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Title: Hana Tsuma. Matsuya Gofukuten Ishobu Kensyyo Moyo. Kyoto, Uns›d›, 1908.
Description: . A large-format album (33.5 x 23.5cm) with one hundred beautiful kimono designs, sparsely decorated, woodblock-printed in vivid colours, protected by tissue-guards (slightly darkened). Printed Japanese captions. Contains 52 leaves including title and colophon. Four leaves with small marginal tear and two leaves with minor hole. The leaves are folded in the traditional Japanese fashion. Bound in the original decorated silk-covered wrappers, worn and stained, with some loss of silk. Title label on upper cover, small loss of one character.This impressive zuan-ch› (design) book was produced by Matsuya Clothing Store (predecessor of Matsuya Department Store). Consisting of various award-winning design entries in a competition organised by them. The patterns depicting flowers and plants are very refined and sophisticated. Fine impressions and colours. The first twelve designs are captioned as January - December, and the remaining numbered 13 to 100. Issued by the famous publishing house Uns›d› in Kyoto.

Keywords: East Asia, japan, japanese, japon, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, komono, design, textile, fashion, illustrated, woodcut,

Price: EUR 2200.00 = appr. US$ 2391.06 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 121365

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