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49593: HUMPHRIES, CHARLES / SMITH, WILLIAM C. - Music Publishing in the British Isles from the Beginning until the Middle of the Nineteenth Century: A Dictionary of Engravers, Printers, Publishers and Music Sellers, with a Historical Introduction
855: HUNKIN, J.W. - Is it Reasonable to Believe?
28648: HUNT, CECIL. - Here I Lie. (With illustrations by Maurice Arthur.)
48672: HUNT, EDITH. - Diary of a Suffolk Nanny. 1896-1986.
11467: HUNT, J.MCV. - Intelligence and Experience.
10794: HUNT, ALAN (ED). - Class & Class Structure.
18287: HUNT, PATRICIA. - Let the Children Come. Children in the Church.
50371: HUNT, S. - History of the Lodge of Concord No. 343 1814 - 1964 By W. Bro. S. H. Hunt, P.Pr.G.W.
16692: HUNTER, A.M. - The Work and Words of Jesus.
17979: HUNTER, A.M. - According to John.
17981: HUNTER, A.M. - Gospel and Apostle.
14607: HUNTER, LESLIE S. - The English Church. A New Look.
15438: HUNTER, A.M. - The Fifth Evangelist.
20723: HUNTER, A.M. - Design for Life. An Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount.
19942: HUNTER, R.H., & BROWN, T.H.C. - Battle Coast. An Illustrated History of D-Day, the Sixth of June, 1944.
22068: HUNTER, A.M. - Teaching and Preaching the New Testament. (The Preacher's Library Series.)
22353: HUNTER, A.M. - Paul and his Predecessors.
15254: HUNTER JOHNSTON, D.A. - Church Synod State and Crown.
4878: HUNTER, A. M. - Introducing the New Testament. (Third Revised edition).
22702: HUNTER, A.M. - Christ and the Kingdom.
13542: HUNTER, A.M. - Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians.
13543: HUNTER, A.M. - Jesus Lord and Saviour.
5660: HUNTER, SIR WILLIAM. - The Old Missionary. (Illustrations by Major-General Sir Charles D'Oyly,Bart).
16201: HUNTER, CAROL. - Vitamins. What they are and Why we need them.
11634: HUNTER, LESLIE. (BISHOP OF SHEFFIELD). - The Seed and The Fruit. Christian Morality in a time of Transition.
43192: HUNTER, LESLIE S. - The Parish Church of Barking. How to Look at it.
48713: HUNTER, A.M. - Introducing New Testament Theology.
23378: HUNTER, A.M. - Taking the Christian View.
11519: HUNTER, LESLIE STANNARD. - A Mission of the People of God being a Picture of an English Diocese and a Visitation Charge in A.D. 1960.
12701: HUNTER, IAN M.L. - Memory. Facts and Fallacies.
25918: HUNTER, JOHN. - Knowing God's Secrets. The Secret of the Effective Christian Life.
5126: HUNTER A.M. - Preaching the New Testament.
5838: HUNTER, A.M. - P.T. Forsyth. Per Crucem ad Lucem.
857: HUNTER, A.M. - The work and words of Jesus.
8763: HUNTER, ALASTAIR G. - Psalms. Old Testament Readings.
42434: HURD, MICHAEL. - The Ordeal of Ivor Gurney.
17982: HURDING, ROGER F. - Restoring the Image. An introduction to Christian Caring and Counselling.
42840: HURLEY, MICHAEL. - Transforming Your Parish. Building a Faith Community.
33112: HURLEY, DERMOT. - Our Daily Prayer. A Catholic Prayer Book.
36069: HURR, C. W. S. [ CYRIL WALTER SAMPSON HURR ]. - Tales and Revelations by a Suffolk Freemason .
14014: HURRELL, ELAINE. - Dormice. Animals of Britain No. 10.
43167: HURREY, MARJORY. - The Great Adventure. Adventures of the Apostles.
47973: HURRY-HOUGHHTON, THOMAS. (ASSISTED BY HIS WIFE MARGARET HURRAY-HOUGHTON). - Memorials of the Family of Hurry of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, and of America, Australia, and South Africa.
12977: HURST, ANTHONY. - Rendering unto Caesar. Towards a Frame work for Integrating Paid Employment with Christian Belief.
40967: HURST, GEORGE H./ SIMMONS, W.H. - Textile Soaps and Oils. (with 12 illustrations).
48450: HUSAIN, B.M.C. - Delamere Forest in Later Mediaeval Times.
22703: HUSE, SCOTT M. - The Collapse of Evolution.
43439: HUSKISSON, THOMAS. - Eyewitness to Trafalgar.
47742: HUSMANN, HEINRICH. - Medieval Polyphony. (Anthology of Music No.9).
47781: HUSSEY, FRANK. - Suffolk Invasion. The Dutch Attack on Landguard Fort, 1667.
49990: HUSSEY, FRANK. - Suffolk Invasion. The Dutch Attack on Landguard Fort, 1667.
10279: HUSSEY, S.S. - Chaucer An Introduction. (Second Edition).
26096: HUSSEY, S.S. (EDITOR). - Piers Plowman. Critical Approaches.
17855: HUTBER, PATRICK. - What's Wrong with Britain?.
16623: HUTCHCROFT, M.R. - Making Language Work. A practical approach to literacy for teachers of 5 to 13 year old children.
23081: HUTCHESON, IAIN. - Don't Feed the Ponies. Addresses to children.
18826: HUTCHINS, CHARLES H. - Preaching on Special Occasions. (Grove Worship Series No.89).
18827: HUTCHINS, CHARLES. - Christian Education on Sunday Mornings. (Grove Ministry and Worship No.31).
30004: HUTCHINSON, F.E. - Medieval Glass at All Souls College.
20159: HUTCHINSON, GEORGE. - The Last Edwardian at No. 10. An Impression of Harold Macmillan.
27145: HUTCHINSON, F.E. (EDITOR.) - The Works of George Herbert.
11676: HUTCHINSON, MICHAEL. & YOUNG, CHRISTOPHER. - Educating the Intelligent.
15595: HUTCHINSON, F.E. - Cranmer and the English Reformation.
48244: HUTCHINSON, HORACE GORDON. - Fairway Island.
14328: HUTCHISON, HARRY. - God Believes in You!
10918: HUTCHISON, DR. HARRY. - Highway to Healing. A Practical Approach to Personal Healing.
19343: HUTIN, SERGE. - Casting Spells. (Translated from the French by A.F. Roberts.)
23875: HUTSON, JOAN. - Heal My Heart O Lord.
50562: HUTT, W.H. - The Economics of the Colour Bar.
26743: HUTTON, JOHN A. - Further Guidance From Robert Browning In Matters of Faith: Suggested By "Ferishtah's Fancies".
19344: HUTTON, EDWARD. (EDITOR). - The Life of Christ in the Old Italian Masters. (Life & Art in Photograph, No. 8.)
41542: HUTTON, WILLIAM HOLDEN. - John Wesley. (Great English Churchmen series).
3996: HUTTON, EDWARD. - Florence.
860: HUTTON, RICHARD HOLT. - Essays on some of the Modern Guides to English Thought in Matters of Faith.
28043: HUXLEY, ANTHONY. - The Penguin Encyclopedia of Gardening. (Illustrated by Vana Haggerty.)
21185: HUXLEY, FRANCIS. - The Way of the Sacred.
12190: HUXLEY, JULIAN. (EDITOR). - The Humanist Frame.
24748: HUXTABLE, JOHN. - The Promise of the Father.
31540: HUXTABLE, JOHN. - A New Hope for Christian Unity.
16786: HYATT, LILLIAN L. - A Triangle of Ashes. A Novelized Case History Depicting Family Issues Related to Substance Abuse Includes Clinical Epilogue and Glossary.
19243: HYDE, K.E. - Religious Learning in Adolescence. (Educational Monographs.7).
44549: HYDE, MARY. - The Thrales of Streatham Park.
51188: HYETT, F. A. [ SIR FRANCIS ADAMS HYETT 1844-1941 ] . AUTHOR'S EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY (GRAINGERIASED) . - Gloucester In National History. By F. A. Hyett, B.A. Second Edition.
16787: HYLAND, JIM AND PRAGNELL, CHARLES. - Giving Our Best. Innovations in Residential and Day Care.
25713: HYMNS. - Worship Songs. Ancient and Modern. (Melody Edition).
50964: HYMNS - MATHEW, RIGHT REV. DAVID . - The Westminster Hymnal. A New And Revised Edition Authorised By The Hierarchy. With a Preface by The Right Rev. David Mathew .
43786: HYNES, PATRICK. - The Militiaman.
37250: HYNES, SAMUEL. - The Auden Generation: Literature and Politics in England in the 1930's.
50345: HYSLOP, ROBERT. (EDITOR). - Antiquities of Sunderland and its Vicinity.
18828: HYSON, PETER. - Beggar to Beggar: Evangelism and the Theology of Conversion. (Grove Evangelism No.1).
4617: MACLEOD IAN. - Preaching on the Lord's Supper. Encounter with Christ.
24486: IBRA. - Light for our Path. 1997.
7052: IBRA. - Notes on Bible Readings 1982.
24487: IBRAHIM, I.A. - A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam.
45261: IBSEN, HENRIK. - Nora; or, A Doll's House. (Translated from the Norwegian by Henrietta Frances Lord).
7842: IDIENS, E.M. - Learning to Pray with the People of the Prayer Book.
21585: IDLE, CHRISTOPHER. - A Year with the Bible. An all-in-one reading guide. (Illustrated by Madelaine David.)
23560: IGNATIEFF, MICHAEL. - Isaiah Berlin: A Life.
42488: IGNATIEFF, MICHAEL. - Asya.
10004: ST. LAWRENCE: IGNATIUS. - Ignatius. Founder of the Jesuits.
28045: JOHN PAUL II. - Crossing the Threshold of Hope. (Edited by Vittorio Messri.) Translated from the Italian by Jenny & Martha McPhee
16984: JOHN PAUL II. - The Pope Teaches. The Pope in Britain. 1982/5.
32532: JOHN PAUL II. - John Paul II Speaks to Religious. 1995-1996 Book IX.
9173: JOHN PAUL II. - Return to Poland. The Collected Speeches of John Paul II.
12702: ILES, PAUL. - The Pleasure of God's Company. A Handbook for Leading Intercessions at the Eucharist.
48327: ILIFFE, JOHN. - Famine in Zimbabwe 1890-1960.
11635: ILLICH, IVAN D. - Celebration of Awareness. A Call for Institutional Revolution. (Intro. by Erich Fromm).
8036: ILLING, R. - A Dictionary of Music.
2327: ILLINGWORTH, J.R. - Christian Character. Being some lectures on the Elements of Christian Ethics.
9082: ILLINGWORTH, AGNES L.(ARRANGER). - Christmas Faith and Fact. Readings on the Incarnation illustrated by Painter & Poet.
32466: ILLSLEY, W.A. - A Shakespeare Manual for Schools.
47376: INDENTURE: ARTHUR GRIMWOOD, SUDBURY. - Vellum indenture between Arthur Grimwood and the Trustees of the Royal Benevolent Lodge of Oddfellows Lodge Number 4853 .
47606: INDEX PUBLISHERS, DUNSTABLE. - The Official Guide to Dunstable and District with Local Directory. 1935.
49419: AIR INDIA. [S.K.KOOKA]. - Foolishly Yours.
42850: D'INDY, VINCENT. - Deuxieme Symphonie. En Si Bemol par Vincent d'Indy op.57.
42851: D'INDY, VINCENT. - Jour d'ete a la Montagne. Op.61. Pour Orchestre.
29718: OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION. - The United Nations and the Status of Women.
3285: INGE, W.R. - Mysticism in Religion.
870: INGELOW, JEAN. - Poems. (First Series).
47224: INGERSOLL, COL. R.G. - Complete Lectures of Col. R.G. Ingersol.
3255: INGLE, G.(BISHOP OF WILLESDEN). - The Lord's Creed.
13451: INGLIS, RUTH. - Must Divorce Hurt the Children?
15676: INGLIS, BRIAN. - Roger Casement.
10529: INGLIS, BRIAN. - The Story of Ireland.
27632: INGRAM, KENNETH . - The Adventure Of Passiontide
38364: INGRAM, KENNETH. - The Romance of Christmas.
50757: INMAN, HERBERT F. - Masonic Problems and Queries. (One-Thousand-and-One Items of Information).
49299: INNES, MICHAEL. [PSEUD. J.I.M.STEWART]. - There Came Both Mist and Snow.
44911: INNES, RICHARD. - The Face in the Sky.
17856: INSIGHT. - Jerusalem. (Insight Compact Guides).
50897: THE IRISH INSPECTOR. - Bleachers and Finishers Association. A Historical Record.
4509: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. - Prisoners of Conscience in the USSR: Their Treatment and Conditions.
46901: INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, MELBOURNE, BOX - A E Royal Commission - Australian international Exhibitions.
20725: INWOOD, RICHARD. - Biblical Perspectives on Counselling (Grove Pastoral Series 1).
44085: WILLIAMS. IOAN. (EDITOR). - Sir Walter Scott on Novelists and Fiction.
26271: TOURISM PANEL FOR THE DIOCESE OF ST.EDMUNDSBURY AND IPSWICH. - Tourism and the Use of Church Buildings.
44885: CIVIC CENTRE IPSWICH. - 100 Years of Public Transport in Ipswich 1880-1980. A Pictorial Survey.
4582: HIRSCHMANN IRA. - Questions and Answers about Arabs and Jews.
7968: COUNCIL OF CHURCHES IN BRITAIN AND IRELAND. - Unemployment and the Future of Work. An Enquiry for the Churches.
21378: COUNCIL OF CHURCHES FOR BRITAIN AND IRELAND. - Under the Same Roof. Guidelines (Revised 1994) to the Sharing of Church Buildings Act 1969.
50976: IRELAND, BARBARA. (EDITOR). - The New York Times : 36 Hours. London & Beyond.
34591: THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND THE MORAVIAN CHURCH IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. - Anglican-Moravian Conversations: The Fetter Lane Common Statement with Essays in Moravian and Anglican History.
872: IREMONGER, F.A. - Before the Morning Watch.
27233: IRESON, GORDON W. - Think Again.
11129: IRESON, CANON GORDON W. - Strange Victory.
24206: IRESON, W. GRANT, & COOMBS, CLYDE F, (JR.) (EDITORS IN CHIEF.) - Handbook of Reliability Engineering and Management.
42065: IRON, RALPH. [PSEUD. OLIVE SCHREINER]. - The Story of an African Farm. A Novel.
25569: IRONSIDE, H.A. - Lectures on Daniel the Prophet.
21136: IRVINE, CHIPPY. - Elegant Linens. 26 projects for creating your own luxurious linens.
34696: IRVINE, ELIZABETH E. - Social Work and Human Problems: Casework, Consultation and Other Topics.
15204: IRVINE, RICHARD. - Celebrating the Easter Mystery. Worship Resources for Easter to Pentecost.
35012: IRVINE, ELIZABETH. - The Family in the Kibbutz. (Study Commission On The Family. Occasional Paper No.4).
49697: IRVINE, JOHN. - Selected Poems.
35912: IRVINE, MRS ELIZABETH. - Literature and the Study of Human Experience. (The Lydia Rapoport Lectures, 1974).
49703: IRVINE, A.T. - For God's Sake...Give Him a Chance.
49431: IRVINE, JOHN. - The Fountain of Hellas.
49432: IRVINE, JOHN. - With No Changed Voice. Poems.
21803: IRVING, T.B. - Growing up in Islam.
50857: IRVING, LIEUT-COMMANDER JOHN. - Naval Life and Customs.
33944: IRVING, SIR HENRY. - The Drama Addresses.
36650: IRWIN, REV. C.H. - John Calvin: The Man and His Work.
51023: IRWIN, DIANA. - Suffolk Year Round Walks.
4732: ISAAC, REID. - Conversations with the Crucified. (With a Foreword by the Rt. Rev. John V. Taylor, Bishop of Winchester.)
35458: ISAACS, SUSAN. - The Nursery Years.
40884: ISAACSON, WALTER. - Steve Jobs.
29227: ISAACSON, R.F. (TRANS) / ROBERTS, R. ARTHUR (VOLUME III.) . - The Episcopal Registers of the Diocese of St. David's 1397 to 1518. (From the Original Registers, in the Diocesan Registry of Carmathan). (Cymmrodorion Record Series No.6) .
874: ISALINE. - Daisy. The Child Teacher.
12703: ISHMAEL. - Children of the Voice. A story for those who are kids at heart.
14657: ISRAEL, MARTIN. - Precarious Living. The Path to Life.
16577: ISRAEL, MARTIN. - Precarious Living. The Path to Life.
19802: ISRAEL, MARTIN. - The Spirit of Counsel. Spiritual Perspectives in the Counselling Process.
10215: ISRAEL, MARTIN. - The Pain that Heals. The Place of Suffering in the Growth of the Person..
20033: ISRAEL, MARTIN. - A Light on the Path. An exploration of integrity through the Psalms.
20034: ISRAEL, MARTIN. - An Approach to Spirituality.
28895: ISRAEL, MARTIN. - Precarious Living.
8463: ISRAEL, MARTIN. - Dark Victory. Through Depression to Hope.
875: ISRAEL, MARTIN. - Healing as Sacrament. The Sanctification of the World.
28764: ISSERLIN, B.S.J. - The Israelites.
39578: ITZIN, CATHERINE. (EDITOR). - Home Truths About Child Sexual Abuse. Influencing Policy and Practice. A Reader.
12978: IVAN, LESLIE. & MELROSE, MAUREEN. - The Way We Die.
6012: IVERACH, JAMES. - Christianity and Evolution.
49954: IVES, MARGARET. - Women of the Passion. The Women of the New Testament tell Their Stories.
15307: IVIMY, JOHN. - The Sphinx and the Megaliths.
20161: IVINS, PROFESSOR J.D. (EDITOR). - The Measurement of Grassland Productivity.
49845: JA.M. [JOHN ROSS MACDUFF]. - The Pathway of Promise.
50905: JABAVU, NONI. - Drawn in Colour. African Contrasts.
5091: DOMINIAN JACK. - Cycles of Affirmation.Psychological Essays in Christian Living.
30420: JACK, VICTOR. - Believe and be Baptized. (Drawings by Andrew Patching.)
5421: DOMINIAN JACK. - Depression. What is it? How do we cope?
45892: JACK, FLORENCE B. - The Art of Laundry Work. Practically Demonstrated for Use in Homes and Schools.
9171: JACK, IAN. (EDITOR). - GRANTA 61. The Sea.
9172: JACK, IAN. (EDITOR). - GRANTA 63. Beasts.
17857: JACKLIN, TONY WITH JACK WOOD. - Golf with Tony Jacklin. (Illustrated).
7715: JACKMAN, STUART. - This Desirable Property.
26818: JACKMAN, STUART. - The Davidson File.
24297: JACKMAN, DAVID. - Humanity. Becoming the People of God.
14016: JACKOPSON, VIC. - From Prison to Pulpit.
41710: JACKS, L.P. - Construction Now. A Call for the Immediate Beginning of Economic Federation.
21264: JACKSON, G.D. - Building the Faith.
25921: JACKSON, BOB. - Government Economic Policy and Concern for My Neighbour. (Grove Pastoral 12).
12979: JACKSON, EDGAR N. - The Many Faces of Grief.
13452: JACKSON, J. HAMPDEN. (EDITOR). - A Short History of France from early times to 1972.
13544: JACKSON, EDGAR N. AND DIMOCK, MARSHALL E. - Doubting is not Enough.
11899: JACKSON, STEPHEN. - A Teacher's Guide to Tests.
50672: JACKSON, HOLBROOK. - The Anatomy of Bibliomania.
7472: JACKSON, LAWRENCE, PROVOST OF BLACKBURN. - Services for Special Occasions.
10031: JACKSON, K. (EDITOR). - See for yourself. A guide to the use of video by the Christian community.
11677: JACKSON, JOHN. - It Was on a Monday Morning.
13819: JACKSON, EDGAR N. - The Role of Faith in the Process of Healing.
16045: JACKSON, JOHN. - Monday's Prayer on the Air.
29148: JACKSON, K.G. - Dictionary of Electrical Engineering.
46589: JACKSON, B.L. - Isle of Portland Railways. Volume Three: Railway, Associated and Other Bus Services.
42411: JACKSON, BOB. - The Road to Growth. Towards a Thriving Church.
33825: JACKSON, STEPHEN. - Franz Schubert: An Essential Guide to his Life and Works.
41264: JACKSON, R.J. - India's Quest for Reality.
878: JACKSON, REV GEORGE. - A Young Man's Religion.
9525: JACKSON, W. ERIC. - Local Government in England and Wales.
23083: JACOB, W.U. - Meditations on the Seven Words.
6742: JACOBS, MICHAEL. - Living Illusions. A Psychology of Belief.
47891: JACOBS, L. (EDITOR) . - Sudbury High School Magazine. July, 1958 .
19804: JACOBS, MICHAEL. - Towards the Fullness of Christ. Pastoral Care and Christian Maturity.
44883: JACOBS, NORMAN. - Clacton in Camera. A Nostalgic Record.
6132: JACOBS, MICHAEL. - Still Small Voice. An Introduction to Pastoral Counselling.
38909: JACOBS, NORMAN. - Colchester: The Last Hundred Years.
8464: JACOBS, MICHAEL. - Swift to Hear. Facilitating Skills in Listening and Responding.
21674: JACQUES, ANDRE. - The Stranger within your Gates. Uprooted People in the World Today.
13545: JACQUES, J.H. - Ethics and the Christian Life.
27707: JAGGER, PETER J. - Clouded Witness. Initiation in the Church of England in The Mid-Victorian Period, 1850-1875.
16578: JAGGER, PETER J. - Christian Initiation 1552-1969. Rites of Baptism and Confirmation since the Reformation Period.
43417: JAHANBEGLOO, RAMIN. - Conversations with Isaiah Berlin.
50280: JAKES, CHRIS. - Ely & District. (Britain in Old Photographs).
49208: JAMES, BOB. - They Call Each Other Brother. Secret Societies and the Strange Slow Death of Mateship in Australia 1788-2010.
32141: JAMES, ERIC. - A Time to Speak. Forty Sermons.
32143: JAMES, ERIC. - The Voice Said, Cry. Forty Sermons 1990-1993.
15439: JAMES, ERIC. - God's Truth. Essays to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Honest to God.
14933: JAMES, E.O. - History of Religions.
23877: JAMES, HENRY. - The Turn of the Screw and The Aspern Papers.
28044: JAMES, ROBERT RHODES. - An Introduction to the House of Commons.
25922: JAMES, ERIC. - Homosexuality and a Pastoral Church. A Plea for Study and Discussion.
48868: JAMES, P. R. - The Grand Mastership Of H.R.H. The Duke Of Sussex 1813 - 1843. The Prestonian Lecture 1962 .
47792: JAMES, G. P. R, [GEORGE PAYNE RAINSFORD JAMES 1801-1860 ] . - Henry Masterton; Or, The Adventures Of A Young Cavalier. By G. P. R. James, Esq. .
6133: JAMES, E.O. D.LITT., D.D., F.S.A. - Christianity and other religions.
4880: JAMES, ERIC. (EDITED BY). (FOREWORD BY THE BISHOP OF ST. ALBANS). - Stewards of the Mysteries of God.
6022: JAMES, ERIC. - Odd Man Out? The shape of the Ministry today.
18484: JAMES, D. - This if the Life. Guidelines for Christian Growth.
50021: JAMES, MONTAGUE RHODES (1862-1936) . - Ghost-Stories Of An Antiquary By Montague Rhodes James, LITT.D. Provost Of Eton College .
30998: JAMES, E.O. - Comparative Religion. An Introductory and Historical Study.
50647: JAMES, MONTAGUE RHODES (1862-1936) . - The Complete Ghost Stories Of M. R. James .
50485: JAMES, ERIC. - A Last Eccentric. A Symposium Concerning the Reverend Canon F.A.Simpson. Historian, Preacher and Eccentric.
31582: JAMES, JOHN ANGELL. - Christian Progress: A Sequel to the Anxious Inquirer After Salvation.
40670: JAMES, JOHN ANGELL. - The Widow Directed to the Widow's God.
28896: JAMES, ERIC. - Who is This? Holy Week Meditations and Other Sermons. 1998-2000.
29073: JAMES, PETER. - The Sunken Kingdom. The Atlantis Mystery Solved.
46172: JAMES, TREVOR. - Dartmoor Prisoner of War Depot and Convict Jail. (signed).
880: JAMES, E.O. - The Social Function of Religion. A Comparative Study.
881: JAMES, E.O. - The Christian Faith in the Modern World. A Study in Scientific Theology.
8840: JAMES, LAWRENCE. - Raj. The Making and Unmaking of British India.
50640: JAMESON, E.M. - The Pendletons.
12015: JAMESON, DEREK. - Touched by Angels.
39885: JAMESON, STORM. - Before the Crossing.
14017: JANELLE, PIERRE. - The Catholic Reformation.
50517: SISTER JANET. - Mother Jane Margaret C.S.M.V.
50518: SISTER JANET. - Mother Maribel of Wantage.
16327: JANKI, DADI. - Wings of Soul. Emerging your Spiritual Identity.
19805: JANOV, ARTHUR. - The Primal Revolution.
23084: JANOV, DR. ARTHUR. - The Feeling Child.
25615: JANSSEN, J M L; PAU, L F AND STRASZAK, A. - Models and Decision Making in National Economies.
41691: JARRETT, BEDE. - Living Temples.
15353: JARRETT-KERR, MARTIN. - African Pulse. Scenes from an African Hospital Window.
18397: JARROLDS. - Words of Comfort.
27900: JARVIE, GORDON. - Dictionary of Grammar.
15102: JARVIS, KENNETH. - Memoirs of a Celibate Priest. Recollections of an Anglican Ministry.
45240: JARVIS, ADRIAN. - Samuel Smiles and the Construction of Victorian Values.
32867: JASPER, RONALD C.D. - George Bell. Bishop of Chichester.
5237: JASPER, RCD AND BRADSHAW, PAUL F. - A Companion to The Alternative Service Book.
7473: JASPER, RONALD C.D. (EDITOR). - Worship and the Child. The Joint Liturgical Group.
11596: JASPER, RONALD C.D. - The Renewal of Worship. Essays by Members of the Joint Liturgical Group.
6134: JASPER, R.C.D., & CUMING, G.J. - Prayers of the Eucharist: Early & Reformed.
11367: JASPER, R.C.D. (EDITOR). - The Eucharist Today. Studies on Series 3.
19345: JASPER, TONY. - Understanding Pop.
10578: JASPER, RONALD C. D. - The Calendar and Lectionary.
7843: JASPER, RONALD C.D. (EDITOR). - Holy Week Services by the Joint Liturgical Group.
43994: JASPER, DAVID. - The Study of Literature and Religion. An Introduction.
32841: JASPER, DAVID. - The New Testament and the Literary Imagination.
8392: JASPER, R.C.D. (EDITOR). - The Eucharist Today. Studies on Series 3.
45513: JAY, ARTHUR T. - To Be A Farmer's Boy. A Suffolk Man Looks Back 1916-1988.
33991: JAY, ROSE. - Out of the Treasure of the Heart. Sacred Poems.
9118: JAY, ERIC G. - Friendship with God.
18832: JEACOCK, RUTH. - Christmas Legends. (Drawings by Margaret Kelly).
5471: JEAFFRESON, HERBERT H. - Magnificat. A course of Sermons.
5142: LUGTON JEAN. - Communicating with Dying People and their Relatives.
40448: JEEPS, DENNIS.(EDITOR). - The First New Persecution or a True Narrative of the Cruel usage of two Christians, the the present Mayor of Cambridge. By an Eminent Hand.
40449: JEEPS, DENNIS(EDITOR). - News from Cambridge. Or; a Brief Relation of the Wicked Proceedings of Three Informers...
14018: JEEVES, MALCOLM. A. - Psychology and Christianity: the view both ways.
14442: JEFFERIES, RICHARD. - The Pageant of Summer.
14443: JEFFERIES, RICHARD. - Hodge and His Masters.
18624: JEFFERIES, RICHARD. - Landscape and Labour. A New Collection of Essays edited by John Pearson with 20 Drawings by Ursula Sieger.
41819: JEFFERIES, LILIAN. - Christmas Customs and Carols. (Illustrated by Sister Benedicta, SLG).
49605: JEFFERIES, RICHARD./ PARKER, AGNES MILLER (WOOD ENGRAVINGS). - The Open Air. (With Introduction and Notes by Samuel J.Looker).
28376: JEFFERS, SUSAN. - End The Struggle and Dance with Life. How to Build Yourself Up When the World Gets You Down.
29074: JEFFERS, SUSAN. - Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway.
2866: JEFFERSON, CHARLES EDWARD. - Things Fundamental. A Course of Thirteen Discourses in Modern Apologetics.
11074: JEFFERSON, H.A.L. - England's Churches. Their Rise & Witness.
36653: JEFFERSON, WILLIAM ARTHUR. - National Book of Hymn-Tunes Chants & Kyries: Part 3. Kyries.
18833: JEFFERY, ROBERT.(EDITOR). - By What Authority? The Open Synod Group Report on Authority in the Church of England.
5348: JEFFERY, R. M. C. - Case Studies in Unity.
20847: JEFFERY, GRAHAM. - This Meal We Share. An additional text for Holy Communion.
26965: JEFFERY, GRAHAM. - My Catechism. First Steps in Christian Faith.
23086: JEFFERY, PETER. - Bitesize Theology. (An ABC of the Christian Faith).
23088: JEFFERY, PETER. - The Young Spurgeon.
22471: JEFFERY, PETER. - Struggling But Winning. A Survival Guide for Christians.
22472: JEFFERY, PETER. - Walk Worthy. Guidelines for those beginning the Christian Life.
23379: JEFFERY, PETER. - Our Present Sufferings.
23380: JEFFERY, PETER. - Rainbow of Grace. Learning from the Life of Noah.
23381: JEFFERY, PETER. - Sickness and Death in the Christian Family.
48759: JEFFERY, GRAHAM. - Prayers for a New Day.
32946: JEFFERY, THOMAS REED. - John Wesley's Religious Quest.
49134: JEFFERY, PAUL. - The Collegiate Churches of England and Wales.
41520: JEFFERY, GRAHAM. - The Rabbi's Tale. Letters from Gamaliel.
9614: JEFFERY, ROBERT. - Anima Christi. Reflections on Praying with Christ.
27618: JEFFREY, ELIZABETH. - Strangers Hall.
6894: JEFFREY, CLEMENT. - Rheumatism. Is Prevention and Cure.
5591: JEFFREYS, M.V.C. - Kingdom of This World. The Challenge of Communism.
13346: JEFFREYS, M.V.C. - Religion and Morality.
3256: JEFFRIES, CHARLES. - Creed or Common Sense.
6135: JEFFRIES, CHARLES. - Towards the centre. Foreword by Rt. Rev. S.F. Allison, D.D.
889: JEFFRIES, SIR CHARLES. - Signpost in the Fog. Some Thoughts on Religion and Public Affairs.
40028: JEKYLL, AGNES. - Kitchen Essays: With Recipes and Their Occasions.
46831: JELLINEK, FRANK. - The Paris Commune of 1871.
10487: JENKINS, DANIEL. - Christian Maturity and the Theology of Success.
18834: JENKINS, DAVID. - Parson at Work. Practical Points of Pastoralia.
49114: JENKINS, A. BARRETT. - A Selection of Ghost Stories, Smuggling Stories and Poems Connected with Southwold.
14219: JENKINS, ELIZABETH. - Elizabeth and Leicester.
19148: JENKINS, CLIVE AND SHERMAN, BARRIE. - The Leisure Shock.
7054: JENKINS, DAVID E. - Living with Questions.
5739: JENKINS, DAVID. - What is Man?
17475: JENKINS, T. OMRI. - The Great Commission.
14019: JENKINS, DAVID E. - Living with Questions. Investigations into the Theory and Practice of Belief in God.
11368: JENKINS, DANIEL. - Equality and Excellence. A Christian Comment on Britain's Life.
3868: JENKINS, DAVID E. - God Miracle and the Church of England.
33910: JENKINS, HERBERT. - Mrs Bindle: Some Incidents From The Domestic Life of the Bindles.
3971: JENKINS, DAVID E. - The Glory of Man. Bampton Lectures for 1966.
22951: JENKINS, DAVID E. - The Contradiction of Christianity.
46110: JENKINS, REV. H. - Colchester Castle built by a colony of Romans as a temple to their deified Emperor Claudius Caesar : the substance of a lecture delivered before the Colchester Arcaeological Society . By The Rev. H. Jenkins, B.D., Rector of Stanway, Essex .
8253: JENKINS, SIMON. - Bible Mapbook.
8681: JENKINS, DANIEL. - Christian Maturity and the Theology of Success.
890: JENKINS, DANIEL. - Beyond Religion. The Truth and Error in 'Religionless Christianity'.
49553: JENKINSON, DENIS. - The Racing Driver. The Theory and Practice of Fast Driving.
49355: JENKINSON, DENIS. - The Grand Prix Mercedes-Benz Type W125, 1937.
28377: JENKS, DAVID. - A Study of Meditation.
5740: JENNER, MICHAEL. - London Heritage.
21059: JENNER, PAUL AND SMITH, CHRISTINE. - Landscapes of the Pyrenees. A Countryside Guide. Car Tours: Walks: Picnics.
13172: JENNINGS, PAUL. - Oddly Bodlikins. (Illustrated by Haro Hodson).
10217: JENNINGS, THEODORE W., JR. (EDITOR). - The Vocation of the Theologian.
27901: JENNINGS, ELIZABETH. - Frost.
16789: JENNINGS, SIR IVOR. - The Queen's Government ( Revised Edition).
49216: JENNINGS, V.W. BRO. DONALD H. - A Century of Mark Masonry in Essex.
46170: JENNINGS, DAVID 1691-1762. - The Beauty and Benefit of Early Piety Represented in Several Sermons, Preached to Young People on New Years Days, And published out of compassion to the rising generation. By David Jennings.
9753: JENNINGS, REV. DAVID . - Jewish Antiquities: Or, A Course Of Lectures On The Three First Books Of Godwin's Moses And Aaron. To Which Is Annexed, A Dissertation On The Hebrew Language. Two Volumes In One.
37834: JENSEN, VICKIE. - Totem Poles of Stanley Park.
25572: JEREMIAH, KEITH. - A Full Life in the Country. The Sudbury and District Survey and Plan. (Foreword by Lewis Mumford.)
4578: HARVEY JEREMY. - Marian Dunlop. Teacher and Healer. Her Life Glimpsed.
51216: JERRARD, R.A. - The Amateur Jeweller. A Practical Guide to Making Simple Jewellery. Techniques, Materials, Designs.
26761: JERVIS, MARY ADELINE. - Evensong.
31255: JESSOP, AUGUSTUS. - Wise Words and Quaint Counsels of Thomas Fuller.
20348: JESSUP, GORDON. - No Strange God. An Outline of Jewish Life and Faith.
3492: JESUIT FATHERS OF ST MARY'S COLLEGE,KANSAS. - The Church Teaches. Documents of the Church in English Translation.
26820: JEWELL, WALTER. - The Supernatural Life.
26662: JEWELL, WALTER W. - The Soul, Here and Hereafter.
27335: JEWSON, CHARLES B. - Shrines of Christendom: The Reflections of a Pilgrim.
29211: JHABVALA, R. PRAWER. - Esmond in India.
48552: CORBEET JIM. - Man-Eaters of Kumaon.
3325: JOAD, C.E.M. - God and Evil.
27234: JOB, JOHN. - How Can a Man Have Knowledge of God?
17684: JOBSON, ALLAN. - Suffolk Villages. (Photographs by Peter Doubleday, Allan Jobson and others.)
48486: JOBSON, ALLAN. - Suffolk Yesterdays.
36913: JOBSON, ALLAN. - Dunwich Story.
31300: JOBSON, ALLAN. - Victorian Suffolk.
35357: JOCHEMSEN, H. - Euthanasia: A Christian Evaluation. (Latimer Studies No.49).
4200: HURSTFIELD JOEL. - The Reformation Crisis.
14845: JOESTEN, JOACHIM. - Oswald: Assassin or Fall Guy? Is the Warren Report the final word?
9290: JOHANNES, F.V. (EDITOR). - Rethinking the Church. Trans. by Edmund Burke.
35469: JOHANNESSEN, OLGA. - Gunhild's Cabin.
4208: MACQUARRIE JOHN. - 20th Century Religious Thought. Study Edition.
44537: KEBLE. JOHN. - National Apostasy.
20848: JOHN, J. - At Christmas Time.
5186: THURMER JOHN. (CHANCELLOR OF EXETER CATHEDRAL). - The Son in the Bible and the Church.
5177: SLEEMAN JOHN F. - Economic Crisis: A Christian Perspective.
11901: JOHN, J. - Its Always on My Mind.
10: ST JOHN. - The Illustrated Gospel of St John.
4682: TILLER JOHN. - A Strategy for the Church's Ministry.
5068: BOWDEN JOHN. - Who is a Christian?
5413: BLANCHARD JOHN. - Invitation to Live.
3802: JOHN, JEFFREY (EDITOR). - Living Tradition. Affirming Catholicism in the Anglian Church.
5121: HICK JOHN. - Christianity at the Centre.
5053: ATHERTON JOHN. - The Scandal of Poverty: Priorities for the Emerging Church.
7433: DALRYMPLE JOHN. - The Christian Affirmation.
5096: EDDISON JOHN. - Who died Why.
4600: JAMES JOHN. - Why Evil? A Biblical Approach.
46307: JOHN, ERIC (1922–2000) . - An Alleged Worcester Charter of The Reign of Edgar. By Eric John, M.A., Lecturer In History, University Of Manchester.
4687: VIPOND JOHN. - Preaching at the Parish Communion. ASB Epistles - Sundays: Year 2 - Vol.2
45996: JOHN HARE; JOHN JORDAN; ROBERT JORDAN; RICHARD COOPER; HOO, SUFFOLK . - Latin Indenture of final concord regarding farm in Sutton Hoo, Suffolk.
4178: BOWDEN JOHN. - Jesus: The Unanswered Questions.
29694: JOHN, J. - Back to Basics.
4679: TAYLOR JOHN B. (BISHOP OF ST. ALBANS). - Preaching through the Prophets.
4209: MACQUARRIE JOHN. - God-Talk. An Examination of the Language and Logic of Theology.
9174: JOHN, PAUL II. - Pilgrimage of Peace. The Collected speeches .
41011: SISTER M.ELIZABETH AND SISTER M. JOHNICE. - The Lord Jesus Says. (Illustrated by A. and M.Provensen).
15354: JOHNS, ROWLAND. (EDITOR). - Our Friend the Irish Setter.
25925: JOHNS, RUTH I. - Life Goes On.
28515: JOHNS, CATHERINE. - Arretine and Samian Pottery.
50861: JOHNS, CAPTAIN W.E. - Biggles in the South Seas.
35539: JOHNSON, KEITH. - Race: What Can the Churches Do?
7608: JOHNSON, PAUL E. - Pastoral Ministration.
16694: JOHNSON, S. LAWRENCE. - The Cross-Eyed Bear and other children's sermons.
20726: JOHNSON, HOWARD. - The Fighting Soldier. The Stories of Famous British Combat.
26483: JOHNSON, BEN CAMPBELL. - Learning to Pray. A Guide for Beginner Groups.
26966: JOHNSON, SARAH KNIGHTS. - Talking with God. Prayers and Activities Based on the Lord's Prayer.
19245: JOHNSON, DAVID W. - Reaching Out. Interpersonal Effectiveness and Self-Actualization.
40084: JOHNSON, H.J.T. - Anglicanism in Transition.
23089: JOHNSON, BARBARA. - Pain is Inevitable but Misery is Optional so, Stick a Geranium in Your Hat and Be Happy.
17555: JOHNSON, CHARLES AND SLEIGH, LINWOOD. - Names for Boys and Girls.
17556: JOHNSON, PAUL A AND RICHARDS, LARRY. - Who Can I Turn To? Reflections from the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
14731: JOHNSON, CURT, & MCLAUGHLIN, MARK. - Battles of the American Civil War.
50215: JOHNSON, DAVID. - Acton Pictorial.
10920: JOHNSON, LT.-COL.A.A., & PAYN, W.H. - Ornamental Waterfowl. Text drawings by Robert Gillmor.
48479: JOHNSON, DEREK. - East Anglian Sporting Days.
1814: JOHNSON,M.M. - A Bunch of Blue Ribbons. A Collection of writings on Tresses.
6858: JOHNSON, PAUL E. - Pastoral Ministration.
16047: JOHNSON, MYRON. - Choice Pages From Early American School Books.
18835: JOHNSON, DOUGLAS. - Contending for the Faith. A History of the Evangelical Movement in the Universities and Colleges.
50718: JOHNSON, SAMUEL (1709-1784) . - A Dictionary Of The English Language... Abstracted from the folio edition, by the author, Samuel Johnson, LL.D. To which is prefixed, A grammar of the English language.
49227: JOHNSON, W.BRO. E. LESLIE (MASTER) . - Transactions Of The Manchester Association For Masonic Research. Volume XCI (91 ) 2001 .
49582: JOHNSON, MARTIN. - Time, Knowledge and the Nebulae.
34913: JOHNSON, FATHER VERNON. - Our Guiding Star: A Short Life of St Teresa of Lisieux.
47258: JOHNSON, JOHN AND GIBSON, STRICKLAND. - Print and Privilege at Oxford to the Year 1700.
38944: JOHNSON, MARGOT. - Our English Church Heritage From the Beginning to 1662.
899: JOHNSON, CHARLES (EDITOR, TRANSLATOR AND INTRODUCTION). - Hugh the Chantor. The history of the Church of York 1066-1127 .
900: JOHNSON, ERNEST W. - Suffering, Punishment and Atonement. An Essay in Constructive Interpretation of Experience.
901: JOHNSON, SHERMAN E. - Jesus in his own times.
49770: JOHNSTON, E.A. - Airship Navigator. One Man's Part in the British Airship Tragedy 1916-1930.
23879: JOHNSTON, LEONARD. - Teaching the Faith. A Guide to the Modern Presentation of Traditional Catholic Belief.
14330: JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. - Dr. Kildare. The Faces of Love.
24083: JOHNSTON, REV. R.P. - Bishops in the Church. The Addresses Given at the 132nd Islington Clerical Conference January 1966.
11177: JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. - The Wounded Stag.
47717: JOHNSTON, SIR HARRY (EDITOR). - A Book of Empire Heroes.
21060: JOHNSTON, R.P.P. - Ministry in the Local Church: Problems and Pathways. (Grove Ministry and Worship 2).
15596: JOHNSTON, ALVA. - The Incredible Mizners.
16464: JOHNSTON, F.C. - The Complete Oil Painter.
28129: JOHNSTON, JENNIFER. - Two Moons.
17067: JOHNSTON, JENNIFER. - The Captains and the Kings.
7845: JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. - Silent Music. The Science of Meditation.
47410: JOHNSTON, H.H. - The History of a Slave.
46414: JOHNSTON, PHILIP MAINWARING. - Old Camberwell. Its History and Antiquities.
22597: JOHNSTON, LEONARD. - Witnesses to God.
28378: JOHNSTON, HUGH. - When Two or Three. A New Version of This Day. Simple Prayers Collected and Arranged for use at the Daily Broadcast Service.
9989: JOHNSTON, FRANCIS W. - Heart of the Saints. The Christian Ideal in the Lives and Ecumenical Teaching of the Saints.
16512: JOHNSTONE, JANET & ANNE GRAHAME. - Dean's Gift Book of Bible Stories.
13821: JOICE, DICK. - More About Bygones.
32457: JOLL, ETRENNE. - Dried Flowers: Arrangements in Miniature.
36681: JOLLES, G AND WOOLDRIDGE, K.R.H. (EDITORS). - Drug Design: Fact or Fantasy?
25717: JOLLIFFE, PETER. - A Christian's Ministry. (Fairacres Pamphlet No.27).
29621: JOLLY, CLIFFORD J. - Early Hominids of Africa.
5187: URMSON J.O. & REE JONATHAN (EDITORS). - The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy & Philosophers.
4232: SACKS JONATHAN. - Faith in the Future. (Intro. by Clifford Longley).
32537: JONES, DOM EDMUND. - Yes, Lord, I Believe.
14658: JONES, C.P.M. (EDITOR). - A Manual for Holy Week. The Passion in the life of the Church.
27235: JONES, DAVID GWYN. - Going Into Hospital. A Booklet for the use of Anglicans in Hospital.
31091: JONES, W.A.B. - Hadleigh Through the Ages.
1989: JONES, W.TUDOR. - Metaphysics of Life & Death.
50864: JONES, OWEN (1809-1874) . - The Sermon on the Mount . Illuminated by Owen Jones .
24753: JONES, BERNARD. - Belonging. A Lay Theology of Church Membership.
22069: JONES, J. ITHEL. - Facing the New World and Other Sermons.
25926: JONES, HYWEL. - The Doctrine of Scripture Today: Trends in Evangelical Thinking.
48362: JONES, REV. H.A. AND LISTER, G.A. - The Church of Saint Mary Beddgelert.
11248: JONES, H.A. - Evangelism and the Laity.
22706: JONES, IVOR H. - The Contemporary Cross. A Study for Passiontide - a theme and four biblical variations.
6549: JONES, JAMES. (EDITED BY). - A Faith that Touches the World. A Lent Course.
15148: JONES, J.GRAHAM. - A Pocket Guide: The History of Wales.
11902: JONES, J.R. - Country and Court. England 1658-1714.
15103: JONES, ELAINE. (EDITOR). - New Mexico.
49964: JONES, REV. PATRICK G. - Sermons on the Healing Miracles of Jesus.
17985: JONES, D.GARETH. - Teilhard de Chardin. An Analysis and Assessment.
26201: JONES, LAWRENCE E. - Enjoying Historic Churches.
26398: JONES, T.H. - The Colour of Cockcrowing and Other Poems.
19584: JONES, GRAHAM. - Walking the Edge. A spirited trek the length of the English coastline.
14021: JONES, JAMES. - Following Jesus. Steps for Young People.(with illustrations by Taffy Davies).
10921: JONES, JAMES. - Why Do People Suffer? The Scandal of Pain in God's World.
10984: JONES, PHILIP. - Buying A Property in France.
11370: JONES, LAWRENCE E. - The Observer's Book of Old English Churches. (No. 36).
19246: JONES, PHILLIP. - Theory and Method in Sociology. A Guide for the Beginner.
24300: JONES, HYWEL, ANDREWS, EDGAR H AND MURRAY, IAIN. - The Bible Under Attack. Three Papers Read at the 1977 Conference of the British Evangelical Council.
18485: JONES. - The Church Without Walls. A Workbook for the Local Church.
48578: JONES, JACK. - Union Man: An Autobiography. (Signed).
17427: JONES, NEIL. - Holiday Book of Things to do.
22354: JONES, EDGAR. - The Cross in the Psalms.
44240: JONES, STEVEN SWANN. - The Fairy Tale. The Magic Mirror of Imagination.
16049: JONES, GORDON. - Design for Learning. Training for the local church.
5840: JONES, MARY ALICE. - Parents, Children and the Christian Faith. Foreword by William Barclay.
40789: JONES, ARTHUR. - Bedrooms, Chimneys and Lavatories! The Development of Hertfordshire Houses from Shelters to Homes.
7609: JONES, EDGAR. - The Triumph of Job.
14020: JONES, CLIFFORD. M. - Teaching the Bible Today. A book for students and teachers.
29149: JONES, DAVID. - The Perfumed Acres.
43904: JONES, A.H.M. - Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces.
50282: JONES, RICHARD G. - Pendingle Bay and other stories from Cornwall.
42796: JONES-BAKER, DR DORIS. (EDITOR). - Hertfordshire in History: Papers Presented to Lionel Munby.
28900: JONES, MARY. - Secret Flowers. Mourning and the Adaptation to Loss.
30373: JONES, WHITNEY R.D. - The Tudor Commonwealth 1529-1559.
29695: JONES, DYLAN. - iPod, Therefore I am. A Personal Journey Through Music.
42357: JONES, TREFOR. - The English Saints: East Anglia.
44368: JONES, DAVID R. - The Origins of Civic Universities. Manchester, Leeds & Liverpool.
40706: JONES, ALED WITH HENLEY, DARREN. - Aled. The Autobiography. (Signed).
32851: JONES, JONAH. - Zorn.
28899: JONES, JAMES. - Serving Jesus. More Steps for Young People.
39930: JONES, HERBERT. - Altar Flowers and How to Grow Them.
45808: JONES, WILLIAM (CORRESPONDING SECRETARY) . - The Jubilee Memorial Of The Religious Tract Society: Cointaining A Record Of Its Origin, Proceedings, and Results. A.D. 1799 to A.D. 1849.
32418: JONES, ELINOR. - Listen With Your Heart.
8682: JONES, RICHARD. - How goes Christian Marriage?
902: JONES, HENRY. - Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher.
9292: JONES, RICHARD G., & WESSON, ANTHONY J. - Towards A Radical Church.
45998: JONSON, BEN 1573-1637 [ GROSART, ALEXANDER BALLOCH, 1827-1899 ] - Brave Translunary Things, from the Works in Prose and Verse of Ben Jonson. Selected by Alexander B. Grosart. FIRST EDITION. LONDON : 1895. [ The Elizabethan Library. ]
33945: JOPE-SLADE, CHRISTINE. - The House of Broken Dreams.
34744: JOPE-SLADE, CHRISTINE. - The Madonna of the Clutching Hands.
48657: JORDAN, WINTHROP D. - White Over Black. American Attitudes Toward the Negro 1550-1812.
13109: JORDAN, CLARENCE. - Sermon on the Mount.
16556: JORDAN, MILDRED. - Proud to be Amish. (Illustrated by W.T.Mars).
24984: JORDAN, NEIL. - A Neil Jordan Reader. Night in Tunisia and Other Stories; The Dream of a Beast; The Crying Game.
15090: JORDAN, HECTOR W. - A Doctor's Search for Health.
16791: JORDAN, BILL. - Rethinking Welfare.
25358: JORDAN, DAWN. (EDITOR.) - Aspects of Faith.
28901: JORDAN, HARRY S. (EDITED BY TOM ROSE AND BRUCE BLYTH). - The Vicar of Finchingfield.
33531: JOSCELYNNE, A.E. - Words to Workers: Being Seven Addresses Delivered in Jamaica.
47440: JOSEPHUS/ DAVIES, LILLIAN. - How to Use Your Power of Thought. Josephus Through Lillian Davies.
46629: JOSHI, SVATI. (EDITOR). - Rethinking English: Essays in Literature, Language, History.
17477: JOSLIN, ROY. - Urban Harvest. Biblical perspectives on Christian mission in the inner cities.
44174: JOUBERT, JOSEPH./ LYTTELTON, KATHARINE (TRANSLATOR). - Joubert: A Selection from his Thoughts.
41744: JOURDAN, REV.CANON G.V. - The Reformation in Ireland in the XVIth Century.
39572: THE HOWARD JOURNAL. - The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. Volume 29. Number 1. (February 1990).
39573: THE HOWARD JOURNAL. - The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. Volume 28. Number 3. (August 1989).
50145: JOWETT, BENJAMIN. - Thucydides Translated into English. (2 Volumes). (2nd Revised Edition).
32573: JOWETT, J.H. - The Transfigured Church.
3327: JOYCE, REV. GILBERT C.(PREFACE). - The Splendour of God.
16740: JOYCE, C.A. - A Thought for the Week. Omnibus Edition.
25360: JOYCE, J. - Collectors Guide to Model Railways.
49638: JOYCE, F.W. - The Life of Rev. Sir F.A.G. Ouseley, Bart.
29510: JOYEUX, ODETTE. - Open Arms. (Translated from the French by Elspeth Grant & Peter de Polnay.)
26664: JOYNER, KEVIN V. - The House of Prayer. For All Nations
45695: JUDD, DENIS. - Balfour & the British Empire. A Study in Imperial Evolution 1874-1932.
19679: JUDGE, C.W. (COMPILER). - Oxford Past and Present.
45829: JUDGE, WILLIAM Q / CONGER, ARTHUR (EDITOR).. - Practical Occultism. From the Private Letters of William Q. Judge.
46594: JUGGINS. - Cycling Humours. (Illustrated by Frank Patterson).
4632: NEUBERGER JULIA. - Caring for Dying People of Different Faiths.
5130: JOLLY JUNE. - Missed Beginnings. Death before life has been established.
17557: JUNGMANN, J.A. - The Sacrifice of the Church. The Meaning of the Mass.
46930: JUNIUS, AUTHOR OF THE LETTERS [ FRANCIS, PHILIP ] . - The Letters of Junius. "Prodesse Civibus" .
11178: JUSSERAND, J.J. - English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages.
47481: JUSTE, MICHAEL. (EDITOR). [MICHAEL HOUGHTON]. - The Occult Observer. A Quarterly Journal of Occultism, Art and Philosophy. Volume I. [1949-50].
20994: KAFKA, FRANZ. - Die Romane: Amerika, Der Prozess, Schloss.
25132: KAGAN, DONALD; OZMENT, STEVEN; TURNER, FRANK M. - The Western Heritage to 1715.
15597: KAHN, SHOLOM J. - Mark Twain's Mysterious Stranger. A Study of the Manuscript Texts.
51258: KAHN, ASHLEY. - A Love Supreme. The Creation of John Coltrane's Classic Album.
29868: KAIPER, DAND & NAN. - Tlingit: Their Art, Culture and Legends. The Alaska Indian.
6137: KAISER, CHRISTOPHER B. - The Doctrine of God. An Historical Survey.
13822: KAISER, OTTO. - Isaiah 13-39. A Commentary.
28903: KAMEETA, ZEPHANIA. - Why O Lord? Psalms and Sermons from Namibia.
33561: KAMPEN, ROBERT VAN. - The Rapture Question Answered. Plain and Simple.
17189: KAMPHAUS, FRANZ. - The Gospels Preachers and Teachers.
24756: KANE, THOMAS S. - Journey of the Heart. A Way of Praying the Gospels.
5532: KANE, MARGARET. - Theology in an Industrial Society.
49525: KANE, DANIEL. - Ostentation of Peacocks.
47041: KANE, REV. JOHN A. - The School of the Cross.
41012: KANE, HARNETT T. - Natchez on the Mississippi.
9791: KANE, MARGARET. - Gospel in Industrial Society.
18486: KANFER, FREDERICK H AND GOLDSTEIN, ARNOLD P. - Helping People Change.
33234: KANIEL, MICHAEL. - Judaism. (The Art of World Religions).
27905: KANITKAR, V.P. (HEMANT). - Hindu Scriptures. (Discovering Sacred Texts).
39670: KANT, IMMANUEL. - Critique of Judgement. (Translated by J.H.Bernard).
8037: KAPELRUD, ARVID S. - Israel. From the earliest times to the Birth of Christ. Trans. by J.M.Moe.
15355: KAPLAN, JUSTIN. - Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain. A Biography.
19492: KAPLAN, LOUISE J. - Oneness and Separateness: From Infant to Individual.
15678: KAPLAN, JUSTIN. - Lincoln Steffens. A Biography.
16330: KARICKAM, DR. ABRAHAM. - Fifty Love Poems.
20349: KARSTORP, LENNART. - May I have a word with you, Lord? Prayers when you are ill.
8394: KASDORF, HANS, MULLER, KLAUS W., (HG). - Bilanz und Plan: Mission an der Schwelle zum Dritten Jahrtausend.
41281: KASPER, WALTER. - The God of Jesus Christ.
6623: KASTNER, ERICH. - Emil and the Detectives. Trans. from the German by Eileen Hall.
4603: JONES KATHLEEN (EDITOR). - Living the Faith. A Call to the Church.
34289: KAUFFMANN, C.M. - The Barbizon School. (Victoria and Albert Museum).
15912: KAUFMAN, BEATRICE AND HENNESSEY, JOSEPH.(EDITORS). - The Letters of Alexander Woollcott.
20162: KAUTER, DR. A. - Die Wichtigsten Futterpflanzen.
913: KAUTZSCH,E. - Die Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen des Alten Testaments in Verbindung mit Fachgenossen ubersetzt und herausgegeben von E. Kautzsch. 2 vols.
44052: KAVANAGH, DENNIS. - Politics & Personalities.
15679: KAVANAUGH, FATHER JAMES. - A Modern Priest looks at his Outdated Church.
45617: KAY, JAMES PHILLIPS (LATER SIR JAMES KAY SHUTTLEWORTH). - Occasional Papers No.1. On the Punishment of Pauper Children in Workhouses.
20727: KAY, WILLIAM. - Moral Development. A Psychological Study of Moral Growth from Childhood to Adolescence.
47908: KAY, S.A. (EDITOR) . - The Talbot. Commemorative Issue[ The Magazine of the Grammar School, Sudbury, Suffolk No.34 ], 1974 .
13263: KAY, GRAEME & STACEY, CHRIS. - The Coronation Street Quiz Book (Special Anniversary Edition).
22356: KAY, J. ALAN. - The Nature of Christian Worship.
45531: KAY, JOHN. - Into Composition. A Painter's Guide.
22072: KAYE, B.N., & WENHAM, G.H. (EDITORS.) - Law, Morality and the Bible. A Symposium. (Preface by J.I. Packer.)
12312: KAYE, BRUCE. - Obeying Christ in a Changing World. 3. The Changing World.
29869: KAZANTZAKIS, NIKOS. - Zorba the Greek. (Translated by Carl Wildman.)
29279: KEABLE, ROBERT. - This Same Jesus: Meditations on the Manifestation of Christ Today.
12192: KEAN, CHARLES DUELL. - The Meaning of Existence.
40528: KEANE, A.H. - Handbook of the History of the English Language. For the Use of Teacher and Student.
9034: KEANE, PHILIP S. - Sexual Morality. A Catholic Perspective.
46411: KEARTON, RICHARD (1862-1928) / KEARTON, CHERRY (1871-1940) . - Kearton's Nature Pictures Beautifully Reproduced In Photogravure, Colour, and Black and White from photographs By Richard and Cherry Kearton.
48943: KEARY, A. & E. - Heroes of Asgard . Tales from Scandinavian Mythology By A. E. Keary. Illustrated With Drawings by C. E. Brock .
26486: KEATING, REV. JOSEPH. - Does the Catholic Church Persecute?
50641: KEATS, JOHN. - Poems. (Illustrated by Robert Anning Bell).
12810: KEAY, JOHN. - Explorers Extraordinary.
46879: KEBLE, REV. JOHN . - The Christian Year. Thoughts In Verse For The Sundays And Holidays Throughout The Year. By John Keble .
7612: KEE, ALISTAIR. - Nietzsche Against The Crucified.
33597: KEE, HOWARD CLARK. - Christianity. (Major World Religions series).
19247: KEE, ALISTAIR. - The Way of Transcendence. Christian Faith without Belief.
18837: KEE, ALISTAIR. - Seeds of Liberation. Spiritual Dimensions to Political Struggle.
4137: KEE, ALISTAIR. - From Bad Faith to Good News.
17479: KEELING, MICHAEL. - Morals in a Free Society.
20040: KEEN, EVELYN RAY. - The Aston Story. A History of Aston Charities Trust Ltd.
17191: KEEP, DAVID. - St Boniface and His World. A booklet to commemorate the thirteen hundredth anniversary of his birth at Crediton in Devon.
27237: KEEPING, S.F. - St. Bartholomew's Church, Quorn. 1868-1968.
49181: KEER, RAYMOND. - The Suffolk Stud-Book: A Register of the County Breed of Cart Horses. Collected, Compiled and Edited for the Suffolk Horse Society by Raymond Keer. Volume XLVI - 1943. Containing Entries to 1942..
49606: KEIGWIN, R.P. - Lanyard Lyrics.(Illustrated by P.L.Butt, R.N).
22357: KEIR, THOMAS H. - The Word in Worship. Preaching and its setting in Common Worship..
16331: KEISER, FATHER MICHAEL. - Children of the Promise. An Introduction to Western Orthodoxy.
5078: CLEMENTS KEITH W. - Lovers of Discord. 20th century theological controversies in England.
15736: KEITH, REV. KHODADAD. - The Social Life of a Jew in the Time of Christ.
42016: KEITH, HADDOW M. - Convulsive Disorders in Children. With Reference to Treatment with Ketogenic Diet.
33857: KELDANY, HERBERT. - The ABC of the Vatican Council.
19149: KELEMEN, JULIE. - Advent is for Children. Stories, Activities, Prayers.
30452: KELLENBENZ, HERMANN. - The Rise of the European Economy. An Economic History of Continental Europe 1500-1750. (revised and edited by Gerhard Benecke).
4945: KELLER, JOHN E. - Ministering to Alcoholics.
18625: KELLER, ERNST & MARIE-LUISE. - Miracles in Dispute. A Continuing Debate. (Translated by Margaret Kohl from the German.)
924: KELLY, J.N.D. - Early Christian Doctrines.
7232: KELLY, WILLIAM. - The Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians. Translated from a correct text, and expounded by William Kelly.
48404: KELLY'S. - Kelly's Directory of Chelmsford and Neighbourhood. ("Buff Book") 1935-36.
34659: KELLY, W. - The Preaching to The Spirits in Prison: 1 Peter III. 18-20.
24085: KELLY, CHRISTINE. (ED). - Feminism V. Mankind.
24086: KELLY, KEVIN T. - Life and Love. Towards a Christian Dialogue on Bioethical Questions.
15737: KELLY, J.N.D. - A Commentary on The Epistles of Peter and of Jude.
19406: KELLY, PETER. - Roman Catholicism.
28131: KELLY, ROBERT. ET AL. - Liturgical Hymns Old & New.
42978: KELLY, MICHAEL. - Jousts of Aphrodite. Erotic Verse Translated from the Original Greek.
6292: KELLY, KEVIN T. - Divorce and Second Marriage. Facing the Challenge.
4735: KELLY, JOHN. N. D. (FORWORD BY LORD RAMSEY.) - Aspects of the Passion.
41841: KELLY, NORAH. - St Brigit of the Mantle. A Christmas Mystery Play.
8997: KELLY, J.N.D. - The Pastoral Epistles. I & II Timothy, Titus.
47943: KELLY'S DIRECTORIES. - Kelly's Directory of King's Lynn and Neighbourhood. 1966.
47944: KELLY'S DIRECTORIES. - Kelly's Directory of King's Lynn and Neighbourhood. 1968.
47352: KELLY'S DIRECTORIES . - Kelly's Directory Of The Counties Of Suffolk And Essex 1937 .
47350: KELLY'S DIRECTORIES . - Kelly's Directory Of Hull And Neighbourhood 1939 .
39964: KELMAN, JOHN. - The Faith of Robert Louis Stevenson.
26762: KELSEY, MORTON. - Encounter with God: A Theology of Christian Experience.
16463: KELSEY, MORTON T. - Christo-Psychology.
18838: KELSEY, MORTON T. - The Christian and the Supernatural.
34332: KELSO, ANDY. - Drama in Worship. (Ministry and Worship No.35).
28268: KEMP, ANTHONY. - Witchcraft and Paganism Today.
50521: KEMPE, MARGERY. - The Book of Margery Kempe. A Modern Version by W. Butler-Bowdon.
27440: A KEMPIS, THOMAS (TRANSLATED BY E.M. BLAIKLOCK). - The Imitation of Christ.
50816: MINIATURE BOOK -THOMAS A KEMPIS . - Of The Imitation Of Christ. Four Books By Thomas A Kempis. Revised translation .
41864: A KEMPIS, THOMAS. - The Chronicle of the Canons Regular of Mount St Agnes. (Translated by J.P.Arthur).
935: KEMPIS, THOMAS A. - The Imitation of Christ.
17734: KEMPSTER, M.H.A. - Materials for Engineers.
22708: KENDALL, R.T. - The God of the Bible. A Personal Introduction Based on Four Years of Spring Harvest Bible Readings.
5133: KENDALL R.T. - Tithing. A call to serious, biblical giving.
23638: KENDALL, E. LORNA. - If Any Man Build. The Spiritual Life in the New Testament.
15062: KENDALL,R.T. FOREWORD GRAHAM, BILLY. - Stand Up and Be Counted.
21590: KENDALL, JOHN & JOAN. - Man Alive. An Anthology.
16050: KENDALL, E. LORNA. - Watchmen Upon Thy Walls. European Masters of the Spiritual Life.
33621: KENDALL, GUY. - Robert Raikes: A Critical Study of the Founder of the Sunday School.
37798: KENDON, FRANK. - Jacob & Thomas: Darkness.
37799: KENDON, FRANK. - Cage & Wing.
11904: KENDRICK, GRAHAM. - Shine Jesus Shine. Celebrating Jesus on the streets of the world.
18487: KENDRICK, GRAHAM. - Ten Worshipping Churches.
8255: KENDRICK, T.D. - The Druids.
29511: KENNABY, NOEL M. - To Start You Praying. Everyman's Guide to Intercession for the World Wide Church.
35831: KENNEDY, JOHN F. - Profiles in Courage.
34080: KENNEDY, DOUGLAS. - In God's Country. Travels in the Bible Belt, USA.
7477: KENNEDY, EUGENE. - On Becoming a Counsellor. A basic guide for non-professional counsellors.
15738: KENNEDY, MICHAEL. - The Oxford Dictionary of Music (New edition).
21138: KENNEDY, JILL & VARRALL, JANE. - Silk Painting. Techniques and Ideas.
10037: KENNEDY, EUGENE. - On Becoming a Counsellor. A Basic Guide for Non-Professional Counsellors.
33791: KENNEDY, JAMES. - Margaret Stephen Kennedy.
46118: KENNEDY, P. D. [ KENNEDY, PETE 1950-- . - Apul-One
3330: KENNEDY,JOHN. - The God Whom We Ignore.
34011: KENNEDY, ROBERT E. - Zen Spirit, Christian Spirit: The Place of Zen in Christian Life.
33877: KENNEDY, WILLIAM SLOANE. - Oliver Wendell Holmes: Poet, Litterateur, Scientist.
40514: KENNEDY, JOHN. - The Gospels: Their Age and Authorship.
32577: KENNEDY, WILLIAM SLOANE. - Reminiscences of Walt Whitman with Extracts from his Letters and Remarks on his Writings.
49084: KENNELL, ROGER. - The Story of Holland-On-Sea During the Second World War.
47081: KENNELL, ROGER. - The Day War Came to Clacton on Sea.
23883: KENNELLY, BRENDAN. - Glimpses.
22073: KENNELLY, BRENDAN. - Breathing Spaces. Early Poems.
5115: GREET KENNETH G. - The Big Sin. Christianity and the arms race.
4574: GREET KENNETH G. - Fully Connected. A Volume of Memoirs.
4608: LEECH KENNETH. - Spirituality and Pastoral Care.
4673: SLACK KENNETH. - Despatch from New Delhi.
4610: LEECH KENNETH. - Soul Friend. A Study of Spirituality.
8219: BROTHER KENNETH. C.G.A. - Saints of the 20th Century.
40552: KENNETT, ROBERT H. - In Our Tongues. Some Thoughts for Readers of the English Bible.
13732: KENNY, ANTHONY. - Reason and Religion. Essays in Philosophical Theology.
17863: KENRICK, ROSEMARY. - Culinary Herbs. A WI Gardening Skills guide to growing, storing and using kitchen herbs.
49243: KENT, ALEXANDER. - Heart of Oak. (signed).
34991: KENT, CHARLES FOSTER. - The Heroes and Crises of Early Hebrew History. From the Creation to the Death of Moses.
24088: KENT, JOHN. - William Temple. Church, State and Society in Britain, 1880-1950.
11041: KENT, HOWARD. - Day by Day Yoga.
49259: KENT, ALEXANDER. - Richard Bolitho - Midshipman.
49242: KENT, ALEXANDER. - Form Line of Battle!
49250: KENT, ALEXANDER. - Passage to Mutiny.
49249: KENT, ALEXANDER. - Signal-Close Action.
49185: KENTSBEER, JOHN HERBERT . - A Record Of The Gillingham Lodge Of Benevolence No. 184 1787-1987. Compiled By Wor. Bro. John Herbert Kentsbeer, Past Master .
43065: KENWORTHY, J. W. [ KENWORTHY, JAMES WRIGHT ] . - A Memorial Of Ancient Braintree. NIcholas Udall, Vicar. Part I. By The Rev. J. W. Kenworthy, Colchester (Sometime Vicar of Braintree).
40960: KENWORTHY, REV. J.W. - A Relic Found at Braintree. An Investigation and a History.
945: KENWRICK, JOYCE. - The Religious Quest. A Study in the Development of the Religious Sentiment.
24758: KENYON, KATHLEEN M. - Beginning in Archaeology.
21675: KENYON, KATHLEEN M. - Palestine in the Middle Bronze Age. Volume II, Chapter III. (Cambridge Ancient History Series 48).
21676: KENYON, KATHLEEN M. - Palestine in the Time of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Volume II, Chapter XI. (Cambridge Ancient History Series 69).
16206: KENYON, J.P. - The Stuarts.
19589: KENYON, DR JULIAN N. - 21st Century Medicine. A Layman's Guide to the Medicine of the Future.
50758: KER, WILLIAM LEE. - Mother Lodge, Kilwinning : "The Ancient Ludge of Scotland". Discussion of an old historical question. By Rev. William Lee Ker.
30879: KERKHOFS, JAN. (EDITOR). - Modern Mission Dialogue. Theory and Practice.
46382: KERMODE, H.S. (EDITOR) / WOTTEN, SIR HENRY. - A Philosophical Survey of Education or Moral Architecture and The Aphorisms of Education by Sir Henry Wotten.
46184: KERMODE, JENNY. - Medieval Merchants. York, Beverley and Hull in the Later Middle Ages.
37875: KERR, T. - Theology Today. The Life of Man in the Light of God. Vol.XVII. No.2. July 1960.
42018: KERSHAW, DR JOHN. - People with Dyslexia. Report of a Working Party Commissioned by The British Council for Rehabilitation of the Disabled.
10922: KERSTEN, HOLGER, & GRUBER, ELMAR R. - The Jesus Conspiracy. The Turin Shroud & the Truth about the Resurrection.
11678: KESSEL, NEIL. AND WALTON, HENRY. - Alcoholism.
7613: KESSLER, DIANE. (EDITED BY). - Together on the Way. Official Report of the Eighth Assembly of the World Council of Churches.
31282: KETCHEJIAN, SIRANOOSH. - Under His Wings: A Selection of Poems. (Second Selection).
18839: KETTLE, PATSY. - Staying Sane Under Stress. (Grove Pastoral Series No.31).
49313: KEVERNE, RICHARD. - He Laughed At Murder.
49314: KEVERNE, RICHARD. - Menace.
42856: ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS KEW . - Illustrated Guide. Royal Botanic Gardens Kew .
29077: KEW, MAJOR CLIFFORD W. - The Salvation Army.
17735: KEYES, FRANCES PARKINSON. - Steamboat Gothic.
24089: KEYES, PAUL T. - Pastoral Presence and the Diocesan Priest.
18121: KEYMER, NATHANIEL.(EDITOR). - Workers Together With God. A series of papers on some of the Church's works by some of the Church's workers.
41574: KEYNES, FLORENCE ADA. - High Stewards of the Borough of Cambridge: An Enquiry.
23885: KHAN, VERITY SAIFULLAH. - Minority Families in Britain. Support and Stress.
15560: KHAN, MUMTAZ ALI. - Scheduled Castes and their Status in India.
37051: KHAN, MUHAMMAD ZAFRULLA. - The Message of Islam.
46495: KHOMEYNI, AYATOLLAH. - Islamic Government.
49980: KICHENSIDE, G.M. AND WILLIAMS, ALAN. - British Railway Signallimg.
21332: KIDD, REV B. J. - The Later Medieval Doctrine of the Eucharistic Sacrifice.
6466: KIDD, B.J. - The Later Medieval Doctrine of the Eucharistic Sacrifice.
7978: KIDD, TONY. - At the Foot of the Cross.
33172: KIDD, REV. B.J. - The Later Mediaeval Doctrine of the Eucharistic Sacrifice.
49676: KIDD, WILLIAM JAMES PASLEY . - The Chorister's Text-Book : Containing selections from the psalmody of the Lowlands, and Highlands and Islands of Scotland; Arranged for from two to five voices, with organ and piano-forte accompaniments, and a comprehensive grammar of music...
3003: KIDD, B.J. - The Counter-Reformation. 1550-1600.
9990: KIDD, TONY. - Facing the Cross. Finding Ourselves. 6 Bible studies for individuals or groups. A Lent Resource.
14447: KIDNER, DEREK. - Proverbs. An Introduction & Commentary.
15739: KIERKEGAARD, SOREN. - Edifying Discourses. A Selection.
39710: KIERKEGAARD, SöREN. - Gospel of Sufferings. (Lidelsernes Evangelium). (Translated by A.S.Aldworth and Ferrie, W.S.).
14733: KIERNAN, THOMAS. - Olivier. The Life of Laurence Olivier.
39992: KIILLINGRAY, MARGARET. - Encouraging Biblical Literacy. (Grove Biblical 6).
33363: KILBORN, TREVOR. - Why So Many Churches?
18840: KILCOURSE, GEORGE. - Ace of Freedoms. Thomas Merton's Christ.
39019: KILEY-WORTHINGTON, M. - Behavioural Problems of Farm Animals.
31516: KILGOUR, MAGGIE. - The Rise of the Gothic Novel.
24985: KILLINGBECK, K.P. - The Creative Use of Calculators.
45310: KILLINGRAY, HEATHER. (EDITOR). - Poetry Now. Eastern England 2002.
15441: KILMISTER, ANTHONY. - The Good Church Guide. A Church-goer's Companion.
7614: KILPATRICK, G. D. - Remaking The Liturgy.
7166: KILPATRICK, G.D. - The Origins of The Gospel According to St Matthew.
47391: KILROY, THOMAS. - The Big Chapel.
50353: KILVERT, MURIEL L. - A History of Framlingham. (signed).
3122: KIMBER, W.J.T. - The Healing Church. With suggestions for co-operation between Doctors and Clergy.
48256: KIMBERLEY, M.J. (EDITOR). - Heritage of Zimbabwe. Publication No.21.
48240: KINDRED, DAVID. - A Century of Ipswich. Events, People and Places Over the Last 100 Years.
16333: KING, URSULA (ED). - Liberating Women. New Theological Directions 2-6 September 1991.
27587: KING, DR. HORACE, ET AL. - To Church with Enthusiasm.
4971: KING, GUY H. - A Belief That Behaves. An Expositional Study of the Epistle of James.
6139: KING, PHILIP. - Good News for a Suffering World. What does the Christian faith really have to offer? (Foreword by Archbishop of Canterbury).
29951: KING, BOLTON . - A History Of Italian Unity 1814 - 1871 .
6024: KING, GUY H. - To My Son. An expositional study of II Timothy.
14249: KING, PROF. N.Q. - The Ghana Bulletin of Theology. Vol. 1, No. 3. (December 1957).
4980: KING, GUY H. - Joy Way. An Expositional application of the Epistle to the Philippians.
18673: KING, JOHN C. - A Christian View of the Mushroom Myth.
21061: KING-FARLOW, JOHN . - Reason and Religion.
24490: KING, PAT. - Scripture-Based Ideas for Reaching Out to Others.
19248: KING, JANET. - Leading Worship in Schools. An Open Door for Christians?
26098: KING-HALL, STEPHEN. - Britain's Third Chance: A Book about Post-war Problems and the Individual.
50347: KING, H.F. - Armament of British Aircraft 1909-1939.
50875: KING, JANE. - Fellow Traveller.
46171: KING, ROBERT. - Henry Purcell.
41132: KING-HALL, STEPHEN. - Men of Destiny. or The Moment of No Return.
30301: KING, MARTIN LUTHER. - The Trumpet of Conscience.
13453: KING, JOHN C. (EDITOR). - Evangelicals Today. 13 Stock-taking Essays.
26967: KINGSBURY, JACK DEAN. - Matthew. A Commentary for Preachers and Others.
38072: KINGSBURY, LESLIE. - Forty Days: Thoughts on St Patrick's Breastplate.
27238: KINGSBURY, LESLIE. - 40 Nights. Readings for Lent on the Anima Christi.
37878: KINGSBURY, JACK DEAN. - Matthew as Story.
46061: KINGSLAND, WILLIAM. - The Gnosis or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures.
49838: KINGSLEY, CHARLES [ CHARLES KINGSLEY 12 JUNE 1819 – 23 JANUARY 1875 ] . - Hypatia or; New Foes with an Old Face .
31433: KINGSLEY, JASON. - Steel Eye and the Lost Magic. (Illustrated by Jon Davis).
953: KINGSLEY, CHARLES. - Plays and Puritans, and other Historical Essays.
21920: KINGSWAY. - Songs of Fellowship. Book Four. 200 Songs and Hymns of Inspirational Praise and Worship.
49127: KINLOCH, BRUCE. - The Shamba Raiders. Memories of a Game Warden.
18984: KINSEY, GORDON. - Seaplanes - Felixstowe. The Story of the Air Station 1913-1963.
20409: KIPLING, RUDYARD. - The Beginning of the Armadilloes. (Illustrated by Charles Keeping).
20410: KIPLING, RUDYARD. - The Butterfly that Stamped. (Illustrated by Alan Baker).
20412: KIPLING, RUDYARD. - The Crab that Played with the Sea. (Illustrated by Michael Foreman).
50969: KIPLING, RUDYARD. - Just So Stories For Little Children. (Illustrated).
49467: KIPLING, RUDYARD (1865-1936) . - Wee Willie Winkie and Other Stories. By Rudyard Kipling. A. H. Wheeler & Co's. Indian Railway Library . No. 6 One Rupee.
44843: KIPLING, RUDYARD . - The Seven Seas by Rudyard Kipling .
48476: KIRBY, EGMONT W. - Butterflies and Moths of the United Kingdom.
23099: KIRBY, GILBERT W. (ED). - The Question of Healing. Some Thoughts on Healing and Suffering.
24091: KIRBY, REV. GILBERT. - The Protestant Churches of Britain. A Plain Man's Guide.
27079: KIRBY, RICHARD AND RADFORD, JOHN. - Individual Differences.
50802: KIRBY, JOHN 1690-1753 / BLATCHLEYY, JOHN / JAMES, JENNY / DYMOND, DAVID . - John Kirby's Suffolk : his maps and roadbooks / introduced by John Blatchly with contributions by Jenny James ; General editor David Dymond. Suffolk Records Society. Publications no:47
9176: KIRBY, GILBERT. - Understanding Christian Ethics. (Formerly - The Way We Care).
12488: KIRCHHEIMER, SID. - The Doctors Book of Home Remedies II.
23756: KIRDAR, UNER. - The Structure of United Nations Economic Aid to Underdeveloped Countries. Preface by R.Y. Jennings.
50874: KIRILLOVA, LYUBOV . - Royal Carriages. Treasures of the Armoury.
5742: KIRK, J. ANDREW. - Theology Encounters Revolution.
21806: KIRK, J. ANDREW. - Theology and the Third World Church. (Outreach and Identity 6).
13266: KIRK, TALBOT, MULLANEY, FARRELL, MALONEY, MACRORIE, BERNATOWICZ, LEMBKE. - ETC. A Review of General Semantics, Vol. 17, no 1.
958: KIRK, KENNETH E. (EDITOR). - The Study of Theology.
16208: KIRKMAN, PATRICK R.A. - Modern Credit Management. A Study of the Management of Trade Credit under Inflationary Conditions.
40546: KIRKPATRICK, BILL. - Going Forth. A Practical and Spiritual Approach to Dying and Death.
43769: KIRKWOOD, NEVILLE A. - A Hospital Handbook on Multiculturalism and Religion.
28906: KISSELL, BARRY. - Walking on Water.
20044: KISTEMAKER, SIMON J. - The Gospels in Current Study (Second Ed).
22711: KITCHEN, MARTIN. HESKINS, GEORGINA AND MOTYER, STEPHEN. - Word of Promise. A Commentary on The Lectionary Readings for the Principal Service on Sundays and Major Holy Days.
24491: KITCHEN, MARTIN, HESKINS, GEORGIANA AND MOTYER, STEPHEN - Word in Our Time. Insights into the Scripture Readings for Sundays and Holy Days. Year C.
38654: KITCHEN, MARTIN, HESKINS, GEORGIANA AND MOTYER, STEPHEN. - Word of Truth. A Commentary on the Lectionary Readings for the Principle Service on Sundays and Major Holy Days. Year B.
49952: KITCHENER, MICHAEL. - Way of the Cross. A Norwich Pilgrimage.
3871: KITCHENER, MICHAEL. - The Victory of Hope. A Journey from Good Friday to Easter.
19594: KITSON, MARGARET ED). - Understanding their World. (Topics for Infants).
44035: KITTERMASTER, REV. FRED. W. [ FREDERICK WILLIAM KITTERMASTER 1820-1906 ] . - Shropshire Arms And Lineages: Compiled From The Heralds' Visitations And Ancient MSS., By The Rev. Fred. W. Kittermaster, M.A., Hon. Chaplain of the Shropshire Artillery Volunteers, and sometime Vicar of Edgton.
12314: KITTO, H.D.F. - The Greeks.
19349: KITTON, DAVID. - For Heaven's Sake! A Collection of Heavenly Howlers. (Illustrated by John Ryan.)
22712: KITWOOD, T.M. - What is Human?
23388: KITZINGER, ERNST. - Israeli Mosaics of the Byzantine Period.
36974: KLAFKOWSKI, ALFONS. - The Legal Effects of the Second World War and the German Problem.
8773: KLAUSER, THEODOR. - The Western Liturgy and Its History. Some Reflections on Recent Studies.(Translated into English by F.L.Cross).
10867: KLEBA, GERALD. - The People Parish. A model of church where people flourish.
48529: KLEIN, JOE. - Woody Guthrie. A Life.
19815: KLEIN, SYDNEY. - Sexuality and Aggression in Maturation. (New Facets).
50199: KLEIN, HERMAN. - Great Women Singers Of My Time.
51236: KLICKMANN, FLORA. (EDITOR). - The Home Art Book of Fancy Stitchery.
22012: KLOCZOWSKI, JERZY. - A History of Polish Christianity.
16136: KLOOSTERMAN, DR. A.M.J. - Family Planning and Christian Marriage.
5843: KLOOSTERMAN, A.M.J. - Contemporary Catholicism. Thoughts since Vatican II.
17988: KLUGMANN, JAMES AND OESTREICHER, PAUL (EDS). - What Kind of Revolution? A Christian-Communist Dialogue.
46583: KNACHEL, PHILIP A. (EDITOR). - Eikon Basilike. The Portraiture of His Sacred Majesty in His Solitude and Sufferings.
14126: KNAPP-FISHER, E.G. - Where the Truth is Found. Some Reflections on the Way of the World.
28381: KNAPPERT, JAN. - Indian Mythology. An Encyclopedia of Myth and Legend.
28382: KNAPPERT, JAN. - Pacific Mythology. An Encyclopedia of Myth and Legend.
49099: KNELL, DAVID. - English Country Furniture. The Vernacular Tradition.
48756: KNIGHT, JOSEPH (1829-1907) . - Theatrical Notes By Joseph Knight .
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