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286026: Buller, James. - Forty years in New Zealand including a peronal Narrative, an Account of Maoridom, and the Christianization Colanization of the Country.
148651: BULLET, PIERE. Strandberg, Runar. - Pierre Bullet et Chamblain à la lumière des dessins de la collection Tessin-Harleman du Musée National de Stockholm.
37276: Bulletin of the Byzantine Institute, The. - Vol. I.
227957: American Orchid Society Bulletin. - Year 9 (1940/41), no. 1 - 75 (2006), nr. 6.
211127: Bulletin of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. - Vol. I (1944) - VIII (1957).
175046: 1964. Bulletin. - IX. Olympische Winterspiele. Bulletin I-XIII.
153267: Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club, The. - Vol. 28, 1944. (Numbers 1 & 2).
153268: Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club, The. - Vol. 30, 1946.`(Numbers 1 & 2).
153271: Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club, The. - Vol. 31, 1947 (Numbers 1 & 2).
153264: Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club, The. - Vol. 21, 1937. (Numbers 1 & 2).
153266: Bulletin of the Needle and Bobbin Club, The. - Vol. 27, 1943. (Numbers 1 & 2).
100871: Bulletin of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc. - Vol. I (1944) - III (1949).
165721: Bullivant, Lucy. - International Interiors 4.
94100: Bulloch, David K. - The Undertwater maturalist. A layman's guide to the vibrant world beneath the sea.
210139: Bulmer, W. (Printed by). - A description of the collection of ancient terracottas in the British Museum. With engravings.
284803: Bülow, Werner von. - Der Stammbaum der Könige von Samoa auf Grund einheimischer Ueberlieferungen zusammengestellt, nebst erläuternden Bermerkungen und einem Nachtrag: Die Haarpflege der Samoaner.
154691: Bulpin, T.V. - To the banks of the Zambezi.
296244: Bulstrode, Beatrix. - A tour in Mongolia.
306934: Bult, Epko J. (ed.) - Een Middeleeuwse mansus in de Voordijkshoornsepolder te Delft.
126168: Bulte, Marcel & A.Neeven. - Garnizoensstad Haarlem.
204346: Bulterman, P.R. - Nederlands-Indië. Japanse bezetting 1942-'45. Postwaardestukken / Dutch East Indies. Japanese occupation 1942-'45. Postal stationery.
271752: Bum-joo, Yoo. - Vögel Koreas. 45 Jahre gelebte Vogelbeobachtung - Geschichten über Vögel.
296728: Buma, B.Hoperus. (voorwoord). - Smellingera-land. Proeve van een geakinde van de gemeente Smallingerland.
171948: Bump, Gardiner a.o. - The Ruffed Grouse. Life history, propagation, management.
278424: Bunbury, Alisa. - This Wondrous Land. Colonial Art on Paper.
154749: Bunbury, E.H. - A history of ancient geography among the Greeks and Romans from the earliest ages till the fall of the Roman empire. Volume 1.
98855: Bund, Konrad. - Frankfurter Glockenbuch.
95258: Bund, C.F.v.d. - De Nederlandse amfibieën.
12838: Bundgaard, J.A. - Parthenon and the Mycenaean city on the heights.
270777: Bungartz, Jean. - Die Jagdbaren Thiere Europas und die zur Jagd gebräuchlichen Hunderacen.
283971: Bunge, Kirstin, Marko J. Fuchs, Danaë Simmermacher & Anselm Spindler - The concept of law (lex) in the moral and political thought of the School of Salanaca.
308314: Bunge, Mario. - Treatise on basic philosophy. Vol. 1 - 8.
308320: Bunge, Mario. - Philosophy of science. Vol. 1 & 2. Rev. edition.
162531: Bunke, H., a.o. - Neubeginn und Tradition. Bücher und Buchgestaltung vor dreißig Jahren.
215557: Bunker, Emma C., a.o. - Chinese bronzes. Selected articles from Orientations 1983-2000.
64914: Bunt, Aleid W.van de. - Oud Zeist.
269599: Bunt, Aleid van de. - Wageningen / Rhenen in oude ansichten.
126841: Bunt, Cyril G.E. - Persian fabrics.
293903: Bunthof, A. & Y.M. Visscher. - Mens en recht. 9e dr.
262462: BUNUEL, LUIS. Perez Turrent, Tomás. - Bunuel over Bunuel.
260545: BUNUEL, LUIS. Yasha, David. - Bunuel. La mirada del siglo.
267841: Bunzel, Ruth. - Zuni Katcinas. An analytical study.
193143: Bunzel, Ruth L. - Zuni (Cermonalism - Origin Myths - Ritual - Katcinas.
304848: Buonomo, Barbara, Fabiana Cesarano & Maria Cristina Lapenna. - Mausoleo d'Augusto, Pantheon, Piazza Navona. Dinamiche di trasformazione. Significativi episodi urbani nel sistema insediativo del Campo Marzio in Roma.
259239: BUONTALENTI, BERNARDO. Fara, Amelio. - Bernardo Buontalenti. L'architettura, la guerra e l'elemento geometrico.
309762: Buora, Maurizio. (ed.). - Vetri Antichi del Museo Archeologico di Udine. I vetri di Aquileia della collezione di Toppo e materiali da altre collezioni e da scavi recenti.
302946: Bur, Michel. - Inventaire des sites archéologiques non monumentaux de Champagne. [Tome] III: Vestiges d'habitat seigneurial fortifié en Champagne centrale. Avec la collaboration de D. Bodonville, J.-P. Boureux et R. Threis.
300341: Bur, Michel. (ed.). - Saint-Thierry une abbaye du VIe au XXe siècle. Actes du Colloque international d'Histoire monastique Reims-Saint-Thierry, 1976.
76665: Bura, Fabian. - Die olympischen Spiele auf den Briefmarken der Welt.
259561: BURATTI, CARLO. Pezone, Maria Gabriella. - Carlo Buratti. Architettura tardo barocca tra Roma e Napoli.
308858: Burawoy, Robert. - Armures japonaises dans la collecrtion Arman. Sime - Grand Palais Paris / 14-19 janvier 1992.
128599: BURBANK, LUTHER. Howard, Walter L. - Luther Burbank. A victim of hero worschip.
87435: Burberry, H.A. - The amateur orchid cultivators' guide book. 3rd ed.
164118: Burbidge, Nancy T. - Australian grasse. Vol. 3: The east coast from South-East Queensland to Victoria.
124918: Burbidge, R.Brinsley. - A dictionary of British flower, fruit. and still life painters.
111054: Burbidge, Frederick W. - Die Orchideen des temperirten und kalten Hauses. Ihre Cultur und Beschreibung etc. nebst einer Synopsis aller bisher bekannten Cypripedien. Aus dem Engl. übers. von M.Lebl. 2.Aufl.
304579: Burbure, Léon de. - Étude sur un Manuscrit du XVIe Siècle contenant des Chants a quatre et a trois Voix.
210382: Burch, J.B. - Freshwater Unionacean Clams (Mollusca: Pelecypoda) of North America.
301352: Burchard, Ulrich. - Mineralien Museen in Westeuropa.
306224: Burcht, Martijn van den. - Nostalgisch gezicht Utrecht. [Ondertitel omslag: Nostalgie in woord en beeld. Wat wel vergeelt maar nooit verveeld...].
274446: Burck, W. - Sur les Sapotacées des Indes Néerlandaises et les origines botaniques de la Gutta-Percha.
298000: Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig (also known as John Lewis or Jean Louis). - Reisen in Arabien enthaltend eine Beschreibung derjenigen Gebiete in Hedjaz, welche die Mohammedaner für heilig achten.
283776: Burckhardt, Jacob. - Der Cicerone. Eine Anleitung zum Genuss der Kunstwerke Italiens. Architektur und Skulptur.
283775: Burckhardt, Jacob. - Der Cicerone. Eine Anleitung zum Genuss der Kunstwerke Italiens. Malerei.
283773: Burckhardt, Jacob. - Die Baukunst der Renaissance in Italien. Nach der Erstausgabe der Geschichte der Renaissance in Italien.
283772: Burckhardt, Jacob. - Aesthetik der bildenden Kunst - Über das Studium der Geschichte. Mit dem Text der Weltgeschichtlichen Betrachtungen in der Fassung von 1905.
283771: Burckhardt, Jacob. - Das Altarbild - Das Portät in der Malerei - Die Sammler. Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte von Italien.
18875: Burckhardt, Rudolf F. - Gewirkte Bildteppiche des XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts im historischen Museum zu Basel.
231522: Burdett, Ricky & Deyan Sudjic. (ed.). - The endless city. The Urban Age Project by the London School of Economics and Deutsche Bank's Alfred Herrhausen Society.
294149: Büren, Guido von, a.o. - Renaissance am Rhein.
288358: Buren, Daniel. - Daniel Buren: een fresco. Libretto 1 nr. 1.
268195: BUREN, DANIEL. Catalogus 1976. - Vanaf.
14824: Buren, E.Douglas Van. - Figurative terra-cotta revetments in Etrutia and Latium in the VI. and V. centuries B.C.
144552: Buren, E.Douglas Van. - Greek fictile revetments in the archaic period.
309835: Burford, Robert. - Description of a view of the city and harbour of Amsterdam, now exhibiting at the panorama, Strand. Painted by the proprietor, Robert Burford, from drawings taken by himself for that purpose.
146524: Burford, Alison. Burford, Alison. - Craftsmen in greek and roman society.
307491: Burg, Ger van der. - Geen zee te hoog voor bergers, redders, en slepers. Scheepsbergingen langs de Nederlandse kust van Noordwijk tot Schiermonnikoog.
304073: Burg, Fred van der. a.o. (ed.). - Haagse Tramhistorie. Nr. 1-120, 1987-2013.
212887: Burg, Margreet van der. - Een half miljoen boerinnen in de klas. Landbouwhuishoudonderwijs vanaf 1909.
200999: Burg, G. von. & W. Knopfli. - Die Vögel der Schweiz. XVI. Lieferung : Stelz-, Rallen- und Schnepfenvögel sowie Regenpfeifer und Verwandte. (Katalog der Schweizerischen Vögel von Studer und Fatio).
30145: Burgeff, Hans. - Saprophytismus und Symbiose. Studien an tropischen Orchideen.
284421: Burgeff, Hans. - Die Wurzelpilze der Orchideen. Ihre Kultur und ihr Leven in der Pflanze.
194555: Burgemeester, J.W.F. - Combino's in Amsterdam. Een nieuwe generatie lagevloertrams voor het Amsterdamse vervoerbedrijf.
153850: Burgemeester, J.W.F. - De blauwe bus. Bordbussen, voorverkiezers, monocontrols en tikkers in Amsterdam (1953-1976).
86365: Burgeon, L. - Coléoptères - Buprestides. (Catalogues raisonnés de la Fauna Entom. du Congo Belge).
86364: Burgeon, L. - Les Histeridae du Conge Belge. (Catalogues raisonnés de la Fauna Entom. du Congo Belge).
86366: Burgeon, L. - Coléoptères-Carabides. (2me partie). (Catalogue raisonnés de la Fauna Entom. du Congo Belge).
86368: Burgeon, L. - Coléoptères-Carabides. (3me partie). (Catalogue raisonnés de la Fauna Entom. du Congo Belge).
224518: Burgeon, L. - Coléoptère - Fam.Scarabéidae. Sous-Famille Cetoniinae.
202129: Burgeon, L. - Coléoptères-Carabides. (Catalogue raisonnés de la Faune Entom. du Congo Belge).
202126: Burgeon, L. & R.Kleine. - Les Cicindelinae du Congo Belge & Les Lycides du Congo Belge.
287912: Burger, Gerbrand. - Part of Something.
261264: Burger, Arnold C.M. - Het Kasteel van Egmond. Een schets van de ontwikkeling van het Slot Slot op de Hoef.
254260: Burger van Schoorl, Dirk. - Chronyk van Medenblik, Waar in van deszelfs eerste begin, opkomst, florizante staat uytvoerig wert gehandelt [...]
209276: BURGER. - Verluchte Kronijk van den geslachte Burger - Hendrik en zijne huisvrouw Pleyte Gesina Maria - mitsgaders van de goede stede Amstelredam - bijzonderlijk van de aan de Keizersgracht staande huizinge van ouds genoemd de Wildeman - gedurende de halve eeuwe A.D. 1893-1943.
174379: Bürger, Manfred. - Lexikon der Hundehaltung.
171642: Burger, Joanna & M.Gochfeld. - The Black Skimmer. Social dynamics of a colonial species.
161764: Bürger, Otto. - Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Teuerdank.
123809: Burger, C.P. - De poolzee-reizen van 1595-1596.
298147: Burgers, G.J. - Het 6 ARVA Squadron in Nederlands-Indië 1946-1950. Persoonlijke herinneringen en indrukken van hen die erbij waren.
309534: Burgers, Cornelis A. - White Linen Damasks I. Heraldic Motifs from the Sixteenth Century to circa 1830. [Volume I & II].
266091: Burgers, J.W.J. - De Rijmkroniek van Holland en zijn auteurs. Historiografie in Holland door de Anonymus (1280-1282) en de grafelijke klerk Melis Stoke (begin veertiende eeuw).
310214: Burgers, J.W.J. - Rijmkroniek van Holland 366 - 1305 door een anonieme auteur en Melis Stoke, uitgegeven door J.W.J. Burgers.
188614: Burgers, G.-J.L.M. - Constructing Messapian landscapes. Settlement dynamics, social organization and culture contact in the margins of Graeco-Roman Italy.
157151: Burgers, Jan. - Portret van Amstel en Spaarne.
256543: Burgersdijk, Diederik & Willemijn Waal. (eds). - Constantinopel. Een mozaïek van de Byzantijnse metropool.
261888: Burgersdijk, L.A.J. - De dieren, afgebeeld, beschreven en in hunne levenswijze geschetst. Deel 2: Vogels.
243974: Burgersdijk, L.A.J. - De dieren, afgebeeld, beschreven en in hunne levenswijze geschetst. Deel 3: Kruipende dieren, visschen, ongewervelde dieren.
153619: Burgersdijk, L.A.J. - De dieren, afgebeeld, beschreven en in hunne levenswijze geschetst.
883: Burgess, Jas. - On the Muhammadan Architecture of Bharoch, Cambay, Dholka, Champanir and Mahmudabad in Gujarat.
279761: Burgess, Graham K. - The Classical King's Indian.
230052: Burgess, Jas. (Edited). - Epigraphia Indica: A collection of Inscriptions supplementary to the corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum of the Archaeological Survey. Vol. II.
229320: Burgess, Jas. - Report on the Elura Cave Temples and the Brahmanical and Jaina Caves in western India completing the results of the 5th,6th, and 7th season's operations. 1877-1880.
211216: Burgess, James. - Report of the First Season's operations in the Belgâm and Kaladgi Districts, 1874.
208495: Burgess, C.M. - Cowries of the world.
189643: Burggraeve, Guido & Michel Decleer. - Het Zwin. Leven tussen Land en Zee.
294751: BURGHAH, EDWARD. Parry, Nicholas. - Providence improved. A manuscript by Ed. Burghah, (Burghall) the puritanical vicar of Acton. Begun in 1628, and ended 1663.
259241: Burgheim, Alfred. - Der Kirchenbau des 18. Jahrhunderts im Nordelbischen.
118090: Bürgin. Gurtner, Othmar. - Bürgin.
110384: BURGKMAIR, HANS D.Ä. Schwisow, Theodor. - Studien über Hans Burgkmair d. Ae. als Maler. (Diss.)
296336: BURGT, FLIP VAN DER. - Kruisgang.
303571: Burgt, C.van der. - De Lauwerszeewerken als afsluiting in het Waddengebied.
310584: Burin, Elizabeth. - Manuscript illumination in Lyons (1473-1530).
160927: BURKARD MEYER STEIGER. Weiss, Klaus-D. - Burkard Meyer Steiger & Partner.
249925: Burkart-Bauer, Marie-Fleur. - Chinesische Jaden aus drei Jahrtausenden.
15114: Burkart, Walo. - Crestaulta. Eine bronzezeitliche Hügelsiedlung bei Surin im Lugnez.
80646: Burke, Victor. - Revision on the fishes of the family Liparidae.
253452: Burke, Thomas E. - Mohawk Frontier. The Dutch Community of Schenectady, New York, 1661-1710.
240018: Burke, Madeleine Lurton. - Textes administratifs de la salle 111 du Palais. Transcrits, traduits et commentés par Madeleine Lurton Burke.
304852: Burke, Jill. - Rethinking the High Renaissance. The culture of the visual arts in early sixteenth-century Rome.
275216: BÜRKEL, HEINRICH. Besch, Ingeborg. - Heinrich Bürkel. Zwischen München und Rom. Bilderbuch des Biedermeier.
213306: Burken, F.J. van. - Doorn in oude ansichten deel 2.
246002: Burkens, M.C. a.o. - Beginselen van de democratische rechtsstaat. 6e dr.
307888: Burkhardt, Heinrich. - Funktionstheoretische Vorlesungen. [Two volumes in three parts].
151957: Burkhardt, G.E. - Kleine Missions-Bibliothek. Band III: Asien I: Vorder-Indien.
151956: Burkhardt, G.E. - Kleine Missions-Bibliothek. Band II: Afrika & Die evangelische Mission auf dem Festland und den Inseln von Ostafrika.
262904: Burkill, H.M. - The useful plants of West Tropical Africa. 2nd. Edition.
182362: Burkill, I.H. - The Botany of the Abor expedition.
161355: Burkom, Frans van, a.o. (eds). - Leven in toen. Vier eeuwen Nederlands interieur in beeld.
182442: Burkunk, Marlin. - 'Toets en proef der loffelijcker bouwkonst' Stadsherstel op de Wallen en in de Haarlemmerbuurt.
64349: Burlamacchi, Maurizio. - Le antiche case del Bagno all Villa in terra di Lucca.
133085: Burland, Cottie A. - Dieux et démons.
26958: Burleigh, Thomas D. - Birds of Idaho.
262673: Burlet, Jürg. - Geschichte der eidgenössischen Militáruniformen 1852 bis 1992. Ein Leitfaden für Sammler, Historiker und Freunde alter Uniformen und Militaria.
301603: Burling, Robbins. - Proto Lolo-Burmese.
291322: Burlington. - Exhibition of English Embroidery executed prior to the middle of the XVI Century.
239546: Burman, Peter. (Edited). - Treasures on Earth. A good housekeeping guide to churches and their contents.
299064: Burmeister, Silke. - Vicus und spätrömische Befestigung von Seebruck-Bedaium. Mit einem Beitrag von Peter Schro¨ter.
197215: Burmeister, Karl H. & W.Dobras. - Die Wiegendrucke der ehemals reichsstädtischen Bibliothek Lindau auf der Grundlage des bestehenden handschriftlichen Kataloges.
217829: Burnby, Juanita G.L. - A Study of the English Apothecary from 1660 to 1760.
187394: Burnes, James. - A visit to the Court of Sinde.
186898: Burnes, Alexander. - Cabool. Being a personal narrative of a journey to, and residence in that city, in the years 1836, 7, and 8. Preface to the 1975 edition [by] Max Klimburg.
111081: Burnett, Joh. H. - The vegetation of Scotland. [1st ed.]
127220: Burney, James. - A chronological history of North-Eastern voyages of discovery; and of the early eastern navigations of the Russians.
15399: BURNHAM, HAROLD B. [In memory of]. Gervers, Veronika. (ed). - Studies in textile history. Im memory of Harold B. Burnham.
260145: Bürnheim, Hermann. - WEG. Württembergische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft. Die Geschichte einer bedeutenden Privatbahn.
196598: Bürnheim, Hermann. - Localbahn A.-G. München.
243445: Burnie, David. - Les fleurs de Méditerranée. Le guide visuel de plus de 500 espèces de fleurs sauvages.
302086: Burnier da Silveira, Paulo & William E. Kovacic. - Global competition enforcement. New players, new challenges.
239479: Burnim, Kalman A. & John Baskett. - Brief Lives: Sitters and artists in the Garrick Club Collection. With contributions by Edward A. Langhans.
309364: Burns, Paul. - Entrepreneurship and small business. Start-up, growth and maturity. 5th edition.
281237: Burns, Margaret McCunn. - Chinese and Japanese porcelain in Dutch and Flemish still life paintings, 1600-1720.
260735: Burns, Robert I. - El Papel de Xàtiva.
224056: Burns, Robert I. - The worlds of Alfonso the Learned and James the Conqueror.
216235: Burns, Jasper. - Great Women of Imperial Rome. Mothers and Wives of the Caesars.
278132: Burollet, Thérèse. - Musée Gognacq-Jay. [Tome] II: Porcelaines.
236290: Burollet, P.A. - Le Sahel de sousse. Monographie phytogéographique.
46167: Burow, J. - Der Antimenesmaler.
187947: Burr, Malcolm. - In Bolshevik Siberia. the land of ice and exile.
135243: Burras, J.K. - Manual of climbers and wall plants.
127322: Burris-Meyer, Harold & E.C.Cole. - Theatres & auditoriums.
282471: Burroughs, Courtney. - 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control engineering (Internoise 2015). Implement Noise Control Technlogy. Congress San Francisc 2015).
249551: Burroughs, Edgar Rice. - Tarzan Triomphator (Tarzan Triumphant). Naar de Amerikaansche uitgave bewerkt door W.J.A.Roldanus Jr. [1e Ned. druk].
227390: Burrow, J.A. - A Reading of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight .
299168: Burrows, Daron. (ed.) - The Abindon Apocalypse (British Library, Add. 24555)
153527: Burrows, Millar. - The Dead Sea scrolls of St. Mark's Monastry.
121960: Burrows, Guy. - The land of the pigmies.
257404: Burry, Jane & Mark Burry. - De nieuwe mathematica van de hedendaagse architectuur. Bouwen in de 21ste eeuw.
145909: Bursian, Alexander. - Die Häuser- und Hüttensteuer in Deutsch-Ostafrika.
281155: Burssens, Gaston. - Alles is mogelijk in een gedicht. Verzamelde verzen 1914-1965.
217914: Burssens, Herman. - Yanda-beelden en mani-sekte bij de Azande (Centraal-Afrika)
210290: Burt, Charles E & M.D. - Pacific Island Amphibians and Reptiles in the Collection of the American Museum of Natural History.
105885: Burt, Charles E. - A study of the Teiid lizards of the Genus Cnemidophorus with special reference to their phylogenetic relationships.
82054: BÜRTEL, HEINRICH. Buertel, L.v. - Heinrich Bürtel 1802-1869. Ein Malerleben der Biedermeierzeit.
232613: Burthe d'Annelet, [Jules-Louis-Charles] de. - A travers l'Afrique Francaise du Cameroun à Alger par le Congo, le Haut-Oubanghi-Chari, le Ouadaï, l'Ennedi, le Borkou, le Tibesti, le Kaouar, le Zinder, l'Aïr, le Niger, le Ahaggar et le pays Ajjer.
56562: Burton, Jane & J.Taylor. - Dierenleven in de duisternis. Tussen schemer en dageraad.
39384: Burton, Maurice. - Elseviers zoogdierengids.
30831: Burton, John A. - Owls of the world, their evolution, structure and ecology.
246157: Burton, Robert. - Mijn vogeltuin. Gids voor het creëren van een vogelvriendelijke tuin.
206577: Burton, Richard F. - Personal narrative of a pelgrimage to Al-Madinah & Meccah.
303803: Burton, Audrey - The Bukharans. A dynastic, diplomatic and commercial history 1550-1702.
172462: Burton, Maurice. - Sponges.
154738: Burton, W.G. - The Patato. A survey of its history and of factors influencing its yield, nutritive value and storage.
107556: Burton, Robert. - The life and death of whales. 2nd rev. and enl.ed.
95005: Burton, Maurice. - Sponges.
231555: Burukovskii, R.N. - Key to Shrimps and Lobsters.
74592: Burvenich, Fred., a.o. (Edited). - Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère.
74590: Burvenich, Fred. a.o. (Edited). - Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère.
236729: Burvenich, Fred., a.o. (Edited). - Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère.
236728: Burvenich, Fred., a.o. (Edited). - Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère.
236727: Burvenich, Fred., a.o. (Edited). - Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère.
236724: Burvenich, Fred., a.o. (Edited). - Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère.
236723: Burvenich, Fred., a.o. (Edited). - Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère.
74596: Burvenich, Fred. a.o. (Edited). - Bulletins d'Arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère.
155101: Burwash, Dorothy. - English Merchant Shipping 1460-1540.
303987: BURY, RICHARD DE. Besso, Marco. (ed.). - Il Philobiblon di Riccardo de Bury, Vescovo Dunelmense. Testo, note illustrative, traduzione e documenti. Accompagnato da trenta tavole iconografiche. [A cura di] Marco Besso.
212063: BURY, POL. Balthasar, André & Jacques Dupin. - Derriere le Miroir 178.
304773: Bus, M. - Elektrische en Dieselelektrische Tractie. Nooduitgave.
191169: Busana, Maria S. a.o. - Via per Montes Excisa. Strade in galleria e passaggi sotteranei nell'Itaia romana.
305515: BUSBEQUIUS, AUGERIUS GISLENIUS. Martels, Z.R.W.M. - Augerius Gislenius Busbequius. Leven en werk van de keizerlijke gezant aan het hof van Süleyman de Grote.
260803: Busby, Louise & D.Broad. - Inland Waterways of the Netherlands.
305088: Busch, Erich. - Die Fallschirmjäger Chronik. Die Geschichte der Deutschen Fallschirmtruppe.
296191: Busch, Heinrich. (ed.) - Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental studies. Vol XIX - 1960.
270672: BUSCH, WILHELM. Nöldeke, Otto. - Wilhelm Busch. Sämtliche Werke.
223010: Busch, Günther. - Hinweis zur Kunst. Aufsätze und Reden.
221188: Busch, Werner a.o. - Kunst als Bedeutungsträger. Gedenkschrift für Günter Bandmann.
184972: Busch, Silvia O. - Medieval Mediterranean ports. The Catalan and Tuscan coasts, 1100 to 1235.
157682: Busch, Wilhelm. - Schnaken & Schnurren. Eine Sammung humoristischerkleiner Erzählungen in Bildern. I. Teil (27 Aufl.) & II. Theil (22 Aufl.).
140557: BUSCH, WILHELM. Nöldeke, Otto. - Sämtliche Werke.
249967: Buschhausen, Helmut. - Die süditalienische Bauplastik im Königreich Jerusalem von König Wilhelm II. bis Kaiser Friederich II.
276065: Büsching, D.A.F. - Neue Erdbeschreibung des ersten des ersten Theils zweyter Band welcher das ganze russische Reich, Preussen, Polen, Hungarn, und die europaïsche Türken, mit den dazu gehörigen und einverleibten Ländern, enthält.
75822: Buschinger, Alfred. - Staatenbildung der Insekten.
276390: Buschof, Hermann. - Erste Abhandlung über die Moxibustion in Europa.
34377: Buschor, Ernst. - Altsamische Standbilder I - V.
33862: Buschor, Ernst. - Bronzekanne aus Samos.
231160: Buschor, Ernst & Richard Hamann. - Die Skulpturen des Zeustempels zu Olympia.
215115: Buschor, Ernst. - Altsamische Standbilder. [Heft 1 - 3].
206443: Buschor, Ernst. - Altsamische Standbilder IV.
20587: Buschor, Ernst. - Die Tondächer der Akropolis. I.[Band], Simen, [I.Heft:] Text. + [II.Heft:] Tafeln.
11875: Buschor, Ernst. - Maussollos und Alexander.
118064: Buschor, Ernst. - Die Tondächer der Akropolis. I.[Band], Simen, [I.Heft:] Text.
1049: Buschor, Ernst. - Grab eines attischen Mädchens. 2. Aufl.
90879: Buselli, F. - Il castello Malaspina Cybo a Massa.
90882: Buselli, F. - Palazzo Mediceo á Seravezza.
277841: Busemeyer, K.L. - RC-Luftschiffwe und Ballone. Modelle leichter als Luft.
253488: Buser, Pierre & Claude Debru. - Le temps, instant et durée. De la philosophie aux neurosciences.
285520: Bush, Louise K & P.N.Perrot. - The History and Art of Glass: Index of Periodical Articles, 1956-1979.
279079: Bush, Richard J. - Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow-Shoes. A Journal of Siberian Travel and Explorations made in the years 1865-1867.
298086: Bushart, Magdalena & Henrike Haug & Stefanie Stallschus. (eds.) - Unzeitgemässe Techniken. Historische narrative künstlerischer Verfahren.
61713: Bushe-Fox, J.P. - Fourth report on the excavations of the Roman Fort at Richborough, Kent.
228753: Bushe, Paddy. - To make the stone sing.
14536: Bushe-Fox, J.P. - First, second, third & fourth report on the excavation of the Roman fort at Richborough, Kent.
35683: Bushnell Jr., David I. - Native villages and village sites east of the Mississippi.
158282: Bushnell Jr., David I. - Burials of the Algonquian, Siouand and Gaddoian tribes west of the Mississippi.
68669: Busignani, Alberto & R.Bencini. - Le Chiese di Firenze. [Vol. 1:] Quartiere di Santo Spirito.
199331: Busignani, Alberto & R.Bencini. - Le Chiese di Firenze. [Vol. 2:] Quartiere di Santo Maria Novella.
100619: Busignani, Alberto. - The bronzes of Riace.
282836: Busine, Laurent & Manfred Sellink. (eds). - De glorie van Sint-Joris. De man, de draak en de dood.
282658: Busine, Laurent & Manfred Sellink. (eds). - The glory of Saint George. Man, Dragon and Death.
233748: Busine, Laurent. - Trésors anciens et nouveaux de Wallonie. Ce curieux pays curiex.
225923: Busine, Laurent & Ludo Vandamme. - Besloten wereld. Open boeken. Middeleeuwse handschriften in dialoog met actuele kunst.
208558: Busine, Laurent & Ludo Vandamme. - Besloten wereld. Open boeken. Middeleeuwse handschriften in dialoog met actuele kunst.
29550: Büsing, Hermann. - Römische Militärarchitektur in Mainz.
114136: Büsing, Hermann H. - Die griechische Halbsäule.
144254: Busink, Th.A. - Der Tempel von Jerusalem von Salomo bis Herodes. Eine archäologisch-historische Studie unter Berücksichtigung des westsemitsischen Tempelbaus. Band I & II [Complete two volume set].
230405: Busiri Vici, Andrea. - Scritti d'Arte.
98913: Busiri Vici, Andrea. - Trittico paesistico romano del '700. Paolo Anesi, Paolo Monaldi, Alessio De Marchis.
301909: Busk, Rachel Harriette. - Sagas from the Far East; or, Kalmouk and Mongolian traditionary tales.
111911: Busk, Douglas. - The delectable mountains.
292641: Buskens, Mynke. - 7 april / Chapelet. 87 & 51 drawings, pencil, graphic powder and eraser on paper.
235710: Buskens, Léon. - Islamitisch recht en familiebetrekkingen in Marokko.
100708: Busley, Carl. - Die Entwicklung des Segelschiffes erläutert an 16 Modellen des deutschen Msueums in München.
206729: Busolt, Georg. - Die griechischen Staats- und Rechtsaltertümer. 2. ungearb. Aufl.
263362: BUSSE & GEITNER. Schumann, Ilrich M. - Busse & Geitner. Bauten und Projekte. / Buildings and Projects.
249465: Busse, Heribert. - Untersuchungen zum islamischen Kanzleiwesen an Hand Turkmenischer und Safawidischer Urkunden.
84814: Bussel, Jan. (ed.) - Plays for puppets.
285417: Bussel, P.W.E.A. van. - Molens in Noord-Brabant.
246549: Bussel, P.W.E.A. van. - De molens van Limburg. Een inventarisatie van en een onderzoek naar de geschiedenis, de functies, de ontwikkeling en de achteruitgang van de Limburgse wind- en watermolens vanaf 1839.
3064: Bussel, Gerard W.Van. a.o. - Van kust tot kust / From coast to coast. Pre-Columbiaanse aardewerk sculpturen uit Meso-Amerika / Pre-Columbian sculptures from Mesoamerica.
273367: Bussels, M., e.a. - Bijdrage tot de Geschiedenis van Hamont.
256956: Bussemaker, H.Th. - Bersiap! Opstand in het paradijs. De Bersiap-periode op Java en Sumatra 1945-1946. 2e herz. druk.
233509: Bussi, Rolando & Gianni Gavioli. (ed.). - Il Libro del Sarto della Fondazione Querini Stampalia di Venezia.
291313: Bussière, Jean. - Lampes antiques d'Algérie II. Lampes tardives et lampes chrétiennes.
260451: Bussière, Éric., a.o. - Économies nationales et intégration Européenne. Voies et Étappes.
252207: Bustamante, Jean-Marc. - Paysages, intérieurs.
282169: Busti, Giulio, a.o. - Deruta. L'art de la ceramique.
281007: Busti, Giulio & Fr.Cocchi. - La ceramica umbra al tempo di Perugino.
298375: Busuioceanu, Al. - La Galerie de peintures de sa Majeste le Roi Carol II de Roumanie. Première Partie, Tome I: Ecoles italiennes du XIVe au XVIe siècle.
233451: Butil, Patricia, a.o. - Le savoir-faire wallon au fil du temps. Le bassin mosan, berceau de techniques de pointe.
269797: Butin, F. - Considérations hygiénique sur le Corset.
298779: Butler, Frank Hedges. - Fifty years of travel by land, water, and air. [2nd impression].
300765: Butler, Arthur G. - Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, order passeres, complete in two volumes.
285685: Butler, Jane Benton. (ed.). - [T.I.M.S.]. Transactions T.I.M.S. 2000. 1th International Symposium. Stratford, Virginia, USA, 16 - 24 September 2000.
267323: BUTLER, JAY JORDAN. [Festschrift]. Metz, W.H., B.L. van Beek & H. Steegstra. (eds). - Patina. Essays presented to Jay Jordan Butler on the occasion of his 80th birthday
261579: Butler, Alastair. - The Semantics of Grammatical Dependencies.
225049: Butler, Jonathan. - Reclaiming the Marsh. Archaeological Excavations at Moor House, city of London, 1998-2004.
217485: Butler, A.J. - Islamic pottery. A study mainly historical.
284371: Butlin, Roger a.o. - Speciation and Patterns of Diversity.
57821: BUTÔT, F.C. [Collection]. Bol, Laurens J & G.S.Keyes. - Netherlandish paintings and drawings from the collection of F.C. Butôt by little-known and rare masters of the seventeenth century.
256294: Butter, Irene Hasenberg. - Academic Economics in Holland 1800-1870.
144061: BUTTERFIELD, WILLIAM. Thompson, Paul. - William Butterfield. Victorian architect.
308078: Butterweck, Christel. - Martyriumssuchtin der Alten Kirche. Studien zur Darstellung und Deutung frühchristlicher Martyrien.
212316: Butterworth, Alan & V.V.Chetty. - A collection of the inscriptions on copper-plates and stones in the Nellore District.
229138: Büttikofer, J. - Einiges über die Eingebornen von Liberia. [Teil 2].
219595: Büttikofer, J. - Einiges über die Eingebornen von Liberia. [Teil 1 + 2].
296828: Buttimer, Anne. - The practice of geography.
268015: Buttinger, Sabine. - Mit Kreuze und Kutte. Die Geschichte der christlichen Orden.
291013: Buttita, Antonio. - Le Ferment divin.
281011: Büttner, F.O. - Imitatio Pietatis. Motive der christlichen Ikonographie als Modelle zur Verähnlichung.
34930: BUTTSTETT, Fr.V. Hans Kern. - Frans Vollrath Buttstett (1735-1814). Eine Studie zur Musik des Spätbarock.
298139: Butz, Rudolf W. - Signale der Schweizer Bahnen.
305296: Butz, Patricia A. - The art of the Hekatompedon inscription and the birth of the stoikhedon style.
216436: Butzek, Monika. - Il Duomo di Siena al tempo di Alessandro VII. Carteggio e designi (1658-1667).
294791: Buul, Anne van. - In vreemde grond geworteld. Preraëlitisme in de Nederlandse literatuur en beeldende kunst (1855-1910).
273767: Buul, Anne van. - In vreemde grond geworteld. Preraëlitisme in de Nederlandse literatuur en beeldende kunst (1855-1910).
238496: BUUREN, DAVID & ALICE VAN BUUREN. Lechien-Durant, Francoise. - Museum David & Alice van Buuren. Huis van herinneringen.
309629: Buurman, Janneke. - The eastern part of West-Friesland in later prehistory. Agricultural and environmental aspects. [Diss.].
252272: Buurman, Marlies & Maarten Kloos. (eds). - Impact. Amsterdamse stedebouw na 1986. / Urban planning in Amsterdam after 1986.
249874: Buurman, Marlies & Maarten Kloos. - Amsterdamse Architectuur 2003-2006 Amsterdam Architecture.
211769: Buurman, Johan. - Trolleys in Arnhem. Serie 101-136. Serie 137-143.
48843: Buurman, Peter. - Wayang golek. De fascinerende wereld van het klassieke West-Javaanse poppenspel.
275760: Buvelot, Quentin. - Mauritshuis. Het gebouw.
194740: Buvelot, Quentin, a.o. - Tableaux flamands et hollandais du Musée Fabre de Montpellier.
275614: BUXTEHUDE, DIETERICH. Keller, hermann. - Buxtehude. Orgelwerke I-III.
225555: Buyle, Marjan. - De problematiek van vernissen in de conservatie-restauratie. / La problématique des vernis en conservation-restauration.
308291: BUYLEN, MICHEL. Huvenne, Paul, Wim Lammertijn & Maximiliaan Martens. - Michel Buylen. Making my past.
46016: Buys, G. & J.W.H.Van Veen. - Moderne Chrysantenteelt.
283559: Buys, Clem. - Stad aan de stroom. [Deel 4:] Antwerpen wijk IV.
283557: Buys, Clem. - Stad aan de stroom. [Deel 1:] Antwerpen wijk I-II.
246349: BUYS, STIJN. Brinkhoff, Jan. - Het Testament van Stijn Buys. De jongster eeuw der Beide Weeshuizen.
308415: BUYS, PIETER. Steenhuis, Marinke. - Maken en laten. Pieter Buys, tuin- en landschapsarchitect.
58128: BUYTEWECH, WILLEM. Catalogue 1974-1975. - Willem Buytewech 1591-1624.
146056: BUYTEWECH, WILLEM. Haverkamp Begemann, E. - Willem Buytewech.
304461: Buzin, Jean & Jan Govaerts. - Audeo aciem: kroniek van de 1e jachtwing 1946-1996.
225944: Byars, Mel. - 50 tables. Innovations in Design and Materials.
176865: Bye, Arthur E. - Pots and pans or studies in still-life painting.
253051: Byer, Doris. - Die Große Insel. Südpazifische Lebensgeschichten. Autobiographische Berichte aus dem südöstlichen Salomon-Archipel seit 1914.
227641: Byerly, Alison. - Realism, Representation and the Arts in nineteenth-Century Literature.
242215: Bykow, V.P. - Marine Fishes. Chemical Composition and Processing Properties.
59651: Bylandt, H.A.Graaf Van. - Hondenrassen. Punten, beschrijving, eigenschappen, gebreken, enz.
56050: Bylandt, Henri A.van. - Les races de chiens. Leur points, description, types, qualités, attitudes et défauts.
87860: Bylandt, H.A.Graaf Van. - Hondenrassen. Punten, beschrijving, eigenschappen, gebreken, enz. Vol. I: Jachthonden.
272431: Bylandt, Henri A.van. - Dogs of all Nations. Their Varieties, Charasteristics, Points etc.
245094: Bylandt, H.A.Graaf Van. - Les races de chiens. Leur points, description, types, qualités, attitudes et défauts.
308071: Bylandt, Henri A.van. - Les races de chiens. Leurs origines, points, descriptions, types, qualités, attitudes et défauts.
233291: Bylandt, Henri A.van. - Les races de chiens. Leurs origines, points, descriptions, types, qualités, attitudes et défauts.
223796: Bylandt, Henri A.van. - Les races de chiens. Leurs origines, points, descriptions, types, qualités, attitudes et défauts.
214269: Bylandt, Henri A.van. - Les races de chiens. Leurs origines, points, descriptions, types, qualités, attitudes et défauts.
205667: Bylandt, H.A.Graaf Van. - Rashonden-Album. Verzameling van afbeeldingen van alle bestaande rassen.
202544: Bylandt, H.A.Graaf Van. - Hondenrassen. Punten, beschrijving, eigenschappen, gebreken, enz.
192002: Bylandt, H.A.Graaf Van. - Rashonden-Album. Verzameling van afbeeldingen van alle bestaande rassen.
175616: Bylandt, H.A.Graaf Van. - Raspuntenboek van de meest bekende hondenrassen.
175493: Bylandt, Henri A.van. - Les races de chiens. Leurs origines, points, descriptions, types, qualités, attitudes et défauts.
3142: Bylin, Eric. - Basakata. Le peuple du Pays de l'Entre-Fleuves Lukenie-Kasai.
232662: BYNG, GEORGE. Tunstall, Brian. - The Byng Papers, selected from the letters and papers of Admiral Sir George Byng First Viscount Torrington and of his son Admiral the Hon. John Byng. Vol. II
303058: Bynum, W.F & V.Nutton. (eds). - Theories of fever from antiquity to the enlightenment.
259291: Byrne, Andrew. - Bedford Square. an architectural study.
245961: BYRNE, GONCALO. Angelillo, Antonio. - Goncalo Byrne. Opere e progretti.
221774: Byrne, Wm Pitt. - Cosas de Espana. Illustrative of Spain and ther Spaniards as they are.
264721: Byrnes, Jennifer. - Public Participation in the Arts and the Role of Technology.
268327: BYRON, MICHAEL. Catalogue 1990. - Michael Byron.
267862: BYRON, MICHAEL. Catalogue 1993. - Michael Byron.
264354: Byron, Lord. - Brieven en dagboeken.Vertaald en bezorgd door Joop van Helmond.
236414: Byron, Lord. - De omzwervingen van jonker Harold. / Childe Harold's pilgrimage. Met illustraties van William en Edward Finden. Vertaald en toegelicht door Ike Cialona.
182074: BYRON, JOHN. Gallagher, Robert E. (ed.). - Byron's Journal of his circumnavigation 1764-1766. Edited by R.E.Gallagher.
167269: Byron. - The complete works of Lord Byron.
46289: Cahiers de Byrsa. - No. IX (1960/61).
154328: Byung-Ok, Chun. - Traditional artistic designs of Korea.
50739: Byvanck, A.W. & G.J.Hoogewerff. - Noord-Nederlandsche miniaturen in handschriften der 14e, 15e en 16e eeuwen.
68322: Byvanck, A.W. - La miniature dans les Pays-Bas septentrionaux.
73123: Byvanck, A.W. & E.Lagerwey. - Het Brevier van Beatrix van Assendelft in het bezit van het Metropolitaan Kapittel van Utrecht.
280139: Byvanck, A.W. - L' Art du Constantinople. Rome et Constantinople au 4e siècle. Les mosaïques impériales de Saint-Vital de Ravenne.
263441: Byvanck, Valentijn. - Superstudio: The Middelburg Lectures.
309242: Byvanck, A.W. - La miniature dans les Pays-Bas septentrionaux.
305498: Byvanck, A.W. & G.J.Hoogewerff. - La miniature hollandaise et les manuscrites illustrés du XIVe au XVI siècle aux Pays-Bas septentrionaux.
151842: Byvanck, A.W. - La miniature dans les Pays-Bas septentrionaux.
189264: Byzantinische Forschungen. Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik. - Band XXVI (2000).
189052: Byzantinische Forschungen. Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik. - Band XXVIII (2004).
189007: Byzantinische Forschungen. Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik. - Band XIV/1 (1989).
268476: Caýon, Juan R. - Compendio de las Monedas del Imperio Romano. Vol. I & II.
292260: Caballo, Ernesto. - La Vaporiera. Edizione Pininfarina.
223066: Cabanès. - Dents et Dentistes à travers l'Histoire.
101323: Cabanot, Jena. - Les débuts de la sculpture romane dans le Sud-Ouest de la France.
295820: Cabézon, José Ignacio & Roger R. Jackson. (eds.) - Tibetan literature. Studies in the genre. Essays in honor of Geshe Lhundup Sopa.
296245: Cable, Mildred, a.o. - The challenge of Central Asia. A brief survey of Tibet and its borderlands, Mongolia, North-West Kansu, Chinese Turkestan and Russian Central Asia.
230323: CABOTS. Williamson, James A. - The Voyages of the Cabots and the English Discovery of North America under Henry VII and Henry VIII.
127413: CABOTS. Williamson, James A. - The voyages of the Cabots and the discovery of North America.
309512: Cabrera, Angel. - Catalogo de los mamiferos de America del Sur. I & II.
241895: CABRITA REIS, PEDRO. Schippers, Nienke. (coordination). - Cabrita Reis.
167118: Cabu, Francis. - Contribution à l'étude de la répartition des Kwés au Katanga. Avec la collaboration de M. Vanden Brande.
297032: Cachia, Anthony J. - Libya under the second Ottoman occupation (1835-1911).
302928: Cachot, Rebeca Carrion. - La Indumentaria en la antigua cultura de Paracas.
198394: CACIDIUS. Winden, J.C.M.v - Calcidius on matter. His doctrine and sources. A chapter in the history of Platonism.
308112: Cacitti, Remo. - Grande Sabato. Il contesto pasquale quartodecimano nella formazione della teologia del martirio.
268071: Cadet, Ambroise & Pierre Thomas. - Madagascar. Histoire et géographie élémentaires. Texte français et malgache. 2nd edition.
307126: Cadet, Ambroise & Pierre Thomas. - Madagascar. Histoire et géographie élémentaires. Texte français et Malgache. [2nd edition.].
278019: Cadiou, Yves. - Monseiur Winchester.
271043: Cadiou, Bernard a.o. - Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000).
295413: Caenegem, Raoul C.van. - Introduction aux sources de l'histoire médiévale.
265712: Caenegem, Raoul C.van. - De instellingen van de Middeleeuwen. Geschiedenis van de Westerse staatsinstellingen van de Ve tot de XVe eeuw. Collegedictaat
68735: Caeneghem, R.van. - Kabundi Sprookjes.
304635: CAESAR, JULIUS. Göler, August von. - Caesars gallischer Krieg und Theile seines Bürgerkriegs nebst Anhängen über das römischen Kriegswesen und über römischen Daten. 2. durchg. & erg. Aufl. [...] Herausgegeben von Freiherrn Ernst August von Göler.
283150: CAESAR, JULIUS. Oudendorp, Francisco. - C. Julii Caesaris, A. Hirtii, aliorumque De Gallico, civili, Alexandrino, Africano, et Hispaniensi bello commentarii / ad vetustissimarum membranarum fidem denuo castigati a Francisco Oudendorpio. [2a editio].
197567: CAESAR, JULIUS. Holmes, T. Rice. - Cäsars Feldzüge in Gallien und Britannien.
29709: Caeymaex, Martine, a.o. (eds). - Art Deco in Europa. Decoratieve tendensen in de toegepaste kunst rond 1925.
258321: Caferro, William. - Mercenary Companies and the Decline of Siena.
93463: Caffarello, Nelida. - Archaeologica. Scritti in onore di Aldo Neppi Modona.
293527: Cagatay, Ergun & Dogan Kuban. (eds). - The Turkic speaking peoples. 2,000 years of art and culture from Inner Asia to the Balkans.
249527: Cagiano de Azevedo, M. - Casa, Città e Campagna nel Tardo antico e nell'alto Medioevo.
142547: Cagiano de Azevedo, M. - Le antichità di Villa Medici.
129842: CAGLIOSTRO. Haven, Marc. - Le maitre inconnu Cagliostro. Etude historique et critique sur la Haute Magie. Nouvelle édition.
245955: Cagnardi, Augusto a.o. - Grand Theatre de Provence.
67831: Cagnolo, C. - The Akikuyu. Their custums, traditions and folklore.
296752: Cahen, Gaston. - Le livre de comptes de la caravane Russe a Pékin en 1727-1728. Texte - traduction - commentaire.
295679: Cahen, Gaston. - Some early Russo-Chinese relations.
280578: Cahen, Joël. - Beeld naar buiten. Prentbriefkaarten rond de Amsterdamse jodenbuurt. Een selectie uit de verzameling Jaap van Velzen. Samengesteld en ingeleid door Drs. Joël Cahen.
138350: Cahen, Joël. - Beeld naar buiten. Prentbriefkaarten rond de Amsterdamse jodenbuurt. Een selectie uit de verzameling Jaap van Velzen.
262055: Cahez, Fabrice. - L'Allier rivière à plumes.
304325: Cahier, Charles & Arthur Martin. - Mélanges d'archéologie, d'histoire et de littérature, rédigés ou recueillis par les auteurs de la monographie de la cathédrale de Bourges (Charles Cahier et Arthur Martin). Collection de mémoires sur l'orfévrerie et les émaux des trésors d'Aix-la Chapelle, de Cologne, etc., sur les miniatures et les anciens ivoires sculptés de Bamberg, Ratisbonne, Munich, Paris, Londres, etc., sur des étoffes byzantines, siciliennes, etc., sur des peintures et bas-reliefs mystérieux de l'époque carlovingienne, romance, etc. Tomes I - IV. [Complete four volume set].
190951: Cahier, Charles. - Nouveaux Mélanges d'Archéologie, d'Histoire et de Littérature sur le Moyen Age. [Part:] Décoration d'Églises.
251405: Cyclisme Magazine. Les Cahiers de l'Équipe. - Cyclisme 60 Magazine. Avril 1960.
251406: Cyclisme Magazine. Les Cahiers de l'Équipe. - 59 (Mars 1959).
251403: Cyclisme Magazine. Les Cahiers de l'Équipe. - 60 (Avril 1960).
303497: Cahill, David. - From Rebellion to Independence in the Andes. Soundings from southern Peru, 1750-1830.
303470: Cahillane, Laura & Seán Ó Conaill. - Constitutional law in Ireland.
80917: Cahn-Klaiber, Eva-Maria. - Die antiken Tonlampen des Achäologischen Instituts der Universiteit Tübingen.
224146: Cahn, Walter. - La Bible romane.
15249: Cahn, Herbert A., a.o. (eds). - Neue Ausgrabungen in Griechenland. [Beitr. von] Lilly G.-Kahil, Georgios Bakalakis und Sotiris I. Dakaris.
150202: Cahn, Herbert A. - Kleine Schriften zur Münzkunde und Archäologie.
136937: Cahn, Walter. - Die Bibel in der Romantik.
118073: Caillavet, H. & J.Southy. - Monographie des principales variété de pêchers.
272210: CAILLEBOTTE, GUSTAVE. Berhaut, Marie. - Caillebotte. Sa vie et son oeuvre. Catalogue raisonné des peintures et pastels. Publé par la Fondation Wildenstein.
137380: Cailler, Pierre a.o. - Les théatres gréco-romains de Grèce.
306712: Caimotto, M. Cristina & Rachele Raus. - Lifestyle politics in translation. The shaping and re-shaping of ideological discourse.
292092: Cain, Hans-Ulrich. - Römische Marmorkandelaber.
167014: Cain, James M. - The postman always rings twice.
306852: Caine, W. Ralph Hall. - The Cruise of the Port Kingston.
170763: Cairola, Aldo & E.Carli. - The Palazzo Publico of Siena.
170764: Cairola, Aldo & E.Carli. - Le Palazzo Publico de Sienne.
225651: Caizhen, Lu. - Who is poor in China? Comparison of Alternative Approaches to Poverty Assessment in Rural Yunnan.
177158: Cajander, Aimo K. - 50-Vuotisjuhlajulkaisu. Commentationes in honorem A.K.Cajander.
269291: Calabrese, Luia Maria. - Reweaving uma. Urbanism mobility architecture.
295505: Calarco, Matthew & Peter Atterton. (eds). - The continanetal ethics reader.
265373: CALATRAVA, SANTIAGO. Tzonis, Alexander. - Santiago Calatrava's Creative Process. Part II: Sketchbooks.
129526: Calberg, M. - Het zijdewerk.
308373: CALDANI, LEOPOLD M.A. Ongaro, Giuseppe. - Leopoldo M.A.Caldani Lazzaro Spallanzani Carteggio (1768-1798).
247528: CALDECOTT, RANDOLPH. Irving, Washington. - Bracebridge Hall.
282628: Caldelli, Maria, a.o. - Epigrafia 2006. Atti della XIVe rencontre sur l'Épigraphie in onore di Silvio Panciera.
299735: Caldenborgh, Paul van. - Savage human beasts or the purest Arabs? The incorporation of the Alawi community into the Syrian state during the French mandate period (1918-1946). [Diss.]
296936: CALDER, ALEXANDER. Perl, Jed. - Calder. The conquest of space. The later years: 1940-1976.
296062: Calder III, William M. (ed.). - The Cambridge ritualists reconsidered. Proceedings of the First Oldfather Conference, held on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 27-30, 1989.
18180: Calder, Nigel. - Rusteloze aarde. De revolutie in de geologie.
259825: CALDERARI, OTTONE. Beltramini, Guido. - I designi di Ottone Calderari al Museo Civico di Vicenza.
144125: Calderini, Aristide e M. - Dizionario di antichità Greche e Romane.
300700: Calderón Quijano, José Antonio, a.o. - Cartografía militar y marítima de Cádiz [1513-1878]. [2 volume set].
293244: Calderón Quijano, José Antonio. - Historia de las fortificaciones en Nueva España. Prólogo de Diego Angulo Íñiguez. Segunda edición, puesta al día y notablemente aumentada.
223654: Caleca, Antonino & A.Amendola. - La Dotta Mano. Il Battistero di Pisa.
132993: Cali, François. - L'art des conquistadors. Photographies de Claude Arthaud et François Hébert-Stevens.
76382: Calkoen, H.J. - Dieren-Atlas: De vlinders.
23389: CALKOEN, A. & P.CALKOEN. Steenbergen, A. - Eene Drentsche veenkolonie in de laatste helft der zeventiende eeuw. Het journaal van A. en P.Calkoen.
193949: CALKOEN, A. & P.CALKOEN. Steenbergen, A. - Eene Drentsche veenkolonie in de laatste helft der zeventiende eeuw. Het journaal van A. en P.Calkoen. Eene Drentsche veenkolonie in de laatste helft der zeventiende eeuw. In 't licht gegeven en met aantekeningen voorzien door Alb.Steenbergen.
229917: O'Callagan, Evelyn. - Woman Version. Theoretical Approaches to West Indian Fiction by Women.
127241: Callander, John. - Terra Australis Cognita or voyages to the Terra Australis.
214199: Càllari, Luigi. - I Palazzi di Roma e le Case d'Importanza storica e artistica.
304284: Callegarin, Laurent & A.Gorgues. (ed.). - Les Transferts de Technologie au premier Millénaire av. J-C. dans le Sud-Ouest de l'Europe.
306296: Callenbach, Gégé. - Stevichheit om te leren gaen. De stedelijke Zwolse weeshuizen tussen 1550 en 1970. Geannoteerde versie.
250942: Callender, Geoffrey. - The Portrait of Peter Pett and the souvereign pf the seas.
310458: Callenfels, Christien. - Met ons tweetjes.
269635: Callewaert, Constant. - Nouvel Atlas géographique de la Belgique. [title on cover: Nouvel atlas général par C.C. Traité théorique et pratique en 19 leçons avec cartes en regard].
300512: Callinicos, Alex. - Making history. Agency, structure and change in social theory.
131151: Callipolitis-Feytmans, Denise. - Les Louteria Attiques.
305128: CALLIS, JO ANN. - Cheap thrills.
80168: CALLOT, JACQUES. Bruwaert, Edmond. - Vie de Jacques Callot graveur Lorrain 1592-1635.
83343: CALLOT, JACQUES. Ternois, Daniel. - l'Art de Jacques Callot.
198185: CALLOT, JACQUES. Plan, Pierre P. - Jacques Callot. Maître graveur. Suivi d'un catalogue chronologique.
196388: CALLOT, JACQUES. Katalog 1969. - Jacques Callot und sein Kreis. Werke aus dem Besitz der Albertina.
179274: CALLOT, JACQUES. Meaume, Edouard. - Recherches sur les ouvrages de Jacques Callot. Suite du peintre-graveur francais de M.Robert-Dumésnil. Volume II.
141679: Callu, Jean-Pierre, a.o. - Thamusida. Fouilles du Service des antiquités du Maroc. [Tome] I [par] Jean-Pierre Callu, Jean-Paul Morel, Rene´ Rebuffat, Gilbert Hallier avec la collaboration de Jean Marion.
246311: Calmettes, Pierre. - Travaux féminins. Les Dentelles - Les Broderies - Le Travail du Cuir.
248792: Calmeyer, Peter. - Reliefbronzen in babylonischem Stil. Eine westiranische Werkstatt des 10. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.
177426: CALMEYER, M.R.H. Hoffenaar, J. - Herinneringen. Memoires van een christen, militair en politicus. Ingeleid en bewerkt door J. Hoffenaar. [Thesis].
3359: Calonne Beaudaict, A.De. - Études Bakango. (Notes de sociologie coloniale).
208016: Calpini, Jacques. - Les Milices Valaissannes du XVIIIe au XXe Siècle.
202777: Calrk, Garth. - Die verrückte Teekanne.
155318: Cals, Joseph. - Part One.
310532: Caluwé, Jozef & Patrick Caluwé & Lea Bruys. - Van muziekdoos... tot grammofoon. Verzameling De Caluwé.
78757: Caluwé, Fr.De. - Praktisch vakboek van mekaniekweverij ten gebruike van fabrikanten, fabriekbestuurders, techniekers, meestergasten en wevers.
241300: Calvani, Mirella Marini. - Aemilia. La cultura romana in Emilia Romagna dal III secolo a.C all'età constantiniana.
58209: CALVART, DENIS. Bergmans, Simone. - Catalogue critique des oeuvres du peintre Denis Calvart.
86083: Calverley, Amice M. & F.Broome. - The temple of King Sethos I at Abydos. Edited by A.H.Gardiner.
225632: Calvi, M.C. - Die roemischen Glaeser. Museum von Aguileja.
99073: Calvi, Emilio. - Bibliografia di Roma nel cinquecento. Tomo I.
308111: CALVIN, JOHN. Boer, Erik A. de & F.P.van Stam. - Scripta Didactica et Polemica Volumen IV: Epistolae Duae (1537) Deux Discours (Oct. 1536).
308252: CALVIN, JOHN. Brewer, Brian C. & David M. Whitford. (eds). - Calvin and the early Reformation.
307213: CALVIN, JOHN. Tholuck, A. - Ioannis Calvini in Novum Testamentum Commentarii ad editionem Amstelodamensem. Editio Altera.
231806: CALVIN, JOHN. Hancock, Ralph C. - Calvin and the foundations of modern politics.
14199: Calwer, Carl G. - Käferbuch. Einführung in die Kenntnis der Käfer Europas. 6. (letzte) Aufl. verfasst von C.Schaufuss.
297334: Calza, Raissa. (ed.). - Scavi di Ostia. Vol. 5 & 9: I ritratti. Parte I & II.
218547: Calza, Raissa. - Iconografia romana imperiale da Carausio a Giuliano (287-363 d.C.)
14540: Calza, Guido, Giovanni Becatti, a.o. (eds). - Scavi di Ostia. Vol. 1: Topografia generale.
60897: CAMAINO, TINO DE. Valentiner, W.R. - Tino de Camaino. A Sienese sculptor of the fourteenth century.
213949: Cambi, Nenad., a.o. (eds). - Antike Porträts aus Jugoslawien.
251101: Cambitoglou, Alexander. - Classical art in the Nicholson Museum, Sydney.
182728: Cambitoglou, Alexander & A.D.Trendall. - Apulian red-figured vase-painters of the plain style.
204199: Cambon, Jules a.o. - Les confréries religieuses Musulmanes.
172812: Camellian, devoted exclusively to Camellias. - Vol. 21 (1954) - 31(1964.)
293071: CAMERINO, CARLO DA. Polverari, Michele. - Carlo Da Camerino.
70756: Camerling, Elisabeth. - Ueber Ahnenkult in Hinterindien und auf den grossen Sunda Inseln.
43201: Cameron, Austin W. - Mammals of the islands in the Gulf of St.Lawrence.
278496: Cameron, Agnes Deans. - The New North. Being some Account of a Woman's Journey through Canada to the Arctic.
269858: Cameron, Sharon. - Impersonality. Seven essays.
263293: Cameron, Kim S.& R.E.Quinn. - Onderzoeken en veranderen van organisatiecultuur. Gebaseerd op het model van de concurrerende waarden. 3e herz. dr.
253008: Cameron, Alastair, a.o. - Climate Change, Law and Policy in New Zealand.
201288: Cameron, M. - Staphylinidae (Coleoptera Polyphaga).
187329: Cameron, Kenneth. - The place-names of Derbyshire. I: Introduction, river-names, etc.
138405: Cameron, Peter. - A monograph of the British Phytophaggous Hymenoptera (Tenthredo, Sirex and Cynips, Linné).
124517: Cameron, P. - Hymenoptera. (Except Anthophila and Formicidae).
85453: Cames, Gérard. - Byzance et la Peinture Romane de Germanie. Apport de l'art Grec posticonoclaste à l'enluminure et à la fresque ottoniennes et romanes de Germanie dans les thèmes de majesté et les évangiles.
264763: CAMES, JÉRÔME. - Jérôme Cames. 1999-2011.
206217: Camesina, Albert. - Die Darstellungen auf der Bronzethüre des Haupteinganges von St. Marco in Venedig.
42419: Caminada-Voorham, A.M.G. - Loevestein. Een fort aan de grens van Holland.
249955: Caminos, Ricardo A. - Literary fragments in the Hieratic Script.
290960: Camm, F.J. - The Book of Motors.
290139: Cammaert, A.P.M. - Het verborgen front. Een geschiedenis van de georganiseerde illegaliteit in de provincie Limburg tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. I & II.
298144: Cammarosano, Paolo. a.o. - Art de la lettre et lettre d'art. Épistolaire politique III. Convegno di studio - Roma, 11-13 aprile 2013.
303534: Cammen, Hans van der & Len de Klerk. - Ruimtelijke ordening. Van grachtengordel tot vinex-wijk.
77925: Cämmerer-George, Monika. - Die Rahmung der toskanischen Altarbilder im Trecento.
229465: Camp, D'Laine & M.Kamphuis. - Architectuur en stedebouw in Flevoland. Urk 1850-1940. / Noordoostpolder 1942-1962.
292041: Camp, W.F. [&] J.G.W. Merkes [&] S.F. Klijnsma. - Bijdragen tot de Bouw- en Natuurkundige wetenschappen. Tweede Bijdrage. Proeven nopens het bindend vermogen van onderscheidene metsel-specien; wierzamenstelling, meestal nieuw of onbekend, zoowel onder als boven water, die der thans in gebruik zijnde veel kostaarder metselmengingen, in de deugdzaamheid overtreft; [Bound with:] Verhandeling over het uitslaan en inwateren van binnen-muren en holbogen en ter bevordering eener matige droogte, voornamelijk binnen die gebouwen, tot het bergen van buskruid en levensmiddelen bestemd; met eenige scheikundige aanteekeningen. [Bound with:] Handleiding tot de mineurkunst, ten gebruike van de onderofficieren der mineurs en sappeurs bij het Nederlandsche leger.
269225: Camp, D'Laine & Michelle Provoost (red.). - Stadstimmeren. 650 jaar Rotterdam stad.
206296: Camp, C.L. & V.L.Vanderhoof. - Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates 1928-1948.
201045: Camp, Peter. - Gebouwen met een ziel. Het belang van gebouwen voor organisaties en mensen.
283738: Campagne, P.J. - Handboek voor Droogisten- en Apothekers-Leerlingen. geheel vernieuwd en i.v.m.d. Pharmacopoea Neerlandica.
256656: Campagne, P.J. - Handboek voor Droogisten- en Apothekers-Leerlingen. 2e veel verm. druk.
56414: Campana, P.Michele. - Il tappeto orientale.
220861: Campanelli, Adele a.o. - Sacro e natura nell'abruzzo italico.
292698: Campati, Gino. - Inside out. Een blik achter het masker.
310576: Campbell, J.Gabriel. - Saints and householders. A study of Hindu ritual and myth among the Kangra Rajputs.
56285: Campbell, Jonathan A. & W.W.Lamar. - The Venomous Reptiles of Latin America.
41428: Campbell, Bruce & R. Watson. - Kust- en zeevogels van Noordzee, Oostzee en het Kanaal.
300922: CAMPBELL, COLIN. Hallberg, Paul & Christian Koninckx. (eds). - A passage to China. Colin Campbell's diary of the first Swedish East India Company expedition to Canton, 1732-33.
293945: CAMPBELL, DONALD. Stevens, Donald. - Bluebird CN7. The inside story of Donald Campbell's last Land Speed Record car.
292606: Campbell, R.Wayne a.o. - The Birds of British Columbia.
287424: Campbell, Mark. - Paradise Lost.
278695: Campbell, John M. (Edited). - Prehistoric cultural relations between the Arctic and Temperate Zones of North America.
275381: Campbell, Dennis. - The Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business.
224152: Campbell, George L. - Compendium of the world's languages. 2nd edition.
197954: Campbell, J.Menzies. - Catalogue of the Menzies Campbell collection of dental instruments, pictures, appliances, ornaments, etc.
89660: Campbell, Ake. - Arctica. Essays presented to Ake Campbell 1.5.1956 in honour on his sixty-fifth birthday. Edited by A.Furumark, S.Lagercrantz, I.Ruong a.o.
154689: Campbell, Douglas H. - The structure and development of modern ferns (Archegoniatae).
150402: Campbell, Tony. - Hoogtepunten uit de wereld van de cartografie. Oude kaarten en hun makers.
146362: Campbell, Malcolm. - Speed through the ages. The story of its significance in nature and of its development by mankind.
127230: Campbell, Archibald. - A voyage round the world from 1806 to 1812; in which Japan, Kamschatka, the Aleutian Islands, and the Sandwich Islands, were visited.
108361: Campbell, David G. - Islands in space and time.
8703: Campe, J.H. - Die Entdeckung von Amerika. Ein Unterhaltungsbuch für Kinder und junge Leute. 19. Aufl.
293015: Campell, N.J.M. - Warship vols. I-X.
63115: Campen, Pieter Van. - Gronden der trigonometrische doorzigtkunde, op de duidelijkste wijze voorgesteld.
44596: Campen, Jacob van. - Afbeelding van 't Stadt Huys van Amsterdam.
107495: CAMPEN, JACOB VAN. Huisken, Jacobine, Koen Ottenheym & Gary Schwartz. (eds). - Jacob van Campen. Het klassieke ideaal in de gouden eeuw.
264717: Campen, J.van. - Omgevingskwaliteit en ruimte.
310468: Campen, Ferdinand A.W. van. - Ontleedkundig onderzoek van den Potto van Bosman, door F.A.W. Van Campen [...] Uit zijne nagelaten aanteekeningen bijeengebragt door J[an] van der Hoeven. Uitgegeven door de Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschap.
95808: CAMPEN, JACOB VAN. Swillens, P.T.A. - Jacob van Campen. Schilder en bouwmeester 1595-1657.
20944: Campen, Gebrs.Van. - Sanitaire inrichtingen.
116159: CAMPEN, JACOB VAN. Swillens, P.T.A. - Jacob van Campen. Schilder en bouwmeester 1595-1657.
301666: Campfens, Evelien. (ed.) - Fair and just solutions? Alternatives to litigation in Nazi-looted art disputes: status quo and new developments.
213109: Camphor, Alexander Priestley. - Missionary story sketches folk-lore from Africa.
139467: Camphuis-Haakman, C.Y.A. - De glascollectie van het waterschap IJsselmonde. Nederlands gegraveerd glas uit de 18e, 19e en 20e eeuw.
159781: CAMPHUYSEN, RAFAEL G. Bachmann, Fredo. - Der Landschaftsmaler Rafael Govertsz. Camphuysen.
289233: CAMPI, GIULIO, ANTONIO CAMPI & VINCENZO CAMPI. Klerck, Bram de. - Giulio, Antonio & Vincenzo Campi. Schilderkunst en devotie in het zestiende-eeuwse Lombardije 1565-1591.
264150: CAMPI, MARIO. Möllfors, Karin (Hrsg.). - Mario Campi. Architekturen und Entwürfe. Architectures and architectural designs.
259131: CAMPI, VICENZO. Paliaga, Franco & Klerck. - Vincenzo Campi.
252267: CAMPI, GIULIO, ANTONIO CAMPI & VINCENZO CAMPI. Klerck, Bram de. - The brothers Campi. Images and Devotion. Religious Painting in 16th Century Lombardy.
77933: CAMPI, GIULIO. Godi, Giovanni & G.Girillo. - Studi su Giulio Campi.
136124: CAMPI, MARIO & FRANCO PESSINA. Feireiss, Kristin. - Mario Campi Franco Pessina. Bauten und Projekte / Buildings and Projects 1962-1994.
170119: CAMPIN, ROBERT. Châtelet, Albert. - Robert Campin. De Meester van Flémalle.
49567: Campini, Dino. - Giunta Pisano Capitini e le croci dipinte Romaniche.
281972: Campini, Dino. - Storia Universale della Ceramica. Vol. 1.
169009: Campioni, Giuliana a.o. - Il ritorno di Pan. Richerche e progetti per il futoro di Pratolino.
244982: Campo, Anna Laetitia a. - Anthropomorphic representations in prehistoric Cyprus: A formal and symbolic analysis of figurines, C. 3500-1800 B.C.
188557: Campo, J.N.F.M.à. - Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Stoomvaart en staatsvorming in de Indonesische archipel 1888-1914.
15067: Camporeale, Giovannangelo. - La tomba del Duce.
141636: Camporeale, Giovannangelo. - I commerci di Vetulonia in età orientalizzante.
141540: Camporeale, Giovannangelo. - La collezione Alla Querce. Materiali archeologici orvietani.
141537: Camporeale, Giovannangelo. - Buccheri a cilindretto di fabbrica orvietana.
300523: Campos, Correia de. - Mitos e Contos do Timor Português. [1st edition].
221511: Camps, H.P.H. - De stadsrechten van Graaf Willem II van Holland en hun verhouding tot het recht van 's -Hertogenbosch. (Diss.)
279139: Camps, H.P.H. - Oorkondenboek van Noord-Brabant tot 1312. Deel I: De Meierij van 's-Hertogenbosch (met de Heerlijkheid Gemert).
119038: Campus, Lucrezia. - Ceramica Attica a figure nere. Piccoli vasi e vasi plastici.
291719: Camus, E.G. - Iconographie des orchidées d'Europe et du bassin Méditerranéen. Explication des Planches.
284332: Camus, Philippe & E.Rosenow. - Drug-induced and latrogenic Respiratory Disease.
263140: Camus, É.le. - Voyage aux sept Églises de l'Apocalypse.
253687: CAMUSSO, FRANCESCO. - Camusso. Scalatore di Vette.
253686: CAMUSSO, FRANCESCO. Maggioli, Umberto. - Camusso.
249770: Can, Ali (edit.). - Ephesus in old postcards.
87992: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum - Canada. - Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto : Attic black figure and related wares. By J.W. Hayes.
39648: CANALETTO. Pallucchini, Rodolfo & G.F.Guarnati. - Les eaux-fortes de Canaletto.
237505: Canali, Luca & Guglielmo Cavallo. - Graffiti latini scrivere sui muri a Roma antica.
69696: Canarache, V. - Masken und Tanagra-figuren aus Werkstätten von Callatis Mangalia. [On the frontcover: Pontus-Euxinus ....].
253529: Canavero, Sergio. - Textbook of Therapeutic Cortical Stimulation.
309401: Canby, Jeanny Vorys. - The Ur-nammu Stela. [First edition].
292733: Cancik, Hubert. - Verse und Sachen. Kulturwissenschaftliche Interpretationen römischer Dichtung.
164132: Candolle, - Mémoires sur la famille des légumineuses. With bibliographical notes.
244455: Candt, Carolin De & B.Kerkhof. - Blauwdruk België. De architecten van onze landgrenzen.
270591: Candusso, Massimo. - Hygrophorus s.l.
270479: Candusso, M & G.Lanzoni. - Lepiota s.l.
197: Cane, Percy S. - Modern gardens. British & Foreign.
299921: Canellas-Lopez, Angel & San Vicente Angel. - Aragon Roman.
301825: Canepa, Teresa [= Maria Teresa Llorens Planella]. - Silk, porcelain and lacquer. China and Japan and their trade with Western Europe and the New World 1500-1644. A survey of documentary and material evidence. [Diss.].
215552: Caner, Ertugrul. - Bronzene Votivbleche von Giyimli.
56909: Canestrini, G. & P.Kramer. - Demodicidae und Sarcoptidae.
289741: Canestrini, Giovanni. - La favolosa Targa Florio.
39919: Canestrini, G. & P.Kramer. - Demodicidae und Sarcoptidae.
290962: Canestrini, Giovanni. - Storia illustrata dell'auto Italiana. Dalle origini al 1918.
290963: Canestrini, Giovanni. - Storia illustrata dell'auto Italiana. Dal 1919 al 1940.
290959: Canestrini, Giovanni. - Storia illustrata dell'auto Italiana. Dalle origini al 1918.
306233: Canestrini, Giovanni. - Mille Miglia.
247487: Canetti, Elias. - Het pantheon van vergeten dingen. Aantekeningen uit Hampstead 1954-1971. Vertaald door W. Hansen.
266597: Canetti, Elias. - Het martyrium. Vertaald en bezorgd door Jacques Hameling. 7e dr.
264588: Canetti, Elias. - De behouden tong. Geschiedenis van een jeugd. Vertaald door Theodor Duquesnoy. 6e dr.
308941: Canetti, Elias. - De behouden tong. Geschiedenis van een jeugd. Vertaald door Theodor Duquesnoy.
257988: Canetti, Elias. - Slotsom. Aantekeningen 1992-1993.
257987: Canetti, Elias. - Het geheime hart van het uurwerk. Aantekeningen 1973-1985. Vertaald door Theodor Duquesnoy.
231232: CANETTI, ELIAS. Hanuschek, Sven. - Elias Canetti. De biografie.
289133: Canina, Luigi. - Esposizione storica e topografica del foro Romano e sue Adiacenze. Edi. Secondia.
254267: CANNING, GEORGE. Stapleton, Augustus Gr. - The political life of the right honourable George Canning, from his acceptance of the Seals of the foreign Department, in September, 1822 to the period of his death in august, 1827 [...] 2nd edition.
298928: Cannuyer, Christian. - La mer, les ports, les marins dans les civilisations orientales.
259506: CANONICA, LUIGI. Tedeschi, Letizia & Fr.Repishti. - Luigi Canonica. Architetto di utilità pubblica e privata.
295133: Canonne, Xavier. - Surrealism in Belgium 1924-2000.
305164: CANOVA, ANTONIO. Ost, Hans. - Ein Skizzenbuch Antonio Canovas (1796 - 1799) Einführung und Katalog von Hans Ost.
267503: Canova, Maria. - Vetri, cammei e pietre incise.
258323: CANOVA, ANTONIO. Myssok, Johannes. - Antonio Canova. Die Erneuerung der klassischen Mythen in der Kunst um 1800.
168919: CANOVA, ANTONIO. Bassi, Elena. - I disegni di Antonio Canova. Il Museo Civico do Bassano.
92928: Cánovas, Dolores Gómez-Tejedor. - La Catedral de Badajoz.
224629: Canovas, Frédéric R. - Narratologie du récit de rêve dans la prose francaise de Charles Nodier à Julien Gracq.
305891: Cantalicio, Giambattista V. - Spectacula Lucretiana. Biblioteca Borja.
306883: Cantatore, F., a.o. (eds). - Metafore di un pontificato Giulio II (1503-1513).
303936: Cantel, Joseph [Cantelio, Petro Josepho]. - De romana republica, sive de re militari & civili romanorum, ad explicandos scriptores antiquos.
29169: Cantelli, Giuseppe. - Il mobile Umbro.
55845: Canter Cremers-van der Does, Eline. - Van schoenen en schoenmakers. 2nd edit.
246610: Canter Cremers-van der Does, Eline. - Mode tekenen. Costuumontwerpen.
43576: Cantino, Gisella W. - Problemi di architettura ed arti figurative del IV secolo d.c. Lezioni di archeologia christiana.
153022: Cantlie, Audrey. - The Assamese. Religion, caste and sect in an Indian village.
237082: Canton Advertising & Commission Agency, The. - Canton. Its ports, industries & trade.
83323: Canton, Francisco J.S. - San Francisco de Asis en la escultura Espagnola.
259599: Cantone, Gaetana. - Napoli barocca.
24653: Cantoni, Angelo. - La Villa Lante di Bagnaia.
236896: CANTRÉ, JOZEF. Moens, Wies. - Opgangen.
236322: CANTRÉ, JOZEF. Cornelissens, A.F. - Levensverlokkingen.
222741: CANTRÉ, JAN-FRANS. Philippen, Jos & Frank van den Wijngaert. - Jan-Frans Cantré. Vlaamsch Houtsnijder.
220743: CANTRÉ, JOZEF. Greshoff, J. - Josef Cantré. Houtsnijder.
118407: Cantzler, Christina. - Bildteppich der Spätgotik am Mittelrhein, 1400-1550.
62631: Canu, Ferdinand & R.S.Bassler. - Bryozoa of the Philippine region.
164297: Canu, Gaston. - Contes Mossi actuels. Étude ethno-linguistique.
215010: CANUTI, DOMENICO M. Stagni, Simonetta. - Domenico Maria Canuti. Painter (1626-1684). General Catalogue / Pittore (1626-1684). Catalogo generale.
171452: Canzano, Eugenio C.di. - Le Procuratie Vecchie in Piazza San Marco.
202498: CAPA, ROBERT. Catalogus 1962. - Mensen in de oorlog. Foto's van Robert Capa.
274174: CAPABLANCA, J.R. Euwe, Max. - Schaken. Leerboek voor beginnende en gevorderde spelers.
280424: Capacci, Bruno. - Les Tréteaux de Diadora.
251467: Capanni, Aldo & Fr.Cervellati. - Dal Velocipedismo a Gino Bartali. Storia del ciclismo in provincia di Firenze dal XIX secolo al 1931. Anedotti e aspetto particolari della carriera di Ginettaccio.
251193: Capanni, Aldo & Fr.Cervellati. - Gli Anni d'oro del Ciclismo Pratese.
83539: Capart, Jean. - Propos sur l'art Égyptien.
28254: Capart, Jean & M. Werbrouck. - Memphis à l'ombre des pyramides.
280097: Capart, Jean. - Chambre funéraire de la sixième dynastie aux Musées Royaux du Cinquantenaire.
275056: Capart, Jean. - L'Art égyptien. Choix de documents. I-III.
274678: Capart, Jean. - Chambre funéraire de la sixième dynastie aux Musées Royaux du Cinquantenaire.
271830: Capart, Jean. - Une sagesse égyptienne d'apre`s le livre récent d'Aksel Volten.
247276: Capart, Jean. - Memphis à l'Ombre des Pyramides.
232714: Capart, Jean & M. Werbrouck. - Thebes. The Glory of a Great Past.
20742: Capart, Jean. - Thèbes. La gloire d'un grand passé.
206008: Capart, Jean. - L'Art égyptien. Études et histoire. Tome I: Introduction générale Ancien & Moyen Empires.
206007: Capart, Jean. - L'Art égyptien. Choix de documents. I-III.
192970: Capart, Jean. - Documents pour servir à l'étude de l'art Egyptien. Vol. I.
174724: Capart, Jean. - Lectures on Egyptian art.
16099: Capart, Jean. - Chambre funéraire de la sixième dynastie aux Musées Royaux du Cinquantenaire.
66583: Capart, Jean. - l'Art Égyptien. Tome II: La Statuaire.
162685: CAPE, JONATHAN Howard, Michael S. - Jonathan Cape, publisher.
254838: Capecchi, Giacomo. - G.S. Bottegone. 60 anni di vittorie. Patrocinio della Circoscrizione N. 2 Comune di Pistoia.
277492: Capel, , H.W., a.o. - Chance and Uncertainty. Their role in various disciplines.
223715: CAPELLA, MARTIANUS. SWtahl, William Harris. - Martianus Capella and the Seven Libreral Arts. Vol. I: The Quadrivium of Martianus Capella. Latin traditions in the Mathematical Sciences 50 B.C. - A.D. 1250. With a study of the Allegory and the Verbal Disciplines.
1250: CAPELLA, FRANCESCO. Ruggeri, Ugo. - Francesco Capella detto Daggiù. Dipinti e disegni.
213358: Capellen, Jürg Meyer zur. - Gentile Bellini.
104169: Capellen, Robert J.v.d. - Gedenkschriften van jonkheer Alexander van der Capellen, Heere van Aartsbergen, Boedelhoff, en Merevelt, Beschreven in de Ridderschap der Graafschap Zutphen enz...... Beginnende met den jaare 1621, en gaande tot 1632. Eerste deel.
280351: Capelleveen, Paul van. - Artists & others. The imaginative French book in the 21st century. Koopman Collection, National Library of the Netherlands.
246065: Capelleveen, Paul van, a.o. - Het ideale boek. Honderd jaar private press in Nederland, 1910-2010.
212038: Capellini, Giovanni. - Relazione di un viaggio scientifico fatto nel 1863 nell'America Settentrionale.
284351: Capern, Amanda. - The Historical Study of Woman. England, 1500-1700.
262639: CAPÉTIENS. Joannis, J.D. & Saint-Jouan. - Les seize Quartiers généalogiques des Capétiens.
303498: CAPITAN, LOUIS. [Collection]. Auction catalogue 1930. - Arts précolombiens. Amérique du nord, Mexique, Amérique centrale, Antilles, Pérou, etc. Pierres sculptées, poteries, fétiches en argent et en bronze, bois sculptés, étoffes, etc. Importante bibliothe`que sur les arts pre´colombiens et sur la pre´histoire. Dont la vente aux enchères publiques aura lieu Hotel Drouot, salle no 8, les lundi 24, mardi 25, mercredi 26 et vendredi 28 mars 1930.
264692: Capitani, O., a.o. - Il Caucaso: Cerniera fra culture dal Meditterraneo all Persia (Secoli IV-XI).
260586: Capitel, Antón a.o. - Architectuurgids Spanje 1920-2000.
300548: Caplan, Ann Patricia. - Choice and constraint in a Swahili community. Property, hierarchy and cognatic descent on the East African coast.
69014: Capone, P.Daniele. - La chiesa di S.Maria la Nova. Il soffito.
296088: Capot-Rey, Robert. - L'Afrique blanche Française . Tome second: Le Sahara Francais.
215312: Capozza, Maria. - Movimenti servili nel mondo Romano in età Republicana. I: Dal 501 al 184 a. Chr.
298468: Capp, Bernard. - English Almanacs 1500-1800. Astrology and the Popular Press.
276836: Cappa, Giuseppe. - L'Europe de l'art verrier: Des précurseurs de l'art nouveau à l'art actuel, 1850-1990.
214461: Cappa, Giuseppe. Catalogus 1983. - 100 jaar Europese Glaskunst. Van Art Nouveau tot hedendaagse kunst.
168976: Cappa, Giuseppe. - Le génie verrier de l'Europe. Témoignages de l'historicisme à la modernité (1840-1998). 2nd edition.
268010: Cappe, Jeanne. - Contes blues livres roses. Essai sur la littérature enfantine.
304950: Cappel, Herbert. - Bilder von der Wuppertaler Schwebebahn - 85 Jahre Schwebebahn.
63869: CAPPELLE, JAN VAN DE. Russell, Margarita. - Jan van de Capelle 1624/6-1679.
266408: Cappelletti, F., a.o. - Der antike Mythos und Europa. Texte und Bilder vond der Antike bis ins 20. Jahrhundert.
62715: CAPPIELLO, L. Viénot, Jacques. - L. Cappiello sa vie et son oeuvre. Préface de Jean Cocteau.
247654: Cappon, C.M. - De Opkomst van het Testament in het Sticht Utrecht. Een studie op grond van Utrechtse rechtsbronnen van het begin van de achste tot het midden van de veertiende eeuw.
182310: Capri, Paola Poli. - Scavi di Pompei. Giornale dei Soprastanti. Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 1861.
182309: Capri, Paolo Poli. - Giornale degli Scavi di Pompei 23 Marzo 1748 - 30 Dicembre 1758.
182307: Capri, Paola Poli. - Pompeii. More letters and documents. Febr. 10, 1861 - Dec. 18, 1863.
182305: Capri, Paola Poli. - I Tesori di Boscoreale. (Lettere e documenti). 18/11/1876 - Gennaio 1911.
292023: Caprio, Ninina Cuomo di. - La Galleria dei Falsi. Dal vasio al mercato di antiquariato.
99885: Caprio, Ninina C.di. - Fornaci e officine da Vasaio Tardo-Ellenistiche.
302908: CAPRON, ROGER. Harsch, Reinhold. - Roger Capron. Oeuvres céramiques
158662: Capuse, I. - Fam. Tineidae.
52128: Caputo, Giacomo. - Tunisia. Mosaici pavimentali antichi.
309780: Caputo, John D. - In search of radical theology. Expositions, explorations, exhortations.
215565: Caputo, Giacomo. - Lo scultore del grande Basorilievo con la danza delle Menadi in Tolemaide di Cirenaica.
162563: Caputo, K.Z. (ed.). - Blind Spot. Premier issue [no. I].
307376: Caraffa, Costanza. - Photo Archives and the Photographic Memory of Art History.
34081: Carandente, Giovanni. - I trionfi nel primo Rinascimento.
237533: Carandini, Andrea. - Le case del potere nell'anitica Roma.
290417: Carapanos, Constantin. - Dodone et ses Ruines.
217956: Carapanos, Constantin. - Dodone et ses Ruines.
272679: Carasso-Kok, Marijke (ed.). - Geschiedenis van Amsterdam. Deel II-2: Zelfbewuste stadstaat. 1650 - 1813.
271896: Carasso-Kok, Marijke (ed.). - Geschiedenis van Amsterdam. Deel II-1: Centrum van de wereld. 1578 - 1650.
307088: Carasso-Kok, Marijke (ed.). - Geschiedenis van Amsterdam. Deel II-2: Zelfbewuste stadstaat. 1650 - 1813.
282445: Carasso-Kok, Marijke (ed.). - Geschiedenis van Amsterdam. Deel I: Een stad uit het niets. Tot 1578.
259592: Carasso, D.G., e.a. - Abcoude en Baambrugge 900 jaar. Uit de historie van twee dorpen.
231313: Carasso-Kok, Marijke (ed.). - Geschiedenis van Amsterdam. Deel IV: Tweestrijd om de hoofdstad 1900-2000.
224440: Carasso-Kok, Marijke (ed.). - Een Curieus Werck. Oorlog en vrede verbeeld in een zeventiende-eeuwse maquette.
162644: Carasso-Kok, Marijke & J.Levy-van Halm. - Schutters in Holland. Kracht en zenuwen van de stad.
251435: Carasso-Kok, Marijke (ed.). - Geschiedenis van Amsterdam. Deel IV: Tweestrijd om de hoofdstad 1900-2000.
244837: Carasso-Kok, Marijke (ed.). - Geschiedenis van Amsterdam. Deel II-1: Centrum van de wereld. 1578 - 1650.
270998: Carasso-Kok, Marijke (ed.). - Geschiedenis van Amsterdam. Deel I - IV.
256390: Caravaggi, Roberti. - Saint Francis. Artistic Testimony Evangelistical Message.
45535: CARAVAGGIO. Spear, Richard. - Caravaggio and his followers.
300647: CARAVAGGIO. Rossella Vodret, Rosella & Yusuke Kawase. (editors in chief). - Caravaggio and his time: friends, rivals and enemies. 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Italy.
303128: CARAVAGGIO. Ebert, Bernd & Liesbeth M. Helmus. - Utrecht, Caravaggio en Europa.
282758: CARAVAGGIO. Squarzina, Silvia Danesi. - Caravaggio e i Giustiani. Toccar con mano une collezione del Seicento.
307847: CARAVAGGIO. Labarbe, Marc. (introd.). - Auction of an exceptional painting by Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio (Milan 1571-Porto Ercole 1610): Judith and Holofernes.
241208: CARAVAGGIO. Savio, Rossella. (ed.). - L'ultimo Caravaggio. Il Martirio di Sant'Orsola restaurato. Collezione Banca Intesa.
241075: CARAVAGGIO. Treffers, Bert. - Caravaggio nel sangue del Battista.
77945: CARAVAGGIO. Witting, Felix. - Michelangelo da Caravaggio. Eine kunsthistorische Studie.
144389: CARAVAGGIO. Schneider, Arthur von. - Caravaggio und die Niederländer. 2. Aufl.
309670: Carazzetti, Riccardo. - Vetri Romani del Cantone Ticino.
310639: Carbajal, Lino D[elvalle]. - La Patagonia. Studi generali. Serie I - IV. [Complete set of 4 parts]. [First edition].
276314: Carboni, Stefano. - Glass from Islamic Lands.
276228: Carboni, Stafano. - Mamluk Enamelled and Gilded Glass in the Museum of Islamic Art, Qatar.
267504: Carboni, Stefano. - Glass from Islamic Lands.
254874: Carcano, Madeleine. - Lieux d'Être 17: Paris - Roubaix.
196700: Carcasson. - African Butterflies. An annotated catalogue of the Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea of the Afrotropical Region.
237797: Carcia y Garcia, Laurentino. - Alunni maestri e scuole a Pompei. L'infanzia, la giovinezza e la cultura in epoca romana.
31902: Carcopino, J. a.o. - Études d'archéologie Romaine.
84931: Card, Fred W. - Bush-fruits. New & rev.ed.
99689: Card, Fred W. - Bush-fruits. A horticultural monograph of rasperries, blackberries, dewberries, currants, gooseberries, and other shrub-like fruits.
303296: Cardale de Schrimpff, Marianne, a.o. - Calima. Trois cultures précolombiennes dans le sud-ouest de la Colombie.
238729: CARDANO, GIROLAMO. Siraisi, Nancy G. - The Clock and the Mirror. Girolamo Cardano and Renaissance Medicine.
248433: Cardi, Beatrice De. - Archaeological surveys in Baluchistan, 1948 and 1957.
303200: Cardinal, Catherine, a.o. - Der Mensch und die Zeit in der Schweiz 1291 - 1991. [Title on front cover: L'Homme et le Temps en Suisse 1291-1991].
209219: Cardinal, Catherine. - Die Zeit an der Kette. Geschichte, Technik und Gehäuseschmuck der tragbaren Uhren vom 15. bis 19. Jahrhundert.
149541: Cardinall, A.W. - The natives of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast. Their customs, religion and folklore.
170035: Cardini, F. - Dictionnaire d'Hippiatrique et d'Équitation.
303591: Cardon, Thibault. (ed.) - The journal of archaeological numismatics. Volume 10 (2020).
136906: Cardon, Bert, a.o. - Typologische Taferelen uit het leven van Jezus. / [Typological scenes from the life of Jesus]. A manuscript from the Gold Scrolls Group (Bruges, ca 1440) in the Piermont Morgan Library, New York, Ms. Morgan 649.
46280: Carducci, Carlo. - Bijoux et orfèvrerie antiques.
189313: Cardwell, Edward. - Synodalia. A collection of articles of religion, canons, and proceedings of convocations in the Province of Canterbury from the year 1547 to the year 1717.
293092: Carelli, Dawn. - I Tatti Studies. Essays in the Renaissance. Vol. 12, 2009.
228511: Carey, William. - Travel and adventure in Tibet : including the diary of Miss Annie R. Taylor's remarkable journey from Tau-chau to Ta-chien-Lu through the heart of the Forbidden Land.
307684: CAREY, ARTHUR DOUGLAS, WALTER S. DALGLEISH & NIKOLAY M. PRZHEVALSKY. Morgan, E. Delmar. - Journey of Carey and Dalgleish in chinese Turkistan and Northern Tibet (Mr Dalgleish's itinerary), and General Prejevalsky on the orography of Northern Tibet.
241955: Cargill, Jack. - Athenian settlements of the fourth century B.C.
217442: CARINO, MARCO AURELIO. Felletti Maj, Bianca M. - Iconografia Romana Imperiale da Severo Alessandro A.M. Aurelio Carino (222-285 d.C.).
249970: Carito, Giacomo & S.Barone. - Brindisi christiana dalle origini ai normanni.
35342: Carle, Rainer. - Opera Batak. Das Wandertheater der Toba-Batak in Nord-Sumatra. Schauspiele zur Wahrung kultureller Indentität im nationalen indonesischen Kontext.
303374: Carle, Donald De. - Complicated watches and their repair.
199273: Carle, Donald De. - Practical watch repairing. 3rd ed.
163845: Carle, Donald De. - With the watchmaker at the bench. 4th ed.
109463: Carle, Donald De. - Practical clock repairing.
242456: Carles-Tolrá, Miguel; a.o. - Catálogo de los Diptera de Espana, Portugal y Andorra (Insecta).
305740: Carleson, Axel. - S 31 Spitfire Mk XIX. I den svenska Flygspaningen.
30601: Carli, Enzo. - La scultura Lignea Italiana dal XII al XVI secolo.
186273: Carli, Enzo. - Il Duomo di Siena.
127291: Carli, Enzo. - Peinza. La città di Pio II.
285208: Carlier de Lantsheere, A. - Trésor de l'árt Dentellier. Répertoire des Dentelles à la main de tous les pays, depuis leur origine jusqu´à nos jours.
150406: Carlier de Lantsheere, A. Carlier de Lantsheere, A. - Trésor de l'art Dentellier. Répertoire des Dentelles à la main de tous les pays, depuis leur origine jusqu'à nos jours.
241204: CARLINI, ARMANDO. [Festschrift]. Galli, Gallo. - Sul pensiero di A. Carlini. Ed altri studi. Da Talete al Menone di Platone. Il problema di Cartesio. Per la fondazione di un vero e concreto immanentismo. 2a edizione.
231430: Carlleyle, A.C.L. - Report of a tour in Eastern Rajputana in 1871-72 and 1872-73.
230087: Carlleyle, A.C.L. - Report of tours in the Central Doab and Gorakhpur in 1874-75 and 1875-76.
229629: Carlleyle, A.C.L. - Report of tours in Gorakhpur, Saran, and Ghazipur in 1877-78-79 and 80.
229628: Carlleyle, A.C.L. - Report of a tour in the Gorakhpur District in 1875-76 and 1876-77.
279089: Carlo, Poldine. - Nulato. an Indian Life on the Yukon.
275942: Moberg Carlo E.L. - Heart and Love in provencal and middle high German love lyrics.
240788: Carlo, Elisabetta Dal. - Le porcellane dell'ambasciatore.
278923: Carlson, William S. - Greenland lies north. [1st ed.].
278668: Carlson, William S. - Greenland lies North. [3rd ed.].
124734: Carlson, Raymond. (ed.). - The flowering cactus. An informative guide.
39381: Carlsson, Gunnar. - Studies on Scandinavian Black Flies (Fam.Simuliidae Latr.). (Diss.)
273331: Carlsson, Anni. - Die Deutsche Buchkritik von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart.
220627: Carlsson, Gunnar. - Eine Denkschrift an Caesar über den Staat. Historisch-philologisch untersucht.
99898: Carlsson, Ingemar. - Frihetstidens handskrivna politiska litteratur. En bibliografi.
256129: Carlyle, Thomas. - Thomas Carlyles's works. The Ashburton Edition.
284276: CARMIGGELT, S. Leijdekkers, Adri, e.a. - Speciaal voor ons / Carmiggelt.
283306: Carmiggelt, S. (onder pseud. Karel Bralleput). - Het jammerhout. Raillerende rijmen. 5e druk.
238171: Carmiggelt, Arnold. - Opgespoord verleden. Archeologie in de Betuweroute.
231076: Carmiggelt, S. - Enige Galante Herinneringen.
200929: Carmiggelt, S. - Amsterdam. Foto's Ed van Wijk.
186928: Carmiggelt, S. - Een Schuldgevoel.
186925: Carmiggelt, S. - De Duif.
178533: CARMIGGELT, S. Heeneman, Christiaan. - Beste mensen! Zoiets?
139717: Carmiggelt, S. & R.Kuipers. - Twin set.
295492: Carmin, Noga. (ed.). - Christians and Christianity. Volume IV: Churches and monasteries in Judea.
71357: Carnat, Germain. - Das Hufeisen in seiner Bedeutung für Kultur und Zivilisation.
308900: Carne, John. - La Syrie, la terre sainte, l'asie mineure. Une série de vues dessinées d'aprés nature, par W.H. Bartlett, William Purser, &c. Les explications des gravures par John Carne, [...]. Traduit de l'anglais par Alexandre Sosson, [...]. Première. / [Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, &c., illustrated. In a series of views drawn from nature by W. H. Bartlett, William Purser, &c. With descriptions of the plates by John Carne, [...]. First].
310046: Carofano, Pierluigi. (ed.). - Il giuoco al tempo di Caravaggio. Dipinti giochi, testimonianze dalla fine del '500 ai primi del '700.
310085: Carofano, Pierluigi. - Fantastiche vedute. La pittura di capriccio in Toscana dal Ciafferi ai Poli.
106369: CAROLI, GIÒ. - Giò Caroli, 1977-1978, I gioielli.
149713: CARON, ANTOINE. Ehrman, Jean. - Antoine Caron. Peintre a la Cour des Valois 1521-1599.
526: CARPACCIO, VITTORE. Zampetti, Pietro. - Vittore Carpaccio.
306541: Carpenter, Rhys. - The sculpture of the Nike temple Parapet. [First edition].
263053: Carpenter, Christopher R. - Geriatric Emergency Medicine.
218566: Carpenter, Nathanael. - Geography delineated forth in two books.
199527: Carpenter, Edward. - From Adam's Peak to Elephanta. New revised edition.
116736: Carpenter, C.R. - Naturalistic behavior of nonhuman primates.
106600: Carpenter, Rhys & A.Bon. - The defenses of Acrocorinth and the lower town.
308126: CARPI, GIROLAMA DA. Canedy, Norman W. - The Roman sketchbook of Girolamo da Carpi.
207391: Carpinteri, Andrea a.o. - Biaxial / Multiaxial fatigue and fracture.
299431: Carpo, Mario. - Architecture in the Age of Printing. Orality, Writing, typography, and Printed Images in the History of Architectural Theory.
242332: Carqué, Bernd & H.Röckelein. - Das Hochaltarretabel der St. Jacobi-Kirche in Göttingen.
171514: Carr, Archie. - Handbook of turtles. The turtles of the United States, Canada, and Baja California.
247534: Carr, Archie F. - Outline for a classsification of animal habitats in Honduras.
233106: CARR, TOM. Catalogue 1987. - Tom Carr.
217558: Carr, J.D. - Combretaceae in southern Africa.
199539: Carr, M.W. (Edit.). - The Seven Pagodas on the Coromandel Coast.
169379: Carr, N.G. - The biology of Blue-Green Algae.
240905: CARRA, CARLO. Carrà, Massimo. - Carlo Carrà dall'avanguardia al mito.
300543: CARRACCI, ANNIBALE. Boschloo, A.W.A. - Annibale Carracci in Bologna. Visible reality in art after the council of trent. (Diss.)
290612: CARRACCI, ANNIBALE. Tietze, Hans. - Annibale Carraccis Galerie im Palazzo Farnese und seine römische Werkstätte.
118734: CARRACCI, ANNIBALE. Reckermann, Alfons. - Amor Mutuus. Annibale Carraccis Galleria-Farnese-Fresken und das Bild-Denken der Renaissance.
304858: Carragain, Éamonn Ó. & Carol Neuman de Vegvar. (eds). - Roma Felix - Formation and reflections of Medieval Rome.
223881: Carratelli, Giovanni Pugliese. - L'Evo antico.
268845: Carré, A & K.L.Mittal. - Surface and Interfacial Aspects of Cell Adhesion.
249514: CARRE DE CHAMBON, BARTHELEMY. Fawcett, Charles G.H. (ed.). - The travels of the Abbé Carré in India and the Near East, 1672-1674. Tranlated from the manuscript by Lady [M.E.]. Fawcett.
156484: Carreira, António. - Mandingas da Guiné Portuguesa.
128936: Carreira, António. - Panaria. Cabo-verdino-Guineense. Aspectos históricos e sócio-económicos.
175452: CARRENO, JUAN. Barettini Fernández, Je'sus. - Juan Carreno. Pintor de Camara de Carlos II.
284049: Carrera, Elena. - Emotions and Health 1200-1700.
303271: Carrera, R. - Les Heures de l'Amour. Hours of Love. Die Stunden der Liebe.
156727: Carrera, Roland. - Swatchissimo 1987-1997.
223537: Carresi, Alessandro & R.Botti. - Vetulonia. Appunti di storia di una citta' Etrusca.
295460: Carrette, Jeremy. - Religion and critical psychology. Religious experience in the knowledge economy.
288390: CARRIER-BELLEUSE, ALBERT-ERNST. - Decorative Statuetten, allegorische und mythologische Figuren, Amoretten, Bu¨sten, etc. Originalaufnahmen der Terrakotten des Carrier-Belleuse.
225853: Carriere, Moriz. - Hellas und Rom in Religion und Weisheit, Dichtung und Kunst. 2nd rev. edit.
216971: CARRIERE, EUGENE. Faure, Elie. - Eugène Carrière. Peintre et lithographe.
115320: Carrière, Justus. - Die Entwicklungsgeschcichte der Mauerbiene (Chalicodoma muraria, Fabr.) im Ei.
95013: Carrière, Cl. & D.v.d.Werf - Plantengroei op knotwilgen en andere geknotte bomen.
48445: Carrighar, Sally. - In de schemering van de zee. Het leven van een Blauwe Vinvis.
76636: Carriker, M.A. - Carriker on Mallophaga. Postumus papers, catalogue of forms described as new, and bibliography.
184228: Carril, Bonifacio de. - Monumenta Iconographica. Paisajes, Ciudades, Tipos, Usos y Costumbres de la Argentina 1536-1860.
307124: Carrillo-Santarelli, Nicolás. - Direct international human rights obligations of non-state actors: a legal an ethical necessity.
297449: Carroll, Maureen & J.P.Wild. - Dressing the Dead in Classical Antiquity.
191313: Carroll, Jonathan. - From The Teeth of Angels. 1st edition.
173438: Carron, G. & H.Zwendelaar. - Florule des environs de Bruxelles.
297511: Carruthers, Mary & J.M.Ziolkowski. - The Medieval craft of memory. An anthology of texts and pictures.
295401: Carruthers, Peter. - Phenomenal conciousness. A naturalistic theory.
149379: Carson, R.A.G. & C.H.V.Sutherland. - Essays in roman coinage. Presented to Harold Mattingly.
21437: Carspecken, Ferdinand. - Fünfhundert Jahre Kasseler Orgeln. Ein Beitrag zur Kultur- und Kunstgeschichte der Stadt Kassel.
57346: CARSTENS, ASMUS JAKOB. Heine, Albrecht-Friedrich. - Asmus Jakob Carstens und die Entwicklung des Figurenbildes.
242942: Carstens, Pernille & Lemche, Niels Peter. (Edited). - The Reception and Remembrance of Abraham.
286603: Carstensen, Jan &U.Reinke. - Die Zeit vor Augen. Standuhren in Westfalen.
279452: CARSTENSENS, EDWARD. Norregard, Georg. - Guvernor Edward Carstensens Indberetninger fra Guinea 1842-1850.
6912: Carswell, John & C.J.F.Dowsett. - Kütahya tiles and pottery from the Armenian cathedral of St.James, Jerusalem. [Two volumes set].
285917: Cartari, Vincenzo. - Vere e Nove Imagini. Nachsdruck der Ausgabe Venedig 1647.
285916: Cartari, Vincenzo. - Vere e Nove Imagini. Pauda 1645.
221905: Cartault, A. - La Trière Athénienne. Étude d'Archéologie navale.
187593: Cartault, A. - Terres cuites grecques. Photogr. d'après les originaux des collections privées de France et des Musées d'Athènes.
51327: Carter, Alice C. - The English reformed church in Amsterdam in the seventeenth century.
190727: Carter, Howard & Percy E.Newberry. - The tomb of Thoutmôsis IV. With an essay on the king's life and monuments by Gaston Maspero, [...] and a paper on the physical characters of the mummy of Thoutmôsis IV by G. Elliot Smith.
185903: Carter, F.W. & D.Turnock. - Environmental problems of East Central Europe. 2nd edit.
72686: Carter, Joseph Coleman. - The sculpture of the sanctuary of Athena Polias at Priene.
199222: Carthill, Al. - Madampur.
244629: Cartier, Nicole. - Les Orfèvres de Lille. [2 vols.].
280966: CARTIER-BRESSON, HENRI. Catalogue 1970. - En France.
279328: CARTIER-BRESSON, HENRI. Kirstein, Lincoln & B.Newhall. - Photographs by Cartier-Bresson.
272121: CARTIER. - Montres joaillièrs.
262587: CARTIER-BRESSON, HENRI. Sartre, Jean Paul. - D'une Chine à l'autre.
258361: Cartier, Carol Nater. - Zwischen Konvention und Rebellion. Die Handlungsspielräume von Anna Colonna Barberini und Maria Veralli Spada in der papsthöfischen Gesellschaft des 17. Jahrhunderts.
254611: Cartier, Claudine a.o. - Noisiel. La Chocolaterie Menier. Seine-et-Marne.
193880: Cartier, Jean. - Céramique de l'Oise. La collection du musée départemental de l'Oise.
287987: Cartigny, Charles. - Le Carré magique Testament de Saint-Paul.
206929: Acta Cartographica. - Contents and index volumes I-XV (1967/72).
206918: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. XI (1971). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206917: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. VI (1969). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206400: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. IX (1970). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206398: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. XXV (1977). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206397: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. VII (1970). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206396: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. III (1968). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206394: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. XI (1971). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206395: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. II (1968). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206391: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. XXII (1976). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206388: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. XVIII (1974). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206386: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. XXVII (1981). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206385: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. XXIII (1976). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206383: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. VIII (1970). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206382: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. XII (1971). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206299: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. X (1971). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206291: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. XXIV (1976). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206289: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. XV (1972). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206287: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. XXVI (1981). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206288: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. XVI (1973). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
206286: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. V (1969). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
154869: Acta Cartographica. - Vol. IV (1969). A series of monographs and studies on the history of cartography, reprinted from periodicals since 1800.
281241: Cartwright, Ingrid A. - Hoe schilder hoe wilder. Dissolute self-portraits in seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish Art.
127297: Carucci, Arturo & U.Percoraro. - Strutture architettoniche e forme d'arte della Cattedrale di Salerno. I: La Cripta.
302833: Carvalho Dias, João. (ed.). Catalogue 2013-2014. - The Splendour of Cities. The Route of the Tile.
209952: Carvalho e Vasconcellos, Ernesto Julio de. - Relacão de diversos mappas, cartas, plantas e vistas pertencentes a este ministerio. Com algumas notas e noticias.
99107: Carwardine, Mark. - On the trail of the whale.
88902: Cary, Merrit. - Life zone investigations in Wyoming.
261052: Casa, Marco della. - La Monetazione Cantonale Ticinese, 1813-1848.
275334: Casaer, Randall & Chr.Carlier. - Schip vol honden.
272876: Casagrande, Thomas. - Die Volksdeutsche SS-Division Prinz Eugen. Die Banater Schwaben und die National-Sozialistischen Kriegsverbrechen.
296014: CASAL, UGO ALFONS. [Collection]. - Casal Collection inro or medicine boxes. / Kazaru korekushon inro.
232362: Casal, Gabriel S. - T'Boli Art in its socio-cultural context.
304170: Casale, Giuseppe & T.Treu. - Transformations of work. Challenges for the institutions and social actors.
211659: Casalis, Didier. (ed.) - Dictionnaire fondamental de la psychologie.
158235: Casamiquela, Rudolfo M. - Un nuevo panorma etnologico del area Pan-Pampeana y Patagonica adyacente.
277761: Casanova, J. - Mémoires de J.Casanova de Seingalt écrits par lui-méme.
268598: CASANOVA & HERNANDEZ. Richters, Christian. (photogr.) - Casanova + Hernandez. Scale & Perception.
198577: Casanova, Jacques de Seingalt. - Memoires de J.Casanova de Seingalt. Écrits par lui-même.
6514: Casati, Haetano. - Zehn Jahre in Äquatoria und die Rückkehr mit Emin Pascha.
16745: Casati, Haetano. - Zehn Jahre in Äquatoria und die Rückkehr mit Emin Pascha. nach der italienischen Original-Ausgabe ins Deutsche übersetzt von Prof.Dr. K. von Reinhardstöttner.
292646: Casciani, Stefano. - Mobili come architecture. Il disegno della produzione Zanotta.
285346: Casciani, Stefano. - Il design in Italia verso il Terzo Millennio.
265382: Casciato, Maristella. - La Scuola di Amsterdam.
224936: Casciato, Maristella, a.o. - Funzione e senso. Architettura - Casa - Città. Olanda 1870-1940.
268817: Cascio, Elia a.o. - Forme di Aggregazione nel Mondo Romano.
195546: Case, Margaret H. - Govindadeva. A dialogue in stone.
187872: Case, Frederick. - Orchids of the western Great Lakes region. Revised edition.
67640: Case, Frederick. - Orchids of the western Great Lakes region.
269149: CASEBERE, JAMES. - In the second half of the twentieth century.
175456: Casella & Co, C.F. - Thermometers and Manometers. List 687 A.
231422: Casembroot, - De Medusa in de Wateren van Japan, in 1863 in 1864.
281132: Casey, Jane, a.o. - Divine Presence. Arts of India and the Himalayas.
233305: Casey, Mary. a.o. (ed). - Redefining Archaeology: Feminist perspectives.
157079: Casey, Thos.L. - Memoirs on the Coleoptera. III.
146153: Casey, Maie a.o. - Early Melbourne architecture 1840 to 1888.
99986: Cash, Catherine. - The slipper orchids.
296422: Casier, J. - VeBOV - Brochure 6: Diesellomotieven Type 271 (reeks 71).
296421: Casier, J. - VeBOV - Brochure 5: N.M.B.S. - Stoomlokomotieven Type 95/96.
200633: Casier, Edgard. - Origine des Ptychodontes.
143656: Casier, Joseph. - Les orfevres Flamands et leurs poinçon XVe - XVIIIe siècles. Reproduction des plaques originales conservées au Musée d'Archéologie de Gand.
237230: Casius, Gerard & Th. Postma. - 40 jaar luchtvaart in Indie.
168180: Caskey, Miriam E. - The Temple at Ayia Irini. The Statues. With the collaboration of J. L. Caskey and with contributions by St. Bouzaki and Y. Maniatis.
141821: Caskey, L.D. - Catalogue of Greek and Roman sculpture.
127772: Caskey, L.D. - Geometry of Greek vases. Attic vases in the Museum of Fine Arts analysed according to the principles of proportion discovered by Jay Hambidge.
303019: Caso, Alfonso. - El Tesoro de Monte Alban.
278090: Caso, Eduardo D. - Les Orientalistes de l'École espagnole.
236538: Caso, Olindo. - The City, the Elderly and Telematics. Design aspects of telematics applications in a residental neughbourhood.
136984: Casparek, Gustav a.o. - Von der Leidenschaft des Pfeiferauchens. Das neue Tabakskollegium.
227145: Caspari, C.P. - Ungedruckte, unbeachtete und wenig beachtete Quellen zur Geschichte des Taufsymbols und der Glaubensregel.
213723: Caspari, Wilhelm. - Tronbesteigungen und Tronfolge der israelitischen Könige.
167627: CASPEL, JOHANN GEORG VAN. Dam, Peter van (ed.). - Johann Georg van Caspel. Affichekunstenaar (1870-1928).
254678: Caspers, Thijs & V.Bakker. - Handboek. Gids van de natuurgebieden in Noord-Brabant. Brabants Landschap.
228562: CASSANDRE, A.M. Dam, P.van. & P. van Praag. - A. M. Cassandre en zijn Nederlandse opdrachtgevers 1927 - 1931. Catalogue raisonné.
170768: Cassandro, Michele. - Il Libro Giallo di Ginevra della compagnia Florentina di antonio della Casa e simone Guadagni 1453-1454.
223869: Cassano, Raffaella. - Principi imperatori Vescovi. Duemile anni di storia a Canosa.
296938: CASSATT, MARY. Mathews, Nancy Mowll, a.o. - Mary Cassatt. An American impressionist in Paris.
91730: Casserley, H.C. & L.L.Asher. - Locomotives of British Railways. A pictural record.
199566: Casserly, Gordon. - Life in an outpost.
259195: Cassetti, Robeto & G.Spagnesi. - Roma contemporanea. Storia e progetto.
252059: Cassetti, Roberto. - Roma e Lazio 1870-1945. La construzione della capitale e della sua regione.
159410: Cassi Ramelli, Antonio. - Edifici per gli Spettacoli. Seconda edit.
136016: Cassi Ramelli, Antonio. - Curiosità del duomo di Milano.
307546: CASSIERS, HENRI. - La Hollande Pittoresque. 12 Aquarelles Facsimile.
293724: Cassini, Samuele. - Opus quod liber ysagogicus inscribitur, quia ad doctrinam Scoti, & ad Aristotelica logicalia mirabiliter introductorius : buius utilitas agnoscitur, si beneuolus accedas, studeasq[ue] diligenter, nam eius incredibili ordine repente nimis quis logicus euadet [etc.] [= Liber Isagogicus].
199374: CASSIRER, FAMILY. Brühl, George. - Die Cassirers. Streiter für den Impressionismus.
114901: Cassirer, Ernst. - Substanzbegriff und Funktionsbegriff. Untersuchungen über die Grundfragen der Erkenntniskritiek. [1. Aufl.]
191459: Casson, Stanley. - The technique of early Greek sculpture.
151774: Casson, Thomas. - Lecture on the pedal organ. Its history, design and control.
309886: CASSONI. Schubring, Paul. - Cassoni. Truhen und Truhenbilder der italienischen Frührenaissance. Ein Beitrag zur Profanmalerei im Quattrocento. 2.verm. Aufl. [Complete three volume set].
163034: Castagnoli, F. (preface). - Studi di Urbanistica Antica.
184303: CASTANHOSO, MIGUEL DE. Whiteway, R.S. (transl. & ed.). - Portuguese expedition to Abyssinia in 1541-1543, as narrated by Castanhoso, with some contemporary letters, the short account of Bermudez, and certain extracts from Correa.
202011: Castano, Carlos & C.L.Davila. - Investigacion arquelogica en el Magadalena Medio.
229989: Castel, I.I.Y. a.o. - De Vallei van de Leuvenumse Beek (Noordwestelijke Veluwe). Een fysisch-geografische streekbeschrijving.
229573: Castel-Branco Pereira, Joao. - Portuguese Tiles from the National Museum of Azulejo, Lisbon.
192369: Castel, Georges & G.Soukiassian. - Les mines de Galène (Egypte, IIe millénaire av. J.-C.).
257690: Castelfranchi Vegas, Liana. - Vlaanderen en Italie. Vlaamse primitieven en Italiaanse renaissance.
271848: Castelijns, Henk. a.o. - Vogelonderzoek in het Verdronken land van Saeftinghe Jaarverslagen 1996/97 & 1997/98.
259270: CASTELLAMONTE, CARLO & AMADEO DI. Brino, Giovanni a.o. - L'Opersa di Carlo e Amedeo di Castellamonte nel XVII secolo. 2. Edizione.
182213: Castellana, Giuseppe. - La grotta Ticchiara ed il catellucciano agrigentino.
283325: Castelli, Patrizia. - La rinascita del sapere. Libri e maestri dello studio ferrarese.
309844: CASTELLI, LEO & CLAUDE BERRI. Hindry, Ann. (ed.). - Claude Berri rencontre / meets Leo Castelli.
167520: CASTELLIZ, A. - Einfache Bauwerke.
289580: CASTELLOTTI, EUGENIO. Agostini, Cesare de. - Castellotti. A Stolen Heart.
221045: Castelnau, & Émile Blanchard. - Histoire naturelle des Insectes Coleóptères [...] par M. le comte de Castelnau (vols 1 & 2) / Histoire naturelle des Insectes orthoptères, névroptères, hémiptères, hyménoptères, lépidoptères et diptères par M. Émile Blanchar (vol. 3).
251507: Castelnovi, Giuseppe & M.Pastonesi. - Una vita da gregario. Storie e aneddoti di protagonisti all'ombra deu campioni.
273023: CASTIGLIONE, GIOVANNI BENEDETTO. Standring, Timothy & Martin Clayton. - Castiglione. Lost genius. Masterworks on paper from the Royal Collection.
295143: Castiglione, Caroline. - Patrons and adversaries. Nobles and villagers in Italian politics, 1640-1760.
42067: CASTIGLIONI, CAMILLO. [collection]. Planiscig, Leo. - Bronzestatuetten und Geräte.
245199: CASTIGLIONI, ACHILLE. Ferrari, Paolo. - Achille Castiglioni.
190740: CASTIGLIONI, CAMILLO. [collection]. Planiscig, Leo. - Catalogo dei Bronzi.
163689: CASTIGLIONI, CAMILLO. [collection]. Planiscig, Leo. - Bronzestatuetten und Geräte.
108883: CASTILLO, FERNANDO. Eliash, Humberto. - Fernando Castillo de lo moderno a lo real.
201896: Castrén, M.Alexander. - Grammatik der Samojedischen Sprachten.
173209: Castri, Francesco di & H.A.Mooney. - Mediterranean type ecosystems. Origin and structure.
295915: Castricum, Cor. - Velsen zijn industriële geschiedenis.
295914: Castricum, Cor. - Beverwijk en zijn industriële geschiedenis.
306084: Castricum, Cor. - De geschiedenis van ijzer- en staalmaken in IJmuiden 1918 - 2008.
182636: Castries, Scipion de. - Souvenirs maritimes.
60422: Castro, D.H.De. - De synagoge der Portugees-Israëlietische gemeente te Amsterdam. T.g.v.h. 275-jarig bestaan dezer synagoge. Opnieuw uitgegeven en aangevuld door Dr.J.Meijer.
302848: Castro, Efrain a.o. - El arte de Mezcala.
274979: Castro, D.H.De. - Keur van Grafsteenen op de Nederl.-Portug.-Israël. Begraafplaats te Ouderkerk aan den Amstel. Met beschrijving en biographische aanteekeningen.
211725: CASTRO, DOM JOHN DE. Andrada, Jacinto Freire. - The life of Dom John de Castro. The fourth Viceroy of India.
207342: Castroviejo, S. - Flora Iberica. Plantas vasculares de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. Vol. VII/1: Leguminosae (partim).

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