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66154: RUBIN, Louis D. Jr. & HOLMAN, C. Hugh eds. - Southern Literary Study: Problems and Possibilities.
67394: RUBINSTEIN. LIPMANN, Eric. - Arthur Rubinstein.
65656: RUBINSTEIN, E.A., GREEN, R., and BRECHER, E. (eds.). - New Directions in Sex Research.
65188: RUBINSTEIN, Murray, and GOLDMAN, Richard. - The Israeli Air Force Story.
52779: RUBINSTEIN, Robert L., KILBRIDE, Janet C., & NAGY, Sharon. - Elders Living Alone. Frailty and the Perception of Choice.
47956: RUBINSTEIN, W.D. & Hilary L. - Menders of the Mind. A History of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists.
47691: RUBINSTEIN, Arthur. - My Many Years.
72185: RUDD, Steele. FOTHERINGHAM, Richard. - In Search of Steele Rudd: Author of the Classic Dad & Dave Stories.
72069: RUDD, Shirley. - Time Manage Your Reading.
51795: RUDDER, Robert S. ed. - The Literature of Spain in English Translation. A Bibliography.
64296: RUDDLE, Kenneth, MORGAN, William B. & PFAFFLIN, James R. eds. - The Coastal Zone: Man's Response to Change.
60345: RUDER, Kenneth F. & SMITH, Michael D. eds. - Developmental Language Intervention: Psycholinguistic Applications.
58378: RUDOLPH, Frederick ed. - Essays on Education in the Early Republic.
70599: RUDY, Bernardo & SEEBURG, Peter eds. - Molecular and Functional Diversity of Ion Channels and Receptors.
63028: LA RUE, Asenath. - Aging and Neuropsychological Assessment.
67777: DE RUECK, A.V.S. & KNIGHT, Julie eds. - Hearing Mechanisms in Vertebrates.
74702: RUHEN, Olaf. - Mountains in the Clouds.
62313: RUHUMBIKA, Gabriel ed. - Towards Ujamaa: Twenty Years of Tanu Leadership.
69673: RULE, Paul A., LEONG, S.T., FRASER, Andrew et al. - Papers on Far Eastern History 6. September 1972.
68711: RULE, Paul A., LEONG, S.T., FRASER, Andrew et al. - Papers on Far Eastern History 6. September 1972.
74354: RUMLEY, Dennis. - The Geopolitics of Australia's Regional Relations.
75330: RUMLEY, Dennis, CHIBA, Tatsuya, TAKAGI, Akihiko, & FUKUSHIMA, Yoriko eds. - Global Geopolitical Change and the Asia-Pacific : A Regional Perspective.
61558: RUMMERY, R.M. - Catechesis and Religious Education in a Pluralist Society.
60668: RUMSEY, Francis. - Digital Audio Operations.
60516: RUNCIE, Neil ed. - Credit Unions in the South Pacific: Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Papua and New Guinea.
74818: RUNCIMAN, H.V. and MALCOLM, C.V. - Forage Shrubs and Grasses for Revegetating Saltland.
61366: RUNCIMAN, W.G. - Relative Deprivation and Social Justice: A Study of Attitudes to Social Inequality in Twentieth-Century England.
74765: RUOFF, James E. - Macmillan's Handbook of Elizabethan and Stuart Literature.
71307: RUPERT, Anton. - Priorities for Coexistence.
64632: RUPP, Rev. H.M.R. - The Orchids of New South Wales.
65019: RUPPEN, Walter. - Die Kunstdenkmäler des Kantons Wallis. Band II: Das Untergoms - Die Ehemalige Grosspfarrei Ernen.
69815: RUSE, Michael. - Sociobiology: Sense or Nonsense?
68869: RUSE, Michael. - Is Science Sexist? And Other Problems in the Biomedical Sciences.
68020: RUSE, Michael. - Is Science Sexist? And Other Problems in the Biomedical Sciences.
67997: RUSH, David, STEIN, Zena & SUSSER, Mervyn. - Diet in Pregnancy: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Nutritional Supplements.
64533: RUSHING, William A. - Class, Culture, and Alienation: A Study of Farmers and Farm Workers.
53824: RUSHMORE, Robert. - The Singing Voice.
70262: RUSHTON, Alan R. - Genetics and Medicine in the United States, 1800 -1922.
73479: RUSHWORTH, Graeme D. - Historic Organs of New South Wales. The Instruments, Their Makers & Players 1791 - 1940.
74996: RUSKIN. STODDART, Judith. - Ruskin's Culture Wars: Fors Clavigera and the Crisis of Victorian Liberalism.
74324: RUSSELL, Alice. - The Growth of Occupational Welfare in Britain: Evolution and Harmonization of Modern Personnel Practice.
71084: RUSSELL, jeremy. - Geopolitics of Natural Gas: A Report of Harvard's Energy and Environmental Policy Center.
70101: RUSSELL, Colin A. with COLEY, Noel G. & ROBERTS, Gerrylynn K. - Chemists by Profession: The Origins and Rise of the Royal Institute of Chemistry.
67708: RUSSELL, A.D. & FULLER, R. eds. - Cold Tolerant Microbes in Spoilage and the Environment.
67391: RUSSELL, Eric. - Woollahra: A History in Pictures.
66505: RUSSELL, Dora. - The Religion of the Machine Age.
65878: RUSSELL, Louise B. - Technology in Hospitals: Medical Advances and Their Diffusion.
54548: RUSSELL, Martin. - Dummy Run.
53193: RUSSELL. DAVIS, Robert Bernard. - George William Russell ("AE").
53058: RUSSELL, Bertrand. - The Autobiography of Bertand Russell. 1872 - 1914; 1914 - 1944; 1944 - 1967.
47756: RUSSELL, Henry. - The Passing Show.
75920: RUSSELL, Penny. - Displaced Loyalties: Vice-Regal Women in Colonial Australia.
55175: RUSSETT, Bruce M. & STEPAN, Alfred ed. - Military Force and American Society.
69941: RUSSO, V.E.A., BRODY, S., COVE, D. & OTTOLENGHI, S. - Development: The Molecular Genetic Approach.
76062: RUSTON. - Spare Parts Manual. Ruston. Class YC. Vertical Oil Engine.
71772: RUTHERFORD, Stuart. - ASA: The Biography of an NGO. Empowerment and Credit in Rural Bangladesh.
51697: RUTHERFORD, Ward. - The Gallows Set.
75058: RUTHVEN, K.K. - Critical Assumptions.
66836: RUTKOWSKI, Arthur D., and RUTKOWSKI, Barbara Lang. - Labor Relations in Hospitals.
70826: RUTNIN, Mattani ed. - The Siamese Theatre: A Collection of Reprints from The Journals of the Siam Society.
70251: RUTTER, Michael. - Children of Sick Parents: An Environmental and Psychiatric Study.
58335: RUTTON, Vernon W., WELSCH, Delane E., SPRAGUE, Ernest W. et al. - Agricultural Revolution in Southeast Asia. Volume I: Impact on Grain Production and Trade.
75828: RUYS,Juanita Feros ed. - What Nature Does Not Teach: Didactic Literature in the Medieval and Early-Modern Periods.
76043: RX7. MOFFAT, Allan. - Allan Moffat's Racing RX-7 Mazda.
69721: RYAN, Terence J. & CHERRY, George W. eds. - Vascular Birthmarks: Pathogenesis and Management.
67157: RYAN, Mary P. - Civic Wars: Democracy and Public Life in the American City during the Nineteenth Century.
64881: RYAN, Paul B. - The Panama Canal Controversy. U.S. Diplomacy and Defense Interests.
60806: RYAN, M. - The Acceptable Pressure Group. Inequality in the Penal Lobby: A Case Study of the Howard League and RAP.
60359: RYAN, Michael. - The Organization of Soviet Medical Care.
57607: RYAN, Chris. - The One That Got Away.
55665: RYAN, Thomas J. - Poverty and the Child: A Canadian Study.
52926: RYAN-HAYES, Karen L. - Contemporary Russian Satire. A Genre Study.
52720: RYAN, A.P. ed. - Critics Who Have Influenced Taste.
72409: RYDON, Joan & WOLFSOHN, H.A. - Federalism in West Germany: The Functions and Relations of the Different Levels of Government.
76016: RYKWERT, Joseph. - The Idea of a Town: The Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome, Italy and the Ancient World.
69801: VAN RYZIN, J. ed. - Classification and Clustering.
61689: RZESZEWSKI, Ted ed. - Television Video Transmission Measurements.
73314: SABANOVIC, Asif, FRIDMAN, Leonid M and SPURGEON, Sarah (Ed.) - Variable Structure Systems: from Principles to Implementation
64590: SABERWAL, Satish ed. - Beyond the Village: Sociological Explorations.
64509: SABERWAL, Satish ed. - Beyond the Village: Sociological Explorations.
73239: SACASAS, Anselmo music. BERRIOS, Pedro lyric. SAVINO, D. arr. - Sol Tropical. Rumba Exotica. Sheet Music.
74577: SACCONI, Lorenzo. - The Social Contract of the Firm: Economics, Ethics and Organisation.
61321: SACHS, William S. & HOOGENBOOM, Ari. - The Enterprising Colonials: Society on the Eve of the Revolution.
57654: SACK, John. - Company C: The Real War in Iraq.
55172: SACK, Peter G. ed. - Problem of Choice: Land in Papua New Guinea's Future.
52296: SACK, Peter ed. - Pacific Constitutions. Proceedings of the Canberra Law Workshop VI.
47573: SACKVILLE-West, Vita. - Daughter of France. The Life of Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans duchesse de Montpensier 1627 - 1693 La Grande Maemoiselle.
62546: SADAVA, S.W. ed. - Drug Use and Psychological Theory.
72648: DE SADE. SCHAEFFER, Neil. - The Marquis de Sade: A Life.
68690: SADLEIR, D.M. et al eds. - The Australia-Japan Agreement on Commerce 1957.
70399: SADLER, D. Royce. - Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Regression.
59904: SADLER, M.E. ed. - Continuation Schools in England and Elsewhere: Their Place in the Educational System of an Industrial and Commercial State.
64174: SADOUN, Roland, LOLLI, Giorgio & SILVERMAN, Milton. - Drinking in French Culture.
56623: SADULLAH, Mian Muhammad, MUJAHID, Sharif Al et al eds. - The Partition of the Punjab 1947. A Compilation of Official Documents, Volume II.
67772: SAFA, Helen & DU TOIT, Brian M. ed. - Migration and Development: Implications for Ethnic Identity and Political Conflict.
55103: SAFA, Helen & DU TOIT, Brian M. ed. - Migration and Development: Implications for Ethnic Identity and Political Conflict.
63029: SAFAR, M.E. & FOUAD-TARAZI, F. eds. - The Heart in Hypertension: A Tribute to Robert Tarazi (1925-1986).
57875: SAFFIN, N.W. - Science, Religion and Education in Britain: 1804-1904.
54176: SAFRAN, Nadav. - Saudi Arabia: The Ceaseless Quest for Security.
52753: SAGAN, Scott D. - Moving Targets. Nuclear Strategy and National Security.
72265: SAGGERS, Sherry & GRAY, Dennis. - Dealing with Alcohol: Indigenous Usage in Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
60965: SAHIB. GUPTA, Pratul Chandra. - Nana Sahib and the Rising at Cawnpore.
74512: SAHNI, Ashok & GAUR, Rajan eds. - Perspectives in Human Evolution.
59703: SAHOTA, Gian S. - Fertilizer in Economic Development: An Econometric Analysis.
72130: SAICH, Tony ed. - The Chinese People's Movement: Perspectives on Spring 1989.
63661: SAINT-GEORGE, Henry. - Fiddles: Their Selection, Preservation and Betterment.
72658: The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. - Children's Songbook Of The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints.
52858: SAINTSBURY, George. - Minor Poets of the Caroline Period. Vol. III. Containing John Cleveland, Thomas Stanley, Henry King, Thomas Flatman, & Nathaniel Whiting.
52360: SAINTSBURY. LEUBA, Walter. - George Saintsbury.
56729: SAIVETZ, Carol R. - The Soviet Union and the Gulf in the 1980s.
75957: SALA, Umberto. - A Emigracao Italiana No Brasil (1925).
76259: SALAMON, Lester M., ANHEIER, Helmut K, LIST, Regina et al. - Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Nonprofit Sector.
55150: SALATHE, Andre. - Geschichte des Fusilierbataillons 75.
70515: SALDICH, Anne Rawley. - Electronic Democracy: Television's Impact on the American Political Process.
72249: SALE, Kirkpatrick. - Dwellers in the Land: The Bioregional Vision.
48039: SALE, Charles (Chic). - The Specialist.
47836: SALE, Richard. - The Man Who Raised Hell.
74357: SALEMINK, Oscar. - The Ethnography of Vietnam's Central Highlanders: A Historical Contextualization, 1850-1900.
75331: SALHANY, Roger E. - The Origin of Rights.
66011: SALINGER, Margaretta. - Great Paintings of Children.
52600: SALIS, Richard. LARSEN, Egon trans. - Motives. 46 Contemporary German Authors discuss Their Life and Work.
62930: SALISBURY, Richard F. - Vunamami: Economic Transformation in a Traditional Society.
75236: SALISBURY, Richard F. - Vunamami: Economic Transformation in a Traditional Society.
75491: LA SALLE. - La Salle Operator's Manual.
56233: SALLER, Richard P. - Patriarchy, Property and Death in the Roman Family.
57173: SALM, Luke. - Brother Arnold Reche, FSC: Apostolic Ascetic.
57172: SALM, Luke. - Brother Scubilion Rousseau, FSC: Apostle of Freedom and Reconcilitation, 1797-1867.
57171: SALM, Luke. - Brother Benilde Romancon, FSC: The Teacher Saint.
72684: SALMON, Phillida. - Life at School: Education and Psychology.
63310: SALMON, Charles T. ed. - Information Campaigns: Balancing Social Values and Social Change.
70132: SALOMON, Jean-Jacques, SAGASTI, Francisco & SACHS-JEANTET, Celine. - La Quete Incertaine. Science, Technologie, Developpement.
54422: SALOMON, Jean-Jacques. LINDSAY, Noel trans. - Science and Politics.
54860: SALOMONSON, Vincent V. - Anisotropy in Reflected Solar Radiation.
73516: SALT, Bernard. - The Big Picture: Life, Work and Relationships in the 21st Century.
57106: SALTER, M.J. - Studies in the Immigration of the Highly Skilled.
75406: SALVADORI, Mario. - Why Buildings Stand Up: The Strength of Architecture.
65817: SALVAN, Albert J. ed. - D'Un Siecle a l'Autre. Contes et Nouvelles.
42333: SALVATO, Maria S. ed. - The Arenaviridae.
55803: SALVENDY, Gavriel, SAUTER, Steven L., & HURRELL, Joseph J. eds. - Advances in Human Factors/ Ergonomics Volume 10A: Social, Ergonomic and Stress Aspects of Work with Computers.
71472: SALZER, Felix. - Structural Hearing. Tonal Coherence in Music.
52177: SALZER, Felix. - Structural Hearing: Tonal Coherence in Music.
62840: SAMAHA, Joel. - Law and Order in Historical Perspective: The Case of Elizabethan Essex.
69365: SAMBAMURTHY, Prof. P. - The Flute.
73751: Sammartini, Giovanni Battista. - Sonate a tre stromenti / Six Notturnos for String Trio Op. 7.
74983: SAMPSEL, Laurie J. - Music Research: A Handbook.
68519: SAMPSON, Geoffrey. - Making Sense.
54940: SAMPSON, Geoffrey. - The Form of Language.
52947: SAMPSON, Robert. - Yesterday's Faces: A Study of Series Characters in the Early Pulp Magazines. Volume 1: Glory Figures.
52547: SAMPSON, Geoffrey. - The Form of Language.
71003: SAMSEL, Jon & WIMBERLEY, Darryl. - Writing for Interactive Media: The Complete Guide.
73897: SAMSON, Jim. - Music in Transition: A Study of Tonal Expansion and Atonality 1900-1920.
75088: SAMSON, Jane. - Imperial Benevolence: Making British Authority in the Pacific Islands.
74971: SAMUEL, Raphael ed. - Miners, Quarrymen and Saltworkers.
54659: SAMUEL, Adolphe. - Livre de Lecture Musicale formant un Recueil des Airs Nationaux les plus Carateristiques Ranges dans un ordre progessif avec l'indication de leur structure rythmique. 5me fascicule.
54658: SAMUEL, Adolphe. - Livre de Lecture Musicale formant un Recueil des Airs Nationaux les plus Carateristiques Ranges dans un ordre progessif avec l'indication de leur structure rythmique. 2e fascicule.
63191: SAMUELS, J.M. & MCMAHON, P.C. - Savings and Investment in the United Kingdom and West Germany.
55100: SAMUELS, Richard J. - Rich Nation, Strong Army: National Security and the Technological Transformation of Japan.
48774: SAMUELSSON, Bengt, PAOLETTI, Rodolfo, & RAMWELL, Peter W. ed. - Advances in Prostaglandin, Thromboxane, and Leukotriene Research. Volume 12. Fifth International Prostaglandin Conference.
73887: SANASARIAN, Eliz. - The Women's Rights Movement in Iran: Mutiny Appeasement and Repression From 1900 to Khomeini.
56560: SANCHES, Mary & BLOUNT, Ban G. eds. - Sociocultural Dimensions of Language Use.
75502: SANCHEZ, Adriana X., HAMPSON, Keith D. & LONDON, Geoffrey eds. - Integrating Information in Built Environments: From Concept to Practice.
68426: VAN DE SAND, Klemens. - Foundations and Problems of Local Government in Rural India.
73418: SANDBERG, LAWRENCE B., GRAY, William R. & FRANZBLAU, Carl eds. - Elastin and Elastic Tissue.
76313: SANDELL, Lieut. J.M., GRROVER, Harry, PALMER, Keith, IDRIESS, Ion et al. - SALT. Authorised Education Journal of the Australian Army. [From] 21 Dec, 1942. Volume 5, Number 8. [Through to] 24 May, 1943. Volume 6 Number 6.
69527: SANDELL, Linda J. & BOYD, Charles D. eds. - Extracellular Matrix Genes.
71294: SANDERS, W. - Unemployment Payments, the Activity Test and Indigenous Australians: Understanding Breach Rates.
66391: SANDERS, Willy. - Sprachkritikastereien und was der "Fachler" dazu sagt.
63457: SANDERS, K. ed. - Ageing: Law, Policy and Ethics. Directions for the 21st Century. Proceedings of Symposia held at University of Melbourne 1992.
59757: SANDERS, Sol. - Living Off the West: Gorbachev's Secret Agenda and Why It Will Fail.
54300: SANDERS, Sol. - Living Off the West: Gorbachev's Secret Agenda and Why It Will Fail.
53846: SANDERS, Wilbur. - The Dramatist and the Received Idea: Studies in the Plays of Marlowe and Shakespeare.
48634: SANDERS, Alan & STEANE, J.B. - Elizabeth Schwarzkopf. A Career on Record.
47731: SANDERS, Ronald. - The Days Grow Short. The Life & Music of Kurt Weill.
67774: SANDLER, Richard H. & JONES, Thomas C. eds. - Medical Care of Refugees.
63168: SANDLER, Merton ed. - Psychopharmacology of Anticonvulsants.
58958: SANDOR, Frigyes ed. - Music Education in Hungary.
74136: SANFORD, Herb. - Tommy and Jimmy: The Dorsey Years.
72241: SANGALLI, Arturo. - The Importance of being Fuzzy and Other Insights from the Border Between Math and Computers.
60576: SANGSTER, Rodney B. - Roman Jakobson and Beyond: Language as a System of Signs. The Quest for the Ultimate Invariants in Language.
63253: SANLI, H. Ibrahim. - Dolmus-Minibus System in Istanbul: A Case Study in Low-Cost Transportation.
53797: DE SANTIS, Hugh. - The Diplomacy of Silence. The American Foreign Service, the Soviet Union, and the Cold War, 1933 - 1947.
75234: SAPP, Jan. - Where the Truth Lies: Franz Moewus and the Origins of Molecular Biology.
64058: SAPP, Jan. - Beyond the Gene Cytoplasmic Inheritance and the Struggle for Authority in Genetics.
55875: SARBIN, Theodore R. & MANCUSO, James C. - Schizophrenia: Medical Diagnosis or Moral Verdict?
71244: SARDESAI, D.R. - Indian Foreign Policy in Cambodia, Laos, & Vietnam, 1947-1964.
55033: SARGENT, Sir John. - Society, Schools and Progress in India.
71609: SARKISSIAN, Wendy & DOHERTY, Terry. - Living in Public Housing: A Report on a Tenants' Evaluation of Medium-Density Public Housing in Surburban Sydney.
68239: SARMA, Ramaswamy H. - Nucleic Acid: Geometry and Dynamics.
61135: SARMA, Ramaswamy H. - Nucleic Acid: Geometry and Dynamics.
69924: SARTRE. PRINCE, Gerald Joseph. - Metaphysique et Technique dans L'Oeuvre Romanesque de Sartre.
67110: SARXIAN, Vartan arr. BOYAJIAN, Socrates revised. - Sacred Music of the Armenian Church. Volume II.
54443: SASSEVILLE, Dennis R., WILSON, W. Gary. & LAWSON, Robert. - ISO 14000 Answer Book: Environmental Management for the World Market.
63369: SASSON, Albert. - Biotechnologies in Developing Countries: Present and Future. Volume 2 - International Co-operation.
55861: SASSONE. - Catalogo dei Francobolli degli Antichi Stati Italiani del Regno di Vittorio Emanuele II e del Regno D'Italia fina al 1900. 1. Volume: I Francobolli.
59359: SATCHELL, William. - The Land of the Lost.
58037: SATO, Y., POORTMANS, J., HASHIMOTO, I. & OSHIDA, Y. eds. - Integration of Medical and Sports Sciences.
72005: SATRIANI, Joe. JACOBSON, Jeff, PAPPAS, Paul, SCHROEDL, Jeff & O'BRIEN, Kerry transcribers. - Joe Satriani. Time Machine. Book 2.
72004: SATRIANI, Joe. JACOBSON, Jeff, PAPPAS, Paul, PHILLIPS, Mark & SCHROEDL, Jeff transcribers. - Joe Satriani. Time Machine. Book 1.
70318: SAUER-THOMPSON, Gary & SMITH, Joseph Wayne. - Beyond Economics: Postmodernity, Globalization and National Sustainability.
60850: SAUER, Jonathan D. - Plants and Man on the Seychelles Coast: A Study on Historical Biogeography.
55414: SAUER, Christopher, YETTON, Philip W., and Assoc. - Steps to the Future: Fresh Thinking on the Management of IT-Based Oraganizational Transformation.
73908: SAUNDERS, D.A., CRAIG, J.L. & MATTISKE, E.M. eds. - The Role of Networks. Nature Conservation 4.
73630: SAUNDERS, D.A., CRAIG, J.L. & MATTISKE, E.M. eds. - The Role of Networks. Nature Conservation 4.
72164: SAUNDERS, Peter. - Welfare and Inequality: National and International Perspectives of the Australian Welfare State.
69449: SAUNDERS, D.A., HOBBS, R.J. & EHRLICH, P.R. eds. - Reconstruction of Fragmented Ecosystems: Global and Regional Perspectives ( Nature Conservation, Vol 3).
61800: SAUNDERS, Peter. - Welfare and Inequality: National and International Perspectives of the Australian Welfare State.
59983: SAUNDERS, J.W. - A Biographical Dictionary of Renaissance Poets and Dramatists, 1520-1650.
55012: SAUNDERS, David ed. - A Manual of Architectural History Sources in Australia. Volume One: New South Wales. South Australia. Volume Two: Victoria. Western Australia.
75842: SAUNDERS, Peter. - The Government Giveth and the Government Taketh Away: Tax-welfare Churning and the Cae for Welfare State Opt-Outs.
66184: SAVAGE, J.F. - Tectonic Analysis of Lechada and Curavacas Synclines, Yuso Basin, Leon, NW Spain.
54007: SAVILE, Anthony, WOLLHEIM, Richard, SLOMAN, Aaron, COHEN, L. Jonathan et al. - The Aristotelian Society: The Symposia Read at the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association in London (King's College and the City University), July 1986. Supplementary Volume LX.
73619: SAVILLE, Malcolm. - The Adventure of the Life-Boat Service.
54415: SAVOIE, Donald J. - The Politics of Public Spending in Canada.
60911: SAVY, Robert. - Social Security in Agriculture.
70738: SAWER, Marian & MISKIN, Sarah eds. - Representation and Institutional Change: 50 Years of Proportional Representation in the Senate.
70739: SAWER, Marian & MISKIN, Sarah eds. - Representation and Institutional Change: 50 Years of Proportional Representation in the Senate.
63526: SAWER, Geoffrey. - Australian Federal Politics and Law: 1929-1949.
73866: SAWYER, Ralph D. - Fire and Water: The Art of Incendiary and Aquatic Warfare in China.
72895: SAWYER, Roger. - We Are But Women: Women in Ireland's History.
65454: SAWYER, Elizabeth. - Dance With the Music: The World of the Ballet Musician.
52906: SAWYER, Roger. - Slavery in the Twentieth Century.
65457: SAXBY, Maurice. - The Proof of the Puddin'. Australian Children's Literature 1970 - 1990.
59404: SAXBY, Maurice. - The Proof of the Puddin'. Australian Children's Literature 1970 - 1990.
48973: SAXBY, Maurice. - The Proof of the Puddin'. Australian Children's Literature 1970 - 1990.
68146: Saxena, Pramrod R. & FORSYTH, Ralph P. eds. - Beta-adrenoceptor Blocking Agents: The Pharmacological Basis of Clinical Use.
68815: SAXENIAN, Annalee. - Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128.
69552: SAXTON, Alexander. - The Indispensable Enemy: Labor And The Anti-Chinese Movement In California.
52801: SAYEED, Khalid B. - Pakistan. The Formative Phase, 1857 - 1948.
73229: SAYLES, G.O. ed. - The Publications of the Selden Society. Volume XCIX for the Year 1983. Fleta. Volume IV Book V and Book VI.
59017: SAYRE-MCCORD, Geoffrey ed. - Essays on Moral Realism.
56364: SAYRE, Wallace S. & KAUFMAN, Herbert. - Governing New York City: Politics in the Metropolis.
75347: SAYRE, Robert. - Solitude in Society: A Sociological Study in French Literature.
75178: SCALAPINO, Robert A. ed. - Elites in the People's Republic of China.
55793: SCALAPINO, Robert A. & MASUMI, Junnosuke. - Parties and Politics in Contemporary Japan.
54431: SCALAPINO, Robert A. - The Politics of Development: Perspectives on Twenteith-Century Asia.
60597: SCAMMELL, W.M. - The London Discount Market.
73489: SCARLATTI, Domenico. - Stabat Mater a Dieci Voci e Basso Continuo. Partitura.
73462: SCARLATTI. D'ACCONE, Frank A. - The History of a Baroque Opera: Alessandro Scarlatti's Gli equivoci nel sembiante.
75408: SCARLATTI, Domenico. - Stabat Mater a Dieci Voci e Basso Continuo. Partitura.
52396: SCARR, Sandra. - Race, Social Class, and Individual Differences in I.Q.
62447: SCASE, Richard ed. - Readings in the Swedish Class Structure.
59678: SCASE, Richard ed. - The State in Western Europe.
76330: SCASE, Wendy ed. - Essays in Manuscript Geography: Vernacular Manuscripts of the English West Midlands from the Conquest to the Sixteenth Century.
70737: SCEVE. ATTAL, Jean-Pierre. - Maurice Sceve.
58646: SCHADEWALDT, Wolfgang. - Sappho: Welt und Dichtung Dasein in der Liebe.
60301: SCHAEFER, A.C. & SPENCER, D.C. with GRAD, Arthur. - Coefficient Regions for Schlicht Functions with a Chapter On the Region of Values of the Derivative of a Schlicht Function.
57847: SCHAFER, William J. & RIEDEL, Johannes. - The Art of Ragtime: Form and Meaning of an Original Black American Art.
74676: SCHAFFER, Kay - Women and the Bush: Forces of Desire in the Australian Cultural Tradition.
63731: SCHAFFER, Dr. Graham B. ed. - Materials Forum: Volume 19, 1995. Fracture and Failure.
56086: SCHAFFER, H.R. ed. - The Origins of Human Social Relations.
68206: SCHAIN, Martin A. - French Communism and Local Power: Urban Politics and Political Change.
76238: SCHAPERA, I et al. - The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 88, Part I. January-June, 1958.
61700: SCHAPERA, I. - Government and Politics in Tribal Societies.
59383: SCHAPIRO, Leonard. - 1917: The Russian Revolutions and the Origins of Present-Day Communism.
61846: SCHAPPER, Henry P. - Aboriginal Advancement to Integration. Conditions and Plans for Western Australia.
61289: SCHAPPER, Henry P. - Aboriginal Advancement to Integration. Conditions and Plans for Western Australia.
52465: SCHAPPER, Henry P. - Aboriginal Advancement to Integration. Conditions and Plans for Western Australia.
69406: SCHAR, Hans. - Erlosungsvorstellungen und Ihre Psychologischen Aspekte
57985: SCHARBERTH, Irmgard. - Oper in Koln: Michael Hampe, 1975-1985.
51847: SCHARF, Thomas. - The German Greens. Challenging the Consensus.
65418: SCHATTEN, Robert. - A Theory of Cross-Spaces.
64819: SCHEDVIN, C.B. - Shaping Science and Industry: A History of Australia's Coucil for Scientific and Industrial Research, 1926-49.
75619: SCHENKER, Heinrich. JONAS, Oswald ed. BORGESE, Elisabeth Mann trans. - Harmony.
75604: SCHENKER, Heinrich. OSTER, Ernst trans. and ed. - Free Composition (Der freie Satz). Volume III of New Musical Theories and Fantasies. Supplement: Musical Examples.
75603: SCHENKER, Heinrich. OSTER, Ernst trans. and ed. - Free Composition (Der freie Satz). Volume III of New Musical Theories and Fantasies.
75620: SCHENKER. PANKHURST, Tom. - Schenker Guide: A Brief Handbook and Wbsite for Schenkerian Analysis.
75499: SCHENKER. JONAS, Oswald. ROTHGEB, John trans. and ed. - Introduction to the Theory of Heinrich Schenker.
56319: SCHEPS, Samuel. - The Dethronement of Gold: Towards a New Image of Currencies.
67643: SCHERER, Jacques. - La Dramaturgie Classique En France.
52024: SCHERER, Klaus R. & GILES, Howard ed. - Social Markers in Speech.
54979: SCHERMERHORN, R.A. - Ethnic Plurality in India.
67901: SCHEUNER, Ulrich & LINDEMANN, Beate eds. - Die Vereinten Nationen und die Mitarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
69995: SCHIAFFINI, Alfredo. DE MAURO, Tullio & MAZZANTINI, Paolo eds. - Italiano Antico e Moderno.
65548: SCHIAFFINI, Alfredo. - Tradizione e Poesia nella Prosa D'Arte Italiana dalla Latinita Medievale al Boccaccio.
64978: SCHIAVONE, Giuseppe ed. - Western Europe and South-East Asia: Co-operation or Competition?
60616: SCHIEFELBUSCH, Richard L. ed. - Language of the Mentally Retarded.
60362: SCHIEFELBUSCH, Richard L. ed. - Language of the Mentally Retarded.
52493: SCHIEFELBUSCH, Richard L. ed. - Bases of Language Intervention.
74386: SCHIFERL, Rich. - Design Considerations for Salient Pole, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors in Variable Speed Drive Applications.
65827: SCHILD, Erich, OSWALD, Rainer, ROGIER, Dietmar, SCHWEIKERT, Hans, and SCHNAPAUFF, Volker. - Schwachstellen: Schaden, Ursachen, Konstruktions - und Ausfuhrungsempfehlungen. Band IV.
64990: SCHIMINOVICH, Samuel ed. - The Biology of DNA Tumor Viruses.
66174: SCHLEICHER, Robert. - The Large-Scale Model Railroading Handbook.
72704: SCHLESINGER, Stephen C. - Act Of Creation: The Founding of the United Nations A Story of Superpowers, Secret Agents, Wartime Allies and Enemies, and Their Quest for a Peaceful World.
63294: SCHLESINGER, James M. intro. CONQUEST, Robert et al. - Defending America: Toward a New Role in the Post-Detente World.
52402: SCHLESINGER, Rudolf. - Federalism in Central and Eastern Europe.
73814: SCHLUCHTER, Wolfgang. ROTH, Guenther ed. - The Rise of Western Rationalism: Max Weber's Developmental History.
48885: SCHMAHLING, Elmar ed. - Life Beyond the Bomb. Global Stability Without Nuclear Deterrence.
63144: SCHMALANSEE, Richard. - The Control of Natural Monpolies.
65087: SCHMID, Gunther (ed.). - Labor Market Institutions in Europe. A Socioeconomic Evaluation of Performance.
69050: SCHMIDT, Heinrich J. - Alte Seidenstoffe. Ein Handbuch für Sammler und Liebhaber.
65068: SCHMIDT, Helmut. - A Grand Strategy for the West. The Anachronism of National Strategies in an Interdependent World.
59804: SCHMIDT, Richard A. - Motor Learning and Performance: From Principles to Practice.
75447: SCHMIDT, Ulf. - Justice at Nuremberg: Leo Alexander and the Nazi Doctos' Trial.
55706: SCHMIEGELOW, Michele & Henrik. - Strategic Pragmatism: Japanese Lessons in the Use of Economic Theory.
69223: SCHMITT, Bernd H. & BROWN, Laura. - Build Your Own Garage: Blueprints and Tools to Unleash Your Company's Hidden Creativity.
68965: SCHMITT, Francis O. WORDEN, Frederic G., ADELMAN, George & DENNIS, Stephen G. eds. - The Organization of the Cerebral Cortex: Proceedings of a Neurosciences Research Program Colloquium.
59820: SCHMITTER, Philippe C. - Interest Conflict and Political Change in Brazil.
75410: SCHMUTTERER, H. ed. - The Neem Tree: Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and Other Meliaceous Plants. Source of Unique Natural Products for Integrated Pest Management, Medicine, Industry and Other Purposes.
69740: SCHNAIBERG, Allan, WATTS, Nicholas & ZIMMERMAN, Klaus eds. - Distributional Conflicts in Environmental-Resource Policy.
71324: SCHNEIDER, Harold K. - The Wahi Wanyaturu: Economics in an African Society.
68255: SCHNEIDER, Jay S. & LIDSKY, Theodore I. eds. - Basal Ganglia and Behavior: Sensory Aspects of Motor Functioning.
61701: SCHNEIDER, Stephen H. - The Genesis Strategy: Climate and Global Survival.
61256: SCHNEIDER, Herbert W. - Three Dimensions of Public Morality.
60692: SCHNEIDER, Arthur. - Electronic Post-Production and Videotape Editing.
56367: SCHNEIDER, Harold K. - The Wahi Wanyaturu: Economics in an African Society.
55954: SCHNEIRLA, T.C. ARONSON, Lester R., TOBACH, Ethel, ROSENBLATTm Jay S., & LEHRMAN, Daniel S. ed. - Selected Writings of T.C. Schneirla.
69977: SCHNELL, Robert Wolfgang. - Die Farce von den Riesenbrüsten. Erzählungen.
58211: SCHNELL, Hugo. - Twentieth Century Church Architecture in Germany: Documentation - Presentation - Interpretation.
75350: SCHOBER, Juliane ed. - Sacred Biography in the Buddhist Traditions of South and South-East Asia.
74819: SCHODDE, R. - Interim List of Australian Songbirds.
66923: SCHODT, Frederik L. - Inside the Robot Kingdom: Japan, Mechatronics, and the Coming Robotopia.
64585: SCHOEMAKER, Paul J.H. - Experiments on Decisions Under Risk: The Expected Utility Hypothesis.
71470: SCHOENBERG, Arnold. - Streichtrio Op. 45.
75496: SCHOENBERG. STUCKENSCHMIDT, H.H. SEARLE, Humphrey trans. - Schoenberg: His Life, World and Work.
75893: SCHOENBERG. WELLESZ, Egon. - Arnold Schonberg. [Schoenberg].
75610: SCHOENBERG, Arnold. - Fourth String Quartet Op. 37.
75611: SCHOENBERG, Arnold. - Erwartung. Monodram in 1 Akt. Partitur.
75905: SCHOENBERG, Arnold. - Kammersymphonie fur 15 Solo-Instrumente. Op. 9. Partitur.
75906: SCHOENBERG, Arnold. - Pierrot lunaire. Op. 21. Fur eine Sprechstimme, Klavier, FLote (auch Piccolo), Klarinette (auch Bass-Klarinette), Geige (auch Bratsche) und Violoncell.
75907: SCHOENBERG, Arnold. - Pelleas und Melisande. Symphonische Dichtung fur Orchester Op. 5.
75908: SCHOENBERG, Arnold. - Variationen fur Orchester. Partitur.
75911: SCHOENBERG, Arnold. - Variationen fur Orchester. Partitur.
75912: SCHOENBERG, Arnold. - Quartett fur zwei Violinen, Viola und Violoncello Op. 7.
55253: SCHOENEWOLF, Gerald. - Sexual Animosity Between Men and Women.
63221: SCHOENHEIMER. ALLWOOD, Leon ed. - Schoenheimer on Education.
69574: SCHOFIELD, N.J., RUPRECHT, J.K. & LOH, I.C. - Impact of Agricultural Development on the Salinity of Surface Water Resources of South-West Australia.
72268: SCHOLES, Percy A. - The Oxford Companion to Music.
73538: SCHOLLE, Peter A. and SPEARING, Darwin R. eds. - Sandstone Depositional Environments.
48355: SCHOLLERS, Peter ed. - Real Wages in 19th and 20th Century Europe: Historical and Comparative Perspectives.
75621: SCHOLLUM, Robert. - Das Osterreichische Lied des 20. Jahrhunderts.
46987: SCHOONOVER, Thomas David. - Dollars Over Dominion. The Triumph of Liberalism in Mexican-United States Relations, 1861 - 1867.
76035: SCHOOREL, Dr A.F. ed. - Proceedings of the International Seed Testing Association. Volume 35. No. 2. - Germination Number.
76034: SCHOOREL, Dr A.F. ed. - Proceedings of the International Seed Testing Association. Volume 36. No. 1 - Number on Seed Legislation and Testing of Tropical and Subtropical Seeds.
76036: SCHOOREL, Dr A.F. ed. - Proceedings of the International Seed Testing Association. Volume 34. No. 2. - Number on Vigour Testing.
76037: SCHOOREL, Dr A.F. ed. - Proceedings of the International Seed Testing Association. Volume 34. No. 1. - Equipment Number.
65021: SCHOPFER, Hermann. - Les Monuments d'Art et d'Histoire du Canton de Fribourg. Tome IV: Le District du Lac (I).
58224: SCHOSTAK, John. - Dirty Marks: The Education of Self, Media and Popular Culture.
59568: SCHOTT, Kerry. - Policy, Power and Order. The Persistence of Economic Problems in Capitalist States.
54293: SCHOTT, Jeffrey J. ed. - Free Trade Areas and U.S. Trade Policy.
48140: SCHOTT, Kerry. - Policy, Power and Order. The Persistence of Economic Problems in Capitalist States.
66389: SCHOTTLE, Rudiger. LOSTA, Christin photos. - Neondekorationen: 'Entwicklungen' aus Bauhaus, De Stijl und Matisse.
73470: SCHRAM, Frederick ed. - Crustacean Phylogeny.
73209: SCHRAM, Stuart R. ed. - The Scope of State Power in China.
57948: SCHRAM, Stuart R. ed. - Authority Participation and Cultural Change in China. Essays By a European Study Group.
56490: SCHRAM, Stuart R. ed. - Authority Participation and Cultural Change in China. Essays By a European Study Group.
57901: SCHREIBER, William I. - Our Amish Neighbors.
70784: SCHREUDER, Deryck M. ed. - The Humanities and a Creative Nation. Jubilee Essays.
59641: SCHREUDER, Deryck M. ed. - Imperialisms: Explorations in European Expansion and Empire.
72651: SCHRIEKE, B. - Indonesian Sociological Studies: Selected Writings of B. Schrieke. Part One.
72908: SCHRODER, Hermann. - Selbst-Unterrichts-Briefe. Methode Rustin. Instrumentationslehre.
65887: SCHRODER, Heinrich, SCHRODER, Franz Rolf, HAUG, Walter, KOHLER, Erich, STANZEL, Franz K., BURGER, Heinz Otto. - Germanisch - Romanische Monatsschrift. Neue Folge, Band XXIII, Heft 3, September 1973.
72851: SCHROEDER, David. - Cinema's Illusions, Opera's Allure: The Operatic Impulse in Film.
70697: SCHUBERT, Franz. - Grand Quatuor pour deux Violons, Alto et Violoncello. [ String Quartet ( Death and the Maiden)]. Op. posth.
69122: SCHUBERT, Franz. - Symphony No. 9 in C Major. D. 944.
66675: SCHUBERT, Franz. - Piano Trio No. 2 in E Flat Major. Op. 100.
66672: SCHUBERT, Franz. - String Quartet. ( Death and the Maiden). Op. posth.
66674: SCHUBERT, Franz. - String Quartet in C Minor Op. post
66669: SCHUBERT, Franz. - String Quintet in C Major for Two Violins, Viola and Two Cellos. Op. 163.
52498: SCHUBERT. STEFAN, Paul. - Franz Schubert. Mit Abbildungen, Handschrift- und Notenproben.
68229: SCHULER, Frank. - Das Referendum in Graubunden: Entwicklung, Ausgestaltung, Perspektiven.
71588: SCHULTZ, Julianne. - Reviving the Fourth Estate: Democarcy, Accountability and the Media.
68548: SCHULTZ, Theodore W. - Distortions Of Agricultural Incentives.
64341: SCHULTZ, Debra L. - Going South: Jewish Women in the Civil Rights Movement.
62940: SCHULTZ, Henry. - The Theory and Measurement of Demand.
72771: SCHULZ, Holger. - Weissstorch im Aufwind? White Storks on the Up?
67894: SCHULZ, Eberhard. - Moskau und die europaische Integration.
62795: SCHULZ, James H., BOROWSKI, Allan & CROWN, William H. et al. - Economics of Population Aging: The "Graying" of Australia, Japan, and the United States.
57955: SCHULZ, James H., BOROWSKI, Allan & CROWN, William H. et al. - Economics of Population Aging: The "Graying" of Australia, Japan, and the United States.
64258: SCHUMAN, David. - The Ideology of Form: The Influence of Organizations in America.
65741: SCHURER, Emil. - Geschichte des Judischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi. Dritter Band: Das Judentum in der Zerstreuung und Die Judische Literatur.
64951: SCHURMANN, Franz. - Idelology and Organization in Communist China.
64562: SCHURMANN, Franz. - Idelology and Organization in Communist China.
56951: SCHUTZ, Walter J. ed. - Aus der Schule der Diplomatie. Beitrage zu Aussenpolitik, Recht, Kultur, Menschenfuhrung. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Peter Pfeiffer.
74812: SCHWAB, Klaus. - Building an International Institution for Public-Private Cooperation.
63285: SCHWAB, Susan C. - Trade-Offs: Negotiating the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act.
58556: SCHWABIK, Stefan, TVRDY, Milan, & VEJVODA, Otto. - Differential and Integral Equations: Boundary Value Problems & Adjoints.
74712: SCHWARTZ, Bryan. - First Principles: Constitutional reform with respect to the aboriginal peoples of Canada, 1982-1984 (Aboriginal peoples and constitutional reform).
69709: SCHWARTZ, Frank J. - Advice and Consent: The Politics of Consultation in Japan.
64285: SCHWARTZ, J.T. - W-* Algebras.
59972: SCHWARTZ, Joel. - The Sexual Politics of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
54207: SCHWARTZ, Bernard. - From Confederation to Nation: The American Constitution, 1835 - 1877.
52751: SCHWARTZ, Michael ed. - The Structure of Power in America. The Corporate Elite as a Ruling Class.
55028: SCHWARZ, John E. & L. Earl. - The United States Congress in Comparative Perspective.
52481: SCHWARZ, Jordan A. - The Interregnum of Despair. Hoover, Congress, and the Depression.
74017: SCHWARZBACH, F.S. - Dickens and the City.
76285: SCHWARZSCHILD, Martin. - Structure and Evolution of the Stars.
65205: SCHWEITZER, Albert. - The Philosophy of Civilization: I. The Decay and The Resoration of Civilization.
61877: SCHWEITZER, C.C. et al. eds. - Politics and Government in the Federal Republic of Germany: Basic Documents.
61647: SCHWEITZER. CLARK, Henry. - The Philosophy of Albert Schweitzer.
65027: SCHWEIZER, Jurg. - Die Kunstdenkmäler des Kantons Bern. Band I: Die Stadt Burgdorf.
76191: SCHWERIN, Marielle ed. - Living Tiwi: Tiwi Awuta Yimpanguwi.Contemporary Tiwi Paintings from Milikapiti, Melville Island.
75774: SCHWITTAY, Anke. - New Media and International Development: Representation and Affect in Microfinance.
69297: SCIAFFINI, Alfredo. DE MAURO, Tullio & MAZZANTINI, Paulo eds. - Italiano Antico e Moderno.
63629: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. - Christian Science Hymnal.
61808: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. - Concordance to Christian Science Hymnal and Hymnal Notes.
66764: NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. - Confronting AIDS: Directions for Public Health, Health Care, and Research.
64358: SCIOLI, Frank P. Jr. & COOK, Thomas J. - Methodologies for Analyzing Public Policies.
76387: SCLAR, Elliott D., VOLAVKA-Close, Nicole & BROWN, Peter eds. - The Urban Transformation: Health, Shelter and Climate Change.
75904: SCORESBY. STAMP, Tom and Cordelia. - William Scoresby: Arctic Scientist.
74337: SCOTLAND, Robert W., SIEBERT, Darrell J. & WILLIAMS, David M. eds. - Models in Phylogeny Reconstruction.
76244: SCOTT, Ch. Kennedy. - Madrigal Singing: A Few Remarks On The Study Of Madrigal Music With An Explanation Of The Modes and a Note on their Relation to Polyphony.
72589: SCOTT. WILLIAMS, Ioan ed. - Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction.
72046: SCOTT, Melvin R. - Invariant Embedding and its Applications to Ordinary Differential Equations: An Introduction.
71969: SCOTT, Anthony. - An Economic Approach to the Federal Structure.
71964: SCOTT, Anthony. - Central Government Claims to Mineral Revenues.
69757: SCOTT, M.F.G. - A Study of United Kingdom Imports.
68353: SCOTT, John Paul ed. - Critical Periods.
67232: SCOTT, David ed. - Accountability and Control in Educational Settings.
65200: SCOTT. HILLHOUSE, James T. - The Waverley Novels and Their Critics.
63507: SCOTT, Anthony, MURARO, Gilberto et al. - Problems in Transfrontier Pollution.
60851: SCOTT, Brian W. - Long-Range Planning in American Industry.
57970: SCOTT, Ch. Kennedy. - Madrigal Singing: A Few Remarks On The Study Of Madrigal Music With An Explanation Of The Modes and a Note on their Relation to Polyphony.
57776: SCOTT, Douglas. - The Burning of the Ships.
54572: SCOTT. DEVLIN, D.D. - The Author of Waverley: A Critical Study of Walter Scott.
54274: SCOTT. BELL, Alan ed. - Scott Bicentenary Essays. Selected Papers Read at the Sir Walter Scott Bicentenary Conference.
53781: SCOTT. NICHOLS, H.D., HAMMOND, J.L., MONTAGUE, C.E. - C.P. Scott, 1846 - 1932. The Making of the Manchester Guardian.
52968: SCOTT. GWYNN, Stephen. - The Life of Sir Walter Scott.
52835: SCOTT. COCKSHUT, A.O.J. - The Achievement of Walter Scott.
52636: SCOTT. HILLHOUSE, James T. - The Waverley Novels and Their Critics.
52591: SCOTT. KEITH, Christina. - The Author of Waverley. A Study in the Personality of Sir Walter Scott.
52474: SCOTT. JEFFARES, A. Norman. - Scott's Mind and Art.
75783: SCOTT, Kathleen L. - An Index of Images in English Manuscripts from the Time of Chaucer to Henry VIII.The Bodleian Library,Oxford Fascicle III . MSS e Musaeo-Wood.
48070: SCOTT, Jack. - The Gospel Lamb.
65508: SCOTTON, R.B., and FERBER, Helen (eds.). - Public Expenditures and Social Policy in Australia. Volume II: The First Fraser Years, 1976-78.
63561: SCOTTON, R.B. & FERBER, Helen. - Public Expenditures and Social Policy in Australia. Volume I: The Whitlam Years 1972-75.
68058: SCRASE, Timothy J. - Image, Ideology and Inequality: Cultural Domination, Hegemony, and Schooling in India.
76442: SCRIMSHAW, Colin. - Swan & Canning River Wrecks.
64488: SCULLY, Vincent. - American Architecture and Urbanism.
54810: SE-HEE, Yoo ed. - Political Leadership and Economic Development. Korea and China.
74814: SEABROOK, Joanna. - Growing Understorey Seed.
68244: SEABURY. ROWTHORN, Anne W. - Samuel Seabury: A Bicentennial Biography.
63178: SEABURY, Paul. - America's Stake in the Pacific.
63224: SEACHEKA, Alexandre. - La Cite de la Reussite ou les Reflexions sur les Principaux defis Actuels.
72461: SEAL, Anil. - The Emergence of Indian Nationalism: Competition and Collaboration in the Later Nineteenth Century.
59552: SEAL, Anil. - The Emergence of Indian Nationalism: Competition and Collaboration in the Later Nineteenth Century.
74432: SEARES, Margaret. - Johann Mattheson's Pieces de Clavecin and Das Neu-Eroffnete Orchestre: Mattheson's Universal Style in Theory and Practice.
76322: SEARES, Margaret. - Johann Mattheson's Pieces de Clavecin and Das Neu-Eroffnete Orchestre: Mattheson's Universal Style in Theory and Practice.
66094: SEARING, Helen ed. - In Search of Modern Architecture: A Tribute to Henry-Russell Hitchcock.
63355: SEARY, E.R., STORY, G.M. & KIRWIN, W.J. - The Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland: An Ethno-Linguistic Study.
76224: SEAT. - Seat Cordoba. Manuel d'Instructions.
73580: SEATE, Mike. - Techno-Chop: The New Breed of Chopper Builders.
75342: SEBASTIAN, Lynne. - The Chaco Anasazi: Sociopolitical Evolution in the Prehistoric Southwest.
74870: SEBBA, Gregor. SEBBA, Helen, BUENO, Anibal A. & BOERS, Hendrikus eds. - The Collected Essays of Gregor Sebba: Truth, History, and the Imagination.
67824: SEBEOK, Thomas A. ed. - Current Trends in Linguistics. Volume III: Theoretical Foundations.
65514: SEBEOK, Thomas A. - The Play of Musement.
65742: Research Institute for Peace and Security. - Asian Security: 1979.
63261: Research Institute for Peace and Security. - Asian Security: 1983.
63051: Research Institute for Peace and Security. - Asian Security: 1996-97.
63052: Research Institute for Peace and Security. - Asian Security: 1997-98.
63050: Research Institute for Peace and Security. - Asian Security: 1992-93.
63049: Research Institute for Peace and Security. - Asian Security: 1990-91.
73843: SEDDON, P.W. ed. - Letters of John Holles 1587-1637. Volume 1 AND 2.
62041: SEDGWICK, Alexander. - The Ralliement in French Politics, 1890-1898.
75556: SEEGER, Charles. - Studies in Musicology: 1935-1975.
57902: SEEKINGS, David. - How to Organize Effective Conferences and Meetings.
74284: SEGAL, Nancy L. - Born Together - Reared Apart: The Landmark Minnesota Twin Study.
65925: SEGALEN, Victor. - Chine ou Le Pouvoir dans l'Etendue.
61109: SEGALEN, Martine. - Historical Anthropology of the Family.
61108: SEGALEN, Martine. - Historical Anthropology of the Family.
56277: SEGALEN, Martine. - Historical Anthropology of the Family.
56276: SEGALEN, Martine. - Historical Anthropology of the Family.
54305: SEGEL, Harold B. ed. - Polish Romantic Drama. Three Plays in English Translation.
66171: SEGI, Mitsuo, KURIHARA, Minoru & MATSUYAMA, Tsuneaki. - Cancer Mortality for Selected Sites in 24 Countries. No. 5 (1964-1965).
55967: SEGLOW, Peter. - Trade Unionism in Television: A Case Study in the Development of White Collar Militancy.
71054: SEGRE, Cesare. MEDDEMMEN, John trans. - Structures and Time: Narration, Poetry, Models.
62388: SEIDLER, G.L. - The Emergence of the Eastern World: Seven Essays on Political Ideas.
62466: SEIDMAN, Edward & RAPPAPORT, Julian eds. - Redefining Social Problems.
57156: SEIDMAN, Harold. - Politics, Position, and Power: The Dynamics of Federal Organization.
53084: SEIG, Louis ed. - Journal of Cultural Geography. Volume 16, Fall/Winter, No. 1.
56261: SEILHAMER, George O. - History of the American Theatre. Volume 1: Before the Revolution (1749-1774). Volume 2: During the Revolution and After (1774-1792). Volume 3: New Foundations (1792-1797).
64193: SEKINE, Yasumasa. - Anthropology of Untouchability: Impurity and Pollution in a South Indian Society.
56577: SELAME, Elinor & Joe. - The Company Image: Building Your Identity and Influence in the Marketplace.
62367: SELBY, George. - Migraine and Its Variants.
60456: SELBY, Philip & SCHECHTER, Mal. - Aging 2000: A Challenge for Society.
71879: SELDEN, Mark & LIPPIT, Victor eds. - The Transition to Socialism in China.
64097: SELEY, John E. - The Politics of Public-Facility Planning.
60412: SELIGER, Martin. - The Marxist Conception of Ideology: A Critical Essay.
60216: SELIGER, Martin. - The Marxist Conception of Ideology: A Critical Essay.
42431: SELING, Helmut ed. - Keysers Kunst- und Antiquitatenbuch.
54165: SELLARS, Roy Wood. - Social Patterns and Political Horizons.
64023: SELLEK, Yoko. - Migrant Labour in Japan.
48878: SELLERS, M.N.S. - An Ethical Education: Community and Morality in the Multicultural University.
48031: SELLERS, Michael with Sarah & Victoria Sellers. - P.S. I Love You. An Intimate Portrait of Peter Sellers.
59776: SELLS, S.B. ed. - Studies of the Effectiveness of Treatments for Drug Abuse. Volume I: Evaluation of Treatments.
72084: SELTSAM, William H. - Metropolitan Opera Annals. Second Supplement : 1957 -1966.
66411: SEMONCHE, Barbara P. ed. - News Media Libraries: A Management Handbook.
55112: SEMPLE, Ellen Churchill. - American History and Its Geographic Conditions.
75690: SEN, Kshitimohan. - Medieval Mysticism of India.
69981: SEN. BORTHWICK, Meredith. - Keshub Chunder Sen: A Search for Cultural Synthesis.
69974: SEN. BORTHWICK, Meredith. - Keshub Chunder Sen: A Search for Cultural Synthesis.
69623: SEN, Sukomal. - Working Class of India: History of Emergence and Movement, 1830-1990.
68895: SEN, Anupam. - The State, Industrialization and Class Formations in India: A Neo-Marxist Perspective on Colonialism, Underdevelopment and Development.
61526: SEN, S.R. - The Strategy for Agricultural Development and Other Essays on Economic Policy and Planning.
76059: SEN, Dr Yong Hoi ed. - The Malayan Nature Journal. Vol. 39 No. 1 August 1985.
71061: SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, DEFENCE AND TRADE. - Visits to Australia by Nuclear Powered or Armed Vessels: Contingency Planning for the Accidental Release of Ionizing Radiation.
54144: SENCOURT, Robert. - India in English Literature.
72388: SENDALL, Bernard. - Independent Television in Britain. Volume 2: Expansion and Change, 1958-68.
58104: SENDREY, Alfred. - Music in Ancient Israel.
58705: SENECHAUD, Marcel. - Le Repertoire Lyrique D'hier Et D'aujourd'hui: Operas, Operas-Comiques, Drames Lyriques, Comedies Musicales et Ballets Dramatiques.
72882: SENGSTOCK, mary C. - The Chaldean Americans: Changing Conceptions of Ethnic Identity.
72395: SENIE, Harriet F. & WEBSTER, Sally eds. - Critical Issues in Public Art: Content, Context, and Controversy.
55826: SERBAN, George ed. - Social and Medical Aspects of Drug Abuse.
71426: SERGIOVANNI, Thomas J. - Value-Added Leadership: How to Get Extraordinary Performance in Schools.
74227: MAGNA - TN SERIES. - Mitsubishi Magna TN Series Service Manual including 1988 Specifications.
76138: MAGNA - TN SERIES. - Mitsubishi Magna TN Series Service Manual including 1988 Specifications.
74353: SERIO, Michael A., GRUEN, Dieter M. & MALHOTRA, Ripudaman eds. - Synthesis and Characterization of Advanced Materials.
62156: SERJEANT, Graham R. - Sickle Cell Disease.
52159: SERNETT, Milton C. - Abolition's Axe. Beriah Green, Oneida Institute, and the Black Freedom Struggle.
64926: SEROKA, Jim and SMILJKOVIC, Rados. - Political Organizations in Socialist Yugoslavia.
66917: SERRE, Claude. - The Car.
71898: SERVICE, John S. - The Amerasia Papers: Some Problems in the History of US-China Relations.
66849: AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE SERVICE. - Aerial Surveys of Fauna Populations: Special Publication 1.
58455: THE AMERICAN ORCHID SOCIETY'S DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SERVICES. - The Cattleya Reference Book: Consisting of Sanders One-Table Hybrid List Complete Through 1990 and AOS Awarded Plants with Cattleya in Their Background Complete Through 1991.
69031: SETCHELL, Brian P. ed. - Male Reproduction.
63020: SETON-WATSON, Hugh. - The Russian Empire: 1801 - 1917.
55128: SEUREN, Pieter A.M. - Operators and Nucleus: A Contribution to the Theory of Grammar.
48747: SEVERN, David. - A Cabin for Crusoe.
42509: SEVERS, J. Burke ed. - A Manual of the Writings in Middle English. 1050 - 1500. Fascicule 1. I. Romances.
47676: SEWARD, Desmond. - Eleanor of Aquitaine. The Mother Queen.
70577: SEWELL, W.E. - Degree of Approximation by Polynomials in the Complex Domain.
63244: SEWELL, Sandra & KELLY, Anthony eds. - Social Problems in the Asia Pacific Region.
61467: SEWELL, Winifred ed. - Reader in Medical Librarianship.
57486: SEWELL, John W. TUCKER, Stuart K. et al. - U.S Policy and the Developing Countries: Growth, Exports, and Jobs in a Changing World Economy.
75974: SEWELL, G.W.M. - N.B.R. Coaches: A Design Review.
75975: SEWELL, G.W.M. - N.B.R. Wagons: Some Design Aspects..
57722: VAN PRAAGH. SEXTON. - Peggy Van Praagh: A Life of Dance.
74088: SEYMOUR, Charles. ed. - The Intimate Papers of Colonel House. Volume I: Behind the Political Curtain, 1912-1915.
49111: SEYMOUR, William. - Battles in Britain and Their Political Background, 1066 - 1746.
48854: SEYMOUR, Beatrice Kean. - Tumbled House.
47647: SEYMOUR, Henry. - Hot Ice.
54754: SHABAD, Theodore. - China's Changing Map: National and Regional Development, 1949 - 71.
73405: SHACHAR, Hila. - Cultural Afterlives and Screen Adaptations of Classic Literature: Wuthering Heights and Company.
65364: SHACKLEY, Myra. - Using Environmental Archaeology.
52321: SHADWELL. ALSSID, Michael W. - Thomas Shadwell.
62012: SHAFFER, Harry G. ed. - The Soviet Economy: A Collection of Western and Soviet Views.
64189: SHAGARI, Shehu. TIJJANI, Aminu & WILLIAMS, David eds. - Shehu Shegari: My Vision of Nigeria.
68502: SHAH, A.B. - Religion and Society in India.
62261: SHAHA, Rishikesh. - Nepali Politics: Retrospect and Prospect.
40429: SHAHABUDDIN, Quazi. - Peasant Behaviour Under Uncertainty. Decision-Making Among Low-Income Farmers in Bangladesh.
74729: SHAIRP, John Campbell, TAIT, Peter Guthrie & ADAMS-REILLY, A. - Life and Letters of James David Forbes, F.R.S.
75368: SHAKESPEARE. CARTMELL, Deborah & SCOTT, Michael. - Talking Shakespeare: Shakespeare into the Millenium.
75370: SHAKESPEARE. KELLY, Henry Ansgar. - Divine Providence in the England of Shakespeare's Histories.
75371: SHAKESPEARE. MILES, Rosalind. - The Problem of Measure for Measure: A Historical Investigation.
74473: SHAKESPEARE. HARTING, James Edmund. - The Ornithilogy of Shakespeare.
73318: SHAKESPEARE. RIEMER, A.P. - Antic Fables. Patterns of Evasion in Shakespeare's Comedies.
69964: SHAKESPEARE. HUFFMAN, Clifford Chalmers. - Coriolanus in Context.
69874: SHAKESPEARE. CAPELL, Edward. - Notes and Various Readings to Shakespeare.
67755: SHAKESPEARE. RIEMER, A.P. - Antic Fables. Patterns of Evasion in Shakespeare's Comedies.
66446: SHAKESPEARE. WORTHEN, W.B. - Shakespeare and the Force of Modern Performance.
66424: SHAKESPEARE. MARSH, D.R.C. - The Recurring Miracle. A Study of Cymbeline and the Last Plays.
66240: SHAKESPEARE. HUNTER, G.K. ed. - Shakespeare: King Henry IV - Parts I and II. A Casebook.
64195: SHAKESPEARE. TALOW, Antony. - Shakespeare, Brecht, and the Intercultural Sign.
63635: SHAKESPEARE. MARSH, Derick R.C. - Shakespeare's Hamlet.
61343: SHAKESPEARE. RIEMER, A.P. - A Reading of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.
59637: SHAKESPEARE. RIEMER, A.P. - A Reading of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.
59620: SHAKESPEARE. MARSH, D.R.C. - The Recurring Miracle. A Study of Cymbeline and the Last Plays.
59619: SHAKESPEARE. MARSH, D.R.C. - The Recurring Miracle. A Study of Cymbeline and the Last Plays.
59609: SHAKESPEARE. RIEMER, A.P. - A Reading of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.
59328: SHAKESPEARE. JACKSON, B.W. ed. - Stratford Papers on Shakespeare. 1961.
59315: SHAKESPEARE. TRAVERSI, Derek. - Shakespeare from Richard II to Henry V.
59314: SHAKESPEARE. FARNHAM, Willard. - Shakespeare's Tragic Frontier: The World of His Final Tragedies.
59311: SHAKESPEARE. JACKSON, B.W. ed. - Stratford Papers on Shakespeare. 1960.
59310: SHAKESPEARE. JACKSON, B.W. ed. - Stratford Papers on Shakespeare. 1960.
59309: SHAKESPEARE. JACKSON, B.W. ed. - Stratford Papers on Shakespeare. 1963.
59308: SHAKESPEARE. JACKSON, B.W. ed. - Stratford Papers on Shakespeare. 1964.
59307: SHAKESPEARE. JACKSON, B.W. ed. - Stratford Papers on Shakespeare. 1962.
59243: SHAKESPEARE. RIEMER, A.P. - A Reading of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.
59242: SHAKESPEARE. RIEMER, A.P. - A Reading of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.
58976: SHAKESPEARE. MUIR, Kenneth ed. - Shakespeare Survey. An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production Volume 22: Aspects of Shakespearian Comedy.
58524: SHAKESPEARE. CLEMEN, W.H. - The Development of Shakespeare's Imagery.
57703: SHAKESPEARE. WATKINS, Ronald & LEMMON, Jeremy. - In Shakespeare's Playhouse: Hamlet.
55470: SHAKESPEARE. HUFFMAN, Clifford Chalmers. - Coriolanus in Context.
55389: SHAKESPEARE. RIEMER, A.P. - A Reading of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.
55365: SHAKESPEARE. EDENS, Walter, DURER, Christopher, EGGERS, Walter, HARRIS, Duncan, & HULL, Keith ed. - Teaching Shakespeare.
54672: SHAKESPEARE. BROOKE, Nicholas. - Shakespeare's Early Tragedies.
54621: SHAKESPEARE. GRANVILLE-BARKER, Harley. - Prefaces to Shakespeare. Volume 5: Romeo and Juliet, and Coriolanus.
54620: SHAKESPEARE. GRANVILLE-BARKER, Harley. - Prefaces to Shakespeare. Volume 3: Julius Caesar, Cymbeline and The Merchant of Venice.
54619: SHAKESPEARE. GRANVILLE-BARKER, Harley. - Prefaces to Shakespeare. Volume 2: King Lear and Anthony and Cleopatra.
54618: SHAKESPEARE. GRANVILLE-BARKER, Harley. - Prefaces to Shakespeare. Volume 1: Hamlet.
54615: SHAKESPEARE. FROST, David L. - The School of Shakespeare: The Influence of Shakespeare on English Drama, 1600-42.
54612: SHAKESPEARE. HENN, T.R. - The Living Image: Shakespearean Essays.
54608: SHAKESPEARE. PARTRIDGE, Eric. - Shakespeare's Bawdy: A Literary and Psychological Essay and a Comprehensive Glossary.
54607: SHAKESPEARE. WICKHAM, Glynne. - Shakespeare's Dramatic Heritage. Collected Studies in Mediaeval, Tudor and Shakespearean Drama.
54440: SHAKESPEARE. RIEMER, A.P. - Antic Fables. Patterns of Evasion in Shakespeare's Comedies.
75387: SHAKESPEARE. HILL, Wayne F. & OTTCHEN, Cynthia J. - Shakespeare and the Art of Verbal Seduction.
53845: SHAKESPEARE. COGHILL, Nevill. - Shakespeare's Professional Skills.
74995: SHAKESPEARE. AUDEN, W.H. KIRSCH, Arthur ed. - Lectures on Shakespeare.
52878: SHAKESPEARE. JACKSON, B.W. ed. - Stratford Papers on Shakespeare. 1964.
52812: SHAKESPEARE. RIDLEY, M.R. - Shakespeare's Plays. A Commentary.
52808: SHAKESPEARE. TILLYARD, E.M.W. - Shakespeare's Last Plays.
52736: SHAKESPEARE. SYPHER, Wylie. - The Ethic of Time. Structures of Experience in Shakespeare.
52697: SHAKESPEARE. ARTHOS, John. - Shakespeare: The Early Writings.
52684: SHAKESPEARE. FRENCH, A.L. - Shakespeare and the Critics.
52680: SHAKESPEARE. STOCHHOLM, Johanne M. - Garrick's Folly. The Stratford Jubilee of 1769 at Stratford and Drury Lane.
52681: SHAKESPEARE. RIEMER, A.P. - A Reading of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra.
52678: SHAKESPEARE. JACKSON, B.W. ed. - Stratford Papers on Shakespeare. 1963.
52677: SHAKESPEARE. JACKSON, B.W. ed. - Stratford Papers on Shakespeare. 1962.
52676: SHAKESPEARE. JACKSON, B.W. ed. - Stratford Papers on Shakespeare. 1960 - 1964.
75375: SHAKESPEARE. HONIGMANN, E.A.J. - The Texts of Othello and Shakespearian Revision.
75376: SHAKESPEARE. EDWARDS, Philip ed. - Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Updated Edition.
52634: SHAKESPEARE. BROOKE, Nicholas ed. - Richard II. A Casebook.
52611: SHAKESPEARE. SCHANZER, Ernest. - The Problem Plays of Shakespeare. A Study of Julius Caesar, Measure for Measure, & Anthony and Cleopatra.
75372: SHAKESPEARE. DYER, Rev. T.F. Thiselton. - Folklore of Shakespeare.
75373: SHAKESPEARE. DAVIES, Anthony & WELLS, Stanley ed. - Shakespeare and the Moving Image: The Plays on Film and Television.
75374: SHAKESPEARE. PINCISS, Gerald M. - Why Shakespeare: An Introduction to the Playwright's Art.
52546: SHAKESPEARE. JORGENSEN, Paul A. - Shakespeare's Military World.
75475: SHAKESPEARE. WHITE, R.S. - Let Wonder Seem Familiar: Endings in Shakespeare's Romance Vision.
52098: SHAKESPEARE. MARSH, D.R.C. - The Recurring Miracle. A Study of Cymbeline and the Last Plays.
51675: SHAKESPEARE. CALLAGHAN, Dympna, HELMS, Lorraine, & SINGH, Jyotsna. - The Weyward Sisters. Shakespeare and Feminist Politics.
51671: SHAKESPEARE. RIEMER, A.P. - Antic Fables. Patterns of Evasion in Shakespeare's Comedies.
75094: SHAKESPEARE. SOUTHERN, Richard. - The Medieval Theate in the Round.
47654: SHAKESPEARE. DOMINIK, Mark. - Shakespeare-Middleton Collaborations.
75944: SHAKESPEARE. HAMILTON, Sharon. - Shakespeare's Daughter.
76094: SHAKESPEARE. DAVIS, Philip. - Sudden Shakespeare: The Shaking of Shakespeare's Creative Thought.
74462: SHALVI, Alice & MENDILOW, A.A. eds. - Scripta Hierosolymitana. Volume XVII. Studies in English Language and Literature.
55424: SHAMI, A. Said El and MERRETT, T.G. ed. - Allergy and Molecular Biology.
75790: SHANAHAN, Madeline. - Manuscript Recipe Books as Archaeological Objects: Text and Food in the Early Modern World.
63464: SHANAS, Ethel, TOWNSEND, Peter, WEDDERBURN, Dorothy et al. - Old People in Three Industrial Societies.
63463: SHANAS, Ethel, TOWNSEND, Peter, WEDDERBURN, Dorothy et al. - Old People in Three Industrial Societies.
69663: SHAND, Ric ed. - Economic Liberalisation in South Asia.
58110: SHAND, R.T. ed. - The Island States of the Pacific and Indian Oceans: Anatomy of Development.
57219: SHAND, R.T. ed. - Technical Change in Asian Agriculture.
57218: SHAND, R.T. ed. - Technical Change in Asian Agriculture.
56312: SHAND, Ric ed. - Economic Liberalisation in South Asia.
71338: SHANIN, Teodor ed. - The Rules of the Game: Cross-Disciplinary Essays on Models in Scholarly Thought.
73803: SHANN, E.O.G. & COPLAND, D.B. intro. - The Crisis in Australian Finance 1929 to 1931: Documents on Budgetary and Economic Policy.
62640: SHANNON, R.T. - Gladstone and the Bulgarian Agitation 1876.
59881: SHANNON, R.T. - Gladstone and the Bulgarian Agitation 1876.
56241: SHAPIN, Steven. - The Scientific Revolution.
73351: SHAPIRO, Ian. - The State of Democratic Theory.
71915: SHAPIRO, Arnold F., BAYO, Francisco R., FABER, Joseph F. et al. - Society of Actuaries: Transactions [ 1983 ] Volume XXXV.
71914: SHAPIRO, Arnold F., BAYO, Francisco R., FABER, Joseph F. et al. - Society of Actuaries: Transactions [ 1983 ] Volume XXXV.
64499: SHAPIRO, Nat ed. - Popular Music. An Annotated Index of American Popular Songs. Volume 3: 1960-1964.
59663: SHAPIRO, Nat & HENTOFF, Nat. - Hear Me Talkin' To Ya: The Story of Jazz As Told By the Men Who Made It.
68024: SHAPLEY, Harlow ed. - Source Book In Astronomy: 1900-1950. [ Sourcebook].
70959: SHAPRIO, Michael. - Gender in Play on the Shakespearean Stage: Boy Heroines and Female Pages.
68904: SHARE, Perry ed. - Communication and Culture in Rural Areas.
52121: SHARIF, Walid ed. - The Arab Gulf States and Japan. Prospects for Co-operation.
74455: SHARMA, Rajeev ed. - The Pakistan Trap.
71735: SHARMA, Arvind. - The Hindu Scriptural Value System and the Economic Development of India.
62118: SHARMA, Dhirendra ed. - The Indian Atom: Power and Proliferation. A Documentary History of Nuclear Policies, Development and the Critics: 1958-1986.
60319: SHARMA, Arvind. - The Hindu Scriptural Value System and the Economic Development of India.
60294: SHARMA, Arvind. - The Hindu Scriptural Value System and the Economic Development of India.
74148: SHARMAN, G.B. et. Al. - Studies on Marsupials Volume III - 1959 - 1963. Marsupial Reprints by Graduates and Staff of University of W.A.
68430: SHARP, Harold S. - Advertising Slogans in America.
66500: SHARP, Ian G. & TATZ, Colin M. - Aborigines in the Economy.
65192: SHARP, Harold S. - Footnotes to World History: A Bibliographic Source Book.
57101: SHARP, Evelyn. - The Ministry of Housing and Local Government.
56184: SHARP, Rachel. - Knowledge, Ideology and the Politics of Schooling: Towards a Marxist Analysis of Education.
48927: SHARP, Harold S. & Marjorie Z. - Index to Characters in the Performing Arts. Part I: Non-Musical Plays. Part II: Operas, and Musical Productions A - L. Part II: Operas, and Musical Productions M - Z, and Symbols. Part III: Ballets A - Z and Symbols. Part IV: Radio and Television.
75540: SHARPE, Kevin. - Remapping Early Modern England: The Culture of Seventeenth-Century Politics.
52713: SHARPE, John I. - Geology and Sulfide Deposits of the Matagami Area. Abitibi-East County.
52777: SHASTRI. SRIVASTAVA, C.P. - Lal Bahadur Shastri. Prime Minister of India, 1964 - 1966. A Life of Truth in Politics.
58373: SHATZ, Marshall S. - Soviet Dissent in Historical Perspective.
72874: SHAW, Artie. DELANEY, Tom. - Artie Shaw's The Jazz Me Blues. Sheet Music.
69687: SHAW, Archibald B., BUASRI, Thamrong eds. - Teachers in Thailand's Universities: An Analysis and Forecast.
68076: SHAW, Yu-ming ed. - Chinese Modernization. Papers Presented at the First Sino-European Conference.
67646: SHAW, Irene S. & NEWELL, David S. - Violence on Television: Programme Content and Viewer Perception.
67594: SHAW, Bernard. - The Political Madhouse in America and Nearer Home: A Lecture.
67068: SHAW, Yu-ming (ed.). - The Washington-Moscow-Peiping Triangle.
66507: SHAW, D.M. - Interpretation Geochimique des Elements en Traces dans les Roches Cristallines.
57558: SHAW, Irene S. & NEWELL, David S. et al. - Violence on Television: Programme Content and Viewer Perception.
47880: SHAW, Irving. - Beggar Man, Thief.
47847: SHAW, Irwin. - The Top of the Hill.
73518: SHEA, John G. - The American Shakers and Their Furniture with Measured Drawings of Museum Classics.
66886: SHEARD, Paul ed. - International Adjustment and the Japanese Firm.
58439: SHEDLOCK, J.S. - The Pianoforte Sonata: Its Origin and Development.
59153: SHEEHAN, P.J., PAPPAS, Nick & CHENG, Enjiang. - The Rebirth of Australian Industry: Australian Trade in Elaborately Transformed Manufactures 1979 - 1993.
74427: THE NEW SOUTH WALES SHEEPBREEDERS' ASSOCIATION. - Australian Stud Merino Flock Register. Vol. XXIV. 1946. Compiled by the New South Wales Sheepbreeders' Association in co-operation with the Queensland Merino Stud Sheepbreeders' Association, the South Australian Stud Merino Sheepbreeders' Association and the Western Australian Merino Stud Sheepbreeders' Association.
68544: SHEHABUDDIN, Rahnuma. - Empowering Rural Women: The Impact of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh.
59491: SHEHADEH, Raja. - The Sealed Room: Selections from the Diary of a Palestinian Living Under Israeli Ocupation, September 1990-August 1991.
61148: SHEINGOLD, Daniel H. ed. - Analog-Digital Conversion Handbook.
61238: SHELBURNE, James C. & GROVES, Kenneth J. - Education in the Armed Forces.
71591: SHELDON, Linda, RAMSAY, Gillian & LONCAR, Milica. - Cool or Gross: Children's Attitudes to Violence, Kissing an Swearing on Television.
66897: SHELDRAKE, Peter, and LINKE, Russell. - Accountability in Higher Education.
56316: SHELDRAKE, Peter & LINKLE, Russell ed. - Accountability in Higher Education.
62128: SHELL, Marc. - Money, Language, and Thought: Literary and Philosophic Economies from the Medieval to the Modern Era.
71777: SHELLEY, Nancy ed. - Whither Australia? A Response to Australia's Current Defence Policy.
60002: SHELLEY. MCNIECE, Gerald. - Shelley and the Revolutionary Idea.
58347: SHELLEY. ALLOTT, Miriam ed. - Essays on Shelley.
52851: SHELLEY. O'MALLEY, Glenn. - Shelley and Synesthesia.
64993: SHEN, Hsieh Wen ed. - Environmental Impact on Rivers (River Mechanics III).
66342: SHEPARD, Sam. - Cruising Paradise.
64613: SHEPARD. WERGE, Thomas. - Thomas Shepard.
52028: SHEPARDSON, Whitney Hart. - The Interests of the United States as a World Power.
71300: SHEPHARD, Allan. - Trends in Australian Defence: A Resources Survey.
61009: SHEPHARDSON, Whitney H. with SCROGGS, William O. - The United States in World Affairs. An Account of American Foreign Relations 1934-5.
61008: SHEPHARDSON, Whitney H. with SCROGGS, William O. - The United States in World Affairs. An Account of American Foreign Relations 1937.
71842: SHEPHERD, John J. - Experience, Inference and God.
71033: SHEPHERD, Michael. - Conceptual Issues in Psychological Medicine: Collected Papers of Michael Shepherd.
70639: SHEPHERD, Geoffrey S. - Agricultural Price Analysis.
61195: SHEPHERD, Geoffrey S. - Farm Policy: New Directions.
76382: SHEPHERD, Christopher J. - Haunted Houses and Ghostly Encounters: Ethnography and Aminism in East Timor, 1860-1975.
76028: SHEPPARD, A.W., FEITH, Herbert et al. - Nation. Number 160. January 9, 1965. Jackpots For All: Indonesia's Power Game.
63504: SHEPPARD, Burton D. - Rethinking Congressional Reform: The Reform Roots of the Special Interest Congress.
54151: SHEPPARD. WINOWSKA, Maria. HEPBURNE-SCOTT, Patrick trans. - Pioneer of Unity: The Life of Caroline Sheppard, First English Little Sister of the Poor.
47826: SHEPPARD, Trish. - Australian Adventurers.
52502: SHEPPERSON, Wilbur S. - Emigration and Disenchantment. Portraits of Englishmen Repatriated from the United States.
70997: SHEPTYCKI, James W.E. - Innovations in Policing Domestic Violence: Evidence from Metropolitan London.
66393: SHERBINY, Naiem A. & TESSLER, Mark A. eds. - Arab Oil: Impact on the Arab Countries and Global Implications.
62168: SHERBINY, Naiem A. & TESSLER, Mark A. eds. - Arab Oil: Impact on the Arab Countries and Global Implications.
48199: SHERBO, Arthur. - English Poetic Diction from Chaucer to Wordsworth.
72621: SHERIDAN, Susan ed. - Grafts: Feminist Cultural Criticism.
64036: SHERIDAN, Greg. - Asian Values, Western Dreams: Understanding the New Asia.
54628: SHERIDAN, Kyoko. - Governing the Japanese Economy.
72129: SHERLOCK, Dr Stephen, LOWRY, Bob, COBB, Dr Adam et al. - Australia's Asia-Pacific Neighbourhood: Challenge and Change.
65786: SHERMA, Joseph & ZWEIG, Gunter. - Analytical Methods for Pesticides and Plant Growth Regulators. Volume VI: Gas Chromatographic Analysis.
64603: SHERMA, Joseph & ZWEIG, Gunter eds. - Analytical Methods for Pesticides and Plant Growth Regulators. Volume VII: Thin-Layer and Liquid Chromatography and Analyses of Pesticides of International Importance.
60849: SHERMA, Joseph & ZWEIG, Gunter with contributions by BEVENUE, Arthur. - Paper Chromatography and Electrophoresis. Volume II: Paper Chromatography.
60848: SHERMA, Joseph & ZWEIG, Gunter with contributions by BEVENUE, Arthur. - Paper Chromatography and Electrophoresis. Volume II: Paper Chromatography.
72638: SHERMAN, Herbert L. Jr. - Arbitration of the Steel Wage Structure: Guides, Principles and Framework for the Settlement of Job Description and Classification Disputes and Related Problems.
71045: SHERMAN, Lawrence W. - Policing Domestic Violence: Experiments and Dilemmas.
68278: SHERMAN, Michael I. ed. - Concepts in Mammalian Embryogenesis.
62723: SHERMAN, Julia A. & BECK, Evelyn Torton eds. - The Prism of Sex: Essays in the Sociology of Knowledge.
74288: SHERRY, Senator Nick Chariman of Horticultural Task Force. - Strategies for Growth in Australian Horticulture: A Report to Senator the Hon. Bob Collins, Minister for Primary Industries and Energy.
53969: SHERRY, Michael S. - The Rise of American Air Power: The Creation of Amargeddon.
70143: SHERWIN, Susan. - No Longer Patient: Feminist Ethics and Health Care.
56781: SHERWIN, Susan. - No Longer Patient: Feminist Ethics and Health Care.
53264: SHERWOOD, Elizabeth D. - Allies in Crisis. Meeting Global Challenges to Western Security.
47942: SHERWOOD, John M. - Georges Mandel and the Third Republic.
70156: SHI, David E. - Facing Facts: Realism in American Thought and Culture, 1850-1920.
70810: SHIBUSAWA, Masahide, AHMAD, Zakaria Haji & BRIDGES, Brian. - Pacific Asia in the 1990s.
70630: SHIBUYA, Eric & ROLFE, Jim eds. - Security in Oceania in the 21st Century.
68688: SHIGERU, Nakayama, SWAIN, David L. & ERI, Yagi eds. - Science and Society in Modern Japan: Selected Historical Sources.
67378: SHIMIZU, Kazutaka. FUJIMOTO, Mr. Shigeru trans. - Origin of Japanese.
52935: SHINDLER, Colin. - Ploughshares into Swords? Israelis and Jews in the Shadow of the Intifada.
60792: SHINODA, Kozo, NAKAGAWA, Toshio, TAMAMUSHI, Bun-Ichi & ISEMURA, Toshizo. - Colloidal Surfactants: Some Physicochemical Properties.
75449: SHIPLEY, Stan. SAMUEL, Raphael ed. - Club Life and Socialism in Mid-Victorian London.
67436: SHIPPS, Anthony W. - The Quote Sleuth: A Manual for the Tracer of Lost Quotations.
71413: SHIRAI, Taishiro ed. - Contemporary Industrial Relations in Japan.
69671: SHIRAISHI, Kazuyuki ed. - Evolution of the Namaqua, Natal and Maud Metamorphic Belts: Japan - South Africa Joint Research.
63992: SHIRK, Susan and TWOMEY, Christopher P. eds. - Power and Prosperity: Economics and Security Linkages in Asia-Pacific.
48044: SHIRLOW, Peter ed. - Development Ireland. Contemporary Issues.
62583: SHIRRAS, G. Findlay. - Federal Finance in Peace and War. With Special Reference to the United States of America and the British Commonwealth.
58244: SHIRRAS, G. Findlay. - Indian Finance and Banking.
75562: SHIVA, Vandana eds. - Seed Sovereignty, Food Security: Women in the Vanguard.
62397: SHLAIM, Avi & YANNOPOULOS, G.N. eds. - The EEC and the Mediterranean Countries.
67532: SHMITH, Michael. - Australian Musical Anecdotes.
70989: SHOEMARK, Pete. - Kawasaki Z 200 and KL 250 Owners Workshop Manual.
68342: SHOESMITH, Dennis ed. - Export Processing Zones in Five Countries: The Economic and Human Consequences.
71618: SHOHAM, S. Giora & ARAHAV, Giora. - The Mark of Cain: The Stigma Theory of Crime and Social Deviance.
69055: SHOHAM, Shlomo Giora. - The Bridge to Nothingness: Gnosis, Kabala, Existentialism, and the Transcendental Predicament of Man.
52392: SHOHAM, S. Giora. - Sex as Bait. Eve, Casanova, and Don Juan.
67908: SHOJI, Hiroshi & JANHUNEN, Juha eds. - Northern Minority Languages: Problems of Survival.
72476: SHOKEID, Moshe. - The Dual Heritage: Immigrants from the Atlas Mountains in an Israeli Village.
54354: SHONFIELD, Andrew & SHAW, Stella ed. - Social Indicators and Social Policy.
51768: SHONFIELD, Andrew. - Economic Growth and Inflation. A Study of Indian Planning.
72901: SHOPEN, Timothy ed. - Languages and Their Status.
62256: SHOPEN, Timothy ed. - Languages and Their Status.
62255: SHOPEN, Timothy ed. - Languages and Their Speakers.
62248: SHOPEN, Timothy ed. - Languages and Their Speakers.
54116: SHOPEN, Timothy ed. - Languages and Their Speakers.
52027: SHOPEN, Timothy & WILLIAMS, Joseph M. ed. - Style and Variables in English.
59217: SHORTER, Aylward. - East African Societies.
55574: SHORTT, S.E.D. - The Search for an Ideal: Six Canadian Intellectuals and Their Convictions in an Age of Transition, 1890-1930.
71238: SHOSTAKOVICH. RABINOVICH, D. HANNA, George trans. - Dmitry Shostakovich, Composer.
76129: SHOSTAKOVICH. FAY, Laurel E. - Shostakovich: A Life.
66526: SHOTTER, John. - Social Accountability and Selfhood.
62631: SHOWALTER, Elaine. - Sister's Choice: Tradition and Change in American Women's Writing.
55629: SHRADER-FRECHETTE, K.S. - Burying Uncertainty: Risk and the Case Against Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste.
75643: SHRIFF, Robert E. ed. - Reservoir Geophysics.
72519: SHTROMAS, Alexsandras ed. - The End of Isms? Reflections on the Fate of Ideological Politics After Communism's Collapse.
57521: SHUE, Vivienne. - The Reach of the State: Sketches of the Chinese Body Politic.
68518: SHUGART, Herman H., LEEMANS, Rik & BONAN, Gordon B. eds. - A Systems Analysis of the Global Boreal Forest.
65792: SHULMAN, S. - Tissue Specificity and Autoimmunity: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics, 16.
74665: SHULTZ, Eugene B., BHATNAGAR, Deepak et al. - Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems.
67622: SHUMAKER, David ed. - Seven Language Dictionary.
60099: SHUSUI. NOTEHELFER, F.G. - Kotoku Shusui: Portrait of a Japanese Radical.
70238: SHUY, Roger W. ed. - Report of the Twenty-Third Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies. Sociolinguistics: Current Trends and Prospects.
70236: SHUY, Roger W. ed. - Report of the Twenty-Third [ 23rd ] Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies. Sociolinguistics: Current Trends and Prospects.
42282: SHY, John. - Toward Lexington. The Role of the British Army in the Coming of the American Revolution.
69125: SIBELIUS, Jean. - Karelia-Suite fur Orchestra / Karelia Suite for Orchestra. Op. 11.
65737: SICILIANO, Italo. ANTONETTI, P. (trans.). - Les Origines des Chansons de Geste Theories et Discussions.
72036: SIDDAYAO, Corazon Morales. - The Off-Shore Petroleum Resources of South-East Asia: Potential Conflict Situations and Related Economic Considerations.
73906: SIDDIQUE, Muhammed Abu B. ed. - International Migration into the 21st Century: Essays in Honour of Reginald Appleyard.
56952: SIDDIQUE, M.A.B. ed. - A Decade of Shann Memorial Lectures 1981-90 and the Australian Economy.
75810: SIDDIQUE, M.A.B. ed. - A Decade of Shann Memorial Lectures 1981-90 and the Australian Economy.
64151: SIDDLE, David & SWINDELL, Kenneth. - Rural Change in Tropical Africa: From Colonies to Nation-States.
42337: SIDEMAN, Samuel & BEYAR, Rafael ed. - Interactive Phenomena in the Cardiac System. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Volume 346.
75770: SIDHU, Waheguru Pal Singh, MEHTA, Pratap Bhanu & JONES, Bruce eds. - Shaping the Emerging World: India and the Multilateral Order.
68687: SIEDENTOPF, Heinrich ed. - Public Personnel Management in Asian Civil Services.
67982: SIEDENTOPF, Heinrich & ZILLER, Jacques eds. - Making European Policies Work. The Implementation of Community Legislation in the Member States. Volume I: Comparative Syntheses. Volume II: National Reports.
66417: SIEGBAHN. HULTHEN, E., TANDBERG, J., ATTERLING, H., MILEIKOWSKY, C. et al. - Manne Siegbahn: 1886-1951.
67843: SIEGEL, Frank L. et al. - Calcium-Building Proteins: Structure and Function.
62249: SIEGEL, Linda S. & BARINERD, Charles J. eds. - Alternatives to Piaget: Critical Essays on the Theory.
61676: SIEGEL, Richard L. & WEINBERG, Leonard B. - Comparing Public Policies: United States, Soviet Union, and Europe.
60634: SIEGEN, BERNARD H. - Other People's Property.
66474: SIEGHART, Paul. - The International Law of Human Rights.
68838: SIESJO, B.K. & SORENSEN, S.C. eds. - Ion Homeostasis of the Brain. The Regulation of Hydrogen and Potassium Ion Concentrations in Cerebral Intra- and Extracellular Fluids. Proceedings of the Alfred Benzon Symposium III. Copenhagen & Lund, 20-23 May 1970.
73728: SIEWERT, R., ROBINSON, N. & HORWITZ, P. eds. - Impact and Control of Feral Animals in South-Western Australia. Proceedings of a Seminar with Workshops.
65914: SIEWING, Rolf. - Lehrbuch der Verleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte der Tiere.
64260: SIGAL, Leon V. - Disarming Strangers: Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea.
58815: SIGILLITO, V.G. - Explicit a priori Inequalities with Applications to Boundary Value Problems.
71988: SIGMA. - Sigma GE Series. Galant-GL-SE Sedan-Wagon with Saturn 1600 O.H.C. Engine and Astron 1850-2000-2600 O.H.C. Engine 1978-1980. Gregory's Service and Repair Manual No. 116A.
68624: MITSUBISHI SIGMA. - Mitsubishi Sigma GJ Series Service Manual.
74355: SIGURDSSON, Jon Vidar & SMABERG, Thomas eds. - Friendship and Social Networks in Scandinavia, c.1000-1800.
59954: SIH, G.C. & ZORSKI, H. eds. - Defects and Fracture: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Defects and Fracture, held at Tuczno, Poland, October 13-17, 1980.
70244: SIKKEMA, Dr. P.C. - Differential Operators and Differential Equations of Infinite Order with Constant Coefficients: Researches in Connection with Integral Functions of Finite Order.
49070: SIKOV, Ed. - Laughing Hysterically. American Screen Comedy of the 1950s.
62706: SILBER, Tomas ed. - Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Children and Adolescents.
73575: SILBERMAN, Neil Asher. - Between Past and Present: Archaeology, Ideology, and Nationalism in the Modern Middle EastBetween Past and Present: Archaeology, Ideology, and Nationalism in the Modern Middle East.
63365: SILCOCK, T.H. ed. - Thailand: Social and Economic Studies in Development.
62625: SILCOCK, T.H. ed. - Thailand: Social and Economic Studies in Development.
60906: SILCOCK, T.H. - The Commonwealth Economy in South-East Asia.
59561: SILCOCK, T.H. - The Economic Development of Thai Agriculture.
54428: SILCOCK, T.H. & FISK, E.K. ed. - The Political Economy of Independent Malaya: A Case-Study in Development.
73392: SILVER, Pamela and Harold. - The Education of the Poor: The History of a National School 1824-1974.
68262: SILVER, Ann. - The Biology of Cholinesterases.
66338: SILVER, Harold & Pamela. - An Educational War on Poverty: American and British Policy-Making 1960-1980.
65564: SILVER, James W. - Mississippi: The Closed Society.
62672: SILVER, Harold ed. - Robert Owen on Education.
62671: SILVER, Harold ed. - Robert Owen on Education.
58301: SILVER, George A. - Family Medical Care: A Design for Health Maintenance.
62459: SILVERMAN, Phyllis R. - Widow-to-Widow.
54016: SILVERMAN, Daniel. - Phasing and Recoverability.
56581: SILVERSTEIN, Martin Elliot, CHANG, I-Lok & MACON, Nathaniel trans. - Acupuncture and Moxibustion: A Handbook for the Barefoot Doctors of China.
72751: SILVESTER, Richard. - Coastal Engineering, II: Sedimentation, Estuaries, Tides, Effluents, and Modelling.
59496: SILVESTER, Victor. - Modern Ballroom Dancing.
69349: SIMARD, A.J. - Wildland Fire Management: The Economics of Policy Alternatives.
74637: SIMENSKY, Melvin & BRYER, Lanning G. eds. - The New Role of Intellectual Property in Commercial Transactions: Recent Trends in the Valuation, Exploitation and Protection of Intellectual Property.
69135: SIMEON, Dilip. - The Politics of Labour Under Late Colonialism: Workers, Unions and the State in Chota Nagpur 1928-1939.
59625: SIMEON, Richard. - Federal-Provincial Diplomacy: The Making of Recent Policy in Canada.
54414: SIMEON, Richard. - Federal-Provincial Diplomacy: The Making of Recent Policy in Canada.
62785: SIMIC, Andrei. - The Peasant Urbanites: A Study of Rural-Urban Mobility in Serbia.
74429: SIMINGTON, Robert C. - The Civic Survey A.D. 1654-1656 County of Limerick Vol. IV.
65912: SIMKIN, C.G.F. - Economics at Large: An Advanced Textbook on Macro-Economics.
54884: SIMKIN, C.G.F. - The Traditional Trade of Asia.
74615: SIMMONDS, D.H. - Wheat and Wheat Quality in Australia.
69589: SIMMONS, I.G. - Rural Recreation In The Industrial World.
68513: SIMMONS, George B. - The Indian Investment in Family Planning.
68701: SIMMS, Marian. - Militant Public Servants: Politicisation, Feminisation and Selected Public Service Unions.
64512: SIMMS, Marian. - Militant Public Servants: Politicisation, Feminisation and Selected Public Service Unions.
60209: SIMMS, Marian. - Militant Public Servants: Politicisation, Feminisation and Selected Public Service Unions.
73348: SIMON, Marvin K., OMURA, Jim K., SCHOLTZ, Robert A., and LEVITT, Barry K. - Spread Spectrum Communications. Volume III.
73290: SIMON, B.K. - A key to Australian Grasses
70172: SIMON. MUCHNIC, Suzanne. - Odd Man In: Norton Simon and the Pursuit of Culture.
68368: SIMON, Rita J. & DANZIGER, Gloria. - Women's Movements in America: Their Successes, Disappointments, and Aspirations.
67531: SIMON, John. - Paradigms Lost: Reflections on Literacy and Its Decline.
67107: SIMON, P.A., HECKMAN, G. & SHEA, M.A. eds. - Solar-Terrestrial Predictions: Proceedings of a Workshop at Meudon, France June 18-22, 1984.
64381: SIMON, Gerhard. - Church, State and Opposition on the U.S.S.R.
64342: SIMON, Gerhard. - Church, State and Opposition on the U.S.S.R.
64020: SIMON, Rita J. - The Jury: Its Role in American Society.
63166: SIMON, Joan. - Education And Society In Tudor England.
63142: SIMON, Albert & THOMPSON, William B. eds. - Advances in Plasma Physics. Volumes 1 to 4.
61253: SIMON. LAMBERT, Royston. - Sir John Simon 1816-1904 and English Social Administration.
60313: SIMON, Joan. - Education and Society in Tudor England.
57131: SIMON, Frances H, - Prediction Methods in Criminology, Including a Prediction Study of Young Men on Probation.
65528: SIMONE, Andre. - J'Accuse! The Men Who Betrayed France.
67094: SIMONS, Geoff. - Are Computers Alive?: Evolution and New Life Forms.
65755: SIMONS, Helen. - Getting to Know Schools in a Democracy: The Politics and Process of Evaulation.
63179: SIMONSON, R.W. ed. - Non-Agricultural Applications of Soil Surveys.
64982: SIMOPOULOS, A.P. ed. - Nutrition and Fitness: Evolutionary Aspects, Children's Health, Programs and Policies. 3rd International Conference on Nutrition and Fitness, Athens, May 24-27, 1996
75686: SIMPSON, C.J. & MASINI, R.J. - Tide and Seawater Temperature Data from the Ningaloo Reef Tract, Western Australia, and the Implications for Coral Mass Spawning.
74749: SIMPSON, John E. - Sea Breeze and Local Wind.
73805: SIMPSON, A.W.B. ed. - Biographical Dictionary of the Common Law.
70227: SIMPSON, Robert H. & RIEHL, Herbert. - The Hurricane and Its Impact.
69453: SIMPSON, Christopher J. - Ecology of Scleractinian Corals in the Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia.
69452: SIMPSON, Christopher J. - Ecology of Scleractinian Corals in the Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia.
60283: SIMPSON, Herbert D. - Tax Racket and Tax Reform in Chicago.
53888: SIMPSON, David. - Camels to Cars.
48728: SIMPSON, John with ADKIN, Mark. - The Quiet Operator. Special Forces Signaller Extraordinary.
75687: SIMPSON, C.J. - Mass Spawning of Scleractinian Corals in the Dampier Archipelago and the Implications for Management of Coral Reefs in Western Australia.
67762: SIMS, R.W. ed. - Animal Identification. Volume 1: Marine and Brackish Water.
66954: SIMS, Jacqueline (comp.). - Women, Health and Environment: An Anthology.
54679: SIMS, George. - Who is Cato?
65820: SINCLAIR, K.V. - The Melbourne Livy: A Study of Bersuire's Translation Based on the Manscript in the Collection of the National Gallery of Victoria.
64667: SINCLAIR, Stuart W. - Urbanization and and Labour Markets in Developing Countries.
73533: SINGER, Irving. - Mozart and Beethoven: The Concept of Love in Their Operas.
73185: SINGER, Martin. - Educated Youth and the Cultural Revolution in China.
69138: SINGER, S. Fred ed. - The Changing Global Environment.
68847: SINGER, Thomas P. ed. - Biological Oxidations.
68810: SINGER, Simon I. - Recriminalizing Delinquency: Violent Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice Reform.
68144: SINGER, Thomas P. & ONDARZA, Raul N. eds. - Mechanisms of Oxidizing Enzymes.
67841: SINGER, Philip C. - Trace Metals and Metal-Organic Interactions in Natural Waters.
64259: SINGER, S. Fred ed. - The Changing Global Environment.
63543: SINGER, J. David ed. - Quantitative International Politics: Insights and Evidence.
62677: SINGER, Hans W. - The Strategy of International Development: Essays in the Economics of Backwardness.
62669: SINGER, Hans W. & ANSARI, Javed A. - Rich and Poor Countries.
57129: SINGER, Milton ed. - Traditional India: Structure and Change.
56380: SINGER, Milton & COHN, Bernard S. eds. - Structure and Change in Indian Society.
73529: SINGH, G.S. - Maratha Geopolitics and the Indian Nation.
70821: SINGH, Bilveer. - Dwifungsi Abri. The Dual Function of the Indonesian Armed Forces: Origins, Actualization and Implications for Stability and Development.
69420: SINGH, Vijay P. ed. - Application of Frequency and Risk in Water Resources: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analyses, 14-17 May 1986, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA.
69421: SINGH, Vijay P. ed. - Rainfall-Runoff Relationship Proceedings of the International Symposium on Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, 18-21 May 1981, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Mississippi, USA.
69418: SINGH, Vijay P. ed. - Flood Hydrology: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analyses, 14-17 May 1986, Louisiana State University, Baton.
68547: SINGH, S.N., PREMI, M.K., BHATIA, P.S. & BOSE, Ashish. - Population Transition in India. Volume 2.
68400: SINGH, S.N., PREMI, M.K., BHATIA, P.S. & BOSE, Ashish. - Population Transition in India. Volume 1.
67124: SINGH, Daljit ed. - Southeast Asian Affairs 2000.
61449: SINGH, Bawa Satinder ed. - The Letters of the First Viscount Hardinge of Lahore to Lady Hardinge and Sir Walter and Lady James, 1844-1847. Camden Fourth Series. Volume 32.
60808: SINGH, Jyoti Shankar. - A New International Economic Order: Toward a Fair Redistribution of the World's Resources.
58883: SINGH, Daljit ed. - Southeast Asian Affairs 1992.
54903: SINGH, Charan. - India's Economic Policy: The Gandhian Blueprint.
75521: SINGH, Jai & SHIMAKAWA, Koichi. - Advances in Amorphous Semiconductors.
48794: SINGH, Patwant. - The Struggle for Power in Asia.
75741: SINGH, Naunihal. - Seizing Power: The Strategic Logic of Military Coups.
63838: SINGHAL, D.P. - India and Afghanistan: A Study in a Diplomatic Relations 1876-1907.
61306: SINGLETARY, Otis A. - The Mexican War.
72677: SINGLETON, W.T. ed. - The Analysis of Practical Skills - The Study of Real Skills - Volume I.
68009: SINGLETON, W.T., SPURGEON, P. & STAMMERS, R.B. - The Analysis of Social Skill.
67290: SINGLETON, W.T., EASTERBY, R.S. & WHITFIELD, D.C. eds. - Proceedings of the Conference on the Human Operator in Complex Systems.
62373: SINGLETON, Grant R., HINDS, Lyn A., LEIRS, Herwig & ZHANG, Zhibin eds. - Ecologically-Based Management of Rodent Pests.
56604: SINGLETON, Grant R., HINDS, Lyn A., LEIRS, Herwig & ZHANG, Zhibin eds. - Ecologically-Based Management of Rodent Pests.
64363: SINHA, Surajit ed. - Cultural Profile of Calcutta.
61063: SINHA, H.S. - Communism and Gita.
70638: SIOW-YUE, Chia & BIFAN, Cheng ed. - ASEAN-China Economic Relations: Trends and Patterns.
67216: SIPEK, Borek. - Borek Sipek: The Nearness of Far - Architecture and Design.
76301: SIRACUSA, Joseph M. - New Left Diplomatic Histories and Historians: The American Revisionists.
61847: SIRC, L. - Economic Devolution in Eastern Europe.
54135: SIRIANNI, Carmen ed. - Worker Participation and the Politics of Reform.
65464: SIRINGO, Chas. A. - A Texas Cow Boy or, Fifteen Years on the Hurricane Deck of a Spanish Pony. Taken from Real Life.
68543: SIRISENA, N.L. - Fertility Impact of Development in Sri Lanka.
54727: SITWELL, Sacheverell. - For Want of The Golden City.
72027: SIU-kai, Lau. - Society and Politics in Hong Kong.
62330: SIU-KAI, Lau & HSIN-CHI, Kuan. - The Ethos of the Hong Kong Chinese.
56032: SIU, Drs. Li Chuan. - An Introduction to the Promotion and Development of Modern Malay Literature, 1942-1962.
51544: SIU, Helen F. & STERN, Zelda ed. - Mao's Harvest. Voices from China's New Generation.
75460: SIVARAMAMURTI, C. - Nataraja in Art, Thought and Literature.
75561: SIWAR, Chamhuri, GHAZALI, Rospidah, HOSSAIN, Md. Elias, MUMIN, Abdulai Abdul eds. - Linking Rural Poverty and Environment: Governance and Sustainable Development Policies.
71424: SIZER, Theodore R. - Horace's School. Redesigning the American High School.
52790: SIZER, Theodore R. - Horace's School. Redesigning the American High School.
72460: SJOBERG, Gideon ed. - Ethics, Politics, and Social Research.
68355: SJOBERG, Lennart ed. - Risk and Society: Studies of Risk Generation and Reactions to Risk.
55078: SKAGGS, Jimmy M. - An Interpretative History of the American Economy.
47975: SKAK, Mette. - From Empire to Anarchy. Postcommunist Foreign Policy and International Relations.
61012: SKARD, Sigmund. - American Studies in Europe: Their History and Present Organization. Volume I and II.
60926: SKARSTEDT. LINDQUIST, Emory. - An Immigrant's American Odyssey: A Biography of Ernst Skarstedt.
63751: SKEHAN, James W., MURRAY, Daniel P. et al. - The Mississippian and Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Systems in the United States.
63749: SKEHAN, James W., MURRAY, Daniel P. et al. - The Mississippian and Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Systems in the United States.
68898: SKELTON. EDWARDS, Anthony S.G. - Skelton: The Critical Heritage.
63295: SKIDMORE, Thomas E. - Black Into White: Race and Nationality in Brazilian Thought.
56014: SKIDMORE, William. - Theoretical Thinking in Sociology.
55554: SKIDMORE, Thomas E. - Politics in Brazil: 1930-1964. An Experiment in Democracy.
74997: SKILLING, H. Gordon. - Samizdat and an Independent Society in Central and Eastern Europe.
52444: SKILTON, David. - Anthony Trollope and His Contemporaries. A Study in the Theory and Conventions of Mid-Victorian Fiction.
67727: SKINNER, F.A. & HUGO, W.B. eds. - Inhibition and Inactivation of Vegetative Microbes.
54742: SKINNER, John. - Prophecy and Religion: Studies in the Life of Jeremiah.
72390: SKIRDO, M.P. - The People, the Army, the Commander: A Soviet View.
60414: SKLAR, Richard L. - Nigerian Political Parties: Power in an Emergent African Nation.
53538: SKODA. - Skoda: List of Spare Parts. 1961. Skoda Octavia 1,1 I - OHV; Skoda Octavia Super 1,2 I - OHV.
68836: SKOHAN, Wesley G. ed. - The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Reactions to Crime and Violence.
47641: SKOLNIKOFF, Eugene B. - The Elusive Transformation. Science, Technology, and the Evolution of International Politics.
59992: SKRINE, R.L. ed. - Psychosexual Training and the Doctor/Patient Relationship: Transcripts of Leaders Workshops.
68131: SKRYABIN, K.I., SHIKHOBALOVA, N.P., SCHULZ, R.S., POPOVA, T.I., BOEV, S.N. & DELYAMURE, S.L. - Key to Parasitic Nematodes. Volume III: Strongylata.
68078: SKULLY, Michael T. - The South Pacific: Finance, Development and the Private Sector.
59860: SKULLY, Michael T. - Merchant Banking in Australia.
59576: SKULLY, Michael T. - Merchant Banking in Australia.
56238: SKULLY, Michael T. - The South Pacific: Finance, Development and the Private Sector.
42559: SKULLY, Michael T. - Merchant Banking in Australia.
72877: SLACK, Freddie. HUDSON, Will arr. - Cuban Sugar Mill. Sheet Music.
73303: SLACK, Freddie & JONES, Gay. LIVINGSTON, Fud scored.. - Riffette. Sheet Music.
73456: SLATER, Ralph. - Hypnotism and Self-Hypnosis.
69199: SLATER, Peter. - A Field Guide to Australian Birds. Volume One: Non-Passerines.
67735: SLATER, J.H., WHITEENBURY, R. & WIMPENNY, J.W.T. eds. - Microbes in Their Natural Environments.
63255: SLATER, E.C., KANIUGA, Z., WOJTCZAK, L. eds. - Biochemistry of Mitochondria. Colloquium Held [...] of the Third Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies [...].
62808: SLATER, Margaret. - Career Patterns and the Occupational Image: A Study of the Library/Information Field.
62647: SLATOFF, Walter J. - With Respect to Readers: Dimensions of Literary Response.
52144: SLATTA, Richard W. - Cowboys of the Americas.
72597: SLAUGHTER, Richard A. ed. - Gone Today Here Tomorrow: Millenium Previews.
53836: SLAUGHTER, Thomas P. - The Whiskey Rebellion: Frontier Epilogue to the American Revolution.
70814: SLEE, Roger. - Changing Theories and Practices of Discipline.
58501: SLEEMAN, B.D. & MICHAEL, I.M. eds. - Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of the Conference held at Dundee, Scotland, 1974.
59003: SLESSOR. JAFFA, Herbert C. - Kenneth Slessor.
57712: SLESSOR. JAFFA, Herbert C. - Kenneth Slessor.
74330: SLICE, Dennis E. ed. - Modern Mosphometrics on Physical Anthropology.
51835: SLIGO, John. - The Concert Masters.
75641: SLOAN, E. Dendy Jr. BLOYS, J. Ben. ed. - Hydrate Engineering.
57301: SLOAN, John W. - Public Policy in Latin America: A Comparative Survey.
52175: SLOBIN, Dan I. ed. - The Ontogenesis of Grammar.
66276: SLONIMSKY, Nicholas. - Perfect Pitch: A Life Story.
70907: SLOTE, Michael A. - Metaphysics and Essence.
66061: SLOTNICK, Elliot E. & SEGAL, Jennifer A. - Television News and the Supreme Court: All the News That's Fit to Air?
76358: SMALLEY, Roger. - Poles Apart: The Music of Roger Smalley.
52619: SMARIDGE, Norah. - Famous British Women Novelists.
63832: SMART, Carol ed. - Regulating Womanhood: Historical Essays on Marriage, Motherhood and Sexuality.
57610: SMART, Ninian ed. - Historical Selections in the Philosophy of Religion.
47899: SMART, Henry T. - Thomas Cook's Early Ministry. With Incidents and Suggestions Concerning Christian Work.
64732: SMEDSLUND, Jan. - Psycho-Logic.
69118: SMETANA, Bedrich. - Klavirni Trio G Moll Op. 15 / Piano Trio in G Minor Op. 15 (1855).
75821: SMIL, Vaclav. - Global Ecology: Environmental Change and Social Flexibility.
62954: SMILANSKY, Moshe & NEVO, David. - The Gifted Disadvantaged: A Ten Year Longitudinal Study of Compensatory Education in Israel.
74920: SMITH, Michael French. - Hard Times on Kairiru Island: Poverty, Development, and Morality in a Papua New Guinea Village.
74762: SMITH, J.E. and BERRY, D.R. (Editors) - The Filamentous Fungi: Volumne II Biosynthesis and Metabolism.
74681: SMITH, J.E. and BERRY, D.R. Editors - The Filamentous Fungi Volume I Industrial Mycology
74600: SMITH, Dean A. & WOODRUFF, Michael F.A. - Deficiency Diseases In Japanese Prison Camps.: Medical Research Council Special Report Series No. 274.
74380: SMITH, M.R. ed. - Stone: Buildint stone, rock fill and armourstone in construction.
74234: SMITH, Felisa A. & LYONS, S. Kathleen eds. - Animal Body Sizes: Linking Pattern and Process across Space, Time and Taxonomic Group.
73867: SMITH, Brian Stanley. - A History of Bloxham School.
73430: SMITH, Paul T. ed. - Towards Sustainable Shrimp Culture in Thailand and the Region. Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Hay Yai, Songkhla, Thailand, 28 October - 1 November 1996.
73320: SMITH, Vivian. - The Poetry of Robert Lowell.
72622: SMITH, Hazel M. & BIDDLE, Ellen H. - Looking Forward, Not Back: Aborigines in Metropolitan Brisbane, 1965-1966.
72620: SMITH, R.F.I. & WELLER, Patrick eds. - Public Service Inquiries in Australia.
71872: SMITH, Patricia Juliana ed. - The Queer Sixties.
71584: SMITH, Sir David, MCGRATH, Dr Frank, WINDSCHUTTLE, Keith, STONE, John et al. - Upholding the Australian Constitution. Volume Thirteenth [ 13 ]: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of the Samuel Griffith Society September 2001.
71582: SMITH, Sir David, BLAINEY, Prof. Geoffrey, STONE, John et al. - Upholding the Australian Constitution. Volume Twelve [ 12 ]: Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference of the Samuel Griffith Society November 2000.
71583: SMITH, Sir David, MCGRATH, Dr Frank, WINDSCHUTTLE, Keith, STONE, John et al. - Upholding the Australian Constitution. Volume Thirteenth [ 13 ]: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of the Samuel Griffith Society September 2001.
71581: SMITH, Sir David, RATNAPALA, Dr Suri, FORBES, Dr John et al. - Upholding the Australian Constitution. Volume Ten [ 10 ]: Proceedings of the Tenth Conference of the Samuel Griffith Society August 1998.
71538: SMITH, Vivian. - The Poetry of Robert Lowell.
71345: SMITH, Ernest K. - Electromagnetic Probing of the Upper Atmosphere.
71004: SMITH, Egerton. - The Principles of English Metre.
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