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58993: PLANT, Marjorie. - The English Book Trade: An Economic History of the Making and Sale of Books.
52714: PLANT, G.F. - Oversea Settlement. Migration from the United Kingdom to the Dominions.
72581: PLATO. PAPPAS, Nickolas. - Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Plato and the Republic.
68653: PLATT, John R. - Perception and Change: Projections for Survival.
63732: PLATT, Sir Harry. - Selected Papers.
42549: PLATZ, Matthew S. ed. - Kinetics and Spectroscopy of Carbenes and Biradicals.
48337: PLOMLEY, Roy. - Desert Island Discs.
55560: PLOSSL, George W. - Managing in the New World of Manufacturing: How Companies Can Improve Operations to Compete Globally.
60255: PLOUGH, Harold H. - Sea Squirts of the Atlantic Continental Shelf from Maine to Texas.
68697: PLOWDEN, William ed. - Advising the Rulers.
76339: PLOWMAN, David H. - Enduring Struggle: St Mary's Tardun Farm School.
67725: PLUECKHAHN, Vernon D. - Ethics, Legal Medicine and Forensic Pathology.
74748: PLUMMER, Alfred & EARLY, Richard E. - The Blanket Makers, 1669-1969, A History of Charles Early & Marriott (Witney) Ltd.
48037: PLUMPTREE, George. SWANTON, E.W. ed. - Homes of Cricket. The First-Class Grounds of England & Wales.
76257: PLUMWOOD, Val. - Feminism and the Mastery of Nature.
58401: PLUTARCH. RUSSELL, D.A. - Plutarch.
76105: PLUTO. MEDAWAR, Peter. - Pluto's Republic: Incorporating The Art of the Soluble and Induction and Intuition in Scientific Thought.
69295: PO-I, Tsao ed. - China Forum. Volume III, No. 2, July 1976.
71127: POCKLINGTON, Joe. - Pharaohs, Patriarchs, Egypt and the Exodus.
73576: POCOCK, Tom. - Breaking the Chains: The Royal Navy's War on White Slavery.
75919: PODGER, Andrew. - Directions in Australian Health Policy.
58504: PODGORECKI, Adam & WHELAN, Christopher J. eds. - Sociological Approaches to Law.
65044: POE. Allen, Michael. - Poe and the British Magazine Tradition.
70508: POEWE, Werner & LEES, Andrew J. eds. - 20 [ Twenty ] Years of Madopar: New Avenues.
72985: POGGIOLI, Renato. - The Phoenix and the Spider: A Book of Essays about some Russian Writers and their View of the Self.
65070: POHL, Frederik. - The Way The Future Was: A Memoir.
58538: POHL, Frederick J. - Like to the Lark: The Early Years of Shakespeare.
66729: POIRIER, Richard. - The Comic Sense of Henry James: A Study of the Early Novels.
62657: POIRIER, Philip P. - The Advent of the Labour Party.
68295: POISNER, A.M. & TRIFARO, J.M. eds. - The Secretory Process. Volume 2: The Electrophysiology of the Secretory Cell.
69025: POLAK, E. - Computational Methods in Optimization: A Unified Approach.
61897: POLE, J.R. - Slavery, Race and Civil War in America.
62585: POLEDNAK, Anthony P. - Racial and Ethnic Differences in Disease.
64380: POLGAR, Steven ed. - Population, Ecology, and Social Evolution.
60500: POLGAR, Steven ed. - Culture and Population: A Collection of Current Studies.
66363: POLLACK, Mark A. - The Engines of European Integration: Delegation, Agency, and Agency Setting in the E.U.
67608: POLLAK, J,K, & LEE, J. Wilson. - The Biochemistry of Gene Expression in Higher Organisms: The Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the International Union of Biochemistry, the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Biochemical Society.
69074: POLLARD, J.H. - Mathematical Models for the Growth of Human Populations.
67740: POLLARD, J.H. - Mathematical Models for the Growth of Human Populations.
67082: POLLARD, Andrew, and FILER, Ann. - The Social World of Pupil Career: Strategic Biographies through Primary School.
58346: POLLARD, Morris ed. - Antiviral Mechanisms: Perspectives in Virology IX.
51963: POLLARD, Ian A. - Financial Engineering. Philosophies and Precedents.
71363: POLLITT, Christopher & BOUCKAERT, Geert. - Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis.
56235: POLLOCK, Bruce ed. - Popular Music: An Annotated Index of American Popular Songs. Volume 7, 1970-1974.
75344: POLMAR, Norman, WERTHEIM, Eric, BAHJAT, Andrew, & WATSON, Bruce. - Chronology of the Cold War at Sea: 1945-1991.
63131: POLOMKA, Peter ed. - The Security of Oceania in the 1990s. Vol. 2: Managing Changes.
52797: POLSBY, Nelson W. & WILDAVSKY, Aaron B. - Presidential Elections. Stratagies of American Electoral Politics.
70076: POLUNIN, Nicholas ed. - Population and Global Security.
72051: POLYA, G. & SZEGO, G. - Aufgaben und Lehrsatze aus der Analysis. Erster Band: Reihen; Integralrechnung; Funktionentheorie. Zweiter Band: Funktionentheorie; Nullstellen; Polynome; Determinanten; Zahlentheorie.
64708: POMFRET, Richard. - Asian Economies in Transition: Reforming Centrally Planned Economies.
68927: PONDER, Stephen. - Managing the Press: Origins of the Media Presidency, 1897-1933.
63480: PONKSHE, G.R. - In Quest of a Shadow: The Indian Economic Scene.
60789: PONTRYAGIN, L.S., POSTNIKOV, M.M., WU, Wen-sun et al. - American Mathematical Society Translations. Series 2. Volume 11.
72866: POOLE, Millicent E. & LANGAN-FOX, Janice. - Australian Women and Careers: Psychological and Contextual Influences Over the Life Course.
63092: POOLE, Michael. - Workers' Participation in Industry.
62914: POOLE, Michael. - Theories of Trade Unionism: A Sociology of Industrial Relations.
59071: POOLE, Michael. - Theories of Trade Unionism: A Sociology of Industrial Relations.
52173: POOLE, Reginald Lane. - Illustrations of the History of Medieval Thought and Learning. Second edition, Revised.
67473: POPE. SHERBURN, George. - The Early Career of Alexander Pope.
75427: POPE. BROWNELL, Morris R. - Alexander Pope and the Arts of Georgian England.
59332: POPKIN, D.R. & PEDDLE, L.J. eds. - Women's Health Today: Perspectives on Current Research and Clinical Practice. The Proceedings of the XIV World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Montreal, September 1994.
67426: POPOV, Egor P. - Introduction to Mechanics of Solids.
52920: POPOV, Yuri. SDOBNIKOV, Yuri trans. - Essays in Political Economy. Imperialism and the Developing Countries.
70188: POPPER. JAMES, Roger. - Return to Reason: Popper's Thought in Public Life.
59316: POPPERWELL, Ronald G. - The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies.
61724: POPPINO, Rollie. - International Communism in Latin America: A History of the Movement 1917-1963.
75649: PORSCHE. CLARKE, R.M. ed. - Porsche 914: 1969 - 1975.
75650: PORSCHE. CLARKE, R.M. ed. - Porsche 928 Performance Portfolio: 1977-1994.
73268: LA PORTE, Todd R. ed. - Social Responses to Large Technical Systems. Control or Anticipation.
75398: PORTER. NANCE, William L. - Katherine Anne Porter and the Art of Rejection.
73030: PORTER, Clive W. ed. - The Journal of the Cricket Society. Spring 1994. Volume 16, Number 4.
73029: PORTER, Clive W. ed. - The Journal of the Cricket Society. Autumn 1993. Volume 16, Number 3.
73028: PORTER, Clive W. ed. - The Journal of the Cricket Society. Spring 1993. Volume 16, Number 2.
73027: PORTER, Clive W. ed. - The Journal of the Cricket Society. Spring 1996. Volume 17, Number 4.
73026: PORTER, Clive W. ed. - The Journal of the Cricket Society. Spring 1995. Volume 17, Number 2.
68848: PORTER-O'GRADY, Tim. - Nursing Finance: Budgeting Strategies for a New Age.
68175: PORTER, R. ed. - Studies In Neurophysiology Presented to A.K. McIntyre.
67796: PORTER, Ruth & COLLINS, Geralyn M. eds. - Brush Border Membranes. Ciba Foundation Symposium 95.
64813: PORTER, Michael G. ed. - The Australian Monetary System in the 1970s.
64660: PORTER, Michael G. ed. - The Australian Monetary System in the 1970s.
60176: PORTER, Kirk H. & JOHNSON, Donald Bruce eds. - National Party Platforms 1840-1964.
58944: PORTER, B. - Britain and the Rise of Communist China: A Study of British Attitudes.
75196: PORTER, Roy. - Bodies Politic: Disease, Death and Doctors in Britain, 1650-1900.
76441: PORTER, T.M. ed. - Hydrothermal Iron Oxide Copper-Gold and Related Deposits: A Global Perspective. Volumes 1 and 2.
52994: PORTER, Dorothy B. - The Negro in the United States. A Working Bibliography.
51590: PORTER, Robert. - Four Contemporary Russian Writers.
48316: PORTER, Roger B. - Presidential Decision Making. The Economic Policy Board.
47810: PORTER, Eleanor H. - Pollyanna Grows Up.
58757: PORTES, Richard & SWOBODA, Alexander K eds. - Threats to International Financial Stability.
62876: PORTNEY, Paul R. ed. - Current Issues in U.S. Environmental Policy.
76389: POSERN-ZIELINSKI, Aleksander & MROZ, Lech eds. - Middle Grounds, Ambiguous Frontiers and Intercultural Spaces.
61930: POST, James E. - Risk and Response: Management and Social Change in the American Insurance Industry.
47824: VAN DER POST, Laurens. - The Lost World of the Kalahari.
60519: POSTGATE, J.R., KELLY, Donovan P., SEUBERT, Peter A. et al. - Sulphur in Biology.
60787: POSTNIKOV, M.M. & BOLTYANSKII, V.G. - American Mathematical Society Translations. Series 2. Volume 7.
71600: POTAS, Ivan & WALKER, John. - Sentencing the Federal Drug Offender: An Experiment in Computer-Aided Sentencing.
55104: POTASH, Robert A. - The Army and Politics in Argentina: 1928-1945.
65241: POTTER. MORSE, Jane Crowell (ed.). - Beatrix Potter's Americans: Selected Letters.
62694: POTTER, David C. - Government in Rural India: An Introduction to Contemporary District Administration.
60912: POTTER, Simeon. - Language in the Modern World.
60259: POTTER, Chandler E. - The Military History of the State of New-Hampshire, From Its Settlement, in 1623, to the Rebellion, in 1861: Comprising an Account of the Stirring Events Connected Therewith; Biographical Notices of Many of the Officers Distinguished Therein: And Notes Explanatory of the Text. Two Parts in One Volume.
48103: POTTER, Jack M. - Capitalism and the Chinese Peasant. Social and Economic Change in a Hong Kong Village.
64734: POTTS, M., JANOWITZ, B. & FORTNEY, J.A. eds. - Childbirth in Developing Countries.
69057: POTZ, Dr. Richard, CRAWFORD, Prof. James eds et al. - Law and Anthropology. Internationales Jahrbuch fur Rechtsanthropologie. 2 - 1987. Int. Acad. of Comparative Law, 12th Congress, Session A.1: The Aborigine in Comparative Law.
72885: POULANTZAS, Nicos. FERNBACH, David trans. - Classes in Contemporary Capitalism.
62862: POULANTZAS, Nicos. FERNBACH, David trans. - Classes in Contemporary Capitalism.
73354: POULENC, Francis. [ Francois ]. - Dialogues of the Carmelites. An Opera in 3 Acts and 12 Scenes. [ Dialogues des Carmelites].
73284: POULIN, R. MORAND, S. & SKORPING, A. (eds.) - Evolutionary Biology of Host-Parasite Relationships: Theory Meets Reality
75291: POULTON, Emma & RODERICK, Martin eds. - Sport in Films.
64844: POUND. RUTHVEN, K.K. - A Guide to Ezra Pound's Personae (1926).
54571: POUND. DAVIS, Earle. - Vision Fugitive: Ezra Pound and Economics.
42544: POUPARD, James A., WALSH, Lori R. & KLEGER, Bruce ed. - Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing. Critical Issues for the 90s. Advances in Expermental Medicine and Biology Volume 349.
72734: POWELL, J.M. - Mirrors of the New World: Images and Image-Makers in the Settlement Process.
71692: POWELL, Jim. - The Gnomes of Tokyo: The Positive Impact of Foreign Investment in North America.
71310: POWELL, J.M. - Mirrors of the New World: Images and Image-Makers in the Settlement Process.
64929: POWELL, Milton B. (ed.). - The Voluntary Church. American Religious Life, 1740-1860, Seen Through the Eyes of European Visitors.
64669: POWELL, J.M. & WILLIAMS, M. eds. - Australian Space, Australian Time: Geographical Perspectives.
63524: POWELL, J.M. ed. - Yeomen and Bureaucrats: The Victorian Crown Lands Commission, 1878-79.
62054: POWELL, Donald M. - The Peralta Grant: James Addison Reavis and the Barony of Arizona.
60069: POWELL, J.M. ed. - Yeomen and Bureaucrats: The Victorian Crown lands Commission, 1878-79.
58991: POWELL, Walter W. - Getting Into Print: The Decision-Making Process in Scholarly Publishing.
58327: POWELL, J.M. - Mirrors of the New World: Images and Image-Makers in the Settlement Process.
54270: POWELL, J.M. - An Historical Geography of Modern Australia: The Restive Fringe.
68443: POWELSON, John P. - Centuries of Economic Endeavor: Parallel Paths in Japan and Europe and Their Contrast With the Third World.
74338: POWER, Eileen. - Medieval English Nunneries. c.1275 to 1535.
61892: POWER, John & NELSON, Helen eds. - The Regional Administrator in the Riverina: A Set of Working Papers.
48137: POWER, Helen. - A Lute With Three Strings.
54568: POWYS. ELWIN, Malcolm. - The Life of Llewelyn Powys.
63150: VAN PRAAG, Bernard M.S. - Individual Welfare Functions and Consumer Behavior: A Theory of Rational Irrationality.
58755: PRACHOWNY, Martin F.J. - Money in the Macroeconomy.
48969: PRACHOWNY, Martin F.J. - Working in the Macroeconomy: A Study of the US Labor Market.
68702: PRADHAN, Gajendra Mani. - Transit of Land Locked Countries and Nepal.
56793: PRAG, Dr. A.J.N.W. ed. CATLING, H.W., MITCHELL, S., MCNICOLL, A.W. - Archaeological Reports for 1978-79. No. 25.
56792: PRAG, Dr. A.J.N.W. ed. CATLING, H.W., CADOGAN, et al. - Archaeological Reports for 1977-78. No. 24.
76169: PRAGER, M.W. - Memorial des Sciences Mathematiques. Fascicule LXXXVII. Mecanique des solides isotropes au dela du domaine elastique.
65434: PRAIS, S.J. - Productivity and Industrial Structure: A Statistical Study of Manufacturing Industry in Britain, Germany and the United States.
75481: PRAJNANANANDA, Swami. - Music: Its Form, Function and Value.
58257: PRAKASH, Shri & CHOWDHURY, Sumitra. - Expenditure on Education: Theory, Models and Growth.
57982: PRAKASH, Shri & CHOWDHURY, Sumitra. - Expenditure on Education: Theory, Models and Growth.
48806: PRANDOLINI, L.J. ed. - Proceedings of Shipshape 2000. Tenth International Maritime and Shipping Symposium.
63401: PRANGER, Robert J. ed. - Detente and Defense: A Reader.
59799: PRASAD, Prof. L. - Indian National Movement.
70173: PRATIKNYA, Ahmad Watik, JUORO, Umar & SAMEGO, Indria eds. - Reform in Indonesia: Vision and Achievements of B.J. Habibie. Volume 1: Economic and Political Reforms.
70174: PRATIKNYA, Ahmad Watik, JUORO, Umar & SAMEGO, Indria eds. - Reform in Indonesia: Vision and Achievements of B.J. Habibie. Volume 1: Economic and Political Reforms.
48241: PRATTEN, Garth & HARPER, Glyn ed. - Still the Same. Reflections on Active Service from Bardia to Baidoa.
72205: DU PRE. EASTON, Carol. - Jacqueline du Pre: A Biography.
69428: DU PRE. EASTON, Carol. - Jacqueline du Pre: A Biography.
67999: PRECHT, W. - Neuronal Operations in the Vestibular System.
58013: PRECOTT, David M. - Reproduction of Eukaryotic Cells.
66310: PREECE, N., VAN OOSTERZEE, P. et al. - Two Way Track. Biodiversity Conservation and Ecotourism: An Investigation of Linkages, Mutual Benefits and Future Opportunities.
67265: PREEG, Ernest H. with LEVINE, Joanthan D. - Cuba and the New Caribbean Economic Order.
58240: PREEG, Ernest H. - Traders and Diplomats: An Analysis of the Kennedy Round of Negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
53409: FORD PREFECT. - The New Prefect Instruction Book.
72505: PREISER, W.F. ed. - Building Evaluation.
58321: PREMACK, David. - Gavagai ! or The Future History of the Animal Language Controversy.
69685: PREMI, Mahendra K. - The Demographic Situation in India.
68723: PREMI, Mahendra K. & TOM, Judith Ann L. - City Characteristics, Migration, and Urban Development Policies in India.
52855: PRENTICE, Ann E. - Financial Planning for Libraries.
61460: PRENTISS, Stan. - Television From Analog to Digital.
70594: PRESCOTT, J.R.V., COLLIER, H.J. & PRESCOTT, D.F. - Frontiers of Asia and Southeast Asia.
54102: PRESCOTT, William Hickling, GARDINER, C. Harvey ed. - The Papers of William Hickling Prescott.
53160: PRESCOTT, J.R.V. - Boundaries and Frontiers.
72399: PRESS, Irwin. - The City As Context: Urbanism and Behavioral Constraints in Seville.
71949: PRESS, Tony, LEA, David, WEBB, Ann & GRAHAM, Alistair eds. - Kakadu: Natural and Cultural Heritage and Management.
69752: PRESS, S. James. - Applied Multivariate Analysis.
62951: PRESSAT, Roalnd. WILSON, Christopher ed. - The Dictionary of Demography.
71372: PRESSLEY, Michael. - Reading Instruction That Works: The Case for Balanced Teaching.
56339: PRESSMAN, Jeffrey L. - Federal Programs and City Politics: The Dynamics of the Aid Process in Oakland.
64801: PREST, W. & MATHEWS, R.L. eds. - The Development of Australian Fiscal Federalism: Selected Readings.
58345: PREST, W. & MATHEWS, R.L. eds. - The Development of Australian Fiscal Federalism: Selected Readings.
56541: PREST, John. - Balliol Studies.
54051: PRESTAGE, Edgar ed. - Chivalry: A Series of Studies to Illustrate Its Historical Signficance and Civilizing Influence.
59788: PRESTHUS, Robert. - Elites in the Policy Process.
70136: PRESTON, Ivan L. - The Great American Blow-Up: Puffery in Advertising and Selling.
62820: PRESTON, A.J. & PAGAN, A.R. - The Theory of Economic Policy: Statics and Dynamics.
61013: PRESTON, Richard A. - The Influence of the United States on Canadian Development: Eleven Case Studies.
47639: PRESTON, Ivan L. - The Tangled Web They Weave. Truth, Falsity & Advertisers.
74440: PRICE, F.A.E.,SYLVA, K.J. Alex et al. - Orchidologia Zeylanica. The Quarterly Bulletin of the Orchid Circle of Ceylon. Volume III. March 1936. No. 1.
64038: PRICE, Richard H. & POLITSER, Peter E. - Evaluation and Action in the Social Environment.
61494: PRICE, Roger. - The Economic Modernisation of France: 1730-1880.
61323: PRICE, Charles ed. - Greeks in Australia.
60425: PRICE, A. Grenfell. - The Western Invasions of the Pacific and Its Continents: A Study of Moving Frontiers and Changing Landscapes, 1513-1958.
58150: PRICE, A. Grenfell. - The Western Invasions of the Pacific and Its Continents: A Study of Moving Frontiers and Changing Landscapes, 1513-1958.
57095: PRICE, Don K. - The Scientific Estate.
56061: PRICE, Paxton P. ed. - International Book and Library Activities: The History of a U.S. Foreign Policy.
55847: PRICE, Charles ed. - Greeks in Australia.
75451: PRICE, Eric T. - Pauline Tulloch Price: Young Women's Christian Association Secretary.
51390: PRICE, Ronald F. - Marx and Education in Russia and China.
75240: PRICE, Monroe E. & THOMPSON, Mark eds. - Forging Peace: Intervention, Human Rights and the Management of Media Space.
55280: PRIDHAM, B.R. ed. - The Arab Gulf and the Arab World.
53165: PRIDHAM, Geoffrey. - Christian Democracy in Western Germany: The CDU/CSU in Government and Opposition, 1945-1976.
55193: PRIESTLEY, Susan. - Bush Nursing in Victoria: 1910-1985. The First 75 Years.
73014: PRIETULA, Michael J., CARLEY, Kathleen M. & GASSER, Les eds. - Simulating Organizations: Computational Models of Institutions and Groups.
60363: PRIGMORE, Charles S. - Social Work in Iran Since the White Revolution.
49057: PRINDLE, David F. - Petroleum Politics and the Texas Railroad Commission.
72482: PRIOR, Moody E. - Science and the Humanities.
67035: PRIOR, Mike (ed.). - The Popular and the Political: Essays on Socialism in the 1980s.
63311: PRITCHARD, Sarah. - The United Nations Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: An Analysis.
42385: PRITCHARD, R.M. - Housing and the Spatial Structure of the City. Residential Mobility and the Housing Market in an English City Since the Industrial Revolution.
73177: PROBYN, J.W. ed. - Local Government and Taxation ( Cobden Club Essays 1875 ).
74042: PROCHASKA, Frank. - Royal Bounty: The Making of a Welfare Monarchy.
56539: PRODAN, D. - Supplex Libellus Valachorum or The Political Struggle of the Romanians in Transylvania During the 18th Century.
61994: AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION. - Animal Production in Australia. Volume 17. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production. Seventeenth Biennial Conference.
61399: AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION. - Animal Production in Australia. Volume 16. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production. Sixteenth Biennial Conference.
61398: AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION. - Animal Production in Australia. Volume 18. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production. Eighteenth Biennial Conference.
61384: AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION. - Animal Production in Australia. Volume 13. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production. Thirteenth Biennial Conference.
61383: AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION. - Animal Production in Australia. Volume 16. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production. Sixteenth Biennial Conference.
73716: THE CHALLENGES PROJECT. - Challenges of Peace Operations: Into the 21st Century. Concluding Report 1997-2002.
58812: PROLLA, J.B. ed. - Approximation Theory and Functional Analysis. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, August 1-5, 1977.
75867: PROSS, Christian. COOPER, Belinda trans. - Paying for the Past: The Struggle over Reparations for Surviving Victims of the Nazi Terror.
53862: PROTHERO, R. Mansell ed. - A Geography of Africa. Regional Essays on Fundamental Characteristics, Issues and Problems.
73007: PROTSCH, Reiner R.R. - Catalog of Fossil Hominids of North America.
56302: PROTT, Lyndell V. - The Latent Power of Culture and the International Judge.
53157: PROUST. ROGERS, B.G. - Proust's Narrative Techniques.
53156: PROUST. ROGERS, B.G. - Proust's Narrative Techniques.
69884: PROYART, Abbe (Liévain-Bonaventure). - Histoire de Loango, Kakongo, et Autres Royaumes d'Afrique; Rédigée d'après les Mémoires des Préfets Apostoliques de la Mission française; enrichie d'une Carte utile aux Navigateurs: Dediee a Monsieur.
42424: PRUDE, Jonathan. - The Coming of Industrial Order. Town and Factory Life in Rural Massachusetts 1810 - 1860.
74644: PRYOR, Frederic L. - The Red and the Green: The Rise and Fall of Collectivizes Agriculture in Marxist Regimes.
64366: PRYOR, Robin J. ed. - Migration and Development in South-East Asia: A Demographic Perspective.
54344: PU-YU, Hu. - A Brief History of the Chinese National Revolutionary Forces.
76040: MAZDA. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS. - Mazda 1500 1800 With Specifications repair and Maintenance Data Covering Sedan, SS Sedan, Station Wagon. Scientific Publications' Workshioop Manual Series No 90
75431: HI-DESIGN PUBLISHING ED. - Corporate and Commercial Landscape.
73366: PUCCINI, Giacomo. - Gianni Schicchi. Opera inun Atto di Giovacchino Forzano.
73363: PUCCINI, Giacomo. ADAMI, G. and SIMONI, R. Libretto - Manon Lescaut. Dramma lirico in quattro atti.
73330: PUCCINI, Giacomo. ADAMI, G. and SIMONI, R. Libretto - Turandot. Lyric Drama in Three Acts and Five Scenes.
64100: PUGH, Cedrid. - Intergovernmental Relations and the Development of Australian Housing Policies.
69630: PULLAR, W.A., HEWITT, S.R. & HINE, J.C. - Soils and Land Use of Whakatane Borough and Environs, Bay of Plenty.
48576: PULSFORD, R.L. & CAWTE, J. - Health in a Developing Country. Principles of Medical Anthropology in Melanesia.
68132: PUNGOR, Prof E. ed. - Ion-Selective Electrodes. Symposium held at Matafured, Hungary, 23-25 October, 1972.
61556: PUNGOR, Prof. E. - Ion-Selective Electrodes, 3. Third Symposium Held At Matrafured, Hungary, 13-15 October 1980.
71265: PUNIN, M. Yu. - Intestinal Regulatory System of Invertebrates and Its Possible Evolution in Metazoa.
74744: PURCELL, P.G. & R.R. eds. - The Sedimentary Basins of Western Australia.
74743: PURCELL, P.G. & R.R. eds. - The Sedimentary Basins of Western Australia.
71498: PURCELL, Peter G. ed. - The Canning Basin, W.A.
60112: PURCELL, Maureen. - Papal Crusading Policy: The Chief Instruments of Papl Crusading Policy and Crusade to the Holy Land from the Final Loss of Jerusalem to the Fall of Acre.
75150: PURCELL, P.G. & R.R. eds. - The North West Shelf Australia.
75191: PURCHASE, D. - Eighteenth Annual Report of the Australian Bird-banding Scheme, July 1971 to June 1972.
59764: PURDY, Ken W. - Motorcars of the Golden Past. One Hundred Rare and Exciting Vehicles from Harrah's Automobile Collection.
67816: PURI, Madan Luri ed. - Nonparametric Techniques in Statistical Inference.
76410: PURTELL, Simon. - Tuning the Antipodes: Battles for Performing Pitch in Melbourne.
71358: PURVES, David. - Trace-Element Contamination of the Environment.
74793: PUSEY, Michael. - The Experience of Middle Australia: The Dark Side of Economic Reform.
73506: PUSEY, Michael. - The Experience of Middle Australia: The Dark Side of Economic Reform.
57978: PUSHPARAJAH, E. & AMIN, L.L. eds. - Soils Under Hevea in Peninsular Malaysia and Their Management.
64970: PUTMAN, Stephen H. - Urban Residential Location Models.
63071: PUTMAN, Stephen H. - Urban Residential Location Models.
53082: PYNSENT, Robert B. & KANIKOVA, S.I. ed. - Reader's Encyclopedia of Eastern European Literature.
75658: QAISAR, Ahsan Jan. - The Indian Response to European Technology and Culture (A.D. 1498-1707).
68448: QUADE, E.S. and, BOUCHER, W.I. eds. - Systems Analysis and Policy Planning: Applications in Defense.
62959: QUAGLIARIELLO, E. ed. - Horizons in Biochemistry and Biophysics. Volume 2.
62958: QUAGLIARIELLO, E. ed. - Horizons in Biochemistry and Biophysics. Volume 1.
74321: QUAH, Jon S.T. - Public Administration Singapore Style.
63613: QUAIFE, Milo Milton ed. - The Southwestern Expedition of Zebulon M. Pike.
74758: QUAM, Louis O. (Editor) - Research in the Antarctic.
69008: QUANDT, Richard E. - The Collected Essays of Richard E. Quandt. Volume II.
52560: QUANDT, William B. - Between Ballots and Bullets. Algeria's Transition from Authoritarianism.
53756: QUARTERMAIN, James. - The Diamond Hook.
74697: QUELCH, John A., LAIDLER-KYLANDER, Nathalie. - The New Global Brands: Managing Non-Government Organzations in the 21st Century.
55110: QUESTER, George H. - Nuclear Diplomacy: The First Twenty-Five Years.
74322: QUEZEL, Pierre Dr. - Mission Botanique au Tibesti.
74612: QUIATT, Duane & ITANI, Junichiro eds. - Hominid Culture in Primate Perspective.
68050: QUIBRIA, M.G. ed. - Critical Issues in Asian Development Theories, Experiences and Policies.
67819: QUIBRIA, M.G. ed. - The Bangladesh Economy in Transition.
75647: QUICK, Graeme R. - Australian Tractors: Indigenous Tractors and Self Propelled Machines in Rural Australia.
57729: QUIGLEY, Kevin F. - For Democracy's Sake: Foundations and Democracy Assistance in Central Europe.
64829: QUIGLY, Isabel. - The Heirs of Tom Brown. The English School Story.
60450: QUINE. SHAHAN, Robert W. & SWOYER, Chris eds. - Essays on the Philosophy of W.V. Quine.
74479: QUINN, Alison M and QUINN, David B. (Ed) - The English New England Voyages, 1602-1608.
73276: QUINN, D.B. ed. - The Hakluyt Handbook Volume II.
68981: QUINN. SUENENS, Leon-Joseph. - Edel Quinn. Envoy of the Legion of Mary in Africa: A Heroine of the Apostolate (1907-1944).
65931: QUINN, T.J. (ed.). - Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. Volume 3, Number 1, August 1980.
60908: QUINN, Dennis P. - Dynamic Markets and Industrial Mutation.
68310: QUINTON, Paul M., MARTINEZ, J. Ricardo & HOPFER, Ulrich eds. - Fluid and Electrolyte Abnormalities in Exocrine Glands in Cystic Fibrosis.
52403: RAABE, Wilhelm. - Trilogie. Der Hungerpastor, Ubu Zelfan, Der Schdderump.
69064: RABBINGE, R., WARD, S.A. & VAN LAAR, H.H. eds. - Simulation and Systems Management in Crop Protection.
56673: RABINOVICH, Itamar. - The Road Not Taken: Early Arab-Israeli Negotiations.
47603: RABINOW, Paul. - Making PCR. A Story of Biotechnology.
59046: RABOW, Jerome ed. - Sociology, Students and Society.
72032: RACHAL, Patricia. - Federal Narcotics Enforcement: Reorganization and Reform.
74705: RACHELS, James. - Created from Animals: The Moral Implications of Darwinism.
64510: RACHIE, Kenneth O. - Millets and Minor Cereals: A Bibliography of the World Literature on Millets pre-1930 and 1964-69; and of All Literature on Other Minor Cereals.
72691: RADANO, Ronald M. - New Musical Figurations: Anthony Braxton's Cultural Critique.
74562: RADCLIFFE, Richard & JAMES, John. EVANS, Margaret ed. - Letters of Richard Radcliffe and John James of Queen's College, Oxford 1755-83.
72980: RADCLIFFE-BROWN, A.R. - Structure and Function in Primitive Society. Essays and Addresses.
59636: RADCLIFFE-BROWN, A.R. - Structure and Function in Primitive Society. Essays and Addresses.
69782: RADELET, Michael L. ed. - Facing the Death Penalty: Essays on a Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
60987: RADETZKI, Marian. - International Commodity Market Arrangements: A Study of the Effects of Post-War Commodity Arrangements and Compensatory Finance Schemes.
74683: RADFORD, Robin. - Highlanders and Foreigners in the Upper Ramu: The Kainantu Area, 1919-1942.
63636: RADFORD, W.C. et al. - Review of Education in Australia: 1955-1962.
74311: RADI, Heather, SPEARRITT, Peter & HINTON, Elizabeth. - Biographical Register of the New South Wales Parliament, 1901-70.
72630: RADI, Heather, SPEARRITT, Peter & HINTON, Elizabeth. - Biographical Register of the New South Wales Parliament, 1901-70.
59526: RADICE, Giles. - The New Germans.
55081: RADINE, Lawrence B. - The Taming of the Troops: Social Control in the United States Army.
73344: RADMANOVICH, M. & WOODCOCK, J.T. eds. - Broken Hill Mines 1968. 75th Anniversary. Monograph Series Number 3.
66743: RADZIALOWSKI, Frederick M. (ed.). - Hypertension Research: Methods and Models.
58998: RAE, Leslie. - The Skills of Human Relations Training: A Guide for Managers and Practitioners.
75888: RAE, Lou. - A History of Railways and Tramways on Tasmania's West Coast.
74989: RAEFF, Marc. GOLDHAMMER, Arthur trans. - Understanding Imperial Russia: State and Society in the Old Regime.
65184: RAFFEL, Burton. - The Development of Modern Indonesian Poetry.
55295: RAFFERTY, Jackie, STEYAERT, Jan, & COLOMBI, David ed. - Human Services in the Information Age.
53216: RAFN, Charles Christian. - Extracts from Remarks by Charles Christian Rafn, On a Danish Runic Stone, From the Eleventh Century, Found in the Central Part of London.
75438: RAGHAVAN, V. - Embryogenesis in Angiosperms: A Developmental and Experimental Study.
66698: RAGHUVANSHI, V.P.S. - Indian Society in the Eighteenth Century.
66175: RAGHUVANSHI, V.P.S. - Indian Society in the Eighteenth Century.
64800: RAGHUVANSHI, V.P.S. - Indian Society in the Eighteenth Century.
64597: RAGHUVANSHI, V.P.S. - Indian Society in the Eighteenth Century.
64028: RAGHUVANSHI, V.P.S. - Indian Society in the Eighteenth Century.
76239: RAGLAN, Lord et al. - The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 87, Part II. July-December, 1957.
76462: RAIL, Genevieve ed. - Sport and Postmodern Times.
51629: RAILROADS. - Railroad Maps. The West.
73388: RAINY, Robert. - Church and State Chiefly in Relation to Scotland.
52114: RAIS, Rasul B. - The Indian Ocean and the Superpowers.
53159: RAJ, Mulkh & NIENTIED, Peter ed. - Housing and Income in Third World Urban Development.
75632: RAJAGOPALAN, Sudha. - Indian Films in Soviet Cinemas: The Culture of Movie-Going After Stalin.
55749: RAJALA, Richard A. - Clearcutting the Pacific Rain Forest: Production, Science and Regulation.
64498: RAJSFUS, Maurice. - La Police de Vichy: Les Forces de l'ordre francaises au Service de la Gestapo 1940-1944.
56327: RAJU, Alluri Sreerama. - Modern Indian Humanism: A Study with Refernce to the Works of Raja Rammohun Roy, Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore, S. Radhakrishnan and M.N. Roy.
63263: RAKOVER, Nahum ed. - Jewish Law and Current Legal Problems.
74484: RALEGH, Walter Sir. WHITEHEAD, Neil L. trans. - The Discoverie of the Large, Rich and Bewtiful Empyre of Guiana.
75206: RALSTON, Caroline. - Grass Huts and Warehouses: Pacific Beach Communities of the Nineteenth Century.
52111: RAM, Th. J.J. - Psychologische Astrologie. Systematische Verklaring van den Geboorte-Horoskoop.
67872: RAMAGE, Douglas E. - Politics in Indonesia: Democracy, Islam and the Ideology of Tolerance.
70675: RAMALEY, Judith A. - Covert Discrimination and Women in the Sciences.
73408: RAMANATHAIYER, Sundara & MACPHERSON, Stewart. - Social Development in Kerala: Illusion or Reality?
67408: RAMANAUSKAITE, Liudvika. BARTENEV, Igor ed. KING, Michelle & STERNE, Helen trans. - Modern Lithuanian Stained Glass.
67234: RAMAZANI, Jahan. - The Hybrid Muse: Postcolonial Poetry in English.
61315: RAMET, Sabrina P. - Social Currents in Eastern Europe: The Sources and Meaning of the Great Transformation.
60353: RAMET, Sabrina P. - Social Currents in Eastern Europe: The Sources and Meaning of the Great Transformation.
56293: RAMET, Sabrina P. - Social Currents in Eastern Europe: The Sources and Meaning of the Great Transformation.
48851: RAMIREZ, Susan Elizabeth. - The World Upside Down. Cross-Cultural Contact and Conflict in Sixteenth-Century Peru.
47560: RAMIREZ-MUNOZ, Juan. - Atomic-Absorption Spectroscopy and Analysis by Atomic-Absorption Flame Photometry.
67753: RAMNATH, Thangam ed. - The Emerging Regional Security Architecture in the Asia-Pacifc Region. Papers presented at the Ninth Asia-Pacific Roundtable, Kuala Lumpur, June 5-8, 1995.
74147: RAMSAY, Grace. - The Life of Bishop Grant: First Bishop of Southwark.
66226: RAMSAY, Diana. - Deadly Discretion.
72459: RAMSBOTTOM, J., BARNES, B.F. & WORMALD, H. eds. - Transactions of the The British Mycological Society Volume XXI [ 21 ].
72458: RAMSBOTTOM, J., BARNES, B.F. & WORMALD, H. eds. - Transactions of the The British Mycological Society Volume XX [ 20 ].
73961: RAMSEY, Lee C. - Chivalric Romances: Popular Literature in Medieval England.
59445: RANCE, Nicholas. - The Historical Novel and Popular Politics in Nineteenth-Century England.
67472: RAND, Ayn. PEIKOFF, Leonard ed. - The Voice of Reason: Essays in Objectivist Thought.
74173: RANDALL, Dale B.J. - The Golden Tapestry. A Critical Study of Non-chivalric Spanish Fiction in English Translation (1543-1657).
67084: RANDALL, J.G. - Lincoln the President. Volume 3: Midstream.
67083: RANDALL, J.G., and CURRENT, Richard N. - Lincoln the President. Volume 4: Last Full Measure.
55742: RANDIER, Jean. - Nautical Antiques for the Collector.
76417: RANEY, Carolyn ed. - College Music Symposium. Journal of the College Music Society. Volume Eighteen, Number Two. Fall 1978.
57897: RANKAMA, Kalervo ed. - The Geologic Systems: The Precambrian. Volumes 1 - 4.
59901: RANKIN, Robert ed. - Recovery of Spirit in Higher Education: Christian and Jewish Ministires in Campus Life.
58358: RANNEY, Austin ed. - The American Elections of 1984.
54372: RANNEY, Austin ed. - Political Science and Public Policy.
65198: RANSOM, Harry Huntt. - The Other Texas Frontier.
55668: RANSOM, Robert. - Computers and Embryos: Models in Developmental Biology.
49048: RANSOM, Roger L. & SUTCH, Richard. - One Kind of Freedom. The Economic Consequences of Emancipation.
75010: RANSON, Stewart & STEWART, John. - Management for the Public Domain: Enabling the Learning Society.
70063: RAO, B. BHASKARA ed. - Essays in Economics: In Honour of Professor J.W. Nevile Presented to Him on His Retirement.
69085: RAO, Dr Purnima & SAWANT, Dr. S.T. eds. - New Economic Policy: Problems and Alternatives.
67876: RAO, R.V. - Small Industries and the Developing Economy in India.
62311: RAO, M. Govinda & SEN, Tapas K. - Fiscal Federalism in India: Theory and Practice.
76210: RAO, G. Krishna. - Geochemistry and Genesis of the Bauxite Deposits of Shevaroy and Kolli Hills, Salem Distric, South India.
73010: RAPAPORT, David trans. and commentary. - Organization and Pathology of Thought: Selected Sources.
64983: RAPHAEL, Dana ed. - Breastfeeding and Food Policy in a Hungry World.
58081: RAPHAEL, Dana ed. - Breastfeeding and Food Policy in a Hungry World.
48442: RAPHAEL. - Raphael's Almanac or, The Prophetic Messenger and Weather Guide for 1935[-1939, 1941 & 1943] With Which is Incorporated Orion's & Zadkiel's Almanacs. Predictions of the Events and the Weather that will occur in each Month; Numerous Useful Tables; World Celebrities and Astrology.
75322: RAPIN, Isabelle ed. - Preschool Children with Inadequate Communication: Developmental Language Disorder, Autism, Low IQ.
68133: RAPOPORT, Robert N. ed. - Children, Youth, and Families: The Action-Research Relationship.
67059: RAPOPORT, Rhona, and RAPOPORT, Robert N., with STRELITZ, Ziona. - Leisure and the Family Life Cycle.
65197: RAPOPORT, Rhona and Robert N., and STRELITZ, Ziona. - Fathers, Mothers and Others: Towards New Alliances.
71081: RAPP, Charles A. & POERTNER, John. - Social Administration: A Client-Centered Approach.
64037: RAPP, George Jr. & GIFFORD, John A. eds. - Archaeological Geology.
54325: RAPPARD, William E. - Collective Security in Swiss Experience, 1291 - 1948.
68330: RAPPORT, Maurice M. & GORIO, Alfredo eds. - Gangliosides in Neurological and Neuromuscular Function, Development, and Repair.
56200: RASBAND, S. Neil. - Chaotic Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems.
60786: RASEVSKII, P.K.; DYNKIN, E.B. et al. - American Mathematical Society Translations. Series 2. Volume 6.
71846: RASMUSSEN, David W. - The Economic Anatomy of a Drug War: Criminal Justice in the Commons.
71614: RASPA, Anthony. - The Emotive Image: Jesuit Poetics in the English Renaissance.
75868: RASSER. TRIEBEL, L.H. - Rasser of Asace.
58158: RASTOGI, P.N. - Productivity, Innovation, Management and Development: A Study in the Productivity Cultures of Nations and System Renewal.
62007: RATCHFORD, B.U. - Public Expenditures in Australia.
61497: RATCHFORD, B.U. - Public Expenditures in Australia.
61451: RATCHFORD, B.U. - Public Expenditures in Australia.
60909: RATCLIFF, John & PAPWORTH, Neil. - Single Camera Stereo Sound.
68299: RATCLIFFE, N.A. & ROWLEY, A.F. eds. - Invertebrate Blood Cells. Volume 1: General Aspects, Animals Without True Circulatory Systems to Cephalopods.
54605: RATCLIFFE, T.A. - The Child and Reality: Lectures by a Child Psychiatrist.
56865: RAUCH, Jonathan. - The Outnation: A Search for the Soul of Japan.
73767: RAVEL, Maurice. - Bolero.
65718: RAVEN, Chr. P. - Oogenesis: The Storage of Developmental Information.
63093: RAVENHILL, John ed. - No Longer an American Lake?
54489: RAVENHILL, John ed. - No Longer an American Lake?
63581: VAN RAVENSWAAY, Charles. - The Story of Old Sturbridge Village.
68122: RAVICH, M. et al. - Dokembri Vostochnoi Antarktidy. [ Precambrian of Eastern Antarctica ].
64353: RAVICH, Samantha F. - Marketization and Democracy: East Asian Experiences.
70902: RAWSON, Don ed. - Blast, Budge Or Bypass: Towards a Social Democratic Australia.
65310: RAWSON, D.W., and HOLTZINGER, Susan M. - Politics in Eden-Monaro: The Personalities and the Campaigns.
40036: RAWSON, D.W. - Unions and Unionists in Australia.
72287: RAY, Ollie Mae. - Encyclopedia of Line Dances: The Steps That Came and Stayed.
68588: RAY, Graham H. & HUTCHINSON, Patrick J. - The Financing and Financial Control of Small Enterprise Development.
68517: RAY, Douglas & POONWASSIE, Deo H. eds. - Education and Cultural Differences: New Perspectives.
58067: RAY, Binayak. - India: Sustainable Development and Good Governance Issues. A Case for Radical Reassessment.
75450: RAY. RAVEN, C.E. - John Ray: Naturalist.
75840: RAYAN, Krishna. - Text and Sub-Text: Suggestion in Literature.
72795: RAYE, Don & SLACK, Freddie. HUDSON, Will arr. - The House of Blue Lights. Sheet Music.
71733: RAYMOND, Robert. - Out of the Box: An inside view of the coming of current affairs and documentaries to Australian television.
48592: RAYMOND, Diana. - The Dark Journey.
47737: RAYNOR, Henry. - Music & Society Since 1815.
67911: RAYWARD, R.J. - More than a Mere Bravo: Duntroon Slang 1930-1950.
59031: RAYWARD, W. Boyd ed. - Confronting the Future: University Libraries in the Next Decade.
69855: RAZAK, Mohd Najib Tun. - Asia-Pacific's Strategic Outlook: The Shifting of Paradigms.
72806: RE, Payson. HUDSON, Will arr. - Here Comes Mr. Jordan. Sheet Music.
74232: READ, Peter ed. - Settlement: A History of Australian Indigenous Housing.
71447: READ, William H. - America's Mass Media Merchants.
63205: READ, Margaret. - Culture Health and Disease. Social and Cultural Influences on Health Programmes in Developing Countries.
60376: READ, D.B. - The Lieutenant-Governors of Upper Canada and Ontario, 1792-1899.
57816: READ, Conyers. - Bibliography of British History: Tudor Period, 1485-1603.
75080: READE, Leslie. - The Ship That Stood Still: The Californian and her mysterious role in the Titanic disaster.
57507: READE, Eric. - History and Heartburn: The Saga of Australian Film 1896-1978.
71687: REAL, Michael R. - Super Media: A Cultural Studies Approach.
52188: REARDON, Kathleen Kelley. - Persuasion. Theory and Context.
55360: REBER, Bruce. - The United States Army and the Indian Wars in the Trans-Mississippi West, 1860-1898.
69950: RECHIGL, Miloslav Jr. ed. - CRC Handbook Series in Nutrition and Food, Section G. Diets, Culture Media and Food Supplements. Volume III: Culture Media for Cells, Organs and Embryos.
58379: REDDAWAY, W.B. - The Economics of a Declining Population.
61974: REDDIN, Bill. - The Output-Oriented Organization.
62036: REDFERN, Barrie. - Local Radio.
67635: REDFIELD, Robert. - The Little Community and Peasant Society and Culture.
67480: REDFORD, Emmette S. & BLISSETT, Marlan. - Organizing the Executive Branch: The Johnson Presidency.
67346: REDLINGER, Jacob F. et al. - Lessons from Dam Incidents, USA.
69889: VAN REE, Jan M. & TERENIUS, Lars eds. - Characteristics and Function of Opioids. Development in Neuroscience, Volume 4.
75504: REECE, Bob & STANNAGE, Tom eds. - European-Aboriginal Relations in Western Australia History.
74174: REED, Walter L. - An Exemplary History of the Novel: The Quixotic versus the Picaresque.
70804: REED, W.L. & BRISTOW, M.J. eds. - National Anthems of the World.
65556: REED, Michael I. - The Sociology of Organizations: Themes, Perspectives and Prospects.
65178: REED, Joseph W. - English Biography in the Early Nineteenth Century, 1801-1838.
64935: REED, R. (ed.). - Symposium On Printing.
60428: REED, Thomas Harrison. - Municipal Government in the United States.
58027: REED, H. Owen & LEACH, Joel T. - Scoring for Percussion and the Instruments of the Percussion Section.
56428: REED, David P. - Residential Fiber Optic Networks: An Engineering and Economic Analysis.
56074: REED, John & LOMAS, Gillian ed. - Psychiatric Services in the Community: Developments and Innovations.
53005: REED, Robert G. III & FESHARAKI, Fereidun ed. - The Oil Market in the 1990s: Challenges for the New Era. Essays in Honor of John K. Evans.
76107: REED, Russell D. & MARKS II, Robert J. - Neural Smithing: Supervised Learning in Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks.
70124: REEKIE, Gail. - Measuring Immorality: Social Inquiry and the Problem of Illegitimacy.
76379: REEKIE, Gail. - Measuring Immorality: Social Inquiry and the Problem of Illegitimacy.
59345: REEMAN, Douglas. - A Ship Must Die.
52319: REEMAN, Douglas. - In Danger's Hour.
64465: REES, Joan. - Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, 1554 - 1628. A Critical Biography.
60708: REES, J. Morgan. - Trusts in British Industry, 1914-1921: A Study of Recent Developments in Business Organisation.
54174: REES, Albert. - Striking a Balance: Making National Economic Policy.
53148: REES, Leslie. - A History of Australian Drama. Volume 2: Australian Drama, 1970 - 1985.
53147: REES, Leslie. - A History of Australian Drama. Volume 1: The making of Australian Drama, 1830s to 1960s.
51612: REES, Joan. - Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, 1554 - 1628. A Critical Biography.
69817: REESE, Ernst S. & LIGHTER, Frederick J. eds. - Contrasts in Behavior : Adaptations in the Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments.
75120: REEVE, Henry Fenwick. - The Black Republic: Liberia; Its Political and Social Conditions Today.
72992: REEVES, Geoffrey. - Communications and the Third World.
57094: REEVES, John & THOMSON, Kelvin eds. - Labor Essays 1983: Policies and Programs for the Labor Government.
48417: REEVES, Hubert. - Nuclear Reactions in Stellar Surfaces and their Relations with Stellar Evolution.
54837: REGAMEY, R.H. ed. - Vaccinations in the Developing Countries. Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the International Association of Biological Standardization.
54452: REGELBRUGGE, Marc E. - Smart Structures and Materials 1998: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems.
52252: REGENSBURG, Ephraim von. MUTIUS, Hans-Georg von ed. - Hymnen und Gebete.
73855: REGNAULT. DUPARC, Arthur. - Correspondance de Henri Regnault, Annotee et Recueillie par Arthur Duparc Suivie du Catalogue Complet de L'oeuvre de II. Regnault et ornee d'un Portrait Grae a L'Eau-Forte par M. Laguillermie d'apres une photographe de M. Berthaud.
57365: REGNIER, Phillipe. HURST, Christopher trans. - Singapore: City-State in South-East Asia.
60312: REHER, David Sven. - Town and Country in Pre-Industrial Spain: Cuenca, 1550-1870.
59872: REHER, David Sven. - Town and Country in Pre-Industrial Spain: Cuenca, 1550-1870.
73428: REHM, Rush. - Greek Tragic Theatre.
76125: REHN, James A.G. - The Grasshoppers and Locusts of Australia. Vol. III: Acrididae: Subfamily Cyrtacanthacridinae, Tribes Oxtini, Spathosterinini, and Praxibuluni.
76124: REHN, James A.G. - The Grasshoppers and Locusts of Australia. Vol. 1: Tetrigidae and Eumastacidae.
71488: REICH, Norbert ed. - Die Europaisierung des Arzneimittelmarktes - Chancen und Risiken. The Europeanisation of the Pharmaceutical Market - Chances and Risks. Le Marche Commun des Medicaments - Chances et Risques.
54282: REICH, Truda. - Susreti sa Suvremenim Kompozitorima Jugoslavije.
76153: REICH, Herbert J. & MCDOWELL, Louise S. eds. THE STAFF OF THE RADIO RESEARCH LABORATORY HARVARD UNIVERSITY. - Very High-Frequency Techniques. Volume I and II.
63505: REICHLEY, A. James ed. - Elections American Style.
74518: REICHS, Kathleen J. ed. - Hominid Origins: Inquiries Past and Present.
74860: REID, G.S. ed. - The Western Australian Elections, 1974.
71973: REID, Ralph and Amy. - Into History: A Guide to Historical, Genealogical, Family History and Heritage Societies, Groups and Organisations in Australia.
68485: REID, Richard. - Just Wanted to be There: Australian Service Nurses 1899-1999.
67881: REID, E. Emmet. - Chemistry through the Language Barrier: How to Scan Chemical Articles in Foreign Languages with Emphasis on Russian and Japanese.
65987: REID, Don, and BLADWELL, Frank (eds.). - Close-Up: Scripts From National Television's Second Decade.
62087: REID, R.L. ed. - Proceedings of the III World Conference on Animal Production.
52356: REID. BRYAN, Mary. - Forrest Reid.
48272: REID, Gavin C. - Small Business Enterprise. An Economic Analysis.
66096: REIDEMEISTER, K. - Knotentheorie.
73302: REILLY, Jacobi. - Tractatus. De ortu ac indole; contentis; viribus medicis; ac debito usu. Aquarum Mineralium Stecknicensium.
47839: O'REILLY, Bernard. - Wild River.
63188: REIMBERT, M. & A. - Murs de Soutenement: Massifs d'Ancrage et Rideaux de Palplanches. Traite Theoretique et Pratique.
74607: REINHARDT. DELAUNAY, Charles. - Django Reinhardt.
60276: REINSCH. PUGACH, Noel H. - Paul S. Reisch: Open Door Diplomat in Action.
70542: REISMAN, George. - The Government Against the Economy: The Story of the U.S. Government's On-Going Destruction of the American Economic System Through Price Controls.
75822: REISS, M.J. - The Allometry of Growth and Reproduction.
68363: REISSIG, J.L. ed. - Microbial Interactions.
53020: RELPH, Ted ed. - Lakeland Dialect.
65512: REMBAR, Charles. - The End of Obscenity: The Trials of Lady Chatterley, Tropic of Cancer & Fanny Hill by the Lawyer Who Defended Them.
65522: REMOND, RENE. - La Vie Politique en France depuis 1789: Tome 1, 1789-1848.
58054: REMPEL, Richard A. - Unionists Divided: Arthur Balfour, Joseph Chamberlain and the Unionist Free Traders.
62975: REMPLE, Stanley A. ed. - Endangered Birds: Management Techniques for Preserving Threatened Species.
63980: RENAUDOT. SOLOMON, Howard M. - Public Welfare, Science and Propoganda in Seventeenth Century France: The Innovations of Theophraste Renaudot.
74949: RENAULT 12. HAYNES, J.H. & PARKER, Tim. - Renault 12 Owners Workshop Manual. Models covered: All Renault 12 models: Saloon and Estate 12, L, TL, TN, TR & TS, 1289 cc.
74947: RENAULT SCENIC. JEX, R.M. - Renault Scenic Sept 2003 to 2006 (53 to 06 reg) Petrol & Diesel Owners Workshop Manual - Service and Repair Manual. Models covered: Renault Scenic and Grand Scenic, including special/limited editions. Petrol engines: 1.4 litre (1390cc) & 1.6 litre (1598cc); Turbo-Diesel engines: 1.5 litre (1461cc) & 1.9 litre (1870cc) dCi.
76051: RENAULT. HAYNES, J.H. - Renault 4. Owners Workshop Manual. Covers the Saloon, Estate and Van, 4, R4L, R4. 603cc, 748cc, 845cc, 1961 to 1972.
76079: RENAULT. - Scientific Publications' Workshop Manual Series No. 32. Renault 12 With Specifications, Repair and Maintenance Data.
73696: RENAULT. BALL, Kenneth. - Renault 12 1969-72 Autobook. Workshop Manual for Renault 12L 1969-72 / Renault 12TL 1969-72.
68625: RENAULT. BALL, Kenneth. - Renault 8, 10, 1100, 1962-72 Autobook.
67220: RENAULT. - Scientific Publications' Workshop Manual Series No. 74. Renault Models R8 and R10 With Specifications, Repair and Maintenance Data.
67178: RENAULT. REVUE TECHNIQUE, AUTOMOBILE. - Renault '8', Floride 'S' and Caravelle to 1967: Workshop Manual No. 124.
63650: RENAULT. SKETCH, J.A. - Workshop Manual for Renault 12. Renault 12 Saloon Estate from 1969.
75977: RENAULT. BALL, Kenneth. - Renault 16 1965--75 Autobook. Owner's Workshop Manual. Renault 16 1965-72, Renault 16L 1972-75, Renault 16TL 1970-75, Renault 16TS 1968-75, Renault 16TX 1974-75.
75978: RENAULT. BALL, Kenneth. - Renault R4, R4L, 4 1961--73 Autobook. Owners Workshop Manual for Renault R4 1961-65, Renault R4L 747cc 1961-63, Renault R4L 845cc 1963-65, Renault 4 1965-73.
76073: RENAULT. - Scientific Publications' Workshop Manual Series No. 74. Renault Models R8 and R10 With Specifications, Repair and Maintenance Data.
59742: RENDALL, Ivan. - The Power and the Glory: A Century of Motor Racing.
47574: RENDELL, Ruth. - Talking to Strange Men.
56842: RENGGER, N.J. with CAMPBELL, John. - Treaties and Alliances of the World.
68186: RENNELS, Glenn D. - A Computational Model of Reasoning from the Clinical Literature.
57196: RENSBURG, Patrick Van. - Report from Swaneng Hill: Education and Employment in an African Country.
56856: RENTON, N.E. - Renton's Understanding the Stock Exchange: The Essential Reference.
65998: WENNER-GREN FOUNDATION FOR ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH. - Cumulative Biography of the Last Twenty-Five Years, February 1961 - December 1985. 45th Anniversary Report, Volume 3.
56360: NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH. - Regularization of Business Investment: A Conference of the Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research.
71931: RESNICK, Philip. - Twenty-First Century Democracy.
75333: DEPARTMENT OF MINERAL AND PETROLEUM RESOURCES. - Working with Aboriginal Communities: A Practical Approach.
66437: REUBER, Grant L. - Private Foreign Investment in Development.
75967: REUTER, Prof., LEFROY, Mr., AHMED, Dr. - Proceedings of the Pan Indian Ocean Science Congress. Section G. Human Ecology.
58217: REVESZ, G. - The Psychology of a Musical Prodigy.
51976: PROGRAMME. CORONATION REVIEW. - Coronation Review of Ex-Service Men and Women by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
66534: REX, John & MASON, David eds. - Theories of Race and Ethnic Relations.
63407: REX, John & MOORE, Robert. - Race, Community and Conflict: A Study of Sparkbrook.
61016: REX, John. - Sociology and the Demystification of the Modern World.
71157: REYNOLDS, Craig J. ed. - National Identity and Its Defenders: Thailand, 1939-1989.
71032: REYNOLDS, Frances. - The Problem Housing Estate: An Account of Omega and its People.
66386: REYNOLDS, Barrie. - The Material Culture of the Peoples of the Gwembe Valley.
60374: REYNOLDS, George M. - Machine Politics in New Orleans, 1897-1926.
58940: REYNOLDS, Michael M. ed. - Reader in the Academic Library.
54660: REYNOLDS, E.S., WYND, F. Lyle, & FULLER, Harry J. - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Volume XXII, Number 4. November 1935.
68692: REZA, Sadrel ed. - Export-led Growth Strategy for South Asia: Prospects and Challenges.
62896: RHEE, S.G. & CHANG, R.P. eds. - Pacific-Basin Capital markets Research. Volume III.
62895: RHEE, S.G. & CHANG, R.P. eds. - Pacific-Basin Capital markets Research. Volume II.
66434: RHOADS, Steven E. - Incomparable Worth: Pay Equity Meets the Market.
59006: RHOADS, Steven E. - Incomparable Worth: Pay Equity Meets the Market.
57293: RHODE, G. & WAGNER, W. - Quellen zur Entstehung der Oder-Neisse-Linie in den diplomatischen Verhandlungen wahrend des Zeiten Weltkrieges.
70519: RHODES, R.A.W. & WELLER, P. eds. - The Changing World of Top Officials: Mandarins or Valets?
57513: RHODES, Gerald. - The Government of London: The Struggle for Reform.
56029: RHODES, Gerald ed. - The New Government of London: The First Five Years.
46971: RHODES, Carolyn. - Reciprocity, U.S. Trade Policy, and the GATT Regime.
48621: RHYS, Stephen & PALMER, King ed. - The ABC of Church Music.
60915: RIACH, P.A. & HOWARD, W.A. - Productivity Agreements and Australian Wage Determination.
64273: RIASANOVSKY, Nicholas V. - A Parting of the Ways: Government & the Educated Public in Russia, 1801-1855.
65303: RIBALTA, Marta (ed.). - Habitat: Areas of Communication.
51605: EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT of RENMIN RIBAO (PEOPLE's DAILY). - The Truth About How the Leaders of the CPSU Have Allied Themselves with India Against China.
76207: RIBEIRO, Orlando et al. - Comptes Rendus du Congres International de Geographie, Lisbonne 1949. Tome Premier: Actes du Congres, Travaux de la Section I.
68000: RIBET, A., PRADAYROL, L. & SUSINI, C. eds. - Biology of Normal and Cancerous Exocrine Pancreatic Cells.
57201: RIBNER, Irving. - The English History Play in the Age of Shakespeare.
56868: RICCI, David M. - The Transformation of American Politics: The New Washington and the Rise of Think Tanks.
74978: RICH, P.J. - Elixir of Empire: The English Public Schools, Ritualism, Freemasnry and Imperialism.
47946: RICH, Edward Charles. - Spiritual Authority in the Church of England. An Enquiry.
74976: RICHARDS, P.W. - The Tropical Rain Forest: An Ecological Study.
71957: RICHARDS, Chris ed. - Entrepreneurial Activities in Local Government.
71217: RICHARDS, Jack C. - Beyond Training: Perspectives on Language Teacher Education.
71102: RICHARDS, Evelleen. - Vitamin C and Cancer: Medicine or Politics?
64220: RICHARDS, Norvin. - Movement in Language: Interactions and Architectures.
59220: RICHARDS, Peter G. - Honourable Members: A Study of the British Backbencher.
57733: RICHARDS, Thomas. - A Predictive Model of Aboriginal Archaeological Site Distribution in the Otway Range. Occasional Report No. 49.
56777: RICHARDS, Jeffrey. - Sex, Dissidence and Damnation: Minority Groups in the Middle Ages.
56771: RICHARDS, Peter G. - The Reformed Local Government System.
56493: RICHARDS, John F. & TUCKER, Richard P. eds. - World Deforestation in the Twentieth Century.
56083: RICHARDS, David A.J. - A Theory of Reasons for Action.
52732: RICHARDS, I.A. - Internal Colloquies. The Poems and Plays of I.A. Richards.
73846: Richardson, James S. - The Mediaeval Stone Carver in Scotland.
73152: RICHARDSON, Harold ed. - Court Rolls of the Manor of Acomb. Volume II.
72348: RICHARDSON, S.S. - Parity of Esteem: Canberra College of Advanced Education, 1968-1978.
71064: RICHARDSON, Harry W., VIPOND, Joan & FURBEY, Robert. - Housing and Urban Spatial Structure: A Case Study.
70280: RICHARDSON, Bradley. - Japanese Democracy: Power, Coordination, and Performance.
70213: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 59, 1990.
70211: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 63, 1994.
70212: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 66, 1997.
70209: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 67, 1998.
70210: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 64, 1995.
70208: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 60, 1991.
70207: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 61, 1992.
70206: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 62, 1993.
70096: RICHARDSON, Annette, PUTTAGUNTA, P. Saradhi & HALVORSEN, E. Alice eds. - The Canadian Multicultural Experience: Myths and Realities.
70095: RICHARDSON, Annette, WYNESS, Michael & HALVORSEN, E. Alice eds. - Exploring Cultural Perspectives: Integration and Globalization.
69608: RICHARDSON, J.E. - Patterns of Australian Federalism.
68916: RICHARDSON, E.G. & MEYER, E. eds. - Technical Aspects of Sound. Volume III: Recent Developments in Acoustics.
67842: RICHARDSON, Mervyn L. ed. - Risk Assessment of Chemicals in the Environment.
66982: RICHARDSON, J.E. - Patterns of Australian Federalism.
66732: RICHARDSON, Charles C. (ed.). - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 53, 1984.
65695: RICHARDSON, H.W. - Economic Recovery in Britain, 1932-9.
63842: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 63, 1994.
63702: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 65, 1996.
63701: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 64, 1995.
63258: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 54, 1985.
63257: RICHARDSON, Charles C. ed. - Annual Review of Biochemistry. Volume 57, 1988.
63232: RICHARDSON, Linda. - Winning Strategies for Bankers.
63130: RICHARDSON, J.L. ed. - Northeast Asian Challenge: Debating the Garnaut Report.
61871: RICHARDSON, J.J. & JORDAN, A.G. - Governing Under Pressure: The Policy Process in a Post-Parliamentary Democracy.
58955: RICHARDSON, Harry W. - The Economics of Urban Size.
55849: RICHARDSON, Alan. - British Immigrants and Australia: A Psycho-social Inquiry.
55607: RICHARDSON, Sue ed. - Reshaping the Labour Market: Regulation, Efficiency and Equality in Australia.
55177: RICHARDSON, James L. - Germany and the Atlantic Alliance.
52902: RICHARDSON, Robert. - Sleeping in the Blood.
52580: RICHARDSON, Alan. - The Experiential Dimension of Psychology.
52344: RICHARDSON. STALEY, Thomas F. - Dorothy Richardson.
63944: RICHELSON, Jeffrey T. & BALL, Desmond. - The Ties That Bind: Intelligence Cooperation Between the UKUSA Countries - the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
62991: RICHELSON, Jeffrey T. & BALL, Desmond. - The Ties That Bind: Intelligence Cooperation Between the UKUSA Countries - the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
74993: RICHELSON, Jeffrey T. - Sword and Shield: Soviet Intelligence and Security Apparatus.
71353: RICHMAN, Paul. - MOS Field-Effect Transistors and Integrated Circuits.
65680: RICHMAN, Barry M. - Soviet Management: With Significant American Comparisons. An Examination of the Politico-Economic-Cultural Environment that Influences Soviet Management Today.
62004: RICHMOND, Mary E. COLCORD, Joanna C. ed. - The Long View: Papers and Addresses by Mary E. Richmond.
56631: RICHMOND, Anthony H. - Post-War Immigrants in Canada.
72255: RICHTER, Alan. - Dictionary of Sexual Slang: Words, Phrases, and Idioms from AC/DC to Zig-zig.
68184: RICHTER, N.B. BEER, trans. & rev. - The Nature of Comets.
61615: RICHTER, Curt. BLASS, Elliott M. ed. - The Psychobiology of Curt Richter.
75025: RICKARD, John. - Class and Politics: New SOuth Wales, Victoria and the Early Commonwealth, 1890-1910.
64589: RICKENBERG, H.V. ed. - Biochemistry Series One - Volume 8: Biochemistry of Hormones.
59062: RICKETTS. DARRACOTT, Joseph. - The World of Charles Ricketts.
48019: RIDDEL, Joseph N. BAUERLEIN, Mark ed. - Purloined Letters. Originality and Repetition in American Literature.
75746: RIDDETT, L.A. - Kine, Kin and Country: The Victoria River District of the Northern Territory 1911-1966.
52832: RIDING, Richard & BUTTERFIELD, Sue ed. - Assessment and Examination in the Secondary School.
67524: RIDLEY, Charles Price, GODWIN, Paul H.B. & DOOLIN, Dennis J. - The Making of a Model Citizen in Communist China.
57313: RIDLEY, F.F. - The Study of Government: Political Science and Public Administration.
55892: RIDLEY, F.F. ed. - Specialists and Generalists: A Comparative Study of the Professional Civil Servant at Home and Abroad by a Group of University Teachers.
75984: RIDLEY, Nicholas, SHORE, PEter, TEBBIT, Norman & Lord Young of Graffham. - Shared Thoughts, Shared Values: A First Collection of Public Speeches to The Bruges Group. Occasional Paper 11.
67832: RIDPATH, M.G. & CORBETT, L.K. eds. - Ecology of the Wet-Dry Tropics. Proceedings of a joint Symposium with the Australian Mammal Society in association with the Darwin Institute of Technology, held at Darwin, 15-17 May, 1983.
67264: RIDPATH, M.G. & CORBETT, L.K. eds. - Ecology of the Wet-Dry Tropics. Proceedings of a joint Symposium with the Australian Mammal Society in association with the Darwin Institute of Technology, held at Darwin, 15-17 May, 1983.
61283: RIECKEN, Henry W. & BORUCH, Robert F. eds. - Social Experimentation: A MEthod for Planning and Evaluating Social Intervention.
69389: RIEDEL, Donald C. & FITZPATRICK, Thomas B. - Patterns of Patient Care: A Study of Hospital Use in Six Diagnoses.
67085: RIEMANN. GURLITT, Wilibald ed. - Riemann Musik Lexikon: Personenteil A-K; Personenteil L-Z; Sachteil.
61849: RIES, John C. - The Management of Defense: Organization and Control of the U.S. Armed Services.
72081: RIESZ, Frederic. - Les Systemes D'Equations Lineaires A Un Infinite D'Inconnues.
74519: VAN RIETBERGEN, Bert et al. - Mechanical Behavior and Adaptation of Trabecular Bone in Relation to Bone Morphology.
55881: RIETHMULLER, Paul et al. - Japanese Agricultural Policies: A Time of Change.
59228: RIEU, E.V. ed. - Essays By Divers Hands: Being the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. New Series. Vol. XXIX.
66365: RIFAI, Taki. - The Pricing Of Crude Oil: Economic and Strategic Guidelines For An International Energy Policy.
69248: RIFKIN, Jeremy. - Beyond Beef: The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture.
67700: RIGAULT, Andre & CHARBONNEAU, Rene eds. - Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Held at the University of Montreal and McGill University, 22-28 August 1971.
67258: RIGDON, Susan M. - The Culture Facade: Art, Science, and Politics in the Work of Oscar Lewis.
75605: RIGGERT, Dr T.L. ed. - The Swan River Estuary: Development, Management and Preservation.
73075: RIGGS, Donald E. ed. - Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Libraries.
71251: RIGOBELLO, Prof. Armando; TORRE, Giuseppe Dalla et al. - Le Radici Cristiane dell'Europa.
60250: RIJITAKE, Tsuneji. - Earthquake Prediction.
67187: RILEY. - Riley 1 1/2 [ 1.5] Litre, 2 1/2 [ 2.5] Litre Workshop Manual.
66079: RILEY, Dan ed. - Towards 2000: Schooling Through Distance Education.
62467: RILEY, Matilda White, KAHN, Robert L. & FONER, Anne eds. - Age and Structural Lag: Society's Failure to Provide Meaningful Opportunities in Work, Family, and Leisure.
75949: RILEY, P.W.J. - The Union of England and Scotland: A Study in Anglo-Scottish Politics of the Eighteenth Century.
64051: RIMBAUD. GENGOUX, Jacques. - La Pensee Poetique de Rimbaud.
64079: RIMMER, P.J. - Manufacturing in Melbourne.
64078: RIMMER, P.J. - Manufacturing in Melbourne.
60953: RIMMER, P.J. - Transport in Thailand: The Railway Decision.
55902: RIMMER, Peter J. ed. - Pacific Rim Development: Integration & Globalisation in the Asia-Pacific Economy.
48857: RIMOLDI, Max & Eleanor. - Hahalis and the Labour of Love: A Social Movement on Buka Island.
60954: RINGOIR, Severin, VANHOLDER, Raymond & MASSRY, Shaul G. eds. - Uremic Toxins.
76127: RINK, Oliver A. - Holland on the Hudson: An Economic and Social History of Dutch New York.
71291: RINNE, U.K., PAKKENBERG, H. & JENSEN, N.O. eds. - New Strategies in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease.
75414: O'RIORDAN, Tim and STOLL-KLEEMANN, Susanne eds. - Biodiversity, Sustainability and Human Communities.
73669: RISLEY, H.H. - The Gazetteer of Sikhim.
69244: RISSLER, Jane & MELLON, Margaret. - The Ecological Risks of Engineered Crops.
47784: RITCHIE, John ed. - The Evidence to the Bigge Reports. New South Wales Under Governor Macquarie. Volume 2. The Written Evidence.
71365: RITTER, Gerhard A. - Die Arbeiterbewegung im Wilhelminischen Reich. Die sozialdemokratische Partei und die freien Gewerkschaften 1890-1900.
65158: RITTER. BECK, Hanno. - Carl Ritter, Genius of Geography: On His Life and Work.
52287: RITZ, Jean-Georges. - Robert Bridges and Gerard Hopkins: 1863 - 1889. A Literary Friendship.
68953: RIVERS, Wilga M. - Teaching Foreign-Language Skills.
68662: RIVERS, Wilga M. - Communicating Naturally in a Second Language: Theory and Practice in Language Teaching.
63916: RIVERS, Patrick. - Politics By Pressure.
61352: RIVERS, Patrick. - Politics By Pressure.
59343: RIVERS, Wilga M. - Teaching Foreign-Language Skills.
48074: RIVETT, David. - David Rivett. Fighter for Australian Science.
73224: RIX, Alan & MOUER, Ross ed. - Japan's Impact on the World.
63302: RO'I, Yaacov ed. - The Limits to Power: Soviet Policy in the Middle East.
65333: ROACH, Helen. - Spoken Records.
56498: ROACH. SWANN, leonard Alexander. - John Roach Maritime Entrepreneur: The Years as Naval Contractor, 1862-1886.
55783: ROACH, Hildred. - Black American Music: Past and Present.
74206: ROBARDS, A.W. ed. - Dynamic Aspects of Plant Ultrastructure.
68302: ROBARDS, G.E. & PACKHAM, R.G. eds. - Feed Information and Animal Production. Proceedings of the Second Symposium of the International Netwok of Feed Information Centres.
60538: ROBB, Peter ed. - Rural India: Land, Power and Society under British Rule.
70354: ROBBINS, David ed. - Rethinking Social Inequality.
67963: ROBERT, P.C., RUST, R.H. & LARSON, W.E. eds. - Proceedings of Site-Specific Management for Agricultural Systems: Second International Conference, March 27-30, 1994.
76241: ROBERTS, Fraser J.A. et al. - The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 88, Part II. July-December, 1958.
74466: ROBERTS, Glyn. - Metal Mining in Tasmania 1804 to 1914: How Governement helped shape the mining industry.
73285: ROBERTS, D. McL., SHARP, P., ALDERSON, G. and COLLINS, M. (ed.) - Evolution of Microbial life
69748: ROBERTS, Richard. - Schroders. Merchants and Bankers.
69706: ROBERTS, Geoffrey K. - German Politics Today.
69041: ROBERTS, Richard. - Schroders. Merchants & Bankers.
67099: ROBERTS, Brad ed. - Chemical Disarmament and U.S. Security.
64391: ROBERTS, Clayton. - The Growth of Responsible Government in Stuart England.
63540: ROBERTS, D.V. - Enzyme Kinetics.
62792: ROBERTS, Jeremy K.A. - Differential Diagnosis in Neuropsychiatry.
62724: ROBERTS, David. - Victorian Origins of the British Welfare State.
62639: ROBERTS, Bryn. - The Price of TUC Leadership.
62019: ROBERTS, Ivan, LOVE, Graham, FIELD, Heather & KLIJN, Nico. - U.S. Grain Policies and the World Market.
61766: ROBERTS, Geoffrey K. - West German Politics.
61600: ROBERTS, R.S. ed. - Television Engineering. Broadcast, Cable and Satellite. Part 1: Fundamentals. Part 2: Applications.
61426: ROBERTS, Michael trans. & ed. - Swedish Diplomats at Cromwell's Court, 1655-1656: The Missions of Peter Julius Coyet and Christer Bonde. Camden Fourth Series. Volume 36.
61212: ROBERTS, Edward B. - Entrepreneurs in High Technology: Lessons from MIT and Beyond.
60647: ROBERTS, Jay, ADELMAN, Richard C., & CRISTALFO, Vincent J. eds. - Pharmacological Intervention in the Aging Process.
57077: ROBERTS, Ivan, KOTTEGE, Jayantha & TIE, Graeme. - Eastern Europe, The Former Soviet Union and World Agricultural Markets.
55809: ROBERTS, Priscilla ed. - Sino-American Relations Since 1900.
55362: ROBERTS, John D. - An Introduction to the Analysis of Spin-Spin Splitting in High-Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra.
54580: ROBERTS, Cecil. - The Bright Twenties. Being the Third Book of an Autobiography, 1920 - 1929.
52991: ROBERTS, Henry L. & WILSON, Paul A. ed. - Britain and the United States. Problems in Co-Operation.
48174: ROBERTS, John R. - John Donne. An Annotated Bibliography of Modern Criticism: 1968 - 1978.
73821: ROBERTSON, Boni et al. - The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Women's Task Force on Violence Report.
73691: ROBERTSON, William. PRESCOTT, William H. - The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. With An Account of the Emperor's Life After His Abdication.
72820: ROBERTSON, Don. WARRINGTON, Johnny arr. / HOFFMANN, Al & MURRAY, John. LOVE, Geoff arr. - Humming Bird / The Pendulum Song. Sheet Music.
72251: ROBERTSON, John A. - Children of Choice: Freedom and the New Reproductive Technologies.
71253: ROBERTSON, Dale B. ed. STEVENS, Charles J. & EVANS, Mike guest editors. - Pacific Studies, Vol. 22, Nos. 3-4 (Sept.-Dec. 1999). Special Issue: Sustainability in the Small Island States of the Pacific.
70431: ROBERTSON, Sir Rutherford, BRIGGS, Barbara G, EICHLER, Hansjoerg eds et al. - Flora of Australia. Volume 1: Introduction.
70430: ROBERTSON, Sir Rutherford, BRIGGS, Barbara G, EICHLER, Hansjoerg eds et al. - Flora of Australia. Volume 1: Introduction.
67583: ROBERTSON, A.H. - The Council of Europe: Its Structure, Functions and Achievements.
66478: ROBERTSON, A.H. - Human Rights in the World. An Introduction to the Study of the International protection of Human Rights.
64093: ROBERTSON, Janet. - Liberalism in South Africa: 1948-1963.
60863: ROBERTSON, A.J.B. - Catalysis of Gas Reactions by Metals.
60163: ROBERTSON, J.M. - A History of Freethought in the Nineteenth Century.
75116: ROBERTSON, Kevin. - In the Tracks of the 'Bournemouth Belle'.
48912: ROBERTSON, Wilfrid. - The Storm of '96. A Tale of the Mashona Rising.
48772: ROBERTSON, A.H. - Human Rights in Europe Being an Account of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms signed in Rome on 4 November 1950, of the Protocols thereto and of the machinery created thereby: the European Commission of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights.
48729: ROBERTSON. LAWSON, Valerie. - Connie Sweetheart. The Story of Connie Robertson.
47833: ROBERTSON, Wilfrid. - Safari.
75351: ROBINSON, Gertrude Joch. - Tito's Maverick Media : The Politics of Mass Communication in Yugoslavia.
74185: ROBINSON, John T. - Early Hominid Posture and Locomotion.
71608: ROBINSON, Derek. - Monetarism and the Labour Market.
66991: ROBINSON, John. - Highways and Our Environment.
66384: ROBINSON, Michael F. - Naples and Neapolitan Opera.
64383: ROBINSON, Enders A. - The Devil Discovered: Salem Witchcraft 1692.
64235: ROBINSON, Derek. - Incomes Policy and Capital Sharing in Europe.
63452: ROBINSON, Henry Crabb. HUDSON, Derek ed. - The Diary of Henry Crabb Robinson: An Abridgement.
62295: ROBINSON, Kenneth & MADDEN, Frederick. - Essays in Imperial Government. Presented to Margery Perham.
58011: ROBINSON, Derek. - Incomes Policy and Capital Sharing in Europe.
57188: ROBINSON, Kenneth. - The Dilemmas of Trusteeship. Aspects of British Colonial Policy between the Wars.
56930: ROBINSON, W.P. & RACKSTRAW, Susan J. - A Question of Answers. Volumes I and II.
56340: ROBINSON, John P., RUSK, Jerrold G. & HEAD, Kendra B. - Measures of Political Attitudes.
55467: ROBINSON, Thomas W. ed. - The Cultural Revolution in China.
55466: ROBINSON, Thomas W. ed. - The Cultural Revolution in China.
55427: ROBINSON, William A. & HAURI, Christine. - Promotional Marketing: Ideas and Techniques for Success in Sales Promotion.
52888: ROBINSON, Peter. - Language Management in Education. The Australian Context.
52760: ROBINSON, Patrick. - Nimitz Class.
52630: ROBINSON, Kenneth. - The Dilemmas of Trusteeship. Aspects of British Colonial Policy between the Wars.
75213: ROBINSON, John G. & BENNETT, Elizabeth L. eds. - Hunting for Sustainability in Tropical Forests.
75575: ROBINSON, J.T. - The Dentition of the Australopithecinae.
75708: ROBINSON, Michael. - Classic Car Investment Review.
74083: ROBISON, Richard. - Indonesia: The Rise of Capital.
70023: ROBISON, Richard, BEESON, Mark, JAYASURIYA, Kanishka & KIM, Hyuk-Rae eds. - Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis.
66498: ROBISON, Richard, HEWISON, Kevin & HIGGOTT, Richard eds. - Southeast Asia in the 1980s: The Politics of Economic Crisis.
66232: ROBISON, Richard, HEWISON, Kevin & HIGGOTT, Richard eds. - Southeast Asia in the 1980s: The Politics of Economic Crisis.
56469: ROBISON, Richard & GOODMAN, David S.G. eds. - The New Rich in Asia: Mobile Phones, McDonalds and Middle-Class Revolution.
74106: ROBSON, Graham. - Classic and Sportscar: Triumph Spitfire and GT6 File.
68720: ROBSON, William A. - Welfare State and Welfare Society: Illusion and Reality.
76265: ROBSON, William. - The Old Playgoer.
74170: ROCA-PONS, Josep. - Introduction to Catalan Literature.
71854: ROCHEFORT, David A. & COBB, Roger W. eds. - The Politics of Problem Definition: Shaping the Policy Agenda.
76270: ROCK, Stuart & KENNEDY, Carol eds. - Power, Performance and Ethics: Key Articles from "Director", Britain's Leading Boardroom Magazine.
68394: ROCK, Paul. - Making People Pay.
63427: ROCK, Irvin. - Orientation and Form.
67790: ROCKETIEN, Morris ed. - Biochemistry of Insects.
68759: ROCKSTEIN, Morris ed. - The Physiology of Insecta. Volume VI.
42324: ROCKSTEIN, Morris & BAKER, George T. III ed. - Molecular Genetic Mechanisms in Development and Aging.
72575: RODAN, Garry ed. - Political Oppositions in Industrialising Asia.
70571: RODAN, Garry ed. - Political Oppositions in Industrialising Asia.
56310: RODGER, F.C. ed. - Onchocerciasis in Zaire: A New Approach to the Problem of River Blindness.
62522: RODGERS, Daniel T. - The Work Ethic in Industrial America. 1850 - 1920.
54140: RODGERS, Gerry, HOPKINS, Mike & WERY, Rene. - Population, Employment and Inequality, BACHUE - Philippines. An Application of Economic-Demographic Modelling to Development Planning.
48160: RODGERS, Daniel T. - The Work Ethic in Industrial America. 1850 - 1920.
56216: RODGON, Maris Monitz. - Single-Word Usage, Cognitive Development, and the Beginnings of Combinatorial Speech: A Study of Ten English-Speaking Children.
71055: RODRICKS, Joseph V. - Calculated Risks: Understanding the Toxicity and Human Health Risks of Chemicals in Our Environment.
69695: RODRIGUEZ, Raymond L. - Vectors: A Survey of Molecular Cloning Vectors and Their Uses.
58888: RODWIN, Lloyd et al. - Planning Urban Growth and Regional Development: The Experience of the Guayana Program of Venezuela.
55543: RODWIN, Lloyd & SAZANAMI, Hidehiko ed. - Deindustrialization and Regional Economic Transformation: The Experience of the United States.
65106: ROE, Derek A, - A Gazetteer of British Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Sites.
52651: ROE, Ernest & MCDONALD, Rod. - Informed Professional Judgment. A Guide to Evaluation in Post-Secondary Education.
74456: ROEBUCK, Peter ed. - Constable of Everingham Estate Correspondence, 1726-43,
72321: ROEBUCK, Nigel. - Grand Prix Greats: A Personal Appreciation of 25 Famous Formula 1 Drivers.
73718: ROEDER, Michael Thomas. - A History of the Concerto.
54719: ROEDER, O.G. - The Smiling General: President Soeharto of Indonesia.
75994: ROEDIGGER, David R. - The Wgaes of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class.
49124: ROELS, Isabelle. - L'ivresse Linguistique dans Le Navire Argo de Richard Jorif.
58767: ROEMER, Milton I. - Comparative National Policies on Health Care.
56828: ROEMER, Ruth, KRAMER, Charles, & FRINK, Jeanne E. - Planning Urban Health Services: From Jungle to System.
63990: VON ROES. GRUNDMANN, Herbert & HEIMPEL, Hermann eds. - Monumenta Germaniae Historica 500-1500. Staatsschriften des Späteren Mittelalters. I. Band: Die Schriften des Alexander von Roes und des Engelbert von Admont. 1 Stück. Alexander Von Roes. Schriften.
73114: ROFE, Robert. - John F. Rofe: St. Peter's Church, Campbelltown, 1927-1951.
76290: ROFF, Sue Rabbitt. - Hotspots: The Legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
71794: ROGERS, Marvin L. - Local Politics in Rural Malaysia: Patterns of Change in Sungai Raya.
69200: ROGERS, Peter. - America's Water: Federal Roles and Responsibilities.
65939: ROGERS, Joseph M. - Thomas H. Benton.
61186: ROGERS, Barbara. - The Domestication of Women: Discrimination in Developing Societies.
58377: ROGERS, David & CHUNG, Norman H. - 110 Livingston Street Revisited: Decentralization in Action.
56549: ROGERS-WARREN, Ann & WARREN, Steven F. ed. - Ecological Perspectives in Behavior Analysis.
54275: ROGERS, Timothy ed. - Georgian Poetry, 1911 - 1922. The Critical Heritage.
76391: ROGERS, Paul P. - The Good Years: MacArthur and Sutherland.
76164: ROGGEN, Peter. - Die Internationale Energie Agentur: Energiepolitik und wirtschaftliche Sicherheit.
56994: ROHERTY, James M. - Decisions of Robert S. McNamara: A Study of the Role of the Secretary of Defense.
68227: ROHLFS, Gerhard. - Studi e Ricerche su Lingua e Dialetti D'Italia.
59352: ROHMER, Sax. - The Romance of Sorcery.
49042: ROHRER, Wayne C. & DOUGLAS, Louis H. - The Agrarian Transition in America. Dualism and Change.
56258: ROHRLICH-LEAVITT, Ruby ed. - Women Cross-Culturally: Change and Challenge.
74054: ROHWER, J & HUMMELCHEN, G. - Chronology of the War at Sea 1939-1945: Volume Two 1943-1945.
54539: ROLLINS, Alfred B. Jr ed. - Depression, Recovery, and War: 1929 - 1945. Volume 7: A Documentary History of American Life.
53677: ROLLS-ROYCE. GEORGANO, G.N. - The Classic Rolls-Royce.
53671: ROLLS-ROYCE. WOOD, Jonathan. - Great Marques: Rolls-Royce.
53627: ROLLS-ROYCE. BISHOP, George. - Rolls-Royce.
70860: ROLOFF, H.G., GUHA, Ranajit, KEEP, John & O'FARRELL, Patrick. - Peasants in History and Literature: Symposium.
53378: ROLT, L.T.C. - Horseless Carriage. The Motor-Car in England.
68465: ROMAN, Viorel. - Kleine Schriften. Weltordnung (Imperium und Limes; Baltikum, Bukowina, Balkan; Strategies of Conservation) Religion und Politik (Orthodoxe Geopolitik; Holocaust, Religion ohne Erlosung; The Eastern Question); Rumanien, Moldawien (Westintegration Rumaniens; A Social-Democratic Periphery?; Transformation in Romania).
70920: ROMANUCCI-ROSS, Lola. - Mead's Other Manus: Phenomenology of the Encounter.
46945: ROMASCO, Albert U. - The Poverty of Abundance. Hoover, the Nation, the Depression.
72672: ROMERO, Victoria, LAUTRE, Francis & SARALEGUI, Carmen eds. - Actas del Quinto Congreo Nacional de Linguistica Aplicada. La ensenanza de la lengua con fines especificos. Pamplona, 27-30 de abril de 1987.
64424: ROMERO, Victoria; LAUTRE, Francis & SARALEGUI, Carmen eds. - Actas del Quinto Congreso Nacional de Linguistica Aplicada. La Ensenanza de la lengua con fines especificos. Pamplona, 27-30 de abril de 1987.
63220: ROMISZOWSKI, A.J. - Producing Instructional Systems: Lesson Planning for Individualized and Group Learning Activities.
68320: ROMMEL, K. & GOEBELL, H. eds. - Lipid Absorption: Biochemical and Clinical Aspects. Proceedings of an International Conference held at Titisee, May 1975.
42550: RON, Eliora Z. & ROTTEM, Shlomo ed. - Microbial Surface Components and Toxins in Relation to Pathogenesis. FEMS Symposium No. 51.
59416: RONA, Roberto J. & CHINN, Susan. - The National Study of Health and Growth.
71594: RONAYNE, Jarlath & BOAG, Campbell. - Science and Technology in Australasia, Antarctica and the Pacific Islands.
64713: RONAYNE, Jarlath & BOAG, Campbell. - Science and Technology in Australasia, Antarctica and the Pacific Islands.
56206: RONDINELLI, Dennis A. - Urban and Regional Development Planning: Policy and Administration.
61134: DE ROON, A.C. - International Directory of Specialists in Plant Taxonomy with a Census of Their Current Interests.
75751: ROONEY, Bernard. - The Nyoongar Legacy: The Naming of the Land and the Language of its People.
75336: ROONEY, Bernard. - The Way of the Boorna-Waangki: A Tale of Cultural Endurance.
74598: ROONWAL, M.L. & MOHNOT, S.M. - Primates of South Asia: Ecology, Sociobiology and Behavior.
54517: ROOS, Leslie L. Jr. & Noralou P. - Managers of Modernization: Organizations and Elites in Turkey (1950 - 1969).
72457: ROOSEN-RUNGE, Edward C. - The Process of Spermatogenesis in Animals.
63570: ROOSEVELT, Theodore. - Stories of the Great West.
60507: ROOSEVELT, Franklin D. NIXON, Edgar B. ed. - Franklin D. Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs. Volume I: January 1933-February 1934. Volume II: March 1934 - August 1935. Voluem III: September 1935-January 1937.
55438: ROOSEVELT. KIMBALL, Warren F. - The Juggler: Franklin Roosevelt as Wartime Statesman.
54335: ROOSEVELT. ABBOTT, Philip. - The Exemplary Presidency: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the American Political Tradition.
52899: ROOSEVELT. O'CALLAGHAN, D.B. - Roosevelt and the United States.
55938: ROPP, Paul S. ed. - Heritage of China: Contemporary Perspectives on Chinese Civilization.
47697: ROREM, Ned. - Music From Inside Out.
61863: ROSBERG, Carl G. Jr. & NOTTINGHAM, John. - The Myth of Mau Mau: Nationalism in Kenya.
72863: ROSE, kenneth D. - American Women and the Repeal of Prohibition.
68911: ROSE, Hilary. - Love, Power and Knowledge: Towards a Feminist Transformation of the Sciences.
68124: ROSE, J. ed. - Advances in Cybernetics and Systems. Volume 2.
65871: ROSE, Harold M. - Social Processes In the City: Race and Urban Residential Choice.
65670: ROSE, Lisle A. - The Coming of the American Age, Volume 1: Dubious Victory. The United States and the End of World War II.
63845: ROSE, E.J.B. et al. - Colour and Citizenship: A Report on British Race Relations.
63141: ROSE, F. Clifford ed. - Towards Migraine 2000. Developments in Neurology. Volume 12.
62721: ROSE, Gerry. - Deciphering Sociological Research.
59548: ROSE, Richard ed. - Studies in British Politics: A Reader in Political Sociology.
59222: ROSE, Richard. - Influencing Voters: A Study of Campaign Rationality.
54831: ROSE, Richard & SHIRATORI, Rei. - The Welfare State: East and West.
54093: ROSE, J. Holland, NEWTON, A.P., & BENIANS, E.A. ed. - The Cambridge History of the British Empire. Volume VI: Canada and Newfoundland.
53769: ROSE, Richard. - Ordinary People in Public Policy: A Behavioural Analysis.
53706: ROSE, Richard ed. - The Management of Urban Change in Britain and Germany.
52803: ROSE, Margaret A. - Reading the Young Marx and Engels. Poetry, Parody and the Censor.
51716: ROSE, Gary L. - The American Presidency Under Siege.
42341: ROSE, F.D. & JOHNSON, D.A. ed. - Recovery from Brain Damage. Reflections and Directions. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Volume 325.
52798: ROSECRANCE, R.N. - Defense of the Realm. British Strategy in the Nuclear Epoch.
69537: ROSEFIELDE, Steven ed. - Economic Welfare and the Economics of Soviet Socialism: Essays in Honor of Abram Bergson.
59408: ROSEGRANT, Mark W. & HAZELL, Peter B.R. - Transforming the Rural Asian Economy: The Unfinished Revolution.
73999: ROSEN, Carole. - The Goossens: A Musical Century.
48270: ROSEN, Leora N. & ETLIN, Michelle. - The Hostage Child. Sex Abuse Allegations in Custody Disputes.
47746: ROSEN, Charles. - The Classical Style. Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven.
55592: ROSENAU, Milton D. Jr. - Faster New Product Development: Getting the Right Product to Market Quickly.
62427: ROSENBAUM, H. Jon & SEDERBERG, Peter C. eds. - Vigilante Politics: An Absorbing Study of a Dangerous Shortcut: Order Without Law.
56657: ROSENBAUM, H. Jon & SEDERBERG, Peter C. eds. - Vigilante Politics: An Absorbing Study of a Dangerous Shortcut: Order Without Law.
71990: ROSENBERG, Norman J., EASTERLING, William E. III, CROSSON, Pierre R. & DARMSTADTER, Joel eds. - Greenhouse Warming: Abatement and Adaptation.
71737: ROSENBERG, Norman J. ed. - Drought in the Great Plains: Research on Impacts and Strategies.
68198: ROSENBERG, Abraham & SCHENGRUND, Cara-Lynne eds. - Biological Roles of Sialic Acid.
64325: ROSENBERG, Sheldon & KOPLIN, James H. eds. - Developments in Applied Linguistics Research.
75549: ROSENBERG, Edgar. - From Shylock to Svengali: Jewish Stereotypes in English Fiction.
47752: ROSENBERG, Samuel. - Why Freud Fainted.
48660: ROSENBLATT, Binem Pesach. - The Breath of Life. Selected Poems.
72902: ROSENER, Judy B. - America's Competitive Secret: Utilizing Women as a Management Strategy.
71830: HODGKIN. ROSENFELD. - Thomas Hodgkin: Morbid Anatomist And Social Activist.
58432: ROSENTHAL, Harold ed. - The Mapleson Memoirs: The Career of an Operatic Impresario 1858 - 1888.
57457: ROSENTHAL, Squadron-Leader N.H. - Films in Instruction. Part I: Films - Their Use and Misuse.
73034: ROSENZWEIG, Mark R. & PORTER, Lyman W. eds. - Annual Review of Psychology. Volume 40, 1989.
68667: ROSENZWEIG, Cynthia ed. - A Spectrum of Achievements in Agronomy: Women Fellows of the Tri-Societies.
58910: ROSINGER, Elemer E. - Distributions and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations.
71057: ROSINSKI, Richard R. - The Development of Visual Perception.
54952: ROSINSKY, Natalie M. - Feminist Futures: Contemporary Women's Speculative Fiction.
61025: ROSKAMP, Karl W. - Capital Formation in West Germany.
55077: ROSKELL, J.S. - The Commons and Their Speakers in English Parliaments: 1376-1523.
66168: ROSMINI, Antonio. CLEARY, Denis & WATSON, Terence trans. - The Philosophy of Politics. Volume 2. Society and its Purpose.
57030: ROSMINI, Antonio. CLEARY, Denis & WATSON, Terence trans. - The Philosophy of Right. Volume 2: Rights of the Individual.
74786: ROSS, Linda. - Create a Sunsmart Waterwise Garden with Linda Ross.
74593: ROSS, J, ed. - Proceedings of the Fourth International Kimberlite Conference. Perth, 1986. Kimberlites and Related Rocks. Volume 1 - Their Composition, Occurrence, Origina and Emplacement.
71665: ROSS, Simon. - The Subjugation of Cambodia.
70005: ROSS, Andrew. - Strange Weather: Culture, Science and Technology in the Age of Limits.
65773: ROSS, Thomas Richard. - Jonathan Prentiss Dolliver: A Study in Political Integrity and Independence.
64705: ROSS, Edward Alsworth. - The Changing Chinese: The Conflict of Oriental and Western Cultures in China.
64421: ROSS, Michael W. & CHANNON-LITTLE, Lorna D. - Anamnesi, Diagnosi e Counselling in Sessuologia: Difunzioni sessuali, Malattie trasmissibili sessualmente.
60169: ROSS, Arthur M. ed. - Employment Policy and the Labor Market.
56866: ROSS, Heather L. & SAWHILL, Isabel V. - Time of Transition: The Growth of Families Headed By Women.
75089: ROSS, Stephen David. - The Ring of Representation.
49105: ROSS, Jean. - The Night Outside.
75235: ROSS, Heidi A. - China Learns English: Language Teaching and Social Change in the People's Republic.
75210: ROSS, Professor A.D. ed. - Report of the Twenty-Sixth Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science. Perth Meeting, August 1947.
67994: ROSSANT, Janet & PEDERSEN, Roger A. - Experimental Approaches to Mammalian Embryonic Development.
76197: ROSSELAND, Svein. - The Pulsation Theory of Variable Stars.
71759: ROSSELLI, John. - Music and Musicians in Nineteenth-Century Italy.
63044: ROSSER, J. Barkley. - Simplified Independence Proofs: Boolean Valued Models of Set Theory.
62100: ROSSETTI, Roberto, LETTA, Gianni et al. - L'Intervista Strumento di Documentazione. Giornalismo - Antropologia - Storia Orale.
52351: ROSSETTI. JOHNSTON, Robert D. - Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
68977: ROSSI, G. & TORMA, A.E. eds. - Recent Progress in Biohydrometallurgy.
65405: ROSSI, Peter H., BERK, Richard A., and EIDSEN, Bettye K. - The Roots of Urban Discontent: Public Policy, Municipality Institutions, and the Ghetto.
61395: ROSSI, Ino et al. - The Logic of Culture: Advances in Structural Theory and Methods.
61308: ROSSI, Ino et al. - The Logic of Culture: Advances in Structural Theory and Methods.
58313: ROSSI, Nick & CHOATE, Robert A. - Music of Our Time. An Anthology of Works of Selected Contemporary Composers of the 20th Century.
52201: ROSSI, Attilio. - Posters.
76121: ROSSINI, Gioacchino. - Elisabetta, Regina D'Inghliterra.
71160: ROSSINI, Gioacchino. - Sechs Quartette fur Flote, Klarinette, Horn (F) und Fagott. Heft I & II.
57465: ANTIQUARIAN SHEET MUSIC. ROSSINI. - Non piu mesta, Aria, In the Opera of La Cenerentola.
57464: ANTIQUARIAN SHEET MUSIC. ROSSINI. - In si barbara, In the Opera of Semiramide [from] The Library of Contralto Songs, Edited by Frank Romer.
57438: ANTIQUARIAN SHEET MUSIC. ROSSINI. - Io Rendo al Vostro Amor, Terzettino, nell'Opera Guglielmo Tell.
67225: ROSSITER, D.J., JOHNSTON, R.J. & PATTIE, C.J. - The Boundary Commissions: Redrawing the UK's Map of Parliamentary Constituencies.
69407: ROSSLER, Hellmuth. - Europa im Zeitalter von Renaissance, Reformation und Gegenreformation. 1450-1650.
74221: ROSTGAARD, Tine & FRIDBERG, Torben. - Caring for Children and Older People - A Comparison of European Policies and Practices.
58114: ROSTOW, W.W. - Why the Poor Get Richer & the Rich Slow Down : Essays in the Marshallian Long Period.
55290: ROSTOW, W.W. - The United States and the Regional Organization of Asia and the Pacific: 1965-1985.
70852: ROSZAK, Theodore. - The Cult of Information: The Folklore of Computers and the True Art of Thinking.
68858: ROTBERG, Robert I. ed. - Politics and Political Change: A Journal of Interdisciplinary History Reader.
62673: ROTBERG, Robert I. - Suffer the Future: Policy Choices in Southern Africa.
61660: ROTBERG, Robert I. - The Rise of Nationalism in Central Africa: The Making of Malawi and Zambia, 1873-1964.
54478: ROTBERG, Robert I. ed. - Vigilance and Vengeance: NGOs Preventing Ethnic Conflict in Divided Societies.
62613: ROTBLAT, J. - Scientists in the Quest for Peace: A History of the Pugwash Conferences.
52873: ROTBLAT, Joseph & HELLMAN, Sven ed. - Nuclear Strategy and World Security. Annals of Pugwash 1984.
54650: ROTENSTREICH, Nathan. - Order and Might.
74308: ROTH, Gerhard & WULLIMAN, Mario F. eds. - Brain Evolutiona and Cognition.
73625: ROTH, George Kingsley ed. - Fiji: Handbook of the Colonies. 1937.
62430: ROTH, Gabriel. - The Private Provision of Public Services in Developing Countries.
47663: ROTH, Philip. - Deception.
75681: ROTH, H. Ling. - Oriental Silverwork. Malay and Chinese. A Handbook for Connoisseurs, Collectors, Studnets and Silversmiths.
65067: ROTHBERG, Abraham. - The Heirs of Stalin. Dissidence and the Soviet Regime, 1953-1970.
68366: ROTHBLUM, Esther D. & COLE, Ellen eds. - Lesbianism: Affirming Nontraditional Roles.
59895: ROTHCHILD, Donald & OLORUNSOLA, Victor A. eds. - State Versus Ethnic Claims: African Policy Dilemmas.
54466: ROTHCHILD, Donald. - Managing Ethnic Conflict: Pressures and Incentives for Cooperation.
64916: ROTHE, Anna, LOHR, Evelyn, CANDEE, Marjorie Dent & MORITZ, Charles eds. - Current Biography Yearbook: 1950 - 1960.
68514: ROTHKOPF, Ernst Z. ed. - Review of Research in Education. Volume 14: 1987.
68492: ROTHKOPF, Ernst Z. ed. - Review of Research in Education. Volume 13: 1986.
55671: ROTHKOPF, Ernst Z. ed. - Review of Research in Education. Volume 14: 1987.
72277: ROTHSCHILD, D. Aviva. - Graphic Novels: A Bibliographic Guide to Book-Length Comics.
60716: ROTHSCHILD, Joan ed. - Machina Ex Dea: Feminist Perspectives on Technology.
62191: ROTHSTEIN, Robert L. - The Weak in the World of the Strong: The Developing Countries in the International System.
54624: ROTHSTEIN, Eric. - Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Poetry: 1660 - 1780.
66550: ROTUNDA, Ronald D. ed. - Six Justices on Civil Rights. David C. Baum Memorial Lectures.
65516: ROUCHECOUSTE, G.M. - The Role of Parallel Catamorphic Systems in the Structure of Zola's Rougon-Macquart.
52447: ROUD, Richard ed. - Cinema: A Critical Dictionary. The Major Film-Makers.
74525: ROUGHTON, James E. & MERCURIO, James J. - Developing an Effective Safety Culture: A Leadership Approach.
74146: ROUIR, Eugene. KAMNITZER, Peter trans. - Europäische Graphik im 17 Jahrhundert. Rembrandt und seine Zeitgenossen .
53795: ROUQUIE, Alain. SIGMUND, Paul E. trans. - The Military and the State in Latin America.
73432: ROURKE, J.P. RYCROFT, Prof. H.B. ed. - Journal of South African Botany. Supplementary Volume 8. Taxonomic Studies on Leucospermum R. Br.
54683: ROURKE, Francis E. - Bureaucracy and Foreign Policy.
67297: ROUSSEAU. VOSSLER, Otto. - Rousseaus Freiheitslehre.
65498: ROUSSEAU. LECERCLE, Jean-Louis. - Rousseau et L'Art du Roman.
64846: ROUSSEAU. SPELL, Jefferson Rea. - Rousseau in the Spanish World Before 1833. A Study in Franco-Spanish Literary Relations.
60135: ROUTH, Guy. - Occupation and Pay in Great Britain, 1906-60.
59180: ROUTLEY, Erik ed. - University Carol Book. A Collection fo Carols from Many Lands, for All Seasons.
59178: ROUTLEY, Erik ed. - University Carol Book. A Collection fo Carols from Many Lands, for All Seasons.
58295: ROUTLEY, Erik. - The English Carol.
69760: ROUX, E. ed. - Electrical Phenomena at the Biological Membrane Level: Proceedings of the 29th international meeting of the Société de Chimie Physique, Orsay, 12-15 October, 1976.
72477: ROVER. CLARKE, R.M. - Rover: 3 & 3.5 litre. 1958 - 1973.
53392: ROVER. CLARKE, R.M. - Rover P4, 1949-1959.
68691: ROW, B. Suryanarain. - History of Vijayanagar: The Never to Be Forgotten Empre.
54793: ROWAT, Donald C. ed. - The Government of Federal Capitals.
52235: ROWAT, Donald C. ed. - Administrative Secrecy in Developed Countries.
66894: ROWE, Helga A.H. - Early Identification and Intervention: A Handbook for Teachers and School Counsellors.
69797: ROWLAND, Jennifer J., JONES, Gavin & BROERS-FREEMAN, Daphne eds. - The Founding Of Australian Demography: A Tribute To W.D. Borrie.
66859: ROWLAND, Jennifer J., JONES, Gavin & BROERS-FREEMAN, Daphne eds. - The Founding Of Australian Demography: A Tribute To W.D. Borrie.
62455: ROWLES, Graham D. & OHTA, Russell J. eds. - Aging and Milieu: Environmental Perpectives on Growing Old.
74721: ROWSE, Tim. - Remote Possibilities: The Aboriginal Domain and the Administrative Imagination.
55608: ROWSE, Tim. - Obliged to be Difficult: Nugget Coombs' Legacy in Indigenous Affairs.
75804: ROWSE, Tim. - Remote Possibilities: The Aboriginal Domain and the Administrative Imagination.
71044: ROWTHORN, Robert, KUME, Gorota et al. - Proceedings of the International Conference on East Asian Development: Lessons for a New Global Environment.
69898: ROY, A.K. & CLARK, J.H. eds. - Gene Regulation by Steroid Hormones III.
68852: ROY, A.K. & CHATTERJEE, B. - Molecular Basis of Aging.
62300: ROY, S.B. - Date of Mahabharata Battle.
61549: ROY, D.K. - Tunnelling and Negative Resistance Phenomena in Semiconductors.
56691: ROY. NAG, Jamuna. - Raja Rammohun Roy: India's Great Social Reformer.
49119: LE ROY, Gaylord C. - Perplexed Prophets. Six Nineteenth-Century British Authors.
73661: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. D'AVRAY, David, BONNEY, Richard, INNES, Joanna et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 40.
73660: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. JAMES, Edward, BELL, P.M.H., REX, Richard et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 39.
73659: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. AYLMER, G.E., JOHNSON, Paul, METTAM, Roger et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 38.
73658: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. AYLMER, G.E., FLETCHER, R.A., RAMSDEN, John et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 37.
73656: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. COLLINI, Stefan, SHEPPARD, Francis, RAMSAY, Nigel et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 35.
73657: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. AYLMER, G.E., DARWIN, J.G., NELSON, Janet L. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 36.
73655: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. HOLT, J.C., BARBER, M.C., HOOK, Judith A., KING, Edmund et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 34.
73654: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. CANNING, Joseph P., FORSTER, G.C.F., POWELL, Edwards et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 33.
73653: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MILLER, John, KNOWLES, C.H., TYERMAN, C.J. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 32.
73652: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. COLLEY, Linda, MARKUS, Prof. R.A., UNDERDOWN, Prof. David et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 31.
73651: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. SLACK, Paul, ADDISON, Paul, DEWEY, P.E. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 30.
73650: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. BROOKS, N.P., HUFTON, Prof. Olwen, DAVIES, Prof. R.R. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 29.
73649: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. LUCAS, Clin, MADDICOTT, J.R., DILKS, Prof. David et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 28.
73647: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Hampson, Prof. N., Pullman Prof. Brian, PARKER, Geoffrey t al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 26.
73648: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. DOBSON, R.B., BROWN, Lucy, HOLMES, Prof. G.S., WORMALD, C.P. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 27.
73646: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WALSH, J.D., CMAPBELL, James, TOMLINSON, H.C. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 25.
73645: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. GRAY, J.W., WEBSTER, Charles, LOWE, Peter et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 24.
73644: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MORGAN, D.A.L., ROBERTS, J.M. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 23.
73643: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. OBOLENSKY, Dimitri, SPECK, W.A., ROBERTS, P.R. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 22.
73642: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. WATT, D.E.R., STEINBERG, J. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 21.
73599: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. MCCORD, N., HENDY, M.F., BECKETT, J.C. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 20.
73597: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. CROMWELL, Valerie, COWDREY, Rev. H.E.J., LEWIS, Bernard et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 18.
73596: ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY. CULLEN, L.M., BROOKE, Prof. C.N.L., ELLIOTT, J.H. et al. - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fifth Series. Volume 17.
76130: ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MONUMNETS, ENGLAND. - Newark on Trent: The Civil War Siegeworks.
58996: ROYDSON, Christine & WHITE, Howard D. eds. - Expert Systems in Reference Services.
75622: VAN ROYEN, Paul C., FISCHER, Lewis R. & WILLIAMS, David M. - Frutta di Mare: Evolution and Revolution in the Maritime World in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Maritime History, 5-8 June 1996, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
63074: ROZANOV, Yu. A. FEINSTEIN, A. trans. - Stationary Random Processes.
63073: ROZANOV, Yu. A. FEINSTEIN, A. trans. - Stationary Random Processes.
61579: ROZEN, P. & De DOMBAL, F.T. eds. - Frontiers of Gastrointestinal Research. Volume 7: Computer Aid in Gastroenterology.
54399: ROZENKOP, I.Z., GNEDENKO, B.V., KOROLYUK, V.S. et al. - Selected Translations in Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Volume 1.
56156: RUBALCABA-BERMEJO, Luis. - Business Services in European Industry: Growth, Employment and Competitiveness.
62691: RUBEL, Maximilien and MANALE, Margaret. - Marx Without Myth: A Chronological Study of His Life and Work.
58870: RUBEL, Paula G. & ROSMAN, Abraham. - Your Own Pigs You May Not Eat. A Comparative Study of New Guinea Societies.
66448: RUBENSTEIN, Richard E. - Alchemists of Revolution: Terrorism in the Modern World.
62796: RUBENSTEIN, James M. - The French New Towns.
62145: RUBENSTEIN, Daniel I & WRANGHAM, Richard W. eds. - Ecological Aspects of Social Evolution: Birds and Mammals.
58929: RUBERTI, A. ed. - Distributed Parameter Systems: Modelling and Identification. Proceedings of the IFIP Working Conference, Rome, Italy, June 21-24, 1976.
60605: RUBERY, Jill ed. - Women and Recession.
70107: RUBIN, Ronald I. - The Objectives of the U.S. Information Agency: Controversies and Analysis.
68119: RUBIN, Barry. - The Tragedy of the Middle East.

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