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Title: Matthias Norbergs Lefverene. Upsala, Palmblad & Co., 1826.
Description: . Pp. 15. Contemporary marbled paper. With title label on front cover. Copy of GTB. AND: Minne (Memorial) af Matthias Norberg. Upsala, Palmblad & Co., 1826. Comprising: 1. Carl Rosensteins: Tal (Speech) vid Norbergs begrafning i Upsala Domkyrka den 14 Febr. 1826"; 2. Rogberg: Tacksägelse.; Rektor Sven Lundblad: Litterarum patrons patribus civibusque ... etc. AND: LINDFORS, ANDR. O.: Memoria reveredissimi et celeberrimi viri, Matthiaae Norberg. In Reg. Universitate Carolina die XVIII Junii MDCCCXXVII. Lund, ex off. Berlingiana, 1832. 4to. Pp. 26. With engraved front portrait. Text in Latin. Contemporary marbled wrappers. Title label on front wrapper (GTB).

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Price: EUR 280.00 = appr. US$ 304.32 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 120319