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Title: Vita et agon viri admodum reverendi Christophori Theodosii Waltheri, per annos XV. missionarii danici apud Trangambariensis optime meriti. Halle, litteris et impensis Orphanotrophei, 1742.
Description: . 4to. Pp. 36 printed on thick paper. Partly with small marginal stain. Old paper wrappers, some discolouration, dog eared. A rare work about a German missionary and linguist. Christoph Walther (1699-1741) served in Danish India for many years at the beginning of the 18th century. He compiled several works about the mission, and biblical and linguistic works on Tamil.

Keywords: South Asia, india, indian, tranquebar, danish mission, coromandel, inde, missionary, language, linguist, biography

Price: EUR 380.00 = appr. US$ 413.00 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 121103

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