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Title: Bref, til en vän i Sverige, innehållande historisk och geographisk beskrifning öfver colonien Sierra Leona i Afrika; jämte S.L. compagniets och coloniens formerande; ... Part one (all publ.). Stockholm, Kumelinska Tryckeriet, 1801.
Description: . Pp. 130. Contemporary half calf on marbled boards, flat spine richly decorated in gilt and with title labels, rubbed. Bookplate and old ownership signature on front endpaper. Some staining. First edition, second issue, of a scarce Swedish work. Padenheim joined the Sierra Leone Company in London in 1790. Two years later he, together with three other Swedes (August Nordenskjöld, Adam Afzelius and Jacob Strand) came to Sierra Leone with the mission to establish a "free slave" colony there. This work comprises five letters by Padenheim, of which four are written at Freetown 1792-95. The letters contain information aboutthe slave trade in Surinam, the establishment of the Sierra Leone Company in London, the building of Freetown, its plan and system of government, the Nova Scotians or the Settlers, problems and conflicts in the settlement, surrounding communities, the climate, house construction, African religion, farming, trade, clothing, weaving and dyeing, etc. See Dahlgren, Carl Bernard Wadström, NTBB 1915, p. 40. BOUND WITH: HUNTER, JOHN / TENCH, WATKIN & KING, PHILIP GIDLEY / [EDVARD, CAPT.]: Resa til Nya Södra Wallis, .. jämte nyaste underrättelser om Engelska Nybygget i Port Jackson, Nya Holland och Norfolks-Ön, af Capit. Tench och King samt Cap. Edvards resa omkring jorden. Stockholm, Johan Pfeiffer, 1797. Pp. (iv), 283. With staining. Contains a Swedish abridged version of Hunter's "An historical journal of the transactions at Port Jackson, ..." (1793). Including Captain Tench's account of New South Wales; Captain King's journal from Norfolk Island and; Hamilton's account of Commander Edvard's circumnavigation. Samuel Ödmann based the translations on German editions. Ferguson 250. SWIM 1:25. Wantrup pp. 68-72.

Keywords: Africa, Africa, afrika, african, afrique, travel, exploration, sierra leone, slave trade, slaves, slavar,

Price: EUR 1500.00 = appr. US$ 1630.27 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 100250

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