[Legal dictionary].
Nederlandsch placaat- en rechtskundig woordenboek; : behelzende al het geen, door de hoog mog. heeren Staaten Generaal der Vereenigde Nederlanden, en de edele groot mog. heeren Staaten van Holland, Zeeland en West-Vriesland, zedert de vroegste tijden, over allerleije zaaken, bij placaaten, resolutien en ordonnantien vastgesteld is. Alsmede de oude wetten, privilegien en costumen van deze landen en van derzelver onderhorige steden, dorpen en heerlijkheden.
te Amsterdam en Dordrecht: bij Allart, de Leeuw en Krap, 1791-1797. Complete in 5 volumes; [vi],580; [iv], 530; [iv], 610; [iv],397; [6],900,28 pp. Contemporary halfcalf bindings with marbled boards, gilt decorated backs, red and black labels and speckled blue edges.4to, 26 cm. Bit worn and soiled on spines and edges, internally clean with some occasional browing, very good set. First and only edition. Mailorder only - Alleen verzending mogelijk. Book condition : very good. - Comprehensive dictionary of 18th century and older Dutch legal and administrative subjects, alphabetically arranged and within each entry chronologically. Listing national. regional and local edicts and other regulations on a theme since approximately the 13th century. Entries from a few lines to many pages, juridical mainly but also political as well as military, commercial and social. In volume 5 the anonymous author claims to have been able to compile such a vast reference work because he was in exile during the Orangist counter revoltion of 1887.
Kloof Booksellers & Scientia Verlag
Professional sellerBook number: #28299
€ 450.00 [Appr.: US$ 463.01 | £UK 379.5 | JP¥ 72284]
Keywords: RECHT, dictionary *2006-100 oud recht