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021696: JOLINE, Adrian H - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
001536: JONES, Jonathan - Erection of Main River Span, Passaic River Bridge
016646: JONES, Lois Mailou (SENGHOR, Leopold Sedar ) - Six Silkscreen Prints for Poems
017909: (JONES, George W.) - Catalogue of the Library of George W. Jones at the Sign of the Dolphin Next to Dr. Johnson's House in Gough Square, Fleet Street, London E.C. 4
014054: JONES, James - Signed Photograph and Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
019128: JONES, James - The Merry Month of May
019108: JONES, James - Whistle
001537: JONES, Jonathan - Bearing-Ratio Effect on Strength of Riveted Joints
005872: JONES, Thom - The Pugilist at Rest
016576: JONSON, Ben - Volpone, or the Fox
013820: JONSON, Ben - Volpone, or the Fox
016319: JONSON, Ben - Volpone, or the Fox
018421: JONSON, Ben - Volpone, or the Fox
010243: JONSON, Ben - Volpone, or the Fox
016969: JONSTON, Johannes - Historiae Naturalis de Quadrupedibus. [Bound with] de Piscibus Et Cetis. [Bound with] de Exanguibus Aquaticis. [Bound with] de Avibus. [Bound with] de Insectis. [Bound with] de Serpentibus
004628: JORDAN, David Starr & EVERMANN, Barton Warren - American Food and Game Fishes. A Popular Account of All the Species Found in America North of the Equator, with Keys for Ready Identification, Life Histories and Methods of Capture
002177: JORDAN, D.S. & ELLIOT, Orrin - Views at & Near Stanford Univ.
017879: CHASSLER, Joseph and BELLAMY, Peter - Addict's Damn: An Interleaving of Architecture and the Homeless and Work Hard Play Dead: 101 Best-Loved Short Verses
018988: JOYCE, James - Collected Poems with Signed Visiting Card
020929: JOYCE, James - Dubliners
021432: JOYCE, James - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
021823: JOYCE, James - A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man
008638: [JOYCE, James] - The Venture. An Annual of Art and Literature
020496: JOYCE, James (ROTH, Samuel, editor) - Fifth Part of Ulysses" in Two Worlds Monthly. Volume 2, #1
020778: (JOYCE, James) GILBERT, Stuart (editor) - Letters of James Joyce
014569: JOYCE, James - Finnegans Wake
020555: WALSH, Robert, Jr. and McHENRY, James - The Jackson Wreath, or National Souvenir. A National Tribute, Commemorative of the Great CIVIL Victory Achieved by the People, Through the Hero of New Orleans. Containing a Biographical Sketch of General Jackson Until 1819. With a Continuation Until the Present Day, Embracing a View of the Recent Political Struggles
019243: [JUDAICA] - The Majestic Poetry of the Ancient Scriptures Beautifully Written by Some Forgotten Author
018768: SAINT-JUIRS - The Tavern of Three Virtues
015105: JUSSERAND, J. J - The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare
020771: JUSSERAND, J. J - English Essays from a French Pen
008492: JUSTICE, Donald - The Summer Anniversaries
009233: JUSTICE, Donald - The Summer Anniversaries
017970: JUSTICE, Donald (Mark STRAND) - Ralph: A Love Story
020469: (MOSS, Howard) editor; JUSTICE, Donald; MERRILL, James; MERWIN, W. S.; WILBUR, Richard; et. al - The Poet's Story
013972: JUSTICE, Donald - The Old Bachelor and Other Poems
005483: JUSTICE, Donald - From a Notebook
019215: [JAPAN] KAEMPFER, Engelbert - The History of Japan: Giving an Account of the Antient and Present State and Government of That Empire... Together with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam
019236: KAFKA, Franz - In the Penal Colony
019921: KAFKA, Franz - Metamorphosis
020051: KAFKA, Franz - Metamorphosis
014956: KAFKA, Franz - The Trial
018150: KAFKA, Franz - Metamorphosis
005518: KALLIR, Otto - Grandma Moses
021290: KAPLAN, Edith Jaffy - Voices of the Revolution
017495: DE KAY, James [HAND-COLORED PLATES] - Natural History of New York. Zoology of New York, or the New York Fauna... . Part II. Birds
017496: DE KAY, James [HAND-COLORED PLATES] - Natural History of New York. Zoology of New York, or the New York Fauna... . Part II. Birds
020559: KEATING, William - Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &C. &C. Performed in the Year 1823... Compiled from the Notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keating, and Colhoun
018729: KEATS, John - The Poems of John Keats
018619: KEATS, John - The Poems of John Keats
013504: KEATS, John - The Poems of John Keats
016893: KEATS, John - The Poems of John Keats
014150: KEATS, John - The Poetical Works of John Keats
015539: KEATS, John - The Poems of John Keats
020886: (KEES, Weldon) LAUGHLIN, James (editor) - New Directions in Prose & Poetry 1941
021100: KEES, Weldon - The Ceremony and Other Stories
021270: KEES, Weldon - Poems 1947 - 1954
020906: KEES, Weldon - Selected Short Stories of Weldon Kees
019247: KELLER, Helen - Helen Keller's Journal 1936-1937
020274: KELLER, Helen - Midstream. My Later Life
018943: [KELLER, Helen] ADAMSON, Joy - Born Free. A Lioness of Two Worlds
020541: KELLER, Helen - Midstream. My Later Life
021151: KELLER, Helen - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
019662: KELLER, Helen - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
020534: KELLER, Helen - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
021468: [KELLER, Helen] SULLIVAN, Anne Mansfield - Signed Engraving of "the Miracle Worker
018942: KELLER, Helen - We Bereaved
021264: BUTLER Mrs. [Fanny Kemble] - A Year of Consolation with Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
021412: KENNEDY, Jacqueline (Jackie) - Signed Photograph
006279: KENNEDY, William - The Ink Truck
021301: KENNEDY, Robert F - Typed Letter Signed (Tls) to the First African American to Serve As a Policy-Making Aide in the White House
014202: KENNEDY, Edward Shirley (editor) - Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers. Being Excursions by Members of the Alpine Club. Second Series
007425: KENNEDY, William - Billy Phelan's Greatest Game
008579: KENNEDY, William - The Ink Truck
020557: KENNEDY, William - The Ink Truck
002945: KENNEDY, William - Legs
008474: KENNEDY, William Sloane [WALT WHITMAN] - Reminiscences of Walt Whitman with Extracts from His Letters and Remarks on His Writings
017262: KENNEDY, John F - Typed Letter Signed (Tls) with a 21-Word Holograph Postscript
014033: KENNEDY, William - Archive Consisting of 1 Autograph Letter Signed (Als) and 4 Typed Letters Signed (Tlss) to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
012101: KENNEDY, William Sloane [WALT WHITMAN] - Reminiscences of Walt Whitman with Extracts from His Letters and Remarks on His Writings
020671: KENNEDY, Robert - To Seek a Newer World
021764: KENNEDY, Edward - Our Day and Generation. The Words of Edward Kennedy
006278: KENNEDY, William - The Ink Truck
006277: KENNEDY, William - Billy Phelan's Greatest Game
007304: KENNEDY, William - The Flaming Corsage
000527: KENNEDY, William - Ironweed
017251: KENNEDY, Robert - To Seek a Newer World
019986: KENT, Rockwell - Self-Portrait ("Das Ding an Sich", "It's Me O Lord") Inscribed to Witter Bynner
012064: KENT, Rockwell - Autograph Letter Signed (Als) to His Daughter
019620: KENT, Rockwell; SLOAN, John; et. al - Twelve Prints by Contemporary American Artists
021102: KERMAN, Piper - Orange Is the New Black. My Year in a Woman's Prison
019755: [LITERARY PERIODICALS] KEROUAC, Jack; BURROUGHS, William; HUNCKE, Herbert; GINSBERG, Allen; et. al - The Beat Diary. The Unspeakable Visions of the Individual. Volume 5
020757: KEY, Francis Scott - Defence of Fort M'Henry ["the Star-Spangled Banner"] in the Analectic Magazine (November, 1814)
020507: KHAYYAM, Omar - The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
020418: KILMER, Joyce - The Circus and Other Essays
003364: KILMER, Joyce - The Circus and Other Essays
012561: (KILMER, Joyce; MARKHAM, Edwin; UNTERMEYER, Louis; HARTMANN, Sadakichi; GALE, Zona; LEWISOHN, Ludwig; STERLING, George; etc.) - The Younger Choir
001274: KINCAID, Jamaica - At the Bottom of the River
006069: KINCAID, Jamaica - Annie John
007984: KINCAID, Jamaica - At the Bottom of the River
021315: KING, Alexander - Gospel of the Goat
021596: [KING, Martin Luther, Jr.] [Martin Luther King, Jr.] - Martin Luther King, Jr. Assassination Original Teletype Pages
021108: KING, Stephen - Gerald's Game
011133: KING, Stephen - The Tommyknockers
011165: (KING, Stephen) WINTER, Douglas - Stephen King
019026: KING, Martin Luther, Jr. [Martin Luther King, Jr.] - Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?
017739: KINGSLEY, Charles - Westward Ho!
002191: KINGSLEY, Charles - Westward Ho!
018830: KINGSLEY, Charles - Westward Ho!
021195: KINGSLEY, Charles - Westward Ho!
012786: KINGSTON, Maxine - [Hawaii] Hawai'i One Summer
006119: KINNELL, Galway - Little Children's Prayer
014849: KINSELLA, W. P - Shoeless Joe
004333: KINSELLA, W. P - Scars
001531: KIPLING, Rudyard - Two Forewords
020095: KIPLING, Rudyard - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
020443: KIPLING, Rudyard - Traffics and Discoveries
015221: KIPLING, Rudyard - Sea & Sussex
020192: KIPLING, Rudyard - Tales of India
002568: KIPLING, Rudyard - The Second Jungle Book
010439: KIPLING, Rudyard - Abaft the Funnel
001517: KIPLING, Rudyard - Sea & Sussex
001520: KIPLING, Rudyard - From Sea to Sea
017302: KIRCHER, Athanasius - Athanasii Kircheri, Societatis Iesu. Magnes Sive Arte Magnetica Opus Tripartitum. Quo Universamagnetis Natura, Eiusque in Omnibus Scientijs & Artibus Usus, Nova Methodo Explicatur, Etc
010990: KITTREDGE, William - Phantom Silver
008422: KIZER, Carolyn - The Ungrateful Garden
017490: KJAERBOLLING, N - Skandinaviens Fugle, Med Saerlight Hensyn Til Danmark Og de Nordlige Bilande
021305: KLEMM, Walther - Sechzehn Radierungen Zur Erbsûnde. Eine Eotische Schöpfungsgeschichte
007119: KLIPSTEIN, August - The Graphic Work of Kathe Kollwitz
021658: KNOOP, Johann Hermann - Pomologia, Dat Is Beschryvingen En Afbeeldingen Van de Beste Zoorten Van Appels En Peeren, Welke in Neder- En Hoog-Duitschland, Frankryk, Engleland En Elders Geagt Zyn, En Tot Dien Einde Gecultiveert Worden [with] Fructologia, of Beschryving Der Vrugtbomen En Vrugten... . [with] Dendrologia, of Beschryving Der Plantagie-Gewassen...
004210: KNOWLES, John - Morning in Antibes
019705: KOESTER, Emily - Book Creation: How to Know the Butterflies
019117: KOONTZ, Dean R - The Bad Place
016608: KREDEL, Fritz [HERSHOLT, Jean (editor)] - A Complete Set of the 15 Original Watercolors for Aladdin & the Wonderful Lamp from Evergreen Tales. Group I
015632: [KREDEL, Fritz] - The Book of Ballads. The Artist's Copy
004829: KRIEG, Michael - Mehr Nicht Erschienen...
009026: KRISTELLER, Paul - Die Italienischen Buckdrucker Und Verlegerzeichen Bis 1525
006969: KRUTCH, Joseph Wood - Human Nature and the Human Condition
020587: KUBIN, Alfred - Fûnfzehn Facsimiledrucke: Portfolio of 15 Prints. Diese Fünfzehn Drucke, Getreue Wiedergaben Der Originale in Papier, Format Und Bild, Wurden in Der Kunstansalt Von J.B. Obernetter in München Hergestellt. 1000 Exemplare Wurden Auf Einem Nach Muster Des Originalpapiers Geschöpften Bütten Abgezogen, 100 Exemplare Auf Kaiserl. Japan über Kupferdruckpapier Wurden Numeriert Und Vom Künstler Signiert
018053: KUMIN, Maxine - The Long Approach. Poems
018054: KUMIN, Maxine - Looking for Luck. Poems
018056: KUMIN, Maxine - Women, Animals, and Vegetables. Essays and Stories
001205: KUNDERA, Milan - The Joke
011692: KUNITZ, Stanley - Passport to War
011198: KUNZE, Michael - Highroad to the Stake: A Tale of Witchcraft
017436: (CARVER, Raymond) STULL, William L. and CARROLL, Maureen P. (editors) - Remembering Ray: A Composite Biography of Raymond Carver
021729: [COOKERY] LACAM, Pierre & CHARABOT, Antoine - Le Glacier Classique Et Artistique En France Et En Italie
005600: LACROIX, Paul - The Arts in the Middle Ages...
021304: LACROIX, Paul - 1. Les Arts Au Moyen Age Et a L’époque de la Renaissance (1871, Third Edition); 2. Moeurs, Usages Et Costumes Au Moyen Age Et a L’époque de la Renaissance (1872, Second Edition); 3. XVIII Siècle Institutions, Usages Et Costumes France, 1700 – 1789 (1875, First Edition); 4. Vie Militaire Et Religieuse Au Moyen Age Et a L’époque de la Renaissance (1877, Fourth Edition); 5. Sciences Et Lettres Au Moyen Age Et a L’époque de la Renaissance (1877, Second Edition); 6. XVIII Siècle Lettres Sciences Et Arts XVII Siècle France, 1700 – 1789 (1878, Second Edition); 7. Institutions Usages Et Costumes France, 1390 – 1700 (1880, First Edition); and 8. XVII Siècle, Lettres, Sciences Et Arts France, 1390 – 1700 (1882, Second Edition)
014123: LAFITAU, Joseph-Francois - De Zeden Der Wilden Van Amerika
021362: LAMARTINE, A. de - Oeuvres de A. De Lamartine. Poesies. Premieres Meditations Poetiques la Mort de Socrate
021485: LAMBERT, John - Travels Through Canada, and the United States of North America, in the Years 1806, 1807, & 1808. To Which Are Added, Biographical Notices and Anecdotes of Some of the Leading Characters in the United States
010646: LANDOR, Walter Savage - Imaginary Conversations
013219: LANDOR, Walter Savage - Imaginary Conversations
006748: LANDOR, Walter Savage - Imaginary Conversations
018186: LANDOR, Walter Savage - Imaginary Conversations
006147: LANDOR, Walter Savage - Imaginary Conversations
006174: LANDOR, Walter Savage - The Sculptured Garland
005000: LAPHAM, I. A. & SALOMON, Edward - Addresses... At the Dedication of the Rooms in the South Wing of the Capital for the State Historical Society...
002356: LASH, Joseph - Eleanor and Franklin
006064: LAUGHLIN, James - Some Natural Things
006162: LAUGHLIN, James - The Deconstructed Man
021230: [HOWE, Julia Ward] RICHARDS, Laura and ELLIOTT, Maud Howe - Julia Ward Howe 1819 - 1910
020738: (LAWRENCE, Jacob) BIBLE - The First Book of Moses, Called Genesis. The King James Version
021686: LAWRENCE, D. H.; D., H. [Hilda DOOLITTLE]; LOWELL, Amy; FLINT, F. S.; ALDINGTON, Richard; and FLETCHER, John Gould - Some Imagist Poets. An Anthology
021484: LAWRENCE, D. H - Sun
021172: LAWRENCE, D. H.; YEATS, W. B.; CUMMINGS, E. E.; DAVIS, Stuart; HESSE, Herman; et. al - The Dial, August 1922, Original Wraps
021643: LAWRENCE, D. H. (HUGHES-STANTON, Blair) - Birds, Beasts and Flowers Poems
018853: LAWRENCE, D. H - Sons and Lovers
010242: LAWRENCE, D. H - Sons and Lovers
017808: [ARMSTRONG, Neil; ALDRIN, Buzz; FORD, Gerald; et. al.] LEAR, Moya Olsen - Bill & Moya Lear. An Unforgettable Flight
000329: LEAVITT, David - Family Dancing
007813: LEAVITT, David - Family Dancing
021551: LECKY, William Edward Hartpole - The Map of Life. Conduct and Character
020275: LEE, Harper - To Kill a Mockingbird
020476: LEE, Laurie - The Bloom of Candles. Verse from a Poet's Year
021410: LEE, Peggy - Signature Matted and Framed with a Photograph
020487: LEE, Laurie - The Sun My Monument
009364: LEHMANN, John - Photograph
020450: LEITHAUSER, Brad - Equal Distance
000872: LEITHAUSER, Brad - Equal Distance
002222: LEITHAUSER, Brad - A Seaside Mountain: 8 Poems from Japan
019107: LEONARD, Elmore - The Hunted
021120: LEROUX, Gaston - The Phantom of the Opera
018538: LESAGE, Alain-Rene - The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane
006878: LESAGE, Alain-Rene - The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane
021240: LESAGE, Alain-Rene - The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane
008590: LESSING, Doris - The Grass Is Singing
010619: LEUBA, Walter & DILWORTH, Ernest - Two Dialogues: George Santayana. Norman Douglas
005804: LEVERTOV, Denise - Embroideries
010971: LEVERTOV, Denise - Life in the Forest with an Autograph Postcard Signed Laid in
015210: LEVIN, Meyer - The Stronghold
010995: LEVINE, Philip - Not This Pig
019659: LEVINE, Philip - Naming
017088: LEVINE, Philip - The Bread of Time: Toward an Autobiography
006327: LEVINE, Philip - A Walk with Tom Jefferson
012052: LEVINE, Philip - They Feed They Lion
019802: LEVINE, Philip - Llanto
006310: LEVINE, Philip - Ashes: Poems New & Old
017516: LEVINE, Philip - On the Edge
006318: LEVINE, Philip - On the Edge & over
006326: LEVINE, Philip - A Walk with Tom Jefferson
006325: LEVINE, Philip - One for the Rose
011646: LEVINE, Philip - Pili's Wall
006332: LEVINE, Philip - Not This Pig
006324: LEVINE, Philip - Sweet Will
018004: LEVINE, Philip - Not This Pig
017188: LEVINE, Philip - Smoke
006263: LEVINE, Philip - 5 Detroits
005788: LEVINE, Philip - The Simple Truth
016182: LEVINE, Philip - The Names of the Lost
006321: LEVINE, Philip - New Selected Poems
001173: LEVINE, Philip - Thistles
020119: LEVINE, Philip - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
020773: LEVINE, Philip - The Bread of Time: Toward an Autobiography
020774: LEVINE, Philip - New Selected Poems
016214: LEVINE, Philip - The Language Problem
006322: LEVINE, Philip - The Simple Truth
019033: LEVINE, Philip - On the Edge
016846: LEVINE, Philip - New Season
006311: LEVINE, Philip - Dreaming in Swedish
006316: LEVINE, Philip - Pili's Wall
006333: (LEVINE, Philip) - New Campus Writing No. 2
006264: LEVINE, Philip - 5 Detroits
006267: LEVINE, Philip - Blue
016425: LEVINE, Philip - Unselected Poems
002408: [LEVINE, Philip] JOHNSON, Markham - Starlings, Grackles, Redwings
019484: LEWIS, Sinclair - Signed Photograph
019486: LEWIS, Sinclair - Signed Original Pen-and-Ink over Pencil Drawing Portrait of Lewis by E. Maurice Bloch
007447: LEWIS, Sinclair - Main Street
015660: LEWIS, Sinclair - Main Street
019822: LEWIS, Sinclair - Signed Photograph
019823: LEWIS, Sinclair - Archive of 3 Typed Letters Signed (Tlss) and 1 Autographed Letter Signed (Als) to Critic Selden Rodman
021009: LEWIS, Sinclair - Autographed Letter Signed (Als)
014049: LEWIS, Sinclair - Signed Photograph
021348: LEWIS, Sinclair - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
021788: LEWIS, Sinclair - Autographed Note Signed (Ans)
021392: LEWIS, Sinclair - Archive for Radio Performance of Dodsworth
020395: LEWIS, Sinclair - Bethel Merriday
013938: LEWIS, Eugene W. (RICKENBACKER, Eddie) - Motor Memories. A Saga of Whirling Gears
003730: LEWIS, Sinclair - Elmer Gantry
014803: LEWIS, Sinclair - John Dos Passos' Manhattan Transfer
005776: LEWIS, Sinclair - Elmer Gantry
016635: LINCOLN, Abraham - The Literary Works of Abraham Lincoln
019219: [AFRICAN-AMERICANA] LINCOLN, Abraham - Thirteenth Amendment. Joint Resolution of the Thirty Eighth Congress... Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution... Abolishing Slavery. Resolved
011440: [LINDBERGH, Charles] LARSON, Bruce L - Lindbergh of Minnesota. A Political Biography
013006: LINDBERGH, Charles - The Spirit of St. Louis
018595: LINDLEY, John - The Pomological Magazine; or, Figures and Descriptions of the Most Important Varieties of Fruit Cultivated in Great Britain
014308: LISH, Gordon - Dear Mr. Capote
019127: LISH, Gordon - Peru
019863: LITERARY PERIODICALS] STEIN, Gertrude; WILLIAMS, William Carlos; et. al - Pagany. A Native Quarterly. Vol. 1, No. 3, Summer 1930
021620: LIVY - The History of Early Rome
021415: LOCKMILLER, David A - Sir William Blackstone
014603: LOGAN, John - Cycle for Mother Cabrini
006648: LOGAN, John - Only the Dreamer Can Change the Dream. Selected Poems
012460: LOGUE, Christopher - Wand and Quadrant
020543: LONDON, Jack - The Call of the Wild
021090: LONDON, Jack - The Call of the Wild
000430: LONG, Haniel - Grist MILL
000431: LONG, Haniel - Pittsburgh Memoranda
021678: LONG, Haniel - Pittsburgh Memoranda
011959: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
017695: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - Aftermath
017711: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
017712: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
021390: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - Autograph Letter Signed (Als): Charming Missive to a Young Boy Named Charlie
017715: [LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth] MARSHALL, William Edgar - Original Signed Engraved Portrait of Longfellow
008623: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - Voices of the Night
021634: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth (editor) - Poems of Places. Scotland. Volume 1 (of 2)
003246: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - The Courtship of Miles Standish, and Other Poems
017699: [LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth] CROWE, J. A - A History of Painting in Italy, from the Second to the Fourteenth Century
017706: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - Autograph Letter Signed
017709: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
017701: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - Signed Cabinet Card Photograph
017702: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - Signed Carte-de-Visite Photograph
020623: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - Signed Cabinet Card Photograph
003285: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - The Courtship of Miles Standish, and Other Poems
017698: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - The Hanging of the Crane
017696: LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth - Tales of a Wayside Inn
011642: LONGFELLOW, Henry - [the Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow]
015946: LONGUS - The Pastoral Loves of Daphnis and Chloe
019494: LONGUS - Daphnis Et Chloe
003041: LOPEZ, Barry - Arctic Dreams
021572: LOPEZ, Barry - Arctic Dreams
006974: LOPEZ, Barry - Of Wolves and Men
003039: LOPEZ, Barry - Of Wolves and Men
009323: LOPEZ, Barry - Crossing Open Ground
006768: LOTI, Pierre - An Iceland Fisherman
020606: LOTI, Pierre - An Iceland Fisherman
017350: LOTT, Bret - The Man Who Owned Vermont
000830: LOTT, Bret - The Man Who Owned Vermont
018926: LOUDON, Mrs. [Jane] - British Wild Flowers
019152: LOUIS, Joe - My Life Story
015249: MAC LOW, Jackson - The Twin Plays: Port-Au-Prince & Adams County Illinois
021059: LOWELL, James Russell - Political Essays
001200: LOWELL, Robert - Poesie 1943-1952
001213: LOWELL, Robert - Life Studies
001328: [LOWELL, Robert] KENYON CRITICS - Gerard Manley Hopkins
006616: LOWELL, Robert - The Voyage
021844: LOWELL, Robert - Typed Letter Signed (Tls) with Typed Manuscript of His Poem Those Before Us
020616: LOWELL, James Russell - Autograph Quotation Signed (Aqs)
020932: LOWELL, James Russell - Among My Books
004249: LOWELL, Robert - Life Studies
001194: LOWELL, Robert - The Mills of the Kavanaughs
021638: [LOWELL, James Russell] HERRICK, Robert - Hesperides or the Works Both Humane and Divine of Robert Herrick Esq Annotated by James Russell Lowell
020872: LOWELL, Robert - Land of Unlikeness
011807: LOWELL, Amy - Legends
020931: LOWELL, James Russell - Under the Willows and Other Poems
001191: LOWELL, Robert - Lord Weary's Castle
021058: LOWELL, James Russell - Three Memorial Poems
020935: LOWELL, James Russell - Meliboeus-Hipponax. The Bigelow Papers Together with Meliboeus-Hipponax. The Bigelow Papers. Second Series
020979: LOWELL, James Russell - Autograph Quotation Signed (Aqs)
021017: LOWELL, James Russell - Autograph Manuscript Signed (Ams) with Partial Manuscripts
017848: LOWELL, Robert - Land of Unlikeness Inscribed to Randall Jarrell
006610: LOWELL, Robert - Life Studies
020937: LOWELL, James Russell - My Garden Acquaintance" in the Atlantic Almanac 1869 with an Excerpt "Three Unpublished Letters" in the Century February 1896 Along with the Actual Three Unpublished Letters Bound in
020933: LOWELL, James Russell - The Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
020934: LOWELL, James Russell - [in Memoriam James Abram Garfield] Death of President Garfield. Meeting of Americans in London at Exeter Hall 24 September 1881 to Which Is Added by Permission the Address of His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury Delivered at the Church of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields 26 September 1881
019934: LOWENHERZ, David (compiler) - A Stately & Picturesque Procession. Lion Heart Autographs Twenty-Fifth Anniversary
021176: LOWENSTEIN, Eleanor - Gastronomic Bibliography
018500: LOWRY, Robert; SAROYAN, William; KEES, Weldon; et. al - The State of the Nation [Wrapper Title] 11 Interpretations
021825: LUCRETIUS - De Rerum Natura. Of the Nature of Things
019846: LUMMIS, Charles F - The King of the Broncos and Other Stories of New Mexico
021351: LURIE, Alison - Autograph Letter Signed (Als) with Autograph Manuscript (Am) by a 17-Year-Old Future Pulitzer Winner
021505: LYON, Captain G(eorge) F(rancis) - A Narrative of Travels in Northern Africa, in the Years 1818, 19, and 20; Accompanied by Geographical Notices of Soudan, and of the Course of the Niger. With a Chart of the Routes, and a Variety of Coloured Plates, Illustrative of the Costumes of the Several Natives of Northern Africa
015658: BULWER-LYTTON, Edward George - The Last Days of Pompeii
018284: BULWER-LYTTON, Edward George - The Last Days of Pompeii
003898: BULWER-LYTTON, Edward George - The Last Days of Pompeii
017780: BULWER-LYTTON, Edward George - The Last Days of Pompeii
018658: BULWER-LYTTON, Edward George - The Last Days of Pompeii
019641: WILLOUGHBY Frank M - Reveries of a Young Man in Quest of a Wife
021054: MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo - The Prince
018335: MACHIAVELLI, Niccolo - The Prince
004458: MACK, Julian E. & MARTIN, Miles J - The Photographic Process
020272: MACKENZIE, Alexander - Voyages from Montreal on the River St. Laurence, Through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans; in the Years 1789 and 1793. With a Preliminary Account of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Fur Trade of That Country
021500: MACKENZIE, Eneas - An Historical, Topographical, and Descriptive View of the United States of America, and of Upper and Lower Canada. With an Appendix, Containing a Brief and Comprehensive Sketch of the Present State of Mexico and South America, and Also of the Native Tribes of the New World
020314: MacLEISH, Archibald - Herakles. A Play in Verse
020297: (MacLEISH, Archibald) - Dinner to Friday Kirchwey on the Occasion of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Her Association with the Nation...
020358: [MacLEISH, Archibald] - Martha Hillard Macleish
020359: (MacLEISH, Archibald) - The Venetian Grave
020633: [MacLEISH, Archibald] POULIN, Al - Archive of Four Typed Letters Signed (Tlss) and Four Autograph Letters Signed (Alss)to Archibald Macleish
020303: MacLEISH, Archibald - J.B. A Play in Verse
020299: [MacLEISH, Archibald] - A Continuing Journey: Archibald Macleish: The Man, His Craft His Times
020307: MacLEISH, Archibald - Poems, 1924 - 1933
020306: MacLEISH, Archibald - Poetry and Opinion. The Pisan Cantos of Ezra Pound. A Dialog on the Role of Poetry
020301: MacLEISH, Archibald - Air Raid. A Verse Play for Radio
020635: MacLEISH, Archibald - Typed Manuscript Signed (Tms): Adlai Stevenson
020280: MacLEISH, Archibald - J.B. A Play in Verse
020283: MacLEISH, Archibald - Great American Fourth of July Parade. A Verse Play for Radio
020289: MacLEISH, Archibald - Frescoes for Mr. Rockefeller's City
020294: MacLEISH, Archibald - Actfive and Other Poems
020295: MacLEISH, Archibald - Riders on the Earth
020296: (MacLEISH, Archibald) - Poetry. A Magazine of Verse. Volume XXXIII, Number IV
020308: MacLEISH, Archibald - Riders on the Earth. Essays and Recollections
020976: MacLEISH, Archibald - What Do We Mean by Victory?
020310: MacLEISH, Archibald - Herakles. A Play in Verse
020311: MacLEISH, Archibald - The Pot of Earth
020315: MacLEISH, Archibald - American Opinion & the War. The Rede Lecture Delivered Before the University of Cambridge on 30 July 1942
020323: MacLEISH, Archibald - The American Story. Ten Broadcasts
020324: MacLEISH, Archibald - An Evening's Journey to Conway Massachusetts. An Outdoor Play
020325: MacLEISH, Archibald - Panic. A Play in Verse
020328: MacLEISH, Archibald - The Fall of the City. A Verse Play for Radio
020330: [MacLEISH, Archibald] - Class Poem 1915
020332: MacLEISH, Archibald - Songs for Eve
020333: MacLEISH, Archibald - Remarks at the Dedication of the Wallace Library Fitchburg/Massachusetts June 3rd/1967
020335: [MacLEISH, Archibald] - Greenfield Community College Presents the Archibald Macleish Symposium. May 7-8, 1982. 90 Years. A Memorial Tribute
020292: MacLEISH, Archibald - Prophets of Doom
020337: MacLEISH, Archibald - The Trojan Horse. A Play
020298: MacLEISH, Archibald - Archibald Macleish: Analecta
020360: (MacLEISH, Archibald) - American Letter for Gerald Murphy
020334: MacLEISH, Archibald - Before March
020285: MacLEISH, Archibald - America Was Promises
020286: MacLEISH, Archibald - The Fall of the City. A Verse Play for Radio
020288: MacLEISH, Archibald - Words of Welcome. An Address Deliverd by Archibald Macleish at the Dinner for New Members of the Century Association. October 2, 1969
020316: MacLEISH, Archibald - The Next Harvard As Seen by Archibald Macleish
020317: MacLEISH, Archibald - J.B. A Play in Verse
020290: MacLEISH, Archibald - American Opinion & the War. The Rede Lecture Delivered Before the University of Cambridge on 30 July 1942
020291: MacLEISH, Archibald - The Love of This Land
020300: (MacLEISH, Archibald) - The Yale Literary Magazine Conducted by the Students of Yale University
020978: MacLEISH, Archibald - Typed Manuscript Signed (Tms)
020977: MacLEISH, Archibald - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
020226: MADISON, Dolley - Autograph Manuscript Signed (Ams)
021103: MAGUIRE, Gregory - Wicked. The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
014142: MAILER, Norman - The Naked and the Dead
014143: MAILER, Norman - The Naked and the Dead
009172: MAILER, Norman - The Deer Park: A Play
019477: MALORY, Sir Thomas - Le Morte D'Arthur. The Story of King Arthur & of His Noble Knights of the Round Table
016308: MALORY, Sir Thomas - Le Morte D'Arthur. The Story of King Arthur & of His Noble Knights of the Round Table
014990: MALORY, Sir Thomas - Le Morte D'Arthur. The Story of King Arthur & of His Noble Knights of the Round Table
007637: MANDELBAUM, Allen - Leaves of Absence
019171: [MANLEY, Sir Roger] - The Russian Impostor: Or, the History of Muskovie, Under the Usurpation of Boris and the Imposture of Demetrius, Late Emperors of Muskovy
021753: MANN, Thomas - The Transposed Heads. A Legend of India
000392: MANN, Thomas - The Magic Mountain
020957: MANN, Thomas - Typed Letter Signed (Tls) to Louis B. Mayer of Mgm
009711: MANN, Thomas - Joseph in Egypt
021206: MANNING, Hugo - This Room Before Sunrise
015657: MANZONI, Alessandro - The Betrothed (I Promessi Sposi)
017173: MARAN, Rene (Miguel COVARRUBIAS) - Batouala
016376: MARAN, Rene (Miguel COVARRUBIAS) - Batouala
019883: MARCHMONT, Frederick - A Concise Handbook of Ancient and Modern Literature, Issued Either Anonymously, Under Pseudonyms, or Initials
019583: DE LA MARE, Walter - Peacock Pie. A Book of Rhymes
021444: DE LA MARE, Walter - Stuff and Nonsense and So on
019137: DE LA MARE, Walter - The Veil and Other Poems
019138: DE LA MARE, Walter - The Three Mulla-Mulgars
019133: DE LA MARE, Walter - Henry Brocken. His Travels and Adventures in the Rich, Strange, Scarce-Imaginable Regions of Romance
019131: DE LA MARE, Walter - The Veil and Other Poems
019132: DE LA MARE, Walter - Poems 1901 to 1918
015674: FULLER, Margaret and EMERSON, Ralph Waldo (editors). THOREAU, Henry David - The Dial: A Magazine for Literature, Philosophy, and Religion, Volume II: July 1841, October 1841, January 1842, & April 1842
005919: VAN DOREN, Mark and SAMUEL, Maurice - In the Beginning, Love. Dialogues on the Bible
015359: MARKFIELD, Wallace - To an Early Grave
018577: MARLOWE, Christopher - Four Plays
018741: MARLOWE, Christopher - Four Plays
000955: MARLOWE, Christopher - Four Plays
018214: MARLOWE, Christopher - Four Plays
021248: GARCIA MÁRQUEZ, Gabriel - Innocent Erendira and Other Stories
021536: [ECONOMICS] MARSH, Elsie A. G. (Compiler) - The Economic Library of Jacob H. Hollander, Ph. D
020861: MARTIN, Fletcher - High, Wide and Handsome
010292: MARUYA, Saiichi - Rain in the Wind. Four Stories
014837: MASEFIELD, John - The Coming of Christ
014836: MASEFIELD, John - King Cole
007569: MASON, Bobbie Ann - Shiloh and Other Stories
008876: MASSE, Gertrude C. E - A Bibliography of First Editions of Books Illustrated by Walter Crane
008169: MASSINGHAM, H. J - Birds of the Seashore
009354: MASSINGHAM, Harold - Doomsday (Suggested by Parts of the O.E. Poem Christ)
018269: MASTERS, Edgar Lee - Spoon River Anthology
018028: MATTHEWS, William - Sticks & Stones
000409: MATTHEWS, William - Ruining the New Road
019830: MATTHEWS, William - Horace. Satires II, II
018939: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Sal Si Puedes. Cesar Chavez and the New American Revolution
001260: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Race Rock
013591: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - African Silences
002012: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Nine-Headed Dragon River
000359: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Raditzer
007974: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Sal Si Puedes. Cesar Chavez and the New American Revolution
006938: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - At Play in the Fields of the Lord
013592: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Indian Country
001123: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Under the Mountain Wall. A Chronicle of Two Seasons in the Stone Age
005756: [MATTHIESSEN, Peter] - Prize Stories 1958: The O'Henry Awards
001121: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Wildlife in America
013590: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Partisans
010560: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Shorebirds of North America
005708: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Wildlife in America
008254: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Nine-Headed Dragon River
001122: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Under the Mountain Wall. A Chronicle of Two Seasons in the Stone Age
001457: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Indian Country
015131: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Wildlife in America
013593: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - Under the Mountain Wall. A Chronicle of Two Seasons in the Stone Age
020446: MATTHIESSEN, Peter - At Play in the Fields of the Lord
004913: MAUDSLEY, Henry - Responsibility in Mental Disease
018234: MAUGHAM, W. Somerset - Of Human Bondage
016630: MAUGHAM, W. Somerset - Of Human Bondage
020605: MAUGHAM, W. Somerset - Of Human Bondage
011724: MAUGHAM, W. Somerset - Orientations
019043: MAUGHAM, W. Somerset - The Razor's Edge
014562: MAUGHAM, W. Somerset - Ah King. Six Stories
014563: MAUGHAM, W. Somerset - The Razor's Edge
011729: MAUGHAM, W. Somerset - Of Human Bondage with a Digression on the Art of Fiction: An Address by W. Somerset Maugham
017770: MAUPASSANT, Guy de - Bel-Ami
016786: MAUPASSANT, Guy de - A Woman's Life (Une Vie)
016853: MAUPASSANT, Guy de - The Tales of Guy de Maupassant 1850: 1893
021052: MAUPASSANT, Guy de - The Tales of Guy de Maupassant 1850-1893
021584: MAUPASSANT, Guy de - A Woman's Life (Une Vie)
018824: MAUPASSANT, Guy de - Bel-Ami
005440: MAUPASSANT, Guy de - Bel-Ami
011946: DU MAURIER, George - Peter Ibbetson
016329: DU MAURIER, George - Peter Ibbetson
018815: DU MAURIER, George - Peter Ibbetson
018739: DU MAURIER, George - Peter Ibbetson
000875: MAYNARD, Joyce - Baby Love
008468: MAYNARD, Joyce - Baby Love
006596: MAZUR, Gail - Mashpee Poems
019119: McBAIN, Ed - Another Part of the City
015188: McCARTHY, Mary [TAYLOR, Peter] - Cast a Cold Eye
019842: McCLANAHAN, Ed - Famous People I Have Known
005728: McCLANAHAN, Ed - The Natural Man
020688: McCLANAHAN, Ed - Famous People I Have Known
019364: McCLURE, Michael - The Adept (Typescript)
021069: (CAPOTE, Truman; et. al.) McCORMACK, Thomas (Editor) - Afterwords. Novelists on Their Novels
018606: McCOURT, Frank - Angela's Ashes. A Memoir
015347: McCOURT, Frank - Archive of Letters: 21 Pages
002947: McCULLERS, Carson - Reflections in a Golden Eye
021425: McCURDY, Michael - Genesis
014798: McDERMOTT, Alice - At Weddings and Wakes
014800: McDERMOTT, Alice - Charming Billy
014801: McDERMOTT, Alice - Charming Billy
014802: McDERMOTT, Alice - Charming Billy
003087: McEWAN, Ian - The Innocent
001707: McGLASHAN, C. F. - History of the Donner Party
014594: McGRATH, Patrick - The Grotesque
002769: McGUANE, Thomas - Panama
020533: McGUANE, Thomas - The Sporting Club
007815: McILROY, Christopher - All My Relations
014795: McINERNEY, Jay - Ransom
009035: McMURTRIE, Douglas C - Early Printing in Michigan 1796 - 1850
009194: McMURTRY, Larry - Moving on
006942: McMURTRY, Larry - Moving on
007878: [McMURTRY, Larry] - Scribbling, Writing, Publishing" in Pages 1
003552: McPHEE, John - The Headmaster. Frank L. Boyden, of Deerfield
020682: McPHEE, John - Table of Contents
019841: McPHERSON, James Alan - Hue and Cry
008224: McPHERSON, James Alan - Hue and Cry
019736: McRAE, Marcille - Beatniks
005121: MEASE, James - An Inaugural Dissertation on the Disease Produced by the Bite of a Mad Dog, or Other Rabid Animal...
021318: [MEDICINE] - Venereal Disease Poster Circa World War II: Vd. A Sorry Ending to a Furlough
005863: MEISEL, Max - Bibliography of American Natural History
015394: MELVILLE, Herman - Mardi: And a Voyage Thither
021538: MELVILLE, Herman (COVARRUBIAS, Miguel) - Typee. A Romance of the South Seas
019561: MELVILLE, Herman (COVARRUBIAS, Miguel) - Typee. A Romance of the South Seas
021817: MELVILLE, Herman - Billy Budd [and] Benito Cereno
017544: (MELVILLE, Herman) - The Town-Ho's Story" from Moby Dick in Harper's Monthly. Volume III: June - November 1851
015391: MELVILLE, Herman - Narrative of a Four Months' Residence Among the Natives of a Valley of the Marquesas Islands; or, a Peep at Polynesian Life
021540: MELVILLE, Herman - Moby Dick
015396: MELVILLE, Herman - John Marr and Other Poems
018918: MELVILLE, Herman - Moby Dick
009292: MENCKEN, H. L - A Book of Prefaces
020355: [MENCKEN, H.L.] HIRSHBERG, Leonard Keene - What You Ought to Know About Your Baby
020989: MENCKEN, H. L - Archive of Ten Typed Letters Signed (Tlss) with Additional Materials
013993: MENCKEN, H. L - 2 Typed Letters Signed (Tlss) with One Envelope
021593: [MENCKEN, H. L.] HOOD, Richard Thomas - Signed Original Etching
005621: MENDELSOHN, Jane - I Was Amelia Earhart
020764: [MEREDITH, William; SPACKMAN, W. M.] TATE, Allen (editor) - Princeton Verse between Two Wars
016592: MEREDITH, George (Honore GUILBEAU) - The Shaving of Shagpat: An Arabian Entertainment: A Complete Set of the 69 Original Line Drawings for the Book with 34 Additional Drawings Not Used
018128: MEREDITH, William - The Cheer
016810: MEREDITH, George - The Shaving of Shagpat: An Arabian Entertainment
012107: MEREDITH, William - Collection of 8 Signed Printed Christmas Greetings Plus One Typed Manuscript Poem Signed
021819: MEREDITH, George - The Shaving of Shagpat: An Arabian Entertainment
018130: MEREDITH, William - The Cheer
018137: [MEREDITH, William] AUDEN, W. H - Poesies Choiseies
016380: MEREDITH, George - The Shaving of Shagpat: An Arabian Entertainment
009581: MEREDITH, Harriet [EARLY PHOTOGRAPHY] - Sketches, Life Thoughts and Incidents
018127: MEREDITH, William - Hazard, the Painter
015764: MEREDITH, George - The Shaving of Shagpat: An Arabian Entertainment
006158: MEREDITH, William - The Wreck of the Thresher
010401: MERIMEE, Prosper - Carmen
021814: MERIMEE, Prosper - Carmen
016354: MERIMEE, Prosper - Carmen
018840: LEWIS, Meriwether and CLARK, William - The Journals of the Expedition Under the Command of Capts. Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, Performed During the Years 1804-5-6 by Order of the Government of the United States
019253: LEWIS, Meriwether and CLARK, William - The Journals of the Expedition Under the Command of Capts. Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, Performed During the Years 1804-5-6 by Order of the Government of the United States
015832: LEWIS, Meriwether and CLARK, William - The Journals of the Expedition Under the Command of Capts. Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, Performed During the Years 1804-5-6 by Order of the Government of the United States
020017: LEWIS, Meriwether and CLARK, William - The Journals of the Expedition Under the Command of Capts. Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, Performed During the Years 1804-5-6 by Order of the Government of the United States
017004: LEWIS, Meriwether and CLARK, William - The Journals of the Expedition Under the Command of Capts. Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, Performed During the Years 1804-5-6 by Order of the Government of the United States
016513: LEWIS, Meriwether and CLARK, William - The Journals of the Expedition Under the Command of Capts. Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, Performed During the Years 1804-5-6 by Order of the Government of the United States
018882: LEWIS, Meriwether and CLARK, William - The Journals of the Expedition Under the Command of Capts. Lewis and Clark to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean, Performed During the Years 1804-5-6 by Order of the Government of the United States
018017: MERRILL, James - Peter
001913: MERRILL, James - The Yellow Pages
014758: MERTON, Thomas - Archive of Letters and a Photograph, a Total of 15 Pieces, to the Mother of Ethel Kennedy
014754: MERTON, Thomas - The Seven Storey Mountain
014750: MERTON, Thomas - The Last of the Fathers. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux and the Encyclical Letter, Doctor Mellifluus
019765: MERTON, Thomas - Seeds of Destruction
010992: MERWIN, W. S. - The Dancing Bears
003093: MICHAELS, Leonard - Going Places
017888: TUCHSCHERER, Jean-Michel and SANO, Takahiko - Etoffes Merveilleuses Du Musee Historique Des Tissus, Lyon . Tome I - III
002592: MICHENER, James - Recessional
009198: MICHENER, James - Return to Paradise
011592: MICHENER, James - Tales of the South Pacific
008205: MICHENER, James - The Voice of Asia
008391: MICHENER, James - Recessional
007945: MICHENER, James - Tales of the South Pacific
020351: MANTLE, Mickey (with GLUCK, Herb) - The Mick
021637: MILLAY, Edna St. Vincent - The Buck in the Snow & Other Poems
021631: MILLAY, Edna St. Vincent - The Buck in the Snow & Other Poems
018514: [JAPAN] MILLER, Martha - Kimono
017375: MILLER, Joaquin - Unpublished Autograph Manuscript: Alaskan. "Let There Be Light
008954: MILLER, Arthur - Death of a Salesman
021346: MILLER, Henry - Original Autograph Manuscript Signed (Ams) with Corrected Typescript of China
020596: MILLER, Joaquin [Walt WHITMAN] - Autograph Manuscript Signed (Ams): To Walt Whitman
009778: MILLER, Arthur - Death of a Salesman
005268: FULOP-MILLER, R. & ECKSTEIN, F. (ed.) - The Diary of Dostoyevsky's Wife
016912: MILLER, Arthur - Death of a Salesman
008461: MILLHAUSER, Steven - Edwin Mullhouse
008351: MILLHAUSER, Steven - Martin Dressler. The Tale of an American Dreamer
001156: MILLHAUSER, Steven - Edwin Mullhouse
008490: MILLHAUSER, Steven - Edwin Mullhouse
007550: MILLHAUSER, Steven - Edwin Mullhouse
004230: MILLS, Weymer Jay - The Girl I Left Behind Me
021380: MILNE, A. A - Autograph Letter Signed (Als) Weeks Before the Publication of Winnie-the-Pooh
021329: MILNE, A. A - The Secret. A Fairytale for Lovers
018022: MILOSZ, Czeslaw - Bells in Winter
021093: MILTON, John - Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained
013497: MILTON, John - The Masque of Comus
003887: MILTON, John - L'Allegro & IL Penseroso
016310: MILTON, John - L'Allegro & IL Penseroso
010248: MILTON, John - The Masque of Comus
009542: MILTON, John - The Masque of Comus
011779: MINER, Thomas & TULLY, William - Essays on Fevers, and Other Medical Subjects
015143: MITCHELL, Joseph - Joe Gould's Secret
021344: (MITCHELL, Samuel A.) - An Accompaniment to Mitchell's Reference and Distance Map of the United States; Containing an Index of All the Counties, Districts, Townships, Towns, &C in the Union; Together with an Index of the Rivers...
007860: MITCHELL, Joseph (Berenice ABBOTT) - The Bottom of the Harbor
019018: MITCHELL, Margaret - Gone with the Wind
018772: MOLIERE, J. B. P - Tartuffe & the Would-Be Gentleman
018177: MOLIERE, J. B. P - Tartuffe & the Would-Be Gentleman
016361: MOLIERE, J. B. P - Tartuffe, or the Hypocrite
018245: MOLIERE, J. B. P - Tartuffe, or the Hypocrite
015572: MOLIERE, J. B. P - Tartuffe & the Would-Be Gentleman
017172: MOLIERE, J. B. P - Tartuffe, or the Hypocrite
005456: MOLIERE, J. B. P - Tartuffe, or the Hypocrite
019221: DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, [Henri Louis] - éLémens de L'Architecture Navale, Ou Traité Pratique de la Construction Des Vaisseaux
019720: MONKHOUSE, Cosmo - The Manchester Whitworth Institute. Historical Catalogue of the Collection of Water-Colour Drawings by Deceased Artists
005960: MONROE, Debra - The Source of Trouble
004925: [MONROE, James] - Letter from the Secretary of War to the Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, Upon the Subject of the Defects Existing in the Present Military Establishment. October 27, 1814
015270: MONTAGU, Ashley - Human Heredity
015272: MONTAGU, Ashley [SARTON, May] - Touching: The Human Significance of the Skin
021086: MONTAIGNE - The Essays of Montaigne
008144: MOODY, Rick - The Ice Storm
005753: MOONEY, Ted - Easy Travel to Other Planets
019051: MOORE, John Hamilton - A New and Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels...
008498: MOORE, Lorrie - Self-Help
003314: MOORE, George - The Brook Kerith. A Syrian Story
019573: [MOORE, Clement] BROUGHAM, Henry Lord - Sketches of Public Characters, Discourses and Essays: Signed by the Author of "the Night Before Christmas
020092: MOORE, George - Signed Photograph
014806: MOORE, Lorrie - Anagrams
019943: MORE, Sir Thomas - Utopia
015645: MORE, Sir Thomas - Utopia
021739: MORGAN, Lewis - League of the Ho-de-No-Sau-Nee, or Iroquois
010118: MORIER, James - The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
020425: MORIER, James - The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
018836: MORIER, James - The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
014489: MORISON, Samuel Eliot (editor) - Journals and Other Documents on the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus
015195: MORRIS, Wright - The Deep Sleep
002746: MORRIS, Mary - Vanishing Animals
008136: MORRISON, Toni - The Dancing Mind
008486: [MORRISON, Toni] BERGMAN, Robert - A Kind of Rapture
012281: MORRISON, Toni - Paradise
012279: MORRISON, Toni - The Nobel Lecture in Literature, 1993
012282: MORRISON, Toni - Beloved
008131: MORRISON, Toni - Playing in the Dark
017010: MORROW, Bradford (editor) - Conjunctions: 4
017011: MORROW, Bradford (editor) - Conjunctions: 2
014370: [MORSE, Samuel F. B.] TUPPER, Martin Farquhar - Proverbial Philosophy: A Book of Thoughts and Arguments Signed by Samuel Morse to His Cousin a Week Before He Married Her
020424: MORSE, Charles - The Diamond Atlas... The Eastern Hemisphere
010360: MORSE, Peter - Jean Charlot's Prints. A Catalogue Raisonne
020022: MORTON, Leslie T - A Medical Bibliography (Garrison and Morton). An Annotated Check-List of Texts Illustrating the History of Medicine
021525: MOSER, Barry - The Death of the Narcissus. Eleven Botanico-Erotic Etchings
008204: MOSES, Grandma - My Life's History
008403: MOSLEY, Walter - Devil in a Blue Dress
018024: MOSS, Howard - A Swim Off the Rocks. Light Verse
018025: MOSS, Howard - Buried City
018021: MOSS, Howard - A Swimmer in the Air: Poems
014259: MOTTRAM, R. H - The New Providence
019744: MUDIE, Robert - The Feathered Tribes of the British Islands
010970: MUELLER, Lisel - The Private Life
004203: MUKHERJEE, Bharati - The Holder of the World
021611: MULDOON, Paul - The Bangle (Slight Return)
021371: GUTS MUTHS, Johann Christoph Friedrich - Meine Reise IM Deutschen Vaterlande, Aus Thüringen Ins Riesengebürge Zu Den Elbquellen Und Durch Böhmen Ins Erzgebürge; über Erfurt, Leipzig, Dresden, Bautzen, Görlitz, Bunzlau, Warmbrunn, Hirschberg, Arnau, Turnau, Prag Und Töplitz Bis Freyberg
002933: NABOKOV, Vladimir - King, Queen, Knave
002929: NABOKOV, Vladimir - The Eye
021070: NABOKOV, Vladimir - Nabokovs Quartet
021071: NABOKOV, Vladimir - The Waltz Invention: A Play in Three Acts
017199: NABOKOV, Vladimir - The Eye
002928: NABOKOV, Vladimir - The Eye
003194: NAST, Thomas - The Fight at Dame Europa's School
021579: NAST, Thomas - Signed Original Drawing: Betty Bringing Water
003845: NAST, Thomas - The Fight at Dame Europa's School
008356: NATHAN, Robert - Dunkirk
019050: NAYA, Charles (Carlo) - [Vues de Venise]
003588: NAYLOR, Gloria - Linden Hills
020373: NEAL, Reginald - Signed Lithograph: The Dunes
019915: LANIGAN, W. Neale and CAMNER, James (compilers) - Film Autographs 1894 - 1941
007861: POE, Edgar Allan (Alice NEEL and Raphael SOYER) - The Fall of the House of Usher
016406: O'NEILL, Eugene - The Great God Brown. The Fountain. The Moon of the Caribbees. And Other Plays
000088: O'NEILL, Eugene - Days without End
017685: O'NEILL, Eugene - Ah, Wilderness!
012397: O'NEILL, Eugene - Signed Photograph Inscribed to His Wife with Signed Van Vechten Photograph of His Wife Carlotta and Signed Photograph of His Son
020054: O'NEILL, Eugene - The Iceman Cometh
016405: O'NEILL, Eugene - Plays: Beyond the Horizon. The Straw. Before Breakfast
016485: O'NEILL, Eugene - The Iceman Cometh
021011: O'NEILL, Eugene - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
003590: O'NEILL, Eugene - Thirst and Other One Act Plays
016407: O'NEILL, Eugene G. - Beyond the Horizon. A Play in Three Acts
018636: O'NEILL, Eugene - Gold. A Play in Four Acts
005445: O'NEILL, Eugene - The Iceman Cometh
005419: O'NEILL, Eugene - Ah, Wilderness!
019307: [LITERARY PERIODICALS] NEMEROV, Howard - The Island. Fall 1966, #4
018064: NEMEROV, Howard - The Western Approaches. Poems 1973-75
018063: NEMEROV, Howard - War Stories. Poems About Long Ago and Now
011994: NEMEROV, Howard - The Salt Garden
008245: NEMEROV, Howard - The Melodramatists
010261: NEMEROV, Howard - The Painter Dreaming in the Scholar's House
020802: NERUDA, Pablo. BLY, Robert (translator) - Letter to Miguel Otero Silva, in Caracas (1948)* Written While Under Pursuit by the Chilean Secret Police on a Political Charge
013460: NERUDA, Pablo - Heights of Macchu Picchu
021607: [NEWTON, A. Edward] HOOD, Richard Thomas - Signed Original Etching
006925: NICHOLS, John - The Sterile Cuckoo
011827: NIEDECKER, Lorine - Blue Chicory
018471: [JAPAN] NINAGAWA, Noritané - Kwan Ko Dzu Setsu [Kanko Zusetzu]. Notice Historique Et Descriptive Sur Les Arts Et Industries Japonais. Art Céramique [Together with] Kwan-Ko-Dzu-Setsu. A History of Japanese Antiquities. The Ceramic Art. [Parts VI and VII]
019025: NIXON, Richard - The Real War Inscribed to Barry Goldwater
020696: NIXON, Richard - Six Crises
008704: NIXON, Richard - The Challenges We Face
013888: NIXON, Richard - Real Peace
020847: NIXON, Richard - Six Crises
014353: NIXON, Richard - Summons to Greatness. A Collage of Inspirational Thought and Practical Ideas from the Messages and Addresses of Richard Nixon
010083: NIXON, Richard - Real Peace
007444: NIXON, Richard - The Real War
013889: [NIXON, Richard] TOLEDANO, Ralph de - Nixon
007928: NIXON, Richard - The Real War Inscribed to Arthur Godfrey
007931: [NIXON, Richard] TOLEDANO, Ralph de - Nixon
021496: NORKIN, Sam - Original Cartoon Art: Mere Mortals
020908: NORKIN, Sam - Original Cartoon Art: Puccini, Bach, Donizetti. Mob Hits. Rca, Bmg Records
001539: NORMAN, Howard (editor & translator) - Where the Chill Came from: Cree Windigo Tales and Journeys
000261: NORMAN, Howard - The Northern Lights
006906: NORMAN, Howard - The Bird Artist
003996: NOURSE, Prof. J. E - Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition Made by Charles F. Hall: His Voyage to Repulse Bay, Sledge Journeys to the Straits of Fury and Hecla and to King William's Land, and Residence Among the Eskimos During the Years 1864-'69
020346: NOVA, Craig - The Good Son
000880: NOVA, Craig - The Geek
009351: OAKES, Philip - Notes by the Provincial Governor
015363: OATES, Joyce Carol - Anonymous Sins & Other Poems
021269: OBAMA, Barack - Audacity of Hope. Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
021531: [OBAMA, Barack] MENDELL, David - Obama. From Promise to Power
021501: OCKLEY, Simon - An Account of South-West Barbary: Containing What Is Most Remarkable in the Territories of the King of Fez and Morocco. Written by a Person Who Had Been a Slave There a Considerable Time; and Published from His Authentick Manuscript. To Which Are Added, Two Letters: One from the Present King of Morocco to Colonel Kirk; the Other to Sir Cloudesly Shovell: With Sir Cloudesly's Answer, &C
014075: ODETS, Clifford - Large Archive of Television Typescripts, One Signed, with Extensive Corrections and Annotations
015242: OLDENBURG, Claes - Injun & Other Histories (1960)
021629: OLDS, Sharon - The Dead and the Living
019170: OLIVIER, Jacques - Alphabet de L'Imperfection Et Malice Des Femmes. Reueu, Corrigé & Augmenté D'Vn Friant Dessert Pour Les Courtizans & Partisanes de la Femme Mondaine. Dédié à la Plus Mauuaise Du Monde
007428: OLMSTEAD, Robert - A Trail of Heart's Blood Wherever We Go
002784: OLSEN, Tillie - Silences
002785: OLSEN, Tillie - Silences
019276: OLSON, Charles - Mayan Letters
019894: [OLSON, Charles] CECH, John - Charles Olson and Edward Dahlberg: A Portrait of a Friendship
011607: OLSON, Charles - Autograph Letter Signed (Als) to Ronald Duncan Regarding the Impending Publication of His First Book
002783: OLSON, Toby - Utah
019154: ONDAATJE, Michael (Arthur Penn) - The Collected Works of Billy the Kid. Left Handed Poems with Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
004846: ONDAATJE, Michael - Running in the Family
014852: ONDAATJE, Michael - The Dainty Monsters
006008: ONDAATJE, Michael - Aardvark (for the Memory of Emma Peel)
004574: ONDAATJE, Michael - Running in the Family
003496: ONDAATJE, Michael - Coming Through Slaughter
017875: OSBORN, Paul - Point of No Return
018029: OSTRIKER, Alicia - Once More out of Darkness and Other Poems
001395: OVERTON, Jacqueline - The Talented Mount Brothers
017667: OVID - The Art of Love
015853: OVID - The Art of Love
004999: OWEN, Robert Dale - The Future of the North-West: In Connection with the Scheme of Reconstruction without New England
019491: GREENWOOD, Rev. F. W. P. and EMERSON, G. B - The Classical Reader; a Selection of Lessons in Prose and Verse. From the Most Esteemed English and American Writers. Intended for the Use of the Higher Classes in Public and Private Seminaries
019498: GREENWOOD, Rev. F. W. P. and EMERSON, G. B - Klondike. The Chicago Record's Book for Gold Seekers
020925: PADGETT, Ron - Strange Faeces. Issue #3
018803: PAINE, Thomas - Rights of Man
021089: PAINE, Thomas - Rights of Man
012803: PAINE, Thomas - Rights of Man
017363: PAINE, Thomas - Rights of Man
021252: PAINE, Thomas - The Writings of Thomas Paine, Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the Congress of the United States of America, in the Late War
000903: PALEY, Grace - Enormous Changes at the Last Minute
001347: PARETSKY, Sara - Killing Orders
019214: PARKER, Dorothy; CAMPBELL, Alan; CARSON, Robert; and WELLMAN, William - A Star Is Born Archive: The Director's Copy of the Original 1936 Script As Well As Dorothy Parker's Copy of Part of the Script with Additional Material
019594: PARKER, Dorothy - Sunset Gun
020689: PARKER, Dorothy - After Such Pleasures
020700: PARKER, Dorothy - Not So Deep As a Well
019684: PARKER, Dorothy - Death and Taxes
019032: PARKER,, Robert B - Pastime
005667: PARKER, Gwendolyn - These Same Long Bones
019636: PARKMAN, Francis - The Oregon Trail
020194: PARTINGTON, Wilfred (editor) - The Private Letter-Books of Sir Walter Scott. Selections from the Abbotsford Manuscripts
003279: PARTINGTON, Ruth (SHILLABER, Benjamin P.) - Knitting-Work: A Web of Many Textures, Wrought by Ruth Partington
003743: PARTINGTON, Ruth (SHILLABER, Benjamin P.) - Knitting-Work: A Web of Many Textures, Wrought by Ruth Partington
021745: PARTRIDGE, William Ordway - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
015925: PASCAL, Blaise - Les Pensees
017683: PASCAL, Blaise - Les Pensees
009626: DOS PASSOS, John - Three Soldiers
018070: PASTAN, Linda - Waiting for My Life. Poems
018067: PASTAN, Linda - Aspects of Eve. Poems
018068: PASTAN, Linda - Aspects of Eve. Poems
018069: PASTAN, Linda - Waiting for My Life. Poems
018998: PASTERNAK, Boris (Yuri KUPER) - My Sister-Life
019586: PATCHEN, Kenneth - Pictures of Life and of Death
021625: PATCHEN, Kenneth - Panels for the Walls of Heaven
018913: PATER, Walter - The Renaissance. Studies in Art and Poetry
015549: PATER, Walter - The Renaissance. Studies in Art and Poetry
007164: PATER, Walter (Edmund DULAC) - The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
015453: PATER, Walter (Edmund DULAC) - The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
010247: PATER, Walter (Edmund DULAC) - The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
019479: PATON, Alan - Archive Consisting of 4 Typed Letters Signed (Tlss)
020550: PATTERSON, Jerry E - Autographs: A Collector's Guide
017972: PAZ, Octavio (BALTHUS) - Sight and Touch
007841: PAZ, Octavio (Robert MOTHERWELL) - Three Poems
019886: PEARSON, David - English Bookbinding Styles 1450 - 1800. A Handbook
018428: PEATTIE, Donald Culross - An Almanac for Moderns
019768: PEATTIE, Donald Culross - An Almanac for Moderns
008599: PEATTIE, Donald Culross - The Harp of the Birches and Other Poems
006700: PEATTIE, Donald Culross - An Almanac for Moderns
021366: PECK, J. M - A New Guide for Emigrants to the West, Containing Sketches of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, with the Territories of Wisconsin and Arkansas, and the Adjacent Parts
021694: PECK, Gregory - Signed Photograph
019854: PEICH, Michael (editor) - The First Ten: A Penmaen Bibliography
005366: PEICH, Michael (editor) - The First Ten: A Penmaen Bibliography
004965: PEIRCE, John - The New, American Spelling-Book, Improved...
015209: PEPPARD, Murray B - Paths Through the Forest. A Biography of the Brothers Grimm
008020: PERCY, Walker - Love in the Ruins
018715: PERCY, Walker - The Thanatos Syndrome
018716: PERCY, Walker - The Thanatos Syndrome
008021: PERCY, Walker - Love in the Ruins
021810: PERELMAN, S. J - Archive of 17 Letters
008372: PETERS, Ellis - The Horn of Roland
008373: PETERS, Ellis - The Devil's Novice
019471: PETRARCH - The Sonnets of Petrarch
015902: PETRARCH - The Sonnets of Petrarch
021816: PETRARCH - The Sonnets of Petrarch
018744: PETRONIUS - The Satyricon of Petronius
016887: PETRONIUS - The Satyricon of Petronius
016560: PETRONIUS - The Satyricon of Petronius
020586: PFLIEGER, Robert P - Petits Et Grands Seigneurs de Brousse
017889: PFRUNDER, Peter - Ernst Brunner. Photographien 1937-1962
013615: PHELAN, Michael - The Game of Billiards
012310: PICART, Bernard - Ceremonies Et Coutumes Religieuses de Tous Les Peuples Du Monde, Representees Par Des Figures Dessinees & Gravees... Ouvrage Qui Comprend L'Histoire Philosophique de la Religion Des Nations Des Deux Hemispheres; Telles Que Celle Des Brames, Des Peguans, Des Chinois, Des Japonois, Des Thibetins, & Celle Des Differens Peuples Qui Habitent L'Asie & Les Isles de L'Archipelage Indien; Celle Des Mexicains, Des Peruviens, Des Bresiliens, Des Groenlandois, Des Lapons, Des Caffres, de Tous Les Peuples de la Nigritie, de L'Ethiopie & Du Monomotapa; Celle Des Juifs, Tant Anciens Que Modernes, Celle Des Musulmans & Des Differentes Sectes Qui la Composent; Enfin Celle Des Chretiens & de Cette Multitude de Branches Dans Lesquelles Elle Est Subdivisee.
004449: PIERCE, Richard A. & WINSLOW, John H. (editors) - H.M. S. Sulphur at California, 1837 and 1839. Being the Accounts of Midshipman Francis Guillemard Simpkinson and Captain Edward Belcher
021633: PINCH, Esther - One - a - Penny. One Hundred Poems
018078: PINSKY, Robert - An Explanation of America
001610: PINTER, Harold (FOWLES, John) - The French Lieutenant's Woman: A Screenplay
021821: PLATO - The Republic
018734: PLATO - Lysis, or Friendship. The Symposium. Phaedrus
018365: PLATTES, Gabriel - A Discovery of Infinite Treasure, Hidden Since the Worlds Beginning. Whereunto All Men, of What Degree Soever, Are Friendly Invited to Be Sharers with the Discoverer G. P
007636: PLIMPTON, Sarah - Single Skies
020855: PLUMPTRE, C. E - General Sketch of the History of Pantheism
021055: (POE, Edgar Allan) - Graham's Magazine. Vol. XXII: January 1843-June 1843
019624: POE, Edgar Allan - Tales of Mystery & Imagination
021036: (POE, Edgar Allan) - Graham's Magazine. Vol. XXIII: June 1843-January 1844
021035: (POE, Edgar Allan) - Graham's Magazine. Vol. XIX: June 1841 - December 1841
021066: (POE, Edgar Allan) Miss LESLIE (editor) - William Wilson in the Gift: A Christmas and New Year's Present for 1840
021443: (POE, Edgar Allan) - The Purloined Letter in the Gift: A Christmas, New Year, and Birthday Present 1845
021076: (POE, Edgar Allan) - The Philosophy of Composition" and "Marginalia" in Graham's Magazine. Vol. XXVIII: January 1846-June 1846
021023: (POE, Edgar Allan) - The Mask of the Red Death," "Life in Death," and Four Other Pieces in Graham's Magazine. Vols. XX & XXI: Jan. 1842-Dec. 1842
017969: [POLK, James] - [Executive Documents for the House of Representatives]
021490: POLK, James - Message from the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress at the Commencement of the Second Session of the Thirtieth Congress. December 5, 1848: Polk's Final State of the Union Address
018075: POLLITT, Katha - Antarctic Traveller. Poems
018093: POLLITT, Katha - Antarctic Traveller. Poems
014614: [PONCE, Nicolas] - Recueil D'Estampes Representant Les Differents Evenemens de la Guerre Qui a Procure L'Independance Aux Etats Unis de L'Amerique
019615: [PORTER, Katherine Anne] SHAHN, Ben - Sweet Was the Song
021018: PORTER, Katherine Anne - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
019207: [BASEBALL] PORTER, William T - Porter's Spirit of the Times. A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage. Volume I, Nos. 1 - 26
020980: PORTER, Katherine Anne - Typed Letter Signed (Tls) on Creative Writing
020910: POSEN, Al - Original Cartoon Art: Hi, Cornellians! I'm Just a Boy at Heart!
018997: POUND, Ezra - Section: Rock-Drill 85-95 de Los Cantares
021685: [POUND, Ezra (editor)] - Des Imagistes
021339: POUND, Ezra - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
006425: [POUND, Ezra] CONFUCIUS - The Unwobbling Pivot & the Great Digest
009230: POUND, Ezra - Drafts & Fragments of Cantos CX - CXVII
007856: POUND, Ezra (Francesco CLEMENTE) - Cathay: Poems After LI Po
008576: POWELL, Padgett - Edisto
005489: POWERS, Richard - The Gold Bug Variations
015360: POWERS, J. F - Prince of Darkness and Other Stories
004816: POWERS, Richard - The Gold Bug Variations
014244: POWYS, T. F. [POWYS, Theodore Francis] - Kindness in a Corner
014235: POWYS, T. F. [POWYS, Theodore Francis] - The Only Penitent
020097: POWYS, John Cowper - Autograph Manuscript Signed (Ams)
006411: POWYS, Laurence - At the Harlot's Burial
014245: POWYS, T. F. [POWYS, Theodore Francis] - The Dewpond
017769: PRESCOTT, William Henry - History of the Conquest of Peru 1524-1550
018799: PRESCOTT, William Henry - The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic
019441: PRESCOTT, William Henry - History of the Conquest of Peru 1524-1550
018263: PRESCOTT, William Henry - History of the Conquest of Peru 1524-1550
003905: PRESCOTT, William Henry - The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic
018808: PRESCOTT, William Henry - History of the Conquest of Peru 1524-1550
016851: PRESCOTT, William Henry - The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic
018878: PRESCOTT, William Henry - The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic
019184: PRESCOTT, William Henry - History of the Conquest of Peru 1524-1550
015840: PREVOST, L'Abbe (John AUSTEN) - Manon Lescaut
021457: PRICE, Richard - Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, and the Means of Making It a Benefit to the World
012567: PRICE, Reynolds - Vital Provisions
005683: PRICE, Reynolds - A Long and Happy Life
019478: PRITCHETT, V[ICTOR] S[AWDON] - Autograph Manuscript Signed (Ams) Book Review
007307: PRITCHETT, V. S - Christmas with the Cratchits
005211: PRITZEL, G. A - Thesaurus Literaturae Botanicae...
006128: PROKOSCH, Frederic - The Assassins
018701: PRONZINI, Bill - Cat's Paw
020055: PROUST, Marcel - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
020441: PRYNNE, William - Canterburies Doome. Or the First Part of a Compleat History of the Commitment, Charge, Tryall, Condemnation, Execution of William Laud, Late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. Containing the Severall Orders, Articles, Proceedings in Parliament Against Him, from His First Accusation Therein, Till His Tryall: Together with the Various Evidences and Proofs Produced Against Him at the Lords Bar, in Justification of the First Branch of the Commons Charge Against Him;... With His Severall Answers to Those Evidences, Proofs, and the Commons Reply Thereunto. Wherein This Arch-Prelates Manifold Trayterous Artifices to Usher in Popery by Degrees, Are Cleerly Detected, and the Ecclesiasticall History of Our Church-Affaires, During His Pontificall Domination, Faithfully Presented to the Publike View of the World
002040: PUIG, Manuel - Heartbreak Tango
003266: [WHITTIER] PUMPHREY, Stanley - Indian Civilization: A Lecture
007161: PUSHKIN, Alexander - The Golden Cockerel
013455: PUSHKIN, Alexander - The Captain's Daughter & Other Stories
017762: PUSHKIN, Alexander (Edmund DULAC) - The Golden Cockerel
017943: PUSHKIN, Alexander (Edmund DULAC) - The Golden Cockerel
014434: PUSHKIN, Alexander (Edmund DULAC) - The Golden Cockerel
015838: PUSHKIN, ALexander - The Captain's Daughter & Other Stories
021650: DE PUYDT, E[mile] - Les Orchidées. Histoire Iconographique. Organographie – Classification – Géographie – Collections – Commerce – Emploi -- Culture Avec Une Revue Descriptive Des Espèces Cultivées En Europe
019245: PYNCHON, Thomas - The Small Rain
020462: QUEEN, Ellery - Cat of Many Tails
021201: QUENEAU, Raymond - Exercises in Style
019905: QUINBY, Jane & STEVENSON, Allan - Catalogue of Botanical Books in the Collection of Rachel Mcmasters Miller Hunt
020024: DE QUINCEY, Thomas - Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
007146: DE QUINCY, Thomas - Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
019912: CAGLE, William R. and STAFFORD, Lisa Killion - American Books on Food and Drink. A Bibliographical Catalog of the Cookbook Collection Housed in the Lilly Library at the Indiana University
021617: RABELAIS, Francois - Gargantua & Pantagruel. The Five Books
019629: RABELAIS, Francois - Gargantua & Pantagruel. The Five Books
021238: RABELAIS, Francois - Gargantua & Pantagruel. The Five Books
019635: [RACKHAM, Arthur] FOUQUÉ, De La Motte - The Springtide of Life. Poems of Childhood
019715: [RACKHAM, Arthur] GUYOT, Charles - Le Printemps Sur la Neige Et D'Autres Contes Du Bon Vieux Temps
019443: [RACKHAM, Arthur] GRAHAME, Kenneth - The Wind in the Willows
020732: (RACKHAM, Arthur) INGOLDSBY, Thomas - The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth & Marvels
018951: [RACKHAM, Arthur] GRIMM BROTHERS - Little Brother & Little Sister and Other Tales
018953: [RACKHAM, Arthur] SWINBURNE, Algernon Charles - The Springtide of Life. Poems of Childhood
017235: [RACKHAM, Arthur] SHAKESPEARE, William - A Midsummer Night's Dream from the Plays of William Shakespeare
019189: RAFINESQUE, C(onstantine) S(amuel) - Medical Flora; or, Manual of the Medical Botany of the United States of North America. Containing a Selection of Above 100 Figures and Descriptions of Medical Plants, with Their Names, Qualities, Properties, History, &C. : And Notes or Remarks on Nearly 500 Equivalent Substitutes
020532: [RAILROADS] - Drawings of Maps, Bridges, Profiles, Coal Burning Locomotives, Chairs, Brakes, Splices, & C. Accompanying the Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for 1856
000428: RAINES, C. W - A Bibliography of Texas
012412: RANSOM, John Crowe - Poems About God
020622: BRANDON, Raphael and J. Arthur - An Analysis of Gothick Architecture: Illustrated by a Series of Upwards of Seven Hundred Examples of Doorways, Windows, Etc. And Accompanied with Remarks on the Several Details of an Ecclesiastical Edifice
019919: (RAVILIOUS, Eric) SHAKESPEARE, William - Twelfth Night or, What You Will
021263: RAWLINGS, Marjorie Kinnan - Cross Creek
018100: RAY, David - Gathering Firewood. New Poems and Selected
006788: READE, Charles - The Cloister and the Hearth. A Tale of the Middle Ages
010137: [REAGAN, Ronald] - First Lady. A Portrait of Nancy Reagan
003752: REAGAN, Ronald - Document Signed (Ds): A Christmas Message
019197: REAGAN, Ronald - Speaking My Mind: Selected Speeches
020658: REAGAN, Ronald - An American Life
015417: REED, John - Sangar. To Lincoln Steffens (the Dedication Copy Inscribed to Lincoln Steffens)
015418: REED, John - Across the War World (Unpublished Typescript)
017503: REED, John - Tamburlaine and Other Verses
017504: REED, John - The Day in Bohemia or Life Among the Artists Being a Jeu D'Esprit Containing Much That Is Original and Diverting. In Which the Reader Will Find the Cognomens and Qualities of Many Persons Destined One Day to Adorn the Annals of Nations, in Letters, Music, Painting, the Plastic Arts, and Even Business; Together with Their Foibles, Weaknesses, and Shortcomings. And Some Account of the Life Led by Geniuses in Manhattan's Quartier Latin
021711: RENDELL, Kenneth W - Forging History. The Detection of Fake Letters and Documents
021691: REVELL, Donald - Beautiful Shirt
021591: RHODIUS, Apollonius - Argonautica or, the Quest of Jason for the Golden Fleece...
000286: RICH, Adrienne - A Change of World
019212: RODGERS, Richard and HART, Lorenz - Little Girl Blue
005672: RICHARD, Mark - The Ice at the Bottom of the World
021118: RICHTER, Conrad - The Town
021002: RICHTER, Conrad - A Country of Strangers
020227: RICKENBACKER, Eddie - Signed Photograph
021275: RIDGE, Lola - Sun-Up and Other Poems
021276: RIDGE, Lola - Red Flag
021277: RIDGE, Lola - The Ghetto and Other Poems
017361: RIGGS, Lynn (Thomas Hart BENTON) - Green Grow the Lilacs
015637: RIGGS, Lynn (Thomas Hart BENTON) - Green Grow the Lilacs
011328: RILEY, James Whitcomb - Signed Photograph
020965: RILEY, James Whitcomb - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
019412: RILKE, Rainer Maria - The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
007845: RIMBAUD, Arthur (Robert MAPPLETHORPE) - A Season in Hell
019904: RIPLEY, S. Dillon & SCRIBNER, Lynetter - Ornithological Books in the Yale University Library Including the Library of William Robertson Coe
019906: RITTENHOUSE, Jack D - The Santa Fe Trail. A Historical Bibliography
021250: ROBERTS, Robert - The House Servant's Directory, or a Monitor for Private Families: Comprising Hints on the Arrangement and Performance of Servants' Work, with General Rules for Setting out Tables and Sideboards in First Order; the Art of Waiting in All Its Branches; and Likewise How to Conduct Large and Small Parties with Order; with General Directions for Placing on Table All Kinds of Joints, Fish, Fowl, &C. With Full Instructions for Cleaning Plate, Brass, Steel, Glass, Mahogany; and Likewise All Kinds of Patent and Common Lamps: Observations on Servants' Behaviour to Their Employers; and Upwards of 100 Various and Useful Receipts, Chiefly Compiled for the Use of House Servants; and Identically Made to Suit the Manners and Customs of Families in the United States with Friendly Advice to Cooks and Heads of Families; and Complete Directions How to Burn Lehigh Coal
020565: [ROBERTS, Abigail] - The Entertaining Medley; Being a Collection of True Histories and Anecdotes Calculated for the Cottager's Fire-Side
018398: ROBERTS, David - The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt & Nubia. / After Lithographs by Louis Haghe from Drawings Made on the Spot
005992: ROBERTS, Kenneth - The Seventh Sense
012552: ROBINSON, Edwin Arlington (FROST, Robert) - King Jasper. A Poem
009537: ROBINSON, William Morrison - The Confederate Privateers
020575: ROBINSON, Edwin Arlington - Van Zorn: . A Comedy in Three Acts
020881: ROBINSON, E. A - Cavender's House
008584: ROBISON, Mary - Days
019074: ROBISON, Mary - An Amateur's Guide to the Night
020365: ROBLIN, Jean - The Reading Fingers. Life of Louis Braille 1809-1852
021278: ROCKWELL, Norman (FRANKLIN, Benjamin) - Poor Richard's Almanack. Seven Signed Color Lithographs Based Upon Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac
019809: RODGERS, Richard - Signed Photograph
010465: ROESCH, Kurt [HAND-COLORED PLATES] - Sprig and Turfy
018359: ROETHKE, Theodore - Words for the Wind
021754: ROGERS, Will - The Illiterate Digest
020419: ROGERS, Will - Rogers-Isms. The Cowboy Philosopher on Prohibition
021511: ROGERS, Will - The Illiterate Digest
013213: REAGAN, Ronald (with HUBLER, Richard) - Where's the Rest of Me?
013313: REAGAN, Ronald (with HUBLER, Richard) - Where's the Rest of Me?
013155: RONDELET, Guillaume [RONDELETIUS, Gulielmus] - Libri de Piscibus Marinis, in Quibus Verae Piscium Effigies Expressae Sunt Quae in Tota Piscium Historia Contineantur, Indicat Elenchus Pagina Nona Et Decima. Postremo Accesserunt Indices Necessarij
018632: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) - Hunting Trips of a Ranchman
019601: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - This I Remember
014904: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - This Troubled World
013391: ROOSEVELT, Franklin Delano - State of New York. Public Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt Forty-Eighth Governor of the State of New York 1929
015952: [ROOSEVELT, Franklin D.] WILSON, Carey - The President's Birthday Party Broadcast
014375: (ROOSEVELT, Theodore) RIIS, Jacob - Theodore Roosevelt the Citizen
013345: [ROOSEVELT, Franklin Delano] SULLIVAN, Hon. William - The Public Men of the Revolution: Including Events from the Peace of 1783 to the Peace of 1815. In a Series of Letters
020375: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - Signed Photograph with Typed Letter Signed
014331: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - This I Remember
014871: ROOSEVELT, Franklin Delano - The Fourth White House Christmas Book. Proceedings at the Ceremony in Commemoration of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Commencement of the First Congress of the United States Under the Constitution at a Joint Session of the Congress in the House of Representatives March Fourth Nineteen Thirty-Nine. 76th Congress, 1st Session. House Document No. 212. Inscribed to Fdr, Jr.
020042: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) - Presidential Addresses and State Papers, Six Volumes from the Works of Theodore Roosevelt
019792: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - On My Own
014905: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) - American Ideals and Other Essays Social and Political
019670: [ROOSEVELT, Franklin Delano] - Miniature Shoes
021140: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy) - An Autobiography
014910: [ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT)] BRONTE, Charlotte - Life and Works of Charlotte Bronte and Her Sisters. Theodore Roosevelt's Set Signed by Him in Two Volumes
020454: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) - Big Game Hunting in the Rockies and on the Great Plains: Comprising "Hunting Trips of a Ranchman" and "the Wilderness Hunter.
018368: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy); TWAIN, MARK [Samuel Clemens]; et. al - Liber Scriptorum. The First Book of the Authors Club
021450: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy) - An Autobiography
015971: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor & FERRIS, Helen - Your Teens and Mine
019968: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - This I Remember
019222: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - Autographed Letter Signed (Als) to Her Son James
020668: ROOSEVELT, Theodore - Realizable Ideals (the Earl Lectures)
020235: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) - Hunting Trips of a Ranchman
021692: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - Autograph Letters Signed (Alss) to Her Aunt
020828: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
020698: [ROOSEVELT, Franklin D.] - The Democratic Book 1936
020699: [ROOSEVELT, Eleanor] HARRITY, Richard & MARTIN, Ralph G - Eleanor Roosevelt. Her Life in Pictures
021116: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy) - The New Nationalism
020829: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
013346: ROOSEVELT, Franklin Delano - Address of the President of the United States in the House of Representatives Delivered May 22, 1935. Inscribed to Fdr, Jr.
017512: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - Signed Photograph Inscribed to Concert Pianist Eugene List
018349: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - Autograph Limerick Signed
021119: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - It's Up to the Women
013347: ROOSEVELT, Franklin Delano - Log of the Cruise of President Franklin D. Roosevelt Aboard the Schooner Yacht Sewanna to Maine, Nova Scotia, & New Brunswick
021569: [ROOSEVELT, Franklin] SCUDDER, Rev. John - Provision for Passing over Jordan
021731: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) - The Rough Riders
019193: ROOSEVELT, Franklin Delano - On Our Way
016941: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) - The Wilderness Hunter. An Account of the Big Game of the United States and Its Chase with Horse Hound, and Rifle Inscribed to the Best American He Ever Knew
018986: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) - Big Game Hunting in the Rockies and on the Great Plains: Comprising "Hunting Trips of a Ranchman" and "the Wilderness Hunter.
018981: [ROOSEVELT, Franklin D.] - The Democratic Book 1936
018971: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - This I Remember
017829: [COOKERY] [ROOSEVELT, Eleanor] TOKLAS, Alice B - Aromas and Flavors of Past and Present Inscribed to Eleanor Roosevelt
021115: ROOSEVELT, Franklin Delano - Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt President of the United States from July 19, 1940 to January 20, 1941
013320: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy) - Administration. CIVIL Service. "American Ideals" Part II
019103: [ROOSEVELT, Eleanor] SEVAREID, Eric - Small Sounds in the Night. A Collection of Capsule Commentaries on the American Scene
019104: [ROOSEVELT, Eleanor] ZILBOORG, Gregory - Psychoanalysis and Religion
020224: ROOSEVELT, Eleanor - Christmas
017809: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy) - (the Works of Theodore Roosevelt)
017814: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) - Fear God and Take Your Own Part
017811: ROOSEVELT, Theodore (Teddy ROOSEVELT) - Big Game Hunting in the Rockies and on the Great Plains: Comprising "Hunting Trips of a Ranchman" and "the Wilderness Hunter.

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