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Title: Evertebratfaunan i Sibiriens ishaf. Förelöpande studier grundade på de zoologiska undersökningarna under prof. A.E. Nordenskiölds Ishafsexpedition 1878-79. [The invertebrates of the Siberian sea. Preliminary studies, based upon the zool. investigations during Nordenskiöld's exped. of 1878-79]. Meddeladt den 12 november 1879. Stockholm 1880.
Description: . Pp. 76. With one large folding map. Wrappers, front wrapper detached. Offprint. (Bihang till K. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handlingar Band 5. No. 22).

Keywords: East Asia, russia, russe, ryssland, russian, siberia, siberian, fauna, botany, zoology, zoological

Price: EUR 100.00 = appr. US$ 108.68 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 100130

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