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Title: Paraphrase du Saint Edit dans le dialecte de Péking par Théophile Piry. No place 1882.
Description: . Small folio. Lvs (60). Contemporary quarter calf, red title label lettered in gilt on upper cover, worn. Front end papers loose. A paraphrase of the "Sacred Edict" (Sheng-yü kuang-hsün), a set of moral and governmental instructions executed in the 17th century. It comprises 16 moral maxims which can be regarded as the basic laws of China during the Ch'ing dynasty. Originally written by the Kang-hsi emperor (1662-1722) and later on extended by his son and successor the Yung-cheng emperor (1723-1735). Théophile Piry (1880-1915) arrived in China in 1870 and is mainly known for having introduced the modern postal service in China in 1911. Not in Cordier.

Keywords: East Asia, asia, asie, asien, orient, east, asiatica, far east, east india, china, kina, chine, exploration, chine,

Price: EUR 800.00 = appr. US$ 869.48 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 100327

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