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49120: BARRETT, ETHEL. - Sometimes I Feel Like A Blob.
9244: BARRETT, JOHN C.A. - Family Worship. In Theory and Practice.
42927: BARRIE, J. M. (JAMES MATTHEW) 1860-1937 / GLADSTONE, W. E. (WILLIAM EWART) 1809-1898. - "British Weekly" Extras, No. 3 - An Edinburgh Eleven: Pencil Portraits From College Life By J.M. Barrie. [Bound With] British Weekly" Extras, No. 1. - Books Which Have Influenced Me By W. E. Gladstone ... [et al.]
10813: BARROW, ANDREW. - The Flesh is Weak. An Intimate History of the Church of England.
120: BARRY, F.R. - Weep Not For Me. (Jesus and Christianity).
5061: BARRY F.R. - Secular and Supernatural.
13978: BARRY,F.R. - The Atonement. (Knowing Christianity Series).
5803: BARRY, F.R. - To Recover Confidence.
20590: BARRY, GERALD. (ED). - The Weekend Calender.
9706: BARRY,F.R. - St. Paul and Social Psychology. An Introduction to the Epistle to the Ephesians.
5904: BARS, HENRY. - Faith, Hope and Charity. Faith & Fact Book: 27.
21989: BARSKY, ROBERT F. - Noam Chomsky. A Life of Dissent.
48162: BARTEL, DAVE AND SANDIE. - Rhodesia is...
34451: BARTER SNOW, LAURA A. - Her Little Kingdom.
39833: BARTH, KARL. - Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century. Its Background & History.
3190: BARTH, KARL. - The Epistle to the Philippians.
9245: BARTH, HANS-MARTIN. - Fulfilment. Translated by John Bowden from the German.
49977: BARTHAS, LOUIS. / STRAUSS, EDWARD M. (TRANSLATOR). - Poilu. The World War I Notebooks of Corporal Louis Barthas, Barrelmaker 1914-1918.
25641: BARTLETT, M. GRACE. - Lessons on Christian Stewardship.
51115: BARTLETT, W. H. (1809 - 1854) . - Footsteps of Our Lord and His Apostles in Syria, Greece, and Italy: A Succession of Visits to the Scenes of New Testament Narrative. By W. H. Bartlett, Author Of "Walks about Jerusalem," "The Nile Boat," Etc. Etc..
49661: BARTLETT, ALAN. - Humane Christianity.
50658: BARTOLI, D. AND MAFFEI, J.P. /(PREFACE BY THE VERY REV. DR. FABER). - The Life of St Francis Xavier, Apostle of the Indies and Japan.
5804: BARTON, STEPHEN. - People of the Passion.
21631: BARTON, JOHN. - Love Unknown. Meditations on the Death and Resurrection of Jesus.
48061: BARTOSZEWSKI, WLADYSLAW. - War Crimes in Poland : Erich von dem Bach.
8305: BARUCH, DOROTHY WALTER AND MILLER, HYMAN. - Sex in Marriage. New Understandings.
48454: BARWICK, G.F. (EDITOR). - The Life of Dr. John Barwick, Dean of St. Pauls. Written in Latin by his Brother, Peter Barwick, M.D. and Translated into English by Hilkiah Bedford .
19203: BASCUTI, ELLEN AND OWENS, DAN. (EDITORS). - Bridge Builder. Training Course Handbook.
35401: BASHFORD, ROBERT. - Mission & Evangelism in Recent Thinking, 1974-1986. (Latimer Studies No.35/36).
26542: BASSET, BERNARD. - The English Jesuits: From Campion to Martindale.
16667: BASSET, BERNARD. - Let's Start Praying Again: Field Work in Meditation.
16742: BASSET, ELIZABETH. - Love is My Meaning. An Anthology of Assurance. (Foreword by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother).
26076: BASSET, BERNARD. - Priest in the Piazza. Touchline Tribute to a Council. (Illustrated by Penelope Harter.)
6043: BASSET, ELIZABETH. (FOREWORD BY HM QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER). - Love is my Meaning. An Anthology of Assurance.
3978: BASSET, BERNARD. - Guilty My Lord. Yes, I still go to confession.
22993: BASSETT, PAUL. - God's Way.
38637: BASTIN, BRUCE. - Never Sell A Copyright. Joe Davis and His Role in the New York Music Scene 1916-1978.
11069: BATCHELOR, MARY, BYE, BERYL, LEE, HELEN R. ET AL. - Family Devotions.
24416: BATCHELOR, MARY. - The Lion Easter Book.
41760: BATCHELOR, REV. HENRY. - The Christian Fulfilments and Uses of the Levitical Sin-Offering.
20914: BATCHELOR, MARY. - The Everyday Book.
27836: BATCHELOR, JULIE FORSYTH AND DE LYS, CLAUDIA. - Superstitious? Here's Why.
6092: BATE, HERBERT NEWELL. DEAN OF YORK. - A Guide to the Epistles of Saint Paul.
40727: BATEMAN, JAMES A. - Animal Traps and Trapping.
29032: BATES, JIM. - The Methodist Church.
24848: BATES, H.E. - A Love of Flowers. (Illustrations by Pauline Ellison.)
5805: BATEY, RICHARD. EDITOR). - New Testament Issues.
9247: BATEY, MAVIS. - Alice's Adventures in Oxford.
38594: BATHAM, C. N. / POPE, TONY (EDITOR) / HENDERSON, KENT (INTRODUCTION) . - Freemasonry in England and France. Collected Papers of C. N. Batham . Edited by Tony Pope . Introduced by Kent Henderson .
36828: BATHAM, CYRIL N . - Prestonian Lecture 1981 - The Grand Lodge of England According to the Old Institutions Otherwise Know As The Grand Lodge Of The Antients As The Most Ancient And Honourable Society Of Free And Accepted Masons As The Atholl Grand Lodge...
26440: BATHO, EDITH C AND DOBREE, BONAMY. - The Victorians and After 1830-1914. (Introductions to English Literature Vol.4).
42374: BATHURST, R.W.BRO. THE HON.W.R.S. - The Evolution of the English Provincial Grand Lodge. (The Prestonian Lecture 1966).
49777: BATSFORD, HARRY. - How to See the Country.
19097: BATSON, C.D; BECKER, J.C. AND CLARK, W.M. - Commitment Without Ideology.
5294: BATT, W. F. - Facing the Facts. The Evidence of Christian Experience.
35074: BATTEN, DON.(EDITOR). - The Answers Book. (Updated and Expanded).
34206: BAUGHEN, MICHAEL. - The Prayer Principle.
11147: BAUM, GREGORY. - New Horizon. Theological Essays.
43708: BAUMANN, HANS. - Dimitri and the False Tsars. (Translated by Anthea Bell).
28341: BAUMBACH, GERARD F. - Spirituality for Lent and Easter. A Guide for Bridging the Mysteries.
28805: BAVIDGE, NIGEL. - The Family at Easter. Prayer and the family.
36597: BAWDEN, HAROLD W. G. (EDITOR) . - Transactions of the North Devon Masonic Study Circle. Volume VIII, 1952 .
36655: BAWDEN, HAROLD W. G. (EDITOR) . - Transactions of the North Devon Masonic Study Circle. Volume VII, 1951 .
10710: BAX, JOSEPHINE. - Meeting God Today. A Lent Course.
20654: BAX, JOSEPHINE. - Finding God Today. Contemporary Spirituality and the Church.
47513: BAX, ARNOLD. - Farewell MyYouth.
8076: BAX, JOSEPHINE. - The Good Wine.
48276: BAXTER, T.W. AND BURKE, E.E. - Guide to the Historical Manuscripts in the National Archives of Rhodesia.
50283: BAXTER, R.H. - The Old Charges of the British Freemasons.
21742: BAYFIELD, TONY AND BRAYBROOKE, MARCUS (EDS). - Dialogue with a Difference: The Manor House Group Experience.
41862: BAYFIELD ROBERTS, GEORGE. - The Papal Question.
43629: BAYNE, VEN. ARCHDEACON P.M. - The Silver Jubilee of the Diocese of Chelmsford 1914-1939. Some Thoughts and Memories.
10081: BAYNE, STEPHEN FIELDING. - An Anglican Turning Point. Documents and Interpretations.
127: BAYNES, KEN AND KATE. - Art and Society. Worship.
43479: BB. - The Shooting Man's Bedside Book. (Illustrated by Watkins-Pitchford).
28342: BCC. - Reports of Working Parties on Ecumenical Instruments.
42984: BEABLE, W.H. - Behind the Counter. A Practical Guide for Shop Assistants.
18448: BEACH, MARK. - Using Common Worship: Holy Communion. A Practical Guide to the New Services.
41333: BEACON, ROBERT. - Folia Caduca.
48750: BEAKEN, ROBERT. - Cosmo Lang. Archbishop in War and Crisis.
50510: BEAKEN, ROBERT. - The Church of England and the Home Front 1914-1918. Civilians, Soldiers and Religion in Wartime Colchester.
28011: BEALE, REGINALD. - The Book of the Lawn. (Completely Revised Edition.)
21632: BEALES, MICHAEL. - Do You Love Me?
40437: BEALES, CHRIS. - Mainstream and Marginal. Creating Economic Change in Inner City Life.
9650: BEALES, A.C.F. - The Catholic Church and International Order.
14409: BEALS, ART. WITH LIBBY, LARRY. - Beyond Hunger.
45521: BEAN, PERCY AND SCARISBRICK, F. - The Chemistry and Practice of Sizing.
20969: BEAR, GREG. - Legacy.
47787: BEARDALL, DR C. & CASEY, D. - Suffolk's Changing Countryside. Wildlife Habitats and Their Conservation in Suffolk.
20449: BEARDSHAW, JOHN AND PALFREMAN, DAVID. - The Organisation in its Environment (3rd ed).
35859: BEARDSLEE, WILLIAM A. - Margins of Belonging: Essays on the New Testament and Theology.
3846: BEARE, F.W. - The Earliest Records of Jesus. A Companion to Huck's Synopsis of the First Three Gospels.
50680: BEARNE, MRS. - Heroines of French Society. In the Court, The Revolution, The Empire, and The Restoration.
26789: BEARSHAW, BRIAN. - Towpaths of England. (Illustrated by David Chesworth).
22412: BEASLEY-MURRAY, PAUL. - Pastors under Pressure. (A Spurgeon's Booklet).
29434: BEASLEY-MURRAY, G.R. - The Servant of God.
45860: BEASLEY, B. - Stammering: Its Treatment.
9096: BEASLEY-MURRAY, G. R. - The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
23803: BEATON, THE REV. D. - Some Noted Ministers of the Northern Highlands.
26747: BEATON, LIZ. (COMPILER.) - Ipswich in Prayer. 40 Days of Prayer for Ipswich.
25427: BEATTIE, JOHN. - The Doctor, the Patient and the Art of Dying.
26078: BEATTIE, DAVID J. - The Romance of Sacred Song.
49717: BEATTIE, DAVID J. - Brethren : The Story of a Great Recovery.
20318: BEAUMONT, ENID, FREEMAN,MARJORIE, JAMAL, DOROTHY AND VINCENT, SYLVIA. - Getting to Know God 2. A year's teaching course for children of 5-7.
17033: BEAUMONT, ENID; BLACKSHAW, CLARE; EGAN PAMELA; RICHARDSON, SR MARY. - Getting to Know God. A Year's teaching course for children of 5-7.
50646: BEAUMONT, GEO. FRED. [GEORGE FREDERICK BEAUMONT 1856-1928] . - A History of Coggeshall, in Essex. With An Account Church, Abbey, Manors, Ancient Houses and Biographical Sketches... including The Family of Coggeshall from 1149, to the re-union at Rhode Island, U.S.A ., in 1884 By Geo. Fred Beaumont
6833: BEAUMONT, HENRY. - Psychology Applied to Personnel.
40266: BEAVER, ALLAN AND TADMAN,MICHAEL. - Charity Matters. The Charity Steward's Handbook.
50848: BEAVERBROOK, LORD. / TAYLOR, A.J.P. (EDITOR). - The Abdication of King Edward VIII.
13634: BECK, BRIAN E. - Reading the New Testament Today. An Introduction to New Testament Study.
10846: BECK, ELEONORE. - God Speaks to His Children. Texts from the Bible.
24013: BECKER, WILHARD. - Love in Action.
49833: BECKER, PETER. - Path of Blood. The Rise and Conquests of Mzilikazi, Founder of the Matabele.
26891: BECKETT, SISTER WENDY, & PATTISON, GEORGE. - Pains of Glass. The Story of the Passion from King's College Chapel, Cambridge.
50263: BECKETT, JOHN. - Laxton, Nottinghamshire. England's Last Open Field Village.
51273: A' BECKETT, GILBERT ABBOTT 1811-1856 / LEECH, JOHN 1817-1864 (ILLUSTRATOR) . - The Comic History Of Rome. By Gilbert Abbott A' Beckett, Illustrated By John Leech .
51288: BECKFORD, PETER. - Thoughts on Hunting, in a Series of Familiar Letter to a Friend.
48661: BECKLES, HILARY AND SHEPHERD, VERENE. - Caribbean Freedom. Economy and Society from Emancipation to the Present.
37158: BECKLEY, RENE. - Ancient Walls of East Anglia.
15418: BECKWITH, R.T., BUCHANAN, C.O. AND PRIOR, K.F.W. - Latimer Monograph 2. Services of Baptism and Confirmation.
50278: BEDINGFIELD, HENRY & GWYNN-JONES, PETER - Heraldry. Henry Bedingfeld, Rouge Croix Pursuivant, Peter Gwynn-Jones, Lancaster Herald, Foreword By The Duke Of Norfolk, Earl Marshal .
7584: DE LA BEDOYERE, MICHAEL. - Francis. A Biography of the Saint of Assisi.
19204: BEDOYERE, MICHAEL DE LA. - The Future of Catholic Christianity.
8077: BEEBY, H. D. - Grace Abounding. Hosea.
42659: BEECHAM, SIR THOMAS. - Frederick Delius.
26143: BEECHING, JACK. - Aspects of Love. (Key Poets. 9).
133: BEECHING, H.C. - The Apostles' Creed. Six Lectures given in Westminster Abbey.
28308: BEEMAN, THOMAS O. - Ritualism: Doctrine Not Dress. Notes Of Lectures On Ritualism, The Development Of Tractarianism: Published By Request, With Additions, Including remarks On The Charge Of The Bishop Of Salisbury, By The Rev. Thomas O. Beeman.
25155: BEER, JOHN. - Who is Jesus?
21633: BEER, T. - Devon's Animals of the Wild.
21634: BEER, T. - Hants and Dorset's Birds.
13766: BEERS, V. GILBERT. - Patterns for Prayer from the Gospels.
27456: BEESLEY, MICHAEL. - Training in Being. (Trainers in Action. 4).
38405: BEESLEY, EUSTACE B. - Freemasonry in Lancashire from the earliest times down to the partition of the Province of Lancashire into two Divisions in A.D. 1825-6. Written and Photographically Illustrated by Brother Eustace B. Beesley.
28806: BEESON, TREVOR AND PEARCE, JENNY. - A Vision of Hope. The Churches and Change in Latin America.
5295: BEESON, TREVOR. - Discretion and Valour. Religious conditions in Russia and Eastern Europe.
9248: BEESON, TREVOR. - Britain Today & Tomorrow.
47494: BEETON, SAMUEL ORCHART (1831-1877 ) . - Beeton's British Gazetteer : a topographical and historical guide to the United Kingdom : containing nearly five thousand distinct articles with the correct pronunciation of the name of every place. With Supplements... returns of 1871 and 1881 .
43983: BEGBIE, HAROLD. - William Booth. The Founder of The Salvation Army. (with illustrations). (2 Volumes).
43487: BEHN, APHRA 1640-1689 / HARVEY, JOHN (PSEUD.) / MARSH, A. (PSEUD. - TYPOGRAPHER?) . - The Ten Pleasures Of Marriage And The Second Part, The Confession Of The New Married Couple, Attributed To Aphra Behn; Reprinted With An Introduction By John Harvey; And The Original Twenty Plates And Two Engraved Titles Re-engraved.
31347: BEHR, EDWARD. - Prohibition: The 13 Years That Changed America.
47794: BEILHARZ, PETER. - Social Theory. A Guide to Central Thinkers.
43330: BEITH, JANET. - The Corbies.
136: BEITZ, EGID. - Das Heilige Trier.
20814: BELBEN, JIM & COOPER, TREVOR. - Everyone's A Winner. Games, Simulations, and Role-Plays for Exploring the Bible.
24671: BELBEN, HOWARD. - Ministry in the Local Church.
8634: BELBEN, HOWARD. - The Mission of Jesus.
19923: BELCHEM, MAJOR-GENERAL DAVID. - Victory in Normandy.
45841: BELDAM, GEORGE W. - Great Golfers: Their Methods at a Glance.
48078: BELL, ALICE ELSIE. - A Decade in Rhodesia.
49627: BELL, ADRIAN. - Music in the Morning.
25329: BELL, QUENTIN. - A New and Noble School: The Pre-Raphaelites.
50764: BELL, ARTHUR EDWIN . - A Bi-Centenary Review of the History of the Imperial George Masonic Lodge, No. 78 1752 - 1952 Province of Lancashire (Eastern Division) Compiled from the Minutes by Athur Edwin Bell M.A., P.M., P.P.A.G.D.C.
5013: BELL NICOLL, J.T. - The Span of Time. The Autobiography of a Doctor.
36829: BELL, BRIAN J. - The Batham Royal Arch Lecture - 1985 - Ezra - The Scribe By Brian J. Bell, M. Phil., C.Eng., M.I.C.E., F.I. Struct.E., F.S.E.
50988: BELL, ADRIAN. - The Open Air. An Anthology of English Country Life.
22570: BELL, EVELYN. - So Kind to Youth.
51180: BELL, ADRIAN. - Corduroy. Silver Ley. The Cherry Tree. (One Volume Edition).
37989: BELL, MRS ARTHUR G. - The Skirts of the Great City.
49286: BELL, ADRIAN. - Silver Ley. (With illustrations in colour and black and white by the late Harry Becker).
49284: BELL, ADRIAN. - The Cherry Tree. (With illustrations in colour and black and white by the late Harry Becker).
42362: BELL, STEVE AND CHAPMAN, COLIN. - Between Naivety and Hostility. Uncovering the best Christian responses to Islam in Britain.
3352: BELL, REV.G.K.A.(EDITOR). - The Meaning of the Creed. Papers on the Apostles' Creed.
18326: BELL, ADRIAN. - Sunrise to Sunset.
42986: BELL, JOHN L. - Hard Words for Interesting Times. Biblical Texts in Contemporary Contexts.
39498: BELL, ADRIAN. - The Budding Morrow.
8635: BELL, G.K.A. BISHOP OF CHICHESTER. - The Kingship of Christ.
41694: BELLAMY, LIZ. - Commerce, Morality and the Eighteenth-Century Novel.
42003: BELLAMY, R.L. - Craft and Assault.
41605: BELLAMY, R.L. - The Unruly Member. Six Lenten Addresses on the Government of the Tongue.
30392: BELLETT, J.G. - The Moral Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
34613: BELLETT, J.G. - Return Of The Lord Jesus Christ From Heaven...To Meet His Saints In The Air.
26545: BELLOW, SAUL. - Mr. Sammler's Planet.
15565: BELLOW, SAUL. - Mosby's Memoirs and Other Stories.
16262: BELSHAW, G.P. MELLICK (ED). - Lent with Evelyn Underhill. Selections from her writings.
41698: BELTON, C. - The Decision and the Consequence.
40398: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG. - Madeline in London.
40399: BEMELMANS, LUDWIG. - Madeline.
1837: BENAMMI. - Essays on Jewish Life and Thought. (The Letters of Benammi: Second Series).
44941: BENCE-JONES, GILLIAN. - Bacton Where the Orwell Rises.
44942: BENCE-JONES, GILLIAN. - Ostrich Creek. Tom and Other Survivors.
44939: BENCE-JONES, GILLIAN. - Orwell Park.
44940: BENCE-JONES, GILLIAN. - Freston Tower.
3925: BENDINER,BURTON. - Tell the Stars.
49327: BENEDICTO, OLE. - The Black Death 1346-1353. A Complete History.
32439: BENES, V.L. & POUNDS, N.J.G. - Poland.
15900: BENET, STEPHEN VINCENT. - Thirteen O'Clock. Stories of Several Worlds.
48795: BENHAM, CHARLES. - Essex Ballads (illustrated by Andrew Dodds).
11831: BENHAM, PHYLLIS. - In Livingstone's Trail. (The Quest of the Mighty).
24240: BENN, WALLACE. - Jesus Our Joy. Learning About True Spirituality.
48233: BENN, ERNEST . - Happier Days. Signed Limited Edition .
42634: BENN, ERNEST J.P. - Trade Parliaments & Their Work.
41974: BENNET, THOMAS ( 1673–1728 ) . - A Confutation of Quakerism; Or a Plain Proof of the Falshood of what the Principal Quaker Writers (especially Mr. R. Barclay in his Apology and Other Works) do Teach....
24939: BENNETT, GEORGE. - When the Mental Patient Comes Home. (Christian Care No.2).
14587: BENNETT, FRANK. - Laodicea in the Twentieth Century or the Church of England in England of Today.
26872: BENNETT, SIR RISDON. - The Diseases of the Bible.
13025: BENNETT, GEORGE. - The Heart of Healing. A Handbook on Healing.
40070: BENNETT, DAVID W. - Metaphors of Ministry. Biblical Images for Leaders and Followers.
12633: BENNETT, F.S.M. - Expecto. An Essay Towards A Biology of the World to Come.
28807: BENNETT, ROBERT A AND EDWARDS, O.C. - The Bible for Today's Church.
2957: BENNETT, JOHN C. - Christianity and Communism.
5806: BENNETT, VICTOR AND WINCH, RAYMOND. - The Assumption of Our Lady and Catholic Theology.
15779: BENNETT, JOYCE M. - Hasten Slowly. The First Legal Ordination of Women Priests.
50851: BENNETT, RICHARD. - Smith & Nephew. 1856-1956. A Record of Service too Surgery and Medicine.
25642: BENNETT, DENNIS. - Moving On in the Spirit.
2956: BENNETT, JOHN C. - Christianity and Communism Today.
38454: BENNETT, C.M. - Tim Kane's Treasure.
43157: BENNETT, SIR WILLIAM. - Injuries and Diseases of the Knee-Joint Considered from the Clinical Aspect.
43200: BENNETT-SYMONS, REV F.W. - The Great Hospital In Norwich. A Short Account Of Its History And Buildings by The Rev. F. W. bennett-Symons, Chaplain of the Hospital and Vicar of St Helen's, Norwich
8982: BENNETT, ALAN. - Writing Home. (Includes The Lady in the Van).
9008: BENNETT, ALAN. - The Clothes They Stood Up In.
12274: BENOIT, J.-D. - Liturgical Renewal. Studies in Catholic & Prostestant Developments on the Continent.
25116: BENSON, ROBERT HUGH. - Poems.
46941: BENSON, A.C./ NEWSOME, DAVID (EDITOR). - Edwardian Excursions. From the Diaries of A.C.Benson 1898-1904.
46886: BENSON, CHRISTOPHER (1862-1925) / ESHER, VISCOUNT (1852-1930) . - The Letters Of Queen Victoria: A Selection From Her Majesty's Correspondence Between The Years 1837 And 1861. Published By Authority Of His Majesty The King. Edited By Arthur Christopher Benson, M.A. And Viscount Esher, G.C.V.O., K.C.B.
50479: BENSUSAN, S. L. - These From God's Own County .
50480: BENSUSAN, S. L. - Late Harvest .
50477: BENSUSAN, S.L. - A Marshland Omnibus.
50478: BENSUSAN, S.L. - Marshland Voices .
4373: VAN DER BENT, A. J. - The Utopia of World community. An Interpretation of the World Council of Churches for Outsiders.
45831: VELLUM DOCUMENT - ROBERT BREWSTER; JAMES BREWSTER; STURGEON NUNN BREWSTER; JOHN BENTALL; THOAMS BENTALL; CHARLES ARTHUR BENTALL - Reconveyance and Release - Robert Brewster Esqr. and others... to The Surviving Trustees of the Will of Mr. John Bentall (deceased).
49206: BENTHAM, R. - ROYAL ARCH MASONRY . - History of the Royal York Chapter, No. 81. By Ex. Companion R. Bentham, P.P.G.Tr.:
144: BENTLEY-TAYLOR, DAVID. - The Prisoner Leaps. A diary of Missionary life in Java.
16668: BENTLEY, JAMES & AUDREY. - Christianity.
23804: BENTLEY-TAYLOR, DAVID. - Augustine: Wayward Genius.
14833: BENTLEY, ERIC. - The Dramatic Event. An American Chronicle.
11609: BENTLEY, JAMES. - Umbria. Illustration by Joy FitzSimmons.
35681: BENTLEY, LISA MISRAJE. - Saving Levi: Left to Die...Destined to Live.
35486: BENTLEY DUNCAN, T. - A Missionary Arrives in Brazil.
50580: BENTLEY, W.A. AND HUMPHREYS, W.J. - Snow Crystals. (2453 illustrations).
50614: BENTON, G. MONTAGU. - The Church of St Ouen (alias St Andrew) Fingringhoe, Essex.
22996: BENTON, JOHN. - Is Christianity True?
24014: BENTON, JOHN. - Looking for the Answer.
22413: BENTON, JOHN. - One World One Way.
46971: BENTON, G. MONTAGU . - The Church Plate of the Saffron Walden Deanery, Essex. G. Montagu Benton, M.A.
46970: BENTON, G. MONTAGU AND GEARE, JOHN G. - The Church Plate of the Newport & Stansted Deanery, Essex. G. Montagu Benton, M.A., And John G. Geare, M.A., R.D.
43064: BENTON, REV. G. MONTAGU [ GERALD MONTAGU BENTON 1881-1959 ] . - The Church Of S. Mary The Virgin, Saffron Walden. By the Rev. G. Montagu Benton, M.A.
9488: BENTWICH, NORMAN. - The Jews in our Time.
14194: BENZ, ERNST. - Buddhism or Communism: Which Holds the Future of Asia?
43856: BENZ, WOLFGANG AND DISTEL, BARBARA. - Dachau and the Nazi Terror 1933-1945. Vol.1. Testimonies and Memoirs.
46719: BERANGER, P. J. [ PIERRE JEAN DE BéRANGER 1780-1857 - ORIGINAL MINIATURE QUARTER CALF BINDING - Oeuvres Posthumes De Beranger - Dernieres Chansons, 1834 a 1851 - Ma Biographie, avec un appendice et un grand nombre de notes de Beranger sur ses anciennes chansons.
49020: BERANGER, P. J. [ PIERRE JEAN DE BéRANGER 1780-1857 - ORIGINAL MINIATURE HALF CALF BINDING - Chansons De P. - J. De Beranger 1815-1834 Contenant Les Dix Chansons Publiees En 1847. Edition Elzevirienne.
27039: BERCHOLZ, SAMUEL AND KOHN, SHERAB CHODZIN. - Entering the Stream. An Introduction to the Buddha and His Teachings.
13979: BERESFORD, BRIAN. - The Church in the Bear's Garden.
35583: BERESFORD, GILBERT. - Poems.
50767: BERESINER, YASHA. - 200 Years of Royal Arch Freemasonry in England 1813-2013.
44428: BERG, LEILA. - Backwards & Forwards. An Intertwining Celebration.
7258: BERGER, PETER L. - Invitation to Sociology. A Humanistic Perspective.
12275: BERGER, PETER L. - A Rumour of Angels. Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural.
19458: BERGER, PETER L. - A Rumour of Angels. Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural.
14986: BERGMAN, ANDREW. - Hollywood and LeVine.
34592: BERGNER, MARIO. - Setting Love in Order: Hope and Healing for the Homosexual.
34985: BERGSTEN, GOTE. - Pastoral Psychology: A Study in the Care of Souls.
9592: BERGUER, GEORGES. - Some Aspects of The Life of Jesus from the Psychological and Psycho-Analytic Point of View. (Translated by Eleanor Stimson Brooks and Van Wyck Brooks).
51047: QUATUOR CORONATI BERICHTE. - Quatuor Coronati Berichte. Wiener Jahrbuch Fur Historische Freimaurerforschung. NR.35/2015.
50380: BERKELEY, ANTHONY. - Jumping Jenny.
49326: BERKELEY, ANTHONY. - Mr Priestley's Problem.
21023: BERKHOF, LOUIS. - A Summary of Christian Doctrine.
9602: BERKHOF, HENDRIKUS. & POTTER, PHILLIP. - Key Words of the Gospel. Bible Studies Delivered at the Mexico Meeting of the World Council of Churches Commission on World Mission and Evangelism 1963.
29639: BERKOUWER, G.C. - The Work of Christ. (Studies in Dogmatics.) (Translated by Cornelius Lambregtse.)
41266: BERLIN, MICHAEL. - A History of The Worshipful Company of Farmers. The First Fifty Years 1952-2002.
45770: BERMINGHAM, ANN. - Sensation & Sensibility. Viewing Gainsborough's Cottage Door.
10395: BERNA, PAUL. - Flood Warning. Translated from the French by John Buchanan-Brown. Illustd. by Charles Keeping.
146: BERNARD, J.H. - Studia Sacra.
145: BERNARD, EDWARD RUSSELL. - Sermons and Lectures. Selected from the remains of the late Edward Russell Bernard, MA. Canon and Chancellor of Salisbury, and chaplain in ordinary to H.M. The King.
15905: BERNARD, EDWARD R. - The English Sunday. Its Origin and its Claims. Six Lectures delivered in Salisbury Cathedral Lent 1901.
50745: BERNHEIM, ALAIN . - Ramsay et ses deux Discours".
26367: BERNSTEIN, RABBI PHILIP S. - What the Jews Believe. (Illustrated by Fritz Eichenberg.)
29817: BERNSTEIN, EDUARD. - Cromwell and Communism. Socialism and Democracy in the Great English Revolution. (Translated by H.J. Stenning.)
23236: BERRY, FRANCIS. - Murdock and Other Poems.
43565: BERRY, HAROLD J. - Examining the Cults.
44422: BERRY, RALPH. - On Directing Shakespeare.
35363: BERRY, R.J. - Adam and the Ape. A Christian Approach to the Theory of Evolution.
39060: BERRY, ALLAN W. - Eighteenth Century Sudbury.
33955: BERRY, ALLAN W. - Suffolk Country Town: A Sudbury Miscellany.
51147: BERRY, ALLAN W. - Campaigning Cleric. Henry Crossman 1711-1792.
24242: BERRYMAN, RICHARD. - Burning Bush and Broken Bread. Implications of a Communicating God.
21125: BERTOCCI, PETER A. - The Human Venture in Sex, Love and Marriage.
20550: BERTRAM, ANTHONY. - Pavements and Peaks. Impressions of Travel in Germany and Austria.
39088: BERTRAND, PIERRE. - Histoire de la Police Genevoise.
19735: BESSIERE, GERARD. - Jesus Ahead.
7907: BEST, ERNEST. - From Text to Sermon.
49559: BEST, HERBERT. - Garram The Hunter. A Boy of the Hill Tribes.
8877: BEST, ERNEST. - The Letter of Paul to the Romans.
29438: BETHUNE-BAKER, J.F. - Unity and Truth in the Church of England.
30950: BETHUNE-BAKER, PROFESSOR AND GRIERSON, W. - The New View of Christianity.
13094: BETJEMAN, JOHN. - Church Poems.
48126: BETJEMAN, JOHN./ GAY, JOHN. (PHOTOGRAPHS). - London'a Historic Stations.
19459: BETTELHEIM, BRUNO. - The Children of the Dream. Communal Child-Rearing and its Implications for Society.
17366: BETTENSON, HENRY. - The Later Christian Fathers. A Selection from the writings of the Fathers from St. Cyril of Jerusalem to St. Leo the Great.
51094: BETTLEY, JAMES AND PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS. - Essex. (The Buildings of England).
16174: BETZ, OTTO AND RIESNER, RAINER. - Jesus, Qumran and the Vatican.
47484: BEVAN, JOHN. - Index and Finding List to Joseph Gillow's Bibliographical Dictionary of the English Catholics.
2959: BEVAN, EDWYN. - Christians in a World at War.
48205: BEVERIDGE, WILLIAM (ED) - 19TH CENTURY PRAYER BOOK - BARRITT-STYLE FULL LEATHER BINDING. - The Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration Of the Sacraments, And Other Rites And Ceremonies Of The Church, According To the Use Of The United Church Of England And Ireland: Together With The Psalter Or Psalms Of David...
24243: BEVERLY, CAL. (ED). - The Book of 1001 Home Health Remedies. Over a Thousand Practical Healing Tips Anyone Can Use at Home.
40921: BEVIS, TREVOR. - Snippets from Old Peterborough.
50920: BEVIS, TREVOR. - Boston : The American Connection. Historical Snippets of Boston Town.
40628: BEVIS, TREVOR. - Changing March.
24672: BEWES, RICHARD. - Answers: Quest for Life.
24673: BEWES, RICHARD. - Answers: Quest for Truth.
43998: BEZA, THEODORE. - The Life of John Calvin.
8806: BEZANCON, JEAN-NOEL. - A Man called Jesus. Translated by Robert Nowell.
22997: BEZZANT, NORMAN. - HELP! First Aid for Everyday Emergencies.
17367: BHALLA, ANIL AND BLAKEMORE, KEN. - Elders of the Minority Ethnic Groups.
48131: BHEBE, NGWABI AND RANGER, TERENCE. - The Historical Dimensions of Democracy and Human Rights in Zimbabwe. Volume One: Pre-Colonial and Colonial Legacies.
37637: BIALOWIEYSKI, M.J.B. & BIEDA, K.(EDITORS). - Nicolaus Copernicus Heritage. On the 500 Anniversary of Copernicus by the National Organizing Committee in Australia.
8215: BIBBY, GEOFFREY. - The Testimony of the Spade.
50879: 19TH CENTURY BIBLE . - The Book of Psalms. According To The Authorized Version... / The New Testament Of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ, With |Explanatory Notes With Short Explanatory Notes And Numerous References To Illustrative And Parallel Passages...
12697: HOLY BIBLE. - The Four Gospels. (KJV).
713: GOOD NEWS BIBLE - Christ's Words. Taken from the Good News Bible.
6186: BIBLE - CONCORDANCE - SMITH, THOMAS - A New And Complete Concordance To The Holy Scriptures: Comprising Under One Alphabet, The Appellative Or Common Words Occurring In Holy Writ; Together With The Proper Names of Persons and Places; ... By The Rev. Thomas Smith
50740: MASONIC HOLY BIBLE - The Holy Bible Reprinted On Behalf Of St. John's Lodge No. 1, A.Y.M. Free And Accepted Masons.
25157: BIBLE. - Job for Modern Man.
49156: HOLY BIBLE. - Holy Bible : King James Version Presentation Edition.
50825: MINIATURE NEW TESTAMENT / BIBLE . - New Testament of the Lord and Saviour Jesus .
50741: MASONIC HOLY BIBLE - The Holy Bible Reprinted On Behalf Of St. John's Lodge No. 1, A.Y.M. Free And Accepted Masons.
44188: BICKERSTETH, REV. E. - Domestic Portraiture; Or, The Successful Application of Religious Principle in the Education of a Family.
50931: BICKERTON, GREVILLE. - Sutton People. Some of Whom Lived on the Broxtead Estate, Suffolk. 1564-1914.
50285: BICKHAM, GEORGE (1706?-1771) . - Deliciae Britannicae ; or, The Curiosities of Hampton-Court and Windsor-Castle, Delineated : with occasional reflections ; and embellish'd with copper-plates of the two palaces, &c. by George Bickham, jun...
267: BICKNELL, E.J. - The Christian Idea of Sin and Original Sin. In the light of modern knowledge. Being the Pringle-Stuart Lectures for 1921 delivered at Keble College,Oxford.
39009: BICOM.(BRITAIN ISRAEL COMMUNICATIONS & RESEARCH CENTRE). - Israel: Frequently Asked Questions.
38777: BIDDELL TAYLOR, HILDA. - The Duck Pond.
38778: BIDDELL TAYLOR, HILDA. - The Spinning Wheel and Other Poems.
44401: BIDDULPH, EDWARD AND BRADY, KATE. - Excavations Along the M25. Prehistoric, Roman and Anglo-Saxon Activity between Aveley and Epping, Essex.
10466: BIELBY, A.R. - Sixth Form Worship.
24849: BIFFEN, JOHN. - Inside the House of Commons. Behind the Scenes at Westminster.
20915: BIGGART, FRANK. - Pater Noster. Some Reflections on the Lord's Prayer.
269: BIGGART, FRANK. - And Then The Judgement.
3657: BIGGS-DAVISON, JOHN AND CHOWDHARAY-BEST, GEORGE. - The Cross of Saint Patrick. The Catholic Unionist Tradition in Ireland.
14715: BIGSBY, CHRISTOPHER. (EDITOR). - Arthur Miller and Company.
27457: BILES, TIMOTHY. (EDITOR). - Ancient but Modern. Recollections from the Countryside. (Selected from Beaminster Area Team News).
10336: BILHEIMER, ROBERT S. - Breakthrough. The Emergence of the Ecumenical Tradition.
5135: KIRKPATRICK BILL. - Aids. Sharing the Pain. Pastoral Guidelines. Foreword by Mark Santer.
5807: BILL, KEITH. - The Needle The Pill and the Saviour. Foreword Sir Donald Finnemore, M.A.
27813: UNCLE BILL (WILLIAM T KENNEDY). - The Delightful Adventures of Toby Ant.
49667: BILLCLIFFE, ROGER. - Mackintosh Furniture.
20819: BILLER, TOM A & MARTIE. - Simple Object Lessons for Children.
45943: BILLINGHURST, PERCY. (ILLUSTRATOR). - A Little Book of Knowledge. (The Little Folks Library).
50831: BILLINGTON, ROY. - A Tune on Black and White Keys. Parnership in Healing: The Story of Mengo Hospital.
50977: VICTORIAN PRAYER BOOKS - WATSON BINDER . - The Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration Of The Sacraments, And Other Rites And ceremonies Of The Church, According To The Church Of England: Together With The Psalter, Or Psalms Of David, Pointed As They Are To Be Sung Or Said In Churches...
49942: PERSIAN BINDING . - Hand-Painted boards .
3267: BINDLEY, T.HERBERT.(EDITOR). - The Oecumenical Documents of the Faith. The Creed of Nicaea. Three Epistles of Cyril. The Tome of Leo. The Chalcedonian Definition.
28215: BINDLEY, T. HERBERT. - The Epistle of The Gallican Churches, Lugdunum and Vienna.
23274: BINGHAM, DERICK. - Waiting for God. Daily Help for those who can't see the Wood for the Trees.
14834: BINGHAM, MADELEINE. - Henry Irving. The Greatest Victorian Actor. (Foreword by John Gielgud).
51218: BINYON, HELEN. - Eric Ravilious. Memoir of an Artist.
41370: ANON - MASONIC BIOGRAPHY - Who's Who in Freemasonry ( 1913-14 ).
32783: BIRCH, LIONEL. (EDITOR). - Europe for the Air Traveller.
47776: BIRCH, MEL. - Origins of Suffolk Place-Names.
49456: BIRCH, MEL. - Suffolk's Ancient Sites - Historic Places.
38783: BIRCH, MEL. - Suffolk's Ancient Sites - Historic Places.
24941: BIRD, ANN (COMPILER). - Great Expectations. (Illustrated by Philip Spence).
19541: BIRD, GRAHAM. - Philosophical Tasks.
46566: BIRD, GEORGE FREDERICK. - The Locomotives of the Great Northern Railway, 1847-1902.
40329: BIRD, CHARLES JAMES. - Pictures from the Past. Castle Hedingham in Old Photographs.
23806: BIRKBECK, JOHN (ED). - The Word for All Seasons.
22414: BIRKBECK, JOHN. - A Private Devotional Diary.
49488: BIRKS, ELEANOR. - Papworth Hospital and Village Settlement. Pendrill Varrier-Jones' Dream Realised.
40765: "BIRMAL". - Pressure Die Castings in Light & Heavy Non-Ferrous Alloys. (Excluding Copper Base Alloys).
14987: BIRMINGHAM, STEPHEN. - The Late John Marquand. A Biography.
49165: BIRMINGHAM, GEORGE A. ( JAMES OWEN HANNAY 1865-1950 ) . - A Public Scandal. And Other Stories .
20659: BIRNIE, IAN H. - Trevor Huddleston (People with a Purpose 2).
35293: BIROAT, M. JACQUES. - The Eucharistic Life of Jesus Christ. (Translated from the 5th edition [Paris 1676] by Edward G. Varnish.
12634: BIRTWHISTLE, ALLEN. - The Bush Still Burns.
23275: BIRTWHISTLE, ALLEN. - Draw Near with Faith.
11778: BIRTWHISTLE, N. ALLEN. - William Threlfall. A Study in Missionary Vocation.
16478: BIRTWHISTLE, ALLEN. - The Sign of the Fish.
15780: BIRTWISTLE, CLAUDE. - The Calculator Puzzle Book.
37409: BIRTWISTLE, SUE AND CONKLIN, SUSIE. - The Making of Pride and Prejudice.
43263: BISHOP, WILLIAM S. - The Theology of Personality.
21360: BISHOP, PETER D. - Word's in World Religions.
28015: BISHOP, ALAN, & BOSTRIDGE, MARK. (EDITORS.) - Letters from a Lost Generation. First World War Letters of Vera Brittain and Four Friends: Roland Leighton, Edward Brittain, Victor Richardson, Geoffrey Thurlow.
31353: BISHOP, JOHN. - The Ultimate Mystery and Other Papers.
11022: BISHOP, PETER D. - A Technique For Loving. Non - Violence in Indian and Christian Traditions.
42917: BISHOP INNOCENT OF KAMCHATKA, AND THE KURILIAN AND ALEUTIAN ISLANDS - Indication of the Way into the Kingdom of Heaven.
3262: BISHOP, JIM. - The Day Christ Died.
51097: BISHOP, NATHANIEL H. ( NATHANIEL HOLMES BISHOP 1837-1902 ) . - Four Months In A Sneak-Box : A Boat Voyage Of 2600 Miles Down The Ohio And Mississippi Rivers, And Along The Gulf Of Mexico. By Nathaniel H. Bishop .
27502: HOUSE OF BISHOPS. - Marriage and the Doctrine of the Church of England.
25471: HOUSE OF BISHOPS. - May They All Be One. A Response of the House of Bishops of the Church of Englande to Ut Unum Sint.
12767: U.S. BISHOPS. - The Challenge of Peace: God's Promise and our Response. The U.S. Bishops' Pastoral Letter on War and Peace in the Nuclear Age.
4287: HOUSE OF BISHOPS. - Deacons in the Ministry of the Church. A Report to the House of Bishops of the General Synod of the Church of England.
28940: NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS. - Prayers of the Advent and Christmas Seasons.
10109: BISHOPS' CONFERENCE. - Africa's Crisis and the Church in Britain. Foreword by Cardinal Basil Hume.
19031: BITTLINGER, ARNOLD. - Gifts and Graces. A Commentary on 1 Corinthians 12-14. (Translated from the German by Herbert Klassen and supervised by the Rev. Michael Harper.)
16957: BITTLINGER, ARNOLD. - Gifts and Graces. A Commentary on 1 Corinthians 12-14.
45507: BIXLEY, STEVEN R. - Sudbury & District News 1875-1930.
45011: BJELAJAC, DAVID. - Millennial Desire and the Apocalyptic Vision of Washington Allston.
20660: BJORNSTAD, JAMES. - The Transcendental Mirage.
13769: BLACK, JAMES. - The Mystery of Preaching.
13637: BLACK, MATTHEW. - The Dead Sea Scrolls and Christian Doctrine.
23725: BLACK, LESLEY. - Must I go down to the sea again? (Illustrated by Mike Peyton.)
13310: BLACK, MATTHEW. (ED). - The Scrolls and Christianity. (SPCK Theological Collections 11).
5248: BLACK, MATTHEW. (EDITOR). - Peake's Commentary on the Bible.
7013: BLACK, MATTHEW. - Romans. The New Century Bible Commentary.
29439: BLACK, HUGH B. - Christian Fundamentals.
49274: BLACK, PETER. - Geoffrey Clarke : Symbols for Man. Sculpture and Graphic Work 1949-94.
26055: BLACKBURN, THOMAS. - A Smell of Burning.
28469: BLACKBURNE-MAZE, PETER. - Adrian Bloom's Guide to Tree Fruit.
25431: BLACKER, TERENCE. - The Transfer.
6968: BLACKER, C.P. - Birth Control and the State. A Plea and a Forecast.
41765: BLACKET, REV. JOHN. - Divine Truth in the Light of Reason and Revelation.
20661: BLACKHAM, M.J. - Six Existentialist Thinkers.
50232: BLACKHAM, COLONEL ROBERT J. - Apron Men: The Romance of Freemasonry.
14589: BLACKIE, ERNEST MORELL. - Church Councils at Work.
28091: BLACKIE, ERNEST MORELL. - Church Councils at Work.
31386: BLACKMAN, ROY AND LASKEY, MICHAEL. (EDITORS). - Aldeburgh Poetry Festival Anthology 1989-1998.
10949: BLACKMORE, JOAN. - Rottweilers. (De complete rashondengids).
50566: BLACKWELL, WILLIAM . - Geometry In Architecture. William Blackwell, A.I.A.
4961: BLACKWOOD, ANDREW W. - The Preparation of Sermons.
50005: BLACKWOOD, GORDON. - Tudor & Stuart Suffolk.
47506: BLACKWOOD, ALGERNON. - The Dance of Death. (Pan G645).
50778: BLAGG, THOS. M. (THOMAS MATTHEWS BLAGG ) / RAVEN, ALEC J. - Suffolk Parish Registers. Marriages. General Editor: Thos. M. Blagg. Vol. III. Edited By Alec J. Raven .
50779: BLAGG, THOS. M. (THOMAS MATTHEWS BLAGG ) . - Suffolk Parish Registers. Marriages. Vol. IV. Edited by Thos. M. Blagg .
50782: BLAGG, THOS. M. (THOMAS MATTHEWS BLAGG ) / ARNOLD-WALLINGER, R. N. - Essex Parish Registers. Marriages. General Editor: Thos. M. Blagg. Vol. III. Edited By R. N. Arnold-Wallinger
50783: BLAGG, THOS. M. (THOMAS MATTHEWS BLAGG ) / ROEBUCK, G. E. - Essex Parish Registers. Marriages. General Editor: Thos. M. Blagg. Vol. IV. Edited By G. E. Roebuck .
29641: BLAIKIE, THOMAS. - Blaikie's Guide to Modern Manners. (Illustrated by Neil Chapman.)
41162: F.M.B./BLAIKIE, A.H. - The Farm Shown to the Children. (Described by Foster Meadow).
23809: BLAIKLOCK, E.M. - The Positive Power of Prayer.
23000: BLAIKLOCK, E.M. - Still A Christian.
22415: BLAIKLOCK, E.M. - The Century of the New Testament.
24431: BLAIKLOCK, E.M. AND LANE, WILLIAM L. - Bible Characters and Doctrines. Vol.10. Jairus to Blind Leaders and Righteousness in Christ.
24422: BLAIKLOCK, E.M AND ELLISON, H.L. - Bible Characters and Doctrines. Vol.7. Uzziah to David and The Life of Christ.
24425: BLAIKLOCK, E.M AND GROGAN, GEOFFREY. - Bible Characters and Doctrines. Vol.4. Elkanah to David and The Holy Trinity.
5808: BLAIKLOCK, E.M., PROFESSOR. - Six Weeks to Eternity.
32726: BLAIR. (WALLACE WILFRED BLAIR-FISH). - Tides and Fashions.
36332: BLAIR, W. R. - STAFFORDSHIRE FREEMASONRY . - Masonic Records (Chiefly of the Etruscan Lodge) . Compiled by Wor. Bro. W. Blair .
14902: BLAIR, DUNCAN M. - The Beginning of Wisdom.
16109: BLAIR, ANDREW. - The Why and Wherefore of the Church.
42622: BLAIR, JOHN (1819-1889 . - Masonic Songs, Oddfellowship Songs, And Other Rhymes, By John Blair, Bard, Lodge Journeyman, No. 8.
28236: BLAKE, WILLIAM. - William Blake: Selected Poems. (With an Introduction by Denis Saurat.)
7417: BLAKE, HUBERT. - The Pursuit of Justice. A plain man's view.
26368: BLAKE, N.F. - Middle English Religious Prose. (York Medieval Texts Series.)
27189: BLAKE, E.C. - Stories that Teach. Being Eight Tales of Terry and Tom the Terrible Twins with an Appendix on How to Write Others.
13312: BLAKE, CINDY. - I Saw you First.
49308: BLAKE, NICHOLAS. [PSEUD. OF CECIL DAY LEWIS]. - The Case of the Abominable Snowman.
27041: BLAKE, E.C. - Children's Missions. A Handbook.
49089: BLAKE, COLIN. - The Beccles Portraits.
44828: BLAKE, WILLIAM / PALEY, MORTON D. (EDITOR). - Jerusalem. The Emanation of the Great Albion. (Blake's Illuminated Books. Volume 1).
49659: BLAKE, WILLIAM (1757-1827) / KEYNES, GEOFFREY (1887-1982 ) - EDITOR. - Blake's Pencil Drawings. Second Series. Edited By Geoffrey Keynes For The Nonesuch Press.
19100: BLAKEBROUGH, ERIC (ED). - Church for the City.
26921: BLAKELOCK, DENYS. - The Chastening.
37614: BLAKELOCK, DENYS. - The Chastening. Poems.
36185: BLAKEY, ROBERT . - The History of General Literature; Viewed Politically and Historically, in a Popular Manner; From the Earliest Times to the 17th Century . By Robert Blakey. Second Edition.
26079: BLAKEY, RONALD S. - The Man in the Manse.
6005: BLAKISTON, REV.ALBAN. - The Bible of To-Day.
3282: BLAMIRES, HARRY. - The Will and the Way. A study of Divine Providence and Vocation.
22417: BLAMIRES, HARRY. - A Defence of Dogmatism.
279: BLAMIRES, HARRY. - The Offering of Man.
22328: BLAMIRES, HARRY. - Where Do We Stand? An Examination of the Christian's Position in the Modern World. (Foreword by Malcolm Muggeridge.)
50362: BLAMIRES, HARRY. - The Devil's Hunting Ground. A Fantasy.
278: BLAMIRES, HARRY. - The Faith and Modern Error. An Essay on the Christian Message in the Twentieth Century.
6599: BLANCH, STUART - ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. - The Ten Commandments.
15567: BLANCH, STUART. (ARCHBISHOP OF YORK). - The Trumpet in the Morning. Law and Freedom today in the light of the Hebraeo-Christian tradition.
47722: BLANCH, H.J. - A Century of Guns : A Sketch of the Leading Types of Sporting and Military Small Arms, with over 150 Illustrations of Guns and Rifles.
15134: BLANCH, STUART Y. - The Burning Bush. Signs of our Time.
25159: BLANCH, STUART AND BRENDA. - Learning of God. Readings from Amy Carmichael.
10110: BLANCH, STUART Y. - The World our Orphanage. Studies in the Theology of the Bible.
13982: BLANCH, STUART. - Living by Faith.
45805: BLANCH, WILLIAM HARNETT. - The Parish of Camberwell.
6247: BLANCH, STURART. - For all Mankind. A New Approach to the Old Testament.
49369: BLANCH, LESLEY. - Farah, Shahbanou of Iran. Queen of Persia.
8217: BLANCH, STUART. - Way of Blessedness.
14563: BLANCHARD, JOHN. - Why Y2K? What the Millennium is all about.
22126: BLANCHARD, JOHN. - Enjoy Your Bible.
23278: BLANCHARD, JOHN. - Where was God on September 11?
12843: BLANCHARD, JOHN. - What in the World is a Christian?
12844: BLANCHARD, JOHN. - Right with God.
25870: BLANCHARD, JOHN. - Ultimate Questions.
280: BLANK, JOOST DE. - Members of Christ.
281: BLANK, JOOST DE. - The Parish in Action.
45480: BLATCHFORD, ROBERT. - My Favourite Books. (signed).
48052: BLATCHLY, JOHN. - The Town Library of Ipswich.
50161: BLATCHLY, JOHN AND NORTHEAST, PETER. - Decoding Flint Flushwork on Suffolk and Norfolk Churches.
49610: BLATCHLY, JOHN. - The Town Library of Ipswich. Provided For The Use Of The Town Preachers In 1599. A History And Catalogue by John Blatchly .
22418: BLATHERWICK, DAVID. - This Stab of Fire. (Sermons for Today No.6).
9252: BLATHERWICK, DOUGLAS P. - A Layman Speaks.
26614: BLAZYNSKI, GEORGE. - Pope John Paul II.
20320: BLEAKLEY, DAVID. - Work: The Shadow and the Substance. A reappraisal of life and labour.
9253: BLEAKLEY, DAVID. - In Place of Work ... The Sufficient Society.
31104: BLEILER, EVERETT F. - Basic Japanese Grammar.
19543: BLEIMAN, BARBARA. - Tales for the Telling. A collection of short stories. (Modern Women Writers Series)
30944: BLENKO, LILIAN. - A Hunter At Heart.
42338: BLEZZARD, JUDITH. - Borrowings in English Church Music 1550-1950.
19738: BLIGH, JOHN. - Colossians. (Scripture for Meditation: 4).
12946: BLISS, KATHLEEN. - We the People. A Book about Laity.
5296: BLISS, KATHLEEN. - The Future of Religion.
44155: BLOCH, IWAN (1872-1922) / DENISTON, RICHARD (TRANSLATOR) . - Ethnological and Cultural Studies of the Sex Life in England: Illustrated, As Revealed In Its Erotic and Obscene Literature and Art; With Nine Private Cabinets of Illustrations by the Greatest English Masters of Erotic Art .
34252: BLOCK, LOUIS JAMES. - El Nuevo Mundo: A Poem.
35985: BLOCK, LOUIS . - Report On Fraternal Correspondence to the Grand Lodge of Iowa Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons 1928. At the Eighty-fifth Annual Communication at Cedar Rapids /Fraternal Review... 1929. At Burlington / Fraternal Review... 1930. At Des Moines.
22419: BLOESCH, DONALD G. - The Evangelical Renaissance.
50652: BLOIS, LOUIS DE (1506-1566) / LOVAT, ALICE MARY WELD-BLUNDELL FRASER BARONESS (1846-1938 ) . - A Benedictine of the Sixteenth Century ( Blosius ) By Georges de Blois. Translated by Lady Lovat.
49245: BLOM, J.M. - The Post-Tridentine English Primer.
9489: BLOM, ERIC. - Music in England.
37383: BLOMER, RALPH . - A Sermon Preach'd in King Henry VII's Chapel at Westminster, on Thursday the 8th of March, 1710. Before the Lower House of Convocation: Being the anniversary of Her Majesty's Accession to the Throne of Her Ancestors. By Ralph Blomer, M.A.
45174: BLOMFIELD, REV. E. [ REVEREND EZEKIEL BLOMFIELD 1778–1818 ] . - A General View of the World, Geographical, Historical, and Philosophical; on a Plan Entirely New. In Two Volumes. By The Rev E. Blomfield .
26145: BLOMFIELD, F.C. - Wonderful Order.
11611: BLOMMERS, PAUL, & LINDQUIST, E.F. - Elementary Statistical Methods in Psychology and Education.
12174: BLOOM, URSULA. - Pilate's Wife.
27838: BLOOM, ALAN. - Perennials for Trouble-free Gardening.
11780: BLOOMFIELD, BOB. - Synchronistic Images. Foreword by The Revd. W.J. Bulley.
46939: BLOOMFIELD, ROBERT / FALCONER, WILLIAM . - The Farmer's Boy; A Rural Poem. By Robert Bloomfield. The Third Edition. / Rural Tales, Ballads, And Song: By Robert Bloomfield, Author of The Farmer's Boy. / The Shipwreck. By William Falconer. The Sixth Edition, Corrected.
49710: BLOOMFIELD, PETER. - What the Bible Teaches about Guidance.
50006: BLOORE, PETER AND MARTIN, EDWARD. (EDITORS). - Wingfield College and its Patrons. Piety and Prestige in Medieval Suffolk.
47030: BLOSIUS, LUDOVICUS. - A Book of Spiritual Instruction.
11092: BLOUNT, ROBIN. - European Church Partnership. A User's Guide to Church Twinning.
43530: BLOUNT, REV.C.F. - The Blessed Trinity.
6718: BLOUNT, NICOL. - The Eucharist - not a static concept. Foreword by the Bishop of Bristol.
49733: BLUCK, JOHN. - Long, White & Cloudy. In Search of a Kiwi Spirituality.
17934: BLUCK, JOHN. - Canberra Take-Aways. What the Assembly offers a local congregation.
6678: BLUE, LIONEL. - The Blue Guide to the Here & Hereafter. (With Jonathan Magonet).
13507: BLUE, LIONEL. - A Backdoor to Heaven, An Autobiography.
30532: BLUMHARDT, JOHANN CHRISTOPH(1805-1880) AND BLUMHARDT, CHISTOPH FRIEDRICH(1842-1919). - Thoughts About Children.
27042: BLUNDELL, JOHN. - Physiological Psychology.
40081: BLUNDEN, EDMUND. - Christ's Hospital. A Retrospect.
10095: BLUNDEN, EDMUND. - Shells By A Stream. New Poems.
3283: BLUNT, A.W.F. - Our Need for God.
50986: BLUNT, WILFRID. - Tulipomania. (King Penguin No.14).
41224: BLUNT, RAYMOND J.(EDITOR). - R.A.F.A. Annual 1952.
29440: BLUNT, A.W.F. - The Genius of Anglicanism. (Little Books on Religion.)
43495: BLUNT, WILFRID. - Pietro's Pilgrimage. A Journey to India and Back at the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century. (Signed).
37432: BLUNT, JOHN HENRY. - The Sacraments and Sacramental Ordinances of the Church; Being a Plain Exposition of their History, Meaning and Effects.
11857: BLYTH, MYRA. & JASPER, TONY. - At All Times and in All Places.
47170: BLYTH, R.H. - Oriental Humour.
49129: BLYTHE, RONALD. (EDITOR). - Aldeburgh Anthology.
50096: BLYTHE, RONALD. - Aftermath. Selected Writings 1960-2010.
27839: BLYTHE, RONALD. - The Stories of Ronald Blythe.
50029: BLYTHE, RONALD. - Word From Wormingford. A Parish Year. With Illustrations by John Nash.
51129: BLYTHE, RONALD. - Talking to the Neighbours. Conversations from a Country Church.
48346: BLYTON, ENID. - Round the Year with Enid Blyton: Winter Book.
48345: BLYTON, ENID. - Round the Year with Enid Blyton: Summer Book.
48518: BLYTON, ENID. - Enid Blyton's Nature Lover's Book. (illustrated by Noel Hopking).
48537: BLYTON, ENID. - The Mountain of Adventure. (Illustrated by Stuart Tresilian).
286: BLYTON, ENID. - The Children's Life of Christ.
40662: BLYTON, ENID. - You Funny Little Noddy. (No.10).
48695: BLYTON, ENID. - The Mystery of the Burnt Cottage. (Illustrated by J.Abbey).
41524: BLYTON, ENID. - Bible Stories: In The Beginning & Other Stories. (Illustrated by Penny Horne).
48532: BLYTON, ENID. - The Valley of Adventure. (With illustrations by Stuart Tresilian).
40425: BLYTON, ENID. - Five On A Treasure Island. An Adventure Story for Boys and Girls.
50785: BLYTON, ENID. - Cameo Plays. Book 4.
50050: BLYTON, ENID. - The Blue Story Book.
50550: BLYTON, ENID. - The Island of Adventure. (Illustrated by Stuart Tresilian).
8152: BLYTON, ENID. - Tales After Tea.
8172: BLYTON, ENID. - Enid Blyton's Brer Rabbit Book. Illustrated by Grace Lodge.
8174: BLYTON, ENID. - Enid Blyton's Lucky Story Book. Illustrations by Eileen Soper.
27545: WAKEFIELD DIOCESAN BOARD. - Concise Guide to the Customs of Ethnic Minority Religions in the Wakefield Diocese.
47544: BOARD, M.E. - The Story of the Bristol Stage. 1490-1925.
5166: PARK BOB. - Going for Broke on Jesus.
46508: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI 1313-1375 / [ RIGG, J.M. (JAMES MACMULLEN RIGG 1855-1926.- TRANSLATOR) ] / [SYMMONDS, JOHN ADDINGTON ] . - The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio.
31632: BOCK, VAL. - P.S. Please Save the Stamps.
46590: BODEY, HUGH AND HALLAS, MICHAEL. - Elementary Surveying for Industrial Archaeologists.
3356: BODKER, CECIL. - Mary of Nazareth. (Pictures by Bengt Arne Runnerstrom). Translated by Eric Bibb.
12475: BODLEY, MARY. - Don Vesuvio. The story of Father Borelli.
8451: BODO, MURRAY. - The Way of St Francis. The Challenge of Franciscan Spirituality for Everyone.
7396: BODY, GEORGE. - The Good Shepherd. A series of meditations.
39675: BODY-GENDROT, SOPHIE. - The Social Control of Cities? A Comparative Perspective.
11471: BOENHEIM, CURT. - Introduction to Present Day Psychology. Twenty-four lectures to the WEA at Reading University.
24676: BOESAK, ALLAN. - Walking on Thorns. The Call to Christian Obedience.
42760: BOGER, JAN. - To Live in the Fire. The Photographic Journal of an Israeli Soldier.
26442: BOGG, J. STUART. - Life of Swedenborg.
47896: BOGGIS, DEANNA. (EDITOR) . - Sudbury High School Magazine. July, 1959 .
6600: BOGLE, JOANNA. - Celebrating Our Heritage. A Journey through Christian England.
49632: BOHM, DOROTHY. - Walls and Windows. Colour Photography by Dorothy Bohm. (Signed).
43585: BOILEAU, ANNE. - Katharina Luther: Nun, Rebel, Wife.
43197: BOLCH, BEN AND LYONS, HAROLD. - Apocalypse Not. Science, Economics and Environmentalism.
3512: BOLD, REV. T.A. - Grantchester Prayers
43445: BOLENDER, MERRILL. - When the Cross Became a Sword. The Origin and Consequences of Replacement Theology.
43889: BOLSCHE, WILHELM. - Haeckel. His Life and Work. (With Thirteen Illustrations).
24677: BOLT, PETER. - A Way of Loving.
11497: BOLT, DAVID. - Adam.(Illustrated by Pauline Ellison).
37808: BOMFORD, RODNEY. - The Symmetry of God.
12399: BONAR, ANDREW. - Memoir and Remains of R.M. M'Cheyne.
46034: BONAVIA-HUNT, NOEL A. - Irons in the Fire. The Bonavia-Hunt Memoirs.
44307: BOND, FRANCIS. - Wood Carvings in English Churches. I.Stalls and Tabernacle Work. II.Bishops' Thrones and Chancel Chairs.
44281: BOND, FRANCIS, - Westminster Abbey.
48156: BOND, GEOFFREY. - Remember Mazoe. The Reconstruction of an Incident.
45910: BONDANELLA, PETER AND BONDANELLA, JULIA CONWAY. - Cassell Dictionary of Italian Literature.
19103: BONE, JENNIFER. - Reason to Believe. Cross Currents: Book Two.
44350: BONET-MAURY, GASTON. - Early Sources of English Unitarian Christianity.
51149: BONFANTI, LEO. - The Massachusetts Bay Colony. Vol.II. Massachusetts Bay Colony to 1645.
51148: BONFANTI, LEO. - The Massachusetts Bay Colony. Vol.I. Plymouth Colony to 1623.
49647: (AFTER): I. BONHEUR . - The Intelligent Monkey - Bronze Bookends
26370: BONINO, JOSE MIGUEZ. - Revolutionary Theology Comes of Age.
48581: BONNER-SMITH, D. (EDITOR) . - Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. LXXVII. & Vol. LXXXI. - The Barrington Papers Selected From Letters and Papers of Admiral The Hon. Samuel Barrington And Edited By D. Bonner-Smith . 2 Volume Set .
35352: BONNINGTON, MARK AND FYALL, BOB. - Homosexuality and the Bible. (Grove Biblical series No.1).
50992: BONTHRON, P. - My Holidays on Inland Waterways.
47446: BONWICK, JAMES (1817-1906) . - Climate And Health In Australasia : To which is added a chapter on the land laws of the Colony. Edited by James Bonwick : Queensland; Western Australia; Southern Australia; New Zealand; Victoria; Tasmania; New South Wales
45859: BOOBBYER, ANNA. - Broken Purposes but Answered Prayers.
51162: VICTORIAN VELVET PRAYER BOOK . - The Book Of Common Prayer, And Adminstration Of Sacraments, And Other Rites And Ceremonies Of The Church, According To The Use Of The United Church Of England And Ireland...
48471: 18TH CENTURY PRAYER BOOK - A New Family Prayer-Book : Containing The Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration Of The Scraments; With The Rites And Ceremonies Of The Church of England; Together With The Psalter or Psalms of David; The Cmpanion To The Altar,...
49939: 18TH CENTURY PRAYER BOOK . - The Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration of the Sacrament, According to the Use of The Church of England : Together with the Psalter or Psalms Of David Pointed As They Are To Be Sung Or said In Churches. (With Notes) ...
46928: VICTORIAN PRAYER BOOK . - The Consecutive Book of Common Prayer: Containing the order for morning and evening prayer, daily throughout the year; also the order of the administration of the Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion; according to the use of the United Church of England
48469: MINIATURE NOTE-BOOK - Small un-used Note-Book in good leather binding.
47100: MINIATURE BOOK - [ ANONYMOUS - EDITED BY RICHARD CATTERMOLE1795?-1858 ] . - Gems Of Sacred Poetry . Seventh Edtion.
48419: HYMN BOOK . - The Methodist Hymn-Book .
48089: 18TH CENTURY - LATIN PRAYER BOOK [ PARSELL, T. REVISED BY ] . - Liturgia: Seu Liber Precum Communium, Et Administrationis Sacramentorum, Aliorumque Rituum & Ceremoniarum In Ecclesia Anglicana Receptus: Itemque Forma & Modus Creandi, Ordinandi , & Consecrandi Episcopos, Presbyteros, & Diaconos...
51165: 19TH CENTURY MINIATURE BOOK. - Small Rain Upon the Tender Herb: Deut. xxxii. 2 . Fifteenth Edition.
45867: SCARCE MINIATURE FINGER PRAYER BOOK . - [ Finger Prayer Book ] - The Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration Of The Holy Communion, According To The Use Of The Church of England....
48524: 18TH CENTURY ILLUSTRATED PRAYER BOOK . - The Book Of Common Prayer, and administration of the Sacraments, And other Rites and ceremonies Of The Church, According To The Use Of The Church Of England: Together With The Psalter Or Psalms Of David...
48250: VICTORIAN MINIATURE BOOK . - Wisdom In Miniature Or The Pleasing Instructor.
49273: 18TH CENTURY PRAYER BOOK . - Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration of the Sacraments, And Other Rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the Use of the Church of England: Togetherwith the Psalter or Psalms Of David...
50701: 18TH CENTURY PRAYER BOOK - A New Family Prayer-Book : Containing The Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration Of The Scraments; With The Rites And Ceremonies Of The Church of England; Together With The Psalter or Psalms of David; The Companion To The Altar,...
50660: MINIATURE 18TH CENTURY PRAYER BOOK . - The Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration of the Sacraments, And Other Rites and Ceremonies Of the Church, According to the use of The Church of england: Together with The Psalter, Or Psalms Of David. Pointed as they are to be sung or said ...
47084: MINIATURE BOOK. - Walkers Golden Thoughts Calendar
51120: MINIATURE BOOK. - The Royal Road, Or, The Traveller's Guide .
49362: MINIATURE PRAYER AND HYMN BOOK.. - The Book Of Common Prayer And TheAdministration of the Holy Communion According to the Use of The Church of England... Hymns Ancient And Modern For Use In The Services of The Church. Compkete Edition .
51175: MINIATURE SILVER FRONTED PRAYER BOOK . - Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration Of The Sacraments, And Other Rites And Ceremonies Of The Church...
8755: MISSAL - PRAYER BOOK - The Communion And Other Services According To The Use of the United Church Of England And Ireland.
8940: PRAYER BOOK. - The Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration Of The Sacraments, And Other Rites And Ceremonies Of The Church, According To The Use Of The United Church of England and Ireland...
50717: 19TH CENTURY LATIN PRAYER BOOK . - Liturgia Britannica, seu Liber Precum Commumium Juxta Usum Ecclesiae Britannicae; Una Cum Psalterio, seu Psalmis Davidis: Quibus Accesserunt Forma Et Modus Faciendi, Ordinandi, Et Consecrandi Episcopos, Presbyteros,... Cum XXXIX Articulis Religionis.
21907: HEINEMANN EDUCATIONAL BOOKS. - Simple Computer and Control Logic. (Project Technology Handbook).
49353: PAPERWEIGHT IN THE FORM OF A STACK OF BOOKS - 3 Leatherbound books fused together to form a paperweight .
45184: BOOLE, MARY EVEREST. - The Mathematical Psychology of Gratry and Boole.
51034: BOON, K.P. - St Salem Preceptory No.15. Bicentenary 1808-2008.
14903: BOOTH, PHILIP A. - The Silent War.
19207: BOOTH, ALAN. - Christians and Power Politics.
18743: BOOTH, HOWARD. - On Parade! Addresses for Parade Services and for Family Worship.
26443: BOOTH, HOWARD. - Stepping Stones to Christian Maturity.
26791: BOOTH, HOWARD. - Healing Through Caring.
2176: BOOTH, MRS E.A.(WINIFRED). - Pictures from a Missionary's Album.
19383: BOOTH, ROGER P. - Contrasts - Gospel Evidence and Christian Beliefs.
32285: BOOTH, MICHAEL.(EDITOR). - Hiss The Villain: Six English and American Melodramas.
40594: BOOTH, MRS. - Papers on Practical Religion.
293: BOOTH, GENERAL . - In Darkest England And The Way Out.
8637: BOOTH, HOWARD. - Healing Experiences.
28812: BOOTY, JOHN E. - The Church in History.
34134: BOR, ROBERT; MILLER, RIVA; LATZ, MARTHA AND SALT, HEATHER. - Counselling in Health Care Settings.
296: BORDEN, MARY. - The King of the Jews.
28092: BORGES, JORGE LUIS. - Cos'e il Buddismo in collaborazione con Alicia Jurado. A cura di Francesco Tentori Montalto.
31346: BORITT, GABOR S. (EDITOR). - War Comes Again: Comparative Vistas on the Civil War and World War II.
297: BORNKAMM, GUNTHER. - Jesus of Nazareth.
3774: BORNKAMM, GUNTHER. - Jesus of Nazareth. Translated by Irene and Fraser McLuskey with James M. Robinson.
41407: BORODIN, GEORGE. - The Man of Kerioth. The Story of Judas.
44718: BOROUGH, REV. ROLAND. - A Practical Handbook on the Provision and Use of Altar Linen.
25821: BOROVSKY, VICTOR. - Chaliapin. A Critical Biography.
9384: BORSCH, FREDERICK H. - God's Parable.
50134: BOSSERT, PATRICK. - You Can Do The Cube.
37803: BOSWELL, P.G.H. - Geology of the Country Around Woodbridge, Felixstowe and Orford.
45204: BOSWELL, EDWARD (1760-1842) . - The Ecclesiastical Division of the Diocese of Bristol, Methodically Digested and Arranged, Containing, Lists of Teh Dignatories, and Officers of the Cathedral, The Parish Churches, or Benefices, and the Patrons, and Incumbents, Within the Diocese.
44389: BOSWELL, JAMES (1740-1795) . - Dorando, A Spanish Tale.
50716: BOSWELL, BRUCE A. - Poland and the Poles.
45065: BOTELHO, L.A. (EDITOR). - Churchwardens' Accounts of Cratfield 1640-1660.
9158: BOTT, IRMGARD, ET AL. - Fachwerkkirchen in Hessen.
23811: BOTTING, MICHAEL H. - Evangelistic Services. Their Value and Limitations. (Grove Ministry and Worship. No.21).
17526: BOTTING, MICHAEL. - Pastoral and Liturgical Ministry to the Sick. (Grove Booklet on Ministry and Worship. No.59).
16005: BOTTING, MICHAEL. - Christian Healing in the Parish. (Grove Ministry and Worship 42).
34304: BOTTING, MICHAEL. - Spirituality and Time. (Grove Spirituality No.60).
45953: BOTTOME, PHYLLIS . - Mansion House of Liberty by Phyllis Bottome .
49836: BOTTOMLEY, HORATIO. - Songs of the Cell.
46344: BOTTOMLEY, ALAN AND CHADD, MARGARET. - Senescali Sudwoldienses Being Lives of the High Stewards of Southwold 1505-1989.
23239: BOTTOMORE, T.B. - Elites and Society.
44605: BOTTRALL, MARGARET. - Thomas Traherne and the Bible: A Book from Heaven.
40926: BOUCARD, ROBERT. - Revelations from the Secret Service. The Spy on Two Fronts. (Translated by Captain Raglan Somerset).
11349: BOULARD, F. - An Introduction to Religious Sociology. Pioneer Work in France. (Trans. by M.J. Jackson).
14516: BOULAY, SHIRLEY DU. - Beyond the Darkness. A Biography of Bede Griffiths.
12638: BOULAY, SHIRLEY DU. - Tutu. Voice of the Voiceless.
13983: BOULDING, MARIA. - The Coming of God.
9254: BOULTON, WALTER. - Marriage.
14398: BOUNDS, E.M. - Power Through Prayer.
45979: BOUNDS, E.M. - Purpose in Prayer.
45981: BOUNDS, E.M. - The Weapon of Prayer.
45982: BOUNDS, E,M. - Prayer and Praying Men.
45980: BOUNDS, E.M. - The Reality of Prayer.
27190: BOUQUET, A.C. - Karl Marx and his Doctrines.
9491: BOUQUET, A.C. - Sacred Books of the World.
2972: BOURDEAUX, MICHAEL. - Risen Indeed. Lessons in Faith from the USSR. Keston Book No.16.
26146: BOURDEAX, MICHAEL. (FOREWORD). - Russian Christians on Trial. Eye Witness Report from a Soviet Court Room.
7369: BOURNE, GEOFFREY. - Return to Reason! An Essay in Political Diagnosis.
51242: BOUSTRED, R.E. - Last Stand for the King. 1648: The Siege of Colchester for Young People.
47754: BOUVERESSE, JACQUES. - Wittgenstein Reads Freud. The Myth of the Unconscious. (Translated by Carol Cosman).
48985: BOUYER, LOUIS. - Introduction to Spirituality.
15479: BOWDEN, JOHN. - Who's Who in Theology.
13772: BOWDEN, ANDREW. - Ministry in the Countryside. A Model for the Future.
15420: BOWDEN, JOHN. - Thirty Years of Honesty. Honest to God. Then and Now.
5684: BOWDEN, GUY. - Dazzling Darkness.
24170: BOWDEN, F.P. AND TABOR, D. - The Friction and Lubrication of Solids.
5297: BOWDEN, GUY. - Dazzling Darkness.
4835: BOWDEN, JOHN. - Voices in the Wilderness.
43864: BOWDEN, JOHN EDWARD (EDITOR). - Thoughts on Some Passages of Holy Scripture by a Layman. (Translated from the French).
6248: BOWDEN, JOHN. AND RICHMOND, JAMES. (EDITED BY). - A Reader in Contemporary Theology.
8638: BOWDEN, JOHN. - Karl Barth. Theologian.
4446: BOWEN, REV.HON.W.E. - The Crisis in the English Church. A Review.
16479: BOWEN, CAROL. - Sainsbury's Recipe Library: Food Processor Cooking.
33867: BOWER, H.M. - The Fourteen of Meaux.
17161: BOWERS, MICHAEL. (ED). - Painting in Oils.
31871: BOWKER, JOHN. - A Year To Live.
19385: BOWKER, JOHN. - Hallowed Ground. Religions and the Poetry of Place.
34897: BOWKER, JOHN. - The Meanings of Death.
21748: BOWKER, JOHN. - Problems of Suffering in Religions of the World.
3775: BOWKER, JOHN. - Worlds of Faith. Religious Belief and Practice in Britain Today.
12476: BOWLE, JOHN. - England. A Portrait.
36126: BOWLER, W.BRO. F.J.G. - The Lodge of St Mary No.1312. The First 125 Years.
43885: BOWLES, EMILY . - Madame de Maintenon. By Emily Bowles.
21492: D'ARCY MASIUS BENTON & BOWLES. - Marketing: Communicating with the Consumer. (Foreword by Rt. Hon. Peter Walker, M.P.)
25650: BOWLES, C.W.J. - The Many Fundamentalisms. Based upon a Sermon preached before the University of Cambridge on 2nd March 1958.
13639: BOWMAN, J.W. - Hebrews, James 1 & 11. Peter.
306: BOWMAN, JOHN W. - The intention of Jesus.
3676: BOWMAN, JOHN W. - The Intention of Jesus.
8879: BOWMAN-EADIE, RUSSELL AND DODDS, GRAHAM. - Communities of Hope.
51198: BOWNESS, ALAN. - Peter Lanyon.
31888: BOWRA, C,M. - From Virgil to Milton.
41034: BOWRING, JOHN. - Matins and Vespers: With Hymns and Occasional Devotional Pieces.
30881: BOWSKILL, DEREK. - Single Parents.
2903: BOX, HUBERT S. - The Priest as Student. By Various Writers.
10903: BOX, K. DIXON. - Twenty-Four Essex Churches.
48410: BOOK-SHAPE PUZZLE BOX. - Wooden Book Safe / Puzzle Box
50714: BRONZE RELIEF WRITING BOX . - Lap Desk with bronze relief panel.
3387: BOX, HUBERT S.(EDITOR). - The Theory and Practice of Penance. By Priests of the Anglican Communion.
50558: MATCHING VICTORIAN BIBLE AND PRAYER BOOK WITH BRASS EDGING AND CLASPS IN THE ORIGINAL LEATHER BOX . - The Holy Bible, Containing The Old And New testaments... / The Book Of Common Prayer, And Administration Of The Sacraments....
51123: ROBERT HERNIMAN - BRASS TOBACCO BOX. - Oval Brass Tobacco Box With Engraved Name And Decoration.
50715: BRONZE RELIEF WOODEN BOX . - Oak box with bronze relief panel.
37846: BOXALL, IAN. - Revelation: Vision and Insight. An Introduction to the Apocalypse.
49589: "OLD BOY". - Lacrosse.
50374: R. J. BOYCE - Original photograph - R. J. Boyce, House Furnisher, 15-16 Market Hill. Sudbury, Suffolk.
310: BOYD SCOTT, REV. A. - Nevertheless we Believe. (A Scottish Minister's Belief).
23282: BOYD, ROBERT L.F AND OTHERS. - Scientists Look at the Bible. (Key Books No.1).
23727: BOYD HUNT, JONATHAN. - Trial by Conspiracy. The Lies,Cover-ups and Injustices behind the Neil Hamilton Affair.
25873: BOYD, KENNETH (ED). - Contact: The Newer Therapies. Indebtedness and Assessment from the Clinical Theological Association (Contact No.58).
25874: BOYD, KENNETH. - Contact: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Pastoral Studies. Supervision (Contact No. 77).
46388: BOYD, JAMES I.C. - Narrow Gauge Railways in North Caernarvonshire. Volume 3: The Dinorwic Quarry and Railways, Great Orme Tramsway and Other Rail Systems.
308: BOYD CARPENTER, W. - The Permanent Elements of Religion. Eight Lectures preached before the University of Oxford in the Year 1887.
8368: BOYD, MALCOLM. - Are you running with me, Jesus?
37789: BOYDELL, YVONNE. - Soundings.
15390: BOYER, RICHARD O. - The Legend Of John Brown. A Biography and a History .
42557: BOYER, MARJORIE NICE. - Medieval French Bridges. A History.
26291: BOYLE, KAY. - The Youngest Camel. Reconsidered and rewritten. (Pictures by Ronni Solbert).
50333: BOYLE, CONSTANCE E. - Somebody's Job. A Challenge to Youth.
20148: BOYS SMITH, REV. J.S. ET AL. - Prayer and Worship By Members of the Faculty of Divinity in the University of Cambridge.
9594: BRAATEN, CARL E. - New Directions in Theology Today. Volume 2. History and Hermeneutics.
15933: BRABANT, F.H. - The Everlasting Reward.
2894: BRABBS, DERRY. - English Country Churches.
10904: BRACK, DUNCAN. (EDITOR). - Dictionary of Liberal Biography. Forewords by Rt. Hon. Paddy Ashdown, M.P., & Professor Ben Pimlott.
21028: BRADBEER, RICHARD. - Ahead of the Game - Golf.
14681: BRADBURY, RAY. - The October Country.
48606: BRADBY, VIOLET. - The Happy Families. A Story for Children.
50279: BRADDON, RUSSELL. - The Piddingtons. (with sketches by Ronald Searle).
45884: BRADE, WILLIAM . - Oedipus On The Sphinx Of The Nineteenth Century: Or, Politico-Polemical Riddles Interpreted By An Old Clothes Philosopher .
21029: BRADFIELD, ANNE (ET AL). - Introducing The Old Testament.
18550: BRADFIELD, MARGARET. - City of Mercy. The Story of Bethel. (Compiled and translated from German Sources).
27763: BRADFORD, ERNLE. - Paul the Traveller.
44781: BRADFORD, RICHARD (EARL OF BRADFORD). - Stately Secrets. Behind-the-Scenes Stories from the Stately Homes of Britain.
18746: BRADLEY, ANNA. - Healthy Eating. Fact and Fiction.
18748: BRADLEY, IAN. - The Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan. (H.M.S Pinafore; The Pirates of Penzance; Iolanthe; The Mikado; The Gondoliers).
49061: BRADLEY, A.G. - Our Centenerian Grandfather 1790-1890.
49623: BRADLEY, S.A.J. (EDITOR). - Sixty Ribald Songs from Pills to Purge Melancholy. (Arranged with Guitar Accompaniment by John W. Duarte).
44731: BRADLEY, ALFRED & JAMIESON, KAY. (EDITORS). - Loving Couples. Stories of Love and Marriage.
47841: BRADLEY, M.C. & E.T. - The Deanery Guide to Westminster Abbey By M. C. and E. T. Bradley. + Numourous cuttings
49447: BRADLY, ROBERT PENN. - Armstrong Siddeley: The Postwar Cars.
11703: BRADMAN,DON. - My Cricketing Life. (with ten illustrations).
12793: BRADNUM, FREDERICK. - The Long Walks. Journeys to the sources of the White Nile.
39975: BRADSHAW, TIMOTHY. (EDITOR). - The Way Forward? Christian Voices on Homosexuality and the Church.
3991: BRADY, GERARD K. - Saint Dominic. Pilgrim of Light.
47524: BRAHMS / WHISTLER, ROBERT (TRANSLATOR). - Brahms: 15 Selected Songs. Book Two. Low Voice.
47498: BRAHMS, CARYL AND SIMON, S.J. - Don't Mr Disraeli.
47526: BRAHMS, JOHANNES. - Twenty Famous Songs by Johannes Brahms. (High Voice).
25165: BRAILSFORD, JOHN. - Early Celtic Masterpieces from Britain in the British Museum.
35235: BRAMLEY, THOMAS . - Guide To Nottingham Castle: The Only Complete History Ever Published By T. Bramley.
7826: BRAMWELL-BOOTH, CATHERINE. - Fighting for The King.
43391: BRANCH CABELL, JAMES. - Figures of Earth. A Comedy of Appearances. (Illustrated by Frank C.Papé).
35678: BRAND, HILARY. - The Sceptic's Guide to Reading The Bible.
45707: BRAND, C.P. - Torquato Tasso. A Study of the Poet and his Contribution to English Literature.
45775: BRANDENBURG, BROUGHTON. - Imported Americans.
14642: BRANDER, MICHAEL. - The Country Divine. Being extracts from twelve English & Scottish Diaries.
19743: BRANDON, L.G. - What do we know about Jesus?
11859: BRANDON, OWEN. - The Battle for the Soul: Aspects of Religious Conversion.
21993: BRANDON, S.G.F. - The Judgment of the Dead. An Historical andComparative Study of the Idea of a Post-Mortem Judgment in the Major Religions.
2177: BRANDON, OWEN. - Christianity from Within. A frank discussion of Religion, Conversion, Evangelism & Revival.
13425: BRANDON, OWEN. - The Pastor and His Ministry.
50900: ST BRANDON'S SCHOOL. - St Brandon's School : 150 Years. 1831-1931.
14880: BRANDRETH, HENRY R.T. - The Oecumenical Ideals of the Oxford Movement.
26444: BRANDRETH, HENRY R.T AND BAILEY, SHERWIN. - Celibacy and Marriage. A Study in Clerical Vocation.
26617: BRANDRETH, HENRY R.T. - An Outline Guide to the Study of Eastern Christendom.
32916: BRANDRETH, HENRY R.T. - Episcopi Vagantes and the Anglican Church.
23283: BRANDT, LESLIE F. - A Book of Christian Prayer.
11151: BRANDT, LESLIE F. - Good Lord, Where Are You? Contemporary Prayers Based on the Psalms.
320: BRANSCOMB,HARVIE. - The teachings of Jesus. A textbook for College and individual use.
16480: BRANSON, GEORGE. - The Church of England. Its Way, Truth and Life. Foreword by The Lord Bishop of London.
44539: BRASS PLAQUE - FRY, HAROLD LISSON - CLARK, HENRY JAMES DOUGLAS . - Brass Plaque - Commemorating the opening of a Firing Range at Colchester for The Essex Regiment .
51267: BRASSEY, LADY ANNIE. - Sunshine and Storm in the East, or Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople.
42410: BRATTON, MARK. - The Human Genome Project. (Grove Ethics E.150).
11860: BRAUN, LILIAN JACKSON. - The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts.
32882: BRAUN, LILIAN JACKSON. - The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern.
15934: BRAY, LYS DE. - Cottage Garden. Day Book.
47162: 18TH CENTURY VELLUM DOCUMENT - JOHN BRAY . - Probate of the Will of John Bray late of Bitteswell.
20970: BRAYBROOKE, LORD. (EDITOR). - The Concise Pepys.
45795: BRAYLEY, E. W. (EDWARD WEDLAKE BRAYLEY 1773-1854) [ BLOOMFIELD, ROBERT ] . - Views in Suffolk, Norfolk, and Northamptonshire; Illustrative of the Works of Rober Bloomfield; Accompanied with Descriptions: to which is Annexed, a Memoir of the Poet's Life By E. W. Brayley .
41014: BRAYTON, HOWARD. - Parish Notices.
17527: BRAZIL, ANGELA. - The Head Girl at the Gables.
12457: OUR DAILY BREAD. - Our Daily Times with God. Favorite Selection from Our Daily Bread.
27563: BREARLEY, MARY. - Hugo Gurgeny. Prisoner of the Lisbon Inquisition.
17162: BREAULT, JOSEPH L. - A Transformed Mind & Heart. Becoming Vulnerable and Compassionate.
1922: BREAULT, WILLIAM. - Under the Fig Tree. Stories of Prayer-filled Moments.
28814: BRECHIN, DEREK. - Georgian London. Discovering London. 6
35026: BREEN, MIKE. (WITH FOX, SIMON). - Growing the Smaller Church.
27564: BREGY, KATHERINE. - From Dante to Jeanne D'Arc. Adventures in Medieval Life and Letters.
45078: BREMER, FRANCIS J. - Congregational Communion. Clerical Friendship in the Anglo-American Puritan Community, 1610-1692.
50819: BREMNER, BETTY / KELLETT, SONIA / MILLEN, JULIA / TONKS, JOY. - Ms cellany: Women Writers' Prose and Poetry.
6793: BREND, WILLIAM A. - Foundations of Human Conflicts. A Study in Group Psychology.
18451: BRENDAN, MAHER. - Introduction to Research in Psychopathology.
48365: BRENNAN, FRANK. - Sharing the Country. The Case for an Agreement Between Black abd White Australians.
14643: BRENNAND, SUSAN. - Gold and Granite. Metals and Minerals We Use. Explorer 6.
17528: BRENNEMAN, HELEN GOOD. - Morning Joy. Meditations for Those Who Have Suffered Loss.
12477: BRERETON, PETER. - Through Britain on Country Roads.
12478: BRERETON, PETER. - A Touring Guide to English Villages.
24678: BRESTIN, DEE. - Finders Keepers.
46000: BRETON, NICHOLAS 1545-1626. [ GROSART, ALEXANDER BALLOCH, 1827-1899 ] - A Bower of Delights : being Interwoven verse and Prose from the Works of Nicholas Breton. The Weaver Alexander B. Grosart. FIRST EDITION. LONDON : 1893. [ The Elizabethan Library. ]
12231: BRETT, SIMON. - The Faber Book of Useful Verse.
35812: BRETT-JAMES, NORMAN G. - The History of Mill Hill School. 1807-1923. (With 80 illustrations).
31733: BRETT, PAUL. - Love Your Neighbour: The Bible and Christian Ethics Today.
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16266: BREWER, ELIZABETH. - Studying Chaucer.
21994: BREWER. - Brewer's Dictionary of 20th-Century Phrase and Fable. (3rd Edition).
40681: BREWER, REVERAND DR. COBHAM . - The Political, Social, And Literary History Of Germany From The Commencement To The Present Day. By The Rev. Dr. Cobham Brewer, Trinity Hall, Cambridge.
51008: BREWIN, DON. - It Will Emerge.
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7418: BREWIS, J.S. - We have a Gospel. Foreword by the Bishop of London.
28776: O'BRIAN, PATRICK. - Hussein: An Entertainment.
25166: BRICE, PETER. - On the Edge. Wrestling with God in Depression.
43438: BRICHTO, SIDNEY. - Ritual Slaughter. Growing Up Jewish in America.
37298: BRIDGE, G. RICHMOND. - Women and the Apostolic Ministry?
14413: BRIDGE, DONALD. - How to spot a Church Split before it happens (and do something about it).
17163: BRIDGE, GORDON. - Winning Men for Christ. The report of a series of training lectures.
20663: BRIDGE, DONALD. - Spare the Rod and Spoil the Church.
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15032: BRIDGE,DONALD AND PHYPERS, DAVID. - Spiritual Gifts and the Church.
6523: BRIDGE, DONALD. - When Christians Doubt.
323: BRIDGE, SIR FREDERICK. - A Westminster Pilgrim. Being a Record of Service in Church, Cathedral, and Abbey, College, University, and Concert-Room with a Few Notes on Sport.
32955: BRIDGE, HORATIO. - Personal Recollections of Nathaniel Hawthorne.
5809: BRIDGE, DAVID. - Looking at Leisure.
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9256: BRIDGE, DAVID. (EDITOR). - Sharing in God's Mission. What it means to me.
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8639: BRIDGER, PETER. - A Hindu Family in Britain. Illustd. by Keith Clements.
25167: BRIDGES, ZOE. - Barefeet and Buttonboots. Childhood in Burnham-on-Crouch. 1890-1930.
42151: BRIDGES, JOHN F. - Early Country Motoring. Cars and Motorcycles in Suffolk 1896-1940.
1790: BRIDGES, ROBERT. - The Testament of Beauty. A Poem in Four Books.
324: BRIDGES, ROBERT. - The Shorter Poems of Robert Bridges.
6344: BRIDGLAND, CYRIL & FOULKES, FRANCIS. - Pocket Guide to the Bible.
16348: O'BRIEN, JOHN A. ED). - Steps to Christian Unity. The Crucial issues of Christian Unity discussed by 24 outstanding ecumenical leaders.
23922: O'BRIEN, JOHN. - Seeds of a New Church.
10322: O'BRIEN, NIALL. - Revolution From The Heart.
42524: O'BRIEN, WILLIAM. (M.P). - When We Were Boys. (A Novel).
22502: O'BRIEN, TIM. - July, July.
43576: O'BRIEN, REV. MICHAEL AND STEIMEL, RAYMOND J. - Psychological Aspects of Spiritual Development.
49464: O'BRIEN, TERENCE. - Out of the Blue. A Pilot with the Chindits.
8793: O'BRIEN, R BARRY. - John Bright. A Monograph. With a preface by the Rgt.Hon.Augustine Birrell,M.P. (with portraits and fascimiles).
46393: BRIERCLIFFE, HAROLD. - Cycling Touring Guides. No.1. Northern England.
13773: BRIERLEY, PETER. - Vision Building. Knowing where you are going.
5685: BRIERLEY, PETER. - Act on the Facts. Information to Steer.
21364: BRIERLEY, DR. PETER. - Steps to the Future. Issues facing the church in the new millennium.
13316: BRIERLEY, PETER. - Beyond the Churches. Facing a Task Unfinished.
327: BRIERLEY, J. - The Eternal Religion.
2975: BRIERLEY, PETER. - Christian England. What the 1989 English Church Census Reveals. (Forewords by Rev.George Carey and Sir John Boreham).
50862: BRIGGS, MISS. - Cookery Book and General Axioms for Plain Cookery.
20665: BRIGGS, G.W. - The Daily Reading.
15834: BRIGGS, ASA. (EDITOR). - Gladstone's Boswell: Late Victorian Conversations. (By Lionel A. Tollemache and other documents.)
49490: BRIGGS, JONATHAN. - A Little Book About Mistletoe.
49905: BRIGGS, RAYMOND. - Fungus the Bogeyman.
31999: BRIGGS, H. B. - Recent Research In Plainsong. A Paper Read To The Members Of The Plainsong And Mediaeval Music Society By H. B. Briggs .
45574: BRIGGS, MISS. - Cookery Book and General Axioms for Plain Cookery. (School Board for London).
49906: BRIGGS, RAYMOND. - Gentleman Jim.
28619: BRIGHT, WILLIAM. - Private Prayers for a Week.
12277: BRIGHT, LAUENCE. - Last Writings. Scripture Discussion Commentry 12.
12278: BRIGHT, LAUENCE. - Paul 11. Scripture Discussion Commentary 11.
12279: BRIGHT, LAURENCE. - Histories 11. Scripture Discussion Commentry 5.
12281: BRIGHT, LAURENCE. - Luke. Scripture Discussion Commentary 8.
12283: BRIGHT, LAURENCE. - Histories 1. Scripture Discussion Commentary 3.
28737: BRIGHT, JOHN. - The Authority of the Old Testament.
3537: BRIGHT, JOHN. - Covenant & Promise. The Future in the Preaching of the Pre-exilic Prophets.
40254: BRIGHT, WILLIAM. - Waymarks in Church History.
43021: BRIGHT, FRED & DOREEN. - Twenty-Nine Years in the Licence Trade - Our Story.
9159: BRIGHT, JOHN. - The Authority of the Old Testament.
26148: BRIGHTWELL, ROBIN. - Mental Illness and Handicap. Community Care. (A Handbook for Nurses in Training).
22421: BRILEY, JOHN. - Cry Freedom. (Based on his original screenplay).
6469: BRILIOTH, YNGVE. - Eucharistic Faith and Practice Evangelical and Catholic. (Authorised translation by A.G.Hebert).
6723: BRILL, EARL H. - Sex is Dead and Other Post-mortems.
51134: BRINKER, HELMUT. - Zen in the Art of Painting.
9774: BRINKMAN,B.R. - To The Lengths of God. Truth and the Ecumenical Age.
2178: BRINTON, SELWYN. - Correggio.
14414: BRISCOE, STUART. - Bound for Joy. Philippians - Paul's letter from prison.
9385: BRISCOE, D. STUART. - Getting into God.
24246: BRISSETTE, CLAIRE M. - Reflective Living: A Spiritual Approach to Everyday Living.
50899: BRISTOW, J.P. - Aldeburgh Diary.
50898: BRISTOW, J.P. - Aldeburgh Diary.
12442: HOME AND SCHOOL COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN. - Advances in Understanding the Adolescent.
44648: THE ARTS COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN. - A Descriptive Catalogue of Art Films.
51257: ARTS COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN. - Sculptures and Drawings by Henry Moore.
51264: ARTS COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN. - Christopher Wood.
51260: ARTS COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN. - Antoni Tapies. Exhibition Catalogue. London Hayward Gallery.
51135: ARTS COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN. - Max Ernst: Prints, Collages and Drawings.
45030: BRITTAIN, VERA. - England's Hour. (Signed).
47903: BRITTEN, E. J. (EDITOR) . - The Talbot. Autumn Term [ The Magazine of the Grammar School, Sudbury, Suffolk No.29 ], 1964 .
47906: BRITTEN, E. J. (EDITOR) . - The Talbot. Autumn Term [ The Magazine of the Grammar School, Sudbury, Suffolk No.32 ], 1967 .
47904: BRITTEN, E. J. (EDITOR) . - The Talbot. Autumn Term [ The Magazine of the Grammar School, Sudbury, Suffolk No.31 ], 1966 .
47905: BRITTEN, E. J. (EDITOR) . - The Talbot. Autumn Term [ The Magazine of the Grammar School, Sudbury, Suffolk No.33 ], 1968 .
11862: BROADBENT, D.E. - Behaviour.
42004: BROADBENT, S.J. - Science: The Demonstrator of Revelation.
15936: BROADBERRY, RICHARD ST. L. - Thinking about Christianity.
9331: BROADHURST, ALLAN R. - He Speaks the Word of God. A Study of the Sermons of Norman Vincent Peale.
47342: BROADLEY, MARTIN JOHN. - Louis Charles Casartelli. A Bishop in Peace and War.
50332: BROCK, MRS CAREY. - Sunday Echoes in Weekday Hours.
16906: BROCKIE, KEITH. - One Man's Island. Paintings and Sketches from the Isle of May.
16766: BROCKINGTON, FRASER. - World Heath.
35294: BROCKIS, JOHN. - Christian Zionism.
15659: BRODIE, FAWN M. - Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History.
3479: BRODRICK, JAMES. - The Progress of the Jesuits (1556-79).
48864: BRODSKY, MICHAEL L. - English Freemasonry In Europe 1717 - 1919. An Essay On International Masonic Relations By Michel L. Brodsky. The Prestonian Lecture For 1994 .
42185: BRODY, ELAINE. - Paris. The Musical Kaleidoscope 1870-1925.
31337: BROKS, PAUL. - Into the Silent Land: Travels in Neuropyschology.
6879: BROME, VINCENT. - The Problem of Progress.
19928: BROMILEY, REV. PROFESSOR G.W. - Daniel Henry Charles Bartlett. A Memoir.
16670: BROMLEY, D.B. - The Psychology of Human Ageing.
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46032: BRONSHTEIN, I.N / SEMENDYAYEV, K.A. - Handbook of Mathematics. (translated by K.A.Hirsch).
44783: BRONTE, CHARLOTTE. - The Search After Hapiness. (illustrated by Carolyn Dinan).
24680: BROOK, RHIDIAN. - Jesus and the Adman.
38668: BROOK, AVERY (EDITOR). - The Vineyard Bible. A Central Narrative and Index.
45842: BROOK-ROSE, CHRISTINE. - A ZBC of Ezra Pound.
50903: BROOK, BARBARA. - Elizabeth Garrett Anderson. "A thoroughly ordinary woman".
19208: BROOKE, RUPERT. - The Works of Rupert Brooke. With an Introduction and Bibliography.
2315: BROOKE, STOPFORD A. - Life and Letters of Fred W. Robertson. Incumbent of Trinity Chapel, Brighton, 1847-53.
26373: BROOKE, Z.N. - The English Church and the Papacy From the Conquest to the Reign of John.
4776: BROOKE, RUPERT. - Poems by Rupert Brooke.
331: BROOKE, RUPERT. - Twenty Poems by Rupert Brooke.
10767: BROOKESMITH, PETER. (EDITOR). - The Occult Connection. Bizarre Beliefs & Practices.
41058: BROOKNER, ANITA. - Altered States.
4976: BROOKS, REV PHILLIPS. - Sermons. Preached in Boston and Philadelphia,1879.
10905: BROOKS, JIM. - Origins of Life.
29134: BROOKS, LINDSAY, & ANDERSON, EMMA. - The Impossible View?
32296: BROOKS-DAVIES, DOUGLAS.(EDITOR). - Robert Herrick.
9160: BROOKS, JAMES. - Past and Present London. A new perspective.
33966: BROOM, NEIL. - How Blind is the Watchmaker? Nature's Design & the Limits of Naturalistic Science.
6524: BROOMFIELD, GERALD W. - The Chosen People or The Bible, Christianity and Race.
2977: BROOMFIELD, GERALD WEBB. - Colour Conflict. Race Relations in Africa.
12400: BROOMHALL, A.J. - Strong Man's Prey.
26619: BROPHY, JOHN. - Somerset Maugham.
21754: BROSSE, JACQUES. - Religious Leaders.
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43378: BROWER, HARRIETTE. - Piano Mastery. Talks with Master Pianists and Teachers.
49207: BROWN, DAVID C. ET AL. - "Wherein I Dwell". A History of Earls Colne Houses from 1375.
2989: BROWN, JOHN. - John Leech and Other Papers.
15483: BROWN, SHELAGH. - Someone There. Making Sense of Christianity.
13775: BROWN, COLIN. - Philosophy and the Christian Fairh. A Historical Sketch from the Middle Ages to the Present Day.
12177: BROWN, DAVID, & FULLER, DAVID. - Signs of Grace. Sacraments in Poetry and Prose. Foreword by P.D. James.
13640: BROWN, DAVID. - Newman. A Man for our Time. Centenary Essays.
25433: BROWN, SID. - Where the Rainbow Ends. Sonnets.
48194: BROWN, PHILIPPA. - Sibton Abbey Cartularies and Charters. (Part Three).
48195: BROWN, PHILIPPA. - Sibton Abbey Cartularies and Charters. (Part Four).
21867: BROWN, JUDITH M. - Men and Gods in a Changing World. Some Themes in the Religious Experience of Twentieth-Century Hindus and Christians.
21868: BROWN, RAYMOND E. - A Crucified Christ in Holy Week. Essays on the Four Gospel Passion Narratives.
19209: BROWN, SHELAGH. - Drawing Near to the City. Christians speak about Dying.
45950: `BROWN, W. J. - [ SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR + LETTER ]. - Jeremy Taylor By W. J. Brown, B.D. late Scholar, Exhibitioner and Priestman, University of London, King's College, Director of Religious Education in the Diocese of Wakefield, Canon of Wakefield Cathedral.
20667: BROWN, DAVID. - The Christian Scriptures. (Christianity and Islam 2).
17805: BROWN, PETER LANCASTER. - Star & Planet Spotting. A Field Guide to the Night Sky.
18751: BROWN, FRED. - Faith Without Religion.
26929: BROWN, RICHARD. - Storyworlds. 1. A Multicultural Anthology.
20620: BROWN, JOHN. - Discourses and Sayings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Vol 2.
14196: BROWN, RONALD. - Bishop's Brew - An Anthology of Clerical Humour.
27191: BROWN, E.A. - In a School Chapel.
20150: BROWN, DAVID. (EDITOR). - The Dictionary of Life. Biblical Wisdom for Modern Living.
12949: BROWN, MICHELE. & BRANDRETH, GYLES. - How to Interview and be Interviewed.
46318: BROWN, WILLIAM MOSELY. - Freemasonry in Virginia (1733-1936).
16962: BROWN, MICHAEL AND MAY, JOHN. - The Greenpeace Story.
27841: BROWN, A.F.J. - Colchester in the 18th Century.
27840: BROWN, A.F.J. - Chartism in Essex and Suffolk.
13234: BROWN, FRED. - Secular Evangelism.
28018: BROWN, A.F.J. - Essex at Work 1700-1815.
28017: BROWN, A.F.J. - Colchester 1815-1914.
26025: BROWN, WILLIAM. - War and the Psychological Conditions of Peace.
11721: BROWN, H. JACKSON. - Life's Little Instruction Book.
23009: BROWN, MALCOLM. - A Helping Hand. A Book about Christian Counselling.
30397: BROWN, HILTON. (EDITOR.) - Wednesday Stories: Short Stories Broadcast by the B.B.C.
49179: BROWN, PERCY CULVERWELL ; HOPPS, H. ; WOODS, EDWARD CUTHBERT . - The Rise and Progress of Wallasey. A History of the Borough. By E. Cuthbert Woods And P. Culverwell Brown. Second Edition. Revised and enlarged by the Public Libraries Department, Wallasey. in collaboration with E. Cuthbert Woods and H. Hopps .
21030: BROWN, COLIN. - Karl Barth and the Christian Message.
11545: BROWN, DAVID. - God's Tomorrow.
40140: BROWN, JOHN. - Commonwealth England.
25879: BROWN, VINSON AND LAWRENCE, GEORGE. - The Californian Wildlife Region. (2nd Revised ed).
5303: BROWN, SHELAGH. AND REID, GAVIN. ILLUSTRATIONS BY TAFFY. - Brushing up on Believing. A fresh look at basic Christianity and prayer.
32346: BROWN, ALAN. - Religious Education.
5302: BROWN, SHELAGH. & REID, GAVIN. - Lights that Shine. How Christians Can Fulfil Their Call to Mission.
7198: BROWN, SHELAGH. (EDITED BY.) - Lent for Busy People.
24176: BROWN, REV. STEPHEN J. - Alone with God. Meditations for a Retreat.
13984: BROWN, RAYMOND. - Let's read the Old Testament.
5301: BROWN, L. W. - Relevant Liturgy.
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24434: BROWN, DAVID. - The Way of the Prophet. An Introduction to Islam.
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2978: BROWN, IVOR J.C. - The Meaning of Democracy.
45479: BROWN, A.E.J. - Essex People 1750-1900. From Their Diaries, Memoirs and Letters.
35654: BROWN, CASSIE. - A Winter's Tale: The Wreck of the 'Florizel'.

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