[Lisola, François Paul, Barón de].
Defensa de estado y de iustitia contra el designio manifiestamente descubuierto de la Monarquia universal debaxo d'el vano pretexto de las pretensiones de la Reyna de Francia.
[s.l.] : [s.n.], 1667. Orig. vellum binding. [2],287,[12] pp. Without ties. Binding sl. soiled. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. - Extremely rare first edition, attributed to diplomate, publicist and economist Baron Franz Paul de Lisola 1613-1674). The work was also published in Brussels in French in the same year, later an Italian translation was published and another Spanish edition. First endpaper with long pencil entry by the Spanish ambassador and director of the journal Leviatán. Barbier I,450.

Kloof Booksellers & Scientia Verlag
Professional sellerBook number: #271993
€ 350.00 [Appr.: US$ 366.18 | £UK 291.75 | JP¥ 55862]
Keywords: RECHT, oud recht