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Title: Tre lettere annue del Giappone de gli anni 1603, 1604, 1605, e parte del 1606. Mandate dal P. Francesco Pasio v. prouinciale di quelle parti al M.R.P. Claudio Acquauiua generale della Compagni di Giesu. Milano, Appresso Pietro Martire Locarni, 1609.
Description: . Small 8vo. Pp. 313, table (25). Contemporary vellum, recased with new endpapers, ugly stain to lower cover, and a minor stain to front cover. Outer margin of first three leaves nicely restored without any loss of text. At end upper right corner creased and some leaves strengthened, no text loss. Last few leaves with some minor marginal stain. Old ownership inscription on title. Second edition, first was published in Rome 1608. Comprises three rare letters sent from Japan by Jesuit missionaries to Claudio Acquaviva, superior general of the Jesuit Society in Rome. Father Francesco Pasio served in Japan between 1583 and 1612. The first letter is written by Matteo de Couros dated Nagasaki October 6, 1603. He was a Portuguese missionary, born in 1568 and left for Japan in 1586 where he served for many years. In the letter he describes the hardships of the Christians in Japan at that time, the opposition and persecution of the Tokugawa shogunate. The other two letters, also written in Nagasaki, are written by Giovanni Rodriquez Giron (1583-1633). He resided in Japan for many years and became a significant missionary who developed a deep insight into the Japanese mentality and language. Cordier BJ 251. De Backer-Sommervogel vi, 328. & clns 1578/9 & 1970. Leon Pages, Bibl. Japonaise, 108.

Keywords: East Asia, japan, japanese, jesuit, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, east, eastern, exploration, voyage

Price: EUR 4800.00 = appr. US$ 5216.87 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 99272

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