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37993: LANDELS, WILLIAM. - True Manhood. Its Nature, Foundation, and Development.
50235: LANDSEER, THOMAS 1795-1880. - Monkeyana, Or, Men In Miniature. Designed And Etched By Thomas Landseer .
14570: LANE, ERIC & JOYCE. - Eve's Story. A true-to-life story of one Christian woman's search for fulness and equality.
23642: LANE, DENIS. - God's Powerful Weapon.
21681: LANE, THOMAS. - A Priesthood in Tune. Theological Reflections on Ministry.
39251: LANE, BRIAN. - Crime & Detection. (Eyewitness Guide).
18845: LANE, DENIS. - Preach the Word.
46202: LANE, JOHN / HUGHAN, WILLIAM JAMES (INTRODUCTION) / WILLIAMSON, BERNARD . - Masonic Records 1717-1894. Being lists of all the lodges at home and abroad warranted by the Four Grand Lodges and the “United Grand Lodge” of England with their dates of constitution...
8395: LANE, ELIZABETH. - A Pageant of Bible Plays.Book 3. The Coming of The Messiah.
49872: LANG, ANDREW. (EDITOR). - The Red Book of Heroes.
34709: LANG, G.H. - Anthony Norris Groves: Saint and Pioneer.
45711: LANG, ANDREW. - Custom & Myth.
43812: LANG, ANDREW. - Books and Bookmen.
47231: LANG, ANDREW. - The World of Homer.
32899: LANG, GEOFFREY. (COMPILER). - Mirror to Woman.
34856: LANG, G.H. - The Churches of God: A Treatise for The Times.
42738: LANGBRIDGE, REV. FREDERICK. - "Week In, Week Out". Little Lessons in Labour.
50832: LANGDON, JULIA. - Mo Mowlam. The Biography. (Signed).
35354: LANGDON, A.A. - Communion For Children? The Current Debate. (Latimer Studies No.28).
13552: LANGFORD, MICHAEL J. - Unblind Faith.
7480: LANGFORD, MICHAEL J. - Unblind Faith.
29152: LANGFORD, DAVID. - War in 2080. The Future of Military Technology.
994: LANGHORNE, JOHN . - Frederic and Pharamond or the Consolations of Human Life
46379: LANGLAND. WILLIAM / SKEAT, REVEREND PROFESSOR. - The Vision of Piers the Plowman by William Langland Done into Modern English by the Rev.Professor Skeat..
16336: LANGLEY, MYRTLE. - Ethical Dialogue with other Religions. (Grove Booklet on Ethics No. 27).
15684: LANGNER, LAWRENCE. - The Importance of Wearing Clothes. (Introduction by James Laver.)
6459: LANGSTAFF, JOHN BRETT. - The Holy Communion in Great Britain and America.
4088: LANGTON, EDWARD. - The Fruits of Controversy.
21810: LANKSHEAR, DAVID W. - Churches Serving Schools.
32353: LANKSHEAR, DAVID W. - Small Schools.
32354: LANKSHEAR, DAVID W. - Preparing for Inspection in a Church School.
42908: LAPPING, BRIAN AND RADICE, GILES. - More Power to the People. Young Fabian Essays on Democracy in Britain.
24497: LAPWOOD, ROBIN. - When Babies Die. Some Guidelines for Helpers of Bereaved Parents (Grove Pastoral 36).
19252: LARCOMBE, JENNIFER REES. - Turning Point. Is There Hope for Broken Lives?.
27510: LARGE, DENIS. - The Parish Priest in Christian Stewardship.
48683: LARGE, ELIZABETH - Indenture: Elizabeth Large, William Parfit, Joshua Allen
35617: LARKIN, EMMET. - The Roman Catholic Church in Ireland and the Fall of Parnell 1888-1891.
46740: LARKIN, DAVID. (EDITOR). - The Fantastic Kingdom. A Collection of Illustrations from the Golden Days of Storytelling.
20937: LAROCHE, SANDRA & MICHEL. - The Mushroom Feast.
24879: LARSON, BRUCE. - Dare to Live Now!
10841: LARTEGUY, JEAN.(EDITOR). - The Sun Goes Down. Last letters from Japanese suicide-pilots and soldiers.
40675: LARWOOD, G.P AND FUNNELL, B.M. - The Geology of Norfolk. (Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, Volume 19. Part 6.
48770: LASH, NICHOLAS. - The Beginning and the End of 'Religion'.
26209: LASKI, HAROLD J. - Marx and Today.
3918: LASSERRE, JEAN. - War and the Gospel. (translated by Oliver Coburn).
46911: LATEINER, DONALD. - The Historical Method of Herodotus.
11679: LATHAM, ROBERT O. - God for All Men.
7246: LATHROP, JOHN HOWLAND. - Toward Discovering a Religion.
47251: LATHROP, ELISE. - Sunny Days in Italy. (Illustrated from Photographs).
34649: LATIMER, ROBERT S. - With Christ in Russia.
998: LATOURETTE, K.S. - The Prospect for Christianity.
15003: LATTIMORE, RICHMOND. - Sestina for a Far-Off Summer. Poems 1957-1962.
47692: LAUDER, SIR THOMAS DICK (1784-1848). - An Account Of The Great Floods of August 1829, in the province of Moray, and adjoining districts. By Sir Thomas Dick Lauder, Bart. of Grange and Fountainhall, F.R.S.E. With an introductory note by Miss Dick Lauder. Third Edition.
12709: LAUDERDALE, IRENE. - Poems Grave and Gay of shoes and ships and sealing wax.
28137: LAURANCE, ANDREW. - The Other You: How to Develop Your Psychic Potential.
50790: LAURENCE, JOHN ( 1668-1732 ) . - A New System of Agriculture. Being a complete body of husbandry and gardening in all the parts of them. Viz. Husbandry in the field, and its several improvements. Of forest and timber trees, great and small; with ever-greens and flow'ring shrubs, &c.
847: HOUSMAN LAURENCE . - Little Plays Of Saint Francis. Volume I.
49085: LAURENT DE LARA, D. - Elementary Instruction In The Art Of Illuminating and Missal Painting on Vellum, A Guide To Modern Illuminators, With Illustrations in Outline as Copies for the Student. By D. Laurent De Lara, (Illuminating Artist to the Queen.) .
24094: LAURENTIN, RENE. - Miracles in El Paso?
30598: LAURENTIN, RENE. - Liberation, Development and Salvation. (translated by Charles Underhill Quinn).
49915: LAURENTIUS, TH. - Etchings by Rembrandt : Reflections of the Golden Age.
19823: LAURIE, SANDERS G. AND TUCKER, MELVIN J. - Centering. The Power of Meditation.
7886: LAURIN, ROBERT B.(EDITOR). - Contemporary Old Testament Theologians.
10993: LAUSCH, ERWIN. - Manipulation. Is your brain your own?
46153: LAVER, JAMES. - Style in Costume.
49541: LAVER, HENRY (1830-1917) . - The Mammals, Reptiles, and Fishes of Essex: A contribution to the Natural History of the County. By Henry Laver... With Eight Full-Page, And Two Half-Page Illustrations.
50418: LAVERTON, SYLVIA. - Exploring the Past Through Place-Names: Woolverstone.
14222: LAW, WILLIAM. - A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life.
15118: LAW, PHILIP. (INTRODUCED BY TOM WRIGHT). - The Wisdom of Jesus.
27712: LAWRENCE, JOHN. - Take Hold of Change. Alternatives for Society at the End of the Second Millennium.
14022: LAWRENCE, ROY. - Invitation to Healing.
19409: LAWRENCE, ROY. - Christ with Us.
19411: LAWRENCE, ROY. - Make me a Channel.
20048: LAWRENCE, ROY. - Journey into Mystery.
29515: LAWRENCE, ELIZABETH. - The Origins and Growth of Modern Education.
30773: LAWRENCE, D.H. - The Plays of D.H.Lawrence.
46991: LAWRENCE, WILLIAM WITHERLE. - Beowulf and Epic Tradition.
30384: LAWRENCE, D.H. - The Man Who Died. The Ladybird. The Captain's Doll.
37025: LAWRENCE, SIR JOHN. - Christianity Under Communist Rule. (Pamphlet Library No.10).
37112: LAWRENCE, EVELYN, THEAKSTON, T.R. AND ISAACS, NATHAN. - Some Aspects of Piaget's Work.
9419: LAWRENCE, JOHN. - The Hard Facts of Unity.
49329: LAWS, DAVID. - Munich. The Man Who Said No! (signed).
41331: LAWSON, JOHN. - Man and His Needs. A Study in the Hope for Civilization.
22173: LAWSON, MICHAEL. - Facing Anxiety and Stress.
45311: LAWSON, M.K. - Cnut. England's Viking King 1016-35.
34680: LAYARD, NINA FRANCES . - Seventeen Suffolk Martyrs, By Nina Frances Layard. With Preface by the Rev. Canon Garratt. With illustrations.
50801: LAYARD, NINA FRANCES . - Seventeen Suffolk Martyrs, By Nina Frances Layard. With Preface by the Rev. Canon Garratt. With illustrations.
42636: LAYTON, ROBERT. (EDITOR). - A Companion to the Symphony.
7979: LAZARETH, WILLIAM H. - Growing Together in Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry. A Study Guide.
28271: LAZARUS, CAROLE, & BERMAN, JENNIFER. - Glorafilia: The Impressionist Collection.
20166: LEA, GORDON. - Modern Stagecraft for the Amateur. Plans and Drawings by C.J. Vear. (Foreword by Dame Sybil Thorndike).
15740: LEACH, ROBERT. - History of St.Mary's Church, Cuddington. Including some history of the local area.
21063: LEACH, JOHN. - Developing Prayer Ministry. A New Introduction for Churches. (Grove Renewal 1).
21064: LEACH, JOHN. - Responding to Preaching (Grove Worship 139).
8347: LEACH, EDMUND. - A Runaway World? Reith Lectures 1968.
43292: LEADBEATER, C.W. (33°). - Glimpses of Masonic History.
37330: CATHOLIC LEAGUE. - Reuniting Anglicans and Rome.
8109: LEAN,GARTH. - Rebirth of a Nation?
8396: LEANEY, A.R.C. - The Letters of Peter and Jude. Commentary.
12492: LEAPMAN, MICHAEL. - Yankee Doodles. Michael Leapman in America.
47860: O'LEARY, JOHN GERARD (EDITOR) . - Saffron Walden History. The occasional journal of the Saffron Walden Antiquarian Society Volume Two. Number One .
47861: O'LEARY, JOHN GERARD (EDITOR) . - Saffron Walden History. The occasional journal of the Saffron Walden Antiquarian Society Volume Two. Number Two .
47862: O'LEARY, JOHN GERARD (EDITOR) . - Saffron Walden History. The occasional journal of the Saffron Walden Antiquarian Society Volume Two. Number Four .
48298: LEARY, P.M. - Don't Die in the Bush. A Guide to Outdoor Emergencies and Survival Techniques in Southern Africa.
47857: O'LEARY, JOHN GERARD (EDITOR) . - Saffron Walden History. The occasional journal of the Saffron Walden Antiquarian Society Number Two .
15291: LEARY, WILLIAM. - Methodism in the City of Lincoln from its origin in the Eighteenth Century to the present day.
48303: O'LEARY, JOHN G. (EDITOR) . - Essex Journal. A Quarterly Journal For The County Of Essex . Issue Number One January 1966 - Issue Number Four September 1966 .
47827: O'LEARY, JOHN GERARD (EDITOR) . - Saffron Walden History. The occasional journal of the Saffron Walden Antiquarian Society Number One .
50637: LEASOR, JAMES. - The Serjeant-Major. The Biography of R.S.M. Ronald Brittain M.B.E., Coldstream Guards.
25930: LEAT, DIANA. SMOLKA, GERRY AND UNELL, JUDITH. - Voluntary and Statutory Collaboration. Rhetoric or Reality?
28912: LEAVER, ROBIN. - Hymns with the New Lectionary.
26823: LEAVERS, GREG AND BURT, PHIL. - Children's Praise. (Words and Music).
30940: LEBEDEL, CLAUDE. - Chronology of the History of France.
1007: LECLERCO, DOM HENRI . - L'Ordre Benedictin (Bibliotheque Generale Illustree 14 ) .
31237: LECLERCQ, DOM JEAN. - Alone With God.
7980: LEE, R. S. - Your Growing Child and Religion.
15395: LEE, PETER. - Preaching Through the Christian Year.
15356: LEE, EDWIN KENNETH. - The Religious Thought of St. John.
25236: LEE, W.R. - Spelling Irregularity and Reading Difficulty in English.
5746: LEE, R. S.. - Principles of Pastoral Counselling. Care and Counselling.
23888: LEE, DEREK. ANTHONY, VIVIAN AND SKUSE, ALLEN. - Monopoly. Studies in the British Economy.
21067: LEE, PETER. - Equipping God's People: Present and Future Parish Training Schemes (Grove Ministry and Worship 45).
17562: LEE, WILLIAM H. - Coenzyme Q-10. Is it our New Fountain of Youth?
40332: LEE, KITTY. - The History of Cromer Lifeboats and Crews. H.F. Bailey 777. 1935-1945.
48427: LEE, REVEREND JOHN FODEN. - "After April When May Follows".
13831: LEE, PETER. - Guard Her Children. Hope for South Africa Today.
18848: LEE, HELEN. - Christian Marriage.
50888: LEE, MICHAEL JOHN. - The Secret Room and the Contract for the Building of Fotheringhay Church.
7213: LEE, PETER. (SERIES EDITOR D. W. CLEVERLEY FORD.) - Preaching Through The Christian Year. 11. Sermon Outlines for the Seasons of the Church's Year.
47538: LEE, STAN AND DITKOI, STEVE. - Stan Lee Presents: Doctor Strange. Master of the Mystic Arts No.2.
31933: LEE, FREDERICK GEORGE. - The Validity of the Holy Orders of the Church of England.
32405: LEE, E.K. - The Meaning of Salvation.
12195: LEE, SIMON, & STANFORD, PETER. - Believing Bishops.
6553: LEE, HELEN R. - The Growing Years. A book for Christian parents.
30000: LEE, JAMES W. - More Signpainting in Jamaica.
8143: LEE, F.H. - The Children's Joan of Arc. Illustrated by Honor C.Appleton.
8846: LEE, R.S. - Freud and Christianity.
9617: LEE, CATHERINE. - The Growth and Development of Children.
16516: LEECH, KENNETH. - Pastoral Care and the Drug Scene.
19412: LEECH, KENNETH. - The Sky is Red. Discerning the Signs of the Times.
32317: LEECH, KENNETH. - The Eye of the Storm. Spiritual Resources for the Pursuit of Justice.
8259: LEECH, KENNETH. - We Preach Christ Crucified. The Proclamation of the Cross in a Dark Age.
11908: LEEDHAM, JOHN. & UNWIN, DERICK. - Programmed Learning in the Schools.
16138: LEEMING, BERNARD. - Towards Christian Unity. A Symposium.
19151: LEENHARDT, F.J. - Two Biblical Faiths: Protestant and Catholic.
12883: LEES, SHIRLEY P. - Jungle Fire.
39523: LEES, SUE AND GREGORY, JEANNE. - Rape and Sexual Assault: A Study of Attrition. Multi-agency Investigation into the Problem of Rape and Sexual Assault in the Borough of Islington.
46984: LEFEBVRE, DOM GEORGES. - The Well-Springs of Prayer. (translated by Kathleen Pond).
2607: LEFEBVRE, DOM GASPAR - The New Liturgy Of Holy Week. Supplement To The Saint Andrew Daily Missal. Compiled in accordance with the Decree of the S.C.R. of november 16, 1955. Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Eve, Ordinary of the Mass.
30163: LEFFMAN, HENRY AND BEAM, WILLIAM. - Select Methods of Food Analysis.
21923: LEFROY, C.J.E. - Effective Witness.
26362: LEGG, J. WICKHAM. (EDITOR). - Some Principles and Services of the Prayer Book Historically Considered.
22175: LEGG, JOHN. - Any Objections? (Objections to the Gospel answered).
22176: LEGG, JOHN. - Letters to an Enquiring Christian.
34863: LEGG, REV. W.A.H. - Life Beyond the Grave. Six Sermons.
41564: LEGGATT, L.M. (TRANSLATOR). - A Nineteenth Century Miracle. The Brothers Ratisbonne and the Congregation of Notre Dame De Sion.
8540: LEGGATT, FRANK Y. - The Reasonableness of Jesus.
49218: LEGUIN, URSULA K. - City of Illusions.
31332: LEHMANN, ROSAMOND. - The Ballad and the Source.
28139: LEHMANN, JOHN (ED). - The London Magazine. January 1955. Volume 2 No.1.
12711: LEHMANN, JOHN. - The Penguin New Writing. 29.
39010: LEIBLER, ISI. - The Israel-Diaspora Identity Crisis. A Looming Disaster.
33450: LEIFCHILD, REV. J. - Remarkable Facts: Illustrative and Confirmatory of Different Portions of Holy Scripture.
49784: LEIGHTON, JOHN AND THOMSON, RICHARD. - Seurat and the Bathers.
6554: LEITCH, JAMES W. - The King Comes.
19351: LEITH, PRUE, & REYNAUD, JEAN-BAPTISTE. - The Best of Prue Leith.
44784: LEITH, DICK. - A Social History of English. (Language and Society Series).
14761: LELYVELD, TOBY. - Shylock on the Stage.
10220: LEMAN, DR. KEVIN, & CARLSON, RANDY. - Parent Talk.
10453: LEMON, DORIS WITH TYLER, ANNE. - My Rough Diamond.
50273: LENNHOFF, EUGEN. - The Freemasons: The History, Nature, Development and Secret of the Royal Art. (Translated by Einar Frame).
45494: LENOX-CONYNGHAM, REV. G.H. - Lavenham Church and Town.
44686: LENOX-CONYNGHAM, REV. G.H. - Lavenham Church and Town.
2756: LENTEN - A Lenten Paternoster.
1012: LENWOOD, FRANK. - Jesus - Lord or Leader?
3655: SHERLEY-PRICE. LEO. (TRANSLATOR). - St Francis of Assisi. His Life and Writings as recorded by his contemporaries. A new version of the Mirror of Perfection together with all Known Writings of the Saint.
25237: LEONARD, JOE. - Family Ministry. A Practical Guide for a Teaching Church.
27242: LEONARD, MARGARET. - Becoming a Toddler. (Family Care Book 4).
6859: LEONARD, GRAHAM. - Firmly I Believe and Truly.
42539: LEONARD, JOSEPH T. - Theology and Race Relations.
8907: LEONARD, GRAHAM. - Faith for the Future.
47355: LORD ST LEONARDS. [EDWARD SUGDEN]. - Misrepresentations in Campbell's Lives of Lyndhurst and Brougham. Corrected by St. Leonards.
48000: LEPP, IGNACE. - From Karl Marx to Jesus Christ.
36977: LEPP, IGNACE. - The Ways of Friendship. (Translated by Bernard Murchland).
37649: LEPPER, JOHN HERON. - The Testaments of Francois Villon. (Translated by John Heron Lepper).
26404: LERNER, LAURENCE. - The Truest Poetry: An Essay on the Question What is Literature?
11016: LERSEL, BASVAN. - Reading Mark.
28046: LESBERG, SANDY. (EDITOR.) - Impressionism.
13457: LESCAZES, CARLOS PALUZIE DE. - Castles of Europe. Translated & Adapted by Donna R. Kelly, & Daniel Anthony Marion.
25834: LESLIE, RUSSELL. - Alpines I Have Grown. (Wood engravings by the author.)
28272: LESSING, DORIS. - The Four-Gated City. Volume Five of Children of Violence.
24991: LESTER, ANDREW D AND JUDITH L. - Understanding Aging Parents. (Christian Care No. 8).
36569: LETCHWORTH, SIR EDWARD . - Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, under the United Grand Lodge of England... Published Under The Authority Of The United Grand Lodge, By Sir Edward Letchworth, F.S.A., As Grand Secretary.
36568: LETCHWORTH, EDWARD . - Constitutions of the Antient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, under the United Grand Lodge of England... Published Under The Authority Of The United Grand Lodge, By Edward Letchworth, F.S.A., As Grand Secretary.
6468: LETHBRIDGE, ARTHUR. - Country Communion Classes. A series of outline addresses for services of Preparation for Holy Communion or for Eucharistic Meditation. With a preface by V.S.S.Coles.
26560: LETSON, DOUGLAS, & HIGGINS, MICHAEL. - The Jesuit Mystique.
50895: LETTS, BARRY. - Doctor Who and the Daemons.
47953: LETTS, MALCOLM. - Mandeville's Travels. Text and Translations. (2 Volume set).
16517: LEVER, DAVID. - Sports Trivia Quiz. Illustrated by Michael Grimsdale.
48988: LEVER, CHARLES (1806-1872) . - The Military Novels Of Charles Lever - Harry Lorrequer By Charles Lever. With Illustrations By Phiz. In two Volumes .
42789: LEVIEN, F. - Mildred's Mistake. A Still Life Study.
11743: LEVIN, BERNARD. - Hannibal's Footsteps.
10042: LEVISON, H. - Textbook for Dental Nurses. 7th Edition.
33929: LEVY, REUBEN. (TRANSLATER). - The Three Dervishes and other Persian Tales and Legends.
2669: LEWES, GEORGE HENRY. - Aristotle's Ethics. (Books that marked Epochs. Vol.3).
35400: LEWIS, ELINOR. (LADY HAMMICK). - How Hard It Is To Be Good and Other Readings for my Girl Friends.
26325: LEWIS, E. RIDLEY. - The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ According to the Synoptic Gospels.
15966: LEWIS, E. RIDLEY. - Some Things Jesus Did. An Introduction to the History of Jesus.
27715: LEWIS, C.S. - Christian Reflections. (edited by Walter Hooper).
1991: LEWIS, E. RIDLEY. - Give Heed Unto Reading. A Book of Organic Theology for the Clergy.
25239: LEWIS, MARTYN. - Reflections on Success. Famous Achievers Talk Frankly to Martyn Lewis About Their Route to the Top.
24762: LEWIS, D.G. - The Analysis of Variance. (Statistical Guides in Educational Research No.4).
27336: LEWIS, E. RIDLEY. - Asking Sensible Questions. A Book about Christian Beliefs.
19826: LEWIS, C.S. - Miracles. A Preliminary Study.
11463: LEWIS, GEORGINA KING. - Elizabeth Fry.
12317: LEWIS, C. DAY. (ED). - Crabbe. ( Poet to Poet series ).
1022: LEWIS, E. RIDLEY. - Some Things Jesus Said. An introduction to the Teaching of Jesus.
15151: LEWIS, MARGARET. - Ngaio Marsh. A Life.
15604: LEWIS, R.W.B. - Edith Wharton. A Biography.
19597: LEWIS, JAMES. - The Herbal Remedy for Prostate Cancer.
25835: LEWIS, H.D. - Morals and the New Theology.
19254: LEWIS, MARGIE M. (WITH GREGG LEWIS). - The Hurting Parent.
18493: LEWIS, RICHARD AND TALBOT-PONSONBY, ANDREW. (EDS). - The People, The Land and The Church. The Second Hereford Rural Consultation. 1986.
7615: LEWIS LLOYD, G. A. - Pastor Ac Precator.
28141: LEWIS, DAVID. - Fight Your Phobia - and Win.
49967: LEWIS, R.R. - The History of Brentwood School.
10824: LEWIS, PAUL M. - Beauty of Florida.
23397: LEWIS, PETER. - God's Honours List. Winning Through Life's Challenges.
46628: LEWIS, TERRANCE L. - A Climate for Appeasement.
44042: LEWIS, R.W.E. - Dante.
30627: LEWIS, BERNARD. - The Muslim Discovery of Europe.
7063: LEWIS, BEVERLY. - The Shunning.
32917: LEWIS, C.S. - The Problem of Pain.
32918: LEWIS, C.S. - Surprised by Joy.
37839: LEWIS, NELL. - Heart's Ease and Other Poems.
32596: LEWIS, PETER/BEASLEY-MURRAY, PAUL. - The Message of the Living God/The Message of the Resurrection.
11075: LEWIS, H.D. - Our Experience of God.
36543: LEWIS, PAT. - My Ancestor Was A Freemason.
35642: LEWIS, C.S./ WALMSLEY, LESLEY(COMPILER). - C.S.Lewis on Joy.
6296: LEWIS LLOYD, G. A. - The Content of Christianity.
3227: LEWIS, DAVID.(TRANSLATOR). - The Life of St Teresa of Jesus of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel, written by Herself.
4397: LEWIS, JOHN. - Anthropology Made Simple.
32485: LEWIS, GEORGE F. - The Papacy and Anglican Orders.
8260: LEWIS, C.S. - The Screwtape Letters.
9793: LEWIS, ROY,& MAUDE, ANGUS. - The English Middle Classes.
19598: LEWITH, GEORGE; KENYON, JULIAN AND DOWSON, DAVID. - Allergy and Intolerance. A Complete Guide to Environmental Medicine.
48579: LEYLAND, JOHN (EDITOR) . - Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. XIV. & Vol. XXI. - Dispatches and Letters Relating to the Blockade of Brest 1803 -1805 2 Volumes
24095: LIBERTY, ERIC R. - Sons of China Won to Christ.
50319: THE HALF-HOUR LIBRARY. - Half-Hours in the Far North.
46874: LICHTHEIM, GEORGE. - Europe in the Twentieth Century.
7364: LICHTIGFELD, DR ADOLPH. - Twenty Centuries of Jewish Thought.
24880: LIDDON, H.P. - The Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
49334: CHRISTIAN GOTTLIEB KONGEHL; HEINRICH LIEDERT; . - Consensu Amplissimae Facultatis Philosophicae Pro Receptione In Eadem, De Temperamentorum Infirmitate, Et Exigua In Moralibus Utilitate A. MDCCXXI. d.X. Decembr... Disseret M. Christianus Gottlieb Kongehl, Respondente Henrico Liedert, Reg. Boruss.
25478: LIESCH, BARRY. - People in the Presence of God. Models and Directions for Worship.
19950: LIETZMANN, HANS. - From Constantine to Julian. A History of the Early Church Volume III. (Translated by Bertram Lee Woolf.)
34758: LIGHTFOOT, J. B. ; JAMES, M. R. ; SWETE, H. B. [ INTRODUCTION BY: ROBINSON, J. ARMITAGE ]. - Excluded Books of the New Testament .
24503: LIGHTFOOT, R.H. - The Gospel Message of St. Mark.
1994: LILLEY, A.L. - Religion and Revelation. A study of some moments in the effort of Christian Theology to define their relations. The Paddock Lectures for 1931.
6465: LILLEY, A.L. - Sacraments. A study of some moments in the attempt to define their meaning for Christian worship.
7894: LILLIE, WILLIAM. - Studies in New Testament Ethics.
35379: LILLIE, DAVID. - Beyond Charisma.
17138: LILLINGSTON,K.M.E. - Glimpses of Uganda.
50251: LILLY, MARJORIE. - Sickert. The Painter and His Circle.
47659: TRADES' DIRECTORIES LIMITED. - Eastern Counties of England. Including Norwich, also the Counties of Cambridge, Hunts, Lincoln, Norfolk and Suffolk. 1969.
50771: IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED . - Recipes For British Colour Council Shades. Women's Wear Autumn & Winter 1960 Cotton .
21271: LINDBERG, CONRAD. - The Middle English Bible. Prefatory Epistles of St Jerome.
3552: LINDBLOM,J. - Prophecy in Ancient Israel.
27716: LINDEN, NICO TER. - The Story Goes......The Stories of Judges and Kings.
15518: LINDEN, NICO TER. - The Story Goes...2. Mark's Story and Matthew's Story.
13672: LINDGREN, CARL. - Teaching Bible Truths with Simple Objects.
27589: LINDLEY, KENNETH A. - How to Explore Abbeys and Monasteries.
23889: LINDLEY, ROBERT M. - Economic Change and Employment Policy.
26489: LINDQUIST, SVEN. - Inside China. (A Guardian Pamphlet).
26490: LINDSAY, JACK. - Perspective for Poetry. (Key Essays No.1).
16519: LINDSAY, JACK. - Leisure and Pleasure in Roman Egypt.
46265: LINDSAY, R.S. - The Scottish Rite for Scotland.
38583: LINDSAY, J. / THOMPSON, L. L. - History of Comrades Lodge No. 2976 Compiled by a committee of the lodge, under the guidance of W.Bro. J. Lindsay, P.P.G.D. and W.Bro. L. L. Thompson, P.M., Secretary .
36612: LINDSAY, E.V AND A.D. - Birth Control and Human Integrity.
6381: LINDSELL, HAROLD. MCDOWELL, JOSH. - God's Incomparable Word. More than a Carpenter.
10997: LINDSEY, HALL. - The Promise.
18494: LINDSEY, HAL. - Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth.
28213: LINEHAM, RAY S. - The Street of Human Habitations.
16165: LINFORD, VELMA. - Wyoming: Frontier State. (drawings by Ramona Bowman).
9179: LING, TREVOR. - A History of Religion East and West.
45983: LINGARD RANSON, F. - Lavenham, Suffolk.
25077: LINKLATER, ERIC. - The Conquest of England.
19600: LINN, DENNIS AND LINN MATTHEW. - Healing Life's Hurts. Healing memories through the five stages of forgiveness.
32780: LINNELL, C.L.S. - Blakeney Church.
3902: LINNEMANN, ETA. - Parables of Jesus. Introduction and Exposition.
2194: LINTON, REV. E.C. - Notes on the Absolution of the Sick and Dying.
4684: URBAN LINWOOD. - A Short History of Christian Thought. Revised & Expanded Edition.
37517: LIPMAN, V.D. - A History of the Jews in Britain Since 1858.
28385: LIPNER, JULIUS. - Hindus. Their Religious Beliefs and Practices.
6970: LIPPMANN, WALTER. - The Public Philosophy. On the decline and revival of the Western Society.
50389: LIPSKY, ELEAZAR. - The Kiss of Death.
13174: LIPSON, ERIC-PETER. - Passover Haggadah. A Messianic Celebration.
17432: LISTER, T.D. - Chavasse's Advice to a Mother on the Management of her Children, and on the Treatment on the moment of some of their more pressing illnesses and accidents. (16th ed. Revised and Enlarged).
41813: LITTLE, ROGER. - The Shaping of Modern French Poetry. Reflections on Unrhymed Poetic Form 1840-1990.
27781: LITTLE, BRYAN. - The Colleges of Cambridge. (Photographed by Edward Leigh.)
12145: LITTLE, PAUL E. - Know What you Believe.
27016: LITTLE, W.J. KNOX. - The Three Hours Agony of our Blessed Redeemer. Being Addresses in the Form of Meditations delivered in S.Alban's Church, Manchester on Good Friday, 1877.
20939: LITTLE, ROBERT J. - Here's Your Answer.
39568: LITTLE, W.B. - Science and the Weather.
7720: LITTLE, PAUL E. - How to Give away your Faith.
48080: LITTLE, W.L. - Staffordshire Blue. Underglaze Blue Transfer-Printed Earthenware.
8399: LITTLE, PAUL E. - Know Why You Believe.
32647: LITTLEHALES, HENRY . - Pages in facsimile from a layman's prayer-book in English about 1400 A. D. : containing mediaeval versions of the Lord's prayer, Te Deum, Magnificat, etc. edited from the original in the British Museum, MS. 27,592, by Henry Littlehales.
32230: LITTLETON, JOHN. - We Offer Ourselves. Five Bible Studies.
39826: MODERN LITURGY. (THE EDITORS OF). - The Triduum Book.
7065: LIVELY, ADAM. - Parliament. The Great British Democracy Swindle.
47848: TATE GALLERY LIVERPOOL. - Expression & Engagement. German Painting from the Collection.
7721: LIVINGSTONE, E.A. (EDITOR). - The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church.
41391: LIVINGSTONE, R.W. - Ruskin. (From the Proceedings of the British Academy Volume XXXI).
25932: LIVY (TRANSLATED BY AUBREY DE SELINCOURT). - The Early History of Rome. Books I-V of The History of Rome from its Foundation.
27244: LLEWELLIN, ELIZABETH. - Show Us the Way. Five Walking Sermons for Performance by Children and Adults.
39087: LLEWELLIN, MARK AND RILEY, PETER. - The World of Crime. A Collection of the World's most Cunning Con-Men, Blood-Thirsty Murderers and Crafty Crooks.
15153: LLEWELLYN, MEGAN. - The Eagle of Gwernabwy. Tales from Wales.
28386: LLEWELYN, ROBERT. - Prayer and Contemplation. (Fairacres No.46).
13673: LLEWELYN, ROBERT. (ED). - Julian Women of our Day.
4889: LLEWELYN, ROBERT. - Love Bade Me Welcome.
6299: LLEWELYN, ROBERT. - With Pity Not With Blame. Reflections on the Writings of Julian of Norwich and on the Cloud of Unknowing.
6298: LLEWELYN, ROBERT. - A Doorway to Silence. The Contemplative use of the Rosary.
33757: LLEWELYN, ROBERT. - Thirsting For God.
35545: LLEWELYN, ROBERT. - Prayer and Healing.
18851: LLOYD, TREVOR. - Informal Liturgy. An examination of the possibilities of non-sacramental worship. (Grove Ministry and Worship. No.6).
18852: LLOYD, TREVOR. - Introducing Liturgical Change. (Grove Worship Series No.87).
18853: LLOYD, TREVOR. - The Future of Anglican Worship. (Grove Worship Series No.100).
18854: LLOYD, TREVOR. MOGER, PETER. SINCLAIR, JANE AND VASEY, MICHAEL. - Introducing the New Lectionary. Getting the Bible into Worship. (Grove Worship Series No.141).
18855: LLOYD, TREVOR. SINCLAIR, JANE AND VASEY, MICHAEL. - Introducing Promise of His Glory. (Grove Worship Series No.116).
5967: LLOYD, PHILIP. - The Holy Spirit in the Acts. A Devotional Study.
5209: LLOYD, ROGER B. - Christianity History and Civilization.
1996: LLOYD, ROGER B. - The Religious Crisis.
3142: LLOYD, ROGER. - The Church of England. 1900-1965.
15258: LLOYD, COLONEL PEN. - Anecdotes of Bygone Leicestershire and Other Stories.
23106: LLOYD, H.M. - Christus Rex. A Holy Week Pilgrimage.
16209: LLOYD, TREVOR. - Liturgy and Death. (Grove Booklet on Ministry and Worship. No. 28).
16210: LLOYD, TREVOR. - Ministry and Death. (Grove Booklet on Ministry and Worship. No. 27).
11744: LLOYD-JONES, D.M. - Authority.
25480: LLOYD-JONES, D. MARTYN. - Joy Unspeakable. The Baptism with the Holy Spirit.
30423: LLOYD, ALAN. - The Taras Report on the Last Days of Pompeii.
14127: LLOYD-JONES, D. MARTYN. - Studies in the Sermon on the Mount (One vol. ed.).
17868: LLOYD, D.I. - Philosophy and the Teacher.
13270: LLOYD-JONES, D.M. - Evangelistic Sermons at Aberavon.
35409: LLOYD DAVIES, MARGARET AND TREVOR A. - The Bible: Medicine & Myth.
50114: LLOYD-JONES, D. MARTYN. (EDITOR). - Puritan Papers Volume One. 1956-1959.
7167: LLOYD, ROGER. - Letters from the Early Church.
42562: LLOYD, STEPHEN. (EDITOR). - Fenby on Delius. Collected Writings on Delius to mark Eric Fenby's 90th Birthday.
33536: LLOYD, ROGER. - The Church and the Artisan Today.
50403: LLOYD, DAVID / CLARK, MARGARET AND POTTER, CHRIS. - St Laurence's Church, Ludlow. The Parish Church and People, 1199-2009.
29249: LLOYD, T. - The Theory of Distribution and Consumption.
50051: LLOYD, ROGER. - The Fascination of Railways.
49289: LLOYD, WILLIAM WATKISS (1813-1893 ) . - Elijah Fenton: His Poetry And Friends. A Monograph By William Watkiss Lloyd...Edited By George Livingstone Fenton... Preceded By A New Life Of The Poet, By Robert Fenton. With A Brief Sketch Of The Author, By Sophia Beale.
3332: LLOYD, ROGER. - The Inspiration of God.
16433: LO, KENNETH. - More Wok Cookery.
19255: LOADES, ANN. - Searching for Lost Coins. Exploration in Christianity and Feminism.
20732: LOANE, MARCUS L. - The Hill of the Cross.
23645: LOANE, MARCUS L. - Amazing Grace. Some Aspects and Insights in the Life of the Apostle Paul.
22482: LOANE, MARCUS L. - Grace and the Gentiles. Expository Studies in six Pauline Letters.
22483: LOANE, MARCUS. - Makers of Religious Freedom in the Seventeenth Century: Henderson: Rutherford: Bunyan: Baxter.
29522: LOANE, MARCUS. - Do You Now Believe? A short introduction to Christian doctrine based on the Apostles' Creed.
22884: LOBBAN, R.D. - The Elizabethans. (Illustrated by Clyde Pearson.)
28767: LOBSANG, P. LHALUNGPA. - Tibet: The Sacred Realm. Photographs 1880-1950. Preface by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
47637: LOCALADS. - Beccles : Bungay : Loddon : Directory. 1966.
47629: LOCALADS. - Halstead Directory.
47623: LOCALADS. - Dereham Directory and Almanack. 1965.
47624: LOCALADS. - Dereham Directory and Almanack. 1966.
31560: LOCHHEAD, LIZ. - Dreaming Frankenstein and Collected Poems.
47752: LOCK, HAROLD. - The Forgotten Men.
46144: LOCK, HAROLD. - The Forgotten Men.
25078: LOCKETT, JOHN. - Plan Your Career. (20 Golden Rules.)
17991: LOCKETT, MARTIN AND SPEAR, ROGER (EDS). - Organizations as Systems.
1990: LOCKHART, J.G. - Babel Visited. A Churchman in Soviet Russia.
16725: LOCKTON, W. - The Resurrection and Other Gospel Narratives and The Narratives of the Virgin Birth. Two Essays.
13458: LOCKYER, HERBERT. - All the Women of The Bible.
16868: LOCKYER, HERBERT. - All the Apostles of the Bible. Studies in the Characters of the Apostles, the Men Jesus Chose and the Message They Proclaimed.
48890: CORINTHIAN LODGE - Corinthian Lodge No. 1382. Hall Stone Lodge. An historical account of Corinthian Lodge No. 1382, 1872-1972.
50744: LODGE QUATUOR CORONATI, NO. 2076 . - Ars Quatuor Coronatorum. Being The Transactions of Lodge Quatuor Coronati, No. 2076, London. Edited By G. W. Speth, P.M., Secretary. Volume I.
12319: LODGE, OLIVER. - Modern Scientific Ideas.
36556: THE QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE, - List of Lodges of "Ancient Masons." (1753.) From the Original in the possession of The Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076, London. May 1906 .
42458: A PAST MASTER OF THE LODGE. - An Account of the Lodge of the Nine Muses No.235 From Its Foundation in 1777 to the Present Time.
50773: ANON - BY A GENTLEMAN OF JERUSALEM LODGE.... - The Only Genuine Edition. - Jachin and Boaz Or, An Authentic Key To The Door Of Free-Masonry, Both Ancient And Modern: Calculated not only for the instruction of every new made Mason, but also for the information of all who intend to become Brethren.
27719: LODS, MARGOT AND KIRBY, J.C. ET AL. - Experiment and Liturgy.
3615: LODS, ADOLPHE. - Israel from its Beginnings to the Middle of the Eight Century. Translated by S.H.Hooke.
9355: LODS, ADOLPHE. - The Prophets and the Rise of Judaism. (Translated by S.H.Hooke).
45104: LOESSER, ARTHUR. - Men, Women and Pianos. A Social History.
9795: LOEW, JACQUES. - Face to Face with God. The Bible's Way to Prayer. Trans. by Alan Neame.
46522: LOEWE, JULES MARIE. - Lettres D'Angleterre, Etudes Humoristiques. Par Jules-marie Loewe. Dessins de Bourgerie
11452: LOEWY, HERTA. - More About The Backward Child.
20852: LOGAN, KEVIN. - What Is Love? Hosea.
12375: LOGAN, PATRICK. - A Life to be Lived. Homelessness and Pastoral Care.
29871: LOGAN, AGNES. - There is a Tide.
38974: LOGIE-PIRIE, M.E. - Songs in the Night.
40193: LOHR, FREDERICK. - Greek, Roman and Jew: Reflections on the Psychology of History.
9293: LOHSE, EDUARD. - Mark's Witness to Jesus Christ.
9529: LOHSE, EDUARD. - Mark's Witness to Jesus Christ.
19688: LOMAS, PETER. (EDITOR). - The Predicament of The Family. A Psycho-Aanalytical Symposium.
46274: LOMAX, FRED. - Fred's Five Minute Talks. Your Masonic Questions Answered.
49019: LOMAX, W.BRO. FREDERICK C. (MASTER) . - Transactions Of The Manchester Association For Masonic Research. Volume XCVIX (96 ) 2008 .
36984: LOMBARDELLI, C.P. - Braintree and its Railways in Pictures.
37737: LOMBARDELLI, C.P. - Branch Lines to Braintree.
39631: THE CORPORATION OF LONDON. - The Official Guide to The Old Bailey.
43367: THE CORPORATION OF LONDON. - Handbook of Ceremonials, &c.: A Revised Edition of The Book of Ceremonials of the City of London, Issued under the direction and with the approval of the Committee of the Court of Aldermen...
4611: LEONARD GRAHAM - BISHOP OF LONDON. - God Alive. Priorities in Pastoral Theology.
27720: LONFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH. - The Song of Hiawatha.
50218: LONG, RENATA ELEY. - In the Shadow of the Alabama. The British Foreign Office and the American Civil War.
12249: LONG, ANNE. - Praise Him in the Dance.
26668: LONG, JOHN. - Risk and Benefit. A Report and Reflections on a Series of Consultations at St. George's House, Windsor Castle.
30590: LONG, HARRY ALFRED. - Calvinism Popularised. The Five Points Carbonised in a Series of Discussions with Enquirers or Opponents.
28916: LONG, ROY. - The Lutheran Church.
50384: LONGE, FRANCIS D. - Lowestoft in Olden Times.
42970: LONGFELLOW, HENRY W. - Nuremberg. A Poem.
44700: LONGFELLOW, HENRY WADSWORTH (1807-1882) . - The Poetical Works Of Longfellow .
9838: LONGHAYE, R.P. AND WOLFERSTAN, BERTRAM. - An Eight Days Retreat. Abridged and adapted from Retraite annuelle de huit jours par R.P.Longhaye.
37505: LONGHURST, HENRY. - Golf.
18627: LONGLEY, CLIFFORD. - The Times Book of Clifford Longley. (Edited by Suzy Powling.) Foreword by Lord Rees-Mogg.
26406: LONGLEY, JOHN LEWIS. - The Tragic Mask: A Study of Faulkner's Heroes.
38266: LONGMAN, F. CAVENDISH. - Longman's Everyday Hints for The Home. Useful and Invaluable Money Saving Guide.
27246: LONGRIDGE, PETER N. - A Young Churchman's Primer.
26210: LONGRIDGE, GEORGE. - Christian Science and Christianity
35564: LONGRIDGE, W.H. - Draw Near With Faith: Concerning Some Difficulties in the Practice of Frequent Confession and Communion.
19951: LONGSON, MICHAEL. - A Classical Youth. and other pieces.
23891: LONGSTREET, STEPHEN & ETHEL. - The Politician.
7483: LOOMIS, EARL A. - The Self in Pilgrimage. Foreword by Reinhold Niebuhr.
39690: LOORI, JOHN DAIDO. - Cave of Tigers. Modern Zen Encounters.
6885: LOOSLEY, ERNEST G. - The Gospel the Gospels and the Evangelists.
11482: LORAND, SANDOR.(ED). - Pyscho-Analysis Today.
20734: LORD, ERIC AND BAILEY CHARLES. - A Reader in Religious and Moral Education.
35893: LORD, MRS E. - The Theory and Practice of Laundry Work for Scholars.
46257: DE LOS REYES, GUILLERMO & RICH, PAUL. - Getting the Third Degree. Fraternalism, Freemasonry and History.
43722: LOSSING, BENSON J. - George Washington's Mount Vernon. (Illustrated by numerous engravings).
21926: LOTT, ERNEST E. - The Miracle Book.
35070: LOTZE, HERMANN. - Outlines of the Philosophy of Religion.
9294: LOUDON, MARY. - Revelations. The Clergy Questioned.
24881: LOUGH, JOHN. - An Introduction to Seventeenth Century France.
21071: LOUGHBOROUGH, G.W AND LAMB, E.M. - The Church and the Prayer Book.
48785: LOUGHLIN, GERARD. - Telling God's Story. Bible, Church and Narrative Theology.
44674: AUNT LOUISA. [ PSEUDONYM: VALENTINE, LAURA BELINDA CHARLOTTE (NEE JEWRY) 1814-1899 ] . - Aunt Louisa's Golden Gift. comprising Little Dame Crump, Hush-A-Bye Baby, Childhood's Delight, Tottie's Nursery Rhymes. With Twenty-Four Pages Of Illustrations Printed In Colours And Gold, From Original Designs By M. Tilsley .
42339: SISTER LOUISE. - Icons of the Passion. A Series of Carvings and Meditations.
7484: LOUKES, HAROLD. - New Ground in Christian Education.
20735: LOUKES, HAROLD. - Teenage Morality.
6556: LOUKES, HAROLD. - Teenage Religion.
6557: LOUKES, HAROLD. - The Quaker Contribution.
25933: LOUSLEY, J.E. (ED). - The Study of the Distribution of British Plants. Being the Report of the Conference held in 1950 by the Botanical Society of the British Isles.
26669: LOUTH, ANDREW. - Theology and Spirituality.
11429: LOVELACE, RICHARD F. - Homosexuality and the Church. Crisis conflict compassion.
39542: LOVELAND, IAN. (EDITOR). - Frontiers of Criminality.
11791: LOVELL, K. - Educational Psychology and Children. Foreword by P.E. Vernon.
1047: LOVELL COCKS, H.F. - By Faith Alone.
21139: LOVELL, ANN. - Sun-Trap.
18399: LOVELL, TERRY. - Number One Millbank: The Financial Downfall of the Church of England.
13836: LOVELL, GEORGE AND WIDDICOMBE, CATHERINE. - Churches and Communities. An approach to development in the local church.
46782: LOVELL, MARY S. - A Rage to Live. A Biography of Richard and Isabel Burton.
1048: LOVER, SAMUEL. - Handy Andy. A Tale of Irish Life.
41834: LOVETT, REV.RICHARD. - The Printed English Bible 1525-1885. With Portraits and Fac-similes. (Present Day Primers series).
33769: LOVRIC, MICHELLE. - Getting Even: An Anthology of Just Deserts.
12017: LOVRIE, MICHELLE. (COMPILER). - Seasons/ An Illustrated Treasury.
48319: LOW, DAVID. - The Fearful Fifties. A History of the Decade.
45971: LOW, PROFESSOR A.M. - Tendencies of Modern Science, or Science and Modern Life.
18856: LOWE, CHRIS. - The School Governor's Legal Guide.
18857: LOWE, JONQUIL. - The Which? Guide to Pensions. Finding your way profitably through the pension maze.
19689: LOWE, C. MARSHALL. - Value Orintations in Counseling and Psychotherapy. The Meanings of Mental Health.
13921: LOWE, JOHN. - The Lord's Prayer.
34543: LOWE, MALCOLM.(EDITOR). - People, Land and State of Israel: Jewish and Christian Perspectives.
29360: LOWELL, JAMES RUSSELL . - The Round Table .
19829: LOWEN, ALEXANDER. - Pleasure. A Creative Approach to Life.
44250: LOWNDES, WILLIAM THOMAS (1798?-1843) / BOHN, HENRY G. (HENRY GEORGE BOHN (1796-1884) . - The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. Containing and Account of Rare, Curious and Useful Books, Published in or Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Invention of Printing; with Bibliograohical and Critical Notices...
2395: LOWRIE, WALTER. - What is Christianity?
43801: LOWRIE, CHARLES. - Jeshua. (He Who Laughed).
3026: LOWRY, CHARLES W. - Communism & Christ.
18858: LOWTHER-CLARKE, W.K. - Chichester Cathedral. Its History and Art. (Illustrated by Geoffrey Robinson).
26899: LOWTHER CLARKE, W.K. - A Little Dictionary of Bible Phrases.
23401: LOWTHER CLARKE, W.K. - Teaching Sermons. Second Series. Old Testament.
44515: LOWTHER CLARKE, W.K. - The Prayer Book of 1928 Reconsidered.
29523: LOWTHER CLARKE, W.K. - Doubts and Answers.
40565: LOWTHER CLARKE, W.K. - Divine Humanity. Doctrinal Essays on New Testament Problems.
30612: LOWTHER CLARKE, W.K. - The English Liturgy in the Light of the Bible.
33743: GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY LTD. - Oxford and Shakespeare Land: The World's Great Travel Shrine.
33751: ANGLO-AMERICAN PLASTICS LTD. - Fablothene And Your Garden.
28709: BERNARD QUARITCH LTD. - A view from abroad, English books in translation.
28714: MAGGS BROS. LTD. - Many Kinds of Learning. [ Maggs Bros. Ltd, bookseller's catalogue, No.1025, March 1982 ].
50889: ARCHD. EDMESTON & SONS LTD - Illustrated Catalogue Of Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing, &, Finishing Machinery, Etc: Archd. Edmeston & Sons, Springfield Engineering Works Patricroft, Near, Manchester .
14972: THE UNITED STEEL COMPANIES LTD. - Industrial Management. A Course of Lectures given at Cambridge University for the Faculty Board of Engineering.
50541: THOS. PARSONS AND SONS LTD. - Historical Colours. Library Edition.
47319: DOLBY BROTHERS LTD. - Dolby's Directory of Stamford. Almanack and Directory.
50772: WILSON BROTHERS BOBBIN CO. LTD. - One Hundred Years 1823 - 1923 . Wilson Brothers Bobbin Co. Ltd.
50729: SIR JAMES FARMER NORTON & CO. LTD. - Machines a Blanchir et a Merceriser / Maschinen fur Bleicherei und Mercerisation .
35810: HERALDIC ARTISTS LTD. - Handbook on Irish Genealogy. How to Trace Your Ancestors and Relatives in Ireland.
37643: LUARD, NICHOLAS. - The Orion Line.
37642: LUARD, NICHOLAS. - The Dirty Area.
15968: LUBBOCK, YVONNE. - Return to Belief.
28387: LUBICH, CHIARA ETAL. - An Introduction to the Abba School. Conversations from the Focolare's Interdisciplinary Study Center.
14224: LUBICH, CHIARA. - That all Men be One. Origins and Life of the Focolare Movement.
12715: LUBICH, CHIARA. - May They All Be One.
9885: LUBICH, CHIARA. - Meditations.
12812: LUBKE, ANTON. - The World of Caves. Translated from the German by Michael Bullock.
28917: LUCADO, MAX. - And the Angels were Silent. The Final Week of Jesus.
42435: LUCAS, JOHN. - Thomas Beecham. An Obsession with Music. (Plus CD).
43770: LUCAS, ERNEST. - Christian Healing. What Can We Believe?
34477: LUCE, CANON H.K. - Jesus of Nazareth. (Illustrated by Stuart Tresilian).
31106: LUCEY, BERYL. - A Village Where the World is One.
50047: LUCIAN. - Satirical Sketches. (Translated by Paul Turner).
49996: LUCIAN / HICKES, FRANCIS (TRANSLATOR). - Certain Select Dialogues of Lucian. Together with his True History.
47602: LUCK, W.H. - Directory and Guide for Chiddingfold.
47054: LUCK, RT. REV. JOHN EDMUND. (TRANSLATOR). - Short Meditations for Every Day in the Year.
7143: LUCKOMBE, PHILIP. - The Tablet Of Memory; Shewing Every Memorable Event In History, From The Earliest Period to the Year 1800. Classed under distinct Heads, with their dates. Comprehending An Epitome Of English History With An Exact Chronology Of Painters, Eminent Men.
50048: LUCRETIUS. - The Nature of the Universe. (translated by Ronald Latham).
27513: LUDEMANN, GERD. - Paul. Apostle to the Gentiles. Studies in Chronology.
8111: LUDEMANN, GERD. - The Great Deception. And What Jesus Really Said and Did.
15520: LUHRMANN, DIETER. - An Itinerary for New Testament Study.
7723: LUMB, WINIFRED, M.A., S.TH. - Later Judaism. A Text-book of Jewish History from 200 BC to AD 70.
16627: LUMB, DAVID. - Teaching Mathematics 5 to 11.
12449: LUMB, JANET. - Friendship and Love.
6301: LUNN, ARNOLD. & LEAN, GARTH. - Christian Counter-Attack.
25724: LUNN, PAM. - Beginning Now. Part Two. Peacemaking in Practice. A Handbook for Individuals, Families and Small Groups.
37865: LUNNY, WILLIAM J. - The Sociology of the Resurrection.
48190: LUPSON, EDWARD J. - St. Nicholas' Church, Great Yarmouth: It's History, Organ, Pulpit, Library, Etc.
46159: LUPSON, EDWARD J. - St. Nicholas' Church, Great Yarmouth: It's History, Organ, Pulpit, Library, Extracts from Registers, Unique Combination Of Names, Etc. By Edward J. Lupson .
29873: LURIE, MORRIS. - Rappaport.
24312: LUSTIGER, JEAN-MARIE. - Dare to Live. Prospects for Christianity Today.
26492: LUTHER, MARTIN. - Christian Liberty.
45455: LUTHER, MARTIN. - The Table Talk of Martin Luther.
47139: LUTHER, MARTIN./ FALLOWES, JOHN PRINCE (EDITOR). - Commentary on Galatians. (English translation by Erasmus Middleton).
3333: LUTYENS, W.E. - God's Way with a Soul. A Lent Pilgrimage.
47647: LVOV-ANOKHIN, B. - Galina Ulanova.
23892: LYALL, LESLIE. - Come Wind, Come Weather. The Present Experience of the Church in China.
21928: LYALL, LESLIE. - Red Sky at Night. Communism Confronts Christianity in China.
22180: LYALL, LESLIE T. - New Spring in China? A Christian Appraisal.
22181: LYALL, LESLIE. - The Phoenix. The Phenomenal Growth of Eight Chinese Churches.
22484: LYALL, LESLIE. - God Reigns in China.
49283: LYELL, CHARLES . - Principles of Geology; or, The Modern Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, considered as illustrative of Geology. By Sir Charles Lyell, M.A. F.R.S.
48086: LYELL, SIR CHARLES ( 1797-1875 ) . - The Antiquity of Man By Sir Charles Lyell, F.R.S. Second Edition, Revised. Illustrated By Woodcuts .
11792: LYLES, ALBERT M. - Methodism Mocked. The Satiric Reaction to Methodism in the 18th century.
16337: LYNCH, THOMAS D AND CYNTHIA E. - The Word of the Light.
5352: LYNCH, PAT. FOREWORD BY MERVYN ALEXANDER. - Awakening The Giant. Evangelism and the Catholic Church.
12983: LYNCH, DONALD. - Action Stations. Church Army Officers at Work.
24506: LYNCH, PAT. - Is There a Way Through Suffering?
15006: LYNN, KENNETH S. (EDITOR). - The Comic Tradition in America. An Anthology.
36499: LYNN, WILLIAM THYNNE ( 1835-1911) . - Remarkable Comets : A brief survey of the most interesting facts in the history of cometan astronomy By William Thynne Lynn.
14026: LYON, DAVID. - Karl Marx. A Christian approach of his life and thought.
50123: LYONESSE. - Legend Land. (Volume Two).
20350: LYONS, JOHN. - Chomsky.
28148: LYONS, ENDA. - Partnership in Parish.
22486: LYSEBETH, ANDRE VAN. - Yoga Self-Taught.
2397: LYTTELTON, DELIA. - Pattern of Revelation. An Outline of Biblical Doctrine.
12058: LYTTON, LORD. - Harold. The Last of the Saxon Kings.
44521: [LUMLEY, HENRY ROBERT] ‘LYULPH.’ - Un Retour D'Australie. Or Something Like A Nugget. By Lyulph.
36181: MAARFATIA J.W., BRO. C.K. - History of Lodge Friendship & Harmony No.1270 E.C. From 1869-1969.
14129: MABEY, RICHARD. - Nature in Your Basket.
50829: MABEY, RICHARD. - Nature Cure.
44930: MABEY, RICHARD. - The Barley Bird. Notes on the Suffolk Nightingale.
14225: MACADAM, ALTA. - Blue Guide: Sicily.
50685: MACAN, REGINALD WALTER. - The Collects Proper to the Sundays & Holydays of the Christian Year According to the Use of the Church of England.
20853: MACARTHUR, JOHN. - Justification by Faith. Romans 3:20 - 4:25.
38356: MACARTHUR, P. ROBERTSON - MASONIC MUSIC . - Masonic Funeral Lodge Music Arranged for Male Voices. By P. Robertson MacArthur, Director of Music, "The Lodge of Glasgow," St John No. 3 Bis, 1902 .
50604: MACARTNEY, MERVYN E. (1853–1932) - EDITOR . - The Architectural Review. A Magazine of Architecture & the Arts of Design. With which is incorporated " Details". Edited By Mervyn E. Macartney . Vol. XXVIII July - Dec. 1910 .
23405: MACARTNEY, CLARENCE EDWARD. - The Women of Tekoah and Other Sermons on Bible Characters.
50603: MACARTNEY, MERVYN E. (1853–1932) - EDITOR . - The Architectural Review. A Magazine of Architecture & the Arts of Design. With which is incorporated " Details". Edited By Mervyn E. Macartney . Vol. XXVII Jan -June. 1910 .
11946: MACAULAY, ROSE. - Some Religious Elements in English Literature. (Hogarth Lectures No.14).
30095: MACAULAY, LORD. - Lays of Ancient Rome.
36807: MACAULAY, MARGARET. - The Sentence Absolute.
41708: MACAULAY, DR. - Whitefield Anecdotes. Illustrating the Life, Character, and Work of the Great Evangelist.
13056: MACBEATH, JOHN. - A Wayfarer's Psalter.
26328: MACBETH, GEORGE. - The Colour of Blood. Poems by George MacBeth.
33651: MACBETH, COLIN. - Rubber and Railways. (2nd and Revised edition).
50127: MACCAIG, NORMAN. - Honour'd Shade. An Anthology of New Scottish Poetry to mark the Bicentenary of the Birth of Robert Burns.
33878: MACCOLL, REV. MALCOLM. - The Royal Commission and The Ornaments Rubric.
9235: MACCULLOCH,J.A. - The Celtic and Scandinavian Religions.
35779: MACDONALD, MALCOLM. - The Art of Sketching.
13675: MACDONALD, GORDON. - Ordering Your Private World.
22079: MACDONALD, HUGH ROBERT. - Let's Face It!
22080: MACDONALD, HUGH ROBERT. - On Top Of the World. Broadcast Sermons on Christian Living. (Foreword by Tom Rees.)
22081: MACDONALD, MURDO EWEN. - The Vitality of Faith.
10221: MACDONALD, GORDON. - The Effective Father.
22487: MACDONALD, MURDO EWEN. - Crisis of Belief. (Sermons for Today No.10).
15007: MACDONALD, SHARMAN. - The Beast.
2401: MACDONALD, A.J. - The Holy Spirit.
16058: MACDONALD, MURDO. - The Need to Believe.
31702: MACDONALD, ALAN. (COMPILER). - Whispering in God's Ear. 'An Inspired Collection of Poetry for Children'.
47510: MACDONALD, CHERYL. - Emma Albani: Victorian Diva.
29707: MACDONALD, GORDON. - Restoring Your Spiritual Passion. (With Study Guide.)
42503: MACDONALD, LESLEY ORR. - In Good Company. Women in the Ministry.
40357: MACDONALD, PHILIP. - The Noose.
29283: MACDONNELL, J.E. - Jim Brady: Leading Seaman.
12018: MACDOUGALL, PHILIP. - Phantoms of the High Seas.
11372: MACDOUGALL FERGUSON, J.M. - The Loveliest Friend. Stories of Jesus for Children. (Illustns. by K.M. Maidment & Rene Cloke.)
37726: MACDOUGALL, PHILIP. - Chatham Past.
17277: MACE, DAVID R. - Getting Ready for Marriage.
6860: MACE, DAVID R. - Whom God Hath Joined. A Book of Christian marriage.
21592: MACE, DAVID R. - Whom God Hath Joined. A Book of Christian Marriage.
15521: MACE, DAVID. - Sexual Difficulties in Marriage.
34930: MACFIE, RONALD CAMPBELL. - The Theology of Evolution.
29524: MACGILLIVRAY, REV. G.J. - Can I Change My Religion?
45817: MACGOWAN, JOHN (1726-1780) . - Priestcraft Defended. A Sermon Occasioned by the Expulsion of Six Young Gentlemen from the University of Oxford, for Praying, Reading, and Expounding the Scriptures. Humbly dedicated to Mr. V** C**r and the H**ds of H**s, By their humble Servant ...
44154: MACGOWAN, JOHN, (1726-1780) . - Infernal Conference; Or Dialogues Of Devils on the many vices which abound in the civil and religious world. To which is added, A Looking-Glass For Professors Of Religion etc., etc. Also The Arians' and Socinians' Monitor.
29874: MACGRATH, AMY. - Canberra, Home.
41685: MACGREGOR, JOHN GEDDES. - Corpus Christi. The Nature of the Church According to the Reformed Tradition.
5650: MACGREGOR, G.H.C. - The New Testament Basis of Pacifism.
47068: MACH, EDMUND VON. (EDITOR). - University Prints. (Series A). Greek and Roman Sculpture.
48965: MACHEN, ARTHUR. - The Autobiography of Arthur Machen.
9796: MACHEN, J. GRESHAM. - God Transcendent. (Edited by Bernard Stonehouse).
27248: MACINNES, D.R. - An Introduction to Personal Evangelism.
37871: MACKAY, CHARLES. - Lost Beauties of the English Language.
28657: MACKAY, JAMES. - Those Women ... whose names are in the Book of Life.
19155: MACKAY, DONALD. - Human Science and Human Dignity. London Lectures in Contemporary Christianity.
12886: MACKAY, D.M. (ED). - Christianity in a Mechanistic Universe and other Essays.
1057: MACKAY, H.F.B. - Assistants at The Passion.
18401: MACKAY, ANTHONY. - Journeys into Hertfordshire. A Collection of Ink Drawings. (Foreword by the Marquess of Salisbury.)
40683: MACKAY, ERIC. - The Lover's Missal.
49866: MACKAY, ALASTAIR. I. - Farming and Gardening in the Bible.
29525: MACKAY, B.S. - On Reading the Bible. (Simeon Booklets.)
7066: MACKENNA, RICHARD. - God for Nothing... Is religion bad for you?
4739: MACKENNA, RICHARD. - Is There Anyone There?
14610: MACKENZIE, KENNETH. - Truth, Unity and Concord.
31066: MACKENZIE, KENNETH. - The Divine Prayer.
27721: MACKENZIE, LEE. - Emmerdale Farm. Book 12. Face Value.
27722: MACKENZIE, LEE. - Emmerdale Farm. Book 21. Another Door Opens.
21336: MACKENZIE, DONALD A. - India: Myths & Legends.
2410: MACKENZIE, KENNETH D. - The Faith of the Church. An Explanation of Christian Theology for English Catholics.
19603: MACKENZIE, KAREN. - Prostate: No Need to Suffer.
1061: MACKENZIE, K.D. - Christ The King. A study of the Incarnation.
50471: MACKENZIE, COMPTON. - Rockets Galore.
34783: MACKENZIE, MURDO. - The Human Mind (by Murdo Mackenzie).
3060: MACKENZIE BROWN,D.(EDITOR). - Ultimate Concern. Tillich in Dialogue.
43805: MACKENZIE, COMPTON. - Whisky Galore.
22720: MACKEY, ROBERT. - God Steps in Again. Testimonies of the Lord's Deliverances by Worldwide Evangelization Crusades.
45031: HAYDN REYNOLDS MACKEY (1883 - 1979). - Book-plate for G. Catalani.
3742: MACKEY, JAMES P. - Modern Theology. A Sense of Direction.
50654: MACKINNON, LACHLAN. - Small Hours. (signed).
7233: MACKINTOSH, HUGH ROSS. - Types of Modern Theology. Schleiermacher to Barth.
2408: MACKINTOSH, H.R. - The Christian Experience of Forgiveness.
2412: MACKINTOSH, H.R. - The Christian Apprehension of God.
1063: MACKINTOSH, H.R. - The Doctrine of the Person of Christ.
1064: MACKINTOSH, H.R. - The Doctrine of the Person of Jesus Christ.
42431: MACKINTOSH SHAW, JOHN. - The Wonder of the Christian Gospel.
9295: MACKINTOSH, H.R. - Types of Modern Theology.
50415: MACKLEY, ALAN. - The Poaching Priors of Blythburgh and Other Notes from the History of the Blyth Valley.
50428: MACKLEY, ALAN. - The Restoration of Blythburgh Church, 1881-1906.
1928: MACKLIN, HERBERT W. - Monumental Brasses. Together with a Selected Bibliography and County Lists of Brasses Remaining in the Churches of The United Kingdom.
10046: MACKRELL, GERARD. - Thoughts for Religious.
10999: MACKRELL, GERARD. - The Call of the Gospel.
37906: MACKSEY, KENNETH. - Why the Germans Lose at War: The Myth of German Military Superiority.
18987: MACLAGAN, W.G. - The Theological Frontier of Ethics. An Essay.
33990: MACLAREN, IAN. [PSEUD. OF REV. JOHN WATSON]. - Concerning Books and Bookmen.
7934: MACLAREN, ELIZABETH. - The Nature of Belief.
33989: MACLAREN, IAN. [PSEUD. OF REV. JOHN WATSON]. - Books and Bookmen.
27249: MACLARNON, KATIE. - M.E and Me.
50191: MACLEAN, DONALD. - The Luck of the "Gold Moidore".
41038: MACLEAN, A.D. (EDITOR). - Winter's Tales 20.
29390: MACLEAN, NORMAN. - The Burnt Offering.
6464: MACLEAR, REV.GEORGE FREDERICK. - The Evidential Value of the Holy Eucharist. Being the Boyle Lectures for 1879,1880, delivered in the Chapel Royal, Whitehall.
15860: MACLENNAN, DAVID A. - Preaching the Good News for Modern Man.
13114: MACLEOD, IAN. - More Talks for Children.
41620: MACLEOD, ALEXANDER, - A Man's Gift. Being a Short Memoir of and Sermons by A.Macleod D.D.
22488: MACLEOD, DONALD. - Higher Reaches. (Sermons for Today No.7).
42804: MACLEOD, ROBERT. - The Muleskinner.
6900: MACLURE, JAN. - Escape to Chungking. Illustrated by Jack Matthew.
26211: MACMILLAN, ARTHUR TARLETON. - Whosoever Will Be Saved: Before all things it is necessary that He hold the Catholick Faith.
26594: MACMILLAN, HUGH. - The Gate Beautiful and other Bible Teachings for the Young.
48377: MACMILLAN, SIR FREDERICK. - The Net Book Agreement 1899 and the Book War 1906-1908.
15607: MACNAUGHTON, WILLIAM R. - Mark Twain's Last Years as a Writer.
46152: MACNEICE, LOUIS. - Selected Poems.
3752: MACNICOL, NICOL. - India in the Dark Wood.
22489: MACNICOL, D.C. - Robert Bruce. Minister in the Kirk of Edinburgh.
10582: MACNICOL, D.C. - Robert Bruce. Minister in the Kirk of Edinburgh.
31179: MACNICOL, NICOL. - C.F.Andrews: Friend of India.
36219: MACNULTY, W. KIRK. - Freemasonry: A Journal Through Ritual and Symbol.
37451: MACOY, ROBERT - THE ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR . - Manual Of The Order Of The Eastern Star: Containing The Symbols, Scriptural Illustrations, Lectures, Etc., Adapted To The System Of Adoptive Masonry. Arranged By Robert Macoy, National Grand Secretary. 70th Thousand - Revised and Enlarged .
13923: MACPHAIL, J.R. - The Bright Cloud. The Bible in the light of the Transfiguration.
3841: MACPHERSON, HECTOR. - Scotland's Debt to Protestantism.
21273: MACPHERSON, CHARLES. - The English Psalter containing The Psalms of David together with The Canticles and Proper Psalms for Certain Days.
14662: MACPHERSON, IAN. (EDITOR). - Sermons I should like to have Preached.
22490: MACPHERSON, IAN. - The Lord Gave the Word. Studies on the Christian Year.
4142: MACQUARRIE, JOHN. - Christian Unity and Christian Diversity.
6302: MACQUARRIE, JOHN. - The Faith of the People of God. A Lay Theology.
19831: MACQUARRIE, JOHN. - Martin Heidegger.
7800: MACQUARRIE, JOHN. - God-Talk. An Examination of the Language and Logic of Theology.
6303: MACQUARRIE, JOHN. - The Humility of God.
22361: MACQUARRIE, JOHN. - New Directions in Theology Today. Volume 3: God and Secularity.
4892: MACQUARRIE, JOHN. - Theology, Church and Ministry.
2939: MACQUARRIE, JOHN. - Twentieth-Century Religious Thought. The Frontiers of Philosophy and Theology, 1900-1960.
17686: MACQUEEN, SHEILA. - Flower Decoration in Churches. (Drawings by Irene Hawkins.)
14178: MACQUEEN, REV. ANGUS J. - Superman is an Idiot. Sermons and Addresses.
47613: MACQUEEN-POPE, W. - Late Night Theatre, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.
34130: MACQUEEN-POPE, W. - Back Numbers: A Disturbance of the Dust of Yesteryear Written for Back Numbers by a Back Number.
11910: MACQUITTY, WILLIAM. - Tutankhamun. The Last Journey.
20351: MACRAE, DONALD G. - Weber.
23893: MACVICAR, ANGUS. - Bees in My Bonnet. Reminiscences of a Highland Boyhood.
23895: MACVICAR, ANGUS. - Gremlins in my Garden. Confessions of a Harassed Horticulturist.
23896: MACVICAR, ANGUS. - Heather in my Ears. More Confessions of a Minister's Son.
43975: MADAME M. [MARY ELIZABETH MOHL OR CLARKE]. - Madame Recamier: With a Sketch of the History of Society in France by Madame M***.
47574: MADAN, A.C. - English-Swahili Dictionary. Compiled for the Use of the Universities Mission to Central Africa.
35395: MADAUSS, M. MARTYRIA. - Turning Defeat into Victory. Discipleship in the Light of Romans.
15154: MADDEN,DANIEL. - A Religious Guide to Europe.
24993: MADDEN, MYRON C AND MARY BEN. - For Grandparents Wonders and Worries. (Christian Care No. 9).
47256: MADDEN, JOHN J. - The Children of the Rocks. A Story of Tours. (Signed).
10796: MADDERS, JANE. - Stress and Relaxation. Self-help ways to cope with stress and relieve nervous tension, ulcers, insomnia, migraine and high blood pressure.
18861: MADDOCKS, MORRIS. - Journey to Wholeness. A Biblical Pilgrimage to Health and Healing.
2097: MADDOCKS, MORRIS.(BISHOP OF SELBY). - The Christian Healing Ministry.
12717: MADDOCKS, MORRIS. - The Christian Adventure.
49132: MADDREN, MAUREEN. (EDITOR). - Baldock Voices.
24507: MADELEY, JOHN. - Hungry for Trade. How the Poor Pay for Free Trade.
10314: MADGE, VIOLET. - Introducing Young Children to Jesus.
17074: MADGE, REV. H.A. - A Bible Study of Christ's Healing. For the use of Study Circles and those seeking Healing.
42069: MAEGRAITH, B.G. AND GILLES, H.M. (EDITORS). - Management and Treatment of Tropical Diseases.
41278: MAERTENS, THIERRY. - A Feast in Honor of Yahweh. A Study of the Meaning of Worship.
50769: [ WOODFORD, ADOLPHUS FREDERICK ALEXANDER (EDITOR) ] - MASONIC MAGAZINE . - The Masonic Magazine: A Monthly Digest of Freemasonry in all its branches. (Supplemental to "The Freemason.") . No. 49 - Vol. V. July, 1877 - No. 60 - Vol. V June 1878 .
50768: [ WOODFORD, ADOLPHUS FREDERICK ALEXANDER (EDITOR) ] - MASONIC MAGAZINE . - The Masonic Magazine: A Monthly Digest of Freemasonry in all its branches. (Supplemental to "The Freemason.") . No. 61 - Vol. VI. July, 1878 - No. 72 - Vol. VI June 1879 .
50748: 18TH CENTURY MASONIC MAGAZINE . - Free-Masons' Magazine, Or, General and Complete Library. Vol: VI. For January 1796. Embellished with an elegant portrait of Mr. William Preston, P. M. Lodge of Antiquity, No. I.
50738: 18TH CENTURY MASONIC MAGAZINE . - Free-Masons' Magazine, Or, General and Complete Library. Vol: IIII For January 1795. Embellished with an elegant portrait of Mr. William Preston, P. M. Lodge of Antiquity, No. I.
4413: MAGDALEN, MARGARET. FOREWORD BY JEAN VANIER. - Transformed By Love. The Way of Mary Magdalen.
36894: MAGNIFICAT. - Liturgies and Events of the Papal Visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the United Kingdom September 16th to 19th 2010.
27374: MAGONET, JONATHAN. - Bible Lives.
28273: MAGRUDER, GAIL. - A Gift of Love.
19503: MAHLER, MARGARET S., PINE, FRED, & BERGMAN, ANNI. - The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant. Symbiosis and Individuation.
10324: O'MAHONY, PATRICK J. - The Fantasy of Human Rights.
10589: O'MAHONY, GERALD. - The Two-Edged Gospel. Gift and Invitation.
24885: MAIDEN, CECIL. - Beloved Son.
16870: MAIER, PAUL L. - First Christians. Pentecost and the Spread of Christianity. (Foreword by Michael Green).
15097: MAIER, PAUL L. - First Easter. The True and Unfamiliar Story in Words and Pictures.
14882: MAILER, NORMAN. - The Deer Park.
1066: MAILLARD, JOHN. - Disciples of Jesus.
48858: MAILLES, JACQUES DE ACTIVE 1527. - The Very Joyous, Pleasant and Refreshing History of the Feats, Exploits, Triumphs and Achievements of the Good Knight without fear and without Reproach, the gentle Lord De Bayard. Set forth in English by Edward Cockburn Kindersley .
45969: MAIMONIDES, MOSES / FRIEDLANDER, M (TRANSLATOR). - The Guide for the Perplexed.
11001: MAIN, JOHN. - The Heart of Creation.
12321: MAIR, LUCY. - Primitive Government.
38435: MAIR, ALISTAIR. - Where the East Wind Blows.
4060: MAIRET, PHILIP.(EDITOR). - Christian Essays in Psychiatry.
15608: MAIROWITZ, DAVID ZANE. - In the Slipstream.
34731: MAIRS, NANCY. - Ordinary Time. Cycles in Marriage, Faith, and Renewal.
37558: MAISCH, PROFESSOR RICHARD. - A Manual of Greek Antiquities.
50168: MAITLAND, CHRISTOPHER. - Dr Leslie Weatherhead of the City Temple.
41514: MAITLAND, SARA. - A Big-Enough God. Artful Theology.
46736: MAITLAND, FREDERICK W. - The Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen.
39026: MAJENDIE, REV. SEVERNE . - Hedingham Castle And The De Veres.
11251: MAJOR, ALAN. - Collecting World Sea Shells. Illustd. by Barbara Prescott, photos by Tom Scott.
50522: MAJOR GENERAL SIR HOWARD ELPHINSTONE, 1ST BARONET OF SOWERBY . - Vellum Baronetcy document on two sheets with remains of a wax seal.
2444: MAJOR, HENRY D.A. - The Gospel of Freedom.
13058: MAJOR, SUZIE. - The Creative Book of Party Decorations.
29610: MAJOR, E. - Viscount Morley and Indian Reform.
9297: MAKINS, PEGGY. - More Thoughts, Prayers & Reflections.
1072: MALDEN, R H. - Christian Belief, a short exposition of the apostles' creed.
43165: MALDEN, R. H. (RICHARD HENRY) 1879-1951. - York Minster Historical Tracts. No. 24 . The Period Of The Civil Wars: Neile And Williams By The Rev. R. H. Malden, M.A. Vicar of Headingley and Hon. Canon of Ripon.
37146: MALDEN, C. H. AND HUGHAN, WILLIAM JAMES (INTRODUCTION) . - A History of Freemasonry (Under the English Constitution) on the Coast of Coromandel: Together with Histories of the Old Madras Lodges Which Were Founded Before the Union: Together with Appendices and a Map. By The Rev. C. H. Malden, P.M., P.Z., &c.,
40107: MALDEN, R.H. - The Authority of the New Testament.
24768: MALEISSYE, MARIE-THERESE DE. - A Short Life of Mary of the Passion. (Helen de Chappotin) . Foundress of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary.
33761: O'MALLEY, TOM. - Switching Channels: The Debate Over the Future of Broadcasting.
7620: MALLISON, JOHN. - Growing Christmas in Small Groups.
17148: MALONE, MARIA. - Hear'say. The Official Annual.
10051: MALONEY, GEORGE A., S.J. - Nesting in the Rock. Finding the Father in Each Event.
10052: MALONEY, GEORGE A., S.J. - The Everlasting Now.
42214: MALONEY, ALISON. - St George. Let's Hear It For England!
48040: MALSTER, ROBERT. - The Minute Books of the Suffolk Humane Society. (Suffolk Records Society Vol.LVI).
47774: MALSTER, ROBERT. - Suffolk : The Photographic Collection. A Compilation of Suffolk & Suffolk at Work.
43560: MALSTER, ROBERT. - Suffolk at Work. Britain in Old Photographs.
50435: MALSTER, ROBERT. - Ipswich. Town on the Orwell.
49991: MALSTER, ROBERT. - Lowestoft. East Coast Port.
45510: MALSTER, ROBERT. - Suffolk. (Historic Britain from the Air).
1073: MALTBY, W. RUSSELL. - Christ and his Cross.
14945: MALTBY, ROBERT E. - According to Promise.
1075: MALTBY, W.RUSSELL. - Christ and his Cross.
32911: MALTBY, W.R. - The Meaning of the Cross. (Manuals of Fellowship No.10).
9298: MALZ, BETTY. - Prayers that are Answered.
19416: MAN-CH'ING, CHENG. - T'ai Chi Ch'uan. A Simplified Method of Calisthenics for Health and Self Defense.
49470: MANBY, GEAORGE WILLIAM (1765 - 1854) . - An Historical Guide To Great Yarmouth In Norfolk With The Most Remarkable Events Recorded Of That Town. The Second Edition.
41826: BISHOP OF MANCHESTER. - Democracy. (Present Day Papers No.2).
29959: MANDA, P.H; BWALYA, T.M AND SIMBEYA, P.M. - Our World 5: Our Province.
47438: MANDELBAUM, DAVID G. - Society in India. Volume One: Continuity and Change.
47423: MANDELBAUM, DAVID G. - Society in India. Volume Two: Change and Continuity.
21930: MANDER, GABRIELLE. - Cocktails.
10648: MANDEVILLE, SYLVIA. - The Parable of The Lost Sheep. Illustrated by David Palmer.
12451: MANEY, A.S. - A Faith for Living.
41016: MANGEOT, SYLVAIN. - The Adventures of a Manchurian. The Story of Lobsang Thondup.
50732: STERLING MANGLES - Fold-Out Advertising Booklet - Sterling Mangles - Sold By Frederick Lawrence, Ltd., Complete House Furnishers, 18/24 , Westbourne Grove, Bayswater .
43098: MANGNALL, RICHMAL. - Historical and Miscellaneous Questions, for The Use of Young People; with a selection of British and General Biography,etc, etc. By Richmal Mangnall. Fifteenth Edition, Corrected And Improved.
14699: MANKOWITZ, WOLF. - Mazeppa. The Lives, Loves and Legends of Adah Isaacs Menken.
29154: MANKOWITZ, WOLF. - Make me an Offer. (Illustrated by Leonard Rosoman.)
4952: MANLEY,G.T. - The Book of the Law. Studies in the Date of Deuteronomy.
50034: MANLEY HOPKINS, GERARD./ GARDNER, W.H. AND MACKENZIE, N.H. (EDITORS). - Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins.
35634: MANN, IVAN. - A Double Thirst: Reaching Beyond Suffering.
49686: MANN, J.D. - Aspects of East Anglian Steam. Vol.4. The Stour and Colne Valley Lines & Associated Branches.
10686: MANN, MICHAEL. - Consciousness and Action Among the Western Working Class.
48877: MANN, THOMAS. - Death in Venice. (Together with Tristan and Tonio Kroger).
49481: MANN, MARY E.(1848 - 1929) . - Gran'Ma's Jane By Mary E. Mann .
37833: MANN, SIR JAMES. - An Outline of Arms and Armour in England From the Early Middle Ages to the Civil War.
21188: MANNERING, DOUGLAS. - Great Works of Biblical Art.
42882: MANNERING, ROSSLYN. - Everybody's Animal Doctor.
37680: MANNING-POTTS, J. (ED). - Table Graces.
47249: MANNING., CARDINAL.. - The Little Flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi. Translated From The Italian, and Edited By Cardinal Manning.
40579: MANNING, REV. C.R. - A Sepulchre Monument at Newton By Sudbury.
50529: MANNOCK, J. P. - The Possibilities Of Nuku Billiards. By J. P. Mannock.... Together with Rules for Billiards, Snooker, and Russian Pool.
3594: MANSER, MARTIN. - Dictionary of Eponyms.
27338: MANSER, MARTIN. (COMPILER.) - The Lion Bible Quotation Collection.
47975: MANSFIELD, LT.-COLONEL W. R. - Trolleybus and Tram Map. London Transport. 55 Broadway, Westminster, S.W.I. Victoria 6800 . No. 2
48915: MANSFIELD, KATHERINE. / DAVISON, CLAIRE AND KIMBER, GERRI (EDITORS). - The Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield. (Volume I.Letters to Correspondents A-J).
47976: MANSFIELD, LT.-COLONEL W. R. - Trolleybus and Tram Map. Issued free. 55 Broadway, Westminster, S.W.I. No. 1 . ABBey 1234 . London Transport .
50706: MANSFIELD, KATHERINE / SCOTT, MARGARET (EDITOR). - Katherine Mansfield Notebooks. Complete Edition.
43654: MANSFIELD, ROBERT BLACHFORD (1824-1908) . - The Log Of The Water Lily (Thames Gig), During Two Cruises, In The Summers Of 1851-52, On The Rhine, Neckar, Main, Moselle, Danube, And other Streams of Germany. By Robert Blachford Mansfield And Illustrated By Alfred Thompson.
12985: MANSHIP, DAVID. - Learning to Live.
15969: MANSON, T.W. - Ethics and the Gospel.
14228: MANSON, T.W. - On Paul and John. Some selected theological themes.
26672: MANSON, T.W. - Jesus and the Non-Jews.
8040: MANSON, T.W. - The Servant Messiah.
28149: MANTELL, KEITH. - This Dovedale.
46267: MANTON, JAMES O. (1852-1946) . - Manchester Association For Masonic Research 1912 - 14 .
49455: PAN-AM FLIGHT MANUAL - Aircraft Operating Manual B707 a/c Vol. I. - Boeing B720B .
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