Author: TANAKA, YUHO: Title: Kogei Shinzu (New Designs for Applied Arts). Two volumes. Kyoto, Yamada Naosaburo, Meiji 25 (1892).
Description: . Complete set with forty leaves of colour woodblock-printed patterns depicting plants, birds, flowers, etc. With eight text leaves comprising title, preliminary leaves and colophon. Text in Japanese. The leaves are folded in the Japanese manner. Original decorated wrappers, title and blue figures printed on white background, silk ties, with minor wear. Ex-ownership stamps. First edition. A beautiful collection with patterns based on traditional Japanese motifs and nature scenes clearly inspired by the Art Nouveau ornamental style that became so popular at the time. The designs were created for use in decorative art including textiles, metalwork and ceramics. Occasionally some light offsetting but overall a very good set. The printer Yamada Naosaburo was the founder of Uns›d› publishing company in Kyoto, known for high quality pattern books.
Keywords: East Asia, japan, japon, japanese, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, design, pattern, art nouveau
Price: EUR 2000.00 = appr. US$ 2173.69 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 120667
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