Author: TROLLE, HENRIK AF & HÄGG, JACOB: Title: Minnen och anteckningar från Ångkorvetten Gefles expedition till vestkusten af Afrika och Medelhafvet åren 1864-1865 under befäl af herr kaptenen och riddaren m.m. A. Pettersén. Stockholm, A. Bonnier, 1867.
Description: . Pp. viiix, 323, (5). With frontispiece, 15 plates and 2 coloured folding maps (one of Egypt and one of the voyage). Contemporary half calf, flat spine ruled in gilt, title label. Copy of Ericsberg castle. The Swedish expedition went to the west coast of Africa; Sierra Leone and Liberia and then continued to Smyrna, Alexandria, Cairo and Suez, and returned via Tunis, Cadiz and Seville. First edition of an entertaining account.
Keywords: Africa, west africa, liberia, egypt, turkey, africa, afrika, afrique, africana, travel, travels, voyage, voyages, exploration, explore, gefle
Price: EUR 360.00 = appr. US$ 391.26 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 100225
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