIVE OF THE COMMERCIAL EXPEDITION From Bombay to the Northwest Coast of America. With Introductory Material by A.V. Venkatarama Ayyar, John Hosie and F.A. Howay.
287781: Strange, Edward F. - JAPANESE COLOUR PRINTS. Preface by Eric Maclagan.
281864: Strange, James. - JOURNAL AND NARRATIVE OF THE COMMERCIAL EXPEDITION From Bombay to the Northwest Coast of America. With Introductory Material by A.V. Venkatarama Ayyar, John Hosie and F.A. Howay.
288695: Stratton, Carol and Scott, Miriam McNair. - THE ART OF SUKHOTHAI. Thailand’s Golden Age. From the Mid-Thirteenth to the Mid-Fifteenth Centuries. A cooperative study written and researched by ...
283482: Streatfeild, Noel. - THE CHILDREN’S MATINEE.
287709: Strickland, F. - A MANUAL OF PETROL MOTORS AND MOTOR CARS. Comprising the Designing, Construction, and Working of Petrol Motors.
283222: Strickland, Walter George. - A DICTIONARY OF IRISH ARTISTS. Introduction by Theo J. Snoddy.
287623: Striker, Gisela. - FROM ARISTOTLE TO CICERO. Essays on Ancient Philosophy.
286541: (Strindberg). Meyer, Michael. - STRINDBERG. A Biography.
286379: (Strindberg). Swerling, Anthony. (Editor). - IN QUEST OF STRINDBERG. Letters to a seeker.
270299: Strömberg, Bengt. - MISSALE LUNDENSE. Av År 1514. Faksimiledition. Med Efterskrift och register av ...
272885: Strong, George. - THE HERALDRY OF HEREFORDSHIRE: Being a Collection of the Armorial Bearings of Families Which Have Been Seated in the County at Various Periods Down to the Present Time. Illustrated with Richly Emblazoned Shields. Together With the Commission of the Peace for the Year 1847, &c. Adapted to Form a Supplement for "Duncumb’s County History."
273311: Strong, Roy. - THE TUDOR AND STUART MONARCHY. Pageantry, Painting, Iconography. II Elizabethan.
286119: Stroud, John. - AIRPORTS OF THE WORLD.
289446: Stubbs, Charles William. - ELY CATHEDRAL HANDBOOK.
285953: Stubbs, Joanna. - HAPPY BEARS DAY.
285850: Stukenbrok, August. - MODERNE WAFFEN, MUNITION, JAGDARTIKEL.
285673: Stupples, Peter. - THE SOCIAL LIFE OF ART.
285681: Stupples, Peter. (Editor). - ART AND BOOK. Illustration and Innovation.
277458: Sturt, Caption Charles. - NARRATIVE OF AN EXPEDITION INTO CENTRAL AUSTRALIA performed Under the Authority at her Majesty’s Government during the Years 1844, 5 and 6. Together with a Notice of the Province of South Australia, in 1847. With an Introduction by Nicolas Rothwell.
286415: Sturtivant, Ray and Page, Gordon. - THE S.E.5 FILE.
286394: Sturtivant, Ray. (Compiler). - THE ANSON FILE.
286402: Sturtivant, Ray. - THE SQUADRONS OF THE FLEET AIR ARM. Foreword by Admiral Sir Desmond Cassidi.
286411: Sturtivant, Ray; Hamlin, John & Halley, James J. - ROYAL AIR FORCE FLYING TRAINING AND SUPPORT UNITS.
289112: Stutterheim, Willem Frederik. - RAMA-LEGENDEN UND RAMA-RELIEFS IN INDONESIEN. Academisch Proefschrift ter Verkrijging van den Graad van Doctor in de Letteren en Wijsbegeerte aan de Rijks-Universiteit to Leiden, op Gezag van den Rector-Magnificus Mr. H. Krabbe, Hoogleeraar in de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, voor de Faculteit der Letteren en Wijsbegeerte te Verdedigen op Donderdag 26 Juni 1924 des Namiddags te 3 uur. Textband. Tafelband.
280055: Suetonius Tranquillus, C. - THE HISTORIE OF TWELVE CÆSARS Emperors of Rome. Written in Latine by ... and newly translated into English by Philemon Holland From the Edition of 1606.
288463: Suksri, Naengnoi. - PALACES OF BANGKOK. Royal Residences of the Chakri Dynasty.
286839: Sulayman al-Isra’ili, Ishaq ibn. - BOOK ON DIETETICS. Kitab al-aghdhiya.
288452: Sullivan, Michael. - CHINESE CERAMICS BRONZES AND JADES in the Collection of Sir Alan and Lady Barlow.
283003: Sullivan, Edmund J. (Illustrator). - RUBÁIYÁT OF OMAR KHAYYÁM. Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. With Drawings by Edmund J. Sullivan.
282996: O’Sullivan, Dominic; Elliott, Steven and Zakrzewski, Rafal. - THE LAW OF RESCISSION. Foreword by Robert Walker.
282022: (Sully). Rudolph, William Keyse and Soltis, Carol Eaton. - THOMAS SULLY. Painted Performance.
277545: Summerson, Henry. - MEDIEVAL CARLISLE: The City and the Borders from the late Eleventh to the Mid-Sixteenth Century.
285750: Suplicy, Marta. - A BIGGER SPLASH. Arte Britânica da Tate British Art from Tate 1960 - 2003.
229224: [Surtees, R.S.] - HANDLEY CROSS; Or, Mr Jorrocks Hunt.
212149: (Sussex 06). Hudson, T.P. (Editor). - A [VICTORIA] HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF SUSSEX. Volume VI Parts I II III [Only] Bramber Rape (Southern Part); ... (North-Western Part) Including Horsham; ... (North-Eastern Part) Including Crawley New Town.
278802: Sutherland, Patricia D. (Editor). - THE FRANKLIN ERA IN CANADIAN ARCTIC HISTORY 1845-1859.
289628: Sutton, John L. - THE KING’S HONOR & THE KING’S CARDINAL. The War of the Polish Succession.
287998: Suykens, F.; Asaert, G.; Vos, A. de.; Thijs, A. and Veraghtert, K. - ANTWERP. A Port for all Seasons. Foreword by H.B. Cools.
289826: Swain, Simon. (Editor). - DIO CHRYSOSTOM. Politics, Letters and Philosophy.
286593: Swan, Charles A. - THE SLAVERY OF TO-DAY. Or, The Present Position of The Open Sore of Africa.
285322: Swanborough, Gordon and Bowers, Peter M. - UNITED STATES NAVY AIRCRAFT Since 1911.
217557: Swieten, Mr van. - DESCRIPTION ABBRÉGÉE DES MALADIES Qui regnent le Plus Communément dans les Armées avec la Methode de les Traiter.
277200: Swift, Jonathan. - THE DRAPIER’S LETTERS TO THE PEOPLE OF IRELAND Against receiving Wood’s Halfpence. Edited by Herbert Davis.
237579: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Ernst Jenny Carl Egger Albert Roussy. Volume XVI [only].
237604: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Louis Seylaz. Volume XXI [only].
237620: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Publication du Club Alpin Suisse ... Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Edmond Pidoux. Volume XXXVI [only].
237615: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Louis Seylaz. Volume XXXI [only].
237573: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Ernst Jenny Albert Roussy. Volume XII [only].
237578: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Ernst Jenny Albert Roussy. Volume XV [only].
237590: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Albert Roussy. Volume XVIII [only].
237607: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Louis Seylaz. Volume XXIII [only].
237608: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Louis Seylaz. Volume XXVI [only].
237606: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Louis Seylaz. Volume XXII [only].
237609: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Louis Seylaz. Volume XXVII [only].
237562: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Ernst Jenny Albert Roussy. Volume VI [only].
237597: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Louis Seylaz. Volume XXIV [only].
237568: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Ernst Jenny Albert Roussy. Volume IX [only].
237614: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Louis Seylaz. Volume XXX [only].
237575: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Ernst Jenny Albert Roussy. Volume XIII [only].
237565: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Ernst Jenny Albert Roussy. Volume VIII [only].
237618: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Publication du Club Alpin Suisse ... Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Edmond Pidoux. Volume XXXIV only].
237580: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Carl Egger Max Oechslin Albert Roussy. Volume XVII [only].
237592: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Albert Roussy. Volume XIX [only].
237619: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Publication du Club Alpin Suisse ... Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Edmond Pidoux. Volume XXXV [only].
237611: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Louis Seylaz. XXVIII Volume [only].
237612: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Louis Seylaz. Volume XXIX [only].
243399: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Ernst Jenny Albert Roussy. Volume II [only].
237561: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Max Oechslin Louis Seylaz. Volume XXV [only].
237576: Swiss Alpine Club. - DIE ALPEN LES ALPES LE ALPI LAS ALPS. Monatsschrift des Schweizer Alpenclub Revue du Club Alpin Suisse Rivista del Club Alpino Svizzero Revaisa del Club Alpin Svizzer. Schriftleitung ... Ernst Jenny Albert Roussy. Volume XIV [only].
288993: (Syd). - A SHORT ACCOUNT OF COLONEL SYD, The Founder of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta.
275545: Sydenham, Thomae. - OPERA OMNIA. Edidit Guilielmus Alexander Greenhill.
288879: Sydow, Eckart V. - KUNST DER NATURVÖLKER. Afrika, Ozeanien, Indonesien.
288553: Sykes, Brigadier-General Sir Percy. - A HISTORY OF PERSIA.
286566: (Symonds). Schueller, Herbert M. and Peters, Robert L. (Editors). - THE LETTERS OF JOHN ADDINGTON SYMONDS. 1844-1893.
277422: Symonds, John Addington. - SKETCHES IN ITALY AND GREECE.
279762: Szirtes, George. - THE BURNING OF THE BOOKS. A Poem Sequence by ... based on Elias Canetti’s novel ‘Auto da Fé.’
288425: Tachibana, S. - THE ETHICS OF BUDDHISM.
281270: Tambiah, S.J. - WORLD CONQUEROR AND WORLD RENOUNCER. A Study of Buddhism and Polity in Thailand against a Historical Background.
274947: Tan, Heidi (et al). - ENLIGHTENED WAYS The Many Streams of Buddhist Art in Thailand.
286191: Tapper, Oliver. - ARMSTRONG WHITWORTH AIRCRAFT Since 1913.
287276: Tarbell, Ida M. - THE TARIFF IN OUR TIMES.
289939: Taruskin, Richard. - THE OXFORD HISTORY OF WESTERN MUSIC. The Earliest Notations to the Sixteenth Century. The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. The Nineteenth Century. The Early Twentieth Century. The Late Twentieth Century. Resources: Chronology, Bibliography, Master Index.
288913: Tate, D.J.M. - THE LAKE CLUB 1890-1990. The Pursuit of Excellence. Commissioned by the Royal Lake Club of Kuala Lumpur. Foreword by Y. Sivaloganathan.
285808: Tatlow, A.H. - NATAL PROVINCE. Descriptive Guide and Official Hand-Book.
281410: Tatsuro, Izumiya. - THE MINAMI ORGAN. First Published in Japanese as Sono na wa Minami Kikan, Tokyo: Tokuma Shoten, 1967. Translated by U Tan Aung Chain.
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