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23140: Anthony J Camp [editor]: - An index to the wills proved in the prerogative court of Canterbury, 1750-1800, volume 3, Ch - G.
16493: W K H Campbell: - Practical co-operation in Asia and Africa.
32303: Tony Campbell: - Hoogtepunten uit de Wereld van de Cartografie; Oude kaarten en hun makers.
57609: David Campbell [foreword]: - Voice of the Seniors : The First Seven Years (August 1989 to May 1996).
55838: Rear-Admiral Gordon Campbell: - Number Thirteen : being the autobiography of Rear-Admiral Gordon Campbell VC DSO MP.
65774: Roger Campion: - The Call of Duty; Police Gallantry in Devon and Cornwall.
68077: Cristian Campos [editor]: - The Big Book of Bags, Tags, and Labels.
36631: Richard Cannon: - Historical Record of the First, or Royal Regiment of Foot: containing an account of the origin of the regiment in the reign of King James VI of Scotland, and of its subsequent services to 1846.
25948: Canon Henry Scott Holland, edited by J Howard Whitehouse: - An Apology for St Paul's Cathedral.
63890: F J Sanchez Canton: - La Coleccion Cambo.
71769: Vivian Capel: - Audio on Wheels.
13901: Capella: - Magic Time.
33025: Wendy Caplan [editor]: - Scotland Creates: 5000 years of art and design.
68825: S Canynge Caple: - A History of Gloucestershire County Cricket Club 1870 - 1948.
67442: Edmund Capon: - Chinese Painting.
70115: Edmund Capon: - Tang China : Vision and Splendour of a Golden Age.
68874: Captain John Mansel, edited by E G C Beckwith: - The Mansel Diaries : the diaries of Captain John Mansel, prisoner-or-war and Camp forger, in Germany 1940-45.
37586: Rosario Caputo: - Vincenzo Migliaro.
50320: Steven Caras: - Peter Martins : Prince of the Dance.
68339: Peter Carey: - Bliss.
59480: Daniel Yonnet & Andre Cariou: - Le Finistere des Peintres.
35369: Carl A Zapffe, Frederick K Landgraf & Clee O Worden: - Fractographic Study of the Bismuth-Antimony system.
69544: Donald de Carle: - Watchmakers' & Clockmakers' Encyclopaedic Dictionary.
69825: Eric Carle: - Does a Kangaroo have a Mother, Too ?
71774: Donald de Carle: - Complicated watches and their repair.
47877: Will Carleton: - Farm Legends.
47878: Will Carleton: - Farm Ballads.
50710: Enzo Carli: - La Scultura Lignea Italiana dal XII al XVI Secolo.
69878: Claudio Carli: - Claudio Carli : terre.
64543: Carlo Goldoni, edited by Helen Zimmern: - The Comedies of Carlo Goldoni.
26802: Carlos Gonzalez Pena, translated by Gusta Barfield Nance & Florene Johnson Dunstan: - History of Mexican Literature.
68969: W Y Carman: - British Military Uniforms from contemporary pictures : Henry VII to the present day.
61993: Marius Carol: - Barcelona 360.
63052: J E Carpenter: - Routledge's Comic Reciter.
51198: David R Carr [editor]: - The first general entry book of the City of Salisbury, 1387 - 1452.
63440: John Dickson Carr: - In Spite of Thunder.
24050: E Carr: - The story of Sir Richard Whittington, Lord Mayor of London, in the years 1397, 1406-7 & 1419 A.D.
64940: Carlo Carra: - Giotto : the Cappella degli Scrovegni [Italian Frescoes].
58752: FitzRoy Carrington [editor]: - A Print-Lover's Hundred.
55820: David Carroll: - Dumfries [Scotland in Old Photographs].
4393: Carruthers, Thomas: - Urine examination made easy; a plan of examination with the common tests fully described.
10829: Carruthers, S W: - Three centuries of the Westminster shorter catechism, with a facsimile reproduction of the original manuscript presented to Parliament 25th November 1647.
51347: R A G Carson: - Coins : Ancient, Mediaeval & Modern.
41089: J L Carstairs: - This Art.
65113: Charles Carter: - The Easter Story in Art.
63424: David Giles Carter: - Northern Baroque Paintings & Drawings from the Collection of Mr and Mrs Henry H Weldon.
67118: Mary Randolph Carter [editor]: - Diary of a Collection : Ralph Lauren, Fall 2005.
39687: Rob and Nick Carter: - Rob and Nick Carter.
68076: Tom Carter: - The Victorian Garden.
21320: Robert Carter: - The Giants' Dance [book two of the Language of Stones].
72255: A C R Carter: - The Year's Art 1942 - 1944 : a concise spitome of all matters relating to the arts of painting, sculpture, engraving and architecture and to schools of design.
7562: Carter, Professor H & Griffiths, H M [editors]: - National atlas of Wales [Atlas Cenedlaethol Cymru].
47547: Nicole Cartier: - Les Orfevres de Douai [Dictionnaire des poincons de l'orfeverie francaise].
63746: Barbara Cartland: - Marriage for Moderns.
21121: Teresa Martins de Carvalho: - Um Patrimonio Artistico.
48533: Antony Griffiths & Frances Cary: - German Printmaking in the Age of Goethe.
60248: Dott Egidio Casasco: - L'Uomo e gli Animali (gli inutili maltrattamenti).
68376: Paul Casey: - Virtual Tides.
54168: Zoe Cass: - A Twist in the Silk.
58064: Frederick Charles Cass: - South Mimms.
56555: Caroline Cass: - Grand Illusions : Contemporary Interior Murals.
44189: Rev Stephen Hyde Cassan: - Lives and Memoirs of the Bishops of Sherborne and Salisbury.
70287: Joseph Bonnici & Michael Cassar: - The Malta Tramway and the Barracca Lift.
65121: Patrizia Castelli: - La Rinascita del Sapere : libri e maestri dello studio ferrarese.
37255: Enrique Balcells & Joaquim Castells: - Ordesa y Monte Perdido; parque nacional, la naturaleza en Espana.
51391: Egerton Castle: - Consequences, volume II.
66731: S Castroviejo [editor]: - Flora Iberica, Plantas vasulares de la Peninsula Iberica e Islas Baleares, vol. VII (II), Leguminosae (partim)
66726: S Castroviejo, M Lainz, G Lopez Gonzalez, P Montserrat, F Munoz Garmendia, J Paiva & L Villar [editors]: - Flora Iberica, Plantas vasulares de la Peninsula Iberica e Islas Baleares, vol. I (1), Lycopodiaceae - Papaveraceae.
66730: S Castroviejo, M Lainz, G Lopez Gonzalez, P Montserrat, F Munoz Garmendia, J Paiva & L Villar [editors]: - Flora Iberica, Plantas vasulares de la Peninsula Iberica e Islas Baleares, vol. VIII (8), Haloragaceae - Euphorbiaceae.
40251: Catherine Bruzzone, illustrated by Clare Beaton: - German for Children (fun, activity-based language learning).
49136: M de Caumont: - Statistique Monumentale du Calvados [4 tomes].
4146: Cave-Browne, J: - Lambeth Palace and its associations.
54547: R Cave: - Geology of The Malmesbury District.
27444: Cavendish: - The Laws of Piquet, adopted by the Portland and Turf Clubs, with a treatise on the game.
13965: Diana Rees & Marjorie G Cawley: - A Pictorial Encyclopaedia Of Goss China.
57433: Diana Rees & Marjorie G Cawley: - A Pictorial Encyclopaedia Of Goss China.
46192: Ian Caws: - Village under the Sea.
20874: Henri de Cazals: - L'art moderne dans les musees de province.
48014: Jaime Aguirre Ceballos: - Flora de la Real Expedicion Botanica del Nuevo Reino de Granada (1783 - 1816), tomo II, Algas, Liquenes, Hongos, Hepaticas y Musgos.
43688: Loris Cecchini: - Monologue Patterns.
67636: A Watson & L R Celestin [editors]: - Disorders of the Oesophagus : Advances and Controversies.
7448: Cepari, Father Virgil, edited by Father Francis Goldie: - Life of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga.
57694: Francisco Asensio Cerver: - Masters 01 : Designers, Architects and Decorators.
54368: Alphonse Cerza [prefatory note]: - Freemasons and Freemasonry.
13236: Cesare d'Onofrio: - Scalinate di Roma.
67039: Herbert Cescinsky: - English Furniture from Gothic to Sheraton.
48600: Segolene le Men & Jan Ceuleers: - Grandville : Un Autre Monde, les dessins et les secrets.
16780: William Chadwick: - King John of England: a history and vindication, based on the original authorities [King John Vindicated].
29894: S J Chadwick: - The Yorkshire Archaeological Society; an account of its origin in 1863 and of its progress from that date to 1913.
72147: Stephen Chalke: - Caught in the Memory : County Cricket in the 1960s.
31630: Frederick Chamberlin: - The Philippine Problem, 1898 - 1913.
41028: Jacques Jouet & Stephen Chambers: - Sord Vando Voo-Vo.
13981: William and Robert Chambers: - Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, new series, volumes XV & XVI (1851).
13980: William and Robert Chambers: - Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, new series, volumes XIII & XIV (1850).
13979: William and Robert Chambers: - Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, new series, volumes VII & VIII (1847).
55537: Stephen Chambers: - Stephen Chambers, the Martyrdom of St Ursula - Monotypes, the Venice Project.
56198: Michel Champier: - Magies.
38849: Arthur C Champneys: - Irish Ecclesiastical Architecture, with some notice of similar, or related work in England, Scotland and elsewhere.
58416: M M Kehoe & L C Chan: - Buffalo Draught Power on Oil Palm Estates.
19473: Joshua Pollard & John Chandler [editors]: - Wiltshire Studies; the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, volume 95, 2002.
19474: Joshua Pollard & John Chandler [editors]: - Wiltshire Heritage Studies; the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, volume 93, 2000.
22547: E Pierre Chanover: - The Marquis de Sade: a bibliography.
68491: A G Chant: - The Legend of Glastonbury.
63176: A G Chant: - The Legend of Glastonbury.
38307: Lucien Chanuc: - Un centenaire: le chemin de fer du medoc.
66690: Harold Chapin: - Soldier and Dramatist : being the letters of Harold Chapin, American Citizen who died for England at Loos on September 26th, 1915.
41941: Robin Chapman: - Christoferus or Tom Kyd's Revenge.
68563: Mike Chapman: - An Historical Guide to the Ham and Southgate Area of Bath.
13443: Chapman, John H [editor]: - The register book of marriages belonging to the parish of St George, Hanover Square, in the county of Middlesex [volume 2, 1788 to 1809].
68378: Patrick Chapman: - Slow Clocks of Decay.
66971: Mike Chappell: - The British Army in the 1980s.
3332: Chappell, W [editor]: - A collection of national English airs, consisting of ancient song, ballad & dance tunes, interspersed with remarks and anecdote, and preceded by an essay on English minstrelsy.
60309: Louis Charbonneau: - The Specials.
15889: J A Charles: - One man's Cambridge; the life and times of J H V Charles, 1887 - 1932.
61139: Charles K Aked, with assistance from Mrs R K Shenton & J C Stevens: - Horology in Provincial and Rural Museums.
38285: James Charles: - Heritage of England; Silver through Ten Reigns.
60033: Charles Dickens, edited by John A Jennings: - Readings from the Works of Charles Dickens, and from Irish and American Authors.
71077: Charles Dickens, illustrated by Iassen Ghiuselev: - Oliver Twist.
31376: Charles Reade, illustrated by R B Ogle: - The Cloister and the Hearth.
68196: Charles Darwin, edited by Frederick Burckhardt: - Charles Darwin's Letters : a selection 1825 - 1859.
19988: Augustin-Charles d'Aviler: - Dictionnaire d'Architecture civile et hydraulique, et des arts qui en dependent.
65786: R J Charleston, Michael Archer & Madeleine Marcheix: - Glass and Stained Glass & Limoges and other Painted Enamels (The James A de Rothschild collection at Waddesdon Manor).
70576: Randal Charlton: - The Wicked Pilgrim.
66921: Alan Charters: - John Sanders : Friend for Life.
16830: Andre Chastel: - Storia dell'arte italiana, dagli albori al Rinascimento (volume primo) & dal '600 ai giorni d'oggi (volume secondo).
20368: F A de Chateaubriand: - An historical, political, and moral essay on Revolutions, ancient and modern.
70553: Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand: - Memoirs from Beyond the Tomb.
34321: Visconte Chateaubriand: - Descrizione di Gerusalemme del Visconte Chateaubriand, pari di Francia.
60065: E Keble Chatterton: - Windjammers and Shellbacks.
50892: Bruce Chatwin: - Photographs and Notebooks.
61396: Philip B Chatwin [etc]: - Birmingham Archaeological Society Transactions and Proceedings, volume 68.
5764: Chauveau, M: - L'instruction publique au Canada, precis historique et statistique.
68472: Sydney Checkland: - The Elgins, 1766 - 1917 : a tale of aristocrats, proconsuls and their wives.
18390: Ivan Chen [translator]: - The book of Filial Duty [Wisdom of the East series].
59554: Lusheng Chen: - Revolutionary Art Since the Yan'an Era : Extended Edition.
59542: Dr Bruno Chenique: - Theodore Gericault : Torse d'homme, le bras gauche leve.
1581: Cherrill, A L: - Old fashioned tale.
69621: David F Cheshire: - Portrait of Ellen Terry.
49147: Helena M Chew [editor]: - Hemingby's Register.
14877: Helena M Chew [editor]: - Hemingby's Register.
67234: Peter Cheyney: - Try Anything Twice.
67237: Peter Cheyney: - Your Deal my Lovely.
67232: Peter Cheyney: - Dance without Music.
71932: Lee Child: - Nothing to Lose.
62178: Brian Rendell & Keith Childs [editors]: - Lessons of a Lifetime : memories of Chepstow and the Forest of Dean.
56178: Carl Chinn: - Homes for People : 100 Years of Council Housing in Birmingham.
9403: Chinn, Carl: - Birmingham; the great working city.
70573: Didier Rebois & Sylvie Chirat [editors]: - Europan 4 : Constructing the Town upon the Town, transformation of contemporary urban sites.
21957: Chung W Cho [foreword]: - Korean Arts, vol 1, painting and sculpture.
68266: Katharine C Chorley: - Hills and Highways.
64317: F H Chrestien: - Evelyn and the Fish.
48839: Christa Paula, David Saunders & Ammar Khammash: - Jordan : a Timeless Land.
13854: Christa Aboititz, Maggie McCormick & Richard Pandisco [editors]: - Autowerke.
59864: The Author of Practical Christianity [Richard Lucas]: - Humane Life : or, a second part of the Enquiry after Happiness.
31333: George Christie: - The Story of St Andrew's, Edinburgh, on the occasion of the ter-jubilee, 12th December 1934.
55304: Frances Christoph: - Salerno Sculpture.
70952: John Christopher: - Brunel in Gloucestershire.
57891: Christopher Sanson, illustrated by William McLaren: - Aurora's Glade [limited edition].
70653: Christopher Wood, assisted by Christopher Newall & Margaret Richardson: - Victorian Painters volume I, Text [Dictionary of British Art, volume IV].
72472: Christopher Stone, illustrated by E D Brinton: - Eton.
65396: Chrys [George Chrystal], with a commentary by R Trow Smith: - The Best of Chrys.
58697: Major R A Chrystal [C Trout]: - Angling Theories and Methods.
5565: Chubb, Thomas: - A collection of tracts on various subjects, written by Thomas Chubb.
10971: Church, A H: - Josiah Wedgwood, master-potter.
72465: L S R Byrne & E L Churchill: - The Eton book of the River, with some account of the Thames and the evolution of boat-racing.
23477: Colley Cibber: - The School-boy, or the comical rival, a farce of two acts.
67179: Alice Cicolini: - The New English Dandy.
37907: Ion H Ciubotaru: - Catolicii din Moldova; universul culturii populare I: architectura traditionala, textilele de interior, Portul popular de sarbatoare.
65336: Jean Clair [editor]: - The 1930s : the Making of The New Man.
50839: Lawrence E Tanner & A W Clapham: - Recent Discoveries in the Nave of Westminster Abbey.
63083: Sir Alfred Clapham: - Papers by Sir Alfred Clapham, with a memoir and bibliography.
71693: Richard Clapham: - Foxhunting on the Lakeland Fells.
19997: Leo Claretie: - Les Jouets; histoire - fabrication.
35209: Goran Clareus: - Orretvag og Myggsurr; fiskefortellinger fra Nordkalotten.
61475: Clarice Lispector, edited by Teresa Montero & Luiz Ferreira: - Aprendendo a Viver : Imagens.
49556: Robert Willis & John Willis Clark: - The Architectural History of the University of Cambridge and of the colleges of Cambridge and Eton (3 volumes).
63826: Theodore Hannam-Clark: - Drama in Gloucestershire (the Cotswold County): some account of its development from the earliest times till to-day.
45714: Sydney A Clark: - Sweden on £10 [Ten Pound series].
45708: Sydney A Clark: - Ireland on £10 [Ten Pound series].
45709: Sydney A Clark: - Denmark on £10 [Ten Pound series].
45305: Sydney A Clark: - Switzerland on £10 [Ten Pound series].
44372: Neil Clark: - Flying Ace - the story of a racing legend.
6751: Clark, Bessie R: - Let's share a few thoughts on this and that.
66268: Richard Clark: - Roaming in Rhyme.
39811: D J Clark: - A Little English City; a photographic documentary of the Lancaster and Morecambe district.
61004: K R Clark, illustrated by R P Reynolds: - Sixty Miles of Pencil : an intimate impression of the Brighton Run.
37621: Keith S Gardner & Nigel D Clark: - Sir William Russell Flint 1880-1969; a comparative review of the artist's signed limited edition prints.
57195: John Willis Clark: - A Concise Guide to the Town and University of Cambridge.
27389: Keith S Gardner & Nigel D Clark: - Sir William Russell Flint 1880-1969; a comparative review of the artist's signed limited edition prints.
67738: Arthur Clark: - Chepstow : its Castle and Lordship.
21333: Andrew Clark: - The foundation deeds of Felsted School and charities.
52173: Harold George Clarke: - Under-Glaze Colour Picture Prints on Staffordshire Pottery (the Centenary Pot Lid Book).
64706: Harold George Clarke: - Under-Glaze Colour Picture Prints on Staffordshire Pottery (the Centenary Pot Lid Book).
44586: Henry Clarke: - Billy and other short stories and sketches.
66655: Mollie Clarke: - The Toys' Concert, The Blue Balloon, The Ducks' Pond, Greedy Pig, Angus and the Balls [Red Spot Books 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5].
66650: Mollie Clarke: - Simon's Shop, Janie's Hat Shop, Peter's Gang, Kate's Hospital, Pirate Bill [Yellow Spot Books 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5].
39637: Seymour Clarke: - Cameron Highlanders; officers present at the various campaigns, battles &c in which the Regiment has taken part.
66050: Helen Archibald Clarke: - Browning's England : a study of English Influences in Browning.
21047: Francis L Clarke: - Letters of picturesque and moral geography; illustrative of landscape and manners in the various countries of Europe, chiefly designed for the higher classes in schools, and for minor students in Literature.
7781: Clarke, C B: - A letter to the Right Hon W E Gladstone upon a land scheme for ireland.
59620: Thomas Clarkson: - A Portraiture of Quakerism : as taken from a view of the moral education, discipline, peculiar customs, religious principles, political and civil oeconomy, and character, of the Society of Friends [3 volumes].
28045: Thomas Clarkson: - Memoirs of the public and private life of William Penn.
65167: Rev J G Clay: - The Virgin Mary and the Traditions of Painters.
65119: Rev J G Clay: - The Virgin Mary and the Traditions of Painters.
60576: Sir Charles Travis Clay [editor]: - Early Yorkshire Charters, vol XII, the Tison Fee, based on the Manuscripts of the late William Farrer.
32319: Michael Clayton: - The Collector's Dictionary of the Silver and Gold of Great Britain and North America.
29133: J T Harrison & A Clear: - Leisure-hour notes on historical Buckingham 1909 & An account of the town and manor of Winslow (the King's village in Demesne) 1894.
29132: J T Harrison & A Clear: - Leisure-hour notes on historical Buckingham 1909 & An account of the town and manor of Winslow (the King's village in Demesne) 1894.
41943: Denis Cleary: - The Rattler.
70744: Jon Cleary: - Justin Bayard.
71333: Chris & Rosemary Clegg: - The Dream Palaces of Birmingham.
71167: Gillian Clegg: - Clapham Past.
72326: Dale P Clemens: - Fibreglass Rod Making.
64725: Mary E Clements: - The Adopted Brothers, or Blessed are the Peacemakers.
68926: Peter Clery: - Green Gold : a Thousand Years of English Land.
35033: Sophia Cleugh: - Loyal Lady.
68753: Kenneth R Clew: - The Dorset & Somerset Canal : an illustrated history.
20133: Edward Booth-Clibborn [editor]: - British Packaging; design for today's consumer interface.
59187: Edward Booth-Clibborn [editor]: - 16th European Illustration, 89-90 [1989 - 1990].
64966: Clifford and Dorothea Thurley, edited by Elisabeth Leedham-Green & Rosemary Rodd: - Index of the Probate Records of the Consistory Court of Ely 1449-1858, part III, Q-Z.
72446: Clifton Ackroyd, illustrated by L W E Thorseby: - Why Ask Dad?
35302: Clive Holland, illustrated by F Whitehead: - Warwickshire [Beautiful Britain - Royal Candian Edition].
66207: Rena Cloke: - Design [Longman Housecraft Series].
51443: Olivier Clottu: - Vieux Pays d'Evolene : temoins presents et disparus.
50947: Pigot and co: - Pigot and Co.'s Royal National and Commercial Directory and Topography of Essex.
33533: Major General B A Coad: - The Second Division, 1809 - 1965; a short illustrated history.
51335: John Coales: - Twelve Generations; gleanings from the Coales family archives.
63462: Robert M Coates: - Beyond the Alps : A Summer in the Italian Hill Towns.
71009: Peter G Cobb: - The Oxford Movement in Nineteenth Century Bristol.
30077: John Wolstenholme Cobb: - Two lectures on the history and antiquities of Berkhamsted.
29664: John Wolstenholme Cobb: - Two lectures on the history and antiquities of Berkhamsted.
59048: William Cobbett: - A Grammar of the English Language in a series of letters.
63637: Robert Bishop & Patricia Coblentz: - Furniture 1, Prehistoric through Rococo [The Smithsonian Illustrated Library of Antiques].
68118: Peter Cochrane: - Scottish Military Dress.
8416: Cochrane, Alfred: - Repton cricket (1865-1905).
60866: J L & E C Pepys-Cockerell: - Cooking the Salmonids : an anthology.
70885: Jean Cocteau: - Le Livre Blanc.
66792: L E Codd [etc]: - Flora of Southern Africa, volume 13.
66783: L E Codd, edited by O A Leistner: - Flora of Southern Africa, volume 28, part 4 (Lamiaceae).
28107: H A Cody: - An Apostle of the North; memoirs of the Right Reverend William Carpenter Bompas.
59252: Brian Coe: - Stained Glass in England : 1150 - 1550.
58950: Brian Coe: - Stained Glass in England : 1150 - 1550.
33349: Charles Carleton Coffin: - Our new way round the World.
54255: J M Cohen: - The Life of Ludwig Mond.
66847: Anthony Cohen: - Edward Weston.
57138: L S Colchester: - Wells Cathedral [The New Bell's Cathedral Guides].
71354: Babette Cole: - The Slimy Book.
38588: Vernon Coleman: - Just another bloody year (my life and other problems).
59348: Francis X J Coleman: - Neither Angel nor Beast : the Life and Work of Blaise Pascal.
28747: Christabel R Coleridge: - Three Little Wanderers.
56003: John Coleridge: - The Grand Fleet : a war-time sketch book.
50045: William A Coles: - Classical America IV : Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, City Planning, The Decorative Arts, Gardens.
39342: Paolo E Coletta: - Admiral Bradley A Fiske and the American Navy.
52216: P Collas: - Australian Postage Stamps.
33846: An Old Colleger (Arthur Duke Coleridge): - Eton in the Forties.
65634: An Old Colleger (Arthur Duke Coleridge): - Eton in the Forties.
38378: Monty Collier: - Dog Training for Home and Stage; a complete textbook for the Dog Trainer, including 80 interesting tricks.
8600: Collier, James: - Early pastoralists of Australasia; an interesting account of the pastoral age in Australasia.
48210: Rocco Rante & Annabelle Collinet: - Nishapur Revisited : Stratigraphy and Ceramics of the Qohandez.
61445: Harry Collingwood: - Under the Meteor Flag : the Log of a Midshipman during the French Revolutionary War.
71286: N Mark Collins: - Legislation to Conserve Insects in Europe.
57136: Bernard Ross Collins: - A Short Account of the Worshipful Company of Fan Makers.
52734: Clifford W Collinson: - Life and Laughter midst the Cannibals.
57819: Pierre du Colombier: - The Enchantment of Rome.
20918: Silvano Colombo: - Itinerari d'arte nel territorio della Provincia di Varese.
53909: Colonel Allotte de la Fuye, Colonel N T Belaiew, J-M Unvala & R de Mecquenem, edited by V Scheil: - Mission en Susiane, Archaeologie, Metrologie et Numismatique Susiennes [Memoires de la Mission Archaeologique de Perse, tome XXV].
37050: Colonel Sigismund Thaly, translated by William Rushton: - The Fortress of Komarom (Comorn), during the war of independence in Hungary in 1848 - 1849.
68970: Colonel Benjamin Donisthorpe Alsop Donne, edited by Alan Harfield: - The Life and Times of a Victorian Officer, being the journals and letters of Colonel Benjamin Donisthorpe Alsop Donne, CB.
67614: Doretta Davanzo Poli & Carla Poggi Colussi: - Dentelles et Broderies [antiquites et objets d'art 29].
70179: Robert Colville: - By Permission of the Master.
46301: Ian D Colvin: - South Africa [Romance of Empire].
40535: George Combe: - American Notes.
61739: Toot and Comin: - Nonsense on the Nile.
63012: The Chronicle Editorial Committee: - The Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Chronicle 1932 (Volume XL) an annual record of the First and Second Battalions, formerly the 43rd and 52nd Light Infantry]
56352: Susan Compton: - Chagall : Love and the Stage 1914 - 1922.
59144: Le Comte d'Herisson: - Journal d'un Officier d'Ordonnance.
69104: La Comtesse de Segur, illustrations de Simone d'Avene: - Les Malheurs de Sophie.
64492: Sir John Comyns: - A Digest of the Laws of England, volume III (3).
64491: Sir John Comyns: - A Digest of the Laws of England, volume II (2).
69446: Marc Severin & Monsieur De Coninck [illustrators]: - En Memoire de la Liberation de la Belgique par les Armees Britanniques.
70264: Philip Conisbee: - Georges de la Tour and his World.
67739: Patrick Conner: - Michael Angelo Rooker 1746 - 1801.
72033: Andrew Connolly: - Life in the Victorian Brickyards of Flintshire and Denbighshire.
6524: Connor, Michael [editor]: - The years of change 1952-1977 - silver jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II; a Lloyds list publication.
71819: J E Connor: - London's Disused Underground Stations.
59744: Ida Delamer & Conor o'Brien: - 500 Years of Irish Silver : an exhibition at the National Museum of Ireland.
71030: Joseph Conrad: - The Shadow-Line and Within the Tides.
57939: M Contini: - 5000 Ans d'Elegance de l'antiquite Egyptienne a nos jours.
58431: James Conway: - Recollections of Sport among Fin, Fur and Heather.
49319: R L Cook: - Within the Tavern Caught [Poems in Pamphlet 1952 VIII].
63095: G H Cook: - The English Mediaeval Parish Churxh.
66342: C E Challis & B J Cook [editors]: - The British Numismatic Journal 1987, volume 57.
42151: Dutton Cook: - Hours with the Players, volume II.
23179: Jeffrey Cook: - An engineering history of the ZRS-4/5 Fin Design.
71943: Edward T Cook: - A Popular Handbook to the National Gallery.
61426: William Fothergill Cooke: - The Electric Telegraph : was it invented by Professor Wheatstone? part II, containing arbitration papers and drawings.
66039: Frances E Cooke: - Savonarola : the story of a great life.
31412: Arthur O Cooke: - Peeps at Great Industries; a visit to a Woollen Mill, a visit to a Cotton Mill, a Day with the Leather Workers.
11317: Cooke, George Alexander: - Topographical and statistical description of the county of Wilts [bound with] Topographical and statistical description of the county of Salop.
56017: George Alexander Cooke: - Topographical and Statistical Description of the County of Hereford.
67903: Stenson Cooke: - This Motoring [limited edition].
21272: Edward Cooke: - Thoughts on the expediency of repealing the Usury laws.
64783: Thomas C J Cooley: - Railroading in Tasmania 1868 - 1961.
64850: L F E Coombs: - Fighting Cockpits 1914 - 2000 : design and development of military aircraft cockpits.
66962: Rose E B Coombs: - Before Endeavours Fade : a guide to the battlefields of the First World War.
10616: Cooper, Julia: - Beauty of Bath.
49574: J F Cooper: - The Spy : a tale of the neutral ground.
62589: Walter Tyndale & A Heaton Cooper: - Somerset Water-colours [watercolours].
14639: Charles A Cooper: - Seeking the Sun; an Egyptian holiday.
58210: John Dunning Cooper: - Prometheus Bound (from the Greek of Aeschylus) and Original Poems.
55909: J Fenimore Cooper: - The History of the Navy of the United States of America.
54949: Tarnya Cooper: - Searching for Shakespeare.
11485: Cope, Michael: - The plectrum of fret-suns; the collected poems of Michael Cope.
71865: Henrico Cope: - Demonstratio Medico-Practica Prognosticorum Hippocratis.
58930: Robert Copeland: - Spode's Willow Pattern & other designs after the Chinese.
58878: Henry v d B Copeland [editor]: - The Wimbledon and Merton Annual, no. 4.
24840: Gordon J Copley: - An Archaeology of south-east England.
54102: Sara Cornell: - Art : a History of Changing Style.
14692: Richard Cornish [etc]: - Fifty Dynamic Years.
10185: Le Cornu, Colonel C-P: - Memoir sur l'Hermitage, l'abbaye de St Helier, et le chateau Elisabeth.
38789: Peter Cornwell: - Success with Watercolour; Peter Cornwell shares 25 years experience of painting watercolours.
60196: Alexander Allen & James Cornwell: - An English School Grammar, with very copious exercises.
42035: Corrado Ricci, translated by Hedwig Jahn: - Antonio Allegri da Correggio : sein Leben und seine Zeit.
60015: Christina Corsiglia [editor]: - Rubens and His Age : Treasures from the Hermitage Museum, Russia.
46662: W Cosmo Monkhouse, illustrated by Sir Edwin Landseer: - The Studies of Sir Edwin Landseer R.A.
21613: Cap Clovis Nova da Costa: - O Vale do Rio Branco (suas Realidades e Perspectivas).
68532: Thomas B Costain: - The White and the Gold : the French Regime in Canada.
30847: Maria Costantino [Constantino]: - Treasures of the Louvre.
39087: M D Costen [editor]: - Wesleyans and Bible Christians in South Somerset, accounts and minutes 1808 - 1907.
61969: A V Coton: - The New Ballet : Kurt Jooss and his work.
57024: Howard Herschel Cotterell: - National Types of Old Pewter.
72164: Captain Jim Cottier: - Soren Larsen, Homeward round the Horn - the Voyage of a Colchester Packet.
64552: Madame Cottin: - Elisabeth ou Les Exiles de Siberie, suivie de La Prise de Jericho.
11419: Cottin, Madame: - Elizabeth; or, the exiles of Siberia.
67559: P B Cotton, G N J Tytgat & C B Williams [editors]: - Annual of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 1992.
67558: P B Cotton, G N J Tytgat & C B Williams [editors]: - Annual of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 1990.
57381: Carolynne Cotton: - Uxbridge Past; a visual history.
39564: A T Quiller-Couch [Q]: - Two Sides of the Face; Midwinter Tales.
66648: Jonathon Coudrille: - The Vulgar Frog.
19247: Home Counties [John William Robertson Scott]: - The Townsman's Farm.
68124: Louis Courajod: - Leonardo de Vinci et la Statue de Francesco Sforza.
7895: Court, Arthur: - A farmer's diary; the farming scene, 1964-74.
51432: Dr Jean Couteau: - Darmadji Satiman : the journey of a lone dreamer - Artist, Gentleman and Nationalist.
57618: P A Couzens, edited by Derek Archer: - The Southwolds : a history of villages and hamlets in the South Cotswolds, extended to include Dursley, Yate and Wickwar.
71433: Charles V Covell Jr: - A Field Guide to the Moths of Eastern North America.
18224: J W Cowan: - Central Heating and Hot-water supply.
55205: John Cowdery: - Carriage Driving.
29902: Donald Cowie [editor]: - The Farmer's Yearbook 1954-1955; Encyclopaedia & Directory of Pedigree Breeders (Cattle, Sheep and Horse).
43842: C E & T J Cowles: - Felix - the Black & White Catalogue.
71244: Richard Morphet & Elizabeth Cowling: - Richard Carline 1896 - 1980.
64424: D Cox [Introduction]: - The Brotherton Collection, University of Leeds : its contents described with illustrations of fifty books and manuscripts.
68846: John George Cox: - Cox and the JuJu Coast : a Journal kept aboard HMS Fly 1868/9.
69507: Barrie Cox: - The Place-names of Rutland.
68866: Simon Cox: - A New Guide to the Birds of Essex.
58710: E A Cox [illustrator]: - Aucassin & Nicolette.
64585: Elizabeth Coxhead: - A Wind in the West.
65260: Mrs H C Cradock, illustrated by Honor C Appleton: - Josephine, John and the Puppy.
71263: Mary Craig: - Kundun : a biography of the family of the Dalai Lama.
37903: Craig Hartley, illustrated by David Hockney: - 25 Years of Printmaking.
23747: John Blandy & Christina Mary Craig: - Lives of the Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 1997-2002, vol. 9, with a cumulated index to vols 1-8.
31530: William A Craigie: - A Primer of Burns.
17174: M Sylvia Craik: - The Splendid Smile.
63565: Ralph Adams Cram: - Impressions of Japanese Architecture and the Allied Arts.
65321: Stanley Cramp [editor]: - Handbook of the birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa (the birds of the Western Palearctic); volume 1, Ostrich to Ducks.
45620: David Cramp: - Plovers and others.
37974: E Mochrie & C Crampton: - Leather Seated Stools.
37972: Charles Crampton: - Brown Cane (Palembang) Baskets.
51026: Hannah Cranborne [editor]: - David Cecil : a portrait by his friends.
42717: Yuki Minegishi & David Crandall: - Discography of Japanese Traditional Music [Performing Arts of Japan 1].
65226: Crascredo, illustrated by Lionel Edwards: - Country Sense & Common Sense.
53190: jiMaxwell Craven: - Images of Derby 1860 - 1960.
52838: Maxwell Craven: - An Illustrated History of Derby.
52808: Maxwell Craven: - Derby Past & Present.
58161: Maxwell Craven: - Derby : an illustrated history.
58160: Maxwell Craven: - The Winter's Collection of Derby, [volume one].
50227: F Marion Crawford: - Pietro Ghisleri [volume I].
61463: Ellen B Kimmel & Mary Crawford: - Innovations in Feminist Psychological Research.
39754: Alison Crawford: - Bristol Past and Present.
30694: Francis Marion Crawford: - Ave Roma Immortalis; studies from the chronicles of Rome [2 volumes, limited edition].
57692: F Marion Crawford: - Pietro Ghisleri [3 volumes].
57691: F Marion Crawford: - Saracinesca [3 volumes].
64876: Roscoe Creed: - PBY : the Catalina Flying Boat.
14053: Mandell Creighton: - The Story Of Some English Shires.
31105: Mandell Creighton: - The Story Of Some English Shires.
28552: Luella Creighton: - The Elegant Canadians.
50228: Jean-Paul Crespelle: - Monet; the masterworks.
67750: Beatrix F Cresswell: - Dartmoor and its surroundings [The Homeland Handbooks, no. 8].
47562: Wilfred Joseph Cripps: - Old French Plate : its makers and marks.
63965: Richard Cripwell: - The Boogle Stump.
24985: Annarita Crispo: - Danza d'Arte; Divagazioni sulle arti a passo di danza.
43746: R B Pugh & Elizabeth Crittall [editors]: - The Victoria History of the County of Wiltshire, volume Two (II).
26972: R B Pugh & Elizabeth Crittall [editors]: - The Victoria History of the County of Wiltshire, volume Three (III).
65053: Adam Crnobrnja & Nikola Crnobrnja: - Belgrade's History from the Numismatic Record.
56218: Peter Crocker: - Around Gillingham in old photographs.
23393: S R Crockett: - Lochinvar.
23392: S R Crockett: - Cleg Kelly; Arab of the city.
23325: S R Crockett: - The Banner of Blue.
55846: Dean B Cromwell: - The High Jump (technique, training, tips, diet, decathlon table).
31991: C Cronau: - Die Huhnervogel von C Cronau, I. Band, erste Abtheilung, Atlas Band.
23698: Patrick M Cronin [Introduction]: - The Evolution of Strategic Thought; classic Adelphi papers.
26874: Jessie Crosland: - Outlaws in Fact and Fiction.
40932: Amanda Cross: - The Theban Mysteries.
19074: Alan Crossley [editor]: - The Victoria History of the county of Oxford (Oxfordshire), volume Eleven (XI), Wootton Hundred (northern part).
60263: C A Crossley: - Newton Blossomville.
42004: Daniel Crouch: - Daniel Crouch Rare Books, catalogue II.
61061: W M Crowdy, illustrated by P F Gethin: - Burgundy and Morvan.
71238: D A Crowley [editor]: - Victoria County History of Wiltshire, volume Thirteen (XIII), South-West Wiltshire, Chalke and Dunworth Hundreds.
63366: Llewellynn Jewitt & Alexander P J Cruikshank: - Guide to the Abbey of Mount S. Bernard, Charnwood Forest, and some account of the monks who live there.
24371: George Cruikshank [illustrator]: - Old Miscellany Days.
49647: Lucy Crump: - Three Little Cooks.
54703: Arthur Cryer: - Engineering Drawing for the use of Students in Science Classes, Technical Schools and Colleges - or for Home Study.
59181: Michael J Cuddeford: - Identifying Metallic Small Finds.
64984: C H D Cullingford: - British Caving : an introduction to speleology.
60987: Primrose Cumming: - The Chestnut Filly.
71221: H M Cundall: - Birket Foster.
28964: H M Cundall: - Birket Foster [limited edition].
21800: H M Cundall: - Birket Foster [limited edition].
46690: Elaine Cunliffe: - The Wandering Moon.
46670: Elaine Cunliffe: - Elaine's Australian Safari.
45544: Frank F Cunningham: - James David Forbes : pioneer Scottish Glaciologist.
67202: Jo Cunningham: - The Best of Collectible Dinnerware.
22698: David Cuppleditch: - Lincoln; the Twentieth Century.
70946: David Aldred & Tim Curr: - In & Around Bishop's Cleeve through time; a second selection.
64031: David Aldred & Tim Curr: - In and around Bishop's Cleeve through time.
21392: Claudine Currey: - Children of Azra.
48478: Mrs G Herbert Curteis: - The Children's Hour : Twelve Songs for Little Ones with a Morning and Evening Hymn.
51523: Charles E Curtis: - Elementary Forestry.
18324: Arthur Curtis: - My spirit willing; poems 1931-2001.
37638: Charles E Curtis: - Estate Management; a practical handbook for Landlords, Agents and Pupils.
21332: J C Curwen, esq, M.P.: - Hints on the economy of feeding stock, and bettering the condition of the poor.
62201: Lucy D Curzon: - Mass-Observation and Visual Culture : depicting everyday lives in Britain.
53634: Very Rev A P Purey-Cust: - Picturesque Old York : chapters historical and descriptive.
50547: Lionel Cust [editor]: - Notes on Pictures in the Royal Collections.
42014: Robert H Hobart Cust: - Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, hitherto usually styled "Sodoma", the man and the painter 1477 - 1549.
65834: Lionel Cust [Introduction]: - Illustrated Catalogue of a Loan Collection of Portraits of English Historical Personages who died between 1714 and 1837.
71236: Very Reverend A P Purey-Cust: - The Heraldry of York Minster : a key to the history of its builders and benefactors [2 volumes]
71237: Very Reverend A P Purey-Cust: - The Heraldry of York Minster : a key to the history of its builders and benefactors, volume 2.
28530: Robert Needham Cust: - Linguistic and Oriental Essays written from the year 1840 to 1901, sixth series.
66483: J Cuthbert Hadden, illustrated by Byam Shaw: - The Operas of Wagner : their plots, music and history.
63763: Count Ferdinand Czernin: - The Salzburg : being an incomplete introduction to the beauty and charm of a town we love.
72201: Phillip Dahlen: - Semiconductors from A to Z.
69214: Daina Bleire, Ilgvars Butulis, Inesis Feldmanis, Aivars Stranga & Antonijs Zunda: - History of Latvia : the 20th Century.
69045: Marie Wallet & Pierre Daix: - Picasso : l'atelier de La Californie.
65947: Dr H C Dake: - The Art of Gem Cutting, including Cabochons, Faceting, Spheres, Tumbling and Special Techniques.
59975: Dale, Elizabeth: - The scenery and geology of the Peak of Derbyshire.
30957: Bob Dales: - The Time has Come.
50444: John Arlott & Arthur Daley: - Pageantry of Sport from the Age of Chivalry to the Age of Victoria.
48397: Debra Daley: - The Revelations of Carey Ravine.
29179: Florence Dalgleish: - The Mighty Past; a tale of the plagues of Egypt for boys & girls.
63398: Lena Dalkeith: - Funny Fables retold for Children.
59275: David Dallas: - English & Irish Landscapes 1675 - 1965.
68079: Graham Dalling: - Enfield Past.
61518: David Dalton: - Janis.
58663: William Dalton: - Lost in Ceylon : in the Woods and the Wilds of the Lion King of Kandy.
62689: R E R Dalwick: - Togo and its Occupation Stamps.
60646: Dan L Monroe, Richard Conn, Richard W Hill, Suzan Shown Harjo & John R Grimes: - Gifts of the Spirit : Works by Nineteenth-Century & Contemporary Native American Artists.
57763: Dan Michel, edited by Richard Morris: - Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyt, or Remorse of Conscience, in the Kentish Dialect, 1340 AD.
64668: Peter A Danby [editor]: - United States Navy Serials 1941 to 1976.
19633: Gerard Daniel: - Mary Stuart; a sketch and a defence.
70463: Rev Prebendary Daniel: - History of Horsington.
67770: J C Daniel: - The Book of Indian Reptiles.
21414: Daniel de Foe (Defoe), edited by Joseph Shaylor: - Robinson Crusoe in short words.
13216: Daniell [Daniels]s, John J: - The history of Warminster, with a view of the town and neighbourhood in 1879.
23911: Danilo Eccher & Achille Bonito Oliva, illustrated by Enzo Cucchi: - Enzo Cucchi: Roma (Rome).
50896: Danny Horseele, Philippe Nuyens & Filip Verheyden: - Cooking by the Sea.
71910: Dante, illustrated by Dante Gabriele Rossetti: - Le Vita Nuova di Dante.
68964: Daphne Rooke, illustrated by Biro: - The South African Twins.
20644: Roberto Middione & Brigitte Dapra: - Reality & Imagination in Neapolitan painting of the 17th to 19th centuries.
68083: Olivier Darmon: - One Hundred Years of Michelin Man.
23184: Diane Thomas Darnall: - The Challengers; a century of ballooning.
48792: T Watkinson & Celestine Dars [editors]: - Catalogue of Paintings in British Collections : English Heritage, Geffrye Museum, The Guildhall Art Gallery, Royal Holloway College, Thomas Coram Foundation (London).
61099: T Watkinson & Celestine Dars [editors]: - Catalogue of Paintings in British Collections : English Heritage, Geffrye Museum, The Guildhall Art Gallery, Royal Holloway College, Thomas Coram Foundation (London).
71373: Maurice Dart: - Images of Exeter and East Devon Railways : Classic Photographs from the Maurice Dart Railway Collection.
69831: Maurice Dart: - Images of Cornish Railways : classic photographs from the Maurice Dart Railway Collection.
61456: Captain Robert L Dartt: - G A Henty : a bibliography.
13665: Darvill, Timothy: - Cirencester town centre development - stage 1, archaeological assessment.
24234: Timothy Darvill: - Ancient Monuments in the Countryside; an archaeological management review.
37891: George Webbe Dasent: - Jest and Earnest; a collection of essays and reviews [volume 2].
14583: Arthur Irwin Dasent: - John Thadeus Delane, editor of "The Times", his life and correspondence [2 volumes].
67263: M L'Abbe Dassance: - Les Saints Evangiles [2 tomes].
53101: Peter Daubeny: - My World of Theatre.
61769: C Daubeny: - Climate : an inquiry into the causes of its differences, and into its influence on vegetable life.
59783: Rev Charles Daubeny: - Eight discourses on the connection between the Old and New Testament considered as two parts of the same Divine Revelation; and demonstrative of the great doctrine of atonement.
52517: Alphonse Daudet: - Aventures Prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon.
33288: Alphones Daudet: - Tartarin sur les Alpes.
15017: Honore Daumier: - Daumier Mappe.
68474: John S Davenport: - German Secular Talers 1600 - 1700.
64386: Francis Davey [editor]: - Richard of Lincoln : a Medieval Doctor travels to Jerusalem.
63156: Francis Davey [editor]: - Richard of Lincoln : a Medieval Doctor travels to Jerusalem.
43564: P J Davey, D J Freke & D A Higgins: - Excavations in Castletown, Isle of Man, 1989 - 1992.
42224: Roger Davey: - East Sussex Land Tax 1785.
53003: David Wingfield Gibbons, James B Reid & Robert A Chapman: - The new atlas of breeding birds in Britain and Ireland, 1988-1991.
51891: Villiers David: - A Diary of Quotations.
68915: David Walliams, illustrated by Quentin Blake: - Mr Stink.
63256: David E Owen, T A Hume & H E Jean Le Patourel: - Kirkstall Abbey Excavations 1950 - 1954.
67463: Madeleine P David: - Hiroshige : la Route du Tokaido.
62159: David Armitage Bannerman, illustrated by George E Lodge: - The Birds of the British Isles, volume Eight (VIII, 8): Phalacrocoracidae, Diomedeidae, Sulidae, Podicipeididae, Fregatidae, Gaviidae, Procellariidae, Columbidae and Pteroclididae.
62158: David Armitage Bannerman, illustrated by George E Lodge: - The Birds of the British Isles, volume Seven (VII, 7): Anatidae (conclusion).
62154: David Armitage Bannerman, illustrated by George E Lodge: - The Birds of the British Isles, volume Eleven (XI, 11): Glareolidae, Otididae, Burhinidae, Gruidae and Laridae.
62153: David Armitage Bannerman, illustrated by George E Lodge: - The Birds of the British Isles, volume Nine (IX, 9): Scolopacidae (part).
41345: David Sandon, John Sandon & Henry Sandon: - The Sandon Guide to Royal Worcester Figures 1900 - 1970.
65712: David Hey, Martin Olive & Martin Liddament: - Forging the Valley.
32935: David Piper, edited by Malcolm Rogers: - The English Face.
32433: Wang Qi David [editor]: - The Sichuan Movement; new paintings from China.
71475: David P Morgan, edited by George H Drury: - Confessions of a Train-Watcher : four decades of railroad writing by David P Morgan.
65586: David Armitage Bannerman, illustrated by George E Lodge: - The Birds of the British Isles, volume Ten (X, 10).
68052: David Mitchinson, Julie Summers & David Cohen: - Henry Moore in Scotland [The Sculptor at Work, Henry Moore in Pollok Park].
20465: John Davidson: - The Testament of a Prime Minister.
39120: D Davidson: - The Great Pyramid's Prophecy on the Current Economic Oppression.
34979: A S Davidson: - Marine Art & the Clyde; 100 years of sea, sail & steam.
11335: Davidson, A S: - Marine Art & Liverpool - painters, places & flag codes 1760-1960.
72490: Homer L Davidson: - Servicing the Solid State Chassis.
52887: Robert Davies [editor]: - Extracts from the Municipal Records of the City of York, during the reigns of Edward IV, Edward V and Richard III.
50410: Gerald S Davies: - Hans Holbein the Younger.
70953: R H Davies: - The Birmingham Canal Navigations through time.
62594: L Twiston Davies: - Men of Monmouthshire.
62279: Ron Davies: - John Wilkinson.
62241: Paul Davies [editor]: - Archaeology in the Severn Estuary 2003 [volume 14].
62242: Paul Davies [editor]: - Archaeology in the Severn Estuary 2004 [volume 15].
62239: Paul Davies [editor]: - Archaeology in the Severn Estuary 2001 [volume 12].
62240: Paul Davies [editor]: - Archaeology in the Severn Estuary 2002 [volume 13].
42731: William Glock [introduction]; J H Davies [notes]: - BBC Music Library; Chamber Music Catalogue (Chamber Music, Violin and Keyboard, Cello and Keyboard, Various).
41232: John Davies: - Glen Scouller : New Paintings.
41231: John Davies: - Three Scottish Painters : Hazel Nagl, Sandy Murphy & John Kingsley, June - July 2006.
60638: Randall Davies: - Velasquez.
60520: Randall Davies: - English Society of the Eighteenth Century in Contemporary Art.
68287: Stan Gebler Davies: - James Joyce : a portrait of the artist.
22558: M Joyce Davies: - Christopher Cottontail's adventures.
55233: Sally Kevill-Davies: - Yesterday's Children; the antiques and history of childcare.
54690: W J K Davies: - The Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway.
21204: Katharine Davies: - The first Queen Elizabeth.
72000: Randall Davies: - Velasquez.
45347: John Davis: - Britain's Forgotten Heroes.
62456: Charles E Davis: - The mineral baths of Bath; the bathes of Bathe's Ayde in the reign of Charles 2nd.
16039: Alexander Davis [editor]: - Henry Moore Bibliography, volumes 1-3 [1898 - 1970, 1971 - 1986, plus index].
37824: F Hadland Davis: - The Persian Mystics volume 2, Jami [Wisdom of the East].
57878: Charles E Davis: - The mineral baths of Bath; the bathes of Bathe's Ayde in the reign of Charles 2nd.
57716: Dominc Covey & Chris Davis: - Darwin's World : Post-Apocalyptic Adventures [d20 Modern Roleplaying].
70933: Stephen Davis: - Operation Trojan Horse : the most shocking Government cover-up of the last thirty years.
71205: John D Davis: - Pewter at Colonial Williamsburg.
34220: Rufus Dawes: - The Last Imperial Venture: The Long Voyage
51668: Major Kenneth Dawson: - Son of a Gun.
68812: Dawson W Carr, with Xavier Bray, John H Elliott, Larry Keith & Javier Portus: - Velazquez.
45890: Harold A E Day: - East Anglian Painters, vol I, Suffolk School Painters.
43525: Harold A E Day: - East Anglian Painters vol II, Norwich School.
54561: J B W Day: - Geology of The Country around Bewcastle.
16627: Rev Joseph Deans: - Melbourne Church.
34474: Steve Domm & Walter Deas: - Corals of the Great Barrier Reef.
60166: Mary H Debenham: - Conan the Wonder-Worker.
65992: Rene Dee: - Sweet Peas, Suffragettes and Showmen : events that changed the world in the RHS Halls.
23544: M F Dee [editor]: - British Sonnets [Wedgwood Selections].
67725: Peter & Judith A Deegan: - Standerwick & Scout [The British Bus Heritage].
56387: George Deem: - How to Paint a Vermeer : a Painter's History of Art.
63751: Warwick Deeping: - The Impudence of Youth.
53153: Oisin Deery: - A compact History of Birr.
71265: Len Deighton: - Spy Line.
61619: Donald Paul Hodel & Robert Deitz: - Crisis in the Oil Patch : how America's Energy Industry is being destroyed and what must be done to save it.
28522: Maurice Dekobra: - Twenty-one Nights in Paris.
7036: Delderfield, Eric R: - Travel with me; the story of a journey through the English countryside of places, people and memories.
45314: James Delingpole: - Coward at the Bridge.
63880: Enrico Cattaneo & Gian Alberto Dell'Acqua: - Immagini di Castiglione Olona.
27215: H Delon (preface): - Bormes les Mimosas; 2000 ans d'histoire.
63876: Eleanor P DeLorme: - Josephine : Napoleon's Incomparable Empress.
69997: Eleanor P DeLorme: - Garden Pavilions and the 18th Century French Court.
20188: G Drysdale Dempsey: - Rudimentary treatise on the drainage of districts and lands.
51467: Mike Dempsey: - Bubbles : early advertising from A & F Pears Ltd.
49403: C F Dening: - The Eighteenth-century Architecture of Bristol.
22523: M Ferdinand Denis: - Histoire de l'ornementation des manuscrits.
44640: D R Denman, J F Q Switzer & O H M Sawyer: - Bibliography of Rural Land Economy and Landownership 1900 - 1957.
42655: Geoffrey Dennis: - Till Seven.
72111: Dennis C Mynard, Paul Woodfield & Ray Bailey: - Newport Pagnell's Bridges : the Tickford Iron Bridge in context.
67602: Denys Sutton [editor], illustrated by Richard Wilson, with a catalogue by Ann Clements: - An Italian Sketchbook by Richard Wilson RA - drawings made by the artist in Rome and its environs in the year 1754 (2 volumes).
40894: J F Derry: - Loch Ness Monster and other Unexplained Mysteries.
65159: Paul Deschamps [avant-propos]: - L'Art Medieval Yougoslave : moulages et copies executes par des artistes Yougoslaves et Francais.
67153: Leon Deshairs [Introduction]: - Modern French Decorative Art, Second Series.
63664: Desmond Eyles, Richard Dennis & Louise Irvine: - Royal Doulton Figures produced at Burslem, Staffordshire.
58419: Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux: - Oeuvres de Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux, avec des eclaircissemens historiques, donnez par lui-meme, tome premier.
72078: Alec Desticas [editor]: - Collectanea Historica; essays in memory of Stuart Rigold.
27628: Gerard Detaille: - Le pays d'Avignon; un siecle d'images (a century of pictures).
65648: Jean Dethier [editor]: - Chateaux Bordeaux : Wine, Architecture and Civilization.
71258: E J Detmold [illustrator]: - Fabre's book of Insects.
65920: M David Detweiler: - The Civil War : the story of the war with maps.
66880: D D Devlin: - Wordsworth & the Poetry of Epitaphs.
71799: The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire: - Chatsworth.
41408: J Dewe: - Dewe's Pictorial Plan of Oxford, with a route for the use of Visitors.
65826: Richard Dewhurst: - Crosstracks to Hindon.
64856: J Norman Ashton DFC: - Only Birds and Fools : Flight Engineer, Avro Lancaster, World War II.
41560: Emily Diamand: - Reavers' Ransom.
41548: Emily Diamand: - Reavers' Ransom.
63362: Wilfrid Diamond: - Blood, Sweat and Jack Dempsey.
41763: Diana B, Lorna B, Margot B, Oliver B, Betty B & Windham B: - Buzzings of an Irresponsible Hive, kept by one of the Parent Bees.
63419: Teresa Perez Diaz: - Own a Classic Masterwork (for less than what you think), Catalogue no. 26 / 2018.
64721: Emily Dibdin: - A London Square and its Inhabitants.
6727: Dicey, Edward: - The morning land [2 volumes bound in one].
68963: Dick King-Smith, illustrated by David Parkins: - Sophie is Seven.
20394: Charles Dickens [etc]: - Gleanings from popular authors, grave and gay [2 volumes in one].
62562: Charles Dickens: - Martin Chuzzlewit.
49118: Charles Pierce Merriam & C E Gildersome-Dickinson: - Genealogical Memoranda relating to the Family of Merriam.
55160: Peter Dickinson [editor]: - Lennox Berkeley and Friends : Writings, Letters and Interviews.
71859: F Melian Stawell & G Lowes Dickinson: - Goethe & Faust : an interpretation.
7502: Dickinson, P G M, based on the original guide by W A Dutt: - Suffolk.
64477: R W Dickson: - The Farmer's Companion; being a complete system of modern husbandry, including the latest improvements and discoveries in theory and practice [2 volumes].
7381: Diehl, Gaston: - Les Fauves.
21959: Jean-Marie Gehu & Hartmut Dierschke: - Documents Phytosociologiques, nouvelle serie, volume IV.
42970: George Digby: - Down Wind.
52259: Michael Diggin: - This is Kerry.
48923: Mary Dillon: - The Patience of John Morland.
63498: D Dilworth: - The Tame Mills of Staffordshire.
55778: Dina Vierny, Fanny Guillon-Laffaille, Pierre Cabanne & Bertrand Lorquin: - Raoul Dufy : un autre regard.
69295: Jim Dine: - Jim Dine : Venus.
48948: John Dinsdale: - Sketches of Scarbro' [Scarborough] drawn from nature.
13882: G S Strange & D S Dinwoodie: - Cairngorms area vol IV & V, Lochnagar and Creag an Dubh-Loch (Scottish Mountaineering Club, climbers' guide books).
44628: Edouard Diricq: - Gruyeres en Gruyere.
28754: C Diriks: - Skisser af Reiselivet i Norge (sketches from travels in Norway).
15796: Rev P H Ditchfield [editor]: - The Berks, Bucks & Oxon Archaeological Journal, volume IV.
35275: P H Ditchfield: - Memorials of old Oxfordshire.
55173: P H Ditchfield: - The Story of the City Companies.
67474: Kornel Divald: - Old Hungarian Art.
65551: Maud Diver: - Royal India : a descriptive and historical study of India's fifteen principal States and their Rulers.
49867: John Dix: - Local Legends and Rambling Rhymes.
56646: E E L Dixon, J Maden, F M Trotter, S E Hollingworth & L H Tonks: - The Geology of the Carlisle, Longtown and Silloth District.
33918: Michael Dobbin: - Nottinghamshire History and Topography; a select descriptive bibliography to 1980.
67697: Austen Dobbs: - The Birds of Nottinghamshire past and present.
18767: Margaret Dobson: - Art Appreciation.
68495: Austin Dobson: - At Prior Park and other papers.
72214: Jessica Fulford-Dobson: - Skate Girls of Kabul.
72215: Jessica Fulford-Dobson: - Skate Girls of Kabul.
67813: John Berchmans Dockery: - They that Build : the life of Mother Clare of Brentwood.
63946: Doctor Goldsmith, illustrated by Thomas Rowlandson: - The Vicar of Wakefield.
3895: Dodd, A E: - Three journeys.
21681: J McN Dodgson: - The place-names of Cheshire, part Three (3), the place names of Nantwich Hundred and Eddisbury Hundred.
69570: Maurice Doggett: - ECW : Eastern Coach Works, an illustrated history of the coachbuilding activities at Lowestoft 1919 - 1946.
69571: Maurice Doggett: - ECW : Eastern Coach Works, an illustrated history of the coachbuilding activities at Lowestoft 1919 - 1946.
65490: Bernard Dolman: - A Dictionary of Contemporary British Artists, 1929.
44310: Emmanuel Domenech: - Le Mexique : tel qu'il est la verite sur son climat, ses habitants et son gouvernement.
53966: David Donald [editor]: - Wings of Fame : The Journal of Classic Combat Aircraft, volume 1.
47266: David Donald [editor]: - Warplanes of the Luftaffe.
47268: David Donald [editor]: - Wings of Fame : The Journal of Classic Combat Aircraft, volume 4.
67201: Donald Martin Reynolds, illustrated by Richard Berenholtz: - Manhattan Architecture.
12961: Donizetti, adapted by Charles Lamb Kenney, edited by J Pittman: - La Figlia del Reggimento, opera in two acts by Donizetti, with Italian words and a new English adaptation by Charles Lamb Kenney.
64887: G L Donnelly: - A Quest for Wings : from Tail-Gunner to Pilot.
70980: Maureen Donnelly: - The Nine Glens : a perconal look at the history, folklore and poetryof the Nine Glens of Antrim.
24531: The Honble Donough o'Brien: - Miniatures in the XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries; an historical and descriptive record.
1406: Donovan, Mark: - Rawhide Storm.
59101: Claude Joseph Dorat: - The kisses (les baisers), preceded by the Month of May.
51254: Gustave Dore [illustrator]: - Oeuvres de Rabelais, tome premier.
12603: Doree, Stephen G [editor]: - The Parish Register and Tithing Book of Thomas Hassall of Amwell.
61962: Doris Twin, illustrated by Patricia Carey: - The Funny Bunnies.
5841: Dorival, Bernard: - Atlan; essai de biographie artistique.
67778: Peter Dorling: - The Lugg Valley, Herefordshire : Archaeology, Landscape Change and Conservation.
56786: Richard Dorment: - Alfred Gilbert.
25668: Richard Dorment: - Alfred Gilbert, Sculptor and Goldsmith.
68930: Marion Dormer: - Dubbo, City on the Plains, volume II (2), 1901 - 1988.
69285: Roland Dorn [etc]: - Van Gogh Face to Face : the portraits.
68680: Roland Doschka [editor]: - Pablo Picasso : Metamorphoses of the Human Form, Graphic Works 1895 - 1972.
70502: Harry Double [editor]: - Stowmarket : a Pageant in Pictures.
72118: David Dougan: - The Great Gun-Maker : the life of Lord Armstrong.
64436: Genevieve Tudor & Amy Douglas: - Evesham Voices [Tempus Oral History series].
17480: William Douglas: - Summer Roundels; a Merry Xmas by William Douglas.
35712: Loudon M Douglas: - The Bacillus of Long Life; a manual of the preparation and souring of milk for dietary purposes.
65628: Genevieve Tudor & Amy Douglas: - Evesham Voices [Tempus Oral History series].
41565: Donald McNutt Douglass: - Many Brave Hearts.
14123: Doust, L A: - How to draw for reproduction.
34568: Archdeacon Dowling: - The Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
43748: Alec Down: - Chichester Excavations IV (4).
43530: Alec Down: - Chichester Excavations V (5).
41295: Alec Down: - Rescue Archaeology in Chichester.
54565: H C Squirrell & R A Downing: - Geology of the South Wales Coalfield, part I : the country around Newport (Mon).
67621: Sir Philip Dowson [etc]: - Royal Academy Schools : Final Year Exhibition 1997.
64446: Michael Dowty: - Around Pershore in old photographs.
55219: Michael Dowty: - Around Pershore in old photographs.
42146: A Conan Doyle: - Songs of the Road.
71991: Phil Drabble: - Black Country [The Regional Books series].
64484: Reginald Woolford & Barbara Drake: - Gloucester in old picture postcards.
62790: Reginald Woolford & Barbara Drake: - Gloucester in old picture postcards.
66955: Michael I Draper: - Shadows : Airlift and Airwar in Biafra and Nigeria 1967 - 1970.
62181: William Dreghorn: - Geology explained in the Severn Vale and Cotswolds.
68564: William Dreghorn: - Geology and the Severn Bridge.
67304: William M Drew: - Speaking of Silents : First Ladies of the Screen.
43232: Simon Drew: - Pie aaaaaaaaggh (squared) - Simon Drew's book on food and drink.
40785: Ian Drew: - Two a Penny; a collection of variations on various themes.
33229: Joanna Drew [foreword]: - Bibliography of Arts Council Exhibition Catalogues 1942-1980.
65715: John Drewett: - The Nature of Surrey : the wildlife and ecology of the county and London south of the Thames.
44330: Lee Trimble with Jeremy Dronfield: - Beyond the Call - the true story of one World War II Pilot's covert mission to rescue POWs on the Eastern Front.
62196: Fred Druce: - Remembrance of Things Past : Ross-on-Wye 1869 - 1930.
70634: The Druid [Henry Hall Dixon]: - Silk and Scarlet.
70635: The Druid [Henry Hall Dixon]: - Saddle and Sirloin, or English Farm and Sporting Worthies.
70636: The Druid [Henry Hall Dixon]: - Scott and Sebright.
52134: Aldred Drummond: - Angus : a Mutkirk Memoir.
43179: Edouard Drumont: - Les Fetes Nationales a Paris.
49504: Major W P Drury: - The Peradventures of Private Pagett.
49365: John Drury: - Painting the Wood : Christian Pictures and their Meanings.
12538: Dryden, John: - The critical and miscellaneous prose works of John Dryden, now first collected, an account of the life and writings of the author and a collection of his letters [3 volumes of 4].
70486: Ria van Els-Dubelaar: - Dutch Felt : Vilt in Beeld.
57892: A DuBosc & Dr A Luttringer, translated by Edward W Lewis: - Rubber; its production, chemistry and synthesis in the light of recent research - a practical handbook for the use of rubber cultivators, chemists, economists and others.
56123: Georges Duby: - Fondements d'un Nouvel Humanisme 1280 - 1440.
68361: Monica Bohm-Duchen: - Art and the Second World War.
56530: Monsignor Louis Duchesne: - Early History of the Christian Church from its Foundation to the End of the Fifth Century, volume II, the Fourth Century.
72424: Madame Ducrest: - Secret Memoirs of the Court of the Empress osephine, with anecdotes of the courts of Navarre and Malmaison, volume II (2).
52175: Siegfried Ducret: - Unknown Porcelain of the 18th (Eighteenth) Century.
5583: Opatus Ductor [James Mumford]: - The Question of Questions, which rightly resolv’d resolves all our questions in religion. This Question is, Who ought to be our judge in all these differences...
66018: C L Duddington: - Instructions to Young Botanists.
16731: Edmonde Dudlay: - The tree of common wealth; a treatise by Edmonde Dudlay.
21498: Robert Dudley: - Monthly Maxims.
33796: Michel Dufet: - Bourdelle et l'erotisme grec, 100 epigrammes grecques.
30462: Michel Dufet: - Meubles Ensembles Decors; recueil de documents et de commentaires sur la decoration d'interieurs moderne contemporaine.
2839: Duff, Douglas V: - Sea Whelps [first edition in dustwrapper].
72337: Jacalyn Duffin: - Langstaff : a Nineteenth-Century Medical Life.
70548: Carol Ann Duffy: - Sincerity.
70549: Carol Ann Duffy: - Love Poems.
60054: J-M Dufour: - De L'Ancien Poitou, et de sa Capitale, pour servir d'introduction a l'histoire de cette province.
66092: Arthur Richard Dufty: - European Armour in the Tower of London.
28725: A Radclyffe Dugmore: - In the heart of the Northern Forests.
9453: Dugmore, A Radclyffe: - In the heart of the Northern Forests.
57538: Adrien Lesur et Tardy & Odette Dumaret: - Les Poteries et les Faiences Francaises, 4eme partie.
62391: Maurice Dumas: - L'Archeologie Industrielle en France.
37308: Alexandre Dumas [pere]: - Memoires d'Alex [Alexandre] Dumas, deuxieme serie, tome V.
37307: Alexandre Dumas [pere]: - Memoires d'Alex [Alexandre] Dumas, deuxieme serie, tome IV.
70804: Alexandre Dumas: - The Count of Monte Cristo.
68940: Jean Dunbabin: - A Hound of God : Pierre de la Palud and the Fourteenth-Century Church.
69125: Michael Dunbar: - Windsor Chairmaking.
70866: Charles Duncan: - The Bewitched Broomsticks and other tales.
66829: David Douglas Duncan: - The Kremlin Art Treasures.
16409: E A Duncan [editor]: - Keene's handbook for visitors to Agra and its neighbourhood [Thacker's handbooks of Hindustan].
39151: W P W Phillimore & Leland L Duncan [editors]: - A Calendar of Wills proved in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Gloucester, 1541 - 1650, with an index of dispersed wills and wills proved in the peculiar courts of Bibury and Bishop's Cleeve [The Index Library, volume 12].
36297: Ronald Duncan: - The Perfect Mistress and other stories.
36295: Ronald Duncan: - Mr and Mrs Mouse.
36291: Ronald Duncan: - Don Juan.
36290: Ronald Duncan: - A Kettle of Fish.
36284: Ronald Duncan: - Jan at the Blue Fox.
36278: Ronald Duncan: - Tobacco Cultivation in England.
36271: Ronald Duncan: - Stratton; a play in verse.
36274: Ronald Duncan: - The Death of Satan; a comedy.
67986: Duncan Fife, illustrated by Philip C Priestley: - Children of the Chase : being leaves from the Diary of Tramp, a Hunt Terrier.
69024: John Duncumb: - Collections toward the history and antiquities of the County of Hereford, volume I part 1, General Introduction
40319: Edwin H W Dunkin [editor]: - Sussex Manors, advowsons etc recorded in the Feet of Fines, Henry VIII to William IV (1509 - 1833), volume II, M-Z.
65460: James Dunlop: - Death and After : Survival, Resurrection and Reunion.
69235: Ian Dunlop: - Edward VII and the Entente Cordiale.
44997: J Allan Dunn: - The House on Doubloon Inlet.
60831: R W Dunning [editor]: - The Victoria History of the County of Somerset, volume Three (III).
46729: Bernard Dunstan [editor]: - The Royal Academy Illustrated 1988 : a souvenir of the 220th Summer Exhibition.
67104: Simon Dunstan: - British Combat Vehicles Today [Tanks Illustrated no. 23].
67101: Simon Dunstan: - Challenger, Main Battle Tank 1982 - 1997 [Osprey New Vanguard Series 23].
67714: H J A Duparc: - De Amsterdamse paardentrams.
59373: Charles Dupin: - Voyages dans La Grande Bretagne, Planches 1re Partie : Force Militaire.
66159: Duplex: - In the Workshop, volume II (2).
60660: M Dupont-Auberville, illustrated by M Bachelin-Deflorenne: - La Decoration Polychrome d'apres les Etoffes Anciennes.
37321: Em de Wildeman et Th Durand: - Illustrations de la Flore du Congo, tome I (fascicule 6).
37320: Em de Wildeman et Th Durand: - Illustrations de la Flore du Congo, tome I (fascicule 5).
37319: Em de Wildeman et Th Durand: - Illustrations de la Flore du Congo, tome I (fascicule 4).
37318: Em de Wildeman et Th Durand: - Illustrations de la Flore du Congo, tome I (fascicule 2).
68096: Em de Wildeman et Th Durand: - Illustrations de la Flore du Congo, tome I (fascicule 1).
68097: Em de Wildeman et Th Durand: - Illustrations de la Flore du Congo, tome I (fascicule 1).
65340: David N Durant: - Bess of Hardwick : portrait of an Elizabethan Dynast.
28584: D Duret: - Architecture Religieuse; notions elementaires.
68745: Dick Durham: - Where the River meets the Sea : One Hundred Years of the Sussex Yacht Club.
70578: Alastair J Durie: - The British Linen Company 1745 - 1775.
68166: Bruce Durie: - A Century of Dunfermline; events, people and places over the last 100 years.
70959: C S Durrant: - A Link between Flemish Mystics and English Martyrs.
69437: Juliet Dusinberre: - Shakespeare and the Nature of Women.
60108: W A Dutt: - Sunlit Norway : Nature's Wonderland.
41834: J P Duviols: - Voyageurs Francais en Amerique : Colonies espagnoles et portugaises.
26408: E Dwelly & T W Dwelly [editors]: - Dwelly's Parish Records, volume 7, Bishop's Transcripts at Wells vol 5, being all the unpublished transcripts for Bath to 1793-4 & Othery 1608.
32435: Gilles Dyan [preface]: - Modern Masters, 09-2011
32436: Gilles Dyan [preface]: - Master's Formula: The Artistic Drive.
32423: Gilles Dyan [preface]: - In the Mood for Pop: we are all the children of Pop Art.
38371: Frederick Dye: - A Practical Treatise upon Steam Heating, embracing methods and appliances for warming buildings, heating water and cooking by steam, low pressure, high pressure and exhaust steam.
70234: Colin Dyer: - The Guild of Freemen of the City of London.
66796: R A Dyer, L E Codd & H B Rycroft [editors]: - Flora of Southern Africa, volume 26.
60394: Dyer: - Intensity Coils : how made and how used.
68262: Elinor M Brent-Dyer: - Peggy of the Chalet School.
54976: Colin Dyer: - The Guild of Freemen of the City of London.
70746: Bob Dylan: - Tarantula.
56879: Dylan Thomas, adapted by Andrew Sinclair: - Adventures in the Skin Trade.
72264: Stuart Eadon: - Sakishima.
68550: Joyce Eales: - Bradford-on-Avon : an artist's eye 1960 - 2001.
66967: Eamonn O'Boyle: - A Peopled Landscape.
50369: Mrs C W Earle: - Pot-pourri from a Surrey Garden.
50115: Alice Morse Earle: - Colonial Dames and Good Wives.
70479: Tim Mowl & Brian Earnshaw: - Trumpet at a Distant Gate - the Lodge as prelude to the Country House.
70066: Tim Mowl & Brian Earnshaw: - Trumpet at a Distant Gate - the Lodge as prelude to the Country House.
53273: Marian Eason: - The Deaf Doctor : a memoir of a 1950s Cotswold Childhood.
65042: Marian Eason: - The Deaf Doctor: a Memoir of a 1950s Cotswold Childhood.
27945: Sir Alfred East: - Brush and Pencil notes in landscape.
41555: James Eastwood: - Deadline.
56636: T Eastwood, W Gibson, T C Cantrill & T H Whitehead: - The Geology of the Country around Coventry, including an account of the Carbiniferous Rocks of the Warwickshire Coalfield.
67313: Faith Eaton: - The Miniature House.
68248: Faith Eaton: - The Miniature House.
72416: John Eaton: - A lad from Elmley; an account of life and characters in the village of Elmley Castle during the 20th Century incorporating earlier history of the Castle and Park House.
70982: E W Edersheim: - The Laws and Polity of the Jews.
53857: Neal L Edgar: - A History and Bibliography of American Magazines 1810 - 1820.
65096: Edgar Thurston, assisted by K Rangachari: - Castes and Tribes of Southern India, volume VI, P to S.
68330: Edgar Kaufmann, jr: - Fallingwater : a Frank Lloyd Wright Country House.
55911: Edgar Stanton Maclay, assisted by Barrett Philip: - The Life and Adventures of Jack Philip.
16537: Maria Edgeworth: - The Bracelets; and the White Pigeon.
64061: Michel Fixot & Lucy Vallauri [editors[: - L'eglise et son environnement : Archeologie medievale en Provence.
70565: H L Edlin: - Forestry and Woodland Life.
67728: H L Edlin: - Man and Plants.
69224: Paul Edmonds: - Peacocks and Pagodas.
65023: H G Dines & F H Edmunds: - The Geology of the Country around Romford (sheet 257 of the Map of the Geological Survey of Great Britain).
43698: Rebecca W E Edmunds: - Individual to Collective - Duda / Paine Architects.
65090: L Edna Walter, illustrated by Guy Lipscombe, Alexander Federley and others: - Finland and the Tundra : the land of the bear and the walrus (Peeps at Many Lands).
65506: Rodney Edrich: - Bayley's Children : a history of Wrekin College 1880 - 2005.
51932: Edward Lucie-Smith, Carolyn Cohen & Judith Higgins: - The New British Painting.
34479: Edward, Earl of Clarendon: - The History of the Rebellion and Civil wars in England, begun in the year 1641, volume the second.
13077: Edward Steere, revised by A C Madan: - A handbook of the Swahili language as spoken at Zanzibar.
69719: Edward Hawkins, with additions by R L Kenyon: - Hawkins' The Silver Coins of England, arranged and described, with remarks on British Money, previous to the Saxon Dynasties.
27661: Edward Stanley, edited by Jane H Adeane & Maud Grenfell: - Before and After Waterloo; letters from Edward Stanley, sometime Bishop of Norwich (1802, 1814, 1816).
68013: Edward Fitzgerald, illustrated by Hamzeh Abd-Ullah Kar: - The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
21457: Edward Wedlake Brayley, revised and edited by Edward Walford: - A topographical history of Surrey (4 volumes bound in two).
8369: Edward, Lord Bishop of Llandaff: - Report of the society for the improvement of church music, in the archdeaconry of Monmouth for 1848, to which is prefixed a sermon preached in Usk church on Thursday 20 July 1848.
53015: Ralph Edwards: - The shorter dictionary of English Furniture, from the Middle Ages to the Late Georgian period.
71140: John Edwards: - Llanelli : story of a town.
70476: Barry Edwards: - Trains & Trams of the Isle of Man.
39512: W Edwards: - A Mediaeval [medieval] Scrap-heap.
60950: J R Edwards: - Everybody Happy : talks to young people.
38577: David Edwards: - D-Day to Berlin; the long march to Victory.
58982: George Wharton Edwards: - Holland of To-day [today].
32288: Arthur E Edwards: - How to Take out Patents in England and Abroad.
70762: Lionel Edwards: - My Hunting Sketch Book, volume Two (II, 2).
70761: Lionel Edwards: - My Hunting Sketch Book.
56944: Amanda Edwards [editor]: - York : The Second Selection [Images of England].
56667: W N Edwards: - Geology of the country around Ollerton (explanation of one-inch geological sheet 113, new series).
25517: John Edwards: - The Cheshire Coast; a summary and a conjecture.
54570: W Edwards: - [Geology of] The Concealed Coalfield of Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire.
71703: Lionel Edwards: - Huntsmen Past and Present.
71985: A Trystan Edwards: - Merthyr, Rhondda and the Valleys [The Regional Books series].
72082: Ifor Edwards: - Decorative Cast-Ironwork in Wales [Gwaith Haearn-Bwrw Addurnol yng Nghymru].
67786: Edwin T Sachs, edited by Paul Fleming: - Sleight-of-Hand : a practical manual of Legerdemain for amateurs and others.
34399: Efrem Lukatskiy, with text by Dmitry Mosienko: - Ukrainian Pictures.
53099: Caroline Paulsberg & John Olav Egeland: - Vaertshuset : Baerums Verk - Norway's Oldest Inn.
59225: Anne Egger: - De Jonckheere : Tableaux de Maitres Flamands et Hollandais des XVIe et XVIIe siecles.
70977: Barbro Leffler-Egnell: - Slim and Supple : a New System of Swedish Exercises for Young and Old.
52171: Louis Ehlers: - Dansk Lertoj.
58827: Christian-Jacques Ehrengardt: - Normandie : Niemen.
6774: Ehrlich, Eugene & Carruth, Gorton: - The Oxford illustrated literary guide to the United States.
48789: Eileen Black, S B Kennedy & W A Maguire: - Dreams & Traditions : 300 Years of British and Irish Painting from the collection of the Ulster Museum.
59371: David Whitehead & John Eisel [editors]: - A Herefordshire Miscellany : celebrating 150 years of the Woolhope Club.
43092: David Ekserdjian: - Treasures from Budapest - European Masterpieces from Leonardo to Schiele.
61966: Elaine Dines-Cox, Carol McCusker & M F Agha, edited by Manfred Heiting: - Paul Outerbridge 1896 - 1958.
33914: W Bradbrooke & G Eland [preface]: - Index to Records of Bucks, vols I to X.
26333: G Eland: - In Bucks; a second & enlarged edition of Old Works & Past Days in Buckinghamshire.
68062: Johan Koning & L J Eland: - Nederlandsch Oost-Indie, Land van Gewijde Rust de Gordel van Smaragd.
36637: Elda Fezzi, Fiorella Minervino & Marc Sanson: - Noa Noa e il Primo Viaggio a Tahiti di Gauguin.
19892: Raphe Treswell the Elder: - The London Topographical Society; Survey of all lands and tenements belonging to the worshipful company of the clothworkers of London, made by Raphe Treswell the Elder [plates 8-9]
19890: Raphe Treswell the Elder: - The London Topographical Society; Survey of all lands and tenements belonging to the worshipful company of the clothworkers of London, made by Raphe Treswell the Elder [plates 1-3].
70728: Uncle Elgo: - Gnomeland : Teatime Tales for Tiny Tots.
53964: Charles W Eliot: - The Working of the American Democracy : an Address delivered before the Fraternity of Harvard University, June 28, 1888.
72207: George Eliot: - Silas Marner, the Weaver of Raveloe, and Scenes of Clerical Life.
66569: E C Eliott: - Tas and the Space Machine.
45589: Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier & Etienne Grafe, edited by Peter Mitchell: - The Flower Painters; an illustrated dictionary.
35908: Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier & Etienne Grafe, edited by Peter Mitchell: - The Flower Painters; an illustrated dictionary.
63257: Elizabeth J E Pirie, H E Jean Le Patourel, D B Whitehouse, J Hurst & C R Robinson: - Kirkstall Abbey Excavations 1960 - 1964.
61800: Elizabeth Keane, illustrated by Neville Main: - Much and More and four other stories.
47104: D H Elletson: - The Chamberlains.
68512: Francis Elliott: - Our Town : The Foundry [Bath].
46597: James Elliott: - The City in Maps : urban mapping to 1900.
67399: John Elliott: - Palaces, Patronages & Pills - Thomas Holloway : His Sanatorium, College & Picture Gallery.
62071: Ruth Elliott: - A Voice from the Sea ; or, the Wreck of the Eglantine.
66586: Peter A Elliott: - Dick Turpin in Derbyshire.
61638: John Elliott: - Orchid Hybrids of Singapore 1893 - 2003.
61232: Brent Elliott: - The Royal Horticultural Society : a history 1804 - 2004.
64999: Bryan Ellis: - Surveying Caves.
51542: P R Ellis, A R Entwistle & D G A Walkey: - Pests and Diseases of Alpine Plants.
19174: Alec R Ellis: - The Group Scoutmaster.
71997: Chris Ellis [editor]: - Smiths Industries at Cheltenham; the story of fifty years at Bishops Cleeve, 1940 - 1990.
56412: Norman Ellison: - The Wirral Peninsula.
54397: James Elmes: - A Letter to Thomas Hope esq, Hereditary Governor and Director of the British Institution for Promoting the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom.
70637: Captain E Pennell-Elmhirst: - The Best of The Fun, 1891-1897.
70638: Captain E Pennell-Elmhirst: - The Best Season on Record.
46088: Kenward Elmslie: - Communications Equipment.
12915: Mrs C W Elphinstone Hope, illustrated by John Laurent: - The star of the fairies.
54016: C R Elrington [editor]: - Abstracts of Feet of Fines relating to Gloucestershire 1199 - 1299.
35966: C R Elrington [editor]: - Abstracts of Feet of Fines relating to Gloucestershire 1199 - 1299.
35965: C R Elrington [editor]: - Abstracts of Feet of Fines relating to Gloucestershire 1300-1359.
58142: Elsie Taylor, with additions and reminiscences by Elizabeth M Cadbury: - Historical Rhymes.
67808: Elsie Mills, illustrated by Kenneth Langstaff: - The Big Tufty Book (1974).
17977: Eleanor Elsner: - The Airway to see Europe; a woman around the airways of Europe.
13949: Elssie Ansareo, prologo de Adelina Moya: - Variaciones de Piel.
69638: G R Elton: - England under the Tudors [A History of England, volume 4].
29195: G R Elvey [editor]: - Luffield Priory Charters, part 1.
69448: Charles Norton Elvin: - A Hand-Book of the Orders of Chivalry. War Medals & Crosses with their Clasps & Ribbons and other decorations.
55981: Alfred Elwes: - Ocean and her Rulers : a narrative of the nations which have from the earliest ages held dominion over the sea.
66870: John W Ely: - The Architect's Vision.
66167: William Embleton: - Reed's Heat and Heat Engines for Engineers.
48678: Ralph Waldo Emerson: - The Conduct of Life and Society and Solitude.
13944: Lawrence Zeegen & Simon Emery: - Crossing the line.
42095: Emile Vitta, illustrated by Willette and Boutet de Monvel: - A Travers un Vitrail.
32658: Emile Henriot, illustree par Ch Samson: - Images de l'Ile-de-France.
26643: Emmanuel Lambion, traduction par Catherine Grady: - De Jonckheere.
53826: Eugene M Emme: - The Impact of Air Power : National Security and World Politics.
68830: Robin Emmerson: - British Teapots & Tea Drinking 1700 - 1850.
14030: Emmons, Elise: - The surprise and other poems.
29224: Susan read & David Empringham: - Chiltern Images.
34417: Robert Endean: - Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
17004: James Endell: - The love story of Empress Josephine.
71212: Matthew Engel [editor]: - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 2007, large-format edition.
63377: F Engels: - Socialism : Utopian and Scientific.
17778: Alice Englander: - Magic Ride.
60131: Gardner D Engleheart: - Journal of the Progress of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales through British North America; and his Visit to the United States 10th July to 15th November 1860.
44196: Edward English.: - Oxford Illustrated.
16258: Arley English: - We loved a valley.
56445: Douglas English: - The Birthday Caravan.
11624: "The Roving Englishman" [Eustace Clare Grenville Murray]: - Pictures from the Battle Fields.
65975: Enid Blyton, illustrated by Molly Brett: - Happy Holiday Clicky
65976: Enid Blyton, illustrated by R Paul-Hoye: - Bom goes to the Circus.
55343: Enoch Powell, edited by Richard Ritchie: - Enoch Powell on 1992.
5331: Enock, Esther E: - The Lady of Heron's court, or, the gate that stands ajar.
61777: Arthur Guy Enock: - This Milk Business : a study from 1895 to 1943.
61772: Arthur Guy Enock: - This Milk Business : a study from 1895 to 1943.
32861: D J Enright: - In the Basilica of the Annunciation.
11058: Enthoven, Henri Emile: - Van Tanger tot Agadir.
29198: John Entick: - A new and accurate history and survey of London, Westminster, Southwark and places adjacent [4 volumes].
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67489: David Tudor Evans [editor]: - Transactions of the Royal National Eisteddfod of Wales, held at Cardiff August 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th, 1883.
61438: David Ward & Gordon Evans: - Chantry Chapel to Royal Grammar School : the history of Kingston Grammar School.
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68573: Randle Wilbraham Falconer: - The Baths and Mineral Waters of Bath.
1214: FALL, Harriet Barnes [Mrs Arthur T Bolton]: - Memorial volume.
66881: Fanny Burney [Madame d'Arblay], edited by Joyce Hemlow: - The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (Madame d'Arblay), volume I : 1791 - 1792, letters 1-39.
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62376: Kaffe Fassett: - Kaffe Fassett at the V&A : Knitting and Needlepoint.
66119: Ralph Fastnedge: - Shearer Furniture Designs from the Cabinet-Makers' London book of prices, 1788.
70619: Father Bernard Vaughan, illustrated by Gaston Bussiere: - Life Lessons from Blessed Joan of Arc [The Matchless Maid].
38858: Father Jean de Brebeuf, illustrated by Frances Tyrrell: - The Huron Carol.
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