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059458: Le Marquis de Beaucourt - Revue Des Questions Historiques; 62e Annee, No. 5, 242e Livraison
077101: Beaudry, Louis N. - Spiritual Struggles of a Roman Catholic; an Autobiographical Sketch
076261: Beaulieu, Michael S.; David K. Ratz; Thoruld J. Tronrud; Jenna L. Kirker - Thunder Bay & the First World War, 1914-1919
052182: Beauman, Nicola - E.M. Forster: A Biography
056518: Beaumont, Cyril - Bookseller at the Ballet; Memoirs, 1891-1929
094066: de Beauvoir, Simone - Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter; the Prime of Life; Force of Circumstance (3 Volume Set)
094474: de Beauvoir, Simone - The Mandarins
094252: Beaven, Dianne J. - A Prairie Odyssey; Alan Beaven and the Tree Planting Car: How Tree Planting Transformed the Prairies
065955: Beaver, Robert Pierce - The Native American Christian Community; a Directory of Indian, Aleut, and Eskimo Churches
086988: Bechard, Henri - The Original Caughnawaga Indians
047088: Beck; Al Hansen - Playing with Matches
070991: Beck, Marianna; Jack Hafferkamp [eds.] - Libido; the Journal of Sex and Sensibility, Volume 1, Number 2, Winter 1988-89
073503: Beck, Lewis White (Ed.) - Kant Selections
080337: Beck, Mary Giraudo - Potlatch; Native Ceremony and Myth on the Northwest Coast
090856: Beck, Richard - ÞæTtir úr MinnisstæðRi; íslandsferð
089503: Becker, Lucille F. - Georges Simenon; 'Maigrets' and the 'Roman Durs'
089879: Beckett, Chris - Two Tribes
092880: Beckett, Samuel - Watt
092881: Beckett, Samuel - Stories and Texts for Nothing
093048: Beckett, Samuel - Samuel Beckett : The Grove Centenary Edition / 4 Volume Boxed Set; Volume I: Novels; Volume II: Novels; Volume III: Dramatic Works; Volume IV: Poems, Short Fiction, Criticism
093946: Bede; Judith McClure [ed.] - The Ecclesiastical History of the English People; the Greater Chronicle; Bede's Letter to Egbert
085356: Bede; J.F. Webb (trans.); D.H. Farmer (ed.) - The Age of Bede; Bede: Life of Cuthbert/Eddius Stephanus: Life of Wilfrid/Bede: Lives of the Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow/the Anonymous History of Abbot Ceolfrith/the Voyage of St Brendan
072975: Bedford, A.G. - The University of Winnipeg; Volume II: The First Forty Years (1967-2007)
089143: Bedford, Sybille - A Visit to Don Otavio; a Traveller's Tale from Mexico
083816: Beebe, William - Jungle Nights
068065: Beechey, F. W.; Sonia S. Bershad - The Drawings and Water Colours
085010: Beecroft, John - Kipling (2 Volumes); a Selection of His Stories and Poems
081205: Chrétien, C.D., M.B. Emeneau, M.S. Beeler and M.R. Haas (eds.) - Papers from the Symposium on American Indian Linguistics; Held at Berkeley July 7, 1951
9900043724: BEERBOHM, Max - Seven Men
053707: Beers, Diane L. - For the Prevention of Cruelty: The History and Legacy of Animal Rights Activism in the United States
093732: Beevor, Antony - The Fall of Berlin 1945
093402: Beevor, Antony - The Fall of Berlin 1945
093692: Beevor, Antony - Stalingrad
093490: Begley, Louis - Memories of a Marriage
094509: Behan, Brendan - The Complete Plays
075143: Behiels, Michael D. - Canada's Francophone Minority Communities; Constitutional Renewal and the Winning of School Governance
068362: Behn, Aphra - The Rover; a Play
039222: Behn, Aphra - Oroonoko and Other Writings
081190: Behrendt, Fritz - Grandfather Was Defenceless. .
080183: Beland, Jean-Pierre - Atikamekw Morphology and Lexicon; Dissertation Submitted in Partial Satisfaction of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics in the Graduate Division of the University of California
016803: Belanger, Alice - A Chronological History of the Parish of Notre Dame Selkirk, Manitoba 1977-2002; "the Journey Continues
028680: Belanger, Art - The Calgary Stampede's: Half Mile of Hell
068772: Belford, Barbara - Bram Stoker; a Biography of the Author of Dracula
073669: Belk, Fred Richard - The Great Trek of the Russian Mennonites to Central Asia, 1880-1884
9900036281: BELKIN, S. - The Labor Zionist Movement in Canada 1904 to 1920
088371: Belkin, Kristin Lohse - Rubens
088702: Bell, Charles Napier - Henry's Journal Covering Adventures and Experiences in the Fur Trade on the Red River, 1799-1801; a Paper Read Before the Society, May 4, 1888
082175: Bell, Charles Napier - The Earliest Fur Traders on the Upper Red River and Red Lake Minn. ; 1783-1880
063802: Bell, Charlotte - Mindful Yoga, Mindful Life; a Guide for Everyday Practice
092577: Bell, Anthea - The Great Menagerie
089876: Bell, Madison Smart - Lavoisier in Year One; the Birth of a New Science in an Age of Revolution
074637: Bell, J. R.; G. Watkins, G. W. Wood - The Live Stock Industry in Manitoba
089761: Bell, Derrick - Faces at the Bottom of the Well; the Permanence of Racism
087776: Bell, Clive - Civilization and Old Friends; Two Volumes in One
083447: Bell, Currer [Charlotte Bronte] - Shirley. A Tale [Three Volumes]; a Tale
064529: Bell, Daniel - The End of Ideology; Revised Edition on the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties
055394: Bell, Lady [Mrs. Hugh / Dame Florence Eveleen Eleanore] - At the Works; a Study of a Manufacturing Town
088701: Bell, Charles Napier - Some Red River Settlement History; a Paper Read Before the Society, April 29th, 1887
9900031565: Bell, James B., M.D. - The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum and All Other Loose Evacuations
066071: Bellamy, Edward - Looking Backward
046039: Bellefeuille, Gerard; Sydney Garrioch, and Frances Ricks - Breaking the Rules: Transforming Governance in Social Services
017622: Michelle Bellemare - Blind Side; Michelle Bellemare Selected Works 1997-2004
055812: Beller, Thomas; Joanna Yas (Ed.) - Open City; No. 17, Summer 2003
059491: Bellerive, Georges - Breves Apologies de Nos Auteurs Feminins
076924: Belloc, Hilaire - Cautionary Verses
057763: Bellow, Saul - To Jerusalem and Back; a Personal Account
089283: Bellow, Saul - A Theft
090275: Bellow, Saul - Him with His Foot in His Mouth; and Other Stories
091001: Bellow, Saul - More Die of Heartbreak
085908: Bemelmans, Ludwig - Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
9900016702: Bemelmans, Ludwig - The Street Where the Heart Lies
050513: Bemelmans, Ludwig - On Board Noah's Ark
062217: Bemelmans, Ludwig - I Love You I Love You I Love You; Armed Services Edition
056170: Bemrose, John - The Island Walkers
063365: Bender, Sue - Plain and Simple; a Woman's Journey to the Amish
089711: Bender, Michael C. - Frankly, We Did Win This Election"; the Inside Story of How Trump Lost
090870: Bendick, Maureen; David Shaw - Compulsive Cookery; a Guide to the Fine Art of Neurotic Gastronomy
072902: Bendickson, Jamie - Levelling the Lake; Transboundary Resource Management in the Lake of the Wood Watershed
093466: Bendis, Brian Michael; David Mack - Daredevil; End of Days
094454: Benesiinaabandan, Scott - Unsacred
082527: Benesiinaabandan, Scott; Jennifer Gibson - Unsacred
9900036046: GRAY, James / The Rivers of America series edited by Stephen Vincent Benet and Carl Carmer - The Illinois
9900033411: BENET, William Rose - The First Person Singular
081838: Bengough, J. W. - A Caricature History of Canadian Politics / 2 Volume Set; Events from the Union of 1841, As Illustrated by Cartoons from "Grip", and Various Other Sources
9900006456: Benham, Mary Lile - Once More Unto the Breach
091797: Benjamin, Walter; Hannah Arendt; Harry Zohn [trans.] - Illuminations; Essays and Reflections
090182: Benjamin, Walter; Harry Zohn (trans.) - Illuminations; Essays and Reflections
090087: Bennett, Alan - Untold Stories
9900042478: BENNETT, Right Hon. R. B. - Speech of Right Hon. R.B. Bennett Prime Minister on the Canadian National - Canadian Pacific Railway Bill
055960: Bennett, Tara - Sons of Anarchy; the Official Collector's Edition
064293: Bennett, Richard Edmond - Mormons at the Missouri, 1846-1852; "and Should We Die
079587: Bennett, J. G. - J.G. Bennett's Taks on Beelzebub's Tales
061187: Bennett, Fred E. - The Mormon Detective, or, Adventures in the Wild West; Mormonism Unmasked
085609: Bennett, Jessica - Feminist Fight Club; an Office Survival Manual (for a Sexist Workplace)
082642: Laboucane-Benson, Patti - The Outside Circle
081969: Benson, Doris - Roots Run Deep in Hecla
074240: Benson, E. - A Junior Course in Grammar
081897: Benson, Doris - A Place Called Hecla
061720: Laboucane-Benson, Patti - The Outside Circle
092816: Benson, E. F. - Lucia Rising; Queen Lucia; Miss Mapp; Lucia in London
055741: Benstead, Steven - Winnipeg; City at the Forks
065819: Benstock, Shari (Ed.) - The Private Self; Theory and Practice of Women's Autobiographical Writings
020488: Forrestall, William [Allen Bentley and Peter J Larocque, essays] - William Forrestall; Paintingsdrawings
9900033410: BENTON, John L. - The Art Treasure Murders
091950: Beran, Dale - It Came from Something Awful; How a Toxic Troll Army Accidentally Memed Donald Trump Into Office
093675: Beranbaum, Rose Levy - The Pie and Pastry Bible
085694: Berdyaev, Nicholas - The Fate of Man in the Modern World
9900033878: BERESFORD, J. D. - The Wonder
093049: Berg, Leila - Flickerbook
040717: Bergen, David - Sitting Opposite My Brother
073408: Bergen, David - A Year of Lesser
054554: Bergen, David - Stranger
067032: Bergen, David - See the Child
094486: Bergen, David - The Time in between
020101: Bergen, David - The Retreat
058733: Bergen, John Jacob - A Slice out of My Life
066502: Bergen, David - Sitting Opposite My Brother
036198: Bergen, David - The Retreat
013427: Bergen, David - The Time in between
057834: Berger, John - Corker's Freedom; a Novel
091664: Berger, John - To the Wedding
051468: Berger, Lee R.; Hilton-Barber, Brett - In the Footsteps of Eve: The Mystery of Human Origins
064588: Berger, Thomas - Neighbors a Novel
094326: Berger, John - Ways of Seeing
087725: Berger, John - Keeping a Rendezvous
082220: Bergmann, F. J. - Hvert Stefnir?; Erindi Flutt I Winnipeg, 4. Marz 1916 Og Sidar a Ymsum Stodum
082218: Bergmann, Fridrik J. - Island Um Aldamoin; Ferdasaga Sumarid 1899
082226: Bergmann, Fridrik J. - Sogur Breidablika
082216: Bergmann, Fridrik J. - Vafurlogar
090248: Bergreen, Laurence - Capone; the Man and the Era
093183: Bergstrom, Signe - The Archive of Magic; the Film Wizardry of Fantastic Beasts the Crimes of Grindewald
094398: Berk, Ari - The Secret History of Giants; or the Codex Giganticum
078341: Berkeley, George - A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge; Part I Wherein the Chief Causes of Error and Difficulty in the Sciences, with the Grounds of Skepticism, Atheism, and Irreligion, Are Inquir'd Into
069840: Berkey, Ben - The Seducers and the Seduced; Adults Only
094386: Berkman, Alexander; Paul Avrich [intro.] - The ABC of Anarchism
094317: Berkman, Alexander; John William Ward [intro.] - Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist
072311: Berlin, Isaiah - Chaim Weizman
090839: Berlin, Isaiah; Henry Hardy [ed.] - The Power of Ideas
077382: Berlitz, Charles - The Bermuda Triangle
080673: Berloin, A. - La Parole Humaine; Etudes de Philologie Nouvelle
048390: Dibner, Bern and Stillman Drake - A Letter from Galileo; Galileo the Innovator / a Long Lost Letter from Galileo to Peiresc on a Magnetic Clock
9900044291: BRODIE, Bernard and Gerry van Kessel (eds.) - 'a Man of Big Heart' the Memoirs of Maurice Mitchell / Number 1 in the Series / Perspectives in Canadian Immigration
068495: Bernard, Emile - Bordellos and Prostitutes in Turn-of-the-Century French Art
075182: Bernard, Andre; Jaques Leveille, Guy Lord - Profile: Winnipeg; the Political and Administrative Structure of the Metropolitan Region of Winnipeg
055972: Bernard, Jessie; Helen E. Buchanan; William M. Smith, Jr. - Dating, Mating & Marriage; a Documentary-Case Approach
091327: Bernier, J. E. - Report on the Dominion of Canada Government Expedition to the Arctic Islands and Hudson Strait on Board the D.G. S. "Arctic"; 1908-1909
067744: Bernstein, Eduard; Angela Clifford (Trans.) - Bernstein on Homosexuality; Articles from "Die Neue Zeit", 1895 and 1898
083253: Bernstein, Leonard - Trouble in Tahiti; an Opera in Seven Scenes
090736: Berry, Thomas - Evening Thoughts; Reflecting on Earth As a Sacred Community
9900032433: BERRY, Edmund G. - The Influence of the Greek Epigram Upon Latin Poetry to the Death of Ovid
9900032450: BERRY, Elise M. - Keat's Theory of Poetry
067017: Berry, Michelle - Postcard Fictions
9900031767: BERRY, Edmund Grindlay - The History and Development of the Concept of Oeia Moipa and Oeia Ttxh Down to and Including Plato
060136: [Marilynne E. Berry] - Autograph Album
9900045114: BERRY, Ira - Sketch of the History of the Beethoven Music Society of Portland, Maine 1819-1825
075811: Berthound, Ella; Susan Elderkin - The Novel Cure; an a-Z of Literary Remedies
077303: Berthrong, Donald J. - The Cheyenne and Arapaho Ordeal; Reservation and Agency Life in the Indian Territory, 1875-1907
074578: Berton, Pierre - The Last Spike; the Great Railway, 1881 - 1885
049495: Berton, Pierre - Drifting Home
062666: Berton, Pierre - The Great Railway; Illustrated
060647: Bertrand, Michael T. - Race, Rock, and Elvis
088813: Arthus-Bertrand, Yann - Earth from Above
066605: Besant, Walter - All Sorts and Conditions of Men
077209: Besner, Neil - Fishing with Tardelli; a Memoir of Family in Time Lost
090420: Bessie, Alvah - Inquisition in Eden
037064: Betjeman, John; Alan Powers ed - Selected Poems
047773: Betjeman, John [Candida Lycett Green, ed.] - Betjeman's Britain
092824: Betjeman, John; Hugh Casson - The Illustrated Summoned by Bells
089401: Bettelheim, Bruno - The Uses of Enchantment; the Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales
073811: Beukes, Lauren - Moxyland
9900026927: BEVERIDGE, Albert J. - Abraham Lincoln 1809-1858; Four Volume Set
063578: Beveridge, W.I.B.; Burnet, F.M. - The Cultivation of Viruses and Rickettsiae in the Chick Embryo; Medical Research Council: Special Report Series, No. 256
083341: Hall, Beverley and Ronald Hall - The Spirit of Pehdzeh Ki; the Struggle for Land Rights
086168: Stendahl (Marie-Henri Beyle); C.K. Scott Moncrieff (trans.) - The Red and the Black
069611: Bezmozgis, David - The Free World; a Novel
058512: Bezmozgis, David - Natasha and Other Stories
070738: Bezmozgis, David - The Betrayers
054724: Bezmozgis, David - Natasha; and Other Stories
052154: ZHONG GUO REN MIN JIAN SHE YIN HANG HAI NAN SHENG FEN HANG BIAN - The Contemporary World Currency Atlas / Chinese Edition; an Album of Contemporary World Currency
069556: Biber, M.; et al. - Belafonte
062622: [John Baskett] [The Vinegar Bible] - The Holy Bible; Containing the Old Testament and the New: Newly Translated out of the Original Tongues: And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. By His Majesty's Special Command. Appointed to Be Read in Churches
9900036597: BICKERMAN, Elias - Studies in Jewish and Christian History Part One
067907: Bicknell, P. F. - The Human Side of Fabre
092706: Bidini, Dave - Tropic of Hockey; My Search for the Game in Unlikely Places
069813: Bidwell, John - Graphic Passion; Matisse and the Book Arts (Penn State Series in the History of the Book)
066852: Bierhorst, John - A Cry from the Earth; Music of the North American Indians
090501: Bierhorst, John (trans.) - History and Mythology of the Aztecs; the Codex Chimalpopoca
084408: Bierhorst, John - A Cry from the Earth; Music of the North American Indians
070586: Biggar, H. P., ed - The Works of Samuel de Champlain; in Six Volumes
068184: Biggs, Janet - The Verge
090375: Bilderback, Leslie - Mug Cakes; 100 Speedy Microwave Treats to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
086113: Biletsky, L. - Ukraïns Ki Pionery V Kanadi, 1891-1951 / Ukrainian Pioneers in Canada 1891-1951
083360: Young, Elizabeth Bingham and E. Ryerson Young; Jennifer S.H. Brown (ed.) - Mission Life in Cree-Ojibwe Country; Memories of a Mother and Son
092264: Birchwater, Sage - Chiwid
079520: Bird, Robert Montgomery - Sheppard Lee; Written by Himself
080697: Bird, George H. - Tse-Wees-Tah; One Man in a Boat
067837: Bird, Julia; Pia Tryde, Jane Newdick - Floral House; Simple Designs and Decorations for the Home
094041: Birdsall, John - The Man Who Ate Too Much; the Life of James Beard
014001: Birdsell, Sandra - The Missing Child
026763: Birdsell, Sandra - Night Travellers
012023: Birdsell, Sandra - The Missing Child
078228: Birdwise, Scott (Ed.) - No Man Can Define Me: The Films of Winston Washington Moxam; Featuring Essays by Mathew Rankin, Scott Birdwise, and Daniel Eskin
090471: Boehme, Jakob; Michael L. Birkel and Jeff Bach (trans.) - Genius of the Transcendent; Mystical Writings of Jakob Boehme
087914: Birkerts, Sven - Changing the Subject; Art and Attention in the Internet Age
011602: Birkett, Patricia, Revised by; With the assistance of Janine Roy andLorraine St-Louis - Checklist of Parish Registers / Repertoire de Registres Paroissiaux
069907: Birney, Earle - Last Makings
068661: Birt, Hazel Lauttamus - Festivals of Finland
092976: Birtles, Dora - The Overlanders
088301: Bishop, Bonnie - Elaborate Beasts
079301: Bishop, Arthur - Our Bravest and Our Best; the Stories of Canada's Victoria Cross Winners
093062: Bishop, Elizabeth - Poems and Prose; Two Volume Set
052805: Bissoondath, Neil - Selling Illusions; the Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada
094019: Bittman, Mark - Animal, Vegetable, Junk; a History of Food, from Sustainable to Suicidal
093258: Bittman, Mark - Food Matters; a Guide to Conscious Eating with More Than 75 Recipes
089428: Bittman, Mark - A Bone to Pick; the Good and Bad News About Food, with Wisdom and Advice on Diets, Food Safety, Gmos, Farming, and More
076752: Bizen, Yu Fujiwara - Yu Fujiwara Bizen Ceramics Collection
091940: Bjarnason, Johan Magnus; Borga Jakobsen (trans.) - The Young Icelander; the Story of an Immigrant in Nova Scotia and Manitoba
082632: Bjarnason, John, ed.; Jon J. Vopni - Sameiningin ("Unification"); 102 Issues, 1889-1926. MánaðArrit Til Studnings Kirkju Og Kristindomi Islendinga, Gefið út Af Hinu Ev. Lút. Kikjufélagi ísl. í Vestrheimi
034165: Bjarnason, J. Magnús - Brazilíufararnir Skáldsaga Eftir
087802: Bjornson, Ingi G. - Sane Trapper Cooped Up in Remote Cabin with Crazed Wife
082227: Bjornsson, Thorsteinn - Islenzkir Hofudlaerdomar
079669: Black, Bill (ed.) - Femforce Rarities; Special Appearance Tour
094303: Black, Samuel; E.E. Rich (ed.) - A Journal of a Voyage from Rocky Mountain Portage in Peace River to the Sources of Finlays Beach and North West Ward in Summer 1824; [Black's Rocky Mountain Journal 1824]
058144: Black, Ken - Telling It Like It Was
092085: Black, CooXooEii - The Morning You Saw a Train of Stars Streaking Across the Sky
073799: Black, Benjamin - Christine Falls
082984: Black, Meredith Jean - Algonquian Ethnobotany; an Interpretation of Aboriginal Adaptation in Southwestern Ontario
052814: Black, Errol; Jim Silver - Hard Bargains : The Manitoba Labour Movement Confronts the 1990s
071243: Black, Benjamin - The Black-Eyed Blonde; a Philip Marlowe Novel
9900040529: Black, David D. - The History of Brechin, to 1864
079637: Blackford, Russell - The Tyranny of Opinion; Conformity and the Future of Liberalism
068166: Blacklock, Judith - Flower Arranging Style; an International Collection of Ideas and Inspirations for All Seasons
075176: Blackman, Allan - Face to Face with Your Draft Board; a Guide to Personal Appearances
085776: Blackmore, R.D. - Lorna Doone; a Romance of Exmoor
093807: Aquinas, Thomas; Richard Blackwell et al., trans - Commentary on Aristotle's Physics
075027: Blaedel, Sara - The Silent Women
074048: Blaeu, Joan; Peter van der Krogt (Intro. & Texts) - Joan Blaeu Atlas Maior of 1665 (2 Volumes in Slipcase); Angelia / Scotia & Hibernia
069592: Blair, C. L. (Ed.); et al. - The Canadian Landscape; Map and Air Photo Interpretation
020047: Blais, Maria-Claire - St. Lawrence Blues
089928: Blais, Marie-Claire; Sheila Fischman (trans.) - These Festive Nights
058007: Blaise, Clark - I Had a Father; a Post-Modern Autobiography
086324: Blake, Fanny - Essential Charles Rennie Mackintosh
063965: Blake, Edward - Ministers on Trial. Was the Execution of Riel Necessary or Proper? Mr. Blake's Great Judgements, Delivered in the House of Commons of Canada, on the 19th March, 1886
091684: Blakeslee, Nate - The Wolf; a True Story of Survival and Obsession in the West
067935: Blanc, Monique Le - Parle-Moi de la Ceinture Flechee!
091154: Blanchard, Jim - Winnipeg 1912
093262: Blanchard, Jim - Winnipeg 1912
073088: Blanchet, Pascal - Baloney
091266: Blanding, Michael - The Map Thief; the Gripping Story of an Esteemed Rare-Map Dealer Who Made Millions Stealing Priceless Maps
9900039795: BLATHERWICK, John - A History of Airlines in Canada
075004: Blatherwick, Francis John - 1000 Brave Canadians; the Canadian Gallantry Awards 1854-1989
092832: Blatty, William Peter - The Exorcist
072039: [Editions du Ble] - Les Editions Du Ble; 25 Ans D'Edition
011321: Les Editions du Ble - Chansonniers Manitobains 1 Francois Savoie Et Al. ; 2 Martial Caron; 3 Hommage a Riel
061914: [Editions du Ble] - Les Editions Du Ble; 25 Ans D'Edition
081713: Blegvad, Peter - The Book of Leviathan
069557: Bleiweiss, Herb; et al. - Tom Jones
9900038621: BLENKHORNE, Ted - Recent Thought on the Humanity of Christ an Evaluation of the Years 1967 to 1978
090264: Blesh, Rudi - Keaton
055152: Blessing, Jennifer - True North
086890: Blicq, Andrew; Ken Gigliotti (photo.) - People of the Interlake
044581: Bliss, Douglas Percy; Robert Burns; Sir Walter Scott; Robert Louis Stevenson - The Devil in Scotland; Being Four Great Scottish Stories of Diablerie Along with an Introduction Essay and Thirty-Nine Wood Engravings by Douglas Percy Bliss
063825: Bliss, Nishanga - Real Food All Year; Eating Seasonal Whole Foods for Optimal Health and All-Day Energy
9900032028: BLISS, D. W., M.D. - Feeding Per Rectum: As Illustrated in the Case of the Late President Garfield, and Others
078175: Bloch, Robert - Psycho
089031: Bloch, Robert - Psycho
9900030275: Bloch, Robert; John Stanley (Ed.) - Lost in Time and Space with Lefty Feep: Eight Funny and Fanciful Fables of the Forties, Plus One Brand-New Parable of Modern Times; Volume I of the Lefty Feep Trilogy
093977: Bloch, Chana & Ariel Block [trans. & ed.]; Stephen Mitchell [foreword]; Robert Alter [afterword] - The Song of Songs; the World's First Great Love Poem
078177: Bloch, Robert - Recits de Terreur (Weird Tales)
077173: Blodgett, Jean (Ed., Curator) - Port Harrison/Inoucdjouac
9900036998: BLOM, Rose R. - Tache Rural Municipality 1880-1980
9900019782: BLOM, Rose R. - Tache Rural Municipality 1880-1980
9900040622: BLOM, Rose R. - Tache Rural Municipality 1880-1980
092794: Bloom, Harold - Shakespeare's Henry IV; Part One and Two
092793: Bloom, Harold - Shakespeare's the Tempest
092784: Bloom, Harold - Shakespeare's a Midsummer Night's Dream
092786: Bloom, Harold - Shakespeare's the Merchant of Venice
092787: Bloom, Harold - Shakespeare's the Taming of the Shrew
092789: Bloom, Harold - Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
083757: Bloomfield, Leonard; Charles F. Hockett (ed.) - Menominee Lexicon
028797: [The Island Blueprint and Map Co.] - Road Map of Vancouver Island with Handy Logs, Index, and Fishing Notes
050825: Blumberg, Gary - Glover Undercover
086575: Blume, Judy - In the Unlikely Event
069170: Blumenson, Martin - Ballantine's Illustrated History of World War II: Sicily: Whose Victory?; Campaign, Book #3
9900038627: BLUNT, Rev. Henry - A Practical Exposition of the Epistles to the Seven Churches of Asia
087048: Blythe, Aleata E. - The Ballad of Alice Moonchild; -- and Others
9900036385: BLYTON, Enid - Little Mary Mouse Again
9900036384: BLYTON, Enid - How Do You Do Mary Mouse
9900032677: STRONG-BOAG, Veronica Jane - The Parliament of Women: The National Council of Women of Canada 1893-1929 History Division Paper No. 18
9900030326: EDWARDS, Wm. [Secretary of the Board and Editor] - The Journal of the Board of Arts and Manufactures for Upper Canada / Volumes VI and VII
076907: [Manitoba Advisory Board] - The Manitoba Readers; Fourth Reader
083812: Boas, Franz (ed.) - International Journal of American Linguistics (Set of 7); Volume VIII (1, 2 and 3-4), Volume IX (1 and 2-4), Volume X (1 and 2-3)
045695: Barry, Donald; Applebaum, Bob and Earl Wiseman - Fishing for a Solution; Canada's Fisheries Relations with the European Union, 1977-2013
067165: [Roche-Bobois] - Roche-Bobois; Catalogue Price List, Canadian Edition
020049: Bock, Dennis - The Ash Garden
042869: Bock, Dennis - Going Home Again
087734: Bock, Philip K. - The Micmac Indian of Restigouche; Histry and Contemporary Description
090935: Bocuse, Paul - Paul Bocuse's French Cooking
092079: Boesel, Chris - Reading Karl Barth; Theology That Cuts Both Ways
083711: Bogart, Bonnie - The Ewoks Join the Fight
083250: Boge, Paul H. - The Urban Saint; the Harry Lehotsky Story
091951: Boge, Paul H. - The Urban Saint; the Harry Lehotsky Story
084986: Bogosian, Eric - Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll
9900034656: BOILY, Marie-Louise - Nos Braves Pionniers En Terre Manitobaine / Souvenirs de Colonisation
061433: Bois, J. S. Anselme - La Decouverte de Soi-Meme
082525: Boisjoly, Raymond, Daniel Buren, FASTWÜRMS, Kenneth Lavallee, Joar Nango, Silke Otto-Knapp, Andrea Roberts; Jenifer Papararo - Stages; Biennial 2019
080971: Boissevain, Ethel; Henry F. Dobyns (Ed.); John I. Griffin (Ed.) - The Narragansett People
027647: Bok, Christian; Margaret Atwood [Intro.] - Ground Works: Avante-Garde for Thee
089484: Bolaño, Roberto; Natasha Wimmer (trans.) - The Third Reich
075618: Boldt, Menno - Surviving As Indians; the Challenge of Self-Government
071289: Boleyn, Michelle Rochford [Ed.] - Beatitude; Poetry International, Volume II
094420: Boling, Robert G. [trans. & notes] - Judges
054653: Boling, Robert G.; G. Ernest Wright. (Trans., Intro., & Commentary) - Joshua
054664: Boling, Robert G. (Trans., Intro., & Commentary) - Judges
093724: Böll, Heinrich - The Mad Dog
052588: Boll, Heinrich - The Safety Net
061582: Boll, Marcel; Jacques Reinhart - La Conquete de la Verite; Recit Simplifie Des Derniers Progres de la Logique Scientifique
086166: Bolton, Isabel - The Christmas Tree
074215: Bolton, John - The Room Where It Happened; a White House Memoir
9900031774: BOLTON, Gambier - Startling Facts About Our Bible
069384: Bond, A. Russell (ed.) - Scientific American Monthly; Formerly Scientific American Supplement
069386: Bond, A. Russell (ed.) - Scientific American Monthly; Formerly Scientific American Supplement
069387: Bond, A. Russell (ed.) - Scientific American Monthly; Formerly Scientific American Supplement
069388: Bond, A. Russell (ed.) - Scientific American Monthly; Formerly Scientific American Supplement
069404: Bond, A. Russell (ed.) - Scientific American Monthly; Formerly Scientific American Supplement
062266: Bond, Edward - At the Inland Sea; Modern Plays
036914: Bond, Rev. John & Walpole, Arthur Sumner - The Phormio of Terence; with Notes and an Introduction
069385: Bond, A. Russell (ed.) - Scientific American Monthly; Formerly Scientific American Supplement
077456: Province Ecclesiastique de Saint-Boniface - Les Cloches de Saint-Boniface, Vol. XV 1916 [24 Issues Bound Into One Volume]; Revue Ecclesiastique Et Historique
077461: Province Ecclesiastique de Saint-Boniface - Les Cloches de Saint-Boniface, Vol. I 1902 [18 Issues Bound Into One Volume]; Revue Ecclesiastique Et Historique
068023: Bonnefon, Paul - Montaigne Et Ses Amis (Two Volumes)
051465: Bonner, Raymond - At the Hand of Man: Peril and Hope for Africa's Wildlife
089777: Bono, Chastity; Billie Fitzpatrick - Family Outing
088696: Bono - Surrender; 40 Songs, One Story
086856: De Bono, Edward - Simplicity
018125: Bonwick, Frances [The Woman's Missionary Society / The United Church of Canada] - Home Missions Digest
058290: Boo, Katherine - Behind the Beautiful Forevers
093931: Boochani, Behrouz; Omid Tofighian [trans.]; Richard Flanagan [forword] - No Friend But the Mountains; Writing from the Manus Prison
069209: Bellerophon Books - Totem Poles to Cut out & Put Together
084096: Firefly Books - The Firefly World Atlas
071263: [Editors of Time-Life Books] - Tribes of the Southern Plains
064008: Blurred Books - Blurred Vision; New Narrative Art
091369: [The Editors of Time-Life Books] - Terrines, Patés & Galantines
089391: [Parragon Books] - Eat Your Greens
9900035388: [British Political Sources: Political Party Year Books] - The Liberal and Radical Year Book / the Liberal Year Book; a Run of 41 Uniformly-Bound Facsimile Volumes
079205: Nuno Nuno Books - Kira Kira
079206: Nuno Nuno Books - Boro Boro
079208: Nuno Nuno Books - Zawa Zawa
062457: Editors of Time-Life Books - Psychic Powers
049024: Boon, Thomas D.D. - These Men Went out
9900014195: BOON, Thomas C. - These Men Went out
090887: Boone, Danièle - Picasso
092834: Haworth-Booth, Mark (ed.) - The Folio Society Book of the 100 Greatest Photographs
055891: Boothroyd, Peter - Let the River Flow; the Story of the Churchill River
083076: Bornstein, Eli;Jonneke Fritz-Jobse - Eli Bornstein: Art Toward Nature
088955: Bulba-Borovets, Otaman Taras - An Army without a State; Glory and Tragedy of Ukrainian Insurrection Movement - Memoirs
091452: Borowsky, M. - Selected Bilbiographical Materials; Re Galicia, Volynia, Trans-Carppathian Ukraine and Bukovina 1788-1944
081182: Borrow, George [Romano Lavo-Lil] - Word-Book of the Romany; or English Gypsy Language
9900030207: BORROW, George - Lavengro Scholar, Gypsy, Priest
070686: Borys, Stephen [Ed.] - Winnipeg Art Gallery; Guide to the Collections
080237: Borys, Stephen; Andrew Kear - 100 Masters: Only in Canada
024609: Borys, Stephen [Ed.] - Winnipeg Art Gallery; Guide to the Collections
091981: Borys, Stephen - 100 Masters; Only in Canada
9900032933: BOSCHMAN, Rudy - '... By My Spirit... '
059354: Bose, Rana - Fog
9900034502: BOSWELL, James - The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Comprehending an Account of His Studies, and Numerous Works, in Chronological Order Etc. Etc.
052527: Boswell, James; Frederick A. Pottle (Ed. & Intro.) - Boswell's London Journal 1762-1763
9900032018: BOSWELL, James [Geoffrey Scott, editor] - The Journal of James Boswell 1779-1781 / David Boswell's Return to Scotland June 1780 / Jaunt to London Spring 1781 / Letters
052547: Boswell, James; Frederick A Pottle - James Boswell: The Early Years 1740-1769
9900029553: BOSWELL, James [Geoffrey Scott, editor] - The Journal of James Boswell / Love-Letters of James Boswell and Margaret Montgomerie
9900029554: BOSWELL, James [Geoffrey Scott, editor] - The Journal of James Boswell 1772-1774 / His Jaunt to London, Spring, 1772 [Etc. , Etc. ]
047845: Bottoms, Stephen J. - The Theatre of Sam Shepard; States of Crisis
085640: De Botton, Alain - The Consolations of Philosophy
079626: De Botton, Alain - Essays in Love
092253: Bouchard, David - Prairie Born
082779: Bouchard, Marie (ed.) - The Language Hotel
051713: Boucher, Sandy - Turning the Wheel; American Women Creating the New Buddhism
067558: Boudreault, Lolita - The Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts, 2009
9900044039: BOUDREAULT, Jeremie - Refermer Avant D'Allumer Ou Merlin L'Enchanteur
059281: Boulenger, Jacques - ... Mais L'Art Est Difficile!; Deuxieme Serie
079053: Boulet, Roger - The Tranquility and the Turbulence; the Life and Work of Walter J. Phillips
086081: Boulet, Roger - The Tranquility and the Turbulence; the Life and Work of Walter J. Phillips
092988: Boulley, Angeline - Fire Keeper's Daughter
9900013214: BOURASSA, Henri - Speech of Mr. Henri Bourassa... On International Peace
094003: Bourdain, Anthony - The Nasty Bits; Collected Varietal Cuts, Usable Trim, Scraps, and Bones
094004: Bourdain, Anthony - Medium Raw; a Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook
094056: Bourdain, Anthony - A Cook's Tour; in Search of the Perfect Meal
094075: Bourdain, Anthony; Michael Pollan; Harold McGee; - Lucky Peach, Issue 6; the Apocalypse
080343: Bourdain, Anthony - Medium Raw; a Bloody Valentine to the World of Food and the People Who Cook
9900015042: BOURINOT, Arthur S. - Ten Narrative Poems
9900044770: BOURINOT, J. G. - Rules of Order Being a Canadian Manual on the Procedure at Meetings of Shareholders and Directors of Companies, Etc.
085405: Bourne, Justin - Down and Back; on Alcohol, Family, and a Life in Hockey
015650: Bourriau, Janine - Pharaohs and Mortals; Egyptian Art in the Middle Kingdom
071416: Bourrie, Mark - Hemp; a Short History of a Most Misunderstood Plant and Its Uses and Abuses
069103: Bovey, Patricia; Leona Herzog - Visual Celebrations II / Celebrations Visuelles II; a 10th Anniversary Publication of the Buhler Gallery St-Boniface Hospital
052755: Bovey, Patricia - Pat Martin Bates: Balancing on a Thread
055138: Bovey, Patricia - Pat Martin Bates; Balancing on a Thread
059214: Bowen, Catherine Drinker - Francis Bacon; the Temper of a Man
071224: Bowen, Gail - A Killing Spring; a Joanne Kilbourn Mystery
081692: Bowering, Ian (Intro.) - From Lachine to Grand Portage; the N.W. Indian Trade
084484: Bowering, George - The Box
050508: Bowering, George - Burning Water
030736: Bowers, Rick - Radical Comedy in Early Modern England; Contexts, Cultures, Performances
052279: Bowlby, John - Charles Darwin; a New Life
056501: Bowles, Paul - The Delicate Prey; and Other Stories
9900031765: BOWLES, Frances - Manitoba's Government House
089540: Bowles, Paul - The Delicate Prey; and Other Stories
092482: Bowles, Paul - The Sheltering Sky
085918: Bowsfield, Hartwell (ed.) - The Letters of Charles John Brydges 1883-1889
051807: Bowsfield, Hartwell [Ed.]; Wilson, Alan [Intro.] - The Letters of Charles John Brydges: 1879-1882; Hudson's Bay Land Commissioner
085919: Bowsfield, Hartwell (ed.) - The Letters of Charles John Brydges 1879-1882; Hudson's Bay Company Land Commissioner
084996: Pony Boy, Gawani - Horse, Follow Closely; Native American Horsemanship
059887: Boyanowsky, Ehor - Savage Gods, Silver Ghosts; in the Wild with Ted Hughes
068888: Boyanowsky, Ehor - Savage Gods, Silver Ghosts; in the Wild with Ted Hughes
9900043856: BOYANOWSKY, Ebor (ed.) - Folio / the University of Western Ontario / Fall, 1965, Volume XVIII, No. 1
9900036176: Boyd, William - The Blue Afternoon
055520: Boyd, Madeleine (Ed.); Ernest Boyd (Intro.) - The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova
086161: Boyd, William - Solo; a James Bond Novel
032561: Boyd, Madeleine (Ed.) - The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova
076722: Boyd, Valerie - Wrapped in Rainbows; the Life of Zora Neale Hurston
091136: Boyden, Joseph - Through Black Spruce
085157: Boyden, Joseph - Wenjack
089498: Boyden, Joseph - Three Day Road
091581: Boyden, Joseph - Born with a Tooth
084142: Boyden, Joseph - Through Black Spruce
092062: Boyden, Joseph - Louis Riel and Gabriel Dumont
058509: Boyden, Joseph - Through Black Spruce
087287: Boyden, Joseph - Born with a Tooth
052327: Boyden, Joseph - The Orenda
037827: Boyden, Joseph - Through Black Spruce
093330: Boyden, Joseph - The Orenda
091202: Boyden, Joseph - Through Black Spruce
050601: Boyden, Joseph - Through Black Spruce
084872: Boyden, Joseph - Through Black Spruce
091090: Boyden, Joseph - Three-Day Road
093353: Boyden, Joseph - Three Day Road
043266: Boyens, Ingeborg [Ed.] - Encyclopedia of Manitoba
9900038405: BOYER, Richard O. & Herbert M. Morais - A History of the American Labour Movement
038261: Boyko, Craig - Blackouts
084433: Boyle, T.C. - The Inner Circle
058883: Boyle, Eleanor - High Steaks; Why and How to Eat Less Meat
091018: Boyle, Kevin - Arc of Justice; a Saga of Race, CIVIL Rights, and Murder in the Jazz Age
073110: Boyle, T. Coraghessan - Outside Looking in
065211: Boylston, Scott - Designing Sustainable Packaging
089106: Boyne, John - A Ladder to the Sky
093598: Boynton, Holmes - Icelandic Folk Tales and Fairy Stories
087039: bpNichol, Steve McCaffery - In England Now That Spring; Polaroid Poems, Found Texts, Visions & Collaborations, Records of a Journey Thru Scotland & England May 1978
078986: Brachet, Joseph; Alexandre De Laronde - Saulteux Hymnal; Anicinapemowining Anamie-Nakamonan
079028: Brachet, Joseph; Alexandre De Laronde - Saulteux Hymnal; Anicinapemowining Anamie-Nakamonan
9900029789: Bracken, Hon. John, et al. - Manitoba's Case: A Submission Presented to the Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations
088001: Bradbury, Ray - Bradbury Speaks; Too Soon from the Cave, Too Far from the Stars: Essays on the Past, the Future, and Everything in between
093720: Bradbury, Malcolm - Stepping Westward
070508: Bradbury, Ray; Chris Hadfield (Intro.) - The Martian Chronicles
9900027853: BRADBURY, Ray - Ice-Cream Suit
089210: Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451
094279: Bradbury, Ray - I Sing the Body Electric!
088229: Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Children of Hastur; the Heritage of Hastur Sharra's Exile
9900042450: BRADLEY, Phyllis / Illustrations by Ronald Clibborn - Sally Ann Gives a Party
075979: Bradley, Jessica [curator] - Pluralities 1980 Pluralités
093683: Bradley, Helen Chau - Personal Attention Roleplay
067529: Bradley, Cuthbert - Fox-Hunting from Shire to Shire
093302: Bradley, John Ed - Tupelo Nights
093820: Bradshaw, Brendan; Eamon Duffy [eds.] - Humanism, Reform and the Reformation; the Career of Bishop John Fisher
069853: Brady, Clark A. - The Burroughs Cyclopaedia; Characters, Place, Fauna, Flora, Technologies, Languages, Ideas and Terminologies Found in the Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs
061207: Brady, Cyrus Townsend - A Baby on the Frontier
059490: Brahy, G.-L - Lueurs Sur L'Inconnaissable
070042: Braithwaite, Max - The Night We Stole the Mountie's Car
092191: Braker, Flo; Dana Gallagher (photos) - The Simple Art of Baking
077520: Braman, Sandra; Paul Dutton - Spokesheards
082757: Indian Affairs Branch - Indians of Quebec and the Maritime Provinces; an Historical Review
084503: Branch, Taylor - The Clinton Tapes; Wrestling History with the President
027339: [Historic Resources Branch] - The Arctic Small Tool Tradition in Manitoba
087078: Brand, Stewart - Whole Earth Discipline; an Ecopragmatist Manifesto
075990: Brand, Dionne - At the Full and Change of the Moon
9900044892: BRANDEGEE, Frank B. - Address on the Life, Character, and Public Services of William Mckinley
070207: Brandes, Carina - Bq 2011
066787: Ivan Brandon; et al. - The Cross Bronx Volume 1
048676: Brandt, Di - Jerusalem Beloved
054226: Brandt, Di - Bouquet for St. Mary
064886: Brandt, Di - Wild Mother Dancing; Maternal Narrative in Canadian Literature
091328: Brann, Esther - Patrick Goes a-Hunting
069844: Branner, Ken - Roaming Ardor
9900019109: BRANSON, Major L. H. - A Lifetime of Deception Reminiscences of a Magician
083429: Brasser, Ted J. - Riding on the Frontier's Crest; Mahican Indian Culture and Culture Change
083126: Brasser, Ted J. - Riding on the Frontier's Crest; Mahican Indian Culture and Culture Change
082117: Braudel, Fernand; Siân Reynolds - The Identity of France; Volume One: History and Environment
089732: Braudel, Fernand; Siân Reynolds - The Identity of France; Volume One: History and Environment
082118: Braudel, Fernand; Siân Reynolds (trans.) - The Identity of France; Volume 2: People and Production
092250: Braudel, Fernand; Sian Reynolds [trans.] - Civilization & Capitalism: 15th-18th Century (3-Volume Set); the Structures of Everyday Life; the Wheels of Commerce; the Perspective of the World
093112: Braudy, Leo - Shoot the Piano Player
092383: Braudy, Leo - On the Waterfront
058236: Braun, Jan Guenther - Somewhere Else
068480: Braun, Saul [Ed.] - Catalog of Sexual Consciousness
086388: Braun, Isabella; Paula Didruksen (trans.) - The Little Actors Theater; Four Plays to Act out with Three - Dimensional Scenes and Characters That Really Move
088200: Braun, Leopold - Has Communism Changed Since Lenin?; a Study in Intransigence
9900042756: BRAUND, Richard I. - George Hanns and Mary Ann Braund, Their Descendants and Ancestors
094195: Braund, Kathryn E. Holland - Deerskins and Duffels; the Creek Indian Trade with Anglo-America, 1685-1815
093873: Breasted, James Henry - Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt; Lectures Delivered on the Morse Foundation at Union Theological Seminary
054309: A. Bredius - Rembrandt 1606 - 1906 : Two Portfolios; Achttien Photogravures Naar Meesterwerken Van Den Schilder
026804: Bredsdorff, Elias - Hans Christian Andersen: The Story of His Life and Work 1805-75
067709: Breidbach, Olaf - Visions of Nature; the Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel
093382: Breines, Paul - Tough Jews; Political Fantasies and the Moral Dilemma of American Jewry
9900036458: Bremault, Lise (Ed.); - Le Montagnard
073143: Bremner, Benjamin - Tales of Abegweit (Prince Edward Island); Containing Historical, Biographical and Humorous Sketches and Selections
089851: Brenan, Gerald - South from Granada
032119: Davis, Brenda and Vesanto Melina with Rynn Berry - Becoming Raw; the Essential Guide to Raw Vegan Diets
056743: Brende, Eric - Better Off; Flipping the Switch on Technology
091274: Brennan, Georgeanne - Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook; Recipes Inspired by Dr. Seuss!
9900029911: Brennecke, Jr., Ernest - The Life of Thomas Hardy
093651: Brenner, Michael; Barbara Harshav (trans.) - After the Holocaust; Rebuilding Jewish Lives in Postwar Germany
090065: Brent, Peter - How to Tell Your Fortune
066480: Breon, Emmanuel; et al. - French Embassy in Canada
075857: Brereton, Daniel - Nocturnals Volume One: Black Planet and Other Stories
070039: Breslin, Jimmy - Forsaking All Others
092356: Breslove, D. (ed.) - Latin Prose Selection; for Grade XIII
091207: Cartier-Bresson, Henri - Man and Machine
088293: Brett, Brian - Evolution in Every Direction
089004: Brett, Brian - The Fungus Garden
9900008839: Dr. Brewster and Professor Jameson [David Brewster and Robert Jameson] - The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal from October 1, 1821, to April 1, 1822. Vol. VI
9900034538: Dr. Brewster and Professor Jameson [David Brewster and Robert Jameson] - The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal from April 1, to October 1, 1822 / Vol. VII
9900034539: Dr. Brewster and Professor Jameson [David Brewster and Robert Jameson] - The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal from April 1, to October 1, 1821 / Vol. V.
057762: Breytenbach, Breyten - The True Confessions of an Albino Terrorist
088938: Rittershausen, Brian and Wilma - Orchids
090413: O'Brian, Patrick - The Yellow Admiral
008407: Bridges, Marjorie Lismer - A Border of Beauty Arthur Lismer's Pen and Pencil
084050: Bridges, Ruby - This Is Your Time
092960: O'Brien, Kate; Desmond Hogan (intro.) - Without My Cloak
9900036184: O'Brien, Edna - The High Road
083549: O'Brien, Conor Cruise - On the Eve of the Millennium
090867: O'Brien, Pat - The Wind at My Back; the Life and Times of Pat O'Brien
058296: O'Brien, Flann - The Hair of the Dogma
093622: O'Brien, Flann - At Swim-Two-Birds
038040: O'Brien, Tim - Going After Cacciato; a Novel
089690: O'Brien, Lucy - Shebop; the Definitive History of Women in Popular Music
051952: O'Brien, P. J. - The Lindberghs: The Story of a Distinguished Family
092375: O'Brien, John - Leaving Las Vegas
094146: O'Brien, Peter [ed.] - Dream Visions; the Art of Alanis Obomsawin
059493: Briend, Roger; Rex Desmarchais; Yvette Mercier-Gouin; Clement Marchand - Les Oeuvres D'Aujourd'Hui; Recueil Litteraire Trimestriel - No 1
078635: [London Rifle Brigade] - Short History of the London Rifle Brigade; Compiled Regimentally
078638: [Rifle Brigade] - Rifle Brigade Drill
054667: Bright, John (Trans., Intro., & Notes) - Jeremiah
082725: Brightman, Robert - Traditional Narratives of the Rock Cree Indians
9900042811: BRINKLEY, Captain F. (ed.) - A Koto Player [a Hand-Coloured Albumen Photograph from 'Japan Described and Illustrated by the Japanese']
9900042808: BRINKLEY, Captain F. [Frank Brinkley, Francis Brinkley] - Japan Described and Illustrated by the Japanese / Written by Eminent Japanese Authorities and Scholars; Complete Ten-Volume Set
093022: Brinkman, John A., Miguel Civil, Ignace J. Gelb, A. Leo Oppenheim, Erica Reiner - The Assyrian Dictionary / Volume 11, Part I - N;... Of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
093024: Brinkman, John A., Miguel Civil, Ignace J. Gelb, A. Leo Oppenheim, Erica Reiner - The Assyrian Dictionary / Volume 11, Part II - N;... Of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
093264: Brinton, Aspen E. - Confronting Totalitarian Minds; Jan Patocka on Politics and Dissidence
092288: Drouin-Brisebois, Josee; Jeffery Spalding - Christopher Pratt; All My Own Work
054280: Bristol, Joanne - The Serial Fiction of Margaret Rind; (Chapter 2)
074653: Bristol, Joanne - What She Ate, What She Wore
092234: [Britannica] - Encyclopaedia Britannica, 3rd Ed. , Volume III (Only, of 18) Bar - Bzo
065692: Brittain, Vera - England's Hour
9900044077: BRITTAIN, Vera - Testament of Youth an Autobiographical Study of the Years 1900-1925
063345: Britton, Herb - Days Gone by
075223: Broadbent, W. G. - Marantha; (the Lord Cometh): Proposing Two Questions
057200: Brockmeier, Kevin - The Illumination
054223: Brody, Hugh - Maps and Dreams; Indians and the British Columbia Frontier
094332: Bronson, Action; Rachel Wharton - F*Ck, That's Delicious; an Annotated Guide to Eating Well
067531: Governor General; A.A. Bronson; et al. - The Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts
094417: Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre
094418: Bronte, Emily - Wuthering Heights
083891: Brontë, Emily - Wuthering Heights
091132: Bronte, Emily - Wuthering Heights
093853: Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre
094447: Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre
088324: Brontë, Emily - Wuthering Heights
090713: Shakespeare, William; Tucker Brooke and William Lyon Phelps (ed.) - The Tragedy of King Lear
034879: Brooke, Mr. [Henry] - The Fool of Quality; or the History of Henry Earl of Moreland / 5 Volumes
077208: Brookes, Maggie - The Prisoner's Wife
061416: Brookes, Martin - Extreme Measures; the Dark Visions and Bright Ideas of Francis Galton
9900045230: [Mounted Police Veterans Association] Brookhouse, A. A., ed - Scarlet & Gold : Riel Rebellion Edition / Vol. XVII, July 1935
082997: Brookner, Anita - Hotel Du Lac
091378: Brooks, Geraldine - Caleb's Crossing
093324: Brooks, Geraldine - People of the Book
076289: Brooks, Marshall (Ed.) - The Romance of the Book
089636: Brooks, Rosa - How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything; Tales from the Pentagon
091360: Broom, Sarah M. - The Yellow House
074363: Brophy, Brigid - Black and White; a Portrait of Aubrey Beardsley
9900039665: BROUGHTON, Rhoda - Second Thoughts. A Novel. Two Volumes in One
9900027571: Broun, Heywood - The Sun Field
094342: Browder, Bill - Red Notice; a True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man's Fight for Justice
093425: Browder, Bill - Freezing Order; a True Story of Money Laundering, Murder, and Surviving Vladimir Putin's Wrath
069210: Brown, Stephen - Totem Poles to Color & Cut out; Vol. 2 Tlingit
091998: Brown, Brene - Daring Greatly; How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
9900042867: BROWN, John B. - Curvatures of the Spine [Two Original Articles in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. XVIII, April and June, 1838]
082029: Brown, Charles Brockden - Wieland and Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist
092589: Brown, Annora - The Old Man's Garden
068448: Brown, Dee - The Fetterman Massacre; an American Saga
093278: Brown, Brene - Daring Greatly; How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
071170: Brown, Ron - Ghost Towns of Canada
083199: Hickerson, Harold; Jennifer S.H. Brown and Laura L. Peers - The Chippewa and Their Neighbors; a Study in Ethnohistory
085118: Brown, Jeff; Andrew Harvey [Foreword] - Grounded Spirituality
075649: Brown, Lorna; Bernie Miller - Casualty
051787: Brown, Judith M. - Gandhi and CIVIL Disobedience: The Mahatma in Indian Politics, 1928-34
089382: Brown, Stephen R. - Island of the Blue Foxes; Disaster and Triumph on Bering's Great Voyage to Alaska
093206: Brown, Curtis F. - Ingrid Bergman
050227: Brown, James - James Brown; the Godfather of Soul
9900041593: BROWN, C. P. (Chairman) - Report of the Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Manitoba
081198: Brown, Alex M. - By-Laws of the City of Winnipeg; from the Date of the Incorporation of the City in 1873 to the Year 1881, Inclusive. Reported As Being in Force, Effecte or Repealed by Alex M. Brown... Together with the Names of the Members of the Municipal Council, and Principal CIVIC Officials
9900036926: BROWN, Roy - The Brandon Hill Connection
088329: Brown, Tina - The Palace Papers; Inside the House of Windsor — the Truth and the Turmoil
054245: Brown, Helena M. - The Rainbow Story
9900010038: BROWN, George T., M.D. - Readjustment of the Superior Maxillae in Treatment of Hare-Lip and Cleft Palate [in the Journal of the American Medical Assn. ]
9900041592: BROWN, C. P. (Chairman) - Report of the Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Manitoba
078049: Brown, Ian - Sixty; the Beginning of the End, or the End of the Beginning? | a Diary of My Sixty-First Year
9900030468: [Browne, Martha Griffith] [Mattie Griffith] - Autobiography of a Female Slave
049176: Browne, Maggie [Arthur Rackham, ill.] - The Book of Betty Barber
089578: Browning, Elizabeth Barrett; Nancy Holmes (ed.) - Sonnets from the Portuguese
070395: Brownlie, Robin Jarvis - A Fatherly Eye; Indian Agents, Government Power, and Aboriginal Resistance in Ontario, 1918-1939
079241: Brownlie, Robin Jarvis; Valerie J. Korinek (eds.) - Finding a Way to the Heart; Feminist Writings on Aboriginal and Women's History in Canada
094115: Brownmiller, Susan - In Our Time; Memoir of a Revolution
9900036155: BRUCE, John (ed.) - Coorespondence of King James VI. Of Scotland with Sir Robert Cecil and Others in England Through the Reign of Queen Elizabeth
079494: Chatwin, Bruce and Paul Theroux - Patagonia Revisited
9900036276: BRUCE, John (ed.) - Journal of a Voyage Into the Mediterranean by Sir Kenelm Digby, A.D. 1628
9900036298: BRUCE, John (Edited, from the Original MS. in the Possession of Lieutenant-Colonel Carew) - Notes of the Treaty Carried on at Ripon Bewteen King Charles I. And the Covenanters of Scotland, A.D. 1640
093296: [Kurelek, William]; Mary Jo Hughes, Tobi Bruce and Andrew Kear (Curators); Brian Dedora, Avram Isaacs and B. Smylski (Essays) - The Messenger
093896: Tascona, Bruce and Dale M. Watts - United in Effort; Manitoba Combat Service Support History 1870-2015
9900041074: BRUCE, John (ed.) - Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI. Of Scotland
9900042556: Bruce, Major The Hon. C. G. - Twenty Years in the Himalaya
9900037316: Bruce, John [ed.] - Correspondence of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leycester, During His Government of the Low Countries, in the Years 1585 and 1586
089775: Bruce, Harry - Maud; the Early Years of L.M. Montgomery
092012: Bruce, George - The Paladin Dictionary of Battles
093751: Young-Bruehl, Elizabeth - Hannah Arendt; for Love of the World
061254: Brunetti, Ivan - Schizo; Issue 4
051284: Brunvand, Jan Harold - The Study of American Folklore: An Introduction
060028: Brust, R. A.; R. A. Ellis; K. W. Plews - Guidelines for Mosquito Control in Manitoba; Information Series No. 12
087962: La Bruyère - Les Caractères
092326: Bruyere, Jocelyn - Kishawehotesewin; a Native Parenting Approach
9900029469: O'Bryan, Deric - Excavation of a Cape Dorset Eskimo House Site, MILL Island, West Hudson Strait
090284: Bryant, William Cullen, ed - A New Library of Poetry and Song / 2 Volumes; Being Choice Selections from the Best Poets, English, Scottish, Irish and American
078319: Bryant, Page - The Aquarian Guide to Native American Mythology
9900041843: BRYCE, Rev. George - Early Days in Winnipeg
9900041821: BRYCE, Rev. George - A Modern University Being the President's Inaugural Address / Given Before the Society October 24, 1890
9900041825: BRYCE, Rev. George - Sketch of the Life of John Tanner, a Famous Manitoba Scout / a Border Type. A Paper Read Before the Society, April 26, 1888
9900041832: BRYCE, Rev. George - Treasures of Our Library
094149: Bryce, George - Among the Mound Builders' Remains
9900041845: BRYCE, Rev. George - Our Stony Record Older Geology of Red River and Assiniboine Valleys
076324: Bryce, Benjamin (Ed.); Alexander Freund (Ed.) - Entangling Migration History; Borderlands and Transnationalism in the United States and Canada (Contested Boundaries)
088726: Bryce, Mrs. George - Historical Sketch of the Charitable Institutions of Winnipeg
088719: Bryce, George - Sketch of the Life of John Tanner, a Famous Manitoba Scout. A Border Type. ; a Paper Read Before the Society, April 26, 1888
088723: Bryce, George - Early Days in Winnipeg
9900041842: BRYCE, Rev. Prof. George - The British Association for the Advancement of Science - a Great World-Educator
9900041833: BRYCE, Rev. George - A Great City Library
9900041835: BRYCE, Rev. Professor [George] - Great Britain As Seen by Canadian Eyes
9900041829: BRYCE, Mrs. George - Historical Sketch of the Charitable Institutions of Winnipeg
083756: Brymner, Douglas - Report on the Canadian Archives (Two Volumes in One); 1886
080587: Brymner, Douglas - Report on Canadian Archives; Being an Appendix to Report of the Minister of Agriculture
045797: Bryne and Spon, eds - Spons' Dictionary of Engineering, CIVIL, Mechanical, Military, and Naval with Technical Terms in French, German, Italian, and Spanish [Eight Volumes]; and Supplement to Spons' Dictionary of Engineering [Three Volumes]: Division I, Division II, Division III
085792: Bryson, Bill - At Home; a Short History of Private Life
027257: Bryson, Bill - Shakespeare: The World As Stage
077786: Bryson, Bill - Neither Here Nor There; Travels in Europe
078590: Bryson, Bill - The Lost Continent
074710: Bryson, Bill - Neither Here Nor There; Travels in Europe
059965: Bryson, Bill - Made in America; an Informal History of the English Language in the United States
044595: Buchan, James - The Authentic Adam Smith; His Life and Ideas
082055: Buchan, John - The Strange Adventures of Mr Andrew Hawthorn
017874: Buchanan, Norman S. - Price Control in the Postwar Period
088973: Buchanan, Patrick J. - Suicide of a Superpower; Will America Survive to 2025
083467: Buchart, Amber Jane - Nautical Chic
073011: Buchner, A. P. - Investigations at the Sinnock Site 1980 and 1982; Papers in Manitoba Archaeology Final Report No. 17
057010: Buchner, A. P. - Papers in Manitoba Archaeology Miscellaneous Paper No. 13: Material Culture of the Bjorklund Site
086125: Buciora, Jaroslaw - The Valley of Hope; the Battle of Ukrainian Orthodoxy for Its Identity
093835: Buck, Anne - Victorian Costume; and Costume Accessories
094228: Bucke, Richard Maurice; George Moreby Acklom [intro.] - Cosmic Consciousness; a Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind
079327: Buckland, A. R. - John Horden Missionary Bishop; a Life on the Shores of Hudson Bay
047067: Buckley, Peter - Ernest
9900030528: BUCKLEY, Edmund (ed.) - The Fine Arts a University Course in Sculpture Painting Architecture and Decoration
084760: Bucko, Raymond A. - The Lakota Ritual of the Sweat Lodge; History and Contemporary Practice
089158: Budnitz, Paul - I Am Plastic; the Designer Toy Explosion
087799: Buford, Bill - Heat; an Amateur's Adventures As Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher in Tuscany
085836: Buford, Bill - Dirt; Adventures in Lyon As a Chef in Training, Father, Sletuh Looking for the Secret of French Cooking
065049: Buhl, Nanna Debois; et al. - A Journey in Two Directions
063504: Bukatman, Scott - Matters of Gravity; Special Effects and Supermen in the 20th Century
094198: Bukowski, Charles - Hollywood
081387: Bukowski, Charles - Bring Me Your Love
093609: Bulgakov, Mikhail ; Michael Glenny [trans.] - The Heart of a Dog
090605: Bulgakov, Mikhail; Michael Glenny (trans.) - The Master and Margarita
061580: Bulgakov, Mikhail; Mirra Ginsburg (Trans.) - The Life of Monsieur de Moliere; a Portrait of the Great French Satirist
075007: Buliard, Roger - Inuk: "Au Dos de la Terre
067751: Buller, Kate (Ed.) - Fresh Fashion Knits; More Than 20 Must-Have Designs from Rowan's Studio Collection
076333: Bullough, Oliver - Let Our Fame Be Great; Journeys Among the Defiant People of the Caucasus
9900045390: Bulman, J.W. - Home and Abroad: Bulman Bros. Ltd. Christmas Greeting 1943
074855: Bumstead, J. M.; Marie-Helene Duval (Trans.) - Louis Riel C. Canada Les Annees Rebelles
092678: Bumsted, J. M. - Dictionary of Manitoba Biography
087070: Bumsted, J. M. - Dictionary of Manitoba Biography
091571: Bumsted, J. M. - Dictionary of Manitoba Biography
9900041395: BUMSTED, J. M. - St. John's College Faith and Education in Western Canada
084407: Bumsted, J. M. (ed.) - Reporting the Resistance; Alexander Begg and Joseph Hargrave on the Red River Resistance
090900: Buncher, Richard - Tretchikoff
067225: Bunn, Cullen - Harrow County Volume 5; Abandoned
067235: Bunn, Cullen; Jack T. Cole - The Unsound
066745: Bunn, Cullen; et al. - Harrow County; Volume 1: Countless Haints
087985: Bunyan, John - The Pilgrim's Progress; and Other Selected Works
063251: Burchfield, Robert; Robert McCrum (Intro.); John Simpson (Afterword) - The English Language
072226: Burchfield, Robert; Robert McCrum (Intro.); John Simpson (Afterword) - The English Language
9900042342: Burger, Joanne - Sf Published in 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976; 6 Issues
058098: Burgess, Glyn - The Song of Roland
9900035373: BURGISSER, E. - Mxn-Fit; an Ibm-Pc Program for the Analysis of Complex Binding Data According to the Law of Mass Action
9900034754: BURIANYK, W. - S.U. S. - Its Meaning and Significance
075950: Burke, Fred; Charles V. Miller (Intro.) - Illustrator II; the Art of Clive Barker
9900041998: JARVIS, Stephanie, Lois Burke and Joyce Henderson (researched and complied by) - Flin Flon a Visual History 1933-1983
036843: Burke, Thomas - Vagabond Minstrel
9900033989: BURKE, Thomas - Night-Pieces Eighteen Tales
053790: Burlamaqui, Jean-Jaques; Thomas Nugent (Trans.); Petter Korkman (Ed. & Intro.); Kund Haakonssen (Ed.) - The Principles of Natural and Politic Law
093821: Burley, David V.; J. Scott Hamilton; Knut R. Fladmark - Prophecy of the Swan; the Upper Peace River Fur Trade of 1794-1823
088708: Burman, Rev. W. A. - The Sioux Language
9900041827: BURMAN, Rev. W. A. - The Present Status of Natural Science in Manitoba and the Northwest
055416: Burmeister, Hans Wilhelm - Prince Philipp Eulenburg-Hertefeld (1847-1921); His Influence on Kaiser Wilhelm II and His Role in the German Government, 1888-1902
079960: Burnaby, Barbara; Jon Reyhner - Indigenous Languages; Across the Community
9900031511: Burnaby, Captain Fred - On Horseback Through Asia Minor; Complete 2 Volume Set
043710: Burnett, Frances Hodgson - A Little Princess
090958: Burnford, Sheila - Without Reserve
088353: Burns, George; David Fisher - All My Best Friends
075659: Burns, Bill - Songs of Birds Wearing Safety Gear
053227: Burnside, Madeline; Rosemarie Robotham; Cornel West - Spirits of the Passage: The Transatlantic Slave Trade in the Seventeenth Century
9900034975: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - Tarzan of the Apes
9900041794: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Lost Empire
9900043213: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
084579: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan the Untamed
077880: Burroughs, William S. - Cursed from Birth; the Short, Unhappy Life of William S. Burroughs, Jr.
062367: Burroughs, William S. - The Letters of William S. Burroughs: Volume I: 1945-1959
054929: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Warlord of Mars
083005: Burroughs, William S. - Exterminator!
073235: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan of the Apes
9900032223: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - The Return of Tarzan
9900013660: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - Thuvia Maid of Mars
084578: Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
9900015901: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Ant Men
9900032231: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - The War Chief
9900032260: BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice - The Chessmen of Mars
9900021759: Burrowes, Amyas Deane - The Modern Encyclopaedia; or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature
093685: Bursill, Henry - Hand Shadows and More Hand Shadows
093808: Burt, Murray - Winnipeg's Ladies from Hell; How the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada Fought, Remembered and Grew in the Regiment's First Century of War and Peace
081957: Burt, Murray - Winnipeg's Ladies from Hell; How the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada Fought, Remembered and Grew in the Regiment's First Century of War and Peace
093318: Burton, Tim - The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy; and Other Stories
085905: Burton, Richard F. (trans.) - Tales from the Arabian Nights; Selected from the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night
087549: Silver, Burton and Jeremy Bennett - The Naughty Victorian Handbook; the Rediscovered Art of Erotic Hand Manipulation
9900036221: BURTON, Robin - Pour Briser la Glace de L'Arctique / Breaking the Arctic Ice
053671: Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton; Albert Letchford; Leonard C. Smithers (Ed.) - The Book of a Thousand Nights and a Night
073168: Burton, Ryan - Dark Engine; Volume 1: The Art of Destruction
063556: Burton, Richard F. - The Perfumed Garden of the Shaykh Nefzawi
9900044884: ANDERSON GALLERIES [John E. Burton] - The Fine Library of John E. Burton of Milwaukee, Wis. / Part I Lincolniana/ Part V CIVIL War Material/ Part IV . .
092642: Burtt, Edwin A. [ed.] - The English Philosophers from Bacon to MILL
093269: Buruma, Ian - Year Zero; a History of 1945
9900034136: BURY, Adrian - Richard Wilson R.A. The Grand Classic
074504: Busby, Cathy - We Are Sorry
086621: Busch, Colleen Morton - Fire Monks; Zen Mind Meets Wildfire at the Gates of Tassajara
072446: Bush, Peter - Western Challenge; the Presbyterian Church in Canada's Mission on the Prairies and North, 1885-1925
090550: Bussey, Peter - Signposts to God; How Modern Physics and Astronomy Point the Way to Belief
090253: Keaton, Buster and Charles Samuels - My Wonderful World of Slapstick; the Story of the Beloved Dead-Pan Comedian
065434: Buswell, Robert E. - The Zen Monastic Experience
063827: Butera, Robert; Jessica Kreatsoulas(Fwd.) - Body Mindful Yoga; Create a Powerful and Affirming Relationship with Your Body
052299: Butler, Samuel - Erewhon, or over the Range and Erewhon Revisited Twenty Years Later; Both Novels Complete in This Volume
094392: Butler, Samuel; Desmond MacCarthy [intro.] - Erewhon & Erewhon Revisited
052119: Butler, Robert Olen - Countrymen of Bones
049517: Butler, Robert Olen - They Whisper
064675: Butler, Paul - My Mad Skillz
093601: Butler, Samuel - The Way of All Flesh
031586: Butler, Samuel - The Way of All Flesh
086585: Butler, Susan - East to the Dawn; the Life of Amelia Earhart
089191: Butler, Samuel - Hudibras (2 Volume Set); in Three Parts, Written in the Time of the Late Wars
074252: Minister of Education (Authorized by) - English for the Schools of Manitoba; Grades I-VI Inclusive
094076: Byers, Celeste; Mei Chin; Peter Meehan; David Chang; et. al - Lucky Peach, Issue 8; Gender
091666: Byers, Michael - Who Owns the Arctic?; Understanding Sovereignty Disputes in the North
088732: Bying, John - Rides Round Britain
088693: Bykovsky, Leo - On the Caucasian-Turkish War Front; Memoirs (1916-1918)
037014: Byng, John - Rides Round Britain
072152: Byock, Jesse L. - The Saga of the Volsungs; the Norse Epic of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer
9900013267: Byrnes, Thomas - 1886 Professional Criminals of America
093046: Lord Byron - The Works of Lord Byron / Four-Volume Set
085230: Wolfart, H. C. and Frank Ahenakew - The Student's Dictionary of Literary Plains Cree; Based on Contemporary Texts
083275: Wolfart, H.C. and Freda Ahenakew - Piko Kïkway ê-Nakacihtât: Kêkêk Otâcimowina ê-Nêhiyawastêki; Mitoni ê-âh-Itwêt Mâna Cecilia Masuskapoe, Itasinahamiyiwa ôhi Nîso
065811: Stanton, Donna C. and Abigail J. Stewart - Feminisms in the Academy
9900040035: HERNER, M. C. and R. Mitchell; [Manitoba Farmers' Library] - Poultry Houses for Farm and Town Extension Bulletin No. 15. - Second Edition
086386: Uhlenbeck, C. C. and R. H. Van Gulik - An English - Blackfoot Vocabulary; Based on Material from the Southern Piegans
080106: Wolfart, H.C. and Freda Ahenakew (eds.) - Piko Kîkway ë-Nakacihtât; Kêkêk Otâcimowina ê-Nêhiyawastêki
011568: Kelley, C. C. and L. Farstad - Soil Survey of the Prince George Area British Columbia / Report No. 2
082400: Wolfart, H.C. and Freda Ahenakew - The Student's Dictionary of Literary Plains Cree; Based on Contemporary Texts
051951: Cabezas, Omar; Fuentes, Carlos (Foreword); Weaver, Kathleen (Trans.) - Fire from the Mountain: The Making of a Sandinista
071315: Cable, George W. - Dr. Sevier
074449: Cadieux, Keith (Ed.); Dustin Geeraert (Ed.) - The Shadow over Portage and Main
094300: Caduto, Michael J. - Keepers of Life; Discovering Plants Through Native Stories and Earth Activities for Children
089242: Caesar - Where's Master
063342: Cahan, M. C. H. (Consultations de) - Pour la Justice: La Legislation Scolaire Au Nord Ouest - Les Discours de MM. Monk Et Pelletier - Quelques Objections - L'Esprit de la Confederation; Discours Prononce Au Monument National, le 9 Mars 1912 Par M. Henri Bourassa, Directeur Du "Devoir
052292: Cahan, Abraham - The Rise of David Levinsky
052387: Cain, H. Thomas - Pima Indian Basketry
089094: Caine, Alex - Befriend and Betray; Infiltrating the Hells Angels, Bandidos and Other Criminal Brotherhoods
089091: Caine, Alex - The Fat Mexican; the Bloody Rise of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club
085159: Neuman, Andrés; Nick Caistor and Lorenza Garcia (trans.) - Traveler of the Century
084492: Calagione, Sam - Extreme Brewing; an Enthusiast's Guide to Brewing Craft Beer at Home
089814: Calasso, Roberto; Tim Parks (trans.) - Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
084779: Calasso, Roberto; Richard Dixon (trans.) - The Celestial Hunter
9900031827: CALDECOTT, Randolph (illustrator) - Randolph Caldecott's Last 'Graphic' Pictures
066803: Calder, Alison; et al. Steven Matujcio (Ed.) - Scratching the Surface; the Post-Prairie Landscape
073992: Calder, Laura - French Food at Home
054872: Calder, Alison, et al.; Steven Matijcio (Ed.) - Scratching the Surface; the Post-Prairie Landscape
9900043003: CALEY, J. F. - Natural Gas in Brantford Area, Ontario / Geological Survey Paper 40-22 / Preliminary Report
086148: Calisher, Hortense - In the Absence of Angels
9900029146: CALL, Thelma Jean (ed.) - Papers Read Before the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, Series III, Number 20
020103: Callaghan, Morley - Close to the Sun Again
062630: Callaghan, Morley - No Man's Meat & the Enchanted Pimp
068444: Callaghan, Morley - Such Is My Beloved
061987: Callaghan, Barry - The Black Queen Stories
092346: Callaghan, Morley - The Loved and the Lost
9900013119: Callaghan, Morley - The Varsity Story
046621: Callaghan, Morley - Winter
094475: Callahan, Maureen - American Predator; the Hunt for the Most Meticulous Serial Killer of the 21st Century
042765: Callens, Paul - Death Memorial Cards: Deel III
042764: Callens, Paul - Death Memorial Cards: Deel II
092377: Callow, Simon - The Night of the Hunter
060030: Calvert, R. F. - Tree Improvement in Manitoba; Information Series No. 2
089738: Calvino, Italo; William Weaver (trans.) - Mr. Palomar
9900035141: [CAMBRENSIS, Giraldus] - The English Conquest of Ireland Founded on the 'Expugnacio Hibernica' of Giraldus Cambrensis
085824: Cameron, Peter - What Happens at Night
069380: Cameron, Ann - Art in Winnipeg; 1955 to 1959
065416: Cameron, Anne - Daughters of Copper Woman
035443: Cameron, Anne - Dzelarhons; Myths of the Northwest Coast
092104: Cameron, Claire - The Last Neanderthal
088744: Cameron, Miles - The Fell Sword; Book 2 of the Traitor Son Cycle
086866: Cameron, Miles - The Red Knight; Book 1 of the Traitor Son Cycle
090843: Camilleri, Andrea; Stephen Sartarelli (trans.) - Patience of the Spider
090842: Camilleri, Andrea; Stephen Sartarelli - The Snack Thief
094498: Van Camp, Richard - Moccasin Square Gardens; Short Stories
079338: Camp, Dalton - Gentlemen, Players & Politicians
089316: Van Camp, Richard; Scoot B. Henderson - A Blanket of Butterflies
090416: Campbell, Joseph - Occidental Mythology; the Masks of God, Vol. III
087248: Campbell, Joseph - The Hero's Journey; Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work
090415: Campbell, Joseph - Creative Mythology; the Masks of God Volume IV
094423: Campbell, Edward F. Jr. [trans. & notes] - Ruth
092410: Campbell, Joseph; Bill Moyers - The Power of Myth
088123: Campbell, Joseph - The Masks of God: Creative Mythology
085166: Campbell, Joseph - An Open Life; in Converrsation with Michael Toms
024561: Campbell, Glen [Ed.] - Humanities Assocation of Canada Newsletter: Spring/Printemps 1985; Riel: 1885 Remembered
087631: Campbell, Joseph; Betty Sue Flowers (ed.) - The Power of Myth; with Bill Moyers
093910: Campbell, Joseph - Historical Atlas of World Mythology Volume I: The Way of the Animal Powers; Part I: Mythologies of the Primitive Hunters and Gatherers
093911: Campbell, Joseph - Historical Atlas of World Mythology Volume I: The Way of the Animal Powers; Part II: Mythologies of the Great Hunt
081275: Campbell, Lyle - Languages of Native America Historical and Comparative Assessment
085194: Campbell, Joseph - The Masks of God; Primitive Mythology
052170: Campbell, David - Native American Art and Folklore; a Cultural Celebration
088969: Campbell, Anne - Angel Wings All over
082209: Campbell, Ramsey - Alone with the Horrors; the Great Short Fiction of Ramsey Campbell 1961-1991
061607: Campbell, Byram - Race and Social Revolution; Twenty-One Essays on Racial and Social Problems
054881: Campbell, Helen G. (Director) - 28 Cookie Recipes from the Chatelaine Institute; Chatelaine Service Bulletin No. 2200
079336: Campeau, Lucien - Monumenta Novae Franciae; I. La Premiere Mission D'Acadie (1602-1616)
063226: Camper, Carol - Miscegenation; Blues Voices of Mixed Race Women
087206: Camus, Albert - La Chute
094477: Camus, Albert; Joseph Laredo [trans.] - The Outsider
093684: Camus, Albert; Arthur Goldhammer (trans.); Alice Kaplan (intro.) - Algerian Chronicles
069223: [The National Association of Antique Automobile Clubs of Canada] - The Adletter; Number 1, September 1974
055055: The National Gallery of Canada - Walter Gramatte: 1897-1929; Paintings, Drawings, Prints
068792: [Royal Bank of Canada] - 2010 Rbc Canadian Painting Competition
068793: [Royal Bank of Canada] - Rbc Canadian Painting Competition; 1999-2018
078911: Gazetteer of Canada - Manitoba
078975: General Motors Products of Canada, Limited - Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy II and Corvette; Chassis Shop Manual
9900034358: The Jewish Historical Society of Canada - A Selection of Papers Presented in 1969-70 / Second Annual Publication
9900035800: COMMISSION OF CONSERVATION Canada - Report of the Fourth Annual Meeting / Held at Ottawa January 21-22, 1913
9900042475: [Second World War] [Government of the Dominion of Canada] - Certificate of Honour
9900038457: [Environment Canada] - Proceedings / Symposium on Utilities Delivery in Arctic Regions Held March 16, 17, 18, 1976 Edmonton, Alberta
026176: United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada - Loyal She Remains: A Pictorial History of Ontario
067800: National Photograph Collection in the Public Archives of Canada - Reflections on a Capital; 12 Ottawa Photographers
075188: Consolidated Plate Glass Company of Canada - [Consolidated Plate Glass Company of Canada Letter]
9900035801: COMMISSION OF CONSERVATION Canada - Second Annual Report Including a Report of the Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting Held at Quebec, January 17-20, 1911
9900045304: [Canada, Department of Agriculture] - Census of the Three Provisional Districts of the North-West Territories. 1884-5. Recensement Des Trois Districts Provisoires
030510: Extension Services of the National Gallery of Canada - Manitoba Mainstream; People's Art / Fine Art
067302: [Dominion of Canada] - Schedule of Indian Reserves in the Dominion; Supplement to Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended June 30 1902
9900035797: COMMISSION OF CONSERVATION Canada - Second Annual Report Including a Report of the Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting Held at Quebec, January 17-20, 1911
065219: Canada, Department of Indian Affairs [John A. MacDonald, intro.] - Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended 31st December, 1886
013276: The Icelandic Canadian - The Icelandic Canadian 16 Issues (from 1970 to 1983)
087839: [Anonymous British Canadian] - The Tour of H.R. H. The Prince of Wales; Through British America and the United States
013275: The Icelandic Canadian - The Icelandic Canadian 10 Issues (from 1961 to 1969)
069896: Cancellari, Mike - Checklist of Western and Northern Fiction 1900-1980
090658: Canetti, Elias; C.V. Wedgwood (trans.) - Auto-Da-Fé
093251: Canetti, Elias - The Torch in My Ear
093253: Canetti, Elias - The Tongue Set Free
055846: Caniff, Milton - April Kane and the Dragon Lady: A "Terry and the Pirates" Adventure; a Story Based on the Famous Newspaper Strip "Terry and the Pirates
073034: Cannell, Michael - I.M. Pei; Mandarin of Modernism
040898: Cannon, Barbara M. - By Silver Creek
088768: Cantor, Eddie - Caught Short!; a Saga of Wailing Wall Street
093635: Cantor, Norman F. - The Sacred Chain; the History of the Jews
093197: Capek, Karel - An Ordinary Life
093533: Capote, Truman - In Cold Blood; a True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences
086282: Capote, Truman - Music for Chameleons
091385: Capote, Truman - Selected Writings of Truman Capote
088663: Capote, Truman - In Cold Blood; a True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences
092355: Capote, Truman - In Cold Blood; a True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences
089568: Capote, Truman - In Cold Blood; a True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences
080428: Capote, Truman - The Grass Harp; Including a Tree of Night and Other Stories
086295: Capote, Truman - The Grass Harp
086296: Capote, Truman - The Grass Harp and a Tree of Night; and Other Stories
093584: Cappell, D.F. - Muir's Text-Book of Pathology
057040: Capponi, Pat - Dispatches from the Poverty Line
077960: Capra, Fritjof - The Turning Point
029541: Capra, Fritjof - The Web of Life; a New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems
057238: Capra, Fritjof - The Turning Point; Science, Society, and the Rising Culture
032759: Capstick, Peter Hathaway - Last Horizons; Hunting, Fishing & Shooting on Five Continents
064230: Cardiff, Janet; George Bures Miller - The Paradise Institiute
085293: Cardinal, Will - First Nations Hockey Players
094267: Cardinal, Harold - Unjust Society
079460: Cardinal, Tantoo; [et al.] - Our Story; Aboriginal Voices on Canada's Past
9900035941: Carels, Louise - Metje / My Family
086750: Careri, Giovanni; Linda Lappin [Trans.] - Bernini; Flights of Love, the Art of Devotion
094254: Carey, Betty Lowman; Neil G. Carey [ed.] - Bijaboji; North to Alaska by Oar
050318: Carey, Christopher - Trials from Classical Athens
090287: Carey, Jr., Harry - Company of Heroes; My Life As an Actor in the John Ford Stock Company
091959: Carey, Nessa - The Epigenetics Revolution; How Modern Biology Is Rewriting Our Understanding of Genetics, Disease, and Inheritance
047243: Carlin, Peter Ames - Bruce
057991: Pennier, Henry; Keith Thor Carlson and Kristina Fagan (Eds.) - 'Call Me Hank'; a Sto: Lo Mans Reflections on Logging, Living, and Growing Old
056080: Carlsson, Chris - Nowtopia; How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists, and Vacant-Lot Gardeners Are Inventing the Future Today!
9900037453: CARLTON, Maria (ed.) - Forty Years of Service to an Ideal / Czterziesci Law W Sluzbie Idei Stowarzyszenia Polskich Kombatanow
057004: Carmichael, Patrick H. - Papers in Manitoba Archaeology Miscellaneous Papers #5: A Descriptive Summary of Blackduck Ceramics from the Wanipigow Lake Site Area (Egkx-1), 1975 and 1976
9900033758: CARMICHAEL, Mrs - Beginnings. / Obedience and Disobedience
053795: Carmichael, Gershom; James Moore (Ed. & Foreward); Michael Sliverthorne (Ed. & Trans.); Knud Hakkonssen (Ed.) - Natural Rights on the Threshold of the Scottish Enlightenment; the Writings of Gershom Carmichael
016113: Neurath, Otto, Rudolf Carnap and Charles Morris, eds - Foundations of the Unity of Science; Toward an International Encyclopedia of Unified Science / Two-Volume Set
9900038450: CARNER, Gary (compiler) / Foreword by John Chilton - Jazz Performers an Annotated Bibliography of Biographical Materials
089849: Carp, Augustus - Augustus Carp, Esq; Being the Autobiography of a Really Good Man
069847: Carr, Jay - The Love Seekers
088007: Carr, Emily - Hundreds and Thousands; the Journals of Emily Carr
075617: Carr, Emily; Maria Tippett (Foreword) - Pause; a Sketch Book
9900035332: CARR, John Dickson - The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
071385: Carr, Emily - Growing Pains; the Autobiography of Emily Carr
9900039115: CARR, John Dickson - The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
9900034689: CARR, Jim (Chairman) - Mayor's Arts Study Advisory Committee / Final Report
089497: Carr, Caleb - The Angels of Darkness
086783: Carr, John Dickson - Poison in Jest
049714: Carr, James; Margot J. Alward; Eilleen Burrows [Eds.] - The University of Winnipeg Journal; Margaret Laurence: 1926-1987
091033: Carr, Emily - The House of All Sorts
052635: Carrasco, Jesus - Out in the Open
083449: Le Carré, John - Silverview
092047: Le Carre, John - Call for the Dead
092042: Le Carre, John - The Secret Pilgrim
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