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BOOKS023848I: Maine Potato Commission, - State of Maine Potato Cook Book.
BOOKS025377I: International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, - Annual Report 1983 of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission.
BOOKS027447I: Historic District Commission, - Elm Street Bridge.
BOOKS030821I: Maine Development Commission, - Maine: the land of remembered vacations.
BOOKS030822I: Maine Development Commission, - Maine: the land of remembered vacations.
BOOKS031090I: EDAW for Federal Power Commission, - Natural Gas Pipeline Right-of-Way Study:a study directed toward planning, construction, operation & maintenance procedures.
BOOKS031955I: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, - Handbook for Using Third-Party Contractors to Prepare Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements.
BOOKS031964I: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, - Regulations Governing Off-the-Record Communications.
BOOKS038522I: New York State Bridge & Tunnel Commission, - The Eighth Wonder (Holland Tunnel).
BOOKS051654I: Maine Development Commission, - Maine: the land of remembered vacations.
BOOKS040892I: Commission, - Historic Michigan: land of the Great Lakes vol. 2 only.
BOOKS041577I: Sons of the American Revolution Commission, - New Hampshire Sesqui-Centennial Celebration.
BOOKS043721I: United States Tariff Commission, - Textile Imports and Exports 1891-1927: a statistical tabulation.
BOOKS054072I: 9/11 Commission, - Tower Stories: an autobiography of September 11, 2001.
BOOKS052778I: Maine Development Commission, - Maine the Place to Live.
BOOKS052440I: Maine Development Commission, - Maine Hunting.
BOOKS055781I: Commission, - Maine's Historic Places.
BOOKS037076I: Commissioner W. L. Higgitt, R.C.M.P., - The New West: official reports to Parliament of the activities of the Royal North-West Mounted Police.
BOOKS042634I: Commissioner, PGA Tour, - The PGA Tour: a look behind the scenes.
BOOKS048855I: New Brunswick Bicentennial Committee (Canada), - Saint John on the March.
BOOKS048957I: Conway Bicentennial Committee, - Commemorative Booklet Bicentennial of Conway, N.H. 1765-1965.
BOOKS004051I: Library Social Committee, - The Sweet and Savory Kettle: recipes for everyday cooking.
BOOKS006711I: American Joint Editorial Board of Quaker US/USSR Committee, - The Human Experience: contemporary American and Soviet ficiton and poetry.
BOOKS008717I: Windham Bicentennial Committee, - Windham Invites You: a bicentennial celebration July 25-30, 1938.
BOOKS023150I: Ski Touring Committee, - A Guide to Ski Touring in New York-New Jersey: 29 areas.
BOOKS023738I: Gilroy Garlic Festival Committee, - The Garlic Lovers' Cookbook from Gilroy garlic capital of the world.
BOOKS045928I: United States Olympic Committee, - Quadrennial Review period of 1961-1965.
BOOKS030677I: Altamont Centennial Committee, - Altamont Centennial Cookbook 1890-1990.
BOOKS050388I: South Portland History Committee, - History of South Portland, Maine.
BOOKS048168I: Gilsum New Hampshire Bicentennial Committee, - Gilsum Vittles.
BOOKS033430I: Republican National Committee, - Temporary Roll of Delegates and Alternate Delegates: 32nd Republican National Convention Detroit MI July 14, 1980.
BOOKS034327I: Derry Historical Booklet Committee, - Glimpses of Derry New Hampshire 1719-1969 including a supplement of history making men.
BOOKS036095I: Committee on the Family, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, - Integration and Conflict in Family Behavior: vol. VI, report no. 27A.
BOOKS036096I: Committee on Adolescence, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, - Normal Adolescence: vol. VI, report no. 68.
BOOKS036097I: Committee on Child Psychiatry, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, - Psychopathological Disoders in Childhood: theoretical consideration & a proposed classification: vol VI, rpt no. 62.
BOOKS036586I: Fryeburg (Maine) Fair Book Committee, - Fryeburg Fair 1851-2000: first 150 years.
BOOKS037348I: Cascp Sesquicentennial Committee, - Recollections Casco, Maine, 1841-1991.
BOOKS037875I: The Committee, - Bakers' Union no. 3, of Brooklyn A.F.W. Headquarters Brooklyn Labor Lyceum, Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. printed card.
BOOKS040575I: committee, - Curling Songs and Poems.
BOOKS042100I: Keene History Committee, - Upper Ashuelot: a history of Keene, New Hampshire.
BOOKS052029I: South Portland History Committee, - History of South Portland, Maine.
BOOKS045193I: Middleton Anniversary Committee, - Anniversary (200th) of the Town of Middleton (Massachusetts) June 20, 1928.
BOOKS055042I: International Olympic Committee, - Lillehammer Norway 27 February 1994 12th XVII Olympic Winter Games.
BOOKS045355I: 250th Celebration Book Committee, - Gorham's 250 Anniversary Remembered (1736-1986).
BOOKS045400I: Salem County Tercentenary Committee, - Fenwick's Colony: Salem County pictorial 1675-1964.
BOOKS049014I: Christmas in Harrison Committee, - Christmas in Harrison: A Bicentennial Cookbook 1805-2005.
BOOKS048958I: Conway Bicentennial Committee, - The Pageant of the Crystal Hills.
BOOKS008738I: Commoner, Barry, - Science & Survival.
BOOKS014332I: Como, James T., edited by, - C. S. Lewis at the Breakfast Table and other reminiscences.
BOOKS055055I: Whitman Publishing Company, - The Want to Know Book.
BOOKS051724I: Sunshine Company, - Maine Master Guide 1977: Sunshine Eastern Guide.
BOOKS002470I: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, - First Aid.
BOOKS006204I: Walt Disney Company, - Dick Tracy: everything comes up blank: episode 2 of a 2-part series.
BOOKS006354I: Winchester Company, - Ammunition Handbook.
BOOKS008374I: Line Material Company, - The Family Christmas Book 1948.
BOOKS015850I: J. R. Watkins Company, - Stock Raisers' Manual: a manual for the guidance of stockraisers, breeders & farmers.
BOOKS015851I: J. R. Watkins Company, - Watkins Time Suggestions: tested recipes, secrets of beauty, the home doctor, helps for housewife, hints on care of car.
BOOKS017806I: Walter Baker & Company, - Best Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes.
BOOKS021276I: Bethlehem Steel Company, - Better Roofs.
BOOKS022842I: Ford Motor Company, - Ford Manual for owners and operators of Ford cars and trucks.
BOOKS025395I: Kellogg Company, - Kay Kellogg's Creative Cookery.
BOOKS027849I: Procter and Gamble Company, - Recipes for Good Eating.
BOOKS028346I: Kellogg Company, - The Kellogg's Cookbook.
BOOKS036996I: Russell & Stoll Company, - Electrical Specialties: catalog no. 90.
BOOKS029965I: American Handicrafts Company, - Crafts Encyclopedia.
BOOKS030429I: B. F. Goodrich Company, - Wonder Book of Rubber.
BOOKS030430I: B. F. Goodrich Company, - Wonder Book of Rubber.
BOOKS036149I: S. D. Warren Company, - Annual Report 1957.
BOOKS037018I: Crane Company, - Valves and Fittings for All Pressures and Purposes: catalogue no. 51 (reprinted May, 1929).
BOOKS040389I: Ford Motor Company, - Ford Manual for owners and operators of Ford cars and trucks.
BOOKS046522I: Consumers Power Company, - Transmission and Distribution Rights-of-Way Selection and Development.
BOOKS041752I: Purity Spring Water Company, - "Purity": the purest spring water known.
BOOKS052564I: American Bank Note Company, - Men in Currency (11 original steel note engravings); "America 1776-1976"; Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech; Thomas Paine plus.
BOOKS046793I: Popular Mechanics Company (Adams, John Duncan), - How to Make Mission Style Lamps and Shades.
BOOKS043110I: Prince Macaroni Company, - Prince Golden Macaroni Recipes.
BOOKS043515I: Fall River News Company, - Interstate's Street Guide & Directory of Information Fall River, & Vicinity w/indexed Fall River, Taunton & Somerset map.
BOOKS046510I: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, - Good Teeth at All Ages.
BOOKS044258I: Chappell Music Company, - Great Jazz Standards: 23 all-time jazz favorites.
BOOKS044471I: Andover Organ Company, - Old Organs in Present-Day Churches.
BOOKS046539I: Learning Company, - The American Girls Premiere: create and produce your own plays: two CDs (ages 7-12).
BOOKS052821I: Ford Motor Company, - Continental Mark III Technical Data.
BOOKS047913I: Spool Cotton Company, - New Pineapple Designs (14): crocheted doilies, tablecloths, bedspreads, runners: book no. 230.
BOOKS047535I: Tower Publishing Company, - Maine Register State Year-Book and Legislative Manual no. 107 1976-76.
BOOKS052437I: Cosmopolitan Concert Company, - Grand Concert programme February 22, 1909.
BOOKS055645I: Maine Central Railroad Company, - Reproduction of the Portland Terminal Company: handbook for Officers, agents, stations, and sidings.
BOOKS044551I: Editors of Chilton Company, - The Jewelers' Dictionary.
BOOKS029824I: J. R. Watkins Company, - Watkins Bookfax: a book of practical pointers for the city, town or farm family.
BOOKS017343I: compiled by, - Today.
BOOKS031954I: Corp:power generation project division: environmental compliance, - Environmental Permitting Strategies and Considerations for Combustion Turbine Projects.
BOOKS032125I: composer, lyric by Philander Johnson, - Somewhere in France Is the Lily: March ballad.
BOOKS040837I: Favorite composers, - The Song Folio: standard vocal music with accompaniment for piano or organ.
BOOKS057349I: Compton, Ralph, - The Abilene Trail - 4 CD audio set.
BOOKS014290I: Le Comte, Edward, - I, Eve.
BOOKS014291I: Le Comte, Edward, - I, Eve.
BOOKS050518I: Comte, Hubert, - Bestiaire: l'animal dans l'Art (in French).
BOOKS051008I: Conant, Melvin A., - Heralds of Their Age.
BOOKS031599I: Conant, James B., - The Education of American Teachers.
BOOKS057151I: Conant, Susan, - Gone to the Dogs.
BOOKS049624I: Conatser, Dean, - Bowhunting the Whitetail Deer.
BOOKS026874I: Conder, Susan, Sue Phillips & Pamela Westland, - The Complete Flower Craft Book: arrangements & gifts, using dried, artificial & fresh flowers.
BOOKS033650I: Conder, Susan, - Flower Arranging with House Plants: the lost art of pot et fleur.
BOOKS038753I: Conder, Susan, edited by, - Growing Indoors.
BOOKS054163I: Condit, Carl W., - Chicago 1910-29: building, planning, and urban technology.
BOOKS054448I: Bill Condon, - Beauty and the Beast the Enchantment.
BOOKS048799I: Condon, Dianne Russell, foreword by Dominick Dunne, - Jackie's Treasures: the fabled objects from the auction of the century.
BOOKS052473I: Conductor, - Concert in the Kitchen: a medley of recipes.
BOOKS010314I: Cone, Marcia & Thelma Snyder, - Microwave Diet Cookery: low calories menus for all seasons.
BOOKS025301I: Cone, Molly, - Mishmash and the Sauerkraut Mystery.
BOOKS028476I: Cone, Marcia & Thelma Snyder, - Microwave Diet Cookery: low calorie menus for all seasons.
BOOKS028780I: Cone, Marcia & Thelma Snyder, - Mastering Microwave Cookery.
BOOKS037701I: Coney, Norma, - The Complete Soapmaker: tips, techniques & recipes for luxurious handmade soaps.
BOOKS050106I: Confalone, Mike and Joe Posik, - Alcos Northeast: beyond Schenectady, Smoke, Guts and Glory 1969-2006.
BOOKS043008I: Confederate States Congress, District of South Carolina, - Amended Sequestration Act of Confederate States with Amended Rules of the Confederate Court for the District of S.C. etc..
BOOKS054390I: Conford, Ellen, - And This Is Laura.
BOOKS051875I: Congdon, Herbert Wheaton, - The Covered Bridge: an old American landmark whose romance, stability, and craftsmanship are typified by structures.....
BOOKS054333I: Conger, Beach, M.D., - Bag Balm and Duct Tape: tales of a Vermont doctor.
BOOKS023795I: Office of Technology Assessment: U.S. Congress, - Losing a Million Minds: confronting the tragedy of Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias.
BOOKS033078I: Ninety-third Congress, - Memorial Tributes to J. Edgar Hoover & various articles & editorials relating to his life and work.
BOOKS033440I: Congress, - Lyndon Baines Johnson: late a president of the United States: memorial services and tributes in eulogy.
BOOKS033683I: U.S. Congress, - Memorial Services and Tributes in Eulogy of Dwight David Eisenhower late a president of the United States.
BOOKS037176I: U.S. Congress 70th, second session, - Thomas S. Butler late a Representative from Pennsylvania Memorial Services.
BOOKS037177I: U.S. Congress 70th, 1st session, - Frank B. Willis late a Senator from Ohio Memorial Addresses delivered in the U.S. Senate.
BOOKS037183I: Congress, 95th 1st session, - The Capitol: a pictorial history of the capitol and of the Congress.
BOOKS037977I: Congress, 89th, 1st session, house document 209, - Sir Winston Churchill, memorial addresses & tributes in eulogy of, soldier, statesman, author, orator, leader.
BOOKS049028I: Congressional Club, foreword by Nancy Reagan, - The Congressional Club Cook Book: a collection of national and international recipes.
BOOKS048879I: Conil, Jean, - Let's Eat Middle Eastern Tonight.
BOOKS029426I: Conklin, Groff, edited & with introduction by, - Omnibus of Science Fiction.
BOOKS034818I: Conklin, Groff & Lucy, edited, - The Supernatural Reader.
BOOKS041817I: Conklin, Gladys, - I Like Caterpillars.
BOOKS024356I: Conkling, Fleur, - The Bingity-Bangity School Bus.
BOOKS027475I: Conkling, Philip W., - Islands in Time: a natural and human history of the islands of Maine.
BOOKS050262I: Conkling, Grace Hazard, - Wilderness Songs.
BOOKS042076I: Conkling, Philip W., - Islands in Time: a natural and cultural history of the Islands of the Gulf of Maine.
BOOKS044752I: Conkling, Philip W., - Islands in Time: a natural and human history of the islands of Maine.
BOOKS045285I: Conkling, Philip W., - Islands in Time: a natural and human history of the islands of Maine.
BOOKS054239I: Conley, Susan, - Paris Was the Place.
BOOKS041879I: Conlon-McIvor, Maura, - FBI Girl: how I learned to crack my father's code.
BOOKS009881I: Conly, Jane Leslie, - R-T, Margaret, and the Rats of Nimh.
BOOKS032665I: Conn, George H., D.V.M., Asst. State Veterinarian, USDA, - Practical Veterinarian.
BOOKS009697I: O'Connell, Jean, - The Doll House Caper.
BOOKS023333I: Connell, Evan S., - Deus lo volt!: chronicle of the Crusades.
BOOKS025329I: O'Connell, Charles, - The Victor Book of the Symphony.
BOOKS026059I: O'Connell, Carol, - Mallory's Oracle.
BOOKS056911I: Connell, Janice T., - The Visions of the Children: the apparitions of the Blessesd Mother at Medjugorje.
BOOKS019744I: Connelly, Michael, - A Darkness More Than Night.
BOOKS026634I: Connelly, Michael, - Blood Work.
BOOKS029646I: Connelly, Marc, - The Green Pastures: a fable.
BOOKS056826I: Connelly, Michael, - The Scarecrow.
BOOKS055570I: Connelly, Michael, - The Overlook.
BOOKS055193I: Conner, Kevin & Joyce, - The Ministry of Women (or Divine Order).
BOOKS003049I: Conner, Bart with Coach Paul Ziert, - Winning the Gold.
BOOKS039002I: Conner, recipes by Rose Reisman, - Break the Weight Loss Barrier.
BOOKS055512I: Connerly, Ward, - Creating Equal: my fight aginst race preferences.
BOOKS033638I: Conniff, Richard, - The Natural History of the Rich: a field guide.
BOOKS055577I: The Connoisseur, - Connoisseur's Handbook of Antique Collecting: dictionary of furniture, silver, ceramics, glass, fine art, etc..
BOOKS053275I: O'Connor, Varley, - A Company of Three.
BOOKS002688I: Connor, Jack, - Leahy's Lads.
BOOKS002866I: Connor, Ralph, - The Prospector: a tale of the crow's nest pass.
BOOKS008681I: O'Connor, Francis V., - Jackson Pollock.
BOOKS010416I: O'Connor, Richard, - Courtroom Warrior: the combative career of William Travers Jerome.
BOOKS053890I: O'Connor, Karen, - Help, Lord! I'm Having a Senior Moment: notes to God on growing older.
BOOKS023526I: O'Connor, Richard, - Bret Harte: a biography.
BOOKS023936I: O'Connor, Patricia, - Therese of Lisieux: a biography.
BOOKS026743I: O'Connor, Sharon, - Menus and Music vol. IV: Dinners for Two: recipes from Romantic Country Inns: CD of San Francisco String Quartet.
BOOKS028458I: O'Connor, Elizabeth, - Journey Inward, Journey Outward.
BOOKS029171I: O'Connor, Flannery, - The Violent Bear It Away.
BOOKS030238I: O'Connor, T. P., M.P., - Lord Beaconsfield: a biography.
BOOKS045923I: O'Connor, Anthony, - Golfing in the Green.
BOOKS033223I: O'Connor, Jane, - Yours Till Niagara Falls, Abby.
BOOKS034915I: O'Connor, Evangeline M, foreword by Alice Sachs, - Who's Who and What's What in Shakespeare giving references by topics to notable passages and significant expressions etc..
BOOKS055839I: O'Connor, Karen, - Help, Lord! I'm Having a Senior Moment: notes to God on growing older.
BOOKS039251I: O'Connor, Len, - Clout: Mayor Daley and his city.
BOOKS054523I: Connor, Ralph, - The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land.
BOOKS043132I: O'Connor, Joseph, - Star of the Sea.
BOOKS037547I: Connors, Charles H. & victor A. Tiedjens, - Chemical Gardening for the Amateur: gardening without soil made easy.
BOOKS038765I: Connors, Charles H., and Victor A. Tiedjens, - Chemical Gardening for the Amateur: gardening without soil made easy.
BOOKS019952I: Conover, Ted, - Whiteout: lost in Aspen.
BOOKS032754I: Conover, Ted, - Whiteout: lost in Aspen.
BOOKS003804I: Conrad, Barnaby, - Gates of Fear: great exploits of the world's bullrings.
BOOKS009549I: Conrad, Pam, - Prairie Songs.
BOOKS012811I: Conrad, Peter, - A Song of Love and Death: the meaning of opera.
BOOKS033049I: Conrad, Barnaby, - La Fiesta Brava: the art of the bull ring.
BOOKS033188I: Conrad, Sybil, - Believe in Spring.
BOOKS052129I: Conrad, Stephen, - The Second Mrs. Jim.
BOOKS036702I: Conrad, Joseph, - Notes on Life and Letters: Concord edition of the works of Joseph Conrad.
BOOKS036733I: Conrad, Joseph, - The Arrow of Gold:a story between two notes.
BOOKS037800I: Conrad, Richard & William Merrill (singer & pianist), - Noel/Cole: words and music of Noel Coward & Cole Porter playbill.
BOOKS041476I: Conrad, Barnaby III, - Ghost Hunting in Montana: a search for roots in the Old West.
BOOKS053128I: Conrad, Joseph, preface by R. B. Cunninghame Grahame, - Tales of Hearsay: collection of four short stories.
BOOKS053091I: Conrad, Pam, - Prairie Visions: The Life and Times of Solomon Butcher.
BOOKS011036I: Conran, Terence, - New House Book.
BOOKS001266I: Conroy, Pat, - Beach Music.
BOOKS005149I: Conroy, Frank, - Body & Soul.
BOOKS009460I: Conroy, Frank, - Body & Soul.
BOOKS012513I: Conroy, Pat, - Beach Music.
BOOKS048307I: Conroy, Frank, - Midair and Stop-Time: the classic memoir of adolescence.
BOOKS046214I: Conroy, Helen (Sister Mary Ethel), - Forgotten Women in Convents.
BOOKS045223I: Conroy, Susan, - Mother Teresa's Lessons of Love and Secrets of Sanctity (signed).
BOOKS031006I: Michigan Dept. of Conservation, - Utilities, Pipelines, and Communication Structures.
BOOKS004124I: Considine, Shaun, - Barbra Streisand: the woman, the myth, the music.
BOOKS032297I: consultant, columnist, Bicycling Magazine's Fitness chick, - Selene Yeager's Perfectly Fit: 8 weeks to a sleek and sexy body.
BOOKS030628I: URS Consultants, - Guidelines for the Development of Wetland Replacement Areas Working Plan NCHRP 25-3 with Appendix A-1.
BOOKS038578I: Content, C. S., - A Geologist's Sketch Book: notes and drawings.
BOOKS009146I: Conti, Flavio, translated by Patrick Creagh, - Shrines of Power: the Grand Tour.
BOOKS006675I: Conway, Mimi, - Rise Gonna Rise: a portrait of southern textile workers.
BOOKS011054I: Conway, Carle, - The Joy of Soaring: a training manual.
BOOKS023652I: Conway, J. Gregory, - Conway's Television Flower Arrangements.
BOOKS031678I: Conway, Gerry, Joe Orlando editor, - Kong the Untamed "Valley of Blood": vol. 1, no. 4 (32447).
BOOKS053476I: Conway, Jill Ker, - A Woman's Education: the road from Coorain leads to Smith College.
BOOKS035661I: Conway, Martin R., - The Outer Banks: an historical adventure from Kitty Hawk to Ocracoke.
BOOKS037790I: Conway, Jeremiah P., editor, - The Southern Maine Review: vol. 1, Spring 2005: a journal of scholarship and creative expression.
BOOKS042427I: Conway, Jill Ker, - The Road from Coorain.
BOOKS042434I: Conway, Jill Ker, - True North.
BOOKS043575I: Conway, New Hampshire, - Annual Report Conway, New Hampshire 1987.
BOOKS043576I: Conway, New Hampshire, - Annual Report Conway, New Hampshire 1981.
BOOKS044083I: Conway, Pat, - Soodlum's Irish Tin Whistle Tutor.
BOOKS044936I: Conway, New Hampshire, - Annual Report of the Town of Conway, New Hampshire 1979, 1980, 1985, 1988.
BOOKS053626I: Conway, Carle, - The Joy of Soaring: a training manual.
BOOKS045399I: Conway, Carle, - The Joy of Soaring: a training manual.
BOOKS053409I: Conway, New Hampshire, - Annual Report of the officers of the Town of Conway, New Hampshire 1945.
BOOKS045199I: Conway, New Hampshire, School District, - Conway School District Annual Report 1984.
BOOKS045200I: Conway, New Hampshire, School District, - Conway School District Annual Report 1984.
BOOKS051203I: Conway, Robert, Guest Curator, - The Powerful Hand of George Bellows: drawings from the Boston Public Library.
BOOKS039143I: Conwell, Rrussell H., - Acres of Diamonds: a lecture by Russell H. Conwell founder of Temple University.
BOOKS054808I: Conwill, Joseph D., - Maine's Covered Bridges.
BOOKS024892I: Conyers, DeWitt, selected by, - Animal Poems for Children.
BOOKS032201I: Coogan, Tim Pat, - The Man Who Made Ireland: the life and death of Michael Collins.
BOOKS056925I: Cook, Robin, - Contagion.
BOOKS005562I: Cook, Karin, - What Girls Learn.
BOOKS006942I: Cook, Canfield, - Springboard to Tokyo: a Lucky Terrell flying story.
BOOKS010298I: Cook, Inman & Daren Pierce, - Pleasures of Needlepoint: a how-to book of beautiful new designs everyone can make (Betty Crocker Home Library).
BOOKS010872I: Cook, Robin, - Acceptable Risk.
BOOKS012701I: Cook, David C., - Holiness, and some mistakes about it.
BOOKS022820I: Cook, Eliza, - Poetical Works: complete edition with explanatory notes.
BOOKS024879I: Cook, Blanche Wiesen, - Eleanor Roosevelt: vol. I (1884-1933).
BOOKS026751I: Cook, Wade, - Wall Street Money Machine: vol. 5 free stocks.
BOOKS026781I: Cook, Claire, - Must Love Dogs.
BOOKS030548I: Cook, Catherine & Edith Morris, - Fascinating Tin Toys for Girls 1820-1920.
BOOKS031547I: Cook, Frederic W., - The Massachusetts Voter.
BOOKS035192I: Cook, Sir Theodore Andrea, - Old Provence (2 volumes).
BOOKS039786I: Songo Cook, - A Collection of Recipts for preparation of foods most commonly made in the Songo Kitchen etc..
BOOKS039848I: Cook, Thos. & Son, - World Cruise of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres: sailing from New York January 7th returning May 31st 1928.
BOOKS040624I: Cook, Blanche Wiesen, - Eleanor Roosevelt: vol. 2 1933-1938.
BOOKS040978I: Cook, Harold E., - Hunters of the Silences: the animal kingdom in pictures & stories.
BOOKS041354I: Cook, Beryl, - The Works.
BOOKS041787I: Cook, Ann Mariah, - Running North: a Yukon adventure.
BOOKS041896I: Cook, Marguerite, edited by, - Primary Songs no. 3.
BOOKS044152I: Cook, Ferris, edited by, - Garden Dreams.
BOOKS055412I: Cook, Mary, - Sewing Mens Things: step-by-step instructions on sewing menswear the easy way.
BOOKS056200I: Cook, Bruce, - The Beat Generation,.
BOOKS055895I: Cook, Bruce, - Beat Generation: the tumultuous 50's.
BOOKS054565I: Cook, David C., - International Christmas Alamnac.
BOOKS052103I: Cooke, Rose Terry, - No.
BOOKS014284I: Cooke, Jacob E., edited by, - Alexander Hamilton.
BOOKS019320I: Cooke, Alistair, - Fun & Games with Alistair Cooke: on sports & other amusements.
BOOKS020547I: Cooke, Alistair, commentary by, - A Decade of Masterpiece Theatre Masterpieces.
BOOKS024723I: Cooke, C. Wythe, - Emerged Quaternary Shore Lines in the Mississippi Embayment.
BOOKS048149I: Cooke, Nelson M., - Mathematics for Electricians and Radiomen.
BOOKS043326I: Cooke, Jacob E., edited by, - Alexander Hamilton: a profile.
BOOKS043354I: Cooke, Alistair, - Alistair Cooke's America.
BOOKS046021I: Cooke, Alistair, - The Patient Has the Floor.
BOOKS055737I: Cooke, Alistair, - Six Men.
BOOKS034372I: Confident Cooking, - Soups and Breads: step by step.
BOOKS053921I: Santa Fe School of Cooking, - Salsas and Tacos.
BOOKS029678I: Famous Cooks (100), - Specialty of the House.
BOOKS040482I: Vermont Cooks, - A Vermont Cook Book.
BOOKS042690I: Cooley, Edward H., Manager, MA Fisheries Assn., - Choice Recipes of Fish and Sea Foods.
BOOKS006415I: Coolidge, Susan, - What Katy Did Next.
BOOKS009872I: Coolidge, Susan, - What Katy Did.
BOOKS054558I: Coombe, Jack D., - Derailing the Tokyo Express.
BOOKS041554I: Coombs, Duncan, Peter Blackburne-Maze, Martyn Cracknell, Roger Bentley, - The Complete Book of Pruning.
BOOKS054186I: Coomer, Joe, - Beachcombing for a Shipwrecked God.
BOOKS035688I: Coomer, Joe, - Beachcombing for a Shipwrecked God.
BOOKS038789I: Coomer, Joe, - Beachcombing for a Shipwrecked God.
BOOKS052466I: Coomer, Joe, - Beachcombing for a Shipwrecked God.
BOOKS057103I: Coomer, Joe, - Apologizing to Dogs.
BOOKS002578I: Coon, Margaret E. - managing editor, - American Rose Annual 1964.
BOOKS001094I: Cooper, Elizabeth, - My Lady of the Chinese Courtyard.
BOOKS004377I: Cooper, James Fenimore, - Correspondence of James Fenimore-Cooper, Volume Two.
BOOKS048321I: Cooper, Elizabeth, - Living Up to Billy.
BOOKS013246I: Cooper, Kenneth H., - Controlling Cholesterol.
BOOKS013576I: Cooper, Lenna F., et al, - Nutrition in Health and Disease.
BOOKS025304I: Cooper, Susan, - Over Sea, under Stone: The Dark Is Rising sequence.
BOOKS026107I: Cooper, Dr. Kenneth H., - The Aerobics Program for Total Well-Being: exercise, diet, emotional balance.
BOOKS028673I: Cooper, Bryan, - The Story of the Bomber 1914-1945.
BOOKS028915I: Cooper, Jane, - Scaffolding: new and selected poems.
BOOKS029285I: Cooper, Courtney Ryley, - Designs in Scarlet.
BOOKS035107I: Cooper, Louise Field, - The Boys from Sharon.
BOOKS036499I: Cooper, Thomas C., - Odd Lots: seasonal notes of a city gardener.
BOOKS037169I: Cooper, Robert K., - The Other 90%: how to unlock your vast untapped potential for leadership and life.
BOOKS040615I: Cooper, Helen Douglas, - Sketching Made Easy: a complete beginner's guide.
BOOKS041156I: Cooper, J. E., - Pilot.
BOOKS041695I: Cooper, Esther, editor, - Children's Play Mate magazine: March 1946, vol. 17, no.. 10.
BOOKS044092I: Cooper, James A., - Cap'n Abe Storekeeper.
BOOKS044765I: Cooper, Ann and Lisa Holmes, - In Mother's Kitchen: celebrated women chefs share beloved family recipes.
BOOKS048329I: Cooper, J. F., - Wing and Wing.
BOOKS048323I: Cooper, J. Fenimore, - The Pioneers of the Sources of the Susquehanna: a descriptive tale (Alpha Library).
BOOKS048327I: Cooper, J. Fenimore, - The Headsmans; or the Abbaye des Vignerons: a tale (Choice Works of Cooper, revised & corrected series w/ new intro & notes.
BOOKS048212I: Cooper, Jilly, - Turn Right at the Spotted Dog and Other Diversions.
BOOKS052488I: Cooper, Helen, - Ella and the Rabbit.
BOOKS045681I: Cooper, Gerald P., Instructor in Zoology, University of Maine, - A Biological Survey of 31 Lakes and Ponds of the Upper Saco River and Sebago Lake Drainage System in Maine: Fish Survey #2.
BOOKS055190I: Cooper, Helene, - The House at Sugar Beach: in search of a lost African childhood.
BOOKS055777I: Cooper, Sue Ellen, founder and queen mother Red Hat Society, - The Red Hat Society: fun and friendship after fifty.
BOOKS053549I: Cooper, Natasha, - Bitter Herbs: a Willow King mystery.
BOOKS051221I: Cooper, Jim, - Log Homes Made Easy: second and building your own log home.
BOOKS029594I: Cooperman, Hasye, - Men Walk the Earth: a collection of poems: The William Frederick Poets: 102.
BOOKS018645I: Coops, Helen L., - 100 Games of Solitaire.
BOOKS044440I: Coote, Jack H., - Total Loss: a collection of 40 first-hand accounts of yacht losses at sea with a summary of lessons to be learned.
BOOKS054009I: Van Coover, A. J., - The Slow Grinding Mills.
BOOKS051589I: Copeland, Evelyn, - Very Nearly Me: adventures of an anglophile (signed by author).
BOOKS051587I: Copeland, Evelyn, - Dancing on My Desk (signed by author).
BOOKS051588I: Copeland, Evelyn, - Susie (signed by author).
BOOKS010065I: Copeland, Peter F., - Civil War Uniforms Coloring Book.
BOOKS022320I: Copeland, Ann, - The Golden Thread.
BOOKS027740I: Copeland, Fred, - Lake Champlain: a guide and story handbook.
BOOKS032322I: Copeland, Donalda McKillop, - The True Book of Little Eskimos.
BOOKS049634I: Copeland, Brian, - Not a Genuine Black Man or how it claimed my piece of ground in the lily-white suburbs (Signed).
BOOKS052006I: Copeland, Kenneth, - The Kenneth Copeland Collection as recorded on #51-0018 (KCM), #52-0018 (KCM) Words and music..
BOOKS052685I: Copeland, Kenneth and Gloria, - From Faith to Faith: a daily guide to victory.
BOOKS034610I: Copestick, Joanna, - Laura Ashley Decorating Children's Rooms: creating fun, practical and safe surroundings for your child.
BOOKS008513I: Copetas, A. Craig, - Bear Hunting with the Politburo: a gritty first-hand account of Russia's young entrepreneurs.
BOOKS056298I: of a limited edition of 150 copies), - One Woman: One woman's poetic distillation of the experiences of life (Femina Una).
BOOKS005323I: Coppard, A. E., - The Black Dog.
BOOKS019898I: Coppel, Alfred, - The Hastings Conspiracy.
BOOKS043307I: Copper, Arnold and Coralee Leon, - Psychic Summer.
BOOKS023882I: Coppinger, Raymond, - Fishing Dogs: a guide to the history, talents, & training of the Baildale, the Flounderhounder, the Angler Dog etc..
BOOKS028392I: Cora, - Cora's Country Cookbook.
BOOKS011458I: Corbett, Scott, - What Makes a Light Go On?.
BOOKS011884I: Corbett, Jim, - Man-Eaters of Kumaon.
BOOKS017095I: Corbett, Scott, - Take a Number.
BOOKS025905I: Corbett, Elizabeth, - Faye's Folly.
BOOKS044301I: Corbett, Jim, - Man-Eaters of Kumaon.
BOOKS052535I: Corbo, Margarete and Diane Marie Barras, - Arnie & a House Full of Company.
BOOKS048077I: Corcorarn, John & Lew Hackler, - Let's Name It: 10,000 names for all types of watercraft.
BOOKS054158I: Cordell, Purdue University, - Twentieth Century Plays American.
BOOKS013338I: Cordellos, Harry, - Breaking Through: the autobiography of the world's greatest blind athlete.
BOOKS033733I: Core, Sue, - Ravelings from a Panama Tapestry.
BOOKS003720I: Corelli, Marie, - The Master-Christian.
BOOKS055317I: Corelli, Marie, - Ardath (Caldwell) and Wormwood (Burt): a drama of Paris (two hardback books).
BOOKS054526I: Corelli, Marie, - A Romance of Two Worlds.
BOOKS041153I: Corelli, Marie, - Wormwood: a drama of Paris.
BOOKS048330I: Corelli, Marie, - Barabbas: a dream of the world's tragedy.
BOOKS026595I: Corelli, Marie, - "Temporal Power": a study in supremacy.
BOOKS008150I: Coren, Alan, - Railroad Arthur.
BOOKS048793I: Coren, Michael, - The Man Who Created Narnia: the story of C. S. Lewis.
BOOKS016601I: Coren, Stanley, - Sleep Thieves: an eye-opening exploration into the science & mysteries of sleep.
BOOKS012924I: Corey, Meliinda & Goerge Ochoa, - Movies and TV: the New York Public Library Book of Answers.
BOOKS013948I: Corey, Paul, - Do Cats Think?: notes of a cat-watcher.
BOOKS014376I: Corinth, Kay & Mary Sargent, - All about Entertaining: everything you need to know to have a fabulous social life.
BOOKS034681I: Cork, Barry, - Laid Dead: an Inspector Angus Straun mystery.
BOOKS003069I: Corkran, Alice, - Margery Merton's Girlhood: Snug Corner Series.
BOOKS035108I: Corkran, Elizabeth B. G., - That Nothing Be Lost.
BOOKS014212I: Cormany, Michael, - Red Winter (Dan Kruger detective novel).
BOOKS018627I: Cormier, Robert, - Other Bells for Us to Ring: do miracles really happen?.
BOOKS008645I: Corn, Wanda M., - The Art of Andrew Wyeth.
BOOKS015024I: Cornelisen, Ann, - Women of the Shadows.
BOOKS038740I: Cornelisen, Ann, - Strangers and Pilgrims: the last Italian migration.
BOOKS051010I: Cornell, Jimmy, - Modern Ocean Cruising: boats, gear and crews surveyed.
BOOKS010908I: Cornell, William B., revised & rewritten by Huxley Madeheim, - Organization and Management in Industry and Business.
BOOKS021219I: Cornell University, Director of Nature Education, Nature Mag., - Fieldbook of Natural History.
BOOKS049622I: Cornell, Felix M. and Allan C. Hoffman, Master Mariner, edited by, - American Merhant Seaman's Manual for Seamen by Seamen.
BOOKS056801I: Cornell, Patricia, - Trace.
BOOKS047329I: Cornell, Felilx M. and Allan C. Hoffman, Master Mariner, edited by, - American Merchant Seaman's Manual for Seamen by Seamen.
BOOKS051332I: Cornell, Joseph, - Listening to Nature: how to deepen your awareness of nature.
BOOKS019721I: Cornish, Elizabeth, - The Best Man's Book.
BOOKS036857I: Old Cornish, - Mop and Meg, with other stories.
BOOKS055420I: Cornish, Elizabeth, - Natural Cooking: all colour gyude to executing and underaking whole food cooking.
BOOKS052214I: Cornish, Sam, - Grandmother's Pictures.
BOOKS012618I: Cornwall, Barry, - Charles Lamb.
BOOKS021874I: Cornwall, Patricia, - Black Notice.
BOOKS002027I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Hornet's Nest.
BOOKS008875I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Point of Origin.
BOOKS011891I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Southern Cross.
BOOKS013074I: Cornwell, Patricia D., - Cruel & Unusual.
BOOKS014278I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Hornet's Nest.
BOOKS017707I: Cornwell, Patricia Daniels, - A Time for Remembering: the Ruth Bell Graham story.
BOOKS018420I: Cornwell, Patricia, - The Body Farm.
BOOKS021543I: Cornwell, Patricia D., - Cause of Death.
BOOKS021723I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Point of Origin.
BOOKS021879I: Cornwell, Patricia D., - Cruel and Unusual.
BOOKS021880I: Cornwell, Patricia D., - Cause of Death.
BOOKS024192I: Cornwell, Patricia, - The Last Precinct.
BOOKS026091I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Point of Origin.
BOOKS055427I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Trace.
BOOKS031774I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Unnatural Exposure.
BOOKS033374I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Black Notice.
BOOKS036115I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Black Notice.
BOOKS055762I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Three Complete Novels: Postmortem; Body of Evidence; All That Remains (complete and unabridged).
BOOKS052301I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Book of the Dead.
BOOKS057344I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Book of the Dead - 11 CD set.
BOOKS028095I: Cornwell, Bernard, - Sharpe's Trafalgar: Spain 1805.
BOOKS057356I: Cornwell, Patricia, - Portrait of a Killer - Jack the Ripper Case Closed.
BOOKS035544I: El Dorado County Economic Development Corp, - El Dorado County California.
BOOKS057119I: Meredith Corporation, - Cherished Dolls to make for fun.
BOOKS020498I: General Foods Corporation, - General Foods Cook Book.
BOOKS046805I: Merrimack Publishing Corporation, - Kriss Kringle.
BOOKS049048I: Chester (England) Corporation, - The Rare Old City of Chester famous throughout the world for its Roman remains, remarkable walls, unique rows, ancient....
BOOKS055407I: Redbook Corporation, - Redbook Magazine June 1941.
BOOKS037407I: Marine Corps, - Marine Corps Marksmanshp VHS video.
BOOKS051096I: Correia, Barry, Scott Uehlein, and the kitchen staff of Canyon Ranch, - Canyon Ranch Cooks.
BOOKS023011I: Correvon, Henry, edited by Leonard Barron, - Rock Garden and Alpine Plants.
BOOKS027947I: Correvon, Henry, edited by Leonard Barron, - Rock Garden and Alpine Plants.
BOOKS019198I: Corrigan, Grace George, - A Journal for Christa: Christa McAuliffe, teacher in space.
BOOKS009392I: Corsaro, Frank, - The Love for three Oranges: the Glyndebourne version.
BOOKS056415I: Corsi, Jerome R. Ph.D., - The Late Great U.S.A. - the coming merger with Mexico and Canada.
BOOKS044187I: Corsini, Harold with quotations by Andrew Carnegie, - Carnegie Mellon: a portrait.
BOOKS014170I: Corson, William R., Susan B. Trento & Joseph J. Trento, - Widows: four American spies, the wives they left behind & the KGB's crippling of American intelligence.
BOOKS053783I: Cortesi, Wendy W., - Explore a Spooky Swamp.
BOOKS033540I: Cortright, Edgar M., compiled & edited by, - Exploring Space with a Camera (NASA SP-168).
BOOKS019013I: Corvallis, OR, - Re-Upholstering a Chair at Home.
BOOKS019014I: Corvallis, OR, - Re-Upholstering a Chair at Home.
BOOKS026934I: Corwin, Miles, - And Still We Rise: the trials and triumphs of 12 gifted inner-city students.
BOOKS024351I: Cory, David, - Sunny Meadow Stories.
BOOKS035773I: Cory, David, - Little Jack Rabbit and Chippy Chipmunk: Little Jack Rabbit Books.
BOOKS036952I: Cory, David, - Little Jack Rabbit and Mr. Wicked Wolf: Little Jack Rabbit Books.
BOOKS037587I: Cory, David, - Little Jack Rabbit and Miss Mousie: Little Jack Rabbit Books.
BOOKS049902I: Cory, David, - Billy Bunny and Uncle Bull Frog: Billy Bunny Books.
BOOKS005329I: Cosby, Bill, introduction by Alvin F. Poussaint, - Childhood.
BOOKS054436I: Cosby, Bill with original illustrations by George Booth, - Cosbyology: essays and observations from the Doctor of Comedy.
BOOKS054041I: Cosell, Howard with Peter Bonventre, - I Never Played the Game.
BOOKS002441I: Cosentino, Frank J. With an appreciation by John D. Morse, - Boehm's Birds: the porcelain art of Edward Marshall Boehm.
BOOKS005319I: Cosgrove, Stephen, - Leo the Lop.
BOOKS012630I: Cosgrove, Stephen, - Raz-Ma-Taz.
BOOKS017900I: Cosgrove, Stephen, - Rhubarb.
BOOKS023326I: Cosgrove, Stephen, - Rooty Tooty Snooty: the Snaffin chronicles.
BOOKS055338I: Cosman, Carol, Joan Keefe and Kathleen Weaver, edited by, - The Penguin Book of Women Poets.
BOOKS024788I: Coss, Melinda, - Wild Animal Knits.
BOOKS052060I: Coss, Melinda, - Woolly Bear Knits.
BOOKS046235I: Cossette, Thomas L., - The Way of Melchizedek.
BOOKS052187I: Cost, m. Langdon, - Mainely Power (signed by author).
BOOKS041152I: Cost, March, - A Woman of Letters.
BOOKS041141I: Cost, March, - Jubilee of a Ghost.
BOOKS041144I: Cost, March, - The Year of the Yield.
BOOKS041145I: Cost, March, - The Hour Awaits.
BOOKS041148I: Cost, March, - The Unknown Angel.
BOOKS041149I: Cost, March, - Her Grace Presents.
BOOKS041150I: Cost, March, - The Interpreter.
BOOKS041151I: Cost, March, - The Countess.
BOOKS041159I: Cost, March, - The Dark Star.
BOOKS041160I: Cost, March, - Period Pieces.
BOOKS041161I: Cost, March, - After the Festival.
BOOKS041162I: Cost, March, - A Key to Laurels.
BOOKS030135I: Costain, Thomas B., - The Moneyman.
BOOKS022569I: Costantino, Maria, - Frank Lloyd Wright.
BOOKS050489I: Costello, Edward J. Jr., - Controlling Conflict: alternative dispute resolution for business.
BOOKS002800I: Costner, Kevin, Michael Blake and Jim Wilson, - Dances with Wolves: the illustrated story of the epic film.
BOOKS035530I: Kevin Costner, - Waterworld VHS video with Kevin Costner, Dennis Hopper, Jeanne Tripplehorn.
BOOKS003843I: Cotlow, Lewis, - Zanzabku (dangerous safari).
BOOKS021002I: Cotlow, Lewis, - Zanzabuku (dangerous safari).
BOOKS024458I: Cotlow, Lewis, - In Search of the Primitive.
BOOKS040322I: Cotrell, Georgia, - Shoulders.
BOOKS011608I: Cotton, Leo, compiled & edited by, - Old Mr. Boston De Luxe Official Bartender's Guide.
BOOKS050373I: Cotton, Raymond C., - The Horse That Went to Heaven (and other Hiram yarns).
BOOKS039552I: Cotton, Raymond C. (retired Town Clerk), - Hog Reaves, Field Drivers, and Tything Men: the birth pains of the town of Hiram.
BOOKS041586I: Cotton, Raymond C., - The Horse That Went to Heaven (and other Hiram yarns).
BOOKS041587I: Cotton, Raymond C. (Town Clerk retired), - Hog Reaves, Field Drivers, and Tything Men: the birth pains of the town of Hiram.
BOOKS011759I: Couch, Larry, - Dada Dog: poetry & photographs.
BOOKS050478I: Couch, Dick, foreword by Senator John McCain, - The Sheriff of Ramadi.
BOOKS018471I: Coudert, Jo, - GoWell: the story of a house.
BOOKS037686I: Coudert, Jo, - Seven Cats and the Art of Living.
BOOKS043389I: Couffer, Jack, - Song of Wild Laughter.
BOOKS043390I: Couffer, Jack, - Song of Wild Laughter.
BOOKS009664I: Coughlan, Robert, - The World of Michelangelo 1475-1564.
BOOKS052411I: Coughlin, Anna E., - Knots of Straw and Other Verses (signed by author).
BOOKS047027I: Coughlin, Chas. E., Rev., - Father Coughlin's Radio Discourses 1931-1932: preached from the pulpit of the Shrine of the Little Flower.
BOOKS045592I: Couhat, Jean Labayle, - Combat Fleets of the World 1976/77: their ships, aircraft, and armament.
BOOKS045591I: Couhat, Jean Labayle, - Combat Fleets of the World 1978/79: their ships, aircraft, and armament.
BOOKS037920I: Couloumbis, Audrey, - Getting Near to Baby.
BOOKS032862I: Coulson, Major Thomas, O.B.E., - Mata Hari: courtesan and spy.
BOOKS037559I: Coulter, Francis C., - A Manual of Home Vegetable Gardening.
BOOKS040060I: Coulter, Ann, - Treason: liberal treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism.
BOOKS056802I: Coulter, Catherine, - Blow Out: An FBI thriller.
BOOKS045095I: Coulter, Malcolm W. & Howard L. Mendall, - Game Birds of Maine: Bulletin 443 (Revised).
BOOKS053853I: Executive Council, - The Manual of Delta Upsilon.
BOOKS031328I: Beef Industry Council, - Dear James Beard: recipes & reminiscing.
BOOKS054151I: Western Oxford Foothills Cultural Council, - Welcome to the Western Oxford Foothills: a guide to artists, organizations and services.
BOOKS041790I: Western Oxford Foothills Cultural Council, - Welcome to the Western Oxford Foothills: a guide to artists, organizations and services.
BOOKS042944I: Touring Council, - Ski Touring in New England: a complete cross-country ski book.
BOOKS050677I: Bates College Alumni Council, - Songs of Bates.
BOOKS045682I: Atlantic Waterfowl Council, - Maine Waterfowl Identification Guide.
BOOKS052779I: Western Oxford Foothills Cultural Council, - Welcome to the Western Oxford Foothills: a guide to artists, organizations and services.
BOOKS052541I: Country Beautiful Editors, preface by Harry S. Truman, - Herbert Hoover's Challenge to America His Life and Words.
BOOKS036565I: Country Beautiful Editors, preface by Harry S. Truman, - Herbert Hoover's Challenge to America His Life and Words.
BOOKS052514I: Country Beautiful Magazine editors, edited by Robert L. Polley, - Lincoln: his words and his world.
BOOKS035291I: Rehabilitation Center of Eastern Fairfield County (Connecticut), - Our Special Blend: a cookbook.
BOOKS047485I: Craft-Course, - The Miniature-Family: 1" scale flexible chenille figures.
BOOKS027332I: Coursen, H. R., - Lament for the Players.
BOOKS047531I: Coursen, H. R., - The Golden Haze.
BOOKS055713I: Coursen, H. R., (Inscribed by the author), - Graves of the Poets.
BOOKS057110I: Coursen, H. R. (inscribed by the author), - Penelope.
BOOKS023237I: Courtenay, Ashley, - 1974 Let's Halt Awhile in Great Britain.
BOOKS043192I: Courter, Gay, - The Beansprout Book.
BOOKS055665I: Cousens, Alice C. and Olive W. Hannaford, signed by both authors, - Recollections of Old Buxton, Maine (Bicentennial 1772-1972).
BOOKS044581I: Cousin, J. A. J., - Traite du Calcul Differentiel et de Calcul Integral (Draft of Differential and Integral Calculus) (in French).
BOOKS001580I: Cousins, Norman, - Present Tense: an American editor's odyssey.
BOOKS002699I: Cousins, Norman, - Head First: the biology of hope.
BOOKS009781I: Cousins, Norman, - Head First: the biology of hope.
BOOKS010109I: Cousins, Norman, - The Healing Heart: antidotes to panic and helplessness.
BOOKS012953I: Cousins, Norman, - Head First: the biology of hope.
BOOKS016822I: Cousins, Norman, - Head First: the biology of hope.
BOOKS032625I: Cousins, Norman, - The Human Adventure: a camera chronicle.
BOOKS048292I: Cousins, Norman, - Modern Man Is Obsolete.
BOOKS046183I: Cousins, Norman, - The Healing Heart: antidotes to panic and helplessness.
BOOKS054722I: Cousteau, Jean-Michel with Daniel Paisner, - My Father, the Captain: my life with Jacques Cousteau.
BOOKS050667I: Covert, William Chalmers, and Calvin Weiss Laufer, editors, - Handbook to the Hymnal signed by author.
BOOKS025662I: Covey, Stephen R., A. Roger Merrill & Rebecca R. Merrill, - First Things First: to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy.
BOOKS006217I: Coville, Bruce, - My Teacher Glows in the Dark.
BOOKS049233I: Coville, Bruce, - Song of the Wanderer: Unicorn Chronicles: book two.
BOOKS009968I: Coville, Bruce, - Aliens Ate My Homework.
BOOKS023965I: Covington, Stephanie, Ph.D., - Awakening Your Sexuality: a guide for recovering women & their partners.
BOOKS012375I: Covino, Michael, - The Negative.
BOOKS010973I: Cowan, Andrew, - Pig.
BOOKS028656I: Cowan, Dr. Connell & Dr. Melvyn Kinder, - Women Men Love: Women Men Leave.
BOOKS034427I: Cowan, James, - A Troubadour's Testament.
BOOKS038676I: Cowan, James, - A Mapmaker's Dream: the meditations of Fra Mauro, cartographer to the court of Venice.
BOOKS017423I: Coward, Noel, - Present Indicative.
BOOKS023384I: Coward, Noel, - Post-Mortem: a play in 8 scenes.
BOOKS025374I: Cowardin, Lewis M., David S. Gilmer & Charles W. Shaiffer, - Mallard Recruitment in the Agricultural Environment of North Dakota: Wildlife Monograph #92.
BOOKS025375I: Cowardin, Lewis M., David S. Gilmer & Charles W. Shaiffer, - Mallard Recruitment in the Agricultural Environment of North Dakota: Wildlife Monograph #92.
BOOKS025376I: Cowardin, Lewis M., David S. Gilmer & Charles W. Shaiffer, - Mallard Recruitment in the Agricultural Environment of North Dakota: Wildlife Monograph #92.
BOOKS051075I: Cowell, Raymond, - W. B. Yeats: literature in perspective.
BOOKS014711I: Cowell, Stephanie, - Nicholas Cooke: actor, soldier, physician, priest.
BOOKS034382I: Cowell, Adrian, - The Heart of the Forest.
BOOKS011189I: Cowen, Painton, - Rose Windows.
BOOKS044188I: Cowie, Peter, - Seventy Years of Cinema.
BOOKS011451I: Cowley, Joy, - The Man Who Never Told the Truth.
BOOKS029143I: Cowper, William, and sketch of his life by John Johnson, - Poems together with his posthumous poetry and a sketch of his life: three volumes in one.
BOOKS006674I: Cox, Warren E., - The Book of Pottery and Porcelain, two volumes.
BOOKS014864I: Cox, Jean, - The Bidding Bridge.
BOOKS024010I: Cox, Tracey, - Hot Relationships: how to know what you want, get what you want, and keep it red hot.
BOOKS027600I: Cox, Jeff & Marilyn, - The Perennial Garden: color harmonies through the seasons.
BOOKS028160I: Cox, Harvey, - The Seduction of the Spirit: the use & misuse of people's religion.
BOOKS028371I: Cox, Jeff and Marilyn, - The Perennial Garden: color harmonies through the seasons.
BOOKS050210I: Cox, Freda, - Seasons in a Country Garden.
BOOKS034326I: Cox, Edward F., - Wiscasset Maine's Prettiest Village Invites You.
BOOKS036052I: Cox, Stephen, - Here's Johnny!: thirty years of America's favorite late-night entertainment.
BOOKS036974I: Cox, Dr. Betty J., - The New Sexuality: how to satisfy your mate.
BOOKS038968I: Cox, Ed, - Waking.
BOOKS039997I: Cox, Jeff & Marilyn, - The Perennial Garden: color harmonies through the seasons.
BOOKS041539I: Cox, Lynne, - Grayson.
BOOKS044778I: Cox, Isaac Joslin, Ph.D., edited and with an introduction by, - Journeys of Rene Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle vol. 2 only as related by his faithful Lt, Henri de Tonty; his missionary....
BOOKS050131I: Cox, Palmer (J. R. Stewart et al), - Funny Mandarin & Other Frolics.
BOOKS047452I: Cox, Jennifer, - Around the World in 80 Dates.
BOOKS049137I: Cox, James E. Demlow, et al, - Traction Models: July 1965: vol 1, no. 5.
BOOKS053422I: Cox, Stephen, foreword by Buddy Ebsen, - The Beverly Hillbillies.
BOOKS005707I: Coxe, George Harmon, - Triple Exposure: a George Harmon Coxe Omnibus, containing The Glass Triangle, the Jade Venus and The Fifth Key.
BOOKS050910I: Coykendall, Ralf, - Duck Decoys and How to Rig Them.
BOOKS041020I: Coyle, David Cushman, - America.
BOOKS029654I: Coyne, John, - The Hunting Season.
BOOKS036079I: Coyne, Kevin, - Marching Home: to war and back with the men of one American town.
BOOKS001135I: Cozzens, James Gould, - S.S. San Pedro.
BOOKS040257I: Cozzens, James Gould, - The Just and the Unjust.
BOOKS041062I: Cozzens, Frederic S., - The Sparrowgrass Papers; or, living in the country.
BOOKS043592I: Cozzens, James Gould, - The Just and the Unjust.
BOOKS055002I: Crabb, Martha L., - All Afire to Fight: the untold tale of the Civil War's Ninth Texas Cavalry.
BOOKS011049I: Crabtree, Eunice K., Lu Verne Crabtree Walker, Dorothy Canfield, - Under the Sun.
BOOKS041157I: Craddock, Charles Egbert (Mary N. Murfree), - The Juggler.
BOOKS018365I: Craftplans, - Things to Make and Do for Fun or Profit.
BOOKS038477I: Crafts, Wilbur F., Ph.D., - Successful Men of To-day and what they say of success.
BOOKS038371I: Cragg, Alliston, - Understanding the Stock Market: a handbook for the investor.
BOOKS043904I: Cragg, Gerald R., - Puritanism in the Period of the Great Persecution 1660-1688.
BOOKS008730I: Cragoe, Elizabeth, - Buttercups & Daisy.
BOOKS018883I: Craig, Jean, - Between Hello & Goodbye: a life-affirming story of courage in the face of tragedy.
BOOKS024065I: Craig, Alisa (Charlotte MacLeod), - The Grub and Stakers House a Haunt.
BOOKS025030I: Craig, Alisa (Charlotte MacLeod), - The Wrong Rite: a Madoc & Janet Rhys mystery.
BOOKS025503I: Craig, Gerald S. & Sara E. Baldwin, - Our Wide, Wide World: pathways in science III a course for elementary school.
BOOKS036422I: Craig, Patricia, edited by, - The Oxford Book of English Detective Stories.
BOOKS040317I: Craig, William, - The Fall of Japan.
BOOKS031187I: Craighead, John J., Frank C. Craighead, Jr., & Ray J. Davis, - A Field Guide to Rocky Mountain Wildflowers from northern Arizona & New Mexico to British Columbia: Peterson field guide.
BOOKS048779I: Craine, E. J., author of David the Incorrigible, - Canny the Courageous.
BOOKS055585I: Crais, Robert, - The Monkey's Raincoat: an Elvin Cole novel.
BOOKS052064I: Cram, W. Bartlett (signed), - Picture History of New England Passenger Vessels (from 1850 to WWII).
BOOKS030025I: Cramb, J. A., introduction by Hon. Joseph H. Choate, - Germany and England.
BOOKS007690I: Cramer, Kathryn D., - Roads Home: seven pathways to midlife wisdom.
BOOKS039659I: Cramer, James J., - Confessions of a Street Addict.
BOOKS005317I: Crampton, Gertrude, - Scuffy the Tugboat and his adventures down the river.
BOOKS006040I: Crampton, Gertrude, - Tootle.
BOOKS008291I: Crampton, Gertrude, - Scuffy the Tugboat.
BOOKS013971I: Crampton, Gertrude, - Tootle.
BOOKS046482I: Crampton, Charles, - Canework including an introduction to the history of basket-making and some notes on cane and its uses.
BOOKS005294I: Crane, P. B., - Quack Grass Eradication.
BOOKS046369I: Crane, Warren E., - Delectable Desserts.
BOOKS024911I: Crane, Walter, - Best Loved Fairy Tales of Walter Crane.
BOOKS047267I: Crane, Charles Edward, introduction by Dorothy Canfield Fisher, - Let Me Show You Vermont.
BOOKS044958I: Crane, Dr. Frank, - Why I Am a Christian.
BOOKS047717I: Crane, Monta H. and Selma Shepherd Downey, - Sunshine and Shadows: an anthology of life in prose and poetry.
BOOKS047029I: Crane, Dr. Frank, - The Looking Glass.
BOOKS053144I: Crane, J. R., - Fighting Yankees And Other Yarns.
BOOKS033832I: Cranford Adams, introduction by James G. McManaway, - Shakespeare's Globe Playhouse: a modern reconstruction in text and scale drawings.
BOOKS000964I: Crankshaw, Edward, - Russia and the Russians.
BOOKS010142I: Crankshaw, Edward, - Khrushchev: a career.
BOOKS038029I: Crankshaw, Edward, - The Shadow of the Winter Palace: Russia's drift to revolution 1825-1917.
BOOKS056082I: Crankshaw, Edward, - Khrushchev - A Career.
BOOKS055121I: Crankshaw, Mabel, - Homespun Yarns of Maine.
BOOKS014939I: Cranston, Ruth, - The Story of Woodrow Wilson: 28th president of the United States, pioneer of world democracy.
BOOKS048573I: Cranwell, John Philips, - Fast & Fancy Cookery.
BOOKS050374I: Crapo, William W., Hon., - Centennial in New Bedford: historical address: celebration in New Bedford of the Fourth of July, 1876, account & appendix.
BOOKS047922I: Crarmlet, Ross C., - Fundamentals of Leathercraft.
BOOKS056456I: Grimm. Craroline D (signed by the author), - The Guest Book: a novel of Acadia.
BOOKS018088I: Craven, Thomas, - Modern Art: the men, the movements, the meaning.
BOOKS031501I: Craven, Margaret, - Walk Gently This Good Earth.
BOOKS044171I: Craven, Thomas, edited by, foreword by Harry B. Wehle, - A Treasury of Art Masterpieces from the Renaissance to the Present Day.
BOOKS000887I: Crawford, John R., assisted by Fred L. Karpin, - Crawford's Contract Bridge.
BOOKS052145I: Crawford, F. Marion, - A Cigarette-Maker's Romance.
BOOKS021271I: Crawford, F. Marion, - A Cigarette-Maker's Romance.
BOOKS022810I: Crawford, F. Marion, - Fair Margaret.
BOOKS026519I: Crawford, Saffi & Geraldine Sullivan, - The Power of Birthdays, Stars & Numbers: the complete personology reference guide.
BOOKS032688I: Crawford, Mary Caroline, - Romantic Days in Old Boston: the story of the city and of its people during the nineteenth century.
BOOKS034669I: Crawford, June, - Recipes from a Maine Scrapbook.
BOOKS037886I: Crawford, Cindy, - Cindy Crawford's Basic Face.
BOOKS038257I: Crawford, Mary Caroline, - The Romance of Old New England Rooftrees.
BOOKS040841I: Crawford, Aletheae B. & Rebekah, - Pictured Lives of Great Musicians.
BOOKS041001I: Crawford, Mary Caroline, - In the Days of the Pilgrim Fathers.
BOOKS049387I: Crawford, Saffi and Geraldine Sullivan, - The Power of Birthdays, Stars, & Numbers: the complete personology reference guide.
BOOKS052600I: Crawford, F. Marion, - Mr. Isaacs: a tale of modern India.
BOOKS049205I: Crawford, F. Marion, - Marietta: a maid of Venice.
BOOKS049487I: Crawford, F. Marion, - The Children of the King: a tale of Southern Italy.
BOOKS055795I: Crawford, John, - Hell Will Not Wait.
BOOKS046172I: Craze, Sophia, - Mary Cassatt.
BOOKS052068I: Craze, Richard, - Sextasy Ecstasy book and card pack.
BOOKS037885I: Cream, Penelope, - Gifts to Make for Your Baby: 100 easy-to-make toys, outfits & nursery items.
BOOKS048552I: Cream, Penelope, editor, - Baby Craft: 200 easy-to-make projects.
BOOKS034646I: Creamer, Robert W., - Stengel: his life and times.
BOOKS004236I: Creasey, John, - Alibi (a Superintendent West story).
BOOKS054166I: Crebbin, June, collected by, - Horse Tales.
BOOKS049582I: Credle, Ellis, - Janey's Shoes: Story Parade picture book.
BOOKS013112I: Creech, Sharon, - Walk Two Moons.
BOOKS031868I: Creek College, member Natl Committee Women's Athletics..., - Basket Ball for Women: how to coach and play the game.
BOOKS047941I: Creekmore, Betsey B., - Traditional American Crafts.
BOOKS027335I: Creeley, Robert, - Hello: a journal, February 29-May 3, 1976.
BOOKS036893I: Crehan, Fern M., - The Days Before Yesterday.
BOOKS009184I: Crescenti, Peter & Bob Columbe, cofounders of Ralph, - The Official Honeymooners Treasury: to the moon and back with Ralph, Norton, Alice & Trixie.
BOOKS002873I: Creston, Dormer, - The Youthful Queen Victoria: a discursive narrative.
BOOKS050694I: Cretzmeyer, Stacy, - Hidden Child of the Holocaust: a true story.
BOOKS024579I: Crews, Frederick C., - E. M. Forster: the perils of humanism.
BOOKS041155I: Cripps, Arthur Shearly, - Magic Casements.
BOOKS037148I: Crisler, Lois, foreword by A. Starker Leopold, - Arctic Wild.
BOOKS019532I: Crisp, Wendy Reid, - 100 Things I'm Not Going to Do Now that I'm over 50.
BOOKS023069I: Crisp, Terri & Samantha Glen, - Out of Harm's Way: true story of one woman's lifelong devotion to animal rescue.
BOOKS054549I: Crisp, Robert, Major, - Brazen Chariots.
BOOKS004543I: Crist, Ed and John Krause, edited by Frederick A. Kramer, - The Lehigh and New England Railroad.
BOOKS024625I: Critchfield, Richard, - Those Days: an American album.
BOOKS033631I: Crittenden, Danielle, - What Our Mothers Didn't Tell Us: why happiness eludes the modern woman.
BOOKS043433I: Crittenden, Davis, - Captain Danger (Captain Gifford Davis).
BOOKS039096I: Croall, Stephen, - The Anti-Nuclear Handbook.
BOOKS003615I: Betty Crocker, - New Outdoor Cookbook: picnics, boat trips, camp-outs, barbecues.
BOOKS003763I: Crocker, Betty, - Dinner Parties: complete plans for buffets, impromptu suppers, sit-down dinners.
BOOKS056740I: Betty Crocker, - Step-by-step Cookbook.
BOOKS011340I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's Guide to Easy Entertaining.
BOOKS013983I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's Party Book.
BOOKS014132I: Crocker, Betty, - Betty Crocker's Best Recipes of the Year.
BOOKS014447I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's Cooking Calendar: a year-round guide to meal planning with recipes & menus.
BOOKS017476I: Betty Crocker, - Eat and Lose Weight: the complete 5-point proram for weight control & health.
BOOKS018469I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's Everything Chocolate.
BOOKS018569I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's New Outdoor Cookbook Barbecues.
BOOKS018795I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's Microwave Cookbook.
BOOKS018872I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's Outdoor Cook Book.
BOOKS021120I: Betty Crocker, - Meatless Main Dishes.
BOOKS023992I: Betty Crocker, - Eat and Lose Weight.
BOOKS024735I: Crocker, Olga L. & Syril Charney & Johnny Sik Leung Chiu, - Quality Circles: the key to Japanese business success & how we can make it work for us: a guide to participation & productivity.
BOOKS028401I: Betty Crocker, - All Kinds of Salads: picture cookbook.
BOOKS029726I: Betty Crocker, - New Low-Fat Low-Cholesterol Cookbook.
BOOKS030462I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's Wedding Plan-Book: a survival guide for the bride-to-be.
BOOKS031323I: Betty Crocker, - Do-Ahead Cookbook: from the freezer and the refrigerator.
BOOKS031438I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's Outdoor Cook Book.
BOOKS032562I: Betty Crocker, - Cooking American Style: a sampler of heritage recipes.
BOOKS057226I: Betty Crocker, - Cooking Calendar A year round guide to meal plannning with recipes and menus.
BOOKS048156I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's Bisquick Cookbook: 7 mini cookbooks in one with step-by-step recipes.
BOOKS040170I: Betty Crocker, - Timesaving Cookbook.
BOOKS042190I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's Vegetarian Cooking.
BOOKS042753I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's New American Cooking.
BOOKS044660I: Betty Crocker, - Betty Crocker's Pasta Cookbook.
BOOKS051688I: Crocker, Betty, - Betty Crocker's Picture Cook Book.
BOOKS007891I: Crockett, James Underwood, - Vegetables and Fruits.
BOOKS036949I: Crockett, S. R., - The Play-Actress.
BOOKS047243I: Crockett, Walter H., introduction, - Vermont Lakes and Mountains.
BOOKS048148I: Croft, Terrell, revised by George H. Hall, - Practical Electricity.
BOOKS046971I: Croly, George, introduction by Gen. Lewis Wallace, - Tarry Thou Till I Come or Salathiel, The Wandering Jew.
BOOKS017801I: Cromie, Alice Hamilton, introduction by Bell Irvin Wiley, - A Tour Guide to the Civil War.
BOOKS049273I: Cromie, William J., - Exploring the Secrets of the Sea.
BOOKS049248I: Cronin, A. J., - Hatter's Castle: wartime edition.
BOOKS032284I: Cronin, John & Robert Kennedy, Jr., foreword by Al Gore, - The Riverkeepers: two activists fight to reclaim our environment as a basic human right.
BOOKS017949I: Cronkite, Walter, - A Reporter's Life.
BOOKS039347I: Cronkite, Walter, - A Reporter's Life.
BOOKS041346I: Cronkite, Walter, - Walter Cronkite Remembers the 20th Century.
BOOKS041747I: Cronkite, Walter, narrated by, - Man on the Moon.
BOOKS047064I: Cronkite, Walter and Ray Ellis, - North by Northeast - OS.
BOOKS027298I: Cronyn, George, - The Fool of Venus: the story of Peire Vidal.
BOOKS046418I: Cronyn, Hume, - A Terrible Liar: a memoir.
BOOKS010535I: Crook, William G., M.D., - The Yeast Connection: a medical breakthrough.
BOOKS013968I: Crook, Sandy, - Lop Rabbits as Pets.
BOOKS045431I: Crook, William G., M.D., - The Yeast Connection: a medical breakthrough.
BOOKS055846I: Crosby, Kathryn, - Bing and other things.
BOOKS001036I: Crosby, William F., - Racing Small Boats: An analytical and critical review of an entire racing season..
BOOKS010236I: Crosby, Ted, foreword by Bob Hope, - The Story of Bing Crosby.
BOOKS011623I: Crosby, Kathryn, - Bing and Other Things.
BOOKS019716I: Crosby, Cathy Lee, - Let the Magic Begin: opening the door to a whole new world of possibility.
BOOKS021951I: Crosby, Bing & Ned Washington, words by, music by Victor Young, - Waltzing in a Dream sheet music from movie.
BOOKS056484I: Crosby, Howard S. Wendy W. Lull and Richard T. MacIntyre, compiled by, - Footprints in Time: a walk where New Hampshire began.
BOOKS037398I: Crosby, Bing, Fred Astaire, Mrjorie Reynolds, Virginia Dale, Walter Abel, - Holiday Inn (Irving Berlin).
BOOKS050363I: Crosby, Alexander L., - Old Greenwood: pathfinder of the west.
BOOKS040818I: Crosby, Katharine, - Blue-Water Men and Other Cape Codders.
BOOKS043438I: Crosby, Percy, - Skippy.
BOOKS044217I: Crosby, Francis, Imperial War Museum Duxford, - A Handbook of Fighter Aircraft.
BOOKS047367I: Crosby, Percy (author of "Skippy"), - Dear Sooky.
BOOKS054580I: Crosland, - Places.
BOOKS051498I: Cross, Richard, - Hitler: an illustrated life.
BOOKS009793I: Cross, Amanda, - No Word from Winifred.
BOOKS010283I: Cross, Amanda, - The Puzzled Heart: a Kate Fansler novel.
BOOKS015824I: Red Cross, - American Junior Red Cross News: vol. 46, #3, February 1934.
BOOKS019964I: Cross, Amanda, - An Imperfect Spy.
BOOKS030217I: Cross, David & Robert Bent, - Dead Ends: an irreverent field guide to the graves of the famous.
BOOKS035747I: Cross, Dr. Harold H. U., preface by J. C. Geiger, - The Lust Market.
BOOKS037989I: Cross, Dolores E., - Breaking through the Wall: a marathoner's story.
BOOKS046315I: Cross, Marion E., - Pioneer Harvest.
BOOKS043258I: Cross, Wilbur, - Disaster at the Pole: the tragedy of the Airship Italia and the 1928 Nobile Expedition to the North Pole.
BOOKS055916I: Cross, Amanda, - Sweet death, kind death.
BOOKS045440I: Cross, Doris, - Fat Free & Ultra Lowfat Recipes.
BOOKS052734I: Cross, J. W., arranged and edited by her husband, - George Eliot's Life as related in her Letters and Journals.
BOOKS055921I: Cross, Amanda, - The Theban Mysteries.
BOOKS030525I: Crossette, Barbara, - America's Wonderful Little Hotels and Inns.
BOOKS009883I: Crossley-Holland, Kevin, - Piper and Pooka (Boggarts and Bogles).
BOOKS019417I: Crossley, Anthony, - Advanced Dressage.
BOOKS030506I: Crossley-Holland, Kevin, - Medieval Gardens: a book of days.
BOOKS049328I: Crossman, David A., - A Show of Hands: a Maine Island mystery.
BOOKS036039I: Crossman, Phil, - Away Happens (uncorrected advance proof).
BOOKS051526I: Croteau, Fernand, compiler, - Marriages de Saint Mary 185/0 de Rollins Ford 185/0 N.H. (in French).
BOOKS049517I: Crothers, Samuel McChord, - The Pardoner's Wallet.
BOOKS051200I: Crotty, Thomas, - A Solitude of Space.
BOOKS032109I: Crouch, J. N., - Erin's Favorite Kathleen Mavourneen with ukelele chords, guitar chords and special Hawaiian guitar chorus sheet music.
BOOKS036844I: Crouch, Lyle F., - Farmer's Pocket Ledger: personal record of farmer's accounting.
BOOKS019561I: Crouse, William H., - Electrical Appliance Servicing.
BOOKS030922I: Crouse, Bette Jean, - "Reconciled".
BOOKS005079I: Crowe, Charles M., - In This Free Land: a case for responsible conservatism.
BOOKS005540I: Crowell, Pers, - King Moo the Wordmaker.
BOOKS032651I: Crowell, Marnie Reed, - Greener Pastures: in priase of traditional country living.
BOOKS043848I: Crowell, Grace Noll, - The Little Serving Maid.
BOOKS037947I: Crowley, Mary, - Hostess Delights: Happy House recipes, hints, wisdom, and humor.
BOOKS040502I: Crowley, T. E., - Discovering Old Bicycles.
BOOKS044722I: Crowley, Kate and Mike Link, - Love of Loons: Voyageur Wilderness book.
BOOKS016508I: Crownfield, Gertrude, - Mistress Margaret.
BOOKS034540I: Crowther, Jack, - Passumpsic River Canoeing and Recreation Guide.
BOOKS047854I: Croy, Homer, - When to Lock the Stable.
BOOKS043571I: Croy, Homer, edited by Erskine Caldwell, - Corn Country.
BOOKS003658I: Crozat, Francois, - I Am a Little Monkey.
BOOKS041139I: Crozier, Brian, - De Gaulle.
BOOKS030917I: Cruden, Alexander, - Cruden's Complete Concordance to Old and New Testaments w/notes & biblical proper names under one alphabetical arrangement.
BOOKS053553I: Cruickshank, Tom, compiled by, - Living the Country Dream: stories from Harrowsmith Country Life.
BOOKS012039I: Crume, Vic, - The Mystery in Dracula's Castle (based on TV movie from Disney).
BOOKS053455I: Crume, Vic, screenplay by William Mark Daniels and Raymond Harvey, - Goin' Coconuts: a novelization of movie directed by Howard Morris with Donny and Marie Osmond.
BOOKS034699I: Crumey, Andrew, - Music in a Foreign Language.
BOOKS022138I: Crump, Barry, - Forty Yarns and a Song.
BOOKS009553I: Crump, Irving, - Teen-Age Boy Scout Stories.
BOOKS055764I: Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse, - Recovery a guide for Adult Children of Alcoholics.
BOOKS045741I: Cruse, Eleonore, - Roses: old roses and species roses.
BOOKS053918I: Crusie, Jennifer and Bob Mayer, - Agnes and the Hitman.
BOOKS054874I: Cruso, Thalassa, - To Everything There Is a Season: the gardening year.
BOOKS023087I: Cruso, Thalassa, - Making Vegetables Grow.
BOOKS025129I: Cruso, Thalassa, - To Everything There Is a Season.
BOOKS026219I: Cruso, Thalassa, - Making Things Grow: a practical guide for the indoor gardener.
BOOKS038950I: Cruso, Thalassa, - Making Vegetables Grow.
BOOKS010870I: Smith Martin Cruz, - Rose.
BOOKS012709I: Cruz, Arturo Jr., - Memoirs of a Counter-Revolutionary: life with the Contras, the Sandinistas, and the CIA.
BOOKS013679I: Cruz, Norma, - If I Had My Way.
BOOKS023109I: Cruz, Arthuro, Jr., - Memoirs of a Counter-Revolutionary: life with the Contras, the Sandinistas, and the CIA.
BOOKS051135I: Csillag, Andre with the Backstreet Boys, - Backstreet Boys: the official book.
BOOKS039958I: W. R. B. & C. M., introduction by Cuckoo, - Poetry Package.
BOOKS046730I: Culbertson, Molly, Country Home, - The Comforts of Country: Country Home.
BOOKS013268I: Culbertson, Ely, - Gin Rummy.
BOOKS044961I: Culbertson, William Smith, - International Economic Policies: a survey of the economics of diplomacy.
BOOKS048065I: Culbertson, Ely, edited by Josephine Culbertson and Albert Morehead, - The New Gold Book of Bidding and Play: Contract Bridge complete 1941.
BOOKS046504I: Culinary Arts Institute, Director Melanie de Proft, - The New England Cook Book.
BOOKS045969I: Cullen, Seamus, - Astra and Flondrix.
BOOKS032825I: Cullerot, Laurie, - The Merrimack River Corridor Study: an open space & recreational study of Concord's riverfront: September, 1980.
BOOKS028253I: Cullum, Ridgwell, - The Twins of Suffering Creek.
BOOKS012718I: Culp, Stephanie, - You Can Find More Time for Yourself Every day: a 7 step plan that will change your life.
BOOKS053093I: Korean Spirit and Culture, - Admiral Yi Sun-sin; Chung Hyo Ye; Fifty Wonders of Korea volume 1 and 2.
BOOKS003716I: Culver, Henry B., - The Book of Old Ships.
BOOKS051211I: Culver, Michael, curator, Ogunquit Museum of American Art, - George Lloyd Paintings: the Maine years (exhibition Ogunquit Maine 2001).
BOOKS046744I: Cummings, Rebecca, - Turnip Pie and other stories.
BOOKS031001I: Cummings, M. H., compiled, - Garlic Galore.
BOOKS031292I: Cummings, A. I., - The Teacher's Parting Gift; or, advice to the young, on the subject of education, and the formation of a virtuous character.
BOOKS038281I: Cummings, Abbott Lowell, - Architecture in Early New England.
BOOKS044122I: cummings, e. e. with intro by Horace Gregory, - A Selection of Poems.
BOOKS053166I: E. E. Cummings, Firmage, George J., edited by, - E. E. Cummings: complete poems 1904-1962.
BOOKS049525I: cummings, e. e., - Selected Poems (100).
BOOKS047763I: Cummins, Maria S., - The Lamplighter; or an orphan girl's struggles and triumphs.
BOOKS040658I: Cunliffe-Owen, M., - The Martyrdom of an Empress (Elizabeth).
BOOKS047559I: Cunningham, Bill, - The Pearl of Her Sex.
BOOKS054378I: Cunningham, Mary, - The Rescue.
BOOKS013460I: Cunningham, Ed, - Before and Ever After: love poems.
BOOKS015739I: Cunningham, Aline, - New Friends.
BOOKS026431I: Cunningham, Michael, - Flesh and Blood.
BOOKS026903I: Cunningham, Mary, - The Paris Hat.
BOOKS028406I: Cunningham, Laura Shaine, - Sleeping Arrangements.
BOOKS029413I: Cunningham, Lawrence, - Saint Francis of Assisi.
BOOKS036985I: Cunningham, Albert Benjamin, - Animal Tales of the Rockies.
BOOKS037699I: Cunningham, Lawrence, - Saint Francis of Assisi.
BOOKS050191I: Cunningham, Annalisa, - Stretch & Surrender: a guide to yoga, health and relaxation for people in recovery.
BOOKS042453I: Cunningham, Ann Marie, edited by, - An American Retrospective: writing from Harper's Magazine 1850-1984.
BOOKS043872I: Cunnington, C. Willett, - English Women's Clothing in the Nineteenth Century.
BOOKS044046I: Cunnington, C. W. & P. E. and Charles Beard, - Dictionary of English Costume 900-1900.
BOOKS005204I: Cuomo, Mario, - Reason to Believe.
BOOKS019068I: Cuomo, George, - Trial by Water.
BOOKS052827I: curator of Conservation, American Museum Natural History, - Audubon Bird Guide: small land birds of eastern and central North America from southern Texas to Central Greenland.
BOOKS018196I: Curie, Eve, - Madame Curie.
BOOKS024787I: Curl, Sue & Erika Knight, - Knit 4 Seasons: 36 exclusive designs for year-round fashion.
BOOKS054191I: Curott, Phyllis, - The Love Spell.
BOOKS025092I: Curran, Eileen, - Life in the Meadow.
BOOKS044757I: Curran, W. Tees and H. A. Calkins, - In Canada's Wonderful Northland: a story of 8 months of travel by canoe, motorboat and dog-team on the Northern rivers....
BOOKS007072I: Curren, Polly, - Raggedy Ann and Andy Help Santa Claus.
BOOKS010172I: Curren, Polly, - The Fire Fighters' Counting Book.
BOOKS011093I: Curren, Polly, - Raggedy Ann and Andy Help Santa Claus.
BOOKS013873I: Curren, Polly, - Raggedy Ann and Andy Help Santa Claus.
BOOKS018848I: Curren, Polly, - Raggedy Ann and Andy: the little gray kitten.
BOOKS018849I: Curren, Polly, - Raggedy Ann and Andy: five birthday parties in a row.
BOOKS033311I: Curren, Polly, - The Little Red Caboose That Ran Away.
BOOKS012202I: Current, Richard N., - The Lincoln Nobody Knows.
BOOKS005068I: Currey, Richard, - Medicine for Sale: commercialism vs. professionalism.
BOOKS030920I: Currie, Dwight, - How We Behave at the Feast: reflections on living in an age of plenty.
BOOKS053011I: Currie, Sheldon, - The Glace Bay Miners' Museum.
BOOKS053588I: Currie, Bob, - The Chef's Complement: everything you always wanted to know about cookies and then some!.
BOOKS020828I: Currier, Mary M., - Among the Granite Hills.
BOOKS020854I: Currier, Mary M., compiled by, - A Summer in New Hampshire: out-of-door songs for all who love the Granite State.
BOOKS020855I: Currier, Mary M., - A Few Songs.
BOOKS011066I: Curry, David, - Contending to Be the Dream.
BOOKS011754I: Curry, David, - Theatre.
BOOKS012629I: Curry, Georgene, - Bonnie Rabbit Learns What's Important.
BOOKS016209I: Curry, Constance, introduction by Marian Wright Edelman, - Silver Rights: a true story from the front lines of the civil rights struggle.
BOOKS036947I: Curry, Jane Louise, - The Magical Cupboard.
BOOKS022216I: Curtin, Jeremiah, - Fairy Tales of Eastern Europe.
BOOKS032916I: Curtin Connaughton, Susan & Patricia O'Connell, - Real Women Send Flowers: a celebration of life, love & lust.
BOOKS039448I: Curtin, D. Thomas, - The Land of Deepening Shadow: Germany-at-War.
BOOKS045986I: Curtin, D. Thomas, - The Land of Deepening Shadow.
BOOKS001026I: Curtis, William Eleroy, - The True Abraham Lincoln.
BOOKS053745I: Curtis, Will, - The Second Nature of Things.
BOOKS013837I: Curtis, Patricia, - Cindy: a hearing ear dog.
BOOKS013947I: Curtis, Patricia, - The Urban Dog: how to understand, enjoy and care for a dog in the city.
BOOKS014194I: Curtis, Patricia, foreword by Audrey A. Hayes, V.M.D., - The Indoor Cat.
BOOKS018684I: Curtis, Nat, - Abbott and Costello in Jack and the Beanstalk VHS video.
BOOKS019868I: Curtis, Will, - And This Is the Nature of Things.
BOOKS023924I: Curtis, Donald, - Helping Heaven Happen: think your way to a better life!.
BOOKS028394I: Curtis, George William, - From the Easy Chair 3 volumes.
BOOKS033135I: Curtis, Carlton C. & S. C. Bausor, - The Complete Guide to North American Trees.
BOOKS021763I: Curtis, Christopher Paul, - The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963.
BOOKS036310I: Curtis, Alice Turner, - Kathleen: a Yankee girl at Gettysburg formerly titled A Yankee Girl at Gettysburg.
BOOKS040961I: Curtis, Patricia, - All Wild Creatures Welcome: the story of a wildlife rehabilitation center.
BOOKS047259I: Curtis, Boyd G., edited by, Class Secretary, - History of the Class of 1905 Yale College: volume VII.
BOOKS043015I: Curtis, M. K., - Tribune Farmer newspaper: April 15, May 6, and May 20, 1882.
BOOKS042263I: Curtis, Alice Turner, - A Little Maid of Maryland.
BOOKS056306I: Curtis, Wayne, - Maine: Off the Beaten Path: a guide to unique places.
BOOKS053332I: Curtis, Mary Baldwin, Librarian, - Concert with Phillips Academy, Andover, April 20th, 1940 program.
BOOKS031064I: Curtiz, Michael, directed by, - Life with Father video starring William Powell, Irene Dunne, Edmund Gwenn,ZaSu Pitts,Jimmy Lydon,Eliz. Taylor & Martin Milner.
BOOKS000626I: Curwood, James Oliver, - The River's End - a new story of God's country.
BOOKS002596I: Curwood, James Oliver, - The River's End: a new story of God's country.
BOOKS019436I: Curwood, James Oliver, - The River's End.
BOOKS022865I: Curwood, James Oliver, - The River's End - a new story of God's country.
BOOKS023008I: Curwood, James Oliver, - Kazan.
BOOKS023010I: Curwood, James Oliver, - The Honor of the Big Snows.
BOOKS024087I: Curwood, James Oliver, - A North Country Omnibus: The River's End; The Valley of the Silent Men; The Flaming Forest.
BOOKS025777I: Curwood, James Oliver, - The Black Hunter: a novel of Old Quebec.
BOOKS048684I: Curwood, James Oliver, - The Valley of Silent Men - a story of the three river country.
BOOKS051837I: Curwood, James Oliver, - The Grizzly King.
BOOKS052888I: Cusack, Ruby M., - Head of Households of Cities, Towns, Villages and Settlements of New Brunswick 1865-1866.
BOOKS035691I: Cushing, Frank Hamilton, introduction by Tom Bahti, - Zuni Fetishes.
BOOKS037112I: Cushing, John E., - Captain William Matson (1849-1917) from handy boy to shipowner.
BOOKS041547I: Cushing, Frank Hamilton, introduction by Tom Bahti, - Zuni Fetishes.
BOOKS044057I: Cushing Hospital, Framingham, Massachusetts, - Cushing Family Cookbook.
BOOKS018932I: Cushman, Karen, - Catherine, Called Birdy.
BOOKS037258I: Cushman, Thomas, edited by, - A Matter of Principle: humanitarian arguments for war in Iraq.
BOOKS046978I: Cushman, Ralph Spaulding, - Hilltop Verses and Prayers: collected poems of Cushman arranged with prayers and scripture references for devotional use.
BOOKS045782I: Cushman, Dan, Clark Gray and Thomas Thompson, - New Western Magazine (September 1951, vol. 23, no. 3).
BOOKS041495I: Cusick, Dawn, - The Book of Country Herbal Crafts.
BOOKS047021I: Cusick, Dawn, - A Scented Christmas.
BOOKS050511I: Cusnutt, Kirk, foreword by John Updike, - Coffee with Hemingway.
BOOKS024669I: Cussler, Clive, - Atlantis Found (a Dirk Pitt novel).
BOOKS039582I: Cust, A. M., - The Ivory-Workers of the Middle Ages: Great Craftsmen series.
BOOKS009055I: Cuthbert, Margaret, - The Silent Cradle.
BOOKS023130I: Cuthbert, M.D., - A Woman's Midlife Companion: the essential resource for every woman's journey.
BOOKS046721I: Cutillo, Nicholas, - The Complete Maltese.
BOOKS055897I: Cutler, Jane, - My Wartime Summers.
BOOKS002776I: Cutler, Elliott C. and Robert Zollinger, M.D., - Atlas of Surgical Operations.
BOOKS023998I: Cutler, Ivor, - Doris.
BOOKS052499I: by Mary Helen Cutlip, - Mountain Measures: a collection of West Virginia recipes.
BOOKS035594I: Cutter, Henry Arthur, editor, - Historical Sketch and Centennial Celebration of Rising Sun Lodge, no. 39 A.F. and A.M. 1822-1922.
BOOKS048118I: Cuttersen, Dr. Connie, R.D., Ph.D., - The Sonoma Diet.
BOOKS007403I: Cutts, David, retold by, - Adventures of Tom Thumb.
BOOKS054037I: Cuyler, Margery, - The Biggest Best Snowman.
BOOKS024330I: Cuzzort, Belva & John W. Trask, - Health and Health Practices.
BOOKS052008I: Cymbala, Jim, Pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle with Stephen Sorenson, - The Life God Blesses: the secret of enjoying God's favor.
BOOKS011841I: Cypser, Cora E., - Wandering in the Wilderness.
BOOKS034473I: Czarnecki, Jack, - Joe's Book of Mushroom Cookery.
BOOKS030514I: Dabney, Virginia Bell, - Once There Was a Farm: a country childhood remembered.
BOOKS034374I: Dacyczyn, Amy, - The Tightwad Gazette: promoting thrift as a viable alternative lifestyle.
BOOKS034375I: Dacyczyn, Amy, - The Tightwad Gazette: promoting thrift as a viable alternative lifestyle.
BOOKS034579I: Dacyczyn, Amy a.k.a. The Frugal Zealot, - The Tightwad Gazette: promoting thrift as a viable alternative lifestyle.
BOOKS034580I: Dacyczyn, Amy a.k.a. The Frugal Zealot, - The Tightwad Gazette II: promoting thrift as a viable alternative lifestyle.
BOOKS012459I: Dadey, Debbie & Marcia Thornton Jones, - Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots - or do they?.
BOOKS046948I: Daelemans, Kathleen, - Cooking Thin with Chef Kathleen.
BOOKS044430I: La Dage, John and Lee Van Gemert, - Stability and Trim for the Ship's Officer.
BOOKS047325I: Daggett, Windsor, - A Down-East Yankee from the District of Maine (John Neal).
BOOKS045545I: Dagliesh, Alice, - The Courage of Sarah Noble.
BOOKS043378I: Daglish, E. Fitch, - Enjoying the Country.
BOOKS053481I: Daguin, Ariane, George Faison and Joanna Pruess, - D'Artagnan's Glorious Game Cookbook.
BOOKS005973I: Dahl, Roald, - Witches.
BOOKS006882I: Dahl, Roald, - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
BOOKS007037I: Dahl, Roald, - The Twits: the world's most horrible couple.
BOOKS008531I: Dahl, Roald, - Matilda.
BOOKS009171I: Dahl, Roald, - Fantastic Mr. Fox.
BOOKS018604I: Dahl, Roald, - Boy: tales of childhood.
BOOKS024863I: Dahl, Roald, - Esio Trot.
BOOKS033266I: Dahl, Roald, - The Enormous Crocodile.
BOOKS040632I: Dahl, Roald, - Skin and Other Stories.
BOOKS041671I: Dahl, Francis W., - Birds, Beasts and Bostonians: cartoons & comments by Francis W. Dahl.
BOOKS042838I: Dahl, Roald, - Danny the Champion of the World.
BOOKS051014I: Dahl, Norman, - The Yacht Navigator's Handbook.
BOOKS036478I: Dahlstrom, Carol Field, - Simply Christmas: 201 easy crafts, food & decorating ideas.
BOOKS011752I: Daigon, Ruth, editor, - Poets on: Illusions (Winter 1982).
BOOKS005837I: Dailey, Janet, - Notorious.
BOOKS055049I: Dailey, Don, - Don Dailey's Gifts of Christmas.
BOOKS054176I: Daily, Ruth, - Flex-Seal Deluxe Menu Cook Book.
BOOKS045120I: Daily, Lisa, - Fifteen Minutes of Shame.
BOOKS007801I: Daiyun, Yue and Carolyn Wakeman, - To the Storm: the odyssey of a revolutionary Chinese woman.
BOOKS031129I: Dal, Erik, selected & edited by, translated by Henry Meyer, - Danish Ballads and Folk Songs.
BOOKS041612I: Dalai Lama, translated & introduced by Donald S. Lopez, Jr., - Opening the Eye of New Awareness.
BOOKS046895I: Dalbey, Gordon, - Fight Like a Man: redeeming manhood for Kingdom Warfare.
BOOKS027695I: Dalby, Liza, - The Tale of Murasaki.
BOOKS005372I: Dale, Steve and Shane Tritsch, - Simpson Mania: the history of TV's first family.
BOOKS028743I: Dale, John & Kevin Gunnell, - The Flower Arranger's Handbook: 1,000 varieties of flowers & foliage organized by color.
BOOKS037877I: Dale, Alzina Stone, - Mystery Reader's Walking Guide.
BOOKS054853I: Dale, John T., - Heroes and Greathearts and their animal friends.
BOOKS024591I: Daley, Arthur, - Knute Rockne: football wizard of Notre Dame.
BOOKS035520I: Daley, Rosie, - In the Kitchen with Rosie: Oprah's favorite recipes.
BOOKS018947I: Dalgliesh, Alice, - The Bears on Hemlock Mountain.
BOOKS044360I: Dali, Salvador, translated by Haakon M. Chevalier, - Dali on Modern Art: the cuckolds of antiquated modern art.
BOOKS027621I: Dalkey, Kara, - Bijapur: blood of the goddess: volume two.
BOOKS018004I: Dallas, Sandra, - The Persian Pickle Club.
BOOKS038792I: Dallas, John T., Bishop of New Hampshire, - Harley Fish Roberts of The Taft School: an appreciation.
BOOKS054628I: Dallinger, Frederick W., - Recollections of an Old Fashioned New Englander.
BOOKS047235I: Dallinger, Frederick W., - Recollections of an Old Fashioned New Englander.
BOOKS032554I: Dally, Peter, - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: manic depression and the life of Virginia Woolf.
BOOKS018603I: Dalmais, Anne-Marie, English translation from French by Diane Cohen, - The Best Bedtime Stories of Mother Pig.
BOOKS016386I: Dalmais, Anne-Marie, translated by Diane Cohen, - The Best Bedtime Stories of Mother Hen.
BOOKS054459I: Dalmais, Anne-Marie, translated by Diane Cohen, - The Best Bedtime Stories of Mother Hen.
BOOKS007772I: Dalrymple, Byron W., - How to Rig and Fish Natural Baits.
BOOKS013775I: Dalrymple, Byron W., - Deer Hunting with Dalrymple: a lifetime of lore on the whitetail and mule deer.
BOOKS033597I: Dalrymple, Byron W., - Deer Hunting with Dalrymple: a lifetime of lore on the whitetail and mule deer.
BOOKS046070I: Dalrymple, Byron, - Survival in the Outdoors.
BOOKS004740I: Dalton, David, - James Dean: the mutant king.
BOOKS011090I: Dalton, Alene, - Fluffy and Bluffy.
BOOKS045191I: Dalton, David, - James Dean: the mutant king.
BOOKS005180I: Daly, Kathleen N., - The New Puppy.
BOOKS006515I: Daly, Kathleen N., - The New Puppy.
BOOKS008292I: Daly, Kathleen N., - Four Little Kittens.
BOOKS020471I: Daly, Mary, - Outercourse: the be-dazzling voyage containing recollections time/space travels & ideas, etc..
BOOKS035725I: Daly, Meg, edited by, - Surface Tension: love, sex, and politics between lesbians and straight women.
BOOKS053533I: Daly, Kathleen N., - A Child's Book of Flowers.
BOOKS023003I: Dame, Lawrence, - Yucatan.
BOOKS040596I: Dames, Michael, - Mythic Ireland.
BOOKS037772I: Damon, Johnny, - Idiot: beating "The Curse" and enjoying the game of life.
BOOKS018117I: Damon, Bertha, - A Sense of Humus.
BOOKS002095I: Dampney, Janet and Elizabeth Pomeroy, - All About Herbs: a guide to growing, cooking and using herbs..
BOOKS005488I: Dams, Jeanne M., - Holy Terror in the Hebrides: a Dorothy Martin mystery.
BOOKS007547I: Dams, Jeanne M., - Holy Terror in the Hebrides: a Dorothy Martin mystery.
BOOKS028917I: Dams, Jeanne M., - Death in Lacquer Red: a Hilda Johansson mystery.
BOOKS047754I: Dams, Jeanne M., - Malice in Miniature: a Dorothy Martin mystery.
BOOKS045320I: Dams, Jeanne M., - To Perish in Penzance: a Dorothy Martin mystery.
BOOKS050944I: Dana, Julian, - A. P. Giannini: giant in the west.
BOOKS013385I: Dana, R. H. Jr., - Two Years before the Mast and twenty-four years after, with introduction & notes.
BOOKS017852I: Dana, Marvin, from the play by Bayard Veiller, - Within the Law.
BOOKS030390I: Dana, R. H., - Two Years before the Mast.
BOOKS039832I: Dana, Mrs. William Starr, - According to Season: a celebration of nature.
BOOKS055119I: Dana, John Cotton, - A Library Primer.
BOOKS019110I: Danaher, Mary-Anne, - Creating Memories: making a memory scrapbook for life's special occasions.
BOOKS016711I: Danby, Frank, - The Heart of a Child being passages from the early life of Sally Snape Lady Kidderminster.
BOOKS017788I: Dance, S. Peter, - Shells and shell collecting.
BOOKS012522I: Dandi, - All Things that Go.
BOOKS012820I: Dandi, - The Little Drummer Boy.
BOOKS025074I: Dandi, - Circus Counting.
BOOKS009841I: Dane, Clemence, - The Babyons: the chronicle of a family.
BOOKS017422I: Dane, Clemence, - Will Shakespeare: an invention in four acts.
BOOKS045989I: Robert M. Danforth, - Notes on Training Field Artillery Details.
BOOKS014057I: Daniel, Lois, selected by, - To Be a Woman: the experience of womanhood.
BOOKS031053I: Daniel, Yvonne, - Rumba: dance and social change in contemporary Cuba.
BOOKS041137I: Daniel Aaron, foreword by Leon Edel, - Letters on Literature and Politics 1912-1972.
BOOKS009663I: Daniele, Joseph, - Building Early American Furniture: an early American Society book.
BOOKS054899I: Danielou, Alain, - Myths and Gods of India: the classic work on Hindu polytheism.
BOOKS053141I: Daniels, Gloria, - Favorite Seafood Recipes from the coast of Maine.
BOOKS010442I: Daniels, Jim, - Flint Adams and the Stage Coach ("Swap-It" miniature book).
BOOKS011020I: Daniels, Pamela & Kathy Weingarten, - Sooner or Later: the timing of parenthood in adult lives.
BOOKS011654I: Daniels, George, - The Awful Handyman's Book.
BOOKS014496I: Daniels, Joseph, - Building Early American Furniture.
BOOKS017286I: Daniels, Adelaide, - Weight Watching Cookery.
BOOKS017566I: Daniels, George & R. J. DeCristoforo, - How to Use Hand and Power Tools & How to Build Your Own Furniture.
BOOKS024081I: Daniels, Norman, novelization by, - Dr. Kildare's Secret Romance: based on the television series Dr. Kildare.
BOOKS030904I: Daniels, Jim, - Punching Out.
BOOKS031432I: Daniels, Helen Benedict, - Retired to Main Street.
BOOKS032028I: Daniels, Bruce C., - The Connecticut Town: growth and development, 1635-1790.
BOOKS044332I: Daniels, Frank T., A.M.B., - A Text-Book of Free-Hand Lettering: Technical Drawing Series.
BOOKS050598I: Daniels, Jonathan, - A Southerner Discovers New England.

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