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017817: [ROOSEVELT, Theodore] SHARP, William - Original Pen and Ink Drawing Titled "Tr on the Telephone
021300: [ROOSEVELT, Eleanor] WINANT, John Gilbert - Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Memorial Address Delivered Before the Joint Meeting of the Two Houses of Congress As a Tribute of Respect to the Late President of the United States. Hall of the House of Representatives July 1, 1946 79th Congress, 2nd Session, House Document No. 770
020236: ROSA, Salvator - Has Ludentis Otij Carolo Rubeo Singularis Amicitiae Pignus D D D
007337: ROSENTHAL, Jacques - Bibliotheca Magica Et Pneumatica. Geheime Wissenschaften. Sciences Occultes. Occult Sciences. Folk-Lore
009359: ROSS, Alan - A Calcutta Grandmother
015813: ROSTAND, Edmond - Cyrano de Bergerac
021131: ROSTAND, Edmond - Cyrano de Bergerac
019451: ROTH, Philip - Goodbye, Columbus
020560: ROTH, Philip - Our Gang
015296: ROTH, Philip - Portnoy's Complaint
013521: ROTH, Henry - Mercy of a Rude Stream. Volume 1: A Star Shines over Mt. Morris Park
002332: ROTH, Philip - Goodbye, Columbus
020433: ROUAULT, Georges Henri - Autograph Letter Signed
021667: ROUSSEAU, J[ean] J[acques] - La Botanique
015939: ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques - The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
018308: ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques - The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
018178: ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques - The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
016349: ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques - The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
020722: ROWLANDSON, Thomas - Journal of Sentimental Travels in the Southern Provinces of France, Shortly Before the Revolution
020724: (ROWLANDSON, Thomas) ENGELBACH, Lewis - Naples and the Campagna Felice in a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Friend in England, in 1802
020725: ROWLANDSON, Thomas - The Dance of Life, a Poem
020721: (ROWLANDSON, Thomas) COMBE, William - The Tour of Doctor Syntax. A Poem: In Search of the Picturesque; in Search of Consolation; in Search of a Wife
013796: [GOMBERVILLE (Marin le Roy, Sieur de)] (AUBIN, Penelope) - [the Doctrine of Morality, or a View of Human Life]. Moral Virtue Delineated
007499: ROY, Arundhati - The God of Small Things
000894: RUAS, Charles - Conversations with American Writers
021331: RUKEYSER, Muriel - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
013572: RUKEYSER, Muriel - Wake Island
018922: RUSH, Norman - Mating
005131: RUSH, Norman - Whites
021033: RUSKIN, John - Arrows of the Chace Being a Collection of Scattered Letters Published Chiefly in the Daily Newspapers,-- 1840-1880 with an Autograph Letter Signed (Als) Tipped in
020968: RUSKIN, John - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
021337: RUSKIN, John - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
020995: RUSKIN, John - Autograph Manuscript (Am) on Realism in Art and Literature and Its Relation to Morals
020205: RUSKIN, John - Sesame and Lilies with an Autograph Letter Signed (Als) to His Publisher by Ruskin Tipped in
021786: RUSKIN, John - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
020607: RUSKIN, John - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
019093: RUSKIN, John - Letters Upon Subjects of General Interest from John Ruskin to Various Correspondents with Four Autograph Letters Signed by Ruskin Tipped in
021249: RUSKIN, John - The Stones of Venice
019224: RUSSELL, Bertrand - The Impact of Science on Society
007575: RUSSO, Richard - Mohawk
021025: RYAN, Abram J[oseph] - Poems: Patriotic, Religious, Miscellaneous
021215: RYKWERT, Joseph - The Golden House
013223: GILBERT, W. S. and SULLIVAN, Arthur - The First Night Gilbert and Sullivan Containing Complete Librettos of the Fourteen Operas, Exactly As Presented at Their Premiere Performances; Together with Facsimiles of the First-Night Programmes
021453: CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel de - The First Part of the Life and Achievements of the RenownedDon Quixote de la Mancha
021208: SAINMONT, J. H - Camille Renault (1866-1954) World-Maker
011782: SALMON, William - Iatrica: Seu Praxis Medendi. The Practice of Curing Being a Medicinal History of Many Famous Observations in the Cure of Diseases, Performed by the Author Hereof. Whereunto Is Added by Way of Scholia, a Complete Theory, or Method of Precepts, Wherein the Names, Definitions, Kinds, Signs, Causes, Prognosticks, and Various Waies of Cure Are Methodically Instituted, Digested and Reduced to Vulgar Practice, Together with Several of the Choices Observations of Other Famous Men... .
008200: SALTER, James - Burning the Days. Recollection
021298: DALI, Salvador and BOCCACCIO, Giovanni - Decameron
002572: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] et al - The Niagara Book
020942: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] and WARNER, Charles Dudley - The Gilded Age. A Tale of Today
019205: SANDBURG, Carl - Abraham Lincoln. The War Years
020708: SANDBURG, Carl - The People, Yes
020471: SANDBURG, Carl - Storm over the Land. A Profile of the CIVIL War Taken Mainly from Abraham Lincoln: The War Years
009710: SANDBURG, Carl - Always the Young Strangers
021494: SANDBURG, Carl - Abraham Lincoln. The War Years
020709: SANDBURG, Carl - Smoke and Steel
018385: SANDBURG, Carl - Bronze Wood
008316: SANDBURG, Carl - Cornhuskers
003431: SANDBURG, Carl - Address of Carl Sandburg Before a Joint Session of Congress February 12, 1959
019527: (SANDERS, Ed) FUGS - Golden Filth. At Last Alive at the Filmore East
019610: SANGER, Margaret - An Autobiography
019671: SANGER, Margaret - Archive of 5 Autograph Letters
020697: (SANGER, Margaret) LADER, Lawrence - Margaret Sanger. An Autobiography
021709: SANTAYANA, George - Dialogues in Limbo
019024: SANTAYANA, George - Two Autograph Letters Signed (Alss)
018560: [Henry CLAY] SARGENT, N. (Oliver OLDSCHOOL) - Life of Henry Clay
020107: SAROYAN, William - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
020214: SARTON, May - The Silence Now. New and Uncollected Earlier Poems
020210: SARTON, May - A Private Mythology. New Poems
020211: SARTON, May - As We Are Now
020222: SARTON, May - At Seventy. A Journal
020215: SARTON, May - Kinds of Love
020216: SARTON, May - A Shower of Summer Days
020218: SARTON, May - Recovering. A Journal
020209: SARTON, May - After the Stroke. A Journal
016155: SASSOON, Siegfried - Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man
015811: SASSOON, Siegfried - Memoirs of an Infantry Officer
021635: SASSOON, Siegfried - Selected Poems Inscribed with Two Autograph Poems
021149: SAVITSKY, Jack - Original Signed Color Drawing: Pussy in a Boot
020459: SAVITSKY, Jack - Original Signed Color Drawing: Coal Miner Jack
009353: SCANNELL, Vernon - Wish You Were Here
017981: SCHEFFER, John - The History of Lapland Wherein Are Shewed the Original Manners, Habits, Marriages, Conjurations, &C. Of That People
018700: SCHIER, Norma - The Anagram Detectives
017747: SCHILLER, Johann Christoph Friedrich von - William Tell
007153: SCHILLER, Friedrich - William Tell
017232: SCHMECKEBIER, Laurence E. (John Steuart CURRY) - John Steuart Curry's Pageant of America
019555: (SCHMID, Louise) - Louise Schmid. Arbeiten Auf Papier
017744: SCHREINER, Olive - The Story of an African Farm
018770: SCHREINER, Olive - The Story of an African Farm
007512: SCHREINER, Olive - The Story of an African Farm
000485: SCHRODER, John (editor) - Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts by Rupert Brooke, Edward Marsh & Christopher Hassall
012372: [SCHROTER, Johann Friedrich; CHARLEVOIX, Pierre-Francois-Xavier de; LAFITAU, Joseph-Francois] BAUMGARTEN, Siegmund Jakob - Algemeine Geschichte Der Lander Und Volker Von America
020866: (SCHWARTZ, Delmore) RIMBAUD, Arthur - A Season in Hell
020073: SCHWARTZ, Delmore - The World Is a Wedding
020950: SCHWARTZ, Delmore - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
001823: [SCOTLAND] - [Pictures & Portraits of the Life and Land of Burns]
019816: [SCOTLAND] - Perth-Shire Illustrated: A Series of Select Views of Its Picturesque and Romantic Scenery, Palaces, Castles & Seats. With Historical & Descriptive Illustrations; and an Account of the Royal Progress
019623: SCOTT, Sir Walter - Ivanhoe
016987: SCOTT, Sir Walter - Ivanhoe
017689: SCOTT, Sir Walter - The Talisman
019749: SCOTT, Sir Walter - Waverley
002192: SCOTT, Sir Walter - Ivanhoe
003871: SCOTT, Sir Walter - Kenilworth
019742: SCOTT, Sir Walter - The Talisman
019267: SCOTT, Sir Walter - Kenilworth
016896: SCOTT, Sir Walter - Kenilworth
002035: SEARLE, Ronald - Dick Deadeye
020831: SEAVER, Tom - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
005367: SECCOMBE, Joseph - A Discourse Utter'd in Part at Ammauskeeg-Falls in the Fishing Season 1739
007870: SEEBASS, Adolf - Alte Kinderbucher Und Jungenschriften
002030: SETH, Vikram - A Suitable Boy
019952: SETON, Ernest Thompson - Life-Histories of Northern Animals. An Account of the Mammals of Manitoba
004158: SHACOCHIS, Bob - Easy in the Islands
000525: SHACOCHIS, Bob - Easy in the Islands
005643: SHACOCHIS, Bob - Easy in the Islands
005646: SHACOCHIS, Bob - The Next New World
018733: SHAKESPEARE, William - The Poems of William Shakespeare
015716: (CHELONIIDAE PRESS) SHAKESPEARE, William (ROBINSON, Alan James) - The Birds and Beasts of Shakespeare
017236: SHAKESPEARE, William (Arthur RACKHAM) - The Tempest
010179: SHAKESPEARE, William - The Life of King Henry V
018228: SHAKESPEARE, William - The Plays of William Shakespeare: The Comedies, Histories & Tragedies: 37 Volumes
017372: SHAKESPEARE, William - The Life of King Henry V
016033: SHAKESPEARE, William - The Poems of William Shakespeare
017291: SHAKESPEARE, William - Shakespeares Pericles Being a Reproduction in Facsimile of the First Edition 1609 from the Copy in the Malone Collection in the Bodleian Library with Introduction and Bibliography by Sidney Lee
018640: SHAKESPEARE, William - The Works of William Shakespeare
021813: SHAKESPEARE, William - The Life of King Henry V
018752: SHAKESPEARE, William - The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
019826: SHAPIRO, Karl - Edsel
014055: SHAW, George Bernard - Vintage Photograph Portrait
021169: SHAW, George Bernard - Back to Methuselah
013018: SHAW, George Bernard - Socialism and Superior Brains. A Reply to Mr. Mallock
013044: SHAW, George Bernard - From the Savoy. An Essay on Going to Church
013105: SHAW, George Bernard - In Good King Charles's Golden Days. A History Lesson
013082: [SHAW, George Bernard] - To Decorate Your Library
013030: (SHAW, George Bernard) ARCHER, William - Three Plays
013438: SHAW, George - General Zoology or Systematic Natural History
013116: (SHAW, George Bernard) HOLMES, Maurice - Some Bibliographical Notes on the Novels of George Bernard Shaw. With Some Comments by Bernard Shaw
013047: SHAW, George Bernard - Love Among the Artists
013054: SHAW, George Bernard - The Common Sense of Municipal Trading
000700: SHAW, George Bernard - Two Plays for Puritans
019804: (SHAW, George Bernard) SALT, Henry S. (editor) - Killing for Sport. Essays by Various Writers
013035: SHAW, George Bernard - The League of Nations
013070: SHAW, George Bernard - The Apple Cart: A Political Extravaganza
010160: SHAW, George Bernard - Man and Superman
013094: [SHAW, (George) Bernard] - The Arts League of Service Annual 1921-1922: The Art of Rehearsal
013060: SHAW, George Bernard - The Common Sense of Municipal Trading
018261: SHAW, George Bernard - Back to Methuselah
013045: SHAW, George Bernard - An Essay on Going to Church
013098: SHAW, George Bernard - How to Become a Model Parent in the Shavian
013087: [SHAW, George Bernard] BAB, Julius - Bernard Shaw
013071: SHAW, George Bernard - The Quintessence of Ibsenism. Now Completed to the Death of Ibsen
013135: [SHAW, George Bernard] LAURENCE, Dan H - Shaw: An Exhibit
017728: SHAW, George Bernard - Man and Superman
013034: (SHAW, George Bernard) LLOYD, J. Henry & SCOULLER, R. E - Trade Unionism for Clerks
013041: SHAW, George Bernard - The Common Sense of Municipal Trading
021146: SHAW, George Bernard - Androcles and the Lion, Overrule, Pygmalion Inscribed to Charles Ricketts
013093: [SHAW, (George) Bernard] - Bernard Shaw & Fascism
013120: SHAW, George Bernard - Everybody's Political What's What? Manuscript Page, Page Proofs and 3 Autograph Letters Signed (Alss) by Shaw
013132: [SHAW, George Bernard] HENDERSON, Archibald - George Bernard Shaw: Man of the Century
013083: [SHAW, George Bernard] LOEWENSTEIN, F. E - The History of a Famous Novel
013069: SHAW, George Bernard - The Apple Cart: A Political Extravaganza
013056: SHAW, George Bernard - Press Cuttings: A Topical Sketch Compiled from the Editorial and Correspondence Columns of the Daily Papers
013057: SHAW, George Bernard - Press Cuttings: A Topical Sketch Compiled from the Editorial and Correspondence Columns of the Daily Papers
013134: [SHAW, George Bernard] PHILLIPS, Jill M - George Bernard Shaw: A Review of the Literature
013133: SHAW, George Bernard - Dramatic Opinions and Essays. Volume II Only
013420: SHAW, George Bernard - The Works of George Bernard Shaw: 33 Volumes, Each Volume Inscribed to Shaw's Favorite Actress Lillah Mccarthy
013029: SHAW, George Bernard - Heartbreak House, Great Catherine, and Playlets of the War
021568: (SHAW, George Bernard) - The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God
019066: SHAW, George Bernard - Pygmalion and Candida
019256: SHAW, George Bernard - Pygmalion and Candida
013022: SHAW, George Bernard - Socialism and Superior Brains. A Reply to Mr. Mallock
013059: SHAW, George Bernard - Peace Conference Hints
019067: SHAW, George Bernard - Man and Superman
018780: SHAW, George Bernard - Two Plays for Puritans
011848: SHAW, George Bernard - Two Plays for Puritans
013040: SHAW, George Bernard - Imprisonment
013101: SHAW, George Bernard - Cashel Byron's Profession, by Bernard Shaw, Being No. 4 of the Novels of His Nonage. Also the Admirable Bashville, and an Essay on Modern Prizefighting
013109: [SHAW, George Bernard] - Too True to Be Good: A Collection of Stage Sermons by a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature
013099: SHAW, George Bernard - Why She Would Not: A Little Comedy in the London Magazine, Volume 3, No. 8
003402: SHAW, George Bernard - From the Savoy. An Essay on Going to Church
013036: [SHAW, George Bernard] COSTELLO, Donald P - The Serpent's Eye. Shaw and the Cinema
013021: SHAW, George Bernard - Four Plays
019459: AESCHYLUS & SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe - Prometheus Bound and Prometheus Unbound
019456: SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe - The Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
016216: SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe - The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
010763: SHELLEY, Percy (HUTCHINSON, Thomas: editor) - Poetical Works
018743: AESCHYLUS & SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe - Prometheus Bound and Prometheus Unbound
016217: SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe - The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
020641: SHELLEY, Mary Wollstonecraft - Autograph Letter Signed (Als) by the Author of Frankenstein
013482: SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe - The Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley
015350: SHELLEY, Percy (HUTCHINSON, Thomas: editor) - Poetical Works
014076: SHEPARD, E. H. [Ernest Howard SHEPARD] - Large Archive of Correspondence with Many Original Drawings All to Fellow Artist Arthur Bentley Connor
007277: SHEPARD, E. H. [Ernest Howard SHEPARD] - Archive of Correspondence
000437: (SHEPARD, Sam) SMITH, M. (ed.) - The Best of Off Off Broadway
014970: SHERIDAN, Richard B - The School for Scandal. A Comedy
006885: SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley - The Rivals. A Comedy
015905: SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley - The Rivals. A Comedy
018336: SHERIDAN, Richard B - The School for Scandal. A Comedy
016373: SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley - The Rivals. A Comedy
018183: SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley - The Rivals. A Comedy
018677: SHERIDAN, Richard Brinsley - The Rivals. A Comedy
021544: SHERMAN, General William Tecumseh - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
008142: SHIELDS, Carol - The Stone Diaries
003744: SHILLABER, Benjamin P - Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington and Others of the Family
012458: SHREWSBURY, F. H. C - The Scapegoat
020250: SHUGIO, Heromich (editor) - Japanese Art Folio
009040: [SIEBERT, Frank] - The Frank T. Siebert Library of the North American Indian and the American Frontier. 28/10/1999
016064: SIENKIEWICZ, Henryk - Quo Vadis?
006197: SILKIN, Jon - The Peaceable Kingdom
001989: SILVER, Rollo - Typefounding in America, 1787-1825
004324: SIMIC, Charles - They Forage at Night
004859: (SIMIC, Charles) POPA, Vasko - Give Me Back My Rags
019777: SIMIC, Charles - Return to a Place Lit by a Glass of Milk. Poems
000101: SIMIC, Charles - School for Dark Thoughts
020874: SIMIC, Charles - Dismantling the Silence. Poems
011939: SIMIC, Charles - Poems 1967 - 1982. Weather Forecast for Utopia & Vicinity
018095: SIMIC, Charles - Return to a Place Lit by a Glass of Milk. Poems
006461: SIMIC, Charles - Dismantling the Silence. Poems
021237: SIMIC, Charles - What the Grass Says
006259: SIMIC, Charles - A Wedding in Hell
018094: SIMIC, Charles - Dismantling the Silence. Poems
005104: SIMIC, Charles (trans.) POPA, Vasko - Give Me Back My Rags
012077: SIMIC, Charles - Return to a Place Lit by a Glass of Milk. Poems
007638: SIMMONS, Dan - Banished Dreams
019845: SIMON, Scott - Jackie Robinson and the Integration of Baseball
021043: SAINT-SIMON - The Memoirs of Louis de Rouvroy Duc de Saint-Simon Covering the Years 1691 - 1723
021592: SAINT-SIMON - The Memoirs of Louis de Rouvroy Duc de Saint-Simon Covering the Years 1691 - 1723
014932: SAINT-SIMON - The Memoirs of Louis de Rouvroy Duc de Saint-Simon Covering the Years 1691 - 1723
010335: SIMON, Neil - Three from the Stage
002093: SIMPSON, Mona - Anywhere But Here
012054: SIMPSON, Louis - The Arrivistes. Poems 1940-1949
002234: SIMPSON, Louis - At the End of the Open Road
005138: SIMPSON, Louis - Selected Poems
021446: SINATRA, Nancy - Typed Letter Signed (Tls) with an Autograph Letter Signed (Als) by Nancy Sinatra, Senior
019821: [LEWIS, Sinclair and DREISER, Theodore] - Original Newspaper Art Regarding the Famous Fight between Lewis and Dreiser
016538: SINCLAIR, Upton - The Jungle
002467: SINCLAIR, May - The Dark Night
014363: SINCLAIR, Upton - The Jungle
014077: SINCLAIR, Upton - Typescript (Sinclair's Own Working Ribbon Copy) of Wide Is the Gate
014042: SINCLAIR, Upton - Signed Photograph
018579: SINGER, Isaac B - The Magician of Lublin
000299: SINGER, Isaac B - Gentleman from Cracow; the Mirror
018267: SINGER, Isaac B - The Magician of Lublin
008455: SINGER, Isaac B - The Magician of Lublin
021209: SISSON, C. H - Versions and Perversions of Heine
019403: SITWELL, Edith - Autograph Manuscript Signed (Ams): "a Young Girl's Song
009108: SITWELL, Sacheverell - Fine Bird Books: 1700 - 1900
006047: SITWELL, Edith - Selected Poems
006049: SITWELL, Osbert - Three-Quarter Length Portrait of Michael Arlen
006393: SLADEN, Douglas (ed.) - Younger American Poets 1830-1890
004840: SMILEY, Jane - A Thousand Acres
004690: SMILEY, Jane - A Thousand Acres
005741: SMILEY, Jane - The Age of Grief
005742: SMILEY, Jane - Ordinary Love & Good Will
005743: SMILEY, Jane - Moo
004888: SMILEY, Jane - The Greenlanders
009188: SMILEY, Jane - Duplicate Keys
004887: SMILEY, Jane - The Age of Grief
004886: SMILEY, Jane - Duplicate Keys
006708: SMILEY, Jane - The Greenlanders
017877: LUCIE-SMITH, Edward (editor) - The Liverpool Scene
005838: SMITH, Dave - The Fisherman's Whore
020353: SMITH, Albert - The Marchioness of Brinvilliers. The Poisoner of the Seventeenth Century. A Romance of Old Paris
021199: SMITH, Harold F. (compiler) - American Travellers Abroad. A Bibliography of Accounts Published Before 1900
000216: SMITH, Charlie - The Lives of the Dead
021350: SMITH, H. Allen - Typed Letter Signed (Tls): Getting a Good Agent Is Harder Than Getting a Publisher
020911: SMITH, Patti - Strange Messenger. The Work of Patti Smith
015154: SMITH, Charlie - The Palms
001765: SMITH, F. Hopkinson - Colonel Carter's Christmas
002233: SMITH, Dave - Cuba Night
021345: SMITH, Adam - An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
002778: SMITH, Charlie - Canaan
006138: SMITH, Dave - Blue Spruce
000573: LUCIE-SMITH, Edward - Heureux Qul, Comme Ulysse...
020912: SMITH, Patti - Auguries of Innocence
010976: SMITH, Dave - Onliness
020759: SMITH, Logan Pearsall - Trivia Printed from the Papers of Anthony Woodhouse, Esq. With Trivia with More Trivia
001042: SMITH, Charlie - Canaan
012605: SMITH, Stevie - Harold's Leap
010982: SMITH, Dave as SMITH, David Jeddie - Mean Rufus Throw Down
007923: SMITH, Thorne - Topper: An Improbable Adventure
018215: SMOLLETT, Tobias - The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle in Which Is Included Memoirs of a Lady of Quality
007221: SNAGG, Thomas - Recollections of Occurrences. The Memoirs of Thomas Snagg (or Snagge)
012545: SNODGRASS, W. D - Heart's Needle
006022: SNODGRASS, W. D - Heart's Needle
014031: SNODGRASS, W. D - Archive of Typed Letter Signed (Tls), Two Autographed Letters Signed (Alss) and a Typed Manuscript
012051: SNODGRASS, W. D - Heart's Needle
019405: SNODGRASS, W. D - Autographed Letter Signed (Als) and Autograph Manuscript Signed (Ams)
004373: SNYDER, Martin - City of Independence: Views of Philadelphia Before 1800
020480: SNYDER, Gary - Myths & Texts
021675: SONDHEIM, Stephen - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
016394: SOPHOCLES - Antigone
017071: SOPHOCLES - Antigone
018523: SOUSA, John Philip - Marching Along. Recollections of Men Women and Music
015875: SOUTHEY, Robert (translator) - The Chronicle of the Cid
019960: SOUTHEY, Robert (translator) - The Chronicle of the Cid
021509: SPARRMAN, Andrew - A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, Towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, and Round the World: But Chiefly Into the Country of the Hottentots and Caffres, from the Year 1772, to 1776
020188: SPENCER, Elizabeth - The Legacy
001325: SPENDER, Stephen - Poems of Dedication
002640: SPENDER, Stephen - Journals 1939-1983
018576: SPENSER, Edmund - The Faerie Queene. Disposed Into Twelve Bookes Fashioning XII Morall Vertues (Faerie Queen)
014490: SPENSER, Edmund - The Faerie Queene. Disposed Into Twelve Bookes Fashioning XII Morall Vertues (Faerie Queen)
019927: SPENSER, Edmund - The Faerie Queene. Disposed Into Twelve Bookes Fashioning XII Morall Vertues (Faerie Queen)
017393: SPENSER, Edmund - The Faerie Queene. Disposed Into Twelve Bookes Fashioning XII Morall Vertues (Faerie Queen)
021236: SPICER, Jack - Billy the Kid
000719: [SPRUANCE, Benton] - Signed Lithograph in the New Colophon. Volume I, Part 4
001828: STAFFORD, William - Allegiances
000235: STAFFORD, William - The Rescued Year
000234: STAFFORD, William - Traveling Through the Dark
013971: STAFFORD, William - Down in My Heart
006144: STAFFORD, William - The Rescued Year
004724: STAFFORD, William - Allegiances
018451: STAFFORD, William - West of Your City
008349: STAFFORD, William - Tuned in Late One Night
016845: STAFFORD, William - Smoke's Way
007464: STAFFORD, Jean - The Catherine Wheel
007610: STAFFORD, William - The Quiet of the Land
019614: STAGG, Amos Alonzo & STOUT, Wesley Winans - Touchdown!
019665: STANTON, Edwin - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
006299: STARK, Sharon Sheehe - The Dealers' Yard
019877: STARRETT, Vincent - Books and Bipeds
018448: STEDMAN, J[ohn] G[abriel] [WILLIAM BLAKE] - Narrative, of a Five Years' Expedition, Against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the Wild Coast of South America...
021689: THEMERSON, Stefan and THEMERSON, Franciszka - Semantic Divertissements
021075: STEFANSSON, Vilhjalmur (editor) - Great Adventures and Explorations. From the Earliest Times to the Present, As Told by the Explorers
020258: STEFFENS, Lincoln - The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens
003204: STEGNER, Wallace - The Spectator Bird
016187: STEIN, Gertrude - Four in America
021807: STEIN, Gertrude - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
021229: STEINBECK, John - Sweet Thursday
014778: STEINBECK, John - Playbills: Of Mice and Men and Pipe Dream
020854: STEINBECK, John - Hrozny Hnevu [the Grapes of Wrath]
021373: STEINBECK, John - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
021681: STEINER, Rudolf - The Concealed Aspects of Human Existence and the Christ Impulse
021680: STEINER, Rudolf - The Descent of the Spirit Gaining a Relationship to the Dead Through the Language of the Heart. Man As an Image of Spiritual Beings and Spiritual Activities on Earth
021679: STEINER, Rudolf - The Mysteries of Light, of Space, and of the Earth
021682: STEINER, Rudolf - Christianity in the Evolution of Modern Mankind. Leading Individualities and Avatar-Beings
021657: STEP, Edward - Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse
000547: STEPHENS, James - Five New Poems
000552: STEPHENS, James - Etched in Moonlight
014440: STEPHENS, James - The Crock of Gold
014974: STEPHENS, James - The Crock of Gold
016305: STEPHENS, James - The Crock of Gold
021191: STERNE, Laurence - A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
006871: STERNE, Laurence - A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
017565: STERNE, Laurence - A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
012084: STEVENS, Wallace - Harmonium
020232: [STEVENS, Wallace] STEBBINS, C. (editor) - Verses from the Harvard Advocate. Third Series 1886-1906
021636: STEVENS, Wallace - Harmonium
020870: STEVENS, Wallace - Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction
019178: STEVENS, Wallace - Ideas of Order
020228: STEVENS, Wallace - Transport to Summer
017768: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - The Beach of Falesa
016475: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - New Arabian Nights
018914: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - Kidnapped. Being Memoirs of the Adventures of David Balfour in the Year 1751...
018642: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - Signed Photograph
017170: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
014944: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - Travels with a Donkey
017604: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - Two Mediaeval Tales
021517: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - Footnote to History. Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa
019861: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - A Child's Garden of Verses
015921: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - The Beach of Falesa
014520: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - A Christmas Sermon
021164: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - Kidnapped. Being Memoirs of the Adventures of David Balfour in the Year 1751...
010419: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - Select Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson. Virginibus Puerisque, Crabbed Age and Youth, an Apology for Idlers, and Walking Tours
011851: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - The Master of Ballantrae
017293: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - Autograph Letter Signed (Als): "One Regrets One's Youth More Sharply in England Than in France
018848: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - Two Mediaeval Tales
017595: STEVENSON, Robert Louis - Kidnapped. Being Memoirs of the Adventures of David Balfour in the Year 1751...
020644: STOCKTON, Frank R - Autograph Letter Signed (Als) to Mary Mapes Dodge
020350: STONE, William L - Life of Joseph Brant-Thayendanegea, Including the Border Wars of the American Revolution, and Sketches of the Indian Campaigns of Generals Harmar, St. Clair, and Wayne, and Other Matters Connected with the Indian Relations of the United States and Great Britain, from the Peace of 1738 to the Indian Peace of 1795
015155: STONE, Robert - Bear and His Daughter. Stories
014863: STONE, Robert - A Hall of Mirrors
001148: [STONE, Robert] - Stanford Short Stories 1964
005839: STONE, Robert - Outerbridge Reach
005910: STONE, Robert - Outerbridge Reach
009457: STOWE, Harriet Beecher (Miguel COVARRUBIAS) - Uncle Tom's Cabin
020745: STOWE, Harriet Beecher - Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly
015568: STOWE, Harriet Beecher (Miguel COVARRUBIAS) - Uncle Tom's Cabin
006017: STRAND, Mark - The Sargeantville Notebook
018479: STRAND, Mark - Sleeping with One Eye Open
004857: STRAND, Mark - Prose. Four Poems
019775: STRAND, Mark - Darker
006249: STRAND, Mark - The Continuous Life
021797: STRAND, Mark - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
014230: STRIBLING, T. S - Fombombo
014233: STRIBLING, T. S - The Sound Wagon
010286: STRINDBERG, August - A Dream Play
007526: STURGEON, Theodore - More Than Human
014851: STYRON, William - The Confessions of Nat Turner
015310: STYRON, William - Set This House on Fire
000332: STYRON, William - Lie Down in Darkness
019848: STYRON, William - The Confessions of Nat Turner
007826: [STYRON, William] - One and Twenty. Duke Narrative and Verse 1924-1945
019501: [STYRON, William] CERF, Bennett - At Random. The Reminiscences of Bennett Cerf
019537: STYRON, William - The Confessions of Nat Turner
005685: STYRON, William - This Quiet Dust
006290: STYRON, William - The Confessions of Nat Turner
007421: STYRON, William - A Tidewater Morning
001799: STYRON, William - The Confessions of Nat Turner
010756: STYRON, William - Grateful Words About F. Scott Fitzgerald
014586: STYRON, William - The Confessions of Nat Turner
007506: STYRON, William - The Confessions of Nat Turner
007885: STYRON, William - Lie Down in Darkness
007884: STYRON, William - Lie Down in Darkness
005649: STYRON, William - Lie Down in Darkness
015665: SUETONIUS - The Lives of the Twelve Caesars
018508: SULLIVAN, Frank - Frank Sullivan Through the Looking Glass. A Collection of His Letters and Pieces
021716: SUMNER, Charles - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
021715: SUMNER, Charles - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
021259: [ROUSSELOT de SURGY, Jacques Philibert] - Histoire Naturelle Et Politique de la Pensylvanie, Et de L'établissement Des Quakers Dans Cette Contrée
011844: SURTEES, Robert Smith - The Jaunts and Jollities of Mr. John Jorrocks
020035: SWEET, Alex E. & KNOX, J.Armoy - On a Mexican Mustang, Through Texas, from the Gulf to the Rio Grande
016351: SWIFT, Jonathan - The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver
015575: SWIFT, Jonathan - The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver
014502: SWINBURNE, Algernon Charles - A Song of Italy
014505: SWINBURNE, Algernon - Autograph Manuscript: "After Sunset
021434: SWINBURNE, Algernon - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
012666: SYMONDS, John Addington (translator) - The Sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarroti and Tommaso Campanella
007500: SYMONS, Arthur - Studies in Seven Arts
021272: [NEW YORK CITY SUBWAY SYSTEM] - Original Calligraphic Manuscript Tribute: Testimonial to Charles Rodenburg
018946: SZYK, Arthur - Ink & Blood. A Book of Drawings
019617: [TAFT, William Howard] TAFT, Mrs. William Howard - Recollections of Full Years
020756: TAFT, William Howard - Inaugural Address of President Taft. March 4, 1909
019791: TAFT, William Howard & BRYCE, James - Washington. The Nation's Capital
020420: TAFT, William Howard; WICKERSHAM, George; LOWELL, A. Lawrence; TAFT, Henry W - The Covenanter: An American Exposition of the Covenant of the League of Nations
020231: [TAFT, William Howard] [HASSAM, Childe] NOYES, Alfred - The Avenue of the Allies and Victory
020666: TAFT, William Howard - The United States and Peace
021470: TAFT, William Howard - Presidential Addresses and State Papers of William Howard Taft from March 4, 1909, to March 4, 1910
019191: TAFT, William Howard - Political Issues and Outlooks. Speeches Delivered between August, 1908, and February, 1909
018941: TAFT, William Howard - Popular Government. Its Essence, Its Permanence and Its Perils
017852: TAJIMA, Shiichi [editor] - Masterpieces by Motonobu: With Critical Descriptions, and a Biographical Sketch of the Artist
000589: TAN, Amy - The Joy Luck Club
018564: TARKINGTON, Booth - Monsieur Beaucaire
003906: TARKINGTON, Booth - Monsieur Beaucaire
016809: TARKINGTON, Booth - Monsieur Beaucaire
014052: TARKINGTON, Booth - Signed Photograph
006721: TARKINGTON, Booth - Claire Ambler
020966: TARKINGTON, Booth - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
011039: TATE, James; MATTHEWS, William; MALANGA, Gerard; SCHAEFFER, Susan Fromberg - The Writer's Forum
021665: TATE, James - The Lost Pilot
014602: TATE, James - The Lost Pilot
009346: TATE, James - The Torches
021698: [JAZZ] TAYLOR, Billy - Autograph
021770: TAYLOR, Bayard - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
021016: TAYLOR, Bayard - Autograph Manuscript Signed (Ams)
005726: TAYLOR, Peter - The Oracle at Stoneleigh Court
021420: TAYLOR, Bayard (editor) - Picturesque Europe: A Delineation by Pen and Pencil... Of Great Britain and the Continent...
017196: TCHEKOFF, Anton [Anton Chekhov] - The House with the Mezzanine and Other Stories
018264: TEGNER, Esaias - Frithiof's Saga
011522: TELLIER, Jules (Paul NASH) - Abd-Er-Rhaman in Paradise
021640: TENNYSON, Alfred Lord - [Timbuctoo, a Poem]. Prolusiones Academiæ PræMiis Annuis Dignatæ Et in Curia Cantabrigiensi Recitatae Comitiis Maximis
016072: TENNYSON, Alfred, Lord - The Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
016157: TENNYSON, Alfred, Lord - The Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
020401: TENNYSON, Alfred, Lord - The Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
012434: TENNYSON, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam As Written by Alfred Lord Tennyson Mdcccxlix
018775: TENNYSON, Alfred, Lord - The Poems of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
003307: TENNYSON, Alfred Lord - A Welcome and a Welcome. To Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales from the Poet Laureate with an Autograph Letter Signed to His Publisher
003700: TENNYSON, Alfred - Steel-Engraved Portrait
014951: THACKERAY, William M - The History of Henry Esmond
018248: THACKERAY, William M - The History of Pendennis. His Fortunes and Misfortunes His Friends and His Greatest Enemy
018309: THACKERAY, William M - The History of Henry Esmond
014512: THACKERAY, William Makepeace - The Adventures of Philip on His Way Through the World; Shewing Who Robbed Him, Who Helped Him, and Who Passed Him by
018760: THACKERAY, William M - The Rose & the Ring
018288: THACKERAY, William M - The Rose & the Ring
003868: THACKERAY, William M - The Rose & the Ring
016393: THACKERAY, William Makepeace - Vanity Fair
018217: THACKERAY, William M - The Newcomes. Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family Edited by Arther Pendennis Esq
016880: THACKERAY, William M - The History of Pendennis. His Fortunes and Misfortunes His Friends and His Greatest Enemy
000695: THACKERAY, William M - The Newcomes. Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family Edited by Arther Pendennis Esq
021487: THACKERAY, W. M - The History of Henry Esmond, Esq
021387: THATCHER, Margaret - The Path to Power
021293: [BASEBALL] THAYER, Phineas - Casey at the Bat
021688: THEMERSON, Stefan - Jankel Adler. An Artist Seen from One of Many Possible Angles
021158: THEMERSON, Stefan - Bayamus
021204: THEMERSON, Stefan - Professor Mmaa's Lecture
021690: THEMERSON, Franciszka - Traces of Living
021214: THEMERSON, Stefan - The Lay Scripture. Or, a Draft for a Preface to a Textbook of Physics
021159: THEMERSON, Stefan - The Adventures of Peddy Bottom
021160: THEMERSON, Stefan - Wooff Wooff or Who Killed Richard Wagner?
021161: THEMERSON, Stefan - Cardinal PôLätûo with Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
021216: THEMERSON, Stefan - Will the Discovery of a D Lead Us to Ethicophysics?
018965: TAFT, William Howard. MARBURG, Theodore and FLACK Horace E. (editors) - Taft Papers on League of Nations
001811: THEROUX, Paul - The Black House
008376: THEROUX, Paul - Jungle Lovers
017982: THOMAS, Frederick W - The Emigrant, or Reflections While Descending the Ohio. A Poem
015211: THOMAS, Gwyn - The Love Man
003759: THOMAS, D. M. - The White Hotel
018995: DANIELL, Thomas and DANIELL, William - A Picturesque Voyage to India; by the Way of China
021578: THOMPSON, George - Letters and Addresses by George Thompson During His Mission in the United States from Oct. 1st, 1834, to Nov. 27, 1835
021449: THORBURN, A(rchibald) - The Ornithology of the Straits of Gibraltar
018344: THOREAU, Henry David - Walden or Life in the Woods
015692: (THOREAU, Henry David) [Jones, Samuel Arthur] editor - Pertaining to Thoreau
015677: THOREAU, Henry David - Cape Cod
018584: THOREAU, Henry David - A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
002199: THOREAU, Henry David - A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
021317: THOREAU, Henry David - The Writings of Henry David Thoreau [Works] with a Leaf of Manuscript
019748: THOREAU, Henry David - Cape Cod
015689: THOREAU, Henry David - The Maine Woods
007406: [THOREAU, Henry David] BORST, Raymond - Henry David Thoreau. A Descriptive Bibliography
020411: THOREAU, Henry David - A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
015679: THOREAU, Henry David - Excursions
019246: THOREAU, Henry David - A Yankee in Canada, with Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers
019944: THOREAU, Henry David - Walden or Life in the Woods
007039: THOREAU, Henry David - A Plea for Captain John Brown
015690: THOREAU, Henry David - The Maine Woods
003165: THOREAU, Henry David - Cape Cod
007040: THOREAU, Henry David - CIVIL Disobedience
021393: THOREAU, Henry David - The Writings of Henry David Thoreau [Works]
021316: THURBER, James - Original Signed Drawing
005997: TILGHMAN, Christopher - In a Father's Place
020693: TILGHMAN, Christopher - In a Father's Place
006436: TILGHMAN, Christopher - In a Father's Place
008552: TILGHMAN, Christopher - In a Father's Place
021112: TITMARSH, M. A. [THACKERAY, William M] - Our Street
021789: TOKLAS, Alice B - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
021790: TOKLAS, Alice B - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
019536: TOLSTOY, Leo - Anna Karenina
021824: TOLSTOY, Leo - Childhood, Boyhood, Youth
016332: TOLSTOY, Leo - Resurrection
015646: TOLSTOY, Leo - Anna Karenina
021683: TOLSTOY, Leo - War and Peace
017862: TOLSTOY, Leo - War and Peace
016993: TOLSTOY, Leo - Anna Karenina
018364: TOMBLESON, W[illiam] & FEARNSIDE, W[illiam] G[ray] (editor) - Tombleson's Views of the Rhine
017881: TORGOFF, Martin - Can't Find My Way Home. America in the Great Stoned Age 1945-2000
005221: TRAPROCK, Walter - The Cruise of the Kawa: Wanderings in the South Seas
002068: TRIENENS, Roger - Pioneer Imprints from Fifty States
018656: TROLLOPE, Anthony - Barchester Towers
017917: TROLLOPE, Anthony - The Warden
018274: TROLLOPE, Anthony - The Warden
020723: [TROLLOPE, Frances] - The Mother's Manual; or, Illustrations of Matrimonial Economy. An Essay in Verse, with Twenty Plates
015608: TROLLOPE, Anthony - The Warden
010708: (TRUMAN, Harry) HILLMAN, William - Mr. President. The First Publication from the Personal Diaries, Private Letters Papers and Revealing Interviews of Harry Truman
010707: (TRUMAN, Harry) HILLMAN, William - Mr. President. The First Publication from the Personal Diaries, Private Letters Papers and Revealing Interviews of Harry Truman
016399: (TRUMAN, Harry) HILLMAN, William - Mr. President. The First Publication from the Personal Diaries, Private Letters Papers and Revealing Interviews of Harry Truman
020253: TRUMAN, Harry - Memoirs. Year of Decisions and Years of Trial and Hope, Both Volumes Signed
014876: TRUMAN, Harry - Mr. Citizen
018969: TRUMAN, Harry - Mr. Citizen
020366: TRUMAN, Harry - Mr. Citizen
015315: (TRUMAN, Harry) HILLMAN, William - Mr. President. The First Publication from the Personal Diaries, Private Letters Papers and Revealing Interviews of Harry Truman
013338: TRUMAN, Harry - Memoirs. Years of Trial and Hope. Inscribed to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr
019571: TUER, Andrew - Stories from Old-Fashioned Children's Books
003825: TURGENEFF, Ivan - A Correspondence," "Visions, " "Faust," and "the Antchar" in the Galaxy. Oct. 1871; May, June, July 1872; March, April 1873
014466: TURGENEV, Ivan - Fathers and Sons
018864: TURGENEV, Ivan - The Torrents of Spring
021297: TURNER, A[uston] A[ugustus] - Villas on the Hudson. A Collection of Photo-Lithographs of Thirty-One Country Residences
016996: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Prince and the Pauper
019616: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
019694: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
019708: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Tragedy of Pudd'Nhead Wilson and the Comedy [of] Those Extraordinary Twins
020947: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Forty Three Days in an Open Boat" in Harper's Monthly, December 1866 - May 1867, Volume XXXIV
018483: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
018555: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Pudd'Nhead Wilson
020959: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Autograph Letter Signed (Als) to Thomas Bailey Aldrich
020940: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Three Aces. Jim Todd's Episode in Social Euchre. A Poem and a Denial
007132: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Prince and the Pauper
002200: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Pudd'Nhead Wilson
015861: TWAIN, Mark (CLEMENS, Samuel) - The Innocents Abroad or the New Pilgrims' Progress Being Some Account of the... Pleasure Excursion to Europe & the Holy Land
014471: TWAIN, Mark (CLEMENS, Samuel) - The Notorious Jumping Frog and Other Stories
020386: [TWAIN, Mark (CLEMENS, Samuel)] HOFFMAN, Heinrich - Slovenly Peter
020200: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut" in the Atlantic Monthly, June, 1876
021549: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
017542: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
003435: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - A Double Barrelled Detective Story
003462: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - A Tramp Abroad
003679: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - A Double Barrelled Detective Story
000532: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Mark Twain's Sketches, New and Old
020385: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Forty Three Days in an Open Boat" in Harper's Monthly, December 1866
003805: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Esquimau Maiden's Romance" in the Cosmopolitan, Vol. XVI, #1
020049: TWAIN, Mark (CLEMENS, Samuel) - Roughing It
019793: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Life on the Mississippi
018748: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Prince and the Pauper
020201: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - A Literary Nightmare" in the Atlantic Monthly, February, 1876
021730: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
008980: [TWAIN, Mark (CLEMENS, Samuel)] [WHEELOCK, W. W.] - The Literary Guillotine
003554: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Mark Twain's Jumping Frog and Other Humorous Tales
012867: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The 1,000,000 Pound Bank Note" in the Century, Vol. XLV, #3
003993: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (Tom Sawyer's Comrade). Scene: The Mississippi Valley. Time: Forty to Fifty Years Ago
020946: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Salesman's Sample for the Author's National Edition of the Works
016579: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Pudd'Nhead Wilson
019589: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
002570: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Punch, Brothers, Punch! and Other Sketches
002571: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Punch, Brothers, Punch! and Other Sketches
021471: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Life on the Mississippi
003426: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (Tom Sawyer's Comrade). Scene: The Mississippi Valley. Time: Forty to Fifty Years Ago
016254: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Prince and the Pauper
020943: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Roughing It
013843: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Prince and the Pauper
020485: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Following the Equator. A Journey Around the World
003685: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - English As She Is Taught
016137: [TWAIN, Mark (CLEMENS, Samuel)] HOFFMAN, Heinrich - Slovenly Peter
003521: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Mark Twain's (Burlesque) Autobiography and First Romance
017043: [TWAIN, Mark (CLEMENS, Samuel)] HOFFMAN, Heinrich - Slovenly Peter
012856: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's Comrade). Scene: The Mississippi Valley. Time: Forty to Fifty Years Ago
018859: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Pudd'Nhead Wilson
018751: [TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel]] NEIDER, Charles (editor) - Mark Twain: Life As I Find It. Essays, Sketches, Tales, and Other Material, the Majority of Which Is Now Published in Book Form for the First Time
003686: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Mark Twain's (Burlesque) Autobiography and First Romance
003664: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Tragedy of Pudd'Nhead Wilson and the Comedy [of] Those Extraordinary Twins
003556: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Punch, Brothers, Punch! and Other Sketches
003408: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Washoe Giant in San Francisco Being Heretofore Uncollected Sketches Published in the Golden Era in the Sixties...
016984: TWAIN, Mark (CLEMENS, Samuel) - The Notorious Jumping Frog and Other Stories
017845: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer
018866: TWAIN, Mark (CLEMENS, Samuel) - The Notorious Jumping Frog and Other Stories
017323: TWAIN, Mark (CLEMENS, Samuel) - The Notorious Jumping Frog and Other Stories
020944: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
020654: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - Archive of Two Autograph Letters Signed (Alss) with Fine Content to Frank Holme with Material from the Bandar Log Press
020945: (TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel]) CAROLINO, Pedro - The New Guide of the Conversation in Portuguese and English
003438: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Washoe Giant in San Francisco Being Heretofore Uncollected Sketches Published in the Golden Era in the Sixties...
003459: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
003498: TWAIN, Mark [CLEMENS, Samuel] - The Mark Twain Calendar
006707: TYLER, Anne - Ladder of Years
002882: TYLER, Anne - The Accidental Tourist
021481: TYLER, John - Autograph Letter Signed to His Son Discussing the Attempted Assassination of President Andrew Jackson
021482: TYLER, John - Autograph Letter Signed
019357: TYLER, Anne - A Visit with Eudora Welty
005665: TYLER, Anne - The Accidental Tourist
010015: UPDIKE, John - Query
000983: UPDIKE, John - A Month of Sundays
000986: UPDIKE, John - The Music School
021327: UPDIKE, John - A & P. Lust in the Aisles
018123: UPDIKE, John - Buchanan Dying
014891: [UPDIKE, John] - Hi-Life 1950 [John Updike's Senior Class High School Yearbook]
009970: UPDIKE, John - Rabbit Is Rich
017107: UPDIKE, John - Brazil
008986: UPDIKE, John - Brazil
010391: UPDIKE, John - Rabbit Redux
013535: UPDIKE, John - Rabbit at Rest
019091: UPDIKE, John - Hugging the Shore
001546: UPDIKE, John - Bech Is Back
008198: UPDIKE, John - Toward the End of Time
019903: VAIL, R.W.G - The Voice of the Old Frontier
015803: OVIEDO Y VALDES, Capt. Gonzalo Fernandes de - The Conquest and Settlement of the Island of Boriquen or Puerto Rico
015261: VALERY, Paul - L'Homme Et la Coquille
009132: VASARI, Giorgio - Lives of the Most Eminent Painters
016215: VASARI, Giorgio - Lives of the Most Eminent Painters
018863: VASARI, Giorgio - Lives of the Most Eminent Painters
021010: VAN VECHTEN, Carl (Marjorie KINNAN RAWLINGS) - Photograph of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
021413: VERLAINE, Paul - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
019726: VERNE, Jules - Around the World in Eighty Days
019733: VERNE, Jules - A Voyage Round the World. South America
009489: VERNE, Jules - From the Earth to the Moon and Around the Moon
020342: VERNE, Jules - Dr. Ox's Experiment, and Other Stories
015017: VERNE, Jules - Around the World in Eighty Days
020554: [BERMUDA] VERRILL, Addison - The Bermuda Islands. An Account of Their Scenery, Climate, Productions, Physiography, Natural History and Geology, with Sketches of Their Discovery and Early History, and the Changes in Their Flora and Fauna Due to Man
018356: VERY, Lydia L[ouisa Anna] - Red Riding Hood
019183: VESLING, Johann - The Anatomy of the Body of Man: Wherein Is Exactly Described Every Part Thereof, in the Same Manner As It Is Commonly Shewed in Publick Anatomies...
002904: VIDAL, Gore - Lincoln
018152: VILLON, Francois - The Lyrical Poems of Francois Villon
020421: VILLON, Francois - The Lyrical Poems of Francois Villon
021621: VILLON, Francois - The Lyrics of Francois Villon
005444: VILLON, Francois - The Lyrical Poems of Francois Villon
019434: VIRGIL - The Aeneid
013815: VOLTAIRE - The History of Zadig, or Destiny
016385: VOLTAIRE - The History of Zadig, or Destiny
019495: VOLTAIRE - Candide Ou L'Optimisme. Zadig. Jeannot Et Colin
021232: VOLTAIRE - The History of Zadig, or Destiny
016567: VOLTAIRE - Candide, or Optimism
020413: VOLTAIRE, Francois Marie Arouet De - Poem Upon the Lisbon Disaster
018769: VOLTAIRE - Candide, or Optimism
015437: VOLTAIRE - Candide, or Optimism
014595: VOLTAIRE - Candide
019078: VONNEGUT, Kurt - Hocus Pocus
017838: VONNEGUT, Kurt - Galapagos
007345: WAEBER, Alex - Landes- Und Reisebeschreibungen. Ein Beitrag Zur Bibliographie Der Schweizerischen Reiselitteratur 1479 - [1900]
018040: WAGONER, David - Travelling Light
016183: WAKOSKI, Diane - The Diamond Merchant
013162: EMERSON, Ralph Waldo with SHATTUCK, Lemuel - A Historical Discourse, Delivered Before the Citizens of Concord, 12th Sept. 1835 with a History of the Town of Concord
021343: WALDSTEIN, Charles - Essays on the Art of Pheidias
019747: [PERCY, Walker and FOOTE, Shelby] - Yackety Yack 1937. Official Yearbook of the University of North Carolina. Volume XLVII
003591: WALKER, Alice - The Third Life of Grange Copeland
009677: WALLACE, Lew - Ben Hur
000530: WALLACE, E. C - St. Clair: A Nineteenth-Century Coal Town's Experience with a Disaster-Prone Industry
000248: VAN WALLEGHEN, Michael - More Trouble with the Obvious
020513: WALTER, Eugene - Monkey Poems
021815: WALTON, Izaak - The Compleat Angler; or, the Contemplative Man's Recreation: Being a Discourse of Fish and Fishing for the Perusal of Anglers
021545: [CIVIL WAR] - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
021546: [CIVIL WAR] - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
007807: [Civil War] - New York Herald: Bound Volume of 120 Issues from 1 January 1862 to 30 April 1862 with Much War Reportage
018669: WARD, Lynd - Faust Portfolio Title: This Portfolio Contains a Set of Prints (One of Forty-Four Sets) from Six Wood Blocks Engraved by Lynd Ward to Illustrate Alice Raphael's Translation of Faust and Proofed by Him in December 1930
009050: WARREN, B. H - Report on the Birds of Pennsylvania. With Special Reference to the Food-Habits, Basedon over Four Thousand Stomach Examinations
018031: WARREN, Robert Penn - Ballad of a Sweet Dream of Peace: A Charade for Easter
018032: WARREN, Robert Penn - Two Poems
020573: WARREN, Robert Penn - The Circus in the Attic and Other Stories
019054: WARREN, B. H - Report on the Birds of Pennsylvania. With Special Reference to the Food-Habits, Basedon over Four Thousand Stomach Examinations
012639: WASHINGTON, Booker T - Up from Slavery
020851: WASHINGTON, Booker T - Manuscript Draft of His Annual Report to the Trustees of the Tuskegee Institute with Autograph Letter Signed
010032: WASHINGTON, Booker T - Autograph Quote Signed (Aqs)
021570: WASHINGTON, Booker T - Up from Slavery
004694: [WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Brumidi's Allegorical Picture Within the Canopy of the Dome of the U.S. Capitol at Washington
005398: WASHINGTON, Booker T - Up from Slavery
008415: WATKINS, Paul - Night over Day over Night
008550: WATKINS, Paul - Night over Day over Night
005075: WAUGH, Evelyn - Basil Seal Rides Again
021775: WEBER, Bruce - All-American IX. A Near-Perfect World
021780: WEBER, Bruce - All-American XIX. No Small Thing, Desire
021781: WEBER, Bruce - All-American XVII. Glory Be
021782: WEBER, Bruce - All-American. Volume XXIII. Let's Take an Old-Fashioned Walk
021271: [WEBER, MAX] CAHILL, Holger - Max Weber
012673: WEBER, Matt - The Urban Prisoner: Photographs by Matt Weber
021777: WEBER, Bruce - All-American Volume 21. Time Will Tell
021778: WEBER, Bruce - All-American XXII. That Towering Feeling
021779: WEBER, Bruce - All-American. Volume XVIII. Facing the World
021776: WEBER, Bruce - All-American Volume Twenty. Coming Home
015478: WEBSTER, Daniel - An Address Delivered Before the New York Historical Society, February 23, 1852
004792: WEBSTER, Daniel - The Works of Daniel Webster
021534: WEBSTER, Noah - An American Dictionary of the England Language; First Edition in Octavo, Containing the Whole Vocabulary of the Quarto, with Corrections, Improvements and Several Thousand Additional Words: To Which Is Prefixed an Introductory Dissertation on the Origin, History and Connection of the Languages of Western Asia and Europe, with an Explanation of the Principles on Which Languages Are Formed
018153: WEEMS, Rev. Mason L - The Life of Washington. Together with Curious Anecdotes Equally Honourable to Himself & Exemplary to His Young Countrymen [the Life of George Washington]
020408: WEEMS, Rev. Mason L - The Life of Washington. Together with Curious Anecdotes Equally Honourable to Himself & Exemplary to His Young Countrymen [the Life of George Washington]
012638: WEEMS, Rev. Mason L - The Life of Washington. Together with Curious Anecdotes Equally Honourable to Himself & Exemplary to His Young Countrymen [the Life of George Washington]
020834: WELLIVER, Neil - Autograph Manuscript
018893: WELLS, H. G - Tono-Bungay
017076: WELLS, H. G - The Invisible Man
018781: WELLS, H. G - The Invisible Man
018194: WELLS, H. G - The Invisible Man
021802: WELLS, H. G - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
019263: WELLS, H. G - Tono-Bungay
010511: WELTY, Eudora - Music from Spain
005657: WELTY, Eudora - One Writer's Beginnings
010509: WELTY, Eudora - The Golden Apples Along with an Autograph Note Signed (Ans)
009224: WELTY, Eudora - The Wide Net
010522: (WELTY, Eudora) McHANEY, Pearl Amelia (editor) - Eudora Welty: Writers' Reflections Upon First Reading Welty
013654: WELTY, Eudora - The Robber Bridegroom
013652: WELTY, Eudora - The Ponder Heart
011338: WELTY, Eudora - The Optimist's Daughter
013655: WELTY, Eudora - A Writer's Eye. Collected Book Reviews
021705: SACKVILLE-WEST, Vita - Invitation to Cast out Care
021769: WHARTON, Edith - Autograph Letter Signed (Als) Complaining About the A.S. P.C. A
019799: WHARTON, Edith - Twelve Poems
021142: WHARTON, Edith - Ethan Frome
020667: WHARTON, Edith - The Custom of the Country
001068: WHARTON, Edith - Madame de Treymes
015782: WHARTON, Edith - The House of Mirth
020996: WHEELIS, Allen - On Not Knowing How to Live
004048: WHEILDON, William - Curiosities of History: Boston September Seventeenth, 1630-1880
021723: BOURKE-WHITE, Margaret - Eyes on Russia
018912: WHITE, Gilbert - The Natural History of Selborne
019893: WHITE, Gilbert - The Natural History of Selborne
011842: WHITE, Gilbert - The Natural History of Selborne
014995: WHITE, Gilbert - The Natural History of Selborne
014384: WHITE, Gilbert (DAGLISH, Eric) - The Natural History of Selborne
021765: WHITE, E. B - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
014815: WHITE, Edmund - Caracole
021091: WHITE, Gilbert - The Natural History of Selborne
021766: WHITE, E. B - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
015491: WHITE, Jim - A Crow's Story of Deer (Number 26 of the Yes! Capra Chapbook Series)
007691: WHITE, Edmund - The Farewell Symphony
019347: [WHITMAN, Walt] JOHNSON, Thomas - Portrait of Walt Whitman
019349: WHITMAN, Walt - The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman
019350: WHITMAN, Walt - The Complete Writings of Walt Whitman
021137: WHITMAN, Walt (Edward WESTON) - Leaves of Grass
019351: WHITMAN, Walt - Calamus. A Series of Letters Written During the Years 1868-1880 by Walt Whitman to a Young Friend (Peter Doyle)
021647: WHITMAN, Walt - Leaves of Grass Comprising All the Poems Written by Walt Whitman Following the Arrangement of the Edition of 1891-'2
021303: (WHITMAN, Walt) MICHALS, Duane - Salute, Walt Whitman
019348: WHITMAN, Walt - Two Rivulets Including Democratic Vistas, Centennial Songs, and Passage to India
019337: WHITMAN, Walt - Leaves of Grass. Including Sands at Seventy... 1st Annex, Good Bye My Fancy... 2nd Annex, a Backward Glance O'Er Travel'd Roads, and Portrait from Life
019358: WHITMAN, Walt - The Olden Time" in the New York Mirror. A Weekly Journal Devoted to Literature and the Fine Arts. Volume XII : 5 July 1834 -- 27 June 1835
019352: WHITMAN, Walt - The Wound Dresser. A Series of Letters Written from the Hospitals in Washington During the War of the Rebellion
019353: WHITMAN, Walt - Specimen Days in America Inscribed by Whitman to His Niece
002646: WHITMAN, Walt - November Boughs
018034: WHITTEMORE, Reed - The Feel of Rock. Poems of Three Decades
018158: WHITTIER, John Greenleaf - The Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier
003262: WHITTIER, John Greenleaf - Old Portraits and Modern Sketches
019945: WHITTIER, John Greenleaf - The Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier
021026: WHITTIER, John Greenleaf - The Tent on the Beach and Other Poems with an Autograph Letter Signed (Als) and an Autograph Quotation Signed (Aqs)
021027: WHITTIER, John Greenleaf - At Sundown
017923: WHITTIER, John Greenleaf - The Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier
016604: WHITTIER, John Greenleaf - Snow-Bound. A Winter Idyl
018429: WHITTIER, John Greenleaf - The Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier
021242: WHITTIER, John Greenleaf - The Poems of John Greenleaf Whittier
005017: WIDEMAN, John Edgar - Hiding Place
005453: WIDEMAN, John Edgar - The Lynchers
019578: WIENERS, John - A Superficial Estimation
004322: WILBUR, Richard - Pedestrian Flight: Twenty-One Clerihews for the Telephone
010020: WILBUR, Richard - Hamlen Brook
004323: WILBUR, Richard - Elizabeth Bishop: A Memorial Tribute
001401: WILBUR, Richard - Advice to a Prophet and Other Poems
015697: WILBUR, Richard - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
012369: WILBUR, Richard - Ceremony
012565: WILBUR, Richard - Walking to Sleep. New Poems and Translations
018551: WILDE, Oscar - The Ballad of Reading Gaol
018552: WILDE, Oscar - The Short Stories of Oscar Wilde
018721: WILDE, Oscar - The Short Stories of Oscar Wilde
012329: WILDE, Oscar - The Ballad of Reading Gaol
015448: WILDE, Oscar - The Short Stories of Oscar Wilde
021166: WILDE, Oscar - The Ballad of Reading Gaol
018837: WILDE, Oscar - Lady Windermere's Fan & the Importance of Being Earnest
019979: WILDER, Thornton - Our Town Inscribed to Billy Wilder
014467: WILDER, Thornton (Jean CHARLOT) - The Bridge of San Luis Rey
014705: WILDER, Thornton - The Long Christmas Dinner and Other Plays in One Act: The First Copy
016751: WILDER, Thornton (Jean CHARLOT) - The Bridge of San Luis Rey
000765: WILDER, Thornton (Jean CHARLOT) - The Bridge of San Luis Rey
016191: [WILDER, Thornton] Various Authors - The Spirit of Man. An Anthology in English & French from the Philosophers & Poets Made by the Poet Laureate in 1915 & Dedicated by Gracious Permission to His Majesty the King
009425: WILDER, Thornton - The Angel That Troubled the Waters
020612: WILDER, Thornton - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
014738: WILDER, Thornton - Signed Photograph
012072: WILDER, Thornton - The Bridge of San Luis Rey
014717: WILDER, Thornton - Our Town
014716: WILDER, Thornton - Our Town
014709: WILDER, Thornton - The Bridge of San Luis Rey
001206: WILDER, Thornton - The Cabala with Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
020512: WILDER, Thornton - The Bridge of San Luis Rey
012334: WILDER, Thornton - Our Town
020611: WILDER, Thornton - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
012341: WILDER, Thornton - Signed Photograph
020609: WILDER, Thornton - Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
006719: WILDER, Thornton - Lucrece
012070: WILDER, Thornton - The Eighth Day Inscribed to Aaron Copland
017415: [WILDER, Thornton] - Chap Book. Syracuse University Literary Magazine. [Vol. III, No. 2]
019010: WILDER, Thornton - Our Town
017414: WILDER, Thornton - Our Town with an Autograph Letter Signed (Als)
002971: WILDER, Thornton - The Woman of Andros
004219: WILDER, Thornton - The Woman of Andros
021357: WILDER, Thornton - Autograph Letters Signed (Alss)
005438: WILDER, Thornton - Our Town
020347: WILKINSON, Ellen - Clash. A Novel
021491: WILLETT, Christopher - Original Signed Oil Painting: Hill Top House, Point Pleasant
013747: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Spring Storm
013690: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Kingdom of Earth. The Seven Descents of Myrtle
013748: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Fugitive Kind
013716: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - A Perfect Analysis Given by a Parrot
013714: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Stopped Rocking and Other Screenplays
013729: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - One Arm and Other Stories
013730: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Collected Stories
013687: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - The Knightly Quest: A Novella and Four Short Stories
012489: WILLIAMS, William Carlos - In the American Grain
009357: WILLIAMS, Hugo - Cherry Blossom
021312: WILLIAMS, William Carlos - The Tempers
013740: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Hard Candy. A Book of Stories
013737: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - A Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur
000979: WILLIAMS, Jonathan - Blues & Roots/Rue & Bluets
013757: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - The Glass Menagerie
013769: [WILLIAMS, Tennessee] - The 1931 Tiger Issue of the Missouri Savitar
013746: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Stairs to the Roof. A Prayer for the Wild of Heart That Are Kept in Cages
013750: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Not About Nightingales
020470: WILLIAMS, William Carlos - A Novelette and Other Prose (1921-1931)
013712: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone
013702: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - The Red Devil Battery Sign
013704: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Camino Real
013709: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Moise and the World of Reason
013694: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Battle of Angels
013693: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Battle of Angels
018897: WILLIAMS, Tennessee; LERNER, Alan Jay; STEVENS, Roger L - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
012495: WILLIAMS, William Carlos - The Desert Music and Other Poems
005962: WILLIAMS, William Carlos - Paterson (Books 1-5)
013680: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - Steps Must Be Gentle. A Dramatic Reading for Two Performers
006396: [WILLIAMS, William Carlos] SIEGEL, Eli - Hot Afternoons Have Been in Montana
013684: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - One Arm and Other Stories
007904: WILLIAMS, Tennessee - The Night of the Iguana
021466: WILLIS, N. P - American Scenery; or, Land, Lake, and River. Illustrations of Transatlantic Nature
021672: WILLMOTT, Ellen - The Genus Rosa
020888: WILSON, Gahan - Original Cartoon Art
021697: [JAZZ] WILSON, Teddy - Autograph
000453: (WILSON, Edmund) NOYES, Alfred (editor) - Book of Princeton Verse 1916
000454: WILSON, Edmund - Triple Thinkers
020669: WILSON, Woodrow - Division and Reunion, 1829-1909
020050: WILSON, Woodrow - A History of the American People
020887: WILSON, Gahan - Original Cartoon Art: Congratulations, Sir -- Your Child Has Blossomed
018099: WILSON, Keith - Homestead
019083: WILSON, Edmund - Upstate. Records and Recollections of Northern New York
014918: WILSON, Woodrow - Address of the President of the United States Delivered at a Joint Session of the Two Houses of Congress November 11, 1918
020423: WILSON, Woodrow - Selected Addresses and Public Papers of Woodrow Wilson
019790: [ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS] WILSON, Bill - Signed Photograph
018625: WILSON, Woodrow - Why We Are at War. Messages to the Congress January to April, 1917
008206: WILSON, Edmund - I Thought of Daisy
021702: WILSON, Edmund - The Shores of Light. A Literary Chronicle of the Twenties and Thirties Inscribed to Floyd Dell
021469: WILSON, Woodrow - George Washington
021156: WILSON, Gahan - Original Cartoon Art: “Oh--and Look out for the Shark!”
016415: WILSON, Edmund - Poets, Farewell!
019031: WILSON, Angus - The World of Charles Dickens
018956: WILSON, Woodrow - The State. Elements of Historical and Practical Politics
015962: WILSON, Woodrow - Address of President Wilson at the Brooklyn Navy Yard Brooklyn, N.Y. May 11, 1914. Services in Memory of Those Who Lost Their Lives at Vera Cruz, Mexico
014393: WILSON, Alexander [HAND-COLORED PLATES] - American Ornithology; or the Natural History of the Birds of the United States
020580: WINTER, William - The Poems of William Winter
013941: WISE, John - A System of Aeronautics, Comprehending Its Earliest Investigations, and Modern Practice and Art Designed As a History for the Common Reader, and Guide to the Student of the Art. In Three Parts. Containing an Account of the Various Attempts in the Art of Flying by Artificial Means, from the Earliest Period Down to the Discovery of the Aeronautic Machine by the Montgolfiers, in 1782, and to a Later Period. With a Brief History of the Author's Fifteen Years Experience in Aerial Voyages. Also, Full Instructions in the Art of Making Balloons, Parachutes, Etc. Etc. , As Adapted to the Practice of Aerial Navigation, and Directions to Prepare Experimental Balloons
004911: WISTAR, Isaac - Autobiography of Isaac Jones Wistar 1827 - 1905. Half a Century in War and Peace
008159: WISTER, Owen - Lady Baltimore Inscribed to John Philip Sousa
021044: WISTER, Owen - The Virginian. A Horseman of the Plains
016879: WISTER, Owen - The Virginian. A Horseman of the Plains
014794: WOIWODE, Larry - Poppa John
003641: WOIWODE, Larry - What I'm Going to Do, I Think
018110: WOIWODE, Larry - Even Tide
008417: WOLFE, Tom - The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby
019407: WOLFE, Tom - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
013538: WOLFE, Tom - In Our Time
020986: WOLFE, Tom - Autograph Sentiment
019838: WOLFF, Tobias - In Pharaoh's Army. Memories of the Lost War
010480: WOLFF, Tobias - The Night in Question
001073: WOLFF, Tobias - The Other Miller
021145: WOLFF, Robert Lee - Nineteenth-Century Fiction. A Bibliographical Catalogue Based on the Collection Formed by Robert Lee Wolff
010479: WOLFF, Tobias - The Night in Question
016222: WOLFF, Tobias - The Liar
019177: WOLFF, Tobias - In the Garden of the North American Martyrs
019116: WOLFF, Geoffrey - Providence
019176: WOLFF, Tobias - In the Garden of the North American Martyrs
010481: WOLFF, Tobias - The Night in Question
007230: WOLFF, Tobias - The Night in Question
021399: WOLFF, Tobias - In the Garden of the North American Martyrs
002510: WOOLF, Virginia - Three Guineas
021356: WOOLF, Virginia - Kew Gardens
014342: WOOLF, Virginia - A Room of One's Own
021793: WOOLLCOTT, Alexander - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
017253: WOOLMAN, John - Serious Considerations on Various Subjects of Importance by John Woolman of Mount Holly, in the Jerseys, North America, Deceased. With Some of His Dying Expressions
014549: WORDSWORTH, William (COLERIDGE, Samuel T.) - Lyrical Ballads, with Other Poems: In Two Volumes
021659: WORDSWORTH, William - Poems by William Wordsworth: Including Lyrical Ballads, and the Miscellaneous Pieces of the Author with Additional Poems, a New Preface, and a Supplementary Essay
014535: WORDSWORTH, William - The Miscellaneous Poems of William Wordsworth
014537: [WORDSWORTH, William] ORD, John Walker - England: A Historical Poem. Volume I
008935: WORDSWORTH, William - The Poetical Works
014533: WORDSWORTH, William - Poems, Chiefly of Early and Later Years; Including the Borderers, a Tragedy
015523: WORDSWORTH, William - Autograph Quotation Signed (Aqs)
018776: WORDSWORTH, William - The Poems of William Wordsworth
018190: WORDSWORTH, William - The Poems of William Wordsworth
007868: WORK, Monroe (compiler) - A Bibliography of the Negro in Africa and America
016199: WOUK, Herman - The Caine Mutiny
000360: WOUK, Herman - The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial
006493: WRIGHT, Charles - Wright: A Profile
021336: WRIGHT, James - Typed Letter Signed (Tls) to John Crowe Ransom Praising Theodore Roethke
015755: WRIGHT, Frank Lloyd - Genius and the Mobocracy
021186: WRIGHT, Lyle H - American Fiction 1774-1850. A Contribution Toward a Bibliography
021187: WRIGHT, Lyle H - American Fiction 1851-1875. A Contribution Toward a Bibliography
018074: WRIGHT, Charles - China Trace
004572: WRIGHT, Stephen - M31: A Family Romance
020185: WRIGHT, G. N - The Rhine, Italy, and Greece. In a Series of Drawings from Nature by Colonel Cockburn, Major Irton; Messrs. Bartlett, Leitch, and Wolfensberger
007047: WRIGHT, Charles - A Journal of the Year of the Ox
018077: WRIGHT, Charles - Country Music. Selected Early Poems
012462: WRIGHT, Charles - The Venice Notebook
014133: WRIGHT, James - The Green Wall
006488: WRIGHT, Charles - Hard Freight
017483: WRIGHT, Charles - The Venice Notebook
006482: WRIGHT, Charles - The Southern Cross
006486: WRIGHT, Charles - The Grave of the Right Hand
006485: WRIGHT, Charles - The Grave of the Right Hand
005130: WRIGHT, James - To a Blossoming Pear Tree
019442: WROTH, Lawrence (editor) - The Dolphin, III. A History of the Printed Book
020984: WYLIE, Philip - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
021094: WYSS, Johann David - The Swiss Family Robinson
003908: WYSS, Johann David - The Swiss Family Robinson
019962: COUSTANT D'YANVILLE, H - Chambre Des Comptes de Paris. Essais Historiques Et Chronologiques. Privileges Et Attributions Nobiliaires Et Armorial
010662: YATES, Richard - A Good School
019053: YATES, Richard - Revolutionary Road
020856: YATES, Richard - Revolutionary Road
010669: YATES, Richard - Eleven Kinds of Loneliness
011753: YATES, Richard - Liars in Love
015292: YATES, Richard - Signed Photograph
015291: YATES, Richard - Disturbing the Peace
011754: YATES, Richard - Liars in Love
011749: YATES, Richard - Liars in Love
011735: YATES, Richard - A Good School
011771: YATES, Richard - Disturbing the Peace
019081: YATES, Richard - The Easter Parade
017268: YEATS, W. B - Essays
012683: YEATS, W. B. [Stephen GWYNN] - The King's Threshold: And on Baile's Strand: Being Volume Three of Plays for an Irish Theatre
012681: [YEATS, W. B.] - Yeats: An Annual of Critical and Textual Studies: Volume XII, 1994
021624: YEATS, W. B - Early Poems and Stories
018229: YEATS, W. B. (editor) - Irish Folk Tales
020402: YEATS, W. B. (editor) - Irish Folk Tales
018488: YEATS, W. B - The Variorum Edition of the Poems of W.B. Yeats
020903: AN ASSOCIATION OF CLERGYMEN IN NEW-YORK - The Evangelical Guardian and Review
012146: YULE, Emma Sarepta - In Japan: Without Clock or Calendar
021320: [PHOTOGRAPHY - JERUSALEM] ZANGAKI, Adelphoi - Albums Photographies de Terre-Sainte. Arrangées Avec Soin Par Boulos Méo, Jérusalem
019664: ZANUCK, Darryl F - Typed Letter Signed (Tls)
019206: [ATLAS] ZATTA, Antonio - Le Colonie Unite Dell'America Settentr[Iona]le. Di Nuovo Projezione
007291: (ZELINSKY, Paul) - Two Drawings in Typog, a National Magazine of High-School Arts by and for High-School Students
018081: ZIMMER, Paul - The Republic of Many Voices
018838: ZOLA, Emile - Nana
020389: ZUKOFSKY, Louis - A Test of Poetry
019557: ERCILLA Y ZUÑIGA, Alonso de - La Araucana. Poema
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