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WILSON, A.: - The Abode of Snow. Observations on a journey from Chinese Tibet to the Indian Caucasus, through the upper valleys of the Himâlaya. Second edition. Edinburgh & London 1876.

Title: The Abode of Snow. Observations on a journey from Chinese Tibet to the Indian Caucasus, through the upper valleys of the Himâlaya. Second edition. Edinburgh & London 1876.
Description: . Pp. xxviii, 436. With one coloured front and one large map. Contemporary red half calf on marbled boards, slightly rubbed. This is a narrative of the author's journey in 1873 from Simla to Kashmir through Shingo La, Paduon, Penze La, Dras, and Zoji La. When he reached Spiti he was refused to go further and he comments on the reasons for unwillingness of the Tibetans to allow foreigners to enter their country. It contains valuable ethnological observations. Cordier BS 2917. Yakushi W 87. Marshall 839.

Keywords: South Asia, asia, asie, asiatica, orient, east, asien, south asia, east india, central asia & india, tibet, thibet, caucasus, himalaya, kashmir, travels, voyages, explore, exploration, inde, explorations, expéditions, viajes, viaggio, reisen, zentralasien

Price: EUR 280.00 = appr. US$ 304.32 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 13040

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