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Title: (Chinese title) Mai yu lang toœ tchen hoa kouei. Le vendeur-d'huile qui seul possède la reine-de-beauté, ou splendeurs et misères des courtisanes chinoises. Roman chinois traduit pour la première fois sur le texte original. Leiden & Paris, 1877.
Description: . Pp. xviii, 140 + pp. 82 with Chinese text + (2). One leaf (half title) loose. Modern half calf, original printed wrappers with bound. A famous Chinese novel translated into French by Gustaaf Schlegel, a renowned Dutch sinologist. Cordier BS 1769. Löwendahl Supplement 1837.

Keywords: East Asia, china, chine, chinese, kina, language, langue, linguistic, literature,

Price: EUR 240.00 = appr. US$ 260.84 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 120953

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