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TAGORE, SOURINDRO MOHUN (Compiler): - Hindu Music from Various Authors. Part I. [For Private Circulation only]. Calcutta, Babu Punchanun Mekerjea, 1875.

Title: Hindu Music from Various Authors. Part I. [For Private Circulation only]. Calcutta, Babu Punchanun Mekerjea, 1875.
Description: . Pp. (xii), x, 315. With many illustrations. Contemporary red morocco, richly decorated in gilt, g.e., lightly rubbed. First edition. Comprises: "Treatise on the Music of Hindustan" by Captain N. Augustus Willard; "On the Musical Modes of the Hindus" By Sir William Jones; "On the Vina or Indian Lye" by Francis Fowke, etc. ; "The Oriental Music of Hindustan" by William C. Stafford; Music of the Hindus" by J. Nathan; Catalogue of Indian Musical Instruments" by Col. P.T. French; "Music of Ceylon" by John Davy, and more. A second part was issued in 1882 to accompany the second edition. Sourindo Mohun Tagore (1840-1914) was a famous Indian musicologist, having trained in his youth both Western and Indian classical traditions. He founded two institutions, the Bengal Music School in 1871 and the Bengal Academy of Music in 1882.

Keywords: South Asia, india, inde, indian, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, music, ceylon, hindusrtan, musical,

Price: EUR 650.00 = appr. US$ 706.45 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 120933

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