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Title: Proeve tot opheldering van de gronden der Maleische spelling. No place. (Batavia?, about 1854).
Description: . 4to. Pp. x, 174, (1). Contemporary half calf, spine damaged. Old ownership signature on front free endpaper. Some browning, mainly in the margins. Lower right corner of title missing (small part without any text loss). Translated from the English "An attempt to elucidate the principles of Malayan orthography" (Fort Marlborough 1823) by Netscher. Included in: "Verhand. Batav. Genoot. v. Kunsten en Wetenschappen. XXVI, 1854-57". Cordier BI 1420. Cf Vater p. 244.

Keywords: Southeast Asia, malay, malaysia, malaysian, indonesia, asia, asien, asie, asiatic, language, lingustic, langue,

Price: EUR 300.00 = appr. US$ 326.05 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 38015

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