Cuscuna, Michael, Charlie Lourie, Oscar Schrider Blue note jazz photography of Francis Wolff
Sharma, R.K.; Bhagwan Dash Agnivesa
Houppermans, Sjef, Rico Sneller & Peter Van Zilfhout(editors) Enduring Resistance/La Resistance Persevere: Cultural Theory after Derrida / La theorie de la culture (d
Bunce, R.G.H., R.H.G. Jongman, L. Hojas & S. Weel 25 years Landscape Ecology. Scientific Principles in Practice .book of Abstracts. Proceedings of the 7th IALE World Congress Part 1 and 2.
Marsh, Graham & Glyn Callingham(editors) New York Hot - the album cover art - East Coast Jazz of the 50s & 60s
 in books:
 1st edition:
 Cover: Hardcover
 Dustjacket: Yes