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Title: Japanese self-taught and grammar. London, Marlborough & Co. Ltd, (1907).
Description: . 12mo. Pp. (ii), 108, 184, adv. 32. With one frontispiece. Contains: i. Third edition of 'Japanese self-taught' including vocabularies in three columns: English / romanized Japanese / pronunciation; ii. second edition of 'Japanese Grammar self-taught' including a Japanese-English vocabulary.

Keywords: East Asia, japan, asia, asien, asie, orient, east, far east, east asia, nippon, nihon, linguistics, languages, grammar, japon, linguistique, language, langue, sprachen, sprache, linguistica, sprachwissenschaft, ferne osten, extreme orient, extreme-orient,

Price: EUR 160.00 = appr. US$ 173.90 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 777030

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