Author: RETZIUS, GUSTAF (Transl.) & WELCKER, HERMAN: Title: Om den konstgorda missbildningen af de kinesiska qvinnornas fötter. (About the artificial deformity of Chinese women's feet). Stockholm 1872.
Description: . Pp. 4. With two illustrations. Uncut, unbound. Retzius' translation of Welcker's work on the deformity of Chinese women's feet published in Archiv für Anthropologie., Band IV, 1870). Offprint from Hygiea, a Swedish medical journal.
Keywords: East Asia, china, chine, kina, chinese, feet, anthropology,
Price: EUR 80.00 = appr. US$ 86.95 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 121074
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