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Title: [JAPAN - PAPER PRODUCTION]. Ganpi-shi (Ganpi paper) . Tokyo, Arrow Art Works, Showa 52 (1977).
Description: . Oblong folio (42 x 29.5 cm). Comprises eight folders with fourteen paper samples with accompanying text and pictures. As issued in original decorated soft-cover wrappers. Includes an introductory folder with text and one colour plate, and a facsimile of a pamphlet on Ganpi paper originally printed in the Meiji period. Original card folder (with some light foxing) and original card box. First edition, limited to 500 copies, of which this is no.116.A beautiful presentation of Ganpi handmade paper, a traditional high quality Japanese paper made from the fibre of the plant species Diplomorpha sikokiana. It has a smooth, shiny surface which is resistant to insects and ageing, used for artworks and official documents. This set includes four papers handmade by Abe Eishiro (1902-84), the first Japanese paper-maker to be designated as a National Living Treasure (1968) and an early follower of Yanagi Muneyoshi's Japanese Arts & Crafts Movement. Scarce (No copies in OCLC).

Keywords: East Asia, japan, japon, japanese, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, paper, exploration,

Price: EUR 800.00 = appr. US$ 869.48 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 120691

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