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Title: Vocabulaire francais-chinois des sciences mathématiques, physiques et naturelles suivi d'un index anglais-francais. Sien-hsien, Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1914.
Description: . Tall 8vo. Pp. (ii), xii, one blank leaf, pp. 456, 32, index (2), 19. With 17 illustrations in the text. Modern half calf, spine with 5 raised bands and title printed in gilt. Original printed wrappers bound in. Copy of the Catholic Mission's Library in Lille. Preface by R.P. Wieger. The dictionary lists the French word, followed by the Chinese character and the phonetic transcription. Cordier BS 3906.

Keywords: East Asia, china, kina, chinese, language, langue, linguistic, asia, asie, asien, asiatic,

Price: EUR 500.00 = appr. US$ 543.42 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 28118

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