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Ordonnantie : waar naar haar zullen hebben te reguleren de Secretarissen, procureurs, en de Bodens der Stede Weesp.
[s.l.] : [s.n.], [1751]. Contemp. grey wrappers. 20 pp. 4to. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. - Besluit van de Vergadering van Heeren Schout, Burgemeesterenm eu Schepenen van de stad Weesp van 8 juli 1751 over de taakomschrijving en bezoldiging van de ambtenaren. Niet in STCN.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #296575
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 51.45 | £UK 42.25 | JP¥ 8032]
Catalogue: Oud Recht
Keywords: RECHT, old law books

[Berge, Adrie van den ... et al].
Organisatieontwikkeling bij de Rijksdienst : de smaak van DGRR.
Den Haag : [s.n.], 2009. Hardcover. 88 pp. Library stamp. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. - Verslag van de vorming en haar ontwikkeling van het Directoraat-Generaal Rechtspleging en Rechtshandhaving (DGRR).
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #240588
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 12.35 | £UK 10.25 | JP¥ 1928]
Keywords: RECHT,

Oude drukken uit de Nederlanden.
Boeken uit de collectie Arenberg thans in de verzameling Lessing J. Rosenwald. Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff,1960. Paperback. viii,137,[20] pp. With 2 plates and 19 illustrations. viii, 137, (20) pp. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. Exhibition catalogue of the Meermanno-Westreenianum Museum.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #123756
€  12.00 [Appr.: US$ 12.35 | £UK 10.25 | JP¥ 1928]

Overbodige wetgeving.
28e Landelijk Notarieel Studentencongres. Deventer : Kluwer,1993. Paperback. 85p. (Ars Notariatus 41). Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. ISBN 9789026824760.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #31954
€  12.50 [Appr.: US$ 12.86 | £UK 10.75 | JP¥ 2008]
Keywords: RECHT, Ars Notariatus Ars Notariatus

[World War 2].
Overzicht van de rechtspraak, rechtsliteratuur, administratieve beslissingen 1940-1943 : verzameld voor de gebruikers van het Weekblad van het recht en van Léon's rechtspraak.
Zwolle : W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, 1941-1944. 4 Volumes. 3 orig. halfcloth bindings & 1 Paperback (1943). xi,400, [4],324, [4],304, [4],274 pp. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #298931
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 51.45 | £UK 42.25 | JP¥ 8032]
Keywords: RECHT, Nederlands recht

[Eckhardt, Karl August (ed.)]
Pactus legis Salicae. Teil I-1 : Einführung und 80 Titel-Text; Teil I-2: Systematischer Text; Teil II-1: 65 Titel-Text. Kritische Textausgabe mit nachstehender, hochdeutscher Übersetzung; Teil II-2: Kapitularien und 70-Titel-Text. Kritische Textausgabe mit nebenstehender, hochdeutscher Übersetzung. Enthält auch Register mit Glossar und Synopsis.
2 Teile in 4 Bände. Göttingen : Musterschmidt,1954-1957. 4 Vols. Paperback. 379,[5]; 612 pp. Unopened copies. Complete set. (Germanenrechte NF : Westgermanisches Recht). ISBN 3511080010 3511080029 3511080037 3511080045 Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : new. ISBN 9783511080013.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #78917
€  73.00 [Appr.: US$ 75.11 | £UK 61.75 | JP¥ 11726]
Keywords: RECHT, history of law, Germany

[Eckhardt, Karl August (ed.)]
Pactus legis Salicae. Teil I-1 : Einführung und 80-Titel-Text. Teil I-2: Systematischer Text. Teil II-1: 65 Titel-Text. Kritische Textausgabe mit nachstehender, hochdeutscher Übersetzung. Teil II-2: Kapitularien und 70-Titel-Text. Kritische Textausgabe mit nebenstehender, hochdeutscher Übersetzung. Enthält auch Register mit Glossar und Synopsis.
2 Teile in 4 Bände. Göttingen : Musterschmidt,1954-1957. 4 Vols. Paperback. 379,[5]; 612 pp. (Germanenrechte NF : Westgermanisches Recht). Complete set. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #230715
€  60.00 [Appr.: US$ 61.73 | £UK 50.75 | JP¥ 9638]
Keywords: RECHT, history of law, Germany

[Lévêque, Jean; Georges Lecomte, René Cassin ... [et al.]]
Paris ouvre les pages de son histoire : à MM. les délégués à la Conférence de la Paix dans ce livre d'or ....
Paris : J. Vitiano (impr. de J. Zichieri), 1946. Paperback. 104 pp. 32 cm. Ills. Numbered copy No. 40 for C.G.W.H, van Botzlaer van Oosterhout, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères des Pays-Bas. Slipcase. Spine sl. damaged. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #275971
€  20.00 [Appr.: US$ 20.58 | £UK 17 | JP¥ 3213]
Keywords: RECHT,

Parlement et gouvernement : le partage du pouvoir; actes du Colloque de Florence, 10 et 11 octobre 1979.
Leyden : A.W. Sijthoff, 1979. Orig. cloth binding. 191 pp. (Publications / Institut universitaire européen ; 3; Publications of the European University Institute ; 3). Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. ISBN 9782802702290.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #224795
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.43 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2409]
Keywords: RECHT, constitutional law

[Stutterheim, Roelf].
Pech moet weg : noodlottige verhalen over vrijheid.
Onder redactie van Niels F. van Manen & Roon Wiersma. Bloemendaal : Maanwater, 2001. Paperback. 100,[1] pp. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. ISBN 9789080617711.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #283375
€  12.50 [Appr.: US$ 12.86 | £UK 10.75 | JP¥ 2008]
Keywords: RECHT, nederlands recht Nederlands recht

(Bouhours, Dominique).
Pensées ingénieuses des Pères de l'Eglise par le P. B***. Séconde édition.
Paris, Louis Josse, 1700. (24), 456, (32 index, permission, approbation) pp. Contemporary decorated printed paper over contemporary vellum. Title-page printed in red & black with vignette; engraved frontispiece depicting gathering of churchfathers; decorated initials, head- and tailpieces; includes printed latin citations in margins and index at end. 12mo. 16x10 cm. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. Very good copy of the second edition of this synthetic presentation of the spiritual teachings and thoughts of the churchfathers by Dominique Bouhours (1628-1702). He was a distinguished French Jesuit literator and wrote a.o. comparable works about other classic authors. The first edition appeared also in 1700 and there are also Amsterdam, Gallet imprints of both editions. Shelf-mark on verso frontispiece, old name erased from flyleaf, small printed ex-libris inside front cover, mild browning throughout, bit worn at edges, decorated paper discoloured at spine with traces of tickets; Cf. De Backer-Sommervogel I, 1912; Stewart 572; Barbier III, 824; NBG 6, col. 914-917.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #94075
€  140.00 [Appr.: US$ 144.05 | £UK 118 | JP¥ 22488]

Pensioengids 2000. Vraagbaak voor pensioenen.
Deventer : Kluwer,2000. Gebonden. 424 pp. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. ISBN 9789020022162.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #140042
€  50.00 [Appr.: US$ 51.45 | £UK 42.25 | JP¥ 8032]
Keywords: , *

[Paper, floral motive].
Per la solenne professione della molto reverenda Madre suor Maria Ignazia Mariscotti nel purimente monastero de' SS. Naborre e Felice di Bologna : sermone e rime : dell' abbate Lodovico Preti
In Roma : nella Stamperia di Generoio Salomoni, 1777. Orig. printed color-stenciled wrappers with floral motive. 23 pp. 20x14 cm. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. - Sermons and rhymes for Mother Sister Maria Ignazia Mariscotti spoken by Abbot Lodovico Preti at her funeral in the monastery of SS. Naborre and Felice in Bologna.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #287309
€  80.00 [Appr.: US$ 82.31 | £UK 67.5 | JP¥ 12851]
Keywords: THEOLOGY,

Perilous desert : insecurity in the Sahara.
Washington, D.C.Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2013. Paperback. Library stamps. 213 pp. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. - The geopolitical significance of the Sahara is becoming painfully clear. Islamist militant groups and transnational criminal networks are operating in the region's most fragile states, exploiting widespread corruption, weak government capacity, crushing poverty, and entrenched social and ethnic tensions. The unrest spills over borders and aggravates protracted regional crises. This insecurity raises urgent concerns for the broader Sahara and the West. Perilous Desert details the sources of instability and what can be done to minimize the threat of simmering conflicts. Leading experts, through comprehensive accounts of the changing landscape, demonstrate how foreign assistance that relies exclusively on counterterrorism will only exacerbate the problems. Solutions require understanding and combatting the roots of the Sahara's many challenges. ISBN 9780870034039.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #280788
€  15.00 [Appr.: US$ 15.43 | £UK 12.75 | JP¥ 2409]
Keywords: AFRICA, Sahara

Personenrecht in beweging.
23e Landelijk Notarieel Studentencongres. Amsterdam, 8 april 1988. Deventer : Kluwer,1988. Paperback. 107 pp. (Ars Notariatus, 39). Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. ISBN 9789026818547.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia VerlagProfessional seller
Book number: #118914
€  12.50 [Appr.: US$ 12.86 | £UK 10.75 | JP¥ 2008]
Keywords: RECHT, Ars Notariatus Ars Notariatus

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