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Chilton Books The Lodge, Chilton Mount, Newton Road, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 2RS, UK Email: beckhambooks@msn.com | ||||
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49324: FRAME, D AND PEACH, K.J. (EDITORS). - Fundamental Forces.
6226: FRAMPTON, V.B AND PEDLEY, J.C. - True Stories for the Junior Assembly.
12963: FRANCE, R.T. - The Man they Crucified. A Portrait of Jesus.
39639: FRANCE, ALAN AND HOMEL, ROSS. - Pathways and Crime Prevention: Theory, Policy and Practice.
21047: FRANCE, R.T. - The Living God.
32789: FRANCE, MALCOLM. - The Paradox of Guilt: A Christian Study of the Relief of Self-Hatred.
4119: FRANCIC, DAVID. - Jesus-Our Way to God.
4857: FRANCIS, LESLIE. - His Spirit is With Us. A project approach to Christian Nurture.
14915: FRANCIS, LESLIE J. - Church Watch. Christianity in the Countryside.
5928: FRANCIS, DAVID N. - Let Us Worship. A Vestry Book of Sermons and Prayers for Occasional Use.
20705: FRANCIS, LESLIE J. - Teenagers and the Church. A Profile of Church-going Youth in the 1980's.
7452: FRANCIS, LESLIE J., AND OTHERS. - Making Contact. Christian Nurture, Family Worship & Church Growth.
22059: FRANCIS, DAVID N. - But Above All. More Sermons from St. George's.
15501: FRANCIS, LESLIE. - Partnership in Rural Education. Church Schools and Teacher Attitudes.
23349: FRANCIS, DAVID N. - Good News about Death.
28497: FRANCIS, LESLIE J AND CARTER, MARIAN. - The Word for all God's Family. Year 1. Projects on Scripture.
28498: FRANCIS, LESLIE J AND DRAYSON, DIANE. - Bread for all God's Family. Projects for Communion.
16914: FRANCIS, DICK. - 10-lb Penalty.
24056: FRANCIS, DAVID. - Treasures of Darkness. A Gospel for the Day of Trouble.
26693: SISTER MARY FRANCIS. - How to Pray the Rosary. A Simple Bible Rosary.
23350: FRANCIS, DAVID. - The ABC of Preaching.
4120: FRANCIS, LESLIE J. - Rural Anglicanism. A Future for Young Christians?
38828: FRANCIS, HILARY J. - Sing Nature's Song. (Illustrated by David T. Donaghy).
8236: FRANCIS, JENNY. - Belief Beyond Pain.
9027: FRANCIS, LESLIE J., & KAY, WILLIAM K. - Teenage Religion and Values.
28257: FRANCK, IRENE M., & BROWNSTONE, DAVID M. - From Gibraltar to the Ganges. (Adapted from 'To the Ends of the Earth'.)
13527: FRANCOMBE, ANNE. - The Easter Book.
15502: FRANK, ISNARD WILHELM. - A History of the Mediaeval Church.
4217: MORISON FRANK. - Who Moved the Stone?
4242: WRIGHT FRANK. - Pastoral Care for Lay People.
5015: FRANKL, VIKTOR E. - The Doctor and the Soul. From Psychotherapy to Logotherapy. (Translated by Richard and Clare Winston).
32237: FRANKLAND, W.B. - The Early Eucharist. (A.D.30-180).
14601: FRANKLIN, PHYLLIS. - Profession 1998.
6275: FRANKLIN, ERIC. - How the Critics Can Help. A Guide to the Practical Use of the Gospels.
21240: FRANKLIN, VIOLET MAY. - Through Mount Hebron to Green Pastures.
27065: FRANKLIN, ALAN. - May I Show You Round? A Tour of Ely Cathedral.
12358: FRANKS, HELEN. - Prime Time. The Mid-life Women in Focus.
26391: FRANSEN, PETER. - The New Life of Grace. ((Translated from the Flemish by Georges Dupont.)
12009: FRASER, ANTONIA. - Cool Repentance. A Jemima Shore mystery.
24713: FRASER, IAN M. - Living a Countersign. From Iona to Basic Christian Communities.
16497: FRASER, LINDA. - Sainsbury's Recipe Library: Cooking for the Freezer.
7453: FRASER, JOHN. - The Chinese. Portrait of a People.
41124: FRASER, GEORGE MACDONALD. - Flashman and the Mountain of Light.
45131: FRASER, ROBERT. (EDITOR). - Sir James Frazer and the Literary Imagination. Essays in Affinity and Influence.
8826: FRASER, JEAN. - Under the Cross.
44133: FRAUWALLNER, ERICH. - History of Indian Philosophy. (Two Volume set). (Translated from the original German into English by V.M.Bedekar).
20706: FRAYLING, NICHOLAS. - Pardon and Peace. A Reflection on the Making of Peace in Ireland.
16123: FRAZIER, CHARLES. - Retour A Cold Mountain.
14085: FREAM, WILLIAM. - The Rothamsted Experiments on the Growth of Wheat,Barley, and the Mixed Herbage of Grass Land.
23852: FREED, NORAH. - Bible Calling: Norah Freed on Trans World Radio from Monte Carlo.
45846: FREEL, WILLIAM. - Survival? God's Fabulous Future. (Signed).
50514: FREELING, ARTHUR - The Grand Junction Railway Companion to Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham; and Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham guide: containing an account of every thing worthy the attention of the traveller upon the line...
39510: FREEMAN, JUNE(TEXT) & WIEDEL, JANINE(PHOTOGRAPHS).. - Faces with Voices. Twentieth Century Lives in an English Town. (Sudbury, Suffolk)
50881: FREEMAN, EDITH. (WITH JOHN TAYLOR AND GILL TAYLOR (ILLUSTRATOR). - The Heart of Sudbury. One of England's Most Ancient Market Towns.
27881: FREEMAN, EDITH. - A Bride for Sir Charles.
36808: FREEMAN, JANET ING . - The Postmaster of Ipswich: William Stevenson Fitch, Antiquarian and Thief.
37327: FREEMAN, LAURENCE. - The Selfless Self.
19134: FREEMAN, ROGER ANTHONY. - As I was A-Saying. Country goings-on.
6783: FREEMAN BUTTS, R. - The American Tradition in Religion and Education.
44656: FREEMAN, EDITH. - A Bride for Sir Charles. A Contemporary Drama of Eastshire Life.
30153: FREEMAN, DOROTHY R. - Couples in Conflict. Inside the Counseling Room.
50795: FREEMAN, JUNE(TEXT) & WIEDEL, JANINE(PHOTOGRAPHS).. - Faces with Voices. Twentieth Century Lives in an English Town. (Sudbury, Suffolk)
49454: FREEMAN, EDITH (1920-2010) . - Sudbury Evolves - Using Maps, illustrations and text on seven separate sheets. By Edith Freeman, illustrated by Gillian Taylor, assisted by John Taylor.
42367: FREEMAN, LAURENCE. - Jeus. The Teacher Within.
41432: FREEMAN, EDITH WITH BIXLEY, STEVEN. - Sudbury's Story. Using Rare Old Picture Postcards.
50528: FREEMAN, EDWARD A. ( EDWARD AUGUSTUS FREEMAN, 1823-1892 ) . - The Historical Geography of Europe By Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L., LL.D. Honary Fellow Of Trinity College, Oxford. In Two Volumes. Second Edition. Vol. I. - Text ; Vol. II. - Maps .
49630: FREEMANTLE, JAMES SWAN. - The Book of Psalms.
38043: ESSEX FREEMASONS . - Antient Fraternity Of Free & Accepted Masons Of England . Souvenir Of The Consecration of the Colne Lodge, No. 2477 .
38045: ESSEX FREEMASONS . - Consecreation of the Colne Chapter No. 2477 . Masonic Hall, Colchester .
38057: ESSEX FREEMASONS . - Colne Lodge, No. 2477 . Installation Festival
38058: ESSEX FREEMASONS . - Colne Lodge, No. 2477 . Installation Festival .
38059: ESSEX FREEMASONS . - Colne Lodge, No. 2477 . Installation Festival .
38060: ESSEX FREEMASONS . - Colne Lodge, No. 2477 . Ladies' Festival .
41291: FREER, RICHARD LANE - Memoir [of R. L. Freer, Archdeacon of Hereford]; Extracts of Speeches; Diary of Journey to America, &c. In Memoriam. [Compiled by his widow, H. F., i.e. H. Freer.] F.P.
46705: FREETH, ROSEMARY. - Cavendish. Its People and Its Heritage.
51006: FREMLIN, CELIA / SHERIDAN, DOROTHY. (INTRODUCTION). - War Factory. Mass Observation.
50245: FRENCH, ALISON. - Seeing the Centre. The Art of Albert Namatjira 1902-1959.
15248: FRENCH, SAMUEL. - Basic Catalogue of Plays. Includes all plays published or otherwise acquired up to September 1979.
21397: FRENCH, R.M. - The Pilgrim Continues His Way.
44287: FRENCH, RICHARD VALPY . - Nineteen Centuries of Drink in England: A History. By Richard Valpy French .
2734: FRERE, WALTER HOWARD. - The Principles of Religious Ceremonial.
42710: FRERE, W. H. - Some Principles Of Liturgical Reform.
49642: FRERE, W.H / BRIGGS, H.B. /AND STAINER,J. - A Manual of Plainsong (with Accompanying Harmonies by W.G.A.Shebbeare).
33701: FRERE, W.H. - The Liturgical Gospels. (Alcuin Club Prayer Book Revision Pamphlets II).
17966: FRESON, ROBERT. - The Taste of France.
46657: FREUD, SIGMUND. - An Autobiographical Study.
17622: FREUND, JACOB . - Gebet Und Andachtsbuch Fur Isrealitische Frauen Und Madchen...
38428: FREUND, M. - Plastics Moulding Engineering. An Analysis of Engineering Principles and Practice in the Plastics Moulding Industry.
39838: FREUNDLICH, H. - The Chemistry of Rubber. (With 13 diagrams).
49293: FREWEN, MORETON. - Melton Mowbray & Other Memories.
17385: FRIEDL, MSGR. FRANCIS P. AND MACAULEY, ED. - Homilies Alive. Creating Homilies that Hit Home.
16444: FRIEDMAN, BOB & COUCH, MAL. - So Thats How We Got The Bible.
31903: FRIEDMAN, NORMAN.(EDITOR). - E.E.Cummings: A Collection of Critical Essays.
29143: FRIEDMAN, OTTO. - The Break-Up of Czech Democracy. (Preface by Gilbert Murray.)
51254: FRIEND, ANDY. - Ravilious & Co. The Pattern of Friendship.
38355: LOYAL SOCIETY OF FRIENDS - Initiation Certificate for Thomas Walker.
31578: FOUR FRIENDS. - The Golden Treasury Psalter.
49080: FRITH, ANNE, SMITH, DOROTHY & BAUERS, ANNE. - Beccles Talk 2001: A Speech Odyssey.
10725: FRITZ, LEAH. - Dreamers and Dealers. An Intimate Appraisal of the Women's Movement.
45946: FRODSHAM, J.D. (TRANSLATOR). - The Poems of Li Ho. 791-817.
7274: FROE, OTIS D. PH.D., & LEE, MAURICE A., PH.D. - How to Become a Successful Student.
51153: FROISSART, JEAN 1338?-1410? / HUMPHREYS, HENRY NOEL (1810-1879) . - lluminated illustrations of Froissart. : Selected from the ms.in the Bibliothèque Royale, Paris, and from other sources / Illuminated Illustrations Of Froissart. Selected From M.S. In The British Museum By H. N. Humphreys, Esq.
20929: FROSSARD, ANDRE. - A Modern Pilgrim in the Holy Land. (Translated by Marjorie Villiers).
12011: FROST, DAVID. - Billy Graham talks with David Frost.
28218: FROST, BEDE. - Saint John of the Cross. 1542-1591. Doctor of Divine Love. An Introduction to his Philosophy, Theology and Spirituality.
667: FROST, ERIC G. - This Jesus.
20480: FROST, DAVID L. - The Language of Series 3. (Grove Ministry and Worship No. 12).
25907: FROST, RAPHAEL. - Christ and Wholeness. An Approach to Christian Healing.
15728: FROST, BRIAN. - The Politics of Peace.
24715: FROST, ROB. - Pilgrims: Going on a Pilgrimage Today.
35677: FROST, MICHAEL. - Jesus The Fool.
14007: FROST, S.B. - The Beginning of the Promise. Eight Lectures on the Book of Genesis.
12185: FROST, BRIAN,& WEBB, PAULINE. - Celebrating Friendship. An Anthology.
36645: FROST, BRIAN. - The Secular in the Sacred.
50126: FROST, CHRISTOPHER. - A History of British Taxidermy.
22151: FROUDES, JAMES ANTHONY. - Saint Hugh of Lincoln. (Lincoln Minister Pamphlets - Second Series No.1).
32441: FRY, JOAN AND DOUST, STANLEY. - Lawn Tennis. How to Master the Strokes.
15249: FRY, A. RUTH. - Victories Without Violence.
31290: FRY, E.L.B. AND ARMSTRONG, A.H. - Rediscovering Eastern Christendom: Essays in memory of Dom Bede Winslow.
44842: FRYER, ALFRED C. (ALFRED COOPER FRYER) . - The Vision Of S. Christopher And Other Verse By Alfred C. Fryer .
29931: FRYER, JONATHAN. - George Fox and the Children of the Light.
14995: FUENTES, CARLOS. - The Old Gringo. (Translated by Margaret Sayers Peden and the author).
40380: FULCHER, GEORGE WILLIAMS (1795-1855) . - The People's Penny Library. One Hundred Tales Number III. Salvator Rosa And The Last Of The Chittimachas / Fulcher's Additional Tables 1857 - 1859 .
5105: FULLER R.H. - The Foundations of New Testament Christology.
11165: FULLER, THOMAS. (ED. JAMES O. WOOD). - Thoughts and Contemplations.
26951: FULLER, REGINALD. - Holy Week. Proclamation 3. Aids for Interpreting the Lessons of the Church Year. Series B.
4860: FULLER, REGINALD H. - A Critical Introduction to the New Testament.
28032: FULLER, RODNEY. - Pansies, Violas and Violettas. The Complete Guide.
26810: FULLER, REGINALD H. - The New Testament in Current Study Some Trends in the Years 1941-1962.
6537: FULLER, REGINALD H. - What is Liturgical Preaching. Studies in Ministry and Worship.
2673: FULLER, REGINALD H. - The Mission and Achievement of Jesus. An Examination of the Presuppositions of New Testament Theology. Studies in Biblical Theology No.12.
16780: FULLER, REGINALD H. - The Use of the Bible in Preaching.
12359: FUNG, RAYMOND. - Households of God on China's Soil.
39023: FURBER, ELIZABETH CHAPIN. - Essex Sessions of the Peace 1351, 1377-1379. (Essex Archaeological Society, Occasional Publications No.3).
12680: FURLONG, MONICA. - Divorce. One Women's View.
19487: FURLONG, MONICA. - Puritan's Progress. A Study of John Bunyan.
10570: FURLONG, MONICA. - Merton. A Biography.
33982: FURLONG, MONICA. - Prayers and Poems.
9866: FURLONG, MONICA. - Contemplating Now.
21330: FURNEAUX, RUPERT. - Saratoga: The Decisive Battle.
15108: FURSE, MICHAEL. - Stand Therefore! A Bishop's Testimony of Faith in The Church of England.
24716: FYTTON, FRANCIS. - A Wild Justice. (London Magazine Editions No.7).
11783: GABRIEL, JOHN. - Children Growing Up. The Development of Children's Personalities.
43342: GABRIELS, ROBIN L. & HILL, DINA E. (EDITORS). - Autism - From Research to Individualized Practice.
51182: GADDIS, A . & SEIF, G. - The Book of the Dead and Elysian Fields.
18665: GAGNEBIN, BERNARD,& GAZAY, MARC. - Encounter with Henry Dunant.
13659: GAILEY, J.H. - Micah to Malachi.
22865: GAIR, R; JENKINS, J.E.E., & LESTER, E. - Cereal Pests and Diseases.
18666: GAITHER, BILL & GLORIA. - A Billy Graham Homecoming Celebration.
25461: GAITHER, GLORIA AND DOBSON, SHIRLEY. (ILLUSTRATED BY RUSS FLINT). - Lets Make a Memory. Great Ideas for Building Family Traditions and Togetherness.
23546: GALBRAITH, JOHN KENNETH. - The Culture of Contentment.
48151: GALE, W.D. - The Rhodesian Press. The History of The Rhodesian Printing and Publishing Company Ltd.
48155: GALE, W.D. - Heritage of Rhodes.
15109: GALE, W.E. - The Alternative Religion. (Foreword by the Very Reverend Edward Carpenter).
47640: GALE, GEOFF AND MOLLARD, TOM. (EDITORS). - Aylsham Directories 1793-1937.
50343: GALEY, R.L. - The History of the Woodford Green United Free Church.
23743: GALLAGHER, JOCK. - The Archers Omnibus. The BBC's Official Companion to Radio's Most Popular Serial.
26952: GALLAGHER, MICHAEL PAUL AND NEARY, DONAL. - Can I Be a Christian on My Own?
26320: GALLEN, JOHN; FINK, PETER E., & HOGAN, JOHN R. (EDITORS.) - Eucharistic Liturgies: Studies in American Pastoral Liturgy.
39801: HAMMER GALLERIES. - 19th & 20th Century European & American Paintings.
51137: TATE GALLERY. - Paul Nash. A Memorial Exhibition. 1948.
28154: NATIONAL GALLERY. - Architecture in Art.
28155: NATIONAL GALLERY. - Heaven in Art.
35890: NATIONAL GALLERY. - Children in Art.
49946: THE MAAS GALLERY. - The Maas Gallery: Catalogue.
29106: SCOTTISH NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. - The Jacobite Rising of 1715.
6538: GALLET, PAUL. - Freedom to Starve.
16569: GALLICO, PAUL. - The Hand of Mary Constable.
20563: GALLICO, PAUL. - Love let me not Hunger.
26095: GALLIERS, BRIAN. - Something to Declare. (Declaring the Faith.)
47708: GALLOWAY, ROBERT . - A Manual Of Qualitative Analysis. By Robert Galloway, F.C.S., Fourth Edition. Revised and Enlarged.
49137: GALLOWAY, BRUCE. - Walks in East Anglia. II. Cambridgeshire & Essex.
47207: GALLOWAY, ROBERT L. - Annals of Coal Mining and the Coal Trade. (2 Volume set).
49643: GALPIN, FRANCIS W. - Old English Instruments of Music Their History and Character By Francis W. Galpin. With One Hundred and Two Illustrations [ The Antiquary's Books ]
674: GALSWORTHY, JOHN. - Loyalties. A Drama in Three Acts.
47948: GHULAM RASSUL GALWAN. (AKSAKAL OF LEH). - Servant of Sahibs. A Book to be Read Aloud.
11166: GAMBARI, ELIO. - The Updating of Religious Formation.
45546: GAMMAGE, R.G. - History of the Chartist Movement 1837-1854.
30410: GAMMOND, PETER. - An Illustrated Guide to Composers of Opera.
12436: GAMMONS, PETER. - All Preachers Great & Small.
12964: GAMMONS, PETER. - All Preachers Great and Small. (Cartoons by Drew Northcott).
40626: GANG SHA, DR & MASTER ZHI. - Divine Transformation. The Divine Way to Self-Clear Karma to Transform Your Health, Relationships, Finances, and More.
40462: GANG SHA, DR ZHI. - Power Healing. The Four Keys to Energizing Your Body, Mind & Spirit.
29144: GANGEMI, KENNETH. - The Interceptor Pilot.
43087: GANT, LEONARD H. - History of Berechurch in the County of Essex. By Leonard H. Gant.
13722: GANT, ROLAND. (EDITOR). - John Skelton. A Selection of his Poems.
28364: GANTZ, JEFFREY. - Tales of Cu Chulaind. Irish Heroic Myths.
15583: GANZEL, DEWEY. - Mark Twain Abroad. The Cruise of the Quaker City.
18278: GARBUTT, JOHN AND MARSH, JOHN. - Lancaster North of the Sands. In Old Photographs.
49579: GARBUTT, JOHN. - Selected Poems.
48588: GARDINER, SAMUEL RAWSON (EDITOR) . - Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. XVI. & Vol. XVIII. - Letters And Papers Relating To The First Dutch War 1652 - 1654 Edited By Samuel Rawson Gardiner. Volumes 1 & 2 .
51000: GARDINER, IAN. - The Flatpack Bombers. The Royal Navy & the Zeppelin Menace.
43447: GARDINER, PHILIP. - Proof? Does God Exist?
37696: GARDINER, GORDON. - The Pattern of Chance.
24969: GARDNER, MARTIN. - Mathematical Circus.
24970: GARDNER, MARTIN. - More Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions.
39808: GARDNER, PERCY. - Exploratio Evangelica. A Survey of the Foundations of Christianity.
11882: GARDNER, CRAIG SHAW. - A Difficulty With Dwarves.
24718: GARDNER, PAUL. - The Rule of Christ and The Kingdom of God. (Orthos No.1).
42444: GARDNER, REV. JAMES. - Heroines of Missionary Enterprise and Christian Influence.
19135: GARDNER, JANET (ED. - Leadership and the Cult of the Personality.
28319: GARDNER, GEORGE . - Worship & Music, Suggestions for Clergy & Choirmasters. By George Gardner. With A Prefatory Note By The Bishop Of Oxford.
50797: GARFIELD, CURTIS F. - Sudbury, Massachusettes 1890-1989. 100 Years in the Life of a Town.
51212: GARLAKE, MARGARET. (INTRODUCTION). - A Selection of Post-War British Abstract Art.
25909: GARLICK, PHYLLIS AND TAYLOR, IRENE. - With All Our Strength. Prayers through the Year for Senior Boys and Girls.
47800: GARNER, ALAN. - The Owl Service.
27324: GARRAD, LARCH S. - A Present From ... Holiday Souvenirs of the British Isles.
13900: GARRARD, L.A. - Athens or Jerusalem? A Study in Christian Comprehension.
25319: GARRETT HORDER, W. - Worship Song.
11784: GARRETT, T.S. - Christian Worship. An Introductory Outline.
17969: GARRETT, T.S. - The Liturgy of the Church of South India. An Introduction to and Commentary on 'The Lord's Supper'.
35411: GARROD, H.W. - Byron 1824 -1924. A Lecture.
24719: GARRONE, CARDINAL. - Poor In Spirit. The Spirituality of Jeanne Jugan.
26181: GARTON, N. - A Simple Index to the Gospels. (Little Books on Religion. No.210).
49929: GARVE, ANDREW. [PSEUD. PAUL WINTERTON]. - A Hole in the Ground.
50148: GARVE, ANDREW. [PSEUD. PAUL WINTERTON]. - No Tears for Hilda.
4725: GARVEY, JOHN. (EDITED BY) (FOREWORD BY ROBERT LLEWELYN.) - Modern Spirituality an Anthology.
3231: GARVIE, A.E. - A Handbook of Christian Apologetics.
35064: GARVIE, ALFRED E. - Christian Moral Conduct.
682: GARVIE, ALFRED E. - Revelation through History and Experience. A study of the Historical basis of the Revelation of the Godhead.
3306: GARVIE, A.E. - Fatherly Rule of God.
8092: GASCOIGNE, BAMBER. - The Christians.
28365: GASKELL, ELIZABETH. - Cousin Phillis.
18798: GASKELL, ELIZABETH. - Wives and Daughters.
37537: GASKELL, MRS. - Cranford.
28119: GASKELL, ELIZABETH. - Sylvia'a Lovers.
31959: GATARD, DOM AUGUSTIN . - Church Music Monographs... No. 4 Plainchant by the late Dom Gatard, O.S.B.
47718: GATES, P. J. [EDITOR] - ARMY. - LOCAL DEFENCE VOLUNTEERS, AFTERWARDS HOME GUARD. - The Lion Roared His Defiance. The Call Came And Was Answered To The Full. The Home Guard watched & waited 1940-1944.
18667: GATLAND, KENNETH, HEWISH, MARK, & WRIGHT, PEARCE. (EDITORS). - The Space Shuttle Handbook. A Flight-Guide to the World's First Spaceplane.
22944: GATLAND, KENNETH W. - The Frontiers of Knowledge. (With contributions by Derek D. Dempster, M.A., and a Foreword by Patrick Moore.)
16125: GATLIFFE, ELEANOR. - Death in the Classroom. A Resource Book for Teachers and Others.
24971: GATWARD, DAVID. - Some Churches do 'ave 'em! An A-Z of Church Life (Illustrated by Darren).
30988: GAUD, CHRISTIANE & DESCOULEURS, BERNARD. - Mary: Joy For All Creation. (Illustrations by Chica).
11112: GAUDIBERT, PIERRE. - Ingres. The life and work of the artist illustrated with 80 colour plates.
47311: VICTORIAN BRASS GAUGE - Victorian Brass Bore Gauge
29487: GAUKROGER, STEPHEN. - It Makes Sense. (Study Edition.)
10454: GAUKROGER, STEPHEN. - It Makes Sense.
21782: GAUKROGER, STEPHEN. - Why Bother with Mission?
22675: GAUKROGER, STEPHEN. - God's Positive Kingdom.
23352: GAUKROGER, STEPHEN. - Living Successfully in a Dangerous World. Studies in I Peter.
23353: GAUKROGER, STEPHEN. - Thirsty for God. Matthew 5-7: Jesus' Teaching for Today.
10089: GAUTRELET, LE P. F. X. [ FRANCESCO SAVERIO ] - Traite De L'Etat Religieux ou Notions Theologiques Sur la nature De Cet Etat Et Les Devoirs Qu'il Impose, a l'usage des Superieurs et des Confesseurs des Communaules religieuses par Le P. F. X. Gautrelet, S. J.
32772: GAWLINSKI, GEORGE AND GRAESSLE, LOIS. - Planning Together: The Art of Effective Teamwork.
20020: GAY, MR. - The Beggar's Opera. (Little Blue Book Series No.57).
25201: GAY, PAT AND YOUNG, KEN. - Community Relations Councils Roles and Objectives.
36221: GAY, DAVID H.J. - The Gospel Offer is Free. (A reply to George M. Ella's 'The Free Offer' and 'The Call of God').
47603: WILTSHIRE GAZETTE. - Devizes & District Directory for 1947.
28638: GEBHART, EMILE. - Mystics & Heretics in Italy at the End of the Middle Ages. (Translated with an Introduction by Edward Maslin Hulme.)
686: GEBHART, EMILE - L' Italie Mystique . Histoire De La Renaissance Religieuse Au Moyen Age. Septieme Edition .
32792: GEDDES, PAUL. - A State of Corruption.
29674: GEDGE, PAUL. - A New Three Hours' Devotion. The Seven Words and the Seven Sacraments.
687: GEE, KENNETH F. - Make your own Model Railway Track.
18281: GEE, H.L. - The Shining Highway. An Account of a Plain Man's Pilgrimage.
44800: GEE, ERIC A. - The Architecture of York.
50805: GEE, H.L. - American England. An Epitome of a Common Heritage.
32041: GEE, HENRY. - The Elizabethan Prayer-Book and Ornaments.(With an Appendix of Documents).
2225: GEIKIE,CUNNINGHAM. - The English Reformation: How it came about, and why we should uphold it.
49805: GELDART, MRS THOMAS. - Memorials of Samuel Gurney.
45891: GELFAND, MICHAEL. - Livingstone the Doctor. His Life and Travels. A Study in Medical History.
10267: GELPI, DONALD L. - Functional Asceticism. A Guideline for American Religious.
16916: GENDERS, ROY. - The Epicure's Garden. Interesting Foods: How to Grow and Cook Them.
9402: GENDERS, ROY. - Home Grown Food. A Guide for Town Gardeners.
47852: GENLIS, STEPHANIE FELICITE COMTESSE DE 1746-1830. - Les Fleurs, Ou Les Artistes; Par Madame De Genlis. Auteur de la Botanique Historique Et litteraire; Sainclair, Ou la Victime des Sciences Et des Arts, &c. &c.
5430: HART GEOFFREY. - Right to Baptize. The Contemporary Dilemma.
5102: FOHRER GEORG. - Introduction to the Old Testament. Trans. by David Green.
5943: APPLETON: GEORGE. - Journey For a Soul. A Book of Prayers and Meditations.
5145: MACLEOD GEORGE F. - Only One Way Left. Church Prospect.
16855: GEORGE, S.C. - Hidden Treasure.
4182: CAREY GEORGE. - Sharing a Vision. Intro. by Richard Holloway.
3259: GEORGE, DANIEL. - A Peck of Troubles. Or an Anatomy of Woe in which are collected by Daniel George many hundreds of Examples of those Chagrins and Mortifications which have beset, still beset, and ever will beset the human race an overshadow its journey through this..
50984: GEORGE, ETHEL. (WITH CAROLE AND MICHAEL BLACKWELL). - The Seventeenth Child. Memories of a Norwich Childhood 1914-1934.
3773: BENNETT GEORGE. - Miracle at Crowhurst. Foreword by Bishop of Chichester.
49894: GEORGE VI., KING . - An Account of the Proceedings in Westminster Hall, Friday 7 May 1937, on the Occasion of the Luncheon of the Empire Parliamentary Association, at which King George VI welcomed the Prime Ministers and other delegates to the Imperial Conference...
8829: GEORGE, BRIAN. - English Churchyard Flora. Illustd. by Janet Whittaker.
9143: GEORGE, HAROLD. - Words of Encouragement. The Sayings of Jesus.
10394: ARBUCKLE. GERALD A. - Strategies for growth in religious life.
4595: HUGHES GERARD W. - Walk to Jerusalem. In Search of Peace.
10027: GERARD, GEOFFREY. - Away From it All. A Guide to Retreat Houses.
40365: GERELUK, DIANNE. - Education and Community.
19775: GERES, PAUL. - Prayers for Impossible Days.
30074: GERHARDI, HELGA. - Helga.
14319: GERHART, EUGENE C. - American Liberty and "Natural Law".
8033: GERLEMAN, GILLIS. - Studien zur alttestamentlichen Theologie.
24689: CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND EVANGELICAL CHURCH IN GERMANY. - Making Unity More Visible. The Report of the Meissen Commission 1997-2001.
37682: GERVAISE, MARY. - Ponies in Clover.
42021: GESELL, ARNOLD. - Wolf Child and Human Child. The Life History of Kamala, The Wolf Girl.
48733: GEUSS, RAYMOND. - History and Illusion in Politics.
44391: GEYL, PIETER (1887-1966) . - From Ranke to Toynbee : Five Lectures on Historians and Historiographical Problems. By Pieter Geyl . [ Smith College Studies In History Volume XXXIX ] .
24720: GHEDDO, PIERO. - Why is the Third World Poor?
5960: GIBBARD, MARK. - Jesus, Liberation and Love. Meditative reflections on our believing and praying, maturity and service.
4863: GIBBARD, MARK. - Guides to Hidden Springs. A History of Christian Spirituality Through the Lives of some of its Witnesses.
7699: GIBBARD, MARK. - Twentieth-Century Men of Prayer.
6851: GIBBARD, MARK. - Love and Life's Journey. Venture in Prayer.
5333: GIBBARD, MARK. - Dynamic of Love. An Exploration into Believing Praying and Being Human.
4726: GIBBARD, MARK. - Jesus, Liberation and Love. Meditative reflections on our believing and praying, maturity and service.
49801: GIBBINGS, ROBERT. - Coming Down The Wye. (With Engravings by the Author).
9787: GIBBONS, ELSIE. - The Fascination of Flowers. A book on flower arranging. Foreword by Iona Trevor Jones.
16305: GIBBS, EDDIE. - Grow Through Groups. (Grove Ministry and Worship 64)
6539: GIBBS, EDDIE. - Body Building Exercises for the Local Church.
23058: GIBBS, EDDIE (ED). - Ten Growing Churches.
18468: GIBBS, DR. EDDIE. - Followed or Pushed? Understanding and Leading Your Church.
16190: GIBBS, EDDIE. - Urban Church Growth. Clues from South America and Britain. (Grove Booklet on Ministry and Worship No. 55).
5379: THE OFFCHURCH GROUP. FOREWORD BY JOHN GIBBS. - All Generations. A Handbook for Leaders of Family Worship.
9281: GIBBS, MARK, & MORTON, T.RALPH. - God's Lively People.
50696: GIBERNE, AGNES (1845 -1939) / PRITCHARD, CHARLES (1808 - 1893) . - The Ocean Of Air : Meteorology For Beginners By Agnes Giberne ; With A Preface By The Late Rev. C. Pritchard., D.D., F.R.S. ETC. Fifth Thousand .
25205: GIBRAN, KAHLIL. - The Garden of the Prophet.
47907: GIBSON, J. D. (EDITOR) . - The Talbot. Autumn Term [ The Magazine of the Grammar School, Sudbury, Suffolk No.34 ], 1969 .
10728: GIBSON, ALAN F. - The Church and its Unity. Church Membership, Denominations, Doctrinal Purity, Charismatic Experience.
25463: GIBSON, NOEL & PHYL. - Deliver Our Children from the Evil One.
17840: GIBSON, MICHAEL. - Roses. A Wisley Handbook.
21901: GIBSON, MICHAEL. (ET AL). - Schools Council. Modular Courses in Technology. Energy Resources. (Teacher's Guide).
24280: GIBSON, FAITH. - Reminiscence and Recall. A Guide to Good Practice.
15584: GIBSON, WILLIAM M. - The Art of Mark Twain.
30672: GIBSON, WALTER S. - Bruegel.
33027: GIBSON, GEORGE. - Captain Incognito.
33492: GIBSON, JOHN. - Folk Dancing.
16191: GIDDENS, ANTHONY. - The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies.
47412: GIDDENS, ANTHONY. - Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber.
34894: FRIENDS OF LITTLE GIDDING. - Little Gidding: An Illustrated Guide to the Church.
15585: GIDDINGS, ROBERT. (EDITOR). - Mark Twain. A Sumptuous Variety.
24722: GIDNEY, CHRIS. - In the Limelight. Stage and TV Personalities who face the most exciting challenge of all.
24721: GIDOOMAL, RAM. (WITH MIKE FEARON). - Sari 'n' Chips.
11883: GIELGUD, JOHN. - An Actor and His Time.
14837: GIELGUD, JOHN. - Distinguished Company.
14726: GIELGUD, KATE TERRY. - A Victorian Playgoer. (With Forewords by John Gielgud, Val Gielgud, Eleanor Gielgud). Edited by Muriel St. Clare Byrne.
11495: GIELGUD, JOHN. - Early Stages.
20404: GIFFORD, BARRY, & LEE, LAWRENCE. - Jack's Book. An Oral Biography of Jack Kerouac.
30677: GIFFORD, PHILIP R. - Colchester As It Was.
38085: GIFFORD, PHILIP AND DANSIE, JANE.(COMPILERS)/FRITH, FRANCIS.(PHOTOGRAPHER). - Grandpa's Essex: As Seen by Victorian Photographer Francis Frith.
36864: GIFFORD, PHILIP R. - Witham in Old Picture Postcards.
22866: GIH, ANDREW. - Twice Born - And Then? The Autobiography and Messages of Rev. Andrew Gih, Litt.D., F.R.G.S. (Edited by J. Edwin Orr).
14727: GILBERT, MILTON, & KRAVIS, IRVING B. - An International Comparison of National Products and the Purchasing Power of Currencies.
17970: GILBERT, MARTIN. - Shcharansky. Hero of our Time.
14092: GILBERT, J.H. - History and Present Position of the Rothamsted Investigations.
25827: GILBERT , GEOFFREY. - Have Pity for the Damned.
16306: GILBERT, R.A. - Casting the First Stone. The Hypocrisy of Religious Fundamentalism and its Threat to Society.
44627: WILLIAM RAYNER & ELIZA GILBERT. - "In Memoriam" - 3 cards relating to the children of the Rayner Family of Little Cornard, Sudbury, Suffolk.
46288: GILBERT, ROBERT A. / THE CANONBURY PAPERS. - Seeking The Light. Freemasonry And Initiatic Traditions. (The Canonbury Papers Volume 4).
16570: GILCHRIST, JAMES. - Anglican Church Plate.
21243: GILES, ROSALIE. - Dressmaking with Special Fabrics.
20483: GILES, RICHARD. - Mark My Word. 40 Days with Jesus through the eyes of St.Mark.
16192: GILES, G.B. - Marketing.
45658: GILES - Giles Sunday Express & Daily Express Cartoons. First Series.
45654: GILES - Giles Sunday Express & Daily Express Cartoons. Sixth Series.
43462: GILES, EDWARD. - Bristol Rovers. The Bert Tann Era. A Personal Memoir.
45653: GILES - Giles Sunday Express & Daily Express Cartoons. Seventh Series.
45655: GILES - Giles Sunday Express & Daily Express Cartoons. Fourth Series.
45657: GILES - Giles Sunday Express & Daily Express Cartoons. Third Series.
28866: GILIOMEE, HERMAN AND SCHLEMMER, LAWRENCE. - Up Against the Fences. Poverty, Passes and Privilege in South Africa.
24723: GILL, ROBIN. - The Cross Against the Bomb.
13333: GILL, ROBIN. - A Vision for Growth. Why Your Church Doesn't Have to be a Pelican in the Wilderness.
15504: GILL, ROBIN AND KENDALL, LORNA. - Michael Ramsey as Theologian.
18470: GILL, ROBIN. - Gifts of Love.
21401: GILL, ROBIN. - Changing Worlds. Can the Church Respond?.
51111: GILL, ERIC. - First Nudes.
41576: GILL, JEAN. - Rhymes for a Grandchild.
50840: GILL, A.A. - The Best of A.A.Gill.
28867: GILL, ROBIN. - Beyond Decline. A Challenge to the Churches.
44298: GILL, GEORGE. - History of England Specially Arranged for Home Use and as a Class Reading Book.
697: GILLE, REV. A.J.A. - The Great Quest.
30213: GILLESPIE, JAMES J. - Free Expression in Industry. a Social-Psychological Study of Work and Leisure.
35285: GILLESPIE, R.D. - Intelligence: Its Nature and its Measurement.
10730: GILLETT, DAVID. - The Occult.
11072: GILLETT, EDWARD, & MACMAHON, KENNETH A. - A History of Hull.
23549: GILLETT, DAVID; LONG, ANNE AND FOWKE, RUTH. - A Place in the Family: The Single Person in the Local Church.(Grove Pastoral 6).
50910: GILLETT, ELIZABETH. - Poems.
8664: GILLETT, DAVID, & SCOTT-JOYNT, MICHAEL. (EDITORS). - Treasure in the Field. The Archbishops Companion for the Decade of Evangelism.
50411: GILLEY, SHERIDAN. - Victorian Churches and Churchmen. (Essays Presented to Vincent Alan McClelland).
16918: GILLIE, OLIVER. - The Living Cell.
18393: GILLIES, NICOLA. - The Last Word. Tombstone Wit and Wisdom.
7458: GILMORE, A. - The Family of God.
39184: GILMORE, ALEC. - Aid Matters. A Book of Cries, Questions and Prayers.
43794: GILMOUR, J.D. (EDITOR). - Sir Thomas Beecham. Fifty Years in the 'New York Times'.
4201: JAIN GIRILAL. - The Hindu Phenomenon.
14786: GITARI, DAVID. - Analican Liturgical Inculturation in Africa. The Kanamai Statement: African Culture and Anglican Liturgy. Liturgical Study 28).
13723: GLADKOV, ALEXANDER. - Meetings with Pasternak. A Memoir. Translated & Introduced by Max Hayward.
4942: GLADSTONE, W.E. - The Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture.
13044: GLADSTONE, JOHN N. - The Valley of the Verdict. Twelve Sermons that Lead to Spiritual Decisions.
45875: GLADSTONE, THE RIGHT HON. W.E. - Political Speeches in Scotland. November and December 1879.
23856: GLADWIN, JOHN. - God's People in God's World. Biblical Motives for Social Involvement.
24467: GLADWIN, JOHN. - Dropping the Bomb. The Church and the Bomb Debate.
41022: GLASHAN, JOHN. - John Glashan's World.
47674: MINIATURE DICTIONARY WITH MAGNIFYING GLASS . - BRYCE'S THUMB ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Comprising: Besides The Ordinary And Newest Words in the Language, Short Explanations of a Larger Number of Scientific, Philosophical, Literary, and Technical Terms
700: GLATZER, NAHUM N. - Jerusalem and Rome. The Writings of Josephus.
47880: GLEADOWE, TERESA. - Organising Exhibitions.
14918: GLEDHILL, RUTH. - The Times Best Sermons of 1996.
48100: GLEDHILL, DICK. - One Commando. The Rhodesian Light Infantry.
13528: GLEDHILL, RUTH (ED.). - The Fifth Times Book of Best Sermons.
18471: GLEDHILL, RUTH. - At a Service Near You. British Churches - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
38973: GLENISTER, S.H. - Stories of Great Craftsmen.
32347: GLENNON, J.J. - Psalms and Parables.
4644: PARRY GLENYS. - Coping with Crises. Problems in Practice.
45649: GLOAG, PATON J. - Introduction to the Johannine Writings.
8665: GLOEGE, GERHARD. - The Day of His Coming. Trans. by Stanley Rudman.
708: GLOVER, T.R. - The Christian Tradition and its Verification.
707: GLOVER, T.R. - The Disciple.
6368: GLOVER, C. GORDON, & DRABBLE, PHIL. - Tom Forrest's Country Calendar. From The Archers. BBC.
34912: GLOVER, REV. RICHARD. - Self-Discipline: A Memoir of Percy Clabon Glover.
43332: GLOVER, PETER C. - The Politics of Faith. Essays on the Morality of Key Current Affairs.
49167: GLOVER, CHARLES R. J. - Constitutions of the antient fraternity of free and accepted masons under the Grand lodge of South Australia.
9510: GLOVER, T.R. - The Ancient World.
8303: GLUECK, NELSON. - The River Jordan. Being an Illustrated Account of Earth's most Storied River.
45520: GLYDE, JOHN. - The New Suffolk Garland.
50414: GLYDE, JOHN. - The Moral, Social and Religious Condition of Ipswich in the Middle of the 19th Century.
27221: GODBER, JOYCE. - John Bunyan of Bedfordshire.
14211: GODDARD, LEONARD. - Philosophical Problems.
31323: GODDARD, ROBERT. - Dying to Tell.
31328: GODDARD, ROBERT. - Sight Unseen.
43893: GODDARD, DWIGHT. - A Buddhist Bible.
11462: GODET, F. - Studies on the Old Testament. (edited by W.H.Lyttelton).
25912: GODFREY-BARTRAM, ELLEN. - Poetry Galaxy.
23355: GODFREY, WENDY. - Low-Fat Cooking.
46447: GODFREY, F.A. - The History of the Suffolk Regiment 1946-1959.
46777: GODFREY, RUPERT / GODFREY, MICHAEL (COMPILER). - The Years That the Locusts Have Eaten. War Diary and Sermons of Rupert Godfrey 1941-45.
32947: GODSEY, JOHN D AND KELLY, GEFFREY B. - Ethical Responsibility: Bonhoeffer's Legacy to the Churches.
24623: GOES, ALBRECHT. - Arrow to the Heart. (Translated from the German by Constantine Fitzgibbon.)
37565: LE GOFF, JACQUES. - Medieval Civilization. 400-1500. (Translated by Julia Barrow).
20930: GOFF, CHARLES RAY. - Anyone for Calvary?
43566: GOH, KIM. (WITH ANDREW CHAMBERLAIN). - Conquering the Dragon. The True Life Story of a Former Triad Gang Member.
43913: GOICHON, A.M./ KHAN, M.S.(TRANSLATOR). - The Philosophy of Avicenna and its Influence on Medieval Europe.
28751: GOLB, NORMAN. - Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? The Search for the Secret of Qumran.
46324: GOLBY, F.W. - A Century of Masonic Working. Being A History of the Stability Lodge of Instruction.
19378: GOLDBERG, E.M. - The Families of Schizophrenic Patients.
50237: GOLDBERG, B.Z. - The Sacred Fire. The Story of Sex in Religion. (Illustrated).
49088: GOLDIE, JOYCE. - Grieving with Grace. Poems for the Journey.
31798: GOLDING-BIRD, G. - East Grinstead and its Parish Church.
47808: GOLDING, WILLIAM. - Free Fall.
50450: GOLDING, CHARLES . - The Coinage of Suffolk: Consisting Of The Regal Coins, Leaden Pieces, And Tokens of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries. Together with notices of the mints and of some of the issues of tokens. By Charles Golding...
24972: GOLDINGAY, JOHN. - God's Prophet, Gods Servant. A Study in Jeremiah and Isaiah. 40-55.
39373: GOLDINGAY, JOHN. (EDITOR). - Signs, Wonders and Healing. Seven Christians Disagree.
42413: GOLDINGAY, JOHN. - Atonement Today. A Symposium at St John's College, Nottingham.
8237: GOLDINGAY, JOHN. - How to Read the Bible.
29848: GOLDMAN, ARI L. - The Search for God at Harvard.
49918: GOLDMAN, LAWRENCE. - Fall Guy For Murder.
26471: GOLDSMITH, MARTIN. - Communism. (Beliefs Today Series).
15053: GOLDSMITH, MARTIN. - What About Other Faiths?: Is Jesus Christ the Only Way to God?
10911: GOLDSMITH-CARTER, GEORGE. - Sailors, Sailors.
26002: GOLDSMITH, OLIVER . - Letters from a Citizen of the World to His Friends in the East.
13800: GOLDSMITH, MARTIN. - Can my Church Grow?
47851: GOLDSMITH, OLIVER 1730?-1774. - The Miscellaneous Works of Dr. Goldsmith. Containing all his Essays and Poems.
50705: GOLDSMITH, C.- ENGRAVING - The Mill Head, Sudbury .
47970: GOLDSMITH, JOHN. - Accidental Agent.
51279: GOLDSMITH, JOHN . - An Almanack For The Year Of Our Lord M.DCCC.XL. Being, Bissextile, Or, Leap Year, Comprhending CelestialPhenomena And Useful Tables... By John Goldsmith.
34185: GOLDSMITH, MALCOLM & WHARTON, MARTIN. - Knowing Me Knowing You: Exploring Personality Type and Temperament.
14567: GOLIA, J.E. DE. - Object Lessions. Using Common Things. How to Teach Bible Truths with Everyday Items.
9003: GOLLANCZ, VICTOR. - From Darkness to Light. A Confession of Faith in the form of an Anthology.
17176: GONDIN, WILLIAM R, AND MAMMEN, EDWARD W. - The Art of Speaking Made Simple.
11243: GONZALEZ-PALACIOS, ALVAR. - The French Empire Style. Translated by Raymond Rudorff from the Italian original.
27325: GOOD, JOHN WALTER. - The Jesus of Our Fathers.
30793: GOOD, NANCY. - How to Love a Difficult Man.
15729: GOODACRE, NORMAN. - Springboard for Easter.
22678: GOODACRE, NORMAN W. - Meditation Outlines. 130 Outlines for use from Advent to the end of Trinitytide.
12299: GOODACRE, NORMAN W. - Layman's Lent.
15794: GOODALL, J.L. - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.
13441: GOODALL, NORMAN. - The Ecumenical Movement. What it is and What it does.
2061: GOODENOUGH, SIMON. - The Country Parson.
48226: GOODIER, ARCHBISHOP. - Fifty Meditations on the Passion.
26753: GOODLAND, NORMAN. - My Father Before Me. (Illustrated by Frank V. Martin.)
9405: GOODLAND, PATRICK. - Games Galore.
48525: GOODMAN, W. L. [ WILLIAM LOUIS GOODMAN ] . - British Planemakers from 1700. 2nd edition.
50990: GOODMAN, RUTH. - How to be a Victorian.
40804: GOODMAN, LOUISE. - Finding Rachel.
9283: GOODMAN, JONATHAN. (EDITOR). - The Daily Telegraph Murder File.
42507: GOODRICH, EDWIN S. - Studies on the Structure & Development of Vertebrates.
44411: GOODRICH, HAROLD S. - Thomas Field, D.D. A Memoir.
4122: GOODRICK, EDWARD. W. & KOHLENBERGER 111. JOHN. R. - The Niv Handy Concordance.
715: GOODSPEED,EDGAR J. - The Making of the English New Testament.
48197: WORLD GOODWILL. - Disarmament in Attitude and Action. (World Goodwill Commentary Number 11).
5028: GOODWIN, HARVEY .[GODWIN]. - Memoir Of Bishop Mackenzie. Second Edition.
49706: GOODWIN, THOMAS. - The Work of the Holy Spirit.
27883: GOODWYN, E.A AND BAXTER, J.C. - East Anglian Verse.
50919: GOODWYN, E.A. - George Crabbe and Beccles.
49471: GOODWYN, E.A. & BAXTER, J.C. (EDITORS). - East Anglian Verse.
27885: GOONEWARDENE, ANIL. - Buddhist Scriptures. (Discovering Sacred Texts).
36835: GOOSE, NIGEL AND COOPER, JANET. - Tudor and Stuart Colchester.
44985: GOOSSENS, EUGENE. - Overture and Beginners. A Musical Autobiography.
19335: GOPPELT, LEONHARD. - Apostolic and Post-Apostolic Times. (Translated by Robert A. Guelich.)
25704: GORAI, REV. D.C. - Transfer of Vision. A Leadership Development Programme. Church of North India 1984-86.
25913: GORBACHEV, MIKHAIL. ET AL. - Perestroika: Global Challenge. Our Common Future.
24973: GORBACHEV, MIKHAIL. - Perestroika.
17680: GORBACHEV, MIKHAIL. - Perestroika. New Thinking for our Country and the World.
31418: GORBACHEV, MIKHAIL. - Political Report of the CPSU Central Committee to the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
18804: GORDON-CARTER, GLYNNE. - An Amazing Journey. The Church of England's Response to Institutional Racism.
5132: KEDDIE GORDON J. - Dawn of a Kingdom. The message of 1 Samuel.
17842: GORDON, ANNE WOLRIGE. - Blindsight. A Play.
16500: GORDON-SMITH, CLARE. - The Sainsbury Book of Fish Dishes.
24624: GORDON-CLARK, JANE. - Paper Magic.
50337: GORDON, PETER. - The Red Earl. The Papers of the Fifth Earl Spencer 1835-1910. (Volume 1. 1835-1885).
33691: GORDON, G.S. - Robert Bridges. The Rede Lecture, 1931.
51087: GORDON-STABLES, DR. - Rob Roy MacGregor. Highland Chief and Outlaw.
44491: GORDON-TAYLOR, BENJAMIN AND STEBBING, NICOLAS. - Walter Frere: Scholar, Monk, Bishop.
50338: GORDON, PETER. - The Red Earl. The Papers of the Fifth Earl Spencer. 1835-1910. (Vol. 2 1885-1910).
45123: GORDON, IAN A. (EDITOR). - Shenstone's Miscellany 1759-1763.
49288: GORDON, THOMAS (D. 1750) . - The Independent Whig: Or, A Defence of Primitive Christianity, And of our Ecclesiastical Establishment, Against the Extravagant Claims and Encroachments of Fanatical and Disaffected Clergymen.
44381: GORDON, E. O. (1837-1919). - Saint George Champion of Christiandom and Patron Saint of England.
26183: GORE, CHARLES. - Lambeth on Contraceptives.
49275: GORE, FREDERICK. - Peter Coker.
10028: GORE, IRENE. - Age and Vitality. Commonsense Ways of Adding Life to Your Years.
17547: GORE, BISHOP. - Belief in God.
29491: GORE, CHARLES. - Prayer and the Lord's Prayer.
3249: GORE, CHARLES. - The Creed of the Christian.
19336: GORELL. - He Walked in Light. The Story of Our Lord.
44301: GORHAM, GEORGE CORNELIUS. (EDITOR). - Examination Before Admission to a Benefice by the Bishop of Exeter.
20711: GORING, ROSEMAN (ED). - The Wordsworth Dictionary of Beliefs and Religions.
46068: GORKY, MAXIM. - Articles and Pamphlets.
22738: O'GORMAN, EDITH (SISTER TERESA DE CHANTAL). - Convent Life Unveiled.
10354: GORMAN, GEORGE H. - Introducing Quakers.
36245: GORMAN, W.BRO. IAN B. & WRIGHT, W.BRO. BRIAN C. - The Master's Chair. (Photography by Bro.Antony J.Henderson).
6614: GORRIE, RICHARD. - Believing and Belonging. A Book for the Newly Confirmed.
9511: GORRIE, RICHARD. - Into Membership. Illustrated by Robert Hewerdine.
41086: GOSSE, PHILIP HENRY. - The Ancient and Modern History of the Rivers of the Bible.
41618: GOSSE, ROBERT WILKES. - Ulric Zwingle.
719: GOSSIP, ARTHUR JOHN. - The Gallilean Accent.
7836: GOUDGE, ELIZABETH. - A Book of Comfort. An Anthology.
40571: GOUDGE, ELIZABETH. - The Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Buckler's Hard, Beaulieu.
31886: GOUDGE, H.L, ET AL. - The Place of Women in the Church.
29677: GOUDIE, NANCY. - Nancy Goudie's Spiritual Health Plan. 90 Days to Transform Your Walk with God.
38561: GOULD, A.E. - Who Were There When They Crucified My Lord?
36549: GOULD, F. E. - Notes on the subject of Masons' Marks being a Supplement to "Some Notes On The Mark Degree" by F. E. Gould .
50266: GOULD, ROBERT FREKE. - A Concise History of Freemasonry.
22005: GOULD, JANE. - Wine and Beer Making.
40812: GOULD, NAT. - A Northern Crack.
38557: GOULD, A.E. - Shop Soiled Slogans. (BBC Broadcast Talks No.57).
30093: GOULD, NICHOLAS. - Looking at Place Names.
3838: GOULD, A.E. - Jesus. King Most Wonderful. Studies in the Sovreignty and Saviourhood of Jesus Christ.
12084: GOULDER, MICHAEL (ED). - Incarnation and Myth . The Debate Continued.
14838: GOURLAY, LOGAN. (EDITOR). - Olivier.
49413: ROME (ITALY). GOVERNOR ([1585?]-[1589?] : PERBENEDETTI) - Bandimenta omnia sub pontificatu S.mi D.N. Sixti Quinti Pontificis Opt. Max. per Reuerendiss. Episcopum Marturan[ensis] almae vrbis gub. & vicecam: Hucusq; promulgata..
35137: GOW, DAVID. - Four Miles From Any Town and other Verses.
3437: GOWEN, HERBERT H. - A History of Religion.
8094: GOWEN, DONALD. E. - From Eden to Babel. Genesis 1-11.
19234: GOWER, RALPH. - Religious Education at The Primary Stage. A Handbook for Teachers, Governors and Parents.
24469: GOWER, ROBERT (ED). - Praise and Thanksgiving.
11420: GOWERS, SIR. ERNEST. - The Complete Plain Words.
20712: GOYDER, GEORGE. - The People's Church. A Layman's Plan for Partnership (Christian Foundations 14).
30990: GRAAF, ANNE DE. - The Children's Bible Story Book. (Illustrated by Jose Perez Montero).
30726: GRACE, JOHN AND LAFFIN, JOHN. - Fontana Dictionary of Africa Since 1960.
4670: SHEPPARD GRACE. - Pits and Pedestals. A Journey towards Self-Respect.
15162: O'GRADY, ALISON. - Voices of Women. An Asian Anthology.
28945: O'GRADY, RON. - Bread and Freedom. Understanding and Acting on Human Rights.
49892: GRAEF, ROGER. - Talking Blues. The Police in their Own Words. (signed).
24726: GRAFF, HILDA. - Mystics of Our Times.
22154: GRAHAM, BILLY. ET AL. - Words that Changed Millions. (A "One Evening" condensed book).
14652: GRAHAM, ERIC. - Waymarks of the Passion. (Foreword by the Bishop of London).
24867: GRAHAM, GORDON. - The Idea of Christian Charity. A Critique of some Contemporary Conceptions.
20713: GRAHAM, JONATHAN. - He Came Unto His Own.
29947: GRAHAM, JOHN W. - William Penn. Founder of Pennsylvania .
14322: GRAHAM, BILLY (COMPILED BY CLIFF BARROWS). - Crusade Songs. North of England Crusade Manchester 1961.
14323: GRAHAM, BILLY (COMPILED BY CLIFF BARROWS. - London Crusade Song Book 1966.
12407: GRAHAM, BILLY. - My Answer.
13531: GRAHAM, BILLY. - Till Armageddon. A Perspective on Suffering.
10125: GRAHAM, HELEN, M.M., & NOONAN, BREDA, S.S.C. (EDITORS). - How Long? Prison Reflections of Karl Gaspar.
13442: GRAHAM, BILLY. - The Holy Spirit. Advocating God's Power in Your Life.
22458: GRAHAM, WILLIAM D. - So We Preach......Sermons by Ministers of the Free Church of Scotland.
24060: GRAHAM, JIM. - The Giant Awakes. The Renewal of the Church in Our Day.
25209: GRAHAM, BILLY. - Angels: God's Secret Agents.
39527: GRAHAM, T. G. - INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS . - Oddfellowship: Its Spirit And Purpose By T. G. Graham, Past Grand Master.
44021: GRAHAM, WILLIAM. - The Social Problem in its Economical, Moral, and Political Aspects.
50821: GRAHAM-HOGG, DENIS. - Know Your Woodpigeon Shooting.
48167: GRAHAM, ALEXANDER . - A History of Freemasonry in the Province of Shropshire, and of the Salopian Lodge, 262, with an introduction by ... W. J. Hughan.
44777: GRAHAM, BRIGADIER GENERAL C.A,L. - The Story of the Royal Regiment of Artillery.
36661: GRAHAM, ROBERT D. - The Science Of Freemasonry By Robert D. Graham of Denver, Colo. Second Series. Consisting Of papers Of Special Interest To Master Masons.
39946: GRAHAM-BROWN, CHARLES. [1915-1943]. - Songs From The Flaming Years. Poems from Budapest 1938 and after.
40436: GRAHAM, STEPHEN. - The Way of Martha and the Way of Mary.
51268: GRAHAME, KENNETH. - Dream Days. (Illustrated by Maxfield Parrish).
51015: GRAHAME, IAIN. - Birds, Bees and Butterflies : Daws Hall, a Very Special Nature Reserve and Garden.
23062: GRAIN, REVD. TONY. - Mission Unaccomplished. An Account of the Work of Railway Missions in Southern Africa 1890-1980.
24728: GRAINGER, ROGER. - Presenting Drama in Church.
20022: GRAINGER, ROGER B. - A Place Like This. A Guide to the Life of a Psychiatric Hospital.
24470: GRAINGER, ROGER. - Change to Life. The Pastoral Care of the Newly Retired.
13801: GRAINGER, ROGER. - Watching for Wings. Theology and Mental Illness in a Pastoral Setting.
7597: GRAINGER, ROGER. - A Place Like This. A Guide to Life in a Psychiatric Hospital.
50453: GRAINGERISED EDITION - FULCHER, GEORGE WILLIAMS (1795-1855) / FULCHER, EDMUND SYER (1834-1864) . - Life Of Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. By The Late George Williams Fulcher ; Edited by his son [E. S. Fulcher]
19668: GRANCSAY, STEPHEN V. - Arms and Armour.
49368: GRAND, MAX LE. - Brands to Bexhill. Cock the Shutter, Engage the Gear...British Motor Racing Really Started Here!
50907: GRANDVILLE, J. J. (ILLUSTRATOR). [PSEUDONYM OF JEAN IGNACE ISIDORE GERARD]. - Fables de La Fontaine. Illustrées par J. J. Grandville [2 volumes]. Nouvelle édition .
9168: GRANGE, ALAN. - The Structure of New Church Teaching.
26645: GRANSDEN, K.W. - Angus Wilson. (Writers and their Work. No.208).
24729: GRANT, ROBERT. - A Historical Introduction to New Testament.
13660: GRANT, JOHN W. - God's People in India.
33891: GRANT, A.J. - The Huguenots.
4865: GRANT, PATRICK. - A Dazzling Darkness. An Anthology of Western Mysticism.
16685: GRANT, MICHAEL. - Saint Paul the Man.
49388: GRANT, ALFRED. - Our American Brethren.
15587: GRANT, DOUGLAS. - Purpose and Place. Essays on American Writers.
21053: GRANT, MYRNA. - Vanya.
13724: GRANT, ROBERT M. - Early Christianity and Society. Seven Studies.
13048: GRANT, MARIAN. - Home and Children.
44397: GRANT, MARGARET. - Your Child and the Piano. How to Enrich and Share in Your Child's Musical Experience.
50858: GRANT, KAY / DREW, ANNE (ILLUSTRATIONS). - It's 'Ard to be Good in the Blackout.
48820: GRANTHAM, J. - An Introduction to Mark Masonry. A Survey of Masonic Evolution in the British Isles.
50936: GRANTHAM, JOHN A. - History of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Dominions and Dependencies of the British Crown. With a foreword by The Rt. Hon. The Lord Harris, M.C. M.W. Grand Mark Master .
32765: GRANVILLE, EDGAR. - The Domino Plan. (Introducing Storm English).
27326: GRATTAN, J.H.G., & GURRY, P. - Our Living Language: A Guide to English Grammar.
21245: GRAVES, ROBERT. - The Greek Myths: 1.
21244: GRAVES, ROBERT. - The Greek Myths 2.
49332: GRAVES, ROBERT. - Poems and Satires. 1951.
35685: GRAVES, PETER. - Living & Praying the Lord's Prayer.
49972: GRAVES, ROBERT & ALI-SHAH, OMAR. (TRANSLATORS). - The Rubaiyyat of Omar Khayaam.
46785: GRAVES, CHARLES. - A Pipe Smoker's Guide.
32079: GRAVES, CHARLES L. - The Hawarden Horace.
37719: GRAVES, CHARLES. - War Over Peace.
43638: GRAY, THOMAS. - Gray. Poems Published in 1768.
10731: GRAY, IAIN A S. & MCFARLAN, DONALD M. - Search. The Christian Experience.
7702: GRAY, JOHN. - What about the Children?
48891: GRAY, BRO.REV. G.T. - A Short History of the Gundulph Lodge No.1050. 1865-1965. (Province of Kent).
15349: GRAY, DONALD. - Ronald Jasper. His Life, His Work and the ASB.
13334: GRAY, JOHN R. - Something to Say to the Children.
27887: GRAY, ADRIAN. - Tales of Old Essex. (With illustrations by Don Osmond).
22459: GRAY, JOHN R. (EDITED BY SHEILA GRAY). - Something to Say to the Congregation.
50719: GRAY, THOMAS / JONES, OWEN (ILLUSTRATOR) . - Gray's Elegy. Illuminated By Owen Jones .
10861: GRAY, A. HERBERT. - The Difficulty and the Art of Living.
46519: GRAY, THOMAS 1716-1771. - Poems By Thomas Gray .
50690: GRAY, THOMAS 1(716-1771) . - Poems By Mr. Gray. A New Edition .
50346: GRAY, ANNIE. - On Rocky Soil or Sowing in Faith.
33628: GRAY, CRETE. - The Quiet of Christ: A Talk About the Practice of Private Prayer.
729: GRAY, HENRY DAVID. - A Theology for Youth. The Science of the Christian Faith.
22681: GRAY, G.F.S. - Hymns and Worship.
50132: GRAY, BERKELEY. [PSEUD. EDWY SEARLES BROOKS]. - The Conquest Touch.
40577: GRAY, MARIANNE. - Human Scale. 1918-2000.
8382: GRAY, G.F.S. - The Anglican Communion.
8666: GRAY, DONALD. (EDITOR). - Holy Week Services. Joint Liturgical Group.
26754: GRAYDON, H., JENKINS, D.E., & STANFORD, E.C.D. - Bible Meanings. A Short theological Word-book of the Bible.
30965: GRAYSHON, JANE. - Faith in Flames. (Illustrated by Stephen Darlington).
42568: GRAYSON, DAVID. - Mozart: Piano Concertos No.20 in D minor, K.466, and No.21 in C major, K.467.
10206: GRAYSTON, KENNETH. - The Johannine Epistles. (New Century Bible Commentary).
21054: GRAYSTON, JOHN. - Confronting the Darkness. Colossians: Christ the supreme power.
8383: GRAYSTON, KENNETH. - The Letters of Paul to the Philippians and to the Thessalonians.
9732: GRAYSTON, KENNETH. - Dying, We Live. A New Enquiry into the Death of Christ in the New Testament.
13533: GRAYSTONE, PETER. - Ready Salted. Ready to use resources for speakers.
15846: GREAVES, R.W. - The Corporation of Leicester 1689-1836.
13443: GREAVES, H.R.G. - The British Constitution.
24732: GREEN, DAVID AND MAXINE. - Taking a Part. Young People's Participation in the Church.
13106: GREEN, MICHAEL. - The Empty Cross of Jesus.
7974: GREEN, MICHAEL. - After Alpha.
32428: GREEN, HENRIETTA. - The Marinade Cookbook.
26188: GREEN, RICHARD. - The Conversion of John Wesley. (Edited, with an Introduction, by Thomas F. Lockyer).
26186: GREEN, CANON PETER. - The Moral Condition of Great Britain To-day.
17177: GREEN, JANET. - God's Rules OK.
28260: GREEN, CANON PETER. - This Holy Fellowship. Thoughts on the Holy Communion.
31055: GREEN, WENDY. - The Christian and Unemployment.
28640: GREEN, MICHAEL. - The Art of Coarse Golf. (Drawings by John Jensen.)
730: GREEN, E.M.B. - The Meaning of Salvation.
20843: GREEN, LYNN. - The Love Story. (Growing with Jesus Bible Guides).
16738: GREEN, MICHAEL. - Why bother with Jesus?
5336: GREEN, MICHAEL. - The Dawn of the New Age.
28611: GREEN, PETER. - Studies in Popular Theology.
11169: GREEN, MAXINE. & NEWTON, TRUDI. - Surfing. Women on the Sea of Faith.
25465: GREEN, SIDNEY AND OGILVIE, GORDON. - Music for the Parish. Including an up-to-date Survey of Music for Series 3. (Grove Ministry and Worship No.26).
13535: GREEN, RONALD H. - Tom, Dick and Harry.
13534: GREEN, ROBIN. - A Step Too Far. Explorations into Reconciliation.
11886: GREEN, PETER. - The Seven Golden Candlesticks. Being Lights by which the Church may Walk To-day.
4998: GREEN, S. VAL. - With Peter to Calvary. Good Friday Talks.
13336: GREEN, ROGER LANCELYN. HOOPER, WALTER. - C.S. Lewis. A Biography.
11885: GREEN, BRYAN. - Saints Alive.
6371: GREEN, PETER, M.A., D.D. - The Devotional Use of the Bible. SPCK Educational Books.
27222: GREEN, CANON PETER. - Good Friday Victory. Thoughts on the Seven Last Words.
27223: GREEN, MICHAEL AND CARKNER, GORDON. - Ten Myths About Christianity.
15054: GREEN, MICHAEL. - Runaway World.
17388: GREEN, PETER. - Fishers of Men. A Call for Parochial Missions.
47321: GREEN, MICHAEL. - The Message of Matthew. The Kingdom of Heaven. (with Study Guide).
28872: GREEN, MICHAEL. - Faith for the Non-Religious.
4982: GREEN, BRYAN. - The Practice of Evangelism. The Moorhouse Lectures for 1951.
16857: GREEN, MICHAEL. - Evangelism in the Early Church.
27327: GREEN, PETER. - The Profession of a Christian. A Booklet for Those Who have been Confirmed.
3795: GREEN, MICHAEL. - I believe in the Holy Spirit.
10575: GREEN, MICHAEL. - Jesus Spells Freedom.
23358: GREEN, MICHAEL. - World on the Run.
13802: GREEN, MICHAEL. - Runaway World.
13804: GREEN, MICHAEL. - New Life, New Lifestyle.
30257: GREEN, JULIEN. - God's Fool. The Life and Times of Francis of Assisi.
7460: GREEN, MICHAEL. (EDITOR). - The Truth of God Incarnate.
16307: GREEN, THOMAS HILL. - Hume and Locke.
4572: GREEN, ROBIN. - Only Connect. Worship and Liturgy from the Perspective of Pastoral Care.
24471: GREEN, E.M.B. - The Authority of Scripture.
25211: GREEN, MICHAEL. - Closer to Jesus.
43334: GREEN, THE REV. THOMAS SHELDON. - A Treatise on the Grammar of the New Testament Dialect.
35895: GREEN, REV. RICHARD. - The Works of John and Charles Wesley: A Bibliography...
50186: GREEN, CANON PETER. - Our Great High Priest. Thoughts on the Seventeenth Chapter of St John's Gospel.
29678: GREEN, JAY P. (SNR.) - A Concise Lexicon to the Biblical Languages.
51133: GREEN, CHRISTOPHER. - Juan Gris.
8240: GREEN, THOMAS H., S.J. - When the Well Runs Dry: Prayer Beyond the Beginnings.
44395: GREEN, ADOLPH AND COMDEN, BETTY. - Singin' in the Rain. Story and Screenplay.
6370: GREEN, MICHAEL. - I Believe in the Holy Spirit. Fully revised and updated edition.
30075: GREEN, R. H. - What A Hope!
35808: GREEN, LYNN. - Christmas in East Anglia.
8895: GREEN, MICHAEL. - I Believe in Satan's Downfall.
9611: GREEN, MICHAEL. - Choose Freedom.
9983: GREEN, MICHAEL. - Critical Choices.
38877: GREENE, KEVIN. - Archaeology: An Introduction. The History, Principles and Methodsof Modern Archaeology.
46002: GREENE, ROBERT 1558-1592. [ GROSART, ALEXANDER BALLOCH, 1827-1899 ] - Green Pastures : Being Choice Extracts from the Works of Robert Greene, M.A., of both Universities made by Alexander B. Grosart. FIRST EDITION. LONDON : 1894. [ The Elizabethan Library. ]
17272: GREENE, BETTE. - Get on out of here, Philip Hall.
31820: GREENE, ROBERT. - The Blacke Bookes Messenger. (1592). and 'Cuthbert Conny-Catcher' The Defence of Conny-Catching. (1592).
39563: GREENE, JACK R. AND MASTROFSKI, STEPHEN D. - Community Policing: Rhetoric or Reality.
43568: GREENE, GRAHAM. - Monsignor Quixote.
49163: GREENE, BOB. - We Didn't Have None of Them Fat Funky Angels on the Wall of Heartbreak Hotel and Other Reports From America.
5825: GREENHALGH, JOHN AND RUSSELL, ELIZABETH (EDITORS). - Building in love. The Vocation of the Church.
4125: GREENHALGH, JOHN. AND RUSSELL, ELIZABETH. - Signs of Faith, Hope and Love.
733: GREENHOUGH SMITH, H. - Odd Moments. Essays in Little.
25914: GREENLAND, J AND ROBINSON, K. (ED). - International Review of Education. Special Number: XXVI/1980/2.
14119: GREENLEE, J. HAROLD. - Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism.
46429: GREENLY, HENRY. - Model Electric Locomotives and Railways. Their Details and Practical Construction.
42460: GREENSILL, T. M. [TOM MARSTON GREENSILL 1915-1996] . - History of the S.R.I.A. (Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia) . T. M. Greensill M.B.E.
15506: GREENSLADE, ANTHONY AND COOKE, HERTBERT. - Assemblies for 8 - 12s. With optional follow-up work for the class-room.
11626: GREENSLADE, S.L. - Shepherding the Flock. Problems of pastoral discipline in the Early Church and in the younger churches today.
3388: GREENWOOD, ROBIN. - Transforming Priesthood. A New Theology of Mission and Ministry.
22683: GREENWOOD, WINIFRED. - Sure Foundations. Holy Trinity Church-Formby. The First Hundred Years.
32462: GREENWOOD, BRIAN AND JOY. - Walking in Southern Lakeland. (Dalesman Mini-Book).
22946: GREENWOOD, W. OSBORNE. - Christianity and the Mechanists.
38142: GREENWOOD, ROBIN. - Transforming Church: Liberating Structures for Ministry.
24733: GREET, KENNETH G. - A Lion from a Thicket.
24734: GREET, KENNETH G. - Under the Rainbow Arch. Six studies on World Peace.
28873: GREET, KENNETH G. - Man and Wife Together. A Manual on Sex Education and Marriage preparation for Ministers and others with responsibilities and opportunities relating to Marriage.
23625: GREEVES, FREDERIC. - When I Die. (Foundery Pamphlets No.10).
737: GREEVES, FREDERIC. - The Meaning of Sin.
25063: GREEVES, FREDERIC. - The Christian Way.
16618: GREEVES, DERRICK. - Preaching Through Saint Paul.
17178: GREEVES, DERRICK. - A Word in Your Ear.
24473: GREEVES, FREDERIC. - God's Fellow-Workers. Studies in the Ministry of the whole Church.
736: GREEVES, FREDERIC. - Theology and the Cure of Souls. An introduction to Pastoral Theology.
17550: GREGG, DAVID. - Penance. (Grove Booklet on Ministry and Worship.No.53).
6372: GREGG, VERNON. - Human Memory. Essential Psychology edited by Peter Herriot.
32790: GREGOR, IAN AND STEIN, WALTER.(EDITORS). - The Prose For God: Religious and anti-religious aspects of imaginative literature.
41752: GREGOROVIUS, FERDINAND. - Siciliana. Sketches of Naples and Sicily in the Nineteenth Century. (Translated from the German by Mrs Gustavus W.Hamilton).
2899: GREGORY, RICHARD L. - The Oxford Companion to The Mind.
42875: GREGORY, ELEANOR C. (COMPILER). - Horae Mysticae: A Day Book from the Writings of Mystics from Many Nations.
34937: GRENFELL, WILFRED T. - Immortality.
742: GRENSTED,L.W. (EDITOR). - The Atonement in History and in Life. A Volume of Essays.
47780: GRESLEY, W. (WILLIAM GRESLEY) 1801-1876. - The Siege of Lichfield : A Tale Illustrative Of The Great Rebellion : By The Rev. W. Gresley, M.A. Lichfield.
10971: GRETTON, R.H. - The English Middle Class.
29063: GREVATT, REV. E.W. - Questions to Atheists, etc. (God or No God: Christian Evidences Simplified).
48592: GREY, JANET. - The Concerns of Cecily.
14082: GREY, EDWIN. - Rothamsted Experimental Station. Reminiscences, Tales and Anecdotes of the Laboratories, Staff and Experimental Fields. 1872-1922.
42650: GREY, ZANE. - Tales of Fishes.
21404: GRIBBIN, JOHN. - In the Beginning. The Birth of the Living Universe.
17061: GRIBBIN, JOHN. - The Little Book of Science.
4329: GRIBBIN, JOHN. - The Birth of Time. How we measured the Age of the Universe.
744: GRIERSON,H.J.C.(EDITOR). - The Poems of John Donne.
25212: GRIERSON, HERBERT. - The Background of English Literature.
44639: GRIERSON, JANET. - Frances Ridley Havergal. Worcestershire Hymnwriter.
3263: GRIERSON, H.J.C. - Criticism and Creation. With some other essays.
43007: GRIERSON, E. - Things Seen in Edinburgh.
3143: GRIERSON, SIR HERBERT. - The English Bible.
43156: GRIEVE, C.M. - Contemporary Scottish Studies. (First Series).
48977: GRIFFIN, REV. JAMES A. - Sackcloth and Ashes. Liturgical Reflections for Lenten Weekdays.
15952: GRIFFITH, HARRY C. (EDITOR). - A Gift of Light. A Collection of Thoughts from Father Andrew. (Introduction by Gertrude Behanna). Illustrated by Ragna Tischler.
14401: GRIFFITH, WYN. - Word from Wales.
46670: GRIFFITH, RALPH T.H. - The Hymns of the Rgveda. (Translated with a Popular Commentary).
16571: GRIFFITH, LEONARD. - The Need to Preach.
15796: GRIFFITH, LEONARD. - Reactions to God. Man's Response to God's Activity in the Psalms.
23360: GRIFFITH, A. LEONARD. - God and His People.
45742: GRIFFITH, THOMAS, 1797-1883 - Live While You Live. By The Rev. Thomas Griffith, A.M. Minister of Ram's Episcopal Chapel, Homerton.
35046: GRIFFITH, EDWARD F. - Morals in the Melting Pot.
16308: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - Shaking the Sleeping Beauty. Arousing the Church to its mission.
22062: GRIFFITHS, GERALD B. - My Brother's Keeper.
12439: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - Take My Life.
22684: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - A Task Unfinished. How to recruit, support and pray for missionaries and Christian workers in a constantly changing world.
22685: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - Three Men Filled with the Spirit. The Gift of Tongues: must it divide us?
44481: GRIFFITHS, BEDE. - A Human Search: Bede Griffiths Reflects on His Life.
16686: GRIFFITHS, ALED AND ROBERTS, GWYNETH. - The Law and Elderly People. (Second Edition).
23065: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - Cinderella's Betrothal Gifts.
15731: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - Cinderella with Amnesia. A practical discussion of the relevance of the Church.
24283: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - Take off Your Shoes.
14120: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - The Example of Jesus. (The Jesus Library).
22156: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - Down to Earth God.
18474: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - Ten Sending Churches.
23361: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - What on Earth are You Doing? (Jesus' call to world mission).
13806: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - Give up your Small Ambitions.
17973: GRIFFITHS, LESLIE. - Voices from the Desert. A Spirituality for our Times.
36855: REV. CANON E. GRIFFITHS (EDITOR) . - Sussex Masters Lodge Transactions. No. 3672, No. 23 April, 1950 .
8386: GRIFFITHS, MICHAEL. - Consistent Christianity.
746: GRIGG-SMITH, T. - Thinking out the Faith. Studies in the Christian Faith.
10577: GRIGOR, JEAN C. - Grow to Love. Developing Caring Relationships. A Resource Book for Groups.
51170: GRIGSON, GEOFFREY. - Flowers of the Meadow. With Twenty-four Plates by Robin Tanner. (King Penguin No.53).
44388: GRIMES, W. F. (WILLIAM FRANCIS GRIMES 1905-1988) . - The Long Cairns Of The Brecknockshire Black Mountains. By W. F. Grimes, M.A., F.S.A. (Reprinted by permission of the Editor from 'Archaeologia Cambrensis', December, 1936.)
13444: GRIMM, ROBERT. - Love and Sexuality. Sexual maturity in Protestant thought. Introduction & Translation by David R. Mace.
43588: GRIMSEY, B. P. [ BENJAMIN PAGE GRIMSEY 1832-98 ] . - A Monograph On The Parish Of St. Mary Stoke, Ipswich By B. P. Grimsey .
38924: GRIMSHAW, ANNE. - The Horse: A Bibliography of British Books 1851-1976. (Signed).
50049: GRIMWADE, PETER. - Doctor Who : Mawdryn Undead.
50643: GRIMWOOD, C.G. AND KAY, S.A. - History of Sudbury, Suffolk. C. G. Grimwood, And S. A. Kay, M.A. (Signed).
45899: GRIMWOOD, C.G. AND KAY, S.A. - History of Sudbury, Suffolk. C. G. Grimwood, And S. A. Kay, M.A.
51246: GRISTWOOD, SARAH. - Perdita. Royal mistress, Writer, Romantic.
24974: GRISWOLD, ROLAND E. - The Winning Church. Church Growth Evangelism for Today!.
29493: GRITTER, GEORGE. - When God was at Calvary: Messages on the Seven Words.
51209: GRIVOT, DENIS. - Twelfth Century Sculpture in the Cathedral of Autun.
46452: WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF GROCERS . - Returns Prepared for the Worshipful Company of Grocers In Reply To The Inquiries Addressed To Them By The City Of London Livery Companies' Commission.
17728: GROGAN, WILLIAM. - John Riffe of the Steelworkers. American Labor Statesman.
23362: GROGAN, GEOFFREY. - Wrestling with the Big Issues.
35640: GROGAN, GEOFFREY. - The Christ of the Bible and the Church's Faith: A Theological and Apologetic Study.
21903: GROLLENBERG, LUCAS. ET AL. - Minister? Pastor? Prophet? Grass Roots Leadership in the Churches.
6053: GROLLENBERG, LUCAS. - A Bible for Our Time.
18475: GROLLENBERG, LUCAS. - Believing Makes Sense. A Way of Reading the Bible.
17844: GRONLUND, NORMAN. E. - Stating Objectives for Classroom Instruction.
20715: GROOM, NANCY. - Married without Masks.
16858: GROOT, A.T. DE. (EDITOR). - You Can Live Forever. A Study in Genius and Immortality.
9870: GROOTHUIS, DOUGLAS R. - Unmasking the New Age. Is there a new Religious Movement trying to transform Society?
25064: GROSS, DON H. - The Case for Spiritual Healing.
46180: GROSSINGER, CHRISTA. - The World Upside-Down. English Misericords.
12303: GROSSMAN, RICHARD. - The Other Medicines. The Unique Treat-Yourself Guide to Natural Remedies & Therapies.
8897: GROSSMAN, SIEGFRIED. - Charisma. The Gifts of the Spirit.
27693: GROUNDS, ROGER. - House Plants.
46798: SOUTH WALES MASONIC HISTORY GROUP. - The Reason Why. A History of the Masonic Province of South Wales.
16674: COMMUNITY WORK GROUP. - Current Issues in Community Work.
39794: CLACTON-ON-SEA VCH GROUP. - Defending the Coast: World War Two Defences at Clacton-on-Sea, Holland-on-Sea & Jaywick.
39795: CLACTON VCH GROUP. - Clacton at War 1939-45.
25804: THE BOW GROUP. - Britain in Europe.
32349: CURRICULUM ADVISORY GROUP. - The Curriculum: A Christian View.
49060: HARLESTON HERITAGE GROUP. - Whatever Happened to Muskett's? Shopping in Harleston 1851 to 2001.
16156: WADDERTON GROUP. - Live Learn and Worship.
23330: ECUMENICAL GROUP. - Step Carefully. Preparation for Marriages where there are children from a Previous Relationship.
6335: WADDERTON GROUP. - Share the Word. 2.
6336: WADDERTON GROUP. - Share the Word.
25716: JOINT LITURGICAL GROUP. - Confirmation and Re-affirmation of Baptismal Faith.
46381: ELMSWELL MILLENNIUM HISTORY GROUP. - Elmswell. A Marker for the Millennium.
50613: ESSEX HISTORIC BUILDINGS GROUP. - Historic Buildings in Essex. Issue 1, December 1984.
9969: ARCHBISHOPS' REVIEW GROUP. - Resourcing Bishops. The first report of the Archbishop's Review Group on bishop's needs and rescources.
42525: WILD GOOSE WORSHIP GROUPS. - Present on Earth. Worship Resources on the Life of Jesus.
42283: GROVER, RALPH SCOTT. - Ernest Chausson: The Man and His Music.
2425: GRUBB, EDWARD. - What is Quakerism? An Exposition of the leading Principles and Practices of the Society of Friends, as based on the Experience of "The Inward Light".
45538: GRUBB, SARAH (1756 - 1790) / [ MURRAY, LINDLEY 1745-1826 EDITOR ]. - Some account of the life and religious labours of Sarah Grubb. With an appendix, containing an account of Ackworth School, Remarks on Christian Discipline, and extracts from her letters. Second Edition.
14695: GRUBB, SARAH . - A Selection From The letters Of The Late Sarah Grubb (Formerly Sarah Lynes) .
45291: GRUBB, EDWARD. - The Bible: Its Nature and Inspiration.
43489: GRUBB, K.G. - Amazon and Andes.
20716: GRUNDY, MALCOLM. - Light in the City. Stories of the Church Urban Fund.
25039: GRUNDY, MALCOLM. - Community Work. A Handbook for Volunteer Groups and Local Churches.
21406: GRUNDY, MALCOLM. - What They Don't Teach You at Theological College. A practical guide to life in the ministry. (Cartoons by Ron).
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