Author: RAMEL, JEAN PIERRE: Title: Journal ou temoignage de l'Adjudant Général Ramel, Commandant de la Garde du Corps legislatif de la Republique francaise, l'un des déportés à la Guyanne après le 18. Fructidor (4 Septbre) 1797... Leipzig 1799.
Description: . Pp. viii, 271, (5). With one large folding map. Sewn as issued, uncut in contemporary wrappers, spine detached. General Ramel's account of the condemnation and deportation to French Guiana (Cayenne) in the consequence of the Revolution of the 18th Fructidor in 1797. Sabin 67627.
Keywords: Americas, america, americana, amerique, south america, guiana, cayenne, travel, exploration, voyage, travels,
Price: EUR 400.00 = appr. US$ 434.74 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 26004
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