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28036: HANNAU, HANS W. (PHOTOGRAPHY), & GARRARD JEANNE. - Fairchild Tropical Garden.
48554: HANNAY, DAVID . - Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. III. - Letters Of Sir Samuel Hood (Viscount Hood) In 1781-2-3 Illustrated By Extracts From Logs And Public Records. Edited by David Hannay .
50142: HANSON, ERIC H. - An Historical Essay of the Ipswich Institute 1925-1987.
770: HANSON, R.P.C. - Difficulties for Christian Belief.
5590: HANSON, ANTHONY. - The Meaning of Unity. A Study of a Biblical Theme.
15350: HANSON, RICHARD. - Christian Priesthood Examined.
22064: HANSON, DERRICK. - God and the Profits. A Study of Christianity and Business.
3467: HANSON, ANTHONY.(EDITOR). - Teilhard Reassessed. A Symposium of Critical Studies in the Thought of Pere Teilhard de Chardin attempting an Evaluation of his place in contemporary Christian thinking.
19236: HANSON, ANTHONY. - Church, Sacraments and Ministry.
21904: HANSON, R.P.C. - The Second Epistle to the Corinthians. Christ and Controversy.
6615: HANSON, ANTHONY. (EDITOR). - Vindications. Essays on the historical basis of Christianity.
16860: HANSON, R.P.C. - The Acts in the Revised Standard Version.
12242: HANSON, R.P.C. - GOD: Creator, Saviour, Spirit.
3121: HANSON, ANTHONY T. - The Pioneer Ministry.
7462: HANSON, ANTHONY AND MIRIAM. - Job. Introduction and Commentary. (Torch Bible Paperbacks).
45755: HANSON, E. H. & VAN ZWANENBERG, D. F. - The British Union Lodge No. 114 1962-1987 by W.Bro. E. H. Hanson P.A.G.D.C. and W. Bro. D.F. van Zwanenberg P.P.G.S.D.
8999: HANSON, ANTHONY TYRRELL. - Studies in Paul's Technique and Theology.
15315: O'HARA, JOHN. - Sermons and Soda-Water.
39001: O'HARA, JOHN. - Pal Joey.
27698: HARBERT, BRUCE. - Lent with the Fathers. Readings Selected and Translated.
50023: HARBIN, ROBERT. - Illustrated Teach Yourself Magic.
29497: HARDILL, ALAN. - Shakespeare and The Lost Myth.
24287: HARDIMAN, MICHAEL. - Ordinary Heroes. A Future for Men.
47117: HARDING WOOD, G.R. - St Paul's First Letter. (Studies in I Thessalonians).
26882: HARDING, REV. JOHN. (EDITOR). - Confesson and Absolution being the SIxth Book of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity by that Learned and Judicious Divine Mr Richard Hooker.
11485: HARDING, WILLIAM HENRY.(ED). - Finney's Life and Lectures. Selected Lectures by Charles Grandison Finney. Edited with original notes and sketch of the Author's life by William Henry Harding.
41739: HARDING, GEORGINA. - The Solitude of Thomas Cave.
47945: HARDING, ROBIN A AND BULLMAN, ARTHUR. - The Old Guard: A Humble Tribute in Memory of Benjamin Morris Taylor & Charles and May Brown.
30762: HARDING, WINTON. - Saxifrages: The Genus Saxifraga in the Wild and in Cultivation.
3158: HARDING WOOD, MRS G.R. - The Bible Speaks to Women.
36804: HARDING, KATHLEEN. - "All Are Called to Serve."
41329: HARDING, WILLIAM H. - The Life of George Muller. (Heroes of the Faith series).
8098: HARDING, JOAN N. - Three Generations and Other Talks to Women.
37984: HARDMAN, OSCAR. - "But I Am A Catholic!" An Anglican Rejoinder to the Roman Claim.
772: HARDMAN, OSCAR. - The Christian Doctrine of Grace.
42736: HARDMAN, REV. J.W. - Stories and Teaching on the Litany.
775: HARDWICK, J.C. - Freedom and Authority in Religion.
776: HARDWICK, J.C. - No Casual Creed.
27070: HARDWICK, SUSAN. - Lifelines: For the Carer.
27071: HARDWICK, SUSAN. - Lifelines: For the Dying.
27072: HARDWICK, SUSAN. - Lifelines: For the Stressed, Anxious, Depressed.
27073: HARDWICK, SUSAN. - Lifelines: For Those in Troubled Relationships.
26191: HARDWICK, J.C. - Totalitarianiam. What it Really Means. (The Interpreter Series. No.8).
39216: HARDWICK, CHARLES (EDITOR) . - The Quarterly Magazine Of The Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity Friendly Society. Edited By Charles Hardwick, P.G.M. Vol. X. - New Series. January, 1875, to October, 1876 .
774: HARDWICK, J.C. - What To Believe.
15646: HARDWICK,J.M.D.(EDITOR). - Emigrant in Motley. The Journey of Charles and Ellen Kean in quest of a theatrical fortune in Australia and America, as told in their hitherto unpublished letters.
48676: HARDWICK, MARY AND DOUST, STANLEY N. - Lawn Tennis. How To Master The Strokes.
39215: HARDWICK, CHARLES (EDITOR) . - The Quarterly Magazine Of The Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity Friendly Society. Edited By Charles Hardwick, P.G.M. Vol. IX. - New Series. January, 1873, to October, 1874 .
777: HARDY, ALEC O. - The Cross and the Reign of God.
1766: HARDY, SIR THOMAS DUFFUS - The Athanasian Creed In Connexion With The Utrecht Psalter, Being A Report To The Right Honourable Lord Romilly, Master Of The Rolls, On A Manuscript In The University Of Utrecht.
49086: HARDY, SHEILA M. - 1804 - That Was The Year...
18979: HARDY, PETER. - A Lifetime of Badgers.
18559: HARDY, SIR ALISTER. - The Divine Flame. Natural History and Religion.
20985: HARDY, D.W., & SEDGWICK, P.H. (EDITORS). - The Weight of Glory: A Vision and Practice for Christian Faith: The Future of Liberal Theology.
45264: HARDY, THOMAS. - The Famous Tragedy of the Queen of Cornwall, at Tintagel in Lyonnesse.
31590: HARDY, THOMAS. - The Complete Poems. (Edited by James Gibson).
46877: HARE, AUGUSTUS J. C. (AUGUSTUS JOHN CUTHBERT HARE, 1834-1903) . - Epitaphs For Country Churchyards. Collected And Arranged By Augustus J. C. Hare, Of University College, Oxford.
43293: HARE, WILLIAM LOFTUS. - Mysticism of East and West. Studies in Mystical and Moral Philosophy.
10771: HAREWOOD, THE EARL OF. (EDITOR). - Kobbe's Complete Opera Book.
11451: HARGREAVES, DAVID H. - Social Relations in a Secondary School.
29067: HARGREAVES, JOHN. - A Guide to 1. Corinthians.
6543: HARGREAVES, JOHN. - A Guide to St. Mark's Gospel.
29068: HARGREAVES, JOHN. - A Guide to Philippians.
8099: HARGREAVES, JOHN. - A Guide to the Book of Genesis. TEF Study Guide 3.
8101: HARGREAVES, JOHN. - A Guide to The Book of Genesis.
24066: HARING, BERNARD. - Evangelization Today. (New Edition).
11475: HARING, NORRIS.G. AND PHILLIPS, E.LAKIN. - Educating Emotionally Disturbed Children.
24065: HARING, BERNARD. - Christian Maturity. Holiness in Today's World.
9169: HARING, HERMANN, & KUSCHEL, KARL-JOSEF. - Hans Kung. His Work and his Way. Trans. by Robert Nowell.
9873: HARING, BERNARD. - Acting on the Word. "Blessed are they who hear the word of God and act on it".
32868: HARLAND, GORDON. - The Thought of Reinhold Niebuhr.
36794: HARLAND, R. A. L. (EDITOR) . - Transactions Of The Masonic Study Circle. Volume XXV. 1950-1951 .
46640: HARLEY, BASIL. - A Short History of Little Horkesley Church and Manor.
10939: HARLEY, REV. CLIFFORD. - Every Eye Shall See Him. A Study in the promised Second Coming of Christ.
44753: HARLEY, BELINDA. - Mad About The Dog. (Signed).
10613: HARMAR, HILARY. - The Dobermann.
9874: HARMER, CATHERINE M. - Religious Life in the 21st Century. A Contemporary Journey into Canaan.
16620: HARMS, PAUL. - Power form the Pulpit. Delivering the Good News. (The Preacher's Workshop Series. Book 7).
43680: HARMSWORTH, CECIL. - Dr Johnson. A Great Englishman.
3250: HARNACK, ADOLF. - The Apostles' Creed. A translation from an article in the third edition of Herzog's Realencyclopadie by the Rev. Stewart Means. Revised and edited by Thomas Bailey Saunders.
5725: HARPER, MICHAEL. - Walk in the Spirit.
12440: HARPER, HOWARD. - The Vestryman's Manual.
6373: HARPER, MICHAEL. - This is the Day. A fresh look at Christian Unity.
10303: HARPER, MICHAEL. - Bishops' Move. Six Anglican Bishops share their experience of Renewal.
11038: HARPER, MICHAEL. - Let My People Grow. Ministry and Leadership in the Church.
18480: HARPER, KENNETH. - The Story of the Lakeland Diocese 193-1966.
18481: HARPER, MICHAEL. - None Can Guess.
48094: HARPER-BILL, CHRISTOPHER. - The Cartulary of the Augustinian Friars of Clare.
48095: HARPER-BILL, CHRISTOPHER AND MORTIMER, RICHARD. - Stoke By Clare Cartulary. BL Cotton Appx. XXI.
17063: HARPER, MICHAEL. - Power for the Body of Christ.
33577: HARPER, REV, T. - The Christian's Consolation and Triumph: Exemplified in the Lives and Sufferings of the Glorious Martyrs. by the Revd: T: Harper; Minister of St. Georges Chapel, Surry; ... with a recommendatory preface & introduction by the Revd: K: L: Kirkman .
41627: HARPER, J. WILSON. - Christian Ethics and Social Progress.
50087: HARPER-BILL, CHRISTOPHER / RAWCLIFFE, CAROLE AND WILSON, RICHARD. (EDITORS). - East Anglia's History. Studies in Honour of Norman Scarfe.
7463: HARPER, MICHAEL. - As at the Beginning. The Twentieth Century Pentecostal Revival.
8672: HARPER, MICHAEL. - Spiritual Warfare.
8673: HARPER, MICHAEL. - A New Way of Living. (Foreword by the Bishop of Coventry).
47902: HARPUR, BERNADETTE. (EDITOR) . - The High School For Girls, Sudbury, Suffolk. Autumn, 1967 .
27699: HARRIES, RICHARD. - Christianity and War in a Nuclear Age.
5340: HARRIES, RICHARD. - Christ is Risen.
4873: HARRIES, RICHARD. (EDITED AND INTRODUCED BY). - Reinhold Niebuhr and the the Issues of our Time.
7600: HARRIES, RICHARD. (EDITED BY). - What Hope in an Armed World?
21056: HARRIES, JOHN. - Discovering Churches.
6617: HARRIES, RICHARD. - Being a Christian.
6618: HARRIES, RICHARD. - Prayers of grief and glory.
4128: HARRIES, RICHARD. - Prayer and the Pursuit of Happiness. Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book.
7044: HARRIES, RICHARD. (BISHOP OF OXFORD). - The Real God. A Response to Anthony Freeman's 'God in Us'.
11039: HARRINGTON, WILFRID. - Mark. New Testament Message 4.
39454: HARRINGTON, DONAL. - Parish Renewal. Volume 1. Reflecting on the Experience.
46143: HARRINGTON, WILFRID. - Record of Revelation. 1.The Bible.
24068: HARRIOTT, JOHN. - Fields of Praise. The Glory of Being Human.
30941: HARRIS, J.C. - Couriers of Christ. Pioneers of the London Missionary Society.
14439: HARRIS, W.B. - The First Epistle of St.Paul to the Corinthians. Introduction and Commentary.
48473: HARRIS, SIMON. - R.B.K. A Very Parfit Gentil Knight.
24069: HARRIS, J.G. - Test Yourself. St. Mark. (Celtic Revision Aids).
21251: HARRIS, ALAN. - Questions about Sex.
49817: HARRIS, LAWRENCE ERNEST. - Vermuyden and the Fens. A Study of Sir Cornelius Vermuyden and the Great Level.
18808: HARRIS, CHARLES. - Faith - Sharing Teams. (Grove Evangelism No.7).
6124: HARRIS, ROSEMARY, AND HOWARD-JOHNSTON, XENIA. - Christian Appeals from Russia. Introduction by Michael Bourdeaux.
779: HARRIS, CHARLES. - Pro Fide. A Text-book of Modern Apologetics for Theological Students, Ministers of Religion, and Others.
14217: HARRIS, W.T AND PARRINDER, E.G. - The Christian Approach to The Animist.
27495: HARRIS, GORDON E. - The Way of Acceptance. (Sermons for Today. No.2).
17552: HARRIS, AMY AND THOMAS. - Staying OK.
26192: HARRIS, MURRAY J. - Easter in Durham. Bishop Jenkins and the Resurrection of Jesus.
21581: HARRIS, R.W. - Reason and Nature in 18th Century Thought.
48488: HARRIS, P. VALENTINE. - The Truth about Robin Hood.
2042: HARRIS, RENDEL. - An Early Christian Psalter.
4332: HARRIS, JEFFREY. (EDITOR). - The Magnetic South. Living Churches in London and the South East.
11518: HARRIS, GORDON E. - A Ministry Renewed
39824: HARRIS, JOHN. - Lays from the Mine, the Moor, and the Mountain.
41236: HARRIS, BETH COOMBE. - Winsome Wins Through.
42801: HARRIS, STANLEY S. - The Master and His Boys.
41664: HARRIS, KEVIN. (EDITOR). - Respect in the Neighbourhood. Why Neighbourliness Matters.
34936: HARRIS, REV. S.F. - A Century of Missionary Martyrs.
38126: HARRIS, JOHN. - The Town Reeves of Bungay 1725-1986.
43275: HARRIS, THADDEUS MASON . - A Dictionary Of The Natural History Of The Bible; Or, A Description Of All The Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Reptiles, And Insects, Trees, Plants, Flowers, Gums And Precious Stones, Mentioned In The Sacred Scriptures...
41301: HARRIS, H. WILSON. (EDITOR). - Christianity and Communism.
9170: HARRIS, W. STUART. (EDITOR). - Eyes on Europe.
17847: HARRISON, SIDNEY. - The Music to Give the Troops. What to talk about to the new audiences.
15434: HARRISON, ALAN. - Bound for Life.
16622: HARRISON, R.K. - Jeremiah and Lamentations. An Introduction and Commentary.
21252: HARRISON, HARRY. - Galactic Dreams.
18811: HARRISON, D.E.W & SANSOM, MICHAEL C. - Worship in the Church of England.
11247: HARRISON, HARRY. - Skyfall.
24290: HARRISON, GRAHAM. - Beginning at the Beginning. Sermons from the Book of Genesis.
14094: HARRISON,MOLLY AND WELLS, A.A.M. - Picture Source Book for Social History: Seventeenth Century.
5633: HARRISON, TED. - Members Only? Is the church becoming too exclusive?
45894: HARRISON, FREDERIC. - On Society.
20987: HARRISON, HARRY, & HOLM, JOHN. - King and Emperor. (The Hammer and the Cross - Book 3).
28122: HARRISON, TONY. - The Gaze of the Gorgon.
44796: HARRISON, CHRISTOPHER. (EDITOR). - Essays on the History of Keele.
29147: HARRISON, NANCY. - Winnie Mandela: Mother of a Nation.
44963: HARRISON, JACK. - Just As I Am. A Testament of Faith.
50468: HARRISON, JOHN . - The Decoration Of Metals : Chasing, Repousse And Saw-Piercing By John Harrison. With 180 illustrations of works by various artists and original designs .
29681: HARRISON, R.K. - Archaeology of the Old Testament.
4435: HARRISON, MCVEIGH. - Common Sense About Religion. Being a Synopsis of the Evidence of Reason, Revelation and Experience as to the Truth of the Apostles Creed. (One Vol.ed).
43577: HARRISON, RAYMOND. - The Measure of Life. An Introduction to the Scientific Study of Astrology.
47333: HARRISON, CYRIL C. - The Strangeways Lodge No. 1219 province of East Lancashire. A centenary Review 1868 - 1968 by Cyril C. Harrison P.A.G. Reg. A Past Master of Strangeways Lodge.
44823: HARRISON, DAVID. - The Transformation of Freemasonry.
31043: HARRISON, TED. - Elvis People: The Cult of the King.
41262: HARRISON, YVONNE. - Reasons. Poems by Yvonne Harrison.
44824: HARRISON, DAVID. - The Liverpool Masonic Rebellion and the Wigan Grand Lodge. The Last Masonic Rebellion.
9284: HARRISON, PAUL. - What Makes 'Em Tick. How Children Learn. Illustd. by James Moss.
14654: HARROD, R.F. - Policy Against Inflation.
39503: HARROD, HENRY (EDITOR) . - Report on the Records of the Borough of Colchester 1865 .
39218: HARSNETT, SAMUEL . - Scheme For The Management And Regulations Of Archbishop Harsnett's Charity, Chigwell, Essex. And For The Application Of The Income Thereof. Approved by the Court of Chancery, By Order, Dated 29th June, 1867.
48118: HART, JOSE. (EDITOR) . - Sudbury High School Magazine. July, 1964 .
19046: HART, PATRICK, & MONTALDO, JONATHAN. (EDITORS). - The Initimate Merton. His Life from His Journals Thomas Merton.
26652: HART, A. TINDAL. - Church and Countryside. (No.3 October 1953).
33045: HART-DAVIS, DUFF. - Fire Falcon.
20026: HARTILL, PERCY. - Pacifism and Christian Common Sense.
15252: HARTILL, ROSEMARY. - In Perspective. Reflections from the BBC's Religious Affairs Correspondent.
14789: HARTILL, ROSEMARY. - Were You There? Surviving Life's Setbacks. (Based on the Radio 4 series).
3309: HARTILL, PERCY. - The Unity of God. A Study in Christian Monotheism.
47926: HARTING, JOHANNA H. - Catholic London Missions. Frrom the Reformation to the Year 1850.
21253: HARTON, SIBYL. - The Practice of Confession.
782: HARTON,F.P. - The Elements of the Spiritual Life. A study in Ascetical Theology.
19670: HARTON, SIBYL. - Doors of Eternity.
50009: HARTUP, CHRISTOPHER. - East Anglian Silver. 1550-1750.
16194: HARVERSON, STUART. - Doctor in Vietnam.
10481: HARVEY, A.E. - Priest or President?
10482: HARVEY, A.E. (EDITOR). - God Incarnate. Story and Belief.
47950: HARVEY, SYDNEY C. - London Policeman. Being Oponions, Sentiments, and Experiences of an Ordinay London Policeman.
4798: HARVEY, T.EDMUND. - The Rise of The Quakers.
27700: HARVEY, ANTHONY AND ROGERSON, JOHN. - Guidelines to the Bible. (May-August 1988). Volume 4. Part 2.
23866: HARVEY, J AND JOHNSON, M. - Introduction to Macro-Economics.
31887: HARVEY, W.J. - Character and the Novel.
25218: HARVEY, DAVID. - The Power to Heal. An Investigation of Healing and the Healing Experience.
26959: HARVEY, EDWIN & LILLIAN. - How They Prayed. Vol.2 - Ministers' Prayers.
3851: HARVEY, A. E. - Believing and Belonging. The Practice of Believing in the Church.
47806: HARVEY, ROBERT. - Liberators. South America's Savage Wars of Freedom 1810-30.
39552: HARVEY, COLIN; MORISON, JOHN AND SHAW, JO. (EDITORS). - Voices, Spaces, and Processes in Constitutionalism. (Journal of Law and Society, Special Issue. Volume 27, Number 1).
38149: HARVEY, ANTHONY. - By What Authority? The Churches and Social Concern.
34918: HARVEY DARTON, F.J. - J.M. Barrie.
15671: HARWOOD, RONALD. - One. Interior. Day. Adventures in the Film Trade.
45434: HASELGROVE, COLIN. - Celtic Coins Found in Britain, 1977-82.
28369: HASKEY, ALYN. - Prodigal World. (The Story So Far).
26960: HASLAM, DAVID. - Race for the Millennium. A Challenge to Church and Society.
23069: HASLAM, DR. DAVID. - Not Another Guide to Stress in General Practice.
21183: HASLER, JULIE. - Silhouettes in Cross Stitch.
8389: HASLETT, A.W. (EDITOR). - Science News 22.
9673: HASLETT, A.W. (EDITOR). - Science News 34.
45840: HASLEWOOD, FRANCIS 1840-1900. - The Monumental Inscriptions, in the parish of Saint Matthew, Ipswich, Suffolk. / Comp. and annotated by the Rev. Francis Haslewood, A.K.C., Rector of S. Matthew's Ipswich .
50766: HASLUCK, PAUL N. (PAUL NOONCREE HASLUCK) 1854-1931 [ EDITOR ] . - Metalworking . A Book of Tools, Materials, and Processes for the Handyman, with 2,206 lllustration and Working Drawings. Edited By Paul N. Hasluck.
48564: HASSALL, JOHN. (ILLUSTRATOR). - John Gilpin.
12186: HASSALL, CHRISTOPHER. - Christ's Comet. The Story of a Thirty years' Journey that began and ended on the same day. A Play in Three Acts.
34103: HASSALL, CHRISTOPHER. - Bell Harry and Other Poems.
19237: HASTINGS, ADRIAN. - The Shaping of Prophecy. Passion, Perception and Practicality.
20385: HASTINGS, ADRIAN. - In the Hurricane. Essays on Christian Living Today.
14790: HASTINGS, ADRIAN. - African Christianity. An essay in interpretation.
45790: HASTINGS, MAX. - Going to the Wars. (signed).
8901: HASTINGS, ADRIAN. - A History of English Christianity, 1920 - 1985.
21254: HATCH, SANDRA AND BOYCE, ANN. - Putting on the Glitz. Unusual Fabrics and Threads for Quilting and Sewing.
25114: HATCH, EDWIN. - The Organization of the Early Christian Churches. Eight Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford, in the year 1880.
23367: HATHAWAY, BAXTER (ED). - Epoch. A Quarterly of Contemporary Literature. Vol.1: No.4: Summer 1948.
30843: HATTERSLEY, ROY. - John Wesley: A Brand From The Burning.
9116: HATTERSLEY, ROY. - Who Goes Home? Scenes from a Political Life.
45489: HATTON, S. F. [SIDNEY FRANK HATTON ]. - London's Bad Boys by S. F. Hatton .
27331: HAUGHTON, ROSEMARY. - The Gospel Where It Hits Us. Christianity and Contemporary Concerns.
11593: HAUGHTON, ROSEMARY. - The Gospel Where it Hits Us. Christianty and Contemporary Concerns.
14011: HAUGHTON, ROSEMARY. - Love.
29387: HAUGHTON, THE REV. SAMUEL. - Manual of Optics.
36833: HAUNCH, T. O. - Prestonian Lecture 1972 - 'It is not in the power of any man...' A Study In Change by T. O. Haunch, M.A., P.Pr.J.G.W. (Notts.)
23369: HAUSER, ARNOLD. - The Social History of Art. Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque. Volume 2.
24626: HAUSMAN, PATRICIA, & HURLEY, JUDITH BENN. - The Healing Foods. The Ultimate Authority on the Curative Power of Nutrition.
18670: HAUXWELL, HANNAH (WITH COCKCROFT, BARRY). - Hannah in America. (Principal photographs by Mostafa Hammuri.)
41922: HAVERGAL, FRANCES RIDLEY. - Ben Brightboots and other True Stories, Hymns & Music.
37566: HAVERGAL, FRANCES RIDLEY. - L'Invitation Royale ou 'Venez A Jesus'. Meditations Journalieres.
29683: HAVERGAL, FRANCES RIDLEY. - Starlight Through the Shadows.
23749: HAVRAN, MARTIN J. - Caroline Courtier: The Life of Lord Cottington. (With an Introduction by A.L. Rowse.)
26017: HAW, RICHARD C. - The Conservation of Natural Resources.
50711: HAWES, JAMES. - Englanders and Huns. How Five Decades of Enmity Led to the First World War.
49727: HAWKER, DEBBIE, DAVID & JAMIE. - Changing the Climate. Applying the Bible in a Climate Emergency. (signed).
19790: HAWKINS, KEVIN. - Unemployment. Facts, Figures and Possible Solutions for Britain.
50039: HAWKINS, SIR JOHN. - The Life of Samuel Johnson.
48359: HAWKINS, SIR JOHN. - The Life of Samuel Johnson.
38380: HAWKSLEY, ROBERT. - Snapshots: An Essex Village Childhood 1929 to 1945.
26475: HAWLEY, CAMERON. - Cash Mc.Call.
22591: HAWORTH, DON. - Bright Morning. Images of a Thirties Boyhood. (Large Print edition)
27228: HAWORTH, JAMES. (EDITOR). - Walking in Derbyshire. A Detailed Route Guide for Rambling in the Peak District National Park and Adjacent Countryside.
19671: HAWTHORNE, ROSEMARY. - Stockings & Suspenders. A Quick Flash. (Drawings by Lucy Pettifer & Claire Taylor.)
17628: HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL . - Leamington Spa, Warwick, Stratford-on-Avon .
32787: HAWTHORNE, JULIAN. - Hawthorne and his Circle.
24073: HAWTHORNE, J.N. - Questions of Science and Faith.
44972: HAWTREY, R.G. - Trade Depression And The Way Out.
16313: HAY, DENYS. - The Renaissance.
19940: HAY, IAN. (PSEUDONYM OF MAJOR JOHN HAY BEITH.) - The Great Wall of India.
25915: HAY, CAMILLUS. - The Eucharist in the Churches.
47881: HAY, IAN . - The Lighter Side Of School Life By ian Hay. Author Of "Saftey Match" With Illustrations Reproduced from Pastel drawings By Lewis Baumer .
13909: HAY, HEATHER. - Heroes.
43190: HAY, REV.E.F. - Notes on the Parish Church S.Mary The Virgin, Kelvedon (Easterford). Inscriptions and other Records.
50576: HAY, JOHN . - Nicholson's New Carpenter's Guide; Being A complete Book of Lines for Carpenters, Joiners, Cabinet Makers, and Workmen in General. An Enlarged and Improved Edition, By John Hay, Esq. Architect...
22313: HAYASHI, TETSUMARO.(ED). - Herman Melville: Research Opportunities and Dissertation Abstracts.
49663: HAYDEN, ARTHUR. - Chats on Old Furniture.
20602: HAYDN, HIRAM & FULLER, EDMUND. - Thesaurus of Book Digests.
13829: LA HAYE, TIM. - How to Manage Pressure Before Pressure Manages You.
33668: HAYES, WILL. - Walt Whitman: The Prophet of the New Era.
30202: HAYES, M. HORACE . - Indian Racing Reminiscences.
50834: HAYLES, BRIAN. - Doctor Who and the Ice Warriors.
42417: HAYLOCK, DEREK. - Plays on the Word. Christian Drama for Churches, Schools and Youth Groups.
49067: HAYLOCK, CHARLIE. - Caw'd A Hell! Thas Suffen Good. (signed).
33641: HAYLOCK, JULIE. - Chocolates From Steeple Bumpstead.
14525: HAYMAN, ERIC. - The Hidden Life of the Body of Christ.
14841: HAYMAN, RONALD. - John Gielgud.
47493: HAYMAN, RONALD. - Arthur Miller. (Contemporary Playwrights Series).
42778: HAYMAN, HENRY . - The Passing of Arthur in Greek Heroic Verse, with a Stanza in Catullian Metre from Dryden's "Alexander's Feast"
23071: HAYMES, BRIAN. - Looking at Easter and Ascension.
17975: HAYS, PETER. - New Horizons in Psychiatry.
13810: HAYTER, MARY. - The New Eve in Christ. The Use and Abuse of the Bible in the Debate about Women in the Church.
7601: HAYWARD, ALAN. - Great News for the World.
11771: HAYWARD,FRANK HERBERT. - The Lesson in Appreciation. An Essay on the Pedagogics of Beauty.
3286: HAYWARD, V. - Christians and China.
50221: HAYWOOD, H.L. - More About Masonry.
36535: HAYWOOD, H.L. - Freemasonry and Roman Catholicism.
21906: HAZELTON, NIKA. - The Art of Cheese Cookery.
48828: "HAZLITT," P.M. - Unwritten Laws in Freemasonry.
45676: HAZLITT, WILLIAM. - The Spirit of the Age. Or Contemporary Portraits. 1825. (Facsimile).
16573: HEAD, DAVID. - He Sent Leanness. A book of prayers for the natural man.
49052: HEAD, JOSEPH AND CRANSTON, S.L.(EDITORS). - Reincarnation. The Phoenix Fire Mystery.
40465: HEAD, KATE. - Listen.
23553: HEADLEY, CAROLYN. - The Laying on of Hands. In the Parish Healing Ministry (Grove Worship 104).
24481: HEADLEY, CAROLYN. - Readers and Worship in the Church of England. A Look at the Liturgical Role of Readers in the 1990's (Grove Worship. 115).
26961: HEALEY, DENNIS. - Dennis Healey's Yorkshire Dales. A Celebration of the Yorkshire Dales Landscape.
18671: HEALEY, F.G. (EDITOR). - Preface to Christian Studies.
10030: HEALEY, JOSEPH G. - A Fifth Gospel. In search of black Christian values.
39897: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. - What To Do If You're Worried A Child Is Being Abused. (Summary).
44319: HEALY, SISTER EMMA THERESE. - Woman. According to Saint Bonaventure.
8831: HEANEY, JOHN J., S.J. (EDITOR). - Faith, Reason and the Gospels.
49015: HEAP, W.BRO. W. RICHARD C. (MASTER) . - Transactions Of The Manchester Association For Masonic Research. Volume XCV (95) 2005 .
38462: HEAPS, LEO. - The High Rise.
6880: HEARD, GERALD. - Is God in History? An Inquiry into Human and Prehuman History in terms of the Doctrine of Creation,Fall and Redemption.
34862: HEARD, GERALD. - The Gospel According to Gamaliel.
34475: HEARN, WENDY MARIE. - The Four Gospels As One. An Interweaving of the Gospels According to SS Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
45608: HEARN, LAFCADIO. - Pre-Raphaelite and Other Poets.
45062: HEARN, TREVOR J. - The Gardens at Colchester Royal Grammar School
46837: HEARN, LAFCADIO / ERSKINE, JOHN. (EDITOR). - Books and Habits. From the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn.
45956: HEARN, LAFCADIO./ MORDELL, ALBERT (EDITOR). - Essays in European and Oriental Literature.
44120: HEARN, LAFCADIO./ ICHIKAWA, SANKI (EDITOR). - Some New Letters and Writings of Lafcadio Hearn.
46704: HEARN, LAFCADIO / BISLAND, ELIZABETH (EDITOR). - The Japanese Letters of Lafcadio Hearn.
46933: HEARN, LAFCADIO. - Exotics and Retrospectives.
20157: HEASON, H.W. - A Theology of Harmony. The Science of God.
14440: HEATH, STELLA. - The Torch Family. The story of the Torch Trust for the blind.
10677: HEATH, STELLA. - Where There is Vision. The Continuing Story of the Torch Trust for the Blind.
26755: HEATH-STUBBS, JOHN. - The Triumph of the Muse and Other Poems.
33874: HEATH, REV. ALBAN. - The Prophecies of Daniel in the Light of History.
50859: HEATH, AMBROSE. - Kitchen Front Recipes and Hints.
34990: HEATHCOTE, A.W. - Israel to the Time of Solomon.
29929: HEATHFIELD, MARGARET. - Being Together: Our Corporate Life in the Religious Society of Friends. (Swarthmore Lecture 1994).
32166: HEATON, E.W. - For Questioning Christians. A Selection of Sermons.
47437: HEAVEN, CONSTANCE. - Castle of Eagles.
13910: HEAWOOD, GEOFFREY L. - Vacant Possession. Thoughts on Personality, Religion & Education.
7045: HEAWOOD, GEOFFREY L. - The Humanist-Christian Frontier.
5961: HEBBLETHWAITE, BRIAN. - Preaching Through the Christian Year. Sermons from Queens College, Cambridge. 10.
12485: HEBBLETHWAITE, PETER. - In the Vatican.
27390: HEBBLETHWAITE, PETER AND KAUFMANN, LUDWIG. - John Paul II: A Pictorial Biography.
15509: HEBBLETHWAITE, BRIAN. - Preaching Through the Christian Year. 10. Sermons from Queen's College, Cambridge.
19141: HEBBLETHWAITE, MARGARET. - Through Lent with Luke. Daily Reflections on the Transfiguration and Passion.
21057: HEBBLETHWAITE, BRIAN. - The Incarnathion. Collected Essays in Christology.
6619: HEBBLETHWAITE, MARGARET. - Finding God in All Things. Praying with St. Ignatius.
7926: HEBBLETHWAITE, BRIAN. - Evil, Suffering and Religion.
41812: HEBBLETHWAITE, BRIAN. - The Christian Hope.
9875: HEBBLETHWAITE, PETER. - The New Inquisition? Schillebeeckx and Kung.
46870: HEBDEN, SAMUEL (1692?-1747 ) . - The Right Manner of Remembring our Lord's Nativity, and The Absolute Necessity of being New Creatures. / The Shortness of Human Life, and the Various Troubles Incident Thereto, - Considered and Improved...
794: HEBER, REGINALD, LORD BISHOP OF CALCUTTA . - The Life Of The Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor, D.D. Lord Bishop Of Down, Connor, And Dromore; With A Critical Examination Of His Writings
5464: HEBERT, A.G. - The Bible From Within.
25219: HEBERT, GABRIEL. - God's Kingdom and Ours.
798: HEBERT, A.G. - Intercommunion. A Theological Study of Christian Unity.
12367: HEBERT, GABRIEL. - The Christ of Faith and the Jesus of History.
22592: HEBERT, GABRIEL. - When Israel Came Out of Egypt.
797: HEBERT, A.G. - The Form of the Church.
799: HEBERT, GABRIEL. - The Christ of faith and the Jesus of history.
32555: HEBERT, ALBERT JOSEPH. - The Tears of Mary and Fatima: Why? "Return to My Son!".
8245: HEBERT, GABRIEL. - The Old Testament From Within..
46149: HECHT, BEN (1893-1964) . - A Guide For The Bedevilled By Ben Hecht.
24074: HEDEGARD, DAVID. - Ecumenism and the Bible.
27776: HEDGES, A.A.C. - History in Camera: East Coast Shipping.
49173: HEDGES, JOHN M. - The Wanderer. An East Anglian Autobiography.
18814: HEER, FRIEDRICH. - God's First Love. Christians and Jews over Two Thousand Years.
42160: HEFLING, STEPHEN E. - Mahler. Das Lied Von Der Erde. (The Song of the Earth).
46055: HEGEL, G.W.F. - Lectures on the History of Philosophy. Volume 1.Greek Philosophy to Plato.
46056: HEGEL, G.W.F. - Lectures on the History of Philosophy. Volume 2. Plato and the Platonists.
7464: HEGENER, MARK. - The Poverello St. Francis of Assisi.
6286: HEIDT, JOHN H. - Believe It or Not. A Sceptics Guide to Christian Faith.
12972: HEIKE, ELIZABETH. - A Question of Grief.
7343: HEILER, FRIEDRICH. - The Spirit of Worship Its Forms and Manifestations in the Christian Churches. With an additional essay on Catholicity Eastern,Roman, and Evangelical. (Translated by W.Montgomery).
41888: HEILER, FRIEDRICH. - Prayer. A Study in the History and Psychology of Religion. (Translated and edited by Samuel McComb with J.Edgar Park).
15672: HEILMAN, ROBERT BECHTOLD. - The Iceman, The Arsonist and the Troubled Agent. Tragedy and Melodrama on the Modern Stage.
41621: HEIM, KARL. - God Transcendent. Foundation for a Christian Metaphysic.
7901: HEIM, KARL. - The Transformation of the Scientific World View.
801: HEIM,D KARL. - Jesus the Lord.
48680: HEINEY, PAUL. - Pulling Punches. A Traditional Farming Year.
28643: HEINLEIN, ROBERT A. - The Cat Who Walks Through Walls: A Comedy of Manners.
11108: HEINZL, BRIGITTE. - Durer. The life and work of the artist illustrated with 80 colour plates.
16744: HEITLAND, W.E. - Behind and Before. Two Essays on the Relation of History Politics and Eugenist Warnings.
50173: HEITZENRATER, RICHARD P. - Wesley and the People Called Methodists. (Second edition).
4640: OPPENHEIMER HELEN. - Looking Before and After. Foreword by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
14843: HELLER, JOSEPH. - God Knows.
47870: HELLER, JOSEPH. - Catch 22.
42177: HELLIER, ANNA M. - Talks on the Catechism. Easy Lessons for our Younger Scholars.
41494: HELLIWELL, TANIS. - Decoding Your Destiny. Keys to Humanity's Spiritual Transformation.
28038: HELLYER, ARTHUR. - The Dobies Book of Greenhouses. (Drawings by Debbie Kartun.)
31899: HELM-PIRGO, MARIAN. - Virgin Mary Queen of Poland. (Historical Essay).
9877: HELM, PAUL. - The Beginnings. Word & Spirit in Conversion.
9878: HELM, PAUL. - The Callings. The Gospel in the World.
30504: HELMS, CYNTHIA. - An Ambassador's Wife in Iran.
11631: HELMSTADTER, G.C - Principles of Psychological Measurement.
25067: HELPRIN, MARK. - Ellis Island and Other Stories.
14998: HELPRIN, MARK. - Ellis Island & Other Stories.
49500: HEMANS MRS. [ FELICIA DOROTHEA HEMANS 1793-1835 ] / BAKER, HELEN (1836-1912) . - The Better Land by Mrs. Hemans. Illuminated by Helen Baker .
20718: HEMMING, JOHN. - More Than Meets the I. Wholy Light Verse.
23868: HENDERSON, SIR HUBERT. - Supply and Demand.
20115: HENDERSON, JOHN . - Henderson's Hand-Book Of The Grasses Of Great Britain And America .
40853: HENDERSON, JOHN. - Peeps at Many Lands: Jamaica. (With 12 full-page illustrations in colour by A.S.Forrest).
6886: HENDERSON, R.B. - A Modern Handbook to the Old Testament.
34931: HENDERSON, R.B. - Belief in God: Scientific Method Applied to Theology.
40603: HENDERSON, JOHN. - Thorns and Mary-Lilies.
29499: HENDERSON, IAN. - Scotland: Kirk and People.
29498: HENDERSON, HUBERT. - Supply and Demand.
12014: HENDRIE, WILLIAM F. - Linlithgow. Six Hundred Years A Royal Burgh.
17321: HENDRIKSEN, WILLIAM. - Philippians. New Testament Commentary.
6673: HENDRY, GEORGE S. - The Holy Spirit in Christian Theology.
22067: HENDRY, GEORGE S. - The Gospel of the Incarnation.
11172: HENDY, PHILIP. - The National Gallery London.
39036: HENDY, PHYLLIS M. - "Hold The Torch High". St Osyth and The Great War.
806: HENDY, PHILIP. - Spanish Painting. With 38 plates in colour and monochrome.
40131: HENGEL, MARTIN. - Earliest Christianity.
23072: HENKE, PAUL. - A Million Tears.
3258: HENLEY, WILLIAM ERNEST AND WHIBLEY, CHARLES.(EDITORS). - A Book of English Prose. Character and Incident 1387-1649.
30763: HENLING WADE, TOM. - 100 Years in China.
15351: HENNELL, MICHAEL. - Sons of the Prophets. Evangelical Leaders of the Victorian Church.
30371: HENNEMAN, JOHN BELL. - Royal Taxation in Fourteenth Century France. The Development of War Financing 1322-1356.
11540: HENNESSY, NANCY, WHITE, CAROL & LARK, JOAN ( DIRECTED BY PIERRE BABIN) - Friendship. Teaching Units for the Religious Education of Adolescents.
45835: HENNIKER, JOHN. - Painful Extractions. Looking Back at a Personal Journey.
43304: HENNING, PAUL . - Who Killed Cock Robin ? : An Old Story Re-Told In Modern Colour Photography By Paul Henning .
25221: HENRICSON, CLEM. - Crime and the Family. Conference Report. Proceedings of an international conference held in London, 3rd February 1994.
23751: HENRIQUES, ROBERT. - Captain Smith and Company.
16690: HENRY, I.C. AND PASHLEY, GLEN. - Community Ethics and Health Care Research.
5150: MCKEATING HENRY. - God and the Future.
48008: HENRY, STUART & VON JOEL, MIKE. - Pirate Radio : Then and Now.
4951: HENRY, CARL F.H.(EDITOR). - Revelation and the Bible. Contemporary Evangelical Thought.
27143: HENRY, A.M. - A Mission Theology. (Translated by Albert J. LaMothe.)
33854: HENRY, STELLA VITTY. - Better Than Riches. A Story of Family Possessions.
4622: MCKEATING HENRY. - God and the Future.
9407: HENRY, REV. JOHN P. - These Forty Days.
17976: HENSMAN, C.R. - China. Yellow Peril? Red Hope?
11582: HENSMAN, C.R. - Sun Yat-sen.
44348: HENSON, CANON EDWIN. - The English College at Madrid. 1611-1767. (Catholic Record Society Vol.29).
49474: HENSON, DONALD. - The Origins of the Anglo-Saxons.
44349: HENSON, CANON EDWIN. - Registers of the English College at Valladolid 1589-1862. (Catholic Record Society Vol.30).
24740: HENWOOD, MELANIE, RIMMER, LESLEY AND WICKS, MALCOLM. - Inside the Family: Changing Roles of Men & Women.
47123: HEPBURNE-SCOTT, PATRICK (TRANSLATOR). - A Manual for Novice Mistresses. (Religious Life IX).
812: HEPHER, CYRIL. - The Re-Evangelisation of England. Being studies in Religious Reconstruction.
46563: HEPWORTH, JANET. - Legends of the Flowers. (With Woodcut Illustrations by W.R,H.Johnson).
31047: HEPWORTH, PHILIP. - Victorian and Edwardian Norfolk from Old Photographs.
45545: HEPWORTH, THOMAS CRADOCK. - The Book of the Lantern.
46703: HERALDRY. - The Manual of Heraldry Being a Concise Description of the Several Terms Used, and Containing a Dictionary of Every Designation in the Science.
5834: HERBERT,CHRISTOPHER. - Alive to God. 36 sessions for youth & confirmation groups.
7465: HERBERT, CHRISTOPHER. (COMPILER). - Be Thou my Vision. A Diary of Prayer.
6544: HERBERT, ROY. - Introducing Anglican Beliefs.
10127: HERBERT, W.L., M.A., & JARVIS, F.V., D.P.A. - Marriage Counselling in the Community.
7602: HERBERT, CHRISTOPHER. (COMPILED BY). - Be Thou My Vision. A Diary of Prayer.
40865: HERBERT, T.E. - Telegraphy: A Detailed Exposition of the Telegraph System of the British Post Office. (With 509 illustrations).
18283: HERBERT, CHRISTOPHER. - The Edge of Wonder. Readings and Prayers for Children.
40128: HERBERT, VALERIE. (EDITOR). - The Painter, The Princess and The Statue. Celebrating One Hundred Years of Gainsborough on Sudbury's Market Hill.
43745: HERBERT, RUSSELL. - Living Hope: A Practical Theology of Hope for the Dying.
49935: HERBERT, DAVID. (EDITOR). - The Penguin Book of Narrative Verse.
41807: HERBERT, GEORGE. - The Country Parson, The Temple. (Edited by John N.Wall, Jr).
35089: HERBERT, VALERIE & SMITH, SHIRLEY . FOREWORD BY BLYTHE, RONALD. - No Glorious Dead: The Impact of War on Sudbury, a Suffolk Market Town. (Valerie Herbert & Shirley Smith).
8390: HERBERT, GABRIEL. - When Israel Came out of Egypt.
26476: HERCUS, JOHN. - More Pages from God's Case-book.
48130: HERGE. - Anturiaethau Tintin. Trysor Rackham Goch. [Herge's Adventures of Tintin : Red Rackham's Treasure in Welsh].
49831: HERGE. - Die Haaie van die Rooi See. [The Red Sea Sharks].
5835: HERKLOTS, H.G.G. - Operation Firm Faith for Christ and His Church. A Practical Handbook.
27703: HERKLOTS, H.G.G. - The Teaching of Church History.
19792: HERKLOTS, H.G.G. - The Gospel in a World of Conflict.
14122: HERKLOTS, H.G.G. - Looking at Evanston: A Study of the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Evanston, Illinois.
5728: HERKLOTS, H. G. G. - Operation Firm Faith. For Christ and his Church.
814: HERKLOTS, H.G.G. - Publicans and sinners. A study of the ministry of Jesus.
19793: HERMAN, NINI. - Why Psychotherapy?
47822: HERODOTUS / SELINCOURT, AUBREY DE. (TRANSLATOR). - Tales from Herodotus. As Featured in The English Patient.
43485: HERON-ALLEN, ED. - Violin-Making, As It Was, And Is. Historical, Theoretical, and Practical Treatise on the Science and Art of Violin-Making, for the Use of Violin Makers and Players, Amateur and Professional.
35866: HERON, ALASDAIR I.C. - A Century of Protestant Theology.
20493: HERRICK, VANESSA AND MANN, IVAN. - Jesus Wept. Reflections on Vulnerability in Leadership.
42442: HERRICK, VANESSA. - Take Up Your Cross. Daily Readings for Lent.
50635: HERRING, I.J. - History of Ireland.
35049: HERRMANN, WILHELM. - Faith and Morals. (Translated from the German by Donald Matheson and Robert W. Stewart).
3842: HERTZ, DR J.H. (THE CHIEF RABBI). - A Book of Jewish Thoughts. Selected & Arranged.
22872: HERTZBERG, H.W. - I & II Samuel. A Commentary. (Translated from the German by J.S. Bowden.)
29685: HERTZBERG, H.W. - I & II Samuel: A Commentary. (Translated by John Bowden from the German.)
48466: HERVEY, SYDENHAM HENRY AUGUSTUS (1846- ) - Suffolk in 1327. Being a Subsidy Return - Suffolk Green Books. No. IX. Vol. 11.
48465: HERVEY, SYDENHAM HENRY AUGUSTUS (1846- ) - Suffolk in 1674. Being The Hearth Tax Returns - Suffolk Green Books. No. XI. Vol. 13.
44829: HERVEY, LORD FRANCIS. (EDITED AND PREFACE BY). - Corolla Sancti Eadmundi. The Garland of Saint Edmund King and Martyr.
5889: HERVEY, LORD FRANCIS (EDITOR) / REYCE, ROBERT . - Suffolk In The XVII th. Century. The Breviary Of Suffolk By Robert Reyce, 1618 Now Published For The First Time From The MS In The British Museum .
7349: HERZOG, CHAIM AND GICHON, MORDECHAI. - Battles of the Bible.
50775: HESKETH-PRITCHARD, MAJOR H. ( MAJOR HESKETH HESKETH-PRITCHARD 1876-1922) . - Sniping in France. With Notes on the Scientific Training Of Scouts, Observers and Snipers. With a foreword by General Lord Horne of Stirkoke.
33028: HESLEWOOD, JULIET. - Tales of Sea and Shore.
32075: HESLOP, WILLIAM G. - Gems from Genesis. An Outlined Study.
9117: HESS, J. DANIEL. - Ethics in Business and Labor.
28123: HESSE, HERMANN. - Il Piacere dell'ozio. A cura di Paola Sorge.
45714: HESSING, SIEGFRIED. (EDITOR). - Speculum Spinozanum 1677-1977.
21908: HESSION, ROY. - We Would See Jesus.
9612: HETTLINGER, RICHARD. - Living with Sex. The students dilemma.
3254: HEURTLEY, REV. CHARLES A. - On Faith and the Creed: Dogmatic Teaching of the Church of the Fourth and Fifth Centuries: Being a translation of the several Treatises contained in the Compilation entitled De Fide et Symbolo.
9203: VAN DEN HEUVEL, ALBERT. - These Rebellious Powers.
20027: HEWARD, ELISABETH. - According to the Scriptures & And Ye Are Witnesses.
40802: HEWARD, CONSTANCE.(WORDS)/ GOVEY, LILIAN A. (PICTURES). - Grandpa and the Tiger.
23372: HEWAT, ELIZABETH G.K. - Thine Own Secret Stair. Suggestions for a Month's Private Prayer.
24482: HEWETSON, DAVID. - The Price of Conviction. 1 Peter 1 to 5.
48127: HEWETT, CECIL A.. - English Historic Carpentry.
24978: HEWETT, JOHN H. - After Suicide. (Christian Care No.4).
10210: HEWITT, GORDON. - To Frame the Heart.
26196: HEWITT, GARTH. - Pilgrims and Peacemakers. A Journey through Lent towards Jerusalem.
26197: HEWITT, GORDON. - Nothing Can Stop it Now. Frank Laubach and World Literacy.
36193: HEWITT, A. R. - Bi-Centenary, 1766-1966. Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England. Especial Convocation 1st July, 1966.
4731: HEWITT, GORDON. (EDITOR). - Strategist for the Spirit. Leslie Hunter, Bishop of Sheffield 1939-1962.
41196: HEWITT, C.G. - House-Flies and How They Spread Disease.
3472: HEWITT, GORDON. - A History of the Diocese of Chelmsford.
8311: HEWITT, GORDON. - The Problems of Success. A History of the Church Missionary Society. 1910-1942. Volume 1. In Tropical Africa.The Middle East. At Home. Volume 2.Asia. Overseas Partners.
29503: HEWLETT-PARSONS, J. - Herbs Health and Healing.
16036: HEXTER, J.H. - The Judaeo - Christian Tradition.
16508: HEXTON, RICHARD. - Technical Analysis in the UK Options Market.
6730: DEN HEYER, C.J. - Jesus Matters. 150 Years of Research. Trans. by John Bowden.
49312: HEYER, GEORGETTE. - Death in the Stocks.
47811: HEYM, STEFAN. - The Architects.
46481: HEYWOOD, JOHN (1497-1580) / FARMER, JOHN S. (EDITOR) . - Tudor Facsimile Texts - The Pardoner and the frere, the curate and neybour Pratte [By John Heywood]. Date of the Earliest Known Edition, 1533 [Pepys Collection, Magdalene College, Cambridge]. Reproduced in Facsimile, 1909 .
3234: HEYWOOD,BERNARD.(BISHOP OF ELY). - This is our Faith. An explanation of the Articles of the Christian Faith as contained in the Apostles Creed.
15891: HIBBERT, CHRISTOPHER. - Cavaliers and Roundheads. The English at War 1642-1649.
13664: HIBBINS, SUSAN. - A Continuing Faith. The 2000 Methodist Companion.
46366: HIBBS, JOHN. - A Country Busman.
28263: HICHENS, ARTHUR J. - I'll Speak Your Language. Religion on a Bomber Station.
16037: HICHENS, PHOEBE. - Wine Man's Bluff. (Pocket Guide).
6741: HICK, JOHN. - The Metaphor of God Incarnate.
27332: HICK, JOHN. - God Has Many Names: Britain's New Religious Pluralism.
13340: HICK, JOHN. - The Centre of Christianity.
8833: HICK, JOHN. - God and the Universe of Faiths.
9879: HICKINBOTHAM, J.P. - The Open Table. Christian Hospitality at the Lord's Supper.
821: HICKS, F.C.N. - The Fullness of Sacrifice. An essay in Reconciliation.
44701: HIGFORD, WILLIAM (1581?–1657) . - Institutions: Or, Advice To His Grandson. In Three Parts. By William Higford, Esq.
16319: HIGGINS, JOHN, S. - The General Thanksgiving. Some Thoughts To-day.
4131: HIGGINS, A. J. B. - The Lord's Supper in the New Testament. Studies in Biblical Theology. No.6.
24483: HIGGINSON, RICHARD. - Reply to Warnock. (Grove Ethics No63).
6127: HIGHAM, MAUD M. COLLECTED AND EDITED BY. - Torches for Teachers.
14844: HIGHAM, CHARLES. - Brando. The Unauthorized Biography.
13447: HIGHAM, FLORENCE. - Southwark Story. Foreword by The Very Rev. H.E. Ashdown, M.A.
5467: HIGHAM, FLORENCE M.G. - Lord Shaftesbury. A Portrait.
41508: HIGHAM, CHARLES FREDERICK. - Scientific Distribution.
19674: HILDRED, STAFFORD, & EWBANK, TIM. - David Jason. The Biography.
20116: HILGENDORF, F. W. - New Zealand Practical Handbooks: Pasture Plants And Pastures Of New Zealand.
22873: HILL, J. REGINALD, & HARDING-WOOD, G.R. - God and the Children. A Handbook for all who love the young and desire to win them for Christ.
21670: HILL, ROWLAND E. - I Believe and Trust. A Parish study course with points for discussion.
10211: HILL, DAVID. - The Gospel of Matthew. (The New Century Bible Commentary).
11892: HILL, WINFRED F. - Learning. A Survey of Psychological Interpretations.
28509: HILL, CHRISTOPHER. - The Letters of Peter.
11741: HILL, REGINALD. - An Advancement of Learning (A Dalziel and Pascoe Novel).
15059: HILL, MICHAEL. - A Society of Religion.
15060: HILL,CLIFFORD. - Tell My People I Love Them.
6700: HILL, BRIAN. - Pleasure Garden. An Anthology of Prose and Verse.
50841: HILL, LYNN. - Climbing Free. My Life in the Vertical World.
35362: HILL, CLIFFORD. - Shaking the Nations. A Future and a Hope.
30040: HILL, REV. ROWLEY.(BISHOP OF SODOR AND MAN). - Sunday School Lessons Explaining and Illustrating the Subject of the Collects.
6993: HILL, CLIFFORD S. - How Colour Prejudiced is Britain?
29276: HILL, JIMMY. - Striking for Soccer.
35342: HILL, PAT. - Spuddy II: The Potatoes Are Back.
43567: HILL, GEORGE. - A View of the Constitution of the Church of Scotland.
29687: HILL, CHRISTOPHER. - A Tinker and a Poor Man: John Bunyan and His Church, 1628-1688.
35389: HILL, CHRISTOPHER. - Flowers in the Cities. The Extraordinary 'Diana Prophecy'.
8160: HILL, CHRISTOPHER. - Oliver Cromwell. 1658-1958.
47738: HILLIAM, B.C. - Flotsam's Follies. The Autobiography of B.C.Hilliam. "Flotsam".
27074: HILLIARD, REV. DICK AND VALENTI-HILLIARD, BEVERLY. - Come and Celebrate. More Center Celebrations.
7047: HILLIARD, F.H. - How Men Worship.
27499: HILLIS, DON W. - Get with it Man. For Teens with Get-up-and-Go and When God Calls the Signals.
28040: HILLMAN, PETER. - How Does Your Garden Grow?
44059: HILLMER, NORMAN & WIGLEY, PHILIP. - The First British Commonwealth. Essays in Honour of Nicholas Mansergh.
50655: HILLS, ALFRED. - Tales of Bocking.
43170: HILLS, GEORGE. - Latin America and Communism.
43076: HILLS, ALFRED . - Dr. E. G. Varenne (1811-1887), Of Kelvedon, Botanist: Some Local Anecdotes and Reminiscences. By Alfred Hills, M.A. With Illustrations. Reprinted from "The Essex Naturalist," vol. xviii., 1918 .
9031: HILLS, HILDA CHERRY. - Good Food, Gluten Free. Foreword by Dr. Jean A. Monro.
46996: HILTON, WALTER / DALGAIRNS, REV. J.B. - The Scale (or Ladder) of Perfection.
18284: HILTON, DONALD. - Fresh Voices. An Anthology of Poetry and Prose by children and young people and offering resource material for Christian Education and Worship.
30977: HILTON, DONALD. (COMPILER). - Sounds of Fury.
27231: HILTON, DONALD H. - Words to Share. An Anthology of Poetry and Prose for use in Christian Education and Worship.
25708: HILTON, WALTER. - The Ladder of Perfection. (A New Translation by Leo Sherley-Price).
50896: HINCHCLIFFE, PHILIP. - Doctor Who and the Seeds of Doom.
18818: HINCHLIFF, PETER. - History, Tradition and Change. Church History and the Development of Doctrine. (Affirming Catholicism Series).
7466: HINCHLIFF PETER, & YOUNG, DAVID. - The Human Potential. Christian faith as an approach to the everyday reality of this world.
7049: HINCHLIFF, PETER. - Holiness and Politics.
28645: HIND, C. LEWIS. - 100 Best Prayers.
17977: HINDE, JOHN. - Outward Bound Trail Walker's Handbook.
11632: HINDE, THOMAS. - A Field Guide to The English Country Parson. Illustd. by Maggie Colwell & Jacquie Govier.
41024: HINDELL, KEITH. - A Gilded Vagabond.
49174: HINE, REGINALD L. (EDITOR). - The Natural History of the Hitchin Region.
42020: HINES, SALLY. - Good Manners in a Nutshell.
8902: HINN, BENNY. - This is Your Day for a Miracle.
11040: HINNEBUSCH, PAUL. - Community in the Lord.
20342: HINNELLS, JOHN R. - A Handbook of Living Religions.
9287: HINNELLS, JOHN R. (EDITOR). - The Penguin Dictionary of Religions.
5731: HINTON, JOHN. - Dying.
30415: HINTON, D., & NEWELL, D. - Going on for God: 1. Milestones in the Christian life. 2. Questions Young People Ask.
11675: HIRD, THORA. AND GORT, ELIZABETH. - Praise Be. Notebook.
41541: HIRMER, OSWALD AND LOBINGER, FRITZ. (COMPILERS). - The Sunday Reader's Lectionary for Lay Ministers.
31029: HIRO, DILIP. - Desert Shield to Desert Storm: The Second Gulf War.
34116: HIRST, SHEILAH H. - Dog Doggerels. Verses and Pictures.
43176: HIRST, MARGARET E. - The Quakers in Peace and War. An Account of Their Peace Principles and Practice.
17327: HISCOX, EDWARD T. - Principles and Practices for Baptist Churches.
34895: HISCOX, RHODA. - Eager to Learn: A Review of Christian Adult Learning Materials.
50572: HISSEY, JAMES JOHN - Untravelled England by James John Hissey. With Twenty-Four Full-Page Illustrations .
50571: HISSEY, JAMES JOHN - The Charm Of The Road by James John Hissey. With Twenty-Eight Full-Page Illustrations And A Map .
50536: HISSEY, JAMES JOHN - A Leisurely Tour In England by James John Hissey. With Thirty Full-Page Illustrations (and four smaller ones) From Drawings And Photographs By The Author, Also A Map .
50461: HISSEY, JAMES JOHN . - On The Box Seat From London to Land's End / Through Ten English Counties / A Tour In A Phaeton Through the Eastern Counties.
50539: HISSEY, JAMES JOHN . - An English Holiday With Car And Camera by James John Hissey. With Twenty-Eight Full-Page Illustrations And A Map Of The Route.
50651: HISSEY, JAMES JOHN . - A Drive Through England Or A Thousand Miles of Road Travel By James John Hissey, With Twenty Full-page Illustrations By The Author .
50538: HISSEY, JAMES JOHN . - The Road And The Inn by James John Hissey. With Thirty-Two Full-Page Illustrations From Drawings And Photographs By The Author, Also A Map .
39654: HITT, RUSSELL T. - Jungle Pilot: The Life and Witness of Nate Saint.
16574: HITZ, P. - To Preach the Gospel. (Translated by Rosemary Sheed).
43041: HIXON IRVING, J. - The Golden Bells and the Golden Crown. Or "The Garments for Glory and for Beauty" Worn by Israel's High Priest.
29860: HJALMARSON, BIRGITTA. - Artful Players: Artistic Life in Early San Francisco.
21257: HMSO. - Assessment, Recording and Reporting. A Report by HM Inspectorate on the First Year 1989-90.
25222: HMSO. - Prisons and the Prisoner. The Work of the Prison Service in England and Wales.
46707: MILITARY BOOK - L. L. HOARE . - Handbook for Derricks, Sheers, and Holdfasts, 1898 .
33816: HOARE, PETER. - Epilepsy and the Family: A Medical Symposium on New Approaches to Family Care.
49247: HOBAN, RUSSELL. - Harvey's Hideout. (Illustrated by Lillian Hoban).
2190: HOBART, ALICE TISDALE. - The Serpent-Wreathed staff.
34964: HOBART, HONOURABLE MRS. CHARLES [FORMERLY LUCY PAULINE WRIGHT ] . - The Star And The Cloud. By The Honble. Mrs. Charles Hobart, Author Of "The Changed Cross." With Illustrations By H. I. A. Miles.
21796: HOBBS, MAURICE. - Better will Come. A Pastoral Response to Institutional Racism in British Churches. (Grove Pastoral No.48).
38529: HOBBS, J.W. - Masonic Speech Making.
31463: HOBE, PHYLLIS. - When Love Isn't Easy.
27500: HOBHOUSE, STEPHEN. - Christ and Our Enemies.
43161: HOBHOUSE, STEPHEN. - William Law and Eighteenth Century Quakerism.
47399: HOBKIRK, CHAS P. - Huddersfield: Its History and Natural History.
26198: HOBMAN, DAVID. - A Guide to Voluntary Service.
6856: HOBMAN, DAVID. - Who Cares? A guide to voluntary and full-time social work.
26478: HOBSON, ALAN. - Full Circle. Shakespeare and Moral Development.
14730: HOBSON, HAROLD. - Verdict at Midnight. Sixty Years of Dramatic Criticism.
28450: HOBSON, NEVILLE. - A Treasury of Inspiration.
45722: HOBSON, J.A. - John Ruskin. Social Reformer.
9880: HOBSON, PETER. - A Voice in the City. Worship for Urban People. Illustd. by Neil Pinchbeck.
9410: HOCH, DORATHEE. - Healing and Salvation.
17183: HOCKEN, PETER. - One Lord One Spirit One Body. Ecumenical Grace of the Charismatic Movement.
5733: HOCKEN, PETER. - You He Made Alive. A total Christian view of prayer, communal, individual and with special reference to the work of the Spirit in prayer groups.
13540: HOCKING, MICHAEL. - A Handbook of Pastoral Work.
6620: HOCKING, W.J. - The Institution and Observance of the Lord's Supper. Two Addresses.
7280: HOCKING, MARY. - Good Daughters.
43589: HOCKING, SILAS K. - The Day Of Recompense By Silas K. Hocking With Original Illustrations By A. Twidle .
15892: HODD, CANON H.N. - Before His Face. The Laity and the next stage in Christian Stewardship.
43045: HODDER, EDWIN. - The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G. as Social Reformer.
12532: HODES, AUBREY. - Encounter with Martin Buber.
13812: HODGE, F. VERE. - A Handbook for the Newly Ordained and Other Clergy. Practical Hints and Information for Church of England Clergy.
9986: HODGE, A.A. - Evangelical Theology. A Course of Popular Lectures.
27777: HODGES, J.P. - The Influence and Implications of the Reformation. (Foreword by the Rev. V.F. Storr.)
27333: HODGES, C. WALTER. - The Battlement Garden. Britain from the Wars of the Roses to the Age of Shakespeare.
824: HODGES, H.A. - The Pattern of Atonement.
14697: HODGETTS, COLIN. - Exploring Worship. A Group Study Guide.
45951: HODGKIN, MARY . [ WITH SIGNED LETTER FROM THE AUTHOR ] - A Diary for the Thankful Hearted .
19047: HODGKINSON, LIZ. - Spiritual Healing. Everything you want to know.
16745: HODGSON, LEONARD. - Eugenics.
19798: HODGSON, JOAN. - Why on Earth. An Introduction to the Ancient Wisdom through White Eagle's teaching.
3178: HODGSON, LEONARD. - For Faith and Freedom. Gifford Lectures in the University of Glasgow. Vol.II Christian Theology.
26815: HODGSON, LEONARD ETAL. - On the Authority of the Bible. Some Recent Stories.
48286: HODGSON, AILEEN M AND HODGETTS, MICHAEL. - Little Malvern Letters. I. 1482-1737.
7710: HODGSON, LEONARD. - Sex and Christian Freedom - An Enquiry.
34938: HODGSON, STUART. - Portraits and Reflections.
26658: HODGSON, LEONARD. - Church and Sacraments in Divided Christendom.
31461: HODGSON, T.R.B. - Saying the Services.
13912: HODKIN, HEDLEY. - The Saving Name.
28884: HODKIN, HEDLEY. - Five Finger. A Study of Christian Prayer.
45509: HODSON, WILLIAM WALTER / SPERLING, CHARLES AND DENNE, FREDERICK. - A Short History of the Borough of Sudbury...Compiled from Materials Collected by W.W.Hodson, by C.F.D.Sperling. [With Illustrations].
46959: HODSON, W. W. [ WILLIAM WALTER HODSON ] . - A Handbook & Guide To Sudbury, By W. W. Hodson.
45486: HODSON, WILLIAM WALTER . - The Meeting House And The Manse. Or, The Story Of the Independents Of Sudbury. By Walter Walter Hodson .
49031: HODSON, W. W. [ WILLIAM WALTER HODSON ] . - A Handbook & Guide To Sudbury, By W. W. Hodson.
44150: HODSON, GEOFFREY (1886-1983) . - Concealed Wisdom in World Mythology. Illustrated .
9788: HOEKEMA, ANTHONY A. - Seventh-day Adventism.
50531: HOELING, A.A. - Who Destroyed the Hindenburg?
50540: HOEVER, OTTO ( 1889-1963 ) . - An Encyclopaedia of Ironwork: Examples of Hand Wrought Ironwork from the Middle Ages to the End of the 18th Century With An Historical Introduction By Otto Hoever .
16320: HOFFMAN, GEORGE. - Let's be Positive.
32244: HOFFMAN, MICHAEL J. AND MURPHY, PATRICK D. - Essentials of the Theory of Fiction. (Second edition).
46627: HOFFMAN, ROSS J.S. - Edmund Burke: New York Agent. With his Letters to the New York Assembly and Intimate Correspondence with Charles O'Hara 1761-1776.
47530: HOFFMANN, FRIEDRICH 1660-1742. - Frederici Hoffmanni Consiliarii Medici Et Professoris Regii Nec Tomus Primus: Quo philosophia corporis humani vivi et sani ex solidis physico-mechanicis et anatomicis principiis methodo plane domonstrativa ...
24204: HOFINGER, JOHANNES. (EDITOR.) - Teaching All Nations. A Symposium on Modern Catechetics. (English version revised and partly translated by Clifford Howell.)
25565: HOFMAN, JAROSLAV. - A Concise Guide in Colour: Ornamental Shrubs. (Illustrated Jirina Kaplicka.) Trans. by Olga Kuthanova.
34682: HOFMANN, WERNER. - Hundertwasser.
12694: HOGAN, J.P. - One Man's Joy.
19238: HOGBEN, ROWLAND. - Vocation.
31052: HOGG, BILL. - Bill Hogg's Most Excellent Guide to Praying.
35863: HOGG, DR JAMES.(EDITOR). - Poems Sacred and Profane: A Welsh Novice Monk -D.M.De Silva; Harwig A. Vogelsberger; With Three Essays by William Oxley.
43968: D'HOLBACH, BARON PAUL TIRY. / HUNWICK, ANDREW (EDITOR). - Ecce Homo! An Eighteenth Century Life of Jesus. (Critical edition and Revision of George Houston's Translation from the French).
827: HOLBROOK, FLORENCE. - The Hiawatha Primer.
42195: HOLD, TREVOR. - Parry to Finzi. Twenty English Song-Composers.
10483: HOLDREN, SHIRLEY & SUSAN. - Why God Gave Me Pain.
42034: HOLDSWORTH, L. V. [ LUCY VIOLET HODGKIN, LATER HOLDSWORTH, 1869–1954 ] . - The Romance Of The Inward Light by L. V. Holdsworth. with six drawings by G. E. Chambers.
50500: HOLE, CHRISTINA. - Witchcraft in England. (Illustrated by Mervyn Peake).
37431: HOLE, CHARLES. - A Manual of the Book of Common Prayer, showing its History and Contents, for the use of those studying for Holy Orders and others.
50341: HOLGATE, DAVID. - New Hall.
45815: HOLLAND, THORA. - A Tale of Discovery. A Christian Approach to Sex for Children.
8154: HOLLAND, H.S. - On Behalf of Belief. Sermons preached in S.Paul's Cathedral.
32488: HOLLANDER, NEIL AND MERTES, HARALD. - The Cook is the Captain. (Graphics by Putty Koehler).
47670: HOLLEDGE, JULIE. - Innocent Flowers. Women in the Edwardian Theatre.
43240: HOLLEY, RAYMOND. - Who Am I? What does it mean to be a person?
27501: HOLLINGS, MICHAEL. - Hey, You!
28301: HOLLINGS, GEORGE SEYMOUR. - Porta Regalis or Considerations on Prayer.
22468: HOLLINGS, MICHAEL AND GULLICK, ETTA. - You Must be Joking Lord. New Prayers.
32114: HOLLINGS, MICHAEL. - Alive to Death: Thoughts on Suffering, Death and Mourning.
4342: HOLLINGS, MICHAEL. - Christ died at Notting Hill.
9032: HOLLINGS, MICHAEL. - Go in Peace.
48044: HOLLINGSWORTH, REV. A.G.H / DURRANT, MIKE. (EDITOR). - The History of Stowmarket. (2002 Edition).
27896: HOLLIS, LEONARD. - Roses. The Cultivation of the Rose.
27897: HOLLIS, LEONARD. (EDITOR). - Roses. A Selected List of Varieties.
29506: HOLLIS, GERTRUDE. - How the Prayer Book Came to Us. A History for Young People.
3539: HOLLIS, GERTRUDE. - The Land Where Jesus Lived.
46769: HOLLIS, GERTRUDE. - Our Wonderful Prayer Book.
15436: HOLLOWAY, DAVID. - Church and State in the New Millennium. Issues of Belief and Morality for the 21st Century.
5342: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD. - A New Heaven.
6948: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD. - Godless Morality. Keeping Religion out of Ethics.
5527: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD. - The Stranger in the Wings. Affirming Faith in a God of Surprises.
13341: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD. & AVERY, BRICE. - Churches and How to Survive Them.
25470: HOLLOWAY, DAVID. - A Nation Under God.
4729: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD. (FOREWORD BY THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY). - The Killing: Meditations on the Death of Christ.
6621: HOLLOWAY, DAVID. - The Church of England. Where is it Going?
11366: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD. - Crossfire. Faith and Doubt in an Age of Certainty.
17468: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD. - The Killing. Meditations on the Death of Christ.
13726: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD. - Let God Arise.
32297: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD.(EDITOR). - The Divine Risk.
39751: HOLLOWAY, WILLIAM . - A General Dictionary of Provincialisms, written with a view to rescue from oblivion the fast fading relics of by-gone days. By William Holloway .
8677: HOLLOWAY, RICHARD. - The Way of the Cross. Foreword by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
24872: HOLLOWOOD, BERNARD. - Tory Story. Living with Labour and Liberal Outlook. (Illustrated by Mahood.)
18820: HOLM, JEAN. - Teaching Religion in School.
50373: HOLMAN, WILLIAM / GIBBONS, T. G. (EDITOR) . - Holman's Halstead Being Historical Notes Arranged By William Holman. Prepared For The Press By T. G. Gibbons. Sometime Vicar Of Halstead .
43623: HOLMBOE, VAGN. - Experiencing Music. A Composer's Notes. (Musicians on Music No.5).
16691: HOLME, ANTHEA AND MAIZELS, JOAN. - Social Workers and Volunteers.
6289: HOLMES, EVELINE. - Friendship. A Guide to Problems of Human Relationships.
48038: HOLMES, DAVID. - An Inglorious Affair. A Decade of Dissent Among Suffolk Nonconformists.
14927: HOLMES, ARTHUR F. - Basic Truths for New Converts. Leaders Guide for an Elective Course.
11173: HOLMES, GEORGE. - The Later Middle Ages. 1272-1485.
21912: HOLMES, NIGEL. - Looking for God. The Triangle Pocket Lent Book.
22162: HOLMES, GEOFFREY. - Religion and Party in Late Stuart England.
15652: HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL. - The Complete Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes.
45066: HOLMES, CLIVE. (EDITOR). - The Suffolk Committees for Scandalous Ministers 1644-1646.
8104: HOLMGREN, FREDRICK CARLSON. - Israel Alive Again. Ezra and Nehemiah.
16321: HOLROYDE, PEGGY ET AL. - East Comes West. A Background to some Asian Faiths.
49393: HOLT, FAYE REINEBERG. - Threshing. The Early Years of Harvesting.
11556: HOLT, B.S. - Looking for Meaning. A Book of School Assemblies.
35274: HOLT, DAVID AND ROBINSON, WENDY. - Dreamwork and Prayer. (Guild of Pastoral Psychology Lecture No.194).
9613: HOLT, JOHN. - How Children Learn.
50177: HOLZER, HANS. - Beyond Medicine. The Facts about Unorthodox and Psychic Healing.
21913: HOM, KEN. - Ken Hom's Cookery Course.
49058: HOMAN, HELEN WALKER. - Saint Therese and the Roses. (Illustrated by George W. Thompson).
49138: HONEYCUTT, BRAD. - The Art of Deception. Illusions to Challenge the Eye and the Mind.
15849: HONORARY FELLOW OF LADY MARGARET HALL, OXFORD. - After This Manner. Devotions from the Holy Bible and the Book of Common Prayer after the Manner of the Lord's Prayer. Volume 2: Oblation and Communion.
27825: HOOD, THOMAS . - Poems By Thomas Hood .
50601: HOOD, THOMAS, 1799-1845 / DORE, GUSTAVE 1832-1883. - Select Poems Of Thomas Hood. With Illustrations by Gustave Dore.
32905: HOOD, GEORGE. - Pilgrims in Mission: Celebrating 150 Years of the English Presbyterian Mission.
48012: HOOGHT, EVERADO VAN DER . EDITIO NOVA, RECOGNITA, ET EMENDATA, A JUDAH D'ALLEMAND. - Biblia Hebraica, Secundum Ultimam Editionem Jos. Athiae, A Joanne Leusden Denuo Recognitam, Recensita, Atque Ad Masoram, Et Correctiores, Bombergi, Stephani, Plantini, Aliorumque Editiones, Exquisite Adornata, Variisque Notis Illustrata, ...
19974: HOOK, ALFRED. - The Universal Mind. A Study in Psychology and Religion.
11316: HOOK, NORMAN. - Holy is His Name. Studies in the Problem of Evil.
6461: HOOK, NORMAN. - The Eucharist in the New Testament.
37478: HOOK, DONALD D. - The Plight of the Church Traditionalist: A Last Apology.
30468: HOOKE, S.H. - Prophets and Priests. (Interpreter Series. Vol III).
10616: HOOKE, S.H. - Alpha and Omega. A Study in the Pattern of Revelation.
8739: HOOKE, S.H. - The Siege Perilous. Essays in Biblical Anthropology and Kindred subjects.
31061: HOOKER, JEREMY. - Master of the Leaping Figures.
5735: HOOKER, MORNA. - Studying the New Testament.
16130: HOOKER, MORNA D. - Pauline Pieces.
21671: HOOPER, RICHARD. - Colour in Britain. (Based on a BBC radio series).
26199: HOOPER, JOHN AND PAPWORTH, DAVID. - My Life in Christ.
47000: HOPE, MARY. - Towards Evening.
6546: HOPE, DAVID. (EDITED BY). - Freedom for Growth. A Journey Through the Church's Year.
26659: HOPE. - Euthanasia: Doctor's Duty? Patient's Right?
32185: HOPE, ARCHBISHOP DAVID. - Signs of Hope.
4730: HOPE, DAVID. (FOREWORD BY LORD RUNCIE.) - Living the Gospel.
46637: HOPE, W. H. ST. JOHN (WILLIAM HENRY ST. JOHN) SIR 1854-1919 / BILSON, JOHN / THORESBY SOCIETY . - Thoresby Society Vol. XVI. - Architectural Description Of Kirkstall Abbey, By W. H. St. John Hope, M.A. Assistant Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries, and John Bilson, F.S.A. membre du Comite d'honneur de la Societe francaise d'archeologie.
34371: HOPE, ELIZABETH. - My Lady's Bargain.
8678: HOPE, DAVID. - Friendship with God. Foreword by Archbishop of Canterbury.
23075: HOPKINS, HUGH EVAN. - Understanding Ourselves. How to cope with Fear, Depression, Anxiety and Doubt.
23628: HOPKINS, HUGH EVAN. - The Mystery of Suffering.
25829: HOPKINS, R. THURSTON. - Cornwall.
30892: HOPKINS, C.HOWARD. - John R.Mott. 1865-1955. A Biography.
39551: HOPKINS, JUNE. - Perspectives on Rape and Sexual Assault.
841: HOPKINS, L H C. - The Layman's Guide to Pastoral Theology.
14928: HOPKINSON, STEPHAN. - Creator Spirit.
3312: HOPKINSON, A.STEPHAN. - God at Work. The Working World and the Kingdom of God.
49300: HOPLEY, GEORGE. [PSEUD. CORNELL WOOLRICH]. - Night Has a Thousand Eyes.
49927: HOPLEY, GEORGE. [PSEUD. CORNELL WOOLRICH]. - Night has a Thousand Eyes.
48039: HOPPER, ANDREW. - The World of John Secker 1716-95. Quaker Mariner.
11342: HOPPER, STANLEY ROMAINE. - The Crisis of Faith.
50067: HOPPER, PETER. - Suffolk's Historic Farms.
28891: HOPWOOD, DAVE. - A Fistful of Sketches.
842: HORMANN, KARL. - An Introduction to Moral Theology. A layman's guide to Principles and Practice in Modern life. (Translated by Edward Quinn).
12875: HORN, ROBERT, M. - The Book That Speaks For Itself.
49673: HORN, BOB. - Making Sense of Living as a Christian.
25917: HORN, ELIZABETH. - Wildflowers. The Pacific Coast.
22695: HORN, ROBERT M. - Go Free! How God acquits us through Jesus Christ.
17471: HORNE, BRIAN. - A Word to Gain. Incarnation and the Hope of Renewal.
50734: HORNE, GEORGE - 19TH CENTURY MINIATURE BOOK . - Psalm CXXVI. With A Commentary By George Horne, D.D., Late Bishop of Norwich.
43151: HORNE, HENRY PERCY ( 1864-1916 ) . - An Illustrated Catalogue Of Engraved Portraits And Fancy Subjects Painted By Thomas Gainsborough, R.A., Published between 1760 and 1820 : And by George Romney, Published Between 1770 and 1830 with the variations of the plates by Henry Percy Horne .
29070: HORNE, BRIAN. - A Question of Priesthood. Tracts for the Eighties.
49040: HORNE, ALEX. - Sources of Masonic Symbolism.
44734: HOROVITZ, MICHAEL. - Love Poems. Nineteen Poems of Love, Lust and Spirit. (New Departures No.9).
24745: HORROBIN, PETER AND LEAVERS, GREG. - Mission Praise. (Words Edition).
31581: HORSFIELD, REV L.A.E; KING, LAURENCE AND WISDOM, REV H.T. - A Pilgrim's Handbook for the Holy Land. (revised edition).
18285: HORSMAN, SARAH. - Living with Stress. A Guide for Ministers and Church Leaders.
29187: HORT, FENTON JOHN ANTHONY. - The Way the Truth the Life. (Hulsean Lectures for 1871).
47879: HORT, W. JILLARD [ WILLIAM JILLARD HORT ABT. 1766 - ABT. 1849).] . - The New Pantheon; Or An Introduction To The Mythology Of The Ancients, For The Use Of Young Persons. To Which Are Added, An Accentuated Index. Questions For Excercise, And Poetical Illustrations... By W. Jillard Hort. A New edition .
34780: HORT, FENTON JOHN ANTHONY. - Sermons on the Books of the Bible.
28606: HORTON, ROBERT F. - John Howe.
2684: HORTON, R.F. - The Growth of the New Testament. A Study of the Books in Order.
40817: HORTON, ROBERT F. - The Hero of Heroes. A Life of Christ for Young People. (Illustrated by James Clark).
43215: HORTON, R.F. - The Cartoons of S.Mark.
4553: DAVIES HORTON. - Christian Deviations: The Challenge of the Sects.
844: HORTON, ROBERT. - The teaching of Jesus.
19240: HOSKING, HAROLD. - It's Only the Vicar. Tales from a Cornish Fishing Community a Quarter of a Century Ago.
48144: HOSKINS, IAN. - History of the Speedway Hoskins.
11426: HOSKYNS, E.C. & DAVEY, NOEL. - Crucifixion-Resurrection. The Pattern of the Theology and Ethics of the New Testament.
38724: HOTSPUR. - Chang of the Crimson Claw. Adventure Vest Pocket Library No.4.
16430: HOUFE, ERIC. - Vision for Unity. A study of the seventeenth chapter of St John's Gospel.
11317: HOUGH, GRAHAM. - The Romantic Poets.
20032: HOUGHAM, E.R. - Plays of Perplexity.
14326: HOUGHTON, JOHN. - Issues Facing Society.
25830: HOUGHTON, FRANK. - China Calling. (Revised and Enlarged by L.T. Lyall.)
37970: HOUGHTON, BRYAN. - Saint Edmund: King and Martyr.
48385: HOULBROOKE, RALPH. - Death, Religion and the Family in England 1480-1750.
3799: HOULDEN, J.L. - Backward into Light. The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus according to Matthew and Mark.
4133: HOULDEN, J L. - Connections. The Integration of Theology and Faith.
13342: HOULDEN, J.L. - Patterns of Faith. A study in the relationship between the New Testament and Christian doctrine.
17390: HOULDEN, J.L. - The Pastoral Epistles 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus.
5837: HOULDEN, LESLIE, ELLIS, IEUAN, WILKINSON, ALAN. ET AL. - Catholic Anglicans Today. Edited by John Wilkinson.
4344: HOULDEN, LESLIE. - Truth Untold. Meditations on the Gospel.
7713: HOULDEN, J.H. - Paul's Letters from Prison.
40431: HOULDEN, J.H. - Paul's Letters from Prison.
4592: HOULDEN J.L. - Jesus: A Question of Identity.
17136: HOULDEN,J.L. - Explorations in Theology 3.
40125: HOULDEN, J.L. - The Public Face of the Gospel. New Testament Ideas of the Church.
32319: HOUSDEN, JAMES. - Plus James: A Bishop Looks Back.
40021: HOUSE OF BISHOPS' GROUP ON ISSUES IN HUMAN SEXUALITY/ /COX, JOANNA AND DAVIE, MARTIN. - Some Issues in Human Sexuality: A Guide to the Debate. Plus: A Companion to Some Issues in Human Sexuality. (booklet).
25180: CHURCH HOUSE. - Prisons: A Study in Vulnerability. A Collection of Essays from the Board of Social Responsibility.
25182: CHURCH HOUSE. - The Collects. Traditional Language. For use with Holy Communion Rite B.
21220: CHURCH HOUSE. - Ministry at the Time of Death. Forms of Service and Prayers commended by the House of Bishops of the General Synod of the Church of England.
15270: PUSEY HOUSE. - The Needs of the Church Today. A Course of Sermons Preached During the Michaelmas Term 1964 in the Chapel of Pusey House, Oxford.
7830: CHURCH HOUSE. - Common Worship. Services and Prayers for the Church of England. Holy Communion.
25183: CHURCH HOUSE. - The Ordination of Women to the Priesthood. A Digest of the Second Report by the House of Bishops. (GS 829) (GS Misc 337).
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31703: HUDSON, KENNETH. - The Place of Women in Society.
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28512: HUELIN, GORDON. - The Cross in English Life and Devotion.
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30555: VON HUGEL, BARON FRIEDRICH. - The Mystical Element of Religion as Studied in Saint Catherine of Genoa and Her Friends. (2 vol. set).
15203: HUGGET, JOYCE. - Marriage on the Mend.
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9520: HUGGETT, JOYCE. - Conflict: Friend or Foe?
4628: MONTEFIORE HUGH. - Jesus across the Centuries. His relevance to our problems.
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36724: HUGHAN, WILLIAM JAMES . - Colonel Clerke's MS. ("Old Charges.") . A Transcript From The original MS. Of A.D. 1686. By Bro. W. J. Hughan, P.G.D. England, &c., &c. [ By Permission Of Col. Clerke. ] Reprinted From "The Freemason."
50891: HUGHES, HILDA (EDITOR & COMPILER). - The Toc H Gift Book in Aid of War Service Clubs.
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29507: HUGHES, RICHARD. - Liturgical Language Today.
47094: HUGHES, HELEN C AND HODGKIN, MARY. - Prayers from the Bible. An Anthology.
25710: HUGHES, JOANNA M. - A Book of English Belief. Bede to Temple.
34076: HUGHES, SELWYN. - The Lord's Prayer. (Bible Classics series).
31198: HUGHES, SELWYN. - My Story.
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9521: HUGHES, SELWYN. - Understanding Guidance.
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10794: HUNT, ALAN (ED). - Class & Class Structure.
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