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Title: Kort afhandling om wetenskapernas, krigs- och ingenieur-konstens tillstånd i Constantinopel år 1803 af Séïd Mustapha Ingenieur. Öfwersättning ifrån det wid slutet af 1218, efter Hegiran, eller i början af år 1803, ifrån nya tryckeriet i Scutari utkomne originalet. Strängnäs, C.E. Ekmarck, 1813.
Description: . Pp. 48. Later marbled paper covered boards, cloth spine. Scarce Swedish edition. Seid Mustapha (or Kücûk Seyyid Mustafa) was a Turkish engineer, employed by Selim III, in whose misfortunes he became involved, and perished in the rebellion of Constantinople in 1808. His work emphasis the need to learn military discipline and technology from Europe. It was first published in 1803 at the printing press established by the sultan Selim III which was destroyed by the insurgent Janizaries in 1808. A French edition appeared in 1810, translated by L.M. Langles. This Swedish translation by Gustaf Spinchorn, legation preacher at the Swedish mission in Constantinople, includes an interesting introduction and comments by him. Cf Atabey 664.

Keywords: Near East, turkey, turkish, turkiet, asia, asie, asien, asiatic, travel, exploration, levant, history, historical

Price: EUR 500.00 = appr. US$ 543.42 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 100468

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