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Title: El Lugat ül Nev‹'iye [Title in Turkish] Dictionnaire turk-oriental destiné principalement ŕ faciliter la lecture des ouvrages de Bŕber, d'Aboul-Gŕzi et de Mir-Ali-Chir-Nevaď. Paris, Imprimerie Impériale, 1870.
Description: . Tall 8vo. Pp. xiv, 560. Uncut copy in original printed wrappers, spine detached. Contemporary manuscript notes. Occasionally some foxing. Housed in a specially made box, cloth on marbled paper covers. Old ownership signature on title dated Constantinople 1880. First edition. Rare.Abel Pavet de Courteille (1821-89) was a French orientalist who specialised in the study of the Turkish language. He was a member of the Société Asiatique, professor of Turkish language and literature at the Collčge de France. He issued this dictionary to facilitate the reading of significant works written in Chagatai language. Chagatai is an extinct Turkic literary language that was once widely spoken in Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Xinjiang and Kyrgyzstan). It remained the common literary language there until beginning of 20th century. The Emperor Babur (1483-1530) was the founder of the Mughal dynasty. He is considered a national hero in Uzbekistan and many of his poems have become popular Uzbek folk songs. Abu al-Ghazi Bahadur (1603-63), Khan of Khiva, wrote two important historical works of the Turkic people in Chagatai language. Ali-Shir Nava'i (1551-1501) a Turkic poet and politician. He is considered by many to be the founder of early Turkic literature because of his distinguished Chagatai language poetry. Zaunmüller 379.

Keywords: Near East, turkey, turkish, language, langue, linguistic, asia, asie, asiatic, asien, turki, chagatai, turkic,

Price: EUR 1800.00 = appr. US$ 1956.32 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 121248

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