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Title: Zoologiska anteckningar under en resa i södra delarne af Caplandet åren 1853-55. Ur den aflidnes papper samlade och ordnade af J.W. Grill. No place or date. (Stockholm? 1858).
Description: . 4to. Pp. 62. With one plate of "Delphinus victorini Grill". Modern marbled papercovered boards. A zoological memorandum by Victorin of mammals, birds and amphibians discovered during his 16 months' visit to South Africa. He stayed at Cape Town, Knysna and Karroo. In 1855 Victorin returned to Sweden with a comprehensive collection but died soon at only 24 years old. His accurate annotations of the collection as well as valuable information from his diary are posthumously edited and published by J.W. Grill, and presented to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1858. (K. Vet. Akad. Handl. B. 2. no. 10).

Keywords: Africa, africa, afrika, africana, afrique, zoology, birds, mammals, travel, exploration, south africa, cape town

Price: EUR 200.00 = appr. US$ 217.37 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 100127

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