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084557: Cather, Willa - Sapphira and the Slave Girl
9900044861: Catlin, George - Illustrations of the Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians, with Letters and Notes
094384: Catton, Eleanor - The Luminaries
092884: Catton, Bruce - The Army of the Potomac (3 Volumes); Mr. Lincoln's Army; Glory Road; a Stillness at Appomattox
089920: CAULFIELD, Richard (Edited, with notes, and an Appendix, and some account of the author and his family) - Journal of the Very Rev. Rowland Davies, LL. D. Dean of Ross, from March 8, 1688-9, to September 29, 1690
9900034881: CAULFIELD, Richard (Edited, with notes, and an Appendix, and some account of the author and his family) - Journal of the Very Rev. Rowland Davies, LL. D. Dean of Ross, from March 8, 1688-9, to September 29, 1690
019203: Cavaick, Wemyss - Uprooted Heather; a Story of the Selkirk Settlers
047809: Cavaick, Wemyss - Uprooted Heather; a Story of the Selkirk Settlers
069200: Cavallo, Adolph S. - Needlework
093629: Cave, Nick - The Death of Bunny Munro
093630: Cave, Nick - Complete Lyrics
074291: Cavell, Edward - Classic Images of Canadian First Nations; from 1880 to 1920
026792: Caveney, Graham - Screaming with Joy; the Life of Allen Ginsberg
074547: Caveney, Graham - Gentleman Junkie: The Life and Legacy of William S. Burroughs
085282: De Cecco , John (ed.) - Bashers, Baiters, and Bigots; Homophobia in American Society
094347: Wong. Cecily; Dylan Thuras - Gastro Obscura; a Food Adventurer's Guide
090851: Boulet, Cedric and Adam Robinson (eds.) - Warehouse 016
090705: Hardwicke, Cedric and James Brough - A Victorian in Orbit; the Irreverent Memoirs of Sir Cedric Hardwicke
068252: Celan, Paul; Nelly Sachs - Correspondence
081978: Cendrars, Blaise - Moravagine
020827: Health Sciences Centre - Healing & Hope; a History of Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg
073642: (Consultants for Winnipeg Convention Centre) - Winnipeg Convention Centre
083895: Rupert's Land Research Centre - Rupert's Land Research Centre Newsletter (Volumes 1-10)
075600: Arnica Artist Run Centre - Produce/Produce
081323: Cercas, Javier; Anne McLean (trans.) - The Soldiers of Salamis
077738: Cerulli, Tovar - The Mindful Carnivore; a Vegetarian's Hunt for Sustenance
094345: de Cervantes, Miguel; Rob Davis [Adapted & Illustrated] - The Complete Don Quixote; Volume One
084230: Cervantes, Miguel de; Samuel Putnam (trans.) - Three Exemplary Novels
9900008456: CERVANTES, Miguel de Saavedra - Three Exemplary Novels
091749: de Cervantes, Miguel - Don Quixote
093617: de Cervantes, Miguel - Don Quixote
090882: Busuttil-Cesar, Stephanie - Red
073287: Cesta, Carlo; James Patten Curator) - Carlo Cesta: Slow Down/Speed Freak
074816: Cha, Steph - Your House Will Pay
086040: Chabon, Michael - Werewolves in Their Youth
089758: Chabon, Michael - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
069914: Chabon, Michael - Maps and Legends; Reading and Writing Along the Borderlands
051167: Chabon, Michael - Moonglow
068304: Chabon, Michael - A Model World; and Other Stories
042580: Chabon, Michael - Manhood for Amateurs; the Pleasures and Regrets of a Husband, Father, and Son
089036: Chabon, Michael - A Model World and Other Stories
089451: Chabon, Michael - The Final Solution; a Story of Detection
092780: Chabon, Michael - Pops; Fatherhood in Pieces
093776: Chabon, Michael - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay; a Novel
064800: Chabon, Michael - Summerland
085813: Chabon, Michael - Telegraph Avenue
049567: Chabon, Michael - Telegraph Avenue
076483: Chabon, Michael - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
070116: Chabon, Michael - The Yiddish Policemen's Union; a Novel
092498: Chabon, Michael - The Mysteries of Pittsburgh
085899: Chabon, Michael - A Model World; and Other Stories
9900040879: CHABOT, Rev. Adrien - History of the Diocese of Gravelbourg 1930 - 1980
9900043850: CHABOT, Gilbert (ed.) - Lafleche Parish of St. Radegonde 1906-1989
018742: Chadderton, H. Clifford - Excuse Us! Herr Schicklgruber*; a Memoir of an Officer Who Commanded an Infantry Company of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles (Canadian Army) in Normandy
9900043056: CHADDERTON, H. Clifford - Excuse Us! Herr Schicklgruber
065530: Chafe, Wallace L. - A Semantically Based Sketch of Onondaga; International Journal of American Linguistics, Memoir 25 (Supplement to Vol. 36, No. 2)
092230: Lagorio-Chafkin, Christine - We Are the Nerds; the Birth and Tumultuous Life of Reddit, the Internet's Culture Laboratory
065969: Chagall, Marc - My Life
071267: Chaidez, Natalie - Pound for Pound
9900002986: CHALLIE, Laurence Buffet - The Art Nouveau Style
066465: Chaloupka, William - Knowing Nukes; the Politics and Culture of the Atom
075821: Chamberlain, Paul - Final Wishes; a Cautionary Tale on Death, Dignity & Physician-Assisted Suicide
057549: Chamberlin, J. Edward - The Banker and the Blackfoot; a Memoir of My Grandfather in Chinook Country
087779: Chambers, Jack - Milestones II; Music and Times of Miles Davis Since 1960
081699: Chambers, Tracy-Mae - About Eve; September 13 - November 23, 2014
086379: Chamish, Barry - The Devil Wore an Angel's Suit
073321: Champ, Robert Cordon - Sunbeam S7 and S8
9900043433: CHAMPAGNE, Antoine, Antoine D'Eschambault, Pierre Picton - Petite Histoire Du Voyageur
055268: Champigneulle, Bernard - Rodin
077227: De Champlain, Samuel; H. P. Biggar [Ed.] - The Works of Samuel de Champlain (6 Volumes)
083071: Chance, Norman A. (ed.) - Conflict in Culture; Problems of Developmental Change Among the Cree
075106: Chancy, Myriam J. A. - What Storm, What Thunder
094306: Chander, Raymond - Playback
092928: Chandler, Raymond - The Long Goodbye
085930: Chandler, Raymond - Farewell, My Lovely
084740: Chang, Eileen; Karen S. Kingsbury (trans.) - Love in a Fallen City
9900043377: CHANG, Philip (ed.) - Winnipeg Chinatown Celebrating 100 Years / a Remarkable Achievement / 1909-2009
064178: Chang, Elaine (Ed.); et al. - Decentre; Concerning Artist-Run Culture/ à Propos de Centres D'Artistes
073802: Chang, Alexandra - Days of Distraction
094074: Chang, David; Roy Choi; Anthony Bourdain; Jonathan Kauffman; Gideon Lewis-Kraus; et. al - Lucky Peach, Issue 5; Chinatown
088419: Channing, Carol - Just Lucky I Guess; a Memoir of Sorts
9900043690: CHAO, H. C. - The Striking Snake Maneuvers
077862: Chapin, Miles; Rodica Prato - 88 Keys; the Making of a Steinway Piano
9900037357: Chaplais, Pierre [ed.] - The War of Saint-Sardos (1323-1325) Gascon Correspondence and Diplomatic Documents
092022: Stokes-Chapman, Susan - Pandora
071188: Chappell, Paul K. - Soldiers of Peace; How to Wield the Weapon of Nonviolence with Maximum Force
9900042402: CHAPPLE, William - The Story of Uncle Tom
061071: Chaput, Lucien - Vive la Compagnie!; 50 Ans D'Histoire En Danse, Chant Et Musique
084325: Charach, Paul - Power of a Woman
068312: Chard, Rosie - Seal Intestine Raincoat
091204: Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre; Julian Huxley - The Phenomenon of Man
086655: Charette, Guillaume - L'Espace de Louis Goulet
083828: Chariandy, David - Brother
9900036432: CAUSLEY, Charles / With Illustrations by Robert Tilling - Twenty-One Poems
9900042749: SPON, Charles / With a Foreword by the Rev. P. B. Clayton / Illustrations by A. A. Moore - Berkyngechirche All Hallows by the Tower
067313: Charleston, R. J. (Ed.) - English Porcelain 1745-1850
036894: Charlesworth, M. P. - Documents Illustrating the Reigns of Claudius & Nero
090920: Fiell, Charlotte and Peter (eds.) - Design for the 21st Century
093588: Fiell, Charlotte and Peter - Scandinavian Design
074557: Charters, W. W.; Dean F. Smiley; Ruth M. Strang - Sex Education; a Manual for Teachers
070850: Charters, Ann [ed.] - The Portable Sixties Reader
060737: Chase, Carole F. - Madeleine L'Engle, Suncatcher; Spiritual Vision of a Storyteller
048052: Chattman, Lauren - Instant Gratification; No-Hassle Desserts in Just About No Time
080533: Chatwin, Bruce - The Attractions of France
080534: Chatwin, Bruce - The Morality of Things
079391: Chatwin, Bruce - On the Black Hill
089957: Chatwin, Bruce - The Songlines
079844: Chatwin, Bruce - In Patagonia
055507: Chaucer, Geoffrey - Troilus and Criseyde
041293: Chaucer, Geoffrey - Troilus and Cressida: A Love Poem in Five Books; Englished Anew by George Philip Krapp with Wood Engravings by Eric Gill
079968: Chaucer, Geoffrey; Nevill Coghill (Trans.) - The Canterbury Tales (2 Volumes in Slipcase)
092292: Chaucer, Geoffrey; Burton Raffel (unabridged trans.); John Miles Foley (intro.) - The Canterbury Tales
088851: Chaucer, Geoffrey; David Wright (trans.) - The Canterbury Tales
092949: Chaucer, Geoffrey; Peter Ackroyd [retelling] - The Canterbury Tales
093942: Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Canterbury Tales
051516: Chaudhuri, Nirad C. - The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian
057894: Vieux-Chauvet, Marie - Love, Anger, Madness; a Haitian Trilogy
026925: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich - The Brute and Other Farces
092840: Chekhov, Anton - The Russian Master and Other Stories
077149: Chemmamadiyil, Dr. Mary Antony - The Concept of Self-Surrender in the Poetry of Newman and Hopkins
024799: Chemnitii, Martini [Martin Chemnitz]; Polycarpi Leyseri D. [Polykarp Leyser], ed.; Philippi Melanchthonis [Philipp Melanchthon] - Loci Theologici [Locorum Theologicorum] Quibus Et Loci Communes D. Phil. Melanchthonis Perspicue Explicantur, & Quasi Integrum Christianae Doctrinae Corpus, Ecclesiae Dei Syncere Proponitur. ; in Three Parts. With Fundamenta Sanae Doctrinae, de Vera Et Substantiali Praesentia, Exhibitione, Et Sumptione Corporis & Sanguinis Domini in Coena and Caput I: De Explicatione Vocabulorum Essentiae and Index Secundis. Quibus Et Loci Communes D. Phil. Melanchthonis Perspicue Explicantur, & Quasi Integrum Christianae Doctrinae Corpus, Ecclesiae Dei Syncere Proponitur
082664: Metcalfe-Chenail, Danielle (ed.) - In This Together; Fifteen Stories of Truth and Reconciliation
079501: Metcalfe-Chenail, Danielle (ed.) - In This Together; Fifteen Stories of Truth and Reconciliation
079266: Cheney, Lynne - The Virginia Dynasty; Four Presidents and the Creation of the American Nation
041297: Cherryh, C. J. - C.J. Cherryh's Gate of Ivrel No. 1
088231: Cherryh, C.J. - The Faded Sun; Kutath
9900033984: CHESTERTON, G. K. - The Incredulity of Father Brown
068066: Chevallier, Jules Le - Aux Prises Avec la Tourmente; Les Missionnaires de la Colonie de Saint-Laurent-de-Grandin Durang L'Insurrection Metisse de 1885
094324: Chiang, Ted - Stories of Your Life and Others
094457: Chicago, Judy - The Dinner Party; a Symbol of Our Heritage
090878: Chicago, Judy - Through the Flower; My Struggle As a Woman Artist
046400: Chicago, Judy - Holocaust Project; from Darkness Into Light
9900038915: UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA / Daniel Borden Fenny (Editor-in-Chief) - Brown and Gold 1941
088015: Chiel, Arthur A. - Jewish Experience in Early Manitoba
074562: Yu-tseng, Ku; Chang Chih and Li Jui-sheng (Eds. and Illus.) - Little Ching and Hu Tzu Guard the Cornfield
091393: Child, Julia - The French Chef Cookbook
093674: Child, Julia - The Way to Cook
091734: Child, Brenda J. - Holding Our World Together; Ojibwe Women and the Survival of the Community
091422: Child, Lee - The Hard Way; a Jack Reacher Novel
087865: Child, Brenda J. - Holding Our World Together; Ojibwe Women and the Survival of Community
091823: Child, Brenda J. - Boarding School Seasons; American Indian Families, 1900-1940
065609: Child, Lydia Maria; Carolyn L. Karcher, ed - Hobomok and Other Writings on Indians
9900019659: Child, Harold - Thomas Hardy
042277: Childers, Hugh - Romantic Trials of Three Centuries; with Twenty-Four Illustrations
046915: Chipman, H.B.; E.S. Russenholt (Ed. & Illust.) - Meri-Ka-Chak: His Message
094077: Choi, Roy; Anthony Bourdain; Peter Meehan; Naomi Duguid; et. al - Lucky Peach, Issue 7; Travel
075874: Choi, Brandon; Jim Lee - Wild C.A. T. S; Covert - Action - Teams
075680: Choi, Brandon; Jim Lee - Gen13 Collected Edition
088974: Chomsky, Noam; C.J. Polychroniou (ed.) - Illegitimate Authority; Facing the Challenges of Our Time
085300: Chomsky, Noam - Chronicles of Dissent; Interviewed by David Barsamian
084822: Chopra, Deepak - Jesus; a Story of Enlightenment
030009: Chopra, Deepak - Muhammad; a Story of God's Messenger and the Revelation That Changed the World
075074: Choque, Charles - 75th Anniversary of the First Catholic Mission to the Hudson Bay Inuit
075075: Choque, Charles - 75th Anniversary of the First Catholic Mission to the Hudson Bay Inuit
086938: Chouinard, H. J. J. B. [Intro.] - Centenaire de L'Aussaut de Québec Par Les Américans; 31 Decembre 1775
053057: Choy, Wayson - The Jade Peony
072477: Chretien, Jean; G. W. Neville - Linguistic and Cultural Affiliations of Canadian Indian Bands; Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Indian Affairs Branch, Ottawa 1970
086262: Czajkowski, Chris and Fred Reid - Captured by Fire; Surviving British Columbia's New Wildfire Reality
084502: White, Chris and Jamil Zainasheff - Yeast; a Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation
091078: Hedges, Chris and Joe Sacco - Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt
090940: Schlessinger, Chris and John Willoughby - Let the Flames Begin; Tips, Techniques, and Recipes for Real Live Fire Cooking
091409: Christensen, Don - Shazzan; the Glass Princess
086479: Christensen, Deanna - Ahtahkakoop; the Epic Account of a Plains Cree Head Chief, His People, and Their Struggle for Survival 1816-1896
080414: Lelouvrier, Christian and Jennifer Leuzzi - Mastering Simplicity; a Life in the Kitchen
089895: De Nicolay-Mazery, Christiane and Jean-Bernard Naudin - The French Chateau; Life, Style, Tradition
089345: Christie, Alix - Gutenberg's Apprentice
9900034135: [CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS INTERNATIONAL INC.] - Eighteen Important Impressionist and Modern Paintings from the Collection of Mr. And Mrs. Sydney R. Barlow
091805: Christie, Gordon (ed.) - Aboriginality and Governance; a Multlidisciplinary Perspective from Québec
077951: Christie, May - Flirting Wives
087758: Daniels, Christine and Ron Christiansen - Many Laws
048714: Waldrep, Christopher and Michael Bellesiles, eds - Documenting American Violence; a Sourcebook
081361: Chuacer, Geoffrey; Peter Ackroyd [Retelling] - The Canterbury Tales
094207: Chung, Catherine - The Tenth Muse
083988: [Roman Catholic Church] - Cree Hymnal
9900042569: CHURCH, Archibald, M.D. - Pituitary Tumor in Its Surgical Relations [in the Journal of the American Medical Association]
081058: [Tiefengrund Mennonite Church]; Cornelius J. Dyck (Fwd.) - Three Score Years and Ten with God in Tiefengrund Rosenort Mennonite Church 1910-1980; Reaching to Its Roots 1893
067746: St. Matthew's Church - In the Midst of the Years
090890: [St. Andrew's Ukrainian Catholic Church] - Golden Jubilee of St. Andrew's Ukrainian Catholic Church
093375: Church, David (ed.) - Playing with Memories; Essays on Guy Maddin
066001: [Elim Mennonite Church] - Our Walk with God; Jesus Christ the Cornerstone
083987: [Roman Catholic Church] - Cree Hymnal
081656: St. Luke's Church - In This Place; the First Hundred Years of the Parish of St. Luke Winnipeg 1897-1997
092859: [Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network/The Canadian Council of Churches] - Mamow Be-Mo-Tay-Tah; Let Us Walk Together
090723: Churchill, Randolph S. - Winston S. Churchill Volume I; Youth 1874-1900
053959: Churchill, Winston [Randolph S. Churchill, comp.] - Arms and the Covenant
090722: Churchill, Randolph S. - Winston S. Churchill Volume II 1901-1914; Young Statesman
090190: Churchill, Winston - The Second World War; Abirdged Edition with an Epilogue on the Years 1945 to 1957
091803: Churchland, Patricia Smith - Neurophilosophy; Towards a Unified Science of the Mind/Brain
089701: Churchwell, Sarah - Behold, America; the Entangled History of "America First" and "the American Dream
051464: Ciccone, Christopher; Leigh, Wendy - Life with My Sister Madonna
077824: Cicero - Murder Trials
091995: Cicero; Michael Grant [trans.]; A.C. Grayling - On the Good Life
092744: Ciment, Michel - Conversations with Losey
059358: Cinnamon, Bruce - The Melting Queen
094203: Di Cinto, Marcello - Driven; the Secret Lives of Drivers
052446: [Department of Citizenship and Immigration] - Traditional Linguistic and Cultural Affiliations of Canadian Indian Bands
093020: Civil, Miguel, Ignace J. Gelb, A. Leo Oppenheim, Erica Reiner - The Assyrian Dictionary / Volume 10, Part 1 - M;... Of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
093017: Civil, Miguel, Ignace J. Gelb, A. Leo Oppenheim, Erica Reiner - The Assyrian Dictionary / Volume 8 - K;... Of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
093011: Miguel Civil, Ignace J. Gelb, A. Leo Oppenheim, Erica Reiner - The Assyrian Dictionary / Volume 10, Part II - M;... Of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
085531: Clapp, Charles - The Big Bender
094282: Chris Claremont; Louise Simonson - X-Men X-Tinction Agenda
093122: Clarens, Carlos - George Cukor
052307: Claretie, Jules - Prince Zilah
093878: Clark, Ella Elizabeth - Indians Legends of Canada
069746: Clark, Ronald W. - The Life and Times of Einstein
074168: Clark, Rick - 75 Down Blocks Refining Karate Techniques; a Systematic Approach to Elevating Your Skills
067053: Clark, Wesley K. - Winning Modern Wars; Iraq, Terrorism, and the American Empire
9900038573: CLARK, Samuel - The Marrow of Ecclesiastical History; 'Divided Into Two Parts: The First, Containing the Life of Our Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, with the Lives of the Ancient Fathers, School-Men, First-Reformers, and Modern Divines: The Second, Containing the Lives of Christian Emperors, Kings and Soveriegn Princes: Whereunto Are Added the Lives of Inferiour Christians, Who Have Lived in These Latter Centuries: And Lastly, Are Subjoyned the Lives of Many of Those, Who by Their Vertue and Valor Obtained the Sir-Name of Great, Divers of Which, Give Much Light to Sundry Places of Scripture, Especially to the Prophecies Concerning the Four Monarchs: Together with the Lively Effigies of the Most Eminent of Them Cut in Copper. '
063048: Clark, Joan - Eiriksdottir; a Tale of Dreams and Luck
094181: Clark, Janet E.; Robert Stacey - Frances Anne Hopkins 1838-1919; Canadian Scenery/le Paysage Canadien
093996: Clark, Fiona; Aileen Ribeiro [ed.] - Hats; the Costume Accessories Series
087184: Clark, Kenneth - The Nude; a Study in Ideal Form
087187: Clark, Kenneth - Leonardo Da Vinci
074920: Clark, Kenneth - Leonardo Da Vinci
087195: Clark, Kenneth - Landscape Into Art
087193: Clark, Kenneth - The Best of Aubrey Beardsley
060947: Clark, Kenneth - Best of Aubrey Beardsley
046402: Clark, Kenneth - The Romantic Rebellion; Romantic Versus Classic Art
088392: Clark, Robert aqnd Harry Kambolis - C Food
083431: Clark, A. McFayden (ed.) - Proceedings: Northern Athapaskan Conference, 1971 (2 Volumes)
084648: Clarke, William - The Connexion of the Roman, Saxon, and English Coins, Deduced from Observations on the Saxon Weights and Money
090169: Clarke, Peter - The Last Thousand Days of the British Empire; the Demise of a Superpower 1944-47
044896: Clarke, Margaret - The Cutting Season
081949: Clarke, Ruth - Before the Silence; Fifty Years in the History of Alderville First Nation 1825-1875
087455: Elliott Clarke, George - George and Rue
084560: Clarke, Edward Daniel - A Tour Through the South of England, Wales, and Part of Ireland, Made During the Summer of 1791
085303: Clarke, Gerald - Capote; a Biography
053385: Austin Clarke - Storm of Fortune
082937: Clarke, Sandra - North-West River (Sheshatshit) Montagnais; a Grammatical Sketch
077085: Clarke, Arthur H. - The Freshwater Molluscs of Canada
9900040205: [KEW BEACH BIBLE CLASS] - Kew Beach Bible Class 1927-1977 / 50th Anniversary / Reunion! [Together with] Four Issues of 'the Mentor'
067070: Christo; Jeanne-Claude; et al. - The Floating Piers; Christo and Jeanne-Claude - Lake Iseo, Italy, 2014-2016
081519: Clausewitz, Carl von; Anatol Rapoport (ed.) - On War
091084: Clavell, James; George Sharp - Thrump-O-Moto
073681: Clavet, Alain - Researchers' Guide
073682: Clavet, Alain - Guide to Canadian Photographic Archives; Directions for the Description of Photographic Records Kept in Canadian Repositories
073683: Clavet, Alain - Guide to Canadian Photographic Archives; Directions for the Description of Photographic Records Kept in Canadian Repositories
075583: Clegg, Bill - Did You Ever Have a Family
091928: Cleland, John - Fanny Hill; Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
049330: Cleland, John - Fanny Hill; the Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure
040952: Clemens, Samuel L. [Mark Twain]; Honore Guilbeau; Carl van Doren - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
057964: Clemens, Justin - Black River
9900042512: CLEMENT, Felix & Pierre Larousse - Dictionnaire Des Operas (Dictionnaire Lyrique)
082940: Clement, Daniel - L'Ethnobotanique Montagnaise de Mingan
077232: Le Clercq, Chrestien; William F. Ganong [Ed.] - New Relation of Gaspesia; with the Customs and Religion of the Gaspesian Indians
079239: City Clerk - Municipal Manual City of Winnipeg 1931; Containing Facts and Figures About the City and the Various Departments of Its Government
079307: City Clerk - Municipal Manual City of Winnipeg (10 Issues, 1921-1930); Containing Facts and Figures About the City and the Various Departments of Its Government
074600: City's Clerk - Municipal Manual; City of Winnipeg 1999
013728: Cleveland, William - Art in Other Places Artists at Work in America's Community and Social Institutions
063037: Clevette, Wilma - Red Serge Wives
073360: Clew, Jeff - MV Augusta America
081745: Eyland, Cliff and George Toles - Status Update
083427: Clifton, James A. - A Place of Refuge for All Time; Migration of the American Potawatomi Into Upper Canada 1830-1850
087247: Clingan, Ida - The Virden Story; 1882 - 1957 Virden's 75th Anniversary Celebration July 21 to 26, 1957
090986: M'Clintock, , Captain [Sir Francis Leopold] - A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and His Companions
090313: Rodham Clinton, Hillary; Louise Penny - State of Terror; a Novel
078840: Clinton, Hillary Rodham; Louise Penny - State of Terror
076134: Clinton, Hillary Rodham - What Happened
9900036565: CLIPPINGDALE, Linda (ed.) - Voix Feministes Feminist Voices Memories and Visions: Celebrating 20 Years of Feminist Research with Criaw/Icref
9900035501: CLOSE, H. Earl Jr. - The Family of Florence Myrtle Morgan
068187: Cloutier, Sheila Watt - Arctic Adaptations; Nunavut at 15
087735: Cloutier, Urbain-Marie - Propos Japonais; Au Pays Du Soleil Levant
9900040981: CLOWES, W. L. - Cassell's Miniature Encyclopaedia
087389: Gimli Art Club - The Gimli Seawall Gallery; an Exploration of the History of the Art and the Artists Who Create It
058507: American Kennel Club - Sporting Dogs; the Breeds and Standards As Recognized by the American Kennel Club
070568: [Sioux Lookout Genealogy Club] - Voices from the Past; Stories of Sioux Lookout Area Settlers
084093: Souris Valley No. 7 Historic Club - The Saga of Souris Valley
024417: Ukrainian Professional & Business Men's Club - 25th Anniversary Review: 1943-1968
056843: [Douglas History Book Club] - Echoes of a Century; Douglas Manitoba Centennial 1882 - 1982
028591: [The Belgian Club] - Kermis Week 2000: Feb 6th - 12th; Belgian Buffet February 7 - 11th Inclusive; Celebrating Our 95th Anniversary: 1905 - 2000
9900006037: WINNIPEG PRESS CLUB - Beer and Skits 1983 - 50th Edition [Together with] Fiftieth Anniversary Dinner Menu and Order of Proceedings
069740: [The Association of Kinsmen Club] - Galaxy of Gold; a History of the Kinsmen Clubs of District Four of the Association of Canadian Kinsmen Clubs, Recorded in 1979 - the District's Golden Anniversary Year
028588: [The Belgian Club] - Kermis Week 2002: February 3rd to February 9th, 2002
080342: Clutesi, George - Son of Raven, Son of Deer; Fables of the Tse-Shaht People
069503: [Rock & Co] - Twenty Four Views and Scenery of Bristol & Clifton
082240: Moore Enameling & MFG. Co - Vitreous Enameled Household Utensils; Moore Enameled Wares the Symbol of Quality
082606: [The Arctic Trading Co.] - The Arctic Trading Co. ; Exclusively Yours / the Most Unique and Authentic Native Canadian Arts & Crafts
9900042549: [Munn & Co] - American Homes and Gardens; Volume XII January to December, 1915
073232: S. D. Myres Saddle Co., Inc - S.D. Myres Saddle Co. , Inc. ; Western and Regulation Police Equipment / Belts, Holsters
080187: [A.E. Ames & Co.; Heaton's] - Heaton's Annual; Nineteenth Year 1923 / Commercial Handbook of Canada
073219: [West Bend Aluminum Co.] - West Bend Gift Ware Catalog No. 37; 25th Anniversary Edition, 1911-1936
9900039868: COALE, William - Women's Dress As a Cause of Uterine Displacement. Vol. XLV, No. 1, August 6, 1851, of the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal
9900037358: Coate, Mary [ed.] - The Letter-Book of John Viscount Mordaunt 1658-1660
092674: Coates, Ta-Nehisi - We Were Eight Years in Power; an American Tragedy
068722: Coates, Ken; Fred McGuinness - The Keystone Province: An Illustrated History of Manitoba Enterprise
092613: Coates, Ta-Nehisi - We Were Eight Years in Power; an American Tragedy
9900029222: COATES, Robert C. - The Night of the Knives
077320: Coates, Kenneth S. - Best Left As Indians; Native-White Relations in the Yukon Territory, 1840-1973
088799: Cobb, Hubbard - Amateur Builder's Handbook
064636: Cobbett, R. S. - Memorials of Twickenham; Parochial and Topographical
040867: Cochrane, James - Between You and I: A Little Book of Bad English
065457: Cockburn, Alexander - The Golden Age Is in Us; Journeys & Encounters 1987-1994
093398: Cockburn, Andrew - Kill Chain; the Rise of the High-Tech Assassins
075458: Cocker, Mark - Rivers of Blood, Rivers of Gold; Europe's Conquest of Indigenous Peoples
087003: Cocking, Matthew; Lawrence J. Burpee, ed - An Adventurer from Hudson Bay: Journal of Matthew Cocking, from York Factory to the Blackfeet Country, 1772-1773
083819: Cockrell, Monroe F.; Robert Selph Henry (ed.) - The Military Campaigns of Nathan Bedord Forrest; Forrest's Cavalry Confederate States of America 1861-1865
9900034579: POAGUE, William Thomas / Edited by Monroe F. Cockrell / With an Introduction by Bell Irvin Wiley - Gunner with Stonewall
081343: Cocteau, Jean; Rosamond Lehmann (trans.) - The Holy Terrors; Les Enfants Terribles
062539: Coddington, Grace - Grace: A Memoir
079334: [Civil Code] - Code CIVIL Des Francais; Edition Originale Et Seule Officielle
9900030221: CODY, H. A. - An Apostle of the North Memoirs of the Right Reverend William Carpenter Bompas, D.D.
085858: Coe, Jonathan - The Terrible Privacy of Maxwell Sim
086140: Coe, Jonathan - The Rain Before It Falls
052309: Coe, Jonathan - The Rotters' Club
052786: Coe, Jonathan - The Closed Circle
086160: Coe, Jonathan - The Rotters' Club
088470: Coelho, Paulo - The Winner Stands Alone
089103: Coelho, Paulo - The Witch of Portobello
093735: Coetzee, John; Amy Gutmann (ed.) - The Lives of Animals
067386: Coetzee, John Maxwell - The Life and Times of Michael K.
9900035193: GILBERT, Sir John T. ('Irish Bibliography') / George Coffey and R. Lloyd Praeger ('The Antrim Raised Beach') - Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy Volume XXV. , Section C / Archaeology, Linguistic, and Literature / Number 5, 6
090407: Cogley, John - Report on Blacklisting; I. Movies
091963: Cohen, Leonard - The Flame
9900039207: COHEN, The Rev. Dr. A. - Joshua and Judges Hebrew Text & English Translation with an Introduction and Commentary
089278: Cohen, Alissa; Leah J. Dubois - Raw Food for Everyone; Essential Techniques and 300 Simple-to-Sophisticated Recipes
064341: Cohen, Cafi - Homeschooling; the Teen Years
092772: Cohen, Leonard - Stranger Music; Selected Poems and Songs
086654: Cohen, Matt - Too Bad Galahad
085022: Colacello, Bob - Holy Terror; Andy Warhol Close Up
091180: Colapinto, John - As Nature Made Him; the Boy Who Was Raised As a Girl
089987: Colapinto, John - As Nature Made Him; the Boy Who Was Raised As a Girl
9900042904: COLBY, C. B. - Air Trails August, 1939, Vol. XII, No. 5
091932: Colby, Sasha - The Matryoshka; a Story of Ukrainian Forced Labour, the Leica Camera Factory, and Nazi Resistance
9900045139: [COLDEN, Cadwallader] - A Steel Engraving of Cadwallader Colden of the Province of New York
066079: Coldwell, M. J.; et al. - The Research Review
066083: Coldwell, M. J.; et al. - C.C. F. Research Review; Special Finance Issue 19 September 1935
066082: Coldwell, M. J.; et al. - C.C. F. Research Review; Special Finance Issue 20 October 1935
066085: Coldwell, M. J.; et al. - C.C. F. Research Review; Special Finance Issue 17 July 1935
086459: Cole, Desmond - The Skin We'Re in; a Year of Black Resistance and Power
083924: Cole, Babette - Don't Go out Tonight; a Creepy Concertina Pop-Up
090315: Cole, Lester - Hollywood Red; the Autobiography of Lester Cole
084342: Cole, Desmond - The Skin We'Re in; a Year of Black Resistance and Power
045437: Cole, Stephen - Here's Looking at Us; Celebrating 50 Years of Cbc Tv
093068: Cole, Bill - Miles Davis; the Early Years
9900044586: COLE, Capt. V. D. (ed.) - The Patrician / Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Vol. XXIII 1970
9900036169: Colegate, Isabel - Deceits of Time
025130: Coleman, Catherine - Once a Patricia... . . Always a Patricia; "a Tribute to the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
9900044708: COLERT, Walter, M.D. - Centennial Trip Around the World in 1970 with the Addition of Other Interesting Trips, Addresses and Events
073910: Coles, Megan Gail - Small Game Hunting at the Local Coward Gun Club
048618: Coles, Robert - The Political Life of Children
043640: Coles, Robert - The Spiritual Life of Children
061058: Coles, Robert - Anna Freud; the Dream of Psychoanalysis
073332: Coles, Robert - The Spiritual Life of Children
086818: Colet, Mme Louise / Anon. [Frederick Charles Nicholas, Prince of Prussia] - Naples Sous Garibaldi Souvenirs de la Guerre de L'Indépendance /Bound with/ le Cri de Guerre Des Prussiens Porquoi L'Art de Combattre, L'Armée Francaise, N'Est Pas Celui de la Battre [Being a Reply to "L'Art de Combattre L'Armée Française," by Frederick Charles Nicholas, Prince of Prussia. ]
071498: Colette - Claudine and Annie
071497: Colette - Claudine at School
085416: Colette; Antonia White (trans.) - The Innocent Libertine
078686: Colfer, Chris - The Land of Stories; the Wishing Spell
081585: Colfer, Chris - The Land of Stories; an Author's Odyssey
082609: Colfer, Chris; Brandon Dorman (Illus.) - The Land of Stories; Worlds Collide
065545: Colin, Elizabeth; et al. - Iitsiilaii Oozri Hah | the Bell with a Name
093628: Colin, Kim; Sam Hecht; Alain de Botton [foreword] - Industrial Facility
089799: Coll, Steve - The Bin Ladens; the Story of a Family and Its Fortune
9900044329: JONSDOTTIR, Salvor in collaboration with Nanna Hermansson - Iceland Reykjavik / Scndanavian Atlas of Historic Towns No. 6
9900033514: Canon Bertal Heeney, Collected and Arranged by - [the Rupert's Land Centenary 1820-1920] Centenary Addresses and Sermons
9900016491: [NUMISMATICS - COIN COLLECTING] - Spink & Son's Monthly Numismatic Circular Volume IX, December 1900 - November 1901
092691: McDannell, Colleen and Bernhard Lang - Heaven; a History
087045: Collette - L'Ingénue Libertine
054168: Collier, John; Ira Moskowitz (Illust.) - American Indian Ceremonial Dances; Navajo-----Pueblo; Apache-----Zuni
9900037321: Collier, J. Payne [ed.] - The Egerton Papers. A Collection of Public and Private Documents, Chiefly Illustrative of the Times of Elizabeth and. .
087944: Collier, Anne - My Roadside Restaurant
070161: Collin, Matthew - The Time of the Rebels; Youth Resistance Movements and 21st Century Revolutions
093434: Collingham, Lizzie - Taste of War; World War Two and the Battle for Food
087917: Collins, Ronald K.L.; David M. Skover - Mania; the Story of the Outraged and Outrageous Lives That Launched a Cultural Revolution
070244: Collins, Suzanne - Catching Fire
9900037169: COLLINS, Dennis - Sixty Six Poems
091610: Collins, Billy - Sailing Alone Around the Room; New and Selected Poems
071352: Collins, Tricia; Richard Milazzo - White Columns; an Anthology of Statements Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary
068572: Collins, Jackie - The Stud
056492: Collins, Paul - Sixpence House; Lost in a Town of Books
060226: Collins, Suzanne - Catching Fire; the Second Book of the Hunger Games
074052: Collins, Paul - The Trouble with Tom; the Strange Afterlife and Times of Thomas Paine
085924: Collins, Henry Hill - Complete Field Guide to North American Wildlife: Eastern Edition
085791: Collins, Wilkie - The Woman in White
032582: Collins, Suzanne - Catching Fire
089434: Collins, Jr., Henry Hill - Complete Field Guide to North American Wildlife Eastern Edition
053149: Collins, Henry B. - Archeology of the Bering Sea Region [with 11 Plates]
047690: Collinson, Patrick - Elizabeth I.
090286: Colman, Juliet Benita - Ronald Colman; a Very Private Person
066690: Colombo, John Robert, comp - Writer's Map of Ontario; 141 Sights and Sites of Literary Interest
079758: Colombo, John Robert - Songs of the Indians (2 Volumes)
067141: Colombo, John Robert (Ed.) - Songs of the Indians (Volume II Only)
071343: Coloroso, Barbara - Extraordinary Evil; a Brief History of Genocide
9900034099: Colum, Padraic - My Irish Year
9900032880: [Provincial Archives - Provincial Museum - British Columbia] - British Columbia Heritage Series / Series 1 / Our Native Peoples / Volume 5 / Nootka
090726: Columbus, Christopher - The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus
091685: Comack, Elizabeth - Racialized Policing; Aboriginal People's Encounters with the Police
059537: Comey, James - A Higher Loyalty; Truth, Lies, and Leadership
052044: Comey, James - A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership
088033: Comfort, Charles Fraser - Artist at War
088034: Comfort, Charles Fraser - Artist at War
062879: [Manitoba Department of Industry & Commerce] - Manitoba -- Canada's Number One Sun
056666: [The Pas Chamber of Commerce] - The Pas... A History / 1970 / Adventure & Romance
041904: [U.S. Department of Commerce] - Report of the National Screw Thread Commission
064185: Manitoba Law Reform Commission - Report on the Structure of the Courts; Part I; Amalgamation of the Court of Queen's Bench and the County Courts of Manitoba
080026: Dominions Royal Commission - Final Report
060320: [Langford Centennial History Commitee] - First Century of Langford; 1891 - 1991
082964: Mossgiel Guild History Book Committee - Mossgiel Memories
085537: Weyburn R.M. #67 History Book Committee - As Far As the Eye Can See; Weyburn Rm 67
056792: [RM of Miniota Committee] - Bridging the Years; Volume III: 1976 - 1994
085636: History Book Committee - Forest to Field; Centennial History of Rural Municipality of Clanwilliam and Village of Erikson
085637: Celebrate Saskatchewan Committee - Redvers; 75 Years Live
069692: Sanford-Ferndale History Committee - Sanford - Ferndale 1871 - 1987
9900006787: Manitoba Pharmaceutical Association Historical Committee - The History of Pharmacy in Manitoba 1878-1953
051032: [Medstead History Book Committee] - Trails of Promise: Volume II
063107: The Women's Committee, Winnipeg Art Gallery - The Eleventh Winnipeg Show
055931: [Riverton Centennial Committee] - Riverton Memories
063106: The Women's Committee, Winnipeg Art Gallery - The Tenth Winnipeg Show
085632: Lang Syne History Book Committee - Lang Syne; History of Lang, Saskatchewan
9900042422: SOURISFORD HISTORY COMMITTEE, THE - Sourisford and Area from 1879
082962: The Centennial History Committee - Our Story to 1984
083661: Deloraine History Book Committee - Deloraine Scans a Century 1880-1980
086325: Cando Centennial Committee - Cando and Surrounding Rural Areas Century of Progress; a History of Its People and Events
024536: [Swan River Valley History Book Committee] - 80 Years in Swan River Valley
015491: Arnaud Historical Committee - Arnaud Through the Years
083647: Manitoba Conference Home Mission Committee - Cree-English Hymn Book; by Keewatin Pesbytery
085635: Cabri History Book Committee - Through the Years; History of Cabri and District
075959: Melita/Arthur 125th History Book Committee - Sequel to Our First Century, 1984-2009; Town of Melita and Municipality of Arthur
048789: [Horndean Renuion Committee] - Horndean Heritage
026504: Paswegin History Committee - Pages from the Past; a History of Paswegin and School Districts: Harrow, North Quill, Quill City, Tiger Lily and Wooler
083656: [Province of Ontario Select Committee] - Report of the Select Committee; on the Boundaries between the Province of Ontario and Unorganized Territories of the Dominion with Appendix
094411: Canada Weed Committee - Common and Botanical Names of Weeds in Canada
048712: Pembina Centennial Committee - A History of Pembina County
076728: [R.M. of Ellice Centennial Book Committee] - Ellice: 1883-1983
082965: Cornwallis Centennial Committee - Municipal Memories
085540: Kelliher History Committee - Heritage Reflections: Jasmin, Kelliher, Leross and District; Volume II
052208: [Ottermere Book Committee] - Ottermere
069662: Paswegin History Committee - Pages from the Past; a History of Paswegin and School Districts: Harrow, North Quill, Quill City, Tiger Lily and Wooler
085634: Tecumseh History Book Committee - Tecumseh on the Prairies (2 Volumes)
9900028459: [CITY OF WINNIPEG] WINNIPEG HISTORICAL BUILDINGS COMMITTEE - Monuments to Finance Three Winnipeg Banks
093716: Treherne Area History Committee - Tiger Hills to the Assiniboine; a History of Treherne and Surrounding District
085543: Celebrate Saskatchewan History Book Committee - R.M. 318 Herschel Stranraer / from Then Until Now
088251: Manor History Book Committee - Memories Are Forever; Manor and District Historical Society
017388: West St. Paul Centennial Committee - The Changing Scene; a History of West St. Paul
031013: Westbourne-Longbourne History Committee - When the West Was Bourne: A History of Westbourne, and District 1860 to 1985
012781: Souvenir Book Committee - Morden Centennial 1882-1982 Souvenir Booklet and Program July 5 - 11th
088213: Inwood History Book Committee - The Interlake Beckoned; a History of Inwood and Surrounding Districts
085631: Bradwardine History Book Committee - Bradwardine and District; Century and More 1880-2003
033651: Gnadenthal History Book Committee - Gnadenthal 1880-1980
085743: Altona Maroons Reunion Committee - Celebrating 40 Years Altona 1951-1991
077220: Common, Harshaw - From Loneland to London in 1894; with Notes Along the Way
086138: Canada. Parliament. House of Commons; Great Britain. Privy Council. Judicial Committee - Papers in Reference to the Manitoba School Case Presented to Parliament During the Session of 1895
050173: Duncan-Jones, Katherine (Comp. and Intro.) - Shakespeare's Life and World
077705: [Canadian Publicity Company]; W. McRaye (Ed.) - Pioneers and Prominent People of Manitoba
055952: [Beatrice Foods Company] - The Art and Secrets of Chinese Cookery...
065119: The Arctic Trading Company - The Arctic Trading Company
055589: [Metropolitan Life Insurance Company] - What's Your Family's H.Q. ? (4 Small Cards and 2 Pamphlets in Paper Sleeve); Metropolitan Cook Book; How to Control Your Weight; Desirable Weight for Women of Ages 25 and over; Hidden Calories That Tip the Scales
049901: The Arctic Trading Company - The Arctic Trading Company
9900044713: [HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY] - Moccasin Telegraph Magazine for the Hbc Fur Traders / Vol. 15, No. 1 / Freeze-Up 1955
072466: Ford Motor Company - Your Ford V-8; a Reference Book for the 1936 Ford V-8: Left Hand Control Cars
072427: [Ford Motor Company] - Ford at the Fair
083989: Mackay, The Rev. J. A. (Compiled and translated by) - Psalms and Hymns in the Language of Cree Indians of the Diocese of Saskatchewan, North-West America
052827: Corley, Nora T. (Compiled and Edited) - Polar and Cold Regions Library Resources, a Directory
078643: Mackay, The Rev. J. A. (Compiled and translated by) - Psalms and Hymns in the Language of Cree Indians of the Diocese of Saskatchewan, North-West America
008276: Blom, Rose R. [Researched, compiled and written by] - Tache; Rural Municipality 1880-1980
064718: Stone Limited (Compiled and Printed by); T. J. Leatherdale (Photo.) - The Leading Financial Business and Professional Men of Winnipeg
9900043591: [G. A. HENTY] Peter Newbolt (compiler) - Bibliographical Supplement of Uk Editions / Issued with the Henty Society Bulletin
9900043568: [G. A. HENTY] Christopher Holtom (compiler) - Bibliographical Supplement of American 'Pirate' Editions / Issued with the Henty Society Bulletin
056677: Compo, Susan - Life After Death; and Other Stories
069107: Comstock, Eileen - Sunny Side Up; Fond Memories of Prairie Life in the 1930s
092956: Comyns, Barbara; Ursula Holden (intro.) - Who Was Changed and Who Was Dead
027262: Conant, Jennet - A Covert Affair; Julia Child and Pual Child in the Oss
056904: [Yukon Aboriginal Language Conference] - Voices of the Talking Circle
032521: Conkin, Paul K.; Stromberg, Roland N. - Heritage and Challenge: The History and Theory of History
081819: Conkling, Winifred - Ms. Gloria Steinem
091964: Conley, Robert J. - Mountain Windsong; a Novel of the Trail of Tears
093474: Connah, Roger - A Carefully Folded Ham Sandwich; Towards a Critical Phenomenology
050835: O'Connell, Justin - The Ski Club
089591: Connelly, Michael - The Late Show
086143: Connelly, Joan Breton - The Parthenon Enigma; a New Understanding of the West's Most Iconic Building and the People Who Made It
074713: Connelly, Karen - Burmese Lessons
050511: Connelly, Karen - Touch the Dragon: A Thai Journal
093619: Conner, Amanda; Steve Bunche - The Art of Amanda Conner
050905: Connolly, John - He
9900021571: CONNOR, Ralph - The Patrol of the Sun Dance Trail
9900044562: CONNOR, Ralph [Charles W. Gordon] - The Dawn by Galilee a Story of the Christ
093463: Connor, Ralph [Charles W. Gordon] - The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land
074630: Connor, A. J. - The Climate of Manitoba
048777: Connor, Ralph - The Major
059783: Connor, Ralph - The Man from Glengarry
086334: Connor, Ralph - Treading the Winepress
9900002458: Connor, Ralph - The Gaspards of Pinecroft
093460: Connor, Ralph [Charles W. Gordon] - Black Rock; a Tale of the Selkirks
088826: Connor, Ralph [Charles Gordon] - Gwen; an Idyll of the Canyon
088841: Connor, Ralph - Black Rock; a Tale of the Selkirks
9900021569: Connor, Ralph - Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police a Tale of the Macleod Trail
090968: Conrad, Joseph - Lord Jim
066489: Conrad, Barnaby - Absinthe; History in a Bottle
093909: Conrad, Joseph - Heart of Darkness / an Outpost of Progress / the Lagoon
093606: Conrad, Joseph; Colm Toibin [foreword] - The Return (Hesperus Classics)
077845: Conrad, Joseph - The Secret Agent
087553: Conrad, Joseph - The Secret Agent
089574: Conrad, Joseph; Robert Hampson (ed.) - Heart of Darkness; and the Congo Diary
9900034152: Conrad, Joseph - The Rover
064487: Conrad, Joseph; D.C.R.A. Goonetilleke (Ed.) - Heart of Darkness
9900028682: CONSOLARIO, Lt. Comdr. W. V., Lt. N. Pace, and A. C. Ivy - Drinking Water from Sea Water
053665: Various Contributors - The Boy's Own Annual; Volume Eighteen
093791: Conway, Agnes Ethel; Martin Conway - The Children's Book of Art
9900036826: Conway, Sir Marten & Charles J. Holmes [selected by] / J. A. Hammerton (ed.) - The World's Famous Pictures / 2 Volumes
074952: Conway, CJ & Lori Nelson - Royal Lake of the Woods Yacht Club: A Century of Summers; 100th Anniversary 1903-2003
080683: Cook, Sir Edward - How Britain Strove for Peace; a Record of Anglo-German Negotiations 1898-1914
073210: Cook, Meira - The House on Sugarbush Road
053466: Cook, Frederick A. - My Attainment of the Pole
088042: Thos. Cook and Sons - Peking; North China, South Manchuria and Korea
9900044464: Cook, Dr. Frederick A. - Through the First Antarctic Night, 1898-1899: A Narrative of the Voyage of the 'Belgica' Among Newly Discovered Lands and over an Unknown Sea About the South Pole; with an Appendix Containing a Summary of the Scientific
9900044466: COOK, Captain James [Capt. James Hawkesworth] - The Landing at Mallicolo, One of the New Hebrides. [Plate LX from Hawkesworth's Account of the Voyages of Capt. James Cook]
064174: Cook, Sarah (Ed.); et al. - Euphoria & Dystopia; the Banff New Media Institute Dialogues
083433: Cook, Eung-Do - Sarcee Verb Paradigms
080681: Cook, Sir Edward - Why Britain Is at War; the Causes and the Issues
067191: Cook, Robert (Kilty) - Cha-Ske at the Ball Including a Bag of Memories
059243: Cook, Meira - Once More with Feeling
027363: [Starckbuck Heritage Cookbook] - Starbuck Heritage Cookbook 1981
090410: Cooke, Alistair - Douglas Fairbanks; the Making of a Screen Character
060025: Cooke, Fred - The Snow Geese of la Perouse Bay; Information Series No. 3
066092: Cooley, Dennis - Irene
068752: Cooley, Dennis - The Stones
069563: Cooley, Dennis (Ed.) - Replacing
033377: Cooley, Dennis - Bloody Jack
090783: Coombes, Allen J. - Hamlyn a-Z of Plant Names
087641: Cooney, Seamus (ed.) - Blast 3
057395: Coons, John E.; Patrick M. Brennan; John Witte, Jr. (Foreword) - By Nature Equal; the Anatomy of a Western Insight
069986: Cooper, Diana - The Wonder of Unicorns; Ascending with the Higher Angelic Realms
070044: Cooper, Alan W. - The Men Who Breached the Dams; 617 Squadron 'the Dambusters'
059362: Cooper, Sally - With My Back to the World
9900036162: COOPER, Wm. Durrant (ed.) - Lists of Foreign Protestants, and Aliens, Resident in England 1618-1688. From Returns in the State Paper Office
9900007058: Fenimore-Cooper, J. - The Deerslayer
057440: Cooper, Marc - Pinochet and Me; a Chilean Anti-Memoir
088467: Cooper, James Fenimore - The Deerslayer; or the First War Path
083763: Cooter, David - Apparat Français-Montagnais
049979: Copeland, Peter F. - North American Indian Dances and Rituals
073305: Corbett, Ken - Boyhoods; Rethinking Masculinities
079764: Corbett, James - Death Comes to Fanshawe; a Secret Service Thriller
083929: Corbett, G.O. - Notes on Rupert's America
093144: Corbett, David - Done for a Dime
9900034026: CORELLI, Marie - The Secret Power; a Romance of the Time
057001: Corenblum, Sylvia, et al. - Papers in Manitoba Archaeology Miscellaneous Papers #4: Experiments in the Dynamics of Ceramic Tempering Technology on the Northern Plains, Etc.
094199: Corin, Lucy - The Swank Hotel
054202: Corkin, Jane (Ed.) - Twelve Canadians Contemporary Canadian Photography
093121: Corliss, Richard - Greta Garbo
082869: Corne, Chris - Métchif, Mauritian and More: The "Creolisation" of French
082847: Corneille, Pierre - Oeuvres Complètes / 3 Volumes
087166: Cornell, S.S. - Cornell's Intermediate Geography; Forming Part Second of a Systematic Series of School Geographies
051523: Cornish, D. M. - Lamplighter
089988: Cornwell, John - Hitler's Scientists; Science, War, and the Devil's Pact
069205: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - The Soldier's Return : A Digest of Talks Heard on the Cbc Trans-Canada Network During the Winter of 1944-1945 on Wednesday Nights, After the National News Bulletin
092403: Corriher, Shirley O. - Cookwise; the Hows and Whys of Successful Cooking
092495: Cosby, S.A. - Razorblade Tears
088523: Cosby, S.A. - Razordblade Tears
067438: Cosgrave, Bill - Love Her Madly; Jim Morrison, Mary, and Me
086653: Costa, David J; Hannah Sarvasy; Guillaume Jacques - Anthropological Linguistics Volume 55 No. 3; Borrowing in Southern Great Lakes Algonquian and the History of the Potawatomi/Acriss the Great Divide: How Birth-Order Terms Scaled the Saruwaged Mountains in Papua New Guinea; Ideophones in Japhug (Rgyalrong)
083086: Costa, David Joseph - The Miami-Illinois Language
9900042870: DA COSTA, J. M., M.D. - Clinical Observations Upon Abdominal Aneurism, with Special Reference to Treatment [the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal]
083363: Costa, David J. - The Miami-Illinois Language
085240: Da Costa, M.G. (ed.); Donald M. Lockhart (trans.) - The Itinerário of Jerónimo Lobo
079060: Costa, David J. (ed.) - New Voices for Old Words; Algonquian Oral Literatures
091991: Costantino, Maria - Picasso Posters
052350: Costello, Donald P.; Cecil Lewis (Foreword) - The Serpent's Eye: Shaw and the Cinema
9900035778: COTE, Mikel, David Duchesne, Barbara Major - 1921-1996 Kapuskasing / We Only Came for 3 Years... /... Mais Nous Sommes Venus Pour Rester
059519: Cottrell, Edyth Young - The Oats, Peas, Beans & Barley Cookbook
9900031793: du Coudray, H. [Helene] - Another Country
9900036090: COUES, Elliott (ed.) [ALEXANDER HENRY] [DAVID THOMPSON] - New Light on the Early History of the Greater Northwest / the Manuscript Journals of Alexander Henry and of David Thompson; Complete Two Volume Facsimile Edition, in Publisher's Slipcase
085839: [City of Winnipeg City Council; Steele & Company] - Winnipeg, Canada; Published by the City Council September, 1903
079040: [Winnipeg Hadassah Council] - Winnipeg Hadassah Shopper's Guide and Cook Book 1954
067063: Nisga'a Tribal Council - Bringing Our Ancestors Home; the Repatriation of Nis Ga'a Artifacts
069390: Countryman, Jack - Archie and His Friends; Champ's Coloring Book
085542: Minot-Ward County - People Places and Events - 100 Years of Magic; Minot-Ward County
093798: Coupe, Laurence - Beat Sound, Beat Vision; the Beat Spirit and Popular Song
085259: Coupland, Douglas - All Families Are Psychotic
049019: Coupland, Douglas - Generation X; Tales for an Accelerated Culture
088214: Coupland, Douglas - Terry
088345: Coupland, Douglas - The Gum Thief
060694: Coupland, Douglas - Worst. Person. Ever
082319: Coupland, Douglas - Jpod
088350: Coupland, Douglas - Generation A.
082297: Coupland, Douglas - Eleanor Rigby
052934: Coupland, Douglas - Polaroids from the Dead
059282: de Courberive, J. - Devenez Celui Que Vous Voudriez Etre Par la Psychoculture
9900035486: [Papal Court] - Sacra Congregatione Concilii Sive Rev. Mo Beniamino Cavicchioni / Januen. Crediti / Juris Ac Facti Restrictus Cum Summario; Pro / ILL. Mo Ac Rev. Mo D. Aloysio Barabino in Januensi Dioecesi Cremeni Parocho / Contra / ILL. Mum Ac Rev. Mum Gregorium Rapallum Bolzanetti, Eiusdem Dioecesis Parochum
094455: Coutts, Robert & Richard Stuart [eds.] - The Forks and the Battle of Seven Oaks in Manitoba History; Part I: Focus on the Forks, Part II: Reflections on the Battle of Seven Oaks
9900040429: COUTTS, Wilfred L. - Prairie Pioneer Poems
086280: Couture, Christa - How to Lose Everything
072945: Cowan, Geoffrey - The People V. Clarence Darrow
012924: Cowan, D. A. - The New Life a Souvenir Booklet for Newly Received Members of the United Church of Canada
087000: Wight, Darlene Coward and Jean Blodgett - The Faye and Bert Settler Collection Inuit Art
086480: Moss, Paul; Andrew Cowell and Alonzo Moss, Sr. (trans and ed.) - Hinono'Einoo3itoono; Arapaho Historical Traditions
082563: Moss, Paul; Andrew Cowell and Alonzo Moss, Sr. (trans and ed.) - Hinono'Einoo3itoono; Arapaho Historical Traditions
082564: Moss, Paul; Andrew Cowell and Alonzo Moss, Sr. (trans and ed.) - Hinono'Einoo3itoono; Arapaho Historical Traditions
094165: Joyce-Cowen, Lenore - A Million Menus; for Dining and Entertaining at Home
062708: Cowper, Wiliam; [John Gilpin] - The Diverting History of John Gilpin
062507: Cowper, William - The Diverting History of John Gilpin
091871: Cox, Bruce Alden - Native People, Native Lands; Cabnadian Indians, Inuit and Metis
091829: Cox, Loretta Outwater - The Winter Walk; a Century-Old Survival Story from the Arctic
094033: Coxe, Antony; Araminta Hippisley Coxe - The Book of the Sausage
086522: Cozolino, Louis - The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy; Healing the Social Brain
085942: Craft, Aimee - Breathing Life Into the Stone Fort Treaty; an Anishnabe Understanding of Treaty One
077792: Craigie, Gregor - On Borrowed Time; North America's Next Big Quake
051231: Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria; A. A. Dixon (Illus.) - John Halifax, Gentleman
091717: Crane, Stephen - Maggie, a Girl of the Streets; and Other New York Writings
093815: Cranor, Eli - Don't Know Tough
093260: Craton, Neil - Wisdom from the Homeless; Lessons a Doctor Learned at a Homeless Shelter
094260: Craven, Margaret - I Heard the Owl Call My Name
011553: Craven, Nora E. - Love, Love Including "Dog's Life" by Sara Ellen Love
082734: Crawford, James M. - Studies in Southeastern Indian Languages
092336: Crawford, Dorothy H. - Virus Hunt; the Search for the Origin of Hiv
048557: Crawford, Isabella Valancy - Winona or the Foster-Sisters
083273: Crawford, James M. - The Mobilian Trade Language
075548: [SOCIAL CREDIT] - Prepare Now! a Suggested Programme of Post-War Reconstruction Embodying the Features Essental to British Democracy
9900009932: [SOCIAL CREDIT] - The Records Tells the Story
9900017892: CREGIER, Don M., Edgar H. B. Parkin, Geneva Smithe, Arthur R. von Wertheim - Topical Handbook No. 5
092579: Crenson, Victoria - The Birthday Ghost; the Real Ghostbusters
087054: Crews, Harry - The Gospel Singer
082208: Crews, Harry - Body
089983: Crews, Harry - A Childhood; the Biography of a Place
086245: Crews, Harry - The Knockout Artist
073617: Criddle, Alma - Criddle-de-Diddle-Ensis; a Biographical History of the Criddles of Aweme, Manitoba Pioneers of the 1880's
069469: Cringan, Alex T.; P. George Marshall; ed - The New Canadian Song Series; Based on the Syllabus of Music for Public and Model Schools
9900020213: Crisp, A. H. - Anorexia Nervosa: Let Me Be
9900012474: CRIST, Raymond E. - Tropical Subsistence Agriculture in Latin America: Some Neglected Aspects and Implications
085660: Anderson, Mark Cronlund and Carmen L. Robertson - Seeing Red; a History of Natives in Canadian Newspapers
079467: Anderson, Mark Cronlund and Carmen L. Robertson - Seeing Red; a History of Natives in Canadian Newspapers
080170: Crosbie, Sylvia K. - A Tacit Alliance; France and Israel from Suez to the Sixth Day War
062883: Crosby, Theo - The Pessimist Utopia: Pentagram Papers 2
062884: Crosby, Theo - The Pessimist Utopia: Pentagram Papers 2
055805: Cross, Charles R. - Here We Are Now; the Lasting Impact of Kurt Cobain
076606: Crossick, Geoffrey [ed.] - The Artisan and the European Town, 1500-1900
9900039649: CROSSMAN, Kelly - A Study of Anglican Church Buildings in Manitoba
089900: Crow, Elmay - Speck the Brownie and His Friends
078880: Crowe, Keith J. - A History of the Original Peoples of Northern Canada
093773: Crowe, Roewan - Quivering Land
080094: Crowe, Keith J. - A Cultural Geography of Northern Foxe Basin, N.W. T.
091277: Crowley, Aleister; Israel Regardie (ed.) - Gems from the Equinox; Instructions by Aleister Crowley for His Own Magical Order
091278: Crowley, Aleister; Israel Regardie (ed.) - The Law Is for All; an Extended Commentary on the Book of the Law
092838: Crowley, Aleister - Liber E and Liber O; the Equinox
090385: Crowther, Bosley - The Lion's Share; the Story of an Entertainment Empire
9900012266: BY VARIOUS AUTHORS [George CRUIKSHANK, illustrator] - Old 'Miscellany' Days a Selection of Stories from 'Bentley's Miscellany. '
072183: Cruikshank, Julie; Angela Sidney, Kitty Smith, Annie Ned - Life Lived Like a Story; Life Stories of Three Yukon Native Elders
091293: Crumb, Aline Kominsky - Need More Love; a Graphic Memoir
081294: Crumb, R. - R. Crumb: The Complete Record Cover Collection
088426: Crystal, Billy - 700 Sundays
092252: Bannatyne-Cugnet, Jo; Yvette Moore - A Prairie Year
078127: Culin, Stewart - Games of the North American Indians
074362: Culleton, Beatrice - April Raintree
091592: Culleton, Beatrice - April Raintree
052334: Congress for Jewish Culture - A Decade of Destruction: Jewish Culture in the Ussr, 1948-1958
9900038062: CULVER, Roy Poems by / Prints by Louise A. Moss - Continents of Vapor; a Collection of Twenty-One Poems and Eight Etchings: Accompanied Entirely by the Hand Processes
051071: Culverwell, Nathaniel; Robert A. Greene (Ed.); HHugh MacCallum (Ed.) - An Elegant and Learned Discourse of the Light of Nature
079717: Cumming, Donigan; Robert Graham; Martha Langford - Reality and Motive in Documentary Photography
094408: Cummings, E. E. - 50 Poems
085977: Cummins, Jeanine - American Dirt
092502: Cummins, Jeanine - American Dirt
068933: Cummins, J. S. [ed.] - The Travels and Controversies of Friar Domingo Navarrete
086613: Cunningham, Michael - The Hours
063579: Cunningham, Charles H. - A Laboratory Guide in Virology
075601: Horowitz, Risa (Curated and Ed.) - Twitch
072862: Curatolo, Marisa; et al. - Our Jets at Home
061597: Curnonsky et J.-W. Bienstock - Le Musee Des Erreurs: Ou le Francais Tel Qu'on L'Ecrit (Two Volumes)
079438: Curran, Andrew S. - Diderot and the Art of Thinking Freely
9900043014: CURRIE, Robert - Moving out
086377: Currie, Sheldon - The Glace Bay Miners' Museum
091394: Curti, Merle - Growth of American Thought
090314: Curtis, James - Spencer Tracy; a Biography
078602: Curtis, Colonel W.P.S., comp. & ed - The Rifle Brigade Chronicle for 1961; Seventy Second Year
078604: Curtis, Colonel W.P.S., comp. & ed - The Rifle Brigade Chronicle for 1964; Seventy Fifth Year
055712: Stone, Jana (Ed.); Mel Curtis and Bonnie Sharpe (Photos.) - Every Part of This Earth Is Sacred; Native American Voices in Praise of Nature
078603: Curtis, Colonel W.P.S., comp. & ed - The Rifle Brigade Chronicle for 1963; Seventy Fourth Year
085524: Curtis, Edward S.; Barry Gifford (ed.) - Selected Writings of Edward S. Curtis; Excerpts from Volumes I-XX of the North American Indian
078605: Curtis, Colonel W.P.S., comp. & ed - The Rifle Brigade Chronicle for 1962; Seventy Third Year
087618: Curtius Rufus, Quintus, and Samuel Pitiscus - Q. Curtii Rufi Alexander Magnus, Et in Illum Commentarius Samuelis Pitisci... Editio Secunda Priori Ornatior & Comptior
081253: Curzon, Daniel - Among the Carnivores
093565: Cusk, Rachel - Transit
9900038576: Cust, Lionel - Anthony Van Dyck: A Further Study with Twenty-Five Illustrations in Colour Executed Under the Supervision of the Medici Society
9900043016: SCHULZ, Herbert C. / Norma B. Cuthbert and Haydee Noya - Ten Centuries of Manuscripts in the Huntington Library
051625: Cuthbert, Chris; Scott Russell - The Rink; Stories from Hockey's Home Towns
065625: Cutler, Ebbitt - I Once Knew an Indian Woman
9900029847: CVROIL, James - Steam Navigation and Its Relation to the Commerce of Canada and the United States
086661: Cybulski, Jerome S. - An Earlier Population of Hesquiat Harbour, British Columbia; a Contribution to Nootkan Osteology and Physical Anthropology
080526: Cyr, Joseph (Trans.) - Aiamieu Tipatshimun; Les Quatre Evangiles Traduit En Langue Montagnaise Par Joseph Cyr Missionaire Oblat de Marie Immaculee
087258: Cyr, Ernest - Au Pays Des Esquimaux; Conférence Donnée Sous Les Auspices de L'Union Canadienne a Saint-Boniface
084879: Metallic, Emmanuel N., Danielle E. Cyr and Alexandre Sévigny - The Metallic Mìgmaq-English Reference Dictionary
082537: Thomas, Cyrus and John R. swanton - Indian Languages of Mexico and Central America; and Their Geographical Distribution
093495: Czerneda, Julie E. - Species Imperative; Survival; Migration; Regeneration
9900040046: Bennet, J. Henry, M.D. and T. Wakley, Jr., eds - The London Lancet a Journal of British and Foreign Medicine, Physiology, Surgery, Chemistry, Criticism, Literature, and News
080685: McMillan, Alan D. and Denis E. St.Claire - Alberni Prehistory; Archaeological and Ethnographic Investigations on Western Vancouver Island
085160: Storiz, C.D. and Chris Durston (ed.) - Loathsome Voyages
085469: DeBlois, Albert D. and Alphonse Metallic - Micmac Lexicon
083761: Cooper, Joseph D. and Joseph C. Abbott - Nikon F Nikkormat; Handbook of Photography
9900043151: CONNOR, R. D. and A. D. C. Simpson / Edited by A. D. Morrison-Low - Weights and Measures in Scotland: A European Perspective
085236: Coe, Michael D and Richard A. Diehl - In the Land of the Olmec (2 Volumes); Volume 1: The Archaeology of San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán; Volume 2: The People of the River
089600: Daddis, Gregory A. - Withdrawal; Reassessing America's Final Years in Vietnam
9900007543: Dafoe, John W. - Clifford Sifton in Relation to His Times
9900028231: [DAFOE, Christoper, editor] - The Beaver Exploring Canada's History
9900034497: DAFOE, John W. - Public Opinion As a Factor in Government
9900038075: [Henrik Kroyer] J. Christian Bay / Svend Dahl - Til Minde Om Zoologen Henrik Kroyer Udgivet I Anledning Af J. Christian Bays Halvfjerdsa Arsdag / 12. Oktober 1941
092638: Dahl, Roald - George's Marvellous Medicine
9900038306: DAHL, Svend - J. Christian Bay
067419: Dahl, Karen; James Doran - Deuce of Hearts; the Art of Karen Dahl & James Doran
092632: Dahl, Roald - Boy; Tales of Childhood
092633: Dahl, Roald - Esio Trot
092636: Dahl, Roald - Going Solo
089104: Dahl, Roald - Umbrella Man; and Other Stories
093774: Dahl, Roald - Danny the Champion of the World
092631: Dahl, Roald - George's Marvelous Medicine
067901: Dahl, Ludvig - We Are Here; Psychic Experiences
092812: Dahl, Roald - Completely Unexpected Tales
092635: Dahl, Roald - Danny the Champion of the World
092630: Dahl, Roald - The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me
076075: Dahl, Robert A. - Polyarchy; Participation and Opposition
081340: Dahlstrom, Amy - Topic, Focus and Other Word Order Problems in Algonquian
079114: Dahlstrom, Amy - Topic, Focus and Other Word Order Problems in Algonquain
082897: Dahlstrom, Amy - Topic, Focus and Other Word Order Problems in Algonquian
083272: Dahlstrom, Amy (ed.) - Special Issue on Fox; Contemporary Linguistics Volume 2 Spring 1996
094428: Dahood, Mitchell - Psalms I 1-50
094443: Dahood, Mitchell [trans. & notes] - Psalms III; 101-150
094440: Dahood, Mitchell [trans. & notes] - Psalms II; 51-100
083846: Daingerfield, Keene - Training for Fun; and Profit-Maybe!
065363: Daishonin, Nichiren - Four Gosho Selections; on Lessening the Karmic Retribution; the Proof of the Lotus Sutra; Letter to Niike; Letter to Abutsu-Bo
087444: Dakin, Pauline - Run, Hide, Repeat; a Memoir of a Fugitive Childhood
017506: Dalby, William - Lectures on the Life of Samuel; Preached in the Parish of Westminster, Wilts. , During Lent, A.D. 1834
061022: Dalby, Lois; Jeanette McCrie - The New Baby
061019: Dalby, Lois; Jeanette McCrie - A Little Mouse
061021: Dalby, Lois; Jeanette McCrie - The Snare
061015: Dalby, Lois; Jeanette McCrie - The Bang Book
061016: Dalby, Lois; Jeanette McCrie - Helping Mother
061018: Dalby, Lois; Jeanette McCrie - Grandma Knows
057939: Dalglish, Peter - The Courage of Children; My Life with the World's Poorest Kids
074911: Dali, Salvador; et al. - Salvador Dali
093721: Dalio, Ray - Principles
082597: Dall, William Healey; [Smithsonian Institution-Bureau of Ethnology] - On Masks, Labrets, and Certain Aboriginal Customs; with an Inquiry Into the Bearing of Their Geographical Distribution
053374: Dallaire, Romeo - They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children; the Global Quest to Eradicate the Use of Child Soldiers
092306: Dallaire, Romeo - Shake Hands with the Devil; the Failure of Humanity in Rwanda
070038: Dallaire, Romeo - They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children; the Global Quest to Eradicate the Use of Child Soldiers
066277: Dallaire, Romeo - They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children; the Global Quest to Eradicate the Use of Child Soldiers
9900042871: Dalrymple, Sir John, Bart - Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Dissolution of the Last Parliament of Charles II Until the Sea-Battle Off la Hogue
094152: Daly, Richard - Our Box Was Full; an Ethnography for the Delgamuukw Plaintiffs
062833: Daly, Maureen - Patrick Takes a Trip
076498: Damasio, Antonio - Looking for Spinoza; Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain
089992: Schilling, Dan and Lori Chapman Longfritz - Alone at Dawn; Medal of Honour Recipient John Chapman and the Untold Story of the World's Deadliest Special Operations Force
093682: Dana, Richard Henry Jr.; Gary Kinder (intro.); Duncan Hasell (notes) - Two Years Before the Mast; a Personal Narrative of Life at Sea
094485: Dance, Stanley - The World of Duke Ellington
9900041219: DANCOCKS, Daniel G. - Welcome to Flanders Fields the First Canadian Battle of the Great War: Ypres, 1915
9900036713: Dancourt, Florent Carton - Les Ouvres de Mr. Dancourt; Contenant Les Nouvelle Pieces de Theatre Qui Se Jouent a Paris, Ornees de Danses & de Musique
093925: Dangarembga, Tsitsi - This Mournable Body
064719: Danica, Elly - Don't; a Woman's Word
093451: Daniell, David [Editor]; Tyndale, William [Translator] - Tyndale's Bible: Old Testament and New Testament
075499: Vatsyayana; Danielou, Alain (Trans.) - The Complete Kama Sutra; the First Unabridged Modern Translation of the Classic Indian Text
9900036236: DANIELS, Bruce C. - The Connecticut Town Growth and Development, 1635-1790
9900026424: DANIELS, Bruce C. - Town & Country Essays on the Structure of Local Government in the American Colonies
069148: Daniels, Carol - Bearskin Diary
068435: Daniken, Erich Von - Gold of the Gods
068517: von Daniken, Erich - Pathways to the Gods; the Stones of Kiribati
091900: Danks, Bertha M. [Ida Rentoul Outhwaite, ill's] - Janet and the Fairies
089250: Danziger, Danny and John Gillingham - 1215; the Year of the Magna Carta
059504: Pierre Dansereau - Contradictions & Biculture; Communications 1955-1961
079277: Danziger, Jr, Edmund Jefferson - The Chippewas of Lake Superior
074250: Darby, Roy; Phillips, John (Illus.) - Oomah
070413: Darling, Michael; et al. - Sam Durant
092602: Darton, F.J. Harvey - The Merry Tales of the Wise Men of Gotham
066127: Darveau, Adrien; et al. - 52 Years with the Cree and Dene of Keewatin-the Pas
085214: Darveau, Adrien - 52 Ans Au Service Des Cris Et Des Dénés Du Keewatin- le Pas
093526: Darwin, Charles; Ernst Mayr [Intro] - On the Origin of Species; a Facsimile of the First Edition
082584: Darwin, Charles - From So Simple a Beginning; Darwin's Four Great Books (Voyage of the Beagle, the Origin of Species, the Descent of Man, the Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals)
067350: Darwin, Charles - Fertilization of Orchids by Insects; [on the Various Contrivances by Which British and Foreign Orchids Are Fertilised by Insects and on the Good Effects of Intercrossing]
084875: Baldwin, Daryl and David J. Costa - A Miami-Peoria Dictionary; Myaamia Neehe Peewaalia Kaloosioni Mahsinaakani
090528: Das, Lama Surya - Awakening to the Sacred; Creating a Spiritual Life from Scratch
062438: Dau, Stephen - The Book of Jonas
080459: Daudet, Alphonse; Jacques LeClercq [Trans.] - Tartarin of Tarascon (2 Volumes)
080124: Daugherty, Tracy - The Last Love Song; a Biography of Joan Didion
9900030425: BELBECK, Dave and Alice (eds.) - Golden Furrows an Historical Chronicle of Swift Current
081617: Daviault, Diane - L'Algonquin Au Xviie Siecle; Une Edition Critique, Analysee Et Commentee de la Grammaire Algonquine
062497: Daviault, Pierre; et al. - La Nouvelle Revue Canadienne (Vol II. No. 1-5)
062499: Daviault, Pierre; et al. - La Nouvelle Revue Canadienne (Vol III. No. 1-5)
083751: McDonald, David and Lauren Drewery - For the Record Canada's Greatest Woman Athletes
079905: Shields, David and Shane Salerno - Salinger
094025: David, Elizabeth; Jill Norman [ed.] - Harvest of the Cold Months; the Social History of Ice and Ices
086781: Howells, David and Roger Dean - Album Cover Album 3
094030: David, Elizabeth; Jill Norman - South Wind Through the Kitchen; the Best of Elizabeth David
050025: David, Jay (Ed.) - The American Indian: The First Victim
080677: Bailey, David and George Hughes - Begin with Bailey
060489: Suzuki, David and Holly Dressel - From Naked Ape to Superspecies; a Personal Perspective on Humanity and the Global Eco-Crisis
086525: Lewis - Williams, David and David Pearce - Inside the Neolithic Mind; Consciousness, Cosmos, and the Realm of the Gods
090406: Chandler, David and Joe Pasternak - Easy the Hard Way; the Autobiography of Joe Pasternak
090961: David, Elizabeth - French Country Cooking
062222: David, L. O. - Monseigneur Joseph-Octave Plessis; Premier Archeveque de Quebec
067978: Davids, Kenneth - Espresso; Ultimate Coffee
074645: Davidson, C. B. - Employment in Manitoba
074633: Davidson, C. B.; H. C. Grant; F. Shefrin - The Population of Manitoba
078219: Davidson, Connie (Compiler) - Gnawing at the Past: Lyleton 1869-1969 (Manitoba)
074361: Davies, Robertson - The Lyre of Orpheus
082410: Davies, J. F.; B. B. Bannatyne; G. S. Barry; H. R. McCabe - Geology and Mineral Resources of Manitoba
9900036164: DAVIES, Robert (ed.) - The Life of Marmaduke Rawdon of York, or, Marmaduke Rawdon / the Second of That Name Now First Printed from the Original Ms
072240: Thomas, Dylan; Owen Sheers, intro.; Walford Davies and Ralph Maud, eds - Selected Poems
084207: Davies, Robertson - The Lyre of Orpheus
085916: Davies, K.G., A,M. Johnson (ed.) - Letters from Hudson Bay; 1703-40
9900037355: DAVIES, C. Collin [ed.] - The Private Correspondence of Lord Macartney Governor of Madras (1781-85)
9900029738: DAVIES, Robertson - The Diary of Samuel Marchbanks
9900026393: Davies, Robertson; Stewart, Clair (Illus.) - The Diary of Samuel Marchbanks
087053: Davies, Robertson - World of Wonders
9900036200: Davies, Robertson - Murther & Walking Spirits
043154: Davies, Peter - Dangerous Liaisons: Collaboration and World War Two
090232: Davies, Hunter (ed.) - The Beatles Lyrics; the Stories Behind the Music, Including the Handwritten Drafts of More Than 100 Classic Beatles Songs
083415: Davies, Robertson - The Cunning Man
074494: Davies, Robertson; Rosemary Sullivan (Intro.) - What's Bred in the Bone
039032: Davies, Robertson - The Cunning Man
056072: Davies, Alan - Rave
091044: St. Anselm of Canterbury; Brian Davies and G.R. Evans (ed.) - The Major Works
090096: Davies, Robertson - Fifth Business
077512: Davies, Robertson - A Voice from the Attic
077500: Davies, Robertson - A Mixture of Frailties
9900037082: Davies, Alan; C. Riper; A. P. R. Howatt (Eds.) - Interlanguage
068027: Davies, Robertson - World of Wonders
053173: Davies, Robertson - Leaven of Malice
077622: Davin, Nicholas Flood - A Speech; Delivered in the House of Commons of Canada on the 30th of April, 1890
069465: Davis, Robert P. - The Triumph of Man
088481: Davis, Ann - Somewhere Waiting; the Life and Art of Christiane Pflug
9900037356: Davis, R. H. C. [ed.] - The Kalendar of Abbot Samson of Bury St. Edmunds and Related Documents
088160: Davis, Gregory M. - Religion of Peace?; Islam's War Against the World
090884: Kotsilibas-Davis, James; Joshua Greene (ed.); Milton H. Greene (photos.) - Milton's Marilyn; the Photographs of Milton H. Greene
090826: Davis, Wade - The Wayfinders; Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World
080592: Davis, Heather [Ed.] - Desire Change; Contemporary Feminist Art in Canada
9900027827: DAVIS, Harold L. - Honey in the Horn
058156: Davis, John Paul - Robin Hood; the Unknown Templar
076240: Davis, Angela E. - The Grand Western Canadian Screen Shop; Printing, People and History
072934: Davis, Burke - The Billy Mitchell Affair
043692: Davis, Joel - Mother Tongue; How Humans Create Language
084948: Davis, Wade - Light at the Edge of the World; a Journey Through the Realm of Vanishing Cultures
072930: Davis, Thomas J. - A Rumor of Revolt; the "Great Negro Plot" in Colonial New York
9900009911: Davis, Mary Lee - Uncle Sam's Attic: The Intimate Story of Alaska
9900043761: DAVIS, A. F. (Charlie) (ed.) - The Stabilizer Published for Those Who Take Pride in Their Jobs
082576: Davis, Mark - Old Gods, New Enigmas; Marx's Lost Theory
081324: Davis, Margaret Leslie - The Lost Gutenberg; the Astounding Story of One Book's Five-Hundred-Year Odyssey
055399: Davis, Angela E. - The Grand Western Canadian Screen Shop; Printing, People and History
9900045147: DAWES, Rev. Ebenezer - A Sermon Preached in the Central Congregational Church, Dighton, at the Funeral of Joseph Emmons Briggs, May 17, 1867
056619: Dawidoff, Nicholas - The Fly Swatter; Portrait of an Exceptional Character
094259: Dawkins, Richard - The God Delusion
078621: Dawkins, Richard - Brief Candle in the Dark; My Life in Science
078622: Dawkins, Richard - The Magic of Reality; How We Know What's Really True
085339: Dawkins, Richard - The Greatest Show on Earth; the Evidence for Evolution
089265: Dawkins, Richard - The Greatest Show on Earth; the Evidence for Evolution
039216: Dawson, Charles - History of Hastings Castle / Two Volumes; the Castlery, Rape and Battle of Hastings, to Which Is Added a History of the Collegiate Church Within the Castle, and Its Prebends
083311: Dawson, S.J. - Report on the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement; and between the Latter Place and the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan
9900039978: DAWSON, S. J. - Report on the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement [Etc. ]
9900038407: Dawson, R. MacGregor - William Lyon Mackenzie King a Political Biography 1874-1923 / Volume One
088165: Dawson; Dawson; Greliche; Hogan; Giroux; Trognon - De Quelques Sépultures D'Anciens Indigènes de L'Amérique Découvertes à Montréal /with/ Sketches of the Past and Present Condition of the Indians of Canada /with/ Essai Sur la Vie Et Les Travaux de Mgr Flaget: Eveque de Bardstown Et de Louis-Ville Aux Etats Unis D'Amerique /with/ Canada: An Essay /with/ Histoire Et Statistiques Des Institutions Catholiques de Montréal / with/ Campagne de L'Armee Du Potomac (Mars-Juillet 1862); 6 Pamphlets Bound Together
084032: Dawson, S.J. - Report on the Exploration of the Country; between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement, and between the Latter Place and the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan
9900039870: Dawson, Thomas, LL.B. - The Orations of Aeschines and Demosthenes, Concerning the Crown
9900011389: DAWSON, S. J. - Report on the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement Etc.
086228: Dawson, Fielding - Krazy Kat and 76 More; Collected Stories 1950-1976
087101: Day, Harvey - The Study and Practice of Yoga
083327: Day, Gordon M. - The Mots Loups of Father Mathevet
068874: Day, O. J. - The Beaver a Magazine of the North / 7 Issues Bound Together, 1936-1937
084870: Dean, Phillip Hayes - Paul Robeson
087609: Dean, Misao - Practising Femininity; Domestic Realism and the Performance of Gender in Early Canadian Fiction
078044: Deane, Seamus - Reading in the Dark; a Novel
082549: Dearborn, Mary V. - Pocahontas's Daughters; Gender and Ethnicity in American Culture
082736: Deblois, Albert D. - Micmac Texts
092610: Debreczeni, Jozsef; Paul Olchvary (trans.) - Cold Crematorium; Reporting from the Land of Auschwitz
9900038056: DEBRENOWSKY, Tydor - The Koh-I-Noor of Books an Essay in Bibliosophical Eristics
071027: Decharne, Max - Straight from the Fridge, Dad; a Dictionary of Hipster Slang
9900045539: The Department of National Defence, Canada / Naval Service - Order of Divine Service for the Royal Canadian Navy
059345: Degnino, Arianna - The Afrikaner
055397: Degrow, Donald - The Jester's Realm; the Work of Jordan Van Sewell
093666: Deighton, Len - The Ipcress Files
090155: Delafield, E.M. - Diary of a Provincial Lady
060113: Delehaye, Hippolyti - Propylaeum Ad Acta Sanctorum Novembris; Synaxarium Ecclesiae Constantinopolitanae; E Codice Sirmondiano Nunc Berolinensi Adiectis Synaxariis Selectis Opera Et Studio Hippolyti Delehaye
090207: DeLillo, Don - White Noise
092345: DeLillo, Don - Underworld
9900044040: DELISLE, Jean - Les Obsedes Textuels Roman Humoristique
049305: deLisser, H. G. - Psyche
083094: Delon, Michel - Album Diderot
083103: Delon, Michel - Album Casanvova
070406: Delporte, Julie - Everywhere Antennas
070421: Delvoye, Wim; Kim Beirnaert - Wim Delvoye: Cloaca; New & Improved
024858: Demko, Yaroslava M. [Ed.] - Nasha Hromada" - "Our Community"; Bulletin-Journal No. 36, Winter 2006/2007; the Publication of Ukrainian Canadian Social Services Services Inc. , Manitoba Branch
073178: Demos, John - The Heathen School; a Story of Hope and Betrayal in the Age of the Early Republic
085434: Dempsey, Shawna (curator) - Live in the Centre; an Incomplete and Anecdotal History of Winnipeg Performance Art
088487: Dempsey, Hugh A. - Red Crow; Warrior Chief
082580: Dempsey, Hugh A. - Indian Tribes of Alberta
075827: Dempsey, Shawna (ed.) - Poolside; Continuum
093690: Dempsey, Hugh A. - Big Bear; the End of Freedom
076729: Dempsey, Hugh A.; J. Russell Harper (Intro.) - History in Their Blood; the Indian Portraits of Nicholas de Grandmaison
056491: Denby, David - Great Books; My Adventures with Homer, Rousseau, Woolf, and Other Indestructible Writers of the Western World
085190: Denevi, Timothy - Freak Kingdom; Hunter S. Thompson's Manic Ten - Year Crusade Against American Fascism
086212: Denfeld, Rene - The Butterfly Girl
082076: Denig, Edwin Thompson; John C. Ewers (ed.) - Five Indan Tribes of the Upper Missouri; Sioux, Arickaras, Assiniboines, Crees, Crows
041861: Diderot, Denis and Jean le Rond d'Alembert - L'Encyclopédie Diderot & D'Alembert, Volume 16: Musique; Recueil de Planches, Sur Les Sciences, Les Arts Libéraux, Et Les Arts Méchaniques, Avec Leur Explication
084375: Dennett, Daniel C. - Darwin's Dangerous Idea; Evolution and the Meanings of Life
067314: Denny, Walter B.; Brenda Gilchrist (Ed.) - Oriental Rugs
056314: Densley, Barbara - The ABC's of Home Food Dehydration
089441: Densmore, Frances - Strength of the Earth; the Classic Guide to Ojibwe Uses of Native Plants
057799: DePalma, Anthony - The Man Who Invented Fidel Castro; Cuba, and Herbert L. Matthews of the New York Times
081755: DePalma, Anthony - Here; a Biography of the New American Continent
094335: dePaola, Tomie - Mother Goose
050407: Geri DePaoli - Elvis and Marilyn: 2x Immortal
088234: Technical Data Department - Chemistry and Wheels
9900037931: ODDY, Derek and Derek Miller (eds.) - The Making of the Modern British Diet
074289: Derksen, Wilma L. - Have You Seen Candace
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