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29879: MARTINEAU, LISA. - Caught in a Mirror: Reflections of Japan.
49297: MARTINEAU, MRS PHILIP. - Reminiscences of Hunting and Horses.
29709: MARTINGALE, MOIRA. - Cannibal Killers: The Impossible Monsters.
42502: MARTYN, BARRIE. - Nicolas Medtner. His Life and Music.
6558: MARVIN, ERNEST. - Odds Against. Young People and the Church.
46278: MARX, KARL AND ENGELS, FREDERICK. / TOEWS, JOHN E. (EDITOR). - The Communist Manifesto with Related Documents.
21834: TANNER. MARY. - What does the Lord Require of You? Three Bible Studies on The Courtroom Scene of Micah 6 for the 1992 CCBI Assembly.
26851: SISTER EILEEN MARY. - St. Therese of Lisieux. Her Relevance for Today.
4575: HARDING RACHEL AND DYSON MARY (EDITORS). - A Book of Condolences. Classic Letters of Bereavement.
6305: MASCALL, ERIC. - Up and Down in Adria. Some Considerations of Soundings.
2081: MASCALL, E.L. - The Secularisation of Christianity. An Analysis and a Critique.
34245: MASCALL, E.L. - The Recovery of Unity: A Theological Approach.
50505: MASCALL, E.L. - Saraband. The Memoirs of E.L.Mascall.
47813: MASEFELD, JOHN. - ODTAA. A Novel of the Ultimate Blasphemy.
21338: MASEFIELD, MURIEL. - Women Novelists from Fanny Burney to George Eliot.
49978: MASEFIELD, JOHN. - Sea Life in Nelson's Time.
1099: MASEFIELD, JOHN. - The Everlasting Mercy.
50645: MASEFIELD, JOHN (1878 - 1967) . - The Collected Poems Of John Masefield .
46564: MASKELYNE, J.N. - Locomotives I Have Known.
33290: MASON, PHIL. - East and West of Aldgate Pump.
28771: MASON, CATHERINE. - The Ornamental Herb Garden. From Windowboxes to Knot Gardens.
12019: MASON, PHILIP. - The Dove in Harness.
26212: MASON, KENNETH. - Anglicanism. A Canterbury Essay.
14131: MASON, ANTONY. - House Plants.
2452: MASON, ARTHUR JAMES. - The Relation of Confirmation to Baptism. As taught in Holy Scripture and the Fathers.
39294: THE CO-MASON . - The Co-Mason. Vol. X. January, 1918 .
41527: MASON, ARTHUR JAMES. - Purgatory. The State of the Faithful Departed. Invocation of Saints. Three Lectures.
50120: MASON, WILLIAM 1725-1797. - A Copious Collection Of Those Portions Of The Psalms Of David, Bible, And Liturgy, Which Have Been Set To Music, And Sung As Anthems In The Cathedral And Collegiate Churches Of England ...
29155: MASON, SANDRA. - The Flow of Funds in Britain. An Introduction to financial markets.
45952: MASON, CHARLOTTE . - The Ladies' Assistant for Regulating and Supplying the Table; being a Complete System of Cookery, &c. containing the most Select Bills of Fare...and several Deserts...likewise Directions for Brewing, Making English Wines...
46956: MASON, ARTHUR JAMES (1851 - 1928) / CADWALLADER JOHN BATES (1853 - 1902) / PROFESSOR T. MCKENNY HUGHES,. - The Mission Of St Augustine To England According To The Original Documents, Being A Handbook For The Thirteenth Centenary, Edited By Arthur James Mason D.D.
31454: MASON, ARTHUR JAMES. - Thomas Cranmer.
29286: MASON, RONALD. - Jack Hobbs. A Portrait of an Artist as a Great Batsman.
8783: MASON, REX. - Preaching the Tradition. Homily and Hermeneutics after the Exile. Based on the 'addresses' in Chronicles, the 'speeches' in the Book of Ezra and Nehemiah and the post-exilic prophetic books.
49241: MASONIC [ SUPREME GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF SCOTLAND ] . - The Cryptic Degrees. Scottish Work.
36195: THE MASONIC AND MILITARY ORDER OF KNIGHTS OF THE RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE, K.H.S. AND ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST. - Eighty-Second Annual Assembly of the Grand Imperial Conclave, 8th February, 1954. (Vol.XII, Part III).
36971: MASONIC AND MILITARY ORDER OF KNIGHTS OF THE RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE, K.H.S. AND ST JOHN THE EVANGELIST. - Vol. XII., Part II. - Eighty-First Annual Assembly of the Grand Imperial Conclave 1953 - Masonic and Military Order of Knights of the red Cross of Constantine of K. H. S. and St. John the Evangelist.
50228: THE HONOURABLE FRATERNITY OF ANTIENT MASONRY. - The Gavel. The Honourable Fraternity Of Antient Masonry.
34088: MASOOD, STEVEN. - Into the Light.
36723: GRAND COUNCIL OF ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS OF MASSACHUSETTS . - Constitution of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Massachusetts, Also Order Of Service For Constituting New Councils, Installing Officers, and other forms.
49124: MASSEN, SIMON. - West Norfolk, A Portrait in Old Picture Postcards.
40749: MASSIE, ALICE. - A Little Book of True Stories.
44788: MASSINGHAM, BETTY. - Gertrude Jekyll 1843-1932. (Lifelines 37).
50229: "ESSEX MASTER". - The Teachings of Freemasonry.
50249: ESSEX MASTER. - The Teachings of Freemasonry.
51141: MASTERMAN, J.C. - The Case of the Four Friends.
31224: MASTERS, PETER. - The Healing Epidemic.
19832: MASTERS, JOHN. - 2 Pork Chops.
27339: MASTERS, PETER. - Men of Purpose.
29326: [ RUDD, CECIL THOMAS; WITHAM, EDGAR MURRAY ] - TWO WELLINGBOROUGH MASTERS . - Cricket For Boys By Two Wellingborough Masters With a Foreword by V. W. C. Jupp .
50246: MASTERS, ROBERT E.L. & HOUSTON, JEAN. - Psychedelic Art.
36890: FREEMASONS - ESSEX MASTERS . - Essex Masters' Lodge No. 3256 . Transactions, 1960-1966 . Vol. VI.
31421: MASTERS, BRIAN. - Georgiana.
36503: PLYMOUTH AND DISTRICT MASTERS' LODGE . - Transactions Of The Plymouth and District Masters' Lodge No. 5898 .
42918: MASTRANTONIS, REV. GEORGE. - What is the Eastern Orthodox Church? Selected Fundamentals on its Origin, Teachings, Administration and History.
28274: MATANLE, IVOR. - History of World War II From the build-up to War to Victory over Japan.
14700: MATARASSO, P.M. (TRANSLATED). - The Quest of the Holy Grail.
14848: MATES, JULIAN. - The American Musical Stage Before 1800.
44437: MATHERS, E. POWYS (EDWARD POWYS MATHERS 1892-1939) / MARDRUS, J. C. (JOSEPH CHARLES MARDRUS 1868-1949) . - The Book Of The Thousand Nights And One Night: Rendered from the literal and complete version of Dr. J. C. Mardrus; and collated with other sources; by E. Powys Mathers. Privately Printed For Subscribers The Casanova Society.
27723: MATHESON, ANN. - Old Biggar.
33799: MATHESON, GEORGE. - Landmarks of New Testament Morality.
3364: MATHEW, DAVID. - The Social Structure in Caroline England. The Ford Lectures. Delivered in the University of Oxford in Michaelmas Term 1945.
45629: MATHEWS, WILLIAM. - Hours With Men and Books.
13561: MATHEWS, H.F. - Talks to Children.
3338: MATHEWS, BASIL. - Supreme Encounter. The God of History in the World of To-Day.
10924: MATHIAS, BOB, & BOND, BOB. - Everyone's Book of Sailing and Boardsailing.
15743: MATHIESON, ERIC. - Religion of Cliche.
9532: MATHIESON, ERIC. - Pastoral Work with Children.
35896: MATKIN, SIMON. - The Waiting Game.
15156: MATTEN, J.M. - The Cult of St.Edmund.
6861: MATTHEW, DAVID. - The Covenant Meal.
24888: MATTHEW, W.P. - Water Services. (Burke's 'Help Yourself' Series No. 8.)
5847: MATTHEWS, MELVYN. (EDITOR). - Finding your Story. A Lent Course. Foreword by Bishop Jim Thompson.
6480: MATTHEWS, W.R.(EDITOR). - King's College Lectures on Immortality.
2475: MATTHEWS, W.R.(EDITOR). - Essays in Construction.
1107: MATTHEWS, W R. - God In Christian Thought and Experience.
12020: MATTHEWS, JOHN. - Amos. Rev. Amos B. Matthews Victorian Methodist Traveller.
10144: MATTHEWS, EDWARD. - Celebrating Mass with Children.
10224: MATTHEWS, DR. W.R. - Christian Meditations.
11044: MATTHEWS, W.R. - The Thirty-Nine Articles.
1106: MATTHEWS, REV. DR. W.R. - Christ.
39640: MATTHEWS, ROGER AND YOUNG, JOCK.(EDITORS). - The New Politics of Crime and Punishment.
2470: MATTHEWS, W.R. - The Search for Perfection.
2471: MATTHEWS, WALTER ROBERT. - The Gospel and the Modern Mind.
19605: MATTHEWS, MELVYN. - Both Alike to Thee. The Retrieval of the Mystical Way.
2468: MATTHEWS, W.R. - Some Christian Words.
19262: MATTHEWS, MELVYN. - The Hidden Word. Your Story in Scripture.
37955: MATTHEWS, FR. EDWARD. - A Popular Guide to the New Mass.
26903: MATTHEWS, W.R. - The Psychological Approach to Religion.
30572: MATTHEWS, JOHN AND CAITLIN. - The Little Book of Celtic Wisdom.
3340: MATTHEWS, W.R. - The Purpose of God.
3341: MATTHEWS, W.R. - Our Faith in God.
23412: MATTHEWS, A.J. - Why Me? A Christian View of Why Things Happen to Hurt Us.
42953: MATTHEWS, LESLIE / MOBERLEY BELL, MISS. - Chelsea Old Church 1941-1950.
38464: MATTHEWS, T.S. - The Sugar Pill. An Essay on Newspapers.(Signed).
9215: MATTUCK, ISRAEL I. - The Essentials of Liberal Judaism.
47089: MATURIN, B.W. - Laws of the Spiritual Life.
38743: MATURIN, B.W. - The Mysteries of Life. Meditations on the Seven Words from the Cross.
3576: MAUCHLINE, PROFESSOR JOHN. - Key to the Exercises in the Late Professor A.B.Davidson's Introductory Hebrew Grammar (25th and 26th editions) with explanatory notes.
33782: MAUD, J.P. - Life in Fellowship.
44203: MAUDE, MRS MAUD. - A Handbook of Pyrography or Burnt Wood Etching.
47921: MAUPASSANT, GUY DE. - Bel-Ami. (Penguin Classics).
26409: MAURIAC, FRANCOIS. - Second Thoughts. Reflections on Literature and on Life. (Translated from the French by Adrienne Foulke.)
4690: WILES MAURICE. - Faith and the Mystery of God.
10176: MAURICE, FREDERICK DENISON. - The Gospel of St John. A Series of Discourses.
40785: MAURICE, EDWARD BEAUCLERK. - The Last of the Gentlemen Adventurers. Coming of Age in the Arctic.
25685: DU MAURIER, DAPHNE. - The Du Mauriers.
27152: MAUROIS, ANDRE. - Points of View: From Kipling to Graham Greene. (Translated from the French by Hamish Miles.)
25083: MAVOR, ELIZABETH. (EDITOR.) - The Grand Tours of Katherine Wilmot. France 1801-3 and Russia 1805-7.
22494: MAWHINNEY, STANLEY. - In Darkest Ireland. Evangelism in Eire Today.
28052: MAWSON, J.T. - Concerning Himself.
11253: MAXON, JOHN. - The Art Institute of Chicago. Foreword by Charles Crehore Cunningham.
48474: MAXWELL, CHRISTABEL. - Mrs Gatty and Mrs Ewing.
12493: MAXWELL-HUDSON, CLARE. - Pocket Massage for Stress Relief.
15157: MAXWELL, D. E. S. - Profiles in Literature. Herman Melville.
15158: MAXWELL. D E S. - Profiles in Literature: Herman Melville.
11638: MAXWELL, A.E. - Experimental Design in Psychology and the Medical Sciences.
48687: MAXWELL, CHRISTABEL. - Mrs Gatty and Mrs Ewing.
9422: MAXWELL, JOHN. - Worship in Action.
11045: MAY, JOHN. & MARTEN, MICHAEL. - The Book of Beasts.
39823: MAY, REBECCA. - Portmanteau A-Z. An Alphabet of Portmanteau Words.
39419: MAY, REV. WILLIAM. - Twelve Sermons Preached in the Parish Church of Birch, Near Colchester.
7622: MAY, KEITH. - Novelists and Their World. Aldous Huxley.
47136: MAY, CLARENCE. - No Traveller Returns.
45736: MAY, FLORENCE. - The Life of Brahms. (2 Volume set).
30621: MAY, ROBIN. - A Child's Guide to Looking at Theatre.
46338: MAY, MAGGIE. - Waiting In The Wings. A Collection of Poems.
46339: MAY, MAGGIE. - Posh Frocks and Postings. A Second Collection of Poems.
50908: MAY, VIRGINIA. - A Plantation Called Petapawags: Some Notes on the History of Groton, Massachusetts.
19506: MAYBAUM, IGNAZ. - Creation and Guilt. A Theological Assessment of Freud's Father-Son Conflict.
6559: MAYCOCK, F. H. (FOREWORD BY). - God and the Universe.
15609: MAYER, MARTIN. - The Candidate.
40089: MAYES, DEREK WYNDHAM. - Poetry For Charity. (signed).
8263: MAYES, ANDREW D. - Celebrating the Christian Centuries.
13678: MAYHEW, KEVIN. - Proclaim the Word. Sample Sunday Homilies: Year A Ordinary Sundays.
18869: MAYHEW, PETER. - Justice in Industry.
32135: MAYHEW, KEVIN. - Songs for the Young Church Choir.
32136: MAYHEW, KEVIN. - More Songs for the Young Church Choir.
20356: MAYLED, J. - Hindu Worship.
14337: MAYNARD, CHRIS AND PATON, JOHN. - Aircraft (A Piccolo Factbook).
11265: MAYNE, PETER. - The Narrow Smile. A Journey back to the North-west Frontier.
42412: MAYNE, WILLIAM. - While The Bells Ring. (illustrated by Janet Rawlins).
5539: MAYOR, STEPHEN. - Paradise Defined. The Nature of Christian Society.
10947: MAYOR, JOSEPH B. - Chapters on English Metre. (Second edition Revised and Enlarged).
27724: MAYS, SPIKE. - Return to Anglia. (with drawings by Rene Eyre).
50417: MAYS, SPIKE. - Reuben's Corner: An English Country Boyhood. (Foreword by Richard Church.)
14849: MAYS, JAMES O'DONALD. - Mr. Hawthorne Goes to England. The Adventures of a Reluctant Consul.
13563: MAYS, JAMES L. - Hosea. A Commentary.
42923: MAYS, JAMES LUTHER. - Exegesis as a Theological Discipline.
46375: MAYS, SPIKE. - Fall Out The Officers. (signed).
32182: MCADOO, H.R. - Anglican Heritage: Theology and Spirituality.
20744: MCALHONE, BERYL. - Where on Drugs. A Parents' Handbook.
51266: MCALISTER, HUGH. - The Flight of the Silver Ship. Around the World Aboard a Giant Dirigible.
17077: MCALPINE, CAMPBELL. - The Practice of Biblical Meditation.
27916: MCARDLE, JACK. - Stepping Stones to Bethlehem. Daily Reflections for Advent.
51225: MCATEER, CECILIA. (COMPILER). - Sandbags & Tilley Lamps.
44545: MCBRIDE, DENIS. - Stations of the Cross Then and Now.
32378: MCCAFFREY, ELLEN. - Graphic Astrology: The Astrological Home Study Course.
26028: MCCAFFREY, REV. P.R. - From Dusk to Dawn. A History of the Sisters of St.Joseph of Newark, New Jersey.
39802: MCCAGHY, CHARLES H. - Deviant Behavior: Crime, Conflict, and Interest Groups.
14031: MCCALLEN, A.J. - More Like Christ. A course of instructions for teachers to use with young people preparing for confirmation.
28922: MCCALLEN, A.J. - My Confirmation. (A Work book to accompany More Like Christ).
50002: MCCANN, JOHN. - The Dovecotes of Suffolk.
44308: MCCANN, LEE. - Nostradamus. The Man Who Saw Through Time.
24774: MCCARTHY, BRENDAN. - Fertility and Faith. The Ethics of Human Fertilization.
48339: MCCARTNEY, ROGER. - My Missus was a Rolling-News Junkie.
21932: MCCAUGHAN, REV. C. - The Modern Mass Book. 1972.
30378: MCCAULEY, MARTIN. - The Russian Revolution and the Soviet State 1917-1921. Documents.
26675: MCCHESNEY, DONALD. - Stations of the Cross.
32529: MCCLELLAN, BRUCE. - Waters of Life: A Guide to Spiritual Reading.
25620: MCCLINTON, KATHERINE MORRISON. - Flower Arrangement in the Church.
38287: MCCLOUGHRY, ROY. - Population Growth and Christian Ethics. (Grove Ethical No.98).
25486: MCCLUNG, SALLY. - Where Will I Find the Time?
49803: MCCLURE, MATTHEW THOMPSON. - The Early Philosophers of Greece.
31895: MCCOLLOM, WILLIAM G. - The Divine Average: A View of Comedy.
13924: MCCOLVIN, LIONEL. - How to Find Out.
16060: MCCOLVIN, LIONEL R. AND REVIE, J. - British Libraries.
48983: MCCONNELL, CHARLES. - Tales from the Castle Gate. Carrickfergus Castle.
47747: MCCONNELL, W. DUNBAR. - The Menace of Rome. A Call and a Warning.
26213: MCCONVILLE, BETTY. - Neighbourhood Exchange.
39625: MCCONVILLE, MIKE AND SHEPHERD, DAN. - Watching Police. Watching Communities.
44849: MCCOOEY, CHRIS. - Kent Characters: Wacky, Weird and Wonderful.
2398: MCCORMICK, REV W.P.G. - Be of Good Cheer.
6437: MCCOWN, CHESTER CHARLTON. - The Genesis of The Social Gospel. The meaning of the ideals of Jesus in the light of their antecedents.
15802: MCCOY, MICHAEL. - Good News People. Anglicans and the Decade of Evangelism.
47460: MCCREA, RUTH. (ILLUSTRATOR). - The ABC of Jiffy Cookery.
41111: MCCRIE, REV. THOMAS. - The Life of John Knox.
5938: MCCULLOCH, JOSEPH. - The Trumpet Shall Sound. with an introduction by The Master of the Temple (The Rev.Harold Anson).
1118: MCCULLOCH, JOSEPH. - The Door of the Cave.
17566: MCCULLOCH, MARY. - The Pattern and the Glory. The Fostering and Fulfilment of Christian Vocation.
19606: MCCULLOCH, NIGEL. - A Gospel to Proclaim.
19263: MCCULLOCH, NIGEL. - Barriers to Belief. Steps to a Stronger Faith.
48551: MCCULLOCH, DEREK. (UNCLE MAC). - In the Wilderness with Uncle Mac.
12208: MCCULLOCH, JOSEPH. - My Affair with the Church. Introduction by Malcolm Muggeridge.
12209: MCCULLOCH, JOSEPH. - Under Bow Bells. Dialogues with Joseph McCulloch.
29787: MCCULLOCH, JOSEPH. - A Parson in Revolt.
9829: MCCULLOUGH, W.STEWART. - The History and Literature of the Palestinian Jews from Cyrus to Herod. 550 BC to 4 BC.
13842: MCDANIEL, ELSIEBETH. - You Can Teach Primaries.
32569: MCDERMOTT, R.P. - The Anglican Interpretation of the Fourth Commandment.
21426: MCDERMOTT, MUSTAFA YUSUF AND AHSAN, MUHAMMAD MANAZIR. - The Muslim Guide. For teachers, employers, community workers and social administrators in Britain.
27725: MCDONAGH, ENDA. - Gift and Call. Towards a Christian Theology of Morality.
23119: MCDONALD, H.D. - The God Who Responds.
27254: MCDONALD, J.I.H. - The Church Nursery Group. A Guide and Practical Programme.
32464: MCDONALD, ELIZABETH. - Alpha: New Life or Lifestyle. A Biblical Assessment of the Alpha Course.
24315: MCDONALD, H.D. - The Church and its Glory. An Exposition of Paul's Letter to the Ephesians.
47854: MCDONALD, TREVOR. - An Improbable Life. The Autobiography. (Signed).
49851: MCDONALD, DONALD. - Percival Norton Johnson. The Biography of a Pioneer Metallurgist.
31197: MCDONALD, PATRICK WITH GARROW, EMMA. - Reaching Children in Need.
9798: MCDONALD, H.D. - The Christian View of Man.
44484: MCDONNELL, THOMAS P. - A Thomas Merton Reader.
6831: MCDOUGALL, WILLIAM. - Character and the Conduct of Life. Practical Psychology for Everyman.
6888: MCDOWALL, R.J.S. - Sane Psychology. A Biological Introduction to Psychology.
2402: MCDOWALL, STEWART A. - Is Sin Our Fault?
20505: MCDOWELL, JOSH. - More Evidence that Demands a Verdict.
25487: MCDOWELL, JOSH AND DAY, DICK. - How to be a Hero to Your Kids.
28923: MCDOWELL, JOSH. AND STEWART, DON. - Answers to Tough Questions Skeptics Ask About the Christian Faith.
45668: MCEACHERN, CLAIRE. - The Poetics of English Nationhood 1590-1612.
17204: MCELVANEY, WILLIAM K. - Preaching from Camelot to Covenant. Announcing God's Action in the World.
37012: MCEWAN, GRAHAM J. - Haunted Churches of England: Ghosts Ancient and Modern.
17078: MCFARLAND, KEVIN. - Incredible!
17874: MCFARLANE, JEAN K. - The Proper Study of the Nurse. Series 1. Introduction.
51241: MCGEHEE, LINDA F. - Creating Texture with Textiles!
24776: MCGHIE, ANDREW. - Psychology as Applied to Nursing. (7th ed).
2036: MCGILL, ARTHUR C. - The Celebration of Flesh. Poetry in Christian Life.
20125: MCGILL, J. F. - British Grasses.
46824: MCGINN, BERNARD. - The Growth of Mysticism. From Gregory the Great to the Twelfth Century.
46822: MCGINN, BERNARD. - The Foundations of Mysticism. Origins to the Fifth Century.
10057: MCGOLDRICK, RUTH, & YUHAUS, CASSIAN J. (EDITORS). - Facets of the Future. Religious Life USA.
46459: MCGONAGLE, SEAMUS. - The Bicycle in Life, Love, War and Literature.
6307: MCGRATH, ALISTER. - Understanding the Trinity.
30535: MCGRATH, WILLIAM R. - The Origin, Decline, and Fall of Humanism.
32019: MCGRATH, ALISTER. - In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How it Changed a Nation, a Language and a Culture.
3578: MCGRATH, ALISTER. - The Renewal of Anglicanism.
3878: MCGRATH, ALLISTER E. - A Passion for Truth.
20126: MCILROY, R. J. - An Intoduction To Tropical Grassland Husbandry .
16522: MCINNES, CELIA. - Pocket Guide to Home Matters. (Illustrated by Mac McIntosh.)
48973: MCINNES, ELSA. - A Grip on Grief.
48083: MCINTOSH, KATHIE ( KATHLEEN NORAH MCINTOSH 1936 - 2019 ) / NORTON, LIBBY . - Echoes Of Enterprise By Kathie McIntosh. Edited By Libby Norton. A History Of The Enterprise District .
7487: MCKANE, WILLIAM. - Prophets and Wise Men.
8299: MCKANE, WILLIAM. - A Late Harvest. Reflections on the Old Testament.
13461: MCKAY, JOHNSTON R., & MILLER, JAMES F. (EDITORS). - Biblical Studies. Essays in Honour of William Barclay.
45852: MCKAY, HERBERT. - Spare Time.
8116: MCKEAN, DOUGLAS. - Money Matters.
5755: MCKEATING, HENRY. - Studying the Old Testament.
19835: MCKEATING, HENRY. - Why Bother with Adam and Eve?
7730: MCKEATING, HENRY. - Living with Guilt.
2404: MCKELWAY, ALEXANDER J. - The Systematic Theology of Paul Tillich. A Review and Analysis.(Introductory report by Karl Barth).
10495: MCKENNA, MARIAN. - History of Catholicism.
39556: MCKENZIE, IAN K. AND BULL, RAY. - Criminal Justice Research. Inspiration, Influence and Ideation.
35704: MCKIE, DOUGLAS. - The Age of Newton.
22600: MCKINNON, JAMES. (EDITOR). - Antiquity and the Middle Ages. From Ancient Greece to the 15th Century.
6433: MCLACHLAN, H. - The Widows Fund Association. (Established 1764). A Historical Sketch.
33392: MCLAREN, ALEX. - The God of the Amen.
25728: MCLAREN, MORAY. - The Scots.
46239: MCLEAN, TERESA. - Medieval English Gardens.
48788: MCLEISH, TOM. - Faith & Wisdom in Science.
14032: MCLELLAN, DAVID. - Marx.
30581: MCLELLAN, DAVID. - Marx's Grundrisse.
36817: MCLINTOCK, J. DEWAR. - Car Body Renovation. (Foulis Handy Series).
32601: MCLOGHLEN, DIANA. - The Last Headlands. (Phoenix Living Poets series).
46317: MCLOUGHLIN, DENNIS . - The Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of Antient Free And Accepted Masons of Ireland (1725 - 2011) by W. Bro. McLoughlin, B.C.L.
37492: MCLYNN, FRANK. - Stanley: Sorcerer's Apprentice.
14850: MCMAHON, SEAN. (EDITOR). - A Book of Irish Quotations.
26331: MCMANUS, FREDERICK R. - Sacramental Liturgy.
23906: MCMANUS, JIM. - Hallowed Be Thy Name. A Spirituality for Today.
16142: MCMANUS, JIM. - The Healing Power of the Sacraments.
21933: MCMILLAN, NORMA. - Favourite Desserts. (Supercook's Kitchen).
12413: MCMILLAN, ANGUS. - Gipsy Hawkins. Shoeblack, Cobbler, Boy-Preacher, Evangelist & Soulwinner.
51101: MCNAGNY, BOB. - Noah's Nightmare By Bob McNagny. With illustrations & other Nonsense by the Author.
15862: MCNALLY, ROBERT E. - The Unreformed Church.
10365: MCNAMEE, MARY DOMINICA, S.N.D. DE N. - Like an Eagle Flying. Illustd. by Beva Farmer.
3500: MCNEIL, REV. H. CAMERON - A BATH RECTOR . - SOS Short Sernons For Modern Times By A Bath Rector.
31685: MCNEILE, R.F. - Christianity in Southern Fenland.
3184: MCNEILE, A.H. - The Problem of the Future Life. (The Moorhouse Lectures,1925).
28056: MCNEILE, A.H. - The Increase of God. (Introduction by the Bishop of London.)
21689: MCNEILL, CAROL. - Scottish Highlands & Islands.
24104: MCNEILL, JOHN J. - The Church and the Homosexual.
18504: MCNEILL, DAVID. - The Acquisition of Language. The Study of Developmental Psycholinguistics.
4498: MCNEILL, REV. W. - Told To His Reverence. County Down Sketches. (With a foreword by Robert Lynd).
47194: MCNEILLY, WILFRED. - Case of the Siamese Cat. (Schoolgirls Own Library No.403).
11793: MCNEMAR, QUINN. - Psychological Statistics. (3rd edition).
19264: MCNICHOL, ANDREA WITH NELSON, JEFFREY A. - The Hidden Secrets of Handwriting.
41720: MCPHERSON, THOMAS. - The Argument From Design.
16806: MCPHERSON, CONOR. - The Weir.
28391: MCPOLIN, JAMES. - John. New Testament Message 6.
45879: MCQUEEN, CILLA. - Fire-Penny. (Signed).
18870: MCRAE, GLENN. - Christmas in the Home.
34529: MCRAE, SUSAN. - Cohabiting Mothers: Changing Marriage and Motherhood?
47895: MCROBERT, CHRISTINE. (EDITOR) . - SGHSA [ Sudbury Girls High School ] Magazine. July, 1970 .
47215: MCTAGGART, JOHN MCTAGGART ELLIS. - Studies in Hegelian Cosmology.
46833: MCTAGGART, J. MCT. E. - Some Dogmas of Religion. (Key Texts. Classic Studies in the History of Ideas).
50130: MCVIE, JOHN. - The Burns Federation. A Bi-Centenary Review.
30382: MCWHIRR, ALAN. - Verulamium. (Illustrations by Martin Simmons).
16523: MCWILLIAM, JILL. - The Practical Microwave Handbook.
25084: MCWILLIAM, STUART W. - Called to Preach.
20415: MCWILLIAMS, JOHN P., JR. - Hawthorne, Melville, and the American Character. A Looking-glass Business.
18677: MEAD, FRANK S. (REVISED BY HILL, SAMUEL S.) - Handbook of Denominations in the United States.
9681: MEAD, MARGARET. - Growing up in New Guinea.
23121: MEADLEY, T.D. - Route to the Cross.
24995: MEADLEY, T.D. - Attending a Service.
22365: MEADLEY, T.D. - Top Level Talks. The Christian Summit Meeting. Studies in Scriptural Holiness or the Doctrine of Entire Sanctification.
46008: MEADOWS, THOMAS TAYLOR. - The Chinese and their Rebellions with an Essay on Civilisation and its Present State in the East and West.
7623: MEADOWS, PETER. - Pressure Points. Hope for those with the world and the Church on their backs.
7488: MEARES, AINSLIE. - The New Woman.
24106: MEARS, HENRIETTA C. - What the Bible is all About. An Easy-to-Understand Survey of the Bible.
28772: MEDINA, SARAH. - Inspiration for a New Beginning.
12721: MEDNICK, SARNOFF A. - Learning. Foundations of Modern Psychology Series.
12494: MEE, ARTHUR. - Heroes of The Bible.
38436: MEE, ARTHUR. - Warwickshire. Shakespeare's Country. (King's England series).
39085: MEEK, VICTOR. - The Coppering Lark.
25044: MEEKING, BASIL AND STOTT, JOHN. - The Evangelical Roman Catholic Dialogue on Mission 1977-1984.
29085: MEEKS, WAYNE. - The Moral World of the First Christians.
33024: MEFFORD, W.H. - The President's Brother.
22955: MEGROZ, R.L. - Pedagogues are Human. An Anthology of pupils and teachers, grave and gay, from British and American Fiction, Biography, Diaries, Letters and Verse, edited with an Introduction and Notes.
40361: MEHERALLY, AKBARALLY. - Myths and Realities of Hadith: A Critical Study.
40374: MEHERALLY, AKBARALLY. - Understanding the Bible - Through Koranic Messages.
16630: MEHL, ROGER. - Images of Man.
21596: MEHLING, FRANZ N. (EDITOR). - Austria. A Phaidon Cultural Guide.
6435: MEHLIS, GEORG. - The Quest for God. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. (Translated from the German by Gertrude Baker).
34139: MEIER, PAUL D; MINIRTH, FRANK B; WICHERN, FRANK B AND RATCLIFF, DONALD E. - Introduction to Psychology and Counseling. Christian Perspectives and Applications.
44246: MEIGHAN, P. (PAUL MEIGHAN) / MCWILLIAMS, B. (BERNARD MCWILLIAMS) . - China For A Change. P. Meighan. B. McWilliams.
44247: MEIGHAN, P. (PAUL MEIGHAN) / MCWILLIAMS, B. (BERNARD MCWILLIAMS) . - China For A Change. Teacher's Book. P. Meighan. B. McWilliams.
12722: MEINARDUS, OTTO F.A. - St. Paul in Greece.
50993: MEINERTZHAGEN, RICHARD. - Kenya Diary (1902-1906). With a new preface by Elspeth Huxley.
4146: MELINSKY, M. A. H. EDITED BY. - Religion and Medicine. 2.
40646: MELLANBY, RUTH. - Cambridge in Brief.
42811: MELLERS, WILFRID. - Man & His Music. The Sonata Principle. (From 1750). (The Story of Musical Experience in the West series).
42531: MELLERS, WILFRID. - Vaughan Williams and the Vision of Albion.
42197: MELLERS, WILFRID. - Music in a New Found Land. Themes and Developments in the History of American Music.
42812: MELLERS, WILFRID. - Man & His Music. Romanticism & the 20th Century (from 1800). (The Story of Musical Experience in the West series).
47589: MELLING, JOHN KENNEDY. - Discovering Theatre Ephemera.
6729: DE MELLO, ANTHONY, S.J. - The Prayer of the Frog. Volume 1.
10826: MELLO, ANTHONY DE, S.J. - Wellsprings. A Book of Spiritual Exercises.
6428: MELLONE, SYDNEY HERBERT. - The Message of the Middle Ages to the Modern World. The Essex Hall Lecture,1929.
26973: MELLOR, FRANK. - Yorkshire Quiet Places.
29157: MELLOR, ISHA. - Sleep.
38385: MELLOR, ALEC. - Strange Masonic Stories.
38499: MELLOWS, STEPHEN. - The History of Guy's Lodge, No.395 Royal Leamington Spa 1829-1929.
33469: MELONEY, WILLIAM BROWN. - Many Are the Travellers.
45878: MELVILLE, HERMAN . - Typee: Or, A Narrative Of A Four Months' Residence Among The Natives Of The Marquesas Islands; Or, A Peep At Polynesian Life.
43615: MELVILLE, JAMES. - The Death Ceremony.
34550: MELVIN, MICHAEL J. - No Room At The Inn.
12414: MELZI, KAY. - Art in the Primary School. Photographs by William Palmer.
40455: MEMES, REV. J.S. - Evidences of Christianity [Christian Evidences] with Prefatory Memoirs.
27341: MENAGE, R.H. - A Greenhouse Manual.
43050: MENDEL, HOWARD AND PIOTROWSKI, STEVEN H. - The Butterflies of Suffolk. An Atlas and History.
40375: MENDELL, CLARENCE W. - Our Seneca.
51062: MENDELSOHN, OSKAR. - The Persecution of the Norwegian Jews in WW II.
7625: MENDELSOHN, JACK. - God, Allah and Ju Ju. Religion in Africa Today.
9995: MENON, VIJAY. - Found by God.
2228: MENZIES, ROBERT. - So Fight I. Studies in the Christian Life.
49016: MEPHAM, W.BRO. FRED C. (MASTER) . - Transactions Of The Manchester Association For Masonic Research. Volume XC (90) 2000 .
46624: MERBECKE, JOHN (1510 - 1585) . - The Lives Of Holy Saints, Prophets, Patriarchs, Apostles, And Others, Contained In Holy Scripture: so far forth as express mention of them is delivered unto us in God's word, with the interpretation of their names... The Second Edition Corrected .
22015: MERCADO, MONINA ALLAREY. - Totus Tuus. Pope John Paul II in the Philippines.
11373: MERCER, RIGHT REV. J.E., D.D. - The Problem of Creation. An attempt to define the character and trend of the Cosmic Process.
50633: J. H. ARKWRIGHT / JONATHAN MEREDITH . - Address Presented To Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Arkwright, June 28th 1866 .
17997: MERRILL, EVE. - Glue-Sniffing. A Guide for Professionals and Parents.
40304: MERRIVALE, THE RT. HON. LORD. - Marriage and Divorce. The English Point of View.
39505: MANORIAL DOCUMENTS - ESSEX - PEET HALL FINGRINGHOE & WEST MERSEY . - The Customary of Peet Hall Fingringhoe & West Mersey.
47130: MERTON, THOMAS. - No Man Is An Island.
2474: MERTON, THOMAS. - No Man Is An Island.
15744: MERTON, THOMAS. - Bread in the Wilderness.
28151: MERTON, THOMAS. (HART, PATRICK. ED). - Run to the Mountain. The Journals of Thomas Merton. Volume One 1939-1941.
48989: MERTON, THOMAS./ SHANNON, WILLIAM H. (EDITOR). - The Inner Experience. Notes on Contemplation.
21816: MESSADIE, GERALD. - Great Modern Inventions.
44175: MESSER, RICHARD. - Does God's Existence Need Proof?
43762: MESSER, NEIL. - The Ethics of Human Cloning. (Grove Ethics No.122).
18847: LE MESSURIER, RALPH HUIE. - The Hidden Life. Thoughts on the Blessed Sacrament for Servers and all Communicants.
44689: METALLINOS, ARCHIMANDRITE EUSTATHIUS. (EDITOR). - Answer of the Great Church of Constantinople to the Papal Encyclical on Union.
7194: METCALF, THOMAS. - Preventative Psychology in Relation to the Pre-School Child.
14034: METCALF, WILLIAM. - By All Means. New approaches to group Bible study.
12891: METCALFE, JOHN. - Noah and the Flood.
25488: METCALFE, JOHN. - Foundations Uncovered. Vol.1. The Apostolic Foundation of the Christian Church.
10744: METCALFE, RONOLD. - Sharing Christian Ministry.
13063: METCALFE, JEAN. - Sunnylea. A 1920s childhood remembered.
29086: METCALFE, JOHN. - Saving Faith.
29532: METCALFE, JOHN. - The Beatitudes.
7353: METRAUX, ALFRED. - Easter Island. A Stone-Age Civilization of the Pacific. Translated from the French by Michael Bullock.
45619: METZLER, ED. - Discovering Mosaistics. Introduction to the Scientific Study of the Law of Moses and Mosaical Antiquity.
2373: MEW, EGAN. - Royal Sevres China.
40904: MEYER, JOYCE. - The Root of Rejection. Escape the Bondage of Rejection and Experience the Freedom of God's Acceptance.
47796: MEYERS, STEVEN J. - Lime Creek Odyssey.
16558: MEYNELL, LAURENCE. - Our Patron Saints.(Illustrated by John Turner).
44276: MEYNELL, FRANCIS 1891-1975. - My Lives . Francis Meynell . (signed).
39916: MEYNELL, ALICE. - Mary, The Mother of Jesus: An Essay. (Illustrated by R.Anning Bell, R.W.S).
50014: MEYRICK, CAPTAIN RICHARD. - Time Measurement Instruments. (The John Gershom Parkington Collection).
34980: MEYRICK, FREDERICK. - Scriptural and Catholic Truth and Worship.
31442: MIALL, EDWARD. - Title Deeds of the Church of England to Her Parochial Endowments.
5113: GREEN MICHAEL. - Evangelism in the Early Church. (Updated edition),
5114: GREEN MICHAEL. - Lift-Off to Faith.
13509: BROTHER MICHAEL. - A Word in Time. Sermons and Addresses.
26794: BROTHER MICHAEL. - A Concern for Unity. The Quakers.
3803: KEELING MICHAEL. - What is Right?
5367: PERHAM: MICHAEL. - Liturgy Pastoral and Parochial.
4586: HOLLINGS MICHAEL. - Hearts not Garments. Christ is our Peace.
30796: BROTHER MICHAEL. - Living in Christ.
4655: RALLINGS COLIN & THRASHER MICHAEL (EDITORS). - New Britain: New Elections. Media Guide to new Political Map of Britain.
4657: RAMSEY MICHAEL. - The Christian Priest Today.
5122: HODGKINSON PETER E. & STEWART MICHAEL. - Coping with Catastrophe. Handbook of Disaster Management.
17207: MICHAELS, RALPH. - Share the New Life with a Catholic.
31734: MICHAELS, JONATHAN A. (EDITOR). - Mysteries & Intrigues of the Bible.
4900: MICHELMORE, WINSOME. - Thursday's Child.
44954: MICHMAN, JUSTIN (ILLUSTRATOR). - Puffing Billy.
1848: MICHONNEAU, ABBE G. - Revolution in a City Parish.
45751: MICKLE, ALAN D. - The Questing Mind
2484: MICKLEM, NATHANIEL. - The Place of Understanding and Other Papers.
2482: MICKLEM, NATHANIEL. - The Doctrine of Our Redemption.
2483: MICKLEM, NATHANIEL. - What is the Faith?
2481: MICKLEM, NATHANIEL. - The Doctrine of Our Redemption.
26497: MICKLEM, NATHENIEL. - The Pope's Men.
2480: MICKLEM, NATHANIEL. - The Doctrine of Our Redemption.
2476: MICKLEM, NATHANIEL. - Faith and Reason.
2477: MICKLEM, NATHANIEL. - Faith & Reason.
2478: MICKLEM, NATHANIEL. - The Abyss of Truth.
2479: MICKLEM, NATHANIEL. - Ultimate Questions.
1130: MICKLEM, E.R. - The World's Ransom.
27634: MICKLETHWAITE, J. T. [ ALCUIN CLUB ]. - Alcuin Club Tracts. I. The Ornaments Of The Rubric By J. T. Micklethwaite, F.S.A. Supplement To The Third Edition.
50482: MIDDLETON, BERNARD C. - A History of English Craft Bookbinding Technique. Bernard C. Middleton. Foreward By Howard M. Nixon Librarian, Westminster Abbey.
49988: MIDDLETON, D.H. - Airspeed. The Company and its Aeroplanes.
17139: MIDDLETON, ARTHUR. - Towards a Renewed Priesthood.
12021: MIDDLETON, GERALDINE. - George and Juliet. Illustrated by Peter Green.
2025: MIDDLETON, R.D. - Dr Routh.
44858: MIDDLETON, ARTHUR. - Restoring the Anglican Mind.
44492: MIDDLETON, ARTHUR. - Catholic or Protestant. Essential Anglicanism.
6893: MIDDLETON MURRY, JOHN. - Adam and Eve. An Essay towards a New and Better Society.
49702: MIDDLETON, ROBERT .DUDLEY. - Keble Froude and Newman. Short Studies in the Early History of the Oxford Movement.
13064: MIEGGE, GIOVANNI. - Visible and Invisible. Christian Affirmations in a Secular Age. Trans. by Stephen Neill.
9590: MIEGGE, GIOVANNI. - Gospel and Myth in the thought of Rudolf Bultmann. (translated by Bishop Stephen Neill).
49551: MIELCHE, HAKON. - Lands of Aladdin.
50241: MIERRE, H.C DE. - The Long Voyage. (Illustrated by the author).
41074: MIKES, GEORGE. - How to Scrape Skies. The United States Explored, Rediscovered and Explained. (Signed).
43015: MILAVEC, AARON. - To Empower as Jesus Did: Acquiring Spiritual Power Through Apprenticeship.
20747: MILBURN, R.L.P. - Early Christian Interpretations of History.
33291: MILCHARD, LES J. - My God - My Son. Abraham: God's Lone Ranger.
37367: MILDRED. - Mildred.
51088: MILES, ALFRED H. (EDITOR). - 52 Stories of Pluck and Peril for Boys.
25133: MILES, LISA AND ROSS, MANDY. - The Usborne Illustrated Atlas of the 20th Century.
14682: MILES, BERNARD AND TREWIN, J.C. - Curtain Calls.
29883: MILES, F.J. - "Even at the Doors". The Coming King and - The Coming Kingdom.
42750: MILES, ROSIE. - Not In Our Name. Voices of Women Who Have Left the Church.
9533: MILES, BERNARD. - God's Brainwave.
9534: MILES, ROGER. - The Trees and Woods of Exmoor.
1748: MILFORD, HUMPHREY S. (INTRODUCTION AND NOTES). - Cowper. Poetry & Prose. With Essays by Hazlitt & Bagehot.
44438: MILL, JOHN STUART. - On Liberty.
20416: MILLAR, L. - Problems in Christian Education.
17998: MILLARD, D.W. (ED). - Religion and Medicine 3.
15095: MILLARD, ALAN. - Discoveries from Bible Times. Archaeological Treasures Throw Light on the Bible.
40305: MILLARD, F.L.H. - God's Ordinance. Being Five Minute Addresses on the Marriage Service. (With a Dissertation on Christian Marriage By the Rev. Marcus Donovan).
3998: MILLARD, ALAN. - Treasures from Bible Times.
43131: MILLATT, T. B. - The Churches - Old And New - of Birch And Layer Breton. T. B. Millatt .
16698: MILLER, HAL. - Christian Community. Biblical or Optional?
2488: MILLER, SAMUEL H. - The Dilemma of Modern Belief. The Lyman Beecher Lectures, Yale Divinity School.
47235: MILLER, A. H. (ALEXANDER HASTIE MILLER 1847-1927). - The Story of Rob Roy. By A. H. Miller, F.S.A. Scot., Author of "The History of Rob Roy," "The Story of Queen Mary," etc., etc.
27517: MILLER, CHARLES E AND GRINDEL, JOHN A. - Until He Comes Reflections and Commentaries on the New Liturgical Readings for the Weekdays of Advent.
30539: MILLER, SARAH I. - Selected Quotations from William Penn's No Cross, No Crown.
25942: MILLER, D.G. - Saint Luke. (Layman's Bible Commentaries)
19838: MILLER, ALICE. - Banished Knowledge. Facing Childhood Injuries.
13567: MILLER, MAX. - Introducing the Holy Land.
21281: MILLER, ALEXANDER. - Christian Vocation in the Contemporary World.
18678: MILLER, JONATHAN. (EDITOR). - States of Mind. Conversations with Psychological Investigators.
12324: MILLER, JOAN B. - The Casework Ministry.
28534: MILLER, ANDREW. - Building Effective School-Business Links. A Practical Guide to Improving Quality.
22185: MILLER, CHARLES. - Praying the Eucharist. Reflections on the Eucharistic Experience of God.
14735: MILLER, A. (EDITOR). - The Mississippi: The life and legends of America's greatest river.
19266: MILLER, DONALD E. - The Case for Liberal Christianity.
24316: MILLER, GRAHAM. - The Treasury of His Promise. 366 Daily Bible Readings.
24317: MILLER, STEVE. - Experimental Design and Statistics. (Essential Psychology Series).
17079: MILLER, DONALD G; BARR, BROWNE AND PAUL, ROBERT S. - P.T. Forsyth: The Man, The Preachers' Theologian, Prophet for the 20th Century. A Contemporary Assessment.
5468: MILLER, ALEXANDER. - The Christian Significance of Karl Marx.
21428: MILLER, WILLIAM. - A Christian's Response to Islam.
48645: MILLER, JOHN JACKSON AND GREENHOLDT, JOYCE. - Scrye Collectible Card Game Checklist & Price Guide.
43356: MILLER, LUCASTA. - The Bronte Myth.
33331: MILLER, WILLIAM. - The Latin Orient.
36019: MILLER, KENNETH. - The Outspoken Dr Miller.
44510: MILLER, J.R. - Life's Byways and Waysides.
34575: MILLER, DR E.J. - The Final Battle and the Return of the Lord.
4742: MILLER, JEAN. (DAUGHTER OF CHARITY.) - Grassroots to God. Towards a loving relationship with our creator.
48699: MILLER, DOUGLAS T. - On Our Own. Americans in the Sixties.
11078: MILLER, JOHN C. - The Origins of the American Revolution.
38621: MILLER, J.R. (JAMES RUSSELL). - Sunshine Within.
42643: MILLER, ANDREW. - "The Brethren" (Commonly so-called): A Brief Sketch.
33285: MILLHAM, W.T.T. - India And Her Frontiers: Lands of the Himalayas.
1136: MILLIGAN, GEORGE. - Here & There Among the Papyri.
41163: MILLINGTON, CARO. - Stile Guide.
26678: MILLIS, JOHN. - The Glacial Period and Drayson's Hypothesis.
16699: MILLS, DAPHNE. - The Road to Emmaus.
43277: MILLS, MARIAN. - Your Most Dutyfull Servant. Eighteenth Century Chevening Recreated.
43803: MILLS WEST, H. - East Anglia Tales of Mystery & Murder.
24214: MILLS, HUGH. - Prudence and the Pill.
35602: MILLS WEST, H. - Ghosts of East Anglia.
37221: MILLS, M.(EDITOR). - Lybeaus Desconus.
51232: MILLS, GEOFF R. - Hedingham & District Omnibuses Ltd. Thirty Years of Service 1960-1990.
49224: MILLS, ROBERT E. - Star Quest.
45298: MILMAN, HENRY HART (1791-1868) . - The Works Of Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Illustrated Chiefly From The Remains Of Ancient Art. With A Life By Henry Hart Milman.
21079: MILNE, BRUCE. - The Message of John. Here is your King! (With study guide).
34773: MILNE, A. A. - If I May.
2521: MILNE, A.A. - When We Were Very Young. With decorations by Ernest H.Shepard. (Tauchnitz edition).
37136: MILNE, A.A. - The Holiday Round.
29246: MILNE, ROBERT. - A Plea for the Home Treatment and Prevention of Scarlet Fever.
34819: MILNE, A. A. - Not That It Matters By A. A. Milne . (Seventh Edition) .
49023: MILNER-WHITE, ERIC AND BRIGGS, G.W. - Daily Prayer.
14389: MILNER, GAMALIEL. - The Threshold of the Victorian Age.
40892: MILOVANOV, V.K. AND SOKOLOVSKAYA, I.I. - Stockbreeding and the Artificial Insemination of Livestock. (Translated by A.G.Morton).
14035: MILSON, FRED. - Sex and a Pastor.
47558: MILTON, JOHN / BELL, W. (EDITOR). - Milton's Nativity Ode, Lycidas, Sonnets &c.
41966: MILTON, JOHN / CANDY, HUGH C.H.(REVISOR). - Some Newly Discovered Stanzas Written by John Milton on Engraved Scenes Illustrating Ovid's Metamorphoses.
29325: MILUM, JOHN. - Thomas Birch Freeman: Missionary Pioneer to Ashanti, Dahomey, and Egba.
48553: MINARIK, ELSE HOLMELUND. - Little Bear's Visit. (Illustrated by Maurice Sendak)
26498: MINCHIN, BASIL. - Facing the People. (The Celebration of the Eucharist).
6969: MINDE, MAX. - In Search of Happiness. An Approach to Mental Hygiene.
6145: MINEAR, PAUL S. - Matthew. The Teacher's Gospel Introduction by G.B. Caird.
48441: MINIATURE BOOK - SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM . - Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare.
48961: MINIATURE - [ DEAN FARRER ] . - Words of Wisdom - Counsels Of Jesus of Nazareth .
45866: PRAYER BOOK - MINIATURE . - The Finger Prayer Book. - The Book Of Common Prayer, and administration of the Holy Communion, According To The Use Of The Church Of England: Together With The Psalter Or Psalms Of David...
50675: MINIATURE BOOK - LEAR, H. L. SIDNEY [ HENRIETTA LOUISA SIDNEY LEAR 1824-96 ] . - Precious Stones. Diamonds. Art.
51283: MINIATURE FINGER DIARY - ROBERTS, EDWARD (EDITOR) . - De La Rue's Improved Condensed Diary And Engagement Book - Finger Shape .
49003: MINIATURE BOOK - SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM . - Merry Wives Of Windsor By William Shakespeare .
49006: MINIATURE BOOK - SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM . - Much Ado About Nothing By William Shakespeare .
7025: CHRISTIAN MINISTERS. - The True Catholic Faith. Christian Correspondence Course in 18 Lessons.
25140: ADVISORY BOARD OF MINISTRY. - A Review of Selection Procedures in the Church of England: the Report of a Working Party. (ABM Policy Paper No.6).
24305: KESWICK MINISTRY. - Clean Hands. (Keswick Ministry 1996).
33760: MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD. - Toxic Chemicals in Agriculture and Food Storage.
46533: MINNS, J.E. - Model Railway Engines.
14851: MINOT, STEPHEN. - Surviving the Flood.
47996: MIOLA, ROBERT S. (EDITOR). - Early Modern Catholicism. An Anthology of Primary Sources.
40620: MIROW, GREGORY. - A Treasury of Design for Artists and Craftsmen.
48760: MISSAL. - Missale Romanum er decreto sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum, S. Pii V Pontificis Maximi jussu editum, aliorum Pontificum cura recognitum, a Pio X reformatum, et Ssmi D. N. Benedicti XV auctoritate vulgatum.
3501: MISSAL - Praxis Synodi Dioecesanae Celebrandae Ex Opere D. B. Gavanti Redacta.
32967: MISSAL . - The People's Order Of The Mass And Other Prayers. Published for the Diocese of Nassau and the Bahamas .
49756: 17TH CENTURY LATIN MISSAL . - Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae Juxta Formam Missalis, & Breviarii Romani, Sub Urbano VIII. correcti. Ad fidelium denotionem excitandam, adiunctis Italico Sermone Declarationibus multarum rerum, quae siunt, ... Per Magistrum Hieronymum Ioanninum ...
35315: ITALIAN MISSAL . - Sposa e Madre Vademecum della donna cristiana per il Can. Dott. Ulise Micocci 30. Migliaio.
30975: EUROPEAN CHRISTIAN MISSION. - Treasures of Darkness: In Eastern Europe.
51050: THE RAILWAY MISSION. - The Railway Signal: or Lights Along the Way. 1896.
34127: METHODIST CHURCH HOME MISSION. - Beyond the Fringes. (Secular Britain today - a Challenge to the Church).
46384: MITCHELL, VIC AND SMITH, KEITH. - Branch Line to Southwold.
27594: MITCHELL, MARJORIE EDITHA. - The Child's Attitude to Death.
26499: MITCHELL, F. - The Stewardship of Money.
7983: MITCHELL, G. DUNCAN. - A Dictionary of Sociology.
12325: MITCHELL, R.J. AND LEYS M.D.R. - A History of London Life.
18873: MITCHELL, ROBERT CAMERON. - African Primal Religions.
19693: MITCHELL, WALTER, & THE CARISBROOKE DOMINICANS. (TRANSLATORS.) - Christian Asceticism and Modern Man.
18506: MITCHELL, W.R. AND JOY, DAVID. - Settle-Carlisle Railway. The Midland's Record-breaking Route to Scotland.
10649: MITCHELS, MARK & ELIZABETH. - Suffolk. A Portrait in Colour.
16342: MITTAL, KEWAL KRISHAN. - Buddhist Perspective on the Religions and Philosophy of Life in India (Compendium of Papers presented at an Academic Conference held at Won Kwang University, Iri City, Korea, April 1991.
15973: MITTON, F. & V. - Mitton's Practical Modern Herbal.
17282: MITTON, C.L. - First Aid in Counselling.
10225: MITTON, C. LESLIE. - Ephesians. (New Century Bible Commentary).
40845: MITTON, G.E. - Peeps at Great Railways: The North-Eastern and Great Northern Railways.
16062: MITTON, C. LESLIE. - Jesus: The Fact Behind the Faith.
10320: MITTON, C. LESLIE. - Your Kingdom Come.
36617: MITTON, MICHAEL. - The Wisdom to Listen. (Grove Pastoral series No.5).
29087: MITTON, MICHAEL. - The Sounds of God. Hearing the Voice of God.
24781: MOATE, MARY AND ENOCH, DR. DAVID. - Schizophrenia: Voices in the Dark. Hope for Those Who Care.
28614: MOBERLEY, R.C. - Sorrow, Sin and Beauty. Three Short Series of Addresses.
2486: MOBERLY, R.C. - Atonement and Personality.
15526: MOBERLY, ELIZABETH R. - Suffering, Innocent and Guilty.
39986: MOBERLY, WALTER. - Can Balaam's Ass Speak Today? (Grove Biblical 10).
9959: MOBERLY, R.C. - Ministerial Priesthood. Chapters (Preliminary to a Study of the Ordinal) on the Rationale of Ministry and the Meaning of Christian Priesthood.
17739: MOCKLER, MIKE. - Birds in the Garden.
34546: MOEHLER, JOHN ADAM./ ROBERTSON, JAMES BURTON.(TRANSLATOR). - Symbolism: or, Exposition of the Doctrinal Differences Between Catholics and Protestants, as Evidenced by Their Symbolic Writings.
49994: MOFFAT, HUGH. - East Anglia's First Railways.
16930: MOFFET, TIMOTHY, - The Life and Times of Oscar Wilde.
26108: MOFFETT, JONATHAN. - Concepts in Casework Treatment.
6385: MOHAN, CANON TALBOT. - Your Bereavement.
13118: MOIR, GUTHRIE. (ED). - Why I Believe. Fifteen lay Christians speak in 'Last Programmes' on Independent Television London, 1964.
46612: MOLESWORTH, MRS. - A House to Let.
7288: MOLIERE. - The Misanthrope and Other Plays. Trans. & Intro. by John Wood.
47209: MOLINA, ANTONIO DE (C.1560 -1619) / GAULTIER, RENE (TRANSLATOR) . - L'Instruction Des Prestres, Qui Contient une tres-importante doctrine, pour cognoistre l'excellence du sainct sacerdoce .... Par A. Molina chartreux ...; traduit de l'espagnol, par M. Rene Gaultier, A.G.
29538: MOLLAND, W.H. - The Ten Commandments: The Abiding Law of God.
49681: MOLLOY, J.L. - The Songs of Ireland.
37728: MOLNAR, MIKLOS. - A Short History of the Hungarian Communist Party.
27518: MOLONEY, FRANCIS J. - Disciples and Prophets. A Biblical Model for the Religious Life.
17740: MOLONY, EILEEN. (EDITOR). - Portraits of Towns.
15357: MOLTMANN, JURGEN. - The Future of Creation. (Translated by Margaret Kohl).
37918: MOLTMANN, JURGEN. - The Coming of God. Christian Eschatology.
5595: MONAGHAN, H.W. - From Age to Age. The Story of the Church of England in the Diocese of Wellington. 1858-1958.
5850: MONAHAN, ALFRED E. - The Mother of Christ in Christian Esteem.
9332: MONARCO, DOMENICO. - A Complete Handbook to the National Museum in Naples, according to the New Arrangement with Plans. The Original work by Domenico Maonco Superintendent of the anitquity Museum. (English ed. E.Neville-Rolph).
49063: MONBIOT, RAYMOND. - Characters of North Norfolk.
26831: MONCKTON, SHIRLEY. - Arranging Flowers.
17741: MONCRIEFF, M.C. SCOTT. - The Lass from Lorraine. (Illustrated by Bridget R. Peterson.)
24996: MONFALCONE, WESLEY R. - Coping with Abuse in the Family (Christian Care No.10).
51113: AFTER H. MONGINOT. - Cast Bronze: Child Sleeping On A Pile Of Books.
44872: MONIER-WILLIAMS, RANDALL. - The Tallow Chandlers of London. Volume 1: The Mystery in the Making.
42215: MONK, RAYMOND. (EDITOR). - Edward Elgar. Music and Literature.
35163: MONRO, REV. EDWARD. - Sacred Allegories. First Series: The Dark River. The Vast Army. The Combatants.
37691: MONSARATT, NICHOLAS. - Three Corvettes: Comprising H.M.Corvette, East Coast Corvette and Corvette Command.
51293: MONSARRAT, NICHOLAS. - H.M. Frigate.
44458: MONTAGU, IRVING (1842-1901) . - Wanderings Of A War Artist. By Irving Montagu .
42767: MONTAGU BENTON, G. - The Church of St Ouen (alias St Andrew) Fingringhoe, Essex.
49810: MONTAGU, VICTOR ALEXANDER. - A Middy's Recollections. 1853-1860.
50183: MONTAGU, H. ( HYMAN MONTAGU 1844-1895 ) . - The Copper, Tin And Bronze Coinage And Patterns For Coins Of England : From the reign of Elizabeth to that of her present Majesty by H. Montagu., F.S.A.
40939: MONTAGU BENTON, REV.G. - An Essex Coast Play. Rose: or Two Men and a Maid.
16996: MONTAGUE, C.E. - A Writer's Notes on his Trade.
18129: MONTAGUE, FRANK S. - My Own Man. The Memories of Frank S.Montague.
34988: MONTEFIORE, C.G. - A Short Devotional Introduction to the Hebrew Bible for the Use of Jews and Jewesses.
25247: MONTEFIORE, HUGH. - Apocalypse: What Does God Say?
16632: MONTEFIORE, H.W. - A Commentary on The Epistle to the Hebrews.
27087: MONTEFIORE, HUGH. - Yes to Women Priests.
18875: MONTEFIORE, HUGH. (ED). - Man and Nature.
24512: MONTEFIORE, HUGH. - Time to Change. Challenge for an Endangered Planet.
11375: MONTEFIORE, HUGH. - The Question Mark. The End of Homo Sapiens.
44871: MONTEFIORE, HUGH. - Confirmation Notebook. The Content of Christian Belief. (Fully Revised.)
3702: MONTEFIORE, HUGH. - Credible Christianity. The Gospel in Contemporary Culture.
5851: MONTEFIORE, HUGH. - So near and yet so far.Rome, Canterbury and ARCIC.
28928: MONTEFIORE, HUGH. - Preaching for Our Planet.
28929: MONTEVERDI, CLAUDIO / STEELE, JOHN (EDITOR). - Beatus Vir (Psalm III, Authorised Version 112) for SSATTB chorus, instruments and organ.
34643: MONTGOMERY, JAMES . - The World before the Flood, a poem, in Ten Cantos: With Other Occasional Pieces. By James Montgomery. Seventh Edition.
42366: MONTGOMERY, TIM. - And Moses Put His Shoes On. The Journey of Following and Leading Has its Downs and Ups.
46790: MONTLAKE, CARL . - Masonic Knights Volume One: A Catalogue Of Demonstrations And Alternative Evenings. Dedicated by Volunteer Lodge, 2905, compiled by Carl Montlake.
5540: MOODY, CHRISTOPHER. - Eccentric Ministry. Pastoral Care & Leadership in the Parish.
32336: MOODY, CHARLES H. - The Choir-Boy in the Making.
7987: MOODY, RAYMOND. - The Light Beyond.
18172: MOODY, D.L. - The Way to God and How to Find It.
32593: MOODY, D.L. - Anecdotes, Incidents and Illustrations.
38271: MOON, A.R. - Office English.
41322: MOON, DR IRWIN. - Experiences With An Eel / Of Books And Sloths.
39627: MOONEY, JAYNE. - The Hidden Figure: Domestic Violence in North London.
50358: MOOR, GEORGE . - Original letter and envelope. George Moor to Douglas Edwardes-Ker
49232: MOORCOCK, MICHAEL. - The Nomad of Time. (One Volume edition of the 'Oswald Bastable' Trilogy).
33288: MOORE, BERNARD. - United Nations: First Assembly. New York 1946.
28397: MOORE, BRIAN. - Catholics.
14536: MOORE, A.L. - 1 and 2 Thessalonians.
50980: MOORE, PATRICK. - Guide to the Moon.
47064: MOORE SMITH, G.C. - The Letters of Dorothy Osborne to William Temple.
50452: B. B. HAVELOCH TO RICHARD MOORE . - Entire Letter From B. B. Haveloch to Richard Moore, with DEDHAM 51 boxed mileage postmark
17151: MOORE, PETER. - Footholds in the Faith.
16873: MOORE, ELINOR. - Some Soldier Martyrs of the Early Christian Church in East Jordan and Syria.
13361: MOORE, ARTHUR L. - A Pocket Dictionary of the Christian Church.
26219: MOORE, LIZ. - Caring for the Earth. (A Grail Paper).
46476: MOORE, JOHN S. (EDITOR). - The Goods and Chattels of our Forefathers. Frampton Cotterell and District Probate Inventories, 1539-1804.
19696: MOORE, ALEX. - Ballroom Dancing.
1178: MOORE, R.W. - Christ The Beginning.
13273: MOORE, GERALD AND BEIER, ULLI. - Modern Poetry from Africa.
46358: MOORE, GERRY. - The Garrood's of Fakenham. A Family of Inventors and Engineers.
20127: MOORE, H. I. - Nelson's Agricultural Series: The Science And Practice of Grassland Farming. Illustrated with photographs taken by the author.
11376: MOORE, R.W. - The Furtherance of the Gospel. A Primer of Christianity Part II.
48018: MOORE, S.K. - Popcorn to Rock 'N' Roll.
47788: MOORE, DEREK. - Watching Wildlife in Suffolk. A New Guide to the County's Nature Reserves.
51009: MOORE, PATRICK AND CATTERMOLE, PETER. - The Craters of the Moon. An Observational Approach.
42163: MOORE, JERROLD NORTHROP. - Elgar. Child of Dreams.
34175: MOORE, ELINOR A. - The Early Church in the Middle East.
49975: MOORE, GEORGE EDWARD. - Principia Ethica. (Reprinted).
29539: MOORE, D.F. - Dublin: Baile Atha Cliath.
41599: MOORE, PATRICK. - Astronomy for O Level. (Revised edition).
11079: MOORE, PATRICK. - Mission to the Planets. The illustrated story of man's exploration of the solar system.
29292: MOORE, DOROTHEA. - Three Feet of Valour. A Story of Waterloo Year.
29288: MOORE, ARCHIE. - The Archie Moore Story.
29289: MOORE, DOROTHEA. - Captain Nancy. A Story of the 'Forty-five.
7289: MOORE, JOHN. - Sexuality Spirituality. A Study of Feminine/Masculine Relationship.
33705: MOORE, JAMES W. - Healing Where it Hurts.
32327: MOORE, BRIAN. - His Cross and Ours: Praying the Stations.
9933: MOORE, GEORGE. - The Passing of the Essenes. A Drama in Three Acts.
15747: MOOREHEAD, ALAN. - Darwin and the Beagle.
13926: MOOREHEAD, ALAN. - Montgomery.
18406: MOORHOUSE, GEOFFREY. - Against All Reason.
10062: MOORHOUSE,GEOFFREY. - Against all Reason. The Religious Life in the Modern World.
13927: MOORHOUSE, GEOFFREY. - Apples in the Snow. A Journey to Samarkand.
1180: MOORMAN, JOHN R.H. - Church Life In England In The Thirteenth Century.
1179: MOORMAN, JOHN R. H. (TRANSLATOR AND INTRODUCTION) . - A New Fioretti. A Collection Of Early Stories About Saint Francis Of Assisi Hitherto Untranslated.
35208: MOORMAN, JOHN. (EDITOR). - The Curate of Souls.
28057: MORAES, DOM. - My Son's Father. An Autobiography.
38962: MORANT, PHILIP. - The History and Antiquities of the Most Ancient Town and Borough of Colchester.
24513: MORANT, ROLAND W. - Cheshire Churches. A Guide to the Ancient Parish Churches of the Country, 1066-1820.
42746: MORANT, ROLAND W. - The Monastic Gatehouse and Other Types of Portal of Medieval Religious Houses.
25492: MORE, RICHARD. - Celebrating Christmas. (Grove Ministry & Worship No.54).
20053: MORE, THOMAS. - Utopia.
32533: MORENO, PEDRO C. - Handbook on Religious Liberty Around the World.
15065: MORETON, A.Q. AND MCLEMAN, JAMES. - Christianity and the Computer.
44608: MORETON, MICHAEL. - Consecrating Remembering Offering. Catholics and Series 3, 2, and 1, and 1662.
27258: MOREY, PHYLLIS. - Cornwall.
49775: MOREY, SHEENA. - My Puppy Book. (Illustrated by Kippy).
14616: MORGAN, DEWI. - Agenda for Anglicans.
2485: MORGAN, W. - The Nature and Right of Religion.
13119: MORGAN, DIANA. - Let's Celebrate. Assemblies for special occasions.
23763: MORGAN, GLYN H. - The Romance of Essex Inns. (Illustrated by the author.)
14340: MORGAN, DEWI. (ED.). - The Restless Ones. S.P.G. Review of the Year's Work 1957-58.
21284: MORGAN, STUART M. - Music in the Village Church. An attempt at something practical.
20362: MORGAN, PETER (ED). - Unity: The Next Step.
48872: MORGAN, REV. DR. MICHAEL . - Masonry: Pure & Applied. Basic Principles of Freemasonry and their Application to Cathedrals on a Grand Scale and at a Personal Level. By Rev. Dr. Michael Morgan. The Prestonian Lecture 1992 .P
27343: MORGAN, DEWI, & PERRY, MICHAEL. - The Printed Word.
35034: MORGAN, IRVONWY. - Prince Charles's Puritan Chaplain.
17334: MORGAN, EDWARD. - John Elias. Life, Letters and Essays.
39561: MORGAN, ROD AND NEWBURN, TIM. - The Future of Policing.
18508: MORGAN, CLIFFORD T. - Physiological Psychology. (Third ed).
46427: MORGAN, JOHN SCOTT. - The Corris Railway Company. (signed).
40299: MORGAN, PAT. - The Secrets of the Freemasons.
41083: MORGAN, CHARLES. - Dialogue in Novels & Plays.
39477: MORGAN, JANE AND ZEDNER, LUCIA. - Child Victims: Crime, Impact and Criminal Justice.
46312: MORGAN, ROBIN. - Lady of the Beasts.
4901: MORGAN, DEWI. WITH A FOREWORD BY RICHARD HARRIES. BISHOP OF OXFORD. - Where Belonging Begins. Reflections on the Trinity and the Passion.
29294: MORGAN, W. JOHN, & NICHOLSON, GEOFFREY. - Report on Rugby.
40965: MORGAN, CHARLES. - The River Line. A Play.
8117: MORGAN, DEWI. - The Bishops Come to Lambeth.
8996: MORGAN, C. LLOYD. - Psychology for Teachers.
44077: MORISON, J.L. - Reginald Pecock's Book of Faith. A Fifteenth Century Theological Tractate.
4426: MORISON, STANLEY. - English Prayer Books. An Introduction to the Literature of Christian Public Worship.
30323: MORISON, E.F. - The Lord's Prayer and The Prayers of Our Lord. A Spiritual Exposition.
37857: MORISY, ANN. - Beyond the Good Samaritan. Community Ministry and Mission.
30176: MORLAND, SUSAN. - Transformation: Paintings with Poems by 20th Century Women Poets.
16716: MORLEY, MALCOLM. - The Theatre. (Illustrated by W.R.H.Johnson).
14617: MORLEY, FENTON. - The Call of God.
14852: MORLEY, SHERIDAN. - The Great Stage Stars. Distinguished theatrical careers of the past and present.
17689: MORLEY, SHERIDAN. (EDITOR). - Punch at the Theatre.
27259: MORLEY, FENTON. - The Church to which you Belong.
11836: MORLEY, JOHN. - On Compromise.
15066: MORLEY, FENTON. - Preaching Through the Christian Year. 6. Sermon Outlines for the Seasons of the Church's Year.
13928: MORLEY, SHERIDAN. - Sybil Thorndike. A Life in the Theatre. Preface by Sir John Gielgud.
26110: MORLEY, MICHAEL. - Brecht: A Study.
9801: MORNEAU, ROBERT F. - Mantras For the Evening. The Experience of Holistic Prayer.
51240: MORPHET, RICHARD. (EDITOR). - R.B.Kitaj: A Retrospective.
51018: MORPURGO, MICHAEL. - The Kites are Flying! (Illustrated by Laura Carlin).
5444: MORRICE J.K.W., M.D. F.R.C.PSYCH. D.P.M. - Crisis Intervention. Studies in Community Care.
19420: MORRICE, WILLIAM G. - Joy in the New Testament.
13679: MORRIS, LEON. - The Revelation of St. John. An Introduction and Commentary.
7218: MORRIS, PETER. (FOREWORD BY D. W. CLEVERLEY FORD.) - Preaching At The Parish Communion. ASB Gospels - Sundays: Year Two - Vol. 2.
22847: MORRIS, H.F. - The Heroic Recitations of the Bahima of Ankole. (with a foreword by A.T.Hatto).
25249: MORRIS, A.E. - The Problem of Life and Death.
16633: MORRIS, LEON. - 1 Corinthians. An Introduction and Commentary.
24783: MORRIS, COLIN. - The Hammer of the Lord. Signs of Hope.
49536: MORRIS, J. MALCOLM. - The Wise Bamboo.
11098: MORRIS, COLIN. - Bugles in the afternoon.
20508: MORRIS, LEON. - The Gospel According to St. Luke. An Introduction & Commentary.
23126: MORRIS, LEON. - The Abolition of Religion. A Study in 'Religionless Christianity'.
18877: MORRIS, JEREMY. - Ask and Receive. How Liturgy Responds to Life.
17208: MORRIS, PAUL D. - Love Therapy.
28536: MORRIS, ROBERT AND FOWLER, JOHN. - Beyond Clause Zero: The Education Bill 1992-93.
11682: MORRIS, COLIN. - Start Your Own Religion. (The book of the TV Series).
48764: MORRIS, MICHAEL. - Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Wittgenstein and the Tractatus.
36572: MORRIS, REV. R. STAFFORD . - Thoughts On Freemasonry. Being a Series of Orations Delivered at consecration ceremonies in the Province of Essex by The Rev. R. Stafford Morris, M.A. Provincial Grand Chaplain .
28934: MORRIS, JEREMY. - In and Out of Service. Priesthood and its Problems.
47225: MORRIS, ROBERT 1818-1888. - The Masonic Odes And Poems. By Robert Morris, LL. D.
50961: MORRIS, JAMES. - Venice.
32044: MORRIS, PAM. - Literature and Feminism. An Introduction.
37364: MORRIS, JOAN. - Against Nature and God. The History of Women with the Jurisdiction of Bishops.
50955: MORRIS, JAN. - Thinking Again.
28935: MORRIS, JEREMY. (ED). - A Questioning Authority. The Anglican Witness to the World.
20363: MORRISH, IVOR. - The Background of Immigrant Children.
13738: MORRISON, N. BRYSSON. - The Keeper of Time. (Illustrated by Esme Eve).
16808: MORRISON, A AND MCINTYRE, D. - Social Psychology of Teaching.
45452: MORRISON, MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM LAWTIE (1824-1885) - The Morrison Papers. The Military career And Private Life Of Major-General William Lawtie Morrison, Royal Engineers (1824-1885) .
10745: MORRISON, CLINTON D. - The Powers That Be. Earthly Rulers and Demonic Powers in Romans 13.1-7.
9123: MORRISON, TONI. - Paradise.
51016: MORROW, WILLIAM C. / CUCUEL, EDOUARD. (ILLUSTRATOR). - Bohemian Paris of To-Day..
28937: MORROW, ORD. L. - The Puzzles of Job.
37346: MORSE-BOYCOTT, REVD. DESMOND. - A Tapestry of Toil.
12990: MORSE, MARY. - The Unattached.
17360: MORSE-BOYCOTT, REV.DESMOND. - Fields of Yesterday.
27155: MORSE, RICHARD. - The Open Book of Wild Life. An Introduction to Nature Study.
46749: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND. - God and Everyman.
32969: MORSE-BOYCOTT, DESMOND . - We Do See Life ! Faith, Hope and Comedy in the "Underworld" of London.`
46679: MORSE-BOYCOTT, REVD. DESMOND. - A Tapestry of Toil.
2900: MORTIMER, R.C. - Western Canon Law.
31926: MORTIMER, R.C. - The Celebrant and Ministers of the Eucharist.
9350: MORTIMER, JOHN.(SELECTED AND INTRODUCED BY) - Famous Trials. (From the classic Penguin series Edited by Harry Hodge and James H.Hodge).
23128: MORTIMORE, PAUL. - Ultimate Choices. Six Studies in the Parables of Jesus.
38274: MORTLOCK, D.P. - The Popular Guide to Suffolk Churches. No.3. East Suffolk.
38272: MORTLOCK, D.P. - The Popular Guide to Suffolk Churches. No.1. West Suffolk.
48600: MORTON, IAN. - The Model Bus Handbook.
2497: MORTON, T. RALPH. - The Household of Faith. An Essay on the Changing Pattern of the Church's Life.
18509: MORTON, T. RALPH. - God's Moving Spirit. The Church Now and the Church to Come.
41203: MORTON, JUNE. - The Risen Jesus. Bible Stories re-told.
39382: MORTON, JUNE. - The Story of David and Solomon.
43297: MORTON-COOPER, ALISON AND PALMER, ANNE. - Mentoring, Preceptorship and Clinical Supervision. A Guide to Professional Roles in Clinical Practice.
40535: MORTON, ANDREW H. - God's Present Purpose.
46978: MOSANE, PHILIPPE / BIRD, MOLLY (TRANSLATOR). - Mieke, Sweetheart of Devil's Corner.
41832: MOSCHAKE, IGNATIUS. - The Catechism of the Orthodox Eastern Church.
18880: MOSES, JOHN. - A Broad and Living Way. Church and State. A Continuing Establishment.
19612: MOSES, JOHN. - The Desert. An Anthology for Lent.
44248: MOSKOWITZ, SAM (1920 - 1997 ) . - Charles Fort: A Radical Corpuscle. By Sam Moskowitz .
51013: MOSLEY, CHARLOTTE.(EDITOR). - In Tearing Haste : Letters Between Deborah Devonshire snd Patrick Leigh Fermor. (Signed).
50335: MOSS, K. NEVILLE, ET AL. - MINING ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN. - Historical Review of Coal Mining.
25250: MOSS, RACHAEL. - God's Yes to Sexuality.
13466: MOSS, H. ST. L.B. - The Birth of the Middle Ages 395-814.
24109: MOSS, ROWLAND. - Beyond the Treadmill. A Christian Perspective on Pressure and Stress.
44852: MOSS, ALICE / PRABHAKAR, DR C.P. (EDITOR). - From Darkness Into Light.
7988: MOSS, TONY. (EDITOR). - In Search of Christianity.
46466: MOSS, VICTOR C. - 'Don't You Start!' A Reflection on Relationships.
34140: MOSS, EDWARD. - Seeing Man Whole: A New Model for Psychology.
38670: MOSSER, DAVID N.(EDITOR). - The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2006. (Includes Interactive CD-ROM).
17080: MOSTESHAR, CHERRY. - Unveiled. Love and Death Among the Ayatollahs.
5158: MOTHERS' UNION. - Anthology of Public Prayers.
34455: MOTION, ANDREW. - Dangerous Play: Poems 1974-1984.
42973: MOTION, ANDREW. - Natural Causes. (Signed).
45552: MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP (1814 – 1877) . - History of the United Netherlands (4 volume set).
45553: MOTLEY, JOHN LOTHROP (1814 – 1877) . - The Life And Death Of John Of Barneveld, Advocate Of Holland; With A View of The Primary Causes And Movements of The Thirty Years' War. (2 volume set).
47934: MOTT, JAMES. - Alpheton Hall. Diary of a Suffolk Countryman. (signed)
6694: MOTT, SIR NEVILL.(EDITOR). - Can Scientists Believe? Some examples of the attitude of scientists to religion.
9892: MOTTE, A. - The Role of the Superior in the Postconciliar World. Trans. by Miriam Hederman.
26410: MOTTRAM, ERIC. - William Faulkner. (Profiles in Literature Series.)
34951: MOTTRAM, V.H. - The Functions of the Body: An Outline of Physiology.
23129: MOTYER, REV. J.A. - Studies in the Epistle of James.
25494: MOTYER, J.A. - The Message of Amos. The Day of the Lion.
39987: MOTYER, STEVE. - Antisemitism and the New Testament. (Grove Biblical 23).
45781: MOUBRAY, GUY DE. - City of Human Memories.
33378: MOUL, JAMES. - Sacred Poems for the Sick and Suffering.
43112: MOUL, DUNCAN / HILL, R. H. ERNEST . - Picturesque Essex : A Volume Of Sketches By Duncan Moul . With Descriptive Letterpress By R. H. Ernest Hill A.R.I.B.A.
3751: MOULACRAINE, F. - The Loneliest Journey.
6032: MOULE, C.F.D. - The Birth of the New Testament.
11378: MOULE, C.F.D. - Essays in New Testament Interpretation.
11379: MOULE, C.F.D. (EDITOR). - Miracles. Cambridge Studies in their Philosophy and History.
25496: MOULE, H.C.G. - Studies in Romans.
32935: MOULE, H.C.G. - Our Prayer Book.
49587: MOULE, ARCHDEACON. - Young China.
39120: 18TH CENTURY WILL - SAMUEL MOULTON. - Copy of the Will of Mr Samuel Moulton .
41304: MOULTON, T.G. - An Exposure of Christian Science.
7492: MOUNTFORD, BRIAN. - Newness of Life: An illustrated Confirmation course.
20417: MOWAT, CHARLES LOCH. - Britain between the Wars 1918-1940.
44692: MOWER, JANE. - Baubles Bangles and Poetry.
31993: MOWFORTH, REV. E.H., - Lastingham: A Brief History.
21080: MOWLL, BASIL C.(COMPILER). - What the Bible Means to Me.
41557: MOWRY, LUCETTA. - The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Early Church.
42934: MOXLEY, CYRIL. - Cathedral, College, and Hospital. An Account of the Chaplaincy of The Royal Hampshire County Hospital 1736-1986.
47900: MOY, SHEILA. (EDITOR) . - The High School For Girls, Sudbury, Suffolk. Autumn, 1965 .
28398: MOYES, PATRICIA. - Night Ferry to Death/Black Girl, White Girl.
11795: MOYLE, DONALD. - The Teaching of Reading.
13739: MOYLE, FRANK W. - The Book of Uncommon Prayer. Preface by Canon C.E. Raven.
6484: MOYLE, FRANK W. - Our Undying Self. Do we survive bodily death?
11191: MOYNAGH, MICHAEL. - Making Unemployment Work.
13188: MOZLEY, E.N. - The Theology of Albert Schweitzer for Christian Enquirers.
1198: MOZLEY, J.K. - The Doctrine of the Incarnation.
1200: MOZLEY, JOHN KENNETH. - Some Tendencies in British Theology, from the publication of Lux Mundi to the present day.
2499: MOZLEY, J.K. - The Heart of the Gospel.
2500: MOZLEY,E.N. - The Theology of Albert Schweitzer for Christian Inquirers.
2501: MOZLEY, J.K. - The Doctrine of the Atonement.
43028: MOZLEY, JOHN KENNETH. - Ritschlianism. An Essay.
48432: MROZEK, SLAWOMIR. - The Elephant. (Translated from the Polish by Konrad Syrop).
13067: MUCKLE, J. YEOMAN. - Isaiah 1 - 39.
4903: MUDGE, LEWIS S. - One Church: Catholic and Reformed. Toward a Theology for Ecumenical Decision.
46349: MUDIE, ROBERT. - Hampshire. Its Past and Present Condition and Future Prospects. Vol.I. The Valleys of the Itchen and Test.
46351: MUDIE, ROBERT. - Hampshire: Its Past and Present Condition, and Future Prospects. Vol.III. Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands.
13275: MUGGERIDGE, KITTY. - Gazing on Truth, Meditations on Reality.
13740: MUGGERIDGE, MALCOLM. - Chronicles of Wasted Time. Volume 1, The Green Stick.
3703: MUGGERIDGE, MALCOLM AND VIDLER, ALEC. - Paul. Envoy Extraordinary.
8737: MUILENBURG, JAMES. - The Way of Israel. Biblical Faith and Ethics.
35837: MUIR, FRANK. - The Frank Muir Book. An Irreverent Companion to Social History.
20128: MUIR, JAMES . - Agriculture Practical And Scientific .
35712: MUIR, RAMSAY. - Politics and Progress. A Survey of the Problems of To-Day.
27156: MUIR, KENNETH. - Shakespeare the Professional and Related Studies.
8405: MUIR, FRANK. - Christmas Customs & Traditions.
51202: MULDER, FREDERICK. - Frederick Muller. Master Prints Catalogue 10.
31974: MULLEN, PETER. - Reason To Believe: Christian Faith for the 1990's.
10499: MULLEN, PETER. - Assembling.
10500: MULLEN, PETER. - Assembling Again.
45985: MULLIGAN, FRANK J. - Reading at Mass. Guidelines for the Lector.
3640: MULLIN, REDMOND. - The Fund-raising Handbook.
29089: MULLIN, REDMOND. - The Wealth of Christians.
40303: MULLINS, CLAUD. - Marriage Failures and the Children.
17081: MUMFORD, CAROL. - Young Children and Religion.
49718: MUMFORD, ALFRE ALEXANDER. - The Manchester Grammar School 1515-1915.
51038: MUMFORD, W. BRO. REV. W.H.N. - The First Grand Lodge; Laurence Dermott and the Ancients; The Masonic Temple. (3 Lectures).
18407: MUNCK, JOHANNES. - Paul and the Salvation of Mankind. (Translated from the German by Frank Clarke).
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44678: CAUTLEY H. MUNRO [ SIGNED BY AUTHOR]. - Suffolk Churches and Their Treasures by H. Munro Cautley, F.S.A., A.R.I.B.A. Surveyor to the Diocese of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich and Author of "Royal Arms And Commandments In Our Churches".
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5852: NEARY, DONAL. - Praying in Advent.
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44104: NEEDHAM, JOSEPH 1900-1995 / GWEI-DJEN, LU . - Science And Civilisation In China. By Joseph Needham with the collaboration of Lu Gwei-Djen. Volume 5 Chemistry And Chemical Technology Part II : Spagyrical Discovery And Invention: Magisteries Of Gold And Immortality .
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10229: NEIL, WILLIAM. - The Acts of the Apostles. (New Century Bible Commentary).
17402: NEIL, WILLIAM. - The Life and Teaching of Jesus.
29093: NEIL, WILLIAM. - The Importance of the Bible. (Basics of the Christian Faith. 2).
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7074: NEILL, STEPHEN, GOODWIN, JOHN & DOWLE, ARTHUR. (EDITORS). - Concise Dictionary of the Bible. In Two Parts - A-I & J-Z.
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25738: NEILL, STEPHEN. - The Eternal Dimension.
6313: NEILL, STEPHEN. - Seeing the Bible Whole.
41392: O'NEILL, EUGENE G. - The Moon of the Caribbees and Six Other Plays of the Sea.
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