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Title: Terry's guide to the Japanese Empire including Korea and Formosa with chapters on Manchuria, the Trans-Siberian railway, and the chief ocean routes to Japan. A handbook for travelers. Boston & New York 1920.
Description: . 12mo. Pp. cclxxxiii, 799, adv, 77. With 28 maps and plans (of which 8 folding and 8 double-page). One map and 2 lvs of text loose. Some underlinings and annotations. Orginal red cloth. Bookplate.

Keywords: East Asia, asia, asien, asie, orient, east, far east, japan, nihon, nippon, korea, corea, formosa, taiwan, manchuria, siberia, russia, travels, voyages, explore, exploration, japon, coree, japon, russie, explorations, expéditions, viajes, viaggio, reisen,

Price: EUR 220.00 = appr. US$ 239.11 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 17064

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