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40773: R F Foster: - Foster's Bridge Maxims.
12271: Foster, William: - Keeper Jocko.
67825: Deborah Doane Dempsey & Joanne Reckler Foster: - The Captain's a Woman : Tales of a Merchant Mariner.
7647: Foster, Stephen John: - Sculpture.
8033: Fothergill, John: - An account of the life and travels in the work of the Ministry of John Fothergill, to which are added divers epistles to friends in Great Britain and America, on various occasions.
69768: Fougasse: - E. and O.E. : a book of drawings.
63397: O S Fowler: - Marriage and Parentage, Education and Kindred Subjects [volume 2 of Fowler's Works].
56657: A Fowler: - The Geology of the Country around Rothbury, Amble and Ashington.
18631: Nicholas Fox: - The Gentleman's Recreation.
72124: B Fozard: - Radio Servicing, vol. 3 : Final Radio Theory.
58154: Rui F Romero Monteiro & Emilio carita Frade: - Essencias Florestais de Angola : estudo das suas Madeiras I: Regiao dos Dembos.
59118: John Frain: - The Cross and the Third Reich : Catholic Resistance in the Nazi Era.
56436: G Fraipont: - Yves le Marin [l'Enfance Laborieuse].
25125: Francesco Bandini, Giuliano de Marinis, Gian Piero Frassinelli & Christiano Toraldo di Francia: - Firenze materiali e colore.
64734: Francis Rabelais, translated by Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty and Peter Antony Motteux: - Master Francis Rabelais: Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel [volume 1].
14870: Col Grant-Francis: - The smelting of copper in the Swansea district of South Wales, from the time of Elizabeth to the present day.
59141: Francis Adams Hyett, The Rev William Bazeley & Roland Austin: - The Bibliographer's Manual of Gloucestershire Literature [complete in 5 volumes, including the biographical supplement].
21980: M E Francis [Mrs Francis Blundell]: - North, South, and over the sea.
54659: Francis R G Duckworth, illustrated by E Harrison Compton: - Chester.
54529: Francisco Viana, Maia Mendonca, Renata Ventura & Norman Rodi: - Brazil : splendid land [Brasil - terra esplendida].
46538: Harry A Franck: - Roaming through the West Indies.
44236: H Francklin, edited by H Snowden Ward: - Utility Fowls : Houses and Appliances, Feeding and Management, Selection, Improvement and Diseases, Incubating and Rearing.
43177: Francois Clouet, edited by Lord Ronald Gower: - Choix de Portraits de Personnages Francais de la Cour des Rois Francois Ier, Henri II & Francois II, par Clouet, autolithographies d'apres les originaux conserves au chateau de Howard (Yorkshire), par Lord Ronald Gower.
69863: Francois et Joseph Serand, poemes de Clement Gardet, illustrated by Eugene Bernhardt & Auguste Gruffaz: - Annecy : La Ville et le Lac.
28252: Francoise d'Yssat: - Recueil de lettres usuelles et pratiques.
64916: Frank Fox, illustrated by Percy F S Spence: - Australia (Peeps at Many Lands).
66387: Frank Richards, illustrated by R J Macdonald: - Billy Bunter in Brazil.
71723: Arthur Frank: - Tell Me, Mr Frank...
72090: Frank Noble, edited by M Gelling: - Offa's Dyke Reviewed.
18257: S Herbert Frankel: - The tyranny of economic paternalism in Africa; a study of frontier mentality, 1860 - 1960.
47356: Charles Frankel: - Worlds on Fire : volcanoes on the Earth, the Moon, Mars, Venus and Io.
10662: Frankland, E: - Water analysis for sanitary purposes, with hints for the interpretation of results.
20396: Benjamin Franklin: - The life and miscellaneous writings of Benjamin Franklin, greatly extended and improved.
67267: M J Franklin: - British Biscuit Tins 1868 - 1939 : an aspect of decorative packaging.
56981: Benjamin Franklin V: - Boston Printers, Publishers and Booksellers 1640 - 1800.
65873: Franz Schubert, arranged by E Pauer: - The Children's Schubert : short pieces for the Pianoforte.
70887: Franz Kafka, edited by Helmuth Kiesel: - Kafka's The Metamorphosis, and Other Writings.
70579: George MacDonald Fraser: - Flashman and the Mountain of Light.
11671: Fraser, Mrs Hugh: - A Diplomatist's wife in many lands [complete in two volumes].
54972: Hugh Fraser: - Amid the High Hills.
67143: Mary Frasko: - Daring Do's : a History of Extraordinary Hair.
18715: Frederic Chapman, illustrated by Thomas R Way: - Architectural remains of Richmond, Twickenham, Kew, Petersham and Mortlake.
38657: Frederic Ansermet, edited by Danielle Benito-Garcia: - Epica Book 6; Europe's Best Advertising.
32380: Frederic d'Agay: - D'Encre et de Lumieres; Itineraires secrets dans la bibliotheque du Senat.
69188: Henry William Freeman: - The Thermal Baths of Bath : their history, literature, medical and surgical uses and effects, together with the Aix Massage and Natural Vapour Treatment.
57468: Elmer Freeman: - Those Navy Guys and their PBY's : the Aleutian Solution.
28353: Edward A Freeman: - English Towns and Districts; a series of addresses and sketches.
28332: E A Freeman: - Western Europe in the Fifth Century; an aftermath.
22520: R Austin Freeman: - A Certain Dr Thorndyke.
55261: Marion Freeman: - Pershore and District in Old Picture Postcards.
58596: Coburn Freer: - Music for a King : George Herbert's Style and the Metrical Psalms.
64141: Stanley Freese: - Windmills and Millwrighting.
13843: Christoph Freimann: - Christoph Freimann: skulpturen, 1990 - 1995.
65199: Joseph Lewis French: - Christ in Sacred Art.
43650: Gilbert J French: - Practical Remarks on some of the minor accessories to the Services of the Church, with hints on the preparation of Altar Cloths, Pede Cloths, and other Ecclesiastical Furniture.
49771: Walter Howard Frere [editor]: - Pontifical Services, illustrated from miniatures of the XVth and XVIth centuries, volume II [Alcuin Club Collections IV].
60288: Walter Howard Frere [editor]: - Exposition de la Messe, from La Legende Doree of Jean de Vignay, with illuminations reproduced from Fitzwilliam Ms. 22 [Alcuin Club Collections II].
28929: Walter Howard Frere [editor]: - Pontifical Services, illustrated from miniatures of the XVth and XVIth centuries, volumes I & II [Alcuin Club Collections III & IV].
61947: L C J Frerichs: - Italiaanse Tekeningen I de 17de EEUW.
69648: Philip Freund: - Stage by Stage, Dramatis Personae : the Rise of Medieval and Renaissance Theatre.
70210: David R Frieden [editor]: - Principles of Naval Weapons Systems.
32917: Rev Hilderic Friend: - Bygone Devonshire.
37109: Ernest Frith: - The Atmosphere and its Story; a popular presentation of the science of Meteorology, free from technicalities and formulae.
57632: A B Frost: - The Bull Calf and other tales.
68137: Michael Frostick: - V8.
39607: Lazar Baciucu & Ion Frunzetti [forewords]: - Tabara de Sculptura (Sculpture Camp), Magura.
64958: W P W Phillimore & George S Fry [editors]: - Abstracts of Gloucestershire Inquisitiones Post Mortem, returned into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles the First, part 1, I-II Charles I, 1625 - 1636 [The Index Library, volume 9].
64957: Edward Alexander Fry [editor]: - Abstracts of Gloucestershire Inquisitiones Post Mortem, returned into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles the First, part 3, 1-18 Charles I, 1625 - 1642 [The Index Library, volume 21].
64953: George S Fry [editor]: - Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem relating to the City of London, returned into the Court of Chancery, part I, 1 Henry VII to 3 Elizabeth, 1485 - 1561 [The Index Library, volume 15].
64952: W P W Phillimore & George S Fry [editors]: - Abstracts of Gloucestershire Inquisitiones Post Mortem, returned into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles the First, part 2, 12-18 Charles I, 1637 - 1642 [The Index Library, volume 13].
64950: Edward Alexander Fry [editor]: - A Calendar of Chancery Proceedings, Bills and Answers filed in the reign of Charles the First, volume 4, IV [The Index Library, volume 14].
39175: Edward Alexander Fry [editor]: - Abstracts of Wiltshire Inquisitiones Post Mortem, returned into the Court of Chancery in the reigns of Henry III, Edward I and Edward II, AD 1242 - 1326 [The Index Library, volume 37].
39174: Edward Alexander Fry [editor]: - Abstracts of Inquisitiones Post Mortem relating to the City of London, returned into the Court of Chancery during the Tudor Period, part III, 19-45 Elizabeth, 1577 - 1603 [The Index Library, volume 36].
39170: Edward Alexander Fry [editor]: - Index of Chancery Proceedings (Reynardson's Division), preserved in the Public Record Office, volume II, L to Z, AD 1649 - 1714 [The Index Library, volume 32].
39168: Edward Alexander Fry [editor]: - Index of Chancery Proceedings (Reynardson's Division), preserved in the Public Record Office, volume I, A to K, AD 1649 - 1714 [The Index Library, volume 29].
39164: S A Smith & Edward Alexander Fry [editors]: - Index of Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1584 - 1604, and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House, London: volume 4, IV [The Index Library, volume 25].
39162: George S Fry & Edward Alexander Fry [editors]: - Abstracts of Wiltshire Inquisitiones Post Mortem, returned into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles the First [The Index Library, volume 23].
39160: Edward Alexander Fry [editor]: - Abstracts of Gloucestershire Inquisitiones Post Mortem, returned into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles the First, part 3, 1-18 Charles I, 1625 - 1642 [The Index Library, volume 21].
39158: W P W Phillimore & Edward Alexander Fry [editors]: - Placita Coram Domino Rege; the pleas of the Court of the King's Bench, Trinity Term, 25 Edward I, 1297 [The Index Library, volume 19].
39153: Edward Alexander Fry [editor]: - A Calendar of Chancery Proceedings, Bills and Answers filed in the reign of Charles the First, volume 4, IV [The Index Library, volume 14].
39152: W P W Phillimore & George S Fry [editors]: - Abstracts of Gloucestershire Inquisitiones Post Mortem, returned into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles the First, part 2, 12-18 Charles I, 1637 - 1642 [The Index Library, volume 13].
39148: W P W Phillimore & George S Fry [editors]: - Abstracts of Gloucestershire Inquisitiones Post Mortem, returned into the Court of Chancery in the reign of King Charles the First, part 1, I-II Charles I, 1625 - 1636 [The Index Library, volume 9].
59464: E V Fry, D R Pollock, P Proud, C Smith & D E White: - Locomotive Stock Alterations 1952 - 1954.
57241: Wyon Fryer: - Cycling in Touraine.
50075: Norberto Fuentes: - Ernest Hemingway rediscovered.
34831: Elizabeth Hardouin-Fugier: - Simon Saint-Jean 1808 - 1860.
65696: Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier: - The Pupils of Redoute.
32852: John Fuller: - Annotations of Giant's Town.
56024: W Y Fullerton: - God's Jewels : Their Dignity and Destiny.
27449: Robert Furley (& Henry B Mackeson): - A history of the Weald of Kent, with an outline of the early history of the county (3 volumes).
19664: William S Furneaux: - Animal Physiology.
34908: Dr Furnivall, edited by Edith Rickert: - The Babees' Book; medieval manners for the young.
21827: Winnifred M Futcher: - The Great North Road to the Cariboo.
14659: H Hamilton Fyfe: - The new spirit in Egypt.
37904: Carlo Gaberscek: - Sentieri del Western; Dove il cinema ha creato il West, tomo I.
69661: Peter Gainsbury [preface]: - The Goldsmith & the Grape : silver in the service of wine.
49670: James Gairdner [editor]: - The Paston Letters 1422 - 1509 AD [4 volumes].
22098: Else Galbas: - Sun over Norderney; an Island Idyll, 1797 - 1947.
68437: Patrick Gale: - The Cat Sanctuary.
68340: Patrick Gale: - Ease : an Adventure Story.
51779: Julian Gallego: - Picasso : La Suite Vollard.
67499: Julian Gallego: - De La Edad Media al Romanticismo.
69455: W Galloway: - The South Wales Institute of Engineers : Course of Lectures on Mining.
57940: Francesca Galloway: - Ivory and Painting : Indian Goods for the Luxury Markets.
9157: Gambado, Geoffrey: - An academy for grown horsemen [bound with] Annals of Horsemanship.
66975: Leo Gamble: - St Bede's College and its McCristal Origins 1896 - 1982.
49183: Russell Gammage: - Rose Miniatures, volume 5.
47472: C J Gammell: - LMS Branch Lines 1945 - 1965.
24408: Dr H Gamzu: - 10 Israel Painters.
70515: Richard Gander: - Richard Hale School : the School of Richard Hale Esquire in Hertford 1617 to 1930 and after.
10539: Garden, J F: - The Selkirks; Nelson's Mountains.
39985: J Stanley Gardiner [editor]: - The Fauna and Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagoes, being the account of the work carried on and of the collections made by an Expedition during the years 1899 and 1900 [complete in two volumes].
64927: Monica M Gardner: - Poland (Peeps at Many Lands).
44072: Augustus Kinsley Gardner: - Old Wine in New Bottles : or, spare hours of a student in Paris.
10891: Gardner, Percy: - Sculptured tombs of Hellas.
57031: Leon Garfield: - Jack Holborn.
71028: Terry Garner: - Bygone Burton upon Trent on Postcards and Photographs.
64442: John V Garrett: - Cleeve Common and the North Cotswolds.
46056: Eric Garrett: - Bradford Abbas : the history of a Dorset Village.
70148: Wendell Garrett: - American Colonial : Puritan Simplicity to Georgian Grace.
67370: John Henry Garrett: - From a Cotswold height; a description of country scenes in Gloucestershire.
70205: Wendell Garrett: - Classic America : the Federal Style and beyond.
68216: Albert Garrett: - Wood Engravings and Drawings of Iain Macnab of Barachastlain.
40375: Ann Garrould: - Henry Moore Complete Drawings, volume 1, 1916-29
47400: Bernard Garside: - The History of Hampton School from 1556 to 1700, with a brief account of the years between 1700 and the present day.
69298: J A Garton: - Glowing Embers from a Somerset Hearth.
63224: David Gascoyne: - Three Translations [Mir Poets Eighteen].
46196: David Gascoyne: - Extracts from "A Kind of Declaration" & Prelude to a new Fin-de-siecle.
71267: Jonathan Gash: - The Rich and the Profane : a Lovejoy novel.
14850: Lady C MIlnes Gaskell: - Friends round the Wrekin.
34508: Josep Gasset: - Cartografia de Catalunya, segles XVII-XVIII.
47794: Charles Neilson Gattey: - Foie Gras and Trumpets.
47793: Charles Neilson Gattey: - Queens of Song.
23503: Alfred Scott Gatty: - Little Songs for Little Voices, Book I.
18175: J Gaudet: - Elements et Theorie de l'Architecture [4 tomes].
39217: Gaufridus de Coldingham, Robertus de Graystanes et Willielmus de Chambre: - Historiae Dunelmensis, scriptores tres, Gaufridus de Coldingham, Robertus de Graystanes et Willielmus de Chambre [Dunelm Scriptores].
62738: William Gaunt: - Flemish Cities : their history and art.
58730: J Gauthier: - Le Mobilier Vendeen [Collection de l'art regional en France].
58725: J Gauthier: - Le Mobilier Auvergnat [Collection de l'art regional en France].
58724: J Gauthier: - Le Mobilier Bas-Breton [Collection de l'art regional en France].
44373: Edward Gavey: - A Picturesque History of Mont Orgueil Castle, Jersey.
17241: I E Gray and A T Gaydon: - Gloucestershire Quarter Sessions Archives 1660 - 1889, and other official records.
51883: Phoebe Fenwick Gaye: - Treen and Wild Horses.
71786: M L Gayford: - Hi-Fi for the Enthusiast.
59110: Doreen Gazey: - Church and Parish : St Edmund's Church and the Parish of Wootton [Isle of Wight], 1087 - 2000 AD.
41825: Clara Egli le Gear: - United States Atlases : a list of national, state, county, city and regional atlases in the Library of Congress [and cooperating libraries], 2 volumes bound in one.
46745: C A Gedge: - David Delbridge.
13945: Marc Bossaerts & Catherine van Geel: - Cinema d'en Francophonie.
34006: Fox Geen: - The A B C (ABC) of Gliding.
57342: N Geldhof: - 70 Jaar Marineluchtvaartdienst.
58727: Paul Gelis: - Le Mobilier Alsacien [Collection de l'art regional en France].
64201: Pam Gems: - Stanley.
72334: Genell Y Poitras, illustrated by Kim Young-je: - The Woodcutter and the Fairy [Korean Folk Tales series].
61401: General Sir Cecil Blacker, illustrated by Joan Wanklyn: - Sandhurst Sketches.
47252: Leslie Gent: - Bolton Past.
49378: David Gentleman: - David Gentleman's Britain.
69851: David Gentleman: - David Gentleman's London.
62230: P W Gentry: - The Tramways of the West of England.
59913: Geoff Winningham, with text by Al Reinert: - A Place of Dreams : Houston, an American City.
57308: Geoffrey Martin, revised by Wilfrid Francis: - Industrial & Manufacturing Chemistry, part II, Inorganic, volume I.
23668: Geoffrey Lawson, with Patricia Hansen: - The Road from Stowe.
42761: Georg Friedrich (George Frederick) Handel, edited by Jos Corfe: - The Beauties of Handel, in three volumes, consisting of upwards of one hundred & fifty of his most favourite songs, duetts & trios, selected from the various works of this great Master, arranged with separate accompaniment for Piano Forte, 3 volumes.
15179: Georg Hirth, neu bearbeitet und erganzt von Man von Boehn: - Kulturgeschichtliches bilderbuch aus vier jahrhunderten [2 bande]
64495: George Croke, edited by Thomas Leach: - Reports of Sir George Croke, Knight, formerly one of the Justices of the Court of King's-Bench and Common Pleas, of such Select Cases as were adjudged in the said courts during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth [2 volumes].
63872: George Skeavington, edited by John Sherer: - Skeavington's Modern Farriery, including the management of Horses, Dogs, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry etc.
48357: G M George: - Plain Jane.
60175: George Bernard Shaw, edited by Abraham Tauber & Sir James Pitman: - George Bernard Shaw on Language.
37251: George Matei Cantacuzino, editat de Dan S Stoica: - Moldavie - tout ce que j'aime.
36236: George Race, edited by A W Mooring: - Seventy Years a Master: a Huntsman's Reminiscences.
58101: George W Cable, illustrated by Albert Herter: - Old Creole days.
57647: Rosemary George: - The Wines of Chablis.
72208: George Eliot, illustrated by Peter Reddick: - Adam Bede.
65019: Georges Colin, Marie-Therese Lenger et Anne Rouzet: - Bibliotheque de Madame Louis Solvay, tome I, Livres Anciens.
68669: Georges Braque, translated by Stanley Appelbaum: - Georges Braque : illustrated notebooks 1917 - 1955.
53410: Johannes Georgi: - Mid-Ice : the Story of the Wegener Expedition to Greenland.
69680: Gerald Scarfe & Matthew Parris [etc], edited by Caroline Brooke Johnson: - Heroes & Villains : Scarfe at the National Portrait Gallery.
51618: Gerard Periot, translated by Edward Fitzgerald: - Night of the Tall Trees : an account of a journey of 1500 miles on foot through the Liberian Jungle.
62838: Gerard Fairlie, following Sapper: - Captain Bulldog Drummond.
24203: William H Gerdts: - The East and the Mid-Atlantic [Art Across America, two centuries of regional painting 1710-1920].
58728: Alphonse Germain: - Le Mobilier Bressan [Collection de l'art regional en France].
66803: Gerrit Germischhuizen, illustrated by Anita Fabian: - Wild Flowers of Northern South Africa.
60039: Stanley Gerson: - Sound and Symbol in the Dialogue of the Works of Charles Dickens.
60642: Hans von Gerssdorff: - Feldtbuch der Wundtartzney [Normalausgabe in Halbleder].
71399: Gertrude M Faulding, illustrated by Eleanor S March: - Nature Children : a Flower Book for Little Folks.
28480: Gertrude H Hamilton [transcriber], with an introduction by Elinor R Aubrey: - Books of Examinations and Depositions 1570 - 1594, transcribed from the mss in the Audit House.
35408: Lesley Gervaise: - That Ancient River.
67224: Gretchen Gerzina: - Carrington : a life of Dora Carrington 1893 - 1932.
5994: Gesnero [Gesneri, Gesner], Io Matthia: - Scriptores Rei Rusticae veteres Latini Cato, Varro, Columella, Palladius quibus nunc accredit vegetius de Mulo-medicina et gargilii martialis fragmentum [2 volumes in one].
60053: Salomon Gessner: - La Mort d'Abel, poeme de Gessner, en cinq chants.
61931: Geza de Francovich, Alessandro Marabottini, Valentino Martinelli, Ugo Procacci & Roberto Salvini: - Scritti di Storia dell'arte in onore di Mario Salmi [3 volumes].
36946: Aamir Ghauri: - A Divine Destruction.
65131: Alessandra Finzi & Silvia Giacobone: - Le Cortigiane di Venezia dal Trecento al Settecento. Il Gioco dell'Amore. Catalogo della mostra.
63610: Giacomo Puccini, adapted by V S Pritchett, with libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa & Luigi Illica: - Giacomo Puccini : La Boheme.
70888: Giacomo Puccini, conducted by Thomas Schippers: - La Boheme.
48992: Augusto Giannini: - Le Cere del Museo dell'Istituto Fiorentino de Anatomia Patologica.
70865: Eileen Gibb: - Sammy and the Old Engines [Sammy the Shunter, no. 7].
67273: Eileen Gibb: - Sammy Goes to the Circus [Sammy the Shunter no. 2].
33869: Miss M L Gibbens [editor]: - Bibliography of Newport Borough.
61652: Edward Gibbon: - The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
22975: Frederick P Gibbon: - The Lawrences of the Pubjab.
6982: Gibbs, Henry Hucks: - A colloquy on currency.
71280: A B Gourlay & D F Gibbs: - Chief : a Biography of Alexander Ross Wallace 1891 - 1982.
67943: Peter Gibbs: - Land-locked Island : a commentary on Southern Rhodesia.
62934: Somerville Gibney (Edward FitzGibbon): - Captain Jacques : a romance of the time of the plague.
64530: Charles R Gibson: - The Wonders of Modern Electricity.
18142: William Sidney Gibson: - The history of the monastery founded at Tynemouth, in the diocese of Durham, to the honour of God, under the invocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and S. Oswin, king & martyr [2 volumes].
41355: Charles R Gibson: - How Telegraphs and Telephones work, explained in non-technical language.
61225: Don Gibson [foreword]: - Old Rushden.
56645: Wlacot Gibson: - The Geology of the Country around Stoke-uponTrent.
22476: William Gibson: - Recollections of other lands; Switzerland, Italy, Palestine etc.
10706: Gifkins, R C: - Aim-Imma; 50 years, records and recollections.
61898: Odoardo H Giglioli: - The Drawings of the Royal Gallery of the Uffizi in Florence.
67689: Patricio Robles Gil [foreword]: - Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Portfolio 20.
68150: Patricio Robles Gil [foreword]: - Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Portfolio 20.
62618: Anthony Gilbert: - Snake in the Grass.
66593: Terry Gilbert: - Dim White Phlox : a decade of distant childhood, Derbyshire 1937 - 1947.
59424: W S Gilbert, illustrated by W Russell Flint: - The Mikado, or the Town of Titipu.
59137: W S Gilbert: - Original Plays by W S Gilbert.
68770: W S Gilbert, illustrated by W Russell Flint and Charles E Brock: - The Mikado, or the Town of Titipu.
55454: John Hamill & Robert Gilbert [editors]: - Freemasonry; a celebration of the craft.
21902: W Gilbert: - The Inquisitor, or, the struggle in Ferrara; an historical romance (volumes 1 and 3).
71936: W S Gilbert & Arthur Sullivan, retold by Martha Mearns, illustrated by Anne and Janet Graham Johnstone: - H.M.S. Pinafore.
71939: W S Gilbert & Arthur Sullivan, retold by Jean Blashfield, illustrated by Anne and Janet Graham Johnstone: - The Gondoliers.
25433: Mrs Gilchrist, edited by John H Ingram: - Mary Lamb.
63078: Norman Giles: - Wildwode's Garage.
71479: John Giles: - The Western Front Then and Now : from Mons to the Marne and back.
68658: Gustavo Gili: - Saura : Quince Retratos Imaginarios.
22925: Michael Gilkes: - On the Water; the Yachting Muse.
62696: John Spencer Gilks: - From Pillar to Post : a pictorial celebration of Post Offices.
16532: H.D.C.P. [Douglas Pepper] illustrated by A.E.R.G. {Eric Gill]: - God and the Dragon; rhymes by H.D.C.P., engravings by A.E.R.G.
72277: M C Gill: - The Grassington Mines.
34263: Gilles Boulan, illustrated by Michel Desaunay: - Caen.
66008: James Gillespie: - The School Gardener, Book Two.
59856: Ross Gillett: - Australian Ships.
65406: F W Gillford: - The Traction Engline.
55522: A D Gillies: - Wigan : through Wickham's Window.
65901: H B Gilliland: - Common Malayan Plants.
66238: John and Ann Gilman: - The Ashbourne Circle.
63269: R Gilmour: - Knuckleduster Jim.
72484: Sidney Gilpin: - Sam Bough R.S.A. - some account of his life and works.
48462: Charles Gilson: - The Red Trail.
33887: Jean-Pierre Gilson: - Territoires de France (territories, territorien, territorios).
63032: Madeleine Ginsburg: - Paris Fashions : The Art Deco Style of the 1920s.
70482: Henry Ginsburg: - Thai Art & Culture : Historic Manuscripts from Western Collections.
27561: Madeleine Ginsburg [editor]: - The illustrated history of Textiles.
64679: Gioacchino Volpe, Luigi Volpicelli, Andrea della Corte & Adalberto Pazzini: - La Vita Medioevale Italiana nella Miniatura.
65178: Alain Girard: - Le Mystere de la Chute des Anges de Raymond Boterie 1509 - 1510.
71128: Xavier Girard: - Mediterranean from Homer to Picasso.
16760: Aime Giron: - Les Trois Rois Mages; les cigognes de Noel, les etrennes de M le recteur, sa majeste le roi de la feve.
45843: Geraldine Girvan: - Geraldine Girvan 1997.
66122: Robert Gittings: - Out of this Wood : a Country Sequence of Five Plays.
64939: Giuseppe Bovini, translated by Giustina Scaglia: - Ravenna Mosaics: The So-called Mauseoleum of Galla Placidia, The Baptistery of the Cathedral, The Archiepiscopal Chapel, The Baptistery of the Arians, The Basilica Sant' Apollinare Nuovo, The Church of San Vitale, The Basilica of Sant' Apollinare.
38142: Giuseppe Fiocco, translated by Jean Chuzeville: - Carpaccio.
68849: Giuseppe Fiocco, with an introduction by Terisio Pignatti: - The Frescoes of Mantegna in the Eremitani Church, Padua.
27007: Giuseppe Barbieri, Massimo Cacciari & Omar Calabrese: - Leoni Montanari Palace.
71916: Giuseppe Fiocco, with an introduction by Terisio Pignatti: - The Frescoes of Mantegna in the Eremitani Church, Padua.
39545: Toby Glanville: - Actual Life.
56205: F J Glass: - The Lino Cut in Elementary, Secondary, Art and Technical Schools.
17311: W Cunningham Glen: - The act for the better management of highways in England (25 & 26 Vict Cap 61).
63341: P V Glob: - Danish Prehistoric Monuments : Denmark from the Stone Age to the Vikings.
33915: Canon Ed H Goddard: - Wiltshire Bibliography, part I, Wiltshire as a whole & part II, individual parishes arranged alphabetically.
71899: Robert Goddard: - The Ends of the Earth.
49066: Geoffrey A Godden: - Chamberlain-Worcester Porcelain 1788 - 1852.
62498: Geoffrey Godden: - Collecting Picture Postcards.
60319: Geoffrey A Godden: - Godden's Guide to Mason's China and the Ironstone Wares.
56158: Geoffrey A Godden: - English China.
39334: Jean-Christophe Godet: - Carnet de reves; photographies et textes de Jean-Christophe Godet.
50719: Walter H Godfrey: - The English Staircase : an historical account of its characteristic types to the end of the XVIIIth Century.
10720: Godfrey, John T: - Manuscripts relating to the county of Nottingham in the possession of Mr James Ward.
22585: Walter H Godfrey: - The Church of Saint Bride, Fleet Street, by Walter H Godfrey F.S.A., Architect, being the fifteenth monograph of the London survey committee and the thirty-fifth publication of the Survey of London.
63668: Mary Godolphin: - The Swiss Family Robinson arranged in words of one syllable for young children.
63654: Llilian Llanes Godoy: - El Vedado : of Generals and Doctors.
61892: Ed Goerg [frontispiece]: - Palmes : Hommage a la Resistance P.T.T.
64588: Oliver St John Gogarty: - Tumbling in the Hay.
16225: Nikolai Gogol: - Das Bildnis; eine novelle.
66749: Pauline Bond & Peter Goldblatt: - Plants of the Cape Flora : a descriptive catalogue.
68153: Marvin G Goldman: - El Al : Star in the Sky.
20201: Adolph Goldschmidt: - Das Evangeliar im Rathaus zu Goslar.
43811: Lionel F Goldsmid: - First Fruits.
8587: Goldsmid, Edmund [editor]: - Collectanea Adamantaea XII; a collection of epitaphs and inscriptions, interesting either from historical associations or quaintness of wording, volume 2.
5296: Goldsmith, Oliver: - The traveller, the deserted village and other poems.
63286: Oliver Goldsmith: - The Deserted Village.
66320: Oliver Goldsmith: - The Miscellaneous Works of Dr Goldsmith, containing all his Essays and Poems.
23739: Dr Goldsmith: - An abridgement of Dr Goldsmith's history of England; from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the death of George the second, and continued to the meeting of the congress at Verona in the year 1822.
22004: Oliver Goldsmith: - The Deserted Village.
71800: Will Goldston: - More Tricks and Puzzles without Mechanical Apparatus.
50411: Susan Gole [editor]: - A Series of Early Printed Maps of India in facsimile.
59608: Mary Anne Goley: - Seventeenth-Century Dutch and Flemish Paintings from the Butkin Foundation, on permanent loan to Cleveland State University.
67599: Vitold de Golish: - Konarak : le Temple d'Amour de la Pagode Noire.
47919: George Laurence Gomme [editor]: - The Gentleman's Magazine Library, Archaeology [part I].
42153: George Laurence Gomme: - Dialect, Proverbs and Word-lore - a classified collection of the chief contents of "The Gentleman's Magazine" from 1731 - 1868.
59653: Sir Laurence Gomme [preface]: - Stanford's Indexed Atlas of the County of London, with parts of the adjacent boroughs and urban districts.
58673: Jean-Francois Gonthier [editor]: - American Contemporary Houses.
63987: George Philip & George Goodall [editors]: - The Taj Mahal Atlas of Comparative Geography.
62253: George Goodall: - The War in Maps : its background and course.
69611: John Goodchild: - The Borough of Yeovil : its history and government through the ages.
68311: F Goodger: - Bob the Binder's Progress.
43507: Nicholas Goodison: - Furniture History : forty years on, lecture delivered to the Furniture History Society on the occasion of its fortieth anniversary.
19667: Frances Goodwin: - Seven Romantic Days.
69016: Sara Goodwins: - A Brief History of the Isle of Man.
59307: P M Sutton-Goold: - Extant Horse Furniture in North America and London.
47677: Ken Gorbey: - Stories of an Exhibition : Two Millennia of German Jewish History.
51267: Gordon Beningfield, with text by Betty Beningfield & Robin Page: - Beningfield's Orchards.
67564: R G Gordon: - The Neurotic Personality.
69536: Gordon Beningfield, with text by Betty Beningfield & Robin Page: - Beningfield's Orchards.
66883: Adam Lindsay Gordon: - The Poems of Adam Lindsay Gordon : Sea Spray & Smoke Drift, Bush Ballads and Rhymes.
26857: Dr Gordon Wyatt, edited by Clive Birch: - Maps of Bucks (The Barracuda map collection)
56133: Dillian Gordon [Introduction]: - Early Italian Paintings and Works of Art 1300 - 1480, in aid of the Friends of the Fitzwilliam Museum.
53155: Gordon D'Arcy: - The Burren Wall.
62322: G Gore: - The Scientific Basis of National Progress, including that of morality.
5810: Gore, St George Richard, illustrated by Mary Fairclough: - Grandfather's stories.
57684: Jan-Albert Goris [Introduction]: - Flores Artis Belgicae.
70941: Les Berry & Gerald Gosling: - Around Sidmouth [The Archive Photographs Series].
8703: Gosling, Ted & Marshall, Lyn: - Lyme Regis [Towns and villages of England].
57822: Mary Gostelow: - Art of Embroidery : Geat Needlework Collections of Britain and the United States.
68329: Joan Gott & Charles Gott: - The Book of Witney.
63402: Christine Gottler: - Last Things : Art and the Religious Imagination in the Age of Reform.
13574: Gottman, Gosbert: - Modern Sufferings.
66800: Christopher J Goudey: - A Handbook of Ferns for Australia and New Zealand.
64013: Terry Gough: - Sussex [British Railways Past and Present, no. 45].
54429: Paul Gough [editor]: - Back from the Front : Art, Memory and the Aftermath of War.
52261: Ronald Cox & Michael Gould: - Ireland's Bridges.
72482: Francis Goulding: - Ashington, Chilton Cantelo & Mudford : the Story of Three Somerset Parishes.
10872: Gouvion Saint-Cyr, le Marechal: - Memoires sur les campagnes des Armees du Rhin et de Rhin-et-Moselle, de 1792 jusqu'a la paix de Campo-Formio [volumes 1, 2 and 4].
40489: R Cagnat & Georges Goyau: - Chronologie de l'Empire Romain [Nouvelle Collection a l'usage des Classes XVII].
10858: Goyder, George & Goyder, Rosemary: - Signs of Grace.
66043: Michael Comport Grabham: - The Garden Interests of Madeira.
27818: Kevin Grady: - The Georgian Public Buildings of Leeds and the West Riding.
51404: Elisabeth Hardouis-Fugier & Etienne Grafe: - French Flower Painters of the 19th Century : a dictionary.
37552: Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier & Etienne Grafe: - The Lyon School of Flower Painting.
50677: Ward I Graffam [Introduction]: - Milton Court : Heritage Regained.
64573: Graham Hill, with Neil Ewart: - Graham.
66845: Graham Ashworth, John Thorley & Frances Knowles: - Car Parks : a design manual.
38508: Andrew Graham: - Mostly Nasty.
60193: William Graham: - Exercises in Etymology.
59618: Graham Reynolds, Charles Rhyne & Julius Meier-Graefe: - John Comstable R.A. (1776 - 1837).
69458: Graham Warren, edited by Eric Linden: - Speedway and Me.
38069: Olof Granberg: - Drottning Kristinas Tafvelgalleri pa Stockholms slott och i rom, dess uppkomst och dess oden anda till vara dagar, en historisk-konstktirisk undersokning af Olof Granberg [4 volumes in 2].
67704: Roderick Grant: - The Great Canal.
46550: Russell Grant: - The Real Counties of Britain.
16047: James Grant: - The King's own Borderers; a military romance.
39155: Francis J Grant [editor]: - The Commissariot Record of Edinburgh, register of trstaments, part I, volumes 1 to 35, 1514 - 1600 [The Index Library, volume 16].
70546: David Cooke & John Grant: - Grant's Guide to Hay-on-Wye, Talgarth and the Black Mountains.
72153: Roderick Grant: - The Great Canal.
46863: Denis Granville: - The Remains of Denis Granville, D.D. Dean and Archdeacon of Durham etc, being a further selection from his correspondence, diaries and other papers.
23954: Prof Dr Richard Graul: - Alte Leipziger Goldschmiede-Arbeiten (Goldschmiedearbeiten), und solche anderen ursprunges aus Leipziger besitz (stadtisches Kunstgewerbe-museum zu Leipzig).
36414: Emile Graupmann: - Le Finissage de la Boite de Montre (manuel de l'horloger praticien).
68010: Charles Graves: - Collected Poems.
63617: Tony Gray: - A Peculiar Man : A Life of George Moore.
58038: Anna Le Moine Gray: - Jersey : Portrait of an Island.
24240: Arthur Bulleid & Harold St George Gray: - The Meare Lake Village; a full description of the excavations and the relics from the eastern half of the west village, 1910-1933 (volume II).
22670: Thomas Gray: - Poems and letters by Thomas Gray.
54797: Arthur Bulleid & Harold St George Gray: - The Meare Lake Village; a full description of the excavations and the relics from the eastern half of the west village, 1910-1933 (3 volumes).
54795: Arthur Bulleid & Harold St George Gray: - The Meare Lake Village; a full description of the excavations and the relics from the eastern half of the west village, 1910-1933 (volume II).
54794: Arthur Bulleid & Harold St George Gray: - The Meare Lake Village; a full description of the excavations and the relics from the eastern half of the west village, 1910-1933 (volume I).
8789: Gray, Irvine & Ralph, Elizabeth [editors]: - Guide to the parish records of the city of Bristol and the county of Gloucester.
67607: Malcolm Grear [editor]: - An American Collection : the Neuberger Collection, Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture.
64665: A H Green: - The Geology of the Country around Banbury, Woodstock, Bicester and Buckingham (sheet 45 of the Map of the Geological Survey of Great Britain).
65507: R J Corbin & Jen Green: - R J Corbin's Travels of a Bothy Boy.
67326: Bassett Green: - A Cotswold Tragedy : a tale of pagan England.
69023: Bertha de Vere Green: - A Collector's Guide to Fans over the Ages.
41310: Alan H J Green: - St John's Chapel and the New Town, Chichester.
14512: Harris Green: - Cancelled accounts.
65819: David Green: - The Battle of Poitiers 1356.
28026: Harry E Green: - Selected Poems.
56943: K R Green & E M Green: - Cottingham in old picture postcards.
11893: Green, Rosemary A M: - A bibliography of printed works relating to Wiltshire 1920 - 1960.
69891: George Henry Piper & Charles Edward Maddison Green [editors]: - The Registers of Ledbury, co. Hereford, part I (1), Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1556 - 1576.
71925: Timothy Green: - The World of Diamonds.
67436: R L Greenall: - Daventry Past.
24022: Kate Greenaway: - Kate Greenaway's Almanack for 1928.
22144: Sydney Greenbie: - Furs to Furrows; an epic of rugged individualism.
71288: Rev Joseph Greene: - Pupa Digging.
25704: John Greene: - Brightening the long days; hospital tile pictures.
20928: Dr Greenfields: - Country Walks in Greater London, being the circuit of the Metropolis by lane, footpath, field and ferry.
61949: Michael Greenhalgh: - Donatello and his Sources.
65932: Basil Greenhill: - Sailing for a Living.
65931: Basil Greenhill: - Sailing for a Living.
57165: Robert W Greenhill [editor]: - Descriptive and Pictorial Guide issued for the Red and White Services Ltd.
68661: Annette Carruthers & Mary Greensted: - Good Citizen's Furniture : The Arts and Crafts Collections at Cheltenham.
69587: Ambrose Greenway (with captions from William Shakespeare): - All at sea.
37497: M A Greenwood: - The Ancient Plate of the Drapers' Company, with some account of its origin, history and vicissitudes.
64055: Stephen J Greep [editor]: - Roman Towns : the Wheeler Inheritance.
71871: Gregori Alegi, edited by Marco Sotgiu: - M-346 Flying Dreams.
18377: J W Gregory: - The Great Rift valley, being the narrative of a journey to Mount Kenya and Lake Baringo.
46560: Alexis Gregory: - The Gilded Age; the Super-Rich of the Edwardian Era.
43127: Alexis Gregory: - The Gilded Age; the Super-Rich of the Edwardian Era.
67842: Philippa Gregory: - Wideacre.
71930: Philippa Gregory: - Fallen Skies.
72273: T J Chandler & S Gregory [editors]: - The Climate of the British Isles.
53661: Gregory O'Brien: - Location of the Least Person.
53657: Gregory O'Brien: - Malachi.
41750: Norman P Greig: - The Cromer Street Party.
53409: Wilfred T Grenfell: - Labrador : the Country and the People.
10077: Grenfell, Harold E: - Gower Images.
33635: George Greville: - Memories of an Old Etonian, 1860-1912.
58891: Edwin & Marion Sharpe Grew: - Rambles in Holland.
66023: Jean Grey: - Beauty Belongs to You.
40074: George Dunning Gribble: - The Masque of Venice; an entertainment in three acts.
25347: Norman P Grieg: - The Trehurst Mystery.
37766: Roderick Grierson [editor]: - Gates of Mystery; the art of Holy Russia.
34966: George Griffith: - The Free Schools and Endowments of Staffordshire, and their fulfilment.
10231: Griffith, I Kathleen: - To Nancy Price C.B.E., verse and prose.
68016: Chloe Grimshaw: - Creative Living Country.
66817: A G Grimwade: - The Garrard Ledgers : a paper read before the Society of Silver Collectors on April 10, 1961.
20954: Frank Gray Griswold: - Observations on a Salmon River.
20948: Frank Gray Griswold: - After Thoughts.
63414: N I Gritsaj: - Antwerpse Meesters uit de Hermitage / Leningrad.
72320: Lady Grogan: - Reginald Bosworth Smith : a memoir.
68051: Will Grohmann: - Paul Klee.
27357: Georges Gromort: - Jardins d'Espagne [2 volumes].
17980: A J Pelham Groom: - High Adventure.
58209: Bernard Groom & J Sutherland Groom: - Poems of Two Continents.
18575: Grosclaude.: - Les joies du plein air.
29649: Charles Gross: - A Bibliography of British Municipal History, including Gilds and Parliamentary Representation.
65531: Barry Gross: - The Pen Turner's Workbook : making pens from simple to stunning.
66904: Marshall Grover: - Texans Never Quit : a Larry and Stretch western.
54078: Catherine Groves: - Wilfred : the Little White Horse of Wiltshire.
12003: Grudin, Louis: - Mr Eliot among the nightingales.
53877: Norman Grummitt: - The Building Trades [Choosing a Job].
20076: Captain E L Gruning: - Report on the British Museum Expedition to British Honduras, 1930.
32335: Guanjian: - The Tension from the Field; Guanjian's Oil Painting.
63326: Kristmann Gudmundsson: - The Morning of Life.
63471: Jose Manuel Pita Andrade & Maria del Mar Borobia Guerrero: - Old Masters : Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum.
3794: Guerrero, Juan Agustin, with text by Wilson Hallo: - Imagenes del Ecuador del siglo XIX.
66766: C C Townsend & Evan Guest: - Flora of Iraq, Volume Three (3), Leguminales.
59674: M Gueullette, translated by Revd Mr Stackhouse: - Chinese Tales : or, the Wonderful Adventures of the Mandarin Fum Hoam, related by himself, to divert the Sultana, upon the Celebration of her Nuptuals [volume I].
71332: Rosanne Guille: - Sark Sketch Book : Journal of a local artist.
2556: Guinness, Paul: - We pledge our lives.
51910: Nora Crook & Derek Guiton: - Shelley's Venomed Melody.
68503: M E Gullick: - The Dipping Well : a story of a Roman Bath.
63477: Peter Murray & Philip Gumuchdjian: - Lloyd's of London [Richard Rogers Partnership].
63476: Peter Murray & Philip Gumuchdjian: - Lloyd's of London [Richard Rogers Partnership].
52596: Harri Gunther: - Garten der Goethe Zeit.
65928: W B Gurney: - The Trial of Lieutenant General Sir John Murray, Bart, by a General Court Martial held at Winchester.
36446: Thomas Guthrie: - Parables of Our Lord, read in the light of the present day.
41451: Guy de Maupassand, translated by Desmond Flower, illustrated by Charles Mozley: - The Tellier House.
61532: Guy Cogeval, Stephane Guegan & Alice Thomine-Berrada: - Birth of Impressionism : Masterpieces from the Musee D'Orsay.
28513: Guy-Jean Michel, Jean Grossier & Marie-Rose Amet: - Legendes et Fiauves du Pays des Lacs, tome II.
18550: Dr S Guyer, translated by L B Ellis: - Venice, buildings and sculptures, with an outline of its art-history [Mirabilia Mundi, volume 1].
46739: Gwavas Lake & Clive Phillpot, illustrated by Michael Porter.: - Michael Porter.
62656: D R Gwynn, P R Reynolds & H R Warren: - A Postal History of Swansea and District.
9548: Habakkuk, H J & Postan, M [editors]: - The Cambridge Economic History of Europe, volume 6 (part II); the Industrial Revolutions and after; incomes, population and technological change.
19957: John Hackett: - Select and remarkable epitaphs on illustrious and other persons, in several parts of Europe, with translations of such as are in Latin and foreign languages, and compendious accounts of the deceased, their lives and works (2 volumes bound in one).
64603: John Hadfield [editor]: - The Saturday Book 29 [Twenty-Ninth Year].
64602: John Hadfield [editor]: - The Saturday Book 30 [Thirtieth Year].
64577: John Hadfield [editor]: - The Saturday Book 34 [Thirty-Fourth Year].
47719: John Hadfield [editor]: - The Saturday Book 20.
47718: John Hadfield [editor]: - The Saturday Book 26.
44258: John Hadfield [editor]: - Cowardy [Cowardly] Custard - the world of Noel Coward.
57783: John Hadfield [editor]: - The Saturday Book 19.
55104: John Hadfield [editor]: - The Saturday Book 31 [Thirty-First Year].
55643: G N Frykman & E J Hadley: - Warwick School : a history.
57210: Hans-Ulrich Haedeke: - Metalwork [The Universe Social History of the Decorative Arts].
72235: Hafiz, illustrated by Mahmoud Farshchian, with calligraphy by Amir Ahmad Falsafi: - The Ghazals of Hafiz.
68616: Eva Hagberg: - Dark Nostalgia : faultlessly stylish interiors for business, pleasure and leisure.
67160: Wolfgang Hageney [editor]: - Deco Ideas : Floral & Graphic & Figurative Art-Deco-Designs [Designers Notebook 10].
71328: Prof Gunther von Hagens [etc]: - Prof Gunther von Hagens' Korperwelten : Fascination beneath the surface.
59597: Reginald G Haggar: - The Masons of Lane Delph and the Origin of Masons Patent Ironstone China.
26372: H Rider Haggard: - Doctor Therne.
71830: H Rider Haggard: - Allan's Wife and other tales.
63235: Henry Haguet: - L'Orleans a Toute Vapeur : Le Reseau du Chemin de Fer de Paris a Orleans de 1838 a 1908.
67154: Kate Hahn: - Forgotten Fashion : an illustrated faux history of outrageous trends and their untimely demise.
35970: Axel Herman Haig: - Mont Saint-Michel; an etching by Axel Herman Haig.
59006: M May Haines: - The History of Guiding in Gloucestershire 1910 - 1990.
67307: Peter Haining: - The Legend of Garbo.
46800: D R Hainsworth [editor]: - Commercial Papers of Sir Christopher Lowther 1611 - 1644.
51155: Desiree Hajny: - Mammals : an artistic approach, power carving, woodburning, texturing, painting.
6655: Hake, Gordon: - Memoirs of eighty years.
52060: Robert A Haldane: - Giants of the Ring : story of the Heavyweights for Two Hundred Years.
66140: Charlotte Haldane: - Alfred : the Passionate Life of Alfred de Musset.
55334: Irene Hales: - Maidstone in old photographs.
71601: J E Connor & B L Halford: - The Forgotten Stations of Greater London.
23599: Joseph Halfpenny: - Gothic Ornaments in the Cathedral Church of York.
14855: M C Halifax: - Among the Welsh hills.
14798: M C Halifax: - Among the Welsh [Welch] hills.
54136: Stephen King-Hall [editor]: - Young Authors & Artists of 1935.
52758: James Hall: - The Sinister Side : how left-right Symbolism shaped Western Art.
51164: R F Homer & D W Hall: - Provincial Pewterers : a study of the craft in the West Midlands and Wales.
68630: Marshall Hall: - The Artists of Northumbria; an illustrated dictionary of Northumberland, Newcastle upon Tyne, Durham and North East Yorkshire painters, sculptors, engravers, stained glass designers, illustrators, caricaturists and cartoonists born 1625 - 1950.
63252: Llewellynn Jewitt & S C Hall: - The Stately Homes of England [2 volumes].
44756: Patrick Bingham-Hall: - Austral Eden : 200 years of Australian architecture.
75361: Michael Hall: - Lasting Elegance : English Country Houses 1830 - 1900.
65475: Marshall Hall: - The Artists of Northumbria; an illustrated dictionary of Northumberland, Newcastle upon Tyne, Durham and North East Yorkshire painters, sculptors, engravers, stained glass designers, illustrators, caricaturists and cartoonists born 1625 - 1900.
66211: W S Hall: - The Spirit of America : Currier & Ives Prints.
15566: Lieut. Francis Hall: - Travels in France in 1818.
69034: Anne Hall: - Widnes [The Archive Photographs series].
37686: John Hall [alias J H J]: - Thoughts and Sketches in Verse.
58224: George Hall: - Navy Jax : Sub-Hunters and Light Strikers [Superbase 15].
31142: Leslie Hall: - The History of the Federation of School Lodges 1947 - 1986.
57464: George Hall: - Nellis : the Home of Red Flag [Superbase 1].
11757: Hall, Michael: - The English Country House from the archives of Country Life, 1897-1939.
55993: J A Hall: - The Law of Naval Warfare.
55917: Captain Basil Hall: - Fragments of Voyages and Travels, Second Series [3 volumes].
67733: L Michael Hall: - Dragon Slaying from Dragons to Princes : meta-stating from Dragon States to Royal States.
64579: James J Halley: - Royal Air Force Aircraft BA100 - BZ999.
66758: James J Halley: - Royal Air Force Aircraft BA100 - BZ999.
2740: Halliday, George Eley: - Llandaff church plate.
71021: Lincoln Hallinan: - British Commemoratives : Royalty, Politics, War and Sport.
63274: William A Hallock: - Memoir of Harlan Page; or, the power of prayer and personal effort for the souls of individuals.
58280: Anthony Bird and Ian Hallows: - The Rolls-Royce Motor-Car and the Bentleys built by Rolls-Royce.
58274: Anthony Bird and Ian Hallows: - The Rolls-Royce Motor-Car and the Bentleys built by Rolls-Royce.
55352: Sally Morris & Jan Hallwood: - Living with Eagles - Priest to Publisher : the life and times of Marcus Morris.
63521: Paul G Halpern [editor]: - The Keyes Papers : selections from the private and official correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Baron Keyes of Zeebrugge, volume II, 1919 - 1938.
30516: Alan Halsey: - The book of coming forth in official secrecy.
29889: Philip Gilbert Hamerton: - Wenderholme; a story of Lancashire and Yorkshire [3 volumes].
5366: Hamilton, A H A [editor]; Northcote, John: - Note book of Sir John Northcote, sometime MP for Ashburton and afterwards for the county of Devon.
50097: Charles Hamilton: - The Book of Autographs : more than 1000 fascinating facsimiles of original signatures.
19207: William Douglas Hamilton: - Outlines of the hisatory of England, more especially with refrence to the origin and progress of the English Constitution, volume 1, from the invasion of the Romans to the reign of Edward III.
63665: James Hamilton: - William Heath Robinson.
67269: Caroline Hamilton: - Decorative Dolls' Houses : original interiors for twenty five dolls' houses.
66360: Hans Claude Hamilton [editor]: - Chronicon Domini Walteri De Hemingburgh [2 volumes].
68949: R W Hamilton: - A Guide to Bethlehem.
57084: P E Hamlin: - Norfolk Peculiar Jurisdictions : Index to Probate Records 1416 - 1857, Index of Marriage Licence Bonds 1624 - 1860.
20035: Robin Hamlyd [editor]: - Viktorianische Malerei von Turner bis Whistler.
24958: A M Hammacher: - Vincent van Gogh; Genius and Disaster.
57531: Eric Hammel: - Air War Europa : America's Air War against Germany in Europe and North Africa, Chronology 1942 - 1945.
53515: Michael Hammerson: - Highgate from old Photographs.
71002: Rosemary Hammond.: - The Gifted Bear.
38500: Franklin D Jones & Edward K Hammond: - Shop Management and Systems; a treatise on the organization of Machine Building Plants and the systematic methods that are essential to efficient administration.
30287: John Hammond: - Progress in the Physiology of Farm Animals, volume 2.
30286: John Hammond: - Progress in the Physiology of Farm Animals, volume 1.
70258: Frank Hampson [illustrator]: - A First Ladybird book of nursery rhymes.
65821: Diana Edwards & Rodney Hampson: - English Dry-bodied Stoneware; Wedgwood and contemporary manufacturers, 1774 to 1830.
20207: P Alfred Hamy: - Documents pour servir a l'histoire des domiciles de la Compagnie de Jesus, dans le monde entier de 1540 a 1773.
50071: Ali Hanan [Introduction]: - Colour inspiration; creative schemes to transform your home.
27982: Avery S Hancox: - A Country Collection of Random Recollections (Stratford and the Cotswolds).
16010: An Old Hand [Martin William Sodbury]: - Hints to horsemen, by an old hand.
42895: G F Handel, arranged by Dr John Clarke: - Saul, composed by G F Handel, arranged for the organ or piano-forte by Dr John Clarke of Cambridge.
42896: G F Handel, arranged by Dr John Clarke: - Samson, composed by G F Handel, arranged for the organ or piano-forte by Dr John Clarke of Cambridge.
42894: G F Handel, arranged by Dr John Clarke: - Jeptha [Jephtha], composed by G F Handel, arranged for the organ or piano-forte by Dr John Clarke of Cambridge.
42893: G F Handel, arranged by Dr John Clarke: - L'Allegro ed il Pensieroso, composed by G F Handel, arranged for the organ or piano-forte by Dr John Clarke of Cambridge.
42892: G F Handel, arranged by Dr John Clarke: - Judas Maccabaeus, composed by G F Handel, arranged for the organ or piano-forte by Dr John Clarke of Cambridge.
12822: Handford, Michael: - The Stroudwater canal, volume 1, 1729-63.
2552: Hankins, R M: - Lonesone River range
58875: Linda Hannas: - The English Jigsaw Puzzle 1760-1890, with a descriptive check-list of puzzles in the museums of Great Britain and the author's collection.
55520: John Hannavy: - Historic Wigan : two thousand years of history.
40317: Robert Kerr Hannay [editor]: - Rentale Dunkeldense, being accounts of the Bishopric (AD 1505-1517) with Myln's lives of the Bishops (AD 1483-1517).
65733: Des Hannigan: - Francis Frith's Around St Ives.
61231: Hans-Hermann Braess, translated by Peter L Albrecht: - BMW Dimensions - The Original, The BMW 3 Series : Concept, Technology, Design.
49005: Peter Hansell: - 35mm Filmstrip Technique.
65147: K H Hansen, R P Benzinger [etc]: - Corvair : SAE Papers.
60896: H J Hanson: - Ianthe Cruises : Ushant - Gironde.
50219: Sven A Hansson: - Birger and Fredrik Ljungstrom - Inventors.
18664: Selim Abdul Haq [etc]: - An illustrated inventory of famous dismembered works of art; European painting, with a section on dismembered tombs in France.
71616: Lyn Harber: - Try Back Lads, Try Back : Reminiscences of Northern Hunting Folk.
71617: Lyn Harber: - Try Back Lads, Try Back : Reminiscences of Northern Hunting Folk, volume 2.
57494: Peter Harbison: - Ireland's Treasures : 5000 Years of Artistic Expression.
71872: Richard Harbord: - Shipden alias Cromer : Norfolk's most consmopolitan Sea-Resort - its origins and early development.
21236: Paul Harbutt: - Paul Harbutt; Interference, New Works 1994.
47845: L V Harcourt: - An Eton Bibliography.
59623: Melville Harcourt: - Tubby Clayton : a Personal Saga.
57126: Michael Hardcastle: - Aim for the Flag.
41536: Martin Hardie: - Famous Water-colour Painters VII: J S Sargent R.A. R.W.S.
62441: Alan Hardiman: - Tried and Tested : advise for owners of old buildings in Bath.
66914: Malcolm McGregor & Winton Harding: - Saxifrages : the complete list of species.
68535: W G Hardy: - From Sea unto Sea : the Road to Nationhood 1850 - 1910.
59892: Thomas Hardy: - The Well-Beloved : a sketch of a temperament.
59756: Thomas Hardy: - Life's Little Ironies : a set of tales with some colloquial sketches entitled A Few Crusted Characters.
59755: Thomas Hardy: - A Group of Noble Dames.
12709: Hardy, Violet: - Touched by the sun - a frivolous guide book for the superficial tourist in Egypt.
65528: Bill Hare: - Contemporary Painting in Scotland.
26438: Augustus J C Hare: - Days near Paris [2 volumes].
67919: Paul R Hare: - Aeroplanes of the Royal Aircraft Factory.
61911: T J Hearn & R P Hargreaves: - The Speculators' Dream : Gold Dredging in Southern New Zealand.
60667: James Harithas: - Paintings, Drawings and Sculptures in the Phoenix Art Museum Collection.
67713: Robert J Harley: - Croydon Tramways, including the South Metropolitan Electric Tramways & Lighting Company : a history from 1879 to 1951.
69524: J B Harley, with a carto-bibliography by Richard Oliver, and text illustrations by Rodney Fry: - The old series Ordnance Survey maps of England and Wales, volume VIII (8), Northern England and the Isle of Man.
67802: J B Harley, with a carto-bibliography by Richard Oliver, and text illustrations by Rodney Fry: - The old series Ordnance Survey maps of England and Wales, volume VIII (8), Northern England and the Isle of Man.
69744: Robert Harling [editor]: - House & Garden Dictionary of Design & Decoration.
68809: V T Harlow [editor]: - Ralegh's Last Voyage.
38748: Jonathan Harlow [editor]: - The Ledger of Thomas Speed, 1681 - 1690.
70721: Vernon Stokes & Cynthia Harnett: - Ducks and Drakes.
45931: Wilhelmina Harper: - The Gunniwolf and other merry tales.
44379: Edith K Harper: - A Cornish Giant : Richard Trevithick, the father of the locomotive-engine.
67449: Jennifer Harper: - City Work at Country Prices : the Portrait Photographs of Duncan Donovan.
48383: `Right Hon Lord Harris [editor]: - The History of Kent Cricket.
66587: Trevor Harris: - The Andersons of White House, Lazonby : a sort of history from 36 postcards.
61210: R G Harris: - Bengal Cavalry Regiments 1857 - 1914.
68558: W Gregory Harris: - Ballads of Bath, and other West Country Verses.
70006: John Harris: - The Design of the English Country House 1620 - 1920.
29796: Valentina Harris: - Valentina Harris' Complete Italian Cookery Course.
29789: Valentina Harris: - Valentina's Italian Family Feast; festive cooking for family occasions.
29794: Valentina Harris: - Valentina's 4 Seasons Cookbook.
57687: Frank Harris: - Frank Harris : His Life and Adventures, an autobiography.
69477: Helen Harris: - The Grand Western Canal.
7780: Harris, W J: - Letters on one-sided free trade.
4835: Harrison, C W Francis: - Harrison's business & general year book of South Africa and adjacent territories 1927 - 1928.
46035: Wilmot Harrison: - Memorable Paris Houses, with illustrative critical and anecdotal notices.
60925: Edgar Harrison: - A Dissertation upon Guns and Shooting.
65906: M W F Tweedie & J L Harrison: - Malayan Animal Life.
59190: Martin Harrison: - Brian Clarke.
68902: Graham and Janet Harrison: - The new Birds of the West Midlands, covering Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and the former West Midlands county.
48282: G L Harriss [editor]: - Henry V : the practice of Kingship.
60016: Stanley Harrop: - World Wealth in Maps : a concise survey of the natural resources, manufactures & trade highways of the Earth.
69493: Harry Appleyard, revised and extended by F R Harper: - The Allerdale Ramble.
37108: Harry Escombe, edited by J T Henderson: - Speeches of the late Right Honourable Harry Escombe.
49028: F Dudley Hart: - Colour Atlas of Rheumatology.
62218: Cyril Hart: - Between Severn (Saefern) and Wye (Waege) in the Year 1000 - a prelude to the Norman Forest of Dene in Glowecestscire (Gloucesershire) and Herefordscire (Herefordshire).
40118: Brian Hart: - The Hythe & Sandgate Railway.
68982: Linda Hart: - Once they lived in Gloucestershire: a Dymock Poets Anthology.
71127: Linda Hart: - Once they lived in Gloucestershire: a Dymock Poets Anthology.
11377: Hart, E J: - The selling of Canada; the CPR and the beginnings of Canadian tourism.
28238: Bret Harte: - Bret Harte's select works in prose and poetry.
57675: George Hartfield: - Horse Brasses.
62287: E N Hartley: - Ironworks on the Saugus : the Lynn and Braintree Ventures of the Company of Undertakers of the Ironworks in New England.
66618: C Gasquoine Hartley: - The Cathedrals of Southern Spain.
61990: George Harvan: - The Mollie Maguire Trials in Carbon and Schuylkill Counties, PA [Time of the Mollies].
66525: E Harvey: - The Potter's Wife : the story of Mary Bourne Machin (1781 - 1870).
60840: Robin & Barbara Harvey: - Winsley from Cecilia to Victoria.
13850: Haselhorst, Antoinette: - Motherhood.
37633: W Davis Haskoll: - The engineer's, mining surveyor's and contractor's field-book.
7280: Haskoll, W Davis: - The engineer's, mining surveyor's and contractor's field-book.
64925: G E Haslam [editor]: - The Manchester Public Libraries, Reference Library Subject Catalogue, Section 655, Printing, part 2, Type & Typesetting, Printing Processes, Publishing & Bookselling, Copyright.
57070: C O Hunt & S K Haslett [editors]: - Quaternary of Somerset : Field Guide.
61352: John Hassall [illustrator]: - Beauty and the Beast.
28939: A G & Dr W O Hassall: - Treasures from the Bodleian Library.
66190: Carlos van Hasselt [editor]: - Eloge de la Navigation Hollandaise au XVIIe Siecle : Tableaux, Dessins et Gravures de la Mer et de ses Rivages dans la Collection Frits Lugt.
14511: Michael Hastings: - The Snake and the Arrow.
58999: Charles Hastings: - Illustrations of the Natural History of Worcestershire, with information on the statistics, zoology and geology of the county, including also a short account of its mineral waters.
17115: Bessie Hatton: - Pilgrims of Love.
67536: Teruko Hattori: - European Life, Arts and Costume Culture [Japanese Language edition].
36289: Max Walter Haueter: - Ronald Duncan; the metaphysical content of his plays.
37570: Roar Hauglid [editor]: - Native Art of Norway.
56702: Roar Hauglid: - Old Art and Monumental Buildings in Norway restored during the last fifty years.
57946: Werner Haupt: - Die Deutschen vor Moskau 1941/42 : Bildchronik einer Schlacht der verfehlten Strategie.
63953: Cecilia Havergal [and others]: - Serving the King.
16551: Mrs F Sheridan & Dr Hawkesworth: - The history of Nourjahad by Mrs F Sheridan, and Almoran and Hamet, by Dr Hawkesworth, with a biographical preface.
53566: Mac Hawkins: - The Railway Paintings of Malcolm Root.
49648: Edward Hawkins: - A Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum, volume I.
61063: Mac Hawkins: - The Railway Paintings of Malcolm Root.
39469: Steve Kemp & John Hawkins: - Love Poems & other short stories [bound with] The Wheat and the Weeds, collected poems 1979 - 1982.
30085: Michael Hawkins: - Devon Roads; an illustrated survey of the development and management of Devon's highway network.
51821: Nathaniel Hawthorne: - Our Old Home [volume 1].
67380: Sam Hunter & Don Hawthorne: - George Segal.
57197: John Hay: - Pike County Ballads and other pieces.
72006: Robert Hay: - Lismore : the Great Garden.
70395: David Boyd Haycock: - Nash Nevinson Spencer Gertler Carrington Bomberg : A Crisis of Brilliance 1908 - 1922.
24613: Arthur Hayden: - Bye-paths in curio collecting.
68075: Amy de la Haye [editor]: - The Cutting Edge : 50 Years of British Fashion 1947 - 1997.
65043: M Horace Hayes: - Veterinary Notes for Horse Owners : a manual of horse medicine and surgery.
63047: Anne Hayes: - Family in Print : Bailey Newspaper Group Ltd, a history.
48146: Arthur Haygarth: - Arthur Haygarth's M.C.C. Cricket Scores and Biographies, being a continuation of Frederick Lillywhite's Scores and Biographies, volume VI, 1858 - 1860.
48139: Arthur Haygarth: - Arthur Haygarth's M.C.C. Cricket Scores and Biographies, being a continuation of Frederick Lillywhite's Scores and Biographies, volume XIV, 1877 - 1878.
50427: Vicky Hayward [editor]: - Bartolome Esteban Murillo 1617 - 1682.
68371: Mike Forbes & David Hayward: - British Lorries since 1945.
70110: J F Hayward: - The Art of the Gunmaker, volume II (2), Europe and America 1660 - 1830.
66013: Charles H Hayward: - Practical Veneering : hammer and caul methods, presses, built-up patterns, marquetry, inlays etc.
65620: J W Hayward: - First Stage Steam [The Organized Science Series].
71538: Paul Hazeldine: - Triumph Bonneville Year by Year.
19185: Rex Hazlewood: - The Opinions of Delta.
19181: Leslie Arkill & Rex Hazlewood: - Public Occasions.
45287: Sir George Head: - Rome : a tour of many days [3 volumes].
65801: Cuthbert Headlam: - History of the Guards Division in the Great War 1915-1918 [2 volumes].
57807: Laurie Magnus & Cecil Headlam: - Flowers of the Cave.
62301: Sir Ambrose Heal: - The London Goldsmiths 1200 - 1800; a record of the names and addresses of the craftsmen, their shop-signs and trade-cards.
38574: Major Alfred Heales: - The Archaeology of the Christian Altar in Western Europe; with its adjuncts, furniture and ornaments.
66265: R M Healey [editor]: - The Diary of George Mushet.
13312: Healey, Ben: - The Vespucci papers.
46264: Mark Healy: - Armies of the Pharaohs.
32837: G and J Hearder: - The South Devon Monthly Museum [complete in 7 volumes].
31858: Mrs Trevor Hearl [etc]: - Proceedings of the William Barnes Society, volume two, 1989 - 1992.
64779: W E (Bill) Hearney: - To Ayers Rock and Beyond.
64775: W E Hearney: - Content to Lie in the Sun.
53855: Charles F Heartman: - American Primers, Indian Primers, Royal Primers, and thirty-seven other types of non-New England Primers issued prior to 1830.
64443: Elaine Heasman: - Cheltenham volume II, (2) [images of England].
49526: W Heath Robinson, with an introduction by Bernard Darwin: - Heath Robinson: Humours of Golf.
43340: Ambrose Heath: - Home-made Wines and Liqueurs - how to make them.
42258: W Heath Robinson, with an introduction by Bernard Darwin: - Heath Robinson: Humours of Golf.
69083: W Heath Robinson, with an introduction by Bernard Darwin: - Heath Robinson: Humours of Golf.
57119: Royton E Heath: - Collectors' Alpines.
54843: John Benjamin Heath: - Some Account of the Worshipful Company of Grocers of the City of London.
69777: W Heath Robinson, edited by Geoffrey Beare: - Great British Industries , and other cartoons from The Sketch, 1906-1914.
71762: Ambrose Heath: - Little Cheese Dishes [The Home Entertainments series].
58417: J M Heathcote, C G Tebbutt & T Maxwell Witham: - Skating & Figure-skating [Badminton series].
24404: Mrs Charles Heaton: - Masterpieces of Flemish Art, including examples of the early German and the Dutch schools, with memoirs of the artists.
27066: Robert Woof & Stephen Hebron: - Romantic Icons; the National Portrait Gallery at Dove Cottage, Grasmere.
15902: John Hector: - After 1945.
32635: William Hector: - Selections from the Judicial Records of Renfrewshire, illustrative of the administration of the laws of the county, and manners and condition of the inhabitants, second series.
39908: Duncan Heenan: - Cheltenham in the Channel.
57986: Rudolf Heidenhain: - Animal Magnetism : physiological observations.
20095: Rudolf J Heinemann: - Sammlung Thyssen-Bornemisza, Abbildungen der Gemalde & Verzeichnis der Gemalde.
61559: William Heinemann: - The First Step : a Dramatic Moment.
65624: W E Heitland: - A Short History of the Roman Republic.
31814: Helen Zimmern, Lionel Robinson & F G Stephens: - The Art Annuals; The Life and Work of L Alma Tadema, J L E Meissonier & J C Hook (Royal Academician)
65091: Helena C Schott,: - Czechoslovakia (Peeps at Many Lands).
69165: Kathryn Moore Heleniak: - William Mulready.
71549: Kathryn Moore Heleniak: - William Mulready.
48296: Helge Krog, translated by Roy Campbell: - The Copy : a play.
68647: Roger Hellyer: - Ordnance Survey Small-scale Maps : Indexes 1801 - 1998.
69073: Roger Hellyer: - Ordnance Survey Small-scale Maps : Indexes 1801 - 1998.
60473: Eleanor E Helme: - Feathered Friends of Stream and Shore.
71000: Helmut Friedel, Hans Janssen & Piet Mondrian: - Mondrian : De Stijl.
62465: Felicia Hemans: - Poetical Works of Felicia Hemans.
36443: Felicia Hemans: - Tales and Historic Scenes.
36441: Felicia Hemans: - Dramatic Works.
70550: W Henderson [editor]: - Victorian Street Ballads : a selection of popular ballads sold in the street in the Nineteenth Century.
42623: Arthur T Bolton & H Duncan Hendry [editors]: - The Sixteenth Volume of the Wren Society, 1939, Drawings and Models of the Construction of St Paul's Cathedral, measured drawings of the Old Choir by F C Penrose, Thomas Malton's Drawings 1797 - 1800.
42619: Arthur T Bolton & H Duncan Hendry [editors]: - The Twelfth Volume of the Wren Society, 1935, miscellaneous designs and drawings by Sir Chr Wren and others, including James Gibbs and Nicholas Hawksmoor, for houses, public buildings and decorations, with the plans for the rebuilding of London.
49019: Harold E Henkes: - Photography, Electro-Ophthalmology and Echo-Ophthalomology in Ophthalmic Practice [Documenta Ophthalmologica Proceedings Series].
65085: Henri Rousseau, with an introduction by Harald Eggebrecht: - Henri Rousseau : the Jungle Paintings.
16514: Henri Cartier-Bresson, avec texte de Jean Clair: - Des Europeens.
34328: Henri Screpel, illustrated by Jean-Antoine Watteau, published by Rene Huyghe: - L'Univers de Watteau (les Carnets de Dessins).
68626: Henri Comte de Paris,avec texte de Michel de Grece: - Henri Comte de Paris : Mon Album de Famille.
26506: Henri d'Almeras: - La Vie Parisienne sous la Republique de 1848.
27142: M Casimir Henricy: - Histoire de l'Oceanie, depuis son origine jusqu'en 1845.
54601: Henrik Ibsen, illustrated by Arthur Rackham: - Peer Gynt; a dramatic poem.
53848: Henry Moseley, with additions by D H Malan: - The Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architecture.
51405: Alan Henry [editor]: - Autocourse 1997-98.
18710: Henry Bordeaux, illustrated by Paul A Robert: - Les fleurs des alpes; 18 planches en dix couleurs d'apres les aquarelles de Paul A Robert.
44125: Robert Mitchell Henry: - The Evolution of Sinn Fein [Modern Ireland in the Making series].
40501: Max Henry [foreword]: - Germania.
65739: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, edited by Agnes Nightingale: - Hiawatha's Childhood [The Visual Series].
58104: Henry Dunckley; M Leroy-Beaulieu; Theodor Barth; Leonard Courtney; Charles Pelham Villiers, with an introduction by Richard Gowing: - Richard Cobden and the jubilee of free trade.
68755: Henry Rodolph de Salis, with an introduction by Charles Hadfield: - Bradshaw's canals and navigable rivers of England and Wales; a reprint of A Handbook of Inland Navigation for Manufacturers, Merchants, Traders and Others.
27955: Henry William Henfrey, revised by C F Keary: - A Guide to the study of English Coins, from the Conquest to the present time.
56151: Henry Lawson, edited by Walter Stone: - The World of Henry Lawson.
48605: A W Coysh & R K Henrywood: - The Dictionary of Blue and White Printed Pottery, 1780-1880, volume II (additional entries and supplementary information).
59872: T Geoffrey W Henslow: - Early Poems.
63722: G A Henty: - One of the 28th : a Tale of Waterloo.
59666: G A Henty: - Redskin and Cowboy : a Tale of the Western Plains.
57309: G A Henty: - Queen Victoria : scenes from her life and reign.
74204: Nathaniel Hepburn: - Cedric Morris & Christopher Wood : a forgotten friendship.
53752: A Hepplewhite: - The Cabinet-maker and Upholsterer's Guide; or, repository of designs for every article of household furniture, in the newest and most approved taste.
20059: Dr Herbert Dubler, mit einer Einleitung von Joseph Bernhart: - Das Buch der Jahreszeiten.
43735: B Hargraves & C K Herbert: - Survivors - review of piston-engined airliners.
42988: Herbert Friedmann, Ludlow Griscom & Robert T Moore: - Distributional Check-list of the Birds of Mexico, part I.
66702: A P Herbert: - Let there be Liberty.
4571: Herbertson, Andrew J: - An illustrated school geography.
71426: Claude Herbulot: - Atlas des Lepidopteres de France, Belgique, Suisse, Italie du Nord, tome II (2), Heteroceres.
71427: Claude Herbulot: - Atlas des Lepidopteres de France, Belgique, Suisse, Italie du Nord, tome III (3), Heteroceres (fin).
42688: D W Herdman [editor]: - Cheltenham under Ten Reigns - Cheltenham Art Gallery, handbook to the Coronation Exhibition, 10th May - 5th June 1937.
58860: John Herington: - Air Power over Europe 1944 - 1945.
70901: Robert J Heritage: - Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Animals and Figurines : a Schiffer Book for Collectors.
72417: Herman Charles Bosman, edited by Lionel Abrahams: - Unto Dust.
47659: John J Hermann Jr: - In the Shadow of the Acropolis : popular and private art in 4th Century Athens.
62988: Carl Hans Hermann: - Die 9. Panzerdivision 1939 - 1945 : Bewaffnung, Einsatze, Manner [Deutsche Panzerdivisionen im Bild].
15280: Frances E Herring: - In the pathless West; with soldiers, pioneers, miners and savages.
75723: Mick Herron: - Dolphin Junction.
33142: Phoebe Hesketh: - A Ring of Leaves.
70846: I R P Heslop, G E Hyde & R E Stockley: - Notes & Views of the Purple Emperor.
44789: Jackie Heuman [editor]: - Material Matters : the conservation of modern sculpture.
71970: John Hewish: - Rooms near Chancery Lane : the Patent Office under the Commissioners, 1852 - 1883.
61423: Robert Hewison: - Ruskin's Venice.
43499: T J Hewitt, illustrated by Lunt Roberts: - Teddy Tail's Book of Children's Songs.
67122: John Hewitt [Introduction].: - The Shell Poster Book.
38470: Henry G Hewlett: - Post-Norman Britain; foreign influences upon the history of England from the accession of Henry III to the revolution of 1688 [Early Britain].
58287: Rose Hewlett: - Frampton Remembers World War I.
68827: David Hey: - A History of the South Yorkshire Countryside.
68708: David Hey: - Historic Hallamshire : History in Sheffield's Countryside.
61519: Michiel Heyns: - Expulsion and the Nineteenth-Century Novel : the Scapegoat in English Realist Fiction.
60587: John Heywood: - The Pardoner and the frere, the curate and neybour Pratte [The Tudor Facsimile Texts].
60586: John Heywood: - John John the Husband, Tyb his Wife and Sir John the Priest [The Tudor Facsimile Texts].
57098: Ronald Hickling [editor]: - Enjoying Ornithology.
61692: Seymour Hicks: - Night Lights : two men talk of life and love and ladies.
72051: B W HIcks: - Fundamentals of Radio Servicing.
14517: Margaret Higgins: - The Changeling.
57508: R A Higgins: - Greek Terracottas.
67927: R A Higgins: - Greek Terracottas.
66905: Philip E High: - The Prodigal Son.
11326: Hilditch, John: - Something about Japanese colour prints, with catalogue of exhibition of Japanese prints at the Manchester Whitworth Institute, March to September 1911.
61536: Samuel Hill: - Little Spadger's Dog and other Lancashire Dialect Sketches, written in the vernacular of South-East Lancashire.
61341: Arthur George Hill: - The Architectural History of the Christian Church [The Arts of the Church].
70167: D Y Hill: - Bridge Calculation and Design (for Steel Bridges).
40506: Ralph Hill: - Salty Stories from the Chair.
39181: R H Ernest Hill [editor]: - Index of Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1620-9, and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House, London: volume 6, VI [The Index Library, volume 44].
65720: Fritz Dressler & Roland Hill: - Ireland.
34124: General Lord Hill [preface]: - The Kings Regulations and Orders for the Army, Adjutant Generals Office, Horse Guards, 1st June 1837.
33694: J F Hill: - Textbook of Reactor Physica.
58863: Roy E Hill: - Survivor : a true story of one mans war.
31097: W Leonard Hill: - Making Known; the partnership of Author, Publisher and Bookseller in the advancement of Science and Technology.
65629: M D Hill: - Eton and Elsewhere.
67761: James Michael Hill: - Celtic Warfare 1595 - 1763.
67139: Elizabeth Hilliard: - Chandeliers.
66789: O M Hilliard, edited by O A Leistner: - Flora of Southern Africa, volume 33 (Asteraceae), Part 7 (Inuleae), Fascicle 2 (Gnaphaliinae, first part).
42187: O M Hilliard: - The Manuleae - a tribe of Scrophulariaceae.
61056: John Hillier: - Victorian Poole.
71725: Richard Hillier: - Clay that burns : a history of the Fletton Brick Industry.
14516: Christopher Hilton: - Dead End.
24908: Charles Hilton: - The Cotswolds in old picture postcards.
22500: Charles Hilton: - The Cotswolds in old picture postcards.
50526: Arthur M Hind [editor]: - Andrea Mantegna and the Italian Pre-Raphaelite Engravers [Great Engravers series].
71557: Arthur M Hind: - Engraving in England in the Sixteenth & Seventeenth Centuries, part I (1), The Tudor Period.
71768: Thomas Hinde: - An Illustrated History of the University of Greenwich.
51268: John Hine: - The Tale of Pershore Mill.
67218: Colin Hines: - Art Deco London.
68947: F Hines [illustrator]: - Upward.
59914: J W Hinton: - Organ Construction.
16940: F C Hipkins: - Repton and its neighbourhood; a descriptive guide of the archaeology, etc, of the district.
64605: Hiroshi Hamaya, illustrated by William Klein: - William Klein.
60045: Clement Hoare: - A Practical Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine on Open Walls.
59600: Russell Hoban: - Goodnight.
69388: J S Hobbs: - The British Channel Pilot from the Downs to Bristol.
63938: Ruth A Hobson [illustrator]: - Great-Grandmother's Book : The Daisy, or Cautionary Stories in Verse.
62968: R L Hobson: - Catalogue of the Frank Lloyd collection of Worcester porcelain of the Wall period.
44951: George Hodges: - Fountains Abbey : the story of a mediaeval monastery.
70705: Ronald W Hodges: - The Moths of America North of Mexico, fascicle 21, Sphingoidea.
44708: F C Hodgson: - Thames-side in the Past : sketches of its literature & society.
42719: James Hodsdon [editor]: - The Court Books of the Manor of Cheltenham, 1692 - 1803.
38702: James Hodsdon [editor]: - The Court Books of the Manor of Cheltenham, 1692 - 1803.
71049: Donald Hodson: - County Atlases of the British Isles published after 1703, volume two (2, II), Atlases published 1743 to 1763 and their subsequent editions.
71048: Donald Hodson: - County Atlases of the British Isles published after 1703, volume one (1, I), atlases published 1704 to 1742 and their subsequent editions.
69883: Donald Hodson: - County Atlases of the British Isles published after 1703, volume one (1, I), atlases published 1704 to 1742 and their subsequent editions.
49512: Karl Hoffacker: - Kunstgewerbeblatt.
55408: E T A Hoffmann, illustrated by Grigory Gluckmann: - Salvator Rosa.
40294: W B Cooke & Mrs Hofland: - Richmond and its surrounding scenery.
23845: A Hofmann, illustrated by Christl Obermayer: - Three Tales (Drei Marchen).
20921: Hans H Hofstatter: - Jugendstil Druckkunst.
70775: Paul Hogarth: - Drawing on Life - the autobiography of Paul Hogarth.
68386: Brian Hoggard: - Bredon Hill; a guide to its archaeology, history, folkore and villages.
65522: Christopher Hohler: - The Durham Services in Honour of St Cuthbert.
25780: Ewald Hoinkis: - Ewald Hoinkis; Fotografien 1924-60.
24029: Florence Holbrook: - The Children's Hiawatha.
39711: John Holden: - Lots of Company: Night After Day After Night.
31657: R F Holder: - Bank of New South Wales, a history, 2 volumes.
55573: M A Hole: - Sketches of Bovey Travey and District.
46665: Gilbert Holiday: - We'll all go a-hunting to-day - a sketchbook from the hunting field.
70666: W J Holland: - The Moth Book : a popular guide to a knowledge of the Moths of North America.
63813: John Bellows & Colonel John Holland: - A Week's Holiday in the Forest of Dean.
45922: S C Holland, H M Caddick & D S Dudley-Smith: - Supplement to the Flora of Gloucestershire.
61896: Ralph Holland [editor]: - Italian and other Drawings 1500 - 1800.
33431: S C Holland, H M Caddick & D S Dudley-Smith: - Supplement to the Flora of Gloucestershire.
65425: J Holland Walker, edited by Percy G Whatnall: - Links with Old Nottingham.
58597: Nicole Crossley-Holland: - Living and Dining in Medieval Paris : the Household of a Fourteenth Century Knight.
54638: H S Holland: - Good Friday.
30780: D G Holliday: - A tale of Three Cities.
65348: Buckner Hollingsworth: - Flower Chronicles.
27281: Brian Hollingsworth: - The Great Western Collection (The Guild of Railway Artists).
22421: Alan Hollingsworth: - Cheltenham (Town County Cameracolour Cameo).
32365: Chrisopher Hollis: - Histoire des Papes et du Vatican.
53279: Julie Hollobone: - Propagation Techniques.
33902: Merlyn Holloway: - Steel Engravings in Nineteenth Century British Topographical Books; a bibliography.
71501: Stina Holmberg: - SY : Love for Textiles.
67915: Stina Holmberg: - SY : Love for Textiles.
20050: Charles Holme (editor): - The Royal Academy from Reynolds to Millais
56782: Charles Holme [editor]: - Daumier and Gavarni.
71007: May Holmes [etc]: - Pixie Pep and other stories.
18358: W D Holmes, revised by G M Zulu: - Bark-hive beekeeping in Zambia.
66345: E M Besly & N M McQ Holmes [editors]: - The British Numismatic Journal 1995, volume 65.
16265: Oliver Wendell Holmes: - La Derniere Feuille.
41635: Richard R Holmes: - Queen Victoria.
39536: Clive Holmes: - Twenty Cotswold Towns.
28056: Sir Richard Holmes: - Edward VII; his life and times [2 volumes].
54554: S C A Holmes: - Geology of The Country around Faversham.
20870: Malcolm J Holmes: - Hampstead to Primrose Hill (Britain in old photographs).
72003: A Dorothy Holmes: - Some Wessex Sketches.
66703: Miss Anne Holt [etc]: - The Church of the Divine Unity, Newcastle upon Tyne - souvenir of the opening and dedication serviced, January 20th and 21st 1940.
61726: Tom Holt: - Lucia Triumphant.
65742: Alan L Holt: - Old North Somerset : romantic routes & mysterious byways.
45973: Jessica Douglas Home: - Violet : the Life & Loves of Violet Gordon oodhouse 1871 - 1948 [limited edition].
15342: Mr Home, Mr Farquhar & Mrs Centlivre: - Douglas; a tragedy; The Beaux Stratagem, a comedy; The Wonder! a woman keeps a secret - marked with the variations in the Manager's Book at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden or Drury-Lane.
72004: Gordon Home: - What to see in the Channel Islands.
62511: W B Honey: - French Porcelain of the 18th Century.
61278: William Bowyer Honey: - The Ceramic Art of China, and other countries of the Far East.
18480: Jessie Hood: - Bonnie Bessie Lee [The Pettman Popular Stories].
61756: Michael S D Hooper: - Sexual Politics in the Work of Tennessee Williams : Desire over Protest.
62260: Jeremy Hope: - Interlude in Norway.
29022: A R Hope Moncrieff, illustrated by W Biscombe Gardner: - The Peak Country.
51605: Kenneth Hopkins: - The Bent Pin : an anthology of poems about fishing.
56245: J C F Hopkins: - Tobacco Diseases, with special reference to Africa.
14912: Henry Lennox Hopkinson: - A history of the site of Merchant Taylors' Hall and adjoining properties belonging to the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of Saint John Baptist in the City of London.
29972: E O Hoppé: - Round the World with a Camera.
54560: P M Hopson, D T Aldiss & A Smith: - Geology of The Country around Hitchin.
38085: Horace Newcomb, Cary o'Dell & Noelle Watson [editors]: - Museum of Broadcast Communications Encyclopedia of Television [3 volumes].
35012: Horace, edited by Philip Francis: - A Poetical Translation of the Works of Horace, with the original text, and critical notes collected from his best Latin and French commentators, volume 1.
49192: Bill Horan: - Military Model Showcase.
18481: W O von Horn [W Oertel]: - The Rhine; history and legends of its castles, abbeys, monasteries and towns.
16613: Holloway Horn: - Round the Mulberry Bush.
69683: Maurice Horn: - Comics of the American West.
37511: Dan Meinertzhagen & R P Hornby: - Bird Life in an Arctic Spring; the diaries of Dan Meinertzhagen and R P Hornby.
67507: Clarence P Hornung: - A Source Book of Antiques & Jewelry [jewellery] Designs.
33912: Sidney Horrocks [editor]: - A contribution towards a Lancashire Bibliography 6; Lancashire history and topography, historical periods pre-Roman; Roman; pre-Norman.
60412: Rosemary Horrox [editor]: - Selected Rentals and Accounts of Medieval Hull, 1293 - 1528.
13551: Horsfall, Magdalene: - London Again, again.
5756: Horsnell, Horace: - The Tyro's Vade Mecum, or, how to take the stage.
4368: Horst, Gregor [Horsti, Gregori; Horstii, Gregorii; Horstio, Gregorio]: - Observationum Medicarum Singularium; de re Medica Varia consultationum et epistolarum medicinalium.
10181: Horsting, L H C: - Pawiro zwerftochten door Indie.
11048: Horswell, Maud: - An unusual romance.
52821: Alfred J Horwood [editor]: - Year Books of the Reign of King Edward the First, Years XX and XXI.
68712: Ranjit Hoskote [editor]: - Atul Dodiya.
5783: Hospitalii, Michaelis [Michel de l'Hopital]: - Michaelis Hospitalii Galliarum Cancelarii, Carmina; editio a prioribus diverse & auctior.
62399: Hubert Houben: - Il Libro del Capitolo del Monastero della SS Trinita di Venosa (Cod. Casin. 334) : una testimonianza del Mezzogiorno normanno.
24379: R P Vincentii Houdry: - Bibliotheca Concionatoria, ethices Christianae praecipua continens argumenta, ordine Alphabetico digesta, e Gallico sermone in Latinum translata [5 volumes].
55060: Simon Houfe: - John Leech and the Victorian Scene.
32411: Ceri House: - Ceri House; a Self Portrait.
61509: Laurence Housman: - Little Plays of St Francis : a dramatic cycle from the life and legend of St Francis of Assisi.
34234: Laurence Housman: - The Comments of Juniper; six plays from the life and legend of St Francis of Assisi.
43180: Arsene Houssaye: - Moliere - sa Femme et sa Fille.
43178: Arsene Houssaye: - La Comedie Francaise 1680 - 1880.
23315: George Houston [editor]: - The County of Dumfries [the third statistical account of Scotland].
68040: Douglas Houston: - Valley of the Simonsberg.
22806: A Houze: - Atlas Historique de l'Angleterre, compose de dix cartes geographiques, donnant les differentes divisions et modifications territoriales de l'Angleterre.
40237: Right Rev W Walsham How: - Plain Words, Third Series - forty meditations with a view to the deepening of the religious life.
70511: Howard Beard, Peter Harris & Wilfred Merrett: - Five Stroud Photographers [The Archive Photographs Series].
57510: Geoffrey Eliot Howard: - Early English Drug Jars, with some notes on Jacobean Wine Pots, Cups etc.
69227: Jeremy Howard: - Art Nouveau : International and national styles in Europe.
61754: David J Howe [editor]: - Urbam Gothic : Lacuna and other trips.
71570: William H Howe: - The Butterflies of North America.
51553: David W Howell: - Taking Stock; the Centenary History of the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society.
12607: Howell, Ben: - Law and Disorder in Tudor Monmouthshire.
25716: William D Howells: - Minor Dramas (Comedies and Farces), volume I.
64169: Hugh Howes: - The Windmills and Watermills of Bedfordshire - past, present and future.
68284: Miss C L Howland: - Tasty Entrees : a collection of recipes.
5455: Howland, Waldo: - A life in boats; the years before the war.
56179: Matt Howling: - Market Harborough: A History & Celebration of the Town.
64967: Jasmine S Howse [editor]: - Index of the Probate Records of the Court of the Archdeacon of Berkshire, volume II, 1653 - 1710 (Index Library, volume 87).
3707: Howson, J S & Rimmer, Alfred: - Chester as it was.
63820: Martin Simsa & Petra Hrbacova: - Open-Air Museum of Rural Architecture in South-East Moravia : a guide to the museum.
36317: Tom Hubbard [editor]: - The New Makars; the Mercat Anthology of Contemporary Poetry in Scots.
8785: Hubert, Gerard: - Gothic France [countries of the world #16].
63146: Sarah Tyacke & John Huddy: - Christopher Saxton and Tudor map-making.
69011: Sarah Tyacke & John Huddy: - Christopher Saxton and Tudor map-making.
16128: Peter Hudson: - The French Scholar's Guide; or, an easy help for translating French into English.
57778: W H Hudson: - The Purple Land.
66956: William A Hudspeath: - Beret Insignia of the U.S. Army.
53841: Samuel Huggins: - The Course and Current of Architecture : being an historical account of the origin, successive and simultaneous developments, relations, periods and characteristics of its various known styles.
50002: Annabelle Hughes [editor]: - Sussex Clergy Inventories 1600 - 1750.
63620: Therle Hughes: - English Domestic Needlework 1660 - 1860.
69030: Therle Hughes: - English Domestic Needlework 1660 - 1860.
59867: John Hughes: - Poems on Several Occasions, with some select essays in prose, volume the second.
69345: Major-General B P Hughes: - Firepower : Weapons effectiveness on the battlefield, 1630 - 1850.
29685: P G Hughes: - Ramblers' Guide to Eastbourne district.
70207: Quentin Hughes: - Military Architecture : the Art of Defence from Earliest Times to the Atlantic Wall.
55288: Michael Hughes: - Judgement Impaired : Law, disorder and injustice to victims in 21st century Britain.
71988: Cledwyn Hughes: - The Northern Marches [The Regional Books series].
54366: Thomas Hugo: - The Bewick Collector : a Supplement to the Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Thomas and John Bewick.
14479: Thomas Hugo: - An illustrated itinerary of the ward of Bishopsgate, in the City of London.
51222: Archer Butler Hulbert: - Waterways of Westward Expansion : the Ohio River and its Tributaries [Historic Highways of America, volume 9].
51219: Archer Butler Hulbert: - Indian Thoroughfares [Historic Highways of America, volume 2].
37653: Charles C Huling: - American Candy Maker.
64664: Edward Hull: - The Geology of the Country around Woodstock, Oxfordshire (sheet no. 45 S.W.)
43902: E M Hull: - Camping in the Sahara.
24772: F Hull [editor]: - A Kentish Miscellany.
49900: F Edward Hulme: - Proverb Lore : many sayings, wise or otherwise, on many subjects, gleaned from many sources.
14168: Humber, William: - A complete treatise on cast and wrought iron bridge construction, including iron foundations, volume 2 (plates).
14060: William Humber: - A Practical Treatise of Cast and Wrought Iron Bridges.
62517: David Hume: - The Philosophical Works of David Hume, volume I (1).
62227: Baron F Duckham & John R Hume [editors]: - Transport History 1971 : volume 4 of the Journal.
62226: Baron F Duckham & John R Hume [editors]: - Transport History 1970 : volume 3 of the Journal.
62225: Baron F Duckham & John R Hume [editors]: - Transport History 1969 : volume 2 of the Journal.
71548: Arthur W J G Ord-Hume: - Barrel Organ; the story of the mechanical organ and its repair.
63587: Humphrey Prideaux, Dean of Norwich: - The Old and New Testament connected in the History of the Jews and Neighbouring Nations, from the declension of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah to the Time of Christ, vol. IV.
61679: Richard Humphrey: - The Historical Novel as Philosophy of History : three German contributions, Alexis, Fontane, Doblin.
20484: Arthur L Humphreys: - Old Decorative Maps and Charts.
65486: Leigh Hunt: - Six Letters of Leigh Hunt addressed to W W Story, 1850 - 1856.
47491: David Addey & Shally Hunt: - The Medway : sketches along the river, based on Samuel Ireland's Picturesque Views on the River Medway (1793).
66926: Donald Hunt: - Festival Memories.
57325: Evan Hunter: - The Blackboard Jungle : a novel.
57038: Norman Hunter: - Professor Branestawm's Great Revolution.
55195: E M and A Huntingdon: - The Squire's Nieces.
70450: Archer Milton Huntington: - The Ladies of Vallbona.
56382: Frank Hurlbutt: - Bow Porcelain.
61508: Estelle M Hurll: - Child-life in Art.
33500: Herbert Hurst: - Oxford Topography: an essay.
67841: Katrina Sigsbee Fischer & Alex A Hurst: - Anton Otto Fischer, Marine Artist : his life and work.
70890: Derek Hurst [etc]: - Dodderhill through the Ages.
52015: J S Hurt: - Elementary Schooling and the Working Classes 1860 - 1918.
66044: Torsten Husen: - Talent, Opportunity and Career : a twenty-six year follow-up of 1500 individuals.
30858: Gertrude Jekyll & Christopher Hussey: - Garden Ornament.
72251: Christopher Hussey: - Eton College.
71926: Wallace Hutcheon Jr: - Robert Fulton : Pioneer of Undersea Warfare.
50648: Clive D Hutchinson: - Birds in Ireland.
57146: Tom Hutchinson [editor]: - Bishop Auckland to Wearhead [Images of England].
20826: Kenneth Hutchison: - One Cap over the Windmill.
69050: Julia Hutt: - Japanese Prints.
64533: Barbara Hutton: - Fair Women and Brave Men : stories of heroic historical characters.
61758: Laurence Hutton: - Literary Landmarks of Oxford.
34790: Ray Hutton [editor]: - Silverstone: Fifty Golden Years.
49914: Aldous Huxley: - Those Barren Leaves.
19230: Rene Huyghe: - La Peinture Francaise, XVIIIme et XIXme siecles (figures et portraits); les chefs-d'oeuvre de l'art Francais a l'exposition internationale de 1937.
36767: Rene Huyghe: - Delacroix.
59919: Pauline Hyde: - The Latest Adventures of Eddie : a Famous Pigeon goes to France.
17790: Florence B Hyett [editor]: - Fifty London Rhymes for Children.
63018: F A Hyett: - Gloucester in National History.
31792: F A Hyett: - County Bibliographies: A Paper Read Before the Bibliographical Society, March 18th, 1895, by F. A.Hyett. with the Suggestions and Recommendations Approved by the Society, January, 1896.
71124: The Lord Hylton: - Notes on the History of the Parish of Kilmersdon.
29670: Caroline Hyman: - Portrait of a Valley; the Hambleden Valley in photographs.
70106: Susan Hyman [editor]: - Edward Lear in the Levant; travels in Albania, Greece and Turkey in Europe, 1848 - 1849.
35881: Cutcliffe Hyne: - Further Adventures of Captain Kettle.
52458: The Earl of Iddesleigh: - The Pleasures, Dangers and Uses of Desultory Reading.
14580: Ignace Marietan, preface de Pierre Grellet: - Ame et visages du Valais.
55681: Ignace Vandevivere & Catheline Perier-d'Ieteren, illustrated by Hugues Boucher: - Renaissance Art in Belgium : Architecture, monumental art.
63229: David Ignatow [editor]: - The Beloit Poetry Journal Volume 14, Number 1, Fall 1963 : William Carlos Williams, a Memorial Chapbook.
21068: Earl A Powell III [preface]: - The James A Michener Collection; twentieth century American painting.
52119: Daisaku Ikeda: - The Snow Country Prince.
63592: Ilona Turanszky, illustrated by Karoly Gink: - Azerbaijan : Mosques, Turrets, Palaces.
69766: Imao Keinen, with text by Lawrence Smith & Emma Myers: - Flowers and Birds from Imao Keinen's Album.
61474: James Imlach: - History of Banff and familiar account of its inhabitants and belongings.
66780: K L Immelman, edited by O A Leistner: - Flora of Southern Africa, volume 18, part 3 (Simaroubaceae - Malpighiaceae).
66446: Rhona Ingall: - Poems from the House on the Hill.
62256: Inger Johanne, translated by Gwendolen Wade: - The Little Northerners.
68094: Marie Hartley & Joan Ingilby: - A Dales Heritage : life stories from documents and folk memory.
30630: Ingimar Oskarsson, illustrated by Henning Anthon: - Fiskar I Litum.
34641: Holcombe Ingleby: - Poems and Plays.
68619: Joan Inglesant: - Bells of Mystery.
16325: Simon Inglis [editor]: - The best of Charles Buchan's Football Monthly.
58973: Ingulphus (Arthur Gray): - Tedius brief tales of Granta and Gramarye [signed first edition in dustwrapper].
61513: Michael Innes: - Appleby plays Chicken.
33870: Irina Danilova [Oberleitung], illustrated by Heinrich Schliemann: - Der Schatz aus Troja: die Ausgrabungen von Heinrich Schliemann.
46918: Major Guy Paget & Lionel Irvine: - The Flying Parson and Dick Christian [limited edition].

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