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Title: Genom Siberien på spaning efter Andrée. (Through Siberia searching for Andrée). Stockholm, Albert Bonnier, 1901.
Description: . Pp. (iv), 326. With numerous illustrations after photographs taken by the author. Contemporay green cloth, original front wrapper withbound. Jonas Stadling (1847-1935) was a Swedish preacher and journalist. He participated in Andrée's expedition in 1897, and the year after he travelled to the northern part of Siberia to, if possible, collect information about the missing expedition. He made interesting botanical discoveries but found no trace of Andrée and his team. First edition. Hulth 135.

Keywords: East Asia, polar, arctic, travel, exploration, andrée, russia, russian, siberia, siberian,

Price: EUR 60.00 = appr. US$ 65.21 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 100211

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